We have already had a look at Roger Harrabin’s latest exercise in climate change promotion via the Open University and the below just confirms absolutely what the intention of that promotion is in a report from the same event in 2014…
Report on TippingPoint Oxford 2014: Stories of Change
Sustainability has a reasonable foothold in UK discourse. It features as part of Government policy with, for example, Government Departments being obliged to report on their sustainability achievements, for example.
It is much less clear, however, that it has a genuine and deep purchase on the national
psyche. Outside select groups in the research and NGO sector, and a general, casual and
relatively inconsequential popular acknowledgement of it, particularly among the urban
middle classes, it can reasonably be said that it has made rather little tangible impact on
the way people live their lives.TippingPoint is one of a handful of small British organisations that have been championing the concept of artistic intervention in this field.
The rationale for this is best summed up in our strapline ‘energising the creative response
to climate change’. Our conviction is that without deep engagement in the subject by the
cultural sector we will not achieve the breakthroughs in public understanding that are
necessary.We were extremely fortunate to form a partnership with the newly created, and substantial, Stories of Change project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This project has aims that are almost exactly aligned with those of TippingPoint, and both felt that it was well worth combining forces – and budgets – to achieve a greater impact.
So the government sponsored climate alarmists who pay for Harrabin’s spiel, join forces with climate activists to contrive to produce climate propaganda via the Arts and Cultural sector...and their aims are exactly aligned.
Who can doubt this year’s Harrabin harangue isn’t also aligned with that aim.
The ‘People’ aren’t onboard with climate change so Harrabin and Co are out to make the case for climate alarmism.
A journalist or activist?
Not as if our Rog hasn’t been in the pay of the government before according to the Mail…
BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
“Government Departments being obliged to report on their [sustainability] achievements”
I have ignored the “sus” word.
Achievements by Government Departments?
I am proud to announce that the MOD lost more computers in 2015 than ever before, the proportion of unencrypted material was also a new record.
The Border [Control] Agency was more uncontrolled than ever and the UK population increased by two thousand, unwanted, enemies every minute.
The International Health Service statistics for Deaths By Starvation, malnourishment, neglect, incorrect diagnosis, incorrect or malevolent treatment, maladministration, salary increases, reached new levels of incompetence, this was achieved with only minor increases in administration costs [a la Blair]. No ethnic minority patients were granted such high level treatment [they only mistreat whites [did you notice?] – this is the policy].
The police forces achieved record levels of absenteeism, non-investigation of minor crimes such as rape and murder,
downgrading of reported crimes so they are no longer crimes, fiddling other statistics so they show unparalleled reduction in criminal activities.
Local “government” assisted the police in their good efforts and 3,000,000 trials [of Muslims] were not required because records had been “lost” or destroyed.
The treasury managed to spend, carefully, more money on the tyranny of the EU than ever.
Reports on the other, corrupt, wasteful, inefficient etc, public sector departments will follow due to my depression after reading the above.
These activities were fearlessly reported with 100% accuracy by our public broadcaster.
Privatise it all.
‘the MOD lost more computers in 2015 than ever before’
Early days. The BBC Christmas rush has yet to occur.