This isn’t directly about a BBC programme….well maybe it’s in line with Harrabin’s programme of climate change indoctrination as it illustrates the propaganda that is being manufactured by the climate change lobby in order to fool us into believing their narrative….using ‘evidence’ that isn’t evidence at all. The planet may be warming but the below is not evidence of man-made global warming, just a continuation of a trend that has been happening for hundreds of years.
The Exit Glacier in Alaska has become a poster child for the the climate change alarmists…Bear Grylls escorted Obama around the climate change crime scene in order to scaremonger about the supposed dangers of climate change.
This was a specifically designed programme to illustrate the threat from climate change as evidenced by the ‘retreat’ of the Exit glacier, Obama saying ‘It underscores why it is so important to pay attention to climate change.’
Bear Grylls told us that ‘this[ice] will go and if it goes it won’t come back’.
Unfortunately that is just so much self-serving nonsense and underscores the importance of not paying attention to celebrities and politicians who are flogging you something…..the trend may be a retreat but the glacier can grow again……
At two of the six sites — the highest-elevation sites monitored by the Park Service — some of last winter’s snowfall was retained, according to the data.
That has been the general pattern so far, said Deborah Kurtz, a Park Service scientist who is coordinating the Kenai Fjords glacier-monitoring project. “At lower sites, we are seeking overall melt, or ablation,” she said. “The melt is usually greater than the accumulation.”
But there is great variation between years and specific sites, Kurtz said.
Two of the past five years’ measurements showed a gain in mass — more accumulation than melt — one year’s measurements showed no change and measurements in the past two years showed a net loss, with more melt than accumulation.
The ice loss was biggest in 2013, a particularly warm year, Kurtz said. The past year was not quite as warm, and there was significant high-altitude snowfall in October and December that contributed to the icefield mass, she said.
The Exit Glacier has been retreating and reforming for thousands of years….growing or shrinking yearly….the trend since the end of the Little Ice age has been a slow retreat overall….
From 1815 to 1999, Exit Glacier retreated at an average rate of 43 feet a year, though at widely varying rates, according to a Park Service analysis. Since then, retreat has continued at an uneven pace. The average annual retreat between 1973 and 2013 was a little over 30 feet or 9.2 meters, according to Park Service records.
So for nearly two centuries the retreat has been averaging 43 feet per year, then during the period of man-made global warming it only managed 30 feet per year until last year when it managed 187 feet in one year…
At Exit Glacier, a major Alaska tourism attraction, the terminus retreated 187 feet in the past year, according to measurements taken last month. About 80 percent of that retreat happened during the summer, according to the Park Service measurements.
You will say…whoaa, 187 feet in one year!!!…climate change!….the world’s obviously boiling…..hold your horses though…..check this out…
So from 1894 to 1899 the retreat was…em…that magical and terrible 187 feet per year…oh, look….in 1914 to 1917 it was 302 feet per year. Is 302 more than 187? I think it could be.
So in a period when climate change, man-made, wasn’t happening the glacier was retreating at the same or faster rate than at present in our climate alarming scenario…..which needs ‘fixing’ at great cost.
Not saying someone is lying to us about climate change but you might interpet it that way.
Oh yes….don’t forget the medieval forest uncovered by the ice retreat…
Retreating Alaskan Glacier Reveals Remains Of Medieval Forest
A medieval forest under the ice? Wouldn’t that indicate that the planet was a lot warmer in Medieval times before ‘man-made’ climate change?…and if so what made it so warm if it wasn’t CO2 belching from our factories, cars and chimneys?
Is this climate change or just climate?
Could it be that what made it warm in Medieval times is the same thing that makes it warm now?
Very good piece on wattsupwiththat website which perfectly exposes the alarmism re ice loss in Greenland.
The alarmist headline…..
Sounds awful. Gorebull Worming surely to blame. Then someone intelligent with a calculator works out how that affects ice mass over that last 100 years.
The reality…..
That’s right. Retains 99.7% since the start of the twentieth century. Not so alarming now. It’ll take 33,000 years to lose all the ice at that rate. Run for the hills.
For all the COLD weather not reported by the BBC and the MSM generally just put your gloves and bobble-hat on and go here –
Typically – 15.4″ of global warming in Montreal – 61 year record.
Yes folks, it’s not mild everywhere !!
Also – with the Times reporting Arctic is 10C warmer than it should be (no source quoted) howcome this
sea ice extent ?
Again an excellent post which demonstrates the deliberate lack of depth in the BBC’s own coverage calculated to protect their own agenda.
Educate and inform? You ‘avin a larf?
‘Inculcate and misinform’ – yeh, that’s more like it.
I would take anything Bear Grylls says with a big pinch of salt, starting with his military experience. As for climate change, he is as qualified to spout about that as much as Charlotte Church, Emma Thompson or Roger Harrabin.
Bear Grylls is heading up the Scout movement these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if the scouts get a global warming awareness badge when they’ve successfully passed their indoctrination.