Did I hear that right?
Corbyns camping aide has just been drummed out of the same Labour Party that he is being paid to be “General Secretary” for?
And Eddie Mair says this with no mockery, no jokes-and no irony, as if this is normal in LeftyLand?
And that this is typical of the Labour party these days won`t make a News Quiz either., let alone a HIGNFY?
No humour or schizoid lunacies here to speak about.
Still though-that Jeremy Hunt eh?
Corbyns Labour Party is a mixture of Kafka and Alice In Wonderland…thank God they`ll never get a chance to screw the country over…for all this incompetence and nastiness sets them in our psyche for ever now.
Well, this is likely ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) to an outfit that employs Jasmine Lawrence still and considers ‘views my own’ on staff tweets as good enough disclaimer to preserve editorial integrity.
chrisH “Corbyns Labour Party is a mixture of Kafka and Alice In Wonderland…”
Is that not true of all the Parties in the UK now and our politics in general?
Listening to James Brokenshire on Any Questions last night had me questioning whether he had put any thought – any thought whatsoever – into some of his answers. The Labour & LibDem representatives on the Panel were just as bad, if not worse. Hopefully, Max Hasting’s little bits of sanity will have stood out for all the listeners but even they were in short supply.
The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March which took place on Thursday in London on to the show, after we had to endure a most superficial piece of reporting from the demonstration itself. A ‘love in’ would be more appropriate. The reporter was ambling along and passing observations which were clearly from a point of sympathy if not empathy. Those she chatted with, as she did not interview them in any meaningful sense, were incoherent at best. She was not impartial, made no criticism of the violence and making a comment at one point, referring to a shout from the crowd ‘kettle’s on’, meaning the police were using the tactic of isolating the worst offenders, ‘Ah! kettle’s on, but not in a good way’. Hilarious, I expect she thought, but not what we should expect from a reporter. We know the BBC in the past has been critical of the police’s use of such. They are meant to be impartial and dispassionate – some hope with the BBC.
Meanwhile back to the studio, the Class Warrior, for that is what he was, wearing a T-shirt of the ‘Class War party’ was thuggish. His response to one question was a threatening- ‘And what do you know about the poor’. It got worse but Julia Hartley-Brewer put him smartly back in his box at one point when he attempted to justify his group’s violence by comparing it with that of the Suffragettes. He was reminded that they did not have the vote but he did. She then mentioned that she had been subjected to insults off-air by with words could not be repeated on-air. I can imagine what the word might be, ie derogatory to women.
What I would like to know is why the BBC still allowed the odious thug on-air, and why did they require Julia Hartley-Brewer to take part in a discussion with him afterwards. I dare say she is too polite a person to have refused to go on.
When will the BBC be disbanded? It has dishonoured itself often enough – we should not have to put up with it any longer.
(I did submit this earlier but I couldn’t seem to find it later – I apologise if I have duplicated)
Cull the Badgers. It can be found in the final part of the Mid Week Thread, where it was, quite rightly, well received and followed by some colourful comments. I recommend that you return to it and see the response.
Good posts are worth seeing twice.
I think its no coincidence that it was shortly after Adam Clifford’s appearance that Andrew fisher was expelled from Labour Party. It was Clifford;s party class war that Fisher advised people to vote for instead of Benn dynasty heiress in Croydon south election. Maybe, unlike the BBC, some in the labour party realised that legitimising such a violent bunch of thugs was not just wrong electorally but just wrong
You do understand that it was this party that Corbyns Senior Policy adviser Jeremy Fisher ooops sorry Andrew Fisher was suspended for suggesting that voters should prefer over the Labour candidate. This might actually be the BBC justifying the reasons, making Fisher look a prat, and protecting Corbyn.
I have only recently seen Julia HB on TV and I think she is a breath of fresh air. She actually says what many people think. That being the case I expect I won’t be seeing for much longer.
If they want ‘more government’ then they should surely be celebrating getting kettled and beaten by the police!
Sadly this rarely happens at violent Communist riots, but usually occurs when ‘RACIST NAZI FASCISTS’ (white working class folk) are demonstrating about their daughters being raped by Third World savages, or their towns being turned in to Islamic shit-holes.
Some of my esteemed colleagues on this fine site know that ‘Hardtalk’ recently hosted Yair Lapid, Israeli opposition politician and also Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation – a grand title for a leader of a terrorist group.
There were around 30 questions and responses from Steven Sackur to Lapid and half that number to Erekat, the latter being intent on his habitual anti-Israel rant at the expense of reasoned discussion. Sackur proved incapable of reining him in, at one stage trying more than a dozen times to interject, without success.
Though Sackur and Lapid did interrupt each other from time to time, the interview went smoothly and Lapid made no attempt to hijack it.
Sackur proved his bias by the nature of his questions and the way in which he put them to his guests. For example, he kept trying to get Lapid to criticise Netanyahu re his weird statement that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had given Hitler the idea of wiping out the Jews, but made no attempt to get Erekat to criticise Abbas for his foul incitement, which Lapid had mentioned in the earlier interview, quoting Abbas as saying , “The Jews cannot with their filthy feet go to the Temple Mount” (14:10 min in).
Sackur said, “Believe me, we challenge the Palestinians on the language they use…”
Lapid said, “…It is interesting to me because I was watching this show and when there is a Palestinian here you don’t ask questions that are that difficult.”
Sackur’s standard BBC response: “You haven’t been watching the show enough then because the Palestinians say just the same thing to me that you’ve said – you are tougher on me than you are on the other side.”
Lapid: “But I’m right.”
And he certainly is.
At 7:05 min in Lapid said, “We lost faith in the BBC’s ability to be objective about this. And right at the end, as he shook Sackur’s hand, he said, “Try to cover us in a more fair way.”
To do that, the BBC would have to change its very nature.
Thanks for your brilliant detailed assessment. I was wanting to do this exactly as you have done, but unfortunately have had no time recently to do so. You have confirmed what I suspected when I was skimming through the Sakur – Lapid interview.
The parts I listened to, I found Sakur was strongly challenged on the balance of his line of questioning by the Israeli Opposition politician and since he is married to an Iraqi, I get very suspect in regards to BBC declarations of interest affecting interviews.
There’s quite a bit more to Fisk. This is the same Erekat who claimed that the Israelis had massacred 500 Palestinians in Jenin, a terrorist nest harbouring suicide bombers. Actual fatalities were 52 Palestinians, most of them terrorists, and 23 Israeli soldiers. That was back in 2002, during the ‘Second Intifada’ and Erekat hasn’t changed. He told Sackur that in the current conflict 2000 Palestinians had been wounded and most of them “maimed for life.”
Sackur must surely be well aware that Erekat is a liar but didn’t challenge him then and through much of the rest of his rants, demonstrating once again that the BBC is happy to provide a propaganda platform for the Palestinians.
Erekat has such a collection of dubious statements that a competent interviewer could cut him into threads. Start with his own origin story where he claims his family was in Palestine “5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun came and burned my hometown Jericho.”. Another Erekat family member is on record as stating that his family actually comes from the Huwaitat region of the northwestern Arabian Peninsula. This has been independently confirmed several times. BTW he was born in Abu Dis near Jerusalem not Jericho.
The wonderful Elder of Ziyon has been collecting Erekat lies for years.
There has never been a more justifiable time than now to refuse to renew a TV licence. Make it legal if you like, by not watching broadcast TV, but please don’t renew.
I don’t listen to Woman’s Hour often and today justified my usual morning choice of Classic AM. I switched on to hear the end of an item about a young Syrian woman asylum seeker reunited with her child. A few minutes later an item about fashionable wear for muslim women, their guest was wearing an aubergine coloured hijab if you are interested. Are there any other minority groups out there because the BBC seems to think that it is only the Muslim community they need to produce items for/about.
I don’t listen to ‘Woman’s hour’ much either as I have a 24/7 one all of my own, but did they have any snazzy outfits for the legions of Syrian teddy bears that are inva….coloniz…..fleeing to England?
According to an incredibly hate filled left wing ‘news quiz’ on radio 4, the Russians (Bastards) have been bombing the free Syrian army (Beautiful young men) and accidentally bombed the worthy but misguided ISIS so they understandably downed one of their aircraft – well you would wouldn’t you?
OOh I missed that but I don’t listen to Radio 4 anymore as it makes me feel like vomiting, this was obviously their review of the Russian military adventure.
That was a particularly bad News Quiz yesterday. This programme surely has to be stopped. The problem with it is that such anti-right mockery & jokery resonates far more with listeners than dry commentators on news programmes. People will more readily believe the gross distortion of lies & slander that the ‘comedians’ on the News Quiz trot out every week in support of their left-leaning bias.
“People will more readily believe the gross distortion of lies & slander…the News Quiz trot out every week in support of their left-leaning bias.”
That is their hope. The Left is entirely built out of hate and lies. It is what gives meaning to their life. Look into the face of Tom Watson. Do you see love and truth? The BBC gig is just a more cynical version of the same.
Oh dear we just sat through the Kennedys “A family sit com” I kept thinking there might be something funny in it but no. I wonder who justified paying the actors, filming and broadcasting it. Possibly the most not funny sit com since “my Family” avoid.
Well I grew up in the 60s /70s on a new build estate. Obviously I live in a parallel universe because apart from the brown and orange there’s not much I recognize. I’m still struggling to work out when in the 70s this is supposed to be. Turns out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Kennedy the writer is an ex of Sue Perkins
I don’t remember it quite like that either, the BBC never allows the truth to get in the way of ramming their doctrine down peoples throats, so they just rewrite the past to suit their needs. In fact the BBC doesn’t really allow the truth to get into anything it does these days.
I gave the Kennedys about 5 minutes. Tedious unfunny rubbish as usual, which is a pity because Katherine Parkinson is usually worth watching.
To give (a little bit of) credit to the BBC however, I have watched some of The Detectorists. While not properly a comedy it is a nicely observed gentle drama, and quite well acted.
Yes I love it too. From the first series ”The day my wife left me I won the Lottery’ ‘That’s not a very nice thing to say’ No my numbers came up ..(something like that) ‘on the day my wife left me”
Last week ‘Nostalgias not what it used to be’ My sort of humour
And to get Dianna Rigg and her daughter in the same episode.
I suspect urgent medical attention was required for one young Beebette today.
I can’t give chapter and verse as I was playing ‘dodge the white van man’ at the time but the programme was R4’s WATO in which said ‘journalist’ was interviewing a young Syrian wannabe invader. She asked him if he felt sympathy for some of his fellow countrymen and women who had died making ‘the crossing’. ‘No’ was the blunt reply.
You could hear the icicles forming between the two.
No doubt forgetting everything she had been taught on her BBC playschool journalism course, our intrepid hackette ploughed on, clearly incredulous. But what about the people in the West who had reacted so strongly to the dead boy washed-up a few weeks ago? Didn’t he feel that sort of sympathy? No, was his emphatic response. His sympathy was reserved for his own family. He’d feel more for a dead dog (really?!).
Suddenly, we were on very dangerous ground. We were close to the heart of what the invaders really feel. Bemused, she staggered on. So why should people in the West pay to educate you? They are not your family either… He was not giving ground. He would get a job, that was how he would repay the West for his education and sanctuary.
I didn’t get to hear the end of this sad little episode and I maybe I have some of it out of sequence, but the essence is correct: she was up against a nasty little sociopath, utterly undeserving of our sympathy or help.
I can’t help wondering whether the reporter in question might actually ave learned something from her encounter: something that she had never heard from any of her usual sources – BBC colleagues, articles in the Guardian, the occasional piece from CNN and so on.
Whether she was dragged away feet first to have the smelling salts administered, I can’t say, but I almost needed treatment myself. I could hardly stop laughing.
Now to the journey of the D….., one of the many thousands of Syrian families making the journey from the Middle East and across Europe. When we left them yesterday they had just arrived in Athens after a ferry crossing from hell. Our reporter M… has been following their progress.
Sitting on a street in Athens at dawn, waiting for the city to wake up, sixteen-year-old A…. is exhausted. He didn’t sleep at all on the all-night ferry from Samos. And now, because of his English skills, he’s trying to arrange a hotel for the family. But they aren’t always friendly to Syrians.
A: “So we have to wait till the rooms be ready.”
M: “But they won’t even let you wait in reception on, like, comfortable sofas. You’re having to wait outside on the pavement.”
[This must surely be the most traumatic experience of any refugees ever.]
A: “Yah, I don’t know why is that.”
And yet, the family are relieved to be in Greece. Pictures have circulated all around the world showing what happened when another rubber boat, which set off on the same night as theirs, just a little further down the coast, capsized. There were several deaths, including that of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old who washed up on the shore in Bodrum and his five-year-old brother.
I ask A… how it feels to see those images. Well, I’m surprised by his reaction.
A: “For me, personally, I actually don’t care. There’s people dying from thirst in Africa, there’s people dying everywhere in the world. It’s the same.”
M: “So you’re not moved by it at all?”
A: “For me personally, no, he’s not wearing his safe jacket in the photo. I only care about my family, I don’t care about other people.”
[Could be that the heartless A knows about the allegations that Aylan Kurdi’s father was a people smuggler, responsible for the boat that capsized. Could also be that A belongs to a Syrian sect hostile to the Kurds. The naive M, pickled in her PC, would no doubt not even think of those possibilities.]
M: “Ah, but hang on, that’s a very interesting point because you’re asking the people of Europe who go out to work to make money for their family, to give up that money, in taxes, to pay for your education because you want them to care about you and you’re not their family.”
A: “If I can help someone I will help him. But if I have no way to help him like what can I do in Syria. Can do nothing.”
M: “Everyone sitting in London can’t do anything to help that little boy but when they saw that image everyone felt sympathy.”
A: “For me personally I don’t feel sympathy… I might feel sad if a dog died in a movie more than a human.”
M: “Don’t you think that’s hypocritical because you are asking people in Europe to put their self interest second in order to help you. It doesn’t help them to give you an education, it doesn’t…””
A: “It will help them.”
M: “How?”
A: “When we start work when I get older I will work there I will stay there for a while.”
M: “You’ll be working but that will help you, you’ll get paid for it, how will that help them?”
A: “You know every person working will help the economy not just himself. We will pay them back in the end…
[Interesting how it takes a cynical, callous, sixteen-year-old refugee to educate a BBC reporter on the standard pro-Islamic-invasion propaganda. M will no doubt be called into the office of her superior for a prolonged indoctrination programme. The BBC can’t have her running around undermining its agenda.]
… They won’t accept us in Europe. It’s not about sympathy. When you are in war zone when you are in the same place we were you will start to think of yourself before thinking of other people.”
[Yes, I agree that she probably needed smelling salts at that point. She then forgets all about the hotel and is suddenly on a train with the family and then on a breathless, exciting midnight walk with them to a distant border, for goodness sake. Somebody pass me a bucket.]
I heard it too. The young Beebette reporter was like one of the Eloi from H.G.Well’s ‘The Time Machine’ who has suddenly realised that there are such things are Morlocks. She asked the kind of questions that SHOULD have been asked, calmly and rationally, by BBC reporters from the moment this fiasco began, but which weren’t. She seemed to only ask them out of anger, because she was shocked that a migrant could actually refuse to show sympathy for another migrant.
She seemed to only ask them out of anger, because she was shocked that a migrant could actually refuse to show sympathy for another migrant.
Interesting point. She was trying to rope this black sheep into the leftie fold where everyone has the same tunnel vision. He really wasn’t being a proper migrant and she felt obliged to show him the error of his ways.
Yes, indeed. He wasn’t conforming to the stereotype of the migrant – which made him dangerous as he was exposing the lie the media have been telling us for weeks now.
I had to search for it as unfortunately after radio 4s disappearance up it’s own a*se was completed a few years ago I stopped listening. I found it, about 18 mins in,
The chaps candidness was actually quite refreshing and I wish Manveen Rana a speedy recovery after her exposure to reality, I was also a little taken aback by Ms Rana’s understanding of charity. True charity is freely given with absolutely no onus on the recipient to repay the benefactor by word,deed or repayment, though a thank you can be nice. Ms Rana seemed a little aghast that this young chap was not falling at her feet expressing eternal gratitude, thats not why they are coming young Ms.Her use of the word “London” when really she meant the whole country speaks volumes about the BBC too.
Spot on, Oldspeaker. As St Ignatius said, ‘to give, and not to count the cost, to labour, and not to seek for any reward.’ Or as Dale Carnegie put it, ‘if even Jesus Christ did not receive gratitude, why should YOU expect it?’
I don’t have a beard and my wife says I am still sexist, just because I lock her in the kitchen all day and bedroom all night. Women are so unreasonable.
The BBC website and TV local news reported disturbances in Sheffield last night with youths attacking passing cars with fireworks with one policeman being injured. This happened in several areas including Abbeydale Road, Tinsley and Firth Park. What the BBC neglected to mention is that these are all heavily Islamic areas especially Abbeydale Road near to which I used to live. You would think from the BBC news report that the rioters were English Guy Fawkes celebrants who had perhaps gone a bit overboard.
Interestingly the councillor interviewed, a Muslim herself judging by her name, blamed the police for the disturbances. As per usual Muslims are never held responsibile for their actions.
Well if the dhimmi police were intruding upon a muslim area then they were acting provocatively and got what they deserved. The councillor is quite correct. The sooner the dhimmis know their place, the better.
On Look North tonight, it said a police car had been burnt out and it showed the damage caused by a brick thrown through the window of a fire engine, which was responding to a call in the area.
It was obvious to anyone (with any sense) watching that it was a RoP enclave.
I wonder how bad things will be when Muslims are 10% of the U.K. population? Or 15%? Or 20%?
It will certainly be more difficult for Al Beebus to continue to conceal Islamic criminality then for sure: but by that stage, perhaps, that could be the very least of our worries.
Mischief Night is the 4th of November; where I grew up it I don’t recall it ever involved arson attacks on police vehicles or throwing bricks through the windows of fire engines.
If a country imports enough people from the Third World – it will eventually become as the Third World.
Ah, mischief night eh?
Probably, just like that new years eve tradition in France where they burn as many cars in muslim ghettoes as they can then.
Obviously a time worn, ancient tradition based in the days of the revolution eh?…orff with their heads…oh…err….hang on….
I think that is a hugely important point and one the BBC and its liberal cohorts never face. Syria is Syria because of the Syrians. If we import Syrians, we import their way of life.
Mischief Night hasn’t been celebrated in Sheffield for at least a couple of decades, many young’uns preferring Halloween with Trick or Treat. Abbeydale Road has become an Islamic shitheap, just like London Road, Darnall, Tinsley, Firth Park and Fir Vale. Once middle class enclaves such as the Nether Edge and Carterknowle Road areas have been turned into Islamic ghettos also. There used to be some nice areas in Sheffield and its suburbs. No longer – everywhere you go there is decay and decline, and it has nothing to do with government cuts, etc. It’s due to a change in population demographics and the Labour controlled council’s desperation to keep its Muslim voter base onside. They say the best view of Sheffield is through your car’s rear view mirror as you depart along the Sheffield Parkway towards the M1.
On the Today programme on Friday at 6.30am John Humphrys was interviewing a BBC reporter about migration. The reporter said that Sweden was running out of room to house the deluge of migrants “which is a shame as all Swedes love migrants…”.
Bias, what bias?
Just part of the trend to create inanimate entities out of tricky stories, as if houses do not house people.
By contrast, buildings do not blow up if external human forces have set explosions and cars do not run people over and people do not just end up stabbed or the victims of bomb plots are the only ones needing mention in headlines.
You’re dead right David – QT was quite amazing to watch for its verbal acrobatics during the 15 mins Housing question (29:40 in):
Panel members were avoiding the obvious stomping elephant in the room during the whole time this question was discussed, (notwithstanding the black guy who asked the question specifically mentioned how do we house all the immigrants with such a housing shortage).
It was only after Hitchens piped up, near the very end and said to the effect ‘that millions of immigrants had to affect housing supply’, that Chukka nearly ‘threw up’ and came up with the new Labour red herring:
”We don’t have an immigration problem, we have a housing problem.”
You can bet your bottom dollar now that this new euphemism for ‘racist bigots’ will be thrust upon us by many future QT Labour plants in the audience, in an effort to ensure we not allowed to talk about it.
It will become the replacement for the old soundbites “The NHS would not function without all the immigrants etc” type of shut down this discussion now!
But we, the majority in UK, would really like the Government to address both the immigration and housing problems without all this ‘Rotherham’ type ‘liberal left hiding the problem for ideological political reasons, for the benefit of all who live here.
Intelligence is about the ability to link cause and effect. For Chuka Ebola to have the ability to link the “immigration problem“ as the cause of the “housing problem”, he would need an IQ above 70.
…it’s hard not to conclude that we are witnessing the open theft of an entire country and we can only watch in astonishment and horror.
If I was a bookmaker I would no longer be taking bets as to whether Sweden becomes the first European Islamic state because it’s now only a matter of time.
Thanks for posting that nogginator – it is one of Codell’s best; what a great line about journalists:
“…like politicians, they love immigrants so much they can’t bear to live anywhere near them.”
If John Humphries said that then he needs to take a trip to Swedish towns and villages.
I have come to know the Swedish people very well over the last few decades. Many spent their lives as lefty, right on socialists, no minority group too small to be flagged up as victims.
They are aghast at what is happening in Sweden. They are pained to see their local villages being told to take hundreds of Muslim migrants who don’t fit in and do not want to fit in with the local people.
I know this is a generalisation but Swedish people always seemed to be amongst the most relaxed about the world. They are not relaxed right now. Bewildered, angry and afraid.
How about John or anyone from the BBC actually going to Sweden to speak to the poor sods who live there?
Sorry but I see Sweden as a warning. Those Swedes who still value freedom and civilisation need to get out now. Not in ten years time but now. They can come here and be welcome. It is too late to save Sweden unless you are prepared for real trouble and the Swedes do not look like they are that sort of people any more.
Reporting the news cannot be regarded as bias, however the soft questioning can. Never did he ask the ditzy woman how more of the same insanity spread to the other countries was going to solve Swedens self inflicted problems, nor did he suggest that Sweden should stop allowing so many migrants in.
As I’ve said before, even when these nutters are dangling upside down from a lamp post, they still won’t accept they’ve done anything wrong!
A young white activist went to support his black brothers in Ferguson(or similar hole) So they beat him up, maybe shot him? robbed him and pinched his car. (as they would)
They interviewed him when he got out of intensive care and he said, ‘It was my own fault. I was parading my white privilege in front of them’.
I despair for the future.
Back in the 80s a chap I knew got mugged by a black gang on his way back from a Rock Against Racism concert. I am afraid I found it very funny at the time.
‘Today we are launching a big global survey on rest. And we want you to take part. We hope that thousands of people will fill in the survey’
‘We also want to know how much rest you think you get each day and how much you think you need.’
I was finding that by the end of the week I was invariably knackered. Exhausted, actually.
But I found a cure. I came to realise that watching Question Time and listening to Pienaar and Nolan afterwards was winding me up so much I never managed much sleep on a Thursday, spending the night tossing and turning.
I don’t watch QT any more and now sleep like a baby!
(Is that the sort of thing that Claudia is looking for?)
‘So why this disparaging term’?
Because Al Beeb hates Britain, its culture and heritage. Its a way of downplaying and airbrushing it out. They have been at it for years. I and other people have noticed this.
Just the usual moronic BBC attitude. I doubt they are competent enough to really insult us. They probably think it makes then cool or whatever the current term is.
Any organisation failing to let me have the option of “being” English will get a rapid complaint last one was with the new voting registration protocol. To be fair the council did come back very quickly and explained the computer “defaults” to British. Any way I’m now on the computer as English and Mrs Dave as Welsh as we live in a multi cultural house hold.l
I have commented on this here and elsewhere a number of times, asking that the word Briton be used instead, it has a longer history and does not sound so awful; that is if they cannot fairly use English, Scottish etc.. The term was used first, I believe, by the IRA, to insult us when they were conducting their terror campaigns; the BBC and many in the broadcast media have started to use it because they think it is popular. They continually move their standards downwards.
If the BBC won’t use ‘Paki’, and ‘Jap’, then I would ask them to stop using ‘Brit’. Will they please explain why they are not prepared to defend standards. They’ve dumbing down for so long I doubt they understand my question.
They used to call Gerry Fitt MP, a brave and decent man, “Fitt the Brit” because he had a problem with psychopaths blowing up innocent people. It wasn’t meant as a term of endearment.
I don’t take it as disparaging, or care, much as I didn’t being called a Gweilo in Hong Kong.
What was interesting there was who insisted the locals were called Hongkongers vs. Honkies when the local Cantonese diaspora could give a flying fumanchu so long as they could eat it or make money out of it.
But the point about the other precious blossom terms ring-fenced here is valid.
Chief Constable of somewhere on the papers – he’s picked out driverless cars , cute cats and the extinction of the British cucumber . There isn’t much else going on at the moment. Wouldn’t surprise me if he has actually left the house with a cucumber instead of his truncheon a few times – not the sharpest tool in the box amazing that a CSE in Metalwork can get you to the top of the police force.
This old-fashioned, dumb talking, over-promoted pudding of a top cop (lovely uni city but little crime and very few ‘multicultural’ types causing trouble) probably remembers wielding a wooden pacifier!
You wouldn’t put him in control of anything sharp, would you?
A degree in sociology (or one of its bastard offspring) more like. Far easier to get than a CSE in metalwork and, of course, of inestimably less value.
Don’t knock it, my only qualification was a South Notts School Leaving Certificate in Metalwork, but saw me nicely through life.
Never a day out of work, paid tax/Nat Ins every week since 1963 -2012. Straight into a warehouse from school before joining up and rising from private soldier to Warrant Officer in double quick time. Sorted a few thousand youngsters out on the way, plus a few Terrorists, Argentinians and other assorted enemies of the state who also got in the way, plus many years spell special duties behind the Iron Curtain, before deciding to be an entrepreneur for next 25 years, setting my son up too and between us paying literally hundreds of thousands in tax and it is still ongoing.
Feel better for that after just watching last night episode of benefits street on youtube. It is nice to blow your trumpet anonymously sometimes!
Most tenuous anti-Thatcher link of the week? Probably last night’s BBC4 programme on song cover versions. It included the Flying Lizards version of “Money”. Cue pictures of Mrs T arriving in Downing Street. It was grudgingly accepted that the recording had been issued months before the 1979 election, but perhaps she was only elected because “the ongoing rush of madness and greed was in the air”.
It was grudgingly accepted that the recording had been issued months before the 1979 election, but perhaps she was only elected because “the ongoing rush of madness and greed was in the air”.
Funny, not how I remember 1979 or any of the lead-up years to Mrs Thatcher’s election by the people of Britain.
The only madness I can recall is that of communist unions bringing us power cuts, food shortages, rubbish piling up in the streets and the deceased going unburied.
And the only greed I can remember was that of communist unions constantly looking to leapfrog one another in a spiralling wages race and going on strike at the drop of a spanner, coal pick or docker’s hook to get there.
So the people of Britain weren’t being mad or greedy – in fact, the opposite – they just wanted their country to get it sanity back and to see fairness for the honest, hard-working majority.
One day we will be blessed with a TV station that tells the 1970s like it really was. Hopefully.
“In the BBC I joined 30 years ago [as a production trainee, in 1979], there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people’s personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the left. The organisation did struggle then with impartiality.”
A 1984 Panorama programme, Maggie’s Militant Tendency, accused Tory MP’s of being Nazi supporters. The programme – with BBC Newsnight level standards of journalism – was of course total crap, and it resulted in 1986 successful libel cases, followed by the sacking of the then director general, Alasdair Milne. Fast forward to 2015, Seamus Milne (son of Alasdair Milne) appointed head of strategy and communications for the Labour party.
I also recall watching the BBC going into a frenzy of excitement (of Lord MacAlpine proportions) when that Neil Hamilton (one of those who successfully sued) was accused of being a rapist. That was total crap as well.
As was the claim that Lord Brittan was a rapist. However was BBC personality Jimmy Savile (who was a rapist on an industrial scale) investigated by the BBC, or former Labour Councillor Cyril Smith for that matter, or the Labour Peer Lord Janner?
Come to think of it has there been any investigation by BBC journalists into our politicians over the last 40 years that has not been complete crap? Did they reveal the expenses scandal? Was it the BBC or was it the press (and Internet bloggers) who revealed the abuse of power by various New Labour politicians? Have we all supposed to have forgotten them? You know like Westland but this time with real abuse of power.
I was just watching Sky, and no doubt the BBC will be running it in the same way, on a report that presidential candidate lied about a scholarship. The original Politico report has already been showed to be wrong but it looks as if our “press” have not done anything to check or corroborate. The story itself is not the relevant point to me but it shows how the media (BBC) work to smear someone. I liked the hit back Carson did by luring the media into a live conference where the gotcha journalists got it back for once.
Yes, it’s excellent to see someone starting to lift Obama’s stone, too – and, of course, it has to be a black person who does it to avoid the inevitable shrieks of ‘racist!’ from the Left-liberal media.
When that fake is finally out of office it is to be hoped that the digging will begin into his past, though whether there is a single journalist left in America with the courage or integrity to do it is a moot point.
I wonder when the leftists in the MSM will ask Obama to release his university records, or ask Hillary to explain how someone who knew nothing about futures trading apparently made $100,000 trading cattle futures in a matter of a few weeks. I’m thinking never?
I watched The Social Network last night and I was struck by the fact that even though it was only made five years ago it was a different world – there was anxiety about “how we live now” but there was also a sense of at least we have some clever Jews to compete with the Chinese.
Post-Obama where has that self-confidence gone? The USA is a shadow of itself. The world has got darker as a result. Of course the West hating race obsessed BBC think the sun shines out of Obama’s arse.
Has Mark Mardell produced a single piece of good journalism in his entire life? How much do we pay that Leftist public school twat? Did anybody notice when he moved from being the BBC North America editor?
No wonder he is a passionate supporter of wealth redistribution – into his own pockets the useless BBC ****.
‘ it looks as if our “press” have not done anything to check or corroborate’
Next he’ll be saying he jumped out of a helo under sniper fire and they will never let him forget it. or decide it was no biggie as he was having a lady moment.
Shame the camera did not pan around as i would really, really like to have seen the weasels trying to come back by… not answering and making silly demands.
Kind of reminds me of a few blessed folk closer to home.
Well done to Mr Carson for pointing out media bias. It won’t make him any friends in the media – as it didn’t when Mr Farage said something similar about the BBC – but hopefully it will raise questions in the minds of the ordinary public.
Pointless, yesterday, and the first topic is words beginning with ‘pro’. Answer given: professor.
RO: “Of course, one of the most famous ex-professors is Barack Obama, he was a law professor. Very popular as well.”
AA: “Bet he was.”
RO: “Got very good assessment marks from his pupils.”
Now, I don’t know if this is me but Barack Obama isn’t the first person I think of when I hear the word ‘professor’. Race huckster, race agitator or race baiter maybe, but not professor. I think of people like Stephen Hawking. Of course, the assessment marks are pretty meaningless too and if you gave him bad marks everyone would probably accuse you of racism so I’m not sure you can take them seriously. I suppose, my point is, the Obama hagiography continues on Al Beeb and it will probably never end.
A missile narrowly missed a Thompson airliner in August near Sharm al Sheikh when at high altitude.
The UK government brushed it off as probably part of a routine exercise and was unlikely to be targeting the aircraft.
The UK government was more concerned with appeasing a muslim country (Egypt) than putting the safety of British people first. Much as the BBC has been angry at the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to blame the downing this week of a Russian airliner by a bomb and therefore suggesting that Egypt could have been the source of terrorist murders.
The BBC wanted business to carry on as normal at the risk to British lives.
This was all over twitter this morning, and every news outlet had just dutifully trotted out the ‘explanation’.
If that had happened as explained (and I have my doubts) elsewhere, there would have been media meltdown.
I will add ‘unlikely’ to my list of words the establishment uses that bears closer scrutiny.
Comes to something when i need to add the government to the national broadcast on my list of those whose claims I take as a starting point to establish truth.
Let us remember too some of our traitors and treasonous swines the Government has spawned over the last decade that has unnecessarily put our soldiers, sailors and airmen in hell’s way!
Particularly I reflect on the reign of terror by that deceiving, lying, spinning Blair and Brown Government of amateur politicians, who helped instigate an illegal war, adding greatly to our current international troubles in the face of the UKs , (and the world’s) biggest ever public demonstration against their actions.
Together with that nutcase US, Vietnam Draft dodger and his NEOCON mates who set the Middle East on fire. Now, over a decade later, the effects are being felt still daily, with millions displaced, in body bags, children lying face down dead on beaches, or thousands daily trudging through the cold wet roads of EU seeking sanctuary.
Still they are trying to emulate Sweden’s and Germany’s disastrous migration policy which will eventually destroy them, mark my words.
I wonder what went through the minds of the American TV audience when they watched those videos and saw Plod stand meekly by whilst the mad, frothing Islamists shrieked for the overthrow of our system of government and justice and screamed for the death of our soldiers.
I know what went through mine: ‘Britain is fucked’.
This may not be news, so apologies in advance etc.
I watched BBC, which I do rarely, for ten minutes last night, in those ten minutes, mentioned in despatches were
Benjamin Zephaniah.
James Brown.
OJ Simpson.
Marcus Garvey.
This was Mastermind.
Come on BBC, get your anti-white propaganda statistics to 100%, add it to the weather forecast.
Won’t be long before we see an all effnik paper review, Bonnie Greer, Henry Bonsu or Yappin Alibaba Brown with Clive Myrie. ” Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” Arnold Toynbee
Yesterday I watched a recording of the BBC Scotland programme about the West Coast langoustine fishery, which was broadcast a couple of weeks ago. It contained a small but good example of BBC anti Tory bias, which when repeated day in day out for 30 years has the effect of brain washing the public.
The presenter declared that until 1984 the in shore langoustine fishery was protected by law from trawlers and the boats were using creels ( lobster pots). This gave the fishermen a steady living and the fishery was sustainable. He went on to say that the Thatcher government changed the law to allow the trawlers to fish in the waters and this put many of the langoustine fishermen out of work and lead to depletion of the stocks. The words’ Thatcher government’ were spat out in the tone that BBC presenters always use when referring to Lady T. This clearly leaving a viewer with the impression that Lady Thatcher’s government was solely responsible for wrecking the fishery and the lives of the fishermen and their families. What the BBC failed to mention was that the Tory government of the day had fought a long battle with the EU over fishing rights and had won major concessions which actually protected much of the Scottish and English fish industry from the worst of the impact of the EU rules. Had the government not fought the EU then the impact of the EU policy would have been even worse on the British fish industry.
The BBC deliberately set out to re-write history so as to a) deny any credit to the Tory government and Lady Thatcher ( as per usual) , b) absolve the EU from any responsibility by omitting to name them as the true villains of the piece, c) leave the clear impression of a heartless Tory government wrecking another piece of Scottish industry.
This small example of anti Tory bias is repeated many times a day on the BBC across the whole of their output , be it News and Current Affairs, Drama, Documentary , Radio or Television, World Service and has been going on for 30 years. It amounts to nothing less than brainwashing. In the past few years once they became a political force UKIP have received the same treatment. Yet the centre left , Labour , Lib Dems , Greens, SNP are seldom if ever attacked and it is certainly a case of Tories and UKIP bad, Labour, Libdems et al good.
It is with despair that I hear that the PM is rumored to have reassured Lord Hall that the BBC LF is safe. Surely even a blind man can see that the BBC has been undermining British democracy for decades and moving the thinking of ordinary folk steadily to the left. Indeed it is a tribute to the common sense of the British people that the leftwards swing has not been much larger. After all, if you had a near monopoly of TV and Radio propaganda ,and 30 years time scale, you would have expected a better result than the Conservatives being back in office and Labour having lost the last two elections. Nonetheless, dealing with the BBC bias is a prerequisite if any government wants to run a centre right policy of balanced budgets , a smaller government over all ,sensible immigration levels, low tax , high wages etc etc. In short all the key things the Tories were elected for are going to be opposed by the BBC. Perhaps only the EU referendum is a point which both Cameroons and the BBC agree on. But Cameron must be daft if he thinks there are any circumstance in which the BBC would put its massive weight behind an EU exit. Therefore, he has no need of the BBC, but he is perhaps scared of the BBC. If so , then as has been said many times before on this site, the governance of the UK can only be conducted with the agreement and tacit support of the BBC and so we are governed by a non elected bunch of a few thousand liberal left media types sat in Broadcasting House and our votes don’t matter one jot.
Interesting post, Doublethinker. I was in that area for a couple weeks in winter 1990 and learnt a bit about how the EU works. Your first two paras may only be half the tale.
After the Thatcher Government battle, er, I mean negotiations & agreement with the EU, the EU then gave The Highlands & Islands lots of money to spend locally on upgrading the roads south of Cape Wrath. Then they gave them some more to help build a major fish processing facility.
Thatcher was always wanting to appear on the Jimmy Young Show, now called the Jeremy Vine Show. The BBC’s new official historian has now changed this to “Thatcher was always wanting to appear on the Jimmy Savile Show”. The Historian concerned, is a well known lefty.
The BBC is reporting that the have lost the broadcast rights to ‘The Voice’ because another broadcaster had offered more. The BBC said it had been “poached by another broadcaster”.
Mark Linsey, acting director of BBC Television, said in a statement that it “wouldn’t get into a bidding war or pay inflated prices to keep the show”.
‘The show is currently made for BBC One by production companies Talpa and Wall to Wall. ITV bought Talpa for £355m earlier this year.’
So, the show hasn’t actually been ‘poached’ the production company was bought by ITV!
‘The Voice was singled out in a consultation paper published by the government, ahead of the BBC’s charter renewal, as a format that is “similar to ITV’s X Factor”, and which was bought in from overseas rather than being developed in-house’
‘Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has questioned whether such shows are “distinctive” enough from those aired by commercial rivals.’
It seems that there are some very complex reasons for the BBC dropping this show and not just money. But if £5 Billion pa is insufficient to hold on to successful popular peak time programs then it does make you wonder just how much the lefties could squander if given a free reign !
On top of that there’s the continuing issue of the BBC empire building and spreading itself far too thin to fulfil its remit.
Excuse my French but how the f%ck does a country declare itself free of Ebola ? Sierra Leonne all celebrating across the BBC news it is the journalism of a twelve year old they get the news from their iPhones all complete crap
Exactly. The news is not ‘Two Black Cops Murder Unarmed White Child Strapped In Chair’. That would be too provocative wouldn’t it? Where’s Jesse Jackson when you need him?
Here is a long clip of Ben Carson’s press conference where he berates the media over the Politico lies. Really refreshing – the BBC should be taken to task this way. Takeaway points from this whole business are
1 Carson was such an outstanding student in Detroit and the ROTC there that he was assured he would get entry to West Point on a full scholarship – but he told them straight away “Thanks for the honour – but I want to go into medicine”
2 The media are trying to rake up stuff about Carson’s past and he not let them get away with double standards after they deliberately ignored really murky stuff in Obama’s background
3 Ben Carson can be real feisty – not always the moderate neurosurgeon
4 Ben Carson really wants a united America, healing of the divisions, and really cares about the black communities as people – not as voting fodder the way Obama manipulates and divides.
I reckon Carson will win big from this episode, it has backfired on the leftie journalists. Everyone recognises that Ben Carson is a decent as well as highly accomplished man, they will take his side rather than the reptiles in the media.
In the BBC`s eyes, Carson is a traitor to his “race” as he is a Republican , watch in the next few months how their normal PC handbook is thrown out the door. They will be as racist as they can , to make him look an idiot , as they did with the Black Farmer , once they found out he was a Conservative .
“At the end of the day, what are we left with? An admirable though imperfect man who rose from abject poverty to the pinnacle of one of the most challenging professions in the nation — all while never forgetting his roots, maintaining grace and humility even as he earned riches and honors. In fact, his life story — and his character — would make him one of the most inspiring Americans ever to occupy the Oval Office. But he’s a direct threat not just to leftist narratives regarding race and class but also to the leftist stranglehold on the black vote. And for that reason alone he must be destroyed.
A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero”
Oh of course it is Obama who is humble. Not just one but two autobiographies (probably ghosted) before he achieved anything of real significance, speaking from stage sets reeking of triumphalism, promising that he will stop the oceans rising !!!
Obama was an empty suit – and still is. a grievous failure and a race hustler.
Carson could be the first real black American in the White House, and clowns like Jason know this.
Jason, the other day you made an anti-semitic reference and now you are calling people with mental problems names. (I know I also did but I was just copying you.) I’m sure you realise that, by these comments, you have proved you are what we all suspected you were.
So there is no pretense to hide the fact that Sunday Strictly isn’t live eh? At the end of tonights show we’re told ‘tomorrow’ we’re getting a Remembrance ‘Day’ ‘special’ routine and Seal will be on tomorrow’s show, join us at 7.15….
As an aside did anyone see the trail for the new drama ‘Capital’ that followed, hot on the heels of Cuffs it would appear to be just as diverse, every base covered.
A quote from its star…
‘Toby Jones said: “Obviously I am thrilled to be part of such a fantastic, diverse and talented cast….’
It’ll be a f***ing cold day in Hell before children in need gets a penny off me. Plus another night of Z list celebs self promoting to not watch on BBc.
Pass the sick bag. The BBC is gushing over Trudeau of Canada’s fresh start. Immigrants welcome, a gender balanced cabinet, and guess what? Scientists will no longer be muzzled. That should please the BBC. Anyone heard about the science being settled?
I couldn’t give a crap about gender balance. If I owned a company, I’d hire the best person for the job, whether they be male, female, black, white, yellow, fat or thin, Christian or Muslim. However, as a realist and a man of the world, I am well aware that blacks and Muslims aren’t often the most productive employees. I mean, how can you be as productive when you spend half the day walking to and from the mosque and the other half praying?
BBC Regional news on the Red Button; Yorkshire Sheffield area including Rotherham- where I read six men and two women have been taken into custody regarding sex crimes against young girls. No names given. Had this been Catholic or COE clergy, their names and churches would have been listed, I know this to be the case as I have seen it several times.
I suppose naming those arrested would constitute Islamophobia, or racism and the BBS wouldn’t want to be accused of that.
Invicta looks like you were right .Not much point the BBc withholding details they are often somewhere on the nety. Looks like the women might not be the usual suspects but see if the story “disappears”
“They’ve named three people. That’s three more than they usually name in most other cases.”
You mean apart from the case ‘Invicta’ was complaining about, where the BBC have named all eight suspects? Do try to keep up.
Oh, and that was “three people” out of 670 suspects and 184 arrests.
“Interesting , I cannot find any Al Beeb ‘HYS’ on this particular ‘multi-culti’ subject, I wonder why?”
Because it’s gone to Court. It’s called the law.
The level of paranoia and rabid obsession with Muslims on this blog is completely out of control…
“If they want to hang themselves, cut themselves or set fire to themselves, they should be allowed to get on with it and make the rest of them clean up the resultant mess.”
[45 ‘likes’]
Nobody here stops for a moment to think just how sick this is?
“Nobody here stops for a moment to think just how sick this is? ”
Possibly, but I’ve not seen the comment you quoted although no doubt you find the BBC obsession with muslims “rabid, sick and out of control” too. But probably not as you anti-semites can’t seem to get enough of manufactured “good news” muslim stories.
Like most on here I’m not anti-Muslims but anti-terrorists and anti-invaders.
Paranoia and distrust of Muslims is a very justified stance to take. These people are commanded by their holy scriptures to be deceitful and eliminate unbelievers. A friendly Muslim is one of two things: 1.) Not a true Muslim because he isn’t following his holy text well at all, or 2.) Using you for his own advantage and will eventually turn on you. Taqiyya, look it up. Of course, you’re a racist islamophobe if you point either of these things out.
The level of paranoia and rabid obsession with Muslims on this blog is completely out of control…
And your acquiescence in the acceptance of all things Islamic in this country is worrying though not surprising given your unequivocal defence of the BBC. If the increased practice of gender segregation in this country doesn’t bother you, nor video footage of rabid (yes, truly rabid) groups of Islamofascists calling for the overthrow of democracy and murder of our soldiers (to take but two examples), then you are either very dim-witted or an open borders anarchist.
Exactly. Jason’s use of the word “control” gives the game away as to his mindset. The problem is the BBC and the Governments obsession with muslims. If it was not for that, they would hardly get a mention on this site.
A poignant day for a poignant message to all those Al Beeb anti-British military pacifists ……..
‘Went the day well?
We died and never knew.
But, well or ill,
Freedom, we died for you.’
Without the defenders of freedom you would have no today. No freedom of speech to have your say. So to you white poppy wearers remember this day for those who say………………
‘When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrows these gave their today.’
I see alibeeba’s house eunuch and beebette on the red sofa wih a paper reviewer, managing to find dirt to throw at Ben Carson.
The newspaper item had the picture of Carson at the press conference where he heaped abuse upon tne media.
They didnt however find a piece of video to illustrate the story, but interpreted his campaign as self denigration of his past. They claimed almost unbelievably that a past which included living somewhere that had a lift for cars up three floors somehow makes him an idiot?
They chuckled through a minute or two of laughing at him, despite his being blacker than Obummer….racist? Naah,….course not beeb.
“They didnt however find a piece of video to illustrate the story, but interpreted his campaign as self denigration of his past”
Rather amazing to use a freeze frame to illustrate one thing that was not accurate whilst censoring what it was actually about. Point of View would be proud.
Maybe there was ”no time’ ((c) A. Newsnight Editor of Integrity)?
‘Justin Trudeau takes Canada by the horns as Prime Minister’ – says this BBC love letter. (Have your sick bucket handy). I can only imagine the ‘journalist’ didn’t have time to inform us that Justin will personally pilot the first manned mission to Mars whilst announcing the cure for all cancers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34749700
“When a member of the press asked why he felt it was important to include so many women, he said, “Because it’s 2015.””
Wow, what a A-level student-type response. I would expect a competent, critically thinking journalist to respond to this statement questioning whether he has compromised the ability of the his cabinet simply to appear progressive and multicultural. Basically, are these the right people for the job?
Seems Justin has been propelled early to ‘can do no wrong’ status, by the calibre of media who responded to a simple question from candidate Carson by baying like banshees and throwing their toys out the collective press pram… and failing to answer.
Maybe can get away with ‘So’s your face’ to anything tricky in future? With this calibre of journalist… probably.
Of course the Trudeaus were notoriously anti-English, and this one has replaced a decent man as PM. What’s not to like about him from a BBC perspective.
Just to put every one’s minds at rest this article is supposed to be ironic, like the fact it is written by someone called Wiseman.
Just in case anyone is interested in why guys cry so rarely and women (apparently) actually enjoy a good blub, your home work involves looking up prolactin in women and what happens to men when their testosterone declines rapidly.
In the interests of legal disclosure, I am a male welsh football fan, so I know a great deal about weeping.
It is one of the greatest political ironies at work. The Left, which rises to power on a tide of outrage about oppression, inevitably produces the most repressive governments of all.
I’m no expert on US police gun policy
1/ It’s not my country and I’m not really that interested, and 2/It’s the BBC that provides me with the news stories on this issue – whether I want it or not. The BBC is a source I can’t always trust.
Couldn’t help but notice that suddenly a new term for the police gun problem has been coined by the BBC – up until this week it was all about trigger-happy ‘racist’ white cops gunning down innocent black victims. So it was all about “racism”. And now, out of the blue, the BBC shouts “Police Brutality” as being the issue.
Gosh, what’s happened, I wonder? Turns out a white child was shot by black cops. Only the photos of those involved told me that – usually the BBC carefully racially profiles for me all the various players in these US real life US cop dramas. So I can tell the goodies from the badies.
Ah, so that’s what’s different here. Thanks BBC, I’m learning to understand your news more and more by reading between the lines rather than taking your words at face value.
Perhaps the TV Licence should come with a viewer-friendly news translation guide. Then we could sit with it in our lap as we listen to the weasel words spoken by the BBC newsrewaders.
The BBC’s interest in the USA is a toxic mixture of prurience and patronisation. The bien pensants can’t help being fascinated by such a dynamic culture and yet they are repelled by that very dynamism.
BBC website reports an execution of a 9-year old black boy in the US in a gang war. I wonder who did it ? Mafia ? White supremicists ? Too early to say.
‘Yes, America is very waaycist. St Jesse Jackson supported by the BBC’s Mark Mardell, argue that the American Dream is tarnished by waaycism at the Cambridge Union Debate.
‘BBC journalist Mark Mardell sided with Jesse Jackson in the debate, arguing that the number of opportunities offered to people of colour compared to white people is too unequal for the American Dream to be colour blind.’
I should have added that Mardell trotted out the utterly false narrative regarding the Zimmerman shooting as a racist matter.
‘The shootings of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is a terrible display of how differently people of colour are treated to white people. Mardell argues’
Looking at the photographs it does appear that a significant number in the audience were people of colour. But, for another topic, many working class British students who make it to Oxbridge find the membership fees of the Debating Unions prohibiting.
Information which is unlikely to be gleaned from the BBC (ever):
“Blacks commit 55% of the murders in the U.S., whereas Whites commit 43%. At 12.1% of the population, the murder rate for Blacks is 44.9% per 100,000. For “Whites”, which includes Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and other Hispanics of questionable white origin, the rate is 4.78% per 100,000.
When one considers the disproportionate crime rate among Hispanics, and the fact that between 25% and 33% of federal prisoners are not U.S. citizens, one realizes that the crime rate for European Americans is in line with or even less than that for European nations.
Even with the Hispanics included, the White American murder rate is slightly lower than it is in Britain – which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.
With the Hispanics subtracted from the White murder rate, even with our millions of guns, White Americans have a lower murder rate than the European average. It is comparable to Switzerland, a predominantly White nation where practically every adult male citizen must by law keep a gun at home as part of the national defence forces – and the homicide rate is only 3.2 per 100,000.”
BBC cameras at the Cenotaph this morning obligingly zoom in on Comrade Corbyn centre screen during the National anthem for a happy rehabilitation and queue the ‘ageing hippie’ with lips moving along in honour of the Queen’s tune. How convenient a moment – care of the Labour spin machine.
By the way “ageing hippie” was a concise description supplied by a sensible northern woman that somehow got through a Channel 4 (I think) vox pop in the Oldham by-election battleground. What is with working class northern women cutting dud Labour leaders down to size?
It is being reported that the communications intercepted by US intelligence in the Sinai region at the time the Russian jet was down was in a Birmingham accent.
Now the world is paying the price for left wing idiocy in allowing Islamic terror go unchallenged, nay celebrated in the UK. This is the legacy of BLiar, and the lefts fascination with Islam & terrorism. Rather than learn any lessons they continue through their leader Corbyn to follow the same insane policies which can only lead to the collapse of the UK.
“How proud Cameron and May must be: they worked assiduously to bar counter-jihadists such as P Geller and me from the country, for the crime of noting that Islam has a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers.
Meanwhile … Muslims who espoused that very doctrine were allowed to flourish and proliferate … This is the result.
Mr. Cameron, Ms. May, stand up and take a bow.”
R Spencer
No10 Tory traitors in full effect
Former UKIP leader calls for “national debate” on Islam
“Calling for the Government to “encourage a national debate” on the religion, the peer warned that “where there is contradiction in the Koran, its later and more violent verses outweigh its admirably peaceful early texts.” He noted what he called the “seriousness of our domestic situation” and said that a council of Muslims leaders “could clarify the modern meaning of their religion and cast the extremists out of Islam”.
“Lord Lamont, the former Tory chancellor, has rejected calls from former UKIP leader Lord Pearson for a “national debate” on Islam
Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Hussein-Ece responded to the proposal by questioning whether it was “helpful or constructive” that any religious text should be “taken and quoted selectively” in a “negative, divisive and political way to put whole communities on trial?”
Responding on behalf of the Government, Lord Ahmed said: “with the exception of one verse in the holy Koran, every verse starts with the words: ‘In the name of God, the gracious, most merciful’, which underlines the true sentiments and principle of that religion. He added subsequently that “There are extremists of every guise who take noble faiths and seek to hijack them.”
And Mr Farage would change all this? Hmm I don’t think so Noggin. As I said before you are a closet Labourite. You can huff & puff, but Ukip will never form a government, so you will have to make do with either the Conservatives, or your old mate Corbyn.
Don’t think so, some people are sounding like Cpl Jones, bless him anyhow. Maybe it’s because I am from Essex, we are all very positive in Essex. Don’t Panic!! My little joke, but we are all positive, where I live.
UKIP are the reason we presently have a Conservative government, they took enough votes away from Labour, some of whose voters had gotten wise to what they were voting for – gimmegrants and immigration, to allow the Tories to win seats which had previously been Labour.
UKIP are also the reason we are going to have a referendum, Camerloon had to confront the threat of UKIP to the Brexit element in his party and so promised a plebiscite on U.K. membership of the EU.
He didn’t expect the Conservatives win an overall majority at the general election and as such, he didn’t expect to have to make good said promise. I think he believed he would again be in coalition with the LibDumbs and could use them as a pretext for not being able to implement his referendum pledge, as he had conveniently done with many other things before (e.g. repeal of the inHuman Rights Act etc).
You appear to delight in sticking the boot into UKIP, as do many on the Left, so perhaps it is you who has more in common with the Labourites than folk such as nogginator.
David “Blairlite” Camoron is where he is because of Nigel Farage and UKIP: you may not like it very much, but it’s the truth.
No but Kippers in Essex, are all Conservative s in the real world,I was surprised too that we won, but the polls were pants, the people I know who are the same as me, don’t brag about it.They are too busy making money. I think you will find it was the SNP that won it for us, by eating all the Labour seats in Scotland. The Kippers may of helped in the North of England, true, but we got seats from the Lib Dems, on our own in England, which was nothing to do with the SNP or Kippers. The fact is only 2 parties can govern England, Conservative or Corbyn.
I disagree – the SNP would have supported a Labour minority government (regardless of what Millipede said) if needed, so in a sense, they could be counted as Labour votes in Parliament.
The seats which you lot won from the LibDumbs weren’t from their supporters voting Tory, they just will have abstained – to punish Clegg for going into coalition with the Conservatives and force him out.
UKIP got Camerloon in office, both from Labour people deserting Labour and from anti-EU Tories (who voted UKIP in the Euro-elections) fearful of a Millipede administration, returning to the Conservatives at the general election; either way it was a Tory gain off the back of UKIP who 4,000,000 people voted for remember.
Are you seriously suggesting that without the existence of UKIP, the Tories would have achieved a majority at the last election?
I notice you didn’t address my point about Camoron’s referendum promise and how it was the rise of UKIP support which prised that from him – in the belief he would never have to call it as he didn’t expect a Tory win.
The SNP took Labour seats so they could not form a government in Britain , because they are “Nationalist” , if they had stayed Labour , they would be in power , with or without the support of the SNP. The fact is ,the Conservatives took Labour & Lib dem seats in England & Wales , means we have the Conservatives in power . Kippering has peaked , now , you can all huff & puff , but that`s the reality ,so live with it , & if you don`t like us you can vote Corbyn in 2020.
Why do you always, only offer Labour as the sole voting option other than the Conservatives? It’s wearing a little thin that retort by now.
You seem to think that it is only between those two parties; it wasn’t in the election before the last one: we had a ConLib coalition and it could, theoretically though not politically, have been a LIbLab one.
You’re delusional if you think UKIP has “peaked”- with the ever worsening gimmegrant crisis in Europe and Camerloon floundering to re-negotiate (WTF?) our position within the E.U. I don’t believe either of those things has caused UKIP support to ebb away, the reverse in fact, will be the result. Especially when your pin-up comes away with sweet F.A. for all his Brussels grovelling.
Still no comment from you on my referendum point though, I notice.
None of this matters much. Europe is descending into chaos and there is nothing and nobody to stop it. I see no reason to believe that Cameron has the slightest clue what to do in that event.
On current projections Germany will be heading for a ethnic minority majority by the end of 2016 in the vital 20 to 35 male demographic ) . That means that Germany will cease to be German by inevitablilty and time.
If you think this is a situation that will not lead to chaos then dream on.
What we ve ended up with in our nation is the “the best Government hedge funds can buy”
Traitorous, arrogant, inept, spiteful grasping imbeciles that are incapable of telling the truth, can t run the economy, can t control immigration, can t stop doctoring figures, they flounder from one failure to the next.
Oh! … and on the election … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
Has anyone noticed that the 4,000,000 UKIP vote has reportedly (guess where) shrunk recently to 3.8 mil – whereas the reality, taking all the tacticals into consideration, would have very probably registered at well over 5 mil.
One could estimate it probably being more than that … taking in to account the illegal economic “migrant” situation, of course Bel you are not going to see much of it in the enemedia either
Oh … and as for Essexboy your village idiot posts are getting more desperate, and more personal to boot, one could imagine with arrogance like yours you might even find something to say?
You should walk round Plaistow. Those of us who are left sound more like Private Frazer: “We’re doomed”. UKIP kept their deposit here so I guess every single person of my ‘ethnicity’ voted for the candidate.
Not on the cusp but well into it. There has never been any reason to think that WW3 would be like WW2 and what we are seeing is a gradual closing down of the open world.
That means that travel and trade will start to contract at first slowly and then very fast.
I am certain that Russia has acted now because they realise that time is short and that unless the borders of Europe are protected then we are heading for chaos. Russia has long borders with the unstable Islamic world and knows it.
Yes, it is a bit naive of Ukippers to expect so much from Farage. If ever he got to be PM (which of course he never will) he just won’t be able to do the things he promises or that his supporters expect, the system will see to that. And what is the strongest protector of this system? The media, & in particular the BBC. Because of the left-bias of the BBC Corbyn has much more of a chance to get his barmy ideas into reality, but will he ever be PM? I hope not.
I suspect it is less about what they think Farage can really deliver than their desperation at the sate of things and what they would like to be done.
All political careers end in failure, as Enoch Powell brilliantly observed, yet all political supporters keep on hoping – like fans of a doomed football team.
How I loathe the term “British Extremists”, they may well through some accident of fate hold a British passport but they are the antithesis of British, not British at all.
Oldspeaker, I agree – I was thinking this morning about a more suitable title for them. What about ‘Extremists holding British passports’ or ‘Extremists holding British citizenship’ or ‘Extremists habitually resident in Britain’. Everybody would know what you mean if you used those terms, but it couldn’t really be described as ‘racist.’
Responding on behalf of the Government, Lord Ahmed said: “with the exception of one verse in the holy Koran, every verse starts with the words: ‘In the name of God, the gracious, most merciful’…
Quran 9:5 (the infamous verse of the sword inciting mass murder):
“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Heads up chaps Evans trailing on Radio 2 his auction of all things money can’t buy for Children In Need, so please dig deep for that odd 10 grand you might just have lurking around in your kitchen drawer to be one of the ‘lucky ones’ to get a ride in one of his Ferrari’s…..
Remember please dig deep for all those needy multi millionaire popstars, presenters and actors who without your welcome contributions and glady received TV subs will have to work just a little harder to sell their latest albums, films and TV programs…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Now that comrade Corbyn has lost his aid de camp ,I guess the labour party can use all the help they can get -enter left- the BBC
Did I hear that right?
Corbyns camping aide has just been drummed out of the same Labour Party that he is being paid to be “General Secretary” for?
And Eddie Mair says this with no mockery, no jokes-and no irony, as if this is normal in LeftyLand?
And that this is typical of the Labour party these days won`t make a News Quiz either., let alone a HIGNFY?
No humour or schizoid lunacies here to speak about.
Still though-that Jeremy Hunt eh?
Corbyns Labour Party is a mixture of Kafka and Alice In Wonderland…thank God they`ll never get a chance to screw the country over…for all this incompetence and nastiness sets them in our psyche for ever now.
Well, this is likely ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) to an outfit that employs Jasmine Lawrence still and considers ‘views my own’ on staff tweets as good enough disclaimer to preserve editorial integrity.
chrisH “Corbyns Labour Party is a mixture of Kafka and Alice In Wonderland…”
Is that not true of all the Parties in the UK now and our politics in general?
Listening to James Brokenshire on Any Questions last night had me questioning whether he had put any thought – any thought whatsoever – into some of his answers. The Labour & LibDem representatives on the Panel were just as bad, if not worse. Hopefully, Max Hasting’s little bits of sanity will have stood out for all the listeners but even they were in short supply.
The BBC’s Daily Politics (Friday) invited one of the ‘demonstrators’ from the Masked March which took place on Thursday in London on to the show, after we had to endure a most superficial piece of reporting from the demonstration itself. A ‘love in’ would be more appropriate. The reporter was ambling along and passing observations which were clearly from a point of sympathy if not empathy. Those she chatted with, as she did not interview them in any meaningful sense, were incoherent at best. She was not impartial, made no criticism of the violence and making a comment at one point, referring to a shout from the crowd ‘kettle’s on’, meaning the police were using the tactic of isolating the worst offenders, ‘Ah! kettle’s on, but not in a good way’. Hilarious, I expect she thought, but not what we should expect from a reporter. We know the BBC in the past has been critical of the police’s use of such. They are meant to be impartial and dispassionate – some hope with the BBC.
Meanwhile back to the studio, the Class Warrior, for that is what he was, wearing a T-shirt of the ‘Class War party’ was thuggish. His response to one question was a threatening- ‘And what do you know about the poor’. It got worse but Julia Hartley-Brewer put him smartly back in his box at one point when he attempted to justify his group’s violence by comparing it with that of the Suffragettes. He was reminded that they did not have the vote but he did. She then mentioned that she had been subjected to insults off-air by with words could not be repeated on-air. I can imagine what the word might be, ie derogatory to women.
What I would like to know is why the BBC still allowed the odious thug on-air, and why did they require Julia Hartley-Brewer to take part in a discussion with him afterwards. I dare say she is too polite a person to have refused to go on.
When will the BBC be disbanded? It has dishonoured itself often enough – we should not have to put up with it any longer.
(I did submit this earlier but I couldn’t seem to find it later – I apologise if I have duplicated)
Cull the Badgers. It can be found in the final part of the Mid Week Thread, where it was, quite rightly, well received and followed by some colourful comments. I recommend that you return to it and see the response.
Good posts are worth seeing twice.
Thanks, G.W.F. Forgot to click on ‘newer comments’.
I think its no coincidence that it was shortly after Adam Clifford’s appearance that Andrew fisher was expelled from Labour Party. It was Clifford;s party class war that Fisher advised people to vote for instead of Benn dynasty heiress in Croydon south election. Maybe, unlike the BBC, some in the labour party realised that legitimising such a violent bunch of thugs was not just wrong electorally but just wrong
You do understand that it was this party that Corbyns Senior Policy adviser Jeremy Fisher ooops sorry Andrew Fisher was suspended for suggesting that voters should prefer over the Labour candidate. This might actually be the BBC justifying the reasons, making Fisher look a prat, and protecting Corbyn.
The protestors were throwing fireworks at police horses. Can we expect a campaign of violence from the animal rights actvists against the protestors ?
No, it’s only of interest to animal rights fanatics if country people are involved. Police horses are classed as fascists.
I have only recently seen Julia HB on TV and I think she is a breath of fresh air. She actually says what many people think. That being the case I expect I won’t be seeing for much longer.
If they want ‘more government’ then they should surely be celebrating getting kettled and beaten by the police!
Sadly this rarely happens at violent Communist riots, but usually occurs when ‘RACIST NAZI FASCISTS’ (white working class folk) are demonstrating about their daughters being raped by Third World savages, or their towns being turned in to Islamic shit-holes.
Some of my esteemed colleagues on this fine site know that ‘Hardtalk’ recently hosted Yair Lapid, Israeli opposition politician and also Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation – a grand title for a leader of a terrorist group.
There were around 30 questions and responses from Steven Sackur to Lapid and half that number to Erekat, the latter being intent on his habitual anti-Israel rant at the expense of reasoned discussion. Sackur proved incapable of reining him in, at one stage trying more than a dozen times to interject, without success.
Though Sackur and Lapid did interrupt each other from time to time, the interview went smoothly and Lapid made no attempt to hijack it.
Sackur proved his bias by the nature of his questions and the way in which he put them to his guests. For example, he kept trying to get Lapid to criticise Netanyahu re his weird statement that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had given Hitler the idea of wiping out the Jews, but made no attempt to get Erekat to criticise Abbas for his foul incitement, which Lapid had mentioned in the earlier interview, quoting Abbas as saying , “The Jews cannot with their filthy feet go to the Temple Mount” (14:10 min in).
Sackur said, “Believe me, we challenge the Palestinians on the language they use…”
Lapid said, “…It is interesting to me because I was watching this show and when there is a Palestinian here you don’t ask questions that are that difficult.”
Sackur’s standard BBC response: “You haven’t been watching the show enough then because the Palestinians say just the same thing to me that you’ve said – you are tougher on me than you are on the other side.”
Lapid: “But I’m right.”
And he certainly is.
At 7:05 min in Lapid said, “We lost faith in the BBC’s ability to be objective about this. And right at the end, as he shook Sackur’s hand, he said, “Try to cover us in a more fair way.”
To do that, the BBC would have to change its very nature.
Thanks for your brilliant detailed assessment. I was wanting to do this exactly as you have done, but unfortunately have had no time recently to do so. You have confirmed what I suspected when I was skimming through the Sakur – Lapid interview.
The parts I listened to, I found Sakur was strongly challenged on the balance of his line of questioning by the Israeli Opposition politician and since he is married to an Iraqi, I get very suspect in regards to BBC declarations of interest affecting interviews.
Thanks for that.
Much appreciated, Charlatans.
There’s quite a bit more to Fisk. This is the same Erekat who claimed that the Israelis had massacred 500 Palestinians in Jenin, a terrorist nest harbouring suicide bombers. Actual fatalities were 52 Palestinians, most of them terrorists, and 23 Israeli soldiers. That was back in 2002, during the ‘Second Intifada’ and Erekat hasn’t changed. He told Sackur that in the current conflict 2000 Palestinians had been wounded and most of them “maimed for life.”
Sackur must surely be well aware that Erekat is a liar but didn’t challenge him then and through much of the rest of his rants, demonstrating once again that the BBC is happy to provide a propaganda platform for the Palestinians.
Erekat has such a collection of dubious statements that a competent interviewer could cut him into threads. Start with his own origin story where he claims his family was in Palestine “5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun came and burned my hometown Jericho.”. Another Erekat family member is on record as stating that his family actually comes from the Huwaitat region of the northwestern Arabian Peninsula. This has been independently confirmed several times. BTW he was born in Abu Dis near Jerusalem not Jericho.
The wonderful Elder of Ziyon has been collecting Erekat lies for years.
Every day I Wash My Brain With Media Lies
There has never been a more justifiable time than now to refuse to renew a TV licence. Make it legal if you like, by not watching broadcast TV, but please don’t renew.
Telegraph today reports that £50m was collected in fines last year. Big business !
And the government are refusing to decriminalise non-payment. We live in a Fascist country.
I think the HoC did. But the unelected shower threw it out.
I don’t listen to Woman’s Hour often and today justified my usual morning choice of Classic AM. I switched on to hear the end of an item about a young Syrian woman asylum seeker reunited with her child. A few minutes later an item about fashionable wear for muslim women, their guest was wearing an aubergine coloured hijab if you are interested. Are there any other minority groups out there because the BBC seems to think that it is only the Muslim community they need to produce items for/about.
Deborah, On rare occasions I have tried to listen to Classic FM, but all I hear is a voice repeating Classic FM, Classic FM so I switch off.
I don’t listen to ‘Woman’s hour’ much either as I have a 24/7 one all of my own, but did they have any snazzy outfits for the legions of Syrian teddy bears that are inva….coloniz…..fleeing to England?
Things that I don’t know about watching the BBc. Are the Russians still bombing in Syria? Apparently they are. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/617436/Russia-Putin-ISIS-Islamic-State-Syria-Raqqa-Palmyra-Bombing-Jet-Warplane
Is the war in the Ukraine still on going? No idea. Is ebola completely under control in Afica? No idea.
According to an incredibly hate filled left wing ‘news quiz’ on radio 4, the Russians (Bastards) have been bombing the free Syrian army (Beautiful young men) and accidentally bombed the worthy but misguided ISIS so they understandably downed one of their aircraft – well you would wouldn’t you?
OOh I missed that but I don’t listen to Radio 4 anymore as it makes me feel like vomiting, this was obviously their review of the Russian military adventure.
That was a particularly bad News Quiz yesterday. This programme surely has to be stopped. The problem with it is that such anti-right mockery & jokery resonates far more with listeners than dry commentators on news programmes. People will more readily believe the gross distortion of lies & slander that the ‘comedians’ on the News Quiz trot out every week in support of their left-leaning bias.
“People will more readily believe the gross distortion of lies & slander…the News Quiz trot out every week in support of their left-leaning bias.”
That is their hope. The Left is entirely built out of hate and lies. It is what gives meaning to their life. Look into the face of Tom Watson. Do you see love and truth? The BBC gig is just a more cynical version of the same.
I always listen to the News Quiz for advice on military matters.
There’s something currently about a Tory and cheese on Facebook that is gripping W1A. Apparently.
Oh dear we just sat through the Kennedys “A family sit com” I kept thinking there might be something funny in it but no. I wonder who justified paying the actors, filming and broadcasting it. Possibly the most not funny sit com since “my Family” avoid.
Al Beeb just can’t do comedy any more, but we still have to pay for its rubbish.
Well I grew up in the 60s /70s on a new build estate. Obviously I live in a parallel universe because apart from the brown and orange there’s not much I recognize. I’m still struggling to work out when in the 70s this is supposed to be. Turns out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Kennedy the writer is an ex of Sue Perkins
I don’t remember it quite like that either, the BBC never allows the truth to get in the way of ramming their doctrine down peoples throats, so they just rewrite the past to suit their needs. In fact the BBC doesn’t really allow the truth to get into anything it does these days.
I gave the Kennedys about 5 minutes. Tedious unfunny rubbish as usual, which is a pity because Katherine Parkinson is usually worth watching.
To give (a little bit of) credit to the BBC however, I have watched some of The Detectorists. While not properly a comedy it is a nicely observed gentle drama, and quite well acted.
Agree with imaynotalwaysloveyou, also gave the Kennedys 5minutes (actually 10), tedious and unfunny.
The detectorists is the best thing on TV (I am a detectorist 😉 ) if they cut the (unnecessary) heavy swearing could be ideal family viewing.
Love the Detectorists. Tried to like/watch the Kennedys because I like KP but couldn’t.
Yes I love it too. From the first series ”The day my wife left me I won the Lottery’ ‘That’s not a very nice thing to say’ No my numbers came up ..(something like that) ‘on the day my wife left me”
Last week ‘Nostalgias not what it used to be’ My sort of humour
And to get Dianna Rigg and her daughter in the same episode.
I suspect urgent medical attention was required for one young Beebette today.
I can’t give chapter and verse as I was playing ‘dodge the white van man’ at the time but the programme was R4’s WATO in which said ‘journalist’ was interviewing a young Syrian wannabe invader. She asked him if he felt sympathy for some of his fellow countrymen and women who had died making ‘the crossing’. ‘No’ was the blunt reply.
You could hear the icicles forming between the two.
No doubt forgetting everything she had been taught on her BBC playschool journalism course, our intrepid hackette ploughed on, clearly incredulous. But what about the people in the West who had reacted so strongly to the dead boy washed-up a few weeks ago? Didn’t he feel that sort of sympathy? No, was his emphatic response. His sympathy was reserved for his own family. He’d feel more for a dead dog (really?!).
Suddenly, we were on very dangerous ground. We were close to the heart of what the invaders really feel. Bemused, she staggered on. So why should people in the West pay to educate you? They are not your family either… He was not giving ground. He would get a job, that was how he would repay the West for his education and sanctuary.
I didn’t get to hear the end of this sad little episode and I maybe I have some of it out of sequence, but the essence is correct: she was up against a nasty little sociopath, utterly undeserving of our sympathy or help.
I can’t help wondering whether the reporter in question might actually ave learned something from her encounter: something that she had never heard from any of her usual sources – BBC colleagues, articles in the Guardian, the occasional piece from CNN and so on.
Whether she was dragged away feet first to have the smelling salts administered, I can’t say, but I almost needed treatment myself. I could hardly stop laughing.
Your take on it is 100% accurate. Here’s the transcript, from 17:30 min in:
Now to the journey of the D….., one of the many thousands of Syrian families making the journey from the Middle East and across Europe. When we left them yesterday they had just arrived in Athens after a ferry crossing from hell. Our reporter M… has been following their progress.
Sitting on a street in Athens at dawn, waiting for the city to wake up, sixteen-year-old A…. is exhausted. He didn’t sleep at all on the all-night ferry from Samos. And now, because of his English skills, he’s trying to arrange a hotel for the family. But they aren’t always friendly to Syrians.
A: “So we have to wait till the rooms be ready.”
M: “But they won’t even let you wait in reception on, like, comfortable sofas. You’re having to wait outside on the pavement.”
[This must surely be the most traumatic experience of any refugees ever.]
A: “Yah, I don’t know why is that.”
And yet, the family are relieved to be in Greece. Pictures have circulated all around the world showing what happened when another rubber boat, which set off on the same night as theirs, just a little further down the coast, capsized. There were several deaths, including that of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old who washed up on the shore in Bodrum and his five-year-old brother.
I ask A… how it feels to see those images. Well, I’m surprised by his reaction.
A: “For me, personally, I actually don’t care. There’s people dying from thirst in Africa, there’s people dying everywhere in the world. It’s the same.”
M: “So you’re not moved by it at all?”
A: “For me personally, no, he’s not wearing his safe jacket in the photo. I only care about my family, I don’t care about other people.”
[Could be that the heartless A knows about the allegations that Aylan Kurdi’s father was a people smuggler, responsible for the boat that capsized. Could also be that A belongs to a Syrian sect hostile to the Kurds. The naive M, pickled in her PC, would no doubt not even think of those possibilities.]
M: “Ah, but hang on, that’s a very interesting point because you’re asking the people of Europe who go out to work to make money for their family, to give up that money, in taxes, to pay for your education because you want them to care about you and you’re not their family.”
A: “If I can help someone I will help him. But if I have no way to help him like what can I do in Syria. Can do nothing.”
M: “Everyone sitting in London can’t do anything to help that little boy but when they saw that image everyone felt sympathy.”
A: “For me personally I don’t feel sympathy… I might feel sad if a dog died in a movie more than a human.”
M: “Don’t you think that’s hypocritical because you are asking people in Europe to put their self interest second in order to help you. It doesn’t help them to give you an education, it doesn’t…””
A: “It will help them.”
M: “How?”
A: “When we start work when I get older I will work there I will stay there for a while.”
M: “You’ll be working but that will help you, you’ll get paid for it, how will that help them?”
A: “You know every person working will help the economy not just himself. We will pay them back in the end…
[Interesting how it takes a cynical, callous, sixteen-year-old refugee to educate a BBC reporter on the standard pro-Islamic-invasion propaganda. M will no doubt be called into the office of her superior for a prolonged indoctrination programme. The BBC can’t have her running around undermining its agenda.]
… They won’t accept us in Europe. It’s not about sympathy. When you are in war zone when you are in the same place we were you will start to think of yourself before thinking of other people.”
[Yes, I agree that she probably needed smelling salts at that point. She then forgets all about the hotel and is suddenly on a train with the family and then on a breathless, exciting midnight walk with them to a distant border, for goodness sake. Somebody pass me a bucket.]
Thank you for posting that. Much appreciated.
Thanks to you as well.
A transcript to treasure.
Would love to get the reaction from the same breed of ‘reporter’ who were giving Mr. Carson a hard time below.
But I bet they would claim exemption for the purposes of being two-faced shills.
A transcript to treasure.
I doubt the BBC be including it in its ‘journalism’ studies!
I only care about my family, I don’t care about other people
And this is what the BBC and fellow lefties would have supplant our generous and tolerant culture.
God, if there is a god, was good to you guys when he put the channel between you and the rest of Europe.
I heard it too. The young Beebette reporter was like one of the Eloi from H.G.Well’s ‘The Time Machine’ who has suddenly realised that there are such things are Morlocks. She asked the kind of questions that SHOULD have been asked, calmly and rationally, by BBC reporters from the moment this fiasco began, but which weren’t. She seemed to only ask them out of anger, because she was shocked that a migrant could actually refuse to show sympathy for another migrant.
She seemed to only ask them out of anger, because she was shocked that a migrant could actually refuse to show sympathy for another migrant.
Interesting point. She was trying to rope this black sheep into the leftie fold where everyone has the same tunnel vision. He really wasn’t being a proper migrant and she felt obliged to show him the error of his ways.
Yes, indeed. He wasn’t conforming to the stereotype of the migrant – which made him dangerous as he was exposing the lie the media have been telling us for weeks now.
I had to search for it as unfortunately after radio 4s disappearance up it’s own a*se was completed a few years ago I stopped listening. I found it, about 18 mins in,
The chaps candidness was actually quite refreshing and I wish Manveen Rana a speedy recovery after her exposure to reality, I was also a little taken aback by Ms Rana’s understanding of charity. True charity is freely given with absolutely no onus on the recipient to repay the benefactor by word,deed or repayment, though a thank you can be nice. Ms Rana seemed a little aghast that this young chap was not falling at her feet expressing eternal gratitude, thats not why they are coming young Ms.Her use of the word “London” when really she meant the whole country speaks volumes about the BBC too.
Love that sing-song, downbeat intro… she’s really gunning for a Pulitzer there.
And yet…
Where’s Dimbles!!!!!!
It’s like a bad spoof.
Spot on, Oldspeaker. As St Ignatius said, ‘to give, and not to count the cost, to labour, and not to seek for any reward.’ Or as Dale Carnegie put it, ‘if even Jesus Christ did not receive gratitude, why should YOU expect it?’
10 things we didn’t know last week!
7. Men with beards have a greater tendency to hold sexist attitudes than their clean-shaven counterparts.
Now there’s a surprise! Who has the most beards in UK?
Dave666 also has a beard & I just asked Mrs Dave to make me a cup of tea….Oh dear.
I’m sporting stubble, which may explain why I am now being dispatched into a monsoon to walk the hounds… on my tod
I don’t have a beard and my wife says I am still sexist, just because I lock her in the kitchen all day and bedroom all night. Women are so unreasonable.
Steady Grant, you know you’re only winding TR up and the rest of us really can do without her meanderings.
Yea but TRs wife has a beard….
I’m also a ‘beardy’. I’ve been waiting for my share of the patriarchy for years.
The BBC website and TV local news reported disturbances in Sheffield last night with youths attacking passing cars with fireworks with one policeman being injured. This happened in several areas including Abbeydale Road, Tinsley and Firth Park. What the BBC neglected to mention is that these are all heavily Islamic areas especially Abbeydale Road near to which I used to live. You would think from the BBC news report that the rioters were English Guy Fawkes celebrants who had perhaps gone a bit overboard.
Interestingly the councillor interviewed, a Muslim herself judging by her name, blamed the police for the disturbances. As per usual Muslims are never held responsibile for their actions.
Well if the dhimmi police were intruding upon a muslim area then they were acting provocatively and got what they deserved. The councillor is quite correct. The sooner the dhimmis know their place, the better.
On Look North tonight, it said a police car had been burnt out and it showed the damage caused by a brick thrown through the window of a fire engine, which was responding to a call in the area.
It was obvious to anyone (with any sense) watching that it was a RoP enclave.
I wonder how bad things will be when Muslims are 10% of the U.K. population? Or 15%? Or 20%?
It will certainly be more difficult for Al Beebus to continue to conceal Islamic criminality then for sure: but by that stage, perhaps, that could be the very least of our worries.
Deport the perpetrators , Simple !
We are far too soft.
Its Mischief Night in the North , mainly Yorkshire, I am sure Mr Pinder will concur.
In my neighbourhood it wasn’t Guy Fawkes night, it was more like a reenactment of Dresden.
Mischief Night is the 4th of November; where I grew up it I don’t recall it ever involved arson attacks on police vehicles or throwing bricks through the windows of fire engines.
If a country imports enough people from the Third World – it will eventually become as the Third World.
Ah, mischief night eh?
Probably, just like that new years eve tradition in France where they burn as many cars in muslim ghettoes as they can then.
Obviously a time worn, ancient tradition based in the days of the revolution eh?…orff with their heads…oh…err….hang on….
I think that is a hugely important point and one the BBC and its liberal cohorts never face. Syria is Syria because of the Syrians. If we import Syrians, we import their way of life.
“Syria is Syria because of the Syrians. If we import Syrians, we import their way of life.”
Which is why multi-culturalism is evil. It is not simply nihilistic, it actively seeks the destruction of the West.
It is a moral inversion.
Which is the primary platform for preaching multi-culturalism in the UK?
The BBC.
To be blunt. The BBC is evil.
Mischief Night hasn’t been celebrated in Sheffield for at least a couple of decades, many young’uns preferring Halloween with Trick or Treat. Abbeydale Road has become an Islamic shitheap, just like London Road, Darnall, Tinsley, Firth Park and Fir Vale. Once middle class enclaves such as the Nether Edge and Carterknowle Road areas have been turned into Islamic ghettos also. There used to be some nice areas in Sheffield and its suburbs. No longer – everywhere you go there is decay and decline, and it has nothing to do with government cuts, etc. It’s due to a change in population demographics and the Labour controlled council’s desperation to keep its Muslim voter base onside. They say the best view of Sheffield is through your car’s rear view mirror as you depart along the Sheffield Parkway towards the M1.
This Islamic invasion reminds me of an old joke:
If you can see light at the end of the tunnel, you’re facing the wrong way.
So basically a leafy suburb of Sheffield has been turned into Muslim shithole, where people fear to walk the streets, within a single generation.
On the Today programme on Friday at 6.30am John Humphrys was interviewing a BBC reporter about migration. The reporter said that Sweden was running out of room to house the deluge of migrants “which is a shame as all Swedes love migrants…”.
Bias, what bias?
As Chuka Ebola said / deflected on Question Time ” We don’t have a immigration problem, we have a housing problem.”
Just part of the trend to create inanimate entities out of tricky stories, as if houses do not house people.
By contrast, buildings do not blow up if external human forces have set explosions and cars do not run people over and people do not just end up stabbed or the victims of bomb plots are the only ones needing mention in headlines.
Come now, David. They got to the real root of that problem, it was (selfish) old people not dying.
You’re dead right David – QT was quite amazing to watch for its verbal acrobatics during the 15 mins Housing question (29:40 in):
Panel members were avoiding the obvious stomping elephant in the room during the whole time this question was discussed, (notwithstanding the black guy who asked the question specifically mentioned how do we house all the immigrants with such a housing shortage).
It was only after Hitchens piped up, near the very end and said to the effect ‘that millions of immigrants had to affect housing supply’, that Chukka nearly ‘threw up’ and came up with the new Labour red herring:
”We don’t have an immigration problem, we have a housing problem.”
You can bet your bottom dollar now that this new euphemism for ‘racist bigots’ will be thrust upon us by many future QT Labour plants in the audience, in an effort to ensure we not allowed to talk about it.
It will become the replacement for the old soundbites “The NHS would not function without all the immigrants etc” type of shut down this discussion now!
But we, the majority in UK, would really like the Government to address both the immigration and housing problems without all this ‘Rotherham’ type ‘liberal left hiding the problem for ideological political reasons, for the benefit of all who live here.
Housing Question starts 29:40:
Intelligence is about the ability to link cause and effect. For Chuka Ebola to have the ability to link the “immigration problem“ as the cause of the “housing problem”, he would need an IQ above 70.
He knows he just does not care.
Here’s the incomparable Pat Condell on Sweden:
…it’s hard not to conclude that we are witnessing the open theft of an entire country and we can only watch in astonishment and horror.
If I was a bookmaker I would no longer be taking bets as to whether Sweden becomes the first European Islamic state because it’s now only a matter of time.
Things have erm … “progressed” since then
Yes, I saw that latest video. When I hiked around Sweden as a youth I was treated like royalty by the locals.
It’s a great tragedy that the Swedes failed to realise that not everyone is as worthy of respect and consideration as they are.
Thanks for posting that nogginator – it is one of Codell’s best; what a great line about journalists:
“…like politicians, they love immigrants so much they can’t bear to live anywhere near them.”
Never a truer word spoken.
If John Humphries said that then he needs to take a trip to Swedish towns and villages.
I have come to know the Swedish people very well over the last few decades. Many spent their lives as lefty, right on socialists, no minority group too small to be flagged up as victims.
They are aghast at what is happening in Sweden. They are pained to see their local villages being told to take hundreds of Muslim migrants who don’t fit in and do not want to fit in with the local people.
I know this is a generalisation but Swedish people always seemed to be amongst the most relaxed about the world. They are not relaxed right now. Bewildered, angry and afraid.
How about John or anyone from the BBC actually going to Sweden to speak to the poor sods who live there?
You d have to have a “heart of stone” …
Which “asylum” (geddit!) is running Sweden?.
Sorry but I see Sweden as a warning. Those Swedes who still value freedom and civilisation need to get out now. Not in ten years time but now. They can come here and be welcome. It is too late to save Sweden unless you are prepared for real trouble and the Swedes do not look like they are that sort of people any more.
“which is a shame as all Swedes love migrants…”.
The many girls who have been raped might not be so keen. Still, you can’t make a multicultural omelette without breaking a few eggs can you?
Reporting the news cannot be regarded as bias, however the soft questioning can. Never did he ask the ditzy woman how more of the same insanity spread to the other countries was going to solve Swedens self inflicted problems, nor did he suggest that Sweden should stop allowing so many migrants in.
As I’ve said before, even when these nutters are dangling upside down from a lamp post, they still won’t accept they’ve done anything wrong!
A young white activist went to support his black brothers in Ferguson(or similar hole) So they beat him up, maybe shot him? robbed him and pinched his car. (as they would)
They interviewed him when he got out of intensive care and he said, ‘It was my own fault. I was parading my white privilege in front of them’.
I despair for the future.
Back in the 80s a chap I knew got mugged by a black gang on his way back from a Rock Against Racism concert. I am afraid I found it very funny at the time.
Concerned about what the BBC is spending your money on?
Sit back and relax
‘Today we are launching a big global survey on rest. And we want you to take part. We hope that thousands of people will fill in the survey’
‘We also want to know how much rest you think you get each day and how much you think you need.’
I saw this – but was too tired to reply.
I was finding that by the end of the week I was invariably knackered. Exhausted, actually.
But I found a cure. I came to realise that watching Question Time and listening to Pienaar and Nolan afterwards was winding me up so much I never managed much sleep on a Thursday, spending the night tossing and turning.
I don’t watch QT any more and now sleep like a baby!
(Is that the sort of thing that Claudia is looking for?)
Just watched BBC journalist from Sharm el-Sheikh shorten “British” to “Brits” twice.
I wonder if the BBC will shorten the word “Pakistanis” in the same way. No.
“Japanese” as “Japs”? No.
So why this disparaging term?
‘So why this disparaging term’?
Because Al Beeb hates Britain, its culture and heritage. Its a way of downplaying and airbrushing it out. They have been at it for years. I and other people have noticed this.
Just the usual moronic BBC attitude. I doubt they are competent enough to really insult us. They probably think it makes then cool or whatever the current term is.
Any organisation failing to let me have the option of “being” English will get a rapid complaint last one was with the new voting registration protocol. To be fair the council did come back very quickly and explained the computer “defaults” to British. Any way I’m now on the computer as English and Mrs Dave as Welsh as we live in a multi cultural house hold.l
I have commented on this here and elsewhere a number of times, asking that the word Briton be used instead, it has a longer history and does not sound so awful; that is if they cannot fairly use English, Scottish etc.. The term was used first, I believe, by the IRA, to insult us when they were conducting their terror campaigns; the BBC and many in the broadcast media have started to use it because they think it is popular. They continually move their standards downwards.
If the BBC won’t use ‘Paki’, and ‘Jap’, then I would ask them to stop using ‘Brit’. Will they please explain why they are not prepared to defend standards. They’ve dumbing down for so long I doubt they understand my question.
They used to call Gerry Fitt MP, a brave and decent man, “Fitt the Brit” because he had a problem with psychopaths blowing up innocent people. It wasn’t meant as a term of endearment.
Beaten by the RUC. attacked by Loyalists and bombed out by the IRA. If only there were as many politicians with that man’s guts and integrity.
I don’t take it as disparaging, or care, much as I didn’t being called a Gweilo in Hong Kong.
What was interesting there was who insisted the locals were called Hongkongers vs. Honkies when the local Cantonese diaspora could give a flying fumanchu so long as they could eat it or make money out of it.
But the point about the other precious blossom terms ring-fenced here is valid.
Chief Constable of somewhere on the papers – he’s picked out driverless cars , cute cats and the extinction of the British cucumber . There isn’t much else going on at the moment. Wouldn’t surprise me if he has actually left the house with a cucumber instead of his truncheon a few times – not the sharpest tool in the box amazing that a CSE in Metalwork can get you to the top of the police force.
This old-fashioned, dumb talking, over-promoted pudding of a top cop (lovely uni city but little crime and very few ‘multicultural’ types causing trouble) probably remembers wielding a wooden pacifier!
You wouldn’t put him in control of anything sharp, would you?
A degree in sociology (or one of its bastard offspring) more like. Far easier to get than a CSE in metalwork and, of course, of inestimably less value.
Agreed gents did not mean to diminish metalwork – proper trade . pudding of a cop sums it up and slightly effeminate if my memory serves me right
Don’t knock it, my only qualification was a South Notts School Leaving Certificate in Metalwork, but saw me nicely through life.
Never a day out of work, paid tax/Nat Ins every week since 1963 -2012. Straight into a warehouse from school before joining up and rising from private soldier to Warrant Officer in double quick time. Sorted a few thousand youngsters out on the way, plus a few Terrorists, Argentinians and other assorted enemies of the state who also got in the way, plus many years spell special duties behind the Iron Curtain, before deciding to be an entrepreneur for next 25 years, setting my son up too and between us paying literally hundreds of thousands in tax and it is still ongoing.
Feel better for that after just watching last night episode of benefits street on youtube. It is nice to blow your trumpet anonymously sometimes!
There is a book in all of us.
As they say in the US – thank you for your service, sir !
Well done that man not knocking it me old mate – just first thing came in to me head I’ll think twice next time cheers
Not a problem Lock13 – your press review Chief Constable post about right with some of them!
ta mate
More likely a degree in sociology or criminology these days. Metalwork is actually of some use!
Most tenuous anti-Thatcher link of the week? Probably last night’s BBC4 programme on song cover versions. It included the Flying Lizards version of “Money”. Cue pictures of Mrs T arriving in Downing Street. It was grudgingly accepted that the recording had been issued months before the 1979 election, but perhaps she was only elected because “the ongoing rush of madness and greed was in the air”.
Well greed is what BBC executives (and quite a lot of Labour MP’s) know a lot about; it is creating wealth that is a mystery to them.
It was grudgingly accepted that the recording had been issued months before the 1979 election, but perhaps she was only elected because “the ongoing rush of madness and greed was in the air”.
Funny, not how I remember 1979 or any of the lead-up years to Mrs Thatcher’s election by the people of Britain.
The only madness I can recall is that of communist unions bringing us power cuts, food shortages, rubbish piling up in the streets and the deceased going unburied.
And the only greed I can remember was that of communist unions constantly looking to leapfrog one another in a spiralling wages race and going on strike at the drop of a spanner, coal pick or docker’s hook to get there.
So the people of Britain weren’t being mad or greedy – in fact, the opposite – they just wanted their country to get it sanity back and to see fairness for the honest, hard-working majority.
One day we will be blessed with a TV station that tells the 1970s like it really was. Hopefully.
“In the BBC I joined 30 years ago [as a production trainee, in 1979], there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people’s personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the left. The organisation did struggle then with impartiality.”
Mark Thomspon (former BBC Director General)
A 1984 Panorama programme, Maggie’s Militant Tendency, accused Tory MP’s of being Nazi supporters. The programme – with BBC Newsnight level standards of journalism – was of course total crap, and it resulted in 1986 successful libel cases, followed by the sacking of the then director general, Alasdair Milne. Fast forward to 2015, Seamus Milne (son of Alasdair Milne) appointed head of strategy and communications for the Labour party.
I also recall watching the BBC going into a frenzy of excitement (of Lord MacAlpine proportions) when that Neil Hamilton (one of those who successfully sued) was accused of being a rapist. That was total crap as well.
As was the claim that Lord Brittan was a rapist. However was BBC personality Jimmy Savile (who was a rapist on an industrial scale) investigated by the BBC, or former Labour Councillor Cyril Smith for that matter, or the Labour Peer Lord Janner?
Come to think of it has there been any investigation by BBC journalists into our politicians over the last 40 years that has not been complete crap? Did they reveal the expenses scandal? Was it the BBC or was it the press (and Internet bloggers) who revealed the abuse of power by various New Labour politicians? Have we all supposed to have forgotten them? You know like Westland but this time with real abuse of power.
Was there a more useless New Labour arse licking reporter than BBC chief political editor Andrew Marr?
“The organisation did struggle then with impartiality.”
You’ve got to love the “then”.
I was just watching Sky, and no doubt the BBC will be running it in the same way, on a report that presidential candidate lied about a scholarship. The original Politico report has already been showed to be wrong but it looks as if our “press” have not done anything to check or corroborate. The story itself is not the relevant point to me but it shows how the media (BBC) work to smear someone. I liked the hit back Carson did by luring the media into a live conference where the gotcha journalists got it back for once.
Great stuff. Lefty media propagandists so seldom get publicly exposed and it’s really heartening to see it.
Yes, it’s excellent to see someone starting to lift Obama’s stone, too – and, of course, it has to be a black person who does it to avoid the inevitable shrieks of ‘racist!’ from the Left-liberal media.
When that fake is finally out of office it is to be hoped that the digging will begin into his past, though whether there is a single journalist left in America with the courage or integrity to do it is a moot point.
I wonder when the leftists in the MSM will ask Obama to release his university records, or ask Hillary to explain how someone who knew nothing about futures trading apparently made $100,000 trading cattle futures in a matter of a few weeks. I’m thinking never?
Thank God, if there is a God, that Obama cannot run for a third term.
I watched The Social Network last night and I was struck by the fact that even though it was only made five years ago it was a different world – there was anxiety about “how we live now” but there was also a sense of at least we have some clever Jews to compete with the Chinese.
Post-Obama where has that self-confidence gone? The USA is a shadow of itself. The world has got darker as a result. Of course the West hating race obsessed BBC think the sun shines out of Obama’s arse.
Has Mark Mardell produced a single piece of good journalism in his entire life? How much do we pay that Leftist public school twat? Did anybody notice when he moved from being the BBC North America editor?
No wonder he is a passionate supporter of wealth redistribution – into his own pockets the useless BBC ****.
‘ it looks as if our “press” have not done anything to check or corroborate’
Next he’ll be saying he jumped out of a helo under sniper fire and they will never let him forget it. or decide it was no biggie as he was having a lady moment.
Shame the camera did not pan around as i would really, really like to have seen the weasels trying to come back by… not answering and making silly demands.
Kind of reminds me of a few blessed folk closer to home.
Media stitch-up like this… BBC will be all over it, surely?
Or, not enough time ((c) A. Newsnight Editor)
“Roughly none of this is true” is surely a BBC editorial integrity ambition now?
Excellent video there, the media luvvies didn’t like it did they!!.
Well done to Mr Carson for pointing out media bias. It won’t make him any friends in the media – as it didn’t when Mr Farage said something similar about the BBC – but hopefully it will raise questions in the minds of the ordinary public.
Pointless, yesterday, and the first topic is words beginning with ‘pro’. Answer given: professor.
RO: “Of course, one of the most famous ex-professors is Barack Obama, he was a law professor. Very popular as well.”
AA: “Bet he was.”
RO: “Got very good assessment marks from his pupils.”
Now, I don’t know if this is me but Barack Obama isn’t the first person I think of when I hear the word ‘professor’. Race huckster, race agitator or race baiter maybe, but not professor. I think of people like Stephen Hawking. Of course, the assessment marks are pretty meaningless too and if you gave him bad marks everyone would probably accuse you of racism so I’m not sure you can take them seriously. I suppose, my point is, the Obama hagiography continues on Al Beeb and it will probably never end.
Not… Coxxxxxxeeeeeeee????!!!!
Refugee footage, notice anything unusual? People moving as family units and a range of ages for instance.
Marked lack of host country buildings on fire and women raped too.
The fast-track application process then was so from another time.
A missile narrowly missed a Thompson airliner in August near Sharm al Sheikh when at high altitude.
The UK government brushed it off as probably part of a routine exercise and was unlikely to be targeting the aircraft.
The UK government was more concerned with appeasing a muslim country (Egypt) than putting the safety of British people first. Much as the BBC has been angry at the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to blame the downing this week of a Russian airliner by a bomb and therefore suggesting that Egypt could have been the source of terrorist murders.
The BBC wanted business to carry on as normal at the risk to British lives.
Politics is a dirty business.
This was all over twitter this morning, and every news outlet had just dutifully trotted out the ‘explanation’.
If that had happened as explained (and I have my doubts) elsewhere, there would have been media meltdown.
I will add ‘unlikely’ to my list of words the establishment uses that bears closer scrutiny.
Comes to something when i need to add the government to the national broadcast on my list of those whose claims I take as a starting point to establish truth.
Remembrance Sunday tomorrow.
Let us remember too some of our traitors and treasonous swines the Government has spawned over the last decade that has unnecessarily put our soldiers, sailors and airmen in hell’s way!
Particularly I reflect on the reign of terror by that deceiving, lying, spinning Blair and Brown Government of amateur politicians, who helped instigate an illegal war, adding greatly to our current international troubles in the face of the UKs , (and the world’s) biggest ever public demonstration against their actions.
Together with that nutcase US, Vietnam Draft dodger and his NEOCON mates who set the Middle East on fire. Now, over a decade later, the effects are being felt still daily, with millions displaced, in body bags, children lying face down dead on beaches, or thousands daily trudging through the cold wet roads of EU seeking sanctuary.
Still they are trying to emulate Sweden’s and Germany’s disastrous migration policy which will eventually destroy them, mark my words.
Roll on Chilcot.
I wonder what went through the minds of the American TV audience when they watched those videos and saw Plod stand meekly by whilst the mad, frothing Islamists shrieked for the overthrow of our system of government and justice and screamed for the death of our soldiers.
I know what went through mine: ‘Britain is fucked’.
This may not be news, so apologies in advance etc.
I watched BBC, which I do rarely, for ten minutes last night, in those ten minutes, mentioned in despatches were
Benjamin Zephaniah.
James Brown.
OJ Simpson.
Marcus Garvey.
This was Mastermind.
Come on BBC, get your anti-white propaganda statistics to 100%, add it to the weather forecast.
Won’t be long before we see an all effnik paper review, Bonnie Greer, Henry Bonsu or Yappin Alibaba Brown with Clive Myrie. ” Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” Arnold Toynbee
Yesterday I watched a recording of the BBC Scotland programme about the West Coast langoustine fishery, which was broadcast a couple of weeks ago. It contained a small but good example of BBC anti Tory bias, which when repeated day in day out for 30 years has the effect of brain washing the public.
The presenter declared that until 1984 the in shore langoustine fishery was protected by law from trawlers and the boats were using creels ( lobster pots). This gave the fishermen a steady living and the fishery was sustainable. He went on to say that the Thatcher government changed the law to allow the trawlers to fish in the waters and this put many of the langoustine fishermen out of work and lead to depletion of the stocks. The words’ Thatcher government’ were spat out in the tone that BBC presenters always use when referring to Lady T. This clearly leaving a viewer with the impression that Lady Thatcher’s government was solely responsible for wrecking the fishery and the lives of the fishermen and their families. What the BBC failed to mention was that the Tory government of the day had fought a long battle with the EU over fishing rights and had won major concessions which actually protected much of the Scottish and English fish industry from the worst of the impact of the EU rules. Had the government not fought the EU then the impact of the EU policy would have been even worse on the British fish industry.
The BBC deliberately set out to re-write history so as to a) deny any credit to the Tory government and Lady Thatcher ( as per usual) , b) absolve the EU from any responsibility by omitting to name them as the true villains of the piece, c) leave the clear impression of a heartless Tory government wrecking another piece of Scottish industry.
This small example of anti Tory bias is repeated many times a day on the BBC across the whole of their output , be it News and Current Affairs, Drama, Documentary , Radio or Television, World Service and has been going on for 30 years. It amounts to nothing less than brainwashing. In the past few years once they became a political force UKIP have received the same treatment. Yet the centre left , Labour , Lib Dems , Greens, SNP are seldom if ever attacked and it is certainly a case of Tories and UKIP bad, Labour, Libdems et al good.
It is with despair that I hear that the PM is rumored to have reassured Lord Hall that the BBC LF is safe. Surely even a blind man can see that the BBC has been undermining British democracy for decades and moving the thinking of ordinary folk steadily to the left. Indeed it is a tribute to the common sense of the British people that the leftwards swing has not been much larger. After all, if you had a near monopoly of TV and Radio propaganda ,and 30 years time scale, you would have expected a better result than the Conservatives being back in office and Labour having lost the last two elections. Nonetheless, dealing with the BBC bias is a prerequisite if any government wants to run a centre right policy of balanced budgets , a smaller government over all ,sensible immigration levels, low tax , high wages etc etc. In short all the key things the Tories were elected for are going to be opposed by the BBC. Perhaps only the EU referendum is a point which both Cameroons and the BBC agree on. But Cameron must be daft if he thinks there are any circumstance in which the BBC would put its massive weight behind an EU exit. Therefore, he has no need of the BBC, but he is perhaps scared of the BBC. If so , then as has been said many times before on this site, the governance of the UK can only be conducted with the agreement and tacit support of the BBC and so we are governed by a non elected bunch of a few thousand liberal left media types sat in Broadcasting House and our votes don’t matter one jot.
Interesting post, Doublethinker. I was in that area for a couple weeks in winter 1990 and learnt a bit about how the EU works. Your first two paras may only be half the tale.
After the Thatcher Government battle, er, I mean negotiations & agreement with the EU, the EU then gave The Highlands & Islands lots of money to spend locally on upgrading the roads south of Cape Wrath. Then they gave them some more to help build a major fish processing facility.
Then the Spanish & Russian trawlers moved in …
Thatcher was always wanting to appear on the Jimmy Young Show, now called the Jeremy Vine Show. The BBC’s new official historian has now changed this to “Thatcher was always wanting to appear on the Jimmy Savile Show”. The Historian concerned, is a well known lefty.
I wonder what crock of crap the BBc will replace this crock of crap with we watched episode 1, was it really back in 2011, and that was it.
Errrr would make sense if I’d put a link to “the voice” apparently ITV have won the bid.
The BBC is reporting that the have lost the broadcast rights to ‘The Voice’ because another broadcaster had offered more. The BBC said it had been “poached by another broadcaster”.
Tweets by bbcpress
Mark Linsey, acting director of BBC Television, said in a statement that it “wouldn’t get into a bidding war or pay inflated prices to keep the show”.
‘The show is currently made for BBC One by production companies Talpa and Wall to Wall. ITV bought Talpa for £355m earlier this year.’
So, the show hasn’t actually been ‘poached’ the production company was bought by ITV!
‘The Voice was singled out in a consultation paper published by the government, ahead of the BBC’s charter renewal, as a format that is “similar to ITV’s X Factor”, and which was bought in from overseas rather than being developed in-house’
‘Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has questioned whether such shows are “distinctive” enough from those aired by commercial rivals.’
It seems that there are some very complex reasons for the BBC dropping this show and not just money. But if £5 Billion pa is insufficient to hold on to successful popular peak time programs then it does make you wonder just how much the lefties could squander if given a free reign !
On top of that there’s the continuing issue of the BBC empire building and spreading itself far too thin to fulfil its remit.
Excuse my French but how the f%ck does a country declare itself free of Ebola ? Sierra Leonne all celebrating across the BBC news it is the journalism of a twelve year old they get the news from their iPhones all complete crap
It’s not the country but the World Heath Organisation and it’s cased on no new cases being reported for 6 weeks.
You forget the needs of the BBC Staff Pension Fund which has recently absorbed £1b of licence fee money.
A tragic shooting involving law enforcement in the US, none of the usual BBC rhetoric or rabble rousing.
No reported rioting currently.
Of course not – the police who did the shooting are black and the six year old boy they killed is white.
Can you imagine the MSM reaction if the roles were reversed or Obama’s reaction?
Exactly. The news is not ‘Two Black Cops Murder Unarmed White Child Strapped In Chair’. That would be too provocative wouldn’t it? Where’s Jesse Jackson when you need him?
“These murderers would look like my son if I had one.”
Pure genius, Demon!
Once again there is much more to this story than the worlds biggest news gatherer would like you to know, the sordid details unfold in the comments
Black police officers corrupt! Its simply not possible
Thanks for the link dontblamemeivotedukip.
“Few, who was not armed, was wounded but survived. His son, Jeremy Mardis, was killed after being hit by five bullets in the head and chest.”
Hit by five bullets in the head and chest? A very young child?
The BBC must run with this news item. It’s horrendous enough as it is. But it shouldn’t be ignored.
Here is a long clip of Ben Carson’s press conference where he berates the media over the Politico lies. Really refreshing – the BBC should be taken to task this way. Takeaway points from this whole business are
1 Carson was such an outstanding student in Detroit and the ROTC there that he was assured he would get entry to West Point on a full scholarship – but he told them straight away “Thanks for the honour – but I want to go into medicine”
2 The media are trying to rake up stuff about Carson’s past and he not let them get away with double standards after they deliberately ignored really murky stuff in Obama’s background
3 Ben Carson can be real feisty – not always the moderate neurosurgeon
4 Ben Carson really wants a united America, healing of the divisions, and really cares about the black communities as people – not as voting fodder the way Obama manipulates and divides.
I reckon Carson will win big from this episode, it has backfired on the leftie journalists. Everyone recognises that Ben Carson is a decent as well as highly accomplished man, they will take his side rather than the reptiles in the media.
In the BBC`s eyes, Carson is a traitor to his “race” as he is a Republican , watch in the next few months how their normal PC handbook is thrown out the door. They will be as racist as they can , to make him look an idiot , as they did with the Black Farmer , once they found out he was a Conservative .
From an article at the National Review :
“At the end of the day, what are we left with? An admirable though imperfect man who rose from abject poverty to the pinnacle of one of the most challenging professions in the nation — all while never forgetting his roots, maintaining grace and humility even as he earned riches and honors. In fact, his life story — and his character — would make him one of the most inspiring Americans ever to occupy the Oval Office. But he’s a direct threat not just to leftist narratives regarding race and class but also to the leftist stranglehold on the black vote. And for that reason alone he must be destroyed.
A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero”
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/426728/ben-carson-liberal-media-victim
“…maintaining grace and humility”
Ha. A man so humble he has it chiseled into his wall…
Oh of course it is Obama who is humble. Not just one but two autobiographies (probably ghosted) before he achieved anything of real significance, speaking from stage sets reeking of triumphalism, promising that he will stop the oceans rising !!!
Obama was an empty suit – and still is. a grievous failure and a race hustler.
Carson could be the first real black American in the White House, and clowns like Jason know this.
On my computer, video ends after half a minute. Weird.
Here is a black Republican, a Tea Party member, Allen West, supporting Carson. You won’t see West on the BBC
“One of the big problems that we have in society today; decisions are made, based on ideology not on evidence”
On the subject of GOD; “…when everybody is for himself, and decide what is right and what is wrong… that does not work very well”.
A Seventh-day Adventist who thinks “ideology” is a big problem?
The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
“The lunatics really have taken over the asylum. ”
Quite, but the lunatic will have left the asylum in Jan 17, although there will still be one running the German one.
Can’t edit. “left the asylum by end Jan 17.”
Jason, the other day you made an anti-semitic reference and now you are calling people with mental problems names. (I know I also did but I was just copying you.) I’m sure you realise that, by these comments, you have proved you are what we all suspected you were.
“I know I also did but I was just copying you.”
BBC Online News:
“Syrian refugee graffiti sprayed on old Shrewsbury prison”
Is this headline news? All it does is to create victim hood. Could this be the reason?
So there is no pretense to hide the fact that Sunday Strictly isn’t live eh? At the end of tonights show we’re told ‘tomorrow’ we’re getting a Remembrance ‘Day’ ‘special’ routine and Seal will be on tomorrow’s show, join us at 7.15….
As an aside did anyone see the trail for the new drama ‘Capital’ that followed, hot on the heels of Cuffs it would appear to be just as diverse, every base covered.
A quote from its star…
‘Toby Jones said: “Obviously I am thrilled to be part of such a fantastic, diverse and talented cast….’
Just watched the trailer looks shite,
I wonder when, or indeed if, the BBC will report on the death today of Israel’s 5th president, Yitzhak Navon?
They didn’t report the death or the funeral. If Israel news doesn’t have an Arab angle it doesn’t happen.
I have asked for my BBC Children In Need donation to go to Chilcot so at least my Great, Great Grand kids will get something.
That would be the children need the families of which they’ve previously criminalised as a result of paying the TV tax?
It’ll be a f***ing cold day in Hell before children in need gets a penny off me. Plus another night of Z list celebs self promoting to not watch on BBc.
Pass the sick bag. The BBC is gushing over Trudeau of Canada’s fresh start. Immigrants welcome, a gender balanced cabinet, and guess what? Scientists will no longer be muzzled. That should please the BBC. Anyone heard about the science being settled?
I couldn’t give a crap about gender balance. If I owned a company, I’d hire the best person for the job, whether they be male, female, black, white, yellow, fat or thin, Christian or Muslim. However, as a realist and a man of the world, I am well aware that blacks and Muslims aren’t often the most productive employees. I mean, how can you be as productive when you spend half the day walking to and from the mosque and the other half praying?
BBC Regional news on the Red Button; Yorkshire Sheffield area including Rotherham- where I read six men and two women have been taken into custody regarding sex crimes against young girls. No names given. Had this been Catholic or COE clergy, their names and churches would have been listed, I know this to be the case as I have seen it several times.
I suppose naming those arrested would constitute Islamophobia, or racism and the BBS wouldn’t want to be accused of that.
Invicta looks like you were right .Not much point the BBc withholding details they are often somewhere on the nety. Looks like the women might not be the usual suspects but see if the story “disappears”
Interesting , I cannot find any Al Beeb ‘HYS’ on this particular ‘multi-culti’ subject, I wonder why ?
World’s largest paedophile ring uncovered
Only three people named by the BBC: John McMurdo, Stephen Palmer, Colin Hoey Brown.
Some other names you can find on the net:
Victorian Bryan Cooper, David Anthony Hudson, George Iliakis, Philip Alan Reid, Ralph Ian Assheton, Glenn David Dickson, Jeremy Phillip Buddle…
Yet for some reason the BBC don’t mention them, their ethnicity, skin colour, or religion.
Must be because they don’t want to be accused of Islamophobia
They’ve named three people. That’s three more than they usually name in most other cases. (Except where Conservatives are accused rightly or falsely).
“They’ve named three people. That’s three more than they usually name in most other cases.”
You mean apart from the case ‘Invicta’ was complaining about, where the BBC have named all eight suspects? Do try to keep up.
Oh, and that was “three people” out of 670 suspects and 184 arrests.
“Interesting , I cannot find any Al Beeb ‘HYS’ on this particular ‘multi-culti’ subject, I wonder why?”
Because it’s gone to Court. It’s called the law.
The level of paranoia and rabid obsession with Muslims on this blog is completely out of control…
“If they want to hang themselves, cut themselves or set fire to themselves, they should be allowed to get on with it and make the rest of them clean up the resultant mess.”
[45 ‘likes’]
Nobody here stops for a moment to think just how sick this is?
“Nobody here stops for a moment to think just how sick this is? ”
Possibly, but I’ve not seen the comment you quoted although no doubt you find the BBC obsession with muslims “rabid, sick and out of control” too. But probably not as you anti-semites can’t seem to get enough of manufactured “good news” muslim stories.
Like most on here I’m not anti-Muslims but anti-terrorists and anti-invaders.
Paranoia and distrust of Muslims is a very justified stance to take. These people are commanded by their holy scriptures to be deceitful and eliminate unbelievers. A friendly Muslim is one of two things: 1.) Not a true Muslim because he isn’t following his holy text well at all, or 2.) Using you for his own advantage and will eventually turn on you. Taqiyya, look it up. Of course, you’re a racist islamophobe if you point either of these things out.
I am referring to the BBC TV red button teletext that I access from the TV, I don’t visit the BBC website.
The level of paranoia and rabid obsession with Muslims on this blog is completely out of control…
And your acquiescence in the acceptance of all things Islamic in this country is worrying though not surprising given your unequivocal defence of the BBC. If the increased practice of gender segregation in this country doesn’t bother you, nor video footage of rabid (yes, truly rabid) groups of Islamofascists calling for the overthrow of democracy and murder of our soldiers (to take but two examples), then you are either very dim-witted or an open borders anarchist.
You are Dez, and I claim my £5.
“The level of paranoia and rabid obsession with Muslims on this blog is completely out of control…”
Whose “control” do you think it should be under?
Nobody is forced to come here and, unlike the BBC, nobody is forced to pay for it.
Exactly. Jason’s use of the word “control” gives the game away as to his mindset. The problem is the BBC and the Governments obsession with muslims. If it was not for that, they would hardly get a mention on this site.
A poignant day for a poignant message to all those Al Beeb anti-British military pacifists ……..
‘Went the day well?
We died and never knew.
But, well or ill,
Freedom, we died for you.’
Without the defenders of freedom you would have no today. No freedom of speech to have your say. So to you white poppy wearers remember this day for those who say………………
‘When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrows these gave their today.’
Did I really read this on Al-Beeb the biggest censor of news and public opinion in UK?
A Point of View: Why people shouldn’t feel the need to censor themselves.
I do hope the news staff are immersed in this well written article and learning from it.
Quite funny that at the end they call for comments which, after they are run through the BBC filter, a selection will be published.
The BBC really does not have a great grasp of irony.
I see alibeeba’s house eunuch and beebette on the red sofa wih a paper reviewer, managing to find dirt to throw at Ben Carson.
The newspaper item had the picture of Carson at the press conference where he heaped abuse upon tne media.
They didnt however find a piece of video to illustrate the story, but interpreted his campaign as self denigration of his past. They claimed almost unbelievably that a past which included living somewhere that had a lift for cars up three floors somehow makes him an idiot?
They chuckled through a minute or two of laughing at him, despite his being blacker than Obummer….racist? Naah,….course not beeb.
“They didnt however find a piece of video to illustrate the story, but interpreted his campaign as self denigration of his past”
Rather amazing to use a freeze frame to illustrate one thing that was not accurate whilst censoring what it was actually about. Point of View would be proud.
Maybe there was ”no time’ ((c) A. Newsnight Editor of Integrity)?
A black republican must be near the top of Lefties’ hate list.
‘Justin Trudeau takes Canada by the horns as Prime Minister’ – says this BBC love letter. (Have your sick bucket handy). I can only imagine the ‘journalist’ didn’t have time to inform us that Justin will personally pilot the first manned mission to Mars whilst announcing the cure for all cancers.
Golly, that rivals Tub of Mardell at his most colonic with POTUS.
One suspects grabbing the horn is very much a BBC fave with their political idols.
“When a member of the press asked why he felt it was important to include so many women, he said, “Because it’s 2015.””
Wow, what a A-level student-type response. I would expect a competent, critically thinking journalist to respond to this statement questioning whether he has compromised the ability of the his cabinet simply to appear progressive and multicultural. Basically, are these the right people for the job?
Not at the BBC, though.
Seems Justin has been propelled early to ‘can do no wrong’ status, by the calibre of media who responded to a simple question from candidate Carson by baying like banshees and throwing their toys out the collective press pram… and failing to answer.
Maybe can get away with ‘So’s your face’ to anything tricky in future? With this calibre of journalist… probably.
Of course the Trudeaus were notoriously anti-English, and this one has replaced a decent man as PM. What’s not to like about him from a BBC perspective.
I posted before that when the Conservatives won in Canada, the BBC barely reported it. I would almost think the BBC is biased !
Trudeau senior, immoral, dishonest and corrupt. A perfect icon for the BBC.
Can anyone see why I just had this following comment censored by the Guardian moderators:
Just to put every one’s minds at rest this article is supposed to be ironic, like the fact it is written by someone called Wiseman.
Just in case anyone is interested in why guys cry so rarely and women (apparently) actually enjoy a good blub, your home work involves looking up prolactin in women and what happens to men when their testosterone declines rapidly.
In the interests of legal disclosure, I am a male welsh football fan, so I know a great deal about weeping.
Scribbling, As a Scottish rugby fan, so do I !
It is one of the greatest political ironies at work. The Left, which rises to power on a tide of outrage about oppression, inevitably produces the most repressive governments of all.
The question that comes to my mind is why on Earth are you reading and commenting on Guardian articles?
Xavier, why not ?
Pearls before swine.
Indeed Xavier, point taken.
I’m no expert on US police gun policy
1/ It’s not my country and I’m not really that interested, and 2/It’s the BBC that provides me with the news stories on this issue – whether I want it or not. The BBC is a source I can’t always trust.
Couldn’t help but notice that suddenly a new term for the police gun problem has been coined by the BBC – up until this week it was all about trigger-happy ‘racist’ white cops gunning down innocent black victims. So it was all about “racism”. And now, out of the blue, the BBC shouts “Police Brutality” as being the issue.
Gosh, what’s happened, I wonder? Turns out a white child was shot by black cops. Only the photos of those involved told me that – usually the BBC carefully racially profiles for me all the various players in these US real life US cop dramas. So I can tell the goodies from the badies.
Ah, so that’s what’s different here. Thanks BBC, I’m learning to understand your news more and more by reading between the lines rather than taking your words at face value.
Perhaps the TV Licence should come with a viewer-friendly news translation guide. Then we could sit with it in our lap as we listen to the weasel words spoken by the BBC newsrewaders.
“BBC newsrewaders”
That was a slip on the keyboard – although “news re-waders” somehow sounds about right.
The BBC’s interest in the USA is a toxic mixture of prurience and patronisation. The bien pensants can’t help being fascinated by such a dynamic culture and yet they are repelled by that very dynamism.
Why does Barack Obama only care about white gun crime?
BBC website reports an execution of a 9-year old black boy in the US in a gang war. I wonder who did it ? Mafia ? White supremicists ? Too early to say.
Leon Brittan?
Now that was witty.
‘Yes, America is very waaycist. St Jesse Jackson supported by the BBC’s Mark Mardell, argue that the American Dream is tarnished by waaycism at the Cambridge Union Debate.
‘BBC journalist Mark Mardell sided with Jesse Jackson in the debate, arguing that the number of opportunities offered to people of colour compared to white people is too unequal for the American Dream to be colour blind.’
I should have added that Mardell trotted out the utterly false narrative regarding the Zimmerman shooting as a racist matter.
‘The shootings of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is a terrible display of how differently people of colour are treated to white people. Mardell argues’
Looking at the photographs it does appear that a significant number in the audience were people of colour. But, for another topic, many working class British students who make it to Oxbridge find the membership fees of the Debating Unions prohibiting.
But how does Lardell explain that most murders in the US are black on black ?
If he even tries it will be some twaddle about ‘oppression’, ‘deprivation’ and ‘the legacy of slavery’.
GC, Yes !
It’ll be white people’s fault, somehow.
‘But how does Lardell explain that most murders in the US are black on black ?’
Probably by invoking an exemption from explaining anything as he’s from the BBC, for the purposes of propaganda, censorship and backside-covering
It’s a vital bit of BBC editorial integrity. Apparently.
Information which is unlikely to be gleaned from the BBC (ever):
“Blacks commit 55% of the murders in the U.S., whereas Whites commit 43%. At 12.1% of the population, the murder rate for Blacks is 44.9% per 100,000. For “Whites”, which includes Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and other Hispanics of questionable white origin, the rate is 4.78% per 100,000.
When one considers the disproportionate crime rate among Hispanics, and the fact that between 25% and 33% of federal prisoners are not U.S. citizens, one realizes that the crime rate for European Americans is in line with or even less than that for European nations.
Even with the Hispanics included, the White American murder rate is slightly lower than it is in Britain – which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.
With the Hispanics subtracted from the White murder rate, even with our millions of guns, White Americans have a lower murder rate than the European average. It is comparable to Switzerland, a predominantly White nation where practically every adult male citizen must by law keep a gun at home as part of the national defence forces – and the homicide rate is only 3.2 per 100,000.”
Mardell has a history on accusations of racism .
BBC cameras at the Cenotaph this morning obligingly zoom in on Comrade Corbyn centre screen during the National anthem for a happy rehabilitation and queue the ‘ageing hippie’ with lips moving along in honour of the Queen’s tune. How convenient a moment – care of the Labour spin machine.
By the way “ageing hippie” was a concise description supplied by a sensible northern woman that somehow got through a Channel 4 (I think) vox pop in the Oldham by-election battleground. What is with working class northern women cutting dud Labour leaders down to size?
It is being reported that the communications intercepted by US intelligence in the Sinai region at the time the Russian jet was down was in a Birmingham accent.
Now the world is paying the price for left wing idiocy in allowing Islamic terror go unchallenged, nay celebrated in the UK. This is the legacy of BLiar, and the lefts fascination with Islam & terrorism. Rather than learn any lessons they continue through their leader Corbyn to follow the same insane policies which can only lead to the collapse of the UK.
British extremists linked to jet bomb: London & Birmingham voices heard cheering disaster
Britain’s new export? … jihad, well all that Zakat and Halal Cert fee, it s gotta go somewhere eh!
“How proud Cameron and May must be: they worked assiduously to bar counter-jihadists such as P Geller and me from the country, for the crime of noting that Islam has a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers.
Meanwhile … Muslims who espoused that very doctrine were allowed to flourish and proliferate … This is the result.
Mr. Cameron, Ms. May, stand up and take a bow.”
R Spencer
No10 Tory traitors in full effect
Former UKIP leader calls for “national debate” on Islam
“Calling for the Government to “encourage a national debate” on the religion, the peer warned that “where there is contradiction in the Koran, its later and more violent verses outweigh its admirably peaceful early texts.” He noted what he called the “seriousness of our domestic situation” and said that a council of Muslims leaders “could clarify the modern meaning of their religion and cast the extremists out of Islam”.
“Lord Lamont, the former Tory chancellor, has rejected calls from former UKIP leader Lord Pearson for a “national debate” on Islam
Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Hussein-Ece responded to the proposal by questioning whether it was “helpful or constructive” that any religious text should be “taken and quoted selectively” in a “negative, divisive and political way to put whole communities on trial?”
Responding on behalf of the Government, Lord Ahmed said: “with the exception of one verse in the holy Koran, every verse starts with the words: ‘In the name of God, the gracious, most merciful’, which underlines the true sentiments and principle of that religion. He added subsequently that “There are extremists of every guise who take noble faiths and seek to hijack them.”
“Lord Pearson’s proposal was widely criticised by other peers.”
And Mr Farage would change all this? Hmm I don’t think so Noggin. As I said before you are a closet Labourite. You can huff & puff, but Ukip will never form a government, so you will have to make do with either the Conservatives, or your old mate Corbyn.
I wouldn’t be so sure, times they are a changin’ my friend, we could well be on the cusp of WW3…
Don’t think so, some people are sounding like Cpl Jones, bless him anyhow. Maybe it’s because I am from Essex, we are all very positive in Essex. Don’t Panic!! My little joke, but we are all positive, where I live.
So it sounds:
UKIP are the reason we presently have a Conservative government, they took enough votes away from Labour, some of whose voters had gotten wise to what they were voting for – gimmegrants and immigration, to allow the Tories to win seats which had previously been Labour.
UKIP are also the reason we are going to have a referendum, Camerloon had to confront the threat of UKIP to the Brexit element in his party and so promised a plebiscite on U.K. membership of the EU.
He didn’t expect the Conservatives win an overall majority at the general election and as such, he didn’t expect to have to make good said promise. I think he believed he would again be in coalition with the LibDumbs and could use them as a pretext for not being able to implement his referendum pledge, as he had conveniently done with many other things before (e.g. repeal of the inHuman Rights Act etc).
You appear to delight in sticking the boot into UKIP, as do many on the Left, so perhaps it is you who has more in common with the Labourites than folk such as nogginator.
David “Blairlite” Camoron is where he is because of Nigel Farage and UKIP: you may not like it very much, but it’s the truth.
No but Kippers in Essex, are all Conservative s in the real world,I was surprised too that we won, but the polls were pants, the people I know who are the same as me, don’t brag about it.They are too busy making money. I think you will find it was the SNP that won it for us, by eating all the Labour seats in Scotland. The Kippers may of helped in the North of England, true, but we got seats from the Lib Dems, on our own in England, which was nothing to do with the SNP or Kippers. The fact is only 2 parties can govern England, Conservative or Corbyn.
I disagree – the SNP would have supported a Labour minority government (regardless of what Millipede said) if needed, so in a sense, they could be counted as Labour votes in Parliament.
The seats which you lot won from the LibDumbs weren’t from their supporters voting Tory, they just will have abstained – to punish Clegg for going into coalition with the Conservatives and force him out.
UKIP got Camerloon in office, both from Labour people deserting Labour and from anti-EU Tories (who voted UKIP in the Euro-elections) fearful of a Millipede administration, returning to the Conservatives at the general election; either way it was a Tory gain off the back of UKIP who 4,000,000 people voted for remember.
Are you seriously suggesting that without the existence of UKIP, the Tories would have achieved a majority at the last election?
I notice you didn’t address my point about Camoron’s referendum promise and how it was the rise of UKIP support which prised that from him – in the belief he would never have to call it as he didn’t expect a Tory win.
The SNP took Labour seats so they could not form a government in Britain , because they are “Nationalist” , if they had stayed Labour , they would be in power , with or without the support of the SNP. The fact is ,the Conservatives took Labour & Lib dem seats in England & Wales , means we have the Conservatives in power . Kippering has peaked , now , you can all huff & puff , but that`s the reality ,so live with it , & if you don`t like us you can vote Corbyn in 2020.
Why do you always, only offer Labour as the sole voting option other than the Conservatives? It’s wearing a little thin that retort by now.
You seem to think that it is only between those two parties; it wasn’t in the election before the last one: we had a ConLib coalition and it could, theoretically though not politically, have been a LIbLab one.
You’re delusional if you think UKIP has “peaked”- with the ever worsening gimmegrant crisis in Europe and Camerloon floundering to re-negotiate (WTF?) our position within the E.U. I don’t believe either of those things has caused UKIP support to ebb away, the reverse in fact, will be the result. Especially when your pin-up comes away with sweet F.A. for all his Brussels grovelling.
Still no comment from you on my referendum point though, I notice.
None of this matters much. Europe is descending into chaos and there is nothing and nobody to stop it. I see no reason to believe that Cameron has the slightest clue what to do in that event.
On current projections Germany will be heading for a ethnic minority majority by the end of 2016 in the vital 20 to 35 male demographic ) . That means that Germany will cease to be German by inevitablilty and time.
If you think this is a situation that will not lead to chaos then dream on.
What we ve ended up with in our nation is the “the best Government hedge funds can buy”
Traitorous, arrogant, inept, spiteful grasping imbeciles that are incapable of telling the truth, can t run the economy, can t control immigration, can t stop doctoring figures, they flounder from one failure to the next.
Oh! … and on the election … “never underestimate the power of lies and money”
Has anyone noticed that the 4,000,000 UKIP vote has reportedly (guess where) shrunk recently to 3.8 mil – whereas the reality, taking all the tacticals into consideration, would have very probably registered at well over 5 mil.
One could estimate it probably being more than that … taking in to account the illegal economic “migrant” situation, of course Bel you are not going to see much of it in the enemedia either
Oh … and as for Essexboy your village idiot posts are getting more desperate, and more personal to boot, one could imagine with arrogance like yours you might even find something to say?
We need the money to pay your benefits Noggin , simples.
You should walk round Plaistow. Those of us who are left sound more like Private Frazer: “We’re doomed”. UKIP kept their deposit here so I guess every single person of my ‘ethnicity’ voted for the candidate.
Not on the cusp but well into it. There has never been any reason to think that WW3 would be like WW2 and what we are seeing is a gradual closing down of the open world.
That means that travel and trade will start to contract at first slowly and then very fast.
I am certain that Russia has acted now because they realise that time is short and that unless the borders of Europe are protected then we are heading for chaos. Russia has long borders with the unstable Islamic world and knows it.
Yes, it is a bit naive of Ukippers to expect so much from Farage. If ever he got to be PM (which of course he never will) he just won’t be able to do the things he promises or that his supporters expect, the system will see to that. And what is the strongest protector of this system? The media, & in particular the BBC. Because of the left-bias of the BBC Corbyn has much more of a chance to get his barmy ideas into reality, but will he ever be PM? I hope not.
I suspect it is less about what they think Farage can really deliver than their desperation at the sate of things and what they would like to be done.
All political careers end in failure, as Enoch Powell brilliantly observed, yet all political supporters keep on hoping – like fans of a doomed football team.
“If not now? When?
If not us? Who?”
How I loathe the term “British Extremists”, they may well through some accident of fate hold a British passport but they are the antithesis of British, not British at all.
Oldspeaker, I agree – I was thinking this morning about a more suitable title for them. What about ‘Extremists holding British passports’ or ‘Extremists holding British citizenship’ or ‘Extremists habitually resident in Britain’. Everybody would know what you mean if you used those terms, but it couldn’t really be described as ‘racist.’
Let’s take a leaf out of the BBC’s book. What about “so called British extremists?”
“Traitors” would seem to fit the bill.
Responding on behalf of the Government, Lord Ahmed said: “with the exception of one verse in the holy Koran, every verse starts with the words: ‘In the name of God, the gracious, most merciful’…
Not a million miles away from ‘Allah Akbar!’
It’s the words that end the verses that worry me!
Quran 9:5 (the infamous verse of the sword inciting mass murder):
“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Its a ‘death cult’. Simples.
Heads up chaps Evans trailing on Radio 2 his auction of all things money can’t buy for Children In Need, so please dig deep for that odd 10 grand you might just have lurking around in your kitchen drawer to be one of the ‘lucky ones’ to get a ride in one of his Ferrari’s…..
Remember please dig deep for all those needy multi millionaire popstars, presenters and actors who without your welcome contributions and glady received TV subs will have to work just a little harder to sell their latest albums, films and TV programs…
Nogginator – Baroness Hussein-Ece, Lord Ahmed. No vested interest there, then.
Yes … note once again, infiltrating positions of power.