This horrendous evening will be a watershed in the political future of Europe. Ever closer union will now collapse as each distinct country will react to protect its own citizens above all. We will wait and see if there will be a military reaction.
The Twitter feeds of US officialdom tonight have showed levels of naïveté that beggar belief.
It was also bizarre to see as this all unfolded how many Beeboids found comfort in RTing this twaddle from across the Altlantic as events spiral downhill on their doorstep.
Wondering why the Muzzies attacked the Bataclan? seems the media are completely at a loss. Well here’s the ‘Eagles of Death’ playing that night and believed to be amongst the casualties. See if you can spot what the Muzzies might have had against them.
It beggars belief that the theatre was targetted because of presumed sexual orientation of the band.
The attack was a simple act of war .We are all the enemy what ever our sexuality.
On the BBC News Channel; the two talking heads discussing the terrorist attacks in Paris, one said that a witness stated that one of the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar” – the other said something along the lines of “But we don’t know where their allegiances lie” or some such rot – Methodists maybe? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Plymouth Brethren? FFS, what the hell is going on in the MSM here in the West? To be so blinded by political correctness, to the point of fatal idiocy.
The blunt truth (in my view) is: Islam and Muslims have no place here in the West.
They have shown time, after time, after time that they are too dangerous to exist as a significant minority in ANY country (look at the problems even a countries such as China and Russia have with them); particularly when they come to liberal democracies and abuse the freedoms and rights, built up over the centuries by their citizens.
The proportion of the total population of France, which is Muslim is around 10% and look at the mayhem and evil caused there.
What will it be like when it is 20% or 30%? What will the U.K. be like when the Muslim minority here approaches a similar size?
I am aware that you cannot judge an entire religion by violence carried out by a minority of its adherents, but you can judge it and them by the aggregation of the crimes and atrocities committed in its name.
The cost of them living here amongst us is, as we have seen illustrated tonight (yet again) far, far too high.
“what the hell is going on in the MSM here in the West?” Not just the media but politicians as well. The thought occurred to me the other day that we may be seeing the consequences of drug & alcohol use twenty, thirty, forty or more years ago.
A friend who is a pharmacist (now retired) had responsibility toward the end of her career for a Health Trust and its Nursing Homes & Psychiatric Units. She monitored all their medication use, safety standards, record keeping, etc.. I remember she told me that they could see a clear age cut-off point among the patients in both services of those who were in their teens in the latter half of the 1960s – and 1970s and on through the 1980s – and who smoked cannabis, took other drugs and/or perhaps generous quantities of alcohol. There was a distinct increase in patients of the facilities with neurological & psychiatric problems that now had to be treated who fell in a certain age range.
Once upon a time it was a big thing of the media to ask politicians seeking high office about their youthful past, what substances might have been used and also abused. Not so much now. And stories have emerged more recently about the past, both recent and distant, of some in the mainstream media.
Maybe we have some damaged people reporting on other damaged people who have been elected to a position that they are not in a fit state to deal with as 24/7 life requires? A scary thought!
A very sad time for France indeed .
Nevertheless, time for Al Beeb to make plans for the damage limitation of the ‘so called’ religion of peace.
Roll out the apologists, over you Jason ………………..
Look on the bright side ,the Global Warming Conference , might get cancelled , & if it goes ahead the BBC journo`s might be too scared to turn up ,preferring instead reporting from a Glacier in Greenland . Snow is Hideously white ,& no moosies, in Greenland , but anyhow they don`t like it up em .
AFP reports French President Francois Hollande is travelling to the Bataclan concert hall. The latest reports, from French media, say around 100 people are dead there. Above is the scene outside.
I thought the opposite to the BBC on Hollande. On the TOADY programme & elsewhere, the Beeb were suggesting Hollande was removed for his safety. On the contrary, it appears he was heading into the thick of it to take control & show his concern.
If Cameron doesn’t include tighter border controls as the main plank of his EU reforms, he will be showing a complete and utter contempt for the British people.
This attack will, I feel, be the precursor for the disintegration of the EU. Surely there can be no turning back now.
Wronged, I had a look at social media this morning. If it’s anything to go by, I doubt these attacks will change anything. Lots of comments about how ‘closing borders will mean the terrorists have won’ etc etc. It could event go the opposite way – the EU could rush through all sorts of draconian measures to further the dream of a super-state.
This is a disaster for Europe and for us all . Conservatives and liberal left alike. Only this afternoon I was discussing with a French couple just how long they thought the EU would last .They could see no future for it and for a once relatively free Europe.
This has just bought this moment that much closer. Genuine conservatives have long counselled caution and realism in the affairs of men. Particularly where idealism meets and is in conflict with the real nature of human beings. For the last two or three generations the idealists have been dominant and now we are all reaping what they have sowed.
This is now a time for reflection and for allowing us conservatives to put forward policies that will start to restore harmony to our European world.
I have a real dread ,and have had for some long time, that yet again the idealists will have their way and usher in yet more horrors and nightmares.
Solzhenitsyn once said as I recall ,maybe not verbatim ,that a free society was always vulnerable to the corrosion of evil and that it was the duty of us all, and our leaders in particular, to have the courage to recognize this and govern on that basis and that alone.
This we in Europe have not done and we see the results.
Marine Le Pen must be a ‘shoe in’ as the next French Pesident now.
I am sure the French will react against the Looney Left of Holland. The Right are growing stronger throughout Europe. -Promulgated by the advent of the Migrant crisis. Hastened by these attacks in Paris which threaten civilised democracies.
There will be a political response, we live in exciting but dangerous times.
Many Europeans are already wide awake about this. The problem is, most of us have no access to arms to defend ourselves. The enemy within has Kalashnikovs a-plenty – God knows how many of them along with other armaments have been containered into Western Europe recently – but we are allowed nothing. Our army (such as it is) sits idle. Our police are worse than useless. It’s all down to us now, the common people of Western Europe, to fight with whatever means we have or face subjugation or even annihilation. A war was declared upon us yesterday in Paris, in no uncertain terms.
I’ve said it for a while now that Europe is a powder keg ready to go off. All it needed was a spark. This could be it. I’m utterly outraged that the “religion of peace” has once again caused absolute carnage and mayhem.
“These people are a disgrace to Islam!” I hear the apologists and “peace loving” Muslims shout. Bollocks, I shout back to them. This is Middle Eastern Islam in action. If these attackers turn out to be recently imported third world filth, public sentiment will change FAST.
The winds of change are blowing I feel. I think another violent, mass expulsion of peoples is coming. Not of Jews this time, but Muslims.
It’s half past five Saturday morning and still no mention of who’s responsible from albeeb.
The Guardian newspaper has shown its sympathy for the murdered and mutilated with this
Comment from Natalie Nougayrede “Muslims will increasingly fear being associated with terror”.
Not that Ms Nougayrede’s (?) comment is a matter of BBC bias, but she is of course reflecting a justified fear on the part of Muslims. I myself am tending to make that association between Islam and terror, although it is possible that the attacks are the actions of eight ‘lone wolves’ together with an unknown number of ‘lone’ accomplices, several mentally disturbed and entirely atypical members of an arms and explosives supply and training channel, and a planning organisation that doesn’t exist because none of these people have anything in common and their religious beliefs are entirely coincidental to their actions. It is also entirely probable that they may turn out to have been French citizens, which would preclude any explanation other than their being victims simultaneously of massive oppression and hatred on the part of other French citizens, and the entirely understandable process of ‘radicalisation’, which is after all merely a reasonable reaction to being oppressed, or at least offended, by the attitudes of 90% of the society in which they found themselves involuntarily imprisoned by a bigoted adherence to the values of liberty, equality and fraternity.
So the jury is still out, then, and the BBC is wisely holding the fort in order to pre-empt the most serious aspect of all this, that there might be a backlash of opinion against those who, through no fault of their own, and for no good reason, are closely associated with the beliefs, opinions and attitudes of the perpetrators.
Have just read the article and several of the comments. It’s getting tedious plugging the Muslims as victims almost before the bodies are cold in Paris, worrying about the potential far right backlash. Remind me again about the streets running with Muslims blood, in the UK that’ll be bacon thrown at a mosque and rants on a bus. Here in France we’ll wait and see , it’s about time for them to burn more cars… not the far right but the Muslim youths.
Watching the 6am news- 13 minutes in and not a word yet that the attackers “COULD” be Muslim extremists. As I wrote just a few days ago on this website, the level of world-wide threat posed by jihadi terrorists has simply not been recognised (most of all by “liberal” media organisations). Even now BBC is referring to these bastards as “attackers” and not “terrorists” which all too clearly they were. Question to BBC editors. Who wear suicide belts and have had the training to mount multiple, co-ordinated attacks designed to cause maximum casualties to civilians, including by executing hostages ?? Some old bloke from Bradford university now burbling on about the poverty of muslim populations on the periphery of French cities. Maybe as the bodies of the innocents pile up in Paris mortuaries, European politicians will finally have the courage to take on ISIS with all military means and to give our intelligence services the internet access they need. And just maybe Merkel will realise just how much peril she has placed Europe in by welcoming hundreds of thousands of unscreened young male “refugees”. Is this a watershed ? Frankly I doubt it. I don’t know what level of security watch goes higher than “EXTREME” but that folks is where we are.
I think we have to call the BBC up they seem to be struggling, the the World’s premier news agency . Well Charlie and Nana on Breakfast still have no idea who is responsible , they are racking their shared brain cell
The Today programme at 7.15 am. Jim Naughtie interviews these two about the massacre in Paris:
Eliya El-Haddad, an eyewitness, was caught up in the evacuation of the Stade de France when the attacks happened.
Nabila Ramdani is a French journalist working in London who will be with us through the programme.
Elia Haddad; Nabira Ramdani – I am unsure of the exact names, but the first one was an eyewitness from the Stad de France, the second a journalist, both chosen by the Today programme to talk to about the Paris atrocities. We have been told that the programme will be returning to the second of these for comments throughout its course.
BBC Breakfast/News 24, coming up to 9am, interview with a French editor-in-chief, Sylvain Courage – of Le Nouvel Observateur. Lady newsperson, took a gulp, had a nervous look up sideways, and asked whether the French people might, you know, be starting to think the perpetrators, might be…well, there was sometimes unrest between groups in this multi-racial society of ours, and those, um, coming in to join us.
Non, non, came the calm reply from Monsieur Courage. People were well aware that this was the work of eight crazies. The French state was known to be “aggressive” towards around 2000 terror suspects they watched, and even then, this was only eight out of 2000. It wasn’t even possible that ordinary citizens would make a generalisation. And that was it. No more discussion or questions from the sofa. Which is strange, because I spent a lot of time in France this summer, and everyone but everyone was talking about the threats from militant Islam, from Charlie Hebdo, to the Lyon beheading, to the attack on the gas stores at Marseille. It came up in conversation everywhere, and what was clear was the contempt the ordinary French felt for their politicians and for the EU and the media that continually lied to them. On occasion, it got quite emotional when I told them it was the same over here. What was different in France was how many normal, law-abiding people, thought a revolt was coming.
Hmm. Wonder where Le Nouvel Observateur comes on the political spectrum, I thought. Of course, I knew it really, in my bones, but wiki confirmed it. Pure caviar gauche.
Naturally the BBC’s go-to source for an on-message response. NOT NEWS – COMMENT (of the most smugly correct kind). I am so upset. The people who were BRUTALLY MURDERED in Paris last night DESERVE BETTER. Where are the interviews with people who are raging at the terrorists, their enablers and their apologists? I’m sure a real news service could find them if they looked. (Sorry about caps, but the world has gone mad again, and once again, the BBC is making it worse.)
There are videos of the people leaving the stadium all singing the national anthem – a small stirring of nationalism hopefully. Some French bird on Breakfast in answer to why France ? said it is because France is the most visited City and the World and it is the cradle of democracy – errr no love it’s not any of them have another go
Millions of tweets from the moment of the attacks onwards that it is obviously ISIS. The mass of the BBC took until about 10:00am to finally admit ISIS have taken credit.
What if these attacks had been committed by this fabled (non-existant) army of right wing extremists that the BBC are more afraid of than they are the actual terrorists? The BBC would be in full attack mode as soon as the identities of the attackers was hinted at, blaming all the right wing, every right wing political party and organisation, demanding that the EDL and UKIP be banned organisations and smearing everyone to the right of Cameron as being a terrorist.
Well …
French Prosecutor s office states over
120 dead,
300 injured at least 80 are critical
from 5 area s of attack, in Paris
France 24 News,
When does it go past the moniker “terror attack”?
5 different attacks?, or maybe 8, or 10? in a capital city, co ordinated.
Perpetrator s, terrorists, being banded about on the BBC …
Obama s empty suit, carefully worded empty rhetoric on repeat
The Guardian: After Paris jihad, “far-right groups may well fuel more hatred”
Americas toilet paper Salon: Paris jihad massacre shows that “right-wing” needs to “moderate their rhetoric”
Is Pres. Hollande going to walk with Mahmoud Abbas to show “He s Charlie” … hold up a pencil?
The requirement is not more Je suis charlatan, that will not do
PS. I note there must be a media block on Marine LePenn
… Backlash?
While the victims blood is still wet on the pavement in Paris, a (British muslim) guest on The Today programme on Radio 4, 7.57 am, says that that muslims are the victims again.
It sickens me that liberal lefties are more angry at those who condemn these attacks as being the work of Muslims, than those Muslims who actually carried them out. It is their delusional mindset of total denialism, which opens our borders and our people up to immense danger.
I have been listening to the Today programme this Saturday morning – on and off – I have not heard the word ‘Muslim’, ‘Islam’ or ‘Jihadi’ in relation to Paris. The nearest I have heard to who is responsible is the very occasional mention of ‘Syria’. Maybe whoever it was higher up the thread was correct and it was the Quakers.
Yes, this morning I watched the BBC News Special from 07-30 until 07-50 and never heard the word Muslim or Islam. Indeed it wasn’t until 07-53 that a guest said that he suspected that Isil were behind the attacks but he added that of course the overwhelming majority of Muslims hated Isil and all their works. By 08-00 no one on a BBC salary had mentioned Islam or Muslims and neither had the broadcast speeches by Holland or Obamah.
I realise that having allowed the Muslim population in the West to increase dramatically in the past decades the elite cannot admit that there is an existentialist struggle going on in their own countries. If they did then their own role would come into sharp focus, but clearly there is an undeclared war going on. The idiot politicians , Merkel most of all, plus generations of prize Swedish fools, must now be wondering why they have invited several million more Muslims into their countries. I hope that the Swedes and German people realise how catastrophically these politicians have failed them , throw them out asap and put in place leaders who look after their own .
Of course our own British elite are just as bad. The other day Cameron was going on about the UK being one of the most successful and diverse countries in the world. Well he and the rest of the elite, living in their affluent well protected bubble, may believe that but millions of Brits look at the evidence ,such as we are allowed to see ,and know its not true.We know that Enoch Powell was right , mixing races and religions is a dangerous thing to do . What we are seeing may not yet be Enoch’s Tiber foaming with much blood , but it may well be the early signs.
As to the BBC, it has been a cheer leader for mass immigration and it has been at the forefront of the media cover up of the problems immigration has created, in short it has behaved disgracefully and against the best interest of the British people for decades. A National Treasure ? You have got to be joking. It has done more harm to Britain than any other institution in history.
The only question R4’s Today team asks about the Paris atrocity is the one based on the assumption that it’s all the fault of “Western foreign policy”. “”Should France reconsider its involvement in Syria?” In other words, why not capitulate to Muslim terrorism, or “militancy” as the BBC styles it, so as not to offend Muslim sensitivities. It would never occur to the Today Team to ponder the folly of creating a Muslim 5th column throughout Europe over previous decades and increasing it year on year. The madwoman Merkel even wants to do this on an even larger scale. No doubt we will be told that the majority of Muslims are peaceloving and, in the sense that most Muslims have not butchered anyone, this is true. But a better example is to imagine that Maggie Thatcher had actually died in the IRA bomb atttack. There would have been ritual condemnations of violence and crocodile tears from the “peace-loving” Left, but real joy in their hearts. As some opinion polls in Europe show 30% support for the Caliphate amongst Muslims, you wonder when the powers that be will actually realise what the problem is and take some action instead of snivelling, holding hands for the media and proclaiming “Je suis Charlie” as an excercise in futility.
It’s 9am Saturday, pressed F3 on my computer on the BBC Paris attacks live updates page :- to ‘find’ the words MUSLIM or ISLAM …not a Dickey Bird! Al Beeb in total denial.
Guardian headline ‘Brutal BRITISH Jihadist’ killed by drone strike. Well it’s us indigenous British who are the world’s terrorist problem, perhaps we should just go away and die.
Immigrant goes off and murders people and he is one of us!
It’s about time the term British when referring to Muslim terrorists was banned, bit like the very word Muslim.
No doubt no doubt terms such as ”Home grown French terrorists’ will be bandied about by the Guardian and BBC in relation to the latest Muslim atrocity. They are not French nor British they are Muslims, and Europe would be much more peaceful and safe if governments hadn’t allowed millions to come here
Considering he was born and raised in Kuwait and was living in the Islamic State, I cannot see how he can be considered British at all. If we had a leader with any balls, all nationals who leave to go to the Islamic State would have any British nationality anulled instantly. They are citizens of the Islamic State from that moment on, and such people should be subject to the death penalty if they try to get back into Britain.
While much remains unknown and in the realm of speculation, it is reactions from certain quarters already that are so predictable, depressing and inevitable.
The trite platitudes from supposed ‘world leaders’, the tip-toeing (at best) around realities by too many supposedly professional impartial media, and especially the frantic pulpit afforded people who are not victims to hijack oxygen of publicity from grim facts on the poor souls who are to idiotic whatiffery based on now discreditted phobia accusations.
The best other apologists can seem to manage is claiming such nihilism and violence is what ‘refugees’ are fleeing. Some… many… most… probably. But in so doing they simply highlight legitimate concerns inspired by cold, hard facts and logic.
Look at the direction all this is coming from and going to. Look at what happens even in camps created by generous hosts… hordes of military age men rioting and setting afire all around from Cyprus to Calais. And they have not even yet got to where they demand to be!
Who in their right mind cannot see this is a flawed experiment gone tragically awry, and there comes a time when facts are faced, halts called, realities faced and new strategies engaged. Sensible recognition of cultural fits… legitimate vetting procedures… tough choices for tough times. No abuses, but firm and fair responses based on centuries of cultural development, not idealistic social experimentation of bubble dwellers afraid of nasty coverage in the narrow media corridors they inhabit, strewn with as much hypocrisy as they are champagne bottles to celebrate doctrinaire controls… with them in charge.
Meanwhile the BBC trots out Obama saying what it cannot be from the other side of whatever planet he is on, because he speaks for them. Or had wringers praying for reaction that has yet to happen, to offer the distractions and excuses they crave.
They do not, and have not for a long time spoken for me or mine.
I’m hearing a jaw dropping interview (Matthew) on Radio 4 ( 08:35 ) with a completely certifiable leftie who basically says that a few dead people are a price worth paying to have the enrichment of Islam, and it’s all the fault of White people anyway.
Cities such as New York, Mumbai, etc etc have ‘recovered’ and we must not the deaths of a few white people get in the way of that.
Equally because we know that there are ISIS terrorists amongst the migrants we should not let fear of them stop us welcoming them !
The mind set of the Fascist anti white hating left would normally have seen them sectioned for life to a mental asylum, alas, they’ve taken over the media !
I suggest that this piece of dog excrement goes and explains his views to the families of those victims in Paris.The BBC should not be allowed to broadcast such vile views. Suppose someone said that the deaths of Muslims was a small price to pay for preventing civil war in Europe, would the BBC broadcast that?
I suggest that a delegation of such lefties go to Raqqa and ask the Caliph, in as a polite and respectful, non-offensive and politically correct way as possible, to stop killing people. Are they willing to put their deluded philosophy to the test like that?
Clearly, the leftie you speak of hasn’t been to New York recently. I have, and I got the impression that the city is still raw from 9/11 (at least, the native New Yorkers were), although they seem to be trying hard. So I can say from experience that your leftie is spouting spherical objects!
Turning my attention from the horror of what has taken place in Paris, and what will inevitably unfold, I want to record my contempt for the BBC. At one time BBC news would be the first place to consult for news, it is a massive organization, with facilities to deliver news from any where on earth. But it is so strongly committed to the interests of Islam, that we can predict bias, downright lies, rigged interviews with people who may or may not be eyewitnesses, delay with regard to news of the attackers until the BBC is ready to roll out its support for measures to forestall a backlash.
As for our Government. Expect Cameron and May to roll out plans to crush an emergence of so called far right retaliation.
And now a second interviewee Frank Gardner telling us that we mustn’t let the fear of 2% of the migrant being active terrorists stop the mass migration the Fascists want.
‘Will Hollande change his policies’ – no he needs to be even more resolute (mad)!
From his own web page:
Journalist of the Year, European Diversity Awards 2011
“Gardner developed a fascination for the Arab world and was determined to read Arabic at university. After living with an Egyptian family in the backstreets of Cairo, a memorable experience he describes fondly”.
Sounds like he fits in at the BBC like a hand in a glove.
2% eh? The Muslim population of Britain is in excess of 3,000,000 – does that make 60,000 potential terrorists (it only needs to be 1/1000th of that for there to be a major problem)? Does this magic 2% apply to other areas, too? For instance if only 2% of the general population are psychopaths, serial killers or rapists, shall we ignore our fear of them? Whaddya say, Frankie boy?
Less than 2% of UKIP supporters are actively racist, and when they are discovered, they are kicked out of the party). That does not stop liberal lefties smearing all UKIP supporters as being racist.
2% of the speculated five million migrants who may turn up in Europe is 50,000. Is this man seriously saying that we shouldn’t be worried about so many Muslim terrorists coming to Europe. After all 8 of them have just killed 120 and seriously wounded another 200. So imagine what carnage 50,000 could cause. He must be bonkers. Or perhaps he is just another BBC looney liberal, so conditioned to respond with unthinking liberal sentiments that they simply don’t think about what they are saying. A worse case is that he knows what he is saying and thinks it is OK to have Muslims committing mass murder all over Europe. The BBC make me so angry . When the backlash eventually does start I hope that the BBC is dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
The speed dial to appropriate ‘expert’ commentary at the BBC is truly unique. And for Lord Hall Hall, doubtless ‘vital’ in educating and informing the nation the BBC speaks for. Or believes it does.
A senior government minister, speaking on terms of complete confidentiality, told the BBC: “Most ordinary people will now be questioning the wisdom of even discussing a referendum on Europe. Events in Paris – and we must emphasise that we have no idea who is responsible or what their motivations might be – show that this is a time for Europe to pull together rather than engage in petty internal squabbles. I would therefore advise the Prime Minister to abandon plans for a referendum on EU membership for the foreseable future. By all means take steps to secure our borders as President Hollande has done, but this must not be at the price of the free movement of people and must not impact our ability to absorb our fair share of refugees from Syria and other war zones. Tragic as these events are, we still have a duty to maintain our efforts in other important areas, such as the need for binding Climate Control agreements and countering Russian influence in the Ukraine and elsewhere. We should also heed the lessons of history: the Far Right is once again on the move in Europe and the parallels with the 1930s are frightening. We must ensure that vulnerable minorities are protected and not scapegoated by those who would seek to use immigration and multi-culturalism as a smokescreen for an altogether darker agenda.”
It’s a fabrication – for now. But watch this space.
As I watched this horror unfold late last night I emailed the Conservative Party to tell Cameron not to say islam is the religion of peace when he makes his statement on this and to for god’s sake read the Quoran and see this evil so called religion is based on murder rape and violence, that his utterances make him a laughing stock among muslims and encourage these evil people to continue their atrocities.
Connoisseurs of hate site hosting could do worse than pop over to Facebook to see who the BBC have attracted,
A truly unhealthy % apparently unconcerned that their words are attached to them.
From out and out psychos to bleeding heart liberals coming up with moral equivalences that would make even Mishal H at her most rabid blush.
It may well be actions by ‘Western’ nations has ‘inspired’ these atrocities (quite how 9/11 gets explained away remains bizarre), but trying to equate warfare with hostile combatants in fire zones to deliberate targeting of civilians at football matches, clubs or concerts takes some jumbled mental wiring.
Who Gavin ‘invites’ to Dateline London to ‘debate’ this will be educational.
Unfortunately Islam is incompatible with Western values even if it is only 2% of Muslims who either tacitly support violence or are prepared to carry it out. The elite in the West are still in denial over this. It’s a completely Orwellian approach, epitomised by the BBC’s bizarre attempt to manipulate the coverage of what’s happened in Paris.
In the long term, failure to integrate will have very unfortunate results not just in France but in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, way beyond the scale of violence currently seen in Paris. Powell’s famous speech was based on his witnessing inter-communal violence in India at the time of Partition. Its far too early to say he was incorrect about what may happen in the UK.
I checked the B BC coverage early this morning , and ,yes, incredibly they were expounding at great length on why these attacks are JUSTIFIED in the eyes of the Jihadists……..WTF??????
In any sensible country , the latest Paris attacks would signal the death of the left-liberal/open borders/multi-kulti approach to govt.
However , in the UK, with the Tory-lite cowards we have in power at the moment , I fear that they will occasion ‘lock-down’ for the law-abiding majority while ramping up the fear of the ‘backlash’ to come.
They have already worked out the scenario ,and it involves a Police State and ruthless suppression of all contrary political views , particularly those on the right and even unto UKIP support.
Why don’t Al-Beeb invest more resources in predicting where the next FRONTLASH is going to happen and less time empathising with our enemies -that’s what most people want to know?
Anyone know how CIN went , I bet the football & Paris, put a damp squib on their tin rattling , no one came in the pub , last night, with a tin, as we were watching the footy followed by ITV news, about Paris .
Looks like Jason Mamford may not be gracing the QI, MTW or hignfy screens for a while.
Meanwhile, and while solidarity is noble and great for morale, and maybe positives do need pushing to the fore, I am seeing social media saturated with buildings in pretty colours and hashtags proliferating.
FLOTUS opening Barry’s crayon box as we speak.
A little bit of coherent doing post-rhetoric may be in order at long last once all the group hug stuff has gone stale.
And to think that our security is in the hands of that cowardly wanker, Cameron, who does nothing to protect us. The problem in the West is the useless, gutless politicians who have done nothing to stop this nonsense. They are truly garbage. Rant over !
Please don’t stop ranting. We need more of it. The media and political classes have forgotten how to rant (unless it’s against us, the proletariat, of course). There is much anger this morning and it shouldn’t be wasted, but focussed. Rant on Sir.
Needless to say the BBC are not only supporting terrorism , as usual, but pushing the line that it plays in to the hands of the “Right”. So boringly predictable.
That would be the ‘extreme right’ then? There appears to be no ‘moderate right’ in BBC land. Similarly, there is only ‘left-leaning’ but no ‘extreme left’ in their bizarre world-view. Baffling.
So whether on holiday in Tunisia, or in a Paris restaurant, getting a flight over Egypt, London tube next? Birmingham Bullring centre? … the problem is growing. No surprise France has the largest Islamic communities (at present) in europe.
How many Islamic state “allegiances” are there in europe now? how many in amongst those illegal immigrants marching through Europe ignoring borders? … the “problem” that is what it is, is them, their totalitarian ideology, not us.
Our response … France over the coming days/weeks … the Tory traitor PM “Nothing to do with” Camerimam.
what has proven to be the enemedia? BBC right up there.
A few very enlightening minutes,
needs to be much more community reach out, has Frances posture overseas got to change? is it making itself a target etc etc … yep! … the BBCs already waving a white flag
1hr 44
“The BBC reports that Paris attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar’ … but says that we shouldn’t speculate about the allegiance of the attackers”.
BBC reports that Paris attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar’ but says that we shouldn’t speculate about the allegiance of the attackers.?
“Twenty-four hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus “safe space” nonsense:
… This is what we’re going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us.
Almost. When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month.
When the world’s leaders will fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist rather than to address the one that does.
But don’t worry: we already have a hashtag (#PrayForParis) and doubtless there’ll be another candlelight vigil of weepy tilty-headed wankers … Because as long as we all advertise how sad and sorrowful we are, who needs to do anything?”
Mark Steyn.
The Barbarians are inside … and there are no gates
‘All religion is the problem’ ? a diversion.
A suicide bomber shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ does not mean we need to crack down on Anglicanism.”
RT has reported at 10am that the French president has confirmed the Islamic State is behind the attack. Not heard this fact on the BBC yet, or did i miss it.
Last night BBC reported on unconfirmed reports that the Calais migrant camp was on fire, probably due to a ‘revenge attack’ It turned out not to be true. BBC waits until it is 110% sure that ‘news’ is true if it is detrimental to their narrative. This news however, would have been a positive, and they wanted it so much to be true. No doubt confirmation this was IS will need the usual clarification before reporting. Even though it came straight from the Presidents mouth, so just watch him saying it in a press conference should be clarification enough.
Just before the attacks i think the BBC news was reporting on the struggle of the migrants, and on BBC radio – was jihadi johns killing legal?
It is time for the iliberal left to step aside and allow men to do what is necessary. The iliberal left hold all the power. So the first war will involve freeing the people from these mad dogs, even before we take on isis and the migrant crisis.
IS behind the attack reported on BBC website at 11 minutes past 10. 11 minutes of confirmation, after they watched the president say it. So NOT a newsflash then. Not important enough to report immediately. Just sit on it for 11 minutes waiting for …?
BBC coverage of terrorism is frustrating at the best of times, with so many hidden and unspoken agendas their meetings on the subject must be a very Zen experience. But if there’s one aspect that pisses me off more than any, it’s this absurd mantra about ‘highly trained activists’ and similar craptrap from so many of the ‘experts’ on hand to promote and perpetuate such a transparent and childish myth.
No, it does not take a high level of military or even technical training to empty an AK47 magazine into a crowd of panic stricken, unarmed, civilians. No, it does not take a trained and precise tactical mind to detonate a corset full of Semtex in the middle of a crowded dancefloor. No, like all terrorism, the success lies with the lack of warning, the softness of the target and the knowledge that the chance of immediate effective retaliation is so limited that success is practically guaranteed.
And the response of our prime broadcaster is to imply some sort of implacable force, a fearsome army on the march, rather than yet another example of craven, sub-human behaviour from an religio-ethnic group whose reputation for bravery and military effectiveness does not feature very highly in world history.
When the President of France calls it Terrorist.
When the Mayor of Paris calls it Terrorist.
When the people were attacked call it the same, maybe, just maybe, the BBC should report their exact words.
Yes, all it takes really is psychopathology, either inbuilt or induced. You look at undefended groups of civilians without a hateful thought between them, out to enjoy themselves at no-one else’s expense, and you call them a ‘soft target’.
Just had a chat with the Muslim news agent who tells me that Paris isn’t really that bad, and that the press don’t even report it when its Muslims being killed ! I have no doubt that this will be a narrative the BBC is keen to repeat.
Yet even he knows that all this trouble has been caused by Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, money being pumped into groups like ISIS, and that Western politicians have been bought by the Saudis.
How strange it is that the BBC can report the former, but can’t even allude to the latter, makes you wonder if some money hasn’t found its way into their capacious pockets, or if the madness is so deep rooted it’s ingrained in them.
Just like everyone else on here I too have noticed the media shutdown relating to the identity of the Paris terrorist attackers, certain words made conspicuous by their absence like, well we all know what they are apart from the media. There must be a gagging order of some sort come from up high, maybe even put in place after the last terrorist atrocity as I don’t think they would have been able to smother everybody so quickly.
Well they are kidding themselves. Everyone I have spoken to this morning about this is furious, and are in no doubt at all who is to blame. I suspect the “don’t mention the war” edict has come down from the top tier of tossers at the EU. Yes. They really do think we are that stupid and docile.
“So called ISIS”? … its murder and violence?
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future.
7/7? … For 20 odd years of Islamic child rape gangs
The Muslim Parliament of the UK since 1982 (yes 1982!)
The Muslim Parliament during its early days under the leadership of Dr Kalim Siddiqui, whose brain-child the Parliament was, opted for a high-profile, confrontational approach in its championing of Islamic causes. The need for a ‘Muslim Parliament’ arose out of the frustration felt at the time of The Satanic Verses controversy as well as a wider feeling that governmental and policy-making bodies were adopting indifferent and at times discriminatory policies toward Muslim pre-occupations. The idea was instead to empower Muslims with their separate and distinctly Islamic institutions to meet their needs independently of the British government and local authorities.
Thank you so much for posting that nogginator, I had forgotten all about that headmaster from the 80s, an early casualty in a long drawn out hate campaign waged by multicultural morons. Is the penny finally starting to drop I wonder, I very much doubt it, some of them have invested so much of their lives into pipedreams and fantasy there’s just no way back for them. Even as the cold metal was making contact with their necks they would still be shrieking a multicultural mantra,
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Attributed to Einstein.
Very good report, would be nice to know how the school is doing now?
The BBC World Service Heart and Soul program this weekend was about a Imam who was a sexual agony aunt. It was actually interesting, but highlighted unintentionally but very clearly the huge gulf between Islam and Western societies.
There was an interview with a married couple of 25years, the husband married his wife who was from Pakistan when she was 15. After living 25 years in the UK she spoke no English and needed an interpreter for the interview!
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Obama has just announced that it’s too early to speculate who’s behind this.
If not Islam, who exactly does he have in mind?
Climate change denialists?
This horrendous evening will be a watershed in the political future of Europe. Ever closer union will now collapse as each distinct country will react to protect its own citizens above all. We will wait and see if there will be a military reaction.
The Twitter feeds of US officialdom tonight have showed levels of naïveté that beggar belief.
It was also bizarre to see as this all unfolded how many Beeboids found comfort in RTing this twaddle from across the Altlantic as events spiral downhill on their doorstep.
You haven’t heard of Obamas imposed ‘See no islam’ diktat then ?
I would bet on born in France, French Muslim citizens of Algerian descent rather than recent immigrants. We will know soon.
Wondering why the Muzzies attacked the Bataclan? seems the media are completely at a loss. Well here’s the ‘Eagles of Death’ playing that night and believed to be amongst the casualties. See if you can spot what the Muzzies might have had against them.
That is an unnecessary comment . In fact does you no credit .and discredits this blog.
How exactly? We all know what Motivates Muslims, so why does pointing it out discredit anyone?
Seems to be another probable reason: the theatre supported Charlie Hebdo after the massacre.
There’s no doubt that Islamic terrorists have two main goals when carrying out their atrocities:
*Kill the maximum number of innocents possible.
*Choose a target that sends a specific message.
It beggars belief that the theatre was targetted because of presumed sexual orientation of the band.
The attack was a simple act of war .We are all the enemy what ever our sexuality.
Oh, well at least Phil Collins will not be blamed for it …..
[This was meant to under Thoughtful’s post but the site software had other ideas.]
On the BBC News Channel; the two talking heads discussing the terrorist attacks in Paris, one said that a witness stated that one of the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar” – the other said something along the lines of “But we don’t know where their allegiances lie” or some such rot – Methodists maybe? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Plymouth Brethren? FFS, what the hell is going on in the MSM here in the West? To be so blinded by political correctness, to the point of fatal idiocy.
The blunt truth (in my view) is: Islam and Muslims have no place here in the West.
They have shown time, after time, after time that they are too dangerous to exist as a significant minority in ANY country (look at the problems even a countries such as China and Russia have with them); particularly when they come to liberal democracies and abuse the freedoms and rights, built up over the centuries by their citizens.
The proportion of the total population of France, which is Muslim is around 10% and look at the mayhem and evil caused there.
What will it be like when it is 20% or 30%? What will the U.K. be like when the Muslim minority here approaches a similar size?
I am aware that you cannot judge an entire religion by violence carried out by a minority of its adherents, but you can judge it and them by the aggregation of the crimes and atrocities committed in its name.
The cost of them living here amongst us is, as we have seen illustrated tonight (yet again) far, far too high.
“what the hell is going on in the MSM here in the West?” Not just the media but politicians as well. The thought occurred to me the other day that we may be seeing the consequences of drug & alcohol use twenty, thirty, forty or more years ago.
A friend who is a pharmacist (now retired) had responsibility toward the end of her career for a Health Trust and its Nursing Homes & Psychiatric Units. She monitored all their medication use, safety standards, record keeping, etc.. I remember she told me that they could see a clear age cut-off point among the patients in both services of those who were in their teens in the latter half of the 1960s – and 1970s and on through the 1980s – and who smoked cannabis, took other drugs and/or perhaps generous quantities of alcohol. There was a distinct increase in patients of the facilities with neurological & psychiatric problems that now had to be treated who fell in a certain age range.
Once upon a time it was a big thing of the media to ask politicians seeking high office about their youthful past, what substances might have been used and also abused. Not so much now. And stories have emerged more recently about the past, both recent and distant, of some in the mainstream media.
Maybe we have some damaged people reporting on other damaged people who have been elected to a position that they are not in a fit state to deal with as 24/7 life requires? A scary thought!
A very sad time for France indeed .
Nevertheless, time for Al Beeb to make plans for the damage limitation of the ‘so called’ religion of peace.
Roll out the apologists, over you Jason ………………..
Reuters: ‘Around 140 dead’
Posted at 00:40
Reuters. quoting an un-named official at Paris City Hall, says the current death toll in Paris is around 140.
Now looking like 140 or more dead – a Mumbai-style operation. The biggest death toll in Europe since the Madrid train bombs.
But the BBC website is still saying “dozens dead” and does not yet carry any report of 100 plus killed at the concert hall.
Where next ?
Look on the bright side ,the Global Warming Conference , might get cancelled , & if it goes ahead the BBC journo`s might be too scared to turn up ,preferring instead reporting from a Glacier in Greenland . Snow is Hideously white ,& no moosies, in Greenland , but anyhow they don`t like it up em .
This isnt true. I think the BBC are reporting pretty accurately – no time for spin the news is breaking too fast
AFP reports French President Francois Hollande is travelling to the Bataclan concert hall. The latest reports, from French media, say around 100 people are dead there. Above is the scene outside.
I thought the opposite to the BBC on Hollande. On the TOADY programme & elsewhere, the Beeb were suggesting Hollande was removed for his safety. On the contrary, it appears he was heading into the thick of it to take control & show his concern.
The aftermath of the Paris attack.
If Cameron doesn’t include tighter border controls as the main plank of his EU reforms, he will be showing a complete and utter contempt for the British people.
This attack will, I feel, be the precursor for the disintegration of the EU. Surely there can be no turning back now.
Wronged, I had a look at social media this morning. If it’s anything to go by, I doubt these attacks will change anything. Lots of comments about how ‘closing borders will mean the terrorists have won’ etc etc. It could event go the opposite way – the EU could rush through all sorts of draconian measures to further the dream of a super-state.
This is a disaster for Europe and for us all . Conservatives and liberal left alike. Only this afternoon I was discussing with a French couple just how long they thought the EU would last .They could see no future for it and for a once relatively free Europe.
This has just bought this moment that much closer. Genuine conservatives have long counselled caution and realism in the affairs of men. Particularly where idealism meets and is in conflict with the real nature of human beings. For the last two or three generations the idealists have been dominant and now we are all reaping what they have sowed.
This is now a time for reflection and for allowing us conservatives to put forward policies that will start to restore harmony to our European world.
I have a real dread ,and have had for some long time, that yet again the idealists will have their way and usher in yet more horrors and nightmares.
Solzhenitsyn once said as I recall ,maybe not verbatim ,that a free society was always vulnerable to the corrosion of evil and that it was the duty of us all, and our leaders in particular, to have the courage to recognize this and govern on that basis and that alone.
This we in Europe have not done and we see the results.
Massacre at the Bataclan not just shooting
Can we hope that this will be a wake up call for Europeans, and an end to the invasion from the south?
Ask our PM and Al Beeb .
Marine Le Pen must be a ‘shoe in’ as the next French Pesident now.
I am sure the French will react against the Looney Left of Holland. The Right are growing stronger throughout Europe. -Promulgated by the advent of the Migrant crisis. Hastened by these attacks in Paris which threaten civilised democracies.
There will be a political response, we live in exciting but dangerous times.
The invasion has already occurred and we are now in Phase 2 – Infiltration.
Many Europeans are already wide awake about this. The problem is, most of us have no access to arms to defend ourselves. The enemy within has Kalashnikovs a-plenty – God knows how many of them along with other armaments have been containered into Western Europe recently – but we are allowed nothing. Our army (such as it is) sits idle. Our police are worse than useless. It’s all down to us now, the common people of Western Europe, to fight with whatever means we have or face subjugation or even annihilation. A war was declared upon us yesterday in Paris, in no uncertain terms.
I am sick with rage. Traitors!!!
WW1 started over less.
Well I have been watching BBC news website for a while now and Im intrigued as they seem to have no leads on who carried out these attacks?
White Supremacists?
But no, no speculation or even interest displayed in identifying the perpetrators. Weird…
Come on, it’s clear it’s an alliance of Quakers, Amish and Buddhists. These are after all the religions of war.
Coming to London soon / my gun is loaded and ready. Please please address our BBC friends and lefties first
Ive got some ideas for hashtags for BBC trending:
I’ve said it for a while now that Europe is a powder keg ready to go off. All it needed was a spark. This could be it. I’m utterly outraged that the “religion of peace” has once again caused absolute carnage and mayhem.
“These people are a disgrace to Islam!” I hear the apologists and “peace loving” Muslims shout. Bollocks, I shout back to them. This is Middle Eastern Islam in action. If these attackers turn out to be recently imported third world filth, public sentiment will change FAST.
The winds of change are blowing I feel. I think another violent, mass expulsion of peoples is coming. Not of Jews this time, but Muslims.
It’s half past five Saturday morning and still no mention of who’s responsible from albeeb.
The Guardian newspaper has shown its sympathy for the murdered and mutilated with this
Comment from Natalie Nougayrede “Muslims will increasingly fear being associated with terror”.
534 am bbbc news and the lady news person says we are by no means certain that the attackers are jihadis or radical muslims.
Not that Ms Nougayrede’s (?) comment is a matter of BBC bias, but she is of course reflecting a justified fear on the part of Muslims. I myself am tending to make that association between Islam and terror, although it is possible that the attacks are the actions of eight ‘lone wolves’ together with an unknown number of ‘lone’ accomplices, several mentally disturbed and entirely atypical members of an arms and explosives supply and training channel, and a planning organisation that doesn’t exist because none of these people have anything in common and their religious beliefs are entirely coincidental to their actions. It is also entirely probable that they may turn out to have been French citizens, which would preclude any explanation other than their being victims simultaneously of massive oppression and hatred on the part of other French citizens, and the entirely understandable process of ‘radicalisation’, which is after all merely a reasonable reaction to being oppressed, or at least offended, by the attitudes of 90% of the society in which they found themselves involuntarily imprisoned by a bigoted adherence to the values of liberty, equality and fraternity.
So the jury is still out, then, and the BBC is wisely holding the fort in order to pre-empt the most serious aspect of all this, that there might be a backlash of opinion against those who, through no fault of their own, and for no good reason, are closely associated with the beliefs, opinions and attitudes of the perpetrators.
Have just read the article and several of the comments. It’s getting tedious plugging the Muslims as victims almost before the bodies are cold in Paris, worrying about the potential far right backlash. Remind me again about the streets running with Muslims blood, in the UK that’ll be bacon thrown at a mosque and rants on a bus. Here in France we’ll wait and see , it’s about time for them to burn more cars… not the far right but the Muslim youths.
Watching the 6am news- 13 minutes in and not a word yet that the attackers “COULD” be Muslim extremists. As I wrote just a few days ago on this website, the level of world-wide threat posed by jihadi terrorists has simply not been recognised (most of all by “liberal” media organisations). Even now BBC is referring to these bastards as “attackers” and not “terrorists” which all too clearly they were. Question to BBC editors. Who wear suicide belts and have had the training to mount multiple, co-ordinated attacks designed to cause maximum casualties to civilians, including by executing hostages ?? Some old bloke from Bradford university now burbling on about the poverty of muslim populations on the periphery of French cities. Maybe as the bodies of the innocents pile up in Paris mortuaries, European politicians will finally have the courage to take on ISIS with all military means and to give our intelligence services the internet access they need. And just maybe Merkel will realise just how much peril she has placed Europe in by welcoming hundreds of thousands of unscreened young male “refugees”. Is this a watershed ? Frankly I doubt it. I don’t know what level of security watch goes higher than “EXTREME” but that folks is where we are.
Just adding a postscript as Hollande referred to the “attackers” as “terrorists ” last night.
I think we have to call the BBC up they seem to be struggling, the the World’s premier news agency . Well Charlie and Nana on Breakfast still have no idea who is responsible , they are racking their shared brain cell
20 minutes into the Today programme, the flagship of Radio 4 news – still not a single mention of WHO the perpetrators may be !
John Humphrys – “Nobody seems to be offering theories as to who may have done it”
What an absolute lie !
By coincidence I just stumbled on this piece regarding oversight by the conscience of the BBC:
Given it is the Gaurdian, the comments are telling.
Few take the BBC’s professional competence, or word, on trust any more.
The Today programme at 7.15 am. Jim Naughtie interviews these two about the massacre in Paris:
Eliya El-Haddad, an eyewitness, was caught up in the evacuation of the Stade de France when the attacks happened.
Nabila Ramdani is a French journalist working in London who will be with us through the programme.
Just two randomly chosen guests I suppose.
Snap. There must have been much work going on overnight to find suitable voices to interpret the events.
Lucky it was a Jim on the blower; they could have sent that sensitive choice dispatched to the Lee Rigby memorial.
Or Tim Wilcox.
Mishal’s scoreboard will be interesting on Today.
Elia Haddad; Nabira Ramdani – I am unsure of the exact names, but the first one was an eyewitness from the Stad de France, the second a journalist, both chosen by the Today programme to talk to about the Paris atrocities. We have been told that the programme will be returning to the second of these for comments throughout its course.
How were these two chosen? Who are they?
Those are questions; good ones.
However, being the BBC, let us be reminded they ask… never must be asked.
An FoI could be tried, but again this is the BBC, and the purposes of journalism can be invoked to refuse to answer.
BBC Breakfast/News 24, coming up to 9am, interview with a French editor-in-chief, Sylvain Courage – of Le Nouvel Observateur. Lady newsperson, took a gulp, had a nervous look up sideways, and asked whether the French people might, you know, be starting to think the perpetrators, might be…well, there was sometimes unrest between groups in this multi-racial society of ours, and those, um, coming in to join us.
Non, non, came the calm reply from Monsieur Courage. People were well aware that this was the work of eight crazies. The French state was known to be “aggressive” towards around 2000 terror suspects they watched, and even then, this was only eight out of 2000. It wasn’t even possible that ordinary citizens would make a generalisation. And that was it. No more discussion or questions from the sofa. Which is strange, because I spent a lot of time in France this summer, and everyone but everyone was talking about the threats from militant Islam, from Charlie Hebdo, to the Lyon beheading, to the attack on the gas stores at Marseille. It came up in conversation everywhere, and what was clear was the contempt the ordinary French felt for their politicians and for the EU and the media that continually lied to them. On occasion, it got quite emotional when I told them it was the same over here. What was different in France was how many normal, law-abiding people, thought a revolt was coming.
Hmm. Wonder where Le Nouvel Observateur comes on the political spectrum, I thought. Of course, I knew it really, in my bones, but wiki confirmed it. Pure caviar gauche.
Naturally the BBC’s go-to source for an on-message response. NOT NEWS – COMMENT (of the most smugly correct kind). I am so upset. The people who were BRUTALLY MURDERED in Paris last night DESERVE BETTER. Where are the interviews with people who are raging at the terrorists, their enablers and their apologists? I’m sure a real news service could find them if they looked. (Sorry about caps, but the world has gone mad again, and once again, the BBC is making it worse.)
There are videos of the people leaving the stadium all singing the national anthem – a small stirring of nationalism hopefully. Some French bird on Breakfast in answer to why France ? said it is because France is the most visited City and the World and it is the cradle of democracy – errr no love it’s not any of them have another go
The BBC cop-out line seems to be “No-one is claiming responsibility” – saves them from labelling the atrocities as Islamist / Muslim terrorism.
Whereas everyone has known since midnight that this is exactly what it is.
I’ve not heard a BBC reporter or presenter use the word Muslim once on either BBC1 or Radio 4 Today. No doubt a strict editorial ban in place.
Millions of tweets from the moment of the attacks onwards that it is obviously ISIS. The mass of the BBC took until about 10:00am to finally admit ISIS have taken credit.
What if these attacks had been committed by this fabled (non-existant) army of right wing extremists that the BBC are more afraid of than they are the actual terrorists? The BBC would be in full attack mode as soon as the identities of the attackers was hinted at, blaming all the right wing, every right wing political party and organisation, demanding that the EDL and UKIP be banned organisations and smearing everyone to the right of Cameron as being a terrorist.
Well …
French Prosecutor s office states over
120 dead,
300 injured at least 80 are critical
from 5 area s of attack, in Paris
France 24 News,
When does it go past the moniker “terror attack”?
5 different attacks?, or maybe 8, or 10? in a capital city, co ordinated.
Perpetrator s, terrorists, being banded about on the BBC …
Obama s empty suit, carefully worded empty rhetoric on repeat
The Guardian: After Paris jihad, “far-right groups may well fuel more hatred”
Americas toilet paper Salon: Paris jihad massacre shows that “right-wing” needs to “moderate their rhetoric”
Is Pres. Hollande going to walk with Mahmoud Abbas to show “He s Charlie” … hold up a pencil?
The requirement is not more Je suis charlatan, that will not do
PS. I note there must be a media block on Marine LePenn
… Backlash?
While the victims blood is still wet on the pavement in Paris, a (British muslim) guest on The Today programme on Radio 4, 7.57 am, says that that muslims are the victims again.
At 5 mins 40
and 21 mins 40 …… we may even have another similar segment very soon
It sickens me that liberal lefties are more angry at those who condemn these attacks as being the work of Muslims, than those Muslims who actually carried them out. It is their delusional mindset of total denialism, which opens our borders and our people up to immense danger.
I have been listening to the Today programme this Saturday morning – on and off – I have not heard the word ‘Muslim’, ‘Islam’ or ‘Jihadi’ in relation to Paris. The nearest I have heard to who is responsible is the very occasional mention of ‘Syria’. Maybe whoever it was higher up the thread was correct and it was the Quakers.
I am surprised the Pres. Obama hasn t rushed a press conference, “urging both sides to show restraint”
like his does about Israel?
Yes, this morning I watched the BBC News Special from 07-30 until 07-50 and never heard the word Muslim or Islam. Indeed it wasn’t until 07-53 that a guest said that he suspected that Isil were behind the attacks but he added that of course the overwhelming majority of Muslims hated Isil and all their works. By 08-00 no one on a BBC salary had mentioned Islam or Muslims and neither had the broadcast speeches by Holland or Obamah.
I realise that having allowed the Muslim population in the West to increase dramatically in the past decades the elite cannot admit that there is an existentialist struggle going on in their own countries. If they did then their own role would come into sharp focus, but clearly there is an undeclared war going on. The idiot politicians , Merkel most of all, plus generations of prize Swedish fools, must now be wondering why they have invited several million more Muslims into their countries. I hope that the Swedes and German people realise how catastrophically these politicians have failed them , throw them out asap and put in place leaders who look after their own .
Of course our own British elite are just as bad. The other day Cameron was going on about the UK being one of the most successful and diverse countries in the world. Well he and the rest of the elite, living in their affluent well protected bubble, may believe that but millions of Brits look at the evidence ,such as we are allowed to see ,and know its not true.We know that Enoch Powell was right , mixing races and religions is a dangerous thing to do . What we are seeing may not yet be Enoch’s Tiber foaming with much blood , but it may well be the early signs.
As to the BBC, it has been a cheer leader for mass immigration and it has been at the forefront of the media cover up of the problems immigration has created, in short it has behaved disgracefully and against the best interest of the British people for decades. A National Treasure ? You have got to be joking. It has done more harm to Britain than any other institution in history.
The only question R4’s Today team asks about the Paris atrocity is the one based on the assumption that it’s all the fault of “Western foreign policy”. “”Should France reconsider its involvement in Syria?” In other words, why not capitulate to Muslim terrorism, or “militancy” as the BBC styles it, so as not to offend Muslim sensitivities. It would never occur to the Today Team to ponder the folly of creating a Muslim 5th column throughout Europe over previous decades and increasing it year on year. The madwoman Merkel even wants to do this on an even larger scale. No doubt we will be told that the majority of Muslims are peaceloving and, in the sense that most Muslims have not butchered anyone, this is true. But a better example is to imagine that Maggie Thatcher had actually died in the IRA bomb atttack. There would have been ritual condemnations of violence and crocodile tears from the “peace-loving” Left, but real joy in their hearts. As some opinion polls in Europe show 30% support for the Caliphate amongst Muslims, you wonder when the powers that be will actually realise what the problem is and take some action instead of snivelling, holding hands for the media and proclaiming “Je suis Charlie” as an excercise in futility.
It’s 9am Saturday, pressed F3 on my computer on the BBC Paris attacks live updates page :- to ‘find’ the words MUSLIM or ISLAM …not a Dickey Bird! Al Beeb in total denial.
Guardian headline ‘Brutal BRITISH Jihadist’ killed by drone strike. Well it’s us indigenous British who are the world’s terrorist problem, perhaps we should just go away and die.
Immigrant goes off and murders people and he is one of us!
It’s about time the term British when referring to Muslim terrorists was banned, bit like the very word Muslim.
No doubt no doubt terms such as ”Home grown French terrorists’ will be bandied about by the Guardian and BBC in relation to the latest Muslim atrocity. They are not French nor British they are Muslims, and Europe would be much more peaceful and safe if governments hadn’t allowed millions to come here
Considering he was born and raised in Kuwait and was living in the Islamic State, I cannot see how he can be considered British at all. If we had a leader with any balls, all nationals who leave to go to the Islamic State would have any British nationality anulled instantly. They are citizens of the Islamic State from that moment on, and such people should be subject to the death penalty if they try to get back into Britain.
While much remains unknown and in the realm of speculation, it is reactions from certain quarters already that are so predictable, depressing and inevitable.
The trite platitudes from supposed ‘world leaders’, the tip-toeing (at best) around realities by too many supposedly professional impartial media, and especially the frantic pulpit afforded people who are not victims to hijack oxygen of publicity from grim facts on the poor souls who are to idiotic whatiffery based on now discreditted phobia accusations.
The best other apologists can seem to manage is claiming such nihilism and violence is what ‘refugees’ are fleeing. Some… many… most… probably. But in so doing they simply highlight legitimate concerns inspired by cold, hard facts and logic.
Look at the direction all this is coming from and going to. Look at what happens even in camps created by generous hosts… hordes of military age men rioting and setting afire all around from Cyprus to Calais. And they have not even yet got to where they demand to be!
Who in their right mind cannot see this is a flawed experiment gone tragically awry, and there comes a time when facts are faced, halts called, realities faced and new strategies engaged. Sensible recognition of cultural fits… legitimate vetting procedures… tough choices for tough times. No abuses, but firm and fair responses based on centuries of cultural development, not idealistic social experimentation of bubble dwellers afraid of nasty coverage in the narrow media corridors they inhabit, strewn with as much hypocrisy as they are champagne bottles to celebrate doctrinaire controls… with them in charge.
Meanwhile the BBC trots out Obama saying what it cannot be from the other side of whatever planet he is on, because he speaks for them. Or had wringers praying for reaction that has yet to happen, to offer the distractions and excuses they crave.
They do not, and have not for a long time spoken for me or mine.
Which nations will accept the mass migration of Europeans as they flee the consequences of the Islamisation of Europe .. ?
I’m hearing a jaw dropping interview (Matthew) on Radio 4 ( 08:35 ) with a completely certifiable leftie who basically says that a few dead people are a price worth paying to have the enrichment of Islam, and it’s all the fault of White people anyway.
Cities such as New York, Mumbai, etc etc have ‘recovered’ and we must not the deaths of a few white people get in the way of that.
Equally because we know that there are ISIS terrorists amongst the migrants we should not let fear of them stop us welcoming them !
The mind set of the Fascist anti white hating left would normally have seen them sectioned for life to a mental asylum, alas, they’ve taken over the media !
I suggest that this piece of dog excrement goes and explains his views to the families of those victims in Paris.The BBC should not be allowed to broadcast such vile views. Suppose someone said that the deaths of Muslims was a small price to pay for preventing civil war in Europe, would the BBC broadcast that?
I suggest that a delegation of such lefties go to Raqqa and ask the Caliph, in as a polite and respectful, non-offensive and politically correct way as possible, to stop killing people. Are they willing to put their deluded philosophy to the test like that?
Clearly, the leftie you speak of hasn’t been to New York recently. I have, and I got the impression that the city is still raw from 9/11 (at least, the native New Yorkers were), although they seem to be trying hard. So I can say from experience that your leftie is spouting spherical objects!
Turning my attention from the horror of what has taken place in Paris, and what will inevitably unfold, I want to record my contempt for the BBC. At one time BBC news would be the first place to consult for news, it is a massive organization, with facilities to deliver news from any where on earth. But it is so strongly committed to the interests of Islam, that we can predict bias, downright lies, rigged interviews with people who may or may not be eyewitnesses, delay with regard to news of the attackers until the BBC is ready to roll out its support for measures to forestall a backlash.
As for our Government. Expect Cameron and May to roll out plans to crush an emergence of so called far right retaliation.
And now a second interviewee Frank Gardner telling us that we mustn’t let the fear of 2% of the migrant being active terrorists stop the mass migration the Fascists want.
‘Will Hollande change his policies’ – no he needs to be even more resolute (mad)!
From his own web page:
Journalist of the Year, European Diversity Awards 2011
“Gardner developed a fascination for the Arab world and was determined to read Arabic at university. After living with an Egyptian family in the backstreets of Cairo, a memorable experience he describes fondly”.
Sounds like he fits in at the BBC like a hand in a glove.
2% eh? The Muslim population of Britain is in excess of 3,000,000 – does that make 60,000 potential terrorists (it only needs to be 1/1000th of that for there to be a major problem)? Does this magic 2% apply to other areas, too? For instance if only 2% of the general population are psychopaths, serial killers or rapists, shall we ignore our fear of them? Whaddya say, Frankie boy?
Less than 2% of UKIP supporters are actively racist, and when they are discovered, they are kicked out of the party). That does not stop liberal lefties smearing all UKIP supporters as being racist.
Exactly, 2% represents a frightening large number of actual people more than happy to kill us.
2% of the speculated five million migrants who may turn up in Europe is 50,000. Is this man seriously saying that we shouldn’t be worried about so many Muslim terrorists coming to Europe. After all 8 of them have just killed 120 and seriously wounded another 200. So imagine what carnage 50,000 could cause. He must be bonkers. Or perhaps he is just another BBC looney liberal, so conditioned to respond with unthinking liberal sentiments that they simply don’t think about what they are saying. A worse case is that he knows what he is saying and thinks it is OK to have Muslims committing mass murder all over Europe. The BBC make me so angry . When the backlash eventually does start I hope that the BBC is dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
8.57am Radio 4 Today:
Peter Newman (security expert): “We don’t know who did these attacks…”.
Nabila Ramdani, French journalist: “It was the French security services fault these attacks happened…Stimatization of the muslim community”
The speed dial to appropriate ‘expert’ commentary at the BBC is truly unique. And for Lord Hall Hall, doubtless ‘vital’ in educating and informing the nation the BBC speaks for. Or believes it does.
A senior government minister, speaking on terms of complete confidentiality, told the BBC:
“Most ordinary people will now be questioning the wisdom of even discussing a referendum on Europe. Events in Paris – and we must emphasise that we have no idea who is responsible or what their motivations might be – show that this is a time for Europe to pull together rather than engage in petty internal squabbles. I would therefore advise the Prime Minister to abandon plans for a referendum on EU membership for the foreseable future. By all means take steps to secure our borders as President Hollande has done, but this must not be at the price of the free movement of people and must not impact our ability to absorb our fair share of refugees from Syria and other war zones. Tragic as these events are, we still have a duty to maintain our efforts in other important areas, such as the need for binding Climate Control agreements and countering Russian influence in the Ukraine and elsewhere. We should also heed the lessons of history: the Far Right is once again on the move in Europe and the parallels with the 1930s are frightening. We must ensure that vulnerable minorities are protected and not scapegoated by those who would seek to use immigration and multi-culturalism as a smokescreen for an altogether darker agenda.”
It’s a fabrication – for now. But watch this space.
As I watched this horror unfold late last night I emailed the Conservative Party to tell Cameron not to say islam is the religion of peace when he makes his statement on this and to for god’s sake read the Quoran and see this evil so called religion is based on murder rape and violence, that his utterances make him a laughing stock among muslims and encourage these evil people to continue their atrocities.
Connoisseurs of hate site hosting could do worse than pop over to Facebook to see who the BBC have attracted,
A truly unhealthy % apparently unconcerned that their words are attached to them.
From out and out psychos to bleeding heart liberals coming up with moral equivalences that would make even Mishal H at her most rabid blush.
It may well be actions by ‘Western’ nations has ‘inspired’ these atrocities (quite how 9/11 gets explained away remains bizarre), but trying to equate warfare with hostile combatants in fire zones to deliberate targeting of civilians at football matches, clubs or concerts takes some jumbled mental wiring.
Who Gavin ‘invites’ to Dateline London to ‘debate’ this will be educational.
Unfortunately Islam is incompatible with Western values even if it is only 2% of Muslims who either tacitly support violence or are prepared to carry it out. The elite in the West are still in denial over this. It’s a completely Orwellian approach, epitomised by the BBC’s bizarre attempt to manipulate the coverage of what’s happened in Paris.
In the long term, failure to integrate will have very unfortunate results not just in France but in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, way beyond the scale of violence currently seen in Paris. Powell’s famous speech was based on his witnessing inter-communal violence in India at the time of Partition. Its far too early to say he was incorrect about what may happen in the UK.
I checked the B BC coverage early this morning , and ,yes, incredibly they were expounding at great length on why these attacks are JUSTIFIED in the eyes of the Jihadists……..WTF??????
In any sensible country , the latest Paris attacks would signal the death of the left-liberal/open borders/multi-kulti approach to govt.
However , in the UK, with the Tory-lite cowards we have in power at the moment , I fear that they will occasion ‘lock-down’ for the law-abiding majority while ramping up the fear of the ‘backlash’ to come.
They have already worked out the scenario ,and it involves a Police State and ruthless suppression of all contrary political views , particularly those on the right and even unto UKIP support.
Why don’t Al-Beeb invest more resources in predicting where the next FRONTLASH is going to happen and less time empathising with our enemies -that’s what most people want to know?
Anyone know how CIN went , I bet the football & Paris, put a damp squib on their tin rattling , no one came in the pub , last night, with a tin, as we were watching the footy followed by ITV news, about Paris .
Looks like Jason Mamford may not be gracing the QI, MTW or hignfy screens for a while.
Meanwhile, and while solidarity is noble and great for morale, and maybe positives do need pushing to the fore, I am seeing social media saturated with buildings in pretty colours and hashtags proliferating.
FLOTUS opening Barry’s crayon box as we speak.
A little bit of coherent doing post-rhetoric may be in order at long last once all the group hug stuff has gone stale.
And to think that our security is in the hands of that cowardly wanker, Cameron, who does nothing to protect us. The problem in the West is the useless, gutless politicians who have done nothing to stop this nonsense. They are truly garbage. Rant over !
Please don’t stop ranting. We need more of it. The media and political classes have forgotten how to rant (unless it’s against us, the proletariat, of course). There is much anger this morning and it shouldn’t be wasted, but focussed. Rant on Sir.
Needless to say the BBC are not only supporting terrorism , as usual, but pushing the line that it plays in to the hands of the “Right”. So boringly predictable.
That would be the ‘extreme right’ then? There appears to be no ‘moderate right’ in BBC land. Similarly, there is only ‘left-leaning’ but no ‘extreme left’ in their bizarre world-view. Baffling.
The BBC have always supported terrorism, from the IRA to the PKK, you name the terrorists, the BBC support them.
So whether on holiday in Tunisia, or in a Paris restaurant, getting a flight over Egypt, London tube next? Birmingham Bullring centre? … the problem is growing. No surprise France has the largest Islamic communities (at present) in europe.
How many Islamic state “allegiances” are there in europe now? how many in amongst those illegal immigrants marching through Europe ignoring borders? … the “problem” that is what it is, is them, their totalitarian ideology, not us.
Our response … France over the coming days/weeks … the Tory traitor PM “Nothing to do with” Camerimam.
what has proven to be the enemedia? BBC right up there.
A few very enlightening minutes,
needs to be much more community reach out, has Frances posture overseas got to change? is it making itself a target etc etc … yep! … the BBCs already waving a white flag
1hr 44
“The BBC reports that Paris attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar’ … but says that we shouldn’t speculate about the allegiance of the attackers”.
BBC reports that Paris attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar’ but says that we shouldn’t speculate about the allegiance of the attackers.?
Nog, If the BBC can pin it on the Jews, they will !
“Twenty-four hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus “safe space” nonsense:
… This is what we’re going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us.
Almost. When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month.
When the world’s leaders will fly in to “solve” a “problem” that doesn’t exist rather than to address the one that does.
But don’t worry: we already have a hashtag (#PrayForParis) and doubtless there’ll be another candlelight vigil of weepy tilty-headed wankers … Because as long as we all advertise how sad and sorrowful we are, who needs to do anything?”
Mark Steyn.
The Barbarians are inside … and there are no gates
‘All religion is the problem’ ? a diversion.
A suicide bomber shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ does not mean we need to crack down on Anglicanism.”
Excellent piece by Steyn. I’m not generally a fan of his, but he hits the nail squarely on the head with this article.
RT has reported at 10am that the French president has confirmed the Islamic State is behind the attack. Not heard this fact on the BBC yet, or did i miss it.
Last night BBC reported on unconfirmed reports that the Calais migrant camp was on fire, probably due to a ‘revenge attack’ It turned out not to be true. BBC waits until it is 110% sure that ‘news’ is true if it is detrimental to their narrative. This news however, would have been a positive, and they wanted it so much to be true. No doubt confirmation this was IS will need the usual clarification before reporting. Even though it came straight from the Presidents mouth, so just watch him saying it in a press conference should be clarification enough.
Just before the attacks i think the BBC news was reporting on the struggle of the migrants, and on BBC radio – was jihadi johns killing legal?
It is time for the iliberal left to step aside and allow men to do what is necessary. The iliberal left hold all the power. So the first war will involve freeing the people from these mad dogs, even before we take on isis and the migrant crisis.
IS behind the attack reported on BBC website at 11 minutes past 10. 11 minutes of confirmation, after they watched the president say it. So NOT a newsflash then. Not important enough to report immediately. Just sit on it for 11 minutes waiting for …?
In my book, any politician who willfully opens the door for a murderer (terrorist) to enter a room is complicit in the murder.
Put Hollande on trial. Maintenant.
BBC coverage of terrorism is frustrating at the best of times, with so many hidden and unspoken agendas their meetings on the subject must be a very Zen experience. But if there’s one aspect that pisses me off more than any, it’s this absurd mantra about ‘highly trained activists’ and similar craptrap from so many of the ‘experts’ on hand to promote and perpetuate such a transparent and childish myth.
No, it does not take a high level of military or even technical training to empty an AK47 magazine into a crowd of panic stricken, unarmed, civilians. No, it does not take a trained and precise tactical mind to detonate a corset full of Semtex in the middle of a crowded dancefloor. No, like all terrorism, the success lies with the lack of warning, the softness of the target and the knowledge that the chance of immediate effective retaliation is so limited that success is practically guaranteed.
And the response of our prime broadcaster is to imply some sort of implacable force, a fearsome army on the march, rather than yet another example of craven, sub-human behaviour from an religio-ethnic group whose reputation for bravery and military effectiveness does not feature very highly in world history.
When the President of France calls it Terrorist.
When the Mayor of Paris calls it Terrorist.
When the people were attacked call it the same, maybe, just maybe, the BBC should report their exact words.
Yes, all it takes really is psychopathology, either inbuilt or induced. You look at undefended groups of civilians without a hateful thought between them, out to enjoy themselves at no-one else’s expense, and you call them a ‘soft target’.
It happened with the IRA.
Just had a chat with the Muslim news agent who tells me that Paris isn’t really that bad, and that the press don’t even report it when its Muslims being killed ! I have no doubt that this will be a narrative the BBC is keen to repeat.
Yet even he knows that all this trouble has been caused by Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, money being pumped into groups like ISIS, and that Western politicians have been bought by the Saudis.
How strange it is that the BBC can report the former, but can’t even allude to the latter, makes you wonder if some money hasn’t found its way into their capacious pockets, or if the madness is so deep rooted it’s ingrained in them.
I think I would buy my newspapers elsewhere in future if I was you Thoughtful.
Finally the BBC website has the headline: Paris attacks were “an act of war by IS” (note the inverted commas).
In BBCspeak that translates as: These attacks were carried out by people who do not understand Islam.
Breaking news
Gatwick airport evacuated.
Just like everyone else on here I too have noticed the media shutdown relating to the identity of the Paris terrorist attackers, certain words made conspicuous by their absence like, well we all know what they are apart from the media. There must be a gagging order of some sort come from up high, maybe even put in place after the last terrorist atrocity as I don’t think they would have been able to smother everybody so quickly.
Well they are kidding themselves. Everyone I have spoken to this morning about this is furious, and are in no doubt at all who is to blame. I suspect the “don’t mention the war” edict has come down from the top tier of tossers at the EU. Yes. They really do think we are that stupid and docile.
Once you stop fighting the enemy, the only ones left to fight are your own population.
Mari Reynolds (@mreyn02)
16 mins ago
At Gatwick North Terminal. We were Yards away from Armed Police arresting man with “Gun in bag.”Mass evacuation . Lockdown in progress still
“So called ISIS”? … its murder and violence?
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future.
7/7? … For 20 odd years of Islamic child rape gangs
The Muslim Parliament of the UK since 1982 (yes 1982!)
The Muslim Parliament during its early days under the leadership of Dr Kalim Siddiqui, whose brain-child the Parliament was, opted for a high-profile, confrontational approach in its championing of Islamic causes. The need for a ‘Muslim Parliament’ arose out of the frustration felt at the time of The Satanic Verses controversy as well as a wider feeling that governmental and policy-making bodies were adopting indifferent and at times discriminatory policies toward Muslim pre-occupations. The idea was instead to empower Muslims with their separate and distinctly Islamic institutions to meet their needs independently of the British government and local authorities.
Yes folks … Remember Ray Honeyford
Thank you so much for posting that nogginator, I had forgotten all about that headmaster from the 80s, an early casualty in a long drawn out hate campaign waged by multicultural morons. Is the penny finally starting to drop I wonder, I very much doubt it, some of them have invested so much of their lives into pipedreams and fantasy there’s just no way back for them. Even as the cold metal was making contact with their necks they would still be shrieking a multicultural mantra,
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Attributed to Einstein.
Very good report, would be nice to know how the school is doing now?
The BBC World Service Heart and Soul program this weekend was about a Imam who was a sexual agony aunt. It was actually interesting, but highlighted unintentionally but very clearly the huge gulf between Islam and Western societies.
There was an interview with a married couple of 25years, the husband married his wife who was from Pakistan when she was 15. After living 25 years in the UK she spoke no English and needed an interpreter for the interview!