Google found 997,000 results to my question.
Which was.
“Hilary Clinton emails treason?
Then used a BBC exclusion search, no change.
and no, i did not bother putting the second l in this bitch’s christian name, just as i am not bothering with punctuation etc
i would happily sign a death warrant for this cuckolded us bitch.
I do like referring to the first component of an appellation as a Christian name, it irritates the atheists. I am an atheist, just not an atheist of the crackpot Lefty type.
If Jeremy Corbyn steps out in front of your car today please remember to reverse to return your car to its pre collision position, after not swerving.
I would definitely like to find out more about Mr Hardwick’s political persuasions; much of what he says in this ‘report’ is very similar to Marxist ideology; empathy for prisoners’ plight, and societal structures implied as being the root cause e.g. young offenders being ‘failed’ when locked up etc. You try telling that to pensioners being mugged and terrorised on estates and teachers being attacked by little hoodlums. Mr Hardwick even had to get his tuppence-worth in about asylum seekers being locked up. BBC must be delighted with this one.
Nick Hardwick is a career, snout in trough, serial Quango Hopping lefty, also given some space by IslamicAlBeeb to moan about UK prisons, before he leaves his sinecure as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons.
Previously he was :-
Chair of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Chief Executive of the Refugee Council.
Chief Executive of the charity Centrepoint.
Mr Hardwick has been appointed chairman of the Parole Board of England and Wales.
The term used for these people in The Armed Forces is “a waste of rations”.
Labour planted all these wasters in positions of influence and during the coalition the Liberals protected them. The Conservatives now have the power to cull them but are doing nothing. The left have successfully infiltrated the institutions and Dave is happy to leave the comrades there – and even promote them. Even if he thinks that the BBC is untouchable the other quangos are not.
The PM is far too busy getting the UK the deal of the century from the EU.
Following the deal we will only have to accept one thousand aliens a second. Only 50% of us will have to live in the road so these aliens can be housed. Only 45% of us will have their benefits stopped so the aliens can receive welfare. Our contribution to to the EU will only rise by 20% per annum. 15% of the indigenous population will be imprisoned for crimes they did not commit under the Cameron “do time for a refugee” movement.
Other features of Dave’s deal will be disclosed later but it is clear already that our PM is the negotiator of c21.
As you have realised I inventing the above, it releases some of the anger and frustration. More beneficial would be grasping Cameron by the throat and shaking the worse than useless twat.
Dave just tell them you have lost the cheque book and UK PLC cannot provide a new one for six months.
This country should be exporters of first class Mushrooms/roses the amount of bullshit the BBC gives us.
Will auntie get raped by the RoP.Only time will tell.
No sign of this on the bBBC, of course. Three men have been jailed after raping a 16-year-old girl in Manchester.
Muhyadeen Osman, Mowled Yussuf and Bilal Ahmed, all aged 20 and all of no fixed address, were sentenced to 10 years, 10 years and nine years respectively at Manchester Crown Court.
Meanwhile Muhummad Afzal, the lord Mayor elect of Birmingham also told woman’s rights campaigners that men were more likely to suffer domestic violence and denied forced marriage was a problem in Muslim Communities. He went on to say say that ‘domestic violence was happening mainly in the Christian community because they get drunk’. Mr Afzal is also the chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque. No doubt he would also say that a white 16 year old girl was at fault for not covering herself with a black body shroud and bowing to Allah. Not sure if the BBC would ever report ‘non news’ item other than ‘Three men arrested and charged at Manchester Crown Court’ leaving you to guess whether it sounds similar to Rotherham, Cologne or Paris atrocities. Its the fault of the Christians.
The typical BBC News Journo take on Trump with … erm
added commentary from a certain Paul Joseph Watson
… enjoy
ps remember the Moron Marr Show, and his anti Trump “Muslim” snow?
I genuinely misread the teeshirt on that woman and thought it said “truck frump”. I thought it appropriate as she is the size of a truck and is a real frump. And what’s all that head-wagging? Is it taught at Common Purpose School? Because it looks really silly and they were all doing it. Hypnosis?
Yussuf gestured at the public gallery defiantly as he was sent down, Ahmed sought to smear his victim’s character in graphic terms when interviewed by a probation officer, and Osman’s barrister, Michael Goldwater, described them as ‘overheated’ and ‘immature’ men who ‘got carried away’ after the victim made ‘the decision to place herself in that position’.
“the defence quote sickens me”
But it did not surprise you.
My idea is that income tax should not only be charged depending on income, but also on occupation.
There would be a sliding scale for the occupation calculation.
Provisional suggestion.
Farmers, Armed forces personnel 0%
Building and construction 5%
Health 15%
TV, film and sports 90%
Legal profession 95%
Politicians 200%
Finance 500%
BBC in damage limitation mode this morning on Today, trying to find back up for Jess Phillips assertions about Saturday nights in Broad street in Brum being like Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
They did their best and found……general disbelief from those brummies interviewed though they did manage to find a women….”one women, who’d had her bottom touched to get her attention, now that’s a sexual assault, what response would she get if she went into a police station to report that?”, “Of course we’d investigate that kind of assault” said the police superintendent, obediently.
Then came the hijab wearing socialist/feminist Salma Yacoub who was very happy to discuss “misogyny” but when asked if sexual touching was more likely in say, Cairo rather than Brum, played the inevitable race card and warned of “the dangers of suggesting that brown men are more likely to behave in a misogynist way”.
They would investigate it with the same degree of diligence they did all those Muslim rape gang allegations; unless it was done to a Muslima – in which case they’d tear half the city apart looking for the perpetrator.
Damage limitation was exactly what it was, helping the thick Brummie MP to safe face. I would expect nothing less from the Today programme. Blatant manipulation on the part of the BBC.
In terms of police investigation, I think that they’d nick the guy if he was stood right in front of them and the girl kicked off. Otherwise, who is the perpetrator? I doubt it would go to court – night in the cells, don’t do it again.
Is it just me or is al auntie going over the top with regards to “the magic of the f.a.cup. every five minutes-thats what makes it special or the magic of the underdog etc. Couple of years ago when it was on itv the bbbc didnt even read the scores of the f.a.cup out, two faced rogues they are indeed.
The FA Cup did have magic at one time but the introduction of penalty kicks as a decider, and playing semi-finals at Wembley have destroyed it. That’s why the top clubs started using it to blood reserves a few years back.
Agree, I preferred it when I could pronounce all the players names, they didn’t look like walking billboards and the pitches at this time of the year didn’t look like putting greens, sometimes with the snow just removed from the lines.
All too sterile, multinational and money based now.
You and I are on the same page Geoff ! The foreign players of course are in it for the money, and doubt whether they could even point on the map where the clubs are that they signed up to play for !
My dear old Dad was a pro player for a top club back in the 40’s and went into footy management years after. His salary was £ 5.00 and a £1.50 bonus if they won. Oh, like the rest of his generation of footballers, what sort of life he could have had on the eye watering money on offer today. Some worship at the shrine of Beckham, but in the opinion of pro’s in the business, he was not the best of players and yet through clever marketing, and never making a move without instruction from his PR guru Simon Fuller, has amassed millions; but he’s the laughing all the way to the bank, whilst my Dad had to take a second job to ensure his family had food on the table. (sour grapes ? me ? of course !)
Calling Anna Holligan. Calling Anna Holligan. Where the blazes is the woman when you need her? Last seen outside Cologne railway station smearing concerned Germans as fascists. Well Anna, I think you may be needed in Dover where currently a rag-tag group of racists and far-right fascists are being kept apart by the Kent police from another rag-tag bunch of racists and far-left fascists. There’s more than enough fascism on display in Dover to satiate Anna’s thirst. So where the hell are you?
BBC Kent now covering this story. Better late than never. And guess what???
“They clashed with anti-racism demonstrators who were addressed by Diane Abbott, shadow secretary of state for international development, ahead of the march.”
To have the blatantly racist Diannnne Abbott at an “anti-racism” rally says rather more about the organisation that invited her to speak than they realise.
Mr G. Think you will find that the fatbot was in Calais last Saturday as well as Jezza! Both Calais and Dover led to violent disturbances. Is there a link? I could not possibly say.
Daily Mail emoting now, their headline says “masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children”
I could be wrong, but I have watched the video a couple of times, but fail to see any children. Maybe its just me, having seen the picture of the 15 year old murderer in Stockholm, it would appear that these migrants do seem to look much older than their years.
Whenever you encounter an article about children it is important to ask about the definition of a child. They can be quite old.
Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but was it the case that when counting the number of children killed in the conflict in Gaza, the age of a child was up to 18?
In such cases there are children the same age as those in the military.
And this might explain why Geoff (above post) thought he saw no children.
In primitive cultures, children can be legally up to 20 years old. So the BBC could be indicating that they regard Islam as a backward culture, by defining a 20 year old Muslim as a child. While European culture is regarded by the BBC as more advanced. So according to the BBC, a 16 year old European is described as an Adult.
And according to the BBC (gender neutral) was campaigning for the reduction of the age of consent to 14 for girls (BBC44 social progressive news last year) as being a ‘suitable modern age of consent’. But when the BBC reports on immigration every male Syrian migrant is no more than 12 years old (even when well over 30). Saville preferred them young. It’s a BBC thing that you just make up the age to get consent.
On R4 yesterday afternoon there was a programme about stats and in it they investigated the strange phenomena that there are many more 16 year migrants in Sweden ( about 5 times as many) than there are 17 to 25 year olds and that this statistical quirk does not occur in Denmark. It was all easily explained by the Swedish immigration rules which grant 16 year olds automatic assylum and the right to bring over their families. The Danes do not have this arrangement. It was also noted that it is Afghans who take advantage of this but Syrians don’t , apparently because they don’t know about these rules back in Syria but the Afghan network does!
I was surprised that the BBC should be so open about the way in which the rules are broken by these poor, homeless, essentially honest and kind orphaned boys fleeing persecution, who apparently use a well oiled emigration network in their own country to help them establish family life in Sweden. Then it dawned on me. The BBC was just using the programme to advertise to the Syrians how they should exploit the gullible Swedes to move their families to Europe. As for the Swedes, their government is even dafter and more useless than ours!
Can you imagine the panic among the ‘refugee children’ if it was announced that age and country of origin could be accurately predicted using retina scans.
How many do you think would be gouging out their eyes…
I hope you are all making preparations for superstorm/hurricane/typhoon/Armageddon Atlantic depression ‘Enery, when it pounces upon an unsuspecting Former UK, on Monday. Winds may be quite strong, and there may be some rain, or perhaps even snow, heaven forbid. This comes after Jonas, which was followed, alphabetically, apparently, by Gertrude.
I expect there will be red/amber/pink/sky-blue warnings all over the place, for weather.
A hand dancing gormless BBC bint gives expert advice on Zika, where it comes from and how to prevent catching it, by keeping away from mosquitoes and keeping them away from us, and as some dopes in far off countries say, stop getting pregnant.
Anyone ready to criticise fanatical environmentalists and population control freaks who got DDT banned in response to dubious research and banning its supporters from scientific journals? (shades of the climate change non debate)
Not the BBC.
‘Population control advocates blamed DDT for increasing third world population. In the 1960s, World Health Organization authorities believed there was no alternative to the overpopulation problem but to assure than up to 40 percent of the children in poor nations would die of malaria. As an official of the Agency for International Development stated, “Rather dead than alive and riotously reproducing.” [Desowitz, RS. 1992. Malaria Capers, W.W. Norton & Company]’
What we need is a broadcaster with a requirement to educate and inform.
Look on the bright side, how many BBC sports journalist’s, presenter’s & crew will now be too”scared”, for a freebee down in Rio, for this year’s Olympic’s. They will all have to stay at home now. Ha.ha. Bring on the Mossie Menace, one bunch of Mossie ‘s, they Will want destroyed.
BBC at it again, calling anyone concerned or opposed to mass migration ‘far right’ while those who are pro open borders are referred to as heroic ‘ anti fascist’ implying that the other lot ARE Fascists or anti racist again with the implication that anyone anti immigration is a racist (seeing as a racist only means someone who disagrees with a Fascist it’s perhaps correct !).
The reality is that the BBCs heroes are the Fascists and the Racists, not the BBC would ever see it that way being part of them.
Don’t know who they are but they look a right bunch of cream puffs to me, our local tracksuited kestrel swigging goon/mafia teens would have them for breakfast.
I’ve just watched the Sky news report on Dover a couple of minutes ago. They are stating the “right wing” were happy with the day and the violence was started by the left wing scum. The reporter also stated that the Police corroborated that was the case. Wow! I think this was the first time I’ve seen one of these events being reported on without trying to blame the “right wing” When we know that the rent a scum are normally to blame…..
Maybe, just maybe, Sky has worked out that the BBC has been rumbled by the general public. As a commercial venture, Sky survives by selling subscriptions. The good residents of Dover will have seen for themselves what happened and know the truth. Imagine two broadcasters, both commercial, giving different accounts of events. One tells the truth, the other ignores the truth and pushes its own agenda. Which one retains the viewers in Dover?
Unfortunately, we live in a world where the agenda pushing broadcaster can do what it wants, smug in the knowledge that the money will keep rolling in.
That is why the BBC, in its current form, must be scrapped.
BBC – “bricks were thrown as a group demonstrating against the arrival of immigrants clashed with anti-racism protestors in Dover”
… hmmm typical BBC reporting, what you have here are the usual real hard left UAF thugs, and for once in recent years real far right protesters actually a pretty small bunch, the vid I saw had bits of paving slab and bricks raining over to them
… The BBC/LBC/MSM wet dream appeared too a single, solitary NF flag, photographs of which, I can imagine will adorn sites for weeks.
UAF Thugs and Real Far Right thugs, not a good combination … BOTH should be severely castigated,
for that, 😀 we ll have to wait and see.
As I drove back LBC led the bias brigade, fronting even the BBC, utter propaganda
Guardian, Mirror and local Dover press speak the same as the BBC , even stronger, often contrasting the anti fascists with far right, Nazis and Fascists. The UAF, Antifa, and UNITE have been mobilising for this confrontation for weeks. I will guarantee that with Cameron’s support for the UAF, none of them will be prosecuted for any violent behavior.
They are now focusing on the Pegida peaceful walk in Birmingham, which local papers, the BBC and all will describe as a confrontation between far right Nazis and anti racists.
“now focusing” on Pegida?, come now
I would not be at all surprised if todays fracas, wasn t in some way a stitch up.
Pegida success is what they fear … todays handful of yobs?, what perfectly timed erm
“never underestimate the power of lies and money” eh!
Talking of Pegida, the silent walk
BBC R4 Thurs.
Al-Beeb is surprised he s facing his critics, (why?) he s notorious, bringing fear and violence onto the streets, banding about – Neo Nazi, Far Right not wanted anywhere near Birmingham etc.
That’s just the intro … as soon as Tommy starts talking first about growing up with Muslim kids
some his friends, it gets cut and on goes the voiceover.
bias? … what bias?
I have just finished reading “Enemy of the State” by Tommy Robinson, which is about the EDL and him and what happened to him because he set up that organization.
It is a quite incredible story and I would recommend it to anyone who loves this country and recognizes how much our society is deteriorating; because no matter how bad you think things are – read that book and you’ll realize it’s actually about 100x worse.
Thanks for posting the link. I have just listened to it and actually think its quite well balanced. Tommy Robinson comes over well; articulate and intelligent, whilst the muslim MP (I think he was) who wanted to ban Pegida from marching in Birmingham didn’t and seemed in a state of denial.
Given BBC semantic convolutions in such cases, I am surprised that any human agency was alluded to, and the victims of any impact were not claimed to have head butted passing masonry.
Spare a thought for BBC’s most senior TV executive, Mrs Charlotte Moore. According to today’s TIMES and TELEGRAPH ‘Charlotte Moore had been company secretary of Perry Images for nine years as her cameraman husband received lucrative work from the BBC’ She has had to quit her ‘other’ job as Secretary for PERRY IMAGES (which you will not be surprised to learn that her husband Johann Perry works (solely) as a Cameraman for the BBC. Unfortunately the ‘dam PRESS’ had found out and she has had to resign from her post at ‘Perry Images’ – and not (ever NEVER) the other way around. That prompted the BBC to declare (yesterday) – cough!- ‘…. her position in the company should have been listed in the public register of interests and that it (it meaning the BBC itself) had made a mistake in advising her…’. Yes! but still advised by the BBC (repeated every year forTEN years) another example of exclusive BBC ‘private contract’ within the nepotism privileged BBC media folk. TELEGRAPH reports ”Tory MP Andrew Bridgen called for a BBC Trust investigation into the arrangement, describing it as “endemic nepotism.” ‘This did not represent a ‘conflict of interest’ to the BBC. It gets worse. It’s reported that Ms Moore was a former Controller of TV BBC1 (think of all the crap programs launched on her watch). The BBC has refuted that any of her BBC salary of £268,800 had been used towards her husbands private company (but they would).. Meanwhile she has been promoted to to BBC Exec. i.e. she now earns A LOT MORE DOSH ! That would be dishonest and morally suspect – ten years ago as it is now – (if the BBC had any morals at all). Its an ‘in-BBC’ joke that many BBC execs and Directors have had ‘two jobs’ (like Yentob had). Many Top BBC brass do exactly the same – and often a 3 day week like Lord hall does). That is why the BBC are happy to refute that allegation that there was any ‘nepotism in the corporation’ and the use of ‘private contracts’ was in any way ‘tax-avoidance’ which it is. It was simply a ‘mistake’ to have been found out.
Please find “refute” and “deny” in the dictionary, they have different definitions, even if many, especially AlBeeb, pretend otherwise; and even if the DT is one of them.
AlBeeb have made denials, which we can assume to be lies. AlBeeb have made no refutations whatsoever.
AlBeeb responses to FOI requests and Complaints, often raised on BBBC, are full of this.
Quite frequently the BBC, and indeed many politicians consider a denial or disagreement as a refutation. It is all a matter of subjective opinion you see.
Sorry, I had this old-fashioned idea that the OED was the supreme authority.
I need to buy the latest edition of the Newspeak dictionary.
Then all my statements will be doublepluscorrect.
From the link provided by Mr Golightly at 3:31 pm to the BBC article I clicked on a link to the Dover Express and, on scrolling down, found this extraordinary headline:
Then I thought the fact that an accurate, honest headline had me gaping at the screen in astonishment is a good indication of the stranglehold that political correctness has on the media, of which the BBC is such a fine example.
It’s a disgrace how the far-Left BBC dare call the far-Left scum anti-racists and anti-fascists. If anything it is the far-Left who the fascists. It is they who are always using violence to silence debate.
I agree. And it is equally despicable of the Mail to do the same. Both organisations call one side by the name their opponents call them and yet allow far Left thugs to be called by their own fantasy name, which completely distorts the ugly truth of the situation.
More ‘news the BBC doesn’t want you to hear’ is that ‘hundreds of thousands’ have attended a rally in Italy today to protest against ‘gay marriage’ and new pro-gay adoption laws.
Am I alone in thinking that the BBC plan to make a pleas for the over 75’s to ‘voluntary” pay their telly tax? Some disgruntled BBC watchers might think that the BBC is very poor value-for-money when it charges for TV that other countries effectively get for free. But the BBC will make capital of the over 75’s by sending the message that ‘thanks to the EU support’ they get the TV license somehow ‘free’. The EU does give money to the BBC in the same way that French farmers can get for doing less. So when the BBC make a claim they are doing ‘over 75’s’ a big favor and asking OAP’s to cough up, the response (so far) was not one they wanted…..
A delightful letter in the TIMES gave a good feedback on its BBC ‘cash crisis’ TV advertising targetted to the old greys. The letter reads (tone annoyed) ‘Does the BBC really think it is justified in asking the over 75’s to give up their free TV license when Rona Fairhead, the chair of the BBC trust, spent more than £3,000 hosting guests (including her husband) at last years Proms, in addition to claiming expenses for traveling, and her staff spent nearly £7,000 entertaining guests at the Royal Albert Hall’. Thank you Lyn, I could not agree more!
The BBC I suspect will get nothing from the over 75’s who are ignored by the ‘BBC yooof’ network and its brazen queering agenda. But the BBC are planning to target OAP’s ‘so-called “silver celebrities” including Dame Helen Mirren, Lord (Melvyn) Bragg, Sir Terry Wogan and Sir Michael Parkinson could be lined up to appear in a campaign driven by director-general Lord Hall’. We’ll see how well that works! The luvvies v common sense.
You are certainly not alone. Many over 75s are going to be wondering whether they can afford their electricity bills (so vastly inflated by the BBC’s beloved wind farms). Others, as you say, are going to be alienated by the ‘yoof agenda’ and others are going to be scratching their heads at the Asian network and all the other fashionista obsessions of the Islingtonians. Still others are going to feel that Radio 4 sounds like a students’ union bar circa 1970.
It’s a measure of how far the BBC believes its own propaganda that Hall thinks he is going to get away with this.
I’m just past 45 and I seriously question what the BBC has to offer me, apart from a bit of Radio 2, BBC4 and Formula 1…… scratch that, apart from a bit of Radio 2 and rare programs that aren’t repeats on BBC4 it offers me jack for my £145 pa. Once your eyes have opened everything else is agenda driven crud.
I’ve said it before the only thing I now make any effort to watch are the TOTP re runs which to be honest most of the time are also pretty dire. So as this is the only program I would miss, but not that much I’m certainly not getting any value for money. There seems to be several escape to bargain hunt roadshow under the hammer flogit rubbish programs on now every day including weekends.
Remember when BBc said they were going to reduce the number of antique / house programs. or did I imaginate that?.
Well consider the salaries being paid of several hosts for fronting one show ! (I’ve mentioned this before),… another body on Homes Under the Hammer, from 2 to 3; 4 people to pay on Gt Bake Off, 4 on Escape to the Country, the list goes on. I tend to watch more of the ‘golden’ channels with repeat dramas and tec stories; the Beeb have too many blokey banter “I’ve cracked a joke, aren’t I funny” quiz and panel shows.
(And EXACTLY where is Nikki Chapman when she does her soundbite intro and exit on Wanted Down Under ? a change of frock but still the same exotic background, and is never once seen with the shows participants – so is she on holiday and the Beeb are paying for it while she does an hour’s work ?)
The Old Grey Whistle Test used to be pretty good with the likes of Rory Gallagher, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Be-Bop Deluxe…..and even King Crimson. TOTP – never.
Oh I don’t know it has a certain down memory lane charm. In the Jo Dolce number 1 period (I hated it) being screened now I can recall being in Catterick as part of the training Regiment, driving a Land Rover around the Yorkshire Dales. There are the grief I remember that now wasn’t it dreadful i.e. Joe Dolce Then there are the occasional gems of a band that I’ve seen live on an episode that I never saw.
I’ve given up on BBC except to continually check radio and news for bias. Which is tiresome but I feel obliged.
If I watch a series its from U.S. HBO/FX channels (the Shield, Deadwood etc).
The BBC arrogantly assumes it produces great TV. Unfortunately it doesn’t any more.
The only BBC box set I bought/own was “Tinker, Tailor…” a few years back (filmed in 1979 when I was 12). I think I’ve paid my dues.
The only thing I can think positively of being a pensioner is NOT paying my £145 anymore (to an institution that very clearly is contemptuous of people like me and other forced donors).
Getting millionaire entertainers to pensioners to fork out savings/pensions to a greedy bunch like the beeb shows the distance between their self perception and the public’s.
“Dame Helen Mirren, Lord (Melvyn) Bragg, Sir Terry Wogan and Sir Michael Parkinson could be lined up to appear in a campaign driven by director-general Lord Hall. ”
A dame, two knights and two lords asking the little people to dig deep to keep them in the style to which they are accustomed. Even Marie Antoinette would have seen the flaw in this line of argument.
Sad news this morning Sir Terry Wogan has died. I always loved him on the “Eurovision Song Contest ” when he went into a fit of giggles. When he stopped doing it you knew it had gone down the pan.
That headline makes it seem compulsory to do so. Ramping up of the narrative by the BBC. Nonetheless the rhetoric in Germany reflects the shifts of opinion. Even today I saw Merkel castigating Germans for not living up to their values. What hope for them?
It is a popular opinion amongst normal decent people. My electrician said that he thought they should shoot a few of the Calais invaders. They’ll get the message and it will stop immediately. This pussyfooting around where the police simply drive them back to the Jungle and let them go, is a joke.
I’d like to see a few honey-trap lorries pick them up and drive them down to Greece or Southern Italy. A bit like Snakes & Ladders.
Why stop at Greece , its not only their fault these leeches are in Calais. Drive onto a requisitioned ferry and let em off at the other side of the Med in Libya. I reckon thirty to a container with food and water a decent sized ferry would be able to take 5000 plus a trip. So you could clear Calais in one go.
The headline has been changed overnight from “should shoot migrants” to now “should shoot at migrants”. An interesting semantic alteration. Where before it implied lining them up against a wall, now it implies vaguely shooting in their direction as they run away. Which is it to be BBC?
The anti Trump bias is incredible. Not even a hint of balance. What exactly are they going to do if he becomes POTUS?
Obviously they’d declare three years of mourning, but then what? I guess they could pass the baton to the ‘comedy’ department to snipe at him week after week, but I can’t see Trump playing they game.
He won’t. If he looks like getting near; the evil people will find common purpose to fiddle the results and corruptly install Hitlery Clinton. She will be the next PotUS, whatever the people want.
Transparent Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels would have been be proud of them ?
View the photograph used here …………….
Does this represent the age group of the majority of the asylum applicants/economic migrants ?
What do you think ?
I wonder why the strapping lad with the red shirt on the left is ducking his head down? Worried folk might notice he’s bigger than the Swedish police…men?
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
A note on terminology. The BBC approves of every organism entering Europe, for whatever purposes. The BBC supports armed invaders whose intention is to impose their barbaric religion on Europeans. Those not susceptible to such imposition, will be killed in their hundreds of millions, the evidence for this statements exists in the historical record, where the Muzzies have murdered hundreds of millions of Hindus. The rationale behind the approval of this mass murder lies in BBC beliefs. The BBC believes in, and supports, mass murder of people, the BBC is a Marxist organisation, a political system which has murdered one hundred million people.
The BBC is composed of the nastiest, most evil, people of which history has left a record.
History has also left a record of how such organisms were treated in the past.
Pure incompetence today.
The weather forecaster Scahffenwhateverekker was on just before 8.00am Radio 4. When he’s on TV I am convinced he is a puppet being manipulated by…whoever. Anyway, he rambles on a bit and then says ….and so then on Monday Storm Desmond approaches the country….
What is the point of naming these storms? They say it’s so that the public are more aware. But if the forecaster gets it downright wrong…oh, well, that’s all right then. Who cares if it’s Desmond, Henery or Zebedee!!
He should be sacked! He as sacked once before from the Beeb. Why did they let this idiot back?
This is what should be known as ‘special category status’…..the special cat award goes to…..some black bloke or hairy armpitted dyke not good enough to win through artistic merit but just because they tick some lunatic’s diversity box
By the way…..yhose of us with blood pressure problems…..for the good of your health,avoid the big questions today
Just one question … we need british islam?
ok,one hour wasted broadcasting time saved…..stick on something actually worth watching……which rules out 99% of everything from the last 10 years at least
I recently moved and since moving only found out that an Islamist meeting takes place every Sunday between 12 and 3pm in a hall directly underneath my bedroom window. On one unseasonably warm Sunday in December (did I just work global warming into this?) they had the windows open and the noise was intolerable. Now with their windows closed I can only hear the occasional wailing but when their meeting ends the noise as they leave is unacceptable. What are my chances of making a noise complaint to the council? I understand Islamists can have village church bells silenced so I’m sure in the name of equality I stand a good chance!
Do not even think about it.
The council will do SFA about it.
Actually they might do something, they might tip off one of their Muzzie friends who would then target you. Because that is what council staff are for, discriminating against you.
Just move, and take more care in your next choice of residence.
Good luck.
You notice nobody at all has stated that I am wrong, that the councils are neutral, even-handed, fair, impartial (just like AlBeeb) and will take your side and you will obtain their assistance, as indeed you should. You will receive the same help that the children in Rotherham did, no action, shred the records, lie and deny everything
We have two groups of enemies in Europe, both mass murderers. A failed 7th century religion and a failed 19th political philosophy.
Remember this, when the time comes, no mercy whatsoever.
BBC BQ….Do we need British Islam?..
After a while it all gets a bit too shouty…. usual suspects…
Islam has a problem, it needs to grow up and take responsibility for the problem. The way for the west to deal with the problem is simple: Apply and Enforce the Law of the Land EQUALLY. Law breakers should be punished; be they bankers politicians paedophiles religious extremists/nutters or fly-tippers. Stop making excuses for people who defy the law.
BBC 1- The Big Questions
Nicky Campbell the BBCs flagship moral, ethical and religious programme comes from Bradford Grammar, Bradford.
This time he asks just one big question … Do we need a British Islam?
A completely impartial BBC hour? … will anyone ask does Britain need Islam?
Does our integrated indigenous population see a big benefit in Islam? … or something else?
At least this Big Questions episode has revealed to the public what unpleasant and malignant individuals the adherents of the Religion of Peace are.
Comrade Bala is condemned right, left and centre in the media as a crazed, violent demagogue and rightly so. Interviews with Comrade Bala’s daughter clearly explained how Comrade Bala dealt with those who questioned his crazy ideas. Denial, obfuscation, denunciation, threats then violence. Clearly the loud-mouthed and ignorant representatives of the Prophet were somewhere between stages 3 and 4 and if the challenges to their mindless ideology had been firmer, or allowed to have been firmer, .stage 5 would soon have followed. The Prophet and Comrade Bala are essentially the same phenomenon. Like the demented followers of Comrade Bala who still, inspite of all the evidence, proclaim his sublime goodness and the truth of his worlld view, the brain-washed votaries of the ROP still proclaim the inherent benevolence of Islam. The BBC seems intent, for reasons no thinking person can understand, to perform the same function as Comrsde Bala’s mind control machine Jackie, by putting anyone who critisizes Islam on the nazi/racist/xenophobe naughty step.
BBC Radio 4 ‘Broadcasting House’ making sure the BBC stays as Socialist as possible decides on fantasy tax & spend and what difference would it make if Googles alleged £30 Billion cash hoard were available for the British government to squander.
One guest dares to approach the issue as if Google would choose to philanthropically distribute the money itself and is quickly corrected – no this is an exercise where the British government has the money.
Then Paddy O’Connell is outraged that several companies have paid no tax at all, and is advised that it was probably because they either made no profits, or they made such a large loss in previous years it was offset against current losses.
O’Connell’s response – “well so they claim” and then a suggestion that he didn’t believe there were such things as losses, and the state should decide how much tax businesses should pay if they do make a loss !
These people are on a different planet where reality simply doesn’t exist !
I wonder how many of these BBC folks are taxed by PAYE? I bet plenty have formed limited companies so as to pay less tax. Perhaps as well as companies being asked to show their Corporation Tax we should get all BBC folks to show us their tax affairs. There would be plenty of red faces then as the stench of hypocrisy became unbearable at Broadcasting House.
Seems this is what drew most attention. If they say so.
Acronyms are funny things. I always thought it odd the dominant party in Singapore wanted to be named after a women bits smear test. Or some South American merry japers liked the comparison with older attractive ladies.
I find all these ‘best’ acting things daft anyway. Olivier as a Nazi dentist was Olivier. Hoffman as a Scots nanny was Hoffman… playing a bloke playing a Scots nanny.
However, some bloke on The Wire playing a hopped up, spaced out gangbanger getting me behind the sofa at my age… and then at ‘cut’ going home to tuck the kids in… That, is acting.
I think you could be mixing up “Mrs Doubtfire” and “Tootsie ” Had my brain thinking of Dustin Hoffman in red sequin dress doing the hoovering so it made me smile.
BBC TBQs This time just one big question … Do we need a British Islam?
Any objective voices?
Any ex muslim voices?
Any non muslim voices?
Anyone directly affected by Islam, from areas now majority Islam?
Does Britain need Islam, anyone ask?
Yes it is sad that Terry Wogan has died. He was a good broadcaster – on TV as well as radio. But part of the past BBC, not the present BBC. Instead of someone genial like Terry Wogan or Michael Parkinson hosting a late-night chat show – we have the execrable and snarky Graham Norton.
And I did not like the line on Broadcasting House where Wogan was credited with helping many thousands through Children in Need. What helped and did the work was the money that viewers gave, not the media personalities who usually took a fat fee.
We can expect the BBC to wallow in Woganmania for a few days now.
Its a fact that the ‘oirish’ have a wittier sense of humour than anyone I’ve come across in the home counties (and I’m from Kent !), and who doesn’t need a giggle when listening to the radio. Love him or hate him, Wogan and that other Irishman who some may be too young to remember on here (Eamonn Andrews), plus a Yorkshire man with equally a good sense of humour, Parkinson, were the masters of the chat show . Would they have lasted so long if they were rubbish ???
“The BBC have always patronised the ‘genial ‘oirish’.”
They also patronised the, not so genial, Irish who obtained guns and explosives from Libya.
Who tested the guns and explosives in UK cities for many years.
And manic manchild Evans as his replacement in the mornings.
Without doubt Wogan was an excellent broadcaster and a damned good listen in the morning, sadly the BBC will go into overdrive over the loss of one of their own and by the end of the week and we will all of had enough.
RIP Sir Terry, this was as recent as 2009, would the BBC allow such today?
According to that article Wogan – like so many at the BBC – knew about Savile. But apparently he thought it was for journalists to expose Savile, not for BBC people to do so. That sums up the BBC in a nutshell.
And of course the Panorama people who tried to blow the whistle on Savile got the boot, those who at that stage continued the cover-up did not.
John Anderson January 31, 2016 at 10:37 am
“And I did not like the line on Broadcasting House where Wogan was credited with helping many thousands through Children in Need. What helped and did the work was the money that viewers gave, not the media personalities who usually took a fat fee.”
I quite liked Sir Tell, but I feel sorry for all those people pushing peanuts along the road, or sitting in baths of baked beans for a few hundred quid for Children in Need, when he was paid about £15, 000 for his good deeds
I’d like to know how those kids in need from 30 and subsequent years ago have fared. They must be almost middle aged with kids of their own, and yet we are still supplying playground equipment and holiday buses. The country must be awash with all this stuff – and what about the millions sat in a bank account just gathering interest ? I am a Wogie fan, but never gave to this charity, purely because I prefer to give to animal charities.
I watched an article on Sky where homeless ex-servicemen helped build the homes they now live in. At the same time they were taught new skills to enable them to seek gainful employment.
Can you imagine the outcry if we had a similar scheme for immigrants where they helped build their own accommodation? It would be associated with Nazi Germany slave labour camps before the end of the day.
Three thousand young men at Calais, complaining of living conditions, mud etc. Under sensible direction and equipped with a few tools they could improve their environment and pick up a few useful skills.
It is of course encouraging that there are so many budding engineers amongst them but I do hasten to add that as of yet there are few genuine university degrees available for furthering the advancement of the Lebanese Loop.
“Three thousand young men at Calais, complaining of living conditions, mud etc. Under sensible direction and equipped with a few tools they could improve their environment and pick up a few useful skills.”
GWF, you’re on dangerous ground there, suggesting that their lives would be much better if only they had some white overseers. Truth will be no defence.
An interesting snippet I’ve just discovered; sorry if others have already mentioned this.
Hard line “feminist” left wing MP Jess Phillips sprung to the defence of the revolting rapists who rampaged through the streets of Cologne on new year’s eve. She told the Question Time audience that similar things happened every Saturday night on Broad Street Birmingham. She waffled on about “Misogynistic, patriarchal societies, blah, blah, blah.” The clear inference being that “men” are the same which ever culture they belong to. Remember Phillips is the MP for this area, so you’d have thought she might be doing her best to promote it, not run it into the gutter.
Of course she was talking out of her hat; a typical knee jerk reaction that these repulsive lefties always have when confronted by facts. It transpires that in 12 weeks there have been only 5 reports of “sexual harassment” in this area of Brum….not anywhere close to the 800 in a single night in Cologne. If this nasty, racist creature was my MP i’d be spitting blood. You simply couldn’t fabricate lies like this about any other section of the community other than the much maligned white working class British bloke.
Does anyone else think this awful creature should resign?
I am quite confused by the media’s reporting on Phillips’ comments. Is she saying that every Saturday night hundreds of white girls are raped and sexually assaulted in Broad Street Birmingham by Islamists or is she saying that the girls in Cologne were only heckled, or is Phillips saying that heckling equates to rape or rape is only heckling? As a hard line feminist I’m sure she will welcome equal jail sentences for women and 50 50 custody male/female in divorce. Oh sorry that’s equality she wants cake and eat it and not have to resign for her outrageous comments.
Left wing feminists are prepared to accept rape as they are equally prepared to accept shariah.
Rote Antifa posted a picture of young feminist on Thursday, holding a sign that stated she preferred rapists from Syria and North Africa over nationalists in Germany who have demanded Chancellor Angela Merkel stop taking in more refugees.“Prefer sexually active fugitive as (sic) German racists,” was featured as the pictures caption. [Note: I believe the correct translation is: Prefer sexually active fugitive over German racists.]
The post is tagged with a #RefugeesWelcome hashtag.
Why is she so welcoming to rapists? I assume she’s not getting any!
Plus, is she so stupid* that she doesn’t realise that these particular rapes are also an extreme racist act! (On top of the terrible aspects of rape and sexual abuse.)
“Why is she so welcoming to rapists?” Simply educational indoctrination. Loving ones own country = BAD, all cultures foreign = GOOD. Also as there is a very good chance she is a lesbian, probably naively thinks that she she is ‘safe’ from rape.
Aw bless. I am sure she will also support equal male/female prison sentences and equal custody rights. Oh wait no that means the women are equal not superior. Oh well support rapists then and in her particular case I hope it comes sooner than later.
As the BBC has been piss-poor on reporting the US electoral scene owing to its visceral hatred of Trump and its fawning over Hillary, here is a quick analysis of where things stand for the crucial Iowa caucuses on Monday. Trump actually gained from missing the Fox debate – Cruz got mauled there and Trump was able to avoid direct attacks while pulling a big audience on MSNBC for his veterans rally nearby. The latest polling in Iowa shows Trump still ahead of Cruz, with Rubio maybe gaining. It will all come down to voter turnout, of course, and it looks a close tussle between Cruz’s big organisational drive over months in Iowa versus Trump’s ability to pull in new voters.
Why is it that a few minutes perusing US websitessites like HotAir, PowerLine, Daily Caller and RealClearPo9litics can give a clearer idea of what is happening than “the world’s greatest broadcaster” ?
38% of Latino Republicans support Trump, over Cuban-American Ted Cruz with 15% according to a New York Post poll conducted between the 19th and 24th January.
I think that even if Trump is narrowly defeated in Iowa ( and who on earth would bet large on that happening) he will win in New Hampshire and then sweep the South.
Rape & heckling are not the same & to trivialise rape should punishable in law.
Further to the Member of Parliament for the constituency of Birmingham Yardley’s public comments trivialising rape the house should debate whether such actions are akin to denying the holocaust or belonging to a prescribed organisation who also seek to down play the most heinous of crimes.
You have 4 supporters so far. If 5 people support your petition we’ll check it to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it.
The World this Weekend on Radio 4 with Mark Lardell.
What would be the consequences for the Tory party of the UK voting to leave the EU (and it’s suggested that it’s highly likely that we will)
David Cameron would have to resign
The Tory Party would have to quickly come together to present a united front.
It’s difficult with the BBC to know whether they are covering a subject fairly and objectively, or whether they are trying to send a message to Tory listeners what might happen if they vote to leave.
For Labour it simply doesn’t matter what they do as they’re not in government, and despite the split in their ranks leftists would perhaps be pleased to see the back of Corbyn. The irony is that he might be strengthened, as he has voiced support to leave the EU in the past.
For years the BBC has preferred to distract from the debate on membership of the EU and instead focus their output on “deep Tory divisions”. It will be criminal if they are allowed to continue this narrative line in the run-up to the referendum when we should all be simply and clearing debating the EU, not the Conservative party.
And BTW I never hear them discussing the Labour division on the issue.
Anyone else sick to death with the BBC’s pathetic lefty ‘comedy’ programmes? Actually, not just the BBC but ALL left-wing ‘humour’. Lefties are simply NOT funny. This is due to all of the areas that are taboo because of their pathetic, self-imposed PC beliefs. The only areas lefties can poke fun at are: Ukip, the Tories, heterosexual males, Christians, Donald Trump etc. Really puerile, cliched and lazy humour (like the pathetic Miranda) is also sanctioned as it turns viewers into braindead morons, thus being easier to control and turn into lefty minions.
No-one outside the westend lefty bubbles finds lefty humour remotely funny. I’ve been to the Edinburgh Fringe and trendy shows in London and have found myself amongst lefty audiences who pretend to laugh because they think they have to laugh so as to fit in with the lefties all around them: one lefty feminist loser spent her entire show slagging of macho males… it was so appallingly bad, but the NHS glasses-wearing, bearded hipsters were all trying to out-do each other in their pretend laughs. It was truly pathetic! It was so obvious they didn’t find it funny but have to follow the line that right-wing people are intrinsically bigoted and oppressive. God, I hate lefties, they are miserable, intolerant nasty cretins who try to impose their way of seeing the world on everyone else.
M*l*s J*pp is an extremely rare exception to the rule that all BBC comedians must be unfunny lefties. He has told many risqué jokes about Labour and, so far, seems to have got away with it. I have used asterisks to protect his identity.
“Anyone else sick to death with the BBC’s pathetic lefty ‘comedy’ programmes?”
Its practitioners think of it as edgy and subversive, but as it’s what we’re supposed to think I refer to it as “establishment humour”. Lefties get quite cross at that. And that makes me smile.
I think the BBC rules are that you cannot make jokes about those that the lefties regard as Inferior, but say are equal. But you can only make jokes about those deemed superior by the lefties, but say are stupid.
It’s a dysfunctional emotional response to a situation, that produces a contradictory statement from the lefty. So if a lefty calls you stupid, then that would confirm the fact that you must be a UKIP Mensa member type.
It’s a dysfunctional mindset that was also the reason for Hitler’s anti-Semitism. Hitler as a socialist stated that he hated the Jews because they made money from WWI. But as a socialist, Hitler was also in the contradictory mindset that the BBC is now in. Those deemed superior (Jews with money) are said to be inferior, but subsequently found to be the Race with the highest IQ.
So the BBC wants to put Tories, UKIPers and Mensa members in the gas chambers, and produce an Internazi (International Socialist) paradise on Earth.
Another thing that really gets on my coconuts is the ways in which the left see racism and inequality everywhere, they just make it up to start a fight. The left always have to have an enemy and so they just create fictitious social problems in order to try and justify their pathetic and sad existences.
The shadow chancellor reminded us this morning on the Sunday Politics that by the end of this century the world will be borderless so we might as well prepare for it. With the likes of him in charge he is probably right. But I don’t believe that ordinary western people will accept his premise. The only reason things have go to this stage with little protest from the ‘ordinary folks’ is that the liberal elite with their control of the media, judiciary , police , universities etc have managed to disguise what is happening and to suppress protest. But the cracks are appearing and people are realising what is going on and of course we don’t like it nor do we accept that we can’t defend our borders if we have the will to do so. Presumably, most of the ruling elite share this awful vision of a borderless world. This may explain Merkel’s madness, I can’t think of anything else that can. Well if they do share this view we had better get rid of them all quickly so we can start to recover our continent.
Why can’t twats like McDonnell be honest and tell people this is Agenda 21 he’s talking about (already well underway under the guise of ‘sustainable development’, ‘social justice’, ‘renewable energy’ etc etc) so they can really understand what the Fascist Left have got in store for them:
Open borders, combined with massive energy shortages and economic and social chaos, will lead to conflict on a grand scale and – they hope – reduce the world’s population to the 600 million or so they believe to be ‘sustainable’, at the same time hastening the birth of their eco-soclialist, totalitarian world government.
If anyone suggested this as a plot for a James Bond film it would be turned down flat as being too far fetched even for Bond fans.
Funny, though, I’ve never heard Agenda 21 mentioned once on the BBC.
Yup it’s a pincher movement on democracy from the hard left and the global elite. Both find borders bothersome and are active in trying to destroy them.
Of course both the EU and Islam are anti-democratic forces. Which explains why they are both supported by the anti-democrats and the their co-opted publicists in the BBC.
Those of us who believe in democracy buttressed by the nation state must resist as best as we can.
“Certain subjects – race, immigration and Islam in particular – attract an unacceptable level of toxic commentary…..As a result, it had been decided that comments would not be opened on pieces on those three topics unless the moderators knew they had the capacity to support the conversation and that they believed a positive debate was possible.”
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC starts shutting down debate on certain “toxic” topics? Oh, hang on. They already are. This is a sign of the times. Social media in Germany and Holland, Reuters, CNN, New York Times elsewhere. The list is growing. We musn’t have wrong-thinking people expressing themselves publicly must we!
“Certain subjects – race, immigration and Islam in particular – attract an unacceptable level of toxic commentary…..As a result, it had been decided that comments would not be opened on pieces on those three topics unless the moderators knew they had the capacity to support the conversation and that they believed a positive debate was possible.”
In other words we can’t construct a coherent counter argument so we are just going to run away and hide.
The lefties in Labour, the bBBC and the Guardian, spend much of their time trying to rewrite history and the dictionary: “toxic” is now defined as anything that they don’t agree with.
i have read some of the comments and the majority view this as censorship.
One beauty therein described the “facts are sacred” changing to “facts are scared”.
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has said it will stop production of its Defender model in 2015 because it will not meet new European laws on fuel emissions… BBC 2013
Plans to bring in stricter measures for new car emissions by 2020 meant there were “certain conditions the Defender just won’t meet”, the company said… BBC 2016
Odd how the BBC leaves out the important “EU” aspect not just in the above statement but in the entire BBC article/articles on the Defender in this referendum year – but did 3 years ago.
The author is a ‘phile, so this is a great fudge: ‘Transparency is still tricky at the BBC’
What he of course means is it doesn’t exist, despite protestations to the contrary, and the BBC and staff routinely lie through their teeth and try to cover it up, for the purposes of greed, greed and more greed.
‘There may be more to come’
As there have been in the past, as a skinny latte froths away in the swanky bistro owned by a part-time, fully paid BBC directorette, IIRC.
8 people have supported your petition so far. We’re checking your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it. This usually takes a week or less.
Thank you so much for your support. When it’s live I’ll post the link.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
Google found 997,000 results to my question.
Which was.
“Hilary Clinton emails treason?
Then used a BBC exclusion search, no change.
and no, i did not bother putting the second l in this bitch’s christian name, just as i am not bothering with punctuation etc
i would happily sign a death warrant for this cuckolded us bitch.
I do like referring to the first component of an appellation as a Christian name, it irritates the atheists. I am an atheist, just not an atheist of the crackpot Lefty type.
If Jeremy Corbyn steps out in front of your car today please remember to reverse to return your car to its pre collision position, after not swerving.
Now now, he’s just the chap to lead Labour into irrelevance. The fat f*cking racist cow, on the other hand…
No punctuation?? next wearing pyjamas for the school run
Mr Hardwick tells the Guardian all of his sob stories about prison conditions:
I would definitely like to find out more about Mr Hardwick’s political persuasions; much of what he says in this ‘report’ is very similar to Marxist ideology; empathy for prisoners’ plight, and societal structures implied as being the root cause e.g. young offenders being ‘failed’ when locked up etc. You try telling that to pensioners being mugged and terrorised on estates and teachers being attacked by little hoodlums. Mr Hardwick even had to get his tuppence-worth in about asylum seekers being locked up. BBC must be delighted with this one.
Nick Hardwick is a career, snout in trough, serial Quango Hopping lefty, also given some space by IslamicAlBeeb to moan about UK prisons, before he leaves his sinecure as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons.
Previously he was :-
Chair of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Chief Executive of the Refugee Council.
Chief Executive of the charity Centrepoint.
Mr Hardwick has been appointed chairman of the Parole Board of England and Wales.
The term used for these people in The Armed Forces is “a waste of rations”.
A waste of air.
A waste of air, no.
He can help himself to nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
A waste of skin?
Labour planted all these wasters in positions of influence and during the coalition the Liberals protected them. The Conservatives now have the power to cull them but are doing nothing. The left have successfully infiltrated the institutions and Dave is happy to leave the comrades there – and even promote them. Even if he thinks that the BBC is untouchable the other quangos are not.
The PM is far too busy getting the UK the deal of the century from the EU.
Following the deal we will only have to accept one thousand aliens a second. Only 50% of us will have to live in the road so these aliens can be housed. Only 45% of us will have their benefits stopped so the aliens can receive welfare. Our contribution to to the EU will only rise by 20% per annum. 15% of the indigenous population will be imprisoned for crimes they did not commit under the Cameron “do time for a refugee” movement.
Other features of Dave’s deal will be disclosed later but it is clear already that our PM is the negotiator of c21.
As you have realised I inventing the above, it releases some of the anger and frustration. More beneficial would be grasping Cameron by the throat and shaking the worse than useless twat.
Dave just tell them you have lost the cheque book and UK PLC cannot provide a new one for six months.
This country should be exporters of first class Mushrooms/roses the amount of bullshit the BBC gives us.
Will auntie get raped by the RoP.Only time will tell.
Quite apart from the issue of age it reinforces the now obvious realisation that the vast majority of “refugees” are young men.
Justin Casey:
” ”
Nice area. Just around the corner from where poor old Mrs Silva was beheaded by that fat schwarze.
No sign of this on the bBBC, of course.
Three men have been jailed after raping a 16-year-old girl in Manchester.
Muhyadeen Osman, Mowled Yussuf and Bilal Ahmed, all aged 20 and all of no fixed address, were sentenced to 10 years, 10 years and nine years respectively at Manchester Crown Court.
Meanwhile Muhummad Afzal, the lord Mayor elect of Birmingham also told woman’s rights campaigners that men were more likely to suffer domestic violence and denied forced marriage was a problem in Muslim Communities. He went on to say say that ‘domestic violence was happening mainly in the Christian community because they get drunk’. Mr Afzal is also the chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque. No doubt he would also say that a white 16 year old girl was at fault for not covering herself with a black body shroud and bowing to Allah. Not sure if the BBC would ever report ‘non news’ item other than ‘Three men arrested and charged at Manchester Crown Court’ leaving you to guess whether it sounds similar to Rotherham, Cologne or Paris atrocities. Its the fault of the Christians.
He’s right of course, because it isn’t domestic violence if you use the correct sized Koranically ordained club to beat your missus.
The typical BBC News Journo take on Trump with … erm
added commentary from a certain Paul Joseph Watson
… enjoy
ps remember the Moron Marr Show, and his anti Trump “Muslim” snow?
The BBC should use its Labour Party Chicken costumes on behalf of the Democrats. That would give a Trump card to Trump.
I genuinely misread the teeshirt on that woman and thought it said “truck frump”. I thought it appropriate as she is the size of a truck and is a real frump. And what’s all that head-wagging? Is it taught at Common Purpose School? Because it looks really silly and they were all doing it. Hypnosis?
Straight from the Jeremy Kyle Show, single digit brain cell count.
I think it originated on American confrontational chat shows – ‘Oh no she didn’t’ accompanied by a static upheld finger and a big head movement.
the defence quote sickens me…
Yussuf gestured at the public gallery defiantly as he was sent down, Ahmed sought to smear his victim’s character in graphic terms when interviewed by a probation officer, and Osman’s barrister, Michael Goldwater, described them as ‘overheated’ and ‘immature’ men who ‘got carried away’ after the victim made ‘the decision to place herself in that position’.
“the defence quote sickens me”
But it did not surprise you.
My idea is that income tax should not only be charged depending on income, but also on occupation.
There would be a sliding scale for the occupation calculation.
Provisional suggestion.
Farmers, Armed forces personnel 0%
Building and construction 5%
Health 15%
TV, film and sports 90%
Legal profession 95%
Politicians 200%
Finance 500%
Any merit in this?
Not really and I presume you work in construction.
BBC in damage limitation mode this morning on Today, trying to find back up for Jess Phillips assertions about Saturday nights in Broad street in Brum being like Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
They did their best and found……general disbelief from those brummies interviewed though they did manage to find a women….”one women, who’d had her bottom touched to get her attention, now that’s a sexual assault, what response would she get if she went into a police station to report that?”, “Of course we’d investigate that kind of assault” said the police superintendent, obediently.
Then came the hijab wearing socialist/feminist Salma Yacoub who was very happy to discuss “misogyny” but when asked if sexual touching was more likely in say, Cairo rather than Brum, played the inevitable race card and warned of “the dangers of suggesting that brown men are more likely to behave in a misogynist way”.
Taharrush, needless to say, didn’t get a mention.
They would investigate it with the same degree of diligence they did all those Muslim rape gang allegations; unless it was done to a Muslima – in which case they’d tear half the city apart looking for the perpetrator.
Damage limitation was exactly what it was, helping the thick Brummie MP to safe face. I would expect nothing less from the Today programme. Blatant manipulation on the part of the BBC.
In terms of police investigation, I think that they’d nick the guy if he was stood right in front of them and the girl kicked off. Otherwise, who is the perpetrator? I doubt it would go to court – night in the cells, don’t do it again.
Is it just me or is al auntie going over the top with regards to “the magic of the f.a.cup. every five minutes-thats what makes it special or the magic of the underdog etc. Couple of years ago when it was on itv the bbbc didnt even read the scores of the f.a.cup out, two faced rogues they are indeed.
The FA Cup did have magic at one time but the introduction of penalty kicks as a decider, and playing semi-finals at Wembley have destroyed it. That’s why the top clubs started using it to blood reserves a few years back.
Agree, I preferred it when I could pronounce all the players names, they didn’t look like walking billboards and the pitches at this time of the year didn’t look like putting greens, sometimes with the snow just removed from the lines.
All too sterile, multinational and money based now.
You and I are on the same page Geoff ! The foreign players of course are in it for the money, and doubt whether they could even point on the map where the clubs are that they signed up to play for !
My dear old Dad was a pro player for a top club back in the 40’s and went into footy management years after. His salary was £ 5.00 and a £1.50 bonus if they won. Oh, like the rest of his generation of footballers, what sort of life he could have had on the eye watering money on offer today. Some worship at the shrine of Beckham, but in the opinion of pro’s in the business, he was not the best of players and yet through clever marketing, and never making a move without instruction from his PR guru Simon Fuller, has amassed millions; but he’s the laughing all the way to the bank, whilst my Dad had to take a second job to ensure his family had food on the table. (sour grapes ? me ? of course !)
Yes, because it is the only football they shown live.
To anticipate a potential comment or criticism, yes.
Calling Anna Holligan. Calling Anna Holligan. Where the blazes is the woman when you need her? Last seen outside Cologne railway station smearing concerned Germans as fascists. Well Anna, I think you may be needed in Dover where currently a rag-tag group of racists and far-right fascists are being kept apart by the Kent police from another rag-tag bunch of racists and far-left fascists. There’s more than enough fascism on display in Dover to satiate Anna’s thirst. So where the hell are you?
Nothing yet on the BBC about this, tried BBC Kent – nothing. Local news is more helpful –
BBC Kent now covering this story. Better late than never. And guess what???
“They clashed with anti-racism demonstrators who were addressed by Diane Abbott, shadow secretary of state for international development, ahead of the march.”
Jezza last week and Di this week. What a pair!
Is that animal fur that Abbott’s wearing, the nasty ‘species-ist’ woman? Or is it something else? Her own?
To have the blatantly racist Diannnne Abbott at an “anti-racism” rally says rather more about the organisation that invited her to speak than they realise.
Mr G. Think you will find that the fatbot was in Calais last Saturday as well as Jezza! Both Calais and Dover led to violent disturbances. Is there a link? I could not possibly say.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC to Grovel for Donations from Pensioners
– TV Licensing Threatens Six Nations Rugby Fans
– Another BBC Star Quizzed Over Allegations of Sexual Assault
Daily Mail emoting now, their headline says “masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children”
I could be wrong, but I have watched the video a couple of times, but fail to see any children. Maybe its just me, having seen the picture of the 15 year old murderer in Stockholm, it would appear that these migrants do seem to look much older than their years.
Whenever you encounter an article about children it is important to ask about the definition of a child. They can be quite old.
Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but was it the case that when counting the number of children killed in the conflict in Gaza, the age of a child was up to 18?
In such cases there are children the same age as those in the military.
And this might explain why Geoff (above post) thought he saw no children.
A group of lads aged between say 15-18 would never be referred to as children by the MSM unless it was migrant related.
Yes, this is an interesting area. Compare and contrast:
(1) A 16 year old girl in Scotland = an adult who must have the vote in elections and the 2014 Referendum;
(2) An 18 year old youth in Sweden, of Third World origin = a child to be protected, can’t be held responsible.
That’s the BBC in a nutshell – double standards whenever it suits.
In primitive cultures, children can be legally up to 20 years old. So the BBC could be indicating that they regard Islam as a backward culture, by defining a 20 year old Muslim as a child. While European culture is regarded by the BBC as more advanced. So according to the BBC, a 16 year old European is described as an Adult.
As far as the Prophet (pbuh) was concerned, a six year old girl was old enough to marry, so presumably should be considered an adult.
And according to the BBC (gender neutral) was campaigning for the reduction of the age of consent to 14 for girls (BBC44 social progressive news last year) as being a ‘suitable modern age of consent’. But when the BBC reports on immigration every male Syrian migrant is no more than 12 years old (even when well over 30). Saville preferred them young. It’s a BBC thing that you just make up the age to get consent.
On R4 yesterday afternoon there was a programme about stats and in it they investigated the strange phenomena that there are many more 16 year migrants in Sweden ( about 5 times as many) than there are 17 to 25 year olds and that this statistical quirk does not occur in Denmark. It was all easily explained by the Swedish immigration rules which grant 16 year olds automatic assylum and the right to bring over their families. The Danes do not have this arrangement. It was also noted that it is Afghans who take advantage of this but Syrians don’t , apparently because they don’t know about these rules back in Syria but the Afghan network does!
I was surprised that the BBC should be so open about the way in which the rules are broken by these poor, homeless, essentially honest and kind orphaned boys fleeing persecution, who apparently use a well oiled emigration network in their own country to help them establish family life in Sweden. Then it dawned on me. The BBC was just using the programme to advertise to the Syrians how they should exploit the gullible Swedes to move their families to Europe. As for the Swedes, their government is even dafter and more useless than ours!
Can you imagine the panic among the ‘refugee children’ if it was announced that age and country of origin could be accurately predicted using retina scans.
How many do you think would be gouging out their eyes…
It may worth starting that rumour!
I hope you are all making preparations for
superstorm/hurricane/typhoon/ArmageddonAtlantic depression ‘Enery, when it pounces upon an unsuspecting Former UK, on Monday. Winds may be quite strong, and there may be some rain, or perhaps even snow, heaven forbid. This comes after Jonas, which was followed, alphabetically, apparently, by Gertrude.I expect there will be red/amber/pink/sky-blue warnings all over the place, for weather.
The only warning you need is “Don’t eat the yellow snow”. But the BBC doesn’t seem to mention that one.
A hand dancing gormless BBC bint gives expert advice on Zika, where it comes from and how to prevent catching it, by keeping away from mosquitoes and keeping them away from us, and as some dopes in far off countries say, stop getting pregnant.
Anyone ready to criticise fanatical environmentalists and population control freaks who got DDT banned in response to dubious research and banning its supporters from scientific journals? (shades of the climate change non debate)
Not the BBC.
Try this:
And now this
See what I mean.
‘Population control advocates blamed DDT for increasing third world population. In the 1960s, World Health Organization authorities believed there was no alternative to the overpopulation problem but to assure than up to 40 percent of the children in poor nations would die of malaria. As an official of the Agency for International Development stated, “Rather dead than alive and riotously reproducing.” [Desowitz, RS. 1992. Malaria Capers, W.W. Norton & Company]’
What we need is a broadcaster with a requirement to educate and inform.
Look on the bright side, how many BBC sports journalist’s, presenter’s & crew will now be too”scared”, for a freebee down in Rio, for this year’s Olympic’s. They will all have to stay at home now. Ha.ha. Bring on the Mossie Menace, one bunch of Mossie ‘s, they Will want destroyed.
BBC at it again, calling anyone concerned or opposed to mass migration ‘far right’ while those who are pro open borders are referred to as heroic ‘ anti fascist’ implying that the other lot ARE Fascists or anti racist again with the implication that anyone anti immigration is a racist (seeing as a racist only means someone who disagrees with a Fascist it’s perhaps correct !).
The reality is that the BBCs heroes are the Fascists and the Racists, not the BBC would ever see it that way being part of them.
The Blackshirts of Todays Fascists
Ahh! deliberate concealment in public, every cloud …… yet another bonafide reason to ban the burkha/niquab
Don’t know who they are but they look a right bunch of cream puffs to me, our local tracksuited kestrel swigging goon/mafia teens would have them for breakfast.
(Thoughtfuls blackshirts)
I’ve just watched the Sky news report on Dover a couple of minutes ago. They are stating the “right wing” were happy with the day and the violence was started by the left wing scum. The reporter also stated that the Police corroborated that was the case. Wow! I think this was the first time I’ve seen one of these events being reported on without trying to blame the “right wing” When we know that the rent a scum are normally to blame…..
Interesting! Sky are usually every bit as bad as the BBC.
That’s what I thought. I’m unsure how exactly the truth somehow got out for once.
Maybe, just maybe, Sky has worked out that the BBC has been rumbled by the general public. As a commercial venture, Sky survives by selling subscriptions. The good residents of Dover will have seen for themselves what happened and know the truth. Imagine two broadcasters, both commercial, giving different accounts of events. One tells the truth, the other ignores the truth and pushes its own agenda. Which one retains the viewers in Dover?
Unfortunately, we live in a world where the agenda pushing broadcaster can do what it wants, smug in the knowledge that the money will keep rolling in.
That is why the BBC, in its current form, must be scrapped.
Only way to bring them down is cut off the money
An organised,dedicated non payment of tv tax campaign is the way it must be….the powers that be will never tackle it
BBC – “bricks were thrown as a group demonstrating against the arrival of immigrants clashed with anti-racism protestors in Dover”
… hmmm typical BBC reporting, what you have here are the usual real hard left UAF thugs, and for once in recent years real far right protesters actually a pretty small bunch, the vid I saw had bits of paving slab and bricks raining over to them
… The BBC/LBC/MSM wet dream appeared too a single, solitary NF flag, photographs of which, I can imagine will adorn sites for weeks.
UAF Thugs and Real Far Right thugs, not a good combination … BOTH should be severely castigated,
for that, 😀 we ll have to wait and see.
As I drove back LBC led the bias brigade, fronting even the BBC, utter propaganda
Guardian, Mirror and local Dover press speak the same as the BBC , even stronger, often contrasting the anti fascists with far right, Nazis and Fascists. The UAF, Antifa, and UNITE have been mobilising for this confrontation for weeks. I will guarantee that with Cameron’s support for the UAF, none of them will be prosecuted for any violent behavior.
They are now focusing on the Pegida peaceful walk in Birmingham, which local papers, the BBC and all will describe as a confrontation between far right Nazis and anti racists.
“now focusing” on Pegida?, come now
I would not be at all surprised if todays fracas, wasn t in some way a stitch up.
Pegida success is what they fear … todays handful of yobs?, what perfectly timed erm
“never underestimate the power of lies and money” eh!
Talking of Pegida, the silent walk
BBC R4 Thurs.
Al-Beeb is surprised he s facing his critics, (why?) he s notorious, bringing fear and violence onto the streets, banding about – Neo Nazi, Far Right not wanted anywhere near Birmingham etc.
That’s just the intro … as soon as Tommy starts talking first about growing up with Muslim kids
some his friends, it gets cut and on goes the voiceover.
bias? … what bias?
I have just finished reading “Enemy of the State” by Tommy Robinson, which is about the EDL and him and what happened to him because he set up that organization.
It is a quite incredible story and I would recommend it to anyone who loves this country and recognizes how much our society is deteriorating; because no matter how bad you think things are – read that book and you’ll realize it’s actually about 100x worse.
Thanks for posting the link. I have just listened to it and actually think its quite well balanced. Tommy Robinson comes over well; articulate and intelligent, whilst the muslim MP (I think he was) who wanted to ban Pegida from marching in Birmingham didn’t and seemed in a state of denial.
“bricks were thrown”
I can only assume that means the UAF rabble threw them, otherwise they’d say who threw them.
Given BBC semantic convolutions in such cases, I am surprised that any human agency was alluded to, and the victims of any impact were not claimed to have head butted passing masonry.
Spare a thought for BBC’s most senior TV executive, Mrs Charlotte Moore. According to today’s TIMES and TELEGRAPH ‘Charlotte Moore had been company secretary of Perry Images for nine years as her cameraman husband received lucrative work from the BBC’ She has had to quit her ‘other’ job as Secretary for PERRY IMAGES (which you will not be surprised to learn that her husband Johann Perry works (solely) as a Cameraman for the BBC. Unfortunately the ‘dam PRESS’ had found out and she has had to resign from her post at ‘Perry Images’ – and not (ever NEVER) the other way around. That prompted the BBC to declare (yesterday) – cough!- ‘…. her position in the company should have been listed in the public register of interests and that it (it meaning the BBC itself) had made a mistake in advising her…’. Yes! but still advised by the BBC (repeated every year forTEN years) another example of exclusive BBC ‘private contract’ within the nepotism privileged BBC media folk. TELEGRAPH reports ”Tory MP Andrew Bridgen called for a BBC Trust investigation into the arrangement, describing it as “endemic nepotism.” ‘This did not represent a ‘conflict of interest’ to the BBC. It gets worse. It’s reported that Ms Moore was a former Controller of TV BBC1 (think of all the crap programs launched on her watch). The BBC has refuted that any of her BBC salary of £268,800 had been used towards her husbands private company (but they would).. Meanwhile she has been promoted to to BBC Exec. i.e. she now earns A LOT MORE DOSH ! That would be dishonest and morally suspect – ten years ago as it is now – (if the BBC had any morals at all). Its an ‘in-BBC’ joke that many BBC execs and Directors have had ‘two jobs’ (like Yentob had). Many Top BBC brass do exactly the same – and often a 3 day week like Lord hall does). That is why the BBC are happy to refute that allegation that there was any ‘nepotism in the corporation’ and the use of ‘private contracts’ was in any way ‘tax-avoidance’ which it is. It was simply a ‘mistake’ to have been found out.
Please find “refute” and “deny” in the dictionary, they have different definitions, even if many, especially AlBeeb, pretend otherwise; and even if the DT is one of them.
AlBeeb have made denials, which we can assume to be lies. AlBeeb have made no refutations whatsoever.
AlBeeb responses to FOI requests and Complaints, often raised on BBBC, are full of this.
Quite frequently the BBC, and indeed many politicians consider a denial or disagreement as a refutation. It is all a matter of subjective opinion you see.
Sorry, I had this old-fashioned idea that the OED was the supreme authority.
I need to buy the latest edition of the Newspeak dictionary.
Then all my statements will be doublepluscorrect.
From the link provided by Mr Golightly at 3:31 pm to the BBC article I clicked on a link to the Dover Express and, on scrolling down, found this extraordinary headline:
Far left block far right from marching in Dover
Then I thought the fact that an accurate, honest headline had me gaping at the screen in astonishment is a good indication of the stranglehold that political correctness has on the media, of which the BBC is such a fine example.
It’s a disgrace how the far-Left BBC dare call the far-Left scum anti-racists and anti-fascists. If anything it is the far-Left who the fascists. It is they who are always using violence to silence debate.
I agree. And it is equally despicable of the Mail to do the same. Both organisations call one side by the name their opponents call them and yet allow far Left thugs to be called by their own fantasy name, which completely distorts the ugly truth of the situation.
More ‘news the BBC doesn’t want you to hear’ is that ‘hundreds of thousands’ have attended a rally in Italy today to protest against ‘gay marriage’ and new pro-gay adoption laws.
Nothing to see here.. move on…. antiques show at 7… Muslim cake-makers at 8…
GC, hilarious! Treble points to you, Sir.
Sorry Al Beeb, no matter how much you drip drip drip with these stories, the result is exactly the same: fucks given = zero.
Leave Turkey = NOT refugee.
Am I alone in thinking that the BBC plan to make a pleas for the over 75’s to ‘voluntary” pay their telly tax? Some disgruntled BBC watchers might think that the BBC is very poor value-for-money when it charges for TV that other countries effectively get for free. But the BBC will make capital of the over 75’s by sending the message that ‘thanks to the EU support’ they get the TV license somehow ‘free’. The EU does give money to the BBC in the same way that French farmers can get for doing less. So when the BBC make a claim they are doing ‘over 75’s’ a big favor and asking OAP’s to cough up, the response (so far) was not one they wanted…..
A delightful letter in the TIMES gave a good feedback on its BBC ‘cash crisis’ TV advertising targetted to the old greys. The letter reads (tone annoyed) ‘Does the BBC really think it is justified in asking the over 75’s to give up their free TV license when Rona Fairhead, the chair of the BBC trust, spent more than £3,000 hosting guests (including her husband) at last years Proms, in addition to claiming expenses for traveling, and her staff spent nearly £7,000 entertaining guests at the Royal Albert Hall’. Thank you Lyn, I could not agree more!
The BBC I suspect will get nothing from the over 75’s who are ignored by the ‘BBC yooof’ network and its brazen queering agenda. But the BBC are planning to target OAP’s ‘so-called “silver celebrities” including Dame Helen Mirren, Lord (Melvyn) Bragg, Sir Terry Wogan and Sir Michael Parkinson could be lined up to appear in a campaign driven by director-general Lord Hall’. We’ll see how well that works! The luvvies v common sense.
You are certainly not alone. Many over 75s are going to be wondering whether they can afford their electricity bills (so vastly inflated by the BBC’s beloved wind farms). Others, as you say, are going to be alienated by the ‘yoof agenda’ and others are going to be scratching their heads at the Asian network and all the other fashionista obsessions of the Islingtonians. Still others are going to feel that Radio 4 sounds like a students’ union bar circa 1970.
It’s a measure of how far the BBC believes its own propaganda that Hall thinks he is going to get away with this.
I’m just past 45 and I seriously question what the BBC has to offer me, apart from a bit of Radio 2, BBC4 and Formula 1…… scratch that, apart from a bit of Radio 2 and rare programs that aren’t repeats on BBC4 it offers me jack for my £145 pa. Once your eyes have opened everything else is agenda driven crud.
F1 , now on Chan 4. Rugby ,6 Nations , shared with ITV , Horse racing from 2017 , ITV , & not Chan 4.
I’ve said it before the only thing I now make any effort to watch are the TOTP re runs which to be honest most of the time are also pretty dire. So as this is the only program I would miss, but not that much I’m certainly not getting any value for money. There seems to be several escape to bargain hunt roadshow under the hammer flogit rubbish programs on now every day including weekends.
Remember when BBc said they were going to reduce the number of antique / house programs. or did I imaginate that?.
Well consider the salaries being paid of several hosts for fronting one show ! (I’ve mentioned this before),… another body on Homes Under the Hammer, from 2 to 3; 4 people to pay on Gt Bake Off, 4 on Escape to the Country, the list goes on. I tend to watch more of the ‘golden’ channels with repeat dramas and tec stories; the Beeb have too many blokey banter “I’ve cracked a joke, aren’t I funny” quiz and panel shows.
(And EXACTLY where is Nikki Chapman when she does her soundbite intro and exit on Wanted Down Under ? a change of frock but still the same exotic background, and is never once seen with the shows participants – so is she on holiday and the Beeb are paying for it while she does an hour’s work ?)
Dave666 – apart from the local al beebus news, Gardeners’ World and a little of R2 & R4; I very rarely watch or listen to anything else they produce.
The Old Grey Whistle Test used to be pretty good with the likes of Rory Gallagher, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Be-Bop Deluxe…..and even King Crimson. TOTP – never.
Oh I don’t know it has a certain down memory lane charm. In the Jo Dolce number 1 period (I hated it) being screened now I can recall being in Catterick as part of the training Regiment, driving a Land Rover around the Yorkshire Dales. There are the grief I remember that now wasn’t it dreadful i.e. Joe Dolce Then there are the occasional gems of a band that I’ve seen live on an episode that I never saw.
Be-Bop Deluxe……great band, Bill Nelson very much underrated.
I’ve given up on BBC except to continually check radio and news for bias. Which is tiresome but I feel obliged.
If I watch a series its from U.S. HBO/FX channels (the Shield, Deadwood etc).
The BBC arrogantly assumes it produces great TV. Unfortunately it doesn’t any more.
The only BBC box set I bought/own was “Tinker, Tailor…” a few years back (filmed in 1979 when I was 12). I think I’ve paid my dues.
The only thing I can think positively of being a pensioner is NOT paying my £145 anymore (to an institution that very clearly is contemptuous of people like me and other forced donors).
Getting millionaire entertainers to pensioners to fork out savings/pensions to a greedy bunch like the beeb shows the distance between their self perception and the public’s.
“Dame Helen Mirren, Lord (Melvyn) Bragg, Sir Terry Wogan and Sir Michael Parkinson could be lined up to appear in a campaign driven by director-general Lord Hall. ”
A dame, two knights and two lords asking the little people to dig deep to keep them in the style to which they are accustomed. Even Marie Antoinette would have seen the flaw in this line of argument.
It will be framed in terms of guilt and duty.
Sad news this morning Sir Terry Wogan has died. I always loved him on the “Eurovision Song Contest ” when he went into a fit of giggles. When he stopped doing it you knew it had gone down the pan.
Won’t be Terry Wogan now.
German police “should shoot migrants” populist politician says.
That headline makes it seem compulsory to do so. Ramping up of the narrative by the BBC. Nonetheless the rhetoric in Germany reflects the shifts of opinion. Even today I saw Merkel castigating Germans for not living up to their values. What hope for them?
It is a popular opinion amongst normal decent people. My electrician said that he thought they should shoot a few of the Calais invaders. They’ll get the message and it will stop immediately. This pussyfooting around where the police simply drive them back to the Jungle and let them go, is a joke.
I’d like to see a few honey-trap lorries pick them up and drive them down to Greece or Southern Italy. A bit like Snakes & Ladders.
Large front bumpers on the lorries, like cow catchers, and no requirement to stop.
Why stop at Greece , its not only their fault these leeches are in Calais. Drive onto a requisitioned ferry and let em off at the other side of the Med in Libya. I reckon thirty to a container with food and water a decent sized ferry would be able to take 5000 plus a trip. So you could clear Calais in one go.
The headline has been changed overnight from “should shoot migrants” to now “should shoot at migrants”. An interesting semantic alteration. Where before it implied lining them up against a wall, now it implies vaguely shooting in their direction as they run away. Which is it to be BBC?
BBC Online News:
“”Is Donald Trump now unstoppable?””
A very BBC biased article. The photo they’ve chosen says it all.
The anti Trump bias is incredible. Not even a hint of balance. What exactly are they going to do if he becomes POTUS?
Obviously they’d declare three years of mourning, but then what? I guess they could pass the baton to the ‘comedy’ department to snipe at him week after week, but I can’t see Trump playing they game.
He won’t. If he looks like getting near; the evil people will find common purpose to fiddle the results and corruptly install Hitlery Clinton. She will be the next PotUS, whatever the people want.
Pretty sure Jon is on a plane a lot, and not usually weighing the disappointment between the salmon or filet.
Maybe he could swap with Harrabin?
Transparent Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels would have been be proud of them ?
View the photograph used here …………….
Does this represent the age group of the majority of the asylum applicants/economic migrants ?
What do you think ?
I wonder why the strapping lad with the red shirt on the left is ducking his head down? Worried folk might notice he’s bigger than the Swedish police…men?
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
A note on terminology. The BBC approves of every organism entering Europe, for whatever purposes. The BBC supports armed invaders whose intention is to impose their barbaric religion on Europeans. Those not susceptible to such imposition, will be killed in their hundreds of millions, the evidence for this statements exists in the historical record, where the Muzzies have murdered hundreds of millions of Hindus. The rationale behind the approval of this mass murder lies in BBC beliefs. The BBC believes in, and supports, mass murder of people, the BBC is a Marxist organisation, a political system which has murdered one hundred million people.
The BBC is composed of the nastiest, most evil, people of which history has left a record.
History has also left a record of how such organisms were treated in the past.
“Screen Actors Guild awards: ‘Diversity reigns’ in ceremony”
Back of fag packet journalism from our internationally renowned broadcaster,
Are any of the winners any good? Doesn’t matter one iota beacause as Laura Prepon says
“This is what we talk about when we talk about diversity.”
Talent? Ability? Totally incompetent at your job? Who cares as long as it’s diverse.
Pure incompetence today.
The weather forecaster Scahffenwhateverekker was on just before 8.00am Radio 4. When he’s on TV I am convinced he is a puppet being manipulated by…whoever. Anyway, he rambles on a bit and then says ….and so then on Monday Storm Desmond approaches the country….
What is the point of naming these storms? They say it’s so that the public are more aware. But if the forecaster gets it downright wrong…oh, well, that’s all right then. Who cares if it’s Desmond, Henery or Zebedee!!
He should be sacked! He as sacked once before from the Beeb. Why did they let this idiot back?
Cant wait for storm mohammad….
Thatll be 6 year old kids f****ed then
Maybe because he has certain, er, “behavioural tendencies” of which they approve, and often partake in, probably.
Shave a Knacker – there’s your answer.
No one wants hairy tea-bags.
Thomas Schaffeknacker is eye candy for the likes of Evan Davis, Eddy Mair, Graham Norton, Stephen Fry etc etc etc.
The weather is totally irrelevant.
Hello all…..long time lurker taking the plunge
This is what should be known as ‘special category status’…..the special cat award goes to…..some black bloke or hairy armpitted dyke not good enough to win through artistic merit but just because they tick some lunatic’s diversity box
By the way…..yhose of us with blood pressure problems…..for the good of your health,avoid the big questions today
Just one question … we need british islam?
ok,one hour wasted broadcasting time saved…..stick on something actually worth watching……which rules out 99% of everything from the last 10 years at least
Do we need British islam?
implies we need islam?
implies we want islam?
implies we should suffer islam?
So the real question is – Should we ban islam?
I think the last question would be the only debatable one with the actual British public
I recently moved and since moving only found out that an Islamist meeting takes place every Sunday between 12 and 3pm in a hall directly underneath my bedroom window. On one unseasonably warm Sunday in December (did I just work global warming into this?) they had the windows open and the noise was intolerable. Now with their windows closed I can only hear the occasional wailing but when their meeting ends the noise as they leave is unacceptable. What are my chances of making a noise complaint to the council? I understand Islamists can have village church bells silenced so I’m sure in the name of equality I stand a good chance!
Do not even think about it.
The council will do SFA about it.
Actually they might do something, they might tip off one of their Muzzie friends who would then target you. Because that is what council staff are for, discriminating against you.
Just move, and take more care in your next choice of residence.
Good luck.
You notice nobody at all has stated that I am wrong, that the councils are neutral, even-handed, fair, impartial (just like AlBeeb) and will take your side and you will obtain their assistance, as indeed you should. You will receive the same help that the children in Rotherham did, no action, shred the records, lie and deny everything
We have two groups of enemies in Europe, both mass murderers. A failed 7th century religion and a failed 19th political philosophy.
Remember this, when the time comes, no mercy whatsoever.
BBC BQ….Do we need British Islam?..
After a while it all gets a bit too shouty…. usual suspects…
Islam has a problem, it needs to grow up and take responsibility for the problem. The way for the west to deal with the problem is simple: Apply and Enforce the Law of the Land EQUALLY. Law breakers should be punished; be they bankers politicians paedophiles religious extremists/nutters or fly-tippers. Stop making excuses for people who defy the law.
BBC 1- The Big Questions
Nicky Campbell the BBCs flagship moral, ethical and religious programme comes from Bradford Grammar, Bradford.
This time he asks just one big question … Do we need a British Islam?
A completely impartial BBC hour? … will anyone ask does Britain need Islam?
Does our integrated indigenous population see a big benefit in Islam? … or something else?
At least this Big Questions episode has revealed to the public what unpleasant and malignant individuals the adherents of the Religion of Peace are.
Comrade Bala is condemned right, left and centre in the media as a crazed, violent demagogue and rightly so. Interviews with Comrade Bala’s daughter clearly explained how Comrade Bala dealt with those who questioned his crazy ideas. Denial, obfuscation, denunciation, threats then violence. Clearly the loud-mouthed and ignorant representatives of the Prophet were somewhere between stages 3 and 4 and if the challenges to their mindless ideology had been firmer, or allowed to have been firmer, .stage 5 would soon have followed. The Prophet and Comrade Bala are essentially the same phenomenon. Like the demented followers of Comrade Bala who still, inspite of all the evidence, proclaim his sublime goodness and the truth of his worlld view, the brain-washed votaries of the ROP still proclaim the inherent benevolence of Islam. The BBC seems intent, for reasons no thinking person can understand, to perform the same function as Comrsde Bala’s mind control machine Jackie, by putting anyone who critisizes Islam on the nazi/racist/xenophobe naughty step.
BBC Radio 4 ‘Broadcasting House’ making sure the BBC stays as Socialist as possible decides on fantasy tax & spend and what difference would it make if Googles alleged £30 Billion cash hoard were available for the British government to squander.
One guest dares to approach the issue as if Google would choose to philanthropically distribute the money itself and is quickly corrected – no this is an exercise where the British government has the money.
Then Paddy O’Connell is outraged that several companies have paid no tax at all, and is advised that it was probably because they either made no profits, or they made such a large loss in previous years it was offset against current losses.
O’Connell’s response – “well so they claim” and then a suggestion that he didn’t believe there were such things as losses, and the state should decide how much tax businesses should pay if they do make a loss !
These people are on a different planet where reality simply doesn’t exist !
I wonder how many of these BBC folks are taxed by PAYE? I bet plenty have formed limited companies so as to pay less tax. Perhaps as well as companies being asked to show their Corporation Tax we should get all BBC folks to show us their tax affairs. There would be plenty of red faces then as the stench of hypocrisy became unbearable at Broadcasting House.
Oh look, the little children of diversity are happy now that they have got their own way:
Well done you!
Seems this is what drew most attention. If they say so.
Acronyms are funny things. I always thought it odd the dominant party in Singapore wanted to be named after a women bits smear test. Or some South American merry japers liked the comparison with older attractive ladies.
I find all these ‘best’ acting things daft anyway. Olivier as a Nazi dentist was Olivier. Hoffman as a Scots nanny was Hoffman… playing a bloke playing a Scots nanny.
However, some bloke on The Wire playing a hopped up, spaced out gangbanger getting me behind the sofa at my age… and then at ‘cut’ going home to tuck the kids in… That, is acting.
I think you could be mixing up “Mrs Doubtfire” and “Tootsie ” Had my brain thinking of Dustin Hoffman in red sequin dress doing the hoovering so it made me smile.
Was the white quota fulfilled?
Or should that be “European-American”. In fact I am a “European-European” and I will resent any lefty using the term “white”.
That was in reply to Steve Jones.
And of course in the name of “Eqwality” I look forward to the music of white origin awards ceremony.
BBC TBQs This time just one big question … Do we need a British Islam?
Any objective voices?
Any ex muslim voices?
Any non muslim voices?
Anyone directly affected by Islam, from areas now majority Islam?
Does Britain need Islam, anyone ask?
Otherwise its a sterile non debate,
Yes it is sad that Terry Wogan has died. He was a good broadcaster – on TV as well as radio. But part of the past BBC, not the present BBC. Instead of someone genial like Terry Wogan or Michael Parkinson hosting a late-night chat show – we have the execrable and snarky Graham Norton.
And I did not like the line on Broadcasting House where Wogan was credited with helping many thousands through Children in Need. What helped and did the work was the money that viewers gave, not the media personalities who usually took a fat fee.
We can expect the BBC to wallow in Woganmania for a few days now.
Legions of TOGS shed a tear.
And as a final service to his employers, they can steal another week from the schedule to emote and homage and reminisce… cheaply.
The BBC have always patronised the ‘genial ‘oirish’.
Sir Terry ticked that box. Graham Norton does the same. And of course Dara Ó Briain.
Anything other than the voice of home counties England.
Its a fact that the ‘oirish’ have a wittier sense of humour than anyone I’ve come across in the home counties (and I’m from Kent !), and who doesn’t need a giggle when listening to the radio. Love him or hate him, Wogan and that other Irishman who some may be too young to remember on here (Eamonn Andrews), plus a Yorkshire man with equally a good sense of humour, Parkinson, were the masters of the chat show . Would they have lasted so long if they were rubbish ???
No nation has a monopoly on humour. But the BBC prefer to opt for Irish talent as it meets their preference for ‘regional’ areas.
“The BBC have always patronised the ‘genial ‘oirish’.”
They also patronised the, not so genial, Irish who obtained guns and explosives from Libya.
Who tested the guns and explosives in UK cities for many years.
And manic manchild Evans as his replacement in the mornings.
Without doubt Wogan was an excellent broadcaster and a damned good listen in the morning, sadly the BBC will go into overdrive over the loss of one of their own and by the end of the week and we will all of had enough.
RIP Sir Terry, this was as recent as 2009, would the BBC allow such today?
Worth a read
According to that article Wogan – like so many at the BBC – knew about Savile. But apparently he thought it was for journalists to expose Savile, not for BBC people to do so. That sums up the BBC in a nutshell.
And of course the Panorama people who tried to blow the whistle on Savile got the boot, those who at that stage continued the cover-up did not.
The Today Programme shared BBC Radio 2’s post.
BBC Radio 2Like Page
BBC News are collecting memories of a national treasure
Is the collective term ‘a gag of national treasures’?
I wonder if the BBC News collation will include this snippet?
Oh, and this bit of vital news, too..
BBC News
The Sayyida Zeinab shrine is where one of the Prophet Muhammad’s grand-daughters is buried.
Syria conflict: Dozens killed near Damascus shrine
‘Near’ news is a thing. Apparently.
John Anderson January 31, 2016 at 10:37 am
“And I did not like the line on Broadcasting House where Wogan was credited with helping many thousands through Children in Need. What helped and did the work was the money that viewers gave, not the media personalities who usually took a fat fee.”
I quite liked Sir Tell, but I feel sorry for all those people pushing peanuts along the road, or sitting in baths of baked beans for a few hundred quid for Children in Need, when he was paid about £15, 000 for his good deeds
I’d like to know how those kids in need from 30 and subsequent years ago have fared. They must be almost middle aged with kids of their own, and yet we are still supplying playground equipment and holiday buses. The country must be awash with all this stuff – and what about the millions sat in a bank account just gathering interest ? I am a Wogie fan, but never gave to this charity, purely because I prefer to give to animal charities.
I watched an article on Sky where homeless ex-servicemen helped build the homes they now live in. At the same time they were taught new skills to enable them to seek gainful employment.
Can you imagine the outcry if we had a similar scheme for immigrants where they helped build their own accommodation? It would be associated with Nazi Germany slave labour camps before the end of the day.
Three thousand young men at Calais, complaining of living conditions, mud etc. Under sensible direction and equipped with a few tools they could improve their environment and pick up a few useful skills.
Oh. I forgot, they are all doctors and surgeons.
Useful skills.
Like boating building and navigation.
Then they could piss off back to Darkest Africa, we do not want or need them.
Well the BBC claim that there is a smattering of engineers among them so they should be easily able to do the job.
It is of course encouraging that there are so many budding engineers amongst them but I do hasten to add that as of yet there are few genuine university degrees available for furthering the advancement of the Lebanese Loop.
“Three thousand young men at Calais, complaining of living conditions, mud etc. Under sensible direction and equipped with a few tools they could improve their environment and pick up a few useful skills.”
GWF, you’re on dangerous ground there, suggesting that their lives would be much better if only they had some white overseers. Truth will be no defence.
An interesting snippet I’ve just discovered; sorry if others have already mentioned this.
Hard line “feminist” left wing MP Jess Phillips sprung to the defence of the revolting rapists who rampaged through the streets of Cologne on new year’s eve. She told the Question Time audience that similar things happened every Saturday night on Broad Street Birmingham. She waffled on about “Misogynistic, patriarchal societies, blah, blah, blah.” The clear inference being that “men” are the same which ever culture they belong to. Remember Phillips is the MP for this area, so you’d have thought she might be doing her best to promote it, not run it into the gutter.
Of course she was talking out of her hat; a typical knee jerk reaction that these repulsive lefties always have when confronted by facts. It transpires that in 12 weeks there have been only 5 reports of “sexual harassment” in this area of Brum….not anywhere close to the 800 in a single night in Cologne. If this nasty, racist creature was my MP i’d be spitting blood. You simply couldn’t fabricate lies like this about any other section of the community other than the much maligned white working class British bloke.
Does anyone else think this awful creature should resign?
I am quite confused by the media’s reporting on Phillips’ comments. Is she saying that every Saturday night hundreds of white girls are raped and sexually assaulted in Broad Street Birmingham by Islamists or is she saying that the girls in Cologne were only heckled, or is Phillips saying that heckling equates to rape or rape is only heckling? As a hard line feminist I’m sure she will welcome equal jail sentences for women and 50 50 custody male/female in divorce. Oh sorry that’s equality she wants cake and eat it and not have to resign for her outrageous comments.
“Does anyone else think this awful creature should resign? ”
Yes. Covering for rapists should be a crime in itself.
Left wing feminists are prepared to accept rape as they are equally prepared to accept shariah.
Rote Antifa posted a picture of young feminist on Thursday, holding a sign that stated she preferred rapists from Syria and North Africa over nationalists in Germany who have demanded Chancellor Angela Merkel stop taking in more refugees.“Prefer sexually active fugitive as (sic) German racists,” was featured as the pictures caption. [Note: I believe the correct translation is: Prefer sexually active fugitive over German racists.]
The post is tagged with a #RefugeesWelcome hashtag.
Why is she so welcoming to rapists? I assume she’s not getting any!
Plus, is she so stupid* that she doesn’t realise that these particular rapes are also an extreme racist act! (On top of the terrible aspects of rape and sexual abuse.)
*She is a lefty so clearly is that stupid.
“Why is she so welcoming to rapists?” Simply educational indoctrination. Loving ones own country = BAD, all cultures foreign = GOOD. Also as there is a very good chance she is a lesbian, probably naively thinks that she she is ‘safe’ from rape.
Aw bless. I am sure she will also support equal male/female prison sentences and equal custody rights. Oh wait no that means the women are equal not superior. Oh well support rapists then and in her particular case I hope it comes sooner than later.
That level of self-loathing is mental illness.
If she really prefers rapists to racists I suggest she moves to the places these animals are coming from.
She’ll no doubt have a few good rapings before she inevitably gets hacked to pieces.
To look that smug when her fellow European women are the victims of rape goes to show her contempt for her own people.
“To look that smug when her fellow European women are the victims of rape goes to show her contempt for her own people.”
Absolutely. And also contempt for women and for real victims.
Deutschland, Deutschland über ALLAH
Just shows that the spirit of Rotherham is alive and well and still active in the Labour Party !
It never went away you know.
As the BBC has been piss-poor on reporting the US electoral scene owing to its visceral hatred of Trump and its fawning over Hillary, here is a quick analysis of where things stand for the crucial Iowa caucuses on Monday. Trump actually gained from missing the Fox debate – Cruz got mauled there and Trump was able to avoid direct attacks while pulling a big audience on MSNBC for his veterans rally nearby. The latest polling in Iowa shows Trump still ahead of Cruz, with Rubio maybe gaining. It will all come down to voter turnout, of course, and it looks a close tussle between Cruz’s big organisational drive over months in Iowa versus Trump’s ability to pull in new voters.
Why is it that a few minutes perusing US websitessites like HotAir, PowerLine, Daily Caller and RealClearPo9litics can give a clearer idea of what is happening than “the world’s greatest broadcaster” ?
38% of Latino Republicans support Trump, over Cuban-American Ted Cruz with 15% according to a New York Post poll conducted between the 19th and 24th January.
I think that even if Trump is narrowly defeated in Iowa ( and who on earth would bet large on that happening) he will win in New Hampshire and then sweep the South.…
I’ve started a petition.
My petition:
Rape & heckling are not the same & to trivialise rape should punishable in law.
Further to the Member of Parliament for the constituency of Birmingham Yardley’s public comments trivialising rape the house should debate whether such actions are akin to denying the holocaust or belonging to a prescribed organisation who also seek to down play the most heinous of crimes.
I need 5 supporters then we can start the vote.
5 likes but no seconders???
I will sign up before I log off.
Thank you so much! I think I worded as craftily as a BBC heart tug rapeguee article so hopefully we might get a debate.
You have 4 supporters so far. If 5 people support your petition we’ll check it to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it.
One more seconder needed to agree that the Muslim Rape of women in Cologne is not the same as Heckling
I just signed and it’s saying it still needs more.
The World this Weekend on Radio 4 with Mark Lardell.
What would be the consequences for the Tory party of the UK voting to leave the EU (and it’s suggested that it’s highly likely that we will)
David Cameron would have to resign
The Tory Party would have to quickly come together to present a united front.
It’s difficult with the BBC to know whether they are covering a subject fairly and objectively, or whether they are trying to send a message to Tory listeners what might happen if they vote to leave.
For Labour it simply doesn’t matter what they do as they’re not in government, and despite the split in their ranks leftists would perhaps be pleased to see the back of Corbyn. The irony is that he might be strengthened, as he has voiced support to leave the EU in the past.
For years the BBC has preferred to distract from the debate on membership of the EU and instead focus their output on “deep Tory divisions”. It will be criminal if they are allowed to continue this narrative line in the run-up to the referendum when we should all be simply and clearing debating the EU, not the Conservative party.
And BTW I never hear them discussing the Labour division on the issue.
Anyone else sick to death with the BBC’s pathetic lefty ‘comedy’ programmes? Actually, not just the BBC but ALL left-wing ‘humour’. Lefties are simply NOT funny. This is due to all of the areas that are taboo because of their pathetic, self-imposed PC beliefs. The only areas lefties can poke fun at are: Ukip, the Tories, heterosexual males, Christians, Donald Trump etc. Really puerile, cliched and lazy humour (like the pathetic Miranda) is also sanctioned as it turns viewers into braindead morons, thus being easier to control and turn into lefty minions.
No-one outside the westend lefty bubbles finds lefty humour remotely funny. I’ve been to the Edinburgh Fringe and trendy shows in London and have found myself amongst lefty audiences who pretend to laugh because they think they have to laugh so as to fit in with the lefties all around them: one lefty feminist loser spent her entire show slagging of macho males… it was so appallingly bad, but the NHS glasses-wearing, bearded hipsters were all trying to out-do each other in their pretend laughs. It was truly pathetic! It was so obvious they didn’t find it funny but have to follow the line that right-wing people are intrinsically bigoted and oppressive. God, I hate lefties, they are miserable, intolerant nasty cretins who try to impose their way of seeing the world on everyone else.
And its the same tediously predictable so called comedians appearing on every pathetically lame show
Rob Brydon,Yappy Korshandy,Sandy Toxic et al
You get the boringly unfunny picture
M*l*s J*pp is an extremely rare exception to the rule that all BBC comedians must be unfunny lefties. He has told many risqué jokes about Labour and, so far, seems to have got away with it. I have used asterisks to protect his identity.
“Anyone else sick to death with the BBC’s pathetic lefty ‘comedy’ programmes?”
Its practitioners think of it as edgy and subversive, but as it’s what we’re supposed to think I refer to it as “establishment humour”. Lefties get quite cross at that. And that makes me smile.
I think the BBC rules are that you cannot make jokes about those that the lefties regard as Inferior, but say are equal. But you can only make jokes about those deemed superior by the lefties, but say are stupid.
It’s a dysfunctional emotional response to a situation, that produces a contradictory statement from the lefty. So if a lefty calls you stupid, then that would confirm the fact that you must be a UKIP Mensa member type.
It’s a dysfunctional mindset that was also the reason for Hitler’s anti-Semitism. Hitler as a socialist stated that he hated the Jews because they made money from WWI. But as a socialist, Hitler was also in the contradictory mindset that the BBC is now in. Those deemed superior (Jews with money) are said to be inferior, but subsequently found to be the Race with the highest IQ.
So the BBC wants to put Tories, UKIPers and Mensa members in the gas chambers, and produce an Internazi (International Socialist) paradise on Earth.
Another thing that really gets on my coconuts is the ways in which the left see racism and inequality everywhere, they just make it up to start a fight. The left always have to have an enemy and so they just create fictitious social problems in order to try and justify their pathetic and sad existences.
No, not just to justify their existence ! It’s a fundamental and well-documented part of their plan starting from Marx onwards.
Now I know some of you will not be ardent watchers of Songs of Praise……but……
Pravda 1 is obviously trying its best to kill it
Note the times its shown bouncing around like Marcus Brigstocke at the end of someone’s boot……and today visiting a ROP mosque…..again
It’s almost as if the BBC’s Head of Religious Broadcasting is a muslim isn’t it?
I look forward to hearing the addresses from the Waltham Forest mosques. Oh wait they are proscribed and can’t be broadcast!
The shadow chancellor reminded us this morning on the Sunday Politics that by the end of this century the world will be borderless so we might as well prepare for it. With the likes of him in charge he is probably right. But I don’t believe that ordinary western people will accept his premise. The only reason things have go to this stage with little protest from the ‘ordinary folks’ is that the liberal elite with their control of the media, judiciary , police , universities etc have managed to disguise what is happening and to suppress protest. But the cracks are appearing and people are realising what is going on and of course we don’t like it nor do we accept that we can’t defend our borders if we have the will to do so. Presumably, most of the ruling elite share this awful vision of a borderless world. This may explain Merkel’s madness, I can’t think of anything else that can. Well if they do share this view we had better get rid of them all quickly so we can start to recover our continent.
Why can’t twats like McDonnell be honest and tell people this is Agenda 21 he’s talking about (already well underway under the guise of ‘sustainable development’, ‘social justice’, ‘renewable energy’ etc etc) so they can really understand what the Fascist Left have got in store for them:
Open borders, combined with massive energy shortages and economic and social chaos, will lead to conflict on a grand scale and – they hope – reduce the world’s population to the 600 million or so they believe to be ‘sustainable’, at the same time hastening the birth of their eco-soclialist, totalitarian world government.
If anyone suggested this as a plot for a James Bond film it would be turned down flat as being too far fetched even for Bond fans.
Funny, though, I’ve never heard Agenda 21 mentioned once on the BBC.
Yup it’s a pincher movement on democracy from the hard left and the global elite. Both find borders bothersome and are active in trying to destroy them.
Of course both the EU and Islam are anti-democratic forces. Which explains why they are both supported by the anti-democrats and the their co-opted publicists in the BBC.
Those of us who believe in democracy buttressed by the nation state must resist as best as we can.
“Certain subjects – race, immigration and Islam in particular – attract an unacceptable level of toxic commentary…..As a result, it had been decided that comments would not be opened on pieces on those three topics unless the moderators knew they had the capacity to support the conversation and that they believed a positive debate was possible.”
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC starts shutting down debate on certain “toxic” topics? Oh, hang on. They already are. This is a sign of the times. Social media in Germany and Holland, Reuters, CNN, New York Times elsewhere. The list is growing. We musn’t have wrong-thinking people expressing themselves publicly must we!
“Certain subjects – race, immigration and Islam in particular – attract an unacceptable level of toxic commentary…..As a result, it had been decided that comments would not be opened on pieces on those three topics unless the moderators knew they had the capacity to support the conversation and that they believed a positive debate was possible.”
In other words we can’t construct a coherent counter argument so we are just going to run away and hide.
The lefties in Labour, the bBBC and the Guardian, spend much of their time trying to rewrite history and the dictionary: “toxic” is now defined as anything that they don’t agree with.
i have read some of the comments and the majority view this as censorship.
One beauty therein described the “facts are sacred” changing to “facts are scared”.
This woman talks a lot of sense. Whether we vote yes or no, the EU is finished as an entity.
Second…it now appears we have yet another weepy on the BbC website about 10,000 of children missing. Send out Geldoff etc al to find them!
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has said it will stop production of its Defender model in 2015 because it will not meet new European laws on fuel emissions… BBC 2013
Plans to bring in stricter measures for new car emissions by 2020 meant there were “certain conditions the Defender just won’t meet”, the company said… BBC 2016
Odd how the BBC leaves out the important “EU” aspect not just in the above statement but in the entire BBC article/articles on the Defender in this referendum year – but did 3 years ago.
JLR will just move production to India.
“Grey” imports antbody! 😮
Bit of a backlog that may be worth checking back upon, but can’t let this pass…
The author is a ‘phile, so this is a great fudge: ‘Transparency is still tricky at the BBC’
What he of course means is it doesn’t exist, despite protestations to the contrary, and the BBC and staff routinely lie through their teeth and try to cover it up, for the purposes of greed, greed and more greed.
‘There may be more to come’
As there have been in the past, as a skinny latte froths away in the swanky bistro owned by a part-time, fully paid BBC directorette, IIRC.
8 people have supported your petition so far. We’re checking your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it. This usually takes a week or less.
Thank you so much for your support. When it’s live I’ll post the link.
OOOOps it’s up already.
Rape and heckling are not the same.
BBC Corruption? Surely not. Rhona Fairhead “In it up to her neck”? No, No, No!
As the man says, Read it and weep.
Scrap the Telly Tax. BBC – enemy of the people.