The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg asks Lord Hall a difficult question….
“Why do you think members of the British public should be pleased to do more business with a BBC that is not democratic, is not transparent and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards terrorism and Islamic conservatism?”
” …. and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards climate change, terrorism and Islamic conservatism?”
” …. and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards climate change, European Union, terrorism and Islamic conservatism?”
” …. and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards climate change, European Union, terrorism, Islamic conservatism, moderate to right of centre political parties, British (esp. English) history and truth?”
” …. and has a deeply, deeply troubling attitude towards climate change, European Union, terrorism, Islamic conservatism, moderate to right of centre political parties, British (esp. English) history and truth, the police, Israel, China, historic BBC child abusers, the SNP, Jeremy Corbyn?”
Loved this comment on Guido’s blog:
I recently read an article that said that we should humour dementia sufferers and not contradict their delusions or try and clear up their confusions. We should apply this approach when dealing with the Labour Party. So…
1. Don’t worry, you will get a landslide at the next election. The pollsters are lying.
2. It’s quite OK to heap physical and verbal (especially Twitter) abuse upon anybody who doesn’t agree with you. They are evil and must be attacked at every opportunity. The voters will respect you for this and will be grateful that you have their best interests at heart.
3. Don’t fret if your policies are unclear or are attacked by your (evil) enemies. You are bathing in the light of a higher truth which is denied to most others and you must keep that faith. You and the voters will be rewarded in 2020.
Have I missed anything?
This also fits the SNP.
4. Contrary to what you read in the evil right wing press the dear and fearless leader is the only one to know the real truth about Stalin, Hamas, Islam and the IRA. All hail his vision, tell the unbelievers their day will come when they too will be blessed by his word or sent for re-education at the Pol Pot home for the mentally disturbed.
EU impartiality course notes synopsis.
#812 In general avoid mentioning the ROP. However if it judged advantageous to the EU cause to do so, associate the Conservative Party with Islam.
#813 Always mention the NAZI party when referring to UKIP.
British Labour Party Spokesman: Islamist Killer Was “Quite Within His Rights” to Murder Lee Rigby
In December 2013 British leftist Seumas Milne argued in an editorial at The Guardian that Islamist Michael Adebolajo had a right to murder Lee Rigby in the street. This week Seumas was appointed spokesperson for the far left Labour Party.
Seumas Milne is the younger son of the former BBC Director General Alasdair Milne.
He is a well known Stalinist. Often writes in The Guardian.
The Milne mould fits in well with the Corbynistas