‘Sometimes foul-mouthed, sometimes sick, sometimes Biblical, Fury’s Twitter timeline reads like the outpourings of an extremely turbulent priest. Which is why some might find it worrying that Fury rejects the suggestion his Twitter voice is merely a persona.’ BBC
Interesting that the BBC thinks Tyson Fury’s angry views are religiously inspired…and that they are worrying…..the BBC on the other hand don’t show a similar concern for people who kill others under the influence of religion.
Would the BBC’s Clive Myrie say this about non-Christians who express the same views about gays and women?
A BBC presenter has claimed “you cannot be a d——- and win Sports Personality of the Year” live on air, when discussing Tyson Fury’s recent comments on his nomination for the award.
In the BBC News clip, presenter Clive Myrie was in discussion with journalists Miranda Green and Christopher Hope when he said:
“It’s after the watershed, you cannot be a d——- and win Sports Personality of the Year.”
Of course Mishal Husain expressed the view that Christianity was unpleasant and backward so perhaps this is just the BBC way…..anti-Christian but look the other way for other religions.
Not sure what the Islamic position on Jessica Ennis-Hill in a dress might be (or maybe I am….if Fury had said she’d look great in a Burkha would there be any outrage?) but the rest of his views seem in line with Islam…the upper cut to his missus aside….
On Jessica Ennis-Hill:”She’s good, she’s won quite a few medals, she slaps up good as well. When she’s got a dress on she looks quite fit.”
On women in boxing:“I think they’re very nice when they’re walking around that ring, holding them cards. I like them actually. They give me inspiration when I’m tired. I’m all for it. I’m not sexist. I believe a woman’s best place is in the kitchen and on her back. That’s my personal belief. Making me a good cup of tea, that’s what I believe.”
On homosexuality and abortion:“There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the devil comes home: one of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other one’s paedophilia.”
On his wife:“Sometimes she needs an upper cut, but other times she doesn’t.”
On his SPOTY nomination:”I can honestly say I’m not really interested in winning BBC Sports Personality of the Year. I know for a million per cent I’ve got more personality in the end of my little finger than the whole of the nomination group put together.”
Here’s the link for anyone that can stomach the total arrogance of Clive Myrie.
Oi, Clive. I don’t pay a TV licence to hear your personal views.
I want a reasoned debate, not a character assassination, based purely on your deranged outlook on life.
I’d love to see that smug face spread wide with a nice jab on the nose
Myrie has an especially large chip on both shoulders, amazing he can still walk with that load.
If he manages to get onto list for SPOTY I’ll cast as many votes for him as a resident of Tower Hamlets would for Labour.
Tyson Fury is on the list for SPOTY. Tune in on the night to vote for him. I certainly will.
let’s see what BBC shenanigans will play to block him. Afterwards I will likely issue a FOI request to see what the vote results actually were on the night.
Its the hypocrisy and abuse of power and position that does it for me.
I might think Clive Myrie is a dickhead because he is a useless reporter but where do I get an equivalent slot to say that, as compared with his opinion of Tyson Fury?
And to those who disagree with Fury, what happened to ‘a kinder politics’? What happened to tolerance? Of course the left-wing fascists only tolerate views which match their own, the Far Left bBBC being a case in point.
Since when did we bar people because of their views, providing they are non-violent and non-inciting?
If you don’t like him, don’t vote for him. It’s really simple. I don’t much like him but I almost feel like voting for him just to stick one on Al-Beeb.
Speaking personally, I think he may have a point when he says:
>On Jessica Ennis-Hill:”She’s good, she’s won quite a few medals, she slaps up good as well. When she’s got a dress on she looks quite fit.”<
Some might say that it is a statement of fact.
Also speaking personally, I think he might have a point on the subject of women in boxing, IF what he is saying is that women in boxing is not a great concept… healthwise or indeed conceptually, that women fighting is not a great look. As I say, IF that is what he is saying in his own way.
But the overriding point is that he is on the list for his sporting achievements and as a boxer whilst he clearly has issues, we shouldn't be expecting a modern day Einstein.
Don’t worry he’ll win. Not too far from our village some local councillors surprisingly gave planning permission to some travellers who originally ,years ago, squatted on some land and refused to move, they had previously paid the local farmer a pittance for the land which he accepted. It later transpired that the farmer was repeatedly threatened as were the local councillors. Only one traveller was later imprisoned. He took the rap for the others.
Based on these events, Tyson’s travellers will go around to BBC headquarters and have a ‘chat’ with Tony Hall and his chums.
Muhammed Ali won the world boxing title and on more than one occasion on the overseas SPOTY. I seem to recall he had some rather outlandish outspoken views on religion, refusing to fight in Vietnam, anti white, abusive, believed that as a practising muslim women were not equal citizens,etc.
Tyson is one of our own yet he is condemned, but Muhammed Ali was lionized.
I wonder what reaction the AlBeeb supporters would have thought of Muhammed Ali today. No different I suspect! Hypocrites.
I’m not particularly keen on Tyson Fury and SPOTY must rank as the most tedious thing on the box.
However, if it’s going to piss off the luvvies at Beeb then I’ll be voting for him.
Same here. I had to google to find who won SPOTY last year.
Tyson is a boxer – so Box. No real interest in his opinions.
Myrie is a ‘journalist’ employed to make up quotas of ‘minorities’ – so Report. No real interest in his opinions.
I heard Fury on Jeremy Whine yesterday and he acquitted himself very well. He is very articulate, held his own in a verbal argument and a man of conviction. Unfortunately he is prime AlBeeb fodder as he is white, male and Christian.
I heard earlier that the poisonous SNP had stuck their sporran in and asked for Tyson Fury to be banned from SPOTY. Pathetic, I thought. And they are behaving like this in the (so called) name of “tolerance”. Now, I’ve just heard, the police are investigating in case the big lump has committed a homophobic “hate crime.” FFS, what sort of insane asylum are we living in? You can’t rely on these useless bastards to turn up when our daughters are being groomed and raped, but if someone dare express an opinion that isn’t entirely pc, they “investigate”
I mean they’ve got nothing more important to do, have they?
Google “gay only bars” or “gay only hotels”, plenty of results.
What are the “equality” ****s doing about this? Answer SFA.
Open a bed and breakfast for “Christians” and ten minutes later plod arrives.
Same with “diversity” you can be diverse as long as you have right type of diversity, “wrong” diversity, no no, you must go to prison.
Close the BBC and cull the public sector; better still give me the job Dave, they would be on the dole in the time it takes to say “Multiple Postal Votes in Oldham”.
I would vote for you.
They could set up a panel to decide if his views on homosexuality and women are offensive
I quite like the idea of Alice Arnold and Victoria Derbyshire facing off against Mehdi Hassan and Anjem Choudary
Is that right when you say Mishal Husain said Christianity was backward and unpleasant? ….Astonishing…has the bint a strange idea of those things?…Is she for real? ….How is FGM…killing gays….be-heading infidels….raping under-age girls…..shooting and blowing to pieces women and children….and a myriad other atrocities less backward and unpleasant than…Christianity?…Enlighten me….Is she evil…thick…both?
If the perpetrators of the deeds you listed were white then, in her mind, it would be.
Perhaps a luvvies at the BBC could tell us if Mike Tyson is better or worse than Tyson Fury
‘Homosexuality,abortion and peadophilia them three things need to be accomplished before the world finishes, now that’s what the Bible tells me,right.’
This the quote that has so offended the anti free speech luvvies. I cannot see much different here to what most religions promulgate. indeed he is right the Bible does indeed support Tyson Fury’s view, as does the Qu’ran.
I hope it does go to court, I hope these religious charlatons are exposed as hate preachers, lets have the Archbishop of Canterbury in the dock for hate speech. How about Mehdi Hasan who has gone public and said that he agrees with every word in the Qu’ran. Let’s have him arrested and banned from this country.
This is a farce and the luvvies of the left who hate free speech should be arrested for wasting police time. I would then like to see Twatter heavily fined for encouraging stupidity.
Orwell’s predictions about society ref to free speech, are coming sadly true
Stupid,stupid,stupid = those who oppose free speech.
Notice the Welsh Football Team boycotted the stupid SPOTY show despite winning due to the BBC attitude.
With regard to the SNP ‘intervention’ – no doubt Krankie and The Fat Controller has instructed all SNP drones to interject into anything in the headlines to deflect attention from the closed Forth Road Bridge/Police Scotland/Hospital waiting times/Scottish School Standards/etc
Anyone who has ever watched an episode of my big fat Gypsy wedding, (don’t hate me, I like laughing at the wedding dresses) will realise that Tyson is expressing a prevalent cultural view. Traveller girls rarely attend school and are expected to stay home do the cleaning, get married young and have babies etc.
They are however, allowed to drive, and wear pretty much what they like, unlike Muslim girls. As long as Fury stresses that his views are cultural and therefore based on honour not hate (as is the case when a Muslim Brother/Father kills a young girl if they don’t like her choice of boyfriend) all should be well.