Is Roger Harrabin Completely Untrustworthy?



It is astonishing but there seems to be hardly a word that Harrabin writes or says that can be relied upon to be the whole and honest truth.  He is just relentless in his half-truths and outright lies.

Here he condemns the government….



Only the government hasn’t ‘slapped on’ extra VAT to renewables…it’s a consultation about proposed changes, ones to be made at the behest of the beloved EU……..

This consultation looks at proposed changes to the reduced rate of VAT for the installation of energy saving materials in compliance with a recent decision by the European Court.





Small World



It’s a very small world for Roger Harrabin who seems only concerned with a very narrow world view happily ignoring all else going on especially if it doesn’t fit his own narrative.

Once again he obsesses about the UK decision to shelve carbon capture….a great pity for all those in the carbon capture industry who were looking forward to the mega cash-flow filling their bank balances….always odd how a BBC obsessed with big business ripping us off ignores the personal £100 milliion fortune green energy tycoon Dale Vince made on the back of government subsidies.

Anyway here’s Harrabin once again on his hobbyhorse…


Oh look…and again…

Funny how he is totally uninterested in what other Americans have to say [except to promote Greenpeace propaganda]…how about this from a US Senate sub-committee…..

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness, will convene a hearing titled “Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate over the Magnitude of Human Impact on Earth’s Climate” on Tuesday, December 8 at 3 p.m. The hearing will focus on the ongoing debate over climate science, the impact of federal funding on the objectivity of climate research, and the ways in which political pressure can suppress opposing viewpoints in the field of climate science.

Harrabin knows it is occuring because the Greenpeace anti-sceptic propaganda was released to coincide with the hearing as their target was one of the witnesses and they were attempting to discredit him…aided by Harrabin who linked to their libel attempt.

Here [from WUWT] is Mark Steyn’s testimony and below is a video of him in action at the hearing slamming the ‘cartoon climatology’, the claim that the ‘science is settled’, and the failure to admit the ‘divergence of opinion’ on climate science by those with vested interests…..






I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier today about the intolerance of the political Left. Nowhere is this more concentrated than in the citadels of the media, with the BBC being the Sanctum Sanctorum. With cultural marxism providing the linguistic narrative, it was obvious that the BBC would be horrified by Trumps ‘No Muslims” comment. How DARE he have an opinion they don’t like? The BBC are such hypocrites. They feign an interest in all shades of opinion but the truth is they only tolerate that narrow range that resonates with their dhimmified metrosexual liberalism. It’s been clear for a long time that the BBC want Hillary Clinton to be become the next POTUS and Trump is causing them a headache because they more he is criticised by the left wing media stateside, the stronger he gets. Can you imagine the BBC having to report on a future “President Trump has phoned President Le Pen to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU?” scenario.


For years the BBC has shoved down the cultural wonders of Romany Culture down our throats and along comes Tyson Fury, spouting his own “Romany values” and the BBC becomes apoplectic with rage! You have to laugh at it all. I really hope he wins SPOFTY just to hear his victory speech. Mind you, some BBC journalists won’t be happy…

A BBC Northern Ireland journalist has been “threatened with suspension” after criticising the broadcaster’s decision to keep Tyson Fury on the shortlist for the BBC Sports Personality of the year, according to reports. Andy West, a BBC NI news presenter wrote on his Facebook that he was “ashamed to work for the BBC”, according to BuzzFeed News.

So he should be.


Biased BBC reader Harristotle observes:

“The Islamic State are muslims following Islam. They live in muslim lands and are angry at non-muslim occupation of muslim lands (amongst other things, including other muslims from a different faction of Islam). They live by the Koran, under Sharia Law, and have muslim scholars in their ranks.  However, the BBC will happily continue to refer to them as “so-called”, and many commentators, including some bloke and the Prime Minister, call them “non muslims”. 

 Yet Edward Manning sticks on a dress and calls himself Chelsea, in order to avoid a male prison, and the BBC refer to him as “she”. 
Their use of evidence is inconsistent at best.”

Holier than thou


Who said it: Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler?


Dan Hodges has joined the ‘outraged’ band wagon rallying against Trump…Donald Trump is an outright fascist who should be banned from Britain today

The trouble is, as with so many, Hodges is a hypocrite…ready to call Islam a problem but also ready to call anyone who calls Islam a problem a racist.  We’ve noted this aspect of Hodges’ personality on this site but one  of the 494 (so far ) commenters on his article in the Telegraph has similarly noted his two-faced stance listing Hodges’ previous comments…..

Who said it: Dan Hodges or Adolf Hitler?


  • Dan Hodges’ views on Islam:

    “Over a quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists. That is far too many

    Just because you wouldn’t personally go out and murder people, it doesn’t make you moderate. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fair-weather supporters of terrorism”…

    “Too many of Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why”…

    “There is a clear link between Islam and terrorism. It’s up to all of us to break it

    We can pretend Paris had nothing to do with religion, and reap the consequences, or we can fight to reclaim faith from the fanatics”…

    “We can’t leave the debate on Islam to the Islamophobes

    This is an argument that mustn’t lead to us being forced to take sides – there are no sides to take”…

    “What if the terrorists were Christian?

    To understand how to respond to the Charlie Hebdo atrocity, we only have to imagine what would happen if the situation was reversed”…




Some philosophy for you to ponder….

If a person openly subscribes to a particular ideology but refrains from openly stating his or her beliefs that arise from that ideology, beliefs that are abhorrent to the society they live in, is that person ‘acceptable’ as long as they stay silent when, in comparison, someone who voices their beliefs is vilified and demonised?


Tyson Fury is a born again Christian, his beliefs about homosexuality stem from that…and yet when you look at the reports about the furore surrounding his comments this is not mentioned.  Why not?

Here’s the Guardian’s Michael White, actually defending Trump and Fury’s right to say such things but blames Fury’s thoughts on him being punchdrunk and a muddle-headed chump…..liberal smug superiority on open display….

At the time I didn’t know what the problem was, though I rapidly found out. He’s mouthy and opinionated in an ugly and stupid way: wrongheaded views about homosexuality, abortion and paedophilia all mixed up inside a brain that, even for such an accomplished slugger, must have been punched more than is good for it. That’s boxing for you.

Distaste rapidly evolved into controversy and our old media standby “fury” (four-letter words are always handy for headlines) because the chump of a champ turned out to have been included in the shortlist of 12 for BBC sports personality of the year.

No mention that Fury is a Christian.  The BBC are also rather circumspect on this.  Why?  Could it possibly be that mentioning religion would open up a whole can of worms when the favoured religion prescribes death, by stoning or throwing off a mountain for homosexuals?

Horrific: The men are shown falling from the rooftop of the building, in Homs, Syria, after they are pushed

Death: The blood-covered stones are shown around the twisted bodies, which were blurred by ISIS



If people have these beliefs but don’t openly admit them should they too be treated like Fury?  The police after all ban BNP members from joining even if they wouldn’t allow their beliefs to influence their work.  No outrage about that  from the selectively outraged of Notting Hill.

No similar outrage when Geert Wilders was banned from coming to the UK, or Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, and they don’t  espouse violence or religious apartheid…in fact they fight against such beliefs…and yet people were happy to see them banned.

Now there is a petition to have Trump banned from the UK…bizarre and illogical to ban someone because of their desire to ban someone.

The BBC loves it and has practically covered the frontpage wiith Trump stories….but note there are few if any  voices in defence of Trump in the BBC reports….they are very one-sided.  Note the entire lack of challenge to the notion of a ban, no sign that there is any hypocrisy or something amiss with such an idea.

The BBC tells us…

Labour’s Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, also called for Mr Trump to be banned from the UK after he claimed that parts of London were “so radicalised” that police were “afraid for their own lives”.

“I would say to him you are not welcome in our country in the same way that you want to ban people like me going into your country,” Ms Siddiq told BBC Radio London.

“I don’t think we need someone poisonous like Donald Trump in our capital city that we are so proud to live in, and in our country.”

Why doesn’t the BBC ask Mr Siddiq what his views are on homosexuals, women, Jews and apostates…and ‘unbelievers’?  Or why not ask Mo Farrah, a sporting Muslim ‘role model’, his views?

Note the bit about the police being afraid to go to parts of London….why doesn’t the BBC check that out…both LBC and Breitbart have [Thanks to GB123 in the comments]…and come back with the answer that in many respects this is a true picture….

Mr. Trump’s comments were derided by the “impartial” British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as well as London’s part-time mayor Boris Johnson, and Prime Minister David Cameron. He said in a speech this week that parts of London are “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives”.

But a Metropolitan Police source has spoken out against the claims made by the British political establishment, telling Breitbart London that “Islamification” is not new, and that it is not just London that has a problem

One close-protection security expert told Breitbart London earlier today: “You have to be more vigilant in some areas than others due to demographics and radicalisation. Absolutely, without question. Anybody that states otherwise would be burying their head in the sand and ignoring the reality”.

Why is the BBC so keen to cover up the very real problems the police face in such areas…just as they do iin France?

“What if we went to the suburbs?” Obertone replies: “I do not recommend this. Not even we French dare go there anymore. But nobody talks about this in public, of course. Nor do those who claim, ‘long live multiculturalism,’ and ‘Paris is wonderful!’ dare enter the suburbs.”

No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.

Muslim enclaves in European cities are also breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism and pose a significant threat to Western security.

Europe’s no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated from — rather than become integrated into — their European host nations.

The problem of no-go zones is well documented.


And then there are the ‘cultural’ no go zones…where the police dare not tackle crimes that arise from certain cultures for fear of being called racist as in Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby…you name the town….and of course as shown here.

Interesting what the BBC misses out of their report…here’s the Telegraph…

Sir Thomas Winsor, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, said the report was one of the most important ever produced by the organisation.

“Cultural traditions and sensitivities deserve and should always be given due respect,” he said.

“But where they operate to imprison vulnerable people behind barriers of fear and the threat of reality of violence, and facilitate or intensify crimes committed against them, such barriers must be broken.

“They deserve no respect at all”

Here’s the BBC…

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Sir Thomas Winsor added: “Cultural traditions and sensitivities deserve and should always be given due respect.

“But where they operate to imprison vulnerable people behind barriers of fear and the threat or reality of violence, and facilitate or intensify crimes committed against them, such barriers must be broken.”


Why is the comment that cultural traditions that are a threat or intimidate “deserve no respect at all” missing?


Ah look the BBC pay lip service to Fury’s beliefs…listen to the BBC presenter studiously ignoring Fury’s comments on religion…which are the bulk of the ‘interview’….


If he’d cited the Koran?