It is astonishing but there seems to be hardly a word that Harrabin writes or says that can be relied upon to be the whole and honest truth. He is just relentless in his half-truths and outright lies.
Here he condemns the government….
Only the government hasn’t ‘slapped on’ extra VAT to renewables…it’s a consultation about proposed changes, ones to be made at the behest of the beloved EU……..
This consultation looks at proposed changes to the reduced rate of VAT for the installation of energy saving materials in compliance with a recent decision by the European Court.
Roger Harrabin is a scientifically ignorant and unqualified charlatan. Moreover, he is an active climate change campaigner. Any of these points in isolation, let alone collectively, should instantly disqualify him from being the BBC’s Environment correspondent but it doesn’t. Normally I would say this beggars belief but, then again, we are talking about the BBC.
An assertion disguised as a question.
Very BBC.
Saw what you did there.