I take exception to your suggestion that the heir to the nation’s throne would ‘clamber’ on to any form of bandwagon. He would, of course, use a specially commissioned flight of steps, locally crafted from sustainable materials.
I used to have a lot of time for Charlie and especially his charitable trust, but this latest ridiculous claim is pure Day After of Tomorrow-type propaganda straight out of the Gore-approved Hollywood stable.
He’s clever enough to know what he’s doing and connected enough to be aware of the Club of Rome, UN, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc anti-capitalist, eco-socialist agenda behind it.
I find it very disturbing that our heir to the throne should be taking such a controversial, anti-democratic political stance.
After Camoron, Appeaser May, Kerry, Obama, Merkel, Archbishop Welby, the BBC and the enemedia in general.
All prostrating themselves to deny for Islam, adhering to Sharia, covering up for it.
The police, (of course) are desperate try to out do them.
Sharia UK News : London police dive into canal to rescue Qur’ans –
Police dived into an east London canal to retrieve 150. Islamic books – only to discover they had been dumped there deliberately?… you literally couldn t make this sh-t up!.
It is thought a “well meaning” believer had put the books in the Limehouse Cut after … “MISUNDERSTANDING THE RULES” for proper and correct disposal of the Koran.
Anyone who needs to dispose of Islamic texts are “EXPECTED” to put them in water to disintegrate, or to burn them (burn them?, only of course if you are not an infidel, if you are … expect to die) … they should not be simply thrown away
… doing this rather than working to protect the English people from violent Jihad. this madness, or maybe it isn t.
maybe Sharia is the law now? … “appease the crocodile” eh!?
BUT … the Lords prayer? … sorry for the …erm “offence” eh! ban it immediately … just in case.
yep! … terrorism works news
… quick hurry up, what s next? … want to give anything else away? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34891928
Now I include this because if you put “Lords Prayer” into BBC News, site
you get a link to this story … with a photo of a girl with head covered!
click on to it, you get the story with a photo of a child with her hands in a … well just check it out.
Unbelievable, The Police must be awash with funds if they can spare resources for this – how about prosecuting the idiot who threw this litter in the canal?
I noticed that in the ES article they state “However there is no evidence of any hate crime.” 3 times, who in their right mind would think it was.
“no evidence of any hate crime”.
If PC (politically correct) Plod had taken the trouble to open the books, they would have found plenty, page after page of evidence proving incitement to hate crimes, right there.
Any chance of a follow up.? … Scotland Yard?
Must share this brilliant comment on the report of the police who saved the heathen books.
Transcript of the phone conversation between the Police operator and the member of the public who reported it has been released –
Op: Hello, Metropolitan Police Bromley-by-Bow Division please state the nature of your emergency.
Pub: Ahhh…hi, erm, yes, I, I’d like to report…erm…I’ve found a load of books floating in the canal down by …errm.. Limehouse Cut, someone’s dumped loads of them in there and..
Op: Fly tipping? Madame, are you aware that wasting police time is…
Pub: eermm, yes but..
Op: ..a very serious offence, you should already know this, do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES contact the police – in cases of fly tipping..
Pub: b…but..
Op: contact Bromley-by-Bow Council or Docklands water authority, the police have no authority in cases of fly tipping in the canal, have you any idea…
Pub: b…but the books, some of …..
Op: …how many murderers and rapists are..
Pub: s..some of the booksOp: ..out there? To divert even a tiny portion of our already seriously depleted and underfunded police Service would be…
Pub: ..some of the books said ‘Holy Qur’an’ on the front!
Op: Madame, please stay exactly where you are and guard these books but do not touch them under any circumstances, a Special Unit will be with you within minutes and we will be sending our most senior officers to the scene who will decide how best to handle this situation after they have liaised with community leaders and the Imam from the East London Mosque, thank you for your vigilance Madame.
Worth noting that publishers of academic books are producing many Islamic texts to meet demand from the university courses on Islam, the university Islamic Centres, etc. Perhaps they were dumped by some poor librarian desperate to find shelf space for the next cartload.
Clearly the police are a little bit out of their depth here (no pun intended). In the same way that we have some specialised units – for instance, British Transport police – we clearly need a Religious Police. They have one in Saudi Arabia, perhaps they could even supply some people to tide us over until we can train one of our own? And we could reciprocate by, say, restoring the contract to help them manage their prisons which Corbyn foolishly helped torpedo?
Surely someone should get prosecuted for fly tipping , Although I was watching some day time TV program a while back where a council officer was out looking at rubbish being tipped in the back of terraces. Lo and behold a “woman” comes out dumps some rubbish and walks back into the house all on film. Voice over informs us she wasn’t prosecuted for lack of evidence. So council officer, a film crew and film..not enough evidence..
Likely the same council who would send a SWAT team to arrest someone not paying 5p for a plastic bag, or fly CSI:Crufts in to run a DNA test on a mystery poo in the park.
So P(olitically) C(orrect) Plod can dive in to salvage books but can’t be arsed, for elfen safetie reasons, to wade into a 4ft deep pond to rescue a kid in danger of drowning!
Am sympathetic to the police dilemma here. Seems they had to chose between two bad choices.
They either had to ‘rescue’ the books and be accused of wasting scarce resources and kowtowing to Islam or waste even more resources, including possible injuries and damage to property, to deal with a potential riot of Muslims ‘protesting’ desecration of the Koran. Given the current climate, they probably would have had to make a public apology for not rescuing the books, in the first place.
I think they made the correct choice under the circumstances.
And in bBBC la la land, the top priority on the 6am Toady programme this morning was…….a teenage transgender story !!!!
Yes, there is just no end to the ever tinier ‘minorities’ needing an excess of bBBC spending, focus, and ‘journalism’.
If only Assad Ahmed on BBC London was transgender and female (being already Asian and disabled) we could shout HOUSE and win the bBBC PC bingo.
They are so out of touch with ordinary people – but worse, they don’t actually realise they are.
Amazing, a right of centre British Radio/Pod cast show; I did not know they existed!
Well worth a listen; although the presenter does rant a little but wonderful respite from the output we ‘consume’
from the Al Beeb..
Someone called Mike Yardley has some interesting views about the BBC.. http://www.jongaunt.co.uk/
There are also ‘Talk2meradio’ Android and iOS apps for the live broadcast and the podcasts can be listened to on any podcast app such as Podcast Addict, Stitcher, etc.
What was discussed today by both you and others needs to get out there, we see it, but its those blind unquestioning consumers of BBC ‘conditioning’ that need to get the message…
As the fight over Britain’s membership of the EU intensifies, the upcoming referendum has become ripe territory for BBC Radio 4’s satirists. When last Friday’s The Now Show took a comedic look at the subject, some listeners were deeply unhappy with what they perceived as a ‘staying in’ bias. Should the BBC be scrutinising its output for bias already? And is it possible to have truly balanced comedy? Roger Bolton speaks to the BBC’s Chief Adviser on Politics, Ric Bailey.
We hear a most appalling pro-EU rant, not directed at politicians but at the electorate, and the BBC’s response. Ric Bailey’s definition of ‘impartiality’ is all-revealing – essentially the BBC is judge and jury in it’s own court.
Regarding the Now Show: I’m sure the UK will be really hit by the loss of trade treaties with Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bosnia, Chile, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Palestinian Authority, San Marino, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey. Replacement treaties with those that mattered could be concluded within days, let alone years. Little Iceland can manage to make trade deals. Canada has had a deal with the USA for 25 years and Australia for 10, while the mighty EU hasn’t pulled it off yet.
As for the EU being ’21st Century’, seeing as it was founded in the 20th Century and is intent upon imposing 19th Century Napoleonic Law on all of us the ‘joke’ is lost on me.
Feedback is a joke. In fact, it has become what it always meant to be: a self-referential mutually reinforcing 30 minutes of unmitigated pro-BBC propaganda. I don’t honestly know why I ever bother to listen to it – perhaps in some vague hope that one day, just for a moment, the BBC might, by accident if not intention, admit its mistakes. Nope. It just never happens. Usually some apparatchik is wheeled on (in ‘explainer’ mode – so beloved of the BBC) to ‘correct’ any listener or viewer foolish enough to criticise the Corporation’s output.
BBC’s Chief Adviser on Politics, sounds like an interesting role! I wonder:
1. Who he reports to?
2. Who he advises?
3. What the key requirements for undertaking the role are?
4. What the principle responsibilities are?
5.What the success factors are?
By definition, the role is unlikely to be impartial.
1. Who he reports to?
The Labour Party, National Executive
2. Who he advises?
The BBC…that’s all of the BBC
3. What the key requirements for undertaking the role are?
Being a member of the Labour Party (hard left division)
4. What the principle responsibilities are?
To ensure that the Labour message is promulgated and Tory ones rubbished
5.What the success factors are?
The obstruction of the Tory government programme and the eventual election of Jeremy Corbyn
‘When last Friday’s The Now Show took a comedic look at the subject, some listeners were deeply unhappy with what they perceived as a ‘staying in’ bias. Should the BBC be scrutinising its output for bias already? And is it possible to have truly balanced comedy?’
Some listeners, eh?
As to those questions, a) not the right one and b) with the BBC in oversight of the BBC hiring, edit and monitoring, no.
However, being the BBC, they don’t have to answer anyway.
As Al Beeb positions itself to condemn the government both for not doing enough to protect our country against terrorism (spending cuts blah blah) and at the same time backing Corbyn & co on Syria here is a voice from history:
‘And you have never considered what manner of men… with whom you will have to fight, and how utterly unlike yourselves. They are revolutionary, equally quick in the conception and in the execution of every plan; while you are cautious, careful only to keep what you have, originating nothing, and not acting even when action is most urgent. They are bold beyond their strength;they run risks which prudence would condemn. Whereas it is your nature , though strong, to act feebly; when your plans are prudent, to distrust them; and when calamities come upon you, to think you will never be delivered from them.They are impetuous, and you are dilatory; they are always abroad; and you are always at home.. If a man should say to them they were born neither to have peace themselves nor to allow peace to other men, he would simply speak the truth.”
Those words are two and a half thousand years old, and they are as true today as when Thucydides first recorded them.
It fascinates me just how quiet the liberal / left have become regarding the “refugee crisis” in recent weeks. It wasn’t so long ago I heard these caring people telling us that “it’s shameful that Britain is only taking 20,000.” Yvette Cooper gave “an impassioned and coherent speech” imploring David Cameron to be “more humane.” She received a standing ovation for it and hours of coverage by our favourite broadcaster. And not to be outdone in the compassion stakes Jezza Corbyn piped up and informed us that the government’s response was “feeble” and we should all praise the Germans and try to do us much ourselves. He wouldn’t give a precise figure but told us we should take “many, many more.”
Well, now we know. We’ve got numerous “refugees” repaying the sympathy of European governments by slaughtering as many of their citizens as they can. Paris has been devastated and Brussels is in lock down.
I think it was wily old Harold Wilson who once said “a week is a long time in politics”…
Hate mongering racist, terrorism has nothing to do with refugees. I don’t care if the Paris terrorists only entered Europe last month, you’re a racist.
“I don’t care if the Paris terrorists only entered Europe last month, you’re a racist.”
Xavier, I think in the first part of that sentence you explained everything. There is something particularly pernicious and poisonous in the “liberal” mindset when promoting their own moral superiority over those they disagree with. The truth is you don’t care…Most sane and healthy people do care deeply about refugees. We want to help but not at the expense of our own people. What is the death toll in Paris so far? When a terrorist pack of Islamonazis warn us that they are infiltrating those groups of people coming to our shores (from Greece and Turkey!) we hesitate before we put our own people in mortal danger.
That would seem to make perfect sense to most sane people.
However in your case…
Out of curiosity, last night, I looked at the BBC’s Scotland edition of the Met Office forecast for Scotland for the coming week. The lady presenter, told the viewer that a mild spell was the order of the week. What? Are you having a laugh? Today viewing their automatic reporting stations and those of private individuals, most of the temperatures at 13.00 were showing just 5 degrees with some, even at sea level showing just above freezing. That, my dear is NOT MILD. Also, using the info from a European weather forecasting organisation, they are again forecasting snow for parts of Scotland tomorrow. That ain’t “mild” either. Later on in the week, Thursday and Friday, snow once more returns to Scotland with vengeance. So, that is a “Mild” forecast is it? “They” are lying to us again. And have you all noticed that the word “cold” has been replaced by “chilly”? I don’t hear the world “cold” anymore even when the temperature drops to below zero, it always is “chilly”, what ever that means. It was certainly “chilly” on Dartmoor last night, it got down to at least MINUS 5, where earlier in the day we were told temperatures would only “touch” freezing. Yeah right.
And while I’m having a go, as has already been pointed out on todays week starter, Prince Charles…what a numpty. I wonder though how much his “duchy” estates have received in grants to follow the green agenda and Climate Change has caused the Syrian problem? He must be suffering from the Charlotte Church syndrome. The guy needs certifying.
Did anyone notice that Patrick Grady SNP was wearing an ear ring on his left ear when interviewed today on the Daily Politics programme. I wonder if this a statement of him feeling a prick.
I can’t imagine Harold Macmillian, Enoch Powell or James Callaghan ever wearing ear rings, -sign of the times I suppose, not a good sign though.
I cannot remember another male politician who wore ear rings! There probably have been but I cannot think of any. Any suggestions?
I can’t think of any other MP’s wearing them, but if there is, guaranteed they’ll be from the left of the political spectrum. Its all part of the dumbing down of society, maybe at 47 I’m an old fuddy duddy but I really don’t get the inking and metallisation that is the fashion today, even in my age group and older. What could be more vomit inducing than some old 60 year obese woman with a butterfly on her tit and her kids names on her flabby arms? Or a 60 year old guy with a grey ponytail extracted from his bald pate with 2 inch earnings dangling from his ears?
I also hate the fashion, both in business and politics of open necked shirts without a tie.
Rant over, sorry what was the question? Oh yea old blokes like Grady with earrings look gay to me, just my opinion, reminds me of a social worker or careers master I used to have at school.
I am 44, have got 2 piercings in my left ear, one in my right….The good Lady Chop ordered me not to wear them, once i passed 40….”Yer too old” she says.
As a child my father explained to me that the only men who wore ear rings were Gypsies, homosexuals and Pirates of the Seven Seas. Which rather begs the question…
Diane Abbot , with her rabbit rabbit rabbit. Perhaps the greatest condemnation of Corbyn is that he had an affair with sweet , fragrant, Diane. He disproved the theory that man can put a man on the moon but can’t put a man on Diane. In my opinion, this disqualifies him from ever being PM.
Another pile of shit asked to be prayed for across our churches here in the South then?
1. Pray for the Climate Changey junkerwallahs who are “as we speak preparing to go to Paris”.
If only IS would warn them off that-but, hey, suits Islam to show them all up for the hyperventilating socialist science “grads from yunee!” that they are…oh, the humanity as Emwazi was vapourised and spewed patchouli oils into the local microclimate
2. Pray that the Government might be more just, more equal-basically more Corbyn or Farron, Clarke or Heselteenie. The magic bodhi money tree at the Quakers ought to do it-Fun With(prayer) Flags a la Sheldon.
3. Prayers for dwindling church numbers…still, as long as the druggies get flip flops and a helpline number so the police or the State escape the consequences of their actions-then fine…makes a load of old do-gooders(ex Labour, charity bigwigs) feel they`re able to play Lady Elizabeth Fry just like the social workers, teachers and NHS state pimps do.
Patronising, clueless but when Camilla Batmanghedghli and Paul Flowers sign off on your work and vouch for your generosity-then there`s a photo op in due course.
Now what`s all this got to to with the BBC?
Well-they don`t take Islam in vain, ban its prayers and mock it as Iain Lee does with the Jesus inadequate s, homophobes and bigots do they?
Just heard my first-“no room at the inn” piece of shit as a “Syrian family” go from Serbia to Macedonia on Martha Kearneys watch…and I expect an awful lot of this “no room at our inns, won`t somebody please care for the baby” as the Bethlehem Arabs must have done-history is not their strong point.
Now the church has found out that getting on your knees to suck off the State only gets you mocked, ostracised …even if it IS “Like A Prayer” in a real sense to them both-maybe it could get off its knees before IS comes a -calling.
In short-next “No Room At The Inn” “WWJD” pice of blasphemy and piss taking by the BBC deserves a fatwa…or at least a walkout on all its crap voluntary propping up of the NHS, of schools and social servies-as well asall those bleeding heart charities that scuttle about at the bottom of the cliff…but are too lazy and clueless to get up to the clifftop to stop IS and the BBC from chucking the bodies down below to “the urgency services” to pray over.
Get out from under Babylon church-if junior docs get the BBC nod for walkouts-why the hell do Christians still feed themselves pointlessly to the hateful State of IsLab…as sponsored by the BBC.
Do they know its Christmas-well only as far as they get freebies, trips to Paris and Copenhagen-and a chance to browbeat feeble Christians into working Pro Bono…without his shedloads of tax avoiding accountants and slipper sniffers.
Most kind Grant, my reckoning is any flunkie who kowtows to the likes of Bono, Yentob of the other grandees-if its foot worship of Islamic types, I guess that this would be a different category of olfactory podiatry-the sandal sniffer.
Lolling slavering tongues from the BBC and the Left struggle to reach the curly tops at the tip of Arabian or Persian footware, so I`m told-but it`s never for the want of trying.
OK, chris , I get it now. You are not wrong ! I pray that you are copyrighting your posts . Otherwise some slipper sniffer may steal them, publish them, and make a lot of money !
Prince Charles links climate change to Syria conflict
And there’s me thinking it was a failed Arab Spring followed by a civil war in which President Assad bombed and gassed his own people followed by IS filling the law and order vacuum followed by the US & Russia bombing IS.
Prince Charles has obviously graduated at the Prince Phillip school of mumbo jumbo.
“…Prince Charles has obviously graduated at the Prince Philip school of mumbo jumbo.”
Well, that plus the fact Nurse clearly needs to up his meds. Charlie’s obviously barking. Usually he’s sedated adequately enough to allow him out of his gilded sanitorium to mingle with the unwashed masses for brief spells, but I hear Care in the Community is somewhat underfunded these days, so perhaps his climate outburst is just another result of what the BBC likes to call the ‘cutz’.
Charles should not be king. As a conservative republican I do not think the institution of monarchy should survive Elizabeth.
What to replace it is another matter but replace it we should.
On that basis, the post of Prime Minister should have been abolished years ago. Clearly doesn’t work. Gordon Brown for God’s Sake! We had Prescott as a Deputy PM.
Nor the quality of French presidents. I’m a royalist although I would now not be disappointed if someone persuaded Charles to withdraw from the succession and allow William to become heir. There is historic precedence for this.
The institution and the person are seperate matters. That we have had idiotic PMs is not the fault of the position of PM.
Monarchy itself is an institution that as a Jeffersonian democrat I find impossible to accept.
The notion of a hereditary ruler and ruling class is , to my mind, absurd. Others feel differently. That is their privilege.
Just how Her Maj sleeps at night having presided over the last 63 years that have seen the decline of this once great nation, I’m not sure, but pretty sure her ancestors wouldn’t be that impressed.
I’m all for the monarchy, but when you look at the events of the last 63 years and what Charles has said today you do begin to question the point.
While reference to the Paris attack from over a week ago is still headlining most of the media, it appears that Islamic terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in Israel barely gets a mention, if at all, by the BBC.
A 21 year old Israeli woman was stabbed yesterday by a Palestinian terrorist. This is one of many other incidents that have occurred in the past weeks there. We are already aware of how the BBC are only too eager to cover stories where Palestinian women and children are injured because of Israeli retaliation, but less concerned when it is the other way round, even ignoring it completely.
So we can see from the ‘priority’ given this latest attack on the BBC website. You can see from the Yahoo screenshot of the BBC Mid-East webpage the story is given 6th from the top (highlighted) despite having occurred later than some of those above it. The top story: ‘World united in terror fight – Cameron’ doesn’t even have concern the Mid-East as such, and I’ll leave it to you to decide how important is the fact that Morocco is to open a giant solar plant, or that a US reporter has been sentenced in Iran, or an acquittal appeal over a Qatar nursery fire, which for the BBC are far more important to us.
Worth too looking at the actual BBC Mid-East webpage to see that the story of the incident in Israel (highlighted) only shows ‘Four dead in West Bank violence’ with no text underneath to show that an Israeli woman was murdered. Leaving the viewer to assume that it was Israelis who had killed Palestinians.
Worth also noting that the story that had been read the most from the BBC website yesterday (highlighted) was in fact the one on Israel, so the fact that the BBC decided to ‘minimise# it in the way they have shows it has nothing to do with public interest as much as BBC interest.
Finally, the one story that relates in any way to Israel appears at the top right of their webpage and concerns Life as a cancer nurse in Gaza’s main hospital. Needless to say the content is more there to demonise Israel by showing how ‘hard life is’ for this nurse because of Israel policy than real concern for her. You can be sure that the BBC will not offer any attempt to explain or balance just why Israel policy on Gaza is such as it is, or that many patients from Gaza are also treated in Israel.
Here’s the text from the video article. At the age of 27, Azza Jadalla has already lived through six wars – three in the past seven years alone. She is a cancer nurse in Gaza’s main hospital, Al-Shifa. Every day she deals with fall-out of the on-going conflict between Israel and Gaza’s ruling party, Hamas.
Living in a place with a failing economy means she faces daily electricity and supply shortages at work.
“Sometime we go for two or three months without pay,” she says. “But this doesn’t make me want to do my job any less, because it’s not the patient’s fault.”
Despite her dedication and due to shortages in Gaza, there is often only so much Ms Jadalla can do for her patients. For one patient Abdul (name has been changed), who is suffering from leukaemia, the only option for further treatment is outside Gaza.
I heard only one mention of the Survation poll in the Sun – that 20% of Muslims in Britain feel sympathy for people who join IS rising to 25% or so among younger people.
Surely at a time of heightened tension about IS terrorism this is news that should stay in the headlines and should be widely discussed on a variety of BBC news and current affairs programmes ?
That just tells me that only 20% are being honest, how many of the rest are prectising takkiya for the dhimmis (see, I said I was picking up a bit of Arabic)?
Has he clarified anything beyond ‘bother’, as to why that statistic is made up, before folk rush to complain?
The BBC perhaps not the best avenue to pursue on such matters. made up stats AND complaints, that is.
Even if totally spurious, the Sun could always refuse to tell the IPSO anything on the grounds of ‘journalism, art & literature’. Seems an all-purpose cover for anything.
Seems the liberal leftist population are simultaneously pissing their pants over the latest Sun headline. I’m not entirely sure what the original poll was or why the headline itself is so offensive. Can someone fill us lay people in?
I have posted a linkto the Sun article lower down in this thread – along with a link to an article describing how leftie newspapers have tried to debunk the Sun’s poll figures.
The BBC has taken a different line, at least on the radio – it has deep-sixed the figures. Over half a million British Muslims expressing sympathy for people who join IS (and maybe many more who kept shtumm) – “Nothing to see here, move along”.
More drivel from Al Beeb, trying to claim that London is no different today than it was 2000 years ago. That’s so obviously not true because 2000 years ago there were no filthy barbaric muslim scum to infest our cities.
The key phrase is: According to Caroline McDonald, who is a senior curator at the museum, London was a cosmopolitan city from the moment it was created following the Roman invasion 2,000 years ago.
Can you image the BBC reporting that Harare, Zimbabwe was ‘cosmopolitan’ from the moment it was created?
Based on a sample size of 4! Think the Beeb is jumping the gun a bit here. The result will probably be different after the other 19996 have been processed, depending of course on all those pre conquest black Romans that Diane Abbot told us about. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/dabbott_01.shtml
“The thing to remember with the original Londoners is that they were not born here. Every first generation Londoner was from somewhere else – whether it was somewhere else in Britain, somewhere else on the continent somewhere else in the Mediterranean, somewhere else from Africa,” she said.
… How could they be born in London if they were BORN BEFORE LONDON WAS BUILT.
You really couldn’t make up just how dim witted the average beeboid is. How this can be classed as “news” simply baffles me.
R4’s PM enthusiastically reports bones of North African girl dating from the foundation of Roman London found!!!
Hyperventilating, gasping for breath, the reporter repeats 10 times
“London has always been the multicultural city that we love!!”
Bones of man with “head severed from body” also found
Who knows maybe “men” with a grievance about “Roman foreign policy” were also
making their presence felt.
I heard this too. Unrestrained shared elation between our intrepid reporter Palab Gosht and the museum’s researcher.
We knew London has always been a multicultural city!
People have always flocked here to work!
Just like today’s wonderful multicultural city that we all love – the most multicultural city in the world!
All based on the analysis of skeletons of 4 people from 2000 years ago, 2 of whom they’ve decided came from N Africa, one from Eastern Europe and one Cock-a-nee. And yet there are a further 20,000 skeletons as yet to be analysed.
Yet to come:
Did they live in their own ghettoes – sorry – ‘communities’, or did they integrate?
What happened to skin pigmentation?
Where was Islam?
Were there Roman equivalents of housing benefit and tax credits?
Is this conclusion just a teensy bit premature?
Somehow I don’t think these questions will ever occur to our premature-ejaculating, muticulti-peddlers at the BBC who never let facts or real science get in the way of a good pant-creaming.
And you just wonder whether, like ‘climate change’, the evidence is being carefully adjusted to fit the narrative….
Please dont be dismissive about this great news! – Black africans have always had a significant presence in this country throughout history. This is easily confirmed by checking any recent episodes of Dr Who whenever he visits medievel England!
London may have had a multiracial past but the Romans were not known for multiculturalism.
In fact the success of the Empire was based on imposing Roman ways upon all and severe retribution uopn those who rejected them.
So the lesson we might learn could be interpretated quite differently and not in a way the hive would like.
Anyone who works nights and has tuned in to the world service will be aware that this £85 million will be wasted. How many doctors and nurses could be trained with this cash ?
Cameron and his austerity . Where are the Tory MP’s with balls ?
That is as close as the BBC has ever come to a complete waste of money. Even if the BBC signal gets past the radio jamming of foreign broadcasts in North Korea, and ignoring the fact that all radios sold in North Korea have tuning fixed on government radio stations, any North Koreans caught listening to the BBC broadcast will be prosecuted, with sentences even more severe than non-payment of the TV licence.
The fact that people have always moved around the world is not a surprise, a state/compulsory tax funded media organisation using that fact to brainwash the population into accepting forced mass immigration is also not surprising when you consider the BBC’s track record. What is the point of this article? to inform? I doubt it.
Take a look at a 1940s, 50s or 60s film footage depicting street scenes in London, did the director edit out all the ethnically diverse people? Blitz coverage does not show a particularly diverse population, old school photographs? Photographs of London pre dating moving pictures? The BBC keeps repeating the same old lies.
Lefties always want to celebrate the fact that we are not all identical clones, except the not very diverse identical twins. But they also insist that Black people are the same as White people. Very confusing, but I just assume that they are the type of people who like to watch freak shows, and regard Blacks as the freaks, but then say something contradictory out of guilt.
Paris and the growth of inner-city shit holes prove that Europe’s future is not going to benefit from multicultural diversity, and the response to Paris in multicultural areas of Europe is fear, fear and fear.
But today, I did hear some loony on the BBC say something very positive about multiculturalism. Telling the truth is still far too right-wing.
If Al Beeb were to believed, not only was London full of ethnics, it also had its share of ladyboys, presumably from the far east.
“An added twist to Harper Road woman’s tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male – even though physically she was a woman”
And they gleaned this information from a highly representative sample of 4 individuals from a pool of 20,000! Of course, what they don’t say is how many of the remaining skeletons were analysed and found to be of indigenous stock and therefore rejected on the grounds of not fitting the narrative.
And next in ‘you cant make it up’
6pm bBBC1 news. “Still to come. Bones research shows london has been multicultural for centuries.”
” but first a global warming climate change story from the Philippines”
Oh no.
Not enough Filipino rice queens for the BBCs staffstuffies-maybe Rolf Harris can be persuaded to do them another series of programmes on how they might swim to safety.
And no shortage of BBC boys to check on speedos for their “vulnerable young men”.
Bunch of Speedophiles at the BBC…always was, always will be.
Still though-only the BBC could worry about the Ferris Wheel in Manila being fuelled by hamster droppings , flatus-as opposed to that horrid coal that seems to work…eeuw!
Where`s the crisis in that?
Imagine it`s already off its base and being wheeled overland to Paris as we speak…and if there`s not thousands of Pakistanis on it when it comes rolling into Fontainebleu then I`ll be dumned.
London has multicultural origins!!! Even the girl with blue eyes may have had ‘some’ African DNA.
One of them may even have been pre-op trans gender!!!
FOUR bodies out of 20,000 have a slightly different genetic mix, and all of a sudden that’s enough for a comparison with the squalid sh*thole that is modern London.
This isn’t news, this is blatant propaganda from the BBC, who can see the rise of the sensible, angry, right wing, and 30 years of cultural Marxism being put to the sword.
Must have been a Panto troupe from Carthage Community Theatre who got a grant from Black Ken Al Librestan-who was the first director to insist on Henrius Lenrius being the lead in ” No Funny Things ever happened to any of us on the way to the Agora Grantia Tribituti Frooti.”
Does Lenny know that his was not the first black theatre to enrich us all?
The BBC-gullible fantasists…and the forever message of Lennon and Tariq Ali.
Doesn’t scientific research need to be published in a science journal to be critically analyzed by peers. I can’t find any science behind this. Where is this published, so we can read the study for ourselves. When the BBC makes claims of this type, i like to check. Normally, they just make up their own conclusions. But as mentioned, the BBC and academia are in cahoots.
Funny how this ‘genetic mix’ never includes the Vikings or anything remotely Scandinavian, as they raped and pillaged their way south, or God forbid Italian when the Romans invaded. No, to hear the Beeb, they have to see it as African/Indian – but even a 3 year old knows that it would be far too cold this far north for those who were used to warmer climes, whatever their colour. Shame they don’t think its too cold for them in 2015.
That report on ‘multicultural London’ was the worst! You’d have thought they’d found a way to cure cancer with water. ‘Relentless Cheerleading’ doesn’t quite cover it. The BBC is ostentatiously objective about the whole ‘is killing concert goers a bad thing’ question, but this, *this* they can take a position on.
The certainty with which David Shukman was telling us on PM tonight that The Philippines are suffering from floods due to man-made ‘climate change’ was an abominable piece of agitprop journalism when in fact the true position as held by the IPCC is very cautious indeed i.e. there is no provable link between ‘global warming’ and ‘extreme weather’.
But that is nothing new for the BBC, we’ve heard this level of certainty from them before. In fact, all the effing time.
However they are extremely crafty with it, throwing in at the end ‘If scientific forecasts* are to be believed, then…’ (fill in your own global warming-induced catastrophe). However, because it was preceded with an unequivocal level of certainty you bet your life listeners believe those forecasts have got it bang on!
The irony, of course, is that The Philippines – being a ‘developing country’ an’ all – are building more and more power stations to fuel their economic growth because, as their PM most eloquently put it ‘Wind and solar are unreliable’ (and you don’t often hear that on the BBC).
But just when you were being lulled into a false sense of balanced reporting (or the nearest equivalent you can get on the BBC) Shukman and his next carefully-selected interviewee hit you with the Agenda 21 sucker punch: ‘It’s the industrialised West who have put all that CO2 in the atmosphere and caused all our floods, so they should be compensating us’.
So the issue of The Philippines building another 25 coal-fired power stations, adding to that nasty, polluting CO2 that causes all the floods, was neatly sidestepped and the ball run effortlessly over the Friends of the Earth-sponsored try line to ground another 5 points for the redistributionist agenda.
When the energy shortage hits this country big time in a couple of years and vulnerable people are dying, I can only hope Shukman and his ilk are brought to book. Conspiracy charges – e.g. willfully deceiving the British public into believing climate change, extreme weather and global warming are all real and proven to be man-made and banning fossil fuels is the only answer – would be a good place to start.
*i.e. climate models which spectacularly failed to predict 18 years of no warming (but Shukman and his 28gate mates will never tell you that).
Here is the Sun article with polling results among British Muslims – the article makes grim reading, including other questions touching on divided loyalty, and it should have been headline news on the BBC all day :
Here from a US website is an article describing how UK leftie media such as the Guardian, the Mirroe and the Indy have tried to debunk the poll figures. The BBC seems to have taken another tack, at least on the radio.
To the BBC it must be bad news that OVER HALF A MILLION British Muslims express sympathy for IS – and how many more when polled kept quiet about their sympathy ? So the BBC has not been trying to debunk the poll results – it has taken the usual BBC line of burying this major story !
“Suppressio veri” – suppress the truth ! Typical BBC bias, they are truly shameless.
Was at the Museum of London a few weeks back.
Lots of allusions to the Blitz, chirpy cockneys-and loads about the MultiKulti dream that London represents.
Funnily enough though-saw no mention of Bob Mellish, a key Labour fixer and up to his staithes in payback as LDC main man.
Plenty about REd Ken and Brenda(Lady) Dean as SOGAT union leader who fought the “Battle Of Wapping”,
As for the Battle of Woolwich where Lee Rigby was butchered by the devils khat wad/ weed in the form of the “Two Michaels”?…well, no need to mention that-tooearly, may have been Mossad.
No surprise then that academe and the BBC will mutually fund each other and amplify their aspirations…I well remember the burqa-clad women of Mile End as they fought off the hun…for their men would make that Final Solution a bit finaller!
Any DNA artistry could be due to the Romans being in London-they got around you know.
And I imagine that Constantinople has a few white DNA types from Western Europe-harem and slaves who serviced the Muslim rulers back then.
Oh-how cultured, how cosmopolitan those Turks were-could we not learn from that?
Typical case of the BBC manufacturing the “here`s one we made earlier” meme…only it`s no longer Blue Peter, but Green Ahmed.
MultiKulti Climate Change in need of Islamic sharpening….our BBC.
Oh-how cultured, how cosmopolitan those Turks were-could we not learn from that?
The BBC (and Mary Bearded Lady in particular) have already secured the rehabilitation of the Roman Empire as an enlightened, civilising, multicultural Nirvanah.
I think you’re right, the Turks must be next with a sustained feast of ‘What The Ottomans Did For Us*’ (with the occasional forcemeat sandwich-filling of the Evil Empire of the RacistBrits and their seafaring, warmongering, pillaging, culture-destroying ways across a third of the planet).
* Credit where credit’s due – I believe they made some very nice settees.
“Tayyib Rashid’s response was prompted by remarks by Donald Trump, the presidential candidate who’s leading his Republican opposition in many early polls. In a recent interview, Trump said that he’s open to the possibility of special security and surveillance measures targeting Muslims””.
Trust the BBC to find a story that opposes Trump’s sentiments. The BBC/Left oppose Trump. Therefore, no story supporting Trump’s sentiments.
If it had been Hilary Clinton, the BBC would have found a story SUPPORTING any of her sentiments.
Just watching It Takes Two on BBC2 reviewing Strictly week 9 at Blackpool. Jamelia made reference to the rerecording of Peter Andre’s standing ovation. Apparently according to other blogs, Peter’s finish had to be rerecorded because the audience did not give him a standing ovation. Well I am not surprised he was hopeless. But I presume it is because the producers are desperate to keep in 2 men that it had to appear that his dance was better than Jamelia’s. I have been willing Jamelia out for the past few weeks because she wasn’t very good but this week she was heaps better. Judges had saved her 5 times and I assumed it was because she is black. So a rare case of male beating black. Going back to It Takes Two and Jamelia revealing the retake. It was ok, Zoe just ignored it.
Trust the BBC? If they cannot be honest in Strictly, why should we trust them over anything?
Forced to watch last night (as I always am!) it occurred to me that the result was fixed by the judges.
ie what was the point of the dance off if they judge on past performances? I know nothing yet it was apparent that Jamelia was best, but they kept Andre in, only Len Goodman had a handle on this and feigned annoyance with his fellow judges for their decisions.
My feeling was the same as yours, too many women left in, let’s even it out. Farcical, why do we never get to find out exactly what the public vote was, those who pay to vote have a right to know, but as ever the BBC are a law to themselves.
Well, something happened, because I didn’t see the audience give a standing ovation to Andre’s performance. Are the wheels starting to come off Strictly ? Ola Jordan has been given the boot (apparently) after grassing up the Beeb on alleged fixing of the judges scoring.
I’m still sore about Bake Off….that woman muslim was inferior to some of those eliminated in my book, and i said to others, half-way through, that i bet the muslim gets through and possibly wins…how right i was….BBC, rotters, all the way through.
I heard from the 6 o’clock news on R4 that London has always been “diverse” the basis for this appears to be 2 sets of human remains originating from North Africa 2000 years ago.
That may well be the case that these ancient remains are from there; but it doesn’t mean that there was racial “diversity” per se.
The Romans held sway over North Africa until 438AD, when they were usurped by the Vandals; who were a Germanic people like the Anglo-Saxons. The Arabs didn’t explode out of the Arabian peninsula into North Africa, until the emergence of their moon worshipping death cult some centuries later.
Much of North Africa became a Roman colony after the Third Punic War around 146 BC. The people who lived along the coast (modern day Algeria, Libya, Tunisia) would largely have been perceived as being Mediterranean, inasmuch as the Romans thought about such terms at all. They certainly were not Negroes, Nubians or Arabs. A more interesting programme from the BBC would be about the fall of Rome and the parallels with the modern day – towards the end the majority of the citizens of Rome were immigrants, there for ‘the bread and circuses’. The Roman legions were still winning military campaigns far from home, whilst the eternal city collapsed – something that Cameron and Hollande might like to ponder.
You`d think so wouldn`t you Ian?
Tragically-the likes of Mary Beard and Simon Schama run the history show for the BBC and the bien-pensants like the Guardian 68`ers.
And the likes of Starkey and Ferguson either ply their trade abroad or are vilified.
When I heard Beard on Channel 4, I saw the game was up for any pretence of historical objectivity-FFS, even MY limited readings from Gibbon etc make it all too clear how the Roman Empire fell-and its blindingly obvious read-across to todays cultural catastrophe we live in.
But if you can control the past and its interpretations and teachings, tomorrow belongs to you and those lilylivers and petunias you`ve managed to neuter and make docile…unless you put a UKIP poster up, or wear a Star Of David.
AND-Boris Johnson is a Roman scholar-yet he TOO prefers to go for the charismatic comedy buffoon that would play well in the Senate as the Empire collapsed from within…and he refuses to read across from the past, preferring to get the garlands…THAT is the ennervation of academe we live with.
Still-given what the Greens have done to science, what the EU has done to civics and to the law…can hardly say history is uniquely stuffed like Mustafas olive.
And the pro-EU types in Britain sent begging letters to Honorius for help in keeping out the immigrants invading Britain. But as Rome fell to the immigrants, Honorius told them to join UKIP. Some did, but a lot of them left Britain and perished in France, killed by French Eurosceptics.
Desperation from the bBC. It was NOT the British natives that were diverse, it was the invading immigrants that were diverse. Seems not much changes in 2000 years.
Thanks Nog. Another excellent offering from Stefan Molyneux. Thoughtful, considered and reasoned – as ever.
As he says at the end of the video, the responsibility for sorting this out lies with the voters. We need honest politicians with backbone and common sense.
As usual, great resume of the situation, and fact packed my only divergence from his assertions is that
Islam is treated as a “religion”, it is not … it is an encompassing political totalitarian ideology, the history of Islam actually history of said ideologies ie Nazism/Fascism, Communism highlight that differential, the erm … “god” factor is used as always as the control pin … otherwise a great round up.
The BBC world at One: After the inconvenient interruption of the Paris Attacks, I’m sure you will all be pleased that the BBC Migration Show is back on the road with, “A New Life on Europe: The Dhnie Family”.
That flamethrower idea might be put to good use in America over the next 7 days. Record LOW Novemebrrrr temperatures are set to sweep in many areas so that flame thrower idea can be used to keep all the natives warm! Or as our own Met Office through the BBC would say, “a bit chilly”.
“London ‘diverse’ 2,000 years ago
A DNA study has confirmed that London was an ethnically diverse city from its very beginnings.
An analysis of 2,000 year old skeletons reveals what some of the very first Londoners looked like and where they came from.”
And how many 2,000 year old skeletons did they analyse?
2 were from outside Europe, 1 was from continental Europe, and 1 from Britain. Surprisingly, there is very little information to be gathered about the study online.
So basically, as far as i can tell this is not a scientific study, and no paper has been released. It’s just bollox.
Made the front page though. BBC Bollox
“”Thousands of people are stuck on Greece’s border with Macedonia because they are being told that only those that can prove they are escaping war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan can pass.
It means that migrants from Pakistan, Iran and Bangladesh have nowhere to go””.
Why are the BBC sympathetic with the ‘plight’ of these unlawful immigrants?
Because as a Left wing organisation, the BBC supports unfettered immigration.
Just a thought here about Camerons little Saudi inspired jaunt to ‘bomb’ ISIS. The supposed rationale is that ISIS poses a threat to us in the EU witnessed by the Paris attack, except that ISIS in Syria are no threat at all to us directly, and as we know from the Russian successes at bombing them, all the ones who felt threatened shaved off their beards and moved to Europe.
If Camerons so called bombing in Syria were successful it might just have a similar result with thousand of more Jihadis making the move through Europes porous borders.
We should not expend a single bullet in Syria until the Eu sorts its border control out, and Turkey agrees to prevent migrants setting off instead of encouraging them.
We should not expend a single bullet until Police on the beat are all armed with assault rifles, and fully trained, troops are ready to be mobilised at a moments notice and a lot more is done to root out the ISIS terrorists which mad Merkel let into Europe. Germany should be sent the bill for all this.
We all know that Cameons bombs will be dropped in the sand injuring no one, but costing a fortune which we don’t have. All for what? So his Saudi masters can make a show, and he can perhaps prevent Russia bombing effectively what he refers to as the ‘moderate’ Syrian resistance.
Cameron s knee jerk, non strategy, futile and facile … once again not being target specific here, not addressing the clear and present community danger, pussyfooting, political correctness.
Denial of both fact and reality,(and I know that is a daily occurrence with these inept No10 traitors), but these guys want to commit multiple acts of mass murder right here, right now
Anyway … “So called … ISIS” and erm “its” murder and violence?
Al Quaida,
Al Nusra,
Al Shabab,
Paris, Tunisian beach, Charlie Hebdo
7/7, 9/11 etc etc. … when was the
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future, in all strata of our society. be target specific, profile correctly, address the glaring reality, one law, OUR rules or the highway integrate or ahem emigrate.
Sheesh! … Seven Brit attacks prevented in six months. Only seven? Aren’t we lucky we are dealing with the so called 😀 “religion of peace”?
‘We all know that Cameron’s bombs will be dropped in the sand injuring no one,’ Yes indeed Thoughtful. Like Obama he won’t hit IS.
But I would not put it past him and his EU pals to bomb Assad’s soldiers, their supply lines, and thus prolong IS until they are sufficiently established for negotiations.
I’ve seen report from some fucking bleeding heart BBC tosspot from the border of Macedonia. I’ve never seen thing like it. Where are you from, where are you from? I couldn’t give shit where they’re from, I down want them breaking into Europe like burglars. They said they’d be killed if they went back to Iran. I call BS. To say they’ll looked like swarthy criminals (they all looked like rapists, to me) would be an understatement. And, you won’t be surprised to know this but the Macedonia police were the bad guys for keeping their country safe from the invaders. Aside from the one small girl there, naturally. Of course, she was from left, right and centre. And, now the crowning turd in the water pipe – they think that sewing their lips together would elicit sympathy. Now, I remember a bunch of Tamils getting all histrionic about being deported and stripping down to their undies. It didn’t work then and it doesn’t start now. ffs, I don’t know why they’re so extreme – they’ll lets them in eventually. And, the next lot, and the next lot. Can’t we just shoot them all? Pure, unadulturated bias, brought to by extortion.
I see that BBC News is doing its best for Jezza tonight. Just as they ran Operation Save Ed, before the election, the BBC are putting in a shift to deflect from Corbyn’s utterly appalling performance in the HoC today.
The (dominant) BBC’s reporting was materially different from almost every other news outlet who all heavily featured Corbyn’s performance, his leadership difficulties and the looming revolt on his own benches. While others gave a serious and honest analysis, the BBC with Laura Kuenssberg in particular (remember GF’s recent report of her meeting and offering advice to Corbyn’s Stalinist PR man, Shameless Milne) wanted none of this – they focussed on Cameron’s back tracking on Nimrod and the questions asked of him by Corbyn re the lessons Cameron needed to learn about the (Labour) failures in the Middle East. The BBC desperately trying to turn their useless man into a statesman.
Utterly dishonest reporting without a trace of integrity.
“How to weaken the security of US schools, finance Islamism and instill fear into Americans?”
Please explain how a 14 year old boy claiming damages (after being wrongly arrested and as a result branded a terrorist by social media across the globe) finances Islamism?
And exactly what in the BBC report do you consider to be, “moral relativist ignorance”?
Well, since he is claiming $15m that certainly would make a good start.
But can I point out a little irony. Jason, you obviously don’t share the opinion of many on this site. But you know what? That’s OK. Free speech etc.
Contrast that with bBBC Have Your Say site where so often criticisms of the bBBC and its well-known positions on the EU, open door immigration, large state, licence fee etc. are ‘moderated’ ie censored and comments removed.
“Weaken security”. Create legal precedent (punitive) from which teachers will be encouraged or trained to not act on their instincts, especially in respect of brown skinned children with Muslim parents. Should a real situation manifest itself with Muslims attacking non-Muslims using bombs knives or guns, the children in the care of these teachers are less likely to be protected by them. Hence, the children’s security is weakened.
“Finances Islamism”. I may run a business for 40 years. I may be the nation’s foremost export in tidal power technology. It is a rare human being who, after he has paid taxes all his life, would accrue $15 million dollars. Should this be paid (after being extracted from taxpayers – do you ever consider who actually pays for all this? Do you ever ‘follow the money’) to clock boy, he will have made more money than 99.9% of the western world’s population without having to work. So he would be ‘financed’. I guess you haven’t looked into the background of his Islamist father – willful blindness Jason. Or that ‘Clock boy’ appears to be fast-tracked on the Qatari asylum system – Qatar being renowned for the generous way in which it is accepting thousands of needy people fleeing war and terror – oh, wait a minute….
Moral relativism is a state of mind. Consider incompetence – Those who are incompetent have not the capacity to comprehend that they are incompetent, else they would recognise their incompetence and engage in a bit of self improvement and become, more competent.
Therefore, moral relativists may read “..His arrest was sharply criticised, and he received an outpouring of support including an invitation to the White House.
In October, he met Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Ahmed’s father is a Sudanese immigrant to the US who once stood as a presidential candidate against Mr Bashir.
Ahmed also met Google co-founder Sergey Brin and officials from Turkey, Sudan and Jordan.
Texas officials defended their decision, saying they were only concerned with the safety of students….. and think, Oh that’s OK/nice/poor old clock boy, at least he got to meet a couple of presidents and a Google guy. They may even think that he deserves to be handed wealth (taken from hard working tax payers) which no normal hard working family could dream of accumulating in a lifetime.
Others (realists / rationalists / those with a moral compass) may think “I’m with the teachers on this one and they should be backed up. In a world where children of Muslims are stabbing, shooting and bombing people to death in Paris, Beiruit, Nigeria, Mali, Israel (the list sadly goes on and on) it is disgraceful that the Government rewards a child who pranks his school, rather than admonishes his antisocial and provocative behaviour.”
I’ve not met you Jason, but you appear to suffer from moral relativism. Clock boy is a dry run. You won’t realise this until the bodies of dead American children are being counted, whereupon you will no doubt rationalise how dead and alive are merely relative, killing apostates, child rape, killing gays are alternative cultural norms to be respected and that Western civilisation is not superior to the wonderous Religion of Peace, Islam.
The BBC release these abuse reports and yet refuse to mention the elephant in the room: ‘Asian’ (we all know what that refers to) grooming gangs; surely any report on child abuse should highlight this extremely worrying, racist and vile trend in addition to other incidents? On the basis of the number of cases we’ve seen in the media it would appear that these Muslim rape gangs are operating up and down the land, and yet still no in depth analysis from the left. It’s the same PC thinking that leads to the narrative of ‘terrorism has nothing to do with Islam’ cowardly nonsense. In other words, the PC brigade are putting their pathetic and puerile multicultural fantasy before the safety of our citizens.
… because hes an arsehole and the BBC is full of them so they see in him, a kindred secret. Plus, he’s a warmongering cunt and the BBC want some decent copy …’ I counted them all in and counted them all back in etc’. I hate the guy so much, he’s seems to think he’s some sort of sage (I almost expect him to be on a pillar somewhere pontificating about Bosnia or Kosovo) except one that wants a horrible war (and it will be horrible) where he’s be a few thousand miles from the frontline (as an armchair general) while some mother’s son is Rotherham is blown to bits. If you really need to do something about IS, hit them where it hurts – Dewsbury, Luton, Tower Hamlets etc. Why doesn’t the bBBC mention the ‘pantsdown’ fiaso either or the fact the Liberal Democrats wanted to move the entire population of Hong Kong and then dump them on a windswept Scottish island – that’s how fucking stupid they are.
Just listening to Today and heard an interesting take on the Brussels problem / crisis / potential mass murder.
A local spokesman informed us that 40% of the population is now Muslim and (this is the interesting bit) “perhaps we haven’t done enough to integrate them into the community.”
Fascinating to witness the tortured and convoluted route the politically correct mind has to take to deflect any suggestion of blame or bitterness from the ROP.
Of course the slightly different argument that “if we hadn’t allowed so many of these blighters into our previously peaceful city…” can never be sanctioned.
That way can only lead to non pc madness.
Actually, what I heard him say was along the lines of “perhaps we need to do more to integrate people”. I wondered which people he felt needed to do the integrating and had a sinking feeling he wasn’t referring to the Muslims.
But 40% Muslim? (Or did we both mishear 14%.) How was this allowed to happen and just what did the authorities think the result of this would be for social cohesion?
I didn’t hear this report – but if it is true that the muslim proportion is already 40% and growing, then we have clearly reached the stage where if there’s going to be any integration it’s the locals who are going to have to integrate with the newcomers – PBTA
I think it was 40% because he continued quite unabashed along the lines of ‘in a few years they will be the majority’.
There’s a thought. A majority Muslim population right in the heart of the EU bureaucracy.
As if there were not enough reasons already to Vote Leave.
Good morning The Old Bloke, the post below should give you a bit of wry laugh (or at least a choking splutter) over your morning cuppa.
Oxford University’s meteorological station is sited at the Radcliffe Obsevatory, Oxford and is of note worldwide for keeping ‘the longest instrumental record of temperature round the world’. Oxford University is also ranked 2 in the world for academic excellence. Where they lead no doubt the BBC, and much of the world, follows …
Late addition to post above and Oxford temperature records:
‘The average annual temperature for 2014 was 11.5°C, 1.8 degrees higher than the 200-year average of 9.7°C, a significant difference in weather terms.
The observations were originally made at the Radcliffe Observatory but the weather station is now located in the grounds a few metres away. ‘
DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start
I know this has been commented on already but it is a great example of how to distort facts to suit your own views.
First of all, the sample taken is the remains of 4 people out of 20,000. Even my o-level maths tells me the sample is nowhere large enough to be truly representative. The BBC would love this theory of multiculturalism to be true, it would be music to their ears.
Anyway, out of the 4 samples we have 2 people from Africa (The Lant Street teenager and The Mansell Street man).
She ” Like many people living in the capital today, she had travelled a long distance to be in London” hymmm that does have a familiar ring to it I must admit. However, I can’t help noticing that the word ‘slave’ is missing from the narrative. Slaves were quite popular with the Romans as any history book will confirm but unfortunately the word had been eradicated from the BBC dictionary as it is too unpalatable for your average lefty apologist.
Next, we have ‘The Gladiator’ of Middle-eastern origin. Another refernce to the history book will reveal that most early gladiators were conquered peoples or slaves, oops there’s that word again.
Finally we have ‘The Harper Road woman ‘ who is born in Britain. How is that ethnically diverse is that I hear you say. But, wait for it, “An added twist to the Harper Road woman’s tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male – even though physically she was a woman – another feature that will intrigue modern-day researchers. ” The music has just turned into a symphony.
I’m sorry BBC, I know you would love to prove this point of early multiculturalism, but at the end of the day what you have is 3 slaves and a transvestite.
1/10, must try harder.
‘DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start’
I notice that this report is penned for the BBC by one Pallab Ghosh
‘Ghosh has also introduced schemes to get people from more diverse backgrounds into the higher levels of science journalism. He believes that those reporting on scientific issues that increasingly have a social dimension should be more representative of their community’
Guess a pelmet is just a minskirt-maybe they dragged up for some “Raising Denarii for Decia ” campaign.
Only the Romans would be so thick as to send charity money to those who wished it dead and were breaking down the borders for fun…and offering the “Romans For Roma” sponsored wet shave/ beheadathon.
Thankfully WE`RE not that thick eh?
Oh dear another morning ruined by accidentally listening to Today. As well as a persistent shoe-horning of “climate change” into any story they could find including hilariously a feature about an Australian red-headed snake being killed by a cat; todays leftist meme was all men are child abusers.
Some dangerously inarticulate functionary (the “Children’s Commissioner”) was allowed to advance unchallenged the hypothesis that child abuse (which of course now includes not just sex but “emotional abuse”) was understated by as much as 400,000! Her argument was “its unknown” because children don’t report it; ie “we’ve made this up”.
Then an item on islamophobia in which a gender segregated islamist school in north London was featured the highlight being (as well as the hateful tone of most of the students – what fun they are going to be when they graduate) the revelation that the teachers had decided not to hold a minutes silence for the people slaughtered in the latest nothing to do with Islam attack because “it would be disrespectful to the students”.
Then an attack on the catholic church. With “hacking nuns” and the comedy reactionary Pope mocked by both the old men, in stark contrast to the excessive respect for the Somali girls shown earlier.
Does anyone but Jeremy’s £3 trots actually believe any of this? For whom is the Today programme made?
It’s all part of destroying our Christian culture and promoting others (such as Islam) to an equivalency culture. It’s a joke of course and no ones gonna tell me I’m equivalent to one of those frigging savages. The BBC are the enemy, there’s no doubt about that. Hopefully, IS will target them – I won’t bat an eyelid.
The loss Christian culture is one of the main reasons Europe finds itself in the mess it is in now. I’m not exactly a church-goer or anything, but relegating our cultural heritage to the point of ridicule has destroyed Europe and will continue to do so.
Seems to me that the more “sex ed” that kids get the more STDs, pregnancies and abusing of younger kids by older ones that we get.
The Lefties answer?…but of course-MORE of it. target it at even YOUNGER kids-and employ a load of dodgy para perverts in to “hang out with Raj” as Labour used to advertise for its teachers in the early 2000`s.
Think on-Chris Woodhead was OFSTED big wig back then , and HIS views on under-age relationships is “educative…very educative”.
What POSSIBLE interest would the BBC-with its cBeebies weirdies, it`s Dicks, it`s Doms…it`s Bacons etc-let alone its Saviles, Dennings and Harris/Hall and Peels etc-have in getting into even younger kids at school than it already does.
All the BBC did was offer BBC Micro B computers to schools way back-they`d be offering hummus and veggie kebabs these days wouldn`t they?
“Rooming in the grooming”…as sung by BBC Scotland.
“Many parents have found it hard to talk to their children about the Paris attacks in which 130 people were killed – but it has been particularly difficult for Muslim families.”
But it has been particularly difficult for Muslim families? Not ‘particularly difficult’ for the families of the victims, then?
neilw I feel the same way.
The link gives a parade of muslims declaring how the attacks are not consistent with the ROP and how wrong it is to blame ordinary muslims. But as always the BBC have the quote that offers a justification of the atrocity
‘ “The French government does not respect us,” says Omar, aged 17. “They see us as immigrants, as scum, good-for-nothings. The terrorists were wrong to kill. But it is the French government that started bombing Syria. You can’t do that: fly over a country and drop bombs! The Daesh [IS] attacks in Paris are a response to the hatred that France gives out.”
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FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Well. Who’d a thunk it?
Not only is the polar icecap increasing, but it seems that the polar bear population might not be decreasing after all
Meanwhile our beloved Prince of Wales is clambering onto the climate change is responsible for terrorism bandwagon…
I take exception to your suggestion that the heir to the nation’s throne would ‘clamber’ on to any form of bandwagon. He would, of course, use a specially commissioned flight of steps, locally crafted from sustainable materials.
AND be lifted from step to step by at least four flunkeys!
I used to have a lot of time for Charlie and especially his charitable trust, but this latest ridiculous claim is pure Day After of Tomorrow-type propaganda straight out of the Gore-approved Hollywood stable.
He’s clever enough to know what he’s doing and connected enough to be aware of the Club of Rome, UN, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace etc anti-capitalist, eco-socialist agenda behind it.
I find it very disturbing that our heir to the throne should be taking such a controversial, anti-democratic political stance.
” Prince Charles, are you optimistic about the future ?”
“One tries to be, but then one thinks ‘is Mummy going to live for ever!'”
Let’s hope that she does .
After Camoron, Appeaser May, Kerry, Obama, Merkel, Archbishop Welby, the BBC and the enemedia in general.
All prostrating themselves to deny for Islam, adhering to Sharia, covering up for it.
The police, (of course) are desperate try to out do them.
Sharia UK News : London police dive into canal to rescue Qur’ans –
Police dived into an east London canal to retrieve 150. Islamic books – only to discover they had been dumped there deliberately?… you literally couldn t make this sh-t up!.
It is thought a “well meaning” believer had put the books in the Limehouse Cut after … “MISUNDERSTANDING THE RULES” for proper and correct disposal of the Koran.
Anyone who needs to dispose of Islamic texts are “EXPECTED” to put them in water to disintegrate, or to burn them (burn them?, only of course if you are not an infidel, if you are … expect to die) … they should not be simply thrown away
… doing this rather than working to protect the English people from violent Jihad. this madness, or maybe it isn t.
maybe Sharia is the law now? … “appease the crocodile” eh!?
BUT … the Lords prayer? … sorry for the …erm “offence” eh! ban it immediately … just in case.
yep! … terrorism works news
… quick hurry up, what s next? … want to give anything else away?
Now I include this because if you put “Lords Prayer” into BBC News, site
you get a link to this story … with a photo of a girl with head covered!
click on to it, you get the story with a photo of a child with her hands in a … well just check it out.
Personally, I would have taken them to the Andrex factory to see if they could make use of them.
No way. I work there and we’re extremely careful about contamination of our products.
Unbelievable, The Police must be awash with funds if they can spare resources for this – how about prosecuting the idiot who threw this litter in the canal?
I noticed that in the ES article they state “However there is no evidence of any hate crime.” 3 times, who in their right mind would think it was.
“no evidence of any hate crime”.
If PC (politically correct) Plod had taken the trouble to open the books, they would have found plenty, page after page of evidence proving incitement to hate crimes, right there.
Any chance of a follow up.? … Scotland Yard?
I thought Elfinsafetee rules meant drowning kids were to be left alone to cope?
So what makes some litter worth such commitment of resources?
Must share this brilliant comment on the report of the police who saved the heathen books.
Transcript of the phone conversation between the Police operator and the member of the public who reported it has been released –
Op: Hello, Metropolitan Police Bromley-by-Bow Division please state the nature of your emergency.
Pub: Ahhh…hi, erm, yes, I, I’d like to report…erm…I’ve found a load of books floating in the canal down by …errm.. Limehouse Cut, someone’s dumped loads of them in there and..
Op: Fly tipping? Madame, are you aware that wasting police time is…
Pub: eermm, yes but..
Op: ..a very serious offence, you should already know this, do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES contact the police – in cases of fly tipping..
Pub: b…but..
Op: contact Bromley-by-Bow Council or Docklands water authority, the police have no authority in cases of fly tipping in the canal, have you any idea…
Pub: b…but the books, some of …..
Op: …how many murderers and rapists are..
Pub: s..some of the booksOp: ..out there? To divert even a tiny portion of our already seriously depleted and underfunded police Service would be…
Pub: ..some of the books said ‘Holy Qur’an’ on the front!
Op: Madame, please stay exactly where you are and guard these books but do not touch them under any circumstances, a Special Unit will be with you within minutes and we will be sending our most senior officers to the scene who will decide how best to handle this situation after they have liaised with community leaders and the Imam from the East London Mosque, thank you for your vigilance Madame.
Worth noting that publishers of academic books are producing many Islamic texts to meet demand from the university courses on Islam, the university Islamic Centres, etc. Perhaps they were dumped by some poor librarian desperate to find shelf space for the next cartload.
Clearly the police are a little bit out of their depth here (no pun intended). In the same way that we have some specialised units – for instance, British Transport police – we clearly need a Religious Police. They have one in Saudi Arabia, perhaps they could even supply some people to tide us over until we can train one of our own? And we could reciprocate by, say, restoring the contract to help them manage their prisons which Corbyn foolishly helped torpedo?
Surely someone should get prosecuted for fly tipping , Although I was watching some day time TV program a while back where a council officer was out looking at rubbish being tipped in the back of terraces. Lo and behold a “woman” comes out dumps some rubbish and walks back into the house all on film. Voice over informs us she wasn’t prosecuted for lack of evidence. So council officer, a film crew and film..not enough evidence..
Likely the same council who would send a SWAT team to arrest someone not paying 5p for a plastic bag, or fly CSI:Crufts in to run a DNA test on a mystery poo in the park.
So P(olitically) C(orrect) Plod can dive in to salvage books but can’t be arsed, for elfen safetie reasons, to wade into a 4ft deep pond to rescue a kid in danger of drowning!
I’m afraid THEY have won already!
Am sympathetic to the police dilemma here. Seems they had to chose between two bad choices.
They either had to ‘rescue’ the books and be accused of wasting scarce resources and kowtowing to Islam or waste even more resources, including possible injuries and damage to property, to deal with a potential riot of Muslims ‘protesting’ desecration of the Koran. Given the current climate, they probably would have had to make a public apology for not rescuing the books, in the first place.
I think they made the correct choice under the circumstances.
“they made the correct choice under the circumstances”
… hmmm, “the (sharia) state we re in” eh?
folks … it won t be long
And in bBBC la la land, the top priority on the 6am Toady programme this morning was…….a teenage transgender story !!!!
Yes, there is just no end to the ever tinier ‘minorities’ needing an excess of bBBC spending, focus, and ‘journalism’.
If only Assad Ahmed on BBC London was transgender and female (being already Asian and disabled) we could shout HOUSE and win the bBBC PC bingo.
They are so out of touch with ordinary people – but worse, they don’t actually realise they are.
Heads up David Vance on John Gaunt’s BBC Talk2MeRadio now, talking BBC….
Amazing, a right of centre British Radio/Pod cast show; I did not know they existed!
Well worth a listen; although the presenter does rant a little but wonderful respite from the output we ‘consume’
from the Al Beeb..
Someone called Mike Yardley has some interesting views about the BBC..
Yes it’s a great show and refreshing listening.
There are also ‘Talk2meradio’ Android and iOS apps for the live broadcast and the podcasts can be listened to on any podcast app such as Podcast Addict, Stitcher, etc.
Spread the word! Although Gaunt does come a little unstuck over the religion of peas…
None the less a refreshing listen over LBC and 5Dead.
More shows to come apparently.
Hope I spoke plainly. No compromise offered on the BBC
Grand job!
What was discussed today by both you and others needs to get out there, we see it, but its those blind unquestioning consumers of BBC ‘conditioning’ that need to get the message…
Newcomers to this site tell your mates !
Take a listen to this week’s Feedback
As the fight over Britain’s membership of the EU intensifies, the upcoming referendum has become ripe territory for BBC Radio 4’s satirists. When last Friday’s The Now Show took a comedic look at the subject, some listeners were deeply unhappy with what they perceived as a ‘staying in’ bias. Should the BBC be scrutinising its output for bias already? And is it possible to have truly balanced comedy? Roger Bolton speaks to the BBC’s Chief Adviser on Politics, Ric Bailey.
We hear a most appalling pro-EU rant, not directed at politicians but at the electorate, and the BBC’s response. Ric Bailey’s definition of ‘impartiality’ is all-revealing – essentially the BBC is judge and jury in it’s own court.
Regarding the Now Show: I’m sure the UK will be really hit by the loss of trade treaties with Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bosnia, Chile, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Palestinian Authority, San Marino, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey. Replacement treaties with those that mattered could be concluded within days, let alone years. Little Iceland can manage to make trade deals. Canada has had a deal with the USA for 25 years and Australia for 10, while the mighty EU hasn’t pulled it off yet.
As for the EU being ’21st Century’, seeing as it was founded in the 20th Century and is intent upon imposing 19th Century Napoleonic Law on all of us the ‘joke’ is lost on me.
Feedback is a joke. In fact, it has become what it always meant to be: a self-referential mutually reinforcing 30 minutes of unmitigated pro-BBC propaganda. I don’t honestly know why I ever bother to listen to it – perhaps in some vague hope that one day, just for a moment, the BBC might, by accident if not intention, admit its mistakes. Nope. It just never happens. Usually some apparatchik is wheeled on (in ‘explainer’ mode – so beloved of the BBC) to ‘correct’ any listener or viewer foolish enough to criticise the Corporation’s output.
Auntie knows best. And don’t forget it.
BBC’s Chief Adviser on Politics, sounds like an interesting role! I wonder:
1. Who he reports to?
2. Who he advises?
3. What the key requirements for undertaking the role are?
4. What the principle responsibilities are?
5.What the success factors are?
By definition, the role is unlikely to be impartial.
1. Who he reports to?
The Labour Party, National Executive
2. Who he advises?
The BBC…that’s all of the BBC
3. What the key requirements for undertaking the role are?
Being a member of the Labour Party (hard left division)
4. What the principle responsibilities are?
To ensure that the Labour message is promulgated and Tory ones rubbished
5.What the success factors are?
The obstruction of the Tory government programme and the eventual election of Jeremy Corbyn
‘When last Friday’s The Now Show took a comedic look at the subject, some listeners were deeply unhappy with what they perceived as a ‘staying in’ bias. Should the BBC be scrutinising its output for bias already? And is it possible to have truly balanced comedy?’
Some listeners, eh?
As to those questions, a) not the right one and b) with the BBC in oversight of the BBC hiring, edit and monitoring, no.
However, being the BBC, they don’t have to answer anyway.
That is, according to… the BBC.
As Al Beeb positions itself to condemn the government both for not doing enough to protect our country against terrorism (spending cuts blah blah) and at the same time backing Corbyn & co on Syria here is a voice from history:
‘And you have never considered what manner of men… with whom you will have to fight, and how utterly unlike yourselves. They are revolutionary, equally quick in the conception and in the execution of every plan; while you are cautious, careful only to keep what you have, originating nothing, and not acting even when action is most urgent. They are bold beyond their strength;they run risks which prudence would condemn. Whereas it is your nature , though strong, to act feebly; when your plans are prudent, to distrust them; and when calamities come upon you, to think you will never be delivered from them.They are impetuous, and you are dilatory; they are always abroad; and you are always at home.. If a man should say to them they were born neither to have peace themselves nor to allow peace to other men, he would simply speak the truth.”
Those words are two and a half thousand years old, and they are as true today as when Thucydides first recorded them.
It fascinates me just how quiet the liberal / left have become regarding the “refugee crisis” in recent weeks. It wasn’t so long ago I heard these caring people telling us that “it’s shameful that Britain is only taking 20,000.” Yvette Cooper gave “an impassioned and coherent speech” imploring David Cameron to be “more humane.” She received a standing ovation for it and hours of coverage by our favourite broadcaster. And not to be outdone in the compassion stakes Jezza Corbyn piped up and informed us that the government’s response was “feeble” and we should all praise the Germans and try to do us much ourselves. He wouldn’t give a precise figure but told us we should take “many, many more.”
Well, now we know. We’ve got numerous “refugees” repaying the sympathy of European governments by slaughtering as many of their citizens as they can. Paris has been devastated and Brussels is in lock down.
I think it was wily old Harold Wilson who once said “a week is a long time in politics”…
Hate mongering racist, terrorism has nothing to do with refugees. I don’t care if the Paris terrorists only entered Europe last month, you’re a racist.
“I don’t care if the Paris terrorists only entered Europe last month, you’re a racist.”
Xavier, I think in the first part of that sentence you explained everything. There is something particularly pernicious and poisonous in the “liberal” mindset when promoting their own moral superiority over those they disagree with. The truth is you don’t care…Most sane and healthy people do care deeply about refugees. We want to help but not at the expense of our own people. What is the death toll in Paris so far? When a terrorist pack of Islamonazis warn us that they are infiltrating those groups of people coming to our shores (from Greece and Turkey!) we hesitate before we put our own people in mortal danger.
That would seem to make perfect sense to most sane people.
However in your case…
… I was clearly being sarcastic. Not sure how you missed that.
I must admit you had me worried Xavier, had to check your previous posts to see if your nom de plume had been hijacked 😉
Apologies Xavier, it’s been one of those days.
No worries. Only super serious posts from now on!
Out of curiosity, last night, I looked at the BBC’s Scotland edition of the Met Office forecast for Scotland for the coming week. The lady presenter, told the viewer that a mild spell was the order of the week. What? Are you having a laugh? Today viewing their automatic reporting stations and those of private individuals, most of the temperatures at 13.00 were showing just 5 degrees with some, even at sea level showing just above freezing. That, my dear is NOT MILD. Also, using the info from a European weather forecasting organisation, they are again forecasting snow for parts of Scotland tomorrow. That ain’t “mild” either. Later on in the week, Thursday and Friday, snow once more returns to Scotland with vengeance. So, that is a “Mild” forecast is it? “They” are lying to us again. And have you all noticed that the word “cold” has been replaced by “chilly”? I don’t hear the world “cold” anymore even when the temperature drops to below zero, it always is “chilly”, what ever that means. It was certainly “chilly” on Dartmoor last night, it got down to at least MINUS 5, where earlier in the day we were told temperatures would only “touch” freezing. Yeah right.
And while I’m having a go, as has already been pointed out on todays week starter, Prince Charles…what a numpty. I wonder though how much his “duchy” estates have received in grants to follow the green agenda and Climate Change has caused the Syrian problem? He must be suffering from the Charlotte Church syndrome. The guy needs certifying.
Remember this:
Did anyone notice that Patrick Grady SNP was wearing an ear ring on his left ear when interviewed today on the Daily Politics programme. I wonder if this a statement of him feeling a prick.
I can’t imagine Harold Macmillian, Enoch Powell or James Callaghan ever wearing ear rings, -sign of the times I suppose, not a good sign though.
I cannot remember another male politician who wore ear rings! There probably have been but I cannot think of any. Any suggestions?
I can’t think of any other MP’s wearing them, but if there is, guaranteed they’ll be from the left of the political spectrum. Its all part of the dumbing down of society, maybe at 47 I’m an old fuddy duddy but I really don’t get the inking and metallisation that is the fashion today, even in my age group and older. What could be more vomit inducing than some old 60 year obese woman with a butterfly on her tit and her kids names on her flabby arms? Or a 60 year old guy with a grey ponytail extracted from his bald pate with 2 inch earnings dangling from his ears?
I also hate the fashion, both in business and politics of open necked shirts without a tie.
Rant over, sorry what was the question? Oh yea old blokes like Grady with earrings look gay to me, just my opinion, reminds me of a social worker or careers master I used to have at school.
I am 44, have got 2 piercings in my left ear, one in my right….The good Lady Chop ordered me not to wear them, once i passed 40….”Yer too old” she says.
Earnings are one thing, lips, eyebrows, nose, tongue, cheeks, back of neck or massive hoops in ears are another!
As a child my father explained to me that the only men who wore ear rings were Gypsies, homosexuals and Pirates of the Seven Seas. Which rather begs the question…
Hey ho, me hearties!
Diane Abbot springs to mind, can’t quite explain why…
Diane Abbot , with her rabbit rabbit rabbit. Perhaps the greatest condemnation of Corbyn is that he had an affair with sweet , fragrant, Diane. He disproved the theory that man can put a man on the moon but can’t put a man on Diane. In my opinion, this disqualifies him from ever being PM.
Have to say the word’ spring’ and Ms. Abbott do not lie easily together.
Just reviewing the snow reports from the ski web sites, it has been so “mild” in Scotland today, three venues have all had snow TODAY.
Another pile of shit asked to be prayed for across our churches here in the South then?
1. Pray for the Climate Changey junkerwallahs who are “as we speak preparing to go to Paris”.
If only IS would warn them off that-but, hey, suits Islam to show them all up for the hyperventilating socialist science “grads from yunee!” that they are…oh, the humanity as Emwazi was vapourised and spewed patchouli oils into the local microclimate
2. Pray that the Government might be more just, more equal-basically more Corbyn or Farron, Clarke or Heselteenie. The magic bodhi money tree at the Quakers ought to do it-Fun With(prayer) Flags a la Sheldon.
3. Prayers for dwindling church numbers…still, as long as the druggies get flip flops and a helpline number so the police or the State escape the consequences of their actions-then fine…makes a load of old do-gooders(ex Labour, charity bigwigs) feel they`re able to play Lady Elizabeth Fry just like the social workers, teachers and NHS state pimps do.
Patronising, clueless but when Camilla Batmanghedghli and Paul Flowers sign off on your work and vouch for your generosity-then there`s a photo op in due course.
Now what`s all this got to to with the BBC?
Well-they don`t take Islam in vain, ban its prayers and mock it as Iain Lee does with the Jesus inadequate s, homophobes and bigots do they?
Just heard my first-“no room at the inn” piece of shit as a “Syrian family” go from Serbia to Macedonia on Martha Kearneys watch…and I expect an awful lot of this “no room at our inns, won`t somebody please care for the baby” as the Bethlehem Arabs must have done-history is not their strong point.
Now the church has found out that getting on your knees to suck off the State only gets you mocked, ostracised …even if it IS “Like A Prayer” in a real sense to them both-maybe it could get off its knees before IS comes a -calling.
In short-next “No Room At The Inn” “WWJD” pice of blasphemy and piss taking by the BBC deserves a fatwa…or at least a walkout on all its crap voluntary propping up of the NHS, of schools and social servies-as well asall those bleeding heart charities that scuttle about at the bottom of the cliff…but are too lazy and clueless to get up to the clifftop to stop IS and the BBC from chucking the bodies down below to “the urgency services” to pray over.
Get out from under Babylon church-if junior docs get the BBC nod for walkouts-why the hell do Christians still feed themselves pointlessly to the hateful State of IsLab…as sponsored by the BBC.
Do they know its Christmas-well only as far as they get freebies, trips to Paris and Copenhagen-and a chance to browbeat feeble Christians into working Pro Bono…without his shedloads of tax avoiding accountants and slipper sniffers.
“Heselteenie” ! Love it !
chrisH, superb, but, pray,may I ask you what is a “slipper sniffer ” ?
Most kind Grant, my reckoning is any flunkie who kowtows to the likes of Bono, Yentob of the other grandees-if its foot worship of Islamic types, I guess that this would be a different category of olfactory podiatry-the sandal sniffer.
Lolling slavering tongues from the BBC and the Left struggle to reach the curly tops at the tip of Arabian or Persian footware, so I`m told-but it`s never for the want of trying.
OK, chris , I get it now. You are not wrong ! I pray that you are copyrighting your posts . Otherwise some slipper sniffer may steal them, publish them, and make a lot of money !
Prince Charles links climate change to Syria conflict
And there’s me thinking it was a failed Arab Spring followed by a civil war in which President Assad bombed and gassed his own people followed by IS filling the law and order vacuum followed by the US & Russia bombing IS.
Prince Charles has obviously graduated at the Prince Phillip school of mumbo jumbo.
“…Prince Charles has obviously graduated at the Prince Philip school of mumbo jumbo.”
Well, that plus the fact Nurse clearly needs to up his meds. Charlie’s obviously barking. Usually he’s sedated adequately enough to allow him out of his gilded sanitorium to mingle with the unwashed masses for brief spells, but I hear Care in the Community is somewhat underfunded these days, so perhaps his climate outburst is just another result of what the BBC likes to call the ‘cutz’.
Charles should not be king. As a conservative republican I do not think the institution of monarchy should survive Elizabeth.
What to replace it is another matter but replace it we should.
On that basis, the post of Prime Minister should have been abolished years ago. Clearly doesn’t work. Gordon Brown for God’s Sake! We had Prescott as a Deputy PM.
And I forgot to say, the quality of US Presidents isn’t very persuasive either.
Nor the quality of French presidents. I’m a royalist although I would now not be disappointed if someone persuaded Charles to withdraw from the succession and allow William to become heir. There is historic precedence for this.
The institution and the person are seperate matters. That we have had idiotic PMs is not the fault of the position of PM.
Monarchy itself is an institution that as a Jeffersonian democrat I find impossible to accept.
The notion of a hereditary ruler and ruling class is , to my mind, absurd. Others feel differently. That is their privilege.
“The institution and the person are seperate matters.”
Only when it suits, apparently.
Just how Her Maj sleeps at night having presided over the last 63 years that have seen the decline of this once great nation, I’m not sure, but pretty sure her ancestors wouldn’t be that impressed.
I’m all for the monarchy, but when you look at the events of the last 63 years and what Charles has said today you do begin to question the point.
While reference to the Paris attack from over a week ago is still headlining most of the media, it appears that Islamic terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in Israel barely gets a mention, if at all, by the BBC.
A 21 year old Israeli woman was stabbed yesterday by a Palestinian terrorist. This is one of many other incidents that have occurred in the past weeks there. We are already aware of how the BBC are only too eager to cover stories where Palestinian women and children are injured because of Israeli retaliation, but less concerned when it is the other way round, even ignoring it completely.
So we can see from the ‘priority’ given this latest attack on the BBC website. You can see from the Yahoo screenshot of the BBC Mid-East webpage the story is given 6th from the top (highlighted) despite having occurred later than some of those above it. The top story: ‘World united in terror fight – Cameron’ doesn’t even have concern the Mid-East as such, and I’ll leave it to you to decide how important is the fact that Morocco is to open a giant solar plant, or that a US reporter has been sentenced in Iran, or an acquittal appeal over a Qatar nursery fire, which for the BBC are far more important to us.
Worth too looking at the actual BBC Mid-East webpage to see that the story of the incident in Israel (highlighted) only shows ‘Four dead in West Bank violence’ with no text underneath to show that an Israeli woman was murdered. Leaving the viewer to assume that it was Israelis who had killed Palestinians.
Worth also noting that the story that had been read the most from the BBC website yesterday (highlighted) was in fact the one on Israel, so the fact that the BBC decided to ‘minimise# it in the way they have shows it has nothing to do with public interest as much as BBC interest.
Finally, the one story that relates in any way to Israel appears at the top right of their webpage and concerns Life as a cancer nurse in Gaza’s main hospital. Needless to say the content is more there to demonise Israel by showing how ‘hard life is’ for this nurse because of Israel policy than real concern for her. You can be sure that the BBC will not offer any attempt to explain or balance just why Israel policy on Gaza is such as it is, or that many patients from Gaza are also treated in Israel.
Here’s the text from the video article.
At the age of 27, Azza Jadalla has already lived through six wars – three in the past seven years alone. She is a cancer nurse in Gaza’s main hospital, Al-Shifa. Every day she deals with fall-out of the on-going conflict between Israel and Gaza’s ruling party, Hamas.
Living in a place with a failing economy means she faces daily electricity and supply shortages at work.
“Sometime we go for two or three months without pay,” she says. “But this doesn’t make me want to do my job any less, because it’s not the patient’s fault.”
Despite her dedication and due to shortages in Gaza, there is often only so much Ms Jadalla can do for her patients. For one patient Abdul (name has been changed), who is suffering from leukaemia, the only option for further treatment is outside Gaza.
Lefty brainwashed liberal apologists can’t accept the truth, what’s the betting Newsnight will be all over this tonight?
I heard only one mention of the Survation poll in the Sun – that 20% of Muslims in Britain feel sympathy for people who join IS rising to 25% or so among younger people.
Surely at a time of heightened tension about IS terrorism this is news that should stay in the headlines and should be widely discussed on a variety of BBC news and current affairs programmes ?
That just tells me that only 20% are being honest, how many of the rest are prectising takkiya for the dhimmis (see, I said I was picking up a bit of Arabic)?
To be fair that statistic probably is inaccurate, I suspect it’s more like 98%
Even if it were 1% of them: it should be of critical importance for the peace and stability of the nation.
Has he clarified anything beyond ‘bother’, as to why that statistic is made up, before folk rush to complain?
The BBC perhaps not the best avenue to pursue on such matters. made up stats AND complaints, that is.
Even if totally spurious, the Sun could always refuse to tell the IPSO anything on the grounds of ‘journalism, art & literature’. Seems an all-purpose cover for anything.
This Adam Wagner:
Seems the liberal leftist population are simultaneously pissing their pants over the latest Sun headline. I’m not entirely sure what the original poll was or why the headline itself is so offensive. Can someone fill us lay people in?
I have posted a linkto the Sun article lower down in this thread – along with a link to an article describing how leftie newspapers have tried to debunk the Sun’s poll figures.
The BBC has taken a different line, at least on the radio – it has deep-sixed the figures. Over half a million British Muslims expressing sympathy for people who join IS (and maybe many more who kept shtumm) – “Nothing to see here, move along”.
More drivel from Al Beeb, trying to claim that London is no different today than it was 2000 years ago. That’s so obviously not true because 2000 years ago there were no filthy barbaric muslim scum to infest our cities.
The key phrase is:
According to Caroline McDonald, who is a senior curator at the museum, London was a cosmopolitan city from the moment it was created following the Roman invasion 2,000 years ago.
Can you image the BBC reporting that Harare, Zimbabwe was ‘cosmopolitan’ from the moment it was created?
Based on a sample size of 4! Think the Beeb is jumping the gun a bit here. The result will probably be different after the other 19996 have been processed, depending of course on all those pre conquest black Romans that Diane Abbot told us about.
“The thing to remember with the original Londoners is that they were not born here. Every first generation Londoner was from somewhere else – whether it was somewhere else in Britain, somewhere else on the continent somewhere else in the Mediterranean, somewhere else from Africa,” she said.
… How could they be born in London if they were BORN BEFORE LONDON WAS BUILT.
You really couldn’t make up just how dim witted the average beeboid is. How this can be classed as “news” simply baffles me.
It never ends!
R4’s PM enthusiastically reports bones of North African girl dating from the foundation of Roman London found!!!
Hyperventilating, gasping for breath, the reporter repeats 10 times
“London has always been the multicultural city that we love!!”
Bones of man with “head severed from body” also found
Who knows maybe “men” with a grievance about “Roman foreign policy” were also
making their presence felt.
I heard this too. Unrestrained shared elation between our intrepid reporter Palab Gosht and the museum’s researcher.
We knew London has always been a multicultural city!
People have always flocked here to work!
Just like today’s wonderful multicultural city that we all love – the most multicultural city in the world!
All based on the analysis of skeletons of 4 people from 2000 years ago, 2 of whom they’ve decided came from N Africa, one from Eastern Europe and one Cock-a-nee. And yet there are a further 20,000 skeletons as yet to be analysed.
Yet to come:
Did they live in their own ghettoes – sorry – ‘communities’, or did they integrate?
What happened to skin pigmentation?
Where was Islam?
Were there Roman equivalents of housing benefit and tax credits?
Is this conclusion just a teensy bit premature?
Somehow I don’t think these questions will ever occur to our premature-ejaculating, muticulti-peddlers at the BBC who never let facts or real science get in the way of a good pant-creaming.
And you just wonder whether, like ‘climate change’, the evidence is being carefully adjusted to fit the narrative….
Of course, the last time the people of Norfolk got pissed off with London they burned it to the ground and massacred every man, woman and child.
Please dont be dismissive about this great news! – Black africans have always had a significant presence in this country throughout history. This is easily confirmed by checking any recent episodes of Dr Who whenever he visits medievel England!
London may have had a multiracial past but the Romans were not known for multiculturalism.
In fact the success of the Empire was based on imposing Roman ways upon all and severe retribution uopn those who rejected them.
So the lesson we might learn could be interpretated quite differently and not in a way the hive would like.
Excellent point Dave S, and obviously not one you will hear from Mary Beard or any other BBC multiculti mouthpiece.
Eggheads. Question which country held an underwater conference to highlight global warming. The Maldives..what’s that it’s still not underwater.
The Grauniad is creaming itself that the bBBC is getting even more money from us. Except that it calls it money from ‘government’.
‘….will allow expansion of service in North Korea..’
Surely that’s satire in its purest form.
Anyone who works nights and has tuned in to the world service will be aware that this £85 million will be wasted. How many doctors and nurses could be trained with this cash ?
Cameron and his austerity . Where are the Tory MP’s with balls ?
Maybe the insomniac Flokkers could challenge the BBC to explain why not, in case questions can be answered if from safer shores?
Great picture.
I wonder if he is practicing for parting the waters of the Red Sea?
Or simply intoning ‘Karm dann, Karm dann now’.
That is as close as the BBC has ever come to a complete waste of money. Even if the BBC signal gets past the radio jamming of foreign broadcasts in North Korea, and ignoring the fact that all radios sold in North Korea have tuning fixed on government radio stations, any North Koreans caught listening to the BBC broadcast will be prosecuted, with sentences even more severe than non-payment of the TV licence.
BBC diversity propaganda –
The PC, meddling shitheads at the BBC just hate the idea of a London being actually inhabited by white, English folk.
The fact that people have always moved around the world is not a surprise, a state/compulsory tax funded media organisation using that fact to brainwash the population into accepting forced mass immigration is also not surprising when you consider the BBC’s track record. What is the point of this article? to inform? I doubt it.
Take a look at a 1940s, 50s or 60s film footage depicting street scenes in London, did the director edit out all the ethnically diverse people? Blitz coverage does not show a particularly diverse population, old school photographs? Photographs of London pre dating moving pictures? The BBC keeps repeating the same old lies.
Lefties always want to celebrate the fact that we are not all identical clones, except the not very diverse identical twins. But they also insist that Black people are the same as White people. Very confusing, but I just assume that they are the type of people who like to watch freak shows, and regard Blacks as the freaks, but then say something contradictory out of guilt.
Paris and the growth of inner-city shit holes prove that Europe’s future is not going to benefit from multicultural diversity, and the response to Paris in multicultural areas of Europe is fear, fear and fear.
But today, I did hear some loony on the BBC say something very positive about multiculturalism. Telling the truth is still far too right-wing.
If Al Beeb were to believed, not only was London full of ethnics, it also had its share of ladyboys, presumably from the far east.
“An added twist to Harper Road woman’s tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male – even though physically she was a woman”
And they gleaned this information from a highly representative sample of 4 individuals from a pool of 20,000! Of course, what they don’t say is how many of the remaining skeletons were analysed and found to be of indigenous stock and therefore rejected on the grounds of not fitting the narrative.
And next in ‘you cant make it up’
6pm bBBC1 news. “Still to come. Bones research shows london has been multicultural for centuries.”
” but first a global warming climate change story from the Philippines”
I give in. I love Big Brother.
Oh no.
Not enough Filipino rice queens for the BBCs staffstuffies-maybe Rolf Harris can be persuaded to do them another series of programmes on how they might swim to safety.
And no shortage of BBC boys to check on speedos for their “vulnerable young men”.
Bunch of Speedophiles at the BBC…always was, always will be.
Still though-only the BBC could worry about the Ferris Wheel in Manila being fuelled by hamster droppings , flatus-as opposed to that horrid coal that seems to work…eeuw!
Where`s the crisis in that?
Imagine it`s already off its base and being wheeled overland to Paris as we speak…and if there`s not thousands of Pakistanis on it when it comes rolling into Fontainebleu then I`ll be dumned.
Oh joy!!
London has multicultural origins!!! Even the girl with blue eyes may have had ‘some’ African DNA.
One of them may even have been pre-op trans gender!!!
FOUR bodies out of 20,000 have a slightly different genetic mix, and all of a sudden that’s enough for a comparison with the squalid sh*thole that is modern London.
This isn’t news, this is blatant propaganda from the BBC, who can see the rise of the sensible, angry, right wing, and 30 years of cultural Marxism being put to the sword.
Desperate and pathetic stuff from the Beeb.
Must have been a Panto troupe from Carthage Community Theatre who got a grant from Black Ken Al Librestan-who was the first director to insist on Henrius Lenrius being the lead in ” No Funny Things ever happened to any of us on the way to the Agora Grantia Tribituti Frooti.”
Does Lenny know that his was not the first black theatre to enrich us all?
The BBC-gullible fantasists…and the forever message of Lennon and Tariq Ali.
Doesn’t scientific research need to be published in a science journal to be critically analyzed by peers. I can’t find any science behind this. Where is this published, so we can read the study for ourselves. When the BBC makes claims of this type, i like to check. Normally, they just make up their own conclusions. But as mentioned, the BBC and academia are in cahoots.
Funny how this ‘genetic mix’ never includes the Vikings or anything remotely Scandinavian, as they raped and pillaged their way south, or God forbid Italian when the Romans invaded. No, to hear the Beeb, they have to see it as African/Indian – but even a 3 year old knows that it would be far too cold this far north for those who were used to warmer climes, whatever their colour. Shame they don’t think its too cold for them in 2015.
Brissles, they don’t call it The Roman Warm Period for nothing.
It was much warmer here 2000 years ago – although the temperature difference between here and North Africa would have been about the same.
I wonder why the BBC never mentions The Roman Warm Period? No I don’t – mustn’t let the truth get in the way of the narrative..
I stand corrected.
Yep, a posting to Britain, oop North especially, and the Danube area must have been a penal sentence, like the Russian Front for our German friends….
That report on ‘multicultural London’ was the worst! You’d have thought they’d found a way to cure cancer with water. ‘Relentless Cheerleading’ doesn’t quite cover it. The BBC is ostentatiously objective about the whole ‘is killing concert goers a bad thing’ question, but this, *this* they can take a position on.
The certainty with which David Shukman was telling us on PM tonight that The Philippines are suffering from floods due to man-made ‘climate change’ was an abominable piece of agitprop journalism when in fact the true position as held by the IPCC is very cautious indeed i.e. there is no provable link between ‘global warming’ and ‘extreme weather’.
But that is nothing new for the BBC, we’ve heard this level of certainty from them before. In fact, all the effing time.
However they are extremely crafty with it, throwing in at the end ‘If scientific forecasts* are to be believed, then…’ (fill in your own global warming-induced catastrophe). However, because it was preceded with an unequivocal level of certainty you bet your life listeners believe those forecasts have got it bang on!
The irony, of course, is that The Philippines – being a ‘developing country’ an’ all – are building more and more power stations to fuel their economic growth because, as their PM most eloquently put it ‘Wind and solar are unreliable’ (and you don’t often hear that on the BBC).
But just when you were being lulled into a false sense of balanced reporting (or the nearest equivalent you can get on the BBC) Shukman and his next carefully-selected interviewee hit you with the Agenda 21 sucker punch: ‘It’s the industrialised West who have put all that CO2 in the atmosphere and caused all our floods, so they should be compensating us’.
So the issue of The Philippines building another 25 coal-fired power stations, adding to that nasty, polluting CO2 that causes all the floods, was neatly sidestepped and the ball run effortlessly over the Friends of the Earth-sponsored try line to ground another 5 points for the redistributionist agenda.
When the energy shortage hits this country big time in a couple of years and vulnerable people are dying, I can only hope Shukman and his ilk are brought to book. Conspiracy charges – e.g. willfully deceiving the British public into believing climate change, extreme weather and global warming are all real and proven to be man-made and banning fossil fuels is the only answer – would be a good place to start.
*i.e. climate models which spectacularly failed to predict 18 years of no warming (but Shukman and his 28gate mates will never tell you that).
Here is the Sun article with polling results among British Muslims – the article makes grim reading, including other questions touching on divided loyalty, and it should have been headline news on the BBC all day :
Here from a US website is an article describing how UK leftie media such as the Guardian, the Mirroe and the Indy have tried to debunk the poll figures. The BBC seems to have taken another tack, at least on the radio.
To the BBC it must be bad news that OVER HALF A MILLION British Muslims express sympathy for IS – and how many more when polled kept quiet about their sympathy ? So the BBC has not been trying to debunk the poll results – it has taken the usual BBC line of burying this major story !
“Suppressio veri” – suppress the truth ! Typical BBC bias, they are truly shameless.
Was at the Museum of London a few weeks back.
Lots of allusions to the Blitz, chirpy cockneys-and loads about the MultiKulti dream that London represents.
Funnily enough though-saw no mention of Bob Mellish, a key Labour fixer and up to his staithes in payback as LDC main man.
Plenty about REd Ken and Brenda(Lady) Dean as SOGAT union leader who fought the “Battle Of Wapping”,
As for the Battle of Woolwich where Lee Rigby was butchered by the devils khat wad/ weed in the form of the “Two Michaels”?…well, no need to mention that-tooearly, may have been Mossad.
No surprise then that academe and the BBC will mutually fund each other and amplify their aspirations…I well remember the burqa-clad women of Mile End as they fought off the hun…for their men would make that Final Solution a bit finaller!
Any DNA artistry could be due to the Romans being in London-they got around you know.
And I imagine that Constantinople has a few white DNA types from Western Europe-harem and slaves who serviced the Muslim rulers back then.
Oh-how cultured, how cosmopolitan those Turks were-could we not learn from that?
Typical case of the BBC manufacturing the “here`s one we made earlier” meme…only it`s no longer Blue Peter, but Green Ahmed.
MultiKulti Climate Change in need of Islamic sharpening….our BBC.
Oh-how cultured, how cosmopolitan those Turks were-could we not learn from that?
The BBC (and Mary Bearded Lady in particular) have already secured the rehabilitation of the Roman Empire as an enlightened, civilising, multicultural Nirvanah.
I think you’re right, the Turks must be next with a sustained feast of ‘What The Ottomans Did For Us*’ (with the occasional forcemeat sandwich-filling of the Evil Empire of the RacistBrits and their seafaring, warmongering, pillaging, culture-destroying ways across a third of the planet).
* Credit where credit’s due – I believe they made some very nice settees.
BBC Online News:-
“”A Muslim Marine’s retort to Donald Trump””
“Tayyib Rashid’s response was prompted by remarks by Donald Trump, the presidential candidate who’s leading his Republican opposition in many early polls. In a recent interview, Trump said that he’s open to the possibility of special security and surveillance measures targeting Muslims””.
Trust the BBC to find a story that opposes Trump’s sentiments. The BBC/Left oppose Trump. Therefore, no story supporting Trump’s sentiments.
If it had been Hilary Clinton, the BBC would have found a story SUPPORTING any of her sentiments.
The BBC. Biased Left wing, always.
The BBC and their leftist fellow travellers are masters of ‘The exception that proves the rule’.
Just watching It Takes Two on BBC2 reviewing Strictly week 9 at Blackpool. Jamelia made reference to the rerecording of Peter Andre’s standing ovation. Apparently according to other blogs, Peter’s finish had to be rerecorded because the audience did not give him a standing ovation. Well I am not surprised he was hopeless. But I presume it is because the producers are desperate to keep in 2 men that it had to appear that his dance was better than Jamelia’s. I have been willing Jamelia out for the past few weeks because she wasn’t very good but this week she was heaps better. Judges had saved her 5 times and I assumed it was because she is black. So a rare case of male beating black. Going back to It Takes Two and Jamelia revealing the retake. It was ok, Zoe just ignored it.
Trust the BBC? If they cannot be honest in Strictly, why should we trust them over anything?
Forced to watch last night (as I always am!) it occurred to me that the result was fixed by the judges.
ie what was the point of the dance off if they judge on past performances? I know nothing yet it was apparent that Jamelia was best, but they kept Andre in, only Len Goodman had a handle on this and feigned annoyance with his fellow judges for their decisions.
My feeling was the same as yours, too many women left in, let’s even it out. Farcical, why do we never get to find out exactly what the public vote was, those who pay to vote have a right to know, but as ever the BBC are a law to themselves.
Well, something happened, because I didn’t see the audience give a standing ovation to Andre’s performance. Are the wheels starting to come off Strictly ? Ola Jordan has been given the boot (apparently) after grassing up the Beeb on alleged fixing of the judges scoring.
I’m still sore about Bake Off….that woman muslim was inferior to some of those eliminated in my book, and i said to others, half-way through, that i bet the muslim gets through and possibly wins…how right i was….BBC, rotters, all the way through.
I heard from the 6 o’clock news on R4 that London has always been “diverse” the basis for this appears to be 2 sets of human remains originating from North Africa 2000 years ago.
That may well be the case that these ancient remains are from there; but it doesn’t mean that there was racial “diversity” per se.
The Romans held sway over North Africa until 438AD, when they were usurped by the Vandals; who were a Germanic people like the Anglo-Saxons. The Arabs didn’t explode out of the Arabian peninsula into North Africa, until the emergence of their moon worshipping death cult some centuries later.
Much of North Africa became a Roman colony after the Third Punic War around 146 BC. The people who lived along the coast (modern day Algeria, Libya, Tunisia) would largely have been perceived as being Mediterranean, inasmuch as the Romans thought about such terms at all. They certainly were not Negroes, Nubians or Arabs. A more interesting programme from the BBC would be about the fall of Rome and the parallels with the modern day – towards the end the majority of the citizens of Rome were immigrants, there for ‘the bread and circuses’. The Roman legions were still winning military campaigns far from home, whilst the eternal city collapsed – something that Cameron and Hollande might like to ponder.
Agreed, also they (Romans) had stopped having sufficient numbers of children.
You`d think so wouldn`t you Ian?
Tragically-the likes of Mary Beard and Simon Schama run the history show for the BBC and the bien-pensants like the Guardian 68`ers.
And the likes of Starkey and Ferguson either ply their trade abroad or are vilified.
When I heard Beard on Channel 4, I saw the game was up for any pretence of historical objectivity-FFS, even MY limited readings from Gibbon etc make it all too clear how the Roman Empire fell-and its blindingly obvious read-across to todays cultural catastrophe we live in.
But if you can control the past and its interpretations and teachings, tomorrow belongs to you and those lilylivers and petunias you`ve managed to neuter and make docile…unless you put a UKIP poster up, or wear a Star Of David.
AND-Boris Johnson is a Roman scholar-yet he TOO prefers to go for the charismatic comedy buffoon that would play well in the Senate as the Empire collapsed from within…and he refuses to read across from the past, preferring to get the garlands…THAT is the ennervation of academe we live with.
Still-given what the Greens have done to science, what the EU has done to civics and to the law…can hardly say history is uniquely stuffed like Mustafas olive.
And the pro-EU types in Britain sent begging letters to Honorius for help in keeping out the immigrants invading Britain. But as Rome fell to the immigrants, Honorius told them to join UKIP. Some did, but a lot of them left Britain and perished in France, killed by French Eurosceptics.
Desperation from the bBC. It was NOT the British natives that were diverse, it was the invading immigrants that were diverse. Seems not much changes in 2000 years.
The old flamethrower, good idea. This is how we should deal with Islamic terrorists –
This Week in Terror – ISIS edition
a classic … reality check for Al BBC
Thanks Nog. Another excellent offering from Stefan Molyneux. Thoughtful, considered and reasoned – as ever.
As he says at the end of the video, the responsibility for sorting this out lies with the voters. We need honest politicians with backbone and common sense.
Vote Leave, vote UKIP.
As usual, great resume of the situation, and fact packed my only divergence from his assertions is that
Islam is treated as a “religion”, it is not … it is an encompassing political totalitarian ideology, the history of Islam actually history of said ideologies ie Nazism/Fascism, Communism highlight that differential, the erm … “god” factor is used as always as the control pin … otherwise a great round up.
The BBC world at One: After the inconvenient interruption of the Paris Attacks, I’m sure you will all be pleased that the BBC Migration Show is back on the road with, “A New Life on Europe: The Dhnie Family”.
They should do a show about the average White British family living in the U.K. right now, they could call it – “The Dhimmi Family”.
That flamethrower idea might be put to good use in America over the next 7 days. Record LOW Novemebrrrr temperatures are set to sweep in many areas so that flame thrower idea can be used to keep all the natives warm! Or as our own Met Office through the BBC would say, “a bit chilly”.
“London ‘diverse’ 2,000 years ago
A DNA study has confirmed that London was an ethnically diverse city from its very beginnings.
An analysis of 2,000 year old skeletons reveals what some of the very first Londoners looked like and where they came from.”
And how many 2,000 year old skeletons did they analyse?
2 were from outside Europe, 1 was from continental Europe, and 1 from Britain. Surprisingly, there is very little information to be gathered about the study online.
http://britainweekly.com/scitechnology/science/london-ethnically-diverse-from-start/ gives very little else.
Followed some sites saying read the article, they just sent me to the BBC report.
So basically, as far as i can tell this is not a scientific study, and no paper has been released. It’s just bollox.
Made the front page though. BBC Bollox
Seems the BBC Facebook crowd know it’s bollux, too.
A picture of a hippy chick floating in space as evidence of anything other than desperate, crass propaganda has escaped few.
BBC News Website:-
“”Migrants ‘stuck’ on Greece border with Macedonia””
“”Thousands of people are stuck on Greece’s border with Macedonia because they are being told that only those that can prove they are escaping war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan can pass.
It means that migrants from Pakistan, Iran and Bangladesh have nowhere to go””.
Why are the BBC sympathetic with the ‘plight’ of these unlawful immigrants?
Because as a Left wing organisation, the BBC supports unfettered immigration.
There you have it. Biased to the Left BBC.
Just a thought here about Camerons little Saudi inspired jaunt to ‘bomb’ ISIS. The supposed rationale is that ISIS poses a threat to us in the EU witnessed by the Paris attack, except that ISIS in Syria are no threat at all to us directly, and as we know from the Russian successes at bombing them, all the ones who felt threatened shaved off their beards and moved to Europe.
If Camerons so called bombing in Syria were successful it might just have a similar result with thousand of more Jihadis making the move through Europes porous borders.
We should not expend a single bullet in Syria until the Eu sorts its border control out, and Turkey agrees to prevent migrants setting off instead of encouraging them.
We should not expend a single bullet until Police on the beat are all armed with assault rifles, and fully trained, troops are ready to be mobilised at a moments notice and a lot more is done to root out the ISIS terrorists which mad Merkel let into Europe. Germany should be sent the bill for all this.
We all know that Cameons bombs will be dropped in the sand injuring no one, but costing a fortune which we don’t have. All for what? So his Saudi masters can make a show, and he can perhaps prevent Russia bombing effectively what he refers to as the ‘moderate’ Syrian resistance.
Cameron s knee jerk, non strategy, futile and facile … once again not being target specific here, not addressing the clear and present community danger, pussyfooting, political correctness.
Denial of both fact and reality,(and I know that is a daily occurrence with these inept No10 traitors), but these guys want to commit multiple acts of mass murder right here, right now
Anyway … “So called … ISIS” and erm “its” murder and violence?
Al Quaida,
Al Nusra,
Al Shabab,
Paris, Tunisian beach, Charlie Hebdo
7/7, 9/11 etc etc. … when was the
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future, in all strata of our society. be target specific, profile correctly, address the glaring reality, one law, OUR rules or the highway integrate or ahem emigrate.
Sheesh! … Seven Brit attacks prevented in six months. Only seven? Aren’t we lucky we are dealing with the so called 😀 “religion of peace”?
‘We all know that Cameron’s bombs will be dropped in the sand injuring no one,’ Yes indeed Thoughtful. Like Obama he won’t hit IS.
But I would not put it past him and his EU pals to bomb Assad’s soldiers, their supply lines, and thus prolong IS until they are sufficiently established for negotiations.
I’ve seen report from some fucking bleeding heart BBC tosspot from the border of Macedonia. I’ve never seen thing like it. Where are you from, where are you from? I couldn’t give shit where they’re from, I down want them breaking into Europe like burglars. They said they’d be killed if they went back to Iran. I call BS. To say they’ll looked like swarthy criminals (they all looked like rapists, to me) would be an understatement. And, you won’t be surprised to know this but the Macedonia police were the bad guys for keeping their country safe from the invaders. Aside from the one small girl there, naturally. Of course, she was from left, right and centre. And, now the crowning turd in the water pipe – they think that sewing their lips together would elicit sympathy. Now, I remember a bunch of Tamils getting all histrionic about being deported and stripping down to their undies. It didn’t work then and it doesn’t start now. ffs, I don’t know why they’re so extreme – they’ll lets them in eventually. And, the next lot, and the next lot. Can’t we just shoot them all? Pure, unadulturated bias, brought to by extortion.
I see that BBC News is doing its best for Jezza tonight. Just as they ran Operation Save Ed, before the election, the BBC are putting in a shift to deflect from Corbyn’s utterly appalling performance in the HoC today.
The (dominant) BBC’s reporting was materially different from almost every other news outlet who all heavily featured Corbyn’s performance, his leadership difficulties and the looming revolt on his own benches. While others gave a serious and honest analysis, the BBC with Laura Kuenssberg in particular (remember GF’s recent report of her meeting and offering advice to Corbyn’s Stalinist PR man, Shameless Milne) wanted none of this – they focussed on Cameron’s back tracking on Nimrod and the questions asked of him by Corbyn re the lessons Cameron needed to learn about the (Labour) failures in the Middle East. The BBC desperately trying to turn their useless man into a statesman.
Utterly dishonest reporting without a trace of integrity.
BBC, moral relativist ignorance. The enemy within.
How to weaken the security of US schools, finance Islamism and instill fear into Americans? Get them to do it to themselves through their own courts.
Read it and weep. No end to the insanity:
“How to weaken the security of US schools, finance Islamism and instill fear into Americans?”
Please explain how a 14 year old boy claiming damages (after being wrongly arrested and as a result branded a terrorist by social media across the globe) finances Islamism?
And exactly what in the BBC report do you consider to be, “moral relativist ignorance”?
Jason, you really need to head over to the BBC News Facebook page on this story, where comments are enabled.
The top ones, in excess of 1k, would suggest your empathies are not shared by the majority.
Of course he may direct his compo funds to medical training.
In which case I’d give Glasgow Airport a miss in a few years.
Well, since he is claiming $15m that certainly would make a good start.
But can I point out a little irony. Jason, you obviously don’t share the opinion of many on this site. But you know what? That’s OK. Free speech etc.
Contrast that with bBBC Have Your Say site where so often criticisms of the bBBC and its well-known positions on the EU, open door immigration, large state, licence fee etc. are ‘moderated’ ie censored and comments removed.
“Weaken security”. Create legal precedent (punitive) from which teachers will be encouraged or trained to not act on their instincts, especially in respect of brown skinned children with Muslim parents. Should a real situation manifest itself with Muslims attacking non-Muslims using bombs knives or guns, the children in the care of these teachers are less likely to be protected by them. Hence, the children’s security is weakened.
“Finances Islamism”. I may run a business for 40 years. I may be the nation’s foremost export in tidal power technology. It is a rare human being who, after he has paid taxes all his life, would accrue $15 million dollars. Should this be paid (after being extracted from taxpayers – do you ever consider who actually pays for all this? Do you ever ‘follow the money’) to clock boy, he will have made more money than 99.9% of the western world’s population without having to work. So he would be ‘financed’. I guess you haven’t looked into the background of his Islamist father – willful blindness Jason. Or that ‘Clock boy’ appears to be fast-tracked on the Qatari asylum system – Qatar being renowned for the generous way in which it is accepting thousands of needy people fleeing war and terror – oh, wait a minute….
Moral relativism is a state of mind. Consider incompetence – Those who are incompetent have not the capacity to comprehend that they are incompetent, else they would recognise their incompetence and engage in a bit of self improvement and become, more competent.
Therefore, moral relativists may read “..His arrest was sharply criticised, and he received an outpouring of support including an invitation to the White House.
In October, he met Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Ahmed’s father is a Sudanese immigrant to the US who once stood as a presidential candidate against Mr Bashir.
Ahmed also met Google co-founder Sergey Brin and officials from Turkey, Sudan and Jordan.
Texas officials defended their decision, saying they were only concerned with the safety of students….. and think, Oh that’s OK/nice/poor old clock boy, at least he got to meet a couple of presidents and a Google guy. They may even think that he deserves to be handed wealth (taken from hard working tax payers) which no normal hard working family could dream of accumulating in a lifetime.
Others (realists / rationalists / those with a moral compass) may think “I’m with the teachers on this one and they should be backed up. In a world where children of Muslims are stabbing, shooting and bombing people to death in Paris, Beiruit, Nigeria, Mali, Israel (the list sadly goes on and on) it is disgraceful that the Government rewards a child who pranks his school, rather than admonishes his antisocial and provocative behaviour.”
I’ve not met you Jason, but you appear to suffer from moral relativism. Clock boy is a dry run. You won’t realise this until the bodies of dead American children are being counted, whereupon you will no doubt rationalise how dead and alive are merely relative, killing apostates, child rape, killing gays are alternative cultural norms to be respected and that Western civilisation is not superior to the wonderous Religion of Peace, Islam.
The BBC release these abuse reports and yet refuse to mention the elephant in the room: ‘Asian’ (we all know what that refers to) grooming gangs; surely any report on child abuse should highlight this extremely worrying, racist and vile trend in addition to other incidents? On the basis of the number of cases we’ve seen in the media it would appear that these Muslim rape gangs are operating up and down the land, and yet still no in depth analysis from the left. It’s the same PC thinking that leads to the narrative of ‘terrorism has nothing to do with Islam’ cowardly nonsense. In other words, the PC brigade are putting their pathetic and puerile multicultural fantasy before the safety of our citizens.
Interesting to see if or how they report the abuse suffered by one of their ‘own’ in a London (UBER) cab, actress Frances Barber.
In the unlikely event that they do report it, one thing is for sure, they won’t go as far as to use the word sharia…
Top Trumps reportage rules will apply.
I wonder if Tell Mama has logged this, and as what? Attack? Assault? Nasty words?
Maybe Mishal has also made a small notation on her tally board?
But I doubt it.
Just listened to Toady, why is on earth is Paddy Pantsdown one of their “go to guys”?
Who cares what his view or opinion about anything, foreign or domestic, is?
… because hes an arsehole and the BBC is full of them so they see in him, a kindred secret. Plus, he’s a warmongering cunt and the BBC want some decent copy …’ I counted them all in and counted them all back in etc’. I hate the guy so much, he’s seems to think he’s some sort of sage (I almost expect him to be on a pillar somewhere pontificating about Bosnia or Kosovo) except one that wants a horrible war (and it will be horrible) where he’s be a few thousand miles from the frontline (as an armchair general) while some mother’s son is Rotherham is blown to bits. If you really need to do something about IS, hit them where it hurts – Dewsbury, Luton, Tower Hamlets etc. Why doesn’t the bBBC mention the ‘pantsdown’ fiaso either or the fact the Liberal Democrats wanted to move the entire population of Hong Kong and then dump them on a windswept Scottish island – that’s how fucking stupid they are.
I detest that man with a passion.
I also detest the BBC with equal passion.
That’s all.
Just listening to Today and heard an interesting take on the Brussels problem / crisis / potential mass murder.
A local spokesman informed us that 40% of the population is now Muslim and (this is the interesting bit) “perhaps we haven’t done enough to integrate them into the community.”
Fascinating to witness the tortured and convoluted route the politically correct mind has to take to deflect any suggestion of blame or bitterness from the ROP.
Of course the slightly different argument that “if we hadn’t allowed so many of these blighters into our previously peaceful city…” can never be sanctioned.
That way can only lead to non pc madness.
Actually, what I heard him say was along the lines of “perhaps we need to do more to integrate people”. I wondered which people he felt needed to do the integrating and had a sinking feeling he wasn’t referring to the Muslims.
But 40% Muslim? (Or did we both mishear 14%.) How was this allowed to happen and just what did the authorities think the result of this would be for social cohesion?
I didn’t hear this report – but if it is true that the muslim proportion is already 40% and growing, then we have clearly reached the stage where if there’s going to be any integration it’s the locals who are going to have to integrate with the newcomers – PBTA
I think it was 40% because he continued quite unabashed along the lines of ‘in a few years they will be the majority’.
There’s a thought. A majority Muslim population right in the heart of the EU bureaucracy.
As if there were not enough reasons already to Vote Leave.
I’d say 40% is about right The west half of the city and a lot of the north is 70-80‰ Muslim. The suburbs are quite different.
Good morning The Old Bloke, the post below should give you a bit of wry laugh (or at least a choking splutter) over your morning cuppa.
Oxford University’s meteorological station is sited at the Radcliffe Obsevatory, Oxford and is of note worldwide for keeping ‘the longest instrumental record of temperature round the world’. Oxford University is also ranked 2 in the world for academic excellence. Where they lead no doubt the BBC, and much of the world, follows …
I enjoy your posts, The Old Bloke, keep them coming!
Late addition to post above and Oxford temperature records:
‘The average annual temperature for 2014 was 11.5°C, 1.8 degrees higher than the 200-year average of 9.7°C, a significant difference in weather terms.
The observations were originally made at the Radcliffe Observatory but the weather station is now located in the grounds a few metres away. ‘
I wonder to what extent the change of location correlates to a change in temperature and a Met Office award?
DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start
I know this has been commented on already but it is a great example of how to distort facts to suit your own views.
First of all, the sample taken is the remains of 4 people out of 20,000. Even my o-level maths tells me the sample is nowhere large enough to be truly representative. The BBC would love this theory of multiculturalism to be true, it would be music to their ears.
Anyway, out of the 4 samples we have 2 people from Africa (The Lant Street teenager and The Mansell Street man).
She ” Like many people living in the capital today, she had travelled a long distance to be in London” hymmm that does have a familiar ring to it I must admit. However, I can’t help noticing that the word ‘slave’ is missing from the narrative. Slaves were quite popular with the Romans as any history book will confirm but unfortunately the word had been eradicated from the BBC dictionary as it is too unpalatable for your average lefty apologist.
Next, we have ‘The Gladiator’ of Middle-eastern origin. Another refernce to the history book will reveal that most early gladiators were conquered peoples or slaves, oops there’s that word again.
Finally we have ‘The Harper Road woman ‘ who is born in Britain. How is that ethnically diverse is that I hear you say. But, wait for it, “An added twist to the Harper Road woman’s tale is that her chromosomes show that she was genetically a male – even though physically she was a woman – another feature that will intrigue modern-day researchers. ” The music has just turned into a symphony.
I’m sorry BBC, I know you would love to prove this point of early multiculturalism, but at the end of the day what you have is 3 slaves and a transvestite.
1/10, must try harder.
‘DNA study finds London was ethnically diverse from start’
I notice that this report is penned for the BBC by one Pallab Ghosh
‘Ghosh has also introduced schemes to get people from more diverse backgrounds into the higher levels of science journalism. He believes that those reporting on scientific issues that increasingly have a social dimension should be more representative of their community’
Not journalism, activism
Not reporting, story telling
London always ethnically diverse!
Golly Ghosh!
This is an important scientific discovery.
25% of all Roman London citizens were trannies.
What a great result for this week’s favourite bBBC minority group.
Guess a pelmet is just a minskirt-maybe they dragged up for some “Raising Denarii for Decia ” campaign.
Only the Romans would be so thick as to send charity money to those who wished it dead and were breaking down the borders for fun…and offering the “Romans For Roma” sponsored wet shave/ beheadathon.
Thankfully WE`RE not that thick eh?
Oh dear another morning ruined by accidentally listening to Today. As well as a persistent shoe-horning of “climate change” into any story they could find including hilariously a feature about an Australian red-headed snake being killed by a cat; todays leftist meme was all men are child abusers.
Some dangerously inarticulate functionary (the “Children’s Commissioner”) was allowed to advance unchallenged the hypothesis that child abuse (which of course now includes not just sex but “emotional abuse”) was understated by as much as 400,000! Her argument was “its unknown” because children don’t report it; ie “we’ve made this up”.
Then an item on islamophobia in which a gender segregated islamist school in north London was featured the highlight being (as well as the hateful tone of most of the students – what fun they are going to be when they graduate) the revelation that the teachers had decided not to hold a minutes silence for the people slaughtered in the latest nothing to do with Islam attack because “it would be disrespectful to the students”.
Then an attack on the catholic church. With “hacking nuns” and the comedy reactionary Pope mocked by both the old men, in stark contrast to the excessive respect for the Somali girls shown earlier.
Does anyone but Jeremy’s £3 trots actually believe any of this? For whom is the Today programme made?
It’s all part of destroying our Christian culture and promoting others (such as Islam) to an equivalency culture. It’s a joke of course and no ones gonna tell me I’m equivalent to one of those frigging savages. The BBC are the enemy, there’s no doubt about that. Hopefully, IS will target them – I won’t bat an eyelid.
According to Al Beeb there is NO Christian culture in the UK just as they pretend there is neither British culture nor tradition nor ethnicity.
The loss Christian culture is one of the main reasons Europe finds itself in the mess it is in now. I’m not exactly a church-goer or anything, but relegating our cultural heritage to the point of ridicule has destroyed Europe and will continue to do so.
Seems to me that the more “sex ed” that kids get the more STDs, pregnancies and abusing of younger kids by older ones that we get.
The Lefties answer?…but of course-MORE of it. target it at even YOUNGER kids-and employ a load of dodgy para perverts in to “hang out with Raj” as Labour used to advertise for its teachers in the early 2000`s.
Think on-Chris Woodhead was OFSTED big wig back then , and HIS views on under-age relationships is “educative…very educative”.
What POSSIBLE interest would the BBC-with its cBeebies weirdies, it`s Dicks, it`s Doms…it`s Bacons etc-let alone its Saviles, Dennings and Harris/Hall and Peels etc-have in getting into even younger kids at school than it already does.
All the BBC did was offer BBC Micro B computers to schools way back-they`d be offering hummus and veggie kebabs these days wouldn`t they?
“Rooming in the grooming”…as sung by BBC Scotland.
This is making me sick. Fuck off al Beeb, just FUCK OFF!
It seems to me a simple question – although it appears to evade our politicians and media
When the terrorists themselves say unequivocally that they are muslim – why can’t we take their word for it?
And yet any tranny’s assertion to their non natural birth gender is accepted without qualification.
“Many parents have found it hard to talk to their children about the Paris attacks in which 130 people were killed – but it has been particularly difficult for Muslim families.”
But it has been particularly difficult for Muslim families? Not ‘particularly difficult’ for the families of the victims, then?
neilw I feel the same way.
The link gives a parade of muslims declaring how the attacks are not consistent with the ROP and how wrong it is to blame ordinary muslims. But as always the BBC have the quote that offers a justification of the atrocity
‘ “The French government does not respect us,” says Omar, aged 17. “They see us as immigrants, as scum, good-for-nothings. The terrorists were wrong to kill. But it is the French government that started bombing Syria. You can’t do that: fly over a country and drop bombs! The Daesh [IS] attacks in Paris are a response to the hatred that France gives out.”