Steyn seems to have it about right Old Goat, thanks for the post.
Do I trust cowardly Cameron to support this country. No chance. He wants more unchecked immigrants to come in.
Bloody hell Britain, bloody WAKE UP!!!!!
Let’s have the EU referendum now, come on Cowardly Cameron, tell us you want unchecked immigration. Come on. Let’s have it. Weak Cameron.
Another point.
Jihadi John got off light in my book, he didn’t see his death coming he was vapourised. I would have liked to have seen him suffer in the way he made others suffer.
Just a thought, is Paris a response to his death?? i doubt it but we’ll probably never know.
If , I had just turned on BBC News 24 , having not heard about Paris overnight , I would get the impression of an “Incident in Paris” , a constant “Live” picture of a couple of police vans down some Paris Street.Turning to Sky , they were in full” Breaking News Alerts”, with all their crews , & reporters put in overnight , “live” from the streets of Paris . How more professional & informative they are compared with the BBC .
The time has come to treat Muslims – yes, all of them – with suspicion and caution. Radical Islam has declared war on the west and it is a covert war. We don’t know who is against us save for one common trait; all the perpetrators are Muslim. We are breeding these extremists within our own border and, to make matters even worse, importing them by the lorry load to European countries with open arms. These extremists are growing in number and blend in amongst the “peaceful” Muslim population. It only makes sense, then, to be wary of any Muslim. As during world war 2 when any German, Italian or Japanese was viewed with suspicion and distrust, so should followers of Islam in these times. This is a war waged by Islam.
Our politicians, media and representatives have sold us out to further their ambitions of “multiculturalism” and this is the result. Bloodshed and carnage will only become more prevalent as more radical Islamists take hold. Why the liberal left can’t make this connection astounds me, and I fully expect the media to lap up the “this is what the poor refugees are fleeing from” narrative. I honestly think the world has gone insane and the insanity won’t stop until humanity or hard-left liberalism is extinct. These are frightening times.
I’m considering emigration, though to be honest, I’m a bit frightened to get on a plane now. We aren’t even safe in our theatres and streets any more.
It’s not surprising that if you allow unreconstructed microcosms of Muslim society to gain hold in the main cities of Europe that the indigenous population will suffer from the violence and backwardness that plague Muslim societies in general. Reading the local German press on what goes on in “refugee” reception centres is instructive. Basically men and women have to live in separate accommodation because women are at the constant risk of being raped. Christians are attacked and their lives are in danger. There are religious disputes amongst the various Muslim sects, accusations of blasphemy and mass riots to which the police have to be called. There are also riots and violence because the refugees think that unfamiliar German food they are given is not halal. A women German minister went to welcome the new arrivals at one of these centres and several Muslim males refused to shake her hand because she was a women. So much for highly integratable, model citizens of the future. The ZDF even postponed an episode of “Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst”, the German version of Crime Watch, as they were asking for information about a “man” suspected of multiple rapes in the Dortmund area. There were fears of a “backlash” during the “refugee crisis”. Although at the time of postponment no one on the ZDF was talking about a crises it was all smiles and Willkommenskultur. Sky News just announcing that one of the Paris terrorists had a Syrian passport!. I Wonder if he is a new arrival?. Mysterious arrest in Germany in connection with Paris atrocity. Hopefully Merkel’s days are numbered.
Excellent comment Xavier. The only part I would take issue with is the phrase ‘Radical Islam’. There is no ‘Radical Islam’ or ‘Moderate Islam’, only Islam. It is by its very nature a radical and proselytising creed that suffers no pluralism or deviation from the line, and anyone who claims to adhere to it is a potential enemy.
I think we should consider what Matthew Price conveyed in his “cry me a river” opinion piece for Today, namely that the real victims are the actual and potential New Europeans ie the immigrants. Sure, as even Matthew might admit, the loss of life is unfortunate and the murderers are “misguided” (to quote another BBC icon, John Simpson, opining on other earlier atrocities further from home) but the clear message from Matthew and the BBC this morning is that the murders are unconnected with the real Islam, nothing must stop the wholesale Moslem migration into Europe and, anyway, it’s all a right-wing plot which will end up getting Le Pen elected.
Simpson and Price need to do a little research and study, it’s all there writ large for anybody to read. Unconnected with Islam? It’s all to do with Islam, read the book for heavens sake. What will it take I wonder, should we believe these clowns and their double speak or the truth staring us in the face.
Just had a tweet from someone about David Cameron’s statements when he says he’s going to get tough on something. “He makes Neville Chamberlin seem like Iron Mike Tyson”. Though it was quite a good one.
At least Neville came to his senses and actually declared war. Churchill cried at his funeral.
Cameron and the rest of these traitorous scumbags don’t give a shit about us. If there is an attack in London, I hope it is in one of their favourite haunts – The Ivy, the Royal Opera House, Cumberbatche’s latest crap.
Until their friends and family are left maimed or dead, nothing will change.
Chamberlain did gain some time for Britain to re-arm, but that was not his aim, and of course the time was also used by Germany to build up their forces. If Britain, France and Poland had stood up for Czechoslovakia (which itself had a very decent army and a good network of fortifications) in 1938, then we now know that the German General Staff would have deposed Hitler. Whilst they supported minor territorial changes, they no more wanted a World War than we did. Appeasement led to World War II, there is no way round it.
When Cameron and May are prepared to do something to curb the lunatics in our midst I might consider them worthy of office. Until then they are simply obstacles to a solution.
Far too polite GCooper. Cameron and May are utter fucking traitors. Two of the vilest, most treacherous, self-interested shits to ever hold high office.
A country deserves what it tolerates – France, Britain and all other Western democracies, which have significant Muslim minorities and suffer the correlative terrorism and crime as a consequence, will have to discover the will to break the cycle of attacks by Muslims and then the government enforced acceptance of these attacks by the non-Muslim majority, who form the remaining population.
If we don’t, we will need to resign ourselves to increasingly severe and numerous Islamic atrocities as the Muslim populations, within the West, swell.
But we don’t “tolerate it” by and large. We are merely told we do, by the likes of the BBC and their fellow travellers. I’ve banged on about this for years, at the risk of becoming something of a ‘pub bore’ with a bee in his bonnet. Today however, I’ve not found anyone who has disagreed with my views. Maybe it’s a sign that people are waking up to the horrific implications of what has been forced upon us.
BHB – If “we don’t tolerate it by and large”, then why is it that we won’t elect politicians who would do something about it?
Why do we have @rseholes like Essexprick on here who blindly follow and think that the C***servative Party will do anything more than the Labour scum did when they were in power?
The mainstream parties NEVER will. They know that to deal with the insoluble problem of Islam in the U.K., risks destabilizing the country to a degree unknown in modern history.
If they were to embark on such a course of action (the removal of Islam and its followers from Britain – for make no mistake that is ultimately what is required) it has to be seen through to the end: there could be no half measures, for this threat is existential to us, our descendants and our nation.
Those who “lead” us know that once forces are unleashed, such as could be if they did what needs to be done; it might not just be the Muslims who are swept way.
Yes. I voted UKIP back in May. Not because the candidate they stood up was particularly good, nor because of their (somewhat incoherent) policies. I voted for them in the hope they would offer some sort of radical alternative to the stale, tired, pro-EU, centre-ground politics we are living with today. Unfortunately, most voters were not prepared to take that leap into the unknown – so we are very much where we were. I will still vote UKIP at every opportunity though.
An excellent post. The unpalatable truth. Bombing ISIS positions will do nothing. Invading Iraq did nothing. Invading Afghanistan did nothing. Getting involved makes matters far worse. Removal of Islam from Europe seems the only option for future peace. Like other dangerous cults, Islam should be outlawed in Europe. A whole continent is islamic, there is more than enough space for them all to lead miserable existences in piss poor medieval poverty. It is after all, what Islam wants.
And what would Ukip do then Al ? You don`t have to insult me , its a democracy , we vote for who we think , is better overall ,at running the country. In my view , & the others who voted for in May , the Conservatives are better overall , Ukip , have one seat, & you don`t like it. Tough.
Stop crying Essexman. ‘Sticks and stones Etc ……..’
Admit it, Cameron is a useless PM. He has done nothing about Al Beeeb’s bias against the Tory Party, however he’s the best you have at the moment .
Take comfort from the fact that your worries about UKIP are unfounded, once the EU collapses or if we all vote to get out of the Stupid Super State, their job is done. I hope that this helps? Now go and blow your nose and dry your eyes.
Essex man – I speak (write) in response to what I read and observe, sometimes to make a harsh point – you have to be harsh; and a number of your own posts to others on here, I would describe as insulting. If you dish it out, then don’t be surprised when you get something similar back.
Farage would, in my view, be a better PM than Camerloon.
How many times has Farage predicted what he thought would happen (e.g. ISIS infiltrating Europe via the stream of refugees and attacking us) and been proven right? In the past; Farage has spoken and been vilified yet the Tories have then copied what he said and been praised (e.g. Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference).
When has Cameron ever predicted anything and got it right? Look at what’s happened in Libya FFS! And his attempt to get the HoC to back the bombing of Assad in Syria – that would have worked out well wouldn’t it? ISIS would have overrun the entire country!
You are too selective in what you choose to respond to, on a previous thread I asked you, more than once, about Cameron giving in to, UKIP inspired, pressure for a referendum – you offered no response to that. Just more of the usual inane and fatuous pro-Cam and Con comments with which you litter the threads on this site.
As I said before , I don`t have the time to constantly hover over this site , but when I am frequently insulted as if I a Red Blooded Corbynite , because the Conservatives are so left wing , & Kipper Government would do this & that , I feel the need to respond .Even the Kipper MP Carswell , does not support all of the Kipper policies . indeed he is Kipper lite , because he really wants to rejoin the Conservatives.
Cranmer’s quotation from Boris Johnson was very revealing, as was his summation that Johnson would not dare write those words today – even though the situation has considerably worsened .
That is a measure of how tightly the Left-liberal hegemony, led by the BBC, has actively conspired against enabling people to confront the truth of the situation we are in.
When the day of reckoning comes, those at the BBC who conspired to suppress debate and to deliberately conceal the facts must be held to account for their treachery. They should face the professional ruin they deserve.
Interesting to compare this morning’s hastily prepared newspaper front pages with the standard pre-prepared weekend content of TV celebrities, multicultural cooking, and general dross on display in the inner pages. Similarly with the BBC desperate to maintain today’s multiculturally approved programming of football and Pudsey Bear. I’m also getting heartily sick of the BBC broadcasting Islamophiliac, racist, border-destroying US President Obama telling us how closely he is standing beside the people of France. The US people may be standing together with the France but their corporatist government isn’t. I hope these horrific attacks will finally awaken Europe to the fact that it is being deliberately poisoned and deliberately poisoned from the inside.
A poor attempt to lighten the mood, but the BBC on the wrong end of an ‘accused of’ raises a certain ironic tilt to the corner of a very set lip line today…
Jon Gaunt taking a bit of a bashing over this Tweet, it not bloody hate its fear, but despite his new radio station supposedly being ‘the home of free speech’ like the rest of the MSM he don’t get it
There is so much hate on here today, you are all doing the extremists job for them, they want to divide and rule. Fight IS fascists
Jon Gaunt has already shown that free speech ends and Islam begins on his new show.
He simply comes out with the tired old free speech not hate speech line …
Yep! that hoary old excuse that Islamic adherents use as they class every critique of Islam as hate, never shut up about “haters” … voila! never get asked the pertinent questions.
Already caught blocking people, barring people, over listeners/callers making valid points, or filibustering over them on air.
You d think Mr Gaunt would understand that …
Speech that isn t contentious, that isn t offensive … it needs no protection, first the No1 important balloon to pop in that regard is religion … that is essential in any society.
Look so Muslims won t like it … SO WHAT!
… in fact they probably will “hate” it, but hey … tough titty, they ll just have get over it, what are they babies?
Harsh critique of their dangerous and totalitarian ideology is essential and necessary … if they turn abusive or even violent, well it rather proves the point doesn t it
Indeed. Reminds me of the (totally without irony) placard held up by some muzzer at a London demonstration that read “Behead those who call Islam violent”.
He’s claiming that more people are listening, maybe, but ultimately when they discover that that Talk2MeRadio is just LBC/5Live with swearwords they’ll turn off.
Through Gaunt’s stance, a promising venture is now doomed to failure, that is until he like the rest of the MSM admit that the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims and not pretend there isn’t a problem with Islam.
He is not the only one who don’t” get it. Thinking the “news” would be on R4, I got an extended version of the horrendously misnamed “Any Answers” instesd. A Turkish woman was explaining to Anita that having been brought up in a Muslim country and lived 30 years in Britain she can see why liberal Westerners can never grasp that Islam is the Mother of “Old Time Religions” whose “holy book” sanctions death for the unbeliever. Poor old Anita does not have the cognitive ability to see that this does not mean every Muslim has to kill at least one unbeliever every day to fulfill a religious obligation but rather that lots of Muslims are very happy indeed whenever some Muslim somewhere, more zealous in belief than most, rids the world of another unbeliever. In the words of another “Old Time Religion” an unbeliever is “an abomination unto the Lord” and so is best removed whenever the opportunity arises. The Anitas of this world find no difficulty in believing that a true Nazi would kill a Jew for being a Jew, yet seem to think that a true Muslim wouldn’t kill an unbeliever for being an unbeliever even when given permission to do so on the highest authority in the Koran. Anita rolls out the old nonsequitur that Islamists believe in a “perverted” form of Islam, yet killing Islamists is supposed to radicalise “moderate” Muslims and cause them to support the Caliphate. How can that be? Why feel a need to emulate the perverters of your religion. It makes no sense at all. The truth is that what Anita has brainwashed herself into thinking is a “perverted” form of Islam is in fact the purest form of Islam. The true believer performs all that is required of him by his religion, no matter how difficult or how extreme it might seem to nonbelievers and,by doing, so, inspires those who are of the faith, but “lacking in zeal”.
Poor Anita. Married to Simon Singh. Both decent and clever people but who have to fit in with the BBC’s warped view of what it is to be “Asian” in order to progress. Anita’s parents were Hindu but lived in Pakistan – perhaps this has warped her mind a bit. Cute though.
Yes, no-one is divided except those appeasers with split brains which allow them to lie through their teeth to themselves and everyone else with a clear conscience. Psychopathology by surgery, divide and drool?
(Think Sperry and Gazzaniga cognitive mayhem and surrealism)
BREAKING: Five dead as high-speed train derails near French city
AT LEAST five people have died and seven have been injured after a high-speed train derailed near the French City of Strasbourg, local media has reported.
Who can spot the common thread in all the hundreds of lethal terrorist incidents so far THIS year?
Could it be the far right backlash that the liberal media keep bullshitting us about? Or Bhuddists? Or is it homosexual loving liberal progressive Anglican priests?
Merkal thinks we should be tolerant of immigrants and refugees, whilst she has let possibly THOUSANDS of these terrorists into Europe. Why don’t the liberals ever demand that the Muslims are TOLERANT of US and OUR culture? What is wrong with people who are more scornful of those who denounce a terrorist religion, than they are of that terrorist religion itself?
Anyone listen to the special Any Answers today? Anita Anand is very subjective in who she argues against, those who voice opinions not in line with BBC propaganda get a real grilling from her with ridicule thrown in, it’s all sweetness & smiles with those who want to hug an immigrant.
Encouraged by the liberal media and general public’s love of the hashtag; I mean, doesn’t #prayforParis just make everything fine and dandy! – I’ve decided to make some of my own.
Taffman, I mentioned previously on here that I no longer think of or refer to such people as British. To me they are ‘British passport holders’ or ‘Persons holding British nationality.’
The Fib Dems allowed an Islamic hate meeting calling for the destruction of the UK to take place in Luton:
BEDFORD, United Kingdom – As the distressing attacks in Paris were occurring last night, some of Britain’s most high profile and notorious Islamist extremists gathered just north of London, unimpeded, to tell hundreds of British Muslims to “struggle” for an “Islamic State.”
More of the same from the consistently foolish Anita Anand on Any Answers: Firstly cutting off a caller who dared to suggest the young men flooding across Europe should stay at home and fight for their country. But much worse, she was quite belligerent towards the only caller, an Iranian woman, who very politely tried to address the elephant in the room i.e. that the problem might lie within Islam itself – the ultimate BBC thought crime.
I heard that last one – Anita kept interrupting, saying “I’m trying to get an understanding of what you mean”. Actually, it was patently obvious she didn’t want to understand, because that would bring her liberal view of the world crashing down.
President Hollande now proclaims to have no ‘pity’ & will retaliate.
Well … Maybe eliminating over 50 no-go zones for the non Islamic would be a fine start
Remember these guys
BBC – France to protect all religions
“Speaking on Thursday morning, Mr Hollande said the French were united in the face of terror.
“French Muslims have the same rights as all other French,” he said. “We have the obligation to protect them.
“Anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic acts have to be condemned and punished.” Mr Hollande said that radical Islam had fed off contradictions, poverty, inequality and conflict, and that “it is Muslims who are the first victims
Freedom of the press does not mean freedom to insult,” said Mr Davutoglu, ”
Nov 13
The Occupation of Constantinople took place in accordance with the Armistice of Mudros [signed on 31 October 1918], ending the Ottoman participation in World War I. The occupation had two stages: the initial occupation took place from 13 November 1918 to 16 March 1920; from 16 March 1920 – Treaty of Sevres.
1918 saw the first time Constantinople had changed hands since the Ottoman Turks conquered the Byzantine capital in 1453. An Allied military administration was set up early in December 1918. Haghia Sophia was converted back into a cathedral by the Allied administration, and the building was returned temporarily to the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch.
On November 13, 1918 the Allied troops occupied Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was the Caliphate, the Islamic State of its day.
1. Muslim male interviewed in street says that these attacks make it difficult to get jobs. (No condemnation of the attacks).
2. Interview with a muslim male who allegedly saved two lives with first aid. (No condemnation of the attacks).
3. BBC reporter speaks of disaffected youths in the Paris slums (arrondissements) who are easy prey for radicalisation. (Therefore portrays muslims as victims who have no choice but to machine gun innocent people).
There you have it. The BBC regard muslims in France as victims of the evil west and must therefore be forgiven for whatever barbarity they commit.
Excellent idea. Scores of people are butchered in Paris and the media are still propagating the line that the “little people” have an irrational fear of Islam and like children they must be convinced of the wonders of a multicultural society. Our self-appointed moral and intellectual superiors, diverse media buffoons and narcissistic luvvies take it upon themselves to show us the way into a new promised land. Why should anyone believe them when the evidence to the contrary, in the form of hundreds of multilated corpses, is laid out before us?
German media (ARD television) admitting thar a Syrian pass has been found, but claiming it might not belong to a terrorist. No mention of it being linked to a “refugee” travelling via Leros. Even Channel 4 has managed to admit that much.
The Buffoon -in-Chief of the EU, Martin Schultz warning that it would be “wrong to scapegoat all Muslims”.
It would be progress if Martin could admit that any terrorists are Muslims.
It all France’s fault for banning the niquab and insulting the prophet.
BBC in panic mode, what can we do up the image of the religion of peace on this dark day? Yes that’s right we can put that great ‘role model’ and the UK’s fav mooselim Nadiya in the front row of Strictly, cue plenty of positive shots of the great scarfed one.
Very strange I didn’t think they were big fans of music and dance….
Had to switch off as the BBC descended on Paris mob-handed and as mawkish as you like
Goofy Ben Brown told me early on this morning the Eurostar was practically empty – except for the journalists. It was about then that I felt sick to the pit of my stomach in fear of the horrors to come.
The street tributes, the candles, the queues for the blood bank, the muzzie hero of the hour, the diversity, Goddamnit… no please, not the hashtags….
Housewives’ favourite and solo trombonist (look him up) Tim Wilcox had the audacity to show his face 10 months after his last brutal attack on the streets of Paris (look him up) and I feared for any elderly Jewish ladies he might catch hold of.
Have to admit the old red/white/blue neon lightshows were a new one on me – that’ll have ’em quaking in their sandals down in Raqqa
Word of the day seems to be ‘nonchalance’
I know Paris has a Rive Gauche and now the BBC tells me they have a Far Right – seems to me that’s the last of their problems
You can tell a nation is tin pot when they declare ‘x days of National Mourning’
Meanwhile, over in deepest darkest so-called Islamic State, the IS commanders weep and tremble in terror at the immediate and powerful reaction of the west to the State’s Parisian attacks. We aren’t talking about immediate military reaction. We aren’t talking about the mass searching and deportation of suspected Islamic extremists. We aren’t even talking about investigating suspicious Islamic communities or policing our borders more closer to monitor who comes in and goes out.
Here in the west, we show our show of strength and solidarity by lighting a few buildings in red, white and blue and creating a few hashtags. #PrayforParis has surely crippled the IS operation in the west, to the point that any future attack is pretty much already halted. I’m honestly quite surprised at how the so-called Islamic State became so powerful in the first place, what with this mass social media campaign keeping them down!
Yes we have truly lost the plot and are no longer to be repected by the barbaric, if our main reaction to attack is to question our own consciences.
News at Ten now trying to convince us how horrified the Muslims in Paris are. I’m sure they say they are. However they cannot absolve themselves of the behaviour coming from their midst whilst complaining of discrimination if anyone else tries to deal with it. Platitudes won’t wash. It’s far past the time that was sufficient, if it ever was. We need to see action or must assume a tacit approval.
I wonder what the answer would be if a poll of Muslims were taken asking “Do you think the perpetrators of the Paris killings were Muslims?”
We keep being told that Islam is a religion of peace and that the perpetrators of yesterday’s terrorist attack (see, BBC? It’s not hard to use the phrase) were somehow deviants from the true Islamic faith.
Really? So where in the world is this ‘true’ Islam being practised? Where is this country we must look to to see Islam working in harmony with people who do not adhere to its beliefs and instructions? Where is there acountry where Islam is not in conflict, either with itself, or with people who do not surrender to it?
The BBC never addresses this question. It just keeps on repeating the lie. A glance at any world news source will reveal why.
To be fair, there is an Imam in a mosque close to me who preaches tolerance and non-violence to all. The very fact that his congregation needs to be told not to be violent to others of different faiths, or none, speaks volumes. He is a very nice fellow though, and I’ve spoken with him many times during our local Parish Council meetings. He tells me that the youth consider him ‘too soft’ and are looking for a more ‘hard line’ Imam. That’s where we’re heading folks.
As someone pointed out last week 200 Russians died at the hands of Islamic State, yet where is the grief for them?
The fact that the Fascist left hate Putin might have something to do with that.
Sunday Morning Live you would imagine a real zinger re events in Paris, it was to have D Murray appearing …now he s not
Among the panellists Joining Sian Williams this week are:
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown from the Independent and Peter Hitchens. Chris Allen, lecturer in social policy and writer of ‘Islamophobia’, and for me the always problematic Usama Hasan from Quilliam Foundation
So that’s … no public vote and less than 24 hrs after a massive Islamic terror attack, just across the water , us on the highest alert possible.
… it has to be tucked in with
Denise Welch talking about her addiction again
A photo journo airing his snaps
The Priests? … singing a pop song
and Playwright Actor, Mojisola Adebayo … I know me neither
……. WHY?
Anyone reading the posts on this site for the last four years or more, will know that the recent events in France were wholly and entirely predicated.
Sadly, Al Beeb and foolish governments including our own, have ‘buried their heads in the sand’, we are now reaping their rewards.
The liberals have let the people of Europe down. Be prepared Britain, for there will be more trouble ahead unless we take drastic action now.
Over to you ‘Jason’ and your apologists for your ‘trolling posts’, but remember, ISIS don’t like gays.
Agreed Taffman, neither do Communists ( Russia,China,etc), Muslims in general,the governments of most black African countries as well as the West Indies.
I’m sure Jason is really a decent person who will one day find his golden fleece along with his fellow argonauts and learn from his rather wayward thinking.
Pathetic leftie self-righteous, puerility, shown here in the (surprise, surprise) Huff and Puff Post, really f***** gets on my nerves. Islamic terror causes carnage once again and yet these hand-wringing bleeding hearts choose to focus on ‘Islamaphobia’. However, if it were Christians who attacked innocent people, there would be a different type of article, with hundreds of words describing the centuries of tyranny from the colonising Christians.
‘has become’? For a long time I thought the Huffington Post was a spoof of a leftie newspaper, like the Daily Mash is a spoof of the Daily Mail. It was quite a surprise when I realised it was genuine!
Turns out BBC Flood Warnings were a bit of a hysterical over-reaction
Very wet up there in the Lake District – clue could be in the name
So what should we worry about?
Glad to know the 24-hour designated security detachment guarded Euro-drunk leaders of ours are always keen for the rest of us to go on as ‘normal’
Keep calm and quiet but please please punish them at the ballot boxes as soon as possible
And just before 9am BBC News jumps the shark with Louise Minchin in Paris introducing a montage of the usual candles, the vigils and the rest of the guff – but set to a soundtrack of – wait for it – John W Lennon’s ‘Imagine there’s no countries’ tinkling away on the ivories. You could not make it up.
129+ dead Hash tag look on the bright side – more jobs and housing for refugees
BBC in full damage limitation mode today. Batten down those liberal hatches shipmates.
Here’s a beauty. A muslim helps 2 female victims. Hymmn, I wonder if it was a white christian would he be identified as such?
Also, big on the French citizen (murdering muslim to be precise) who was one of the attackers but precious little on the ‘Syrian’ attacker who entered Europe mascarading as one of the BBC’s beloved refugees via Greece etc.
Also big on the role of social media. Excuse me, I would suggest that the victims and their families could care less about frigging social friggging media.
Any story will do to deflect from the reality which is more muslims murdering innocent civilians.
Poor old Kay Burley in Paris for Sky news- just about recovered from yesterday’s ‘security expert’ who told her in no uncertain terms that terrorists would be using the refugee route to get into Europe – was told by one Monsieur J Bloggs, a white Parisian, that if these people don’t like it in Europe ‘they can go back to where they came from’ Sorry Kay, not your weekend is it? That’s the problem with live TV – you can’t edit out real people’s views and replace them with yours.
Did she go full Burley and, having helicoptered in for a few minutes of on tape wisdom, tell the hapless local that he cannot say that? Silly old truite.
She is indeed having a bad weekend. She’s just told us all that Times Square (where colours on prominent buildings are shaded in the tri-colour) is in Washington.
BBC reporting that our Border force are on high alert. Has anyone been back through border control at the airports recently and seen who works on border control ? I usually get checked and then waived in by somebody in a brqua. Usually walking away shaking my head
Has the story that one of the Paris perpetrators was a recent refugee been denied? I ask as it’s been studiously unmentioned by the BBC this morning. And yesterday evening.
Mark Mardell was on Radio 4 this morning, and just showed what a leftie coward he is.
He’s apparently living in the Socialist paradise of Paris but he doesn’t want his kids to grow up in the nightmare his insanity has caused, so he’s considering moving out. This is of course exactly what we’ve been saying the rich elite will do come the day.
He doesn’t want his kids growing up in a city in fear or where the Police are all carrying sub machine guns. Who exactly are the people the city are in fear of Mark? You still seem to have the greatest difficulty putting a name to them! And are you still in favour of mass migration, of Islamic supremacy and their absolute right to kill white people – just so long as they don’t affect him or his family.
Sunday Morning Live panel loaded with two Muslims and a Muslim apologist over the telephone line. Hopefully Peter Hitchens and Douglas Murray will counteract their insanity.
Posted this earlier
Sunday Morning Live you would imagine a real zinger re events in Paris, it was to have D Murray appearing …now he s not,( so pleased he is now) Yasmin Alibhai-Brown from the Independent and Peter Hitchens. Chris Allen, lecturer in social policy and writer of ‘Islamophobia’, and for me the always problematic Usama Hasan from Quilliam Foundation.
(See what I mean about Usama Hasan … so glad Douglas is now on
… and Chris Islamofauxbia Allen, Academic??? an oxymoron surely )
So that’s … no public vote and less than 24 hrs after a massive Islamic terror attack, just across the water , us on the highest alert possible.
… it has to be tucked in with
Denise Welch talking about her addiction again
A photo journo airing his snaps
The Priests? … singing a pop song
and Playwright Actor, Mojisola Adebayo … I know me neither
……. WHY?
Douglas Murray made a good point about how the Islamic State are extremists but NOT heretical – they are not going against Islamic doctrine. BBC presenter to immediate panic stations mode and desperately wants the Muslim to respond to the point as quickly as possible, even making Murray stop talking mid sentence. Sickening.
I’m somewhat confused regarding Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. She refers to herself as “leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim, part-Pakistani, and … a very responsible person.” Tell me, how can someone be so many contradictory things at once?
I thought the same Xavier, but at least Murray managed to drive some good points home.
Hitchens – very disappointing re Islam; yet I agree with him on virtually everything else and enjoy his writing immensely, a real shame.
Hitches got obssessed with drugs, second world war bombing and sundry other things. Not up to much nowadays. He has grown very pedantic in the way he argues.
Lefty dominated Press Review on BBC 24/7 News – one just said “wouldn’t it be great if the response to the Paris attacks was the complete opening of the EU’s borders to anyone who wants to come”. And, she gets away with a few smiles from the others (implicit warm feeling: we’re all lefties and we could have a jolly friendly dinner-party. This is so far from a balanced approach to News ….
Just waiting for the first winter weather Calais sob story from the BBC.
In view of the fact that one of the Paris bombers only arrived in Greece on the 7th October, one hopes that our border force are operating a zero tolerance approach in Dover.
German media in the form of Presseklub, ARD are now claiming that the Syrian pass that was found near the suicide bomber could have been a forgery on the basis of CBS reports and “sources” in the US secirity services. Is this jus t the usual lies and distortions?
On current performance, one of the two at least. Especially with that ‘could’ lobbed in so anything applies. Or doesn’t.
I can’t see how this line serves their agendas. Actual Syrian psycho nut job or psycho nut job using a Syrian passport, it seems… remiss… for border forces of countries actually interested in the safety of their tax-paying citizens to wave through anyone without making darn sure who they are first, and if there’s doubt, park them until you do. Especially healthy young males claiming the are fleeing stuff Mum, the missus and kids have been left to cope with, whilst holding aloft some moppet Dimbles passed across the fence by a BBC producer.
Yes, you are right. Whether the passport was forged or not is not relevant as to whether the bomber was an ISIS operative who came in from Syria. Either way the border controls were insufficient or non-existant. Essentially, what they are conceding is that France, like Sudan, etc. is a “failed state”. There may be a recognized government but it does not have the ability to ensure that it performs the functions, like protecting borders and citizens, that normal states do.
The French security services are being blamed because they did not pick up on any “chatter”, but of course if the orders or plans for an attack are delivered in person by someone from Syria to known contacts in France, there is no need for any “chatter”.
A terrorist attacker may well carry a false passport because a previous legitimate or false passport owned by them may have stamps in it that could give away countries with possible locations of terror training camps. It is not impossible he chose his true country of origin for the last false passport and used it to get into Europe under cover of the mass migration.
From the source of the BBC’s political position regarding Paris. It’s the racist extreme right who have to be fought, says comrade Bennett of the SWP and Cameron’s UAF..
Unite Against Fascism via Stand Up To Racism
17 hrs ·
Paris: stand up to murderous attacks and hatred and also racism and Islamophobia. Weyman Bennet, Unite Against Fascism Joint Secretary said:
“Our thoughts are with all those affected by the recent terrorist attacks. It is crucial that politicians and the media do not concede to a narrative that portrays all Muslims as terrorists. Firstly because it is not true. Secondly we do not adopt the same approach when the perpetrators are white racists and fascists. Scapegoating all white people for Anders Breivik’s attacks in Norway seems ridiculous, but this is exactly the response when terrorist attacks occur in the name of Islam somehow all Muslims are held responsible.
“Thirdly this is the climate in which far right and fascist organisations grow. France is one of the most concerning countries with the growth in support for Marine Le Pen and the Front National currently topping the polls, who could use these attacks to build further support. We must also be vigilant about groups like the English Defence League and Britain First who could use these attacks to stir up Islamophobia in Britain.”
And to follow this the BBC discover that Muslims were victims of the bombing and one Muslim saved two lives. I wonder if anyone will check out the accuracy of this story?
Seems irrelevant. Muslims killing muslims is not an issue for the BBC usually. And no one sensible can doubt there are many, if not a majority of the faith who are perfectly decent sorts. However certain polls and actions suggest a proportion large enough to be concerned about has come to the West despite professing to not like it, and either seek change by stamping sandalled feet until the BBC comes running, Dave bends over, or some of the ‘nothing to do with them’ brigade engage in a bit more slaughter.
Individual acts of heroism or consideration are nice ‘n all, but simply highlight the rather larger AK-toting elephant that inspires them to react.
He asks: “Why did these people want to do so much harm in the name of God?” – Easy answer – they were born into an Islamic family and read the Koran from an early age.
And: “What went wrong in their lives? – Easy answer – they were born into an Islamic family and read the Koran from an early age.
Then: “Does France have a particular problem?” – No, the whole of Western civilised society has a problem, and it will continue to do so until those in power recognise and accept the threat that is islam.
Remember, there is no moderate islam, there is no fundamental islam, there is no extreme islam. There is one islam pure and simple, and all who subscribe to this death cult must be regarded with suspicion.
Anders Breivik? once again to call Bennett stupid is an insult to stupid people, Islamic terror attacks are happening every month, are growing in intensity … have a coordinated narrative in Islamic scripture, and thus the reason for such a large percentage of muslim support, and deliberate lying about that support is second nature.. ISIS, strict adherence to Islam, and actually Arab nationalism per see … IS fascist. He should concentrate his astoundingly low level of common sense to such fascists, and stop blabbering about a straw man from 70 years ago that is no threat
nationally or internationally, Arab nationalism was fascist then and is now.
The Religion of Peace lie is interesting because it actually then – effectively – points the finger at all Muslims as being guilty. Which they are not. I cannot help but wonder whether the politicians & media people who keep perpetrating that Religion of Peace lie do so because they may actually want to stir up trouble, not prevent it. If everyone lives peaceably and without criminality then there’s considerably less need for politicians, taxes and all the other people, processes & propaganda that goes with it.
State the truth that the majority of Muslims within, say the UK, are peaceful, and that Islam contains the root of conflict, and it removes the foundation for retaliation or attacks on peaceful, law abiding people who are Muslims and concentrates attention on the doctrinal cause and the people radicalised by it to the point of criminality. Then the pressure is on to deal with the precise problem.
The problem with that problem is that it then shows up those – especially those in authority – who fail.
BBC news. ‘terrorist is French citizen with no evidence of connection to Islamic extremism.’ So is still referred to as the killer. BBC reporter staring down the tv, and lying to me personally. No evidence. This is the message.
There is no evidence this has anything to do with islamic extremism. None whatsoever. The BBC is clear on that matter. It could not be clearer.
It needs shutting down now, and the worst, most treacherous offenders prosecuted. It’s a national disgrace. Shame we’re not muslims, we could just bomb it and ‘execute every last m*thf*ckin one of them’ to quote a film.
I don’t know if it was the same terrorist whose friend was interviewed on The World this Weekend (1pm BBC R4) today but he was in effect ‘a nice, regular guy’ . . . . .
. . . . . ‘who raced cars on public roads and had been engaged in some criminal activity’.
By alBeebs reckoning, every sensibly minded person is now Far Right. I am far more worried about the Socialist BBC workers than anyone who wants to protect our borders.
Thoughtful posted about the sexuality of members of the Eagles of Death Metal as to why their gig was targeted, not the reason it would appear. More so that they had refused a request not to play in Israel. Maybe this was a reason as to why they and their fans were a target?
From Wiki “The band performed at the Barby Club in Tel Aviv, Israel, in spite of pressure from anti-Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists”
By the Left’s logic, it’s therefore all the fault of Israel because the band played there. That’s what we’ll hear. Anything but the fault of the followers of Islam
One of the most obscene aspects of the BBC reporting of what happened in Paris is the way they keep asserting that the attack is a tragedy because the victims were liberal thinking young people on a night out, the implication being that if it was middle aged conservatives it would not.
They did get the connection right on the Sunday Programme (BBC R4 7am): they briefly mentioned that the three types of target were things that a hardline radicalised ISIS/ISIL/Daish/Daesh Muslim would not approve of, especially the music & alcohol.
No one mentioned though that there is a possible significance of the date: 13 November relating to 13 November 1918 and events in the Ottoman Empire. Where did I read that? Was it on here?
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Mark Steyn:
Steyn seems to have it about right Old Goat, thanks for the post.
Do I trust cowardly Cameron to support this country. No chance. He wants more unchecked immigrants to come in.
Bloody hell Britain, bloody WAKE UP!!!!!
Let’s have the EU referendum now, come on Cowardly Cameron, tell us you want unchecked immigration. Come on. Let’s have it. Weak Cameron.
Another point.
Jihadi John got off light in my book, he didn’t see his death coming he was vapourised. I would have liked to have seen him suffer in the way he made others suffer.
Just a thought, is Paris a response to his death?? i doubt it but we’ll probably never know.
If , I had just turned on BBC News 24 , having not heard about Paris overnight , I would get the impression of an “Incident in Paris” , a constant “Live” picture of a couple of police vans down some Paris Street.Turning to Sky , they were in full” Breaking News Alerts”, with all their crews , & reporters put in overnight , “live” from the streets of Paris . How more professional & informative they are compared with the BBC .
I don’t ever consider BBC News as an option, my consumption last night was mainly Sky with a little RT and France 24UK.
BBC News presentation reminds me of a poorly made corporate video.
Wel,l at least we agree on that Geoff .
See past your blind love of the Tory party and we’ll probably agree on far more!
Indeed Geoff. Vote UKIP.
Essexman, I am still of the opinion that Cameron is an used car salesman looking for a job in the EU when he leaves his present job.
Don`t think , he will work for a company, or do what John Major does now .
The time has come to treat Muslims – yes, all of them – with suspicion and caution. Radical Islam has declared war on the west and it is a covert war. We don’t know who is against us save for one common trait; all the perpetrators are Muslim. We are breeding these extremists within our own border and, to make matters even worse, importing them by the lorry load to European countries with open arms. These extremists are growing in number and blend in amongst the “peaceful” Muslim population. It only makes sense, then, to be wary of any Muslim. As during world war 2 when any German, Italian or Japanese was viewed with suspicion and distrust, so should followers of Islam in these times. This is a war waged by Islam.
Our politicians, media and representatives have sold us out to further their ambitions of “multiculturalism” and this is the result. Bloodshed and carnage will only become more prevalent as more radical Islamists take hold. Why the liberal left can’t make this connection astounds me, and I fully expect the media to lap up the “this is what the poor refugees are fleeing from” narrative. I honestly think the world has gone insane and the insanity won’t stop until humanity or hard-left liberalism is extinct. These are frightening times.
I’m considering emigration, though to be honest, I’m a bit frightened to get on a plane now. We aren’t even safe in our theatres and streets any more.
It’s not surprising that if you allow unreconstructed microcosms of Muslim society to gain hold in the main cities of Europe that the indigenous population will suffer from the violence and backwardness that plague Muslim societies in general. Reading the local German press on what goes on in “refugee” reception centres is instructive. Basically men and women have to live in separate accommodation because women are at the constant risk of being raped. Christians are attacked and their lives are in danger. There are religious disputes amongst the various Muslim sects, accusations of blasphemy and mass riots to which the police have to be called. There are also riots and violence because the refugees think that unfamiliar German food they are given is not halal. A women German minister went to welcome the new arrivals at one of these centres and several Muslim males refused to shake her hand because she was a women. So much for highly integratable, model citizens of the future. The ZDF even postponed an episode of “Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst”, the German version of Crime Watch, as they were asking for information about a “man” suspected of multiple rapes in the Dortmund area. There were fears of a “backlash” during the “refugee crisis”. Although at the time of postponment no one on the ZDF was talking about a crises it was all smiles and Willkommenskultur. Sky News just announcing that one of the Paris terrorists had a Syrian passport!. I Wonder if he is a new arrival?. Mysterious arrest in Germany in connection with Paris atrocity. Hopefully Merkel’s days are numbered.
Excellent comment Xavier. The only part I would take issue with is the phrase ‘Radical Islam’. There is no ‘Radical Islam’ or ‘Moderate Islam’, only Islam. It is by its very nature a radical and proselytising creed that suffers no pluralism or deviation from the line, and anyone who claims to adhere to it is a potential enemy.
I think we should consider what Matthew Price conveyed in his “cry me a river” opinion piece for Today, namely that the real victims are the actual and potential New Europeans ie the immigrants. Sure, as even Matthew might admit, the loss of life is unfortunate and the murderers are “misguided” (to quote another BBC icon, John Simpson, opining on other earlier atrocities further from home) but the clear message from Matthew and the BBC this morning is that the murders are unconnected with the real Islam, nothing must stop the wholesale Moslem migration into Europe and, anyway, it’s all a right-wing plot which will end up getting Le Pen elected.
Simpson and Price need to do a little research and study, it’s all there writ large for anybody to read. Unconnected with Islam? It’s all to do with Islam, read the book for heavens sake. What will it take I wonder, should we believe these clowns and their double speak or the truth staring us in the face.
Just had a tweet from someone about David Cameron’s statements when he says he’s going to get tough on something. “He makes Neville Chamberlin seem like Iron Mike Tyson”. Though it was quite a good one.
At least Neville came to his senses and actually declared war. Churchill cried at his funeral.
Cameron and the rest of these traitorous scumbags don’t give a shit about us. If there is an attack in London, I hope it is in one of their favourite haunts – The Ivy, the Royal Opera House, Cumberbatche’s latest crap.
Until their friends and family are left maimed or dead, nothing will change.
There is an argument that by kowtowing to Hitler, Chamberlain gave Britain additional time to re-arm.
I am familiar with this argument, and IMO if Mr Chamberlain did any good by his actions, it was done unwittingly.
I think this will eventually be true of Mr Cameron, as well as of many other current leaders in the EU.
Chamberlain did gain some time for Britain to re-arm, but that was not his aim, and of course the time was also used by Germany to build up their forces. If Britain, France and Poland had stood up for Czechoslovakia (which itself had a very decent army and a good network of fortifications) in 1938, then we now know that the German General Staff would have deposed Hitler. Whilst they supported minor territorial changes, they no more wanted a World War than we did. Appeasement led to World War II, there is no way round it.
I see the spineless, lefty apologist scum are crawling all over the social media. These craven filth utterly disgust me!
Meanwhile, back in the UK, the following took place last night without any official hindrance.
” As Paris Burned, UK Muslims Told To ‘Struggle’ For Islamic State In Unprecedented Islamist Show Of Force”
When Cameron and May are prepared to do something to curb the lunatics in our midst I might consider them worthy of office. Until then they are simply obstacles to a solution.
Far too polite GCooper. Cameron and May are utter fucking traitors. Two of the vilest, most treacherous, self-interested shits to ever hold high office.
A country deserves what it tolerates – France, Britain and all other Western democracies, which have significant Muslim minorities and suffer the correlative terrorism and crime as a consequence, will have to discover the will to break the cycle of attacks by Muslims and then the government enforced acceptance of these attacks by the non-Muslim majority, who form the remaining population.
If we don’t, we will need to resign ourselves to increasingly severe and numerous Islamic atrocities as the Muslim populations, within the West, swell.
But we don’t “tolerate it” by and large. We are merely told we do, by the likes of the BBC and their fellow travellers. I’ve banged on about this for years, at the risk of becoming something of a ‘pub bore’ with a bee in his bonnet. Today however, I’ve not found anyone who has disagreed with my views. Maybe it’s a sign that people are waking up to the horrific implications of what has been forced upon us.
BHB – If “we don’t tolerate it by and large”, then why is it that we won’t elect politicians who would do something about it?
Why do we have @rseholes like Essexprick on here who blindly follow and think that the C***servative Party will do anything more than the Labour scum did when they were in power?
The mainstream parties NEVER will. They know that to deal with the insoluble problem of Islam in the U.K., risks destabilizing the country to a degree unknown in modern history.
If they were to embark on such a course of action (the removal of Islam and its followers from Britain – for make no mistake that is ultimately what is required) it has to be seen through to the end: there could be no half measures, for this threat is existential to us, our descendants and our nation.
Those who “lead” us know that once forces are unleashed, such as could be if they did what needs to be done; it might not just be the Muslims who are swept way.
Yes. I voted UKIP back in May. Not because the candidate they stood up was particularly good, nor because of their (somewhat incoherent) policies. I voted for them in the hope they would offer some sort of radical alternative to the stale, tired, pro-EU, centre-ground politics we are living with today. Unfortunately, most voters were not prepared to take that leap into the unknown – so we are very much where we were. I will still vote UKIP at every opportunity though.
An excellent post. The unpalatable truth. Bombing ISIS positions will do nothing. Invading Iraq did nothing. Invading Afghanistan did nothing. Getting involved makes matters far worse. Removal of Islam from Europe seems the only option for future peace. Like other dangerous cults, Islam should be outlawed in Europe. A whole continent is islamic, there is more than enough space for them all to lead miserable existences in piss poor medieval poverty. It is after all, what Islam wants.
And what would Ukip do then Al ? You don`t have to insult me , its a democracy , we vote for who we think , is better overall ,at running the country. In my view , & the others who voted for in May , the Conservatives are better overall , Ukip , have one seat, & you don`t like it. Tough.
Stop crying Essexman. ‘Sticks and stones Etc ……..’
Admit it, Cameron is a useless PM. He has done nothing about Al Beeeb’s bias against the Tory Party, however he’s the best you have at the moment .
Take comfort from the fact that your worries about UKIP are unfounded, once the EU collapses or if we all vote to get out of the Stupid Super State, their job is done. I hope that this helps? Now go and blow your nose and dry your eyes.
Essex man – I speak (write) in response to what I read and observe, sometimes to make a harsh point – you have to be harsh; and a number of your own posts to others on here, I would describe as insulting. If you dish it out, then don’t be surprised when you get something similar back.
Farage would, in my view, be a better PM than Camerloon.
How many times has Farage predicted what he thought would happen (e.g. ISIS infiltrating Europe via the stream of refugees and attacking us) and been proven right? In the past; Farage has spoken and been vilified yet the Tories have then copied what he said and been praised (e.g. Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference).
When has Cameron ever predicted anything and got it right? Look at what’s happened in Libya FFS! And his attempt to get the HoC to back the bombing of Assad in Syria – that would have worked out well wouldn’t it? ISIS would have overrun the entire country!
You are too selective in what you choose to respond to, on a previous thread I asked you, more than once, about Cameron giving in to, UKIP inspired, pressure for a referendum – you offered no response to that. Just more of the usual inane and fatuous pro-Cam and Con comments with which you litter the threads on this site.
As I said before , I don`t have the time to constantly hover over this site , but when I am frequently insulted as if I a Red Blooded Corbynite , because the Conservatives are so left wing , & Kipper Government would do this & that , I feel the need to respond .Even the Kipper MP Carswell , does not support all of the Kipper policies . indeed he is Kipper lite , because he really wants to rejoin the Conservatives.
I think even Cameron realises it – he didn’t mention ROP in his broadcast, a first
Archbishop Cramer has it right on his blog this morning – a hard-hitting, right-on-the-nail article. It’s what we know to be the truth.
Cranmer’s quotation from Boris Johnson was very revealing, as was his summation that Johnson would not dare write those words today – even though the situation has considerably worsened .
That is a measure of how tightly the Left-liberal hegemony, led by the BBC, has actively conspired against enabling people to confront the truth of the situation we are in.
When the day of reckoning comes, those at the BBC who conspired to suppress debate and to deliberately conceal the facts must be held to account for their treachery. They should face the professional ruin they deserve.
Interesting to compare this morning’s hastily prepared newspaper front pages with the standard pre-prepared weekend content of TV celebrities, multicultural cooking, and general dross on display in the inner pages. Similarly with the BBC desperate to maintain today’s multiculturally approved programming of football and Pudsey Bear. I’m also getting heartily sick of the BBC broadcasting Islamophiliac, racist, border-destroying US President Obama telling us how closely he is standing beside the people of France. The US people may be standing together with the France but their corporatist government isn’t. I hope these horrific attacks will finally awaken Europe to the fact that it is being deliberately poisoned and deliberately poisoned from the inside.
Obama is one of the most stupid liars in history. A totally worthless man , or boy, rather.
Ah, but he has what it takes, where it matters.
Elected on skin colour and nothing else.
A poor attempt to lighten the mood, but the BBC on the wrong end of an ‘accused of’ raises a certain ironic tilt to the corner of a very set lip line today…
The world’s most trusted broadcaster trying to rig something? Bless my cotton socks. Surely not?
Maybe get the QT Producers on the judging panel to assist with skewing rectification?
‘The BBC has admitted that is has a team of two staff whose sole job is to enter the corporation’s programmes into awards ceremonies’
Paid for how? As all winning an award does is drive up the market rates.
‘..the BBC would not confirm how much it spent on the team’
There’s a thing.
Well at least they have a fair idea already why they’re getting zippy for their efforts the last 24 hrs.
Jon Gaunt taking a bit of a bashing over this Tweet, it not bloody hate its fear, but despite his new radio station supposedly being ‘the home of free speech’ like the rest of the MSM he don’t get it
A good start would be to fight the media fascists who are intent in telling us the correct way to think and what opinions to hold.
Jon Gaunt has already shown that free speech ends and Islam begins on his new show.
He simply comes out with the tired old free speech not hate speech line …
Yep! that hoary old excuse that Islamic adherents use as they class every critique of Islam as hate, never shut up about “haters” … voila! never get asked the pertinent questions.
Already caught blocking people, barring people, over listeners/callers making valid points, or filibustering over them on air.
You d think Mr Gaunt would understand that …
Speech that isn t contentious, that isn t offensive … it needs no protection, first the No1 important balloon to pop in that regard is religion … that is essential in any society.
Look so Muslims won t like it … SO WHAT!
… in fact they probably will “hate” it, but hey … tough titty, they ll just have get over it, what are they babies?
Harsh critique of their dangerous and totalitarian ideology is essential and necessary … if they turn abusive or even violent, well it rather proves the point doesn t it
Indeed. Reminds me of the (totally without irony) placard held up by some muzzer at a London demonstration that read “Behead those who call Islam violent”.
Actually, looking that up, it was indeed a joke by a muslim woman. The fact that it went unnoticed by the rest of the baying mob speaks volumes.
He’s claiming that more people are listening, maybe, but ultimately when they discover that that Talk2MeRadio is just LBC/5Live with swearwords they’ll turn off.
Through Gaunt’s stance, a promising venture is now doomed to failure, that is until he like the rest of the MSM admit that the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims and not pretend there isn’t a problem with Islam.
He is not the only one who don’t” get it. Thinking the “news” would be on R4, I got an extended version of the horrendously misnamed “Any Answers” instesd. A Turkish woman was explaining to Anita that having been brought up in a Muslim country and lived 30 years in Britain she can see why liberal Westerners can never grasp that Islam is the Mother of “Old Time Religions” whose “holy book” sanctions death for the unbeliever. Poor old Anita does not have the cognitive ability to see that this does not mean every Muslim has to kill at least one unbeliever every day to fulfill a religious obligation but rather that lots of Muslims are very happy indeed whenever some Muslim somewhere, more zealous in belief than most, rids the world of another unbeliever. In the words of another “Old Time Religion” an unbeliever is “an abomination unto the Lord” and so is best removed whenever the opportunity arises. The Anitas of this world find no difficulty in believing that a true Nazi would kill a Jew for being a Jew, yet seem to think that a true Muslim wouldn’t kill an unbeliever for being an unbeliever even when given permission to do so on the highest authority in the Koran. Anita rolls out the old nonsequitur that Islamists believe in a “perverted” form of Islam, yet killing Islamists is supposed to radicalise “moderate” Muslims and cause them to support the Caliphate. How can that be? Why feel a need to emulate the perverters of your religion. It makes no sense at all. The truth is that what Anita has brainwashed herself into thinking is a “perverted” form of Islam is in fact the purest form of Islam. The true believer performs all that is required of him by his religion, no matter how difficult or how extreme it might seem to nonbelievers and,by doing, so, inspires those who are of the faith, but “lacking in zeal”.
Poor Anita. Married to Simon Singh. Both decent and clever people but who have to fit in with the BBC’s warped view of what it is to be “Asian” in order to progress. Anita’s parents were Hindu but lived in Pakistan – perhaps this has warped her mind a bit. Cute though.
I’m not sure I can consider any liberal truly ‘clever’. To believe that stuff in the face of all the evidence suggests an inability to think clearly.
Yes, no-one is divided except those appeasers with split brains which allow them to lie through their teeth to themselves and everyone else with a clear conscience. Psychopathology by surgery, divide and drool?
(Think Sperry and Gazzaniga cognitive mayhem and surrealism)
BREAKING: Five dead as high-speed train derails near French city
AT LEAST five people have died and seven have been injured after a high-speed train derailed near the French City of Strasbourg, local media has reported.
TGV testing out a new piece of LGV ( High Speed Line) , with only technicians on board derailed, not anything sinister, but 5, have died on board.,_2015
Who can spot the common thread in all the hundreds of lethal terrorist incidents so far THIS year?
Could it be the far right backlash that the liberal media keep bullshitting us about? Or Bhuddists? Or is it homosexual loving liberal progressive Anglican priests?
Merkal thinks we should be tolerant of immigrants and refugees, whilst she has let possibly THOUSANDS of these terrorists into Europe. Why don’t the liberals ever demand that the Muslims are TOLERANT of US and OUR culture? What is wrong with people who are more scornful of those who denounce a terrorist religion, than they are of that terrorist religion itself?
how many of these people are refugees, and how many are terrorists pretending to be refugees?
How can we tell the difference? Answers on a postcard to a retarded liberal who is in denial of reality.
Good spot! Not as yet mentioned on 5Live. Nor the fact (as reported by the Times of Israel) that the theatre was until recently Jewish-owned and had long been the target of anti-Zionist protest.
Anyone listen to the special Any Answers today? Anita Anand is very subjective in who she argues against, those who voice opinions not in line with BBC propaganda get a real grilling from her with ridicule thrown in, it’s all sweetness & smiles with those who want to hug an immigrant.
Oh sorry ID I didn’t see your comment earlier.
Encouraged by the liberal media and general public’s love of the hashtag; I mean, doesn’t #prayforParis just make everything fine and dandy! – I’ve decided to make some of my own.
For some reason, I don’t think they’ll be trending on Twitter any time soon!
I’m not sure whether “Terrislam” or “Terrorislam” is the best replacement for the word “Terrorism”.
Just checking BBC website. It seems that a “French man ” has been arrested at Gatwick Airport. Not another bloody Buddhist, surely ? !
Nope, it was a kamikaze onion seller!
My thought entirely , just like all the so called ‘British’ people heading out to Syria . They are no more British than the man on the moon
Taffman, I mentioned previously on here that I no longer think of or refer to such people as British. To me they are ‘British passport holders’ or ‘Persons holding British nationality.’
gb123 ! LOL !!! You just made my day !
Made me smile as well.
Kitty, I am still laughing !!! The British people will defeat our enemies with our sense of humour !
Well it’s certainly something we’ve got that they haven’t. Perhaps we could unleash Monty Python’s lethal ‘world’s funniest joke’ upon them.
The Fib Dems allowed an Islamic hate meeting calling for the destruction of the UK to take place in Luton:
BEDFORD, United Kingdom – As the distressing attacks in Paris were occurring last night, some of Britain’s most high profile and notorious Islamist extremists gathered just north of London, unimpeded, to tell hundreds of British Muslims to “struggle” for an “Islamic State.”
More of the same from the consistently foolish Anita Anand on Any Answers: Firstly cutting off a caller who dared to suggest the young men flooding across Europe should stay at home and fight for their country. But much worse, she was quite belligerent towards the only caller, an Iranian woman, who very politely tried to address the elephant in the room i.e. that the problem might lie within Islam itself – the ultimate BBC thought crime.
I heard that last one – Anita kept interrupting, saying “I’m trying to get an understanding of what you mean”. Actually, it was patently obvious she didn’t want to understand, because that would bring her liberal view of the world crashing down.
President Hollande now proclaims to have no ‘pity’ & will retaliate.
Well … Maybe eliminating over 50 no-go zones for the non Islamic would be a fine start
Remember these guys
BBC – France to protect all religions
“Speaking on Thursday morning, Mr Hollande said the French were united in the face of terror.
“French Muslims have the same rights as all other French,” he said. “We have the obligation to protect them.
“Anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic acts have to be condemned and punished.” Mr Hollande said that radical Islam had fed off contradictions, poverty, inequality and conflict, and that “it is Muslims who are the first victims
Freedom of the press does not mean freedom to insult,” said Mr Davutoglu, ”
Nov 13
The Occupation of Constantinople took place in accordance with the Armistice of Mudros [signed on 31 October 1918], ending the Ottoman participation in World War I. The occupation had two stages: the initial occupation took place from 13 November 1918 to 16 March 1920; from 16 March 1920 – Treaty of Sevres.
1918 saw the first time Constantinople had changed hands since the Ottoman Turks conquered the Byzantine capital in 1453. An Allied military administration was set up early in December 1918. Haghia Sophia was converted back into a cathedral by the Allied administration, and the building was returned temporarily to the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch.
On November 13, 1918 the Allied troops occupied Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was the Caliphate, the Islamic State of its day.
At 6.20pm BBC TV News.
1. Muslim male interviewed in street says that these attacks make it difficult to get jobs. (No condemnation of the attacks).
2. Interview with a muslim male who allegedly saved two lives with first aid. (No condemnation of the attacks).
3. BBC reporter speaks of disaffected youths in the Paris slums (arrondissements) who are easy prey for radicalisation. (Therefore portrays muslims as victims who have no choice but to machine gun innocent people).
There you have it. The BBC regard muslims in France as victims of the evil west and must therefore be forgiven for whatever barbarity they commit.
Worse than bias.
Another petition? Its important not to let the liberal inquisition claim to have the consensus view, so sign and distribute
Excellent idea. Scores of people are butchered in Paris and the media are still propagating the line that the “little people” have an irrational fear of Islam and like children they must be convinced of the wonders of a multicultural society. Our self-appointed moral and intellectual superiors, diverse media buffoons and narcissistic luvvies take it upon themselves to show us the way into a new promised land. Why should anyone believe them when the evidence to the contrary, in the form of hundreds of multilated corpses, is laid out before us?
Signed it, but what did they did with this petition ?………………….
They didn’t listen they kicked it into touch .
Lügenpresse halt die Fresse!
German media (ARD television) admitting thar a Syrian pass has been found, but claiming it might not belong to a terrorist. No mention of it being linked to a “refugee” travelling via Leros. Even Channel 4 has managed to admit that much.
The Buffoon -in-Chief of the EU, Martin Schultz warning that it would be “wrong to scapegoat all Muslims”.
It would be progress if Martin could admit that any terrorists are Muslims.
It all France’s fault for banning the niquab and insulting the prophet.
BBC in panic mode, what can we do up the image of the religion of peace on this dark day? Yes that’s right we can put that great ‘role model’ and the UK’s fav mooselim Nadiya in the front row of Strictly, cue plenty of positive shots of the great scarfed one.
Very strange I didn’t think they were big fans of music and dance….
Had to switch off as the BBC descended on Paris mob-handed and as mawkish as you like
Goofy Ben Brown told me early on this morning the Eurostar was practically empty – except for the journalists. It was about then that I felt sick to the pit of my stomach in fear of the horrors to come.
The street tributes, the candles, the queues for the blood bank, the muzzie hero of the hour, the diversity, Goddamnit… no please, not the hashtags….
Housewives’ favourite and solo trombonist (look him up) Tim Wilcox had the audacity to show his face 10 months after his last brutal attack on the streets of Paris (look him up) and I feared for any elderly Jewish ladies he might catch hold of.
Have to admit the old red/white/blue neon lightshows were a new one on me – that’ll have ’em quaking in their sandals down in Raqqa
Word of the day seems to be ‘nonchalance’
I know Paris has a Rive Gauche and now the BBC tells me they have a Far Right – seems to me that’s the last of their problems
You can tell a nation is tin pot when they declare ‘x days of National Mourning’
Bet the BBC keeps this up for all of them days
What will they report when it’s our turn (and it won’t be long) I wonder.
That it’s our fault for not giving them everything that they demanded.
Meanwhile, over in deepest darkest so-called Islamic State, the IS commanders weep and tremble in terror at the immediate and powerful reaction of the west to the State’s Parisian attacks. We aren’t talking about immediate military reaction. We aren’t talking about the mass searching and deportation of suspected Islamic extremists. We aren’t even talking about investigating suspicious Islamic communities or policing our borders more closer to monitor who comes in and goes out.
Here in the west, we show our show of strength and solidarity by lighting a few buildings in red, white and blue and creating a few hashtags. #PrayforParis has surely crippled the IS operation in the west, to the point that any future attack is pretty much already halted. I’m honestly quite surprised at how the so-called Islamic State became so powerful in the first place, what with this mass social media campaign keeping them down!
perhaps things have changed in the last year
Yes we have truly lost the plot and are no longer to be repected by the barbaric, if our main reaction to attack is to question our own consciences.
After these Islamic murderous attacks, apparently David Cameron and the BBC have decided that Islam has nothing to do with Islam.
Any theories as to why the attacks occurred on a Friday evening? Where might the terrorists have been earlier that day?
News at Ten now trying to convince us how horrified the Muslims in Paris are. I’m sure they say they are. However they cannot absolve themselves of the behaviour coming from their midst whilst complaining of discrimination if anyone else tries to deal with it. Platitudes won’t wash. It’s far past the time that was sufficient, if it ever was. We need to see action or must assume a tacit approval.
I wonder what the answer would be if a poll of Muslims were taken asking “Do you think the perpetrators of the Paris killings were Muslims?”
They’re only horrified because they fear the backlash !
We keep being told that Islam is a religion of peace and that the perpetrators of yesterday’s terrorist attack (see, BBC? It’s not hard to use the phrase) were somehow deviants from the true Islamic faith.
Really? So where in the world is this ‘true’ Islam being practised? Where is this country we must look to to see Islam working in harmony with people who do not adhere to its beliefs and instructions? Where is there acountry where Islam is not in conflict, either with itself, or with people who do not surrender to it?
The BBC never addresses this question. It just keeps on repeating the lie. A glance at any world news source will reveal why.
To be fair, there is an Imam in a mosque close to me who preaches tolerance and non-violence to all. The very fact that his congregation needs to be told not to be violent to others of different faiths, or none, speaks volumes. He is a very nice fellow though, and I’ve spoken with him many times during our local Parish Council meetings. He tells me that the youth consider him ‘too soft’ and are looking for a more ‘hard line’ Imam. That’s where we’re heading folks.
Tim Willcox and Mishal on moral equivalence duty, or did wiser heads decide it was a bit soon before playing to the crowd they prefer to serve?
As someone pointed out last week 200 Russians died at the hands of Islamic State, yet where is the grief for them?
The fact that the Fascist left hate Putin might have something to do with that.
@1:35 – 2:10. The likely response to the latest atrocities?
They wouldn’t allow anybody to use the term ‘wet ponse’ anymore.
Interesting piece from breitbart
BBC gets a dishonourable mention including this link
Sunday Morning Live you would imagine a real zinger re events in Paris, it was to have D Murray appearing …now he s not
Among the panellists Joining Sian Williams this week are:
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown from the Independent and Peter Hitchens. Chris Allen, lecturer in social policy and writer of ‘Islamophobia’, and for me the always problematic Usama Hasan from Quilliam Foundation
So that’s … no public vote and less than 24 hrs after a massive Islamic terror attack, just across the water , us on the highest alert possible.
… it has to be tucked in with
Denise Welch talking about her addiction again
A photo journo airing his snaps
The Priests? … singing a pop song
and Playwright Actor, Mojisola Adebayo … I know me neither
……. WHY?
That is a pity about Douglas Murray; I agree with Peter Hitchens on many things, but I have found him to express equivocal views on Muslims and Islam.
What a shame Al Beebus didn’t think to contact George Igler, to see if he could step in for Mr Murray.
or Pat Condell, now he really would shake things up. Pat would espouse too much truth for the Anti Beeb to handle.
It would be like the film Scanners: listening to him would literally make their heads explode.
Anyone reading the posts on this site for the last four years or more, will know that the recent events in France were wholly and entirely predicated.
Sadly, Al Beeb and foolish governments including our own, have ‘buried their heads in the sand’, we are now reaping their rewards.
The liberals have let the people of Europe down. Be prepared Britain, for there will be more trouble ahead unless we take drastic action now.
Over to you ‘Jason’ and your apologists for your ‘trolling posts’, but remember, ISIS don’t like gays.
Agreed Taffman, neither do Communists ( Russia,China,etc), Muslims in general,the governments of most black African countries as well as the West Indies.
I’m sure Jason is really a decent person who will one day find his golden fleece along with his fellow argonauts and learn from his rather wayward thinking.
They are not ‘burying their heads in the sand’ – they are compliant enablers.
Pathetic leftie self-righteous, puerility, shown here in the (surprise, surprise) Huff and Puff Post, really f***** gets on my nerves. Islamic terror causes carnage once again and yet these hand-wringing bleeding hearts choose to focus on ‘Islamaphobia’. However, if it were Christians who attacked innocent people, there would be a different type of article, with hundreds of words describing the centuries of tyranny from the colonising Christians.
HuffPo has become a parody medium.
‘has become’? For a long time I thought the Huffington Post was a spoof of a leftie newspaper, like the Daily Mash is a spoof of the Daily Mail. It was quite a surprise when I realised it was genuine!
The most loathsome lefty propaganda from the Independent. It is idiotic sandal-wearing hippies that have caused this whole mess.
Bet you anything that Coventry will descend into a foul cesspit of terror in the not-too-distant future.
Turns out BBC Flood Warnings were a bit of a hysterical over-reaction
Very wet up there in the Lake District – clue could be in the name
So what should we worry about?
Glad to know the 24-hour designated security detachment guarded Euro-drunk leaders of ours are always keen for the rest of us to go on as ‘normal’
Keep calm and quiet but please please punish them at the ballot boxes as soon as possible
And just before 9am BBC News jumps the shark with Louise Minchin in Paris introducing a montage of the usual candles, the vigils and the rest of the guff – but set to a soundtrack of – wait for it – John W Lennon’s ‘Imagine there’s no countries’ tinkling away on the ivories. You could not make it up.
129+ dead Hash tag look on the bright side – more jobs and housing for refugees
I thinking hosing for refugees might be more appropriate.
“set to a soundtrack of – wait for it – John W Lennon’s ‘Imagine there’s no countries’ tinkling away on the ivories.”
The original choice of backing track was “Onward Christian Soldiers” but they sacked the sound man.
BBC in full damage limitation mode today. Batten down those liberal hatches shipmates.
Here’s a beauty. A muslim helps 2 female victims. Hymmn, I wonder if it was a white christian would he be identified as such?
Also, big on the French citizen (murdering muslim to be precise) who was one of the attackers but precious little on the ‘Syrian’ attacker who entered Europe mascarading as one of the BBC’s beloved refugees via Greece etc.
Also big on the role of social media. Excuse me, I would suggest that the victims and their families could care less about frigging social friggging media.
Any story will do to deflect from the reality which is more muslims murdering innocent civilians.
Poor old Kay Burley in Paris for Sky news- just about recovered from yesterday’s ‘security expert’ who told her in no uncertain terms that terrorists would be using the refugee route to get into Europe – was told by one Monsieur J Bloggs, a white Parisian, that if these people don’t like it in Europe ‘they can go back to where they came from’ Sorry Kay, not your weekend is it? That’s the problem with live TV – you can’t edit out real people’s views and replace them with yours.
Did she go full Burley and, having helicoptered in for a few minutes of on tape wisdom, tell the hapless local that he cannot say that? Silly old truite.
Look forward to the YouTube of that one.
She is indeed having a bad weekend. She’s just told us all that Times Square (where colours on prominent buildings are shaded in the tri-colour) is in Washington.
Poor old gal.
BBC reporting that our Border force are on high alert. Has anyone been back through border control at the airports recently and seen who works on border control ? I usually get checked and then waived in by somebody in a brqua. Usually walking away shaking my head
Has the story that one of the Paris perpetrators was a recent refugee been denied? I ask as it’s been studiously unmentioned by the BBC this morning. And yesterday evening.
Lets concentrate on the real issues we need to make sure that bloke we just back from Guantanimo is comfortable and has his compensation first
Mark Mardell was on Radio 4 this morning, and just showed what a leftie coward he is.
He’s apparently living in the Socialist paradise of Paris but he doesn’t want his kids to grow up in the nightmare his insanity has caused, so he’s considering moving out. This is of course exactly what we’ve been saying the rich elite will do come the day.
He doesn’t want his kids growing up in a city in fear or where the Police are all carrying sub machine guns. Who exactly are the people the city are in fear of Mark? You still seem to have the greatest difficulty putting a name to them! And are you still in favour of mass migration, of Islamic supremacy and their absolute right to kill white people – just so long as they don’t affect him or his family.
Sunday Morning Live panel loaded with two Muslims and a Muslim apologist over the telephone line. Hopefully Peter Hitchens and Douglas Murray will counteract their insanity.
Posted this earlier
Sunday Morning Live you would imagine a real zinger re events in Paris, it was to have D Murray appearing …now he s not,( so pleased he is now) Yasmin Alibhai-Brown from the Independent and Peter Hitchens. Chris Allen, lecturer in social policy and writer of ‘Islamophobia’, and for me the always problematic Usama Hasan from Quilliam Foundation.
(See what I mean about Usama Hasan … so glad Douglas is now on
… and Chris Islamofauxbia Allen, Academic??? an oxymoron surely )
So that’s … no public vote and less than 24 hrs after a massive Islamic terror attack, just across the water , us on the highest alert possible.
… it has to be tucked in with
Denise Welch talking about her addiction again
A photo journo airing his snaps
The Priests? … singing a pop song
and Playwright Actor, Mojisola Adebayo … I know me neither
……. WHY?
Douglas Murray made a good point about how the Islamic State are extremists but NOT heretical – they are not going against Islamic doctrine. BBC presenter to immediate panic stations mode and desperately wants the Muslim to respond to the point as quickly as possible, even making Murray stop talking mid sentence. Sickening.
I’m somewhat confused regarding Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. She refers to herself as “leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim, part-Pakistani, and … a very responsible person.” Tell me, how can someone be so many contradictory things at once?
I thought the same Xavier, but at least Murray managed to drive some good points home.
Hitchens – very disappointing re Islam; yet I agree with him on virtually everything else and enjoy his writing immensely, a real shame.
Hitches got obssessed with drugs, second world war bombing and sundry other things. Not up to much nowadays. He has grown very pedantic in the way he argues.
Lefty dominated Press Review on BBC 24/7 News – one just said “wouldn’t it be great if the response to the Paris attacks was the complete opening of the EU’s borders to anyone who wants to come”. And, she gets away with a few smiles from the others (implicit warm feeling: we’re all lefties and we could have a jolly friendly dinner-party. This is so far from a balanced approach to News ….
Just waiting for the first winter weather Calais sob story from the BBC.
In view of the fact that one of the Paris bombers only arrived in Greece on the 7th October, one hopes that our border force are operating a zero tolerance approach in Dover.
Time to flatten the Calais camp.
German media in the form of Presseklub, ARD are now claiming that the Syrian pass that was found near the suicide bomber could have been a forgery on the basis of CBS reports and “sources” in the US secirity services. Is this jus t the usual lies and distortions?
On current performance, one of the two at least. Especially with that ‘could’ lobbed in so anything applies. Or doesn’t.
I can’t see how this line serves their agendas. Actual Syrian psycho nut job or psycho nut job using a Syrian passport, it seems… remiss… for border forces of countries actually interested in the safety of their tax-paying citizens to wave through anyone without making darn sure who they are first, and if there’s doubt, park them until you do. Especially healthy young males claiming the are fleeing stuff Mum, the missus and kids have been left to cope with, whilst holding aloft some moppet Dimbles passed across the fence by a BBC producer.
Yes, you are right. Whether the passport was forged or not is not relevant as to whether the bomber was an ISIS operative who came in from Syria. Either way the border controls were insufficient or non-existant. Essentially, what they are conceding is that France, like Sudan, etc. is a “failed state”. There may be a recognized government but it does not have the ability to ensure that it performs the functions, like protecting borders and citizens, that normal states do.
The French security services are being blamed because they did not pick up on any “chatter”, but of course if the orders or plans for an attack are delivered in person by someone from Syria to known contacts in France, there is no need for any “chatter”.
A terrorist attacker may well carry a false passport because a previous legitimate or false passport owned by them may have stamps in it that could give away countries with possible locations of terror training camps. It is not impossible he chose his true country of origin for the last false passport and used it to get into Europe under cover of the mass migration.
From the source of the BBC’s political position regarding Paris. It’s the racist extreme right who have to be fought, says comrade Bennett of the SWP and Cameron’s UAF..
Unite Against Fascism via Stand Up To Racism
17 hrs ·
Paris: stand up to murderous attacks and hatred and also racism and Islamophobia. Weyman Bennet, Unite Against Fascism Joint Secretary said:
“Our thoughts are with all those affected by the recent terrorist attacks. It is crucial that politicians and the media do not concede to a narrative that portrays all Muslims as terrorists. Firstly because it is not true. Secondly we do not adopt the same approach when the perpetrators are white racists and fascists. Scapegoating all white people for Anders Breivik’s attacks in Norway seems ridiculous, but this is exactly the response when terrorist attacks occur in the name of Islam somehow all Muslims are held responsible.
“Thirdly this is the climate in which far right and fascist organisations grow. France is one of the most concerning countries with the growth in support for Marine Le Pen and the Front National currently topping the polls, who could use these attacks to build further support. We must also be vigilant about groups like the English Defence League and Britain First who could use these attacks to stir up Islamophobia in Britain.”
And to follow this the BBC discover that Muslims were victims of the bombing and one Muslim saved two lives. I wonder if anyone will check out the accuracy of this story?
Seems irrelevant. Muslims killing muslims is not an issue for the BBC usually. And no one sensible can doubt there are many, if not a majority of the faith who are perfectly decent sorts. However certain polls and actions suggest a proportion large enough to be concerned about has come to the West despite professing to not like it, and either seek change by stamping sandalled feet until the BBC comes running, Dave bends over, or some of the ‘nothing to do with them’ brigade engage in a bit more slaughter.
Individual acts of heroism or consideration are nice ‘n all, but simply highlight the rather larger AK-toting elephant that inspires them to react.
He asks: “Why did these people want to do so much harm in the name of God?” – Easy answer – they were born into an Islamic family and read the Koran from an early age.
And: “What went wrong in their lives? – Easy answer – they were born into an Islamic family and read the Koran from an early age.
Then: “Does France have a particular problem?” – No, the whole of Western civilised society has a problem, and it will continue to do so until those in power recognise and accept the threat that is islam.
Remember, there is no moderate islam, there is no fundamental islam, there is no extreme islam. There is one islam pure and simple, and all who subscribe to this death cult must be regarded with suspicion.
G.W.F., The BBC can always find a Muslim ‘hero’ to match the massacre:
The Muslim ‘hero’ at the Hebdo murders:
The Muslim ‘hero’ at the Tunisian beach slaughter:
The Muslim ‘hero’ at the Nairobi massacre:
I’m sure the BBC list goes on and on but I can’t be bothered.
Anders Breivik? once again to call Bennett stupid is an insult to stupid people, Islamic terror attacks are happening every month, are growing in intensity … have a coordinated narrative in Islamic scripture, and thus the reason for such a large percentage of muslim support, and deliberate lying about that support is second nature.. ISIS, strict adherence to Islam, and actually Arab nationalism per see … IS fascist. He should concentrate his astoundingly low level of common sense to such fascists, and stop blabbering about a straw man from 70 years ago that is no threat
nationally or internationally, Arab nationalism was fascist then and is now.
Away from the UAF looney tunes. Mark Steyn
Thanks for posting that Steyn interview nogginator – he spoke more sense in 5 minutes than I have heard on the BBC in 42 hours, great stuff.
” do not concede to a narrative that portrays all Muslims as terrorists.”
I agree that not all Muslims are terrorists – but most terrorists are Muslims.,_2015
Hollande said it is a war – he’s right, it is between civilisation and barbarism.
The BBC urging us to light a candle and send a tweet puts it in with the appeasers or even the quislings.
The Religion of Peace lie is interesting because it actually then – effectively – points the finger at all Muslims as being guilty. Which they are not. I cannot help but wonder whether the politicians & media people who keep perpetrating that Religion of Peace lie do so because they may actually want to stir up trouble, not prevent it. If everyone lives peaceably and without criminality then there’s considerably less need for politicians, taxes and all the other people, processes & propaganda that goes with it.
State the truth that the majority of Muslims within, say the UK, are peaceful, and that Islam contains the root of conflict, and it removes the foundation for retaliation or attacks on peaceful, law abiding people who are Muslims and concentrates attention on the doctrinal cause and the people radicalised by it to the point of criminality. Then the pressure is on to deal with the precise problem.
The problem with that problem is that it then shows up those – especially those in authority – who fail.
BBC news. ‘terrorist is French citizen with no evidence of connection to Islamic extremism.’ So is still referred to as the killer. BBC reporter staring down the tv, and lying to me personally. No evidence. This is the message.
There is no evidence this has anything to do with islamic extremism. None whatsoever. The BBC is clear on that matter. It could not be clearer.
It needs shutting down now, and the worst, most treacherous offenders prosecuted. It’s a national disgrace. Shame we’re not muslims, we could just bomb it and ‘execute every last m*thf*ckin one of them’ to quote a film.
no evidence of connection to Islamic extremism AKA staying under the radar.
I don’t know if it was the same terrorist whose friend was interviewed on The World this Weekend (1pm BBC R4) today but he was in effect ‘a nice, regular guy’ . . . . .
. . . . . ‘who raced cars on public roads and had been engaged in some criminal activity’.
What have we been saying all along?
A fair article until the last two paragraphs. Of course, what Gavin means by “far right” is mainstream public opinion when it comes to immigration.
By alBeebs reckoning, every sensibly minded person is now Far Right. I am far more worried about the Socialist BBC workers than anyone who wants to protect our borders.
Thoughtful posted about the sexuality of members of the Eagles of Death Metal as to why their gig was targeted, not the reason it would appear. More so that they had refused a request not to play in Israel. Maybe this was a reason as to why they and their fans were a target?
From Wiki “The band performed at the Barby Club in Tel Aviv, Israel, in spite of pressure from anti-Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists”
By the Left’s logic, it’s therefore all the fault of Israel because the band played there. That’s what we’ll hear. Anything but the fault of the followers of Islam
Lucky the Scissor Sisters , were not the band on stage that night , the ROP would have a big problem with their sexuality .
One of the most obscene aspects of the BBC reporting of what happened in Paris is the way they keep asserting that the attack is a tragedy because the victims were liberal thinking young people on a night out, the implication being that if it was middle aged conservatives it would not.
Yes, the word the want is ‘ironic’.
They did get the connection right on the Sunday Programme (BBC R4 7am): they briefly mentioned that the three types of target were things that a hardline radicalised ISIS/ISIL/Daish/Daesh Muslim would not approve of, especially the music & alcohol.
No one mentioned though that there is a possible significance of the date: 13 November relating to 13 November 1918 and events in the Ottoman Empire. Where did I read that? Was it on here?