“Lenny Henry talks to black British film director Isaac Julien about his work as an out-gay film-maker who has from the beginning of his career confronted issues of discrimination, police brutality, and homophobia within the African Caribbean community”
Yup. That bad.
Katanga…uttered by Lenny Henry’s last funny character.
What’s an out gay ? Someone of that proclivities who isn’t in for the night ?
Somewhere between de-closeted and in the Samsonite?
The late Felix Dexter had more comedic talent in his nail clippings than can be found in all of Henry’s bloated corpulence.
Lenny Henry ‘preparing’ for The Black and White Minstral Show in the seventies. Now what did Groucho say, oh yes…
“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
“……confronted issues of discrimination, police brutality, and homophobia within the African Caribbean community”
Blimey, how many BBC agendas does that tick in the space of 13 words?
Let me guess that the Afro-Caribbean community were very open and tolerant and it was the nasty Whites who did all of the above.
Well I listened to half of it, what a load of crap
The hotel outfit he does the ad for should surely get him to don the black and white minstrel kit…………shoot that ad with him running in that hotel room and leaping at speed onto the bed shouting…….KATANGA………..aaaagh.
Then we’d all be happy.
Sir Leonard used to lampoon Sir Trevor McDonald. Is that racist or is black on black humour acceptable? It is so confusing these days trying to work out if a crime has been committed.
Been watching the ‘Let us Entertain You’ short series on BBC2. Dominic Sandbrook. Arguments are a tad pathetic but always entertaining to hear about great bands of the 60s and 70s, and even TV too.
Yet even on this programme we got the inevitable Multicultural LoveFest and yes, we even had Sir Leonard Henworthy saying Katanga. Pass the sick bag.
Irony is my black ‘pop’ music collection goes back to Fats Domino from 1949, to pre-famous in the UK 59-63 era Motown and then on to Bob Marley and beyond. I like a lot of the stuff on its own merits ; I just don’t need to be lectured with a false premise.