Small World



It’s a very small world for Roger Harrabin who seems only concerned with a very narrow world view happily ignoring all else going on especially if it doesn’t fit his own narrative.

Once again he obsesses about the UK decision to shelve carbon capture….a great pity for all those in the carbon capture industry who were looking forward to the mega cash-flow filling their bank balances….always odd how a BBC obsessed with big business ripping us off ignores the personal £100 milliion fortune green energy tycoon Dale Vince made on the back of government subsidies.

Anyway here’s Harrabin once again on his hobbyhorse…


Oh look…and again…

Funny how he is totally uninterested in what other Americans have to say [except to promote Greenpeace propaganda]…how about this from a US Senate sub-committee…..

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness, will convene a hearing titled “Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate over the Magnitude of Human Impact on Earth’s Climate” on Tuesday, December 8 at 3 p.m. The hearing will focus on the ongoing debate over climate science, the impact of federal funding on the objectivity of climate research, and the ways in which political pressure can suppress opposing viewpoints in the field of climate science.

Harrabin knows it is occuring because the Greenpeace anti-sceptic propaganda was released to coincide with the hearing as their target was one of the witnesses and they were attempting to discredit him…aided by Harrabin who linked to their libel attempt.

Here [from WUWT] is Mark Steyn’s testimony and below is a video of him in action at the hearing slamming the ‘cartoon climatology’, the claim that the ‘science is settled’, and the failure to admit the ‘divergence of opinion’ on climate science by those with vested interests…..





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2 Responses to Small World

  1. Richard Pinder says:

    For Roger Harrabin the world is so small that I doubt that he knows little of what his BBC censorship of science, scientists and scientific debate policy, is actually censoring?

    As for data or dogma? As Piers Corbyn has said about his brother wanting free open debate on the issue. That and the experiences of the Labour parliamentary parties only scientist Graham Stringer, I bet that even the Labour party would like the BBC to get rid of Harrabin, as well as the BBC Trust. Scientists have pointed out to the BBC that its position on Climate science is more extreme than the institutions that support the man-made dogma.

    It’s a toss up whether the BBC hierarchy has the brains to realise it would have to spit out Harrabin if the BBC wants to limit the damage to come.


    • Stuart Beaker says:

      ..”its position on Climate science is more extreme than the institutions that support the man-made dogma”..

      I believe that is because the BBC is more interested in belief, than what that belief is, or is about. Leading or manipulating belief is, literally, their stock-in-trade. Their credibility in some important quarters relies on their expertise in delivering public opinion. Their attitude is exactly the same in all areas – seeking to be the accredited, recognised, wise expert whose own opinion is a magnet for others. It is just that some areas are more controversial than others, so more hotly disputed.

      The BBC aspires to have the kind of pulling power that the Pied Piper of Hamelyn exercised. It would naturally wish to attract as personnel those who are also interested in exercising uncontrolled power over unwitting victims – for instance Mr Savile. It would also be in something of a cleft stick when it came to acknowledging or casting out such people, in view of the very similar skill-set and attitudes they were putting into action.