The BBC’s golf correspondent, Iain Carter, (08:53) has a go at pressuring R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers into not running golf events at Trump owned golf courses….the tone is not of inquiry but of disapproval and arrogant moralistic bullying based upon Carter’s personal opinion of Trump’s politics…..which he calls ‘grubby’. Carter’s clear intent was to very publicly put Slumbers in a difficult position, a kangaroo court, knowing full well that someone listening may, he hopes, take up the cause and start a very vocal campaign against the R&A to not use Trump golf courses…no doubt Carter feels the R&A are not looking as if they will close out Trump quickly enough for his own liking…
The R&A remains quiet over Turnberry’s place on the Open rota but acknowledges it is a question that won’t go away.
Not if the BBC’s Iain Carter has his way certainly.
Not sure the impartial and independent BBC should be interfering in American politics and deciding what is and what isn’t ‘acceptable’. A great many people clearly believe Trump has a point, one which the brave journalists of the BBC don’t dare investigate themselves preferring instead to go for the lazy, easy, left-wing crowd pleasing attack on Trump without actually exploring the very real issues he raises.
The same accusation of the BBC ‘making the news’ could be levelled at its campaign against Google….the BBC has been chasing the EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager (07:10) for an answer as to whether she will be opening an investigation into the government’s tax agreement with Google. The BBC doing Labour’s job for it? What’s new?
Lo and behold we then hear that the SNP have written to Vestager and made a complaint.
Take no notice of the BBC here. It is speaking to it’s own and that is not most of us at all.
I think you are right.
BBC News
8 hrs ·
Feeling the burn on social media…from Bernie supporters.
Bernie Sanders supporters get a bad reputation online
To which the highest rated comment is…
Para Bolton BBC, that was manufactured by Hillary supporters. Bernie supporters may be passionate, but they are not mean or manipulative.
Now, who are the BBC in the tank for again? Guess it’s reassuring they are trying to dig elections even within favoured parties, for their BFF’s all round the world.
God, that whole programme. Eeeuuch. For those, like me, who can’t figure out where 08.53am is on the bar, it’s at 2hr22min.
So bad it robbed me of the ability to do simple arithmetic.
This is the same bunch of hypocrites who have decided that broadcasting The Open is too much for the prolls to suffer? Along with Formula 1, most of the 6 Nations, and indeed anything else that your average Licence Fee Payer might enjoy?
Iain Carter, indeed, I offered a comment on Carter’s bias on another recent thread.
“From Donald Trump to course closures, golf and politics must mix”
Very little golf, plenty of anti Republican bile.
Which is why we willingly pay the licence fee.
Because we know they are bound by their charter to be impartial, even-handed, neutral, unbiased and all the other “facts are sacred” devotions one would expect from “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
Is it me or are sick bags getting smaller?
In the light of Iain Carter’s moralizing line of attack on Donald Trump, can we expect BBC football reporters to push for a boycott of the Etihad Stadium or the Emirates Stadium? Just asking.
I take it the SNP have written to the EU Commissioner with a similar level of concern to why the EU books have not been signed off for 8 years ?