Five US states where climate change could be disastrous.
According to the BBC, 5 US states have done nothing about ‘climate change’.
Let’s pick 1 – Texas.
Hottest year – 1924 (91 years ago)
Highest average annual precipitation by city – 83 inches Houston in 1979 (36 years ago)
Could this be the reason why “Many of these states haven’t even assessed their vulnerability,” ???
Good morning NamenotNumber, and thanks for your comments. I do despair, I really do. There are loads of reports such as your link, but of course they never find their way into the Left Wing press, that includes the Far left BBC. It is quite interesting how many times the CET (Central England Temperature) data gets used to try and prove that the planet is warming. CET = Planet. I must be one of the very few who still have a copy of the original CET statement of intent to include what was a hypothetical mathematical calculation to adjust temperatures from having a recording station moved or become under the influence of either natural or unnatural occurrences, one being the Urban Heat effect on data. Like I say, hypothetical. The very last paragraph of this CET paper is an interesting one, one which I will bring to the table when the time is right. 😎 A few posts ago, I hinted to members of this forum, that scrutiny of the Met Office’s own data recording stations proved interesting in that when temperatures got to a certain “low” then it would appear the recording station “switched itself off” and all recordings stopped only to be reinstated when the sun got up in the morning. Now, I’ve been spending probably too much time studying the Met Office reporting station data against private recording data, and I’m now beginning to think I’m looking at a WV (Volkswagen) moment concerning this data. Why is it, as I have pointed out quite recently, that the Met Office forecast low temperatures that only get to just below freezing (-2) yet in reality they get much lower to something like -5 or even -6??
To be so far out is, to put it bluntly, gross incompetence, or a deliberate deflection of reality. If stations are switched off so that true low temperatures are not being recorded, then we can be told that the average temperature for a month is higher than it should be. I’m working on it and have had my suspicion for a couple of years now. In our village on Dartmoor we have a private reporting station which has been certified/verified by the Environment Agency and this station clearly shows cooling temperatures for over 30 years now. More to follow on this and yes I know it is not technically BBC bias, but we all know how much the BBC pushes it’s Climate Change agenda based upon what? Political bias.
To follow on from my last post, today in just one newspaper, there were two reports of “Climate Change”. One Think Tank are now telling us we are eating to much meat as this creates Climate Change and the other is that living next to the sea is bad for your health as there are too many fumes from shipping and this Think Tank are now calling for reduction in emissions fro ships etc, which obviously will help with “Climate Change”. The later has stated that approx’ 30,000 people die early because they live next to the sea. Strangely enough, when I lived in Cornwall, some of the oldest people I met were fishermen.
Oh and while I’m thinking about it, you know how “Mild” the BBC Scotland told us it was going to be in Scotland, it is so mild, it is snowing. The Met Office’s own technical declaration of “Mild” is for temperatures of between 10 and 15 degrees. The whole of Scotland has barely been above 8 and more snow soon!!
I read that BBC article. First thing to strike me was that they have presumed drought and floods, apparently at the same time. If Gobal Warming really kicks off, whether Anthropogenic or not, the world is going to get wetter, not drier. Think Singapore. Globally. Most of the year. Buy shares in umbrella, wellington boot and deodorant manufacturers. Watch out for trench foot.
The second thing was that Taylor Kate Brown in this “Most US states are well-prepared for current natural disasters, but across the country, states have done little to factor in how climate change will increase or change risks – from wildfire, extreme heat, inland and coastal flooding and drought.” obviously doesn’t realise 1) the Americans have coped with these things before, 2) until an event is actually on the way or happens you have no idea what you will be dealing with in extent or impact, and, 3) maybe we should be more afraid of alarmism and the damage that that could do?
Say, for example, that Houston’s drains were deemed inadequate for another 83 inches of rain in one go and the City spends a billion or three disrupting traffic, creating extra CO2 emissions, installing them and it doesn’t rain severely for yet another 36 years. In the meantime, City & State taxes are spent maintaining the super dooper drain system while other ills, perhaps serious social ills, that need taxpayer funds have to be set aside. Spot the disconnect in the brains of the alarming warming enviro-mentalists?
They obviously cannot.
If Global Warming doesn’t arrive, then we will just have to live with weather. Just as we used to do before 1962.
It reminds me of when I had to write the hospital’s “Heatwave Plan”. I wasted the best part of a day putting together all the bumf that the Department of Health required, but the summary for the wards was “open the windows”.
I see ‘Clock boy’ and his family are continuing to make a fools out of liberal fools:
Ahmed Mohamed: ‘Clock boy’ seeks $15m from city and school
A boy who was arrested for taking a homemade clock to class is seeking $15m (£10m) from his city and school.
Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was held by police and suspended from his school in Texas because his teacher mistook the clock for a bomb. His lawyer said in a letter that the incident, which made global headlines, sparked threats against the teenager and left him deeply traumatised. Ahmed and his family have since moved to Qatar to complete his education. The arrest sparked outrage, sympathy and the trending hashtag #StandWithAhmed. His lawyers are asking for $10m (£7m) from the city of Irving and $5m (£3.3m) from the Irving Independent School District, saying that Ahmed was “publicly mistreated” and remains scarred.
And of course he’ll end up getting another pay day from self-hating, guilt-ridden liberals. Clock boy ain’t stupid. The Race Card: Play it to Win! How these muslims run merry circles around western liberal dunces.
And finally for this morning, have a look at this web site, to me it is the best there is for predicting long term weather trends. What you see is real time and to move the globe to whatever angle you want and anywhere you want, place your cursor over the globe and twiddle it. When you see sites such as this, you just have to ask, how can the Met Office get their forecasts so wrong? Easy answer really isn’t it?
Radio 4 yet again demonstrating the bias which this site exists to highlight:
9:00 Emile Zola – presented by Glenda Jackson – Far leftist
9:30 The misogyny book club – far left feminist whinging
9:45 Book of the Week by Iris Murdoch – Communist
10:00 Moaners hour with Labour party supporter Jane Garvey
10:45 15 minute drama ‘welcome to Zaatari’ Pro immigration bile from a Syrian refugee camp
11:00 The Secret Life of ‘carers’ – a half hour long moan about the evil Tory cuts !
11:30 Soul Music – ELO Mr Blue Sky
12:00 Biased News
12:04 Will Self ’nuff said
12:15 You & yours ‘Do the Police listen to you?’ Police bashing and no doubt more complaints about cuts
The afternoon schedule isn’t any better with a program on whether mother should be jailed (anarchy), Shirley WIlliams, a program about addiction etc etc.
How on earth can the BBC even pretend that this output is even making a pretence at being unbiased ? Even the leftists must accept this is sheer naked bias and there’s no overseeing body to prevent them doing it.
Yes, I’m afraid that R4 has become the primary means of getting/keeping the middle class stuffed to the eyeballs with cultural Marxist ideas. A few years ago I used to post a precis of the plotlines of afternoon plays – it was like reading a handbook for communist agitators. Since then, things have got even worse.
Two things emerge from this. The first is that the people who run the BBC are now shameless and completely confident of their own invincibility within the organisation. Their bias is undeniable so, clearly, they no longer care that people notice and object. The second is that the rot is so deep and pervasive that the only way of stopping it is to close the BBC down – privatisation won’t work (look at Sky , which is private yet just as bad).
The Radio 4 weekday afternoon plays at 2.15pm – during most weeks I reach for the off switch at least 3 times a week, it is obvious from the first few moments that it will be some more BBC propaganda dressed up as “drama!.
Surely suggesting that debt collection is an exclusively male occupation is not only misogynistic and sexist, but a vile calumny on an organisation which prides itself on its equal opportunities status?
Actually, Thoughtful, I caught a bit of Misogyny BC and the part I heard was rather Conservative. But you do have a point there. Funny thing, when I was being preached to at breakfast time I found myself thinking the BBC do not appear to realise that the explosion in radio listening is largely not down to the BBC but the advent of near total computer usage. Unless they keep the new listeners happy, they have easy access to other listening or may switch off. I find myself doing the latter more and more and I was a radio addict, on and off, from early years through to about six years ago.
I noted that the Beach Boys were given a free plug on the TOADY programme (R4, 7.30 a.m.-8 a.m. segment); there couldn’t be an album of Greatest Hits coming out in time for Christmas, could there?
And Shirley Williams is on the `The Good Read` with a very left wing novelist Margaret Drabble.I was shocked that radio 4 have the nerve to give Glenda Jackson work on Zola given her disgusting comments about the late Baroness Thatcher.Recommend you send your excellent post to members of the Parliament media committees as it is great example of BBC Bias and how the people in charge of Radio 4. don`t care anymore about it.Radio Times is another institution that has become relentlessy biased if you read it week in week out as I do for its radio programming .
Model Engineer website, this thread, BBC 2 – Looking for Backyard Engineers.
The thread was started by an employee of the Magazine trying to drum up some free publicity.
The ME contingent are having none of it, very anti BBC, Read it for yourself.
Here is Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, I believe that all our political elites, here, , the US, Canada, idiots like Merkel, Hollande, Trudeau have collective insanity … The BBC, the enemedia, Cameron, May, the police
(shakes head), this has probably already happened here, please feel free to remind me.
Makes you despair, at the abject spinelessness.
“This woman a hyperfeminist, a lesbian activist” ,(right on femdom?)
“She hates patriarchies, especially old white men who tell women what to do.
A photo that she herself published, wearing a hijab and sitting in the women’s only section of an Ottawa mosque, like a good little subservient, submissive woman, obedient to sharia law!
Of course, if sharia law were really in effect, she’d be thrown off the top of an apartment block, or hanged from a crane, which is the usual death sentence for homosexuality under radical Islam.
This isn’t just a case of, anything for a vote. It’s an insight into her mind.
She despises our western, historical Judeo-Christian culture. But … she’s an obedient little girl when it comes to the most reactionary patriarchy in the world — radical Islam.”
Oh and “clock” boy … with the deliberate “hustle” on recent attacks… he s after the payout … madness!
Texas student arrested over taking homemade clock to school, now seeks $15M
The “world turned upside down” eh!
Just to add another unmitigated crap left wing program on Radio tonight at 20:00 “From Syria to Yorkshire” because they’re not allowed to settle in the posh insulated South East !
Under the UK government’s Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme over 200 Syrians – all judged to be particularly at risk – were taken from refugee camps in the Middle East and re-housed in Britain, many of them in Bradford.
Even before the House of Commons has voted, Britain is now being dragged into military action in Syria …
No video yet up from the Oxford EU debate, Clegg and Barroso eh! … should have been Clegg/Camoron
BBC – Clegg ‘wins’ Oxford Union EU debate with Farage
The Huffington Post is calling last night’s EU debate at the Oxford Union that involved Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage (seen below in a BBC interview) a win for the former Lib Dem leader.
“It was Mr Clegg who won the loudest applause from the 500 students gathered in the famous Oxford Union,” their political reporter writes. Student newspaper Cherwell reported that a queue of 450 people waited in the cold to get into the debate, some waiting more than four hours.
Cameron s knee jerk, non strategy, futile and facile … once again not being target specific here, not addressing the clear and present community danger, pussyfooting, political correctness.
Denial of both fact and reality,(and I know that is a daily occurrence with these inept No10 traitors), but these guys want to commit multiple acts of mass murder right here, right now
Anyway … “So called … ISIS” and erm “its” murder and violence?
Al Quaida,
Al Nusra,
Al Shabab,
Paris, Tunisian beach, Charlie Hebdo
7/7, 9/11 etc etc. … when was the
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future, in all strata of our society. be target specific, profile correctly, address the glaring reality, one law, OUR rules or the highway integrate or ahem emigrate.
Sheesh! … Seven Brit attacks prevented in six months.
Only seven? … Aren’t we lucky we are dealing with the so called ? “religion of peace”?
Apparently, Mr Farage drew minor boos as he said
“not everyone in the country is bright enough to go to Oxford … we need to think about them”
Sheesh! making them think as well Nige … goodness! hope they ve got a “1st” in common sense
or is that the new qualification requirement?.
… ought to be for the quislings in No10.
So Noggin hates anyone that’s not a neo Nazi, even Nigel might be too lefty for you, he refuses to to form an European Parliament pact with Marine le Pen ‘s FN. I wonder why?
Just watched the (disguised) Liebore broadcast known as ‘Daily Politics’ on BBBC2 and I actually enjoyed it…..but ,let me explain:-
Jo Coburn (altho Lefty ,looking strangely sexy…..I’ll keep taking the pills) with Alan Johnson in the studio.
First, we first had Alan Johnson (the Mister-Bloke of Labour,one might say the least-objectionable option compared to Fatty Prescott) arguing with some bitter Scot Nat SMP(Brendan somebody .as if anybody south of Hadrian’s Wall gives a fluck) about whether the Jocks wanted Trident.Just priceless, the way that the Jocks have undermined the endless Entitlement and Arrogance of the old Labour leadership ,in the view that the Jock support was taken for granted, provided the usual bribes were forthcoming.
This was followed by Johnson arguing with a Dave -Spart-type agitator (Simon Hardy/Harding??) who was rejoicing about the new direction that Corbyn was promoting for the Labour Party . Johnson was rude and dismissive to this ‘outsider’ who was more in tune with the Corbynistas than both he and Coburn were.
It is extremely pleasurable to watch the ‘Establishment’ metrosexual Labour-supporting club of BBC journos and presenters attempting to sabotage the death-wish Corbyn tendency that has hijacked their beloved Labour Party . Although we don’t have a true conservative administration in Cameron’s Labour-Lite troop, it is still heartwarming to see the odious Labour Party and its followers in anguish and tearing itself apart.
Lovely to see Labour tearing itself apart, and even lovelier to see Loach’s Left Unity Loony Party doing likewise. Johnson in the Daily Politics clip was arguing the toss with Left Unity Simon Hardy, whose party are at this moment having a National Conference where the big discussion is whether to disband the Left Unity Party and follow the large number that left Loach’s loonies and joined Corbyn’s loonies. Meanwhile at their Conference the Left Unity loonies have voted to campaign, on a pro-migration basis, to stay in EU; to oppose military intervention in Syria; to campaign with junior doctors; and support the Stop Trident protest in February 16, and fight against the evils of neo liberalism. Now a movement that offers to join Labour with that programme, is not the movement that Johnson wants. Add to that the weirdy beardy from Left Unity appeared to claim that his loonies were against racism. At this point Johnson lost it – Labour is against racism, he objected, always has been. Johnson my lad, you need to understand how racism has been re-defined by the new brand of university left loonies. Corbyn has nothing to fear from the Labour MPs who may oppose him; he will be destroyed by the mad Trots whose favour he currently enjoys.
Simon Hardy, without a tie, stood as a Left Unity candidate in Vauxhall in May 2015. His Labour opponent was Kate Hoey. Hardy got 188 votes and was eighth in the poll – seventh place went to the Pirate Party candidate.
I do hope the Labour Party will accept him as a member.
Where’s my post gone from this afternoon?
I know that DV et al OWN this site but I do wish we had some way of knowing when ,how and why our perfectly good posts are consigned to the memory hole?
At the very least, can we not be told that there have been objections or the owners have decided to trash the post?
It is very off-putting to have one’s carefully constructed observations disappear for unknown reasons within an hour?
And this is not the first time this has happened.
Come on ,DV, at least tell us what happens to our contributions??
BBC – Who are the Turkmen? Turkish military officials say two F-16 fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday after repeated warnings that it was violating Turkish airspace. Video footage is circulating of what appears to be the body of one of the pilots, surrounded by armed men shouting Islamic slogans. An ethnic Turkmen rebel group in northern Syria says it has recovered one of the pilots and was “looking for the other”.
Sky – Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’
Pres. Putin – He described it as a “stab in the back” committed by “accomplices of terrorists”.
Mentioned that an airline is no longer flying to the holiday destination in Egypt ‘following the crash of a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert’
BBC Left wing sanitising of an Islamic Terrorist atrocity. No mention of Islam, terrorism or murder. It just fell out of the sky, did it?
Airbrush. Don’t want to upset anyone? Who would be upset at being reminded?
In the same way, the BBC refer to the murder by axes of Pc Keith Blakelock as that Pc Blakelock ‘died’ on the Broadwater Farm Estate. BBC, was it a heart attack? Natural causes?
I used to wish that the muslims would bomb the BBC or commit some atrocity on their ‘correspondents’ just to get their attitude to shift, but it’s simply not possible. Frank Gardner was handicapped by them and still makes excuses for them. These people truly are mentally ill.
That would be the same Frank Gardner who, when he was shot by Islamic terrorists in Saudi Arabia, shouted out “I am a muslim”, expecting them to immediately show leniency that they, and he, would not expect for non-believers.
Frank Gardner speaks fluent Arabic and is a muslim convert……no wonder he is so popular with our balanced, globally respected broadcaster.
Good spot! I don’t know just how BBC news’reporters’ and presenters cab live with themselves broadcasting such tosh, complete and utter bias by omission.
It reminded me of when Al Beebus reports on the Muslim rape gangs and berates the police and local authorities for not protecting the victims, yet never identifies who it is that they needed to be protected from.
Because the BBC – along with the likes of Channel 4 and Sky News – are all about misinformation and misdirection. Some news, some of the time – and all of it ‘filtered’ through the correct narratives and agendas before final delivery.
These days, if you want real news, you are far better served going online and seeking out smaller independent sources. It might be rough and ready, but more often than not it’s more precise and factual than the politically-correct, vaguely truthful drivel served up by the bigger broadcasters. And you’ll also stand a far better chance of hearing from dissenting voices – opinions that dare to challenge the prevailing narratives.
The BBC simply does not ‘do’ alternative opinion. It has decided upon ‘due’ impartiality. In real terms that means ‘no’ impartiality. The BBC will shape the news to fit its own aggressively left-wing agenda – license fee (and Charter responsibilities) be damned. And they are getting away with it.
Several of us have wondered at what point reality may begin to dawn on the BBC.
The annswer: no time soon. A survey yesterday suggesting 1 in 5 muslims had sympathy with IS might have been thought to concentrate some minds into wondering just what we have allowed into our midst, if only to give a serious discussion as to why they felt the assertion was untrue.
But no, it’s terribly funny and the problem goes away with a few tweets making jokes about what else 1 in 5 muslims might do. Yes, it’s our old friend BBC Trending: British Muslims react to report about their ‘sympathy’ for IS.
I’ve always felt that hopes for an attack on the BBC are in rather bad taste. But it’s getting serious now and it seems nothing short of that is going to wake some naive fools up.
BBC Trending is simply a bad joke concealing Lord Hall Hall’s hiring spree of mates’ offspring to make the BBC too big to fend for itself in the market, along with ‘Magazine’, ‘Pop-up’, etc.
The latter garners about 2 comments as they gad about the USA and Canada on a gap year jolly funded by the licence fee payer.
There is also now BBC Shorts and BBC Brit, again total trivia and tat, doubtless with a director and full team gadding about the globe to share with their audiences of seven
“wondering just what we have allowed into our midst”
We have not allowed it. We, that is the real British population, were not consulted, we have warned about and no notice has been taken by the worst examples of traitors in recorded history, also known as “leaders.
So I do not think there will be any need to consult the “leaders” when we decide that some ethnic cleansing is required, in fact I believe the cleansing should begin with them.
Never seem to hear much about this on the BBC. The fines ‘could’ amount to £160 000 but thanks to Britain’s two tier justice system which makes sure that Pakistanis are treated much more leniently the fines are much more likely to be close to the minimum possible of just £400.
Well well, my quick post just after watching the Daily Politics leftist discussion group has re-appeared!
And I see that, in the meantime, G Fawkes has picked up on the leftist house spat as well.
I swear that I do not understand the sequences on this board and how posts seem to be distributed….No offence meant ,David and other mods, but it would be useful to know and would help navigation around the site sometimes.
Militant Tendency is alive and well and it’s called Left Unity. The infiltration has begun. No wonder Labour are in crisis, this is soon going to blow up into a huge argument.
Will Stephen Kinnock take over his Dad’s mantle and out the revolutionaries at a Party conference. Or will the reverse occur!!!
It would be great television. It’s got to come to a head soon.
And every single one of the 1200+ serially offended (usually by proxy) complainants should be rounded up and placed with the 1 in 5 (at least) muslim filth that support the killing of innocent westerners. I mean, who the fuck are these scum? Well, we actually know who the usual suspects are, no doubt deviant filth like Tatchell were at the forefront, along with every purple-haired bean-eating unwashed Corbynite.
I see Channel 4 is running true to form. Man with Big Beard ranting about Sun poll “1 in 5 Muslims sympathy for Jihadisrs”.
This “shock poll” is not a shock to anyone who has the slightest inkling about what is going on about them..
Even a poll carried out by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies based in Doha indirectly confirms the Sun poll.
The results for a sample of 900 Syrian refugees, interviewed in camps before they left for Europe are interesting.
In answer to the question
” To what extent do you support or oppose the declared objectives of the anti-ISIL campaign “to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL”?”
30% opposed these objectives.
As 1 in 3 actually support the continued existence of ISIS, claims that all Syrian are fleeing ISIS and are oriented towards the West is complete nonsense.
The idea that the West can use local troops to eliminate ISIS also seems like a pipe-dream.
This “shock poll” is not a shock to anyone who has the slightest inkling about what is going on about them..
As so many Muslims live in what are effectively closed communities and remain largely unintegrated and as their ‘community’ leaders tend to keep their heads down most of the time on each and every issue important to the wider British public, no poll of Muslims should come as a surprise – more a revelation.
This is Pat Buchanan’s take on Western Europe, in the wake of the jihad attack in Paris.
“They have repudiated their cradle faith Christianity, apologized for the sins of their fathers and sought to make reparations, embraced La Dolce Vita, materialism and hedonism, freeloaded off American defense for 70 years, ceased to have children, thrown open their borders to former colonial peoples to come and repopulate the continent and turned their back on patriotism to celebrate diversity and globalism.
They invited the world in. And the world is coming to enjoy the lavish fruits of their welfare states and, one day, will be using the West’s concept of one-man, one-vote to rule the countries which ruled their ancestors.
The colonized are slowly becoming the conquerors.
The challenge of ISIS is not entirely unhealthy. It will tell us whether Europe has the will to survive.
As for Paris, time to move on. For, given the triumph this has been for ISIS, more such massacres are inevitable.”
Great article Al, what a shame that our political masters don’t understand these obvious points or don’t want to. Just what is their agenda, surely they can’t be this stupid and only react after an event like Paris when we all saw it coming.
The statement of the colonized conquering the colonizers is so true.
I can fully understand why the population as a whole do not seem interested in what is happening in the world as they seem to have more important things to worry about such as Bake Off, Strictly, Premier League, not forgetting Posh s latest collection or Harry Styles latest pronouncement all to be watched on a 42″ laser TV courtesy of the DSS. No wonder the “swarms” are heading here at a rate of knots! Marx once said religion was the opium of the people now it seems to be krap!!!!!
I was always taught that if something comes to you too easy then it is not worth having! I think the same could be said about the rights and freedoms we currently enjoy – I think we have become decadent and seem more concerned with gay wedding cakes and black policemen than protecting the basic values of our society, we should be fighting for our society not giving it away to a very single minded and determined medievel enemy.
What however puzzles me is that when we have finally rolled over and allowed our long fought for freedoms to be given away to Clockboy and his dad – Does Jason and his chums still think that they will still be able to go to Glastonbury to smoke fat ones (right on!) or have evening soirees with Quentin and his husband – I think not ! Yet still they persist in telling us black is white and all is well in Telly Tubby land!
While I wouldn’t disagree with much of Buchanan’s analysis, it’s a bit rich of an American to write: ‘They invited the world in’ Where does he think the USA got its population? And where does he think so many of its problems have originated – not least the one the pretend President is currently importing from Syria?
Q. “Where does he think the USA got it’s population?”
A. Probably from over here.
‘At the time of the American War of Independence, the white population in the 13 colonies was 60% English, 80% British, 98% Protestant.
And until 1960 90% of the U.S. population was European, the great bulk of it closely related, from the British Isles, Germany and Italy.’
Peter Brimelow – Alien Nation
You should talk to someone from the old South about that analysis. While it’s factually correct, there is a perception that the USA’s major problems with crime were imported with the three great organised ethnic crime groups that arrived with the Irish, the Jews and the Italians.
Accurate or not, the fact remains that the USA really is a nation of immigrants. The UK isn’t. Or, rather, wasn’t. And if Buchanan thinks the USA doesn’t have so much of a problem with immigration from third world dumps, he’s not been paying attention to the places where Somalis have settled.
Buchanan’s article is about Europe not America; his views on Third World immigration to the U.S. can be seen in his other articles and books – if you read them you’d discover that in no way does he believe the U.S. doesn’t have an immigration problem.
The first Europeans (mainly us) who went to America were settlers, not immigrants, they were stronger than the indigenous people, supplanted them and began to build a nation. The ones who came after that, are immigrants.
In the same way, apart from the Huguenots, until the last century “immigrants” to our island entered at the point of spear and sword.
If they were strong enough to overcome the resistance of the native people, they got in; if they weren’t – they didn’t. In such a way each wave of newcomers strengthened the population, whereas today the reverse is the case.
Despite the millions of arrivals, Britain is not a nation of immigrants. Rather it is a nation with immigrants. Alternatively, it is a nation with colonists.
“”Two airlines have cancelled all flights between Sharm el-Sheikh and the UK until January following the suspected bombing of a Russian passenger jet””.
Jeez…. It was NOT a SUSPECTED bombing. It was a CONFIRMED Islamic Terrorist Mass Murder of 240 Russian men, women and children!
BBC Left wing bias by omission. Not to draw attention to terrorist mass murder committed by devout followers of the Koran.
Were Jews in Auschwitz overcome by a gas leak? That would be BBC logic.
Total, utter, bewildering, depressing madness. Maybe the plan is to drive us insane, until we believe it all. Brainwashing for the sake of brainwashing.
The BBC is grabbing back territory it lost under the coalition with the World Service getting a new £80m for extra Russian broadcasts etc. Soon all the cutz will be reversed, not that we ever read credible audience figures for the WS broadcasts.
BTW what are the Radio 4 audience figures like now that its output is entirely ethnic and leftist prioritised?
The new Polish Justice and Law government is on the naughty step in the German media because it has told Ma Merkel to go swivel on her quota policy. Poutiness from the Germans “Where is the gratitude for all the help we gave them after the fall of communism?”. The new government also want to reform the state broadcaster because of years of anti-conservative bias. One prominent TV presenter has already been sacked. At least the Poles have not lost their minds. Who should be first to go at the BBC?
The Poles do not need to heed German disapproval. After the events of 1939- 1945 any German criticism of Poish attitudes should be given the contempt it deserves.
See ID’s post above.
Who should be the first to go at the BBC?
Answer: The British. (British as in English. Not the foreign ponce with an British passport)
I have just endured the whole hour of BBC1 ‘s Capital. Cliche upon cliche and I will not even attempt to list them. it was awful. Dialogue as stilted and predictable as any good beeboid could wish for.
A masterclass in how not to write a drama. Suffice to say that comrade Corbyn would have loved it and so would the assembled hive.
To think the BBC once did ‘Under Milk Wood ‘
That was a different time in a different Britain
Never watch any drama , unless it’s historical , but then watch to check it has an indigenous English character cast , no effnicks have turned up in the Tardis or a Delorean, in Merry England, like the BBC insist on contaminating, with their version of history.
Managed to avoid that one even though I quite like Toby Jones in ‘Detectorists’. It seems by random chance the BBC manages to do something not completely awful, but the default drama is something scripted by someone out of Corbyn’s Labour HQ.
In fact the only right-of-centre drama I can think of was the Falklands Play, and the Beeb didn’t really want to broadcast it from what I remember.
Can anyone think of any others (having a sympathetic ‘conservative’ slant) in Auntie’s back catalogue?
I saw the last half hour of this agenda-ridden drivel.
All the whites were miserable and falling out.
All the ethnics, including the illegal – sorry, ‘asylum seeker’ – were jolly, generous, helpful and getting on with everybody – such obvious role models for the greedy, ungrateful, hedonistic, selfish, indigenous white trash.
Classic line, black immigrant from Zimbabwe to Toby Jones: ‘I hate England, I hate the weather, the roads that go nowhere and the unfriendly people’.
The obvious retort to that begins with ‘Well you can….’ but our Tobe meekly accepted it all with a simpering, sickly grin.
Seems that gunmen with AK47s taking hostages are not connected to the Paris shootings because this was a bank robbery gone a bit wrong.
The fact people are now dead and it’s looking like the work of the usual subjects is meaningless (or ignored) by the press, and the mere fact that there’s a robbery involved means it’s not Islamic Jihad. Not that the Paris one had anything to do with Islam you understand !
Something a little odd at the DM on the Phillip Hammond ‘pushing for Syrian airstrikes’ story. Within the story is a poll that is 73% for airstrikes, yet the top comments seem to be the reverse in preferring the problem to be the tackled at home first, is someone trying to influence public opinion?
I wonder whether the Turks shooting down a Russian plane, will alter Camerloon’s timetable to have a vote soon on the U.K. joining in with the air strikes in Syria? And whether it will affect the outcome?
If Cameron gets support for his air strikes who is he going to strike? Perhaps he will argue that it is necessary to protect the ‘good’ enemies of Assad, and not put too much effort into attacking Isis. It could end up as a three way split war.
Anyone on here live on any of the Scottish Islands ? in particular the Isle of Bute ? well, spoiler alert, its in line to give ‘refuge’ to Syrian refugees. A comment in one of today’s nationals made not unreasonable remarks that this was perhaps not one of the best places to house these peoples, for all of the usual reasons, not least that most of the time its cold and wet there. Interesting times ahead………..
Something of a result? Tonight the national weather forecast from the Met Office broadcast by the BBC came up with a different language, a subtle change. In general, the forecast was for a mild night but “chilly” (note not cold) for eastern parts but, at last, the bulletin has stated that “frost will occur in prone parts”. Well, knock me down with a feather. Frost will indeed happen for, two Met Office sites in Scotland are now showing -2.5 and -1.5 degrees. I will not let up in my scrutiny of the weather broadcasts by the BBC, whoever it is that supplies the information.
(The weather bulletin on Classic FM stated that tonight’s U.K. minimum would be +2 degrees. Wrong again Classic FM, change your supplier because they constantly give you duff info.)
This is a repeat post but I do not apologise for posting a similar sentiment……………..
WTF has happened to Herr Angela Merkel? Another week has passed us by but I am sure that she used to be the German chancellor who throughout the whole of the recent terrorist atrocity she seems to have disappeared from the surface of the planet………….
Did I dream that she was fully supporting importing loads and loads of these ‘men’? two of whom seem to have just within a fortnight found themselves involved in mass murder in Paris?
BBC – The Truth About Child Sex Abuse –
With Tazeen Ahmed and Tanya Byron
Who are the offenders? –
The truth about how many paedophiles are there in a typical town?
They uncover the devastating reality behind the statistics?
The truth?
Over a million victims, targeted how many million times?
child gang rape on an industrial scale, by one community
on the most vulnerable, in towns and cities all over the UK?
for over 2 decades? … no, no time to mention it
dozens of court cases? … going to jail 5, or 8, or 10 at a time?
… nope.
Nicely edited and dramatised collage from the BBC, rather than just showing the raw video as released by the Police. Funny how they always show them in graduation garb, trying to imply that they are some sort of intellectual model students, rather than low-life scum. And, as we all know, “graduated from high school” is BBC speak for “left school at 17”, but hey, you wouldn’t want to muddy the water would you?
The message to take from this is of course, if you carry a knife in your hand and are threatening towards the Police and others, then ignore Police orders, you are likely to get shot. If you don’t carry knives and do as you are fucking told then you don’t get shot. it aint rocket science. Well, it probably is for the likes of him. Anyway, it’s one more piece of filthy scum removed from the streets that would otherwise do harm to law abiding folk.
One has to wonder if every serious crime this side of the pond will be accorded such resource and detail?
If so, many may need a post-watershed sticker.
Or, possibly, Ian Katz rules apply and having addressed another country so much, there will not be the time and space for where they are all so uniquely funded from.
Notice the overlay of sympathetic music. Victim music? And the Defence Lawyer is allowed to dribble on and on.
Where’s the BBC with regard to the shooting of an unarmed white father and his seven year old child shot dead by two black police officers? #dowhitelivesmatter?
Perhaps because there were no ‘window shopping’ riots and racist demands. The squeaky gate gets the most oil.
‘People in the public secor will be bracing themselves this morning….’
Bill Turnbull telling it from the BBC perspective – the Labour Party has morphed into the public sector trades union and the BBC is of course its main mouthpiece.
A small but fascinating point to watch is how habitually the BBC calls on their political correspondents rather than their economic experts to discuss the Chancellor’s statement. But even when the likes of Peston do put forward their tuppence worth watch how the emphasis will be on politics. You may have thought the politics of Government finance had been set by our recent General Election – the BBC doesn’t seem to think so.
‘When Holly Brockwell spoke to the BBC about her decision not to have children, she knew she might be criticised on social media.’
“The fact is, there’s nothing about creating another human that appeals to me,” 29-year-old Holly Brockwell wrote in a story we published at the weekend, explaining why she wants to be sterilised’
Seems an odd route to fame and fortune to opt for, but while dangerous, ‘talking to the BBC’ seems a short route to the top of the celeb victim circuit.
Maybe she’ll get Nobel?
Anything less savoury down the line, the BBC narrative, and ratings, still neatly served.
“You deserve to be raped in every hole by hordes of muslims, slapping and choking you,
… spitting in your mouth and pissing in ya face”
Sounds like one of the dozens of trials of those gangs of Islamic child rapists doesn t it
Don t think the Al BBC has got this in its news pages, maybe a TV report from Goldsmiths … then again maybe not
Alas … this is from a University Diversity Officer?
Bahar Mustafa … remember her
well …
“I set up the Women’s Forum and the Survivor’s Support Network for students who had experienced sexual violence and abuse” … sheesh! the erm “feminist” you want setting up one of those eh!
an Islamic Feminist “University Diversity Officer”?
Not even George Orwell saw that one coming.
Maybe she should move to a refugee centre in now occupied Europe, to get some “self enriching” field research on her “thesis”.
Saw this. Even for the barking brigade this seems beyond credulity.
Am awaiting further info, unless it’s true and the MSM decides it is better to dodge that bullet and hope no one uses the Internet.
My kids a few years off Uni. Places secured. In the interim we are staying on top of the academic values of their chosen institutions and all the new, peripheral aspects to the postgraduate experience that they will be exposed to.
Certain places, including Oxbridge and several Russell Group ones, I would not want them near with a barge pole now.
Time to consider the role of Diversity officers in education and indeed everywhere. I believe the cost of monitoring diversity is about £600 million for the public sector and £400 for the private sector. Check this, but a full discussion of Diversity can be found in Peter Saunders, The Rise of the Equalities Industry, Civitas. Despite austerity, no one is proposing cuts to this industry.
Diversity officials, an every growing bureaucracy spawned by the left and the multkultists, have penetrated every institution from children’s nurseries to higher education, health and industry. I see them as Communist/Nazi party officials, ever checking out the thought processes of the people, with expanding powers backed by government and the propagandist arm of the BBC. And in the streets supported by the violent leftist mobs of the SWP, UAF, Antifa etc.
Maybe we have not reached the mass murders associated with Communism and Nazism, but give them time. They are already on the way to manufacturing psychiatric illnesses for those who criticise the multikulture.
Diversity macht frei.
“Diversity” officers are another weasel word to misdescribe the Political Officers the Soviet Union used to employ to ensure that anyone failing to think the correct way was shown the error of their thoughts.
Lazy Davey hasn’t done anything to remove them – but then he hasn’t actually done anything at all anyway !
I don’t recall the BBC tv news, ay least the 10pm version, reporting on the centre-right victory in Argentina.
By contrast, they did get excited over Justin Trudeau winning in Canada a few weeks ago.
Doesn’t matter in the case of Argentina, if left or right in power. They are all going to bleat about” Ilas Malvinas “being returned to the motherland. With the Typhoon down there , a frigate & hunter / killer sub lurking, they would still be aniliated.
BBc breakfast Never heard of them charity of the day Yep I’ve never heard of them either but it carries on the continued anti – alcohol agenda, they even managed to rope smoking in as well. Strange when apparently FASDT day was in September. Serious faces as we move to…Chicago and the shooting of Laquan McDonald, who was just walking down the Road when he was shot. OK I’m not going to defend the police man who shot him 16 times. However as usual with the Beeb things are not normally as they first appear and as the “white police in America” is another agenda story A quick look on the internet reveals he was allegedly carrying a knife and a toxicology report reveals he had PCP in his blood Now why would the BBc not inform us of that? So I’ve asked them. So that is now two complaints I’ve made in six days.
Why haven’t the BBC reported the Frances Barber story? Is it because one of their own has suffered from a bit of diversity and that fact doesn’t sit well within their world view?
In future when Ms Barber requests a non Muslim driver (a la Sam Mason BBC Bristol) will that exclude her from future BBC productions?
BBC – The Truth About Child Sex Abuse –
Who are the offenders? – The truth about how many paedophiles are there in a typical town?
– They uncover the devastating reality behind the statistics?
The truth? – never had time to mention it on there either
‘40% of Crown Court time is now taken up with sexual offences’
For various reasons, including that of taste, I am not very interested in BBC documentaries on child abuse
That shocking statistic above was the assertion of a Police spokesman toward the close of the recent BBC documentary – the implication presented to the viewer being that the mass of cases currently being processed by the Courts are of the particular type highlighted by the BBC in their show. I wonder whether that is actually the case?
Given TVL/Capita’s contribution, I am surprised the BBC wanted to go near what takes up court time.
As to such stats, it may be intriguing what can reasonably deemed actually ‘serious’ vs. flippant or simply a nice little earner for all in the legal process with near zero chance of justice emerging, whilst blocking time for actual crimes being tried.
What the BBC covers vs. doesn’t cover ((c) A. Newsroom Tealday) may see a correlation.
So Merkel is due her ten years as German Chancellor to be commemorated?
But ,as yet ; no fanfares or swaggering from the liberal elite who normally mark such things.
“Just another working day”…but, she`s gone to ground a bit of late recently.
Probably knitting her thermal Kevlar vest for the hop over the border to Paris next week?
Oh wasn`t Naughtie full of it all today?
“Paris next week-Climate Change taken THAT seriously that NONE of the 130 world leader pretenders (who`ll waste air miles and mess up terrorist searches next week)-has sent in a sick note to cry off from attending”.
Jim thinks that`s REALLY brave-and only shows just HOW seriously “The World” is, when it comes to Le Issue Grande de nos jours”.
IS duly note this-the West is SO brave that we`ll recreate the “L`esprit du Charlie Hebdo”-and be walking arm in arm down some Parisian side street for the cameramen…bet you`re scared NOW huh?
The BBC are mad.
Still-if I were a burglar-next week around Hampstead/Highgate and Islington ought to be rich pickings as Snow, Crick, Mardell and Wark push and shove for the easiest, safest most luxurious way of fleecing the British Idiot taxpayer of the dough…as they get to pose at Pere Lechaise Longue and weep tears for poor Oscar and Jim.
Good prezzies for the boarding bast heads they spawned with a previous partner…name down already for BBC Correspondent at birth, no doubt.
Wonder how much Snow would fetch for IS were he to be unfortunately detained and fitted for an orange romper suit?…would he fetch more or less that a Crick or Davis?
Is there a graded scale of worth for these popinjays…what am I bid for a Newman?…Gary`s worth more than the lot of `em mind!
Time to go then…the futures orange, if we let Jim and Jon continue to bleat for this poxy nation of ours.
Incidentally, the public are being “discouraged” from using their vehicles in Paris during the “celebrations” and being offered free public transport for two days, as a bribe. This may help to counteract the emissions from the climate cortèges, and help speed them to their destination.
Jeremy Vine R2 discussing the Chancellors Statement, Vine reads out a text saying the the reason that Osbourne is backtracking because of the massive overspend of the last government, lefty Richard Murphy (Tax Research UK) cockily reply’s “which last government?” thinking he could blame the coalition, Vine surprisingly corrects him to the Brown government, to which he reply’s “Oh come on that’s getting to be history now”
What is it with lefty’s and their selective elephant memories? Almost every Question Time and such Mrs T’s government of 30 years ago is brought up by some lefty or other to blame for almost any problem we find ourselves in today, yet the shit left behind by the Brown/Blair government of just 6 years ago is “getting to be history now”
Heads up chaps, the BBC wants us to vote on the African Footballer of the year. Hurry you only have until the end of the month….
I don’t know my Toure from my Aubameyang, where do I find the vote on British Footballer of the Year, although having said that will there be any difference?
Who do you want to be the BBC African Footballer of the Year 2015?
John Mcdonnell’s car crash use of Chairman Mao’s bumper fun book in the Commons spending review session today is plastered all over the Twitter sphere and the Telegraph, Mail, Express, and even the Guardian and Mirror.
But funnily enough, all I can find on the BBC website is……no mention of it at all.
You need to copy the link address of the picture and paste it below the comment box where it says ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’
Much as those in power would love ‘diversity’ – it will never be in this Country. All of the ‘born in this country’ Muslims and those with a passport NEVER refer to themselves as British, its ALWAYS ‘ British Muslims’. How many times have you heard the term ‘British Christian’ – me ? NEVER. Personally ‘British Muslim’ is a term I find offensive. Why say it if you are really intent on integrating. If you’re Muslim and British, just say I’m British, but NO, their religion HAS to be included and this will never change. It sticks in my craw that we have peoples here who have no obligation to Crown and Country, no history here, yet due to movement and birth, the country is heading towards the total wipe-out of Christianity (as is Europe as a whole), so young Prince George can forget all hope of inheriting a monarchy after his father – its unlikely there will be a throne to inherit !
I have often wondered if her Majesty could be forced into abdication as she has broken so often her Coronation vow “Defender of the faith”. How has she allowed Islam to be so prevalent within her kingdom ?.
So Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell whips out a copy of Chairman Mao’s ‘Little Red Book’ to quote a pearl of wisdom at Osborne in Parliament today (much to the stunned embarrassment of his Labour comrades) and the BBC has… well, what, exactly, to say about this idiocy?
Seems the BBC’s just fine with the country’s Shadow Chancellor quoting the words of a tyrant, mass-murderer and brutal dictator in our Parliament – so it doesn’t need reporting, does it?
Let’s imagine a Conservative politician had whipped out a copy of Mein Kampf and started quoting it back at the Labour benches by way of advice… How do we think the BBC might react? Indifference?
It was mentioned on PM, ObiWan. There’s also a video clip of McDonnell on the w/s.. Don’t bother watching it though.
I heard the start of McDonnell’s reply c/o WatO (R4 1.45 p.m.-ish) and it was dismal. Old Labour & New Labour put in an old cardboard box shaken up, tipped out and shouted & thrown across the Despatch Box. Corbyn must be a worried man tonight. Nothing of substance from a key Shadow Cabinet politician, and one, I suspect, that he was really counting on to build his support within the Labour Party. McDonnell managed to make Ed Balls look quite good.
Perhaps the Beeb are conflicted on this? They want to support Labour & Liberals but the high earners don’t want to pay the tax Corbyn & McDonnell will be asking for.
‘Frauds’ of the Left: Laurie Taylor examines the intellectual credibility of key thinkers of the New Left. Roger Scruton, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, argues that the modern academy is gripped by a form of ‘group think’ which fails to challenge the positions of theorists such as Michel Foucault and Antonio Gramsci. Has left wing fashion trumped credible argument? They’re joined by Mark Fisher, Lecturer in Visual Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Also, the significance of siblings in constructing a sense of self. Katherine Davies, Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sheffield, discusses a study which suggests that the stories people tell about their similarity, or difference, from siblings have a critical role in shaping past, present and future identities.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Five US states where climate change could be disastrous.
According to the BBC, 5 US states have done nothing about ‘climate change’.
Let’s pick 1 – Texas.
Hottest year – 1924 (91 years ago)
Highest average annual precipitation by city – 83 inches Houston in 1979 (36 years ago)
Could this be the reason why “Many of these states haven’t even assessed their vulnerability,” ???
Good morning NamenotNumber, and thanks for your comments. I do despair, I really do. There are loads of reports such as your link, but of course they never find their way into the Left Wing press, that includes the Far left BBC. It is quite interesting how many times the CET (Central England Temperature) data gets used to try and prove that the planet is warming. CET = Planet. I must be one of the very few who still have a copy of the original CET statement of intent to include what was a hypothetical mathematical calculation to adjust temperatures from having a recording station moved or become under the influence of either natural or unnatural occurrences, one being the Urban Heat effect on data. Like I say, hypothetical. The very last paragraph of this CET paper is an interesting one, one which I will bring to the table when the time is right. 😎 A few posts ago, I hinted to members of this forum, that scrutiny of the Met Office’s own data recording stations proved interesting in that when temperatures got to a certain “low” then it would appear the recording station “switched itself off” and all recordings stopped only to be reinstated when the sun got up in the morning. Now, I’ve been spending probably too much time studying the Met Office reporting station data against private recording data, and I’m now beginning to think I’m looking at a WV (Volkswagen) moment concerning this data. Why is it, as I have pointed out quite recently, that the Met Office forecast low temperatures that only get to just below freezing (-2) yet in reality they get much lower to something like -5 or even -6??
To be so far out is, to put it bluntly, gross incompetence, or a deliberate deflection of reality. If stations are switched off so that true low temperatures are not being recorded, then we can be told that the average temperature for a month is higher than it should be. I’m working on it and have had my suspicion for a couple of years now. In our village on Dartmoor we have a private reporting station which has been certified/verified by the Environment Agency and this station clearly shows cooling temperatures for over 30 years now. More to follow on this and yes I know it is not technically BBC bias, but we all know how much the BBC pushes it’s Climate Change agenda based upon what? Political bias.
To follow on from my last post, today in just one newspaper, there were two reports of “Climate Change”. One Think Tank are now telling us we are eating to much meat as this creates Climate Change and the other is that living next to the sea is bad for your health as there are too many fumes from shipping and this Think Tank are now calling for reduction in emissions fro ships etc, which obviously will help with “Climate Change”. The later has stated that approx’ 30,000 people die early because they live next to the sea. Strangely enough, when I lived in Cornwall, some of the oldest people I met were fishermen.
Oh and while I’m thinking about it, you know how “Mild” the BBC Scotland told us it was going to be in Scotland, it is so mild, it is snowing. The Met Office’s own technical declaration of “Mild” is for temperatures of between 10 and 15 degrees. The whole of Scotland has barely been above 8 and more snow soon!!
TOB, “I do despair, I really do.”
Me, too.
I read that BBC article. First thing to strike me was that they have presumed drought and floods, apparently at the same time. If Gobal Warming really kicks off, whether Anthropogenic or not, the world is going to get wetter, not drier. Think Singapore. Globally. Most of the year. Buy shares in umbrella, wellington boot and deodorant manufacturers. Watch out for trench foot.
The second thing was that Taylor Kate Brown in this “Most US states are well-prepared for current natural disasters, but across the country, states have done little to factor in how climate change will increase or change risks – from wildfire, extreme heat, inland and coastal flooding and drought.” obviously doesn’t realise 1) the Americans have coped with these things before, 2) until an event is actually on the way or happens you have no idea what you will be dealing with in extent or impact, and, 3) maybe we should be more afraid of alarmism and the damage that that could do?
Say, for example, that Houston’s drains were deemed inadequate for another 83 inches of rain in one go and the City spends a billion or three disrupting traffic, creating extra CO2 emissions, installing them and it doesn’t rain severely for yet another 36 years. In the meantime, City & State taxes are spent maintaining the super dooper drain system while other ills, perhaps serious social ills, that need taxpayer funds have to be set aside. Spot the disconnect in the brains of the alarming warming enviro-mentalists?
They obviously cannot.
If Global Warming doesn’t arrive, then we will just have to live with weather. Just as we used to do before 1962.
It reminds me of when I had to write the hospital’s “Heatwave Plan”. I wasted the best part of a day putting together all the bumf that the Department of Health required, but the summary for the wards was “open the windows”.
I see ‘Clock boy’ and his family are continuing to make a fools out of liberal fools:
Ahmed Mohamed: ‘Clock boy’ seeks $15m from city and school
A boy who was arrested for taking a homemade clock to class is seeking $15m (£10m) from his city and school.
Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was held by police and suspended from his school in Texas because his teacher mistook the clock for a bomb. His lawyer said in a letter that the incident, which made global headlines, sparked threats against the teenager and left him deeply traumatised. Ahmed and his family have since moved to Qatar to complete his education. The arrest sparked outrage, sympathy and the trending hashtag #StandWithAhmed. His lawyers are asking for $10m (£7m) from the city of Irving and $5m (£3.3m) from the Irving Independent School District, saying that Ahmed was “publicly mistreated” and remains scarred.
And of course he’ll end up getting another pay day from self-hating, guilt-ridden liberals. Clock boy ain’t stupid. The Race Card: Play it to Win! How these muslims run merry circles around western liberal dunces.
“bomb clock boy” is more appropriate, – we all know it.
And finally for this morning, have a look at this web site, to me it is the best there is for predicting long term weather trends. What you see is real time and to move the globe to whatever angle you want and anywhere you want, place your cursor over the globe and twiddle it. When you see sites such as this, you just have to ask, how can the Met Office get their forecasts so wrong? Easy answer really isn’t it?
Ooh, ta for that, TOB!
Radio 4 yet again demonstrating the bias which this site exists to highlight:
9:00 Emile Zola – presented by Glenda Jackson – Far leftist
9:30 The misogyny book club – far left feminist whinging
9:45 Book of the Week by Iris Murdoch – Communist
10:00 Moaners hour with Labour party supporter Jane Garvey
10:45 15 minute drama ‘welcome to Zaatari’ Pro immigration bile from a Syrian refugee camp
11:00 The Secret Life of ‘carers’ – a half hour long moan about the evil Tory cuts !
11:30 Soul Music – ELO Mr Blue Sky
12:00 Biased News
12:04 Will Self ’nuff said
12:15 You & yours ‘Do the Police listen to you?’ Police bashing and no doubt more complaints about cuts
The afternoon schedule isn’t any better with a program on whether mother should be jailed (anarchy), Shirley WIlliams, a program about addiction etc etc.
How on earth can the BBC even pretend that this output is even making a pretence at being unbiased ? Even the leftists must accept this is sheer naked bias and there’s no overseeing body to prevent them doing it.
Yes, I’m afraid that R4 has become the primary means of getting/keeping the middle class stuffed to the eyeballs with cultural Marxist ideas. A few years ago I used to post a precis of the plotlines of afternoon plays – it was like reading a handbook for communist agitators. Since then, things have got even worse.
Two things emerge from this. The first is that the people who run the BBC are now shameless and completely confident of their own invincibility within the organisation. Their bias is undeniable so, clearly, they no longer care that people notice and object. The second is that the rot is so deep and pervasive that the only way of stopping it is to close the BBC down – privatisation won’t work (look at Sky , which is private yet just as bad).
The Radio 4 weekday afternoon plays at 2.15pm – during most weeks I reach for the off switch at least 3 times a week, it is obvious from the first few moments that it will be some more BBC propaganda dressed up as “drama!.
Shut up and pay your £145.50 or we will send round the boys.
Surely suggesting that debt collection is an exclusively male occupation is not only misogynistic and sexist, but a vile calumny on an organisation which prides itself on its equal opportunities status?
Actually, Thoughtful, I caught a bit of Misogyny BC and the part I heard was rather Conservative. But you do have a point there. Funny thing, when I was being preached to at breakfast time I found myself thinking the BBC do not appear to realise that the explosion in radio listening is largely not down to the BBC but the advent of near total computer usage. Unless they keep the new listeners happy, they have easy access to other listening or may switch off. I find myself doing the latter more and more and I was a radio addict, on and off, from early years through to about six years ago.
I noted that the Beach Boys were given a free plug on the TOADY programme (R4, 7.30 a.m.-8 a.m. segment); there couldn’t be an album of Greatest Hits coming out in time for Christmas, could there?
Perhaps for some light relief you should boot up the iPlayer and visit Radio Scotland where, at 2:00, where on the Janice Forsyth Show:
Janice talks to Billy Bragg ahead of his live gigs in Scotland next week.
Because everyone wants to hear what Billy has to say, don’t they.
And Shirley Williams is on the `The Good Read` with a very left wing novelist Margaret Drabble.I was shocked that radio 4 have the nerve to give Glenda Jackson work on Zola given her disgusting comments about the late Baroness Thatcher.Recommend you send your excellent post to members of the Parliament media committees as it is great example of BBC Bias and how the people in charge of Radio 4. don`t care anymore about it.Radio Times is another institution that has become relentlessy biased if you read it week in week out as I do for its radio programming .
Actually Iris Murdoch admired Maggie Thatcher, but you are correct that she started out on the Left; it is just that she grew out of it.
Model Engineer website, this thread, BBC 2 – Looking for Backyard Engineers.
The thread was started by an employee of the Magazine trying to drum up some free publicity.
The ME contingent are having none of it, very anti BBC, Read it for yourself.
Excellent! Here’s a link.
Isn’t it good to hear the authentic voice of Britain, for once not filtered through the call screeners and ‘researchers’ at the BBC?
Not one positive comment on BBC from what can honestly be described as an a-political group-a comment in its self
Here is Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, I believe that all our political elites, here, , the US, Canada, idiots like Merkel, Hollande, Trudeau have collective insanity … The BBC, the enemedia, Cameron, May, the police
(shakes head), this has probably already happened here, please feel free to remind me.
Makes you despair, at the abject spinelessness.
“This woman a hyperfeminist, a lesbian activist” ,(right on femdom?)
“She hates patriarchies, especially old white men who tell women what to do.
A photo that she herself published, wearing a hijab and sitting in the women’s only section of an Ottawa mosque, like a good little subservient, submissive woman, obedient to sharia law!
Of course, if sharia law were really in effect, she’d be thrown off the top of an apartment block, or hanged from a crane, which is the usual death sentence for homosexuality under radical Islam.
This isn’t just a case of, anything for a vote. It’s an insight into her mind.
She despises our western, historical Judeo-Christian culture. But … she’s an obedient little girl when it comes to the most reactionary patriarchy in the world — radical Islam.”
Oh and “clock” boy … with the deliberate “hustle” on recent attacks… he s after the payout … madness!
Texas student arrested over taking homemade clock to school, now seeks $15M
The “world turned upside down” eh!
A good example that the political beliefs of the Left are entirely fake – it is hatred which animates them and nothing else.
Just to add another unmitigated crap left wing program on Radio tonight at 20:00 “From Syria to Yorkshire” because they’re not allowed to settle in the posh insulated South East !
Under the UK government’s Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme over 200 Syrians – all judged to be particularly at risk – were taken from refugee camps in the Middle East and re-housed in Britain, many of them in Bradford.
Even before the House of Commons has voted, Britain is now being dragged into military action in Syria …
No video yet up from the Oxford EU debate, Clegg and Barroso eh! … should have been Clegg/Camoron
BBC – Clegg ‘wins’ Oxford Union EU debate with Farage
The Huffington Post is calling last night’s EU debate at the Oxford Union that involved Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage (seen below in a BBC interview) a win for the former Lib Dem leader.
“It was Mr Clegg who won the loudest applause from the 500 students gathered in the famous Oxford Union,” their political reporter writes. Student newspaper Cherwell reported that a queue of 450 people waited in the cold to get into the debate, some waiting more than four hours.
Cameron s knee jerk, non strategy, futile and facile … once again not being target specific here, not addressing the clear and present community danger, pussyfooting, political correctness.
Denial of both fact and reality,(and I know that is a daily occurrence with these inept No10 traitors), but these guys want to commit multiple acts of mass murder right here, right now
Anyway … “So called … ISIS” and erm “its” murder and violence?
Al Quaida,
Al Nusra,
Al Shabab,
Paris, Tunisian beach, Charlie Hebdo
7/7, 9/11 etc etc. … when was the
Vienna synagogue attack?.
Great Synagogue of Rome attack?.
What year was Beirut s US embassy bombing?
What year was Kenya s US embassy bombing?
What year was the Iranian embassy siege in London?
What year was the attack on the Munich Olympics?
Only those with eyes closely shut to reality, can t or won t read the glaring facts.
Islam is problematic, was problematic, and will be more so in the future, in all strata of our society. be target specific, profile correctly, address the glaring reality, one law, OUR rules or the highway integrate or ahem emigrate.
Sheesh! … Seven Brit attacks prevented in six months.
Only seven? … Aren’t we lucky we are dealing with the so called ? “religion of peace”?
Apparently, Mr Farage drew minor boos as he said
“not everyone in the country is bright enough to go to Oxford … we need to think about them”
Sheesh! making them think as well Nige … goodness! hope they ve got a “1st” in common sense
or is that the new qualification requirement?.
… ought to be for the quislings in No10.
So Noggin hates anyone that’s not a neo Nazi, even Nigel might be too lefty for you, he refuses to to form an European Parliament pact with Marine le Pen ‘s FN. I wonder why?
This is a link to a tweet of the shot down Russian pilot, something we won’t see on the BBC tonight, it is inflammatory and a step closer to WW3.
Before viewing, please be warned it is a tad gory. Play with sound if wishing to view.
Never a gory video without ‘Alluh Akbar’ these days
There was a Tweet showing them shooting at the pilot descending in his parachute, it seems to have been removed now.
And dave wants to send UK pilots over this zone to ‘deal’ with Semtex-wearing, AK-concealing ‘refugees’ in city centres? Riiiiiight.
Just watched the (disguised) Liebore broadcast known as ‘Daily Politics’ on BBBC2 and I actually enjoyed it…..but ,let me explain:-
Jo Coburn (altho Lefty ,looking strangely sexy…..I’ll keep taking the pills) with Alan Johnson in the studio.
First, we first had Alan Johnson (the Mister-Bloke of Labour,one might say the least-objectionable option compared to Fatty Prescott) arguing with some bitter Scot Nat SMP(Brendan somebody .as if anybody south of Hadrian’s Wall gives a fluck) about whether the Jocks wanted Trident.Just priceless, the way that the Jocks have undermined the endless Entitlement and Arrogance of the old Labour leadership ,in the view that the Jock support was taken for granted, provided the usual bribes were forthcoming.
This was followed by Johnson arguing with a Dave -Spart-type agitator (Simon Hardy/Harding??) who was rejoicing about the new direction that Corbyn was promoting for the Labour Party . Johnson was rude and dismissive to this ‘outsider’ who was more in tune with the Corbynistas than both he and Coburn were.
It is extremely pleasurable to watch the ‘Establishment’ metrosexual Labour-supporting club of BBC journos and presenters attempting to sabotage the death-wish Corbyn tendency that has hijacked their beloved Labour Party . Although we don’t have a true conservative administration in Cameron’s Labour-Lite troop, it is still heartwarming to see the odious Labour Party and its followers in anguish and tearing itself apart.
Lovely to see Labour tearing itself apart, and even lovelier to see Loach’s Left Unity Loony Party doing likewise. Johnson in the Daily Politics clip was arguing the toss with Left Unity Simon Hardy, whose party are at this moment having a National Conference where the big discussion is whether to disband the Left Unity Party and follow the large number that left Loach’s loonies and joined Corbyn’s loonies. Meanwhile at their Conference the Left Unity loonies have voted to campaign, on a pro-migration basis, to stay in EU; to oppose military intervention in Syria; to campaign with junior doctors; and support the Stop Trident protest in February 16, and fight against the evils of neo liberalism. Now a movement that offers to join Labour with that programme, is not the movement that Johnson wants. Add to that the weirdy beardy from Left Unity appeared to claim that his loonies were against racism. At this point Johnson lost it – Labour is against racism, he objected, always has been. Johnson my lad, you need to understand how racism has been re-defined by the new brand of university left loonies. Corbyn has nothing to fear from the Labour MPs who may oppose him; he will be destroyed by the mad Trots whose favour he currently enjoys.
Thanks for posting.
I hope the BBC doesn’t forget the People’s Front of Judea.
Could someone remind me how many votes UKIP received in the last election?
Lefty prick with no tie again !
Simon Hardy, without a tie, stood as a Left Unity candidate in Vauxhall in May 2015. His Labour opponent was Kate Hoey. Hardy got 188 votes and was eighth in the poll – seventh place went to the Pirate Party candidate.
I do hope the Labour Party will accept him as a member.
Where’s my post gone from this afternoon?
I know that DV et al OWN this site but I do wish we had some way of knowing when ,how and why our perfectly good posts are consigned to the memory hole?
At the very least, can we not be told that there have been objections or the owners have decided to trash the post?
It is very off-putting to have one’s carefully constructed observations disappear for unknown reasons within an hour?
And this is not the first time this has happened.
Come on ,DV, at least tell us what happens to our contributions??
BBC – Who are the Turkmen? Turkish military officials say two F-16 fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday after repeated warnings that it was violating Turkish airspace. Video footage is circulating of what appears to be the body of one of the pilots, surrounded by armed men shouting Islamic slogans. An ethnic Turkmen rebel group in northern Syria says it has recovered one of the pilots and was “looking for the other”.
Sky – Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’
Pres. Putin – He described it as a “stab in the back” committed by “accomplices of terrorists”.
BBC Radio 2 News Lunchtime.
Mentioned that an airline is no longer flying to the holiday destination in Egypt ‘following the crash of a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert’
BBC Left wing sanitising of an Islamic Terrorist atrocity. No mention of Islam, terrorism or murder. It just fell out of the sky, did it?
Airbrush. Don’t want to upset anyone? Who would be upset at being reminded?
In the same way, the BBC refer to the murder by axes of Pc Keith Blakelock as that Pc Blakelock ‘died’ on the Broadwater Farm Estate. BBC, was it a heart attack? Natural causes?
I used to wish that the muslims would bomb the BBC or commit some atrocity on their ‘correspondents’ just to get their attitude to shift, but it’s simply not possible. Frank Gardner was handicapped by them and still makes excuses for them. These people truly are mentally ill.
That would be the same Frank Gardner who, when he was shot by Islamic terrorists in Saudi Arabia, shouted out “I am a muslim”, expecting them to immediately show leniency that they, and he, would not expect for non-believers.
Frank Gardner speaks fluent Arabic and is a muslim convert……no wonder he is so popular with our balanced, globally respected broadcaster.
BBC1 lunchtime news
The “accident” to the Russian airliner was caused by a bomb.
You couldn’t make it up.
Good spot! I don’t know just how BBC news’reporters’ and presenters cab live with themselves broadcasting such tosh, complete and utter bias by omission.
12mins 45sec here.
How they spin the ‘whoopsie-daisy’ moment with a Turkish SAM will be interesting.
I heard that too D.S. – disgusting.
It reminded me of when Al Beebus reports on the Muslim rape gangs and berates the police and local authorities for not protecting the victims, yet never identifies who it is that they needed to be protected from.
Because the BBC – along with the likes of Channel 4 and Sky News – are all about misinformation and misdirection. Some news, some of the time – and all of it ‘filtered’ through the correct narratives and agendas before final delivery.
These days, if you want real news, you are far better served going online and seeking out smaller independent sources. It might be rough and ready, but more often than not it’s more precise and factual than the politically-correct, vaguely truthful drivel served up by the bigger broadcasters. And you’ll also stand a far better chance of hearing from dissenting voices – opinions that dare to challenge the prevailing narratives.
The BBC simply does not ‘do’ alternative opinion. It has decided upon ‘due’ impartiality. In real terms that means ‘no’ impartiality. The BBC will shape the news to fit its own aggressively left-wing agenda – license fee (and Charter responsibilities) be damned. And they are getting away with it.
Journalists? Don’t make me laugh.
Several of us have wondered at what point reality may begin to dawn on the BBC.
The annswer: no time soon. A survey yesterday suggesting 1 in 5 muslims had sympathy with IS might have been thought to concentrate some minds into wondering just what we have allowed into our midst, if only to give a serious discussion as to why they felt the assertion was untrue.
But no, it’s terribly funny and the problem goes away with a few tweets making jokes about what else 1 in 5 muslims might do. Yes, it’s our old friend BBC Trending: British Muslims react to report about their ‘sympathy’ for IS.
I’ve always felt that hopes for an attack on the BBC are in rather bad taste. But it’s getting serious now and it seems nothing short of that is going to wake some naive fools up.
BBC Trending is simply a bad joke concealing Lord Hall Hall’s hiring spree of mates’ offspring to make the BBC too big to fend for itself in the market, along with ‘Magazine’, ‘Pop-up’, etc.
The latter garners about 2 comments as they gad about the USA and Canada on a gap year jolly funded by the licence fee payer.
There is also now BBC Shorts and BBC Brit, again total trivia and tat, doubtless with a director and full team gadding about the globe to share with their audiences of seven
“wondering just what we have allowed into our midst”
We have not allowed it. We, that is the real British population, were not consulted, we have warned about and no notice has been taken by the worst examples of traitors in recorded history, also known as “leaders.
So I do not think there will be any need to consult the “leaders” when we decide that some ethnic cleansing is required, in fact I believe the cleansing should begin with them.
Never seem to hear much about this on the BBC. The fines ‘could’ amount to £160 000 but thanks to Britain’s two tier justice system which makes sure that Pakistanis are treated much more leniently the fines are much more likely to be close to the minimum possible of just £400.
Welcome to justice … Sharia style
Well well, my quick post just after watching the Daily Politics leftist discussion group has re-appeared!
And I see that, in the meantime, G Fawkes has picked up on the leftist house spat as well.
I swear that I do not understand the sequences on this board and how posts seem to be distributed….No offence meant ,David and other mods, but it would be useful to know and would help navigation around the site sometimes.
Militant Tendency is alive and well and it’s called Left Unity. The infiltration has begun. No wonder Labour are in crisis, this is soon going to blow up into a huge argument.
Will Stephen Kinnock take over his Dad’s mantle and out the revolutionaries at a Party conference. Or will the reverse occur!!!
It would be great television. It’s got to come to a head soon.
Does the Labour Party have anyone strong enough to stand up to this shower of shite and send them packing? I doubt it.
And every single one of the 1200+ serially offended (usually by proxy) complainants should be rounded up and placed with the 1 in 5 (at least) muslim filth that support the killing of innocent westerners. I mean, who the fuck are these scum? Well, we actually know who the usual suspects are, no doubt deviant filth like Tatchell were at the forefront, along with every purple-haired bean-eating unwashed Corbynite.
Presumably the BBC will be as interested when one of its bent polls go off the rails?
As I recall when that happened on SML they decided not to run any again.
Breaking news of another attack in France near the Belgian border at Roubaix
I see Channel 4 is running true to form. Man with Big Beard ranting about Sun poll “1 in 5 Muslims sympathy for Jihadisrs”.
This “shock poll” is not a shock to anyone who has the slightest inkling about what is going on about them..
Even a poll carried out by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies based in Doha indirectly confirms the Sun poll.
The results for a sample of 900 Syrian refugees, interviewed in camps before they left for Europe are interesting.
In answer to the question
” To what extent do you support or oppose the declared objectives of the anti-ISIL campaign “to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL”?”
30% opposed these objectives.
As 1 in 3 actually support the continued existence of ISIS, claims that all Syrian are fleeing ISIS and are oriented towards the West is complete nonsense.
The idea that the West can use local troops to eliminate ISIS also seems like a pipe-dream.
The BBC, Graun, Indy, etc all have their knickers in a twist over this, and a running interference big time.
Thing is, amongst all the outrage and rhetoric, it seems mostly bereft of anything tangible in counter.
Per normal.
This “shock poll” is not a shock to anyone who has the slightest inkling about what is going on about them..
As so many Muslims live in what are effectively closed communities and remain largely unintegrated and as their ‘community’ leaders tend to keep their heads down most of the time on each and every issue important to the wider British public, no poll of Muslims should come as a surprise – more a revelation.
This is Pat Buchanan’s take on Western Europe, in the wake of the jihad attack in Paris.
“They have repudiated their cradle faith Christianity, apologized for the sins of their fathers and sought to make reparations, embraced La Dolce Vita, materialism and hedonism, freeloaded off American defense for 70 years, ceased to have children, thrown open their borders to former colonial peoples to come and repopulate the continent and turned their back on patriotism to celebrate diversity and globalism.
They invited the world in. And the world is coming to enjoy the lavish fruits of their welfare states and, one day, will be using the West’s concept of one-man, one-vote to rule the countries which ruled their ancestors.
The colonized are slowly becoming the conquerors.
The challenge of ISIS is not entirely unhealthy. It will tell us whether Europe has the will to survive.
As for Paris, time to move on. For, given the triumph this has been for ISIS, more such massacres are inevitable.”
The whole article can be read at
Great article Al, what a shame that our political masters don’t understand these obvious points or don’t want to. Just what is their agenda, surely they can’t be this stupid and only react after an event like Paris when we all saw it coming.
The statement of the colonized conquering the colonizers is so true.
I can fully understand why the population as a whole do not seem interested in what is happening in the world as they seem to have more important things to worry about such as Bake Off, Strictly, Premier League, not forgetting Posh s latest collection or Harry Styles latest pronouncement all to be watched on a 42″ laser TV courtesy of the DSS. No wonder the “swarms” are heading here at a rate of knots! Marx once said religion was the opium of the people now it seems to be krap!!!!!
I was always taught that if something comes to you too easy then it is not worth having! I think the same could be said about the rights and freedoms we currently enjoy – I think we have become decadent and seem more concerned with gay wedding cakes and black policemen than protecting the basic values of our society, we should be fighting for our society not giving it away to a very single minded and determined medievel enemy.
What however puzzles me is that when we have finally rolled over and allowed our long fought for freedoms to be given away to Clockboy and his dad – Does Jason and his chums still think that they will still be able to go to Glastonbury to smoke fat ones (right on!) or have evening soirees with Quentin and his husband – I think not ! Yet still they persist in telling us black is white and all is well in Telly Tubby land!
While I wouldn’t disagree with much of Buchanan’s analysis, it’s a bit rich of an American to write: ‘They invited the world in’ Where does he think the USA got its population? And where does he think so many of its problems have originated – not least the one the pretend President is currently importing from Syria?
Motes and beams…
Q. “Where does he think the USA got it’s population?”
A. Probably from over here.
‘At the time of the American War of Independence, the white population in the 13 colonies was 60% English, 80% British, 98% Protestant.
And until 1960 90% of the U.S. population was European, the great bulk of it closely related, from the British Isles, Germany and Italy.’
Peter Brimelow – Alien Nation
You should talk to someone from the old South about that analysis. While it’s factually correct, there is a perception that the USA’s major problems with crime were imported with the three great organised ethnic crime groups that arrived with the Irish, the Jews and the Italians.
Accurate or not, the fact remains that the USA really is a nation of immigrants. The UK isn’t. Or, rather, wasn’t. And if Buchanan thinks the USA doesn’t have so much of a problem with immigration from third world dumps, he’s not been paying attention to the places where Somalis have settled.
Buchanan’s article is about Europe not America; his views on Third World immigration to the U.S. can be seen in his other articles and books – if you read them you’d discover that in no way does he believe the U.S. doesn’t have an immigration problem.
The first Europeans (mainly us) who went to America were settlers, not immigrants, they were stronger than the indigenous people, supplanted them and began to build a nation. The ones who came after that, are immigrants.
In the same way, apart from the Huguenots, until the last century “immigrants” to our island entered at the point of spear and sword.
If they were strong enough to overcome the resistance of the native people, they got in; if they weren’t – they didn’t. In such a way each wave of newcomers strengthened the population, whereas today the reverse is the case.
Despite the millions of arrivals, Britain is not a nation of immigrants. Rather it is a nation with immigrants. Alternatively, it is a nation with colonists.
More from the BBC on that ‘plane crash’ in Egypt I mentioned earlier.
“”Egypt plane crash: Airlines cancel more Sharm el-Sheikh flights””
“”Two airlines have cancelled all flights between Sharm el-Sheikh and the UK until January following the suspected bombing of a Russian passenger jet””.
Jeez…. It was NOT a SUSPECTED bombing. It was a CONFIRMED Islamic Terrorist Mass Murder of 240 Russian men, women and children!
BBC Left wing bias by omission. Not to draw attention to terrorist mass murder committed by devout followers of the Koran.
Were Jews in Auschwitz overcome by a gas leak? That would be BBC logic.
Total, utter, bewildering, depressing madness. Maybe the plan is to drive us insane, until we believe it all. Brainwashing for the sake of brainwashing.
The BBC is grabbing back territory it lost under the coalition with the World Service getting a new £80m for extra Russian broadcasts etc. Soon all the cutz will be reversed, not that we ever read credible audience figures for the WS broadcasts.
BTW what are the Radio 4 audience figures like now that its output is entirely ethnic and leftist prioritised?
The new Polish Justice and Law government is on the naughty step in the German media because it has told Ma Merkel to go swivel on her quota policy. Poutiness from the Germans “Where is the gratitude for all the help we gave them after the fall of communism?”. The new government also want to reform the state broadcaster because of years of anti-conservative bias. One prominent TV presenter has already been sacked. At least the Poles have not lost their minds. Who should be first to go at the BBC?
The Poles do not need to heed German disapproval. After the events of 1939- 1945 any German criticism of Poish attitudes should be given the contempt it deserves.
See ID’s post above.
Who should be the first to go at the BBC?
Answer: The British. (British as in English. Not the foreign ponce with an British passport)
Has Merkel gone into hiding?
The media in general seem to have lost interest in ‘The Migrant Crisis’ since the Paris Islamic terrorist murders.
I have just endured the whole hour of BBC1 ‘s Capital. Cliche upon cliche and I will not even attempt to list them. it was awful. Dialogue as stilted and predictable as any good beeboid could wish for.
A masterclass in how not to write a drama. Suffice to say that comrade Corbyn would have loved it and so would the assembled hive.
To think the BBC once did ‘Under Milk Wood ‘
That was a different time in a different Britain
It was decided in this household to give it a pass a couple of weeks ago after seeing the trailer, it appeared to be another BBC box ticking exercise.
Never watch any drama , unless it’s historical , but then watch to check it has an indigenous English character cast , no effnicks have turned up in the Tardis or a Delorean, in Merry England, like the BBC insist on contaminating, with their version of history.
Managed to avoid that one even though I quite like Toby Jones in ‘Detectorists’. It seems by random chance the BBC manages to do something not completely awful, but the default drama is something scripted by someone out of Corbyn’s Labour HQ.
In fact the only right-of-centre drama I can think of was the Falklands Play, and the Beeb didn’t really want to broadcast it from what I remember.
Can anyone think of any others (having a sympathetic ‘conservative’ slant) in Auntie’s back catalogue?
I saw the last half hour of this agenda-ridden drivel.
All the whites were miserable and falling out.
All the ethnics, including the illegal – sorry, ‘asylum seeker’ – were jolly, generous, helpful and getting on with everybody – such obvious role models for the greedy, ungrateful, hedonistic, selfish, indigenous white trash.
Classic line, black immigrant from Zimbabwe to Toby Jones: ‘I hate England, I hate the weather, the roads that go nowhere and the unfriendly people’.
The obvious retort to that begins with ‘Well you can….’ but our Tobe meekly accepted it all with a simpering, sickly grin.
Seems that gunmen with AK47s taking hostages are not connected to the Paris shootings because this was a bank robbery gone a bit wrong.
The fact people are now dead and it’s looking like the work of the usual subjects is meaningless (or ignored) by the press, and the mere fact that there’s a robbery involved means it’s not Islamic Jihad. Not that the Paris one had anything to do with Islam you understand !
Something a little odd at the DM on the Phillip Hammond ‘pushing for Syrian airstrikes’ story. Within the story is a poll that is 73% for airstrikes, yet the top comments seem to be the reverse in preferring the problem to be the tackled at home first, is someone trying to influence public opinion?
I wonder whether the Turks shooting down a Russian plane, will alter Camerloon’s timetable to have a vote soon on the U.K. joining in with the air strikes in Syria? And whether it will affect the outcome?
If Cameron gets support for his air strikes who is he going to strike? Perhaps he will argue that it is necessary to protect the ‘good’ enemies of Assad, and not put too much effort into attacking Isis. It could end up as a three way split war.
Polls? What are they like?
Seems the BBC has had an irony failure, or really does believe they are unique in the ‘news’:
Anyone on here live on any of the Scottish Islands ? in particular the Isle of Bute ? well, spoiler alert, its in line to give ‘refuge’ to Syrian refugees. A comment in one of today’s nationals made not unreasonable remarks that this was perhaps not one of the best places to house these peoples, for all of the usual reasons, not least that most of the time its cold and wet there. Interesting times ahead………..
Our neck of the woods is described, with some justification, as ‘picturesque’.
However, at the tail end of November, in a gale, not so much.
Something of a result? Tonight the national weather forecast from the Met Office broadcast by the BBC came up with a different language, a subtle change. In general, the forecast was for a mild night but “chilly” (note not cold) for eastern parts but, at last, the bulletin has stated that “frost will occur in prone parts”. Well, knock me down with a feather. Frost will indeed happen for, two Met Office sites in Scotland are now showing -2.5 and -1.5 degrees. I will not let up in my scrutiny of the weather broadcasts by the BBC, whoever it is that supplies the information.
(The weather bulletin on Classic FM stated that tonight’s U.K. minimum would be +2 degrees. Wrong again Classic FM, change your supplier because they constantly give you duff info.)
Keep up the good work. It’s much appreciated……….though possibly not by the watermelons.
Hmmm…but the BBC as masters of weather descriptor understatement never refer to gales as ‘breezy’.
Funny, that.
This is a repeat post but I do not apologise for posting a similar sentiment……………..
WTF has happened to Herr Angela Merkel? Another week has passed us by but I am sure that she used to be the German chancellor who throughout the whole of the recent terrorist atrocity she seems to have disappeared from the surface of the planet………….
Did I dream that she was fully supporting importing loads and loads of these ‘men’? two of whom seem to have just within a fortnight found themselves involved in mass murder in Paris?
Is this the fault of UKIP?
It is possible the politico-media establishment is currently viewing Ms. Merkel as unhelpful to the narrative and better parked off piste for a while.
A bit like the BBC with the party leader who has assured them of full support once they get him in.
BBC – The Truth About Child Sex Abuse –
With Tazeen Ahmed and Tanya Byron
Who are the offenders? –
The truth about how many paedophiles are there in a typical town?
They uncover the devastating reality behind the statistics?
The truth?
Over a million victims, targeted how many million times?
child gang rape on an industrial scale, by one community
on the most vulnerable, in towns and cities all over the UK?
for over 2 decades? … no, no time to mention it
dozens of court cases? … going to jail 5, or 8, or 10 at a time?
… nope.
Can’t wait for the Rotherham timeline, or the BBC carpark one.
May be a fair while.
Nicely edited and dramatised collage from the BBC, rather than just showing the raw video as released by the Police. Funny how they always show them in graduation garb, trying to imply that they are some sort of intellectual model students, rather than low-life scum. And, as we all know, “graduated from high school” is BBC speak for “left school at 17”, but hey, you wouldn’t want to muddy the water would you?
The message to take from this is of course, if you carry a knife in your hand and are threatening towards the Police and others, then ignore Police orders, you are likely to get shot. If you don’t carry knives and do as you are fucking told then you don’t get shot. it aint rocket science. Well, it probably is for the likes of him. Anyway, it’s one more piece of filthy scum removed from the streets that would otherwise do harm to law abiding folk.
On Facebook, the BBC News has a helpful timeline.
One has to wonder if every serious crime this side of the pond will be accorded such resource and detail?
If so, many may need a post-watershed sticker.
Or, possibly, Ian Katz rules apply and having addressed another country so much, there will not be the time and space for where they are all so uniquely funded from.
Notice the overlay of sympathetic music. Victim music? And the Defence Lawyer is allowed to dribble on and on.
Where’s the BBC with regard to the shooting of an unarmed white father and his seven year old child shot dead by two black police officers? #dowhitelivesmatter?
Perhaps because there were no ‘window shopping’ riots and racist demands. The squeaky gate gets the most oil.
‘People in the public secor will be bracing themselves this morning….’
Bill Turnbull telling it from the BBC perspective – the Labour Party has morphed into the public sector trades union and the BBC is of course its main mouthpiece.
A small but fascinating point to watch is how habitually the BBC calls on their political correspondents rather than their economic experts to discuss the Chancellor’s statement. But even when the likes of Peston do put forward their tuppence worth watch how the emphasis will be on politics. You may have thought the politics of Government finance had been set by our recent General Election – the BBC doesn’t seem to think so.
I see the BBC have a new favourite white woman to promote
‘When Holly Brockwell spoke to the BBC about her decision not to have children, she knew she might be criticised on social media.’
“The fact is, there’s nothing about creating another human that appeals to me,” 29-year-old Holly Brockwell wrote in a story we published at the weekend, explaining why she wants to be sterilised’
Well that should speed up diversity
Seems an odd route to fame and fortune to opt for, but while dangerous, ‘talking to the BBC’ seems a short route to the top of the celeb victim circuit.
Maybe she’ll get Nobel?
Anything less savoury down the line, the BBC narrative, and ratings, still neatly served.
“You deserve to be raped in every hole by hordes of muslims, slapping and choking you,
… spitting in your mouth and pissing in ya face”
Sounds like one of the dozens of trials of those gangs of Islamic child rapists doesn t it
Don t think the Al BBC has got this in its news pages, maybe a TV report from Goldsmiths … then again maybe not
Alas … this is from a University Diversity Officer?
Bahar Mustafa … remember her
well …
“I set up the Women’s Forum and the Survivor’s Support Network for students who had experienced sexual violence and abuse” … sheesh! the erm “feminist” you want setting up one of those eh!
an Islamic Feminist “University Diversity Officer”?
Not even George Orwell saw that one coming.
Maybe she should move to a refugee centre in now occupied Europe, to get some “self enriching” field research on her “thesis”.
Saw this. Even for the barking brigade this seems beyond credulity.
Am awaiting further info, unless it’s true and the MSM decides it is better to dodge that bullet and hope no one uses the Internet.
My kids a few years off Uni. Places secured. In the interim we are staying on top of the academic values of their chosen institutions and all the new, peripheral aspects to the postgraduate experience that they will be exposed to.
Certain places, including Oxbridge and several Russell Group ones, I would not want them near with a barge pole now.
The firm of defence solicitors have for years specialised in defending the IRA and other terrorists at trial.
Time to consider the role of Diversity officers in education and indeed everywhere. I believe the cost of monitoring diversity is about £600 million for the public sector and £400 for the private sector. Check this, but a full discussion of Diversity can be found in Peter Saunders, The Rise of the Equalities Industry, Civitas. Despite austerity, no one is proposing cuts to this industry.
Diversity officials, an every growing bureaucracy spawned by the left and the multkultists, have penetrated every institution from children’s nurseries to higher education, health and industry. I see them as Communist/Nazi party officials, ever checking out the thought processes of the people, with expanding powers backed by government and the propagandist arm of the BBC. And in the streets supported by the violent leftist mobs of the SWP, UAF, Antifa etc.
Maybe we have not reached the mass murders associated with Communism and Nazism, but give them time. They are already on the way to manufacturing psychiatric illnesses for those who criticise the multikulture.
Diversity macht frei.
“Diversity” officers are another weasel word to misdescribe the Political Officers the Soviet Union used to employ to ensure that anyone failing to think the correct way was shown the error of their thoughts.
Lazy Davey hasn’t done anything to remove them – but then he hasn’t actually done anything at all anyway !
“She” has now resigned
I wonder where she will pop up next. I did sign that petition I’m sure I read somewhere the CPS were going to review their decision n not to prosecute
It’s possible QT is short a panel member. Failing that, the audience election system should see her right.
“I wonder where she will pop up next.”
Thought for the Day, probably.
Presumably to be renamed ‘lack of Thought for the Day’?
I don’t recall the BBC tv news, ay least the 10pm version, reporting on the centre-right victory in Argentina.
By contrast, they did get excited over Justin Trudeau winning in Canada a few weeks ago.
Doesn’t matter in the case of Argentina, if left or right in power. They are all going to bleat about” Ilas Malvinas “being returned to the motherland. With the Typhoon down there , a frigate & hunter / killer sub lurking, they would still be aniliated.
BBc breakfast Never heard of them charity of the day Yep I’ve never heard of them either but it carries on the continued anti – alcohol agenda, they even managed to rope smoking in as well. Strange when apparently FASDT day was in September. Serious faces as we move to…Chicago and the shooting of Laquan McDonald, who was just walking down the Road when he was shot. OK I’m not going to defend the police man who shot him 16 times. However as usual with the Beeb things are not normally as they first appear and as the “white police in America” is another agenda story A quick look on the internet reveals he was allegedly carrying a knife and a toxicology report reveals he had PCP in his blood Now why would the BBc not inform us of that? So I’ve asked them. So that is now two complaints I’ve made in six days.
Why haven’t the BBC reported the Frances Barber story? Is it because one of their own has suffered from a bit of diversity and that fact doesn’t sit well within their world view?
In future when Ms Barber requests a non Muslim driver (a la Sam Mason BBC Bristol) will that exclude her from future BBC productions?
Why haven’t the BBC reported the Frances Barber story?’
Ian Katz is on… no, sorry, he ran out of time and space.
BBC – The Truth About Child Sex Abuse –
Who are the offenders? – The truth about how many paedophiles are there in a typical town?
– They uncover the devastating reality behind the statistics?
The truth? – never had time to mention it on there either
‘40% of Crown Court time is now taken up with sexual offences’
For various reasons, including that of taste, I am not very interested in BBC documentaries on child abuse
That shocking statistic above was the assertion of a Police spokesman toward the close of the recent BBC documentary – the implication presented to the viewer being that the mass of cases currently being processed by the Courts are of the particular type highlighted by the BBC in their show. I wonder whether that is actually the case?
Given TVL/Capita’s contribution, I am surprised the BBC wanted to go near what takes up court time.
As to such stats, it may be intriguing what can reasonably deemed actually ‘serious’ vs. flippant or simply a nice little earner for all in the legal process with near zero chance of justice emerging, whilst blocking time for actual crimes being tried.
What the BBC covers vs. doesn’t cover ((c) A. Newsroom Tealday) may see a correlation.
So Merkel is due her ten years as German Chancellor to be commemorated?
But ,as yet ; no fanfares or swaggering from the liberal elite who normally mark such things.
“Just another working day”…but, she`s gone to ground a bit of late recently.
Probably knitting her thermal Kevlar vest for the hop over the border to Paris next week?
Oh wasn`t Naughtie full of it all today?
“Paris next week-Climate Change taken THAT seriously that NONE of the 130 world leader pretenders (who`ll waste air miles and mess up terrorist searches next week)-has sent in a sick note to cry off from attending”.
Jim thinks that`s REALLY brave-and only shows just HOW seriously “The World” is, when it comes to Le Issue Grande de nos jours”.
IS duly note this-the West is SO brave that we`ll recreate the “L`esprit du Charlie Hebdo”-and be walking arm in arm down some Parisian side street for the cameramen…bet you`re scared NOW huh?
The BBC are mad.
Still-if I were a burglar-next week around Hampstead/Highgate and Islington ought to be rich pickings as Snow, Crick, Mardell and Wark push and shove for the easiest, safest most luxurious way of fleecing the British Idiot taxpayer of the dough…as they get to pose at Pere Lechaise Longue and weep tears for poor Oscar and Jim.
Good prezzies for the boarding bast heads they spawned with a previous partner…name down already for BBC Correspondent at birth, no doubt.
Wonder how much Snow would fetch for IS were he to be unfortunately detained and fitted for an orange romper suit?…would he fetch more or less that a Crick or Davis?
Is there a graded scale of worth for these popinjays…what am I bid for a Newman?…Gary`s worth more than the lot of `em mind!
Time to go then…the futures orange, if we let Jim and Jon continue to bleat for this poxy nation of ours.
Incidentally, the public are being “discouraged” from using their vehicles in Paris during the “celebrations” and being offered free public transport for two days, as a bribe. This may help to counteract the emissions from the climate cortèges, and help speed them to their destination.
Jeremy Vine R2 discussing the Chancellors Statement, Vine reads out a text saying the the reason that Osbourne is backtracking because of the massive overspend of the last government, lefty Richard Murphy (Tax Research UK) cockily reply’s “which last government?” thinking he could blame the coalition, Vine surprisingly corrects him to the Brown government, to which he reply’s “Oh come on that’s getting to be history now”
What is it with lefty’s and their selective elephant memories? Almost every Question Time and such Mrs T’s government of 30 years ago is brought up by some lefty or other to blame for almost any problem we find ourselves in today, yet the shit left behind by the Brown/Blair government of just 6 years ago is “getting to be history now”
Heads up chaps, the BBC wants us to vote on the African Footballer of the year. Hurry you only have until the end of the month….
I don’t know my Toure from my Aubameyang, where do I find the vote on British Footballer of the Year, although having said that will there be any difference?
That’s a hideously black line up. And women are severely under-represented.
The BBC have already been there…
Her name is an anagram of ‘Sister Asshole’
It’s African. Africans tend to be politically incorrect.
Is there a ‘Couldn’t give a toss’ option?
John Mcdonnell’s car crash use of Chairman Mao’s bumper fun book in the Commons spending review session today is plastered all over the Twitter sphere and the Telegraph, Mail, Express, and even the Guardian and Mirror.
But funnily enough, all I can find on the BBC website is……no mention of it at all.
How do you post a picture on here? – cheers 🙂
You need to copy the link address of the picture and paste it below the comment box where it says ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’
Much as those in power would love ‘diversity’ – it will never be in this Country. All of the ‘born in this country’ Muslims and those with a passport NEVER refer to themselves as British, its ALWAYS ‘ British Muslims’. How many times have you heard the term ‘British Christian’ – me ? NEVER. Personally ‘British Muslim’ is a term I find offensive. Why say it if you are really intent on integrating. If you’re Muslim and British, just say I’m British, but NO, their religion HAS to be included and this will never change. It sticks in my craw that we have peoples here who have no obligation to Crown and Country, no history here, yet due to movement and birth, the country is heading towards the total wipe-out of Christianity (as is Europe as a whole), so young Prince George can forget all hope of inheriting a monarchy after his father – its unlikely there will be a throne to inherit !
I have often wondered if her Majesty could be forced into abdication as she has broken so often her Coronation vow “Defender of the faith”. How has she allowed Islam to be so prevalent within her kingdom ?.
So Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell whips out a copy of Chairman Mao’s ‘Little Red Book’ to quote a pearl of wisdom at Osborne in Parliament today (much to the stunned embarrassment of his Labour comrades) and the BBC has… well, what, exactly, to say about this idiocy?
Seems the BBC’s just fine with the country’s Shadow Chancellor quoting the words of a tyrant, mass-murderer and brutal dictator in our Parliament – so it doesn’t need reporting, does it?
Let’s imagine a Conservative politician had whipped out a copy of Mein Kampf and started quoting it back at the Labour benches by way of advice… How do we think the BBC might react? Indifference?
It was mentioned on PM, ObiWan. There’s also a video clip of McDonnell on the w/s.. Don’t bother watching it though.
I heard the start of McDonnell’s reply c/o WatO (R4 1.45 p.m.-ish) and it was dismal. Old Labour & New Labour put in an old cardboard box shaken up, tipped out and shouted & thrown across the Despatch Box. Corbyn must be a worried man tonight. Nothing of substance from a key Shadow Cabinet politician, and one, I suspect, that he was really counting on to build his support within the Labour Party. McDonnell managed to make Ed Balls look quite good.
Perhaps the Beeb are conflicted on this? They want to support Labour & Liberals but the high earners don’t want to pay the tax Corbyn & McDonnell will be asking for.
Radio 4 Thinking allowed :
Frauds of the left, Siblings
Thinking Allowed
‘Frauds’ of the Left: Laurie Taylor examines the intellectual credibility of key thinkers of the New Left. Roger Scruton, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, argues that the modern academy is gripped by a form of ‘group think’ which fails to challenge the positions of theorists such as Michel Foucault and Antonio Gramsci. Has left wing fashion trumped credible argument? They’re joined by Mark Fisher, Lecturer in Visual Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Also, the significance of siblings in constructing a sense of self. Katherine Davies, Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sheffield, discusses a study which suggests that the stories people tell about their similarity, or difference, from siblings have a critical role in shaping past, present and future identities.
Just got in from work and found this in comments at order-order (just checking in before going over to labour list for the late shift)
Cadwalla @Teknofish
“We want to be surrounded by English people not Pakistanis”
– Syrian new arrival in Bradford. BBC Radio 4
10:01 PM – 24 Nov 2015
Does any of M’learned friends know if that’s right? (sorry if all ready covered)