Rest easy lads. That pic’s obviously been doctored. Look closely at the ‘R’, ‘A’, ‘I’, ‘S’ and ‘T’ letters on both words in red writing and you’ll see that minus the ‘C’ and ‘P’, impossibly for a handwritten sign, the letters in one word are an exact facsmilie of those in the other.
She’s cute, though. Sign probably stated something we’d all agree with originally. Alas, the hilarious internet.
When I posted this picture I was aware that the sign had been doctored. It had been translated into English and I indicated so on my post.
In the original German the sign says:
Lieber sexuell uberaktiv Fluctlinghe als Deutsch Rassissten
Hashtag Refugees Welcome
Which translates as
‘Prefer sexually active fugitive over German racists.’
The point made by showing the picture remains valid.
Copy the picture URL from the web, click the ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’ link at the bottom of the text box and paste the link…
Right click over the picture. Then copy the line saying ‘copy image address’. Then click on the instruction here below which says ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’. A space will appear where you can paste the image address you have copied.
Hope this helps. Best regards.
Incidentally, returning to the picture of this topic. The organization is Red Antifa, with links to the UK anarchists Antifa and UAF.
Thank you both! I completely missed the ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’ bit below the message box and draft, as I’m geared towards either html or bbcode from forums and the like. No wonder it wasn’t working. Sorted.
What a shame to find that Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been bailed out by our old friend Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz, and now he is not happy Trump isn’t doing what he’s been paid to do.
Seems they might have fallen out big time, but anyone prepared to do deals with the devil is quite likely to do another when need calls them – and Alwaleed is VERY, VERY wealthy.
The articles you cite are written by leftie juveniles with zero understanding of business, investment, risk and liability for failed investments. ‘Bailed out’ meaning he cut a deal with a business in which Trump was involved, to the mutual benefit of both parties. Venture capitalists will have lost on the deal, but as they know themselves beforehand – you win some, you lose some.
Stefan Molyneux explains (28.50mins in if you wish to skip other invaluable information to the political anorak) in the Untruth about Donald Trump. Another offering from SM which I highly recommend.
Seems the wealthy Saudi Islamist is vexed with Trump and the meedja are too! Why is that I wonder?
Thanks for posting that Geoff – completely correct; though I shan’t hold my breath to see it broadcast on al beebus, nor any other TV channel in the U.K. either.
It’s so sad when nice, lovely people go and leave us all thinking about how really good and kind they were.
I honestly think Terry Wogan was one of the very few “nice guys” in showbiz who also did wonderful work for childrens’ charities. When people like him pass on it brings you up short (sorry, brings me up short!) for I remember so many, many years when he simply jumped into the day’s conversations because of something he had said on the wireless and almost everyone I knew and talked to had heard it and thought it good.
He made witty points; he made funny points; he made thoughtful points; he made sad points; and he made happy points. I think that is why I used to tune in to his programme every single morning, switching over from the stolid content of BBC R4 which I had been wakened to by my radio-alarm, then gladly listening to the more relevant (to me) content of BBC R2 when Wogan’s daily show was due to start. He *always* brightened my day in some way – sometimes a smile, often a snigger, but always with a sense of being uplifted very much higher than the alternative BBC R4 “Thought For The Day”.
Wogan’s thoughts beat them all into a cocked hat. He knew the world inside out and in his non-combative style, he voiced thoughts many of us were thinking.
I missed him so much when he ceased broadcasting of a morning and I miss him more now. RIP Sir Terry Wogan.
Well said, the morning commute to a shitty job was made bearable with his Janet and John stories and his witty banter, it was a sad day in 2009 when he gave way for that complete and utter to55sr Evans, who’s IQ is but a fraction of Wogan’s.
His passing has bothered me a little, following Ed Stewart who at the weekends did the same slot as Wogan did weekdays, reminds me of munching my cornflakes around a breakfast table with others who have also now sadly passed … a sad day!
Do you know, Geoff, I’d completely forgotten the Janet and John stories though now you have jogged my memory they were marvels of truly comic radio. You just had no idea at all of what was coming next!
I must hunt out and see if anyone ever bothered recording his transmissions. Quite often such treasures can be found on “unofficial” sources. (And at the same time, I doubt if his employers ever bother keeping any of his shows for posterity.)
Any link would be greatly appreciated. Whatever the sound quality was, it is to be sure the content quantity will be of the highest!
Just another quickie I remember: When Mull of Kintyre came to the fore in the music charts (and a nice tune it was too) Mr. Wogan made reference to that well known Irish Tyre Refit Company of “Mulligan’s Tyres” and how nice it was to see them having some little success at last.
Whey man! Me being a Geordie working out of Aberdeen at the time simply couldn’t resist a few verses of “Mulligan’s Tyres” whenever the Jockanese started their sing-songs. They used to go a wee bit bat-sh*t, as owld Rabbie Burns might not have said. All good fun.
Good comments HW. I remember the mornings after the previous nights viewing of Dallas – they were riotous ! who else could get away with calling a short arsed actress a poison dwarf ? can you imagine the uproar now if he said it, bloody twitter would be in melt down and some pratty activist would be calling for him to be sacked ! – he had names for them all and we loved it. He was also responsible for introducing us to the haunting voice of Eva Cassidy. So I for one, thank him for getting me to work in a better mood during his time on the radio.
Hi Brissles,
My memory is truly slipping. Apart from forgetting Geoff’s reminder about Janet & John, the “Poisoned Dwarf” ahd also completely gone from my memory bank until you nudged the right PIN! As you say – no chance at all of such broadcasts today. I really will have to try and look up any information about poor Lucy, TPD, for I’m sure it was all taken in good part, as did most recipient’s of Wogan’s banter. For that is what it was – banter!
A word no longer allowed to be used today and G-d help you should you ever concoct any banter about any living (or imaginary!) soul as Wogan used to do.
While Sweden threatens to expel migrants and Denmark threatens to remove their assets, our Car Moron kowtows to the EU Dictator to allow us to remove their ‘benefits’?
He’s not like Chamberlain but more like Oliver Twist with his begging bowl.
Its all smoke and mirrors to keep us in his cherished EU.
Vote to get out of this failed, manufactured state that is the EU, before this country is destroyed.
Similarly qualified and doing the same job are of course very different animals, I could be digging a hole by the side of a U road in the back of beyond while being similarly qualified to Mark Zuckerberg. I’m sure if Frances O’Grady did the decent thing and made way for a similarly qualified more diverse general secretary the gap would shrink a little.
“The government cannot afford to ignore these figures and must now take genuine action to tackle pay discrimination.”
We all know where that’s heading don’t we. Yet another lefty race to the bottom where everyone comes off worse.
The O’Grady bitch says “interventions that directly challenge racial inequalities in the workplace,” without suggesting any specific course of action. Maybe whites will be forced to have a whip-round on Friday afternoons to dole out to the BME’s.
The whole Al Beeb piece is completely flawed and deliberately full of obfuscation, but then that’s the point of it. They talk about A-levels and degrees as if all kids & grads with these qualifications are all the same and that there isn’t a grade scale. It also fails to mention the employment undertaken, for example: you could be comparing a white kid having done 5 years at uni to train as a dentist with an Asian kid doing 3 days a week for a couple of years to get a 2:2 in media studies, who rises to the dizzy heights of the sweeper-up in his uncle’s halal corner shop.
Here we go another lame story from the BBc. Woman who are effected by the equalisation of pension changes. Well here’s a story I know well because I’m waiting for a reply from Baroness Altmann weho was interviewed via my MP about questions I want an answers to with the “new” pension scheme. This one has been bobbing around on BBc for a while. Now let’s just remember this dates back to 1995. So I find it difficult to believe other than a handful of people nearing retirement age would not at least be aware of changes to pension ages. I now can’t receive it until I’m 66 1/2 (2017) a school friend of mine who was in the same year has to wait until he’s 67.
So the BBc reports on a group of woman bitchin’ it has effected their retirement plans so hey what about the men who will be in a similar boat? They say they don’t mind pensions being equalised. But the bottom line to me is obvious , as long as it doesn’t effect them. Somewhere a line has to be drawn in the sand and where were all these people back in 1995?
At the end they red out some comments one remarks the website has been down for over a year. Strange because I’ve just gone in on this link which I’ve been on before which will tell you when your projected age, at present, will be. Remember the dates are reviewed every 3 years. Also I’ve managed to get a pension forecast every year for the last 5 years and after April I’ll be requesting another. I’ve had a NI tax statement from HMRC as well to inform me of any short years I can pay to qualify.
So here we are evil government, even though liebour started it. Picking on women, never mind men in a similar position
And why did the reporter not point out that when it comes to buying an annuity, women now have to be offered the same as men, even though statistically they will live longer? Lack of balance…..again.
The real scandal is not the (now longstanding) increase in the pension age. Rather it is that a full pension is now ‘earned’ after fewer qualifying years and is at a higher level than for someone who earned a full pension under the old rules. My wife has a full state pension but it is nowhere near the £155 level now to be paid for fewer qualifying years.
German immigrants to be sent home.
Angela Merkel back-peddling on immigration faster than Lance Armstrong on steroids.
Nothing about it in the liberal press / BBC though, unsurprisingly.
““We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that once there is peace in Syria again, once [ISIS] as been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country”
“Vee adwise all immigrants to read das smallprint at all times”
Finally some common sense, and remember a victory for common sense is a defeat for the liberal left.
By then they’ll have impregnated half a dozen white girls each and under Human Rights laws will have the right to a family in Germany or whichever EU state they choose.
“Storm Henry”, the Met Office seem to be rattling through these names at a fair old rate, I never realised just how many “storms” we had, riseable. At the foot of the article the value to which teachers lives are held by the Western Isles Council is made clear.
“Western Isles Council said it was closing schools as a precaution although teachers were being asked to go to work as normal.”
So teachers are storm proof, and work as what exactly?
What will they do when we get to ‘M’? I am sure they will consider an alien name I won’t use, and I’m equally sure they will be under pressure from ROP to use it.
That’s the whole point of naming these ‘storms’. Every other year we get blown about from November until March, naming every breeze makes it more quantifiable for the water melons.
“Today” get in the grandly titled Sir Stephen Bubb (a charities’ charity man) to comment on the Batmanghelidjh affair. His solution? Charity administration costs should be met by the taxpayer. So I googled him and find that he was the chief whip of the Lambeth Council Labour administration when at its looniest. A sure go to guy for the BBC, but why so long after 2010 are Labour placemen still everywhere in the public realm?
What`s in a name eh?
This sap Bubb-hardly Mick McManus`s tag team partner is he?
We USED to have blokes like Steve Logan and Jackie Pallo-now we get the likes of Bubb, Ennals and Davis.
The name says it all-we all KNOW that Bubba was there purely to make Forrest Gump look smart?
Yet Bubba DID give his life for Lieutenant “Dayn”-and the USA of course, whereas a clean-nailed “Sir Stephen Bubb” would barely risk a pinkie in Camilla capacious tents, let alone trawl through her laundry bag to see what EXACTLY she`s been up since faking her qualifications.
Like Blair,Clinton-that black woman who got Sir Tim Hint sacked?-what IS it with serial liars and fantasists, narcissistic sociopaths?…and the do gooding, liberal public sector lefties?
If they can`t even tell the truth about THEMSELVES( Rael Dolezal)-why the hell do the liberals send them out to bat in fairy dairy land as “spokespeople or experts”?
Answer-because the sad shills just see showbiz and trough tucking where the rest of us see feral kids and dying grandparents…they imagine racists….where we see Rotherham schoolgirls being “Islamised” by rapists.
Bubb can stick his coronet crown up Batmans arse, and keep his head up there until he winds up in hell.
Thought I`d leave it a day so think on Jess Phillips and her offensive crap about Brummie blokes of Broad Street.
Geoff, Demon yesterday afternoon had it right.
I do see this one as an indicator of how rotten the political core now is.
The creep has form-and her media profile is as the “quirky lefty rebel” that that brown-nosing fake Stephen Pound used to have.
You know-Bob Marshall Andrews role as pointless gadfly bitching to the guttersnipes at the Royal Hussar about Blairs Bumworms not ALL being serial suckups…and here`s a picture of me lighting up a Gitane by the Cenotaph…the “Good Rebellion” always needs its licensed tapeworms to affect an alternative.
So if we lopped Phillips-the likes of Snow and Wark would be minus a pliable gobby nomark who thinks she`s the coming Germaine Greer.
So-where are the Right in all this?
If they can`t get her out after trashing one half of her own constituents, with Muslim blokes twisting in the wind after Cologne-and when Abbott and Corbyn want her dead-then the Right are clueless naifs who won`t deserve the Crown…which , to be fair, is ALL the Left reckon that they`re entitled to.
The left wants your money, your kids and your love-that you pay for rapists to do for lust what Labour are doing for fun is a mere detail.
I`m watching now-if UKIP, The Tories, Digby Jones and his Brummie business chums and Momentum can`t or won`t get rid of Phillips…then we clearly are learning nothing from Twitter, from infiltrations, from fake confections and synthetic souffles of “rage”…have Common Purpose, Gramsci , Chomsky, Alinsky or 38 Degrees taught us nothing about the coming jungle warfare we shall need to see Islam off, and fcuk the Left once and for all?
All this in the city where Tommy Robinson may well be banned from walking in with Pegida next Saturday?
Does the right WANT power-and to terrify the lefty lying low hanging fruit like Jess Phillips-and those even worse that her who are coming?
Or do they want to smirk along for a few days as a little local difficulty metastise s into full blown evil where Islam meets feminist apologists and their evil connivance…Salma Yacoob will be mayor withing five years if Jess Phillips doesn`t go for this one.
Did Sir Terry die in vain?…we Tory Scum need to throw in crap like this if we want a country fit for our white girls to grow up in.
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BBC Online News:
“”The Sikh man who stood up to Trump””
Would the BBC use the phrase ‘stood up to’ if Hilary Clinton or Corbyn were involved? Of course not.
‘Stood up to’ implies that Trump is a bully and thug. We ‘stand up’ to tyrants, not elected politicians who could one day be President of the USA.
Biased BBC, Left-Wing anti-Republican all the way.
“”The Sikh man who stood up to Trump””
I’ve not clicked the link but why do we need to know how this Sikh breaks wind?
Rest easy lads. That pic’s obviously been doctored. Look closely at the ‘R’, ‘A’, ‘I’, ‘S’ and ‘T’ letters on both words in red writing and you’ll see that minus the ‘C’ and ‘P’, impossibly for a handwritten sign, the letters in one word are an exact facsmilie of those in the other.
She’s cute, though. Sign probably stated something we’d all agree with originally. Alas, the hilarious internet.
Apologies. I mucked up the .jpg address for that.
What code do I use to put pics in my comments?
Destroy-deny- degrade-disrupt.
When I posted this picture I was aware that the sign had been doctored. It had been translated into English and I indicated so on my post.
In the original German the sign says:
Lieber sexuell uberaktiv Fluctlinghe als Deutsch Rassissten
Hashtag Refugees Welcome
Which translates as
‘Prefer sexually active fugitive over German racists.’
The point made by showing the picture remains valid.
Ah shit. Sorry.
Um, am I missing something obvious in how to put a picture in my comments? Help?
Copy the picture URL from the web, click the ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’ link at the bottom of the text box and paste the link…
Right click over the picture. Then copy the line saying ‘copy image address’. Then click on the instruction here below which says ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’. A space will appear where you can paste the image address you have copied.
Hope this helps. Best regards.
Incidentally, returning to the picture of this topic. The organization is Red Antifa, with links to the UK anarchists Antifa and UAF.
Thank you both! I completely missed the ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’ bit below the message box and draft, as I’m geared towards either html or bbcode from forums and the like. No wonder it wasn’t working. Sorted.
What a shame to find that Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been bailed out by our old friend Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz, and now he is not happy Trump isn’t doing what he’s been paid to do.
Seems they might have fallen out big time, but anyone prepared to do deals with the devil is quite likely to do another when need calls them – and Alwaleed is VERY, VERY wealthy.
The articles you cite are written by leftie juveniles with zero understanding of business, investment, risk and liability for failed investments. ‘Bailed out’ meaning he cut a deal with a business in which Trump was involved, to the mutual benefit of both parties. Venture capitalists will have lost on the deal, but as they know themselves beforehand – you win some, you lose some.
Stefan Molyneux explains (28.50mins in if you wish to skip other invaluable information to the political anorak) in the Untruth about Donald Trump. Another offering from SM which I highly recommend.
Seems the wealthy Saudi Islamist is vexed with Trump and the meedja are too! Why is that I wonder?
Thanks for posting that Geoff – completely correct; though I shan’t hold my breath to see it broadcast on al beebus, nor any other TV channel in the U.K. either.
BBC Online News:
“”‘No EU deal yet’ for David Cameron and Donald Tusk””
SKY Online News:
“”EU Migrant Talks: Donald Tusk Says ‘No Deal'””
Strange that the BBC uses the word ‘yet’ to encourage readers that a deal will be possible. SKY doesn’t.
Biased BBC 100% pro-Europe.
He *WAS* a nice man
It’s so sad when nice, lovely people go and leave us all thinking about how really good and kind they were.
I honestly think Terry Wogan was one of the very few “nice guys” in showbiz who also did wonderful work for childrens’ charities. When people like him pass on it brings you up short (sorry, brings me up short!) for I remember so many, many years when he simply jumped into the day’s conversations because of something he had said on the wireless and almost everyone I knew and talked to had heard it and thought it good.
He made witty points; he made funny points; he made thoughtful points; he made sad points; and he made happy points. I think that is why I used to tune in to his programme every single morning, switching over from the stolid content of BBC R4 which I had been wakened to by my radio-alarm, then gladly listening to the more relevant (to me) content of BBC R2 when Wogan’s daily show was due to start. He *always* brightened my day in some way – sometimes a smile, often a snigger, but always with a sense of being uplifted very much higher than the alternative BBC R4 “Thought For The Day”.
Wogan’s thoughts beat them all into a cocked hat. He knew the world inside out and in his non-combative style, he voiced thoughts many of us were thinking.
I missed him so much when he ceased broadcasting of a morning and I miss him more now. RIP Sir Terry Wogan.
Well said, the morning commute to a shitty job was made bearable with his Janet and John stories and his witty banter, it was a sad day in 2009 when he gave way for that complete and utter to55sr Evans, who’s IQ is but a fraction of Wogan’s.
His passing has bothered me a little, following Ed Stewart who at the weekends did the same slot as Wogan did weekdays, reminds me of munching my cornflakes around a breakfast table with others who have also now sadly passed … a sad day!
Do you know, Geoff, I’d completely forgotten the Janet and John stories though now you have jogged my memory they were marvels of truly comic radio. You just had no idea at all of what was coming next!
I must hunt out and see if anyone ever bothered recording his transmissions. Quite often such treasures can be found on “unofficial” sources. (And at the same time, I doubt if his employers ever bother keeping any of his shows for posterity.)
Pretty sure somewhere I have his last week of Breakfast shows, not sure about the quality.
Any link would be greatly appreciated. Whatever the sound quality was, it is to be sure the content quantity will be of the highest!
Just another quickie I remember: When Mull of Kintyre came to the fore in the music charts (and a nice tune it was too) Mr. Wogan made reference to that well known Irish Tyre Refit Company of “Mulligan’s Tyres” and how nice it was to see them having some little success at last.
Whey man! Me being a Geordie working out of Aberdeen at the time simply couldn’t resist a few verses of “Mulligan’s Tyres” whenever the Jockanese started their sing-songs. They used to go a wee bit bat-sh*t, as owld Rabbie Burns might not have said. All good fun.
There’s at least a couple of CDs, in support of CIN, of Janet and John stories. DO NOT listen and drive! 😉
Good comments HW. I remember the mornings after the previous nights viewing of Dallas – they were riotous ! who else could get away with calling a short arsed actress a poison dwarf ? can you imagine the uproar now if he said it, bloody twitter would be in melt down and some pratty activist would be calling for him to be sacked ! – he had names for them all and we loved it. He was also responsible for introducing us to the haunting voice of Eva Cassidy. So I for one, thank him for getting me to work in a better mood during his time on the radio.
Hi Brissles,
My memory is truly slipping. Apart from forgetting Geoff’s reminder about Janet & John, the “Poisoned Dwarf” ahd also completely gone from my memory bank until you nudged the right PIN! As you say – no chance at all of such broadcasts today. I really will have to try and look up any information about poor Lucy, TPD, for I’m sure it was all taken in good part, as did most recipient’s of Wogan’s banter. For that is what it was – banter!
A word no longer allowed to be used today and G-d help you should you ever concoct any banter about any living (or imaginary!) soul as Wogan used to do.
Your feet wouldn’t touch …
While Sweden threatens to expel migrants and Denmark threatens to remove their assets, our Car Moron kowtows to the EU Dictator to allow us to remove their ‘benefits’?
He’s not like Chamberlain but more like Oliver Twist with his begging bowl.
Its all smoke and mirrors to keep us in his cherished EU.
Vote to get out of this failed, manufactured state that is the EU, before this country is destroyed.
And vote UKIP!
“Black workers earn much less than similarly qualified white workers”
Similarly qualified and doing the same job are of course very different animals, I could be digging a hole by the side of a U road in the back of beyond while being similarly qualified to Mark Zuckerberg. I’m sure if Frances O’Grady did the decent thing and made way for a similarly qualified more diverse general secretary the gap would shrink a little.
“The government cannot afford to ignore these figures and must now take genuine action to tackle pay discrimination.”
We all know where that’s heading don’t we. Yet another lefty race to the bottom where everyone comes off worse.
The O’Grady bitch says “interventions that directly challenge racial inequalities in the workplace,” without suggesting any specific course of action. Maybe whites will be forced to have a whip-round on Friday afternoons to dole out to the BME’s.
The whole Al Beeb piece is completely flawed and deliberately full of obfuscation, but then that’s the point of it. They talk about A-levels and degrees as if all kids & grads with these qualifications are all the same and that there isn’t a grade scale. It also fails to mention the employment undertaken, for example: you could be comparing a white kid having done 5 years at uni to train as a dentist with an Asian kid doing 3 days a week for a couple of years to get a 2:2 in media studies, who rises to the dizzy heights of the sweeper-up in his uncle’s halal corner shop.
Here we go another lame story from the BBc. Woman who are effected by the equalisation of pension changes. Well here’s a story I know well because I’m waiting for a reply from Baroness Altmann weho was interviewed via my MP about questions I want an answers to with the “new” pension scheme. This one has been bobbing around on BBc for a while. Now let’s just remember this dates back to 1995. So I find it difficult to believe other than a handful of people nearing retirement age would not at least be aware of changes to pension ages. I now can’t receive it until I’m 66 1/2 (2017) a school friend of mine who was in the same year has to wait until he’s 67.
So the BBc reports on a group of woman bitchin’ it has effected their retirement plans so hey what about the men who will be in a similar boat? They say they don’t mind pensions being equalised. But the bottom line to me is obvious , as long as it doesn’t effect them. Somewhere a line has to be drawn in the sand and where were all these people back in 1995?
At the end they red out some comments one remarks the website has been down for over a year. Strange because I’ve just gone in on this link which I’ve been on before which will tell you when your projected age, at present, will be. Remember the dates are reviewed every 3 years. Also I’ve managed to get a pension forecast every year for the last 5 years and after April I’ll be requesting another. I’ve had a NI tax statement from HMRC as well to inform me of any short years I can pay to qualify.
So here we are evil government, even though liebour started it. Picking on women, never mind men in a similar position
And why did the reporter not point out that when it comes to buying an annuity, women now have to be offered the same as men, even though statistically they will live longer? Lack of balance…..again.
The real scandal is not the (now longstanding) increase in the pension age. Rather it is that a full pension is now ‘earned’ after fewer qualifying years and is at a higher level than for someone who earned a full pension under the old rules. My wife has a full state pension but it is nowhere near the £155 level now to be paid for fewer qualifying years.
Don’t forget if you “opted out” to an occupation pension scheme they take this off the “new” pension payments.
German immigrants to be sent home.
Angela Merkel back-peddling on immigration faster than Lance Armstrong on steroids.
Nothing about it in the liberal press / BBC though, unsurprisingly.
““We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that once there is peace in Syria again, once [ISIS] as been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country”
“Vee adwise all immigrants to read das smallprint at all times”
Finally some common sense, and remember a victory for common sense is a defeat for the liberal left.
But will they be sent home..? Her own EU lawyers will fight it for years.
By then they’ll have impregnated half a dozen white girls each and under Human Rights laws will have the right to a family in Germany or whichever EU state they choose.
Exactly right Kitty. Merkel is bullshitting and we all know it.
“Storm Henry”, the Met Office seem to be rattling through these names at a fair old rate, I never realised just how many “storms” we had, riseable. At the foot of the article the value to which teachers lives are held by the Western Isles Council is made clear.
“Western Isles Council said it was closing schools as a precaution although teachers were being asked to go to work as normal.”
So teachers are storm proof, and work as what exactly?
What will they do when we get to ‘M’? I am sure they will consider an alien name I won’t use, and I’m equally sure they will be under pressure from ROP to use it.
I’m not so sure. After all, I recall some got angry (when do they not, I hear you say) when someone named a teddy after the M-person.
That’s the whole point of naming these ‘storms’. Every other year we get blown about from November until March, naming every breeze makes it more quantifiable for the water melons.
“Today” get in the grandly titled Sir Stephen Bubb (a charities’ charity man) to comment on the Batmanghelidjh affair. His solution? Charity administration costs should be met by the taxpayer. So I googled him and find that he was the chief whip of the Lambeth Council Labour administration when at its looniest. A sure go to guy for the BBC, but why so long after 2010 are Labour placemen still everywhere in the public realm?
It’s quite simple. You don’t commit to spending more than you get in. If you can’t grasp that reality you really shouldn’t be a charity trustee.
Botney thinks money grows on trees. That’s what 30 years at the BBC does to a man.
What`s in a name eh?
This sap Bubb-hardly Mick McManus`s tag team partner is he?
We USED to have blokes like Steve Logan and Jackie Pallo-now we get the likes of Bubb, Ennals and Davis.
The name says it all-we all KNOW that Bubba was there purely to make Forrest Gump look smart?
Yet Bubba DID give his life for Lieutenant “Dayn”-and the USA of course, whereas a clean-nailed “Sir Stephen Bubb” would barely risk a pinkie in Camilla capacious tents, let alone trawl through her laundry bag to see what EXACTLY she`s been up since faking her qualifications.
Like Blair,Clinton-that black woman who got Sir Tim Hint sacked?-what IS it with serial liars and fantasists, narcissistic sociopaths?…and the do gooding, liberal public sector lefties?
If they can`t even tell the truth about THEMSELVES( Rael Dolezal)-why the hell do the liberals send them out to bat in fairy dairy land as “spokespeople or experts”?
Answer-because the sad shills just see showbiz and trough tucking where the rest of us see feral kids and dying grandparents…they imagine racists….where we see Rotherham schoolgirls being “Islamised” by rapists.
Bubb can stick his coronet crown up Batmans arse, and keep his head up there until he winds up in hell.
I’d like to know how far common purpose cronyism greased Batmanghelidjh’s slide to ruin.
Thought I`d leave it a day so think on Jess Phillips and her offensive crap about Brummie blokes of Broad Street.
Geoff, Demon yesterday afternoon had it right.
I do see this one as an indicator of how rotten the political core now is.
The creep has form-and her media profile is as the “quirky lefty rebel” that that brown-nosing fake Stephen Pound used to have.
You know-Bob Marshall Andrews role as pointless gadfly bitching to the guttersnipes at the Royal Hussar about Blairs Bumworms not ALL being serial suckups…and here`s a picture of me lighting up a Gitane by the Cenotaph…the “Good Rebellion” always needs its licensed tapeworms to affect an alternative.
So if we lopped Phillips-the likes of Snow and Wark would be minus a pliable gobby nomark who thinks she`s the coming Germaine Greer.
So-where are the Right in all this?
If they can`t get her out after trashing one half of her own constituents, with Muslim blokes twisting in the wind after Cologne-and when Abbott and Corbyn want her dead-then the Right are clueless naifs who won`t deserve the Crown…which , to be fair, is ALL the Left reckon that they`re entitled to.
The left wants your money, your kids and your love-that you pay for rapists to do for lust what Labour are doing for fun is a mere detail.
I`m watching now-if UKIP, The Tories, Digby Jones and his Brummie business chums and Momentum can`t or won`t get rid of Phillips…then we clearly are learning nothing from Twitter, from infiltrations, from fake confections and synthetic souffles of “rage”…have Common Purpose, Gramsci , Chomsky, Alinsky or 38 Degrees taught us nothing about the coming jungle warfare we shall need to see Islam off, and fcuk the Left once and for all?
All this in the city where Tommy Robinson may well be banned from walking in with Pegida next Saturday?
Does the right WANT power-and to terrify the lefty lying low hanging fruit like Jess Phillips-and those even worse that her who are coming?
Or do they want to smirk along for a few days as a little local difficulty metastise s into full blown evil where Islam meets feminist apologists and their evil connivance…Salma Yacoob will be mayor withing five years if Jess Phillips doesn`t go for this one.
Did Sir Terry die in vain?…we Tory Scum need to throw in crap like this if we want a country fit for our white girls to grow up in.