I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier today about the intolerance of the political Left. Nowhere is this more concentrated than in the citadels of the media, with the BBC being the Sanctum Sanctorum. With cultural marxism providing the linguistic narrative, it was obvious that the BBC would be horrified by Trumps ‘No Muslims” comment. How DARE he have an opinion they don’t like? The BBC are such hypocrites. They feign an interest in all shades of opinion but the truth is they only tolerate that narrow range that resonates with their dhimmified metrosexual liberalism. It’s been clear for a long time that the BBC want Hillary Clinton to be become the next POTUS and Trump is causing them a headache because they more he is criticised by the left wing media stateside, the stronger he gets. Can you imagine the BBC having to report on a future “President Trump has phoned President Le Pen to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU?” scenario.
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If you see the Metrosexual, Green hugging, cultural marximorons as merely being a cult, a sect that hates apostates and heretics;hates people outside the Pale who dare to STILL have minds of their own-despite years of school, of cBBC, of uni, of Channel 4, of the Guardian and of Radio 4; then you`re somewhere close to where this weird religion of theirs ends up.
Whether its Tim Hunt or Tyson Fury, Germaine Greer or Chrissie Hynde, Donald Trump or Quentin Letts…these Green Nazi keepers of the Muslim flame, romancers of Duggan or Jihadi John…are a frankly sick set of Jizlamists-who (for some reason) get paid to stump up their slurry and get us to smell the gangrene of all their putrifying thoughts…that have nearly brought us to our knees as a hemisphere, let alone a small nation state.
WE MUST slough these prigs off our backs-they rather prefer Savile to Nigel Lawson, Clinton to Tebbit.
I say it again: if Islam is such a peaceful religion, why are so many afraid to criticise it? That piece of rat filth Anjem Chouder or whatever his name is, openly preaches vile racist hatred on our streets but the BBC and their leftie supporters would never call for this bearded piece of shite to be banned from the uk. And remember that fat, spinach-chinned pyjama wearing hook hand who wanted to see Islam wipe out the west, and who was allowed to hold vile sermons on our streets? Where were the calls to see him banned from this country? Ahh, that’s right, the BBC didn’t want to make ‘value judgments’; in fact, they never seem to want to make ‘value judements’ when it concerns their favourite religion of peace activists.
I suppose being seen to channel one’s hatred through Trump deflects the attention away from the appalling cowardice of turning a blind eye to the uncontrollable tide of Islamic violence spreading worldwide; it will also inflate one’s sanctimonious sense of moral superiority.
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/114907 in support of DT
Signed it. 4657 so far, early days though.
Let’s play the virtue signallers at their own game.
Somehow, I can’t see the BBC giving that quite the same prominence as the one to ban Trump.
The BBC have ignored the petition calling for the UK to implement what Trump wants. That ban islamic immigration until ISIS is defeated petition has 450,000 signitures. Still ignored by the BBC.
Tried to sign it, but the site is down for maintenance – maybe it was breaking all records and they got cold feet?
I hold no truck with these government petitions, but I would dearly love to see this pro Donald petition Trump the Metrosexual, Green hugging, cultural marximoron’s (thanks Chris) anti petition, sign and pass on..
BTW David good performance on Gaunty, you were spot on. Are his phone problems just technical or are there other reasons?
The BBC reveled in portraying George W. Bush as an idiot. Trump is already getting the same treatment, if he becomes president , they will go into overdrive. This latest lefty hate fest over Trump’s remarks only reduces the BBC’s dwindling credibility. What the BBC forgets is that their monopoly is finished, we now get our news form other sources.
If Trump makes it as president, fingers crossed, will he be banned from the UK?
The entire media has jumped on Trump’s comments and deliberately misquoted and misrepresented what he actually said. They are terrified of people nodding in agreement. Instead they are giving him the full Hitler treatment hoping that anybody sat at home nodding along to his comments will recoil and think that they’re straying into ‘double bad thought crime’ territory.
I would put money on a majority of normal working class people agreeing with what he actually said – rather than what the BBC claims he said.
As ever the Fascist left have created a reality as they want it to be, and not how it is, nor what was said. Even people on here have been deceived by the left wing media as they seek to demonise and not to understand & criticise.
Here’s what Trump did say:
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called Monday for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said in the statement. “Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.”
So his criticism is of the countries leaders who he claims have no understanding of what the problem is nor what is going on. His argument is that they should be kept out until they do, which when put that way is much more reasonable.
Worse though despite him being vilified he is not the only Republican runner to propose this, although from the media reaction you might expect he is:
Trump is not the first GOP candidate to suggest restricting Muslim immigration, though he is certainly the first to call for a “complete shutdown.” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a frequent sparring partner of Trump’s, called for restricted immigration, including a denial of visas and refugee status, from 34 mostly Muslim countries, including Mali, Turkey and Morocco. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have suggested only allowing in Christian refugees from Syria.
Conveniently omitted from most media reporting.
Of course the BBC is having a field day, and today brought in a Muslim MP to comment on the suggestion that Police are afraid to patrol several Muslim areas in Britain (you bet they are!). Betcha can’t guess which hotbed of Islamic radicalisation and piety they thought was representative of that description? No? Well they produced Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead & Kilburn – probably the constituency MP for more BBC presenters than any other ! and a million miles away from any of the shit they’ve been promoting as good !
Bias? It runs in our veins !
Funny how the democrats were not against Jimmy Carter kicking out Iranians after their revolution.
Now there’s a petition to ban Trump from our shores. Just who the hell do these left wing fascists think they are? I’m sick beyond the back teeth having the pc mob tell me who they deem acceptable to come to OUR country.
It wasn’t that long ago that the (then) London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, invited “moderate” Muslim scholar, Yusaf al Qaradarawi to our shores. I think we all know that when dealing with lefties and Muslims the term “moderate” should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.
Qaradarawi believes in the destruction of Israel…well, I guess that’s entirely acceptable for the Beeb and the Guardianistas. He thinks that Jews are legitimate targets for terrorists, indeed if their actions killed Jews they wouldn’t be terrorists at all. He’s even said that the Holocaust, far from being one of mankind’s most heinous sins, was quite a good idea. His thinking is that Jews are so horrible every now and again someone has to come along to punish them. If you recall Nick Griffin (BNP) was slaughtered on QT for being a Holocaust denier. This bloke’s not a denier he’s a Holocaust supporter!
This third world charmer also believes it’s fine to strike women, though not with implements…like a crowbar or a cricket bat, just a good old fashioned slap. Imagine the hysteria at Woman’s Hour if Trump or Fury had come out with that one! . Oh, I almost forgot, he also thinks a raped woman has committed a form of adultery and can therefore be stoned to death.
Believe me it doesn’t get any better for homosexuals. If you’re gay he will quote the Koran and encourage his flock to lob you off a cliff.
I don’t believe there was a petition to stop him coming here…after all he’s a moderate, so why would we?
It would be interesting to know if Ken Livingstone signed this recent petition.
What are the chances that ‘certain’ places of worship have had PCs open on the anti Trump petition website ready for all worshipers to sign on arrival?
A bit like the recent postal voting scam .
Watched this interview today on U – tube. The interview was MSNBC
Note the body language of the female interviewer in particular. She displays utter contempt for Trump and his views Her facial expression at one point indicates that his words and opinion have the distasteful smell of obnoxious faeces .
Strangely, I found every think Trump said about Islamism Terrorism and the cretinous manner in which our political elite denies the truth of the link between Islam an terrorism, mirrored my own views on the matter.
The interview then went on to the issue of Global Warming/Climate Change/Extreme Weather/Thermal Obliteration brought on by CO2. Again, I found that his views were a mirror of my own.
But there remains something about Trump I find worrying? I have a fear that he is a demigog ? However his voice is refreshing, However I tend to view all politicians as ‘snake oil salesmen.
“However I tend to view all politicians as ‘snake oil salesmen.”
JPJ, Trump has one advantage over all other politicians – his money. Everyone else needs to raise funds for their campaign. They meet an endless stream of lobbyists and make contradictory promises of future government policy to bring in the resources they must have. Trump doesn’t need to do that – he can pay for his own campaign. He’ll take money from people who agree with him and want to see him elected, but he doesn’t need to make them promises of future government support for their pet causes. He’s his own man and can’t be brought to heel if he goes “off message”. Whatever he says IS his message. He’s not scared of people in politics and the media and that scares them.
also, The Donald does not need to spend money on expensive TV ads. So far he has spent less than half a million dollars on ads – he gets all the airtime he wants simply by speaking ! This allows him to run a very efficient “social media” campaigning machine. By contrast Jeb Bush has spent over $20 million on TV ads already – and is dead in the water.
But I still think Ted Cruz will win through – holding views fairly similar to Trump on key issues.
“President Trump has phoned President Le Pen to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU?”
Oh that would be WONDERFUL! Follow that with Farage becoming PM in 2020 and shutting down the BBC, and I would be able to die a very happy man.
It’s a shame the muslims who so vociferously condemned Trump on socialist media are nowhere to be seen when it comes to the terrorists within.
“President Trump has phoned President Le Pen to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU?” scenario.
Or this, ” “President Trump has phoned President Le Pen and PM Nigel Farage to discuss future trade and defence issues, and the future of the EU and NATO in particular?”
Note : Both France and the UK are nuclear capable.