291 Responses to MIDWEEK OPEN THREAD

  1. Guest Who says:


    ‘It seems impossible to fathom that after all these years of The Apprentice, the candidates are still making the same mistakes. Do the candidates that enter not watch the show first? Is it an inability to develop a learning curve? Or perhaps the whole thing is so stressful that they begin filming as sensible business people and end up on the forgetting everything they know the more episodes they undertake?’

    No, it’s a faked up car crash TV show for young, orange gelled spivs and chavettes in Armani power suits. Yet the BBC pretends it’s all about modern business, and idiot politicians go along with it.

    Meanwhile in the real world… Evan is the BBC’s man in finance. Apparently.


    • Wild says:

      But it is an accurate documentary portrayal of the talent free zone that is the back stabbing world of BBC management.


  2. magicoat says:

    I posted this video to the BBC…Still waiting for a reply..!!
    Cannot think why!!