Message to ‘Al Beeb and the appeasers’, the weekend’s carnage was caused by uncontrolled and unfettered immigration along with the EU’s open borders.
Merkel made the biggest mistake in German history since Hitler invaded Poland.
Lessons to be learned anyone?
Absolutely right, no doubt about that Taffman. There will be many leaders whom history will view as shockingly poor. Merkel is finished as a leader of good judgement. Hollande also. I dread to think how the leaders of pro immigration Scandinavian countries sleep at night knowing full well that history will judge them as the destroyers of their own heritage, culture, identity, everything that their forefathers fought so many years to achieve.
But you can identify a Muslim in a positive light as linked previously by G.W.F.
The BBC is losing what little credibility it has left with this farcical self censorship of the M word, only to be used in the positive and never ever ever to be linked with terrorists. Just to clarify, the BBC has no credibility left with me after this weekend, traitorous quislings.
A lot like the funeral of Lee Rigby in Bury; another “diverse” former mill town in Lancashire, I don’t recall seeing any Muslims paying their respects then; and I’m sure Al Beebus would have done their utmost to have ferreted them out (if there had been any) to display on our TV screens.
Re – BBC Sunday Morning Live
“Some viewers this a.m. confused by Dr Chris Allen’s irritation at talk of Islamic reform.
He is a conservative Muslim. He never mentions that.”
D Murray
meanwhile …
No matter, what happens at large … at all times like some insidious virus, with the capitulation of Parliament traitors
working against our nation.
“A MCB conference held in London on Wednesday, entitled ‘Terrorism and Extremism – how should British Muslims respond’, also heard debate over potential blasphemy laws in the United Kingdom.
Britain’s ancient laws of blasphemy were abolished in 2008, although had largely fallen into disuse by then, given that the last successful prosecution was in 1977.
But the issue has resurfaced in the wake of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, and the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims deem offensive.
Keith Vaz MP, the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, told Al Arabiya News that he would have “no problem” with blasphemy laws being reintroduced, under certain conditions.”
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.
“Muslim communities need to be able to respond to accusations Muslims, or against the Prophet, in a more effective way,” he said. “Whether there should be legislation is something that really is a more complicated question.”
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.”
There is no fucking “red line” when it comes to free speech.
As to “how should British Muslims respond” – I suggest they march on the streets in their thousands proclaiming their love of all things British. Not holding my breath on that one because most of the fuckers hate us.
I despair. We will be forced into war once again by fascism. Facislam. But this time it is imported fascism. Our leaders have become bored, and have manufactured a war. Once again.
Switch on the tv. First thing I see. White pig, black angel
I promise, this is the first thing i see. F*ckin shocking. As the video in the post above pointed out, it’s 24 hours a day propaganda. Blatant, yet subliminal.
I too would have run like a lefty shithouse, just after telling the bbc that ‘we will not let them win, we’ll carry on regardless’ and ‘je suis muslim’.
Hmm, on second thoughts, after Charlie Hebdo and Paris Fri 13th, I wouldn’t be wandering around the streets of Paris to prove how good a lefty I am.
Having avoided the tv news, as ever (especially the bBC), didn’t Hollande visit the carnage at the Baticlan shortly after the shootings. Was he leaving the footie match to ‘appear’ (as politicians do) at the aftermath of the tragedy?
Porridge is to be one of a number of classic sitcoms to recieve ‘modern interpretations’.
Yes all those classic sitcoms are just too hideously white to be shown today, so they must all receive the Citizen Khan treatment, fit for todays BBC audience (in their opinion). I can’t wait for the ‘Til Death Us Do Part’ and ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ remakes….
There was a good article in the Mail (might still be online) where Jimmy Perry, creator of ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ complained about the BBC not repeating it because it was thought to be ‘racist’. More tellingly, he said he didn’t care about stating that opinion because he was 90 and didn’t care what the BBC thought. Anyone with a bit of critical insight, and knowledge of the British Raj, could see that the comedy was taking the p’ss out of British imperialism, not glorifying it.
Al Beebus can’t produce any new comedy (or much else for that matter) which comes anywhere near the quality of their old stuff, quite pathetic really when you look at the resources it has.
I look forward to the following comedy remakes by the BBC (some of them are probably ITV comedies but hey who cares, I’m only paid tuppence a gag as a comedy writer myself):
Jihad’s Army
It Ain’t Half Hot Mum (Due to Global Warming)
Tran About the House
Bless this Mosque
The Imam of Dibley
Open All Borders
The Bad Life
Both Feet in the Grave
Mother Ted
Red Person of Limited Stature
Are You Being Racist?
Some Single Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em
While we’re on the subject….who on earth thought ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ was a comedy? I’ve had bigger laughs while waiting in a casualty ward. The lead actor is like some embarrassing old Irish drunk who sits next to you on the bus and everybody feels they have to ‘humour’!
Exactly. It’s crude and so completely unfunny. Some TV critic said “It’s the new Father Ted” – No way! I can watch endless repeats of Father Ted and still laugh because it is truly hilarious. Mrs Brown’s Boys is truly dire.
The BBC kindly informs me that the French are bombing the shit out of Raqqa. About bloody time. I hope this attack will be followed through with devastating and deadly force. Vive la France!
They’ll be bombing nothing. You think the Saudis will allow their creation to be damaged? Besides which ISIS have upped sticks and moved to Europe there’s no IS in Raqqa to bomb! Until a certain Russian decided to actually sort them out European forces were playing at it.
The reason they are all in Europe all of a sudden, aside from Merkels madness, is because Putin would almost certainly have killed them.
All the French are doing is putting on a show to impress the lying media, and pacify the people at home.
Meanwhile, this debased Parliament is on the verge of pulling off the biggest election con trick in British history. Next week sees the latest move in a proposal to allow teenagers to vote. Just in time for the Eu referendum.
I think they may have miscalculated if they do that; do you recall that the same was done prior to the Scottish referendum? The percentage of them who voted in favour of leaving the U.K. was not what the SNP had expected.
It is possible a similar thing may happen with the 16-17 year olds nationally, re the EU referendum. Do you remember the survey of the British public’s view of Islam and Muslims, across different age groups? There was hardly any difference in the proportions within those groups, who held negative opinions of the RoP; which was not what was anticipated from the survey at all.
Hopefully there won’t be the big boost from these kids, for us to remain in the Brussels asylum, that Camerloon and the rest of the pro-EU dissemblers are counting on.
A lot of these youngsters watch the news and listen to parents and grandparents, they may well have formed dissenting opinions about the EU, despite all the government and MSM propagandizing in favour of it.
And in also in 1969, Al. Harold Wilson, scrambling to hold on to power, reduced the UK Voting age from 21 to 18 years. Unfortunately, getting bolshie teenagers to vote in a particular way is a bit like herding several large litters of kittens – unlikely to succeed. The teens, who were fed up with Wilson & his Government, helped to get Ted Heath into No.10.
Well, just maybe, and I mean just maybe, the 16 year olds can see what is going on in France and will learn from the weekend’s carnage in France and foresee the same happening in Great Britain?
That`s the House of Lords doing it , not the Commons , I don`t really have a problem with it ,as we are a democracy , if it was the 75 one, I may of just been able to vote, as I was 16 then.
DS, Maybe carbon emissions could be reduced by not sending James Naughtie around the globe to blether endlessly while adding nothing of value to BBC News programmes?
We begin see the use to which the BBC will put its new crowd sourcing weather app
It was a bit rainy over the weekend in the Lake District and so to frighten the bejesus out of us all we get snaps of some big puddles taken on mobile phones by the BBC flash mob
Get used to this. It is a gem of an idea from W1A
Look forward to an endless stream of “Hashtag #My garden an inch deep in water @ Climate Change Must Be True dot com”
This is what we’re up against chaps, yet burn a few poppies, carry an Isis flag or brand placards saying behead non believers, thats not so bad.
I also note that similar happened to Janson Manford and an ex X Factor winner this weekend. Its seems our enemy is not only imported, but also within our very own establishment’s….
The BBC Today programme this morning helpfully reminding everyone that the ‘biggest worry’ about the Paris terrorist attacks is, in fact, ‘the rise of nationalism’ in France (and, by extension, elsewhere across Europe).
Well yes, the ‘rise of Nationalism’ is ‘the biggest worry’. Not for ordinary people, who desire for and would benefit from a re-assertion of basic, decent, patriotic values. But for a globalist elite, for whom the BBC are a mouthpiece, it would be disaster. They are pursuing a long term goal of creating a Eurabian superstate with hundreds of millions of additional workers and consumers who – as Chomsky put it (a curious person to quote here!) – will be ‘interchangeable cogs and wheels’ whose only significance is to produce and consume.
“…But we’re making it really clear today this is not an action, this is not a military action by the religion of Islam. Everyone emphasises that point …
[They do?]
… This is a twisted version of a very extremist cult, a death cult really, within the wider Islamic tradition. But it doesn’t follow that everyone who read Islamic texts goes this way. How do you explain why some people are taken into this ideological bubble?”
Harris Rafiq, Director of the Quilliam foundation:
“Sure, first of all if we want to look at psychology, then the whole narrative that it’s about disenfranchisement, it’s about foreign policy, it’s about poverty doesn’t really wash …
[I sit up straight in my chair as he goes on to quote statistics of the percentage of Islamic terrorists who have degrees, and so on]
… You mentioned a twisted version … This is a version … that is coming out of the Middle East …
[Then he outlines the ideology and goals of the Islamic State, compares it to Saudi Arabia and points out that there is no difference between the two]
… This is not new, We’ve had this ideology within Mainstream Islam for a couple of hundred years …
[I’m beginning to like this guy]
… it’s coming out of the Middle east and the only way to combat it is to provide a pluralism of the different interpretations, that’s bound to reform, not reformation, reform.”
[Disappointing ending there. I would have thought something a touch stronger was in order, like galvanising Muslims who live in the West to demonstrate against the terrorists and convincing Imams to pause for a while in their hate speech against Jews and gays and other infidels to issue fatwas against the terrorists. Are they silent out of fear or is it the silence of consent?]
I think you may be waiting for a long time for “moderate” Muslims to protest against ISIS. ISIS are the real deal when it comes to Muslim piety. There have been no fatwahs against ISIS from the usually fatwah happy Muslim clerics and scholars. The Mad Mullahs of Qom, for example, have more pressing theological matters to discuss than the extirpation of the unbeliever which is not unislamic. They would rather ponder what sort of underwear a Muslim woman should wear under her burka. The danger is that the wrong type of underwear might stimulate the private parts of the wearer and the sexual arousal of the woman is transmitted by her eyes through the slit in her burka to the susceptible Muslim male. Definately haram. ISIS do all the things good Muslims should do, there is nothing heretical about them. Supposedly they are supported by the Kingdom, the site of the Holy Places. It’s like saying a catholoc movement supported by
I think you may be waiting for a long time for “moderate” Muslims to protest against ISIS. ISIS are the real deal when it comes to Muslim piety. There have been no fatwahs against ISIS from the usually fatwah happy Muslim clerics and scholars. The Mad Mullahs of Qom, for example, have more pressing theological matters to discuss than the extirpation of the unbeliever which is not unislamic. They would rather ponder what sort of underwear a Muslim woman should wear under her burka. The danger is that the wrong type of underwear might stimulate the private parts of the wearer and the sexual arousal of the woman is transmitted by her eyes through the slit in her burka to the susceptible Muslim male. Definately haram. ISIS do all the things good Muslims should do, there is nothing heretical about them. Supposedly they are supported by the Kingdom, the site of the Holy Places. It’s like saying a catholic movement supported by the Vatican is not really catholic
“This is the first direct hit on music that we’ve had in this so called war-on-terror or whatever it’s called. It’s very upsetting. These are our people. This could be me at a show. You at a show, in that venue. It’s a very recognizable situation for you and for me and the coldblooded aspect of this slaughter is deeply disturbing and that’s what I can’t get out of my head. … I mean again we didn’t call it off. It was cancelled, honest, and I understand perfectly why. I think music is very important. I think U2 has a role to play and I can’t wait till we get back to Paris and play and that’s what I’m feeling from the messages we’re receiving from music fans is these people will not set our agenda. They will not organize our lives for us.”
The best comment on Bono was made by Frank Sinatra. Towards the end of his life he recorded an album called ‘Duets’. One of the tracks was the two of them singing, although they actually recorded their contributions separately, never met, and the music was mixed electronically. Being interviewed, Sinatra said he’d never heard of Bono previously and thought it was a brand of dog food.
I see the site is playing up again today, with multiple attempts needed for it to load a page. I’ve even seen a page that it wouldn’t load because the site has a programming error!
Before anyone tells me the problem is at my end think on this. This is the only page it happens on. It does happen on the main page from time to time but not often, and it doesn’t happen on any other site.
After treating us to a bit of schoolgirl French translating a few of the tributes left at Place de la République, our Louise Minchin teed up a female local journo for a soundbite or two
All was going well as she told us ‘this was not refugees…’
But the BBC soft-left narrative ball was dropped as she went on ‘these were French citizens… this is civil war… this is civil war’
Quick call Frank Gardner for a redirect…
Frank told Andrew Marr on Sunday : ‘I’m a bit starry-eyed about Muslims’
‘They shot you’ mused our Andrew
Our Frank conceded that ‘social media’ thinks he’s got Stockholm syndrome
Wait about a bit – the liberal elite will get its act together and normal service will be resumed.
Don’t wait about for that moment’s silence though – quick before the next attack – see if we had waited a whole year round after Charlie Hebdo….
Golly, the recording and/or transcript of that would be a keeper.
“BBC hires and retains starry eyed traumatised whack jobs to ‘report’ objectively” shock.
in other news, I remain unsure the BBC’s devotion to semantics and its purveyors are really serving the narrative anymore with a public who can see and hear BS a mile… or couple of kilometres away.
It really does not matter what the passport status of these psychos is at point of atrocity, especially when trying to ignore how they came to be issued with it. Fray Merkel and her rubber stamp not really being a reassuring measure of approval any more outside the WIA/Westminster bubble heads.
Folk know who they are and… who they are not and will never be.
If the man in the clip really is the suspect terrorist then surely it beggars belief that it could have been selected for broadcast by Sky News purely by chance? At the very least, and if the wink towards the camera was nothing more than sickening stupidity on behalf a passerby, then the selection of footage by SkyNews still strikes me as quite beyond belief – could a professional film editor not have noticed what was on the clip s/he selected?
Beyond the intrinsic horror of similar events, and not just with regard to Islamist attacks, an equally chilling narrative of incident-associated ‘security drills’ is emerging.
Do the BBC really care? Are they not just ticking boxes to show the world how diverse and sympathetic they are to minorities so they don’t get the first Molotov cocktail thrown through the doors of Broadcasting House come the revolution?
A sadder bunch of flakes would be hard to find.
Mock a Christian, that’s fine, mock a Muslim – bloodshed. If that were the other way around, the crowd would be quickly surrounded by riot vans and all all arrested, see my post above about the hairdresser.
Why were all they all so keen to film the brave chap?
Well, you have to take your hat off to him for braving that mob, but did he really think he would change anyone’s mind? I also admire his forebearance in not chinning that grinning idiot, but of course that would have had him up on a charge pretty smartish, assuming he survived the retaliation.
That looks like Speaker’s Corner to me. I haven’t been there for a few years; I stopped going when it became a zoo attraction for middle eastern people who were amused by the idea of free speech. I imagine it’s even worse now. It always attracted cranks, but there was usually some semi-intelligent heckling and banter, not just grinning idiots laughing at others’ beliefs.
Just heard someone on Radio Four interviewing a French mayor about immigrants. ‘What can you do to integrate them more?’
Surely it is not the duty of host nations to do that – it is the duty of immigrants themselves. I lived in a European country for a few years and strangely enough, no state agency offered to help me ‘integrate’ nor did I expect them to. Instead I learnt the language, customs and culture, made friends with people and just got on with it. These little drip, drips of propaganda never stop, do they?
But you have to remember Dr Heinz Kiosk’s opinions were only taken seriously by the BBC. We all ignored him because he was a fan of Marylou Ogreburg’s People’s Bread and Marmite Street Dance Theatre Workshop.
Thank you for reawakening the memory of a great satirist – or should that be prophet.
As an aside while we’re on the subject of the DT. Boris Johnson has an article about Paris in today’s edition. He cannot bring himself to use the term “Islamic State” and deliberately used “Daesh” – I can remember when he was an honest journalist..
RJ, You are bringing back memories of the late and great Michael Wharton. Never forget the Tory MP, Jeremy Cardhouse who used to walk backwards crawling to the whips and often stood on his own tongue !
‘…a backer of hers in the Tim Hunt affair, a BBC producer called Sue Nelson, unwittingly blew Blum’s entire story apart’
A shimmer in the Sisterhood side of the Farce?
‘Journalists are meant to speak truth to power, not cover up for each other’
Enough there to stir the BBC to at least check its staff’s own ‘reporting’ and actions? So far the only counter in the comments is around semantics and style, so not looking great for Team Aunty.
Or maybe better to get Ian Katz to dress Kirsty up as marshmallow and dance a jig?
Chris Westwood · 17 Days Ago Has BBC’s sciencenelson commented on this? I think we can conclude that her team is responsible for maintaining the CSL video clip on the BBC web.
17 days ago. Maybe the BBC is hoping exemptions on replying for the purposes of BS, droite du seignieur and derriere couverage will again do the necessary?
Remember only Christians and UKIP supporters can be bigots, again reverse the interview, had this been a follower of the Quran and been arguing the toss about the same thing, Lee would have definitely got the sack, although I doubt he would have been brave enough to use the word bigot.
Interesting piece on Radio 4 PM about the Molenbeek Mosque in Belgium where nearly every European jihadi has visited or stayed prior to launching their attacks.
Interesting for another reason too. It was featured in the Weekends Grauniad – more evidence that the BBC does get its stories from there !
Worth a read though, because it raises far more questions than it answers, the main one being why hasn’t the Belgian government taken some more robust action !
Gang jailed for trafficking a woman from Latvia for a sham marriage, but just look at the names. I’m afraid it’s the usual suspects, at it again and of course not on the BBC.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Message to ‘Al Beeb and the appeasers’, the weekend’s carnage was caused by uncontrolled and unfettered immigration along with the EU’s open borders.
Merkel made the biggest mistake in German history since Hitler invaded Poland.
Lessons to be learned anyone?
Absolutely right, no doubt about that Taffman. There will be many leaders whom history will view as shockingly poor. Merkel is finished as a leader of good judgement. Hollande also. I dread to think how the leaders of pro immigration Scandinavian countries sleep at night knowing full well that history will judge them as the destroyers of their own heritage, culture, identity, everything that their forefathers fought so many years to achieve.
Norwegians already have a word derived from their own sad past: quisling.
See the above, vote here and tell you mates…………………………………..
You know it makes sense .
Al Beeb and the Appeasers.
Did they have a record in the top 10 in about 1962?
Meanwhile in Calais the residents are afraid. Who is reporting on this? Not the BBC.
BBC Online News:
147 Christians singled out and shot, witnesses said. Killed by ‘Militants’ in Kenya on Thursday.
Muslim terrorists described by the BBC as:
1. Heavily armed attackers.
2. gunmen
3. militants
4. al-Shabab militants
The ‘M’ word is obviously forbidden. Mustn’t upset mass murderers and their supporters, eh?
But you can identify a Muslim in a positive light as linked previously by G.W.F.
The BBC is losing what little credibility it has left with this farcical self censorship of the M word, only to be used in the positive and never ever ever to be linked with terrorists. Just to clarify, the BBC has no credibility left with me after this weekend, traitorous quislings.
Back when the BBC was good this Xmas lead up series is now a cult. It really is delightful and worth watching for an England alas long gone:
Thanks. Enjoyed that. Good old Pat Troughton. The chap doing the card trick reminds me very much of Cameron.
Yes, that looks like one worth digging out of the archives for a winter’s evening. Thank you.
Remembrance gatherings in Paris, London,etc all ‘headscarf-free’ and hideously white. Do Islamics not ‘Pray for Paris’?
I did actually spot a few head-scarves but you’re right. You think they would have made more of an effort to show solidarity.
A lot like the funeral of Lee Rigby in Bury; another “diverse” former mill town in Lancashire, I don’t recall seeing any Muslims paying their respects then; and I’m sure Al Beebus would have done their utmost to have ferreted them out (if there had been any) to display on our TV screens.
I’m surprised that the BBC doesn’t have some extras, courtesy of central casting, to wheel out, suitably garbed, on such occasions.
Re – BBC Sunday Morning Live
“Some viewers this a.m. confused by Dr Chris Allen’s irritation at talk of Islamic reform.
He is a conservative Muslim. He never mentions that.”
D Murray
meanwhile …
No matter, what happens at large … at all times like some insidious virus, with the capitulation of Parliament traitors
working against our nation.
“A MCB conference held in London on Wednesday, entitled ‘Terrorism and Extremism – how should British Muslims respond’, also heard debate over potential blasphemy laws in the United Kingdom.
Britain’s ancient laws of blasphemy were abolished in 2008, although had largely fallen into disuse by then, given that the last successful prosecution was in 1977.
But the issue has resurfaced in the wake of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, and the magazine’s depictions of the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims deem offensive.
Keith Vaz MP, the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, told Al Arabiya News that he would have “no problem” with blasphemy laws being reintroduced, under certain conditions.”
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.
“Muslim communities need to be able to respond to accusations Muslims, or against the Prophet, in a more effective way,” he said. “Whether there should be legislation is something that really is a more complicated question.”
Keith Vaz. Now why am I not surprised?
“Miqdaad Versi said it was difficult to determine where the “red line” should be when it comes to free speech.”
There is no fucking “red line” when it comes to free speech.
As to “how should British Muslims respond” – I suggest they march on the streets in their thousands proclaiming their love of all things British. Not holding my breath on that one because most of the fuckers hate us.
I despair. We will be forced into war once again by fascism. Facislam. But this time it is imported fascism. Our leaders have become bored, and have manufactured a war. Once again.
This will be a much more difficult war to win compared to previous conflicts. They are firmly planted amongst us.
This is an exceptional, short documentary.
Good find. Says what we all know anyway but it’s good to have it set down in 21 minutes.
John Cleese will never work for the BBC again, after that.
Switch on the tv. First thing I see. White pig, black angel
I promise, this is the first thing i see. F*ckin shocking. As the video in the post above pointed out, it’s 24 hours a day propaganda. Blatant, yet subliminal.
The liberal-minded respectfully standing firm in quiet determined ecumenical resolve at the candle-lit vigil…
Refusing to be terrorised out of ‘our way of life’….
Then a car back-fires and….
”False alarm’ prompts Place de la Republique panic’
Off running faster than a President from a certain soccer match
Well what would you have done?
I too would have run like a lefty shithouse, just after telling the bbc that ‘we will not let them win, we’ll carry on regardless’ and ‘je suis muslim’.
Hmm, on second thoughts, after Charlie Hebdo and Paris Fri 13th, I wouldn’t be wandering around the streets of Paris to prove how good a lefty I am.
Having avoided the tv news, as ever (especially the bBC), didn’t Hollande visit the carnage at the Baticlan shortly after the shootings. Was he leaving the footie match to ‘appear’ (as politicians do) at the aftermath of the tragedy?
God! I thought I was a cynic.
I’m not a cynic. I just have a healthy scepticism. 😉
Rightly. Hollande looks at best shifty most of the time, and at worst totally devious, which is what he is.
“BBC considering Porridge remake”
Porridge is to be one of a number of classic sitcoms to recieve ‘modern interpretations’.
Yes all those classic sitcoms are just too hideously white to be shown today, so they must all receive the Citizen Khan treatment, fit for todays BBC audience (in their opinion). I can’t wait for the ‘Til Death Us Do Part’ and ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ remakes….
Oh God save us. Why?
I used to love It Ain’t Half Hot. I’ve met Melvyn Hayes who played ‘Gloria’. Great bloke. He runs a pub nowadays I believe.
There was a good article in the Mail (might still be online) where Jimmy Perry, creator of ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ complained about the BBC not repeating it because it was thought to be ‘racist’. More tellingly, he said he didn’t care about stating that opinion because he was 90 and didn’t care what the BBC thought. Anyone with a bit of critical insight, and knowledge of the British Raj, could see that the comedy was taking the p’ss out of British imperialism, not glorifying it.
Al Beebus can’t produce any new comedy (or much else for that matter) which comes anywhere near the quality of their old stuff, quite pathetic really when you look at the resources it has.
I look forward to the following comedy remakes by the BBC (some of them are probably ITV comedies but hey who cares, I’m only paid tuppence a gag as a comedy writer myself):
Jihad’s Army
It Ain’t Half Hot Mum (Due to Global Warming)
Tran About the House
Bless this Mosque
The Imam of Dibley
Open All Borders
The Bad Life
Both Feet in the Grave
Mother Ted
Red Person of Limited Stature
Are You Being Racist?
Some Single Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em
While we’re on the subject….who on earth thought ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ was a comedy? I’ve had bigger laughs while waiting in a casualty ward. The lead actor is like some embarrassing old Irish drunk who sits next to you on the bus and everybody feels they have to ‘humour’!
Exactly. It’s crude and so completely unfunny. Some TV critic said “It’s the new Father Ted” – No way! I can watch endless repeats of Father Ted and still laugh because it is truly hilarious. Mrs Brown’s Boys is truly dire.
I think some of those might actually work.. Just make sure you get the format dues.
Very good, Cranmer, but you forgot:
Fawlty Minarets
Last of the summer wine (If Islam gets any say in the matter)
The BBC kindly informs me that the French are bombing the shit out of Raqqa. About bloody time. I hope this attack will be followed through with devastating and deadly force. Vive la France!
They’ll be bombing nothing. You think the Saudis will allow their creation to be damaged? Besides which ISIS have upped sticks and moved to Europe there’s no IS in Raqqa to bomb! Until a certain Russian decided to actually sort them out European forces were playing at it.
The reason they are all in Europe all of a sudden, aside from Merkels madness, is because Putin would almost certainly have killed them.
All the French are doing is putting on a show to impress the lying media, and pacify the people at home.
With respect, I think you are wrong. There are plenty of IS left in Raqqa.
There may be fewer this evening… we can only hope.
Meanwhile, this debased Parliament is on the verge of pulling off the biggest election con trick in British history. Next week sees the latest move in a proposal to allow teenagers to vote. Just in time for the Eu referendum.
Come back, Cromwell.
Like many on this site G Cooper I think the EU referendum will be rigged. I would love to be wrong though
I completely agree. The bare-faced cheek of using this method is pretty amazing, though.
They don’t even need to rig it. Look at the Danish and Irish Republic EU votes that were simply re-taken until the ‘right’ result was achieved!
As was the 1975 vote…
I think the voting age should be raised to 40, personally.
I think >100 (IQ that is)
Well there goes the Labour vote.
I think they may have miscalculated if they do that; do you recall that the same was done prior to the Scottish referendum? The percentage of them who voted in favour of leaving the U.K. was not what the SNP had expected.
It is possible a similar thing may happen with the 16-17 year olds nationally, re the EU referendum. Do you remember the survey of the British public’s view of Islam and Muslims, across different age groups? There was hardly any difference in the proportions within those groups, who held negative opinions of the RoP; which was not what was anticipated from the survey at all.
Hopefully there won’t be the big boost from these kids, for us to remain in the Brussels asylum, that Camerloon and the rest of the pro-EU dissemblers are counting on.
A lot of these youngsters watch the news and listen to parents and grandparents, they may well have formed dissenting opinions about the EU, despite all the government and MSM propagandizing in favour of it.
And in also in 1969, Al. Harold Wilson, scrambling to hold on to power, reduced the UK Voting age from 21 to 18 years. Unfortunately, getting bolshie teenagers to vote in a particular way is a bit like herding several large litters of kittens – unlikely to succeed. The teens, who were fed up with Wilson & his Government, helped to get Ted Heath into No.10.
Didn’t do them much good.
Heath also turned out a disaster.
I’ll say one good thing about Wilson – he kept us out of Vietnam.
Never even considered voting Labour in my life, but credit where credit is due.
Well, just maybe, and I mean just maybe, the 16 year olds can see what is going on in France and will learn from the weekend’s carnage in France and foresee the same happening in Great Britain?
That`s the House of Lords doing it , not the Commons , I don`t really have a problem with it ,as we are a democracy , if it was the 75 one, I may of just been able to vote, as I was 16 then.
Al Beeb can do this if they are genuinely interested in the people of the United Kingdom, that is to broadcast an appeal to the Muslims of this country who profess to be of the ‘Religion of Peace’ and support the country that has given them refuge, succour and a home.
BBC Online News:
“Society ‘set for climate change woe'”
By Roger Harrabin. BBC environment analyst
“Matt Ridley, the influential Conservative science writer, said he believed the world would probably benefit from a temperature rise of up to 2C.”
Disbelievers are referred to as ‘Conservatives’
But there’s a small crack in the dam…
DS, Maybe carbon emissions could be reduced by not sending James Naughtie around the globe to blether endlessly while adding nothing of value to BBC News programmes?
We begin see the use to which the BBC will put its new crowd sourcing weather app
It was a bit rainy over the weekend in the Lake District and so to frighten the bejesus out of us all we get snaps of some big puddles taken on mobile phones by the BBC flash mob
Get used to this. It is a gem of an idea from W1A
Look forward to an endless stream of “Hashtag #My garden an inch deep in water @ Climate Change Must Be True dot com”
This is what we’re up against chaps, yet burn a few poppies, carry an Isis flag or brand placards saying behead non believers, thats not so bad.
I also note that similar happened to Janson Manford and an ex X Factor winner this weekend. Its seems our enemy is not only imported, but also within our very own establishment’s….
Disgraceful. Thanks for posting Geoff.
This quote is gaining significance:-
…then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out.
Geoff and all, note the report says it was racially motivated. But Islam is not a race… Aw I give up.
The British police are part of the problem. I despise them.
The police are driven by the government of the day. Similar to Nazi Germany, really.
Dover, They even dress like Gestapo !
No; that’s so they can deliver boxes of Milk Tray as they drive round.
RJ, LOL !!! Laugh of the day so far !
The BBC Today programme this morning helpfully reminding everyone that the ‘biggest worry’ about the Paris terrorist attacks is, in fact, ‘the rise of nationalism’ in France (and, by extension, elsewhere across Europe).
The BBC: Cowards and Traitors.
Turned on “Today” this morning, briefly heard the Naughtie slithering his way around Paris. Turned it off.
Old Goat, You can always rely on the vile Naughtie to find a good restaurant ! But he will never get Legionnaires’ Disease.
Worth looking at Today on Facebook.
And the comments.
Safe to say what the BBC speaks at the nation is coming back at them in ways they can only be thankful they are uniquely funded and unaccountable.
Bet they wish BBC House Rules could apply there too.
Well yes, the ‘rise of Nationalism’ is ‘the biggest worry’. Not for ordinary people, who desire for and would benefit from a re-assertion of basic, decent, patriotic values. But for a globalist elite, for whom the BBC are a mouthpiece, it would be disaster. They are pursuing a long term goal of creating a Eurabian superstate with hundreds of millions of additional workers and consumers who – as Chomsky put it (a curious person to quote here!) – will be ‘interchangeable cogs and wheels’ whose only significance is to produce and consume.
More vile propaganda, saving the ‘best’ till last I see:
I’d bet a Penny to a Pound that if you asked every French man & woman, the most popular word would be “revenge”.
Here’s William Crawley yesterday morning:
“…But we’re making it really clear today this is not an action, this is not a military action by the religion of Islam. Everyone emphasises that point …
[They do?]
… This is a twisted version of a very extremist cult, a death cult really, within the wider Islamic tradition. But it doesn’t follow that everyone who read Islamic texts goes this way. How do you explain why some people are taken into this ideological bubble?”
Harris Rafiq, Director of the Quilliam foundation:
“Sure, first of all if we want to look at psychology, then the whole narrative that it’s about disenfranchisement, it’s about foreign policy, it’s about poverty doesn’t really wash …
[I sit up straight in my chair as he goes on to quote statistics of the percentage of Islamic terrorists who have degrees, and so on]
… You mentioned a twisted version … This is a version … that is coming out of the Middle East …
[Then he outlines the ideology and goals of the Islamic State, compares it to Saudi Arabia and points out that there is no difference between the two]
… This is not new, We’ve had this ideology within Mainstream Islam for a couple of hundred years …
[I’m beginning to like this guy]
… it’s coming out of the Middle east and the only way to combat it is to provide a pluralism of the different interpretations, that’s bound to reform, not reformation, reform.”
[Disappointing ending there. I would have thought something a touch stronger was in order, like galvanising Muslims who live in the West to demonstrate against the terrorists and convincing Imams to pause for a while in their hate speech against Jews and gays and other infidels to issue fatwas against the terrorists. Are they silent out of fear or is it the silence of consent?]
(From about 40 min in)
I think you may be waiting for a long time for “moderate” Muslims to protest against ISIS. ISIS are the real deal when it comes to Muslim piety. There have been no fatwahs against ISIS from the usually fatwah happy Muslim clerics and scholars. The Mad Mullahs of Qom, for example, have more pressing theological matters to discuss than the extirpation of the unbeliever which is not unislamic. They would rather ponder what sort of underwear a Muslim woman should wear under her burka. The danger is that the wrong type of underwear might stimulate the private parts of the wearer and the sexual arousal of the woman is transmitted by her eyes through the slit in her burka to the susceptible Muslim male. Definately haram. ISIS do all the things good Muslims should do, there is nothing heretical about them. Supposedly they are supported by the Kingdom, the site of the Holy Places. It’s like saying a catholoc movement supported by
I think you may be waiting for a long time for “moderate” Muslims to protest against ISIS. ISIS are the real deal when it comes to Muslim piety. There have been no fatwahs against ISIS from the usually fatwah happy Muslim clerics and scholars. The Mad Mullahs of Qom, for example, have more pressing theological matters to discuss than the extirpation of the unbeliever which is not unislamic. They would rather ponder what sort of underwear a Muslim woman should wear under her burka. The danger is that the wrong type of underwear might stimulate the private parts of the wearer and the sexual arousal of the woman is transmitted by her eyes through the slit in her burka to the susceptible Muslim male. Definately haram. ISIS do all the things good Muslims should do, there is nothing heretical about them. Supposedly they are supported by the Kingdom, the site of the Holy Places. It’s like saying a catholic movement supported by the Vatican is not really catholic
Typically self centred rubbish from Bozo:
“This is the first direct hit on music that we’ve had in this so called war-on-terror or whatever it’s called. It’s very upsetting. These are our people. This could be me at a show. You at a show, in that venue. It’s a very recognizable situation for you and for me and the coldblooded aspect of this slaughter is deeply disturbing and that’s what I can’t get out of my head. … I mean again we didn’t call it off. It was cancelled, honest, and I understand perfectly why. I think music is very important. I think U2 has a role to play and I can’t wait till we get back to Paris and play and that’s what I’m feeling from the messages we’re receiving from music fans is these people will not set our agenda. They will not organize our lives for us.”
The best comment on Bono was made by Frank Sinatra. Towards the end of his life he recorded an album called ‘Duets’. One of the tracks was the two of them singing, although they actually recorded their contributions separately, never met, and the music was mixed electronically. Being interviewed, Sinatra said he’d never heard of Bono previously and thought it was a brand of dog food.
“This could be me at a show”. Quite, now there’s a thought …..
Time for a new thread, this one is full !
I see the site is playing up again today, with multiple attempts needed for it to load a page. I’ve even seen a page that it wouldn’t load because the site has a programming error!
Before anyone tells me the problem is at my end think on this. This is the only page it happens on. It does happen on the main page from time to time but not often, and it doesn’t happen on any other site.
Floral tributes de ma tante
After treating us to a bit of schoolgirl French translating a few of the tributes left at Place de la République, our Louise Minchin teed up a female local journo for a soundbite or two
All was going well as she told us ‘this was not refugees…’
But the BBC soft-left narrative ball was dropped as she went on ‘these were French citizens… this is civil war… this is civil war’
Quick call Frank Gardner for a redirect…
Frank told Andrew Marr on Sunday : ‘I’m a bit starry-eyed about Muslims’
‘They shot you’ mused our Andrew
Our Frank conceded that ‘social media’ thinks he’s got Stockholm syndrome
Wait about a bit – the liberal elite will get its act together and normal service will be resumed.
Don’t wait about for that moment’s silence though – quick before the next attack – see if we had waited a whole year round after Charlie Hebdo….
Golly, the recording and/or transcript of that would be a keeper.
“BBC hires and retains starry eyed traumatised whack jobs to ‘report’ objectively” shock.
in other news, I remain unsure the BBC’s devotion to semantics and its purveyors are really serving the narrative anymore with a public who can see and hear BS a mile… or couple of kilometres away.
It really does not matter what the passport status of these psychos is at point of atrocity, especially when trying to ignore how they came to be issued with it. Fray Merkel and her rubber stamp not really being a reassuring measure of approval any more outside the WIA/Westminster bubble heads.
Folk know who they are and… who they are not and will never be.
Unbelievable……………watch this!!! PS – not spam
If the man in the clip really is the suspect terrorist then surely it beggars belief that it could have been selected for broadcast by Sky News purely by chance? At the very least, and if the wink towards the camera was nothing more than sickening stupidity on behalf a passerby, then the selection of footage by SkyNews still strikes me as quite beyond belief – could a professional film editor not have noticed what was on the clip s/he selected?
Beyond the intrinsic horror of similar events, and not just with regard to Islamist attacks, an equally chilling narrative of incident-associated ‘security drills’ is emerging.
9/11, 7/7, Oklahoma City, Norway Oslo attacks, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Taft Union High School etc
I know it’s not specifically BBC but I hope you’ll put your post on new thread!
Do the BBC really care? Are they not just ticking boxes to show the world how diverse and sympathetic they are to minorities so they don’t get the first Molotov cocktail thrown through the doors of Broadcasting House come the revolution?
A sadder bunch of flakes would be hard to find.
The crocodile appeasement quote seems to apply here.
Of course the BBC has allowed for that and installed bunkers for some mysterious reason, that few others can afford.
A small false alarm prank and painting ‘B Ark’ on the outside to greet them as they re-emerge would be funny.
The religion of mocking pensioners for their “dangerous” Christian beliefs…
Mock a Christian, that’s fine, mock a Muslim – bloodshed. If that were the other way around, the crowd would be quickly surrounded by riot vans and all all arrested, see my post above about the hairdresser.
Why were all they all so keen to film the brave chap?
Well, you have to take your hat off to him for braving that mob, but did he really think he would change anyone’s mind? I also admire his forebearance in not chinning that grinning idiot, but of course that would have had him up on a charge pretty smartish, assuming he survived the retaliation.
I wonder where all the women were?
That looks like Speaker’s Corner to me. I haven’t been there for a few years; I stopped going when it became a zoo attraction for middle eastern people who were amused by the idea of free speech. I imagine it’s even worse now. It always attracted cranks, but there was usually some semi-intelligent heckling and banter, not just grinning idiots laughing at others’ beliefs.
Aren’t we blessed to have such multiculturism on our doorstep? I love being enriched by other cultures!
Just heard someone on Radio Four interviewing a French mayor about immigrants. ‘What can you do to integrate them more?’
Surely it is not the duty of host nations to do that – it is the duty of immigrants themselves. I lived in a European country for a few years and strangely enough, no state agency offered to help me ‘integrate’ nor did I expect them to. Instead I learnt the language, customs and culture, made friends with people and just got on with it. These little drip, drips of propaganda never stop, do they?
To quote the late, and great Peter Simple ” We are all guilty “. !!!
But you have to remember Dr Heinz Kiosk’s opinions were only taken seriously by the BBC. We all ignored him because he was a fan of Marylou Ogreburg’s People’s Bread and Marmite Street Dance Theatre Workshop.
Thank you for reawakening the memory of a great satirist – or should that be prophet.
As an aside while we’re on the subject of the DT. Boris Johnson has an article about Paris in today’s edition. He cannot bring himself to use the term “Islamic State” and deliberately used “Daesh” – I can remember when he was an honest journalist..
Comrade Salmond always uses ‘Daesh’ as well – sounds nice and neutral and non-muslim.
RJ, You are bringing back memories of the late and great Michael Wharton. Never forget the Tory MP, Jeremy Cardhouse who used to walk backwards crawling to the whips and often stood on his own tongue !
Meanwhile, back at the nationally-treasured home of trust, getting it about right and tenure…
‘…a backer of hers in the Tim Hunt affair, a BBC producer called Sue Nelson, unwittingly blew Blum’s entire story apart’
A shimmer in the Sisterhood side of the Farce?
‘Journalists are meant to speak truth to power, not cover up for each other’
Enough there to stir the BBC to at least check its staff’s own ‘reporting’ and actions? So far the only counter in the comments is around semantics and style, so not looking great for Team Aunty.
Or maybe better to get Ian Katz to dress Kirsty up as marshmallow and dance a jig?
Chris Westwood · 17 Days Ago
Has BBC’s sciencenelson commented on this? I think we can conclude that her team is responsible for maintaining the CSL video clip on the BBC web.
17 days ago. Maybe the BBC is hoping exemptions on replying for the purposes of BS, droite du seignieur and derriere couverage will again do the necessary?
Latest popcorn order goes in.
Are we going to have to wait another week for the new thread to be opened? For goodness sake, appoint a few more Admins!
Sounds like a volunteer is presented. Market rates apply.
Obama turns up late for the minute’s silence. Not mentioned by the BBC. This is not the way world leaders behave. Was he making a point?
Obama is a wanker !
Here is a shocking interview, which Iain Dale over at LBC is up in arms about.. Iain Lee over at BBC3 is the culprit
Iain Dale over at LBC is up in arms over this, as Iain Lee lost his job over it. I thought it was an unnecessarily aggressive interview…
Remember only Christians and UKIP supporters can be bigots, again reverse the interview, had this been a follower of the Quran and been arguing the toss about the same thing, Lee would have definitely got the sack, although I doubt he would have been brave enough to use the word bigot.
For once I’m with the BBC on this, fairs fair.
Interesting piece on Radio 4 PM about the Molenbeek Mosque in Belgium where nearly every European jihadi has visited or stayed prior to launching their attacks.
Interesting for another reason too. It was featured in the Weekends Grauniad – more evidence that the BBC does get its stories from there !
Worth a read though, because it raises far more questions than it answers, the main one being why hasn’t the Belgian government taken some more robust action !
Gang jailed for trafficking a woman from Latvia for a sham marriage, but just look at the names. I’m afraid it’s the usual suspects, at it again and of course not on the BBC.