Channel 4 News last night hit a new low – 20 minutes on ‘Osbornes’ failures and troubles (do politicians from any other party get referred to by surname only?) followed by the irony of demanding the 3000 kids let into the UK. Next pop over to Kylie Morris in the USA for a 10 minutes anti-Trump tirade which I think even shocked the American pollsters interviewed by this particularly nasty individual. This was BBC Bias exported wholesale to their comrades at C4.
The general disrespect the BBC shows towards politicians on the right that they don’t approve of probably makes BBC correspondents feel more important and intelligent than they really are. But it actually works against them. Calling George Osborne by his surname only, does at least give him a certain gravitas, whereas ally this toadying up to “Jeremy” makes him look as pathetic and ineffectual as they are.
I’ve never been able to work out why they don’t turn the tables – e.g.
Q1) Minister, why are you such a vagina?
Minister starts to answer and utters three words
Q2) So why is it your wife is evil?
Just sit there in silence! Let the silence fill the air. Still keep silent. Wait for the ‘answer the question’ tirade and then politely state that he/she asked a question, you began to answer and were interrupted with a second question. You’re thought there might be a third question coming so weren’t sure whether to carry on. Is there a third question? No? OK, which question should I answer, the first or second?
Just refuse to play their game. Put them on the back foot. Make them look little.
The start of a new Open Thread seems a good time to raise what seems to me to now be undeniable. The BBC’s bias is becoming more overt than ever, so what the hell is to be done about it in reality? There seem no politicians able or willing to take them on. Or perhaps a Trump-like figure will suddenly materialise who realises there’s a lot of votes to be had in taking on the media, who are represented in spades (can I say that?) by the BBC.
Last night’s News at Ten, for instance. Wall-to-wall emoting for bringing in “unaccompanied refugee children”. If anyone representing those who don’t think it’s a good idea, or questioning whether they’re really children or even unaccompanied, I missed it. Other nights it’s a condemnation of Trump without any balancing items – like when the story of him not attending the TV debate became a story of how he was “ridiculed” and selective editing of his quotes.
Then there’s Question Time last night. I didn’t see it but I believe there was no one on the panel representing the large numbers who want to leave the EU. The BBC obviously feels it doesn’t even need to try. Why is the BBC not challenged on this?
Listening to Today in the morning seems to be wall-to-wall complaints that the government isn’t spending enough, or someone complaining of racism or sexism. And the BBC providing the megaphone for them. They keep plugging lefty films in the arts section: how many times did we all hear about 12 Years A Slave or The Danish Girl?
I can’t say I have the answers, and perhaps the darkest hour is before the dawn – they may be over-reaching themselves in their confidence that they’re untouchable. But I’ve never felt so helpless in the teeth of the relentless propaganda as I do now, when there are extremely serious factors in the world which threaten our very way of life.
Good post, I guess the only way is a mass organised non payment of the licence fee and and avoidance of their shitty programming, I have very nearly achieved the latter, the former we need to be brave, the time to fight back is getting very close.
For one 30 minute appearance on the BBC the likes of Diane Abbott gets £700, that’s very nearly 5 households yearly subs, do decent right-thinking hard-working famines really want to contribute to this thick fat racist’s already stuffed bank account (socialism eh?) we need to get these sort of facts out there….
The likes of ITV and Sky need to start making noises, why should it be the case that if you only watch those channels you still need a licence? Surely in the digital age it can’t be beyond possible to detune BBC channels, thus potentially giving the independents a larger audience and fairer competition without a publically subsided behemoth.
Beeb apologists always neatly sidestep the subscription issue. They claim its a World class product loved by all, and that advertising would ruin it.
But when you pose the question “Why can’t they go subscription only then ? ” You never get a reply. If they don’t want adverts, and people object to this non means tested tax, why not give everyone a choice ? Surely such a superior product would have no trouble at all getting millions to pay for it without having to be threatened with prosecution.
We all know why, the Beeb would be skint in no time, their let them eat cake attitude towards the people paying their wages wouldn’t be sustainable if they actually had to account properly for their spending.
>There seem no politicians able or willing to take them on.<
Whittingdale seems to have been very quiet of late. One can only hope that he has been keeping his head down, beavering away at finding ways to cut them off at the knees.
Whittingdale is quiet, I fear, because he has nothing to say. What he might eventually say will be ignored, so he probably won’t say it.
Politics and today’s version of ministerial responsibility encapsulated.
Roland, “I can’t say I have the answers, and perhaps the darkest hour is before the dawn – they may be over-reaching themselves in their confidence that they’re untouchable.” There is hope that they will do just that – over-reach themselves and suffer a backlash.
I do not want to post too much publicly because it may be read and somebody who is a bit sharp & has authority at the BBC may dictate a change of course. However, it will be well within the wit of regulars here to think back hardly a week and also over the previous few weeks of BBC campaigning & politicking, and work out that if the BBC go ahead with a Plan A then an internet viral campaign highlighting the alternative Plan B from ‘concerned Licence Fee Payers and those excluded from watching on grounds of cost’ 😉 might just attract a lot of attention. The BBC then roll out another tactic Plan C and the reformers respond with a Plan D and so on.
If at the same time they are receiving constant complaints over various inadequacies, distinct breaches of Charter & general delinquency to ‘inform, educate & entertain’, and records are kept of these & passed to constituency MPs with cc. to Whittingdale (& also the PM & DG, perhaps?) maybe a better reform will be achieved by mass home protest than Dave’s current solo effort within the EU.
There’s also a Democracy deficit built into how the bbc are funded because if you haven’t a TV licence, you can’t legally watch the Parliament Channel. During elections, for example, I find this to be a great disadvantage, even if the service is provided by the bbc. And during the upcoming EU Referendum, I will miss any coverage this channel may broadcast.
Are you sure about that? I think it is something that is available to watch over the internet as a live broadcast. If you try to watch ordinary broadcast TV, I believe a warning appears, correctly stating that you must have a valid Licence to watch it. I don’t think that happens with the Parliament Channel.
I know its not TV & does not require a Licence, but with radio the BBC have just started to favour Internet listeners with some advantages – the ability to listen to a complete series of daily 15 minute episodes of a serial, for example.
A tv licence is required to watch BBC parliament live on iplayer as it is broadcast on Freeview. I guess you could use rewind an hour. The remit of the channel is to make parliament accessible to all and I guess they get around that by stating:
“Daily highlights of events in Westminster are available on Radio 4’s Today in Parliament and Yesterday in Parliament.”
While some of the posts here can be dismissed as “wacky”, there is a huge amount of substantial evidence from this site of BBC leftist bias, day-in-day-out. We need to get organised and mine this information and present it in a way that it cannot be dismissed by Government or even by the BBC. Perhaps focus monitoring initially on one particular source of flagrant bias, eg the Today programme, but we need to cover offences of omission as well commission – all the stories the BBC does not cover for PC reasons. We need a sponsor to commission some academic research!
Monitoring left leaninng bias on Today? that is an ask, any volunteers for the role of Sisyphus. I think you are right about organising, currently everone appears to be acting in isolation, hitting them in the pocket is probably the only way to shake them up and restore some balance to the BBC. I happen to side with those who believe the whole rotten organisation is too far gone and should be rebuilt from the ground up but that’s probably an unrealistic expectation.
There is an organisation which has been scrutinising the BBC for years.
This organisation monitors BBC output.
This organisation records BBC output.
This organisation reviews the saved output and uses stopwatches and calculators to measure the imbalance therein.
This organisation produces statistical summaries of balance.
This organisation is The Conservative Party.
I previously suggested that the reason Cameron does not use this, presumably damning, data to hamstring the BBC was because Cameron and Co are using the same trough, taking the same EU bribes, as the left.
Anyone in Conservative Central Office with a conscience? Let Mr Vance have the data.
I suggest that the main reason the Conservative Party, or at least those who are currently running it, are not attending to the bbc is because they will be relying on it to flood the country with pro-EU propaganda during the upcoming EU Referendum.
Car Moran the ‘car salesman’, is trying to flog us a ‘big deal’.
Stopping benefits will not stop illegal immigration from what ever part of the world they come from.
It is all smoke and mirrors.
That would be indeed be helpful, but it would only be part of the picture, as Tory monitoring would be narrowly focused on pro-Labour bias. It needs to be much broader, to encompass the whole cultural Marxist agenda, some of which sadly and outrageously the present Tory leadership has bought into.
I will now begin an investigation into your complaint about the report on Breakfast and consider whether or not it met the BBC’s editorial standards for Accuracy and Impartiality as set out in the Editorial Guidelines.
I will aim to let you know the outcome of my investigation by 25 February. I should explain that when I have completed my investigation I will send you my provisional conclusions. If you disagree with my finding, you will have ten working days in which to let me have your comments, and I will only finalise my conclusions once those comments have been taken into account.”
Of course there is no argument that facts were omitted. Facts which I think throw a different light on the story. However I’m sure I will be wrong as usual. Never mind the BBc fails to either give you all the facts or an alternative narrative or both on almost ever story they do so no doubt I’ll be complaining again soon.
Can you say that? Absolutely not. You’ll be accused by the PeeCee brigade of intentionally insulting African Americans. You’ll never hear the end of it.
It seems that we’re losing the battle, but possibly winning the war.
The entire media establishment, with the exception of the Express, is now towing the ‘reasonable’ BBC line. The FT is publishing 5+ immigrant whitewash guilt trips per day. The Telegraph is following suit. The Metro and Evening Standard and lapping it up.
The thing it, if you read the comments wherever they’re allowed, the editors aren’t even remotely carrying the public with them.
As appalling as this current invasion is, I can’t think of a better time for it to happen. A summer of chaos could see the UK leave the EU. Then, there is everything to play for. The current crop of politicians will be completely discredited and there could be room for UKIP to occupy the space.
On Question Time last night, Al Beeb gave us unwittingly some absolute proof of their institutionalised bias.
We had the usual emoting about open-door immigration with the panelists falling over each other to be the most ‘compassionate’, enthusiastically applauded by the ‘impartial’ audience (though one brave guy put his head above the parapet and did get a decent cheer – showing that those opposing open door immigration feel cowed but are not as small a minority as the Far Left would have us believe).
But then……bingo!
A later question about the key issues affecting the EU referendum campaign was met by several panel members mentioning immigration. And they didn’t mean it as a popular demand for even more !!!
There is the Al Beeb bias. Right there. The complete disconnect, brilliantly juxtaposed for all to see, between the QT panel, ‘impartial’ audience, and production team that set the thing up (representing the whole of the bBBC mindset) on the one side, and the general public out here in the real world on the other.
The BBC and media bias is very clever. They paint all opposition as ‘bad think’ and it will make people question their own opinions – especially with the Police arresting people for expressing their doubts on Twitter, etc. People will quite reasonably be sat at home realising that Paris has everything to do with Islam, then they’ll watch the news and see their thoughts condemned as ‘extreme’, ‘racist’ and ‘far right’. They’ve had the ‘Far Right Bogeyman’ drummed into them since birth. It is very hard to break the programming and think for oneself. Kudos to the posters here that have managed it.
Some Teachers rep on Breakfast “news” this morning, distressed over Teachers being abused and assaulted by pupils and/or Parents,
Apparently its the Governments fault because of cuts, and the extreme pressure caused by all these tests and exams the kiddies keep having to take.
I thought he was going to cry at one point, but luckily he got the kid gloves treatment from the sofa jocky so blubbing was averted.
One of the leaders of a teachers’ union was interviewed about this on the Today programme. I was surprised then that the interviewer didn’t, as Today usually does, say….’While you’re here, I’d like to ask you about this latest OECD report that shows that standards of literacy and numeracy amongst those leaving school has fallen even further, to the point where the skills of many student arriving at university are so poor they should not be allowed in.’
But of course Today didn’t do that…neither did they feature the report at all, a report that shows the UK falling further behind the rest of Europe.
Why not? Because the evidence trail leads back to Brown, Blair’s and the teaching unions destruction of our education system and their permissive ‘all must have prizes’ culture.
Once again, while the Today ran a slew of anti Government and pro Labour / Union stories there was no time for an examination of this major catastrophe.
BBC bias is defined not just by what they cover but what they chose to ignore.
No 88
Don’t disagree with your general direction of travel but to be slightly fair.
1. The Toady interview was with the ATL union which are definitely at the ‘moderate/reasonable’ end of the spectrum and
2. The interviewee did say that a major issue is the (lack of) parental discipline on the incoming pupils. Such discipline is increasingly offloaded by all-too-many parents onto teachers. Teachers also HAVE by law to now carry out a kind of border control service, translation services, extra focus on politically correct minorities (SEN, pupil premium) and be on the front line of spotting child abuse/cruelty, Undoubtedly the Unions and the mealy-mouthed ‘progressives’ i.e. Far Lefties going back to Crossland/Williams have a lot to answer for but there is a case to cut some slack to many teachers who went into the profession with the simple aim of just wanting to teach and encourage learning.
The BBC News report on the OECD findings this morning was truly startling…
it was stated that British school children were the least literate in all the 23 countries surveyed and 22nd out of 23 for numeracy.
It was also stated that British pensioners were among the most literate in the OECD countries surveyed.
This report was not mentioned further during my listening to Today on the way to work, though I had the pleasure of grinding my teeth listening to rehearsals for a play about screaming Lord Sutch and his contribution to British democracy.
So what has changed in three generations? is it the comprehensive school system, is it the abolition of most grammar schools…(started by Labour continued by all governments since), is it the unionisation and deprofessionalisation of teaching, is it that the left-liberal “blob” ideology that “all must have prizes” translates as “drag the bright kids down wherever possible”, is it the escape of the middle classes to fee paying schools thus removing the brighter kids and more assertive parents from the state sector or is it mass immigration?
Plenty for an investigative journalist to go at..the destruction of kids state educational opportunities you might think, is the left wing cause par excellence…wouldn`t you?
I have a friend who’s mother was a headteacher. She pinpointed the ‘switch’ amongst parents, from supporting the school to threatening teachers. She thought it was a combination of two things:
1) The first generation of parents that had never been properly disciplined either at home or school.
2) Children raised by parents that had never worked and saw no value in education.
She told a story of a child that hadn’t been to school for a couple of weeks. She phoned the mother. She heard the mother shout
‘Jonny, do you want to go to school tomorrow?’.
He answered ‘no’.
She told the headteacher ‘he’s not coming’.
‘With the greatest respect, I really don’t think it is up to Jonny to decide if he comes to school’.
I recently heard a 70yr old ex-copper lecturing two potential delinquents. The gist of the discussion was that there is one potential thing that cannot be taken from you.
“They can take your car, your money, the shirt of your back but there is one thing they cannot take is the education that is being given to you at the moment. Don’t throw that away.”
As I only watch the odd documentary on iPlayer, my exposure to the awful everyday bias prevalent on the News is thankfully small. It’s still obviously there on things like Spring/Winter Watch, with its boundless opportunities for BBC Global Warming hysteria. But you put up with it because overall it’s a decent Nature programme, which is reasonably informative.
But sometimes it’s the little things, creeping up on you unnoticed. Watched ‘How Earth Made Us’, where a geologist is in Israel investigating rocks in hot dry, desert conditions. Surely a sensible sun hat is in order? Nope, what he’s got round his neck is palestinian style keffiyeh!
I Imagine he felt he had to wear something to make a statement to dissociate himself from the Israelis in case someone assumed he was sympathetic to them (shock, horror) since he was in Israel. And no doubt the BBC staff thought it was a great idea.
Is that like the thing that foul old terrorist Yasser Arafat used to wear – the one that looked like a dishcloth he’d borrowed from the kitchen?
Yes you’re right, it was ghastly old Arafat who made it the dishcloth-to-be-seen-in on Middle East fashion parades. The keffiyeh is basically just a broader, rectangular scarf and they can come in all colours and patterns, but the Pally one is always black and white and has some kind of checkered, diamond or zigzag pattern.
I noticed it in the programme because an annoying lefty friend-of-a-friend wears one just like it.
I wear a shemagh on Cretan and Greek’s superb for keeping the sand and wind and sun from cooking my lily white cute features…mine however are British Army surplus. Wouldn’t be seen dead in a Pally one. Too right, many are worn for show..pathetic…ask any you see when is the next sandstorm then?…Pricks.
Barbara Plett of the ‘Tears for Arafat’ bleat is probably walking around by now encased in a black sack with slits for her eyes to further reduce her BBC tunnel vision.
I received my first “newsletter” from Britain Stronger in Europe the other day (East of England edition). The back page was devoted to “Mythbusters: The truth behind UKIP’s propaganda” – so according to the CBI being in the EU costs each household less than one pound a day and yet that same household receives benefits worth £3000 per year. The third page has Sir Hugh Orde claiming “being in the EU is crucial for our security” a statement supported by six former home secretaries – five labour and Ken Clarke. And so it goes on.
Even two years ago I was prepared to listen to a reasoned analysis of the costs and benefits of remaining in, before finally deciding where my vote would go. No longer. The million, man, muslim invasion of the EU last autumn, the continual cheer leading of the BBC (and all MSM) in this catastrophe, and the marginalisation of the voices of “ordinary” citizens of the UK have served to definitively make my mind up. Subsequent events in Germany and Sweden have only confirmed my decision.
I don’t care anymore about the European arrest warrant, or lower mobile roaming charges, or low emission zones, or free emergency health care in the EU, or more expensive food. No. What I care about now is the future safety of my daughter, my granddaughter, and their future daughters and sons.
“… ex-BBC strategy chief, Carolyn Fairbairn, is now director-general of the fanatically Europhile Confederation of British Industry and has been declaring her referendum plans to the Guardian; and Sir Roger Carr, a former president of the CBI, is now deputy chairman of the BBC Trustees. The Corporation is so steeped in the importance of Brussels that it cannot see or think outside that bubble.
At what point, however, does biased BBC reporting tip over into being deliberately untrue?”
The UK is facing an existential crisis. The European “project” is finished. Staying in the EU as the BBC would like us to do would be an act of collective suicide. Vote Leave. Our future generations depend on it.
The recent documentary about the Cayman Islands made a big thing of food being taxed. The Caymans have a 22% import tax on everything except medicine (additional duties also apply to cars, etc)
UK VAT is 20%.
Will the BBC campaign against a 20% tax on food, considering how bad the Cayman’s 22% tax on food is?
Another example of of the Babblers of Babel Corp’s fear and loathing of those it, very occasionally, invites to comment on issues via HYS:
Last night, the highest rated comment to Mark Mardell’s pomous article ‘Fear and Loathing Will Power Drama of EU Debate’ (yesterday BBC News website), was the one inviting HYSers to vote up for IN and down for OUT. When I last looked, the OUTs were around 450 and the INS at around 80. By this morning the comment had been removed. Now, there’s a surprise.
Seeing as Lardell is living in the Socialist Workers paradise of Paris, it would affect him directly if Britain was to leave the EU.
The most telling thing about this cowardly hypocrite was his stated intention to leave the city if Muslim attacks continued – not that ALL Muslims are like that you understand, just the ones who affect Lardell and make him feel nervous. Anyone who holds a similar view is of course a Waycist !
There was a comment on there trying to drum up donations for the dump at Dunkirk and on the HYS regarding the Swedes so I successfully reported and got it removed.
New game how many lefties can you annoy by getting their comments off ???
Mr Golightly – you might find some relief in the highest rated comment to the Graunian’s article of 17th Jan ’10m UK homes to receive pro-Europe campaign leaflet’. You are not alone.
Oh go to hell BBC!
Just saw Mardell throwing a pile of pink sprats and red herrings over the Blue Peter boat-in the hope we`ll watch the feeding frenzy from their poop deck and vote to stay in the EU.
I don`t give a stuff about EU migrants dole payments- why would anybody see THAT as an issue anymore?
Now Paris…Brussels…Cologne…Duisburg and Malmo…THESE things I do care about!
THAT is the issue Mardell you fat cipher-furry arteries, imminent heart attack…and you care about what the Lithuanian triage nurse thinks about murmers from Polish badge kissers for our money?
EVER-CLOSER UNION-full steam ahead, Captain Savile in the creche!
Will someone finish off these lefty tarts?…we`ve all read Chomsky as we needed to-and we know the techniques of obsessing on narrow semantics to cover the lack of real debate and vision allowed.
I myself call it “majoring on minors”…but the BBC, Islam and Labour rather get aerated if I put it like that.
If we vote to stay in-and to hear Douglas Murray fear that we would was MY lowlight of this week…if we vote for staying in…we DESERVE to be binned as any kind of country.
And there`s more.
Anybody tell me why Leeds-Bradford NHS are soon to offer “hand transplants”…and be the NHS specialist centre for this?
As if we`ve not got enough Muslims beating a woman to our door…we`ll now be getting plane loads from Riyadh who have “some kind of link”(usually Phil Shiners number) with the UK.
FFS-if you`re going to do this-let Nicola Sturgeon pay for it up there…for Mardell finds some Chop Shop advocate to give the case for being able to do up her duffel bag.
And sod the expense.
She`s Scottish-none of that ebola sponging either up there!
If she thinks that she `ll now get a ready source of hands if Leeds and Bradford are the “Chop Shop NHS” -not so…they`ll probably be getting you to wash your feet in gravy browning…and you`ll be stupid enough to do it.
No-it`ll only encourage them to create a head transplant offer soon after…imagine any poor sod having to refill Mardells bonce with butchers sawdust?
Leeds Uni needs to close down Jimmys Place-that morgue especially-and set up an air conditioned field tent in Jeddah…and let their Muslim staff do Mecca and Medina every Friday for the outpatients clinic.
I commented on another thread how much I enjoy these vigilante polls popping up on BBC HYS. It seems to be catching on and every single one, without fail, takes the opposite view to our national treasure of a broadcaster. The echo chamber inhabitants will never work out why though. Stand by for these polls to be either moderated (censored) or hijacked.
Enjoy them while you can.
SJ, I do recall you were helpful in pointing out the gaps at the HYS, cheers.
I’ll leave that to you, rather than having double posts on an already busy forum!
As you say, enjoy them while the last and when I first looked at them (2 days ago) I was astonished at the opposite thrust of the comments and clicks. Heart warming.
On the ‘BBC South’ lunchtime news the announcer said it had been decided to retain the statue of ‘the Imperialist Cecil Rhodes’. No name-calling nor bias there then.
When is something going to be done about the Leftist bias and partiality of the BBC?
And, BBC South, south of what/where? South of Britain, south of UK, south of England?
When is there going to be a BBC England, named as such?
I do not live in a BBC/EU region, I live in a nation, and that nation is England.
Rhodes was an Imperialist. His Imperialism was a GOOD thing. He wasn`t being name called, he`d have been happy to be so titled. British imperialism was a civilising, dare I say, progressive force in its time.
Rhodes did more for the advancement of Africans and Africa than any of the oafs who now try to besmirch his memory.
The fact that the apprentice beeboid on BBC South thinks “imperialism” is a boo word is neither here nor there. Britain is our country….all of it.
I think the problems stem from the two competing strands of British Imperialism:
1) Civilising – bring the modern world to far away places and develop them in Britain’s image
2) ‘Britiain’s superior race’ that was ‘destined’ to rule the backwards lesser races.
There was a lot of good and a lot of bad.
Whatever your opinion of the British Empire, campaigning to remove a statue to fatuous. Should Italy tear down their Roman history?
I’m still asking the question as to why India never capitalised on the railways that ‘we’ left behind there. Never having (or any desire) to visit the country, I only see on films/documentaries the state of disrepair that the railway and stations are in, – it appears little has changed since we left over 60 years ago and yet they were quick enough to want us out; so hardly benefited from us leaving have they …… oh yes, they have crap facilities but have the finances for a space programme which we are paying for. Talk about getting priorities arse about face. Same with Africa. So all those who say we ‘plundered’ the wealth of other nations, I say, “yeah, but since their Independence they’ve not exactly prospered have they”.
The BBC have been referring to ‘the imperialist Rhodes’ all day, Five Live, Radio 4. They have obviously decided to take a position.
This from the same organisation which will not call terrorists, ‘terrorists’ because according to them, ‘Terrorism is a difficult and emotive subject with significant political overtones and care is required in the use of language that carries value judgements.
So they BBC won’t get into value judgements….unless of course, they are their value judgements.
That`s right they`re calling him an “imperialist” it is what Rhodes himself is likely to have called himself and is therefore o.k. by me.
Remember how the left likes to “reclaim” words and deny them their “stigmatising power”?
We must do that too. We must refuse to allow the left its self claimed right to control the language.
British Imperialism was a force for good in the world of its time. Don`t let the left pretend otherwise.
Evidence? look at the numbers of former colonial subjects from Africa and Asia who chose to to live in Britain. Look at how their children and grandchildren still want to. Go back to “liberated” Zimbabwe? ……sure.
Agreed embolden.
I refer to myself as a reactionary…I react to what Islam and the Left are doing, anything less than reacting would be cowardice and surrender to them.
They hate it when you use their words as compliments…and if you say “if you`re accusing me of racism-then that means you`re a racialist”…that normally causes them to overheat and f*** off back to the Muppet House…our councils padded cells that double up as ” union rooms for hire”.
Complete and utter bollox story that only the BBC could puff up with their whisks and straws.
How come these clown aren`t campaigning to get rid of Guys Hospital then-same principles, if you look at how Guy made his money at those times?
Funny that eh?…and add on that Margaret Thatcher is the only PM who ever built a hospital wing in this country…all those lefty scum tend to go private when they`re ill…Brian Haw to name but one.
When ONE Lefty leaves us anything but a car crash, a load of bastard offspring on the public payroll and a pile of IOUs written on a colostomy bag….THEN they might assume some virtues-not be endless evil thick parasites!
The word “Imperialisme” originated in France 170 years ago to describe the attempts to reimpose the imperial system during the July Monarchy. It became “imperialism” in English but had no link then with what later was called “the British Empire”.
In the late 1870’s Gladstone used it to describe Disraeli’s use of Indian troops to take control of Cyprus. Since then it has gone through many alterations of its meaning, many due to Marxists’ appropriation of it.
“Not only has “imperialist” supplanted “imperial” as the adjective normally derived from “empire” but it has passed through a series of mutations each more outlandish than its predecessor, until now it is no more than a husk of a word into which anyone may cram whatever tortured meaning he cares to.” Including – “…virtually every contact Europe has had with the outside world since the eighteenth century.” J.B. Kelly ‘Islam Through The Looking Glass’.
The BBC use the word ‘imperialist’ as a term of abuse and of criticism, as do all on the Left of politics, in the same way that the Communist Soviet Union used it in the term ‘US Imperialists’ and Castro in Cuba’s references to ‘Yankee Imperialists’.
It is naïve to imagine that the BBC are using it in any historical sense, they are lying when they claim to do so. I expect too they still believe in the concept of ‘World Peace’, a phrase used by Marxists and communists in the sense that peace in the world would only be achieved when personal freedom, democracy and capitalism had been defeated by them.
Their tactics aren’t ‘apeable’ (racist language?).
BBC Trending will only promote their favoured topics. There is no way they’d cover a #refugeesnotwelcomeduetonumerousissues trend, unless they could frame it in terms of ‘turning the tables on trolls’ crap.
Strangely I haven’t seen this posted here yet, but the DM have exposed another snout in trough Beeboid.
It would appear that Head Of BBC1 Charlotte Moore (£240k+ pa) is also Company Secretary of her husbands production company Perry Images who have produced many programs for the BBC including Yentob’s Imagine (peas of a pod?).
“Her husband’s firm has profited handsomely from the broadcaster, making dozens of shows for the BBC – including some that Miss Moore herself commissioned”
If true this is absolutely scandalous, but she’s done the right thing and resigned (from her husbands company that is…)
‘If true this is absolutely scandalous, but she’s done the right thing and resigned (from her husbands company that is…)’ Even better if she had resigned from the BBC.
The ‘EU’ HYS has been taken off the HYS page but is still running at the bottom of the BBC Europe page and still getting some comments, even though it is very hard to find unless you know to look for it.
Am pleased to say that the deleted post is still top of the ‘highest rated’ (vote up to leave) but only 8th of the ‘lowest rated’ (vote down to remain).
But it was removed because it broke the house rules.
Rule 1. Only comments that agree with the bBBC narrative can be accepted.
Interesting it is still open after this much time and this many comments.
Giving total lie to every CECUTT weasel that an HYS terminated before anyone gets home on the afternoon it started being standard practice, or to spare modding, being utter BS.
Thoughtful Live as a cat. Why not? I recall running a seminar with a group of surgeons on the ethics of gender reassignment surgery. I slipped in for discussion the likelihood of performing surgery to change a man into a were wolf. Assume he chose to live like that, spends the nights outside, howls at the moon etc. The surgeons agreed that technically it would not be that difficult. Work on his teeth, altering the length of his legs, drugs for hair growth etc. So why not? Today with the media eager for multiple identities he would have a seat on the BBC couch, protection from Twitter hate speech, and those who offended him could be prosecuted for lycanophobia, especially if they complained about him eating children from Northern towns.. .
Not BBC bias but amusing and alarming. From Melanie Phillips in The Spectator magazine:
(The Miller in the text below is Maria Miller MP, another ‘Conservative’ like Cameron.)
“The Miller committee writes about one of its witnesses who talked about the government’s Advancing Transgender Equality plan: ‘Christie Elan-Cane told us that the plan was, from per [sic] point of view as a non-gendered person, “all plan and no action, because nothing resulted from it”.’
Yes, I also stumbled over what I thought was a typing error; but no, a footnote tells us: ‘Christie Elan-Cane asked us to use the non-gendered pronoun “per”.’ Such supine surrender to this hijack of language, the signature motif of totalitarian political systems, tells you more than anything else what’s in store for us.
Gender cannot be at real risk because it is anchored in an immutable reality. What is on the cards is oppression, socially engineered dysfunction and the loss of individual freedom. And it is so-called Conservative politicians who are helping wave the red flag of revolution.”
Hey, don’t you mock my rights! I’m transgenerational, no transgendered. That is a hate crime, right there. The critics of this site were right, you are all evil nazis!
Why can’t a man self-identify as a 70 year old and claim his state pension, without being compared to a mentally unstable six year old girl?
That`ll be the start of reclaiming “bestiality” as a legitimate sexual lifestyle then.
At least she`d be cheap to take out for a meal anyway…even if you add the crunchy bites on top!
I`ve never met a cat as selfish, venal and self-absorbed as this clot…most cats are far more self-effacing and capable that her.
Bet she gets dole though eh?….Moggie! Moggie! Moggie!….
No, it was a gentler time. She actually owned a cat and was so innocent she didn’t realise that the things she said could be misinterpreted. That kind of humour is obviously not edgy enough for the BBC. Instead we now have actual programmes titled ‘F*** Off I’m a Hairy Woman’
A thought has occurred to me as to why our current idle PM wants us to stay in Europe.
In common with all the past Etonian PMs he is very lazy, content to just let the ship of state keep sailing along, just avoiding the rocks and letting the crew do all the work. When it came to the conditions he wanted to renegotiate I had visions of an idle school kid who had failed to do his homework, and at the last minute turned in some pathetic ill thought out offering.
If it’s true that Europe now makes most of our laws, decides our social policy, border control, and a whole host of other things, then if we leave it will all fall to the UK government ! Imagine all the work which parliament will have to do if the law making is no longer done for us by Brussels and the UK government has to do it instead?
Imagine how that must look to someone as lazy as our current PM ?
You seriously think that kind of man is going to want to stop his ‘date nights’ and ‘chillaxing’ with his hippy wife? Not a chance, and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure that his nice life continues that way !
Thoughtful, I have a slightly different take on this, but we’re on similar lines. The public school types spent their youth being told what to do, first by Nanny then by Matron. Using the example of Cameron, Merkel now fills the role of the female authority figure, so he doesn’t have to concern himself with thinking – he can just follow the orders.
umm … I can’t think he is lazy, after all to get to the top of the greasy pole as a PM takes some effort. I do agree that he has no convictions and certainly no vision, just a sense of “noblisse oblige” to mange help the proles get through each day. I think he views, like Blair did, the PM-ship as a stepping stone to riches and to the next level of power, whether in the EU Leadership and/or Globalised elite. These are the reasons he wants to stay in the EU.
And he’s also clever. We shouldn’t underestimate that. Much clever than Corbyn for example! Plus he can pay the best advisers and strategists. So the current negotiations on a better deal with the EU have been plotted and agreed and choreographed with the EU from the beginning in order to allow him to show determination blah blah.
And, to get back to biased BBC, it’s because of the coming referendum Cameron hasn’t taken them on at all. They serve Camerons’ purpose for now, because they support EU membership and downplay the effects of mass immigration. And the BBC knows this and has become noticeably more partisan. In fact completely partisan in everything it does.
The Brexit campaign will surely be strengthened by the criminal Islamic invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by the EU. Pro-EU propagandists are going to find it harder and harder to convince people that it’s a good idea to continue to finance and be subjugated by the power-hungry criminals in Brussels, whose only interest is in maintaining and increasing their power over the member states.
I imagine that Cameron realises this and therefore will be keen to try to get some crumbs from Brussels and hold the referendum as soon as possible before the escalating invasion will swing the vote towards getting out.
The referendum should be restricted to UK nationals only. But you know it will be thrown open as widely as possible to include guests from Eastern Europe etc. who will definitely vote for UK to stay in. The Brexit campaign looks like Sisyphus’s chore at times.
I think EU citizens aren’t allowed to vote, but Commonwealth are.
“British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals who have lived overseas for less than 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries – apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus – will not get a vote.”
‘It beggars belief that the BBC thinks ‘being seen to be impartial’ involves tiptoeing round the hysterical sensibilities of a bunch of nutters and Islamist supporters’
I’ll excuse the tautology at the end, just for the laugh of the BBC even ‘being seen’ as impartial, at all, ever.
Their DNA is more corrupted than an Umbrella Corp kennel.
You might be right Thoughtful, but my guess that he’ll have his eyes on a high ranking EU job, or maybe business directorships in companies that deal only in the EU. Whatever it is, it will have self interest at its core. It will have nothing to do what is good for the British people as its a no brainer, we must leave the EU.
I heard on the radio the other day that Obama has been recruited to support the stay in EU campaign. Is this true?
Last night on Question Time we had to endure all five panellists giving their support for staying in the EU. BBC balance at work again. They revolt me.
By the way the EU vote will be rigged no matter how many votes the leave EU get.
Worth checking that Obama has been consistent in urging the UK to stay in the EU. Both he and Cameron want Turkey in. Note that Obama is rather keen on Erdogan
I hope that Obama and Cameron will soon depart to their luxury homes in Dubai, although I fear that Obama will end up with Banky’s job in the UN and Cameron will be President of the EU – if we stay in.
I’ve been reading up – widely – since 9/11 about Islam; where it’s come from, what its aspirations are and how it’s achieving those objectives. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that there are many here who have done the same. Concurrently, I’ve become increasingly aware of the liberal left’s agenda and had increasing awareness of projects like common purpose & cultural Marxism, along with others.
There is a miss-match between these two ideologies that can’t be squared.
The west driven by colonial guilt (ironically expressing that guilt in colonial and imperialist ideas of having to ‘allow’ for the poor peoples who don’t understand about the west – I think that’s patronising at best) in it’s efforts to atone for a horrible past (like providing a frame work for management of a country; financial systems; infrastructure for road, rail, goods and population movement, let alone electricity and such services – all dreadful) has taken on a mindset of accommodation: “Whatever you want to do it ok by us. We’ll be tolerant of whatever you do or say”. While the obvious oxymoron is that the freedom to do what ever you want does not extend back to the tolerant by the intolerant. Highly intolerant of tolerance.
So we have LGTB sections of society sticking up for islam which has as part of the doctrine to throw homosexuals from high places – as they do. Last week a ‘stoning’ nearly happened in a German city with a transgender couple the target. Surely, the writing is on the wall?
It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that we’re fucked.
So, pick one as an feasible outcome (or add your own – this is a family show folks, with many interested parties monitoring, so bite your tongue, pause, relax, then write!)
I can see some possible outcomes here:
1 – we subsume our culture and lifestyle into sharia and become dhimmis (yes, I know, we’re doing the dhimmi thing already). While there would be some opportunity for ‘told you so!’ it would be bitter, and just bitter. I must say I find this route unappealing. In extremis.
To get to this point though, we’ll have to go through the fracas that will be liberalism and islamism battling for the same throne. Liberalism is gearing up for their ‘time’ where everyone is equal. But they haven’t considered those who know themselves to be more equal. It’s not going to be pistols at dawn, for honour upheld.
2 – we start to get some backbone and resist the onslaught which will need to be conducted on two fronts: against liberalism and extreme islam-ists. But this will produce civil war as the right-on’s think their virtue signalling and hashtags will save the world, while others want to reclaim the world which was fought for in costly ways by generations previously. Part of the issue with be the unwavering belief that they are both right, because they are both ideologies. This makes lemmings of people, but perhaps we can provide a route for them to take…
In my view the future is not bright but how much darkness will we allow? Is that an aspect we can control? Just how much or how far we allow the illness of the left to prevail?
As various observers from the middle eastern have noted: “The West can’t defend itself”. We are rolling over to be trampled or killed. Most likely both. And the BBC pushes this agenda too. Bastards.
So folks, what’s the consensus? Will we ‘submit’ or will we resist? (In lawful ways of course.)
“Where are we going? Why are we in this handcart?”
Good post Hopeful sir!
1, Being informed is the first thing-if you`re that, then you`ll not be surprised like the dopey hipsters in Paris. It`s all part of the pattern, it`s all in the Koran and the Chomsky/Alinsky/EU rationales for their tactics as well.
We have no excuses not to know-the Internet is a godsend, by way of avoiding the spray paint pastel gobbets from the BBC and the condescenti.
2. Linking up with kindred spirits, so you don`t fall into quiet passive desperation…a pint, a laugh and don`t let it get personal. We KNOW what the BBC is all about, both quantitatively and qualitatively…and we know that Islam equates the BBCs “weltenschaung” with the rolling over of the English white trash.
S`not gonna happen.
3. I`m a bible-based fundamentalist, I`ve seen the end of My Good Book-and I know the good guys DO win.
4. And it`s all largely unfolding as it should-the sites on this thread called Biased BBC can be truly inspiring (in the right sense).
I was starting to think I was alone in the gathering darkness but it’s darkest before dawn…
I have a feeling there is a momentum around these broad issues, with the overlords seemingly keeping a lid on off-message thoughts, but the groundswell is rising. As someone else said a day or two ago, there is a vocal minority who are making all the noise.
You’ve missed out the poor gay man kicked to death by asylum seekers in Denmark. Now how did that pass everyone by? Well probably because the UK press a la Kriss Donaldson didn’t report it because it might be “ammunition for bigots” !
Why are we in this handcart?
It started many decades ago, when Labour & Tories started importing labour to work in the cotton industries. They were warned what the consequences would be, but they knew better and called those warning them the usual nasty names, I wonder how stupid and guilty those men would feel if they were able to see that those warning were probably not dire enough ! The people of the time certainly didn’t want immigration and spoke out loudly against it, buy Britain is not a democracy no matter what they tell you, and the people’s wishes were ignored.
So it’s Naivety stupidity and rose tinted glasses in that time.
The numbers of migrants was still manageable when BLiar came to power, and he was every bit as naïve, credulous, and rose tinted as those who went before him. His party, without putting anything in their manifesto decided on a course of mass migration “to rub the Tories noses in diversity”, he has later apologised for this and admitted he was naïve !
In addition he also admitted that it was a mistake to let in so many Muslims, and it has come to him a bit late, that it is not the ‘religion of peace’ !
The biggest problem we have is the succesful immigration and intergration/assimilation of pretty much all immigrants – e.g. Jews, Chinese (such as my wife), Indians (by and large), Americans, French, Germans, Aussies, Kiwis, etc.
There is one problem group that spans multiple nationalities. The BBC and establishment lump all ‘immigrants’ together. People see the nice immigrants and don’t want to generalise about an ‘immigrant problem’.
They remember/are reminded by the BBC about the hostility to *all immigrants* based upon race. People now, generally, consider race to be irrelevant, which is why ‘racist’ is such an effective tool in their armoury.
Delayed reaction to TWATOs bizarroworld piece on trannibirds being allowed to enter the Olympics.
It featured Frankelli Maloney, a Guardian dolly and Martha the Muffintop…and confusion reigned.
Up came the Iranian womens footy team…8 of who are positive in the willy department-if only we could look under those burqas to confirm this eh?
No mention of Rennie Richards or why 3-set ladies get as much as 5-set blokes in tennis though.
Imagine the schizoid word tangling needed to negotiate this one-any tranny wanting an easy gold will transition for the few years up to the Games…and they`ll win all things competitive-so why not restrict them to curling and polishing nails, and enter those well-known “non-competitive” games where muscles, testosterone aren`t required?
Utter bizarroballs…and to hear Pauline Robeson telling the real women in the studio that she finds it hard to lift a nail file after her hormones , clearly caused the PC buttons to need a reset….flighty brains you see.
“Women-Know Your Limits”…and Kelly, Caitlyn, Chelsea etc…seem to be pushing the liberal girls into some odd positions…
Germaine is better off out of this one-sport being only for the chaps an` all!
Good to listen to though…knitting tumbleweed with halal popcorn beside you a duty.
It just needs 3 classes of competitors – male, female and WTF.
I have every sympathy for those born in the wrong body and who need medication/surgery to correct the problem; but all the individuals I’ve known in this situation wanted to get on with their life afterwards, not become a part of the agitprop movement. People trying to make sense of their lives out deserve help, those trying to exploit passing fads for political ends (cultural marxism again) do not.
Transgender. Is that where a female is ‘trapped’ in a male body or a male is ‘trapped’ in a female body?
Why not just let the ‘trapped in the wrong body’ person compete in the gender they are ‘trapped’ in? That would be fair, wouldn’t it?
The females trapped in a male body could compete with the males trapped in a male body and the males trapped in a female body could compete with the females trapped in a female body.
Found this old letter from a while back from Friends Of Israel.
In the world they inhabit, it won`t be easy to take on the unfunny bully pulpit types like Eno, Waters , Thomas and Sayle…and, I know that saps like Costello are lesser people for backing the wrong horse in the Middle East.
Reason Im putting it up is that people I may not have rated-like Michale Dugher and JK Rowling, Simon Cowell and Melvyn Bragg are friends of the only damn democracy out there-heck, even Danny Cohen goes up in my book now.
Does my heart good when the greats of the music world like Paul McCartney perform in Israel. When the rabid anti-Israel crew tried to persuade him to join their boycott he just shrugged them off. Takes a lot of courage and commitment to ignore the pack. Recent arrivals include Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Barbra Streisand. Art Garfunkel came but not Paul Simon. Much as I love his music, the guy leans so far to the left he’s practically falling over. He was in Israel decades ago, but not since then, as far as I know.
Shows musicians politics are not always predictable.Mcartney once wrote a song in 72 `Give Ireland back to the Irish` whilst Paul Simon famously broke the sanctions on Apartheid to record `Graceland`
Not such a surprise that Cohen and Dylan who have Jewish roots still play there as they have both written Zionists song admittedly a long time when most of the West was still pro-Israel.Dylan once wrote a line on Slow Train Coming `Too much Arab oil on American soil`.Lady Gaga,Madonna and Rihanna have all played Israel in the last 3 years
It`s the biggest indicator of whether a person thinks for themselves-or is too scared to go against the spirit of their trendy , fatuous beehives.
It`s as if God gave us a big red line right through the human race-you either stand for freedom( yes, even when it`s flawed) or you`re binding your kids to the Ka`aba rock, because you have no courage, no principles, no balls and no knowledge.
God Bless Israel….and Johnny Rotten blasted Costello for his BDS bollocks…so include Mr Lydon in the ” Autograph Book Of the Righteous” too!
Mr Cohen-peerless, here`s his most recent “Jewish song”…did it in Tel Aviv I think
I thought it was hilarious when Oxfam tried to publicly shame Scarlett Johansson into quiting her paid gig at Soda Stream. She turned the tables and quit her role at Oxfam. Good Girl!
A schoolgirl was gang raped after being lured into a hotel bathroom during a sinister game of hide and seek.
Now three of the mob, Muyahdeen Osman, Bilal Ahmed, and Mowled Yussuf – all aged 20 – are beginning lengthy jail terms after being convicted of rape at Manchester Crown Court .
The trio who have been caught – Osman, of Bowdon Avenue, Fallowfield; Ahmed, of Bexington Road, Whalley Range; and Yussuf, of Ravensoak Avenue, Levenshulme – have shown no remorse since they were found guilty at a trial last year.
Two others have never been identified.
I’d post a link to the BBC version of the story but I can’t seem to find one !
Be good to post a link to what “links” these three upstanding northern lads…for the life of me, I can`t figure out what they might have in common…and if they say they`re twenty…they`ll be 56…Allah rules.
Nearly fell off my chair when I heard that Sweden was undertaking to expel 60 000 invaders. Then I pondered it a while and my thoughts turned to a few observations by the eminent Pat Condell:
*You no longer have to be Swedish to hold high office in Sweden, including that of public prosecutor
*While Iraqi Muslim invaders are free to settle in Sweden, Iraqi Christians are sent back to Iraq to be slaughtered like Christmas turkeys
Then I put that together with an emotional dhimmi Swedish minister of something or other practically in tears as she informed everyone that Sweden was full, and much as she would love to be further invaded it was no longer possible.
And something that had been in the back of my mind for some time was now staring me in the face:
Sweden has reached the point where the long-term invaders are now formulating policy and turning on the newcomers and all that remains is to establish which among them will prevail. The irrepressible Condell also said that it is only a matter of time before Sweden becomes Europe’s first Islamic state. Will it be Shia or Sunni? Of course one way to establish that will be to look at the predominance of Shia or Sunni among the 60 000 (unless of course they are mostly Christians fleeing Muslim persecution).
Now it’s evident that the BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Islam, though it’s unclear whether the BBC realises that, as a dhimmi media outfit, it will eventually have to pledge allegiance either to Shia or Sunni Islam. Perhaps the Islamic invasion of Europe will awaken the BBC to that realisation.
Sweden could well be a test case. If those who are expelled are mainly Shia and the BBC expresses disapproval of the expulsion, that would indicate pro-Shia bias. If, on the other hand, the BBC remains silent, it might indicate a pro-Sunni bias – though it obviously might just indicate typical BBC timidity and reluctance to investigate an issue highly sensitive to Muslims.
Whatever the case, as we all know the BBC cannot function without bias and cannot report the news without first filtering it through that bias and I have no doubt that in time it will express its support for one side or the other by means of a typical BBC propaganda campaign.
Couldn`t we “forcibly remove” all those Swedes that we know are REAL ones?
Fill the DFDS boats day in, day out until they`re all here…and then we can send all the migrants over to Sweden until we`ve thought out what the hell we`re doing.
They`d all be in the same country, let them join the Eurozone and see how Sharia works in a sterile zone, relying on themselves-not pimping off the rest of us.
Good social science anyway…and then return Sweden to its Swedes when Shia and Sunni have duked it out.
Wouldn`t take long….
Not a bad idea. Having no more native Swedes to sponge off they’d have to create their own wealth along with their own society. No doubt they would soon deteriorate into the typical failed Arab state.
I see that the BBC were having a go earlier at Tommy Robinson on their website, accusing him of peddling fear with his organisation of a British version of Pegida. This item, which was on the front page, seems now to have disappeared. No doubt we will hear more.
‘Peddling Fear’ is a classic Al Beeb phrase, designed to lead the unsuspecting viewer towards their ludicrous, dangerous world view.
Question: If there is something real which it is logical and sensible to be afraid of, e.g. mass immigration into your society by young male Muslims, how can fear of that that be described as ‘peddling’?
“Peddling fear “eh?
When the BBC do their perpetual chicken licking about “global warming”-that is regarded as “informing the debate” isn`t it?
As long as the BBC determine the parameters and set the terms and definitions , then who are WE to argue?
Utter Chomsky Chow hounds , so they are.
Corbyn is popular( they wish!)…but Trump is populist.
No-me neither-BBC rules as ever.
Just a quickie to advise of a source of useful material for folk on this site.
And from a very surprising source at that.
More or Less, radio 4 at 1630 on Friday, also iplayer.
This week. Lots of good stats about migrants into Sweden, such as the preponderance of young men and unaccompanied ‘children’ – who all amazingly happen to be under 18 and surprise surprise this confers immediate rights of families to join them. Well worth a listen.
On last weeks programme, stats showing that yes, muslim women not speaking English really is a statistically significant value and Cameron, denounced by the lefties, was taking the stats from the 2011 census !!
Really punctures the Far Left narrative on gimmigration. Who’d have thought?
Thanks Sluff. I’ve often enjoyed more or less. The Beeboids default position is emotion and virtue signalling triumphing over empirical evidence, so a programme dedicated to empiricism and fact is always to be welcomed.
Think ‘More or Less’ takes a dim view of empiricism at times & tries instead to go for hard evidence & careful calculation. They did it one time over claims made by Nigel Farage prior to the European Elections in 2014. No doubt to the delight of some at the BBC they found that one of several claims made by Farage was wrong but that the others were correct and one, if I recall correctly, unprovable.
The other great thing about ‘More or Less’, apart from the good humour of the main presenter is that when they make mistakes, they appear to be keen to come back with an admission and the correction in a later programme.
The BBC at its best? Or at least how it should be more often.
‘The Bottom Line’ is another R4 programme that is often good and really needs more air time. It should also be made available as a schools broadcast. We have got to get our young people interested in business as the maths & language statistics, published overnight, demonstrate. Perhaps Evan Davies should concentrate on that programme and leave Newsnight to someone else. I haven’t listened to ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ for some time but that also was, in my view, a prime BBC Radio programme. I fear that it might not be quite so good these days.
I’ll pass on ‘More or Less’ though I am sceptical and suspect that most of the time they tend to look for stories that confirm Leftist prejudices.
However, I completely disagree about ‘TBL’, which usually comprises a bunch of hired hand ‘executives’ from trendy companies chattering away with Evan Davis, whose business experience appears to be entirely theoretical.
The sharp edge of business is with small companies and startups. Of direct concern to a growing number is self-employment. The BBC is utterly useless at covering any of these areas.
While I wholeheartedly agree that the BBC needs to be helping people understand why business is vitally important to them, I do not think that any programme it broadcasts comes anywhere near doing that satisfactorily.
In fairness, I should say that it wasn’t always so. For an all to brief period, the BBC had Jeff Randall on its team. Randall wasn’t just an experienced business journalist, he was also a businessman – and it showed.
Of course, what he revealed at the BBC once he had left was highly embarrassing- for the BBC!
Agreed Mr Cooper.
Well remember watching Jeff go from the BBC(never watched him there) to Sky-where he was excellent-and then reading his work at the Telegraph…again, all I needed to know from business.
When he left, I knew we`d miss him-but looking back, it was catastrophic.
Apart from the occasional Liam Halligan or Allister Heath-and maybe Jeremy Warner on a good day-we get no business news outside the FT…and the BBCs tuck shop trots are clueless business bashing trustafarians sponging off the public purse.
Odious wankers and wankettes…and, of course all gender shades inbetween-they`ll all be shades of red green and brown…until Islam removes any doubt of who gets stuffed into a burka and who doesn`t….
I find that BBC business interviews are just an excuse to have the business man/woman say we must remain in the EU. I know that our impartial national broadcaster would never screen potential guests, but it does seem to be a recurring theme.
“unaccompanied ‘children’ – who all amazingly happen to be under 18 and surprise surprise this confers immediate rights of families to join them.”
If they were”unaccompanied” where were the families when the “children” made this dangerous journey to Europe? If there’s an absolute right for the families to be reunited we’ll pay to send the children back to where ever their parent are.
Any open-minded investigative journalists – so that rules out the bBBC – would look into this. But it seems to me that it is all part of the plan for the Muslim invasion. They keep producing excessive numbers of children, so it doesn’t matter if they sacrifice some of them for the long-term benefit of Islam in pursuit of their ultimate goal of conquering the world. They know that the bBBC and the weepy lefties are suckers for ‘deserving children’.
One to avoid this weekend … though the devil in me is half-tempted to listen, just to hear all my prejudices confirmed!
BBC Radio 4 “From Fact to Fiction” (7pm on Saturday, advertised on Radio 4 shortly after 7 pm today).
Shami Chakrabarti CBE, former head of the civil rights group Liberty, has written a topical short play about immigrants in the UK in the light of recent migrant news in Europe. It is set 40 years hence and the sound clip showed a mother of immigrant origin who was grateful to Britain, arguing with her disaffected son, who bemoaned the bad conditions and descried the UK as a “prison”.
Call me naïve – yes, go on, I can take it – but take a deep breath, take a step back and think about this.
Over the years, the PM has surprised us all on just a few occasions. Remember the outcome of the 2010 election when Gordon Brown was hunkered in his bunker, chained to the filing cabinet containing details of all the money he threw around in wild abandon, and at the time when Nick Clegg’s Cleggmania Media Project took off as shown in the election results? David Cameron took the media, and everyone else, by surprise at his press conference when he informed us all he had made overtures to the Lib Dems re a possible coalition government of some kind. And we all know what happened then. It was an exciting 5 days! Like it or not, it was what the country needed in the long run. A further Labour government would have been a disaster. Anyone got the phone number for the IMF?
When his back against the wall, THAT is when he comes out fighting.
Move forward to the EU; some years ago it was a topic which was very low down on the public’s agenda, everyone generally thinking we would probably be better off staying in; it was the least troublesome option. Yes, there were a few niggles we didn’t like but we could live with them because overall the advantages of being a member seemed to negate those little niggles.
When Harold Wilson went to the country with the last referendum in 1975, there was no Internet; people trusted the BbC (can you believe that???) and believed what they read in the press and so they voted no – let’s stay in. We NOW know how that campaign was manipulated to encourage us to vote the way we did.
Move to the present and it is a completely different kettle of fish completely! The Euro fiasco came apart dramatically with Greece. Greece – and many other countries – had no right to be allowed to join the EU. Their economies in no way were compatible with those of the mainstream EU members. The EU elite ignored the rules and Greece should never have been allowed to join; the same goes for Bulgaria and Rumania, and probably others too. I think it was at that point, coincidentally when Nigel Farage started making a name for himself and the UKIP party, that people in the country began to sit up and take notice. Move on to the global financial crisis in 2008 and Greece, and it’s quite clear the EU couldn’t run a piggy bank!! Greece was severely punished for things over which it had no control! And that scenario is still simmering, I’m sure. The Euro is almost certainly dead! Implosion is as certain as we all face dying!
And now, today, we have the current migrant crisis and this, above everything else, has really hit home with the general public. They are beginning to take notice for sure; migrants/refugees/immigrants are flooding into many communities and people are beginning to see the results. Schools are full; the NHS is creaking at the seams; housing is critical and terrorists are have no doubt taken advantage of the situation to name but a few. (I should state here that I feel incredibly lucky living where I do in Orkney as immigration has had little effect up here.) The EU has failed miserably in dealing with this crisis. Another nail in their coffin which just proves the whole unelected EU elite couldn’t organise a cub camp!
The PM has clearly stated that he “rules nothing in and nothing out” as regards what he will recommend to the country. The BbC today was wall-to-wall reporting that a deal was close, but reading between the lines, I don’t think so. They ignore the small print in all these things and the number of hoops we would have to jump through to achieve this so-called emergency break are many and it will take too much time to be satisfactory to the public. They want action NOW. And who can blame them?
Therefore, looking at the big picture here, it would not surprise me one bit if the PM came back from Brussels and stands that that podium outside Downing Street – or wherever – and once more surprises us all, and the press in particular, by saying…he didn’t get the deal he wanted, the deal he thinks is best for the people of Britain and therefore he is going to recommend we vote to leave!!!
He knows full well the country is roughly 50/50 at the moment and is more than likely to vote to leave than not. Politically he will want to be on the side of the British people, and if he doesn’t think he can’t persuade them to stay in, then he will change his mind for the good of the country and recommend we come out. He definitely does not want to be on the wrong side of any NO result in the referendum.
Having read this through, I apologise if it is off topic but in a way it is exactly what we are all writing about. The EU is undemocratic, its elite are unelected, it breaks the rules when it feels like it and punishes those who break the rules it doesn’t like. Think Hungary putting up borders and Greece now – yet again – being made the scapegoat because the powers-that-be couldn’t organise help for them in receiving these huge influxes of people. The way the BbC has reported the migrant crisis from the beginning has been outrageous in its bias and reporting. Think of the delicious look on their faces if Cameron did what I dream of making a statement to campaign to leave!
I repeat I may be naïve in thinking all this but what else do you do when there is a power cut and the wind is blowing 90mph outside!!!
Good post, but I don’t think Camerloon will ever recommend that the U.K. should leave; he is of the “Elite” and they want us to remain within the E.U., both our elite and the elites on the Continent.
The E.U. in all its manifestations down the decades has never (at core) been about economics: which is why it is so bad at it; but about political union and the creation of a Euro-superstate. To do so they have decided to dilute the indigenous populations to such a degree that the rise of nationalism within the states which make it up is so much harder, a la Stalin and the U.S.S.R with the Ukraine and the Baltic States.
The deadly conundrum now is: how do the elites maintain control of the Euro state? When the immigrants, whose importation they facilitated, become sufficiently numerous (via migration and high birthrates) to outweigh, or to at least counterbalance, the pre-existing autochthonous populations; if the new additions are actually completely toxic to the individual member states in such a degree that the rise of nationalism (which they had hoped to prevent or minimize) becomes an inevitable consequence.
Good post, but I don’t think Camerloon will ever recommend that the U.K. should leave
True. When he returns from Brussels with even fewer crumbs than he thought he’d get, he’ll have two options: call for a referendum as soon as possible before the Islamic invasion of Europe turns more and more people away from the EU, which is responsible for the invasion, or try to bluff and bluster and delay the referendum with promises of further negotiations.
How many years have elapsed since Cameron first promised a referendum?
“Therefore, looking at the big picture here, it would not surprise me one bit if the PM came back from Brussels and stands that that podium outside Downing Street – or wherever – and once more surprises us all, and the press in particular, by saying…he didn’t get the deal he wanted, the deal he thinks is best for the people of Britain and therefore he is going to recommend we vote to leave!!!”
It may not surprise you, but it would surprise me all right. It would even surprise the squadron of pigs flying over Downing Street at the same time.
Face facts: Cameron is a “Eurosceptic”, which means he wants Britain to stay in the EU come what may, albeit after whingeing about it. He does not want Britain to leave, and will never countenance it.
On Radio 4 “Any Questions?” tonight, John Redwood outclassed the fantasist Caroline ‘Watermelon’ Lucas (i.e. green on the outside, red inside). It was like watching a heavyweight knock over a lightweight, though he did it gently and politely. Not the worst edition ever, but the audience again did applaud suspiciously loudly at certain points. Gisella Stewart and Lefty Peter Kellner were also on.
Bit late I know but in support of the above, Redwood was on the R4 Toady prog. earlier in the day.
In his classic deadpan way he just argued quietly and politely against the EU from a democratic deficit/ self-determination angle and would not deflect, no matter how hard the interviewer tried to de-rail him.
She was so obviously on a losing wicket and the interview stopped quite abruptly, no doubt the editorial team were getting a bit agitated that the normal bBBC agenda was being so easily countered.
1. It obviously undermines their position on AGW/CC as two weeks of very cold winter weather compared to the preceeding ten weeks of exceptionally warm winter weather clearly demonstrate that Global Warming has a benefit, not just for the elderly but for NHS A&E Departments.
2. The increased demand compared to last winter must mean that a non-Governmental factor could be at play – an incease in population size – and the BBC calling to increase immigration further places them – not the Government – firmly at fault for the pressure on A&E Departments.
After all, it’s there in black & white, courtesy of Nick Triggle. It must be correct. It’s from the BBC.
I watched Question Time last night, there was an occassion when the camera panned across to the audience reaction after Angus Robertson made a populist lefty remark about immigrants, the camera showed there were a number of people who seemed to applaud the comment, but more people didn’t. However the noise level of the applause was loud.
I wonder if there is a sound engineer manipulating the sound to favour left wing remarks.
Maybe it is like piped crowd noise in football matches? Avoid them broadcasting racist chanting, etc. I can imagine the audience shouting out some quite juicy insults that need to be edited out. There might also be cuts in filming to allow toilet breaks, technical fixes, etc.
Jess Phillips comparing the rapes and abuse of women in Cologne in the New Year to a night in Birmingham. Nothing like ‘crapping on your own doorstep’ eh Jess.
She is typical Labour, very dim.
But hold on, wait a minute, maybe not so dim
Maybe I’m wrong, aren’t there lots of Muslims/immigrants in Birmingham, lets explore this narrative Jess, there is a relevant connection here.
Maybe you’re right, same culture , same crime. Thank you Jess I’ve seen the light.
I blame the Birmingham politicians for allowing this to go on in the Muslim community. Oh it’s you Jess is it?
It was my first thought as well, but I suspect she was having a pop at drunken English people whistling at drunk English girls in short skirts – usually accompanied by a raised middle finger from the girls, as they walk away, and laughs from the lads as they pile into another pub.
Conservative-in-name-only, Dan Hannan is on Newsnight, spewing weasel words about leaving the EU, stating that controlling our country doesn’t necessarily mean controlling our borders, and that people are “in favour of some refugees”.
This is in line with Hamhead Cameron trying to ‘renegotiate’ in Europe (and getting the cold shoulder).
Neither listen to or even understand the general public.
Even if there existed plenty of capacity for immigrants here in the U.K. we shouldn’t accept any Muslims, whether “We’re Effing Full” or not – they’re growing presence is simply like a malign tumour enlarging within our society; but people like Hannan et al would never say that and our government keeps letting them in.
This is a worrying situation i.e. what Dan Hannan is suggesting (which was happily accepted by Evan Davis) is that there will be little change to the free flow of European labour following a Brexit (other than perhaps some feeling of more control) This may be the case with a Norway type agreement or even a Swiss one but not with an FTA which is what UKIP want and which could be easily achieved.
Remember that it is Cameron’s government who will have to deal with a Brexit and Hannan is part of that.
I am deeply pessimistic……………
I think most people would accept refugees that are fleeing persecution for holding our values – e.g. atheist seeking asylum after government persecution in Pakistan. What they don’t support is an open door and cheque book for people that hate us.
Listening now to Any Questions on iPlayer.
A clear indicator of so much that is wrong.
The likes of Caroline Lucas and Peter Hennessey personify the privileged, ritually stupid elite and their posturings. Reflex assent to the One World Vision of Marx or 38 degrees/common purpose.
Only Redwood has a mind of his own in that whole room as far as I can see, although Gisela Stuart is unusually good for a Labour MP(despite claptrap re refugees at times).
If Lucas isn`t in the pay of Big Euro…and if Hennessey isn`t just Heseltine with a mortar board…then I`ll be shocked.
Why TF should any Briton care a damn what a Progressive, Australian fool has to say regarding our country’s membership of the E.U.?
The shrill homunculus needs to shut up or p*** off home and let British people decide what is best for their nation.
Al Shubtill
Good point, why does Al Beeb give so much credence to the opinion and the advice of foreigners’ e.g. Bonnie Greer, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Germaine Greer, Peter Hain, and in the past, Tariq Ali, etc etc………. to name but a few ?
They have no patriotic feeling or attachment to our great country – none at all!
They should return to the country of their origin and attempt to make reforms where it is needed .
I am also, reliably informed, by one of the Whites (I bet that pissed him off) 2nd team involved, he was thrown over the fence at St Helen’s. Something to do with a rugby game involving a touring side (S.A.).
It just shows that some areas of Wales (Neath) would vote for a donkey with a red rosette as recently demonstrated in Aberavon.
Pantone Pete has to be one of the worst hypocrites I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.
I see EU officials has said that the mass rape and sexual attacks by hoards of marauding Muslim migrants across the Europe has ‘nothing to do with the migrant crisis’. With logic like that, who needs Boolean Algebra?
BBC Newswatch
The storms in US why so much coverage? … climate change propaganda
Was it the panda pictures? … climate change propaganda!
The Americanisation ( 😀 ) of our news … CLIMATE CHANGE PROPAGANDA !!
Why show the serious Mayors warnings? … BLOODY CLIMATE CHANGE PROPA … oh why bother
Was it the “feel good” snowball fights? … ooooooh brother!
I m pleased to say, we have two talking heads to bullshit about it for 5minutes.
Next the weather
The storms right up in northern Scotland, storm Gertrude (why just so much coverage?)
… climate change propaganda
(repeat ad nauseum)
Reminds me of the Ken Dod joke.
The family were on Blackpool beach when a lifeguard came up and instructed my mother-in-law to leave.
So the tide could come in!
I find whales have a certain aesthetic appeal, streamlined, efficient shape.
Unlike the congenitally ugly.
How did she get into the flat ? Did they have to remove a window and get a crane to hoist her up ?
This Global warming bollox how about this BBC maybe Winter is just a little bit late and is set to get going at the end of February for 2 months – record cold and snow in March and April that will be a hard spin for them. According to the BBC the weather is a bit strange what the fk is normal you drones ? When we stop climate change will it a be a steady 20 degrees every day 365 days a year or something do tell us
I remember reading a very good post (possibly her) that explored this very issue.
Who gets to say what the temperature should be? Obama? What about the regions that are currently too cold – e.g. Siberia. Are the destined to a perpetual iceage? Are we going to try and reverse the warming? If we do, when will it be cold enough? Which plant/animal life has priority? Do polar bears (cold) trump butterflies (warm)?
Standard BBC “story” on R4 Today (Saturday) to the un-identified “groups of gropers” problem in Birmingham “like Cologne” mentioned by the Jess Phillips on Question Time…
Total denial, no mention of the “culture” involved and only local businessmen, Police (protecting their business/ reputation)and some whinging apologist called Salma Yacoub (whoever she is) asked to comment! No bias there then…
One tiny glimmer of light however was Dame Edna Hussain’s question “would you be more worried in downtown Cairo or in UK” Classic response from Salma was to go straight into a discussion about racism and Domestic Violence… No come back from Edna sadly.
When it comes to these short skits for Biased BBC, well, the material provided by the Saturday 8.30am Breakfast Newspaper Review makes the task as easy as shooting duckies in a barrel.
The dog’s breakfast today featured self-styled ‘media tart’ Simon Fanshawe. “OMG… midnight shopping!” (All innuendos probably intended).
Just in case your ‘gaydar’ wasn’t tuned in by the earlier homosexual marriage survey in the Church of England story (the poll done by a gay ‘activist’) this paper review chap Simon is as about as camp as a row of tents. Surely he ought to haved saved his first midnight shopping experience anecdote for the Graham Norton show?
We digress. But most of what Simon says is leading us astray. What he thinks is really important is a story that convinces us just how pink the FT has become. The Google story. Why so important, you ask? Ask Labour Party HQ about the rare occasions in which Miliband got some traction… energy prices for example… and I’m sure there’s a much hoped for Jezza moment here somewhere. Simon spells out the punch line about Cameron losing political stock – which is why Simon is like a dog with a bone on this story. Our Charlie tries to speed things up but Simon is determined.
Google (no strangers to virtue signalling) say the rules of the capitalist system written into their internal rule book demand they have to maximise profit for their shareholders (or somesuch). Perhaps big corporations should nurture other priorities – or so muse Google, the FT and our Simon. If you take any of this hogwash seriously sell Google shares now!
Just time for a quick one about Migrants stroke Refugees who may have touched Women in Cologne stroke Birmingham.
Now our Simon is a clever chap, Marlborough College and University of Sussex (handy for Brighton), and so he’s channeling Jonathan Swift and David Aaronovich (I hope you’re taking notes, plebs). A Modest Proposal is discussed and Simon concludes the migrants “Just want to come here to better themselves – what’s wrong with that?” Has Simon never played ‘beggar thy neighbour’ (Remember, all innuendos probably intended) And didn’t we just moments ago say Google should move from rules intended to ‘better’ their shareholders to some wider context of societal common good? But second thoughts I suppose if you think the whole wide world is your common home then my argument cuts both ways. I give up – let them all in – but send them round to Simon’s house first.
Simon is eventually cut short. They’re out of time – not you might think for anything important but for a BBC plug for some wildlife show. Evolution Islands or some such. How could Charlie Stayt’s immaculate hairdo have evolved – surely there’s some unitelligent design there?
i have an FT account through work. The content is diabolical and just goes to highlight to cosy media club – same schools, same universities, same values, same dinner parties, etc.
The media groupthink/agreed line of attack is so obvious.
And of course – should enough ‘come here to better themselves’ Fanshawe might just find himself being invited to take a ‘Sharia Walk’ of the top of a tall building.
After a very recent comment about the BBC’s obfuscation of the emergence of details early in the Ashya King case, I was surprised to see that The Guardian’s article on Proton Beam Therapy did not include any fear-mongering about present arrangements for therapy outside the UK (Proton Overseas Programme) being threatened by the question of our membership of the EU; and instead mentioned that there would be several new Proton centres open in the UK soon. Manchester and London, I believe.
There’s a lot to mull over in this report about the imbalance in numbers of male to female late teens in Sweden, some telling comments regarding the age claims of migrants being one or them.
“We took care of one kid, and we found out he was about 28 years old.'”
The article finishes with,
“Long term, the gender imbalance in the group of people who are currently 16 and 17 may shrink. As refugees under 18 can invite their immediate family to join them, it’s possible that their sisters will one day also travel to Sweden.”
The assumption being there will be something left to travel to, although action is being taken it has the appearance of far too little far too late. There is little talk of “white flight” these days but I think it will be on the increase in the near future.
Come on Mr Cameron announce age testing will be implemented in the U.K. for asylum seekers who appear to be over 18, but claim less. After all if shops will not sell alcohol without proof if you look under 25, the judges, who seem to make the law nowadays, may have difficulty squeezing a human rights angle into not testing.
Perhaps we should carry it out retrospectively too, and eject those found to have lied.
A massively skewed gender balance in favour of horny young males with dubious social attitudes and restraint commitment, in a country full of blonde lovelies who rather like the outdoors, short skirts and tans; what…. could possibly go wrong?
Sell it! They’re just re-badged Fords. Two people I know had them. One was a mechanical right off (three years old – blown engine) and the other was nothing but trouble.
Is this the sort of bullsh*t that passes for journalism at the BBC now? Look at the opening lines,’There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden.’
The big mystery is answered almost straight away and is of no surprise whatsoever.
What is happening is not odd it is nation destroying madness of the self genocidal kind.
Note the nice photo of happy, carefree, smiling Swedes that accompanies the propaganda.
Um, something tells me that Al Beeb doesn’t like Mr Trump .
One does wonder what the well paid so called ‘Trustees’ have to do with this bias ?
The British public are beginning to see through this propaganda .
Why doesn’t Mr Car Moron do something about this ?
It’s because he needs their support for his campaign to remain in Europe .
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DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Channel 4 News last night hit a new low – 20 minutes on ‘Osbornes’ failures and troubles (do politicians from any other party get referred to by surname only?) followed by the irony of demanding the 3000 kids let into the UK. Next pop over to Kylie Morris in the USA for a 10 minutes anti-Trump tirade which I think even shocked the American pollsters interviewed by this particularly nasty individual. This was BBC Bias exported wholesale to their comrades at C4.
The general disrespect the BBC shows towards politicians on the right that they don’t approve of probably makes BBC correspondents feel more important and intelligent than they really are. But it actually works against them. Calling George Osborne by his surname only, does at least give him a certain gravitas, whereas ally this toadying up to “Jeremy” makes him look as pathetic and ineffectual as they are.
Saw that last night. Mason was practically smirking all the way through his piece, he was like a pig in muck as was snow.
I’ve never been able to work out why they don’t turn the tables – e.g.
Q1) Minister, why are you such a vagina?
Minister starts to answer and utters three words
Q2) So why is it your wife is evil?
Just sit there in silence! Let the silence fill the air. Still keep silent. Wait for the ‘answer the question’ tirade and then politely state that he/she asked a question, you began to answer and were interrupted with a second question. You’re thought there might be a third question coming so weren’t sure whether to carry on. Is there a third question? No? OK, which question should I answer, the first or second?
Just refuse to play their game. Put them on the back foot. Make them look little.
The start of a new Open Thread seems a good time to raise what seems to me to now be undeniable. The BBC’s bias is becoming more overt than ever, so what the hell is to be done about it in reality? There seem no politicians able or willing to take them on. Or perhaps a Trump-like figure will suddenly materialise who realises there’s a lot of votes to be had in taking on the media, who are represented in spades (can I say that?) by the BBC.
Last night’s News at Ten, for instance. Wall-to-wall emoting for bringing in “unaccompanied refugee children”. If anyone representing those who don’t think it’s a good idea, or questioning whether they’re really children or even unaccompanied, I missed it. Other nights it’s a condemnation of Trump without any balancing items – like when the story of him not attending the TV debate became a story of how he was “ridiculed” and selective editing of his quotes.
Then there’s Question Time last night. I didn’t see it but I believe there was no one on the panel representing the large numbers who want to leave the EU. The BBC obviously feels it doesn’t even need to try. Why is the BBC not challenged on this?
Listening to Today in the morning seems to be wall-to-wall complaints that the government isn’t spending enough, or someone complaining of racism or sexism. And the BBC providing the megaphone for them. They keep plugging lefty films in the arts section: how many times did we all hear about 12 Years A Slave or The Danish Girl?
I can’t say I have the answers, and perhaps the darkest hour is before the dawn – they may be over-reaching themselves in their confidence that they’re untouchable. But I’ve never felt so helpless in the teeth of the relentless propaganda as I do now, when there are extremely serious factors in the world which threaten our very way of life.
Good post, I guess the only way is a mass organised non payment of the licence fee and and avoidance of their shitty programming, I have very nearly achieved the latter, the former we need to be brave, the time to fight back is getting very close.
For one 30 minute appearance on the BBC the likes of Diane Abbott gets £700, that’s very nearly 5 households yearly subs, do decent right-thinking hard-working famines really want to contribute to this thick fat racist’s already stuffed bank account (socialism eh?) we need to get these sort of facts out there….
The likes of ITV and Sky need to start making noises, why should it be the case that if you only watch those channels you still need a licence? Surely in the digital age it can’t be beyond possible to detune BBC channels, thus potentially giving the independents a larger audience and fairer competition without a publically subsided behemoth.
Beeb apologists always neatly sidestep the subscription issue. They claim its a World class product loved by all, and that advertising would ruin it.
But when you pose the question “Why can’t they go subscription only then ? ” You never get a reply. If they don’t want adverts, and people object to this non means tested tax, why not give everyone a choice ? Surely such a superior product would have no trouble at all getting millions to pay for it without having to be threatened with prosecution.
We all know why, the Beeb would be skint in no time, their let them eat cake attitude towards the people paying their wages wouldn’t be sustainable if they actually had to account properly for their spending.
>There seem no politicians able or willing to take them on.<
Whittingdale seems to have been very quiet of late. One can only hope that he has been keeping his head down, beavering away at finding ways to cut them off at the knees.
Whittingdale is quiet, I fear, because he has nothing to say. What he might eventually say will be ignored, so he probably won’t say it.
Politics and today’s version of ministerial responsibility encapsulated.
Roland, “I can’t say I have the answers, and perhaps the darkest hour is before the dawn – they may be over-reaching themselves in their confidence that they’re untouchable.” There is hope that they will do just that – over-reach themselves and suffer a backlash.
I do not want to post too much publicly because it may be read and somebody who is a bit sharp & has authority at the BBC may dictate a change of course. However, it will be well within the wit of regulars here to think back hardly a week and also over the previous few weeks of BBC campaigning & politicking, and work out that if the BBC go ahead with a Plan A then an internet viral campaign highlighting the alternative Plan B from ‘concerned Licence Fee Payers and those excluded from watching on grounds of cost’ 😉 might just attract a lot of attention. The BBC then roll out another tactic Plan C and the reformers respond with a Plan D and so on.
If at the same time they are receiving constant complaints over various inadequacies, distinct breaches of Charter & general delinquency to ‘inform, educate & entertain’, and records are kept of these & passed to constituency MPs with cc. to Whittingdale (& also the PM & DG, perhaps?) maybe a better reform will be achieved by mass home protest than Dave’s current solo effort within the EU.
Hope this lightens the gloom a bit.
There’s also a Democracy deficit built into how the bbc are funded because if you haven’t a TV licence, you can’t legally watch the Parliament Channel. During elections, for example, I find this to be a great disadvantage, even if the service is provided by the bbc. And during the upcoming EU Referendum, I will miss any coverage this channel may broadcast.
Are you sure about that? I think it is something that is available to watch over the internet as a live broadcast. If you try to watch ordinary broadcast TV, I believe a warning appears, correctly stating that you must have a valid Licence to watch it. I don’t think that happens with the Parliament Channel.
I know its not TV & does not require a Licence, but with radio the BBC have just started to favour Internet listeners with some advantages – the ability to listen to a complete series of daily 15 minute episodes of a serial, for example.
A tv licence is required to watch BBC parliament live on iplayer as it is broadcast on Freeview. I guess you could use rewind an hour. The remit of the channel is to make parliament accessible to all and I guess they get around that by stating:
“Daily highlights of events in Westminster are available on Radio 4’s Today in Parliament and Yesterday in Parliament.”
While some of the posts here can be dismissed as “wacky”, there is a huge amount of substantial evidence from this site of BBC leftist bias, day-in-day-out. We need to get organised and mine this information and present it in a way that it cannot be dismissed by Government or even by the BBC. Perhaps focus monitoring initially on one particular source of flagrant bias, eg the Today programme, but we need to cover offences of omission as well commission – all the stories the BBC does not cover for PC reasons. We need a sponsor to commission some academic research!
Monitoring left leaninng bias on Today? that is an ask, any volunteers for the role of Sisyphus. I think you are right about organising, currently everone appears to be acting in isolation, hitting them in the pocket is probably the only way to shake them up and restore some balance to the BBC. I happen to side with those who believe the whole rotten organisation is too far gone and should be rebuilt from the ground up but that’s probably an unrealistic expectation.
There is an organisation which has been scrutinising the BBC for years.
This organisation monitors BBC output.
This organisation records BBC output.
This organisation reviews the saved output and uses stopwatches and calculators to measure the imbalance therein.
This organisation produces statistical summaries of balance.
This organisation is The Conservative Party.
I previously suggested that the reason Cameron does not use this, presumably damning, data to hamstring the BBC was because Cameron and Co are using the same trough, taking the same EU bribes, as the left.
Anyone in Conservative Central Office with a conscience? Let Mr Vance have the data.
I suggest that the main reason the Conservative Party, or at least those who are currently running it, are not attending to the bbc is because they will be relying on it to flood the country with pro-EU propaganda during the upcoming EU Referendum.
Car Moran the ‘car salesman’, is trying to flog us a ‘big deal’.
Stopping benefits will not stop illegal immigration from what ever part of the world they come from.
It is all smoke and mirrors.
That would be indeed be helpful, but it would only be part of the picture, as Tory monitoring would be narrowly focused on pro-Labour bias. It needs to be much broader, to encompass the whole cultural Marxist agenda, some of which sadly and outrageously the present Tory leadership has bought into.
FYI Here goes my “level 2″ complaint ”
Thank you for your email and clarification.
I will now begin an investigation into your complaint about the report on Breakfast and consider whether or not it met the BBC’s editorial standards for Accuracy and Impartiality as set out in the Editorial Guidelines.
I will aim to let you know the outcome of my investigation by 25 February. I should explain that when I have completed my investigation I will send you my provisional conclusions. If you disagree with my finding, you will have ten working days in which to let me have your comments, and I will only finalise my conclusions once those comments have been taken into account.”
Of course there is no argument that facts were omitted. Facts which I think throw a different light on the story. However I’m sure I will be wrong as usual. Never mind the BBc fails to either give you all the facts or an alternative narrative or both on almost ever story they do so no doubt I’ll be complaining again soon.
Absolutely spot on Roland. Great post.
….who are represented in spades….
Can you say that? Absolutely not. You’ll be accused by the PeeCee brigade of intentionally insulting African Americans. You’ll never hear the end of it.
a whole bunch of em I’ll be bound.
It seems that we’re losing the battle, but possibly winning the war.
The entire media establishment, with the exception of the Express, is now towing the ‘reasonable’ BBC line. The FT is publishing 5+ immigrant whitewash guilt trips per day. The Telegraph is following suit. The Metro and Evening Standard and lapping it up.
The thing it, if you read the comments wherever they’re allowed, the editors aren’t even remotely carrying the public with them.
As appalling as this current invasion is, I can’t think of a better time for it to happen. A summer of chaos could see the UK leave the EU. Then, there is everything to play for. The current crop of politicians will be completely discredited and there could be room for UKIP to occupy the space.
On Question Time last night, Al Beeb gave us unwittingly some absolute proof of their institutionalised bias.
We had the usual emoting about open-door immigration with the panelists falling over each other to be the most ‘compassionate’, enthusiastically applauded by the ‘impartial’ audience (though one brave guy put his head above the parapet and did get a decent cheer – showing that those opposing open door immigration feel cowed but are not as small a minority as the Far Left would have us believe).
But then……bingo!
A later question about the key issues affecting the EU referendum campaign was met by several panel members mentioning immigration. And they didn’t mean it as a popular demand for even more !!!
There is the Al Beeb bias. Right there. The complete disconnect, brilliantly juxtaposed for all to see, between the QT panel, ‘impartial’ audience, and production team that set the thing up (representing the whole of the bBBC mindset) on the one side, and the general public out here in the real world on the other.
I don’t think for one moment those opposing migration are the minority. I think those supporting it are just a vocal minority
The BBC and media bias is very clever. They paint all opposition as ‘bad think’ and it will make people question their own opinions – especially with the Police arresting people for expressing their doubts on Twitter, etc. People will quite reasonably be sat at home realising that Paris has everything to do with Islam, then they’ll watch the news and see their thoughts condemned as ‘extreme’, ‘racist’ and ‘far right’. They’ve had the ‘Far Right Bogeyman’ drummed into them since birth. It is very hard to break the programming and think for oneself. Kudos to the posters here that have managed it.
Some Teachers rep on Breakfast “news” this morning, distressed over Teachers being abused and assaulted by pupils and/or Parents,
Apparently its the Governments fault because of cuts, and the extreme pressure caused by all these tests and exams the kiddies keep having to take.
I thought he was going to cry at one point, but luckily he got the kid gloves treatment from the sofa jocky so blubbing was averted.
One of the leaders of a teachers’ union was interviewed about this on the Today programme. I was surprised then that the interviewer didn’t, as Today usually does, say….’While you’re here, I’d like to ask you about this latest OECD report that shows that standards of literacy and numeracy amongst those leaving school has fallen even further, to the point where the skills of many student arriving at university are so poor they should not be allowed in.’
But of course Today didn’t do that…neither did they feature the report at all, a report that shows the UK falling further behind the rest of Europe.
Why not? Because the evidence trail leads back to Brown, Blair’s and the teaching unions destruction of our education system and their permissive ‘all must have prizes’ culture.
Once again, while the Today ran a slew of anti Government and pro Labour / Union stories there was no time for an examination of this major catastrophe.
BBC bias is defined not just by what they cover but what they chose to ignore.
No 88
Don’t disagree with your general direction of travel but to be slightly fair.
1. The Toady interview was with the ATL union which are definitely at the ‘moderate/reasonable’ end of the spectrum and
2. The interviewee did say that a major issue is the (lack of) parental discipline on the incoming pupils. Such discipline is increasingly offloaded by all-too-many parents onto teachers. Teachers also HAVE by law to now carry out a kind of border control service, translation services, extra focus on politically correct minorities (SEN, pupil premium) and be on the front line of spotting child abuse/cruelty, Undoubtedly the Unions and the mealy-mouthed ‘progressives’ i.e. Far Lefties going back to Crossland/Williams have a lot to answer for but there is a case to cut some slack to many teachers who went into the profession with the simple aim of just wanting to teach and encourage learning.
And still that hag Williams is trucked onto QT too damn frequently…is anyone going to lambast the silly bint for the damage she inflicted on our kids?
The BBC News report on the OECD findings this morning was truly startling…
it was stated that British school children were the least literate in all the 23 countries surveyed and 22nd out of 23 for numeracy.
It was also stated that British pensioners were among the most literate in the OECD countries surveyed.
This report was not mentioned further during my listening to Today on the way to work, though I had the pleasure of grinding my teeth listening to rehearsals for a play about screaming Lord Sutch and his contribution to British democracy.
So what has changed in three generations? is it the comprehensive school system, is it the abolition of most grammar schools…(started by Labour continued by all governments since), is it the unionisation and deprofessionalisation of teaching, is it that the left-liberal “blob” ideology that “all must have prizes” translates as “drag the bright kids down wherever possible”, is it the escape of the middle classes to fee paying schools thus removing the brighter kids and more assertive parents from the state sector or is it mass immigration?
Plenty for an investigative journalist to go at..the destruction of kids state educational opportunities you might think, is the left wing cause par excellence…wouldn`t you?
I have a friend who’s mother was a headteacher. She pinpointed the ‘switch’ amongst parents, from supporting the school to threatening teachers. She thought it was a combination of two things:
1) The first generation of parents that had never been properly disciplined either at home or school.
2) Children raised by parents that had never worked and saw no value in education.
She told a story of a child that hadn’t been to school for a couple of weeks. She phoned the mother. She heard the mother shout
‘Jonny, do you want to go to school tomorrow?’.
He answered ‘no’.
She told the headteacher ‘he’s not coming’.
‘With the greatest respect, I really don’t think it is up to Jonny to decide if he comes to school’.
‘Don’t tell me how to raise my child, you cow’
I recently heard a 70yr old ex-copper lecturing two potential delinquents. The gist of the discussion was that there is one potential thing that cannot be taken from you.
“They can take your car, your money, the shirt of your back but there is one thing they cannot take is the education that is being given to you at the moment. Don’t throw that away.”
Needless to say they both think school is “crap”.
As I only watch the odd documentary on iPlayer, my exposure to the awful everyday bias prevalent on the News is thankfully small. It’s still obviously there on things like Spring/Winter Watch, with its boundless opportunities for BBC Global Warming hysteria. But you put up with it because overall it’s a decent Nature programme, which is reasonably informative.
But sometimes it’s the little things, creeping up on you unnoticed. Watched ‘How Earth Made Us’, where a geologist is in Israel investigating rocks in hot dry, desert conditions. Surely a sensible sun hat is in order? Nope, what he’s got round his neck is palestinian style keffiyeh!
I Imagine he felt he had to wear something to make a statement to dissociate himself from the Israelis in case someone assumed he was sympathetic to them (shock, horror) since he was in Israel. And no doubt the BBC staff thought it was a great idea.
Is that like the thing that foul old terrorist Yasser Arafat used to wear – the one that looked like a dishcloth he’d borrowed from the kitchen?
Yes you’re right, it was ghastly old Arafat who made it the dishcloth-to-be-seen-in on Middle East fashion parades. The keffiyeh is basically just a broader, rectangular scarf and they can come in all colours and patterns, but the Pally one is always black and white and has some kind of checkered, diamond or zigzag pattern.
I noticed it in the programme because an annoying lefty friend-of-a-friend wears one just like it.
Whisper it quietly but IDF soldiers often wear keffiyehs when operating undercover.
I wear a shemagh on Cretan and Greek’s superb for keeping the sand and wind and sun from cooking my lily white cute features…mine however are British Army surplus. Wouldn’t be seen dead in a Pally one. Too right, many are worn for show..pathetic…ask any you see when is the next sandstorm then?…Pricks.
Barbara Plett of the ‘Tears for Arafat’ bleat is probably walking around by now encased in a black sack with slits for her eyes to further reduce her BBC tunnel vision.
I received my first “newsletter” from Britain Stronger in Europe the other day (East of England edition). The back page was devoted to “Mythbusters: The truth behind UKIP’s propaganda” – so according to the CBI being in the EU costs each household less than one pound a day and yet that same household receives benefits worth £3000 per year. The third page has Sir Hugh Orde claiming “being in the EU is crucial for our security” a statement supported by six former home secretaries – five labour and Ken Clarke. And so it goes on.
Even two years ago I was prepared to listen to a reasoned analysis of the costs and benefits of remaining in, before finally deciding where my vote would go. No longer. The million, man, muslim invasion of the EU last autumn, the continual cheer leading of the BBC (and all MSM) in this catastrophe, and the marginalisation of the voices of “ordinary” citizens of the UK have served to definitively make my mind up. Subsequent events in Germany and Sweden have only confirmed my decision.
I don’t care anymore about the European arrest warrant, or lower mobile roaming charges, or low emission zones, or free emergency health care in the EU, or more expensive food. No. What I care about now is the future safety of my daughter, my granddaughter, and their future daughters and sons.
The BBC is actively working to destroy the integrity and safety of the UK. Where once it may have been a “trusted voice”, it is now a purveyor of agendas and narratives. See this article by David Keighley on Conservative Woman –
“… ex-BBC strategy chief, Carolyn Fairbairn, is now director-general of the fanatically Europhile Confederation of British Industry and has been declaring her referendum plans to the Guardian; and Sir Roger Carr, a former president of the CBI, is now deputy chairman of the BBC Trustees. The Corporation is so steeped in the importance of Brussels that it cannot see or think outside that bubble.
At what point, however, does biased BBC reporting tip over into being deliberately untrue?”
The UK is facing an existential crisis. The European “project” is finished. Staying in the EU as the BBC would like us to do would be an act of collective suicide. Vote Leave. Our future generations depend on it.
Seems to me that the EU actively wants to drive Britain out of Europe so why is there nothing on the BBC about this?
Guessing you answered your own question there!
The recent documentary about the Cayman Islands made a big thing of food being taxed. The Caymans have a 22% import tax on everything except medicine (additional duties also apply to cars, etc)
UK VAT is 20%.
Will the BBC campaign against a 20% tax on food, considering how bad the Cayman’s 22% tax on food is?
Another example of of the Babblers of Babel Corp’s fear and loathing of those it, very occasionally, invites to comment on issues via HYS:
Last night, the highest rated comment to Mark Mardell’s pomous article ‘Fear and Loathing Will Power Drama of EU Debate’ (yesterday BBC News website), was the one inviting HYSers to vote up for IN and down for OUT. When I last looked, the OUTs were around 450 and the INS at around 80. By this morning the comment had been removed. Now, there’s a surprise.
Seeing as Lardell is living in the Socialist Workers paradise of Paris, it would affect him directly if Britain was to leave the EU.
The most telling thing about this cowardly hypocrite was his stated intention to leave the city if Muslim attacks continued – not that ALL Muslims are like that you understand, just the ones who affect Lardell and make him feel nervous. Anyone who holds a similar view is of course a Waycist !
I don’t doubt it, but could you provide a link?
Yes, Pillar,
I commented on this on tail of the last open thread here and it was ~960 or so but I thought the in’s were around 39 – hey, still under three digits.
There was a comment on there trying to drum up donations for the dump at Dunkirk and on the HYS regarding the Swedes so I successfully reported and got it removed.
New game how many lefties can you annoy by getting their comments off ???
Mr Golightly – you might find some relief in the highest rated comment to the Graunian’s article of 17th Jan ’10m UK homes to receive pro-Europe campaign leaflet’. You are not alone.
Oh aren’t Labour wonderful, oh aren’t Labour marvellous, Oh aren’t Labour fantastic in challenging the NASTY Tories (retch – spit) over semantics !
Total bias from the propaganda outfit again !
Breitbart rolling coverage of migrant crisis. I somehow think there’ll be more in the way of facts there, than on any BBC reportage:
Oh go to hell BBC!
Just saw Mardell throwing a pile of pink sprats and red herrings over the Blue Peter boat-in the hope we`ll watch the feeding frenzy from their poop deck and vote to stay in the EU.
I don`t give a stuff about EU migrants dole payments- why would anybody see THAT as an issue anymore?
Now Paris…Brussels…Cologne…Duisburg and Malmo…THESE things I do care about!
THAT is the issue Mardell you fat cipher-furry arteries, imminent heart attack…and you care about what the Lithuanian triage nurse thinks about murmers from Polish badge kissers for our money?
EVER-CLOSER UNION-full steam ahead, Captain Savile in the creche!
Will someone finish off these lefty tarts?…we`ve all read Chomsky as we needed to-and we know the techniques of obsessing on narrow semantics to cover the lack of real debate and vision allowed.
I myself call it “majoring on minors”…but the BBC, Islam and Labour rather get aerated if I put it like that.
If we vote to stay in-and to hear Douglas Murray fear that we would was MY lowlight of this week…if we vote for staying in…we DESERVE to be binned as any kind of country.
Today Programme described the deal as:
‘UK wins right to block payments for four years, in an emergency, if EU agrees and also unanimous EU vote occurs’.
Wow. Dave really has won that round.
And there`s more.
Anybody tell me why Leeds-Bradford NHS are soon to offer “hand transplants”…and be the NHS specialist centre for this?
As if we`ve not got enough Muslims beating a woman to our door…we`ll now be getting plane loads from Riyadh who have “some kind of link”(usually Phil Shiners number) with the UK.
FFS-if you`re going to do this-let Nicola Sturgeon pay for it up there…for Mardell finds some Chop Shop advocate to give the case for being able to do up her duffel bag.
And sod the expense.
She`s Scottish-none of that ebola sponging either up there!
If she thinks that she `ll now get a ready source of hands if Leeds and Bradford are the “Chop Shop NHS” -not so…they`ll probably be getting you to wash your feet in gravy browning…and you`ll be stupid enough to do it.
No-it`ll only encourage them to create a head transplant offer soon after…imagine any poor sod having to refill Mardells bonce with butchers sawdust?
Leeds Uni needs to close down Jimmys Place-that morgue especially-and set up an air conditioned field tent in Jeddah…and let their Muslim staff do Mecca and Medina every Friday for the outpatients clinic.
Finland appears to be fed up with their recently arrived guests as well:
Give the BBC time to sanitize and spin the story before they even acknowledge it. In the meantime, they were pretty quick off the mark with this:
Good old BBC, covering the news that is important to Europeans.
Couldn’t they found anything better than a grenade – how about a bacon sandwich?
That would make beeb headlines!
FFS don’t publicise your low birth rate or that will be fixed for you PDQ and not in way you will like.
There’s trouble afoot! [Usual TRIGGER warning about the BBC]
With a simple poll getting the highest votes:
13. Posted by Orwellian
on 4 hours ago
Vote up to keep the statue.
Vote down to remove the statue.
Number of positive ratings for comment: 243
Number of negative ratings for comment: 10
Do I detect a change in direction of the tide?
I commented on another thread how much I enjoy these vigilante polls popping up on BBC HYS. It seems to be catching on and every single one, without fail, takes the opposite view to our national treasure of a broadcaster. The echo chamber inhabitants will never work out why though. Stand by for these polls to be either moderated (censored) or hijacked.
Enjoy them while you can.
SJ, I do recall you were helpful in pointing out the gaps at the HYS, cheers.
I’ll leave that to you, rather than having double posts on an already busy forum!
As you say, enjoy them while the last and when I first looked at them (2 days ago) I was astonished at the opposite thrust of the comments and clicks. Heart warming.
On the ‘BBC South’ lunchtime news the announcer said it had been decided to retain the statue of ‘the Imperialist Cecil Rhodes’. No name-calling nor bias there then.
When is something going to be done about the Leftist bias and partiality of the BBC?
And, BBC South, south of what/where? South of Britain, south of UK, south of England?
When is there going to be a BBC England, named as such?
I do not live in a BBC/EU region, I live in a nation, and that nation is England.
Rhodes was an Imperialist. His Imperialism was a GOOD thing. He wasn`t being name called, he`d have been happy to be so titled. British imperialism was a civilising, dare I say, progressive force in its time.
Rhodes did more for the advancement of Africans and Africa than any of the oafs who now try to besmirch his memory.
The fact that the apprentice beeboid on BBC South thinks “imperialism” is a boo word is neither here nor there. Britain is our country….all of it.
I think the problems stem from the two competing strands of British Imperialism:
1) Civilising – bring the modern world to far away places and develop them in Britain’s image
2) ‘Britiain’s superior race’ that was ‘destined’ to rule the backwards lesser races.
There was a lot of good and a lot of bad.
Whatever your opinion of the British Empire, campaigning to remove a statue to fatuous. Should Italy tear down their Roman history?
I’m still asking the question as to why India never capitalised on the railways that ‘we’ left behind there. Never having (or any desire) to visit the country, I only see on films/documentaries the state of disrepair that the railway and stations are in, – it appears little has changed since we left over 60 years ago and yet they were quick enough to want us out; so hardly benefited from us leaving have they …… oh yes, they have crap facilities but have the finances for a space programme which we are paying for. Talk about getting priorities arse about face. Same with Africa. So all those who say we ‘plundered’ the wealth of other nations, I say, “yeah, but since their Independence they’ve not exactly prospered have they”.
The BBC have been referring to ‘the imperialist Rhodes’ all day, Five Live, Radio 4. They have obviously decided to take a position.
This from the same organisation which will not call terrorists, ‘terrorists’ because according to them, ‘Terrorism is a difficult and emotive subject with significant political overtones and care is required in the use of language that carries value judgements.
So they BBC won’t get into value judgements….unless of course, they are their value judgements.
That`s right they`re calling him an “imperialist” it is what Rhodes himself is likely to have called himself and is therefore o.k. by me.
Remember how the left likes to “reclaim” words and deny them their “stigmatising power”?
We must do that too. We must refuse to allow the left its self claimed right to control the language.
British Imperialism was a force for good in the world of its time. Don`t let the left pretend otherwise.
Evidence? look at the numbers of former colonial subjects from Africa and Asia who chose to to live in Britain. Look at how their children and grandchildren still want to. Go back to “liberated” Zimbabwe? ……sure.
Agreed embolden.
I refer to myself as a reactionary…I react to what Islam and the Left are doing, anything less than reacting would be cowardice and surrender to them.
They hate it when you use their words as compliments…and if you say “if you`re accusing me of racism-then that means you`re a racialist”…that normally causes them to overheat and f*** off back to the Muppet House…our councils padded cells that double up as ” union rooms for hire”.
Complete and utter bollox story that only the BBC could puff up with their whisks and straws.
How come these clown aren`t campaigning to get rid of Guys Hospital then-same principles, if you look at how Guy made his money at those times?
Funny that eh?…and add on that Margaret Thatcher is the only PM who ever built a hospital wing in this country…all those lefty scum tend to go private when they`re ill…Brian Haw to name but one.
When ONE Lefty leaves us anything but a car crash, a load of bastard offspring on the public payroll and a pile of IOUs written on a colostomy bag….THEN they might assume some virtues-not be endless evil thick parasites!
The word “Imperialisme” originated in France 170 years ago to describe the attempts to reimpose the imperial system during the July Monarchy. It became “imperialism” in English but had no link then with what later was called “the British Empire”.
In the late 1870’s Gladstone used it to describe Disraeli’s use of Indian troops to take control of Cyprus. Since then it has gone through many alterations of its meaning, many due to Marxists’ appropriation of it.
“Not only has “imperialist” supplanted “imperial” as the adjective normally derived from “empire” but it has passed through a series of mutations each more outlandish than its predecessor, until now it is no more than a husk of a word into which anyone may cram whatever tortured meaning he cares to.” Including – “…virtually every contact Europe has had with the outside world since the eighteenth century.” J.B. Kelly ‘Islam Through The Looking Glass’.
The BBC use the word ‘imperialist’ as a term of abuse and of criticism, as do all on the Left of politics, in the same way that the Communist Soviet Union used it in the term ‘US Imperialists’ and Castro in Cuba’s references to ‘Yankee Imperialists’.
It is naïve to imagine that the BBC are using it in any historical sense, they are lying when they claim to do so. I expect too they still believe in the concept of ‘World Peace’, a phrase used by Marxists and communists in the sense that peace in the world would only be achieved when personal freedom, democracy and capitalism had been defeated by them.
ah, remember, it’s the news where you live. I don’t live in Southampton Today land
Smash the Left.
Ah yes “smash them” but first learn from some of their tactics, and return with interest.
Their tactics aren’t ‘apeable’ (racist language?).
BBC Trending will only promote their favoured topics. There is no way they’d cover a #refugeesnotwelcomeduetonumerousissues trend, unless they could frame it in terms of ‘turning the tables on trolls’ crap.
Strangely I haven’t seen this posted here yet, but the DM have exposed another snout in trough Beeboid.
It would appear that Head Of BBC1 Charlotte Moore (£240k+ pa) is also Company Secretary of her husbands production company Perry Images who have produced many programs for the BBC including Yentob’s Imagine (peas of a pod?).
“Her husband’s firm has profited handsomely from the broadcaster, making dozens of shows for the BBC – including some that Miss Moore herself commissioned”
If true this is absolutely scandalous, but she’s done the right thing and resigned (from her husbands company that is…)
They could have asked that BBC Director lady for comment… no, sorry… she’s off Fridays overseeing her coffee bar.
‘If true this is absolutely scandalous, but she’s done the right thing and resigned (from her husbands company that is…)’ Even better if she had resigned from the BBC.
(BTW: I wonder if she remains a shareholder?)
Pillar at 12.22, HBD reply at 2.01pm
The ‘EU’ HYS has been taken off the HYS page but is still running at the bottom of the BBC Europe page and still getting some comments, even though it is very hard to find unless you know to look for it.
Am pleased to say that the deleted post is still top of the ‘highest rated’ (vote up to leave) but only 8th of the ‘lowest rated’ (vote down to remain).
But it was removed because it broke the house rules.
Rule 1. Only comments that agree with the bBBC narrative can be accepted.
Interesting it is still open after this much time and this many comments.
Giving total lie to every CECUTT weasel that an HYS terminated before anyone gets home on the afternoon it started being standard practice, or to spare modding, being utter BS.
Oh dear Lord! Is this the next ‘ism’ feel good virtue signalling cause the Fascists will pick up on?
Why oh why oh why did we close all the institutions?
Thoughtful Live as a cat. Why not? I recall running a seminar with a group of surgeons on the ethics of gender reassignment surgery. I slipped in for discussion the likelihood of performing surgery to change a man into a were wolf. Assume he chose to live like that, spends the nights outside, howls at the moon etc. The surgeons agreed that technically it would not be that difficult. Work on his teeth, altering the length of his legs, drugs for hair growth etc. So why not? Today with the media eager for multiple identities he would have a seat on the BBC couch, protection from Twitter hate speech, and those who offended him could be prosecuted for lycanophobia, especially if they complained about him eating children from Northern towns.. .
I’d love to bring a test case to claim that I’m ‘Trans Generational’ and I’m actually 70 years old – pension please!
Who are you to say I’m in my 30’s? Transgenerationalist scum!
Grimer, The opportunity awaits you. You can also decide your gender, be a boy or a girls, get parents to adopt you if you want to be six years old.
Don’t let the transgenderophobes get in the way.
Not BBC bias but amusing and alarming. From Melanie Phillips in The Spectator magazine:
(The Miller in the text below is Maria Miller MP, another ‘Conservative’ like Cameron.)
“The Miller committee writes about one of its witnesses who talked about the government’s Advancing Transgender Equality plan: ‘Christie Elan-Cane told us that the plan was, from per [sic] point of view as a non-gendered person, “all plan and no action, because nothing resulted from it”.’
Yes, I also stumbled over what I thought was a typing error; but no, a footnote tells us: ‘Christie Elan-Cane asked us to use the non-gendered pronoun “per”.’ Such supine surrender to this hijack of language, the signature motif of totalitarian political systems, tells you more than anything else what’s in store for us.
Gender cannot be at real risk because it is anchored in an immutable reality. What is on the cards is oppression, socially engineered dysfunction and the loss of individual freedom. And it is so-called Conservative politicians who are helping wave the red flag of revolution.”
Christie should have been advised to take some English lessons or face deportation.
Hey, don’t you mock my rights! I’m transgenerational, no transgendered. That is a hate crime, right there. The critics of this site were right, you are all evil nazis!
Why can’t a man self-identify as a 70 year old and claim his state pension, without being compared to a mentally unstable six year old girl?
You’re cruel and I’m telling Stonewall!
At least it means that she can’t complain when she’s taken to be spayed.
That`ll be the start of reclaiming “bestiality” as a legitimate sexual lifestyle then.
At least she`d be cheap to take out for a meal anyway…even if you add the crunchy bites on top!
I`ve never met a cat as selfish, venal and self-absorbed as this clot…most cats are far more self-effacing and capable that her.
Bet she gets dole though eh?….Moggie! Moggie! Moggie!….
That’s a good point. If she self-identifies as a ‘cat’ and somebody has sex with ‘the cat’. Are they guilty of bestiality.
Bestiality? Is that was Mrs Slocombe was referring to when she mentioned her pussy?
No, it was a gentler time. She actually owned a cat and was so innocent she didn’t realise that the things she said could be misinterpreted. That kind of humour is obviously not edgy enough for the BBC. Instead we now have actual programmes titled ‘F*** Off I’m a Hairy Woman’
A thought has occurred to me as to why our current idle PM wants us to stay in Europe.
In common with all the past Etonian PMs he is very lazy, content to just let the ship of state keep sailing along, just avoiding the rocks and letting the crew do all the work. When it came to the conditions he wanted to renegotiate I had visions of an idle school kid who had failed to do his homework, and at the last minute turned in some pathetic ill thought out offering.
If it’s true that Europe now makes most of our laws, decides our social policy, border control, and a whole host of other things, then if we leave it will all fall to the UK government ! Imagine all the work which parliament will have to do if the law making is no longer done for us by Brussels and the UK government has to do it instead?
Imagine how that must look to someone as lazy as our current PM ?
You seriously think that kind of man is going to want to stop his ‘date nights’ and ‘chillaxing’ with his hippy wife? Not a chance, and he’s going to do everything he can to make sure that his nice life continues that way !
Thoughtful, I have a slightly different take on this, but we’re on similar lines. The public school types spent their youth being told what to do, first by Nanny then by Matron. Using the example of Cameron, Merkel now fills the role of the female authority figure, so he doesn’t have to concern himself with thinking – he can just follow the orders.
umm … I can’t think he is lazy, after all to get to the top of the greasy pole as a PM takes some effort. I do agree that he has no convictions and certainly no vision, just a sense of “noblisse oblige” to mange help the proles get through each day. I think he views, like Blair did, the PM-ship as a stepping stone to riches and to the next level of power, whether in the EU Leadership and/or Globalised elite. These are the reasons he wants to stay in the EU.
And he’s also clever. We shouldn’t underestimate that. Much clever than Corbyn for example! Plus he can pay the best advisers and strategists. So the current negotiations on a better deal with the EU have been plotted and agreed and choreographed with the EU from the beginning in order to allow him to show determination blah blah.
And, to get back to biased BBC, it’s because of the coming referendum Cameron hasn’t taken them on at all. They serve Camerons’ purpose for now, because they support EU membership and downplay the effects of mass immigration. And the BBC knows this and has become noticeably more partisan. In fact completely partisan in everything it does.
The Brexit campaign will surely be strengthened by the criminal Islamic invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by the EU. Pro-EU propagandists are going to find it harder and harder to convince people that it’s a good idea to continue to finance and be subjugated by the power-hungry criminals in Brussels, whose only interest is in maintaining and increasing their power over the member states.
I imagine that Cameron realises this and therefore will be keen to try to get some crumbs from Brussels and hold the referendum as soon as possible before the escalating invasion will swing the vote towards getting out.
The referendum should be restricted to UK nationals only. But you know it will be thrown open as widely as possible to include guests from Eastern Europe etc. who will definitely vote for UK to stay in. The Brexit campaign looks like Sisyphus’s chore at times.
I didn’t think about that. Can the government just make up the rules as to who is eligible to vote?
I think EU citizens aren’t allowed to vote, but Commonwealth are.
“British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals who have lived overseas for less than 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries – apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus – will not get a vote.”
Seems ‘sock ‘o rats’ Central and its shenanigans are getting noticed elsewhere…
‘It beggars belief that the BBC thinks ‘being seen to be impartial’ involves tiptoeing round the hysterical sensibilities of a bunch of nutters and Islamist supporters’
I’ll excuse the tautology at the end, just for the laugh of the BBC even ‘being seen’ as impartial, at all, ever.
Their DNA is more corrupted than an Umbrella Corp kennel.
You might be right Thoughtful, but my guess that he’ll have his eyes on a high ranking EU job, or maybe business directorships in companies that deal only in the EU. Whatever it is, it will have self interest at its core. It will have nothing to do what is good for the British people as its a no brainer, we must leave the EU.
I heard on the radio the other day that Obama has been recruited to support the stay in EU campaign. Is this true?
Last night on Question Time we had to endure all five panellists giving their support for staying in the EU. BBC balance at work again. They revolt me.
By the way the EU vote will be rigged no matter how many votes the leave EU get.
Worth checking that Obama has been consistent in urging the UK to stay in the EU. Both he and Cameron want Turkey in. Note that Obama is rather keen on Erdogan
I hope that Obama and Cameron will soon depart to their luxury homes in Dubai, although I fear that Obama will end up with Banky’s job in the UN and Cameron will be President of the EU – if we stay in.
Obama will be preparing for Michelle’s run for the Presidency in 2024 🙁
I think Chelsea will be running for that one.
I’ve been reading up – widely – since 9/11 about Islam; where it’s come from, what its aspirations are and how it’s achieving those objectives. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that there are many here who have done the same. Concurrently, I’ve become increasingly aware of the liberal left’s agenda and had increasing awareness of projects like common purpose & cultural Marxism, along with others.
There is a miss-match between these two ideologies that can’t be squared.
The west driven by colonial guilt (ironically expressing that guilt in colonial and imperialist ideas of having to ‘allow’ for the poor peoples who don’t understand about the west – I think that’s patronising at best) in it’s efforts to atone for a horrible past (like providing a frame work for management of a country; financial systems; infrastructure for road, rail, goods and population movement, let alone electricity and such services – all dreadful) has taken on a mindset of accommodation: “Whatever you want to do it ok by us. We’ll be tolerant of whatever you do or say”. While the obvious oxymoron is that the freedom to do what ever you want does not extend back to the tolerant by the intolerant. Highly intolerant of tolerance.
So we have LGTB sections of society sticking up for islam which has as part of the doctrine to throw homosexuals from high places – as they do. Last week a ‘stoning’ nearly happened in a German city with a transgender couple the target. Surely, the writing is on the wall?
It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that we’re fucked.
So, pick one as an feasible outcome (or add your own – this is a family show folks, with many interested parties monitoring, so bite your tongue, pause, relax, then write!)
I can see some possible outcomes here:
1 – we subsume our culture and lifestyle into sharia and become dhimmis (yes, I know, we’re doing the dhimmi thing already). While there would be some opportunity for ‘told you so!’ it would be bitter, and just bitter. I must say I find this route unappealing. In extremis.
To get to this point though, we’ll have to go through the fracas that will be liberalism and islamism battling for the same throne. Liberalism is gearing up for their ‘time’ where everyone is equal. But they haven’t considered those who know themselves to be more equal. It’s not going to be pistols at dawn, for honour upheld.
2 – we start to get some backbone and resist the onslaught which will need to be conducted on two fronts: against liberalism and extreme islam-ists. But this will produce civil war as the right-on’s think their virtue signalling and hashtags will save the world, while others want to reclaim the world which was fought for in costly ways by generations previously. Part of the issue with be the unwavering belief that they are both right, because they are both ideologies. This makes lemmings of people, but perhaps we can provide a route for them to take…
In my view the future is not bright but how much darkness will we allow? Is that an aspect we can control? Just how much or how far we allow the illness of the left to prevail?
As various observers from the middle eastern have noted: “The West can’t defend itself”. We are rolling over to be trampled or killed. Most likely both. And the BBC pushes this agenda too. Bastards.
So folks, what’s the consensus? Will we ‘submit’ or will we resist? (In lawful ways of course.)
“Where are we going? Why are we in this handcart?”
Good post Hopeful sir!
1, Being informed is the first thing-if you`re that, then you`ll not be surprised like the dopey hipsters in Paris. It`s all part of the pattern, it`s all in the Koran and the Chomsky/Alinsky/EU rationales for their tactics as well.
We have no excuses not to know-the Internet is a godsend, by way of avoiding the spray paint pastel gobbets from the BBC and the condescenti.
2. Linking up with kindred spirits, so you don`t fall into quiet passive desperation…a pint, a laugh and don`t let it get personal. We KNOW what the BBC is all about, both quantitatively and qualitatively…and we know that Islam equates the BBCs “weltenschaung” with the rolling over of the English white trash.
S`not gonna happen.
3. I`m a bible-based fundamentalist, I`ve seen the end of My Good Book-and I know the good guys DO win.
4. And it`s all largely unfolding as it should-the sites on this thread called Biased BBC can be truly inspiring (in the right sense).
Cheers, chrisH,
I was starting to think I was alone in the gathering darkness but it’s darkest before dawn…
I have a feeling there is a momentum around these broad issues, with the overlords seemingly keeping a lid on off-message thoughts, but the groundswell is rising. As someone else said a day or two ago, there is a vocal minority who are making all the noise.
Time for some more useful noise!
You’ve missed out the poor gay man kicked to death by asylum seekers in Denmark. Now how did that pass everyone by? Well probably because the UK press a la Kriss Donaldson didn’t report it because it might be “ammunition for bigots” !
Why are we in this handcart?
It started many decades ago, when Labour & Tories started importing labour to work in the cotton industries. They were warned what the consequences would be, but they knew better and called those warning them the usual nasty names, I wonder how stupid and guilty those men would feel if they were able to see that those warning were probably not dire enough ! The people of the time certainly didn’t want immigration and spoke out loudly against it, buy Britain is not a democracy no matter what they tell you, and the people’s wishes were ignored.
So it’s Naivety stupidity and rose tinted glasses in that time.
The numbers of migrants was still manageable when BLiar came to power, and he was every bit as naïve, credulous, and rose tinted as those who went before him. His party, without putting anything in their manifesto decided on a course of mass migration “to rub the Tories noses in diversity”, he has later apologised for this and admitted he was naïve !
In addition he also admitted that it was a mistake to let in so many Muslims, and it has come to him a bit late, that it is not the ‘religion of peace’ !
The biggest problem we have is the succesful immigration and intergration/assimilation of pretty much all immigrants – e.g. Jews, Chinese (such as my wife), Indians (by and large), Americans, French, Germans, Aussies, Kiwis, etc.
There is one problem group that spans multiple nationalities. The BBC and establishment lump all ‘immigrants’ together. People see the nice immigrants and don’t want to generalise about an ‘immigrant problem’.
They remember/are reminded by the BBC about the hostility to *all immigrants* based upon race. People now, generally, consider race to be irrelevant, which is why ‘racist’ is such an effective tool in their armoury.
Delayed reaction to TWATOs bizarroworld piece on trannibirds being allowed to enter the Olympics.
It featured Frankelli Maloney, a Guardian dolly and Martha the Muffintop…and confusion reigned.
Up came the Iranian womens footy team…8 of who are positive in the willy department-if only we could look under those burqas to confirm this eh?
No mention of Rennie Richards or why 3-set ladies get as much as 5-set blokes in tennis though.
Imagine the schizoid word tangling needed to negotiate this one-any tranny wanting an easy gold will transition for the few years up to the Games…and they`ll win all things competitive-so why not restrict them to curling and polishing nails, and enter those well-known “non-competitive” games where muscles, testosterone aren`t required?
Utter bizarroballs…and to hear Pauline Robeson telling the real women in the studio that she finds it hard to lift a nail file after her hormones , clearly caused the PC buttons to need a reset….flighty brains you see.
“Women-Know Your Limits”…and Kelly, Caitlyn, Chelsea etc…seem to be pushing the liberal girls into some odd positions…
Germaine is better off out of this one-sport being only for the chaps an` all!
Good to listen to though…knitting tumbleweed with halal popcorn beside you a duty.
Transsexual boxing? or is that just a fetish?
It just needs 3 classes of competitors – male, female and WTF.
I have every sympathy for those born in the wrong body and who need medication/surgery to correct the problem; but all the individuals I’ve known in this situation wanted to get on with their life afterwards, not become a part of the agitprop movement. People trying to make sense of their lives out deserve help, those trying to exploit passing fads for political ends (cultural marxism again) do not.
Transgender. Is that where a female is ‘trapped’ in a male body or a male is ‘trapped’ in a female body?
Why not just let the ‘trapped in the wrong body’ person compete in the gender they are ‘trapped’ in? That would be fair, wouldn’t it?
The females trapped in a male body could compete with the males trapped in a male body and the males trapped in a female body could compete with the females trapped in a female body.
Found this old letter from a while back from Friends Of Israel.
In the world they inhabit, it won`t be easy to take on the unfunny bully pulpit types like Eno, Waters , Thomas and Sayle…and, I know that saps like Costello are lesser people for backing the wrong horse in the Middle East.
Reason Im putting it up is that people I may not have rated-like Michale Dugher and JK Rowling, Simon Cowell and Melvyn Bragg are friends of the only damn democracy out there-heck, even Danny Cohen goes up in my book now.
Will keep an eye out for them…if they`re fair to Israel and stand up for its cause, they`ll be OK-even when they`re palpably not in other areas…
Does my heart good when the greats of the music world like Paul McCartney perform in Israel. When the rabid anti-Israel crew tried to persuade him to join their boycott he just shrugged them off. Takes a lot of courage and commitment to ignore the pack. Recent arrivals include Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Barbra Streisand. Art Garfunkel came but not Paul Simon. Much as I love his music, the guy leans so far to the left he’s practically falling over. He was in Israel decades ago, but not since then, as far as I know.
Shows musicians politics are not always predictable.Mcartney once wrote a song in 72 `Give Ireland back to the Irish` whilst Paul Simon famously broke the sanctions on Apartheid to record `Graceland`
Not such a surprise that Cohen and Dylan who have Jewish roots still play there as they have both written Zionists song admittedly a long time when most of the West was still pro-Israel.Dylan once wrote a line on Slow Train Coming `Too much Arab oil on American soil`.Lady Gaga,Madonna and Rihanna have all played Israel in the last 3 years
It`s the biggest indicator of whether a person thinks for themselves-or is too scared to go against the spirit of their trendy , fatuous beehives.
It`s as if God gave us a big red line right through the human race-you either stand for freedom( yes, even when it`s flawed) or you`re binding your kids to the Ka`aba rock, because you have no courage, no principles, no balls and no knowledge.
God Bless Israel….and Johnny Rotten blasted Costello for his BDS bollocks…so include Mr Lydon in the ” Autograph Book Of the Righteous” too!
Mr Cohen-peerless, here`s his most recent “Jewish song”…did it in Tel Aviv I think
Dylan also wrote ‘Neighbourhood Bully’ in support of Israel.
I thought it was hilarious when Oxfam tried to publicly shame Scarlett Johansson into quiting her paid gig at Soda Stream. She turned the tables and quit her role at Oxfam. Good Girl!
What a bunch of t….
A schoolgirl was gang raped after being lured into a hotel bathroom during a sinister game of hide and seek.
Now three of the mob, Muyahdeen Osman, Bilal Ahmed, and Mowled Yussuf – all aged 20 – are beginning lengthy jail terms after being convicted of rape at Manchester Crown Court .
The trio who have been caught – Osman, of Bowdon Avenue, Fallowfield; Ahmed, of Bexington Road, Whalley Range; and Yussuf, of Ravensoak Avenue, Levenshulme – have shown no remorse since they were found guilty at a trial last year.
Two others have never been identified.
I’d post a link to the BBC version of the story but I can’t seem to find one !
Be good to post a link to what “links” these three upstanding northern lads…for the life of me, I can`t figure out what they might have in common…and if they say they`re twenty…they`ll be 56…Allah rules.
Nearly fell off my chair when I heard that Sweden was undertaking to expel 60 000 invaders. Then I pondered it a while and my thoughts turned to a few observations by the eminent Pat Condell:
*You no longer have to be Swedish to hold high office in Sweden, including that of public prosecutor
*While Iraqi Muslim invaders are free to settle in Sweden, Iraqi Christians are sent back to Iraq to be slaughtered like Christmas turkeys
Then I put that together with an emotional dhimmi Swedish minister of something or other practically in tears as she informed everyone that Sweden was full, and much as she would love to be further invaded it was no longer possible.
And something that had been in the back of my mind for some time was now staring me in the face:
Sweden has reached the point where the long-term invaders are now formulating policy and turning on the newcomers and all that remains is to establish which among them will prevail. The irrepressible Condell also said that it is only a matter of time before Sweden becomes Europe’s first Islamic state. Will it be Shia or Sunni? Of course one way to establish that will be to look at the predominance of Shia or Sunni among the 60 000 (unless of course they are mostly Christians fleeing Muslim persecution).
Now it’s evident that the BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Islam, though it’s unclear whether the BBC realises that, as a dhimmi media outfit, it will eventually have to pledge allegiance either to Shia or Sunni Islam. Perhaps the Islamic invasion of Europe will awaken the BBC to that realisation.
Sweden could well be a test case. If those who are expelled are mainly Shia and the BBC expresses disapproval of the expulsion, that would indicate pro-Shia bias. If, on the other hand, the BBC remains silent, it might indicate a pro-Sunni bias – though it obviously might just indicate typical BBC timidity and reluctance to investigate an issue highly sensitive to Muslims.
Whatever the case, as we all know the BBC cannot function without bias and cannot report the news without first filtering it through that bias and I have no doubt that in time it will express its support for one side or the other by means of a typical BBC propaganda campaign.
Couldn`t we “forcibly remove” all those Swedes that we know are REAL ones?
Fill the DFDS boats day in, day out until they`re all here…and then we can send all the migrants over to Sweden until we`ve thought out what the hell we`re doing.
They`d all be in the same country, let them join the Eurozone and see how Sharia works in a sterile zone, relying on themselves-not pimping off the rest of us.
Good social science anyway…and then return Sweden to its Swedes when Shia and Sunni have duked it out.
Wouldn`t take long….
Not a bad idea. Having no more native Swedes to sponge off they’d have to create their own wealth along with their own society. No doubt they would soon deteriorate into the typical failed Arab state.
I see that the BBC were having a go earlier at Tommy Robinson on their website, accusing him of peddling fear with his organisation of a British version of Pegida. This item, which was on the front page, seems now to have disappeared. No doubt we will hear more.
That one?
‘Peddling Fear’ is a classic Al Beeb phrase, designed to lead the unsuspecting viewer towards their ludicrous, dangerous world view.
Question: If there is something real which it is logical and sensible to be afraid of, e.g. mass immigration into your society by young male Muslims, how can fear of that that be described as ‘peddling’?
“Peddling fear “eh?
When the BBC do their perpetual chicken licking about “global warming”-that is regarded as “informing the debate” isn`t it?
As long as the BBC determine the parameters and set the terms and definitions , then who are WE to argue?
Utter Chomsky Chow hounds , so they are.
Corbyn is popular( they wish!)…but Trump is populist.
No-me neither-BBC rules as ever.
Was it not the BBC recently shown to be outright engaging in incitement to work up a community living in fear of not being seen raging on the BBC?
Frankly I consider that a lot more worthy of being decried than anyone issuing warnings.
Just a quickie to advise of a source of useful material for folk on this site.
And from a very surprising source at that.
More or Less, radio 4 at 1630 on Friday, also iplayer.
This week. Lots of good stats about migrants into Sweden, such as the preponderance of young men and unaccompanied ‘children’ – who all amazingly happen to be under 18 and surprise surprise this confers immediate rights of families to join them. Well worth a listen.
On last weeks programme, stats showing that yes, muslim women not speaking English really is a statistically significant value and Cameron, denounced by the lefties, was taking the stats from the 2011 census !!
Really punctures the Far Left narrative on gimmigration. Who’d have thought?
Thanks Sluff. I’ve often enjoyed more or less. The Beeboids default position is emotion and virtue signalling triumphing over empirical evidence, so a programme dedicated to empiricism and fact is always to be welcomed.
All these unaccompanied children are pretty remarkable aren’t they? I’m sure when I was 16 I didn’t look about 35.
And it is uncanny how all these kids have their career paths already mapped out – scientist, engineer etc.
Think ‘More or Less’ takes a dim view of empiricism at times & tries instead to go for hard evidence & careful calculation. They did it one time over claims made by Nigel Farage prior to the European Elections in 2014. No doubt to the delight of some at the BBC they found that one of several claims made by Farage was wrong but that the others were correct and one, if I recall correctly, unprovable.
The other great thing about ‘More or Less’, apart from the good humour of the main presenter is that when they make mistakes, they appear to be keen to come back with an admission and the correction in a later programme.
The BBC at its best? Or at least how it should be more often.
‘The Bottom Line’ is another R4 programme that is often good and really needs more air time. It should also be made available as a schools broadcast. We have got to get our young people interested in business as the maths & language statistics, published overnight, demonstrate. Perhaps Evan Davies should concentrate on that programme and leave Newsnight to someone else. I haven’t listened to ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ for some time but that also was, in my view, a prime BBC Radio programme. I fear that it might not be quite so good these days.
I’ll pass on ‘More or Less’ though I am sceptical and suspect that most of the time they tend to look for stories that confirm Leftist prejudices.
However, I completely disagree about ‘TBL’, which usually comprises a bunch of hired hand ‘executives’ from trendy companies chattering away with Evan Davis, whose business experience appears to be entirely theoretical.
The sharp edge of business is with small companies and startups. Of direct concern to a growing number is self-employment. The BBC is utterly useless at covering any of these areas.
While I wholeheartedly agree that the BBC needs to be helping people understand why business is vitally important to them, I do not think that any programme it broadcasts comes anywhere near doing that satisfactorily.
In fairness, I should say that it wasn’t always so. For an all to brief period, the BBC had Jeff Randall on its team. Randall wasn’t just an experienced business journalist, he was also a businessman – and it showed.
Of course, what he revealed at the BBC once he had left was highly embarrassing- for the BBC!
Agreed Mr Cooper.
Well remember watching Jeff go from the BBC(never watched him there) to Sky-where he was excellent-and then reading his work at the Telegraph…again, all I needed to know from business.
When he left, I knew we`d miss him-but looking back, it was catastrophic.
Apart from the occasional Liam Halligan or Allister Heath-and maybe Jeremy Warner on a good day-we get no business news outside the FT…and the BBCs tuck shop trots are clueless business bashing trustafarians sponging off the public purse.
Odious wankers and wankettes…and, of course all gender shades inbetween-they`ll all be shades of red green and brown…until Islam removes any doubt of who gets stuffed into a burka and who doesn`t….
I find that BBC business interviews are just an excuse to have the business man/woman say we must remain in the EU. I know that our impartial national broadcaster would never screen potential guests, but it does seem to be a recurring theme.
“unaccompanied ‘children’ – who all amazingly happen to be under 18 and surprise surprise this confers immediate rights of families to join them.”
If they were”unaccompanied” where were the families when the “children” made this dangerous journey to Europe? If there’s an absolute right for the families to be reunited we’ll pay to send the children back to where ever their parent are.
Any open-minded investigative journalists – so that rules out the bBBC – would look into this. But it seems to me that it is all part of the plan for the Muslim invasion. They keep producing excessive numbers of children, so it doesn’t matter if they sacrifice some of them for the long-term benefit of Islam in pursuit of their ultimate goal of conquering the world. They know that the bBBC and the weepy lefties are suckers for ‘deserving children’.
One to avoid this weekend … though the devil in me is half-tempted to listen, just to hear all my prejudices confirmed!
BBC Radio 4 “From Fact to Fiction” (7pm on Saturday, advertised on Radio 4 shortly after 7 pm today).
Shami Chakrabarti CBE, former head of the civil rights group Liberty, has written a topical short play about immigrants in the UK in the light of recent migrant news in Europe. It is set 40 years hence and the sound clip showed a mother of immigrant origin who was grateful to Britain, arguing with her disaffected son, who bemoaned the bad conditions and descried the UK as a “prison”.
Glad to see there’s no agenda there then.
Disaffected eh? That must be my fault and the fault of all you other callous, non welcoming indigenous non progressives. I feel so ashamed ……… NOT!
Call me naïve – yes, go on, I can take it – but take a deep breath, take a step back and think about this.
Over the years, the PM has surprised us all on just a few occasions. Remember the outcome of the 2010 election when Gordon Brown was hunkered in his bunker, chained to the filing cabinet containing details of all the money he threw around in wild abandon, and at the time when Nick Clegg’s Cleggmania Media Project took off as shown in the election results? David Cameron took the media, and everyone else, by surprise at his press conference when he informed us all he had made overtures to the Lib Dems re a possible coalition government of some kind. And we all know what happened then. It was an exciting 5 days! Like it or not, it was what the country needed in the long run. A further Labour government would have been a disaster. Anyone got the phone number for the IMF?
When his back against the wall, THAT is when he comes out fighting.
Move forward to the EU; some years ago it was a topic which was very low down on the public’s agenda, everyone generally thinking we would probably be better off staying in; it was the least troublesome option. Yes, there were a few niggles we didn’t like but we could live with them because overall the advantages of being a member seemed to negate those little niggles.
When Harold Wilson went to the country with the last referendum in 1975, there was no Internet; people trusted the BbC (can you believe that???) and believed what they read in the press and so they voted no – let’s stay in. We NOW know how that campaign was manipulated to encourage us to vote the way we did.
Move to the present and it is a completely different kettle of fish completely! The Euro fiasco came apart dramatically with Greece. Greece – and many other countries – had no right to be allowed to join the EU. Their economies in no way were compatible with those of the mainstream EU members. The EU elite ignored the rules and Greece should never have been allowed to join; the same goes for Bulgaria and Rumania, and probably others too. I think it was at that point, coincidentally when Nigel Farage started making a name for himself and the UKIP party, that people in the country began to sit up and take notice. Move on to the global financial crisis in 2008 and Greece, and it’s quite clear the EU couldn’t run a piggy bank!! Greece was severely punished for things over which it had no control! And that scenario is still simmering, I’m sure. The Euro is almost certainly dead! Implosion is as certain as we all face dying!
And now, today, we have the current migrant crisis and this, above everything else, has really hit home with the general public. They are beginning to take notice for sure; migrants/refugees/immigrants are flooding into many communities and people are beginning to see the results. Schools are full; the NHS is creaking at the seams; housing is critical and terrorists are have no doubt taken advantage of the situation to name but a few. (I should state here that I feel incredibly lucky living where I do in Orkney as immigration has had little effect up here.) The EU has failed miserably in dealing with this crisis. Another nail in their coffin which just proves the whole unelected EU elite couldn’t organise a cub camp!
The PM has clearly stated that he “rules nothing in and nothing out” as regards what he will recommend to the country. The BbC today was wall-to-wall reporting that a deal was close, but reading between the lines, I don’t think so. They ignore the small print in all these things and the number of hoops we would have to jump through to achieve this so-called emergency break are many and it will take too much time to be satisfactory to the public. They want action NOW. And who can blame them?
Therefore, looking at the big picture here, it would not surprise me one bit if the PM came back from Brussels and stands that that podium outside Downing Street – or wherever – and once more surprises us all, and the press in particular, by saying…he didn’t get the deal he wanted, the deal he thinks is best for the people of Britain and therefore he is going to recommend we vote to leave!!!
He knows full well the country is roughly 50/50 at the moment and is more than likely to vote to leave than not. Politically he will want to be on the side of the British people, and if he doesn’t think he can’t persuade them to stay in, then he will change his mind for the good of the country and recommend we come out. He definitely does not want to be on the wrong side of any NO result in the referendum.
Having read this through, I apologise if it is off topic but in a way it is exactly what we are all writing about. The EU is undemocratic, its elite are unelected, it breaks the rules when it feels like it and punishes those who break the rules it doesn’t like. Think Hungary putting up borders and Greece now – yet again – being made the scapegoat because the powers-that-be couldn’t organise help for them in receiving these huge influxes of people. The way the BbC has reported the migrant crisis from the beginning has been outrageous in its bias and reporting. Think of the delicious look on their faces if Cameron did what I dream of making a statement to campaign to leave!
I repeat I may be naïve in thinking all this but what else do you do when there is a power cut and the wind is blowing 90mph outside!!!
Good post, but I don’t think Camerloon will ever recommend that the U.K. should leave; he is of the “Elite” and they want us to remain within the E.U., both our elite and the elites on the Continent.
The E.U. in all its manifestations down the decades has never (at core) been about economics: which is why it is so bad at it; but about political union and the creation of a Euro-superstate. To do so they have decided to dilute the indigenous populations to such a degree that the rise of nationalism within the states which make it up is so much harder, a la Stalin and the U.S.S.R with the Ukraine and the Baltic States.
The deadly conundrum now is: how do the elites maintain control of the Euro state? When the immigrants, whose importation they facilitated, become sufficiently numerous (via migration and high birthrates) to outweigh, or to at least counterbalance, the pre-existing autochthonous populations; if the new additions are actually completely toxic to the individual member states in such a degree that the rise of nationalism (which they had hoped to prevent or minimize) becomes an inevitable consequence.
Good post, but I don’t think Camerloon will ever recommend that the U.K. should leave
True. When he returns from Brussels with even fewer crumbs than he thought he’d get, he’ll have two options: call for a referendum as soon as possible before the Islamic invasion of Europe turns more and more people away from the EU, which is responsible for the invasion, or try to bluff and bluster and delay the referendum with promises of further negotiations.
How many years have elapsed since Cameron first promised a referendum?
“Therefore, looking at the big picture here, it would not surprise me one bit if the PM came back from Brussels and stands that that podium outside Downing Street – or wherever – and once more surprises us all, and the press in particular, by saying…he didn’t get the deal he wanted, the deal he thinks is best for the people of Britain and therefore he is going to recommend we vote to leave!!!”
It may not surprise you, but it would surprise me all right. It would even surprise the squadron of pigs flying over Downing Street at the same time.
Face facts: Cameron is a “Eurosceptic”, which means he wants Britain to stay in the EU come what may, albeit after whingeing about it. He does not want Britain to leave, and will never countenance it.
Well at least Chamberlain came back with a piece of paper .
Cameron would have simply come home to raise the white flag before hopping on an ocean liner to the USA.
On Radio 4 “Any Questions?” tonight, John Redwood outclassed the fantasist Caroline ‘Watermelon’ Lucas (i.e. green on the outside, red inside). It was like watching a heavyweight knock over a lightweight, though he did it gently and politely. Not the worst edition ever, but the audience again did applaud suspiciously loudly at certain points. Gisella Stewart and Lefty Peter Kellner were also on.
Bit late I know but in support of the above, Redwood was on the R4 Toady prog. earlier in the day.
In his classic deadpan way he just argued quietly and politely against the EU from a democratic deficit/ self-determination angle and would not deflect, no matter how hard the interviewer tried to de-rail him.
She was so obviously on a losing wicket and the interview stopped quite abruptly, no doubt the editorial team were getting a bit agitated that the normal bBBC agenda was being so easily countered.
As an example relating to my post on this Thread at 7.55pm, the BBC have this on the web-site.
1. It obviously undermines their position on AGW/CC as two weeks of very cold winter weather compared to the preceeding ten weeks of exceptionally warm winter weather clearly demonstrate that Global Warming has a benefit, not just for the elderly but for NHS A&E Departments.
2. The increased demand compared to last winter must mean that a non-Governmental factor could be at play – an incease in population size – and the BBC calling to increase immigration further places them – not the Government – firmly at fault for the pressure on A&E Departments.
After all, it’s there in black & white, courtesy of Nick Triggle. It must be correct. It’s from the BBC.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
I watched Question Time last night, there was an occassion when the camera panned across to the audience reaction after Angus Robertson made a populist lefty remark about immigrants, the camera showed there were a number of people who seemed to applaud the comment, but more people didn’t. However the noise level of the applause was loud.
I wonder if there is a sound engineer manipulating the sound to favour left wing remarks.
Maybe it is like piped crowd noise in football matches? Avoid them broadcasting racist chanting, etc. I can imagine the audience shouting out some quite juicy insults that need to be edited out. There might also be cuts in filming to allow toilet breaks, technical fixes, etc.
Help needed. My good friends from Tigertailz have been snubbed by the BBc with their bid for the eurovision song contest. Stick it to the BBc and support my friends
The very Euro style entry can be seen here
Please support it’s the only time I’ve ever seen Jay Pepper smile.
The EU Referendum Polls suggest a 50/50 with the out’s trending yet the bookies such as Paddy Power are pricing the outcome as follows;
• 1/4 In favour of staying in EU
• 6/4 In favour of exiting the EU
Paddys odds are way out of kilter with public opinion. What does Paddy know that we don’t. Maybe he knows it’s rigged.
Jess Phillips comparing the rapes and abuse of women in Cologne in the New Year to a night in Birmingham. Nothing like ‘crapping on your own doorstep’ eh Jess.
She is typical Labour, very dim.
But hold on, wait a minute, maybe not so dim
Maybe I’m wrong, aren’t there lots of Muslims/immigrants in Birmingham, lets explore this narrative Jess, there is a relevant connection here.
Maybe you’re right, same culture , same crime. Thank you Jess I’ve seen the light.
I blame the Birmingham politicians for allowing this to go on in the Muslim community. Oh it’s you Jess is it?
It was my first thought as well, but I suspect she was having a pop at drunken English people whistling at drunk English girls in short skirts – usually accompanied by a raised middle finger from the girls, as they walk away, and laughs from the lads as they pile into another pub.
Conservative-in-name-only, Dan Hannan is on Newsnight, spewing weasel words about leaving the EU, stating that controlling our country doesn’t necessarily mean controlling our borders, and that people are “in favour of some refugees”.
This is in line with Hamhead Cameron trying to ‘renegotiate’ in Europe (and getting the cold shoulder).
Neither listen to or even understand the general public.
Hannan can talk sense (sometimes) on the EU.
However he seems have missed the message from, the now not so silent majority, – We’re Effing Full and we’ve had enough of being fed bullshit.
Way, way too weak on Muslim immigration too.
Durr. Did you miss the point on “not so silent majority” and “We’re Effing Full”?
No offense intended.
Even if there existed plenty of capacity for immigrants here in the U.K. we shouldn’t accept any Muslims, whether “We’re Effing Full” or not – they’re growing presence is simply like a malign tumour enlarging within our society; but people like Hannan et al would never say that and our government keeps letting them in.
This is a worrying situation i.e. what Dan Hannan is suggesting (which was happily accepted by Evan Davis) is that there will be little change to the free flow of European labour following a Brexit (other than perhaps some feeling of more control) This may be the case with a Norway type agreement or even a Swiss one but not with an FTA which is what UKIP want and which could be easily achieved.
Remember that it is Cameron’s government who will have to deal with a Brexit and Hannan is part of that.
I am deeply pessimistic……………
I think most people would accept refugees that are fleeing persecution for holding our values – e.g. atheist seeking asylum after government persecution in Pakistan. What they don’t support is an open door and cheque book for people that hate us.
Listening now to Any Questions on iPlayer.
A clear indicator of so much that is wrong.
The likes of Caroline Lucas and Peter Hennessey personify the privileged, ritually stupid elite and their posturings. Reflex assent to the One World Vision of Marx or 38 degrees/common purpose.
Only Redwood has a mind of his own in that whole room as far as I can see, although Gisela Stuart is unusually good for a Labour MP(despite claptrap re refugees at times).
If Lucas isn`t in the pay of Big Euro…and if Hennessey isn`t just Heseltine with a mortar board…then I`ll be shocked.
Why TF should any Briton care a damn what a Progressive, Australian fool has to say regarding our country’s membership of the E.U.?
The shrill homunculus needs to shut up or p*** off home and let British people decide what is best for their nation.
Al Shubtill
Good point, why does Al Beeb give so much credence to the opinion and the advice of foreigners’ e.g. Bonnie Greer, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Germaine Greer, Peter Hain, and in the past, Tariq Ali, etc etc………. to name but a few ?
They have no patriotic feeling or attachment to our great country – none at all!
They should return to the country of their origin and attempt to make reforms where it is needed .
Now, I wonder what they all have in common ?
For information Taff.
Hain is not a Saffa – He was born in Kenya.
I am also, reliably informed, by one of the Whites (I bet that pissed him off) 2nd team involved, he was thrown over the fence at St Helen’s. Something to do with a rugby game involving a touring side (S.A.).
It just shows that some areas of Wales (Neath) would vote for a donkey with a red rosette as recently demonstrated in Aberavon.
Pantone Pete has to be one of the worst hypocrites I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.
Rant over!
Don’t forget Huhne’s Greek wife
No, the serial cash for crash victim is the other one – Natalie Bennett
Still funny, but it looks like the full version has been removed – probably under the EU right to be forgotten crap.
Any one seen Zero , has he been grounded by his ‘Auntie’?
Possibly saw his P-38 coming?
Ground Zero???!!! 🙂
I see EU officials has said that the mass rape and sexual attacks by hoards of marauding Muslim migrants across the Europe has ‘nothing to do with the migrant crisis’. With logic like that, who needs Boolean Algebra?
Source –
Was my comment deleted? Sorry for any offence caused, I thought the ‘Islam invented algebra’ slant would have been obvious.
BBC Newswatch
The storms in US why so much coverage? … climate change propaganda
Was it the panda pictures? … climate change propaganda!
The Americanisation ( 😀 ) of our news … CLIMATE CHANGE PROPAGANDA !!
Why show the serious Mayors warnings? … BLOODY CLIMATE CHANGE PROPA … oh why bother
Was it the “feel good” snowball fights? … ooooooh brother!
I m pleased to say, we have two talking heads to bullshit about it for 5minutes.
Next the weather
The storms right up in northern Scotland, storm Gertrude (why just so much coverage?)
… climate change propaganda
(repeat ad nauseum)
Next we have Simon “fanny” Fanshawe to go all queer over the papers, as the sofa morons hang on his every word.
I haven’t heard this on the R4 newspaper review:
Perhaps the BBC is being considerate to those listening while eating breakfast.
Has anyone seen a photo of Diane Abbot since that whale was washed up on the breach at Hunstanton?
Reminds me of the Ken Dod joke.
The family were on Blackpool beach when a lifeguard came up and instructed my mother-in-law to leave.
So the tide could come in!
I find whales have a certain aesthetic appeal, streamlined, efficient shape.
Unlike the congenitally ugly.
How did she get into the flat ? Did they have to remove a window and get a crane to hoist her up ?
This Global warming bollox how about this BBC maybe Winter is just a little bit late and is set to get going at the end of February for 2 months – record cold and snow in March and April that will be a hard spin for them. According to the BBC the weather is a bit strange what the fk is normal you drones ? When we stop climate change will it a be a steady 20 degrees every day 365 days a year or something do tell us
I remember reading a very good post (possibly her) that explored this very issue.
Who gets to say what the temperature should be? Obama? What about the regions that are currently too cold – e.g. Siberia. Are the destined to a perpetual iceage? Are we going to try and reverse the warming? If we do, when will it be cold enough? Which plant/animal life has priority? Do polar bears (cold) trump butterflies (warm)?
I am in turn impressed with what impresses ‘left wing friends’. The BBC’s ‘coverage’ should be extensive and revealing.
Luckily our lack of licence precludes unnecessary exposure.
Standard BBC “story” on R4 Today (Saturday) to the un-identified “groups of gropers” problem in Birmingham “like Cologne” mentioned by the Jess Phillips on Question Time…
Total denial, no mention of the “culture” involved and only local businessmen, Police (protecting their business/ reputation)and some whinging apologist called Salma Yacoub (whoever she is) asked to comment! No bias there then…
One tiny glimmer of light however was Dame Edna Hussain’s question “would you be more worried in downtown Cairo or in UK” Classic response from Salma was to go straight into a discussion about racism and Domestic Violence… No come back from Edna sadly.
This Salma Yaqoob? One time side-kick of George Galloway?
No, I’m sure it isn’t – obviously just a coincidence.
When it comes to these short skits for Biased BBC, well, the material provided by the Saturday 8.30am Breakfast Newspaper Review makes the task as easy as shooting duckies in a barrel.
The dog’s breakfast today featured self-styled ‘media tart’ Simon Fanshawe. “OMG… midnight shopping!” (All innuendos probably intended).
Just in case your ‘gaydar’ wasn’t tuned in by the earlier homosexual marriage survey in the Church of England story (the poll done by a gay ‘activist’) this paper review chap Simon is as about as camp as a row of tents. Surely he ought to haved saved his first midnight shopping experience anecdote for the Graham Norton show?
We digress. But most of what Simon says is leading us astray. What he thinks is really important is a story that convinces us just how pink the FT has become. The Google story. Why so important, you ask? Ask Labour Party HQ about the rare occasions in which Miliband got some traction… energy prices for example… and I’m sure there’s a much hoped for Jezza moment here somewhere. Simon spells out the punch line about Cameron losing political stock – which is why Simon is like a dog with a bone on this story. Our Charlie tries to speed things up but Simon is determined.
Google (no strangers to virtue signalling) say the rules of the capitalist system written into their internal rule book demand they have to maximise profit for their shareholders (or somesuch). Perhaps big corporations should nurture other priorities – or so muse Google, the FT and our Simon. If you take any of this hogwash seriously sell Google shares now!
Just time for a quick one about Migrants stroke Refugees who may have touched Women in Cologne stroke Birmingham.
Now our Simon is a clever chap, Marlborough College and University of Sussex (handy for Brighton), and so he’s channeling Jonathan Swift and David Aaronovich (I hope you’re taking notes, plebs). A Modest Proposal is discussed and Simon concludes the migrants “Just want to come here to better themselves – what’s wrong with that?” Has Simon never played ‘beggar thy neighbour’ (Remember, all innuendos probably intended) And didn’t we just moments ago say Google should move from rules intended to ‘better’ their shareholders to some wider context of societal common good? But second thoughts I suppose if you think the whole wide world is your common home then my argument cuts both ways. I give up – let them all in – but send them round to Simon’s house first.
Simon is eventually cut short. They’re out of time – not you might think for anything important but for a BBC plug for some wildlife show. Evolution Islands or some such. How could Charlie Stayt’s immaculate hairdo have evolved – surely there’s some unitelligent design there?
i have an FT account through work. The content is diabolical and just goes to highlight to cosy media club – same schools, same universities, same values, same dinner parties, etc.
The media groupthink/agreed line of attack is so obvious.
And of course – should enough ‘come here to better themselves’ Fanshawe might just find himself being invited to take a ‘Sharia Walk’ of the top of a tall building.
After a very recent comment about the BBC’s obfuscation of the emergence of details early in the Ashya King case, I was surprised to see that The Guardian’s article on Proton Beam Therapy did not include any fear-mongering about present arrangements for therapy outside the UK (Proton Overseas Programme) being threatened by the question of our membership of the EU; and instead mentioned that there would be several new Proton centres open in the UK soon. Manchester and London, I believe.
Must remember: once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.
There’s a lot to mull over in this report about the imbalance in numbers of male to female late teens in Sweden, some telling comments regarding the age claims of migrants being one or them.
“We took care of one kid, and we found out he was about 28 years old.'”
The article finishes with,
“Long term, the gender imbalance in the group of people who are currently 16 and 17 may shrink. As refugees under 18 can invite their immediate family to join them, it’s possible that their sisters will one day also travel to Sweden.”
The assumption being there will be something left to travel to, although action is being taken it has the appearance of far too little far too late. There is little talk of “white flight” these days but I think it will be on the increase in the near future.
Dynamite literally and metaphorically for Sweden.
Come on Mr Cameron announce age testing will be implemented in the U.K. for asylum seekers who appear to be over 18, but claim less. After all if shops will not sell alcohol without proof if you look under 25, the judges, who seem to make the law nowadays, may have difficulty squeezing a human rights angle into not testing.
Perhaps we should carry it out retrospectively too, and eject those found to have lied.
What about if they buy a cat? It’s their EUman rights, innit.
Probably the insane lefties governing Sweden will make white flight illegal since it would be ‘racist’.
We took care of one kid, and we found out he was about 28 years old
I have to say I’m wondering how long it took until the penny dropped.
A massively skewed gender balance in favour of horny young males with dubious social attitudes and restraint commitment, in a country full of blonde lovelies who rather like the outdoors, short skirts and tans; what…. could possibly go wrong?
Glad I got my Volvo when I did.
Sell it! They’re just re-badged Fords. Two people I know had them. One was a mechanical right off (three years old – blown engine) and the other was nothing but trouble.
Is this the sort of bullsh*t that passes for journalism at the BBC now? Look at the opening lines,’There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden.’
The big mystery is answered almost straight away and is of no surprise whatsoever.
What is happening is not odd it is nation destroying madness of the self genocidal kind.
Note the nice photo of happy, carefree, smiling Swedes that accompanies the propaganda.
Um, something tells me that Al Beeb doesn’t like Mr Trump .
One does wonder what the well paid so called ‘Trustees’ have to do with this bias ?
The British public are beginning to see through this propaganda .
Why doesn’t Mr Car Moron do something about this ?
It’s because he needs their support for his campaign to remain in Europe .