Is there anyone on this site who knows of people who are going to vote to stay in the EU barring the odd one. How independent are these polls?
Why is our Prime Mincer advocating sedition and the destruction of our sovereignty. He should be in jail for such traiterous heresy, not leading the country.
I am very worried about state interference, rigging the polls and the result. I fear the worst.
Where I work part-time (a public sector organisation) everyone is EU mad. I dare not raise any anti-EU points as I would probably lose my job or be permanently assigned to cleaning the latrines with a toothbrush until I left.
Most of my friends are also left wing and will be voting REMAIN, without a doubt. I will try and debate with them but they are not going to listen. If they knew of state interference in the polls they would approve of it. Normal leftish morals I’m afraid – anyone who doesn’t agree with them is simply Wrong and is not entitled to a voice as they are Racist.
Agreed, it is indeed sad but true, those who will not see are blind in thought. Probably not worth your job Manchesterlad. They probably vote Labour and are incapable of calm reasoned argument and fall back on abuse by calling you an ‘ist’ when they cannot argue against your view.
I’ve met them, they change later in life and then deny they ever voted for Tony Blair after he bombed Iraq.
Never mind the rigging of the polls, if they allow the Muslims a postal vote, then they will decide the outcome. One day there will be a truly disgraceful turnout of greater than 100% of the electorate, yet I still expect the corrupt politicos to explain it away as being of no concern !
What I am sure of is that the EU collapses if we leave. Completely collapses so any and every effort will be made to ensure the vote is a “correct” one.
It is going to collapse anyway but they still think 2016 is going to be manageable. It is not and we need to understand that the invasion of these refugees will certainly destabalise Europe and lead to the eastern states leaving . Hence the referendum hurry up. A vain attempt to tie us to a sinking failing ship of state .
The neo con/ neo liberal corporate state that is the EU is failing it’s unfortunate citizens. It is not even fit for a mainland Europe version of democracy and for us a complete disaster. Cameron is far worse than Heath ever was. At least Heath had been through the war and had the excuses that war gave him.
Cameron has not that excuse and as for the Eu’s cheerleaders in the BBC and the rest they are refusing to look at the reality that every day of this year is becoming more apparent.
It’s unlikely to be a fair vote that’s for sure, with repeat ballots should the ‘wrong’ result be returned, just until the ‘right’ one is declared of course.
I felt like watching a film so checked out the BBC iplayrer. A WW1 film, Private Peaceful, caught my eye, but as this is the BBC I thought I’d skip forward and sample to get the flavour. Sure enough the usual tropes, fat civilian accusing a man of cowardice who wont sign up, bullying sergeant with recruits, firing squad for desertion, black soldier in front line (not Indian) etc. So I decided not to watch it but noticed the director is Pat O’Connor. Never heard of him, but was amazed to find out he’s from the Republic of Ireland, made Cal about an IRA man who gets involved with the widow of the man he helped kill, and has made programmes for the BBC.
Newsnight Ian Katz got a BIG rejection from Nic Soames MP to appear on show tonight.
Tory MP @mariacaulfield says today's proposed EU deal has convinced her to vote for leave. "The deal I've seen is not enough" #newsnight— Ian Katz (@iankatz1000) February 2, 2016
‘In work benefits’, what about ‘out of work benefits’ ?
Mr Car Moron is not doing anything about mass migration. ‘Smoke and mirrors’…..
Hence the mad rush to get the referendum done and dusted before the next migration ‘swarm’ heads this way.
The best the Tory Party can do now is to get a new leader with balls ……….
Any Ideas ?
Corbyn’s Defence Review will propose the following for the UK’s Armed Forces:
Navy subs to skulk around silently without any missiles.
Army soldiers to advance on enemy pointing unloaded guns and shouting, ‘Bang!’ very loudly.
RAF pilots to wear WW2 style goggles and run around with arms outstretched making Stuka dive bomber noises.
That should allow the rest of us to sleep soundly in our beds.
Top Ten British attainments taken for granted by Winston Churchill:
(1) Government with Sovereignty
(2) Government with Independence
(3) Government with Democracy
(4) Government with Competence
(5) Government with Power
(6) Government with Authority
(7) Government with Principles
(8) Government with Truth
(9) Government with Intelligence
(10) Government with Future
Top Ten attainments by the (what will the EU give me) puppet David Cameron:
(1) Government without Sovereignty
(2) Government without Independence
(3) Government without Democracy
(4) Government without Competence
(5) Government without Power
(6) Government without Authority
(7) Government without Principles
(8) Government without Truth
(9) Government without Intelligence
(10) Government without Future
Solution: A purge of Pro-EU Traitors in the Tory Party by the Churchillian people in the party. Replacing the upper-class twits with David Davis as Prime Minister, Jacob Rees-Mogg as Home Secretary, Bill Cash as Foreign Secretary, John Redwood as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Philip Davies as Lord Chancellor.
Top Ten British attainments taken for granted by Winston Churchill:
(3) Government with Democracy
Err when was Britain ever a democracy? We have a system of 5 yearly dictatorships where two candidates are chosen between and once appointed can do what ever they please !
(4) Government with Competence
Have you looked back in your history at just how incompetent governments have been ?
You need to have a listen to the ‘sunscreen speech’!
“Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.”
I wrote a little piece earlier about past Prime Ministers and the dreadful effect their decisions their policies have had on us today. Despite how well meaning they were, they failed to examine the negatives and only saw the positive.
Churchill burdened us with the Asylum treaty – badly drawn up & naïve, with only Europe in its scope following WWII . He also burdened us with the Human Rights Treaty – again because he couldn’t think past his European neighbours.
Tory leaders have been largely idle – especially the Eton ones, or downright duplicitous – Heath. The Labour ones have produced only harm to the British economy and culture. The only good thing to come out of Labour is that Wilson kept us out of the Vietnam slaughter, most of the others including BLiar would have had us right in there.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is another old Etonian, and they need to be kept out of government at all costs !
Be fair, the photo was selected at random from thousands of other black faces that Al Beeb keep on file to keep their site diverse, vibrant & enriched.
Interestingly, appropriate google searches show they have been on this one for the past year and more.
Could there be a transgender Jamaican in the newsroom of our favourite state broadcaster?
I view it as a small step in the right direction if they are acknowledging ethnic minority trannies, usually to watch the BBC one would think the only deviants are ethnic British while all BAMEs are either decent family men or supercool desirable studs, sought after by good looking British women.
Germaine Greers words about transgenders is not new .She has always written about this in her books ,one of which I read about 15 years ago so her views remain the same .Good for her for not changing her opinion.To hear the BBC and so called feminists outrage you would think she only just recently said it to be controversial.She has stuck to what she believes.That takes courage these days…….
Agree entirely.
Her Female Eunuch book is the gold standard of how to build a movement based on polemic, logic and lethal venom aimed at the weaknesses and hypocrisies of the liberal caste.
The reasoned, logical and historical cross cultural equivalent of CAMRA in regard of getting real beer back into the country.
Respect to them both.
I remember reading her follow up in the early 2000s-the Female Woman was it?-and she says exactly the same stuff she did before Cardiff last year…can only assume the Literacy co-ordinator at Cardiff Uni had failed to download it all in audiobook form for the precious ears of Cardiff Uni students.
THAT`S what got me-she`d said it all so clearly without fuss years before-and only the nature of stupid students in search of fellow grievance mongs had changed. Germaines views had not-and she stuck to them . thank God…like Chrissy Hynde as well.
THe Ayatollah did the same retrospective justice crap with Rushdies book…the Danish cartoons rumpup was a similar post-dated firebombing…as was the Regensburg papal bull over what Benedict said at his old University in 2006.
It`s what Islam does-it`s also what pawned Lefties and feminazis now do, seeing as Islamic Sock Puppets have bought their funny farms for halal disposals,
Well done Oldie-about the only award that Will Gompertz and Nina Nanna WON`T be trumpeting tonight.
“Germaine Greers words about transgenders is not new .She has always written about this in her books ,one of which I read about 15 years ago so her views remain the same .Good for her for not changing her opinion”
Really? Doesnt it show that she has learned nothing if her views have remained stuck for twenty years or more?
Watching the 6pm news yesterday on Beeb 1 I got the impression that they actually dont think that much of Dave’s renegotiation results, which I agree is a rather obvious conclusion. Are they using this as an opportunity just to kick the Tory PM and tomorrow will revert back to the pro EU default setting? I think it will depend if the Outers can get a big hitter to front the campaign.
I have also noticed some subtle changes in reporting the migrant crisis, for instance in one radio interview with a German MP the reporter actually made the point that most migrants were not refugees and male! I maybe hoping too much. My view is that the outcome of the Brexit referendum will hinge to a large part on what happens with the migrant crisis this summer and I think this favours Outers – its gotta get worse before it gets better.
Any negative response from the BBC is driven by two imperatives.
1. They like to show they hate the conservative component of the pro EU lib-lab-snp-plaid-con.
(It’s leftie virtue signalling and it maintains the fiction that there are substantial political differences on the EU between the leaderships of the “main parties”.)
2. Even the BBC realises that there is a substantial and growing groundswell of anti EU opinion, much of it around the great migration disaster that we see unfolding before us. Since they can’t address that issue without obvious bias, they can see, what we can see….that Camerons “piece of paper” may help to produce the result they all dread… out vote, a vote for British independence, a beginning of the unraveling of the globalists governance system. The stakes are very high. A GB out vote won’t be the last EU out vote.
I often watch ‘South Today’ as it covers my area, and by and large it is non political. However they had a young chap on it last night who was going to Lesbos ( I expect the Muslims will change that name when they have colonized it ) to do his bit for the ‘migrants’. He told us that they were mostly ‘Doctor’s and teacher’s’.
I wondered if anyone here knows if the women of Cologne are joyous to have met their new Doctor’s in public and such intimate fashion?
The asylum seeker’s application. One asylum seeker.
The asylum seekers’ application. Many asylum seekers. One application.
The asylum seekers’ applications. Many asylum seekers. Many applications – one each perhaps.
BBC delanda est. My name is Jerry Owen not Jo… and at least I am not afraid to use my name!
Further I am correct in my spelling of Colonization both an S and a Z may be used.
So before you get on the bash Jerry Owen bandwagon check your grammar!
Hugo Rifkind, who writes columns for the Times and appears on the BBC, admits he is a paid up liberal leftie ( how else would he get on the BBC ) wrote yesterday that when Merkle opened the doors to millions of Muslims migrants he thought it a magnificent gesture and that she rightly was applauded by all on the left. But he goes to say that after the events in Cologne and half a hundred other places, he now thinks that he was perhaps guilty of woolly liberal thinking and that perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea after all. Whilst I welcome someone who finally sees the light and has started a journey which I hope sees him opposing any further Muslim migration to Europe , I do wonder how any sensible person could ever have thought it was a good idea in the first place. Surely no one expected these folks to drop their Islamic values and adopt western values? Surely no one could expect that the arrival of millions of aliens into our continent would be trouble free and that we would all quickly settle down and live happily ever after. Surely everyone can see that in the UK the Muslim population is now less integrated than their parents and grandparents were.
I assume that Mr Rifkind is an educated chap , after all he writes for the Times, ( appearances on the BBC do not necessarily lead one to that assumption) but if his intellectual grasp of events is so weak and his ability to see the obvious consequences is so impaired , then I do wonder where the other half of his brain went. Despite this I suspect that his mental abilities are well above the average for the liberal left establishment who run most of our continent.
I didn’t hear it but don’t imagine that having admitted his mistake he has dropped his Left/Liberal ‘values’. He will now carry on with his wet thinking believing that he is all clean again.
The left, particularly the BBC, cannot accept that mass immigration could ever be a bad thing for one simple reason. That is because in the modern era it was Enoch Powell that warned of the dangers of such. Consequently, any leftie even hinting that mass immigration might cause problems will be compared to Enoch Powell. For a leftie, that is a point of no return they find too terrifying to contemplate.
Woolly liberal thinking is all well and good, but now he knows he is guilty of it, he should apply a measure of temperance to all of this thoughts and take the time to reflect on the possible outcome instead of the usual knee jerk reactions.
He should also apologise for all those slurs the Fascists are only to swift to deal out to anyone who dares disagree with them.
And finally he should also be mindful never to support any woolly minded left wing idiocy which cannot be easily reversed when it goes wrong – which it inevitably will !
Obstetricians and gynecological doing much-needed cervical cancer smear testings live and without having to pay a junior doctor to do so.
Bit like mass Moonie weddings-mass gynae checks…thank you Allah!
If mostly doctors and teachers youd think they could do a better job of organising themselves than anything thos young chap could offer by way of ‘help’ wouldnt you.
Most of those who’ve brought their families seem never to have heard of contraception either.
My feeling is that while most of them are ‘middle class’ in their homelands (else they cannot afford the costs of the journey) they are probably mainly sons of landowning families and small business people rather than university educated professionals. Many of those interviewed seem to be hoping to steal a university education when they get to either Germany (or I suspect fulfill a secret ambition to move on to Britain).
Forget all this other depressing, irrelevant and less important stuff. Just heard it on Radio 4 news that Shakespears Globe Theatre is to put on a performance of Hamlet at The Jungle Camp today. It will be nice for all these Brain Surgeons, Engineers, Teachers, Doctors, Astrophysicists and amauteur Gynnecologists (sorry didnt mean that one). To all come up to speed with British Culture.
Yet again the Luvvies have shamed us all with their heartfelt humanity. Why cant the rest of us just concentrate on the sheer humanity and desperation of all these poor Asylum seekers.
On the subject of the Bard just heard The Merchant of Venice referred to by the BBC as ‘Shakespear’s most controversial play’.
Aren’t there dozens of murders in Macbeth and Hamlet? Doesn’t Richard III go on a right royal rampage bumping off various members of his own family including his young nephews?
I’m guessing that well-favoured ‘most controversial’ BBC appellation will have something to do with with the dread ‘racism’. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I won’t be taking it too seriously, next week there’ll be a new Othello production waiting in the wings and that will immediately take centre stage as ‘the most controversial’.
No need to worry about Othello old chap. That play was rescued by HRH Sir Leonard Henry OBE CBE VC when he was the first actor to play the part properly as opposed to some talentless white man with black make up. Give that man an Oscar.
Expect some carefully selected – if not Photoshop’d – footage of this auspicious and historic event from our favourite eccentric ‘Auntie’ (you know, the one that swears in front of the kids and smells of two week-old colostomy bags).
You made this up. I have a squirrel in my garden and it can recite the play backwards. It sounds at least as likely.
On reflection I apologise. It is probably true.
It is getting like a Carry On film.
Carry On in the Jungle.
Surely they could not have been so insensitive as to play ‘Hamlet’? Someone ought to have suggested Kebablet or Khoftalet, or even Humouslet. I mean, there are injured feelings at risk here you know.
Mishal (why does it get pronounced “Michelle” even by her?) Husein interviewed Liam Fox this morning on Today and gave a hint of how the BBC are going to play the EU debate….it`s not about the Tusk-Cameron draft or any thing difficult like the actual issues, it`s about, “who`s going to lead the campaign to promote your views?” A question she asked in several different ways, whilst trying to stoke up any possible differences between various shades of opinion or the personalities within the Out camp….
Sir Liam did a good job focusing on the EUs malign influence and made some additional points about the European court framework and its supra-national powers…”but who`s going to be the leader? what will Theresa May do? what about the disagreements between groups?” she kept saying.
Memo to all campaigners for British Independence…please stick to the issues, stick to the negatives of the EU`s influence on British life and the difficulties being experienced across other member states, under no circumstances discuss other campaign groups or the personalities involved. (the BBC want a splits and disunity story to divert attention from the fact that The EU is a house of cards.
Heard that too. Fox used the John Redwood defence/attack method perfected by Jacob Rees-Mogg. Stay calm, be very polite but don’t be deflected and just keep to the central issue of self-determination.
The Euro-luvvies at the bBBC have absolutely no answer, so they have to push the irrelevant points such as you neatly describe, and the ‘journalists’ just come over as absolutely pathetically trivial.
I missed this, but heard Humphrys gabble with the decrepit peanut farmer who nearly destroyed the US, until Reagan rescued it.
I see an Obama-Trump parallel here…hope it`s true.
YOu always know when its a BIG interview-because they do them in echo chambers with lower voices they`d once have used in church…but now use for their own cathedrals like The Savoy or Media Citys gaily painted pink vans that break Salford speed limits in the Zil lanes…but Salfords finest are working on removing moving wheels as we speak!
But I digress.
Did hear two bits of crap-Mishalla fussing over surveillance-but TV detector vans etc, we know where you live re the License?…a good thing eh?…our anti-US stooge didn`t like any comparison drawn between what the US does and what the EU does…and she failed to mention Germany and its BBC style State compliance with Merkel or MIlibands shadow.
Two wrongs don`t make a right she said…Colognes finest will be happy to hear the Eurolefty/anti US trolley dollys STILL refusing to learn.
The piece after was some “business kid” talking insurance premiums kefuffle to come.
All this targeted, personalised medicine that takes a note of lifestyle and your flood risks is good in theory-but our BBC clot seemed unaware that this logic leads to the Aids types, druggies and squatters by Worcester Cathedral would not get insurance or be “excluded from the national money pot and bucket shop filled with Googles profits”
“Who will fix it for THEM to go to Zurich, or Copacabana, Disney land or Marrakesh?”…being the BBC dream weavers plainsong at 8.45 am today?
Oh dear-reality, maths and forward projected data is NOT wanted by the BBC-just shake the white man down to fund Kirstys trip to DC, Naughties flights to Brussels…
Our insurance lad patiently explained it all-the BBC no wiser, but better informed-as if THAT`LL stick to anything but Saviles old Z-bed!
Would Jeff Randall be available to check the business credentials of the likes of the BBC and Channel 4…they seem awful quick to condemn fake qualifications in banking….less so in the IPCC, Camila or that exotic fatjack who got Tim Hunt sacked …and start with business, seeing as the BBC seem so quick to tell us all about “competences”…we`ll go for sport afterwards-Gary Richardson?…not even in Robbie Savages ballcup is he?
I made a small personal prediction about BBC Donald Trump coverage. I reasoned that BBC ‘anti’ efforts would concentrate on the Donald up to the point at which he failed to lead in the polls and then full on BBC ire would turn on the next Republican front runner. Sure enough, following a certain amount of BBC gloating over Trump’s failure at the Iowa Caucus we have a report package that features Ted Cruz in an awkward moment ‘even his daughter didn’t seem to want to kiss him him’ and Marco Rubio ‘the perma-smile candidate’.
Fair enough, you might say. News reports too can satirise politicians – right? But where was the BBC carping over back-to-the-future mad professor and/or Michael Foot look-a-like Bernie Sanders? Where was the Hillary joke?
But Hillary won by a landslide!
Or am I ahead of myself here…Sanders only gets roped in to pretend that it`s not a Brown-type coronation of the BBCs First Family…the Clintonas!
AND-he allows them to think that Corbyn is a worldwide jumbotron for us all to vote behind.
At least Clinton and Savile show us why their demises have led to Cuba having to find OTHER cigar-smokers to sell their puffsticks to…no doubt Islam will find the virgins to roll cigars with…not that any Childrens Services will let them protect any virginity any longer-schools and social services rather think they`d need the locked ward for solution-focused therapy if any girl DID want to wait beyond her twelth birthday these days.
Wonder if my local Muslim bakery would bake me a cake to celebrate the ritual deflowerings to be held at County Hall?…and would the BBC highlight my being discriminated against if they chose not to?
Just on a minor point of accuracy I think the actual answer to embolden’s question is 1 in 32 as there are two chances (all heads or all tails). The chance of Clinton winning all 6 tosses is indeed 1 in 64.
Nothing like a question about probability to get an argument going (possibly with the exception of apostrophe abuse – see previous posts’s’).
The correct answer is as Sluff said, 1 in 64.
Getting out of the EU is a biblical imperative.
It is GOD Himself who set the boundaries( Psalm 74.17)…but, more specifically as a Christian, Paul brings us into the Anno Domini era( fuck BCE bollox!) with his line from Acts 17.26.
“God sent Jesus-to appoint nations in their historical settings and to establish their borders”
( My paraphrase-make up your own!-Greek helps. but not necessary at the Mo!)
So next time some dopey pasta or vikka or bish sez such crap as the EU is a good thing-give them that ballbearing to shove up their honecker pipes, and try to play that organ of theirs with a death rattle inside it.
If the Church were worthy of persecution-it would have been…Sport, Shopping and the BBC , the NHS are the new faiths-let Islam deal with them.
Having Issa Bonds will help me-let`s see Islam turned into Hislam…and with Gods grace, we`ll see it happen.
“Paul brings us into the Anno Domini era (fuck BCE bollox!)”
Chris, I have to admit that I’m quite happy to use the new terms of “Christian Era” and “Before Christian Era”, but I do use them in full to prevent the acronym being confused for something else.
Even I get confused when headline writers put in the acronyms for “Birmingham Nitro Proof” and the “British Deer Society” when the stories have nothing to do with either of them.
These annoying acroynms actually stand for “Common Era” and “Before the Common Era”. There is no way that they would let Christianity into it, it might offend someone.
Rob, I know that but some people need to be offended as often as possible. And if they want to change the dating system so that it has nothing to do with Christianity it needs a new “Year Zero” – perhaps 1922 when the BBC was founded?
That ‘spoken from the heart’ aspect of Dave’s ‘Sure I would…..’ has to be on a par with Milliband’s ‘Hell yes….’
But is this simply another example of his total lack of understanding and empathy, or just exceptionally poor script-writing?
Yesterday BT’s entire UK broadband network collapsed, only recovering towards evening. At the same time Virgin medias nationwide Email service went down and didn’t recover until the wee small hours.
Co-incidence? That the UKs two largest ISPs should suffer nationwide outage at the same time? Something we’re not being told?
That EU negotiation in full (Letter by Donald Tusk). A non starter. and is a sure sign of weakness and feebleness by Cameron..
That fact that from 1984 when I had the chance to vote on the EU Community as it was when there was as a ’free trade zone’ and an end to import taxes to encourage more european free trade. There was always a question of ‘sovereignty’ that our national identity would be traded away – although this was debated, it is now quite clear that our premier at the time was Edward Heath who lied to us all. I still feel betrayed from what has happened since has not been in the UK interests (you can argue from a legal point that our laws were outdated and antiquated) but the central core that we decide our own future has been taken away. We are NOT in a free trade zone (it is a protectionist trade zone), it has not been a ‘free trade’ as we have lost many of our industries including Fishing. We import more than we export (at higher prices – particularly food is very expensive (thanks to Common Agricultural policy) and a rafts of ‘Social employment deduction taxes’ that now appear on your PAYE slips. This is in addition to the emergency aid for France or Greece as they become non functioning Socialist led burdens to the rest of the EU states. As a trading nation we would do well to steer clear of any further ‘integration’ and trade freely with the rest of the world. We have our own currency and our own democracy to protect as well as our own future ‘Bill of Rights’ based on the virtues of the ‘Magna-Carta’ (and the US bill of rights) and not ‘Napoleons law’ which in-effect is the main problem with the way the EU as constructed is not at all like the USA. We have all been lied to and misled by the BBC (and both left and right politicians) to what the EU state will be and our own culture will be erased. I agree with Richard’s solution but in reality the left stand to gain from public sector benefits and the [public sector] (when I last looked) was about 40% of the UK workforce. Not all agree to the European Union as it stands. The BBC is still a potent force and half those that listen to it do rely on it without question. And we need to ask questions such as ‘where is the EU heading and what will it cost us?’ Do we have to loose our sovereignty, our identity, our culture, our English religions and practices, our currency, our houses, our jobs to invaders with very different views on being European let alone English.
But I heard Norman Smith on News 24 informing me that Leave have a HUGE mountain to climb to win the referendum so it must be true.In thet case I’d better vote to stay…….the Beeb has spoken. GRrrrr Whats the point of complaining I give up.
Israel’s unwanted African migrants.
More anti-Semitic nonsense from the BBC regarding the way the Israelis treat migrants and asylum-seekers. Europe would do well to take a leaf out of their book instead of the ‘take-all and worry about it later’ attitude the looney left Europeans have adopted. Nobody asked them to come to Israel so if they don’t like it they don’t have far to look for someone to blame. Refugees from Africa are, mainly, the product of either ethnic wars (which the lefties can neither understand, accept, or explain) or the fight against Islam – a cancer which has engulfed the continent – another fact of life the lefties find unpalatable.
Well done Israel for a no-nonsense approach.
Israel is -as ever-in mortal danger from the worlds angriest and nastiest bacillus yet known.
Its history shows what happens if it trusts those who have yet to prove their loyalty , and give them the right to exist.
So this BBC crock is pitiful…why the Israelis let the BBC peddle their slurry from the country is beyond me.
All of those bledding heart agencies want Israel wiped off the map-or hogtied until braver scum than they will spill the blood but leave them with the meat.
God Bless Israel-and may Allah stick the BBC for us.
It isn’t “anti-Semitic” to investigate what Israel is doing, you can be certain al beebus would do it if it found out any European country was doing so.
I agree that Europe, and the U.K., should do exactly what Israel is doing re “migrants”; but the rank hypocrisy of a country which has some of the toughest immigration laws to on earth is breathtaking: when it encourages the “migrants” and asylum seekers (of whom it has taken none) to travel to Europe.
The spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry is reported as saying migrants threaten the security, the identity of the Jewish State, fair enough; but don’t then incite these “migrants” currently in the Middle East to threaten the security and identity of Britain and Western Europe, by waving them on their way over here.
And a high proportion of Jewish people in this country and Europe are massive supporters of multiculturalism – raging hypocrits when they do not advocate the same for Israel!
One of the vilest of these is Barbara Lerner Spectre an American Jewess who went to Sweden apparently to promote its demographic transformation.
OK not BBC related exactly but given the PC mandate that ethnics need to be properly presented and are included in everything including things like Beowulf which depicts Viking Scandinavia with more Asian people in it than in Tower Hamlets. I ask the question; When is it OK to only show white people in a TV programme? Answer when its about the feckless and shows examples of greed and stupidity.
Exhibit one The Big Benefits Handout will see three families given £26,000 in cash each in one lump sum. The families so called entire benefits for 12 months given to them in one go. Take a look at who these families are. Not very representative
It may be good ‘tele’, but spending license payers money on giving a family a week in Wanted Down Under to see if they’d like to live there, is an expensive exercise – particularly as rarely do the families make the decision to make the move. In fact, I wonder why these ‘families’ bother at all ! its generally truculent teens, or prepubescent kids who tend to call the shots who ‘don’t want to go’, and then grannies back home with ‘breaking hearts’ who are also good tele for decision making. Dear God, at what point did children decide where their parents should live ??? I remember never having a choice, being told what to do – no argument. Rant over.
Wanted down under. Truly this is groundhog day. Normally only one wants to go. I even saw one where the woman implied she would dump her partner if they didn’t move. Actually pretty poignant for me my ex ended our 5 year relationship because she wanted to live in Australia to live the lifestyle her sister living there supposedly had. I had no intention of leaving England. Needless to say in the end she never went but I digress. Every show more or less is the same. oh wages are normally higher oh housing and food are more expensive. Show family who don’t want them to go. And repeat and repeat seen one you’ve seen them all a bit like bargain escape roadshow country flog it under the hammer.
The only good thing about the show , is all those that are ,”Wanted Down Under” seem to be “Hideously White”. Thats probably because, to get a visa to live & work in AUS,NZ , you need to be given thorough medical ,from one of the host countries own, doctors, & that some” Non Hideously White” candidates would not be granted a visa, due to their medical health.
TV is on E4 I’m not sure why but I’ve just seen an advert for Channel 4. It’s was set up to reflect diversity or some such shite we are told ending with the strap line True colour TV. Diversity? Is that why I don’t watch it?
“The public service remit for Channel 4 is the provision of a broad range of high quality and diverse programming which, in particular:
demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;
appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;
makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and
exhibits a distinctive character.”
Having read Max Hastings’ coruscating article in today’s Daily Mail under the headline “This sham will only make voters even more cynical” in which he quite correctly lambasts David Cameron for his “evasions and outright deceits”, I reflect yet again on the wicked and distorted reporting by the BBC of the current so-called negotiations, and on the EU in general.
I’m still confused how this is a re-negotiation. What exactly has been negotiated assuming it passes the EU meeting. A “red card” 55% have to agree, so as much use as something that’s no use. Some vague benefit reduction that may not stop payments and some vague statement about not being drawn into a Euro super state.
With regard to benefits, I cant help thinking that is it not already in our power to limit Child Benefit to the level of the migrants home country? And even if technically its not what would the EU do anyway. Too much like hard work I guess, much easier to give UK tax payers money away.
I was looking at bBBC website. I have noticed that the bBBC take the headlines very seriously. Their personal bias is often, if not always, reflected in The Papers at the top of the web page.
If you go to the site, you will see what I mean. The headlines of the pro EU newspapers at the top, whereas those against the EU are positioned at the bottom of the page.
– and the first newspaper referred to in the text is? Yes you guessed it – the Daily Mail. Just kidding, you did guess right – it was their in-house rag The Guardian.
There is a twist to the EU debate which has still not been mentioned anywhere near enough. This being, that even if the referendum is won, the next big fight is how and when do we leave the EU, the Act of Parliament currently going through says nothing about us leaving and therefore has no legally binding power with regards to departure.
The actual bill says nothing about the mechanics of leaving or when it should happen.
The government have still not planned a ‘what if’ scenario if we vote to leave the EU. Why not? Why are they so convinced they will win? Complacency or underhand electoral corruption at play!
I hope the aforementioned will not be expedited but I believe that Cameron-if defeated on EU membership- may fall back on it, dress it up as a trial run and have second referendum with ‘improved offers’.
I’m afraid I’m feeling quite pessimistic about our chances of actually achieving Brexit. Cameron’s apparent complacency and widespread Tory spinelessness are a worry. But I realised the true grip of the pro-EU elite when Comrade Corbyn as newly installed Labour leader happily maintained all his loopy pacifist views but was oblidged to drop his former Euro-scepticism like a hot potato. Making himself BBC-friendly.
I do however see a business opportunity round about 2017 for a line of T shirts “Don’t blame me, I voted out”
So begins a satirical video created by the Danish state TV Channel DR3 with the aim of doing something about the country’s recent “bad reputation”. It follows widespread international condemnation of the Danish parliament’s decision to pass a controversial bill which allows the government to confiscate some valuables from incoming refugees to cover the cost of housing and feeding them.
Once again, BBC Trending only seems to trend in one direction, and it’s not to the right.
EU Deal?
Cameron has come back with a gypsy bankroll – a bag full of nothing.
A veto on new laws – but only if you can get half the rest of members to agree with you. Judging by the amount of historical support he has had for various initiatives, I can’t see that happening. What about all the current laws that screw us over?
Limiting migrant benefits – the EU’s idea of what is a strain will be different to the UK’s so scrub that one as well.
It’s a pig in a poke. My low opinion of Cameron has just hit the deck.
BBc local news as it’s on internet it’s London. Here’s a story with an agenda I’ve heard before. Curry houses shutting in London. Apparently it’s the lack of chefs from Pakistan. As we know a lot of them are not Indian or Pakistani but Banladeshi. And hey someone from some Bangladesh association comes on and goes blah blah blah. Of course as this has been an on off story for some time and the multi cultural society we live in you think the owners would have trained people here but no you need to import staff for this job. The BBc report that closures may be because tastes are changing. Personally I hate curry. In army ration packs you used to get chicken in curry sauce which was foul. Later they changed the description to chicken in brown sauce it was still disgusting and i always used to try and blag the steak and kidney pudding. Of course there might be other issues like what might be in the food and being ripped off. I had a meal in Portsmouth in 2001 once where the curry house “accidentally” doubled the bill luckily it was spotted before the transaction went through.
The market became saturated with curry houses and demand fell. Cash rich businesses don`t close due to a “shortage of chefs”, they train new staff.
It seems like a migration scam. The food could be cooked by unemployed workers of any racial origin couldn`t it?
Or we could use the approach tried and tested on the white working class in the uneconomic steel and mining industries, sack the workers, shut the restaurants and import the curries.
Have never feared for a lack of curry houses in London-or indeed any other town or city in this country.
Any more than I fret about not getting a kebab, should I want one.
No-this is synthetic phoney reheating of their old curry pots, that I remember Jeremy Vine fretting over in 2010.
This endless reheating of old migration Vestas is predictable-and will give you gyp and food poisoning if ingested. The FSA might need to clearing the rats out of the BBC cookbook buildings and reduce their health rating…sheer liberal botchulism, detoxify then exterminate!
‘Bake Off’ and ‘Victorian Bakers’ managed to train the ‘locals’ didn’t they?
Another of those ‘one way streets’ that fill our lives nowadays, i.e. ‘only whites are racist’, ‘girls can do anything boys can do (but not vice versa)’, ‘the (no such thing) indigenous should integrate with Muslims’, ‘British universities should be safe spaces for Africans, (Britons should get the hell out of Africa)’ etc. etc.
The food could be cooked by unemployed workers of any racial origin couldn`t it?
You might find there’s a language barrier in there somewhere, plus perhaps a reluctance to allow the indigenous tribe in amongst a shedload of illegals.
Yes but its mainly a scam to bring in family and cheap labour. They may theoretically pay minimum wage, but after the ‘cooks’ have paid for a bed in a ‘dorm’ behind the shop there isnt too much of that minimum wage left. They serve their time then when they get citizenship are free to leave to become cab drivers and import the wife and kids.
Mrs G has a conspiracy theory, she’s convinced that the rise in such establishments is not only responsible for obesity, but also coincides with the stupefying and dumbing down of this once great nation….
I haven’t had a take away of any form since 1999 when my Bristolian Bangladeshi Chicken Korma contained a somewhat dark and hairy piece of meat…
Alternatively buy ” Rick Steins India” DVD and book , you know what’s going in and they’re great fun to do. Mr Kitty makes a mean chicken curry I just need to perfect my chappatis and we’ve cracked it.
I read a report way back in 2005 that stated up to 70% of restaurants close in their first year
Add to that the difficulties in getting business loans, plus poor interest payments from banks nowadays, as well as natural supply and demand (as Embolden pointed out) and you have a more realistic reason for closures
Loans? “Sharia prohibits acceptance of specific interest or fees for loans of money (known as riba, or usury), whether the payment is fixed or floating”wikepedia.
As for businesses, they get an upfront lump sum and agree to pay it back on a regular schedule, plus a little extra to the lender (for his kindness). But it’s not a loan, oh no
Let’s cheer ourselves up by remembering a person who knew EXACTLY what the EU was all about and who unambiguously stood up for the country, against the conventional wisdom of the day I might add.
And listen to those words near the end. ” A single currency. A federal Europe by the back door”. How chillingly accurately prophetic were they?
Come now, cheer yourself up by all means but face the facts … Tories have always had the stinkfinger in the EU butt.
Over forty years ago, in what was arguably the most fateful political move ever made by a British Prime Minister, Edward Heath took us into what was then called the ‘Common Market’.
Such a step had scarcely been mentioned at the previous General Election, and the British people had very little idea of what they were letting themselves in for, other than a trading arrangement that might make it easier for us to sell our goods to our Continental neighbours.
Now over four decades later, the picture could scarcely look more different. We have seen that supposedly cosy club we joined transformed, step by step, into a vast, bloated bureaucratic empire, imposing its suffocating rule over 27 nations.
The Conservatives were also campaigning to stay in the Common Market. Later in 75
Margaret Thatcher, elected Tory leader in that February, said the “Yes” vote would not have happened without our Opposition’s support for it.
Former Prime Minister Edward Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years,
I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it is
In 1983, Thatcher wrote that “the unity of Europe is a goal for which I pledge my government to work”. Labour, meanwhile, fought the election that year on a platform of withdrawal from the EEC.
Actually it was only on the arrival of Jacques Delors, a French socialist, as president of the European Commission turned that upside down
The trade union movement led by the TUC was also opposed to remaining in Europe and had boycotted key advisory positions in Brussels and Luxembourg since Britain joined in 1973.
TUC General-Secretary Len Murray, Tony Benn, good old Enoch too
Stonehenge burials show ‘surprising degree’ of gender equality
Just because there are the bones of women in the same sites! All that shows is that men & women were buried in the same place – and nothing more than that!
The 1972 Accession Treaty does not even mention the name of Scotland, it only mentions the name of the country which is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Therefore in EU Scotland itself is not recognised as a country. Its only means of representation is via the UK.
In effect, accordng to Constitutional Law, Nicola Sturgeon does not have the power to call for a unilateral referendum on the subject of the seccesion from the UK. The reason to leave the UK because of a difference of opinion in membership of the EU would not be legally recognised, again -as Scotland itself is not recognised as an EU member state.
The BBC and ‘stay’ policians are trying to scare us into believing that if we vote to leave the EU the SNP will hold a referendum. This would be unlawful.
Only a weak leader would accede to the SNP demand. Cameron has done it once. He is weak and lazy but thankfully will not be the leader for much longer.
The SNP leader at the time of the last referendum Salmond) said that he was willing to accept the outcome of the referendum.There were no conditions attached irrespective of perceived material circumstances.
Really good piece wronged.
Why the hell does it take the likes of US to pass on such stuff-and why is the bloody BBC not laughing the SNP to scornscorn over this?
What a carve up between the Liberal left agitprop merchants and their pixie tartan army over the border.
Facts are sacred eh?…or merely left buried for the likes of us citizen bloggers?
Have the legal types like Greive-or Rosenberg…or the broadshit press not mentioned this?…for I`ve not seen this.
Living much of the time north of the border I can confirm that Scottish membership of the EU was an embarrassing issue for the SNP. Salmond and co did everything in their power to avoid that question because they had assumed Scotland would get automatic membership. It came as an unpleasant surprise for them to find out that they would have to go through the same application process as everyone else. All those years without EU grants, still, oil revenue would be rolling in…wait a minute.
Bring it on , does any Englishman , ( including , Taffman , No 7 & others from Wales) care if the Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland leave us , because it WILL happen sooner or later. I don`t really care.
I have whinged non stop that the English were not given the vote as to the future of Scotland and the Union. Still if it had happened with the current price of oil it would I imagine have been “interesting”. Plus we could have reverted to the pre-union 1801 flag which is much better looking anyway
You are getting mixed up, in 1801 the Union Flag was changed to represent Ireland. The orginal Union Flag of 1707 was for the union of England and Scotland, which I would like to see preserved. The referendum proved that the SNP do not speak for the majority of Scots in this matter, and that should be that.
We would revert to the pre-1707 flag which is simply the cross of St. George. Alternatively we can keep the cross of St Patrick with deference to the Northern Irish which would mean we just drop the blue off the current flag.
Speaking for myself, I do care if Scotland votes to leave the UK as it puts up a border in this small island of Great Britain breaking us up. When Scotland joined the ‘Union’ we truly became a ‘Great’ Britain and so the adage ‘united we stand divided we fall’ stands.
In the past France tried via Scotland and Ireland to break up this great nation which had became a threat to its empire and failed. Unfortunately we joined the ‘so called’ Common Market, which has evolved into the EU, a corrupt organisation which has been insidiously taking away our sovereignty and economy by stealth.
Remember, the people Scotland voted to stay within the Union.
No Essexman, I do really care that’s why I have repeatedly asked you …………..“what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’ to keep us in the EU? ”
Your call.
It all depends on whether the SNP manage to wrangle the power to call another referendum away from Westminster, in the new Scotland Bill that’s currently going through delay after delay. Such a desire has been discussed. We will see I suppose.
Right now as a Scot, I’d rather a sensible, anti-immigration, strongly right-wing Westminster parliament over Holyrood (fucking GIRFEC) , but…Que Sera Sera. I mean, the nightmare over the simple issue of income tax is enough to put the dampener on the reality of separation, let alone the multitude of other concerns. But the oil price is of little trouble, since we don’t wish to suffer from Dutch Disease.
Upon possible separation, if the SNP thinks it will be able to cruise ahead unopposed by serious right wing competition – it will be over my dead body. Meanwhile, delusional Dave666 and Essexman can look on as the morass of England will sink further under the weight of nogs and pakis who will sooner or later make up the majority of its population.
Yeah, but Krankie, wants to replace all the indigenous Scots,with non Hideously White migrants. The anti English aspect is just to William Wallace, you into voting SNP. Once they have Independence, those White Scots, will be interned, deported, arrested. The first stage will be severe restrictions on alcohol, done under the guise of health, because so many die young of liver disease or similar. This will please the Mossie newcomers, then Krankie will order all women must wear the hijab & all Christian festivals will be abolished. I can see it happening very soon.
Scottish independence?
Over half the Scots voted against it recently.
If it happens, within five years, those same Scots will be begging England to invade, to end the Soviet Republic of Scotland.
When I was doing my degree I read an essay in one of the official books which said that women have historically always had more equality, it is only the Victorians who decided that “a woman’s place is in the home.”
This equality business is based on Marx, and Marx was writing about Victorian social conditions so it makes perfect sense to me.
BBC have an agenda? I have just listened to a report on the BBC 1 6pm news about Chinese MIGRANT workers trying to get home. In a two or three minute item, the word ‘migrant’ was used at least 10 times. I presume the subtext is that even China has lots of migrants. But the difference is that these are migrants from the villages, but still Chinese rather than people from another culture. Listen at 10 pm, the word ‘migrant’ was used far more frequently than either necessary or by chance.
Wonders will never cease! The first mention of BREXIT on German TV news I’ve ever heard and a very, very brief glimpse of Nigel Farage in action in Brussels. No mention of UKIP’s or the British people’s main reasons for wanting to leave the EU madhouse. The usual slimy “Britain is so important for the EU, without the UK what is the counterbalance to China” blah blah from Belgian nonentities.. The truth is, of course, that Britain is now never going to sink itself deeper into to the Euro- state mire. Britain is of no strategic importance to the “ever closer union” fantasists who see Britain only as a cash cow. Like the Islamists, the EU zealots do have a “long-term plan”. One of course wants the Caliphate the other the Euro state,, or perhaps vice versa? Nevertheless, Britain being dragged along with the EU over the next few decades, providing hundreds of billions pounds to support the EU madness is entirely self-defeating. For the Germans creating the European Superstate is a pseudo-religion. It will be created and Britain will have no influence over it. However the contrary will not be the case as much of Britain’s own decision taking ability has been given away to no advantage to us. As ever closer union is the German agenda and ever greater irrelevance Britain’s fate, now is the time to get out before any more money is wasted and any more independence is squandered by British Euro-loons of the present or near future.
In a nutshell, we give Europe ‘Big Bucks’ every day and they give us half back – with the proviso that we spend it on what they tell us to spend it on?
They export more to us than they buy form us?
They failed to act to prevent the dumping of cheap steel on us causing the loss of many well paid jobs in the UK – so much for the ‘Common Market’?
Millions people invade Europe following the unilateral invitation from a loopey leader? (she is now having second thoughts)
Nearly a year gone and the EU have not come up with a strategy to deal with the mass of economic migrants that still pour in to the continent?
Twenty years on and the French still turn a blind eye and fail to act on the so called ‘Jungle’ of criminals that wait at Calais to sneak in illegally across the channel – all courtesy of Al Beeb’s propaganda?
Just watching a “new” Midsummer murders for the first time with the new medical examiner who can’t act.
Watching it I’m reminded of when Grange Hill suddenly became “diverse” overnight. Or did I imagine that along with “Gripper ” Stebson joining Combat 18.
watching a “new” Midsummer murders for the first time with the new medical examiner who can’t act….
Thank you, thank you, I thought it was just me !!! the same can be said for most police side kicks (although the one in the latest episode of Vera was bumped off, probably because she walked around with her arms either folded or in her pockets ! – is this all police officers do that trail in the wake of their boss ?)
Apologies if anyone has posted this today, but has anyone spotted a mention on the BBC of the admission from a (now retired) senior German broadcast journalist that the German government decides what can and cannot be broadcast by its state organs?
My immediate reaction was ‘old habits die hard’ and I’m not joking. Few countries in the EU which like to bang on about ‘democracy’ have any sort of tradition of playing host to it. Spain, Portugal and Greece were all dictatorships within recent memory, as were most of the countries of Eastern Europe, and neither France nor Germany have ever really got the hang of open government and proper freedom of speech. Indeed, Merkel herself was an active member of the Communist party of East Germany – an organisation that was a kissing cousin of the Third Reich in its disgusting acts of suppression, brutality and violence.
One day, someone may be able to devise a convincing explanation for why we need to be shackled to this bloated, rotting, statist corpse. I shan’t hold my breath.
You have made an excellent point. It needs to be drummed into our people just how recent is the sudden conversion to democracy amongst our European neighbours.
The English version of democracy, although imperfect, is deep rooted and very far from the Continental experience.
The language says it all.
Freedom is that which an Englishman has by right of birth.
Liberty is that which is granted by a ruler. This is what the EU believes and it is diametrically opposed to our notion of freedom.
A favourite staple of the BBC’s restricted gene pool of comedic talent is to deride The Daily Express for its seeming inability to come to terms with the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Our national treasure of a broadcaster would never exhibit the same trait…
Good point Mr Cooper.
This ZDF story ought to be an outrage-and in any REAL democracy and with a free press and media, there would be hell to pay.
But-as ever the liberal left pick and choose-the ends justify the means-even if it stinks to high heaven and shows them for the Brownshirt Sturmer Merchants that they actually are.
Leveson is practice-Press Freedom and fears re surveillance never extend to patriots like Nigel or Tommy…only to traitors like Greenwald, Chelsea and Snowden.
Really think we need an alternative news bulletin somewhere to place stories like this one at ZDF…I`d add the OECD catastrophic educational results of schools and the fact that we`re unique in having better read and numerate pensioners than we do school leavers…as if we didn`t know.
I`d add the fact that Scotland has no say in EU agreements seeing as they were not a country in 1975-so they have no say in this-but let Salmond and Sturgeon lead them to Brussels anyway.
I`d also add when Benn and Crows version of Socialism got binned re the EU…they are anti…and at what stage of their putrefaction did they decide to be International Socialists in search of a Fourth Reich via the EU…as if Hitler was NOT their role model for how to deal with Jews and Big Business!
These things need telling, need a forum…that the BBC/ZDF omit it all means it says saying more than ever.
Don`t seem to get Pegida easily online either-I smell a rat served up in a pitta bread.
That OECD report was a good call. I’ve been banging on about it to colleagues who blink back at me like so many startled owls, clearly never having heard a word of it.
It is a ferocious indictment of the entire ragbag of post-Crossland educational ‘reforms’ which have about as little entitlement to that word as have Pol Pot’s experiments with genocide.
And is it true that Hillarys landslide in Iowa was due to her winning the toss of a coin on six votes at the caucuses-and it could equally have been Bernie Sanders winning the primary?
Not that I care overmuch-but doesn`t winning six tosses of a coin mean that she`s damaged goods and a classic Slick Willy fake?…not the triumphant next President?
Why don`t the BBC ever tell us the truth anymore?
Nowhere on the BBC have I heard that Bernie Sanders is ahead of the damaged-goods Hillary by some 65-35 in polling for next week’s New Hampshire primary.
And not once over these many months have I heard a comprehensive report on the BBC about 2 issues that are hurting the Clinton campaign – the Benghazi story of inaction before and during the attack, and lies straight afterwards including to the families of the men killed, and her use of an insecure private email server that looks illegal and could attract prosecution as it is now clear that highly secret operational intelligence stuff went through the server. The FBI investigations are getting deeper and deeper, and it is probably only a corrupt Obama Justice Department that is slowing or blocking the calling of a Grand Jury to decide on whether she should be indicted.
Nor have I heard any full report on the BBC about what a total geriatric socialist tosser Bernie Sanders is.
I wonder why the BBC is so protective towards the Dems ?
And Clintons health record seems to be worth a look.
She tends to faint under pressure-a chaise longue and attack of the vapours seem to be required and diagnosed…very Tessa Jowell.
Unlike that fine full head of a man that is Sir Donald Trump-tall in the saddle, red neck, loads of money and a fair selection of comely old poppets on his manly arms….will Womans Hour make it their book fo the week?…they like a good cry, Mills and Boon and a bad man with a small whip , so Andrea Dworkin once said-er, well…
Sarah Palin as the bordello madame?…be stiil my bleeding nose!…
Sorry-too many reruns of the High Chapparal…Victoria`s OK,,,but Manolito needs sending back-don`t trust him at all!
If it’s Dr. Wolfgang Herles you are talking about , it’s not just the Leftists he’s had problems with. Apparently, when he was in charge of the ZDF studio in Bonn he got into trouble with Helmut Kohl at the time of reunification. Kohl was upset by Herles’s rather too blunt comments and ensured his contract was ended prematurely. Herles’s comments are already being dismissed by the usual suspects as coming from the “Lügenpresse-Fraktion” and the “written instructions” referred to are nothing other than “the Basic Law which enjoins the media to uphold the freedoms and democratic constitution of Germany”. In a classic leftist inversion of the truth, the state media are lying to uphold the constitution.
Hello, HELLO! … BBC!, banging on about the Crusades again?
Crusades – The Timewatch Guide
Historian Dr Thomas Asbridge , reveals how our interpretation of this medieval story has been influenced by modern political and social change (:-D hmmm, I think the word he needs is islamophilia ).
Thomas highlights the alternative Arabic perspectives on the Crusades
Sheesh! is this Press TV
… hmmm, I bet he does.
Constantinople was liberated by the Turks. Spain was liberated by the Muslims from North Africa. Jerusalem was liberated by the Arab armies. Europe will be liberated by the progressive forces of Wahibism and then we can all have a nice time.
Peace in the Dar al Harb at last.
You know we all really want it. The BBC does so what is wrong with you, me and the rest of the old European reactionaries.
Today’s bBBC ‘news’ anti-government campaign is Nearly 14,000 disabled people have mobility cars taken away.
Nikki Fox “Disability correspondent” – no, me neither – interviewed two women (of course) and encouraged us to feel sorry for them.
She didn’t manage to find any of the 13,900 who have had a car paid for by us, but didn’t actually qualify to have our money.
A personal friend of mine has one of these cars (upgraded by personal payment).
His wife has serious disability problems and when she walks (with a stick) you want to help her – not a good idea – she’s still got a handy right hook and the mind is still feisty!
We’ve all seen the overweight wasters using cars and scooters paid for by US, the taxpayer, but if the beeboids were actually to do some PROPER research on the subject we may get a more balanced view.
As opposed the sanctimonious cr*p spouted by the beeboids.
P.S. I have zero problem supporting genuine claimants – I do have a problem with con artists! ref. people with Blue Disabled Badges who could probably beat me over 100 Yds! (not Metres)
I saw this report and I agree that it was entirely disingenuous. The rationale of the new personal payments system was never mentioned. The possibility that most of the assessment results of existing car beneficiaries are accurate rather then unfair was never mentioned either. The disabled woman interviewed may well be transferred to a payments regime under the new system – it was implied. She was allowed to say that the payments were ‘of no use’. This was not contested. She was a child protection officer, presumably for a local authority. I would guess that this job commands a salary of at least £25k. At what point does someone have to contribute to the cost of an adapted vehicle rather than be given one ? Not discussed of course! Was she contributing -no mention!What will her new personal mobility payments be? We weren’t told.
The Beeb always present those with genuine needs but never those like my wife’s brother’s father-in-law who turned up one day in his brand new Ford Focus and helped us unload, carry and lay over a hundred large paving slabs. He carried more than me with no effort. And he had just been made redundant with massive pay-off from British Steel on “medical grounds” just as the plant closed. He has enjoyed 15 years of early retirement on very generous terms and with a new car, paid by us, every three years. Never going to be investigated by out world class organisation of course.
And repeat. Well back to the bin bags of food we all throw away apparently. Same old same old. Yes it’s food waste yet again.
BBc breakfast with the same old story.
I have managed to remain largely BBC-free (and especially so with “Today”) since before Christmas. I feel better for it.
I still fail to grasp why anyone should condescend to watch Breakfast tv – it, like most of the advertisements on the commercial channels, is so puerile, patronising, and generally insulting. Do the BBC and advertisers automatically assume that their audiences are either children, or incredibly dim-witted? I suppose the answer to both, must be “yes”.
I am reading Mark Steyn’s “After America: Get ready for Armageddon”, at the moment. What a prescient writer – he could see, back in 2011, what was happening both there and in the Former UK, in terms of Big Government, and the dumbing down of the masses.
Clearly, the BBC are doing their part to promote the decline.
To be honest it is ion (Breakfast) because it has a clock on screen, the local new occasionally warns you about traffic issues. What would I have to to complain about if I didn’t watch it? Finally what other channel enforces payment if we weren’t paying for it I wouldn’t care.
Syrian Charity spokeswoman discuss the ‘plight’ of Syrian refugees. Plenty of lingering shots of babies and families gathered around a brazier. Get the message? Spokeswoman suggests that all prospective refugees be given a visa to allow safe passage here where their asylum case can be considered i.e. granted.
Sad faced sofa woman then announces that a poll of 2,000 listeners conducted by BBC Local Radio found that views were ‘hardening’ against refugees. 31% in September were against more Syrian Refugees. This has now risen to 41%. The young were apparently more receptive but not those over 65.
So, why is the word ‘hardening’ used? It implies a lack of compassion and empathy of course. The Nazis were like this weren’t they, is the implication.
Notice that the poll question uses the word “refugees” not “immigrants” (or even “migrants”). Casters of the sympathy vote will always be more indulgent of “refugees” than of “migrants” since “refugee” implies an urgency and helplessness which is absent from “migrant”. “Migrant”, rightly or wrongly, is now associated with the self-serving parasitism and criminality of many immigrants, not to mention the virtue signalling mixed with hatred of Britain of their lefty enablers.
Notice also the results in respect of London. The indigenous population of London is AFAIAA now a minority and it shows!
The BBC uses loaded phrases constantly to support its left wing/ pro-muslim agenda. Luckily we all still have a vote and a good riposte to the BBC will be to vote ‘leave’ in the EU referendum. All we then need is a government that is serious about getting net migration ‘down to the tens of thousands’. That government is not Cameron’s tory party so use your 2020 vote wisely.
Are you sitting down? Good, because 2 stars to the bBBC for the Kids Company fly on the wall last night.
Think my favourite bit was the Caribbean lady, 34 years old, and one can short of a six pack, living in a very plush high rise apartment, all paid for by KidsCo !!! But she made some very nice arty trinkets, so it was all justified!
A close second was the Central London gleaming glass and steel tower block which was the KidsCo HQ. No expense spared. And did I really hear that Camilla’s chauffeur had his kids’ private school fees paid for by the charity? The spin doctor, I mean KidsCo Director of Communications, was certainly well-exercised to devise a suitable form of words on that one.
It was a reminder of the neat idea of giving someone enough rope with which to hang themselves. The profligacy, the delusion, the self-importance, the incompetence, the lack of proper governance, the role of KidsCo as a sort of alternative social security service (but with no validations required), all combined to show how important it was to close it all down.
In microcosm it validated IDS’s welfare to work concept, by showcasing what happens when benefits exceed work earnings – ‘clients’ just became permanently dependent on KidsCo money and assumed the world (i.e. other people) owed them in perpetuity.
Even if the interviewer was a bit wet behind the ears, it made for an enlightening hour.
I saw that program interesting wasn’t it for once. The Caribbean lady who was having her immigration status under review I thought I was out of the room at that point, but wasn’t she not able to claim benefit or work at the time she was initially filmed. The other kid who was going to a £15k a year boarding school who was thinking about going into law but Butman had told her that was boring, cause otherwise she would of like drifted into gangs. There were two highlights for me the spin doctor and Butman thinking of excuses as to why her chauffeur was getting £130,000 a year. apparently he was a manager and did some case work, the rat was out the bag when Butman stated she used a different driver for some events. Top was the reaction when after the trustees had made the decision to wind up the “charity” the Government asked for the balance of the £3 million of Mr. Taxpayers money back . “Fuck off” was the reaction of one present at the meeting. I also enjoyed the film of staff driving around handing out brown envelopes of cash. I assume 99% of the recipients were also claiming state benefits , but with no evidence provided that’s just my assumption.
I little gem in yesterdays Mail connecting YENTOB and his many failures – not only with the BATMAN charity (which we all know) but also his tactics (bullying mostly to BBC presenters) and the disclosure that he assured (the late) Terry Wogan that his three night spot on BBC TV ‘was ‘safe’. I read here now that Sir Terry Wogan was not best pleased when YENTOB replaced his (1992) popular TV show with the short lived soap ‘ELDORADO’ series) an almighty flop that cost £12 million to produce. It seems Lord Hall knew of this and never told WOGAN that his show had been pulled. Wogan was the last to know. It’s been called an ‘awkward’ moment. And then no doubt Children In Need (fronted by Wogan) would have been employed by YENTOB to do the BBC public ‘appeals’ for money. Its also interesting that I thought (at the time) that Wogan would be doing this ‘voluntarily’ for charity reasons but it now appears that he was paid a considerable amount of money for fronting it. But then that goes for a lot of Actors and celebrities doing ‘charity work’ is often well paid ‘endorsements’. Who can you trust?
Very reminiscent of Liverpool Council under Degsy Hatton and old Mulhearn was it?
That`s where socialism leads us-ask Lord Kinnock of Bedwetty and Strasbourg Valleys….who, to be fair DID smuggle his family in on the gravy trains of Eurolines to Benny Lux and all places beyond.
Didn`t watch the Barbican Barrage Balloon on Castors herself-but did like the preview as she as hoisted into a reinforced Bentley seeing as she was “due at a funeral APPOINTMENT”?
Eh?…have they made the coffin that could cope with that brilliantine carcass of wonders?
Kool Aid in the Kaftan…drugs and piss man( with no respect to the useless BA Robertson-as crap as Craig Ferguson, as pointless as Bob Geldof).
Or does Camilla squash old people that Dignitas haven`t the drugs for?…may need to find out more
All those useless shills too, from Coldplay to Cameron via Charles, Boris and God knows who else!
Anybody else remember Chris Morris and his “Cake” his ” Nonce Sense” campaigns on Brass Eye?
If only the coming generation could laugh at this-sadly they`re crap snowflakes like Russells Howard and Brand.
That`s what the BBC, the schools, childrens telly and the universities and public sector college trainings have done to them.
Their last “laugh” was the death of Fatch, sick fux that they are.
Their last song of protest was 30 secs of a bit of the Wizard of Oz-the sad fux here can`t even WRITE an original piece of bile to mark the death of the nations granny…they just bought it online-THAT`S how reduced they are…utter squonks!
Still though-Camilla`s a fat fagin who eats all the sausages…who wears her own tents and is a Dulux paint rag…
there-out of my system…yet she`still supperating in ours isn`t she like bilharzia causes a bladder infection and much worse.
Camomile Batman Hellish?…maybe?
I was amazed at how cowed the interviewer was by ‘Camilla’. Very ‘lovey’ with her, first name terms all the time, and with a very quiet voice, never once did she follow up on any question. ‘Camilla’, of course, was therefore able to bat away every single question, with a resounding reply to the effect that “I’m not going to answer your question, but look how caring we are to the children, it’s all about the children, everyone else is an absolute b*stard for standing in my way.” Even at the end of the interview, the Beeboid was so very delicate in expressing her disappointment at what she was hearing about ‘Camilla’ and ‘Alan’, but, by now, ‘Camilla’ had had enough of her, and with a curt phrase, silenced her, her dreams shattered.
But the most telling thing for me was when it was revealed in the programme that ‘Kids Company’ had an annual income of £24 million and a wage bill (i.e. not overheads, or any other business costs for that matter) of £1 million a month. That’s the way the data was couched – i.e. so there was no like-for-like comparison before the programme moved on to other matters.
Any reporter worth his/her salt would have taken a sharp intake of breath at that point and perhaps just delved a teensy bit further….. but no….’Camilla’ was off and running again with that silly little girly laugh of hers, with which she ended every non-answer in the documentary – knowing full well that the beeboid hadn’t laid a glove on her – even when she was openly plotting to defraud the taxpayer of money which she had specifically been given to ONLY cover redundancy costs.
I think this was the very gentlest of handling of someone by whom the BBC is still cowed.
Watched BBC Parliament last night…it was very good. No commentary, no spin, most unusual of all no bias.
The Lords were discussing the immigration bill. Part of the discussion was around the plight of Syrian and Iraqi Christians and Yazidis and the murderous atrocities being committed against them by ISIS/IS. The government refuses to define these events as “genocide” presumably for fear of offending our ROP community.
There was this alarming statement, made by Baroness Cox…..
“Major General Cross quoted the Lebanese Prime Minister, who told David Cameron that he believed that for every 1,000 migrants entering Europe illegally there are at least two extremists—inner-core jihadis—which means that around 16,000 IS fighters have probably entered Europe over the last year or so. While we have been doing this, we have failed to protect those to whom we have a specific duty under international law.”
The Government s policy is to take “our” 20,000 refugees from camps that Christians and Yazidis dare not use as their persecutors continue their hostile acts within the refugee camps.
So in a nutshell, we are failing to protect Christians and Yazidis from Syria and Iraq from genocide whilst importing Jihadis. The government still won`t declare the plight of the Christians and Yazidis as “genocide” which it clearly is, and is being carried out by the “Caliphate”. I can`t recommend strongly enough reading this part of the debate…
I liked Alan Johnson’s contribution on the Today programme.
Without realizing it, he admitted that Labour’s social policy relating to the workplace is so unpopular amongst the British electorste that he needs a foreign entity’s “legislation” to help impose it on Britain by the backdoor.
Uber-Quisling of the worst kind
R4 ploughs on with the propaganda today. On the hideous From Our Own Correspondent we were treated to a sermon from the Rev. Emma Jane Kirby on the nobility of ‘asylum seekers’ in Finland with an example of how one, a Nigerian, doesn’t object to shoveling snow in return for his free board. Pretty big of him, if you ask me.
No question about what a Nigerian, or the any other African, is actually doing in Finland appears to trouble her empty head, nor on what possible grounds they might genuinely be claiming asylum.
Clearly, the concept of ‘economic migrant’ is alien to her. As is, one can only assume, the phrase ‘full up’
Good day, GC, and a good day (ho ho) for the “No question // trouble // empty head” R4 Newsroom.
BBC R4 8am News carried an item that a transport pressure group were complaining about cuts to Government funding of Local Authorities meant that Local Authorities were cutting funding to rural bus services. Obviously no-one in the Newsroom ever fills a car with fuel or travels by bus & notices the fuel filler cap while queuing, (It must be wonderful to travel everywhere by chauffered car or taxi on expenses.), otherwise they might have asked a few questions, omitted the item and found something newsworthy to fill the space.
1. Fuel costs for bus companies (biggest running cost?, second largest operating cost after salaries?) have fallen by a third in approximately two years.
2. Private bus companies were, I think, only offered subsidies by central & local Government in the mid-1990s when it was realised after the first couple of years of the Fuel Duty Escalator (introduced in 1993) that the FDE plus inflation was pushing bus fares up at an unaffordable rate.
No questions asked in the Newsroom. Journalists not thinking. Editors not thinking. Justin Webb didn’t ask about the reduction in fuel costs when the item was developed in the programme and he had the spokesman on microphone. Presenter not thinking.
What do we THINK of the quality of thought offered by the BBC of today?
A French report I’m guessing that we won’t see on the BBC. Behen Northern France, a shootout after a car tried to run a border control, here’s the cut the vehicle carrying 10 Iraqi and Iranian migrants was an English registered Volvo (LF06 BHP) ‘several injured’
The role of some of the self-styled ‘anarchists’ as well as the professional people smugglers who are stirring-up trouble on the continent really needs thorough investigation.
Still, as all we have is a feeble government, the BBC and a largely supine press I imagine that will never happen, will it?
The only chance of a car being stopped for smuggling into britain is if they have 800 b&h and a couple of crates of red. Amazing how they can find them but not gimmegrants
Oh for access to the police database to check who the registered owner is, that is assuming its not stolen or more likely ‘between owners’ (but it is taxed and MOT’d) odds on the owner is not named Smith, Jones or Brown….
LF = London registered, not conclusive but more than likely where this vehicle normally resides ?
Obviously Calais and Dunkirk are too hot so they’re going further and further south. As it is if we have to return to Uk in an emergency we plan on going via Santender or Bilbao.. Still not seen any other outlets carrying that report.
Heard some pet disabled shill for the Guardian, the BBC etc-called Annie Pepper-on You and Yours yesterday.
Winnie asked her how she funds her care.
Basically rattling a bucket by every charity, every broadsheet, every liberal cipher channel like the BBC/Channel 4 and writing a couple of notes to the soya milk delivery human resource( no mere milkmen in Islington, sweetie).
And of course Islington Council-but who else.
Yet Annie says she “funds herself”…but of course, you queen of lefty entitlement…just like Hardy, Jupitus, Fry and Steel/Thomas/Toksvig/Calman live by wit, hand and brain…
My point-Annie just can`t the staff poor thing…too many men apply, too many ex care home/NHS oldies who frankly need buses to get to her bijou pad, and write Great Things for her.
She goes to gumtree-funky female bottom wipers worthy of the Great Pepperpot of La Privilegosa!
My point-If I were an old bloke who used to care for a dying wife or in a care home-she`d be my (pureed) meal ticket undere Discrimination Act and Equalities Legislation.
Unless these don`t apply if you`re talking from a wheelchair to the nations therapist, Winifred Robinson.
Fot the life of me…I`d love it…JUST LOVE IT…if a gobshite lefty BBC puff piece became the source of an industrial tribunal-as much as if Jess Phillips outrageous slurs in Birmingham blokes got HER fired-and the BBCs footage got used in both cases to prosecute.
They tried with Nick Griffin-may we could succeed with the likes of Jess Pepperpot.
A little vengeance now is due…I wrote that!
Maybe we need a bit of divide and rule- shall we try to decouple the BBC sofa from lefty privileges boasted of, especially if they lead to hate crimes or discriminatory revelations from the soft sofa shites?
Dare to dream!
Words are cheap-let`s start to make them pay for the loose lips that cost OUR ships!
Just heard Martha Kearney dropping her BBC bite- sized pieces of lightly buttered muffin into the mouth of some EU lunketeer. albeit a polite and renaissance one( Bulgaria today…26 more to go then).
You`ll know the lie taken-“what do you want to tell our useless xenophobic government that the beautiful people did NOT vote for?”…”surely we the Brits can and must do much more-would you like that sir?”..”what do your gypsies thing of not getting Dale farm when they come over here then?”…”don`t you miss dear Uncle Leonid like we do?”…and “we the BBC will do all EU negotiations for you drones out there”-what might Von Rumpoy and Barosso, Mandelson and Kinncock, Clarke and Ming think of Camerons nasty kitten heeled pixies?…sure as hell ,we`ll all be finding out as every man Jill of theirs will be on speed dial and Today until we vote Yes…more EU, more immigration. Trade racists here for rapists there…better news potential, more tears …hence the burqas to cover themselves and wipe a snotty nose into.
I`m sick of Eurocrats trying to combat our native BBC speakers-it`s all restricted codes like “solidarity” communitaire acquis” “subsidiary” and “equality”…and always an unfair battle where the Beeboid gets to frame every agenda and reel in the Europrats to wave in Nigels face.
My idea-let the BBC make its show ponies and gobshites learn Esperanto-and let`s hear replies in the same tongue with an independent translation-it was Commiecrap anyway-and would stop the BBC lying, conniving and slathering their “questions” with all their Europhilic assumptions and tropes.
These Eurocrats have no idea of our nuances-the BBC does-and it`s always a win for the Green Nazis, the coming Volk in waiting.
Esperanto or nothing…why the hell let the BBC skew every bloody chance it gets to load the dice for Ming, for Roy and for Chukka?…
I would settle for Martha inteviewing in French…but the BBC showponies speak only green gravy and pink privilege.
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Is there anyone on this site who knows of people who are going to vote to stay in the EU barring the odd one. How independent are these polls?
Why is our Prime Mincer advocating sedition and the destruction of our sovereignty. He should be in jail for such traiterous heresy, not leading the country.
I am very worried about state interference, rigging the polls and the result. I fear the worst.
Where I work part-time (a public sector organisation) everyone is EU mad. I dare not raise any anti-EU points as I would probably lose my job or be permanently assigned to cleaning the latrines with a toothbrush until I left.
Most of my friends are also left wing and will be voting REMAIN, without a doubt. I will try and debate with them but they are not going to listen. If they knew of state interference in the polls they would approve of it. Normal leftish morals I’m afraid – anyone who doesn’t agree with them is simply Wrong and is not entitled to a voice as they are Racist.
Sad but true.
Sadly, the public sector is a self-reproducing organism of the Left. The more we have, the more they vote to increase their size.
No wonder it is a hotbed of EU support and no wonder the BBC loves it!
Agreed, it is indeed sad but true, those who will not see are blind in thought. Probably not worth your job Manchesterlad. They probably vote Labour and are incapable of calm reasoned argument and fall back on abuse by calling you an ‘ist’ when they cannot argue against your view.
I’ve met them, they change later in life and then deny they ever voted for Tony Blair after he bombed Iraq.
Never mind the rigging of the polls, if they allow the Muslims a postal vote, then they will decide the outcome. One day there will be a truly disgraceful turnout of greater than 100% of the electorate, yet I still expect the corrupt politicos to explain it away as being of no concern !
What I am sure of is that the EU collapses if we leave. Completely collapses so any and every effort will be made to ensure the vote is a “correct” one.
It is going to collapse anyway but they still think 2016 is going to be manageable. It is not and we need to understand that the invasion of these refugees will certainly destabalise Europe and lead to the eastern states leaving . Hence the referendum hurry up. A vain attempt to tie us to a sinking failing ship of state .
The neo con/ neo liberal corporate state that is the EU is failing it’s unfortunate citizens. It is not even fit for a mainland Europe version of democracy and for us a complete disaster. Cameron is far worse than Heath ever was. At least Heath had been through the war and had the excuses that war gave him.
Cameron has not that excuse and as for the Eu’s cheerleaders in the BBC and the rest they are refusing to look at the reality that every day of this year is becoming more apparent.
It’s unlikely to be a fair vote that’s for sure, with repeat ballots should the ‘wrong’ result be returned, just until the ‘right’ one is declared of course.
You can imagine my surprise …
I felt like watching a film so checked out the BBC iplayrer. A WW1 film, Private Peaceful, caught my eye, but as this is the BBC I thought I’d skip forward and sample to get the flavour. Sure enough the usual tropes, fat civilian accusing a man of cowardice who wont sign up, bullying sergeant with recruits, firing squad for desertion, black soldier in front line (not Indian) etc. So I decided not to watch it but noticed the director is Pat O’Connor. Never heard of him, but was amazed to find out he’s from the Republic of Ireland, made Cal about an IRA man who gets involved with the widow of the man he helped kill, and has made programmes for the BBC.
What does the first B in BBC stand for?
‘Buggering’ as in ‘Buggering up the country’ (but open to other interpretations).
Newsnight Ian Katz got a BIG rejection from Nic Soames MP to appear on show tonight.
Breaking News:
HM and the Duke have now packed their bags and cleared the Royal Apartments. Donald and Mrs Tusk move in to Buckingham Palace tomorrow.
‘In work benefits’, what about ‘out of work benefits’ ?
Mr Car Moron is not doing anything about mass migration. ‘Smoke and mirrors’…..
Hence the mad rush to get the referendum done and dusted before the next migration ‘swarm’ heads this way.
The best the Tory Party can do now is to get a new leader with balls ……….
Any Ideas ?
Cameron attempting to be as bad Corbyn –
He who wants Nuke Submarines without Nukes
Carriers without Aircraft
Coming soon – Soldiers without testicles.
Corbyn’s Defence Review will propose the following for the UK’s Armed Forces:
Navy subs to skulk around silently without any missiles.
Army soldiers to advance on enemy pointing unloaded guns and shouting, ‘Bang!’ very loudly.
RAF pilots to wear WW2 style goggles and run around with arms outstretched making Stuka dive bomber noises.
That should allow the rest of us to sleep soundly in our beds.
Top Ten British attainments taken for granted by Winston Churchill:
(1) Government with Sovereignty
(2) Government with Independence
(3) Government with Democracy
(4) Government with Competence
(5) Government with Power
(6) Government with Authority
(7) Government with Principles
(8) Government with Truth
(9) Government with Intelligence
(10) Government with Future
Top Ten attainments by the (what will the EU give me) puppet David Cameron:
(1) Government without Sovereignty
(2) Government without Independence
(3) Government without Democracy
(4) Government without Competence
(5) Government without Power
(6) Government without Authority
(7) Government without Principles
(8) Government without Truth
(9) Government without Intelligence
(10) Government without Future
Solution: A purge of Pro-EU Traitors in the Tory Party by the Churchillian people in the party. Replacing the upper-class twits with David Davis as Prime Minister, Jacob Rees-Mogg as Home Secretary, Bill Cash as Foreign Secretary, John Redwood as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Philip Davies as Lord Chancellor.
Top Ten British attainments taken for granted by Winston Churchill:
(3) Government with Democracy
Err when was Britain ever a democracy? We have a system of 5 yearly dictatorships where two candidates are chosen between and once appointed can do what ever they please !
(4) Government with Competence
Have you looked back in your history at just how incompetent governments have been ?
You need to have a listen to the ‘sunscreen speech’!
“Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.”
I wrote a little piece earlier about past Prime Ministers and the dreadful effect their decisions their policies have had on us today. Despite how well meaning they were, they failed to examine the negatives and only saw the positive.
Churchill burdened us with the Asylum treaty – badly drawn up & naïve, with only Europe in its scope following WWII . He also burdened us with the Human Rights Treaty – again because he couldn’t think past his European neighbours.
Tory leaders have been largely idle – especially the Eton ones, or downright duplicitous – Heath. The Labour ones have produced only harm to the British economy and culture. The only good thing to come out of Labour is that Wilson kept us out of the Vietnam slaughter, most of the others including BLiar would have had us right in there.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is another old Etonian, and they need to be kept out of government at all costs !
BBC Online News:
Why a black face when the poll is national?
Seems unfair and biased to me.
Particularly as the happiest places haven’t been enriched, whereas the unhappiest are noticeably ‘vibrant’.
I would be extremely unhappy if I lived in Wolverhampton.
Be fair, the photo was selected at random from thousands of other black faces that Al Beeb keep on file to keep their site diverse, vibrant & enriched.
The bBBC seems to have missed this news:
Feminists are ‘so last century’ with Al Beeb . ‘Trannies’ are the flavour of the month.
Sorry Taffman you are behind the curve.
Trannies WERE flavour of the month but that’s not ‘minority’ enough for the bBBC diversity police.
Now it’s all about ETHNIC MINORITY trannies.
Interestingly, appropriate google searches show they have been on this one for the past year and more.
Could there be a transgender Jamaican in the newsroom of our favourite state broadcaster?
I view it as a small step in the right direction if they are acknowledging ethnic minority trannies, usually to watch the BBC one would think the only deviants are ethnic British while all BAMEs are either decent family men or supercool desirable studs, sought after by good looking British women.
Thanks – I need to catch up.
What will it be next? Animals ?
Germaine Greers words about transgenders is not new .She has always written about this in her books ,one of which I read about 15 years ago so her views remain the same .Good for her for not changing her opinion.To hear the BBC and so called feminists outrage you would think she only just recently said it to be controversial.She has stuck to what she believes.That takes courage these days…….
Can’t disagree with that, though it’s gratifying to see her on the receiving end of howling outrage for a change.
Agree entirely.
Her Female Eunuch book is the gold standard of how to build a movement based on polemic, logic and lethal venom aimed at the weaknesses and hypocrisies of the liberal caste.
The reasoned, logical and historical cross cultural equivalent of CAMRA in regard of getting real beer back into the country.
Respect to them both.
I remember reading her follow up in the early 2000s-the Female Woman was it?-and she says exactly the same stuff she did before Cardiff last year…can only assume the Literacy co-ordinator at Cardiff Uni had failed to download it all in audiobook form for the precious ears of Cardiff Uni students.
THAT`S what got me-she`d said it all so clearly without fuss years before-and only the nature of stupid students in search of fellow grievance mongs had changed. Germaines views had not-and she stuck to them . thank God…like Chrissy Hynde as well.
THe Ayatollah did the same retrospective justice crap with Rushdies book…the Danish cartoons rumpup was a similar post-dated firebombing…as was the Regensburg papal bull over what Benedict said at his old University in 2006.
It`s what Islam does-it`s also what pawned Lefties and feminazis now do, seeing as Islamic Sock Puppets have bought their funny farms for halal disposals,
Well done Oldie-about the only award that Will Gompertz and Nina Nanna WON`T be trumpeting tonight.
“Germaine Greers words about transgenders is not new .She has always written about this in her books ,one of which I read about 15 years ago so her views remain the same .Good for her for not changing her opinion”
Really? Doesnt it show that she has learned nothing if her views have remained stuck for twenty years or more?
Watching the 6pm news yesterday on Beeb 1 I got the impression that they actually dont think that much of Dave’s renegotiation results, which I agree is a rather obvious conclusion. Are they using this as an opportunity just to kick the Tory PM and tomorrow will revert back to the pro EU default setting? I think it will depend if the Outers can get a big hitter to front the campaign.
I have also noticed some subtle changes in reporting the migrant crisis, for instance in one radio interview with a German MP the reporter actually made the point that most migrants were not refugees and male! I maybe hoping too much. My view is that the outcome of the Brexit referendum will hinge to a large part on what happens with the migrant crisis this summer and I think this favours Outers – its gotta get worse before it gets better.
Any negative response from the BBC is driven by two imperatives.
1. They like to show they hate the conservative component of the pro EU lib-lab-snp-plaid-con.
(It’s leftie virtue signalling and it maintains the fiction that there are substantial political differences on the EU between the leaderships of the “main parties”.)
2. Even the BBC realises that there is a substantial and growing groundswell of anti EU opinion, much of it around the great migration disaster that we see unfolding before us. Since they can’t address that issue without obvious bias, they can see, what we can see….that Camerons “piece of paper” may help to produce the result they all dread… out vote, a vote for British independence, a beginning of the unraveling of the globalists governance system. The stakes are very high. A GB out vote won’t be the last EU out vote.
I often watch ‘South Today’ as it covers my area, and by and large it is non political. However they had a young chap on it last night who was going to Lesbos ( I expect the Muslims will change that name when they have colonized it ) to do his bit for the ‘migrants’. He told us that they were mostly ‘Doctor’s and teacher’s’.
I wondered if anyone here knows if the women of Cologne are joyous to have met their new Doctor’s in public and such intimate fashion?
Plurals do not carry an apostrophe.
If a plural was carrying an apostrophe would it be the plural’s apostrophe?
They do if they are possessive.
The asylum seeker’s application. One asylum seeker.
The asylum seekers’ application. Many asylum seekers. One application.
The asylum seekers’ applications. Many asylum seekers. Many applications – one each perhaps.
Like me, you were taught the correct use of the apostrophe.
You are Lynn Truss and I claim my five pound’s.
Jerry was being polite. They met something of their new Doctor but he didn’t like to spell it out. Hence, they met their new Doctor’s *****.
Martin W.
Mean while Rome burns, however don’t let such a thing worry your pedantic little head!
Next time tell Jo there is no ‘z’ in colonised.
BBC delanda est. My name is Jerry Owen not Jo… and at least I am not afraid to use my name!
Further I am correct in my spelling of Colonization both an S and a Z may be used.
So before you get on the bash Jerry Owen bandwagon check your grammar!
Hugo Rifkind, who writes columns for the Times and appears on the BBC, admits he is a paid up liberal leftie ( how else would he get on the BBC ) wrote yesterday that when Merkle opened the doors to millions of Muslims migrants he thought it a magnificent gesture and that she rightly was applauded by all on the left. But he goes to say that after the events in Cologne and half a hundred other places, he now thinks that he was perhaps guilty of woolly liberal thinking and that perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea after all. Whilst I welcome someone who finally sees the light and has started a journey which I hope sees him opposing any further Muslim migration to Europe , I do wonder how any sensible person could ever have thought it was a good idea in the first place. Surely no one expected these folks to drop their Islamic values and adopt western values? Surely no one could expect that the arrival of millions of aliens into our continent would be trouble free and that we would all quickly settle down and live happily ever after. Surely everyone can see that in the UK the Muslim population is now less integrated than their parents and grandparents were.
I assume that Mr Rifkind is an educated chap , after all he writes for the Times, ( appearances on the BBC do not necessarily lead one to that assumption) but if his intellectual grasp of events is so weak and his ability to see the obvious consequences is so impaired , then I do wonder where the other half of his brain went. Despite this I suspect that his mental abilities are well above the average for the liberal left establishment who run most of our continent.
I didn’t hear it but don’t imagine that having admitted his mistake he has dropped his Left/Liberal ‘values’. He will now carry on with his wet thinking believing that he is all clean again.
The left, particularly the BBC, cannot accept that mass immigration could ever be a bad thing for one simple reason. That is because in the modern era it was Enoch Powell that warned of the dangers of such. Consequently, any leftie even hinting that mass immigration might cause problems will be compared to Enoch Powell. For a leftie, that is a point of no return they find too terrifying to contemplate.
Woolly liberal thinking is all well and good, but now he knows he is guilty of it, he should apply a measure of temperance to all of this thoughts and take the time to reflect on the possible outcome instead of the usual knee jerk reactions.
He should also apologise for all those slurs the Fascists are only to swift to deal out to anyone who dares disagree with them.
And finally he should also be mindful never to support any woolly minded left wing idiocy which cannot be easily reversed when it goes wrong – which it inevitably will !
Obstetricians and gynecological doing much-needed cervical cancer smear testings live and without having to pay a junior doctor to do so.
Bit like mass Moonie weddings-mass gynae checks…thank you Allah!
Clearly most of these new muslim doctors are gynaecologists. Amateur for the most part, it would seem.
If mostly doctors and teachers youd think they could do a better job of organising themselves than anything thos young chap could offer by way of ‘help’ wouldnt you.
Most of those who’ve brought their families seem never to have heard of contraception either.
My feeling is that while most of them are ‘middle class’ in their homelands (else they cannot afford the costs of the journey) they are probably mainly sons of landowning families and small business people rather than university educated professionals. Many of those interviewed seem to be hoping to steal a university education when they get to either Germany (or I suspect fulfill a secret ambition to move on to Britain).
Forget all this other depressing, irrelevant and less important stuff. Just heard it on Radio 4 news that Shakespears Globe Theatre is to put on a performance of Hamlet at The Jungle Camp today. It will be nice for all these Brain Surgeons, Engineers, Teachers, Doctors, Astrophysicists and amauteur Gynnecologists (sorry didnt mean that one). To all come up to speed with British Culture.
Yet again the Luvvies have shamed us all with their heartfelt humanity. Why cant the rest of us just concentrate on the sheer humanity and desperation of all these poor Asylum seekers.
On the subject of the Bard just heard The Merchant of Venice referred to by the BBC as ‘Shakespear’s most controversial play’.
Aren’t there dozens of murders in Macbeth and Hamlet? Doesn’t Richard III go on a right royal rampage bumping off various members of his own family including his young nephews?
I’m guessing that well-favoured ‘most controversial’ BBC appellation will have something to do with with the dread ‘racism’. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I won’t be taking it too seriously, next week there’ll be a new Othello production waiting in the wings and that will immediately take centre stage as ‘the most controversial’.
No need to worry about Othello old chap. That play was rescued by HRH Sir Leonard Henry OBE CBE VC when he was the first actor to play the part properly as opposed to some talentless white man with black make up. Give that man an Oscar.
I imagine parts of the Merchant of Venice would have provoked standing ovations.
Hamlet….”something rotten in the state of Denmark” these luvvies can`t stop themselves can they?
No it’s the alleged anti Semitism towards Shylock, which in reality Shakespeare was commenting on rather than actively supporting.
I hope the cast are used to seeing an audience of totally blank faces
Expect some carefully selected – if not Photoshop’d – footage of this auspicious and historic event from our favourite eccentric ‘Auntie’ (you know, the one that swears in front of the kids and smells of two week-old colostomy bags).
You made this up. I have a squirrel in my garden and it can recite the play backwards. It sounds at least as likely.
On reflection I apologise. It is probably true.
It is getting like a Carry On film.
Carry On in the Jungle.
Surely they could not have been so insensitive as to play ‘Hamlet’? Someone ought to have suggested Kebablet or Khoftalet, or even Humouslet. I mean, there are injured feelings at risk here you know.
Mishal (why does it get pronounced “Michelle” even by her?) Husein interviewed Liam Fox this morning on Today and gave a hint of how the BBC are going to play the EU debate….it`s not about the Tusk-Cameron draft or any thing difficult like the actual issues, it`s about, “who`s going to lead the campaign to promote your views?” A question she asked in several different ways, whilst trying to stoke up any possible differences between various shades of opinion or the personalities within the Out camp….
Sir Liam did a good job focusing on the EUs malign influence and made some additional points about the European court framework and its supra-national powers…”but who`s going to be the leader? what will Theresa May do? what about the disagreements between groups?” she kept saying.
Memo to all campaigners for British Independence…please stick to the issues, stick to the negatives of the EU`s influence on British life and the difficulties being experienced across other member states, under no circumstances discuss other campaign groups or the personalities involved. (the BBC want a splits and disunity story to divert attention from the fact that The EU is a house of cards.
Heard that too. Fox used the John Redwood defence/attack method perfected by Jacob Rees-Mogg. Stay calm, be very polite but don’t be deflected and just keep to the central issue of self-determination.
The Euro-luvvies at the bBBC have absolutely no answer, so they have to push the irrelevant points such as you neatly describe, and the ‘journalists’ just come over as absolutely pathetically trivial.
I missed this, but heard Humphrys gabble with the decrepit peanut farmer who nearly destroyed the US, until Reagan rescued it.
I see an Obama-Trump parallel here…hope it`s true.
YOu always know when its a BIG interview-because they do them in echo chambers with lower voices they`d once have used in church…but now use for their own cathedrals like The Savoy or Media Citys gaily painted pink vans that break Salford speed limits in the Zil lanes…but Salfords finest are working on removing moving wheels as we speak!
But I digress.
Did hear two bits of crap-Mishalla fussing over surveillance-but TV detector vans etc, we know where you live re the License?…a good thing eh?…our anti-US stooge didn`t like any comparison drawn between what the US does and what the EU does…and she failed to mention Germany and its BBC style State compliance with Merkel or MIlibands shadow.
Two wrongs don`t make a right she said…Colognes finest will be happy to hear the Eurolefty/anti US trolley dollys STILL refusing to learn.
The piece after was some “business kid” talking insurance premiums kefuffle to come.
All this targeted, personalised medicine that takes a note of lifestyle and your flood risks is good in theory-but our BBC clot seemed unaware that this logic leads to the Aids types, druggies and squatters by Worcester Cathedral would not get insurance or be “excluded from the national money pot and bucket shop filled with Googles profits”
“Who will fix it for THEM to go to Zurich, or Copacabana, Disney land or Marrakesh?”…being the BBC dream weavers plainsong at 8.45 am today?
Oh dear-reality, maths and forward projected data is NOT wanted by the BBC-just shake the white man down to fund Kirstys trip to DC, Naughties flights to Brussels…
Our insurance lad patiently explained it all-the BBC no wiser, but better informed-as if THAT`LL stick to anything but Saviles old Z-bed!
Would Jeff Randall be available to check the business credentials of the likes of the BBC and Channel 4…they seem awful quick to condemn fake qualifications in banking….less so in the IPCC, Camila or that exotic fatjack who got Tim Hunt sacked …and start with business, seeing as the BBC seem so quick to tell us all about “competences”…we`ll go for sport afterwards-Gary Richardson?…not even in Robbie Savages ballcup is he?
I made a small personal prediction about BBC Donald Trump coverage. I reasoned that BBC ‘anti’ efforts would concentrate on the Donald up to the point at which he failed to lead in the polls and then full on BBC ire would turn on the next Republican front runner. Sure enough, following a certain amount of BBC gloating over Trump’s failure at the Iowa Caucus we have a report package that features Ted Cruz in an awkward moment ‘even his daughter didn’t seem to want to kiss him him’ and Marco Rubio ‘the perma-smile candidate’.
Fair enough, you might say. News reports too can satirise politicians – right? But where was the BBC carping over back-to-the-future mad professor and/or Michael Foot look-a-like Bernie Sanders? Where was the Hillary joke?
But Hillary won by a landslide!
Or am I ahead of myself here…Sanders only gets roped in to pretend that it`s not a Brown-type coronation of the BBCs First Family…the Clintonas!
AND-he allows them to think that Corbyn is a worldwide jumbotron for us all to vote behind.
At least Clinton and Savile show us why their demises have led to Cuba having to find OTHER cigar-smokers to sell their puffsticks to…no doubt Islam will find the virgins to roll cigars with…not that any Childrens Services will let them protect any virginity any longer-schools and social services rather think they`d need the locked ward for solution-focused therapy if any girl DID want to wait beyond her twelth birthday these days.
Wonder if my local Muslim bakery would bake me a cake to celebrate the ritual deflowerings to be held at County Hall?…and would the BBC highlight my being discriminated against if they chose not to?
Has anyone worked out the odds of 6 coin tosses producing the same result?
That`s how Hitlery Clinton got her win apparently. I suppose it depends on who the tossers with the coins are.
Did anyone ask Jimmy Carter about this during his appearence on the BBCs Today this morning?
480 to 1.
Considerably shorter odds than the BBC writing an unbiased article 🙂
Surely it’s 1 in 64, being 1/2(to power of 6)
Just on a minor point of accuracy I think the actual answer to embolden’s question is 1 in 32 as there are two chances (all heads or all tails). The chance of Clinton winning all 6 tosses is indeed 1 in 64.
A. Pedant.
Nothing like a question about probability to get an argument going (possibly with the exception of apostrophe abuse – see previous posts’s’).
The correct answer is as Sluff said, 1 in 64.
I am so embarrassed – schoolboy error!
Getting out of the EU is a biblical imperative.
It is GOD Himself who set the boundaries( Psalm 74.17)…but, more specifically as a Christian, Paul brings us into the Anno Domini era( fuck BCE bollox!) with his line from Acts 17.26.
“God sent Jesus-to appoint nations in their historical settings and to establish their borders”
( My paraphrase-make up your own!-Greek helps. but not necessary at the Mo!)
So next time some dopey pasta or vikka or bish sez such crap as the EU is a good thing-give them that ballbearing to shove up their honecker pipes, and try to play that organ of theirs with a death rattle inside it.
If the Church were worthy of persecution-it would have been…Sport, Shopping and the BBC , the NHS are the new faiths-let Islam deal with them.
Having Issa Bonds will help me-let`s see Islam turned into Hislam…and with Gods grace, we`ll see it happen.
“Paul brings us into the Anno Domini era (fuck BCE bollox!)”
Chris, I have to admit that I’m quite happy to use the new terms of “Christian Era” and “Before Christian Era”, but I do use them in full to prevent the acronym being confused for something else.
Even I get confused when headline writers put in the acronyms for “Birmingham Nitro Proof” and the “British Deer Society” when the stories have nothing to do with either of them.
Britain Stronger in Europe?…BSE?
Boy they`re thick aren`t they?…BSE it is though!
These annoying acroynms actually stand for “Common Era” and “Before the Common Era”. There is no way that they would let Christianity into it, it might offend someone.
Rob, I know that but some people need to be offended as often as possible. And if they want to change the dating system so that it has nothing to do with Christianity it needs a new “Year Zero” – perhaps 1922 when the BBC was founded?
That ‘spoken from the heart’ aspect of Dave’s ‘Sure I would…..’ has to be on a par with Milliband’s ‘Hell yes….’
But is this simply another example of his total lack of understanding and empathy, or just exceptionally poor script-writing?
Yesterday BT’s entire UK broadband network collapsed, only recovering towards evening. At the same time Virgin medias nationwide Email service went down and didn’t recover until the wee small hours.
Co-incidence? That the UKs two largest ISPs should suffer nationwide outage at the same time? Something we’re not being told?
No need to read the biased bullshit underneath, you just know the narrative from the photo.
Show the kids over and over BBC, but once again: fucks given = zero!
Agenda? What agenda?
That EU negotiation in full (Letter by Donald Tusk). A non starter. and is a sure sign of weakness and feebleness by Cameron..
That fact that from 1984 when I had the chance to vote on the EU Community as it was when there was as a ’free trade zone’ and an end to import taxes to encourage more european free trade. There was always a question of ‘sovereignty’ that our national identity would be traded away – although this was debated, it is now quite clear that our premier at the time was Edward Heath who lied to us all. I still feel betrayed from what has happened since has not been in the UK interests (you can argue from a legal point that our laws were outdated and antiquated) but the central core that we decide our own future has been taken away. We are NOT in a free trade zone (it is a protectionist trade zone), it has not been a ‘free trade’ as we have lost many of our industries including Fishing. We import more than we export (at higher prices – particularly food is very expensive (thanks to Common Agricultural policy) and a rafts of ‘Social employment deduction taxes’ that now appear on your PAYE slips. This is in addition to the emergency aid for France or Greece as they become non functioning Socialist led burdens to the rest of the EU states. As a trading nation we would do well to steer clear of any further ‘integration’ and trade freely with the rest of the world. We have our own currency and our own democracy to protect as well as our own future ‘Bill of Rights’ based on the virtues of the ‘Magna-Carta’ (and the US bill of rights) and not ‘Napoleons law’ which in-effect is the main problem with the way the EU as constructed is not at all like the USA. We have all been lied to and misled by the BBC (and both left and right politicians) to what the EU state will be and our own culture will be erased. I agree with Richard’s solution but in reality the left stand to gain from public sector benefits and the [public sector] (when I last looked) was about 40% of the UK workforce. Not all agree to the European Union as it stands. The BBC is still a potent force and half those that listen to it do rely on it without question. And we need to ask questions such as ‘where is the EU heading and what will it cost us?’ Do we have to loose our sovereignty, our identity, our culture, our English religions and practices, our currency, our houses, our jobs to invaders with very different views on being European let alone English.
But I heard Norman Smith on News 24 informing me that Leave have a HUGE mountain to climb to win the referendum so it must be true.In thet case I’d better vote to stay…….the Beeb has spoken. GRrrrr Whats the point of complaining I give up.
Israel’s unwanted African migrants.
More anti-Semitic nonsense from the BBC regarding the way the Israelis treat migrants and asylum-seekers. Europe would do well to take a leaf out of their book instead of the ‘take-all and worry about it later’ attitude the looney left Europeans have adopted. Nobody asked them to come to Israel so if they don’t like it they don’t have far to look for someone to blame. Refugees from Africa are, mainly, the product of either ethnic wars (which the lefties can neither understand, accept, or explain) or the fight against Islam – a cancer which has engulfed the continent – another fact of life the lefties find unpalatable.
Well done Israel for a no-nonsense approach.
Israel is -as ever-in mortal danger from the worlds angriest and nastiest bacillus yet known.
Its history shows what happens if it trusts those who have yet to prove their loyalty , and give them the right to exist.
So this BBC crock is pitiful…why the Israelis let the BBC peddle their slurry from the country is beyond me.
All of those bledding heart agencies want Israel wiped off the map-or hogtied until braver scum than they will spill the blood but leave them with the meat.
God Bless Israel-and may Allah stick the BBC for us.
It isn’t “anti-Semitic” to investigate what Israel is doing, you can be certain al beebus would do it if it found out any European country was doing so.
I agree that Europe, and the U.K., should do exactly what Israel is doing re “migrants”; but the rank hypocrisy of a country which has some of the toughest immigration laws to on earth is breathtaking: when it encourages the “migrants” and asylum seekers (of whom it has taken none) to travel to Europe.
The spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry is reported as saying migrants threaten the security, the identity of the Jewish State, fair enough; but don’t then incite these “migrants” currently in the Middle East to threaten the security and identity of Britain and Western Europe, by waving them on their way over here.
And a high proportion of Jewish people in this country and Europe are massive supporters of multiculturalism – raging hypocrits when they do not advocate the same for Israel!
One of the vilest of these is Barbara Lerner Spectre an American Jewess who went to Sweden apparently to promote its demographic transformation.
OK not BBC related exactly but given the PC mandate that ethnics need to be properly presented and are included in everything including things like Beowulf which depicts Viking Scandinavia with more Asian people in it than in Tower Hamlets. I ask the question; When is it OK to only show white people in a TV programme? Answer when its about the feckless and shows examples of greed and stupidity.
Exhibit one The Big Benefits Handout will see three families given £26,000 in cash each in one lump sum. The families so called entire benefits for 12 months given to them in one go. Take a look at who these families are. Not very representative
It may be good ‘tele’, but spending license payers money on giving a family a week in Wanted Down Under to see if they’d like to live there, is an expensive exercise – particularly as rarely do the families make the decision to make the move. In fact, I wonder why these ‘families’ bother at all ! its generally truculent teens, or prepubescent kids who tend to call the shots who ‘don’t want to go’, and then grannies back home with ‘breaking hearts’ who are also good tele for decision making. Dear God, at what point did children decide where their parents should live ??? I remember never having a choice, being told what to do – no argument. Rant over.
Wanted down under. Truly this is groundhog day. Normally only one wants to go. I even saw one where the woman implied she would dump her partner if they didn’t move. Actually pretty poignant for me my ex ended our 5 year relationship because she wanted to live in Australia to live the lifestyle her sister living there supposedly had. I had no intention of leaving England. Needless to say in the end she never went but I digress. Every show more or less is the same. oh wages are normally higher oh housing and food are more expensive. Show family who don’t want them to go. And repeat and repeat seen one you’ve seen them all a bit like bargain escape roadshow country flog it under the hammer.
The only good thing about the show , is all those that are ,”Wanted Down Under” seem to be “Hideously White”. Thats probably because, to get a visa to live & work in AUS,NZ , you need to be given thorough medical ,from one of the host countries own, doctors, & that some” Non Hideously White” candidates would not be granted a visa, due to their medical health.
It seems to me to be a show aimed at ridding Britain of as many hideously white people as possible, no doubt to make room for more enrichers.
TV is on E4 I’m not sure why but I’ve just seen an advert for Channel 4. It’s was set up to reflect diversity or some such shite we are told ending with the strap line True colour TV. Diversity? Is that why I don’t watch it?
“The public service remit for Channel 4 is the provision of a broad range of high quality and diverse programming which, in particular:
demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;
appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;
makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and
exhibits a distinctive character.”
…appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society.
Are there enough hours in the day?
Having read Max Hastings’ coruscating article in today’s Daily Mail under the headline “This sham will only make voters even more cynical” in which he quite correctly lambasts David Cameron for his “evasions and outright deceits”, I reflect yet again on the wicked and distorted reporting by the BBC of the current so-called negotiations, and on the EU in general.
To paraphrase something else “Cameron set himself very low targets and he failed to achieve any of them.”
I’m still confused how this is a re-negotiation. What exactly has been negotiated assuming it passes the EU meeting. A “red card” 55% have to agree, so as much use as something that’s no use. Some vague benefit reduction that may not stop payments and some vague statement about not being drawn into a Euro super state.
Yes a very good article by Max Hastings
With regard to benefits, I cant help thinking that is it not already in our power to limit Child Benefit to the level of the migrants home country? And even if technically its not what would the EU do anyway. Too much like hard work I guess, much easier to give UK tax payers money away.
I was looking at bBBC website. I have noticed that the bBBC take the headlines very seriously. Their personal bias is often, if not always, reflected in The Papers at the top of the web page.
If you go to the site, you will see what I mean. The headlines of the pro EU newspapers at the top, whereas those against the EU are positioned at the bottom of the page.
See for yourself
– and the first newspaper referred to in the text is? Yes you guessed it – the Daily Mail. Just kidding, you did guess right – it was their in-house rag The Guardian.
There is a twist to the EU debate which has still not been mentioned anywhere near enough. This being, that even if the referendum is won, the next big fight is how and when do we leave the EU, the Act of Parliament currently going through says nothing about us leaving and therefore has no legally binding power with regards to departure.
The actual bill says nothing about the mechanics of leaving or when it should happen.
The government have still not planned a ‘what if’ scenario if we vote to leave the EU. Why not? Why are they so convinced they will win? Complacency or underhand electoral corruption at play!
I hope the aforementioned will not be expedited but I believe that Cameron-if defeated on EU membership- may fall back on it, dress it up as a trial run and have second referendum with ‘improved offers’.
I’m afraid I’m feeling quite pessimistic about our chances of actually achieving Brexit. Cameron’s apparent complacency and widespread Tory spinelessness are a worry. But I realised the true grip of the pro-EU elite when Comrade Corbyn as newly installed Labour leader happily maintained all his loopy pacifist views but was oblidged to drop his former Euro-scepticism like a hot potato. Making himself BBC-friendly.
I do however see a business opportunity round about 2017 for a line of T shirts “Don’t blame me, I voted out”
The ‘pro EU elite’ go well beyond the BBC and our shores.
‘We are very sorry but Denmark is not such a bad place’
Once again, BBC Trending only seems to trend in one direction, and it’s not to the right.
EU Deal?
Cameron has come back with a gypsy bankroll – a bag full of nothing.
A veto on new laws – but only if you can get half the rest of members to agree with you. Judging by the amount of historical support he has had for various initiatives, I can’t see that happening. What about all the current laws that screw us over?
Limiting migrant benefits – the EU’s idea of what is a strain will be different to the UK’s so scrub that one as well.
It’s a pig in a poke. My low opinion of Cameron has just hit the deck.
BBc local news as it’s on internet it’s London. Here’s a story with an agenda I’ve heard before. Curry houses shutting in London. Apparently it’s the lack of chefs from Pakistan. As we know a lot of them are not Indian or Pakistani but Banladeshi. And hey someone from some Bangladesh association comes on and goes blah blah blah. Of course as this has been an on off story for some time and the multi cultural society we live in you think the owners would have trained people here but no you need to import staff for this job. The BBc report that closures may be because tastes are changing. Personally I hate curry. In army ration packs you used to get chicken in curry sauce which was foul. Later they changed the description to chicken in brown sauce it was still disgusting and i always used to try and blag the steak and kidney pudding. Of course there might be other issues like what might be in the food and being ripped off. I had a meal in Portsmouth in 2001 once where the curry house “accidentally” doubled the bill luckily it was spotted before the transaction went through.
The market became saturated with curry houses and demand fell. Cash rich businesses don`t close due to a “shortage of chefs”, they train new staff.
It seems like a migration scam. The food could be cooked by unemployed workers of any racial origin couldn`t it?
Or we could use the approach tried and tested on the white working class in the uneconomic steel and mining industries, sack the workers, shut the restaurants and import the curries.
Have never feared for a lack of curry houses in London-or indeed any other town or city in this country.
Any more than I fret about not getting a kebab, should I want one.
No-this is synthetic phoney reheating of their old curry pots, that I remember Jeremy Vine fretting over in 2010.
This endless reheating of old migration Vestas is predictable-and will give you gyp and food poisoning if ingested. The FSA might need to clearing the rats out of the BBC cookbook buildings and reduce their health rating…sheer liberal botchulism, detoxify then exterminate!
‘Bake Off’ and ‘Victorian Bakers’ managed to train the ‘locals’ didn’t they?
Another of those ‘one way streets’ that fill our lives nowadays, i.e. ‘only whites are racist’, ‘girls can do anything boys can do (but not vice versa)’, ‘the (no such thing) indigenous should integrate with Muslims’, ‘British universities should be safe spaces for Africans, (Britons should get the hell out of Africa)’ etc. etc.
The food could be cooked by unemployed workers of any racial origin couldn`t it?
You might find there’s a language barrier in there somewhere, plus perhaps a reluctance to allow the indigenous tribe in amongst a shedload of illegals.
Yes but its mainly a scam to bring in family and cheap labour. They may theoretically pay minimum wage, but after the ‘cooks’ have paid for a bed in a ‘dorm’ behind the shop there isnt too much of that minimum wage left. They serve their time then when they get citizenship are free to leave to become cab drivers and import the wife and kids.
Thats why a continuous supply is needed.
Mrs G has a conspiracy theory, she’s convinced that the rise in such establishments is not only responsible for obesity, but also coincides with the stupefying and dumbing down of this once great nation….
I haven’t had a take away of any form since 1999 when my Bristolian Bangladeshi Chicken Korma contained a somewhat dark and hairy piece of meat…
Alternatively buy ” Rick Steins India” DVD and book , you know what’s going in and they’re great fun to do. Mr Kitty makes a mean chicken curry I just need to perfect my chappatis and we’ve cracked it.
‘A somewhat dark and hairy piece of meat’. Please God, stop that image of Diane Abbot that is trying to enter my head…..
I read a report way back in 2005 that stated up to 70% of restaurants close in their first year
Add to that the difficulties in getting business loans, plus poor interest payments from banks nowadays, as well as natural supply and demand (as Embolden pointed out) and you have a more realistic reason for closures
No need to mention immigration
Loans? “Sharia prohibits acceptance of specific interest or fees for loans of money (known as riba, or usury), whether the payment is fixed or floating”wikepedia.
Banks now offer Sharia Mortgages
As for businesses, they get an upfront lump sum and agree to pay it back on a regular schedule, plus a little extra to the lender (for his kindness). But it’s not a loan, oh no
Let’s cheer ourselves up by remembering a person who knew EXACTLY what the EU was all about and who unambiguously stood up for the country, against the conventional wisdom of the day I might add.
And listen to those words near the end. ” A single currency. A federal Europe by the back door”. How chillingly accurately prophetic were they?
Come now, cheer yourself up by all means but face the facts … Tories have always had the stinkfinger in the EU butt.
Over forty years ago, in what was arguably the most fateful political move ever made by a British Prime Minister, Edward Heath took us into what was then called the ‘Common Market’.
Such a step had scarcely been mentioned at the previous General Election, and the British people had very little idea of what they were letting themselves in for, other than a trading arrangement that might make it easier for us to sell our goods to our Continental neighbours.
Now over four decades later, the picture could scarcely look more different. We have seen that supposedly cosy club we joined transformed, step by step, into a vast, bloated bureaucratic empire, imposing its suffocating rule over 27 nations.
The Conservatives were also campaigning to stay in the Common Market. Later in 75
Margaret Thatcher, elected Tory leader in that February, said the “Yes” vote would not have happened without our Opposition’s support for it.
Former Prime Minister Edward Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years,
I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it is
In 1983, Thatcher wrote that “the unity of Europe is a goal for which I pledge my government to work”. Labour, meanwhile, fought the election that year on a platform of withdrawal from the EEC.
Actually it was only on the arrival of Jacques Delors, a French socialist, as president of the European Commission turned that upside down
The trade union movement led by the TUC was also opposed to remaining in Europe and had boycotted key advisory positions in Brussels and Luxembourg since Britain joined in 1973.
TUC General-Secretary Len Murray, Tony Benn, good old Enoch too
listen and learn
The BBC are absolutely obsessed with ‘equality’ !
Stonehenge burials show ‘surprising degree’ of gender equality
Just because there are the bones of women in the same sites! All that shows is that men & women were buried in the same place – and nothing more than that!
I look forward to that report on Points West tonight then!
BBC exclusive: ‘Death is The Great Equaliser.’
Does anyone else think that those north of the border who support the SNP will vote to leave the EU?
I believe they will vote tactically in order to trigger another referendum.
I hope so.
The 1972 Accession Treaty does not even mention the name of Scotland, it only mentions the name of the country which is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Therefore in EU Scotland itself is not recognised as a country. Its only means of representation is via the UK.
In effect, accordng to Constitutional Law, Nicola Sturgeon does not have the power to call for a unilateral referendum on the subject of the seccesion from the UK. The reason to leave the UK because of a difference of opinion in membership of the EU would not be legally recognised, again -as Scotland itself is not recognised as an EU member state.
The BBC and ‘stay’ policians are trying to scare us into believing that if we vote to leave the EU the SNP will hold a referendum. This would be unlawful.
Only a weak leader would accede to the SNP demand. Cameron has done it once. He is weak and lazy but thankfully will not be the leader for much longer.
The SNP leader at the time of the last referendum Salmond) said that he was willing to accept the outcome of the referendum.There were no conditions attached irrespective of perceived material circumstances.
Really good piece wronged.
Why the hell does it take the likes of US to pass on such stuff-and why is the bloody BBC not laughing the SNP to scornscorn over this?
What a carve up between the Liberal left agitprop merchants and their pixie tartan army over the border.
Facts are sacred eh?…or merely left buried for the likes of us citizen bloggers?
Have the legal types like Greive-or Rosenberg…or the broadshit press not mentioned this?…for I`ve not seen this.
Living much of the time north of the border I can confirm that Scottish membership of the EU was an embarrassing issue for the SNP. Salmond and co did everything in their power to avoid that question because they had assumed Scotland would get automatic membership. It came as an unpleasant surprise for them to find out that they would have to go through the same application process as everyone else. All those years without EU grants, still, oil revenue would be rolling in…wait a minute.
Bring it on , does any Englishman , ( including , Taffman , No 7 & others from Wales) care if the Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland leave us , because it WILL happen sooner or later. I don`t really care.
I have whinged non stop that the English were not given the vote as to the future of Scotland and the Union. Still if it had happened with the current price of oil it would I imagine have been “interesting”. Plus we could have reverted to the pre-union 1801 flag which is much better looking anyway
You are getting mixed up, in 1801 the Union Flag was changed to represent Ireland. The orginal Union Flag of 1707 was for the union of England and Scotland, which I would like to see preserved. The referendum proved that the SNP do not speak for the majority of Scots in this matter, and that should be that.
We would revert to the pre-1707 flag which is simply the cross of St. George. Alternatively we can keep the cross of St Patrick with deference to the Northern Irish which would mean we just drop the blue off the current flag.
Speaking for myself, I do care if Scotland votes to leave the UK as it puts up a border in this small island of Great Britain breaking us up. When Scotland joined the ‘Union’ we truly became a ‘Great’ Britain and so the adage ‘united we stand divided we fall’ stands.
In the past France tried via Scotland and Ireland to break up this great nation which had became a threat to its empire and failed. Unfortunately we joined the ‘so called’ Common Market, which has evolved into the EU, a corrupt organisation which has been insidiously taking away our sovereignty and economy by stealth.
Remember, the people Scotland voted to stay within the Union.
No Essexman, I do really care that’s why I have repeatedly asked you …………..“what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’ to keep us in the EU? ”
Your call.
I’m an English refugee – from Islingtonian “White Flight” refugees from London to the West Country.
I have yet to decide whether the “refugees” or the r*gheads are the most demanding or sanctimonious.
It all depends on whether the SNP manage to wrangle the power to call another referendum away from Westminster, in the new Scotland Bill that’s currently going through delay after delay. Such a desire has been discussed. We will see I suppose.
Right now as a Scot, I’d rather a sensible, anti-immigration, strongly right-wing Westminster parliament over Holyrood (fucking GIRFEC) , but…Que Sera Sera. I mean, the nightmare over the simple issue of income tax is enough to put the dampener on the reality of separation, let alone the multitude of other concerns. But the oil price is of little trouble, since we don’t wish to suffer from Dutch Disease.
Upon possible separation, if the SNP thinks it will be able to cruise ahead unopposed by serious right wing competition – it will be over my dead body. Meanwhile, delusional Dave666 and Essexman can look on as the morass of England will sink further under the weight of nogs and pakis who will sooner or later make up the majority of its population.
Or we can fight together.
Yeah, but Krankie, wants to replace all the indigenous Scots,with non Hideously White migrants. The anti English aspect is just to William Wallace, you into voting SNP. Once they have Independence, those White Scots, will be interned, deported, arrested. The first stage will be severe restrictions on alcohol, done under the guise of health, because so many die young of liver disease or similar. This will please the Mossie newcomers, then Krankie will order all women must wear the hijab & all Christian festivals will be abolished. I can see it happening very soon.
Jesus! Help ma boab!
Scottish independence?
Over half the Scots voted against it recently.
If it happens, within five years, those same Scots will be begging England to invade, to end the Soviet Republic of Scotland.
The BBC is not obsessed with equality, they are obsessed with supremacy. 50/50 is not enough for them.
When I was doing my degree I read an essay in one of the official books which said that women have historically always had more equality, it is only the Victorians who decided that “a woman’s place is in the home.”
This equality business is based on Marx, and Marx was writing about Victorian social conditions so it makes perfect sense to me.
BBC have an agenda? I have just listened to a report on the BBC 1 6pm news about Chinese MIGRANT workers trying to get home. In a two or three minute item, the word ‘migrant’ was used at least 10 times. I presume the subtext is that even China has lots of migrants. But the difference is that these are migrants from the villages, but still Chinese rather than people from another culture. Listen at 10 pm, the word ‘migrant’ was used far more frequently than either necessary or by chance.
BBc 18:00 news runs a sob sob with migrants in the Lebanon. Let’s just check…No I still don’t care.
Send the BBC 10p so they can phone someone who gives a f*ck.
Wonders will never cease! The first mention of BREXIT on German TV news I’ve ever heard and a very, very brief glimpse of Nigel Farage in action in Brussels. No mention of UKIP’s or the British people’s main reasons for wanting to leave the EU madhouse. The usual slimy “Britain is so important for the EU, without the UK what is the counterbalance to China” blah blah from Belgian nonentities.. The truth is, of course, that Britain is now never going to sink itself deeper into to the Euro- state mire. Britain is of no strategic importance to the “ever closer union” fantasists who see Britain only as a cash cow. Like the Islamists, the EU zealots do have a “long-term plan”. One of course wants the Caliphate the other the Euro state,, or perhaps vice versa? Nevertheless, Britain being dragged along with the EU over the next few decades, providing hundreds of billions pounds to support the EU madness is entirely self-defeating. For the Germans creating the European Superstate is a pseudo-religion. It will be created and Britain will have no influence over it. However the contrary will not be the case as much of Britain’s own decision taking ability has been given away to no advantage to us. As ever closer union is the German agenda and ever greater irrelevance Britain’s fate, now is the time to get out before any more money is wasted and any more independence is squandered by British Euro-loons of the present or near future.
Solid post ID.
In a nutshell, we give Europe ‘Big Bucks’ every day and they give us half back – with the proviso that we spend it on what they tell us to spend it on?
They export more to us than they buy form us?
They failed to act to prevent the dumping of cheap steel on us causing the loss of many well paid jobs in the UK – so much for the ‘Common Market’?
Millions people invade Europe following the unilateral invitation from a loopey leader? (she is now having second thoughts)
Nearly a year gone and the EU have not come up with a strategy to deal with the mass of economic migrants that still pour in to the continent?
Twenty years on and the French still turn a blind eye and fail to act on the so called ‘Jungle’ of criminals that wait at Calais to sneak in illegally across the channel – all courtesy of Al Beeb’s propaganda?
Just watching a “new” Midsummer murders for the first time with the new medical examiner who can’t act.
Watching it I’m reminded of when Grange Hill suddenly became “diverse” overnight. Or did I imagine that along with “Gripper ” Stebson joining Combat 18.
For your sanity best avoid the ad’s in between, they have really stepped up the diversity, feminism and miscegenation in the last few months .
You mean one in three British families are not mixed race???
Of course they are and have been since 1961 according to Call The Midwife….
“Watching it I’m reminded of when Grange Hill suddenly became “diverse” overnight”
Exactly what has happened to places like Midsummer in the last decade. 🙁
watching a “new” Midsummer murders for the first time with the new medical examiner who can’t act….
Thank you, thank you, I thought it was just me !!! the same can be said for most police side kicks (although the one in the latest episode of Vera was bumped off, probably because she walked around with her arms either folded or in her pockets ! – is this all police officers do that trail in the wake of their boss ?)
Apologies if anyone has posted this today, but has anyone spotted a mention on the BBC of the admission from a (now retired) senior German broadcast journalist that the German government decides what can and cannot be broadcast by its state organs?
My immediate reaction was ‘old habits die hard’ and I’m not joking. Few countries in the EU which like to bang on about ‘democracy’ have any sort of tradition of playing host to it. Spain, Portugal and Greece were all dictatorships within recent memory, as were most of the countries of Eastern Europe, and neither France nor Germany have ever really got the hang of open government and proper freedom of speech. Indeed, Merkel herself was an active member of the Communist party of East Germany – an organisation that was a kissing cousin of the Third Reich in its disgusting acts of suppression, brutality and violence.
One day, someone may be able to devise a convincing explanation for why we need to be shackled to this bloated, rotting, statist corpse. I shan’t hold my breath.
You have made an excellent point. It needs to be drummed into our people just how recent is the sudden conversion to democracy amongst our European neighbours.
The English version of democracy, although imperfect, is deep rooted and very far from the Continental experience.
The language says it all.
Freedom is that which an Englishman has by right of birth.
Liberty is that which is granted by a ruler. This is what the EU believes and it is diametrically opposed to our notion of freedom.
A favourite staple of the BBC’s restricted gene pool of comedic talent is to deride The Daily Express for its seeming inability to come to terms with the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Our national treasure of a broadcaster would never exhibit the same trait…
Good point Mr Cooper.
This ZDF story ought to be an outrage-and in any REAL democracy and with a free press and media, there would be hell to pay.
But-as ever the liberal left pick and choose-the ends justify the means-even if it stinks to high heaven and shows them for the Brownshirt Sturmer Merchants that they actually are.
Leveson is practice-Press Freedom and fears re surveillance never extend to patriots like Nigel or Tommy…only to traitors like Greenwald, Chelsea and Snowden.
Really think we need an alternative news bulletin somewhere to place stories like this one at ZDF…I`d add the OECD catastrophic educational results of schools and the fact that we`re unique in having better read and numerate pensioners than we do school leavers…as if we didn`t know.
I`d add the fact that Scotland has no say in EU agreements seeing as they were not a country in 1975-so they have no say in this-but let Salmond and Sturgeon lead them to Brussels anyway.
I`d also add when Benn and Crows version of Socialism got binned re the EU…they are anti…and at what stage of their putrefaction did they decide to be International Socialists in search of a Fourth Reich via the EU…as if Hitler was NOT their role model for how to deal with Jews and Big Business!
These things need telling, need a forum…that the BBC/ZDF omit it all means it says saying more than ever.
Don`t seem to get Pegida easily online either-I smell a rat served up in a pitta bread.
That OECD report was a good call. I’ve been banging on about it to colleagues who blink back at me like so many startled owls, clearly never having heard a word of it.
It is a ferocious indictment of the entire ragbag of post-Crossland educational ‘reforms’ which have about as little entitlement to that word as have Pol Pot’s experiments with genocide.
And is it true that Hillarys landslide in Iowa was due to her winning the toss of a coin on six votes at the caucuses-and it could equally have been Bernie Sanders winning the primary?
Not that I care overmuch-but doesn`t winning six tosses of a coin mean that she`s damaged goods and a classic Slick Willy fake?…not the triumphant next President?
Why don`t the BBC ever tell us the truth anymore?
Nowhere on the BBC have I heard that Bernie Sanders is ahead of the damaged-goods Hillary by some 65-35 in polling for next week’s New Hampshire primary.
And not once over these many months have I heard a comprehensive report on the BBC about 2 issues that are hurting the Clinton campaign – the Benghazi story of inaction before and during the attack, and lies straight afterwards including to the families of the men killed, and her use of an insecure private email server that looks illegal and could attract prosecution as it is now clear that highly secret operational intelligence stuff went through the server. The FBI investigations are getting deeper and deeper, and it is probably only a corrupt Obama Justice Department that is slowing or blocking the calling of a Grand Jury to decide on whether she should be indicted.
Nor have I heard any full report on the BBC about what a total geriatric socialist tosser Bernie Sanders is.
I wonder why the BBC is so protective towards the Dems ?
And Clintons health record seems to be worth a look.
She tends to faint under pressure-a chaise longue and attack of the vapours seem to be required and diagnosed…very Tessa Jowell.
Unlike that fine full head of a man that is Sir Donald Trump-tall in the saddle, red neck, loads of money and a fair selection of comely old poppets on his manly arms….will Womans Hour make it their book fo the week?…they like a good cry, Mills and Boon and a bad man with a small whip , so Andrea Dworkin once said-er, well…
Sarah Palin as the bordello madame?…be stiil my bleeding nose!…
Sorry-too many reruns of the High Chapparal…Victoria`s OK,,,but Manolito needs sending back-don`t trust him at all!
If it’s Dr. Wolfgang Herles you are talking about , it’s not just the Leftists he’s had problems with. Apparently, when he was in charge of the ZDF studio in Bonn he got into trouble with Helmut Kohl at the time of reunification. Kohl was upset by Herles’s rather too blunt comments and ensured his contract was ended prematurely. Herles’s comments are already being dismissed by the usual suspects as coming from the “Lügenpresse-Fraktion” and the “written instructions” referred to are nothing other than “the Basic Law which enjoins the media to uphold the freedoms and democratic constitution of Germany”. In a classic leftist inversion of the truth, the state media are lying to uphold the constitution.
Hello, HELLO! … BBC!, banging on about the Crusades again?
Crusades – The Timewatch Guide
Historian Dr Thomas Asbridge , reveals how our interpretation of this medieval story has been influenced by modern political and social change (:-D hmmm, I think the word he needs is islamophilia ).
Thomas highlights the alternative Arabic perspectives on the Crusades
Sheesh! is this Press TV
… hmmm, I bet he does.
Constantinople was liberated by the Turks. Spain was liberated by the Muslims from North Africa. Jerusalem was liberated by the Arab armies. Europe will be liberated by the progressive forces of Wahibism and then we can all have a nice time.
Peace in the Dar al Harb at last.
You know we all really want it. The BBC does so what is wrong with you, me and the rest of the old European reactionaries.
His next piece will be about how the National Socialist party was sooooooooooooooo….. understood.
Today’s bBBC ‘news’ anti-government campaign is Nearly 14,000 disabled people have mobility cars taken away.
Nikki Fox “Disability correspondent” – no, me neither – interviewed two women (of course) and encouraged us to feel sorry for them.
She didn’t manage to find any of the 13,900 who have had a car paid for by us, but didn’t actually qualify to have our money.
A personal friend of mine has one of these cars (upgraded by personal payment).
His wife has serious disability problems and when she walks (with a stick) you want to help her – not a good idea – she’s still got a handy right hook and the mind is still feisty!
We’ve all seen the overweight wasters using cars and scooters paid for by US, the taxpayer, but if the beeboids were actually to do some PROPER research on the subject we may get a more balanced view.
As opposed the sanctimonious cr*p spouted by the beeboids.
P.S. I have zero problem supporting genuine claimants – I do have a problem with con artists! ref. people with Blue Disabled Badges who could probably beat me over 100 Yds! (not Metres)
I saw this report and I agree that it was entirely disingenuous. The rationale of the new personal payments system was never mentioned. The possibility that most of the assessment results of existing car beneficiaries are accurate rather then unfair was never mentioned either. The disabled woman interviewed may well be transferred to a payments regime under the new system – it was implied. She was allowed to say that the payments were ‘of no use’. This was not contested. She was a child protection officer, presumably for a local authority. I would guess that this job commands a salary of at least £25k. At what point does someone have to contribute to the cost of an adapted vehicle rather than be given one ? Not discussed of course! Was she contributing -no mention!What will her new personal mobility payments be? We weren’t told.
The Beeb always present those with genuine needs but never those like my wife’s brother’s father-in-law who turned up one day in his brand new Ford Focus and helped us unload, carry and lay over a hundred large paving slabs. He carried more than me with no effort. And he had just been made redundant with massive pay-off from British Steel on “medical grounds” just as the plant closed. He has enjoyed 15 years of early retirement on very generous terms and with a new car, paid by us, every three years. Never going to be investigated by out world class organisation of course.
And repeat. Well back to the bin bags of food we all throw away apparently. Same old same old. Yes it’s food waste yet again.
BBc breakfast with the same old story.
I have managed to remain largely BBC-free (and especially so with “Today”) since before Christmas. I feel better for it.
I still fail to grasp why anyone should condescend to watch Breakfast tv – it, like most of the advertisements on the commercial channels, is so puerile, patronising, and generally insulting. Do the BBC and advertisers automatically assume that their audiences are either children, or incredibly dim-witted? I suppose the answer to both, must be “yes”.
I am reading Mark Steyn’s “After America: Get ready for Armageddon”, at the moment. What a prescient writer – he could see, back in 2011, what was happening both there and in the Former UK, in terms of Big Government, and the dumbing down of the masses.
Clearly, the BBC are doing their part to promote the decline.
To be honest it is ion (Breakfast) because it has a clock on screen, the local new occasionally warns you about traffic issues. What would I have to to complain about if I didn’t watch it? Finally what other channel enforces payment if we weren’t paying for it I wouldn’t care.
BBC TV News at about 7.15am. The Sofa.
Syrian Charity spokeswoman discuss the ‘plight’ of Syrian refugees. Plenty of lingering shots of babies and families gathered around a brazier. Get the message? Spokeswoman suggests that all prospective refugees be given a visa to allow safe passage here where their asylum case can be considered i.e. granted.
Sad faced sofa woman then announces that a poll of 2,000 listeners conducted by BBC Local Radio found that views were ‘hardening’ against refugees. 31% in September were against more Syrian Refugees. This has now risen to 41%. The young were apparently more receptive but not those over 65.
So, why is the word ‘hardening’ used? It implies a lack of compassion and empathy of course. The Nazis were like this weren’t they, is the implication.
Notice that the poll question uses the word “refugees” not “immigrants” (or even “migrants”). Casters of the sympathy vote will always be more indulgent of “refugees” than of “migrants” since “refugee” implies an urgency and helplessness which is absent from “migrant”. “Migrant”, rightly or wrongly, is now associated with the self-serving parasitism and criminality of many immigrants, not to mention the virtue signalling mixed with hatred of Britain of their lefty enablers.
Notice also the results in respect of London. The indigenous population of London is AFAIAA now a minority and it shows!
The BBC uses loaded phrases constantly to support its left wing/ pro-muslim agenda. Luckily we all still have a vote and a good riposte to the BBC will be to vote ‘leave’ in the EU referendum. All we then need is a government that is serious about getting net migration ‘down to the tens of thousands’. That government is not Cameron’s tory party so use your 2020 vote wisely.
When I go on their HYS I take delight in using the term gimmiegrants or if that gets thrown gimmie grants , the gap confuses them.
Are you sitting down? Good, because 2 stars to the bBBC for the Kids Company fly on the wall last night.
Think my favourite bit was the Caribbean lady, 34 years old, and one can short of a six pack, living in a very plush high rise apartment, all paid for by KidsCo !!! But she made some very nice arty trinkets, so it was all justified!
A close second was the Central London gleaming glass and steel tower block which was the KidsCo HQ. No expense spared. And did I really hear that Camilla’s chauffeur had his kids’ private school fees paid for by the charity? The spin doctor, I mean KidsCo Director of Communications, was certainly well-exercised to devise a suitable form of words on that one.
It was a reminder of the neat idea of giving someone enough rope with which to hang themselves. The profligacy, the delusion, the self-importance, the incompetence, the lack of proper governance, the role of KidsCo as a sort of alternative social security service (but with no validations required), all combined to show how important it was to close it all down.
In microcosm it validated IDS’s welfare to work concept, by showcasing what happens when benefits exceed work earnings – ‘clients’ just became permanently dependent on KidsCo money and assumed the world (i.e. other people) owed them in perpetuity.
Even if the interviewer was a bit wet behind the ears, it made for an enlightening hour.
I saw that program interesting wasn’t it for once. The Caribbean lady who was having her immigration status under review I thought I was out of the room at that point, but wasn’t she not able to claim benefit or work at the time she was initially filmed. The other kid who was going to a £15k a year boarding school who was thinking about going into law but Butman had told her that was boring, cause otherwise she would of like drifted into gangs. There were two highlights for me the spin doctor and Butman thinking of excuses as to why her chauffeur was getting £130,000 a year. apparently he was a manager and did some case work, the rat was out the bag when Butman stated she used a different driver for some events. Top was the reaction when after the trustees had made the decision to wind up the “charity” the Government asked for the balance of the £3 million of Mr. Taxpayers money back . “Fuck off” was the reaction of one present at the meeting. I also enjoyed the film of staff driving around handing out brown envelopes of cash. I assume 99% of the recipients were also claiming state benefits , but with no evidence provided that’s just my assumption.
And still no news as to whether Children in Need gave any money to the Batman, or whether Yentob used his malign influence to get it.
I little gem in yesterdays Mail connecting YENTOB and his many failures – not only with the BATMAN charity (which we all know) but also his tactics (bullying mostly to BBC presenters) and the disclosure that he assured (the late) Terry Wogan that his three night spot on BBC TV ‘was ‘safe’. I read here now that Sir Terry Wogan was not best pleased when YENTOB replaced his (1992) popular TV show with the short lived soap ‘ELDORADO’ series) an almighty flop that cost £12 million to produce. It seems Lord Hall knew of this and never told WOGAN that his show had been pulled. Wogan was the last to know. It’s been called an ‘awkward’ moment. And then no doubt Children In Need (fronted by Wogan) would have been employed by YENTOB to do the BBC public ‘appeals’ for money. Its also interesting that I thought (at the time) that Wogan would be doing this ‘voluntarily’ for charity reasons but it now appears that he was paid a considerable amount of money for fronting it. But then that goes for a lot of Actors and celebrities doing ‘charity work’ is often well paid ‘endorsements’. Who can you trust?
Very reminiscent of Liverpool Council under Degsy Hatton and old Mulhearn was it?
That`s where socialism leads us-ask Lord Kinnock of Bedwetty and Strasbourg Valleys….who, to be fair DID smuggle his family in on the gravy trains of Eurolines to Benny Lux and all places beyond.
Didn`t watch the Barbican Barrage Balloon on Castors herself-but did like the preview as she as hoisted into a reinforced Bentley seeing as she was “due at a funeral APPOINTMENT”?
Eh?…have they made the coffin that could cope with that brilliantine carcass of wonders?
Kool Aid in the Kaftan…drugs and piss man( with no respect to the useless BA Robertson-as crap as Craig Ferguson, as pointless as Bob Geldof).
Or does Camilla squash old people that Dignitas haven`t the drugs for?…may need to find out more
All those useless shills too, from Coldplay to Cameron via Charles, Boris and God knows who else!
Anybody else remember Chris Morris and his “Cake” his ” Nonce Sense” campaigns on Brass Eye?
If only the coming generation could laugh at this-sadly they`re crap snowflakes like Russells Howard and Brand.
That`s what the BBC, the schools, childrens telly and the universities and public sector college trainings have done to them.
Their last “laugh” was the death of Fatch, sick fux that they are.
Their last song of protest was 30 secs of a bit of the Wizard of Oz-the sad fux here can`t even WRITE an original piece of bile to mark the death of the nations granny…they just bought it online-THAT`S how reduced they are…utter squonks!
Still though-Camilla`s a fat fagin who eats all the sausages…who wears her own tents and is a Dulux paint rag…
there-out of my system…yet she`still supperating in ours isn`t she like bilharzia causes a bladder infection and much worse.
Camomile Batman Hellish?…maybe?
I was amazed at how cowed the interviewer was by ‘Camilla’. Very ‘lovey’ with her, first name terms all the time, and with a very quiet voice, never once did she follow up on any question. ‘Camilla’, of course, was therefore able to bat away every single question, with a resounding reply to the effect that “I’m not going to answer your question, but look how caring we are to the children, it’s all about the children, everyone else is an absolute b*stard for standing in my way.” Even at the end of the interview, the Beeboid was so very delicate in expressing her disappointment at what she was hearing about ‘Camilla’ and ‘Alan’, but, by now, ‘Camilla’ had had enough of her, and with a curt phrase, silenced her, her dreams shattered.
But the most telling thing for me was when it was revealed in the programme that ‘Kids Company’ had an annual income of £24 million and a wage bill (i.e. not overheads, or any other business costs for that matter) of £1 million a month. That’s the way the data was couched – i.e. so there was no like-for-like comparison before the programme moved on to other matters.
Any reporter worth his/her salt would have taken a sharp intake of breath at that point and perhaps just delved a teensy bit further….. but no….’Camilla’ was off and running again with that silly little girly laugh of hers, with which she ended every non-answer in the documentary – knowing full well that the beeboid hadn’t laid a glove on her – even when she was openly plotting to defraud the taxpayer of money which she had specifically been given to ONLY cover redundancy costs.
I think this was the very gentlest of handling of someone by whom the BBC is still cowed.
Watched BBC Parliament last night…it was very good. No commentary, no spin, most unusual of all no bias.
The Lords were discussing the immigration bill. Part of the discussion was around the plight of Syrian and Iraqi Christians and Yazidis and the murderous atrocities being committed against them by ISIS/IS. The government refuses to define these events as “genocide” presumably for fear of offending our ROP community.
There was this alarming statement, made by Baroness Cox…..
“Major General Cross quoted the Lebanese Prime Minister, who told David Cameron that he believed that for every 1,000 migrants entering Europe illegally there are at least two extremists—inner-core jihadis—which means that around 16,000 IS fighters have probably entered Europe over the last year or so. While we have been doing this, we have failed to protect those to whom we have a specific duty under international law.”
The Government s policy is to take “our” 20,000 refugees from camps that Christians and Yazidis dare not use as their persecutors continue their hostile acts within the refugee camps.
So in a nutshell, we are failing to protect Christians and Yazidis from Syria and Iraq from genocide whilst importing Jihadis. The government still won`t declare the plight of the Christians and Yazidis as “genocide” which it clearly is, and is being carried out by the “Caliphate”. I can`t recommend strongly enough reading this part of the debate…
Click to access lhan105.pdf
Pages 1888-1900
I liked Alan Johnson’s contribution on the Today programme.
Without realizing it, he admitted that Labour’s social policy relating to the workplace is so unpopular amongst the British electorste that he needs a foreign entity’s “legislation” to help impose it on Britain by the backdoor.
Uber-Quisling of the worst kind
R4 ploughs on with the propaganda today. On the hideous From Our Own Correspondent we were treated to a sermon from the Rev. Emma Jane Kirby on the nobility of ‘asylum seekers’ in Finland with an example of how one, a Nigerian, doesn’t object to shoveling snow in return for his free board. Pretty big of him, if you ask me.
No question about what a Nigerian, or the any other African, is actually doing in Finland appears to trouble her empty head, nor on what possible grounds they might genuinely be claiming asylum.
Clearly, the concept of ‘economic migrant’ is alien to her. As is, one can only assume, the phrase ‘full up’
Noel Edmonds (one suspects) is no longer welcome at BBC towers for his observation that the UK is indeed ‘full up’. All aboard the EU bus to London.
Good day, GC, and a good day (ho ho) for the “No question // trouble // empty head” R4 Newsroom.
BBC R4 8am News carried an item that a transport pressure group were complaining about cuts to Government funding of Local Authorities meant that Local Authorities were cutting funding to rural bus services. Obviously no-one in the Newsroom ever fills a car with fuel or travels by bus & notices the fuel filler cap while queuing, (It must be wonderful to travel everywhere by chauffered car or taxi on expenses.), otherwise they might have asked a few questions, omitted the item and found something newsworthy to fill the space.
1. Fuel costs for bus companies (biggest running cost?, second largest operating cost after salaries?) have fallen by a third in approximately two years.
2. Private bus companies were, I think, only offered subsidies by central & local Government in the mid-1990s when it was realised after the first couple of years of the Fuel Duty Escalator (introduced in 1993) that the FDE plus inflation was pushing bus fares up at an unaffordable rate.
No questions asked in the Newsroom. Journalists not thinking. Editors not thinking. Justin Webb didn’t ask about the reduction in fuel costs when the item was developed in the programme and he had the spokesman on microphone. Presenter not thinking.
What do we THINK of the quality of thought offered by the BBC of today?
Bet there’s some thinking being done there!
A French report I’m guessing that we won’t see on the BBC. Behen Northern France, a shootout after a car tried to run a border control, here’s the cut the vehicle carrying 10 Iraqi and Iranian migrants was an English registered Volvo (LF06 BHP) ‘several injured’
French report, use Google translate.
The role of some of the self-styled ‘anarchists’ as well as the professional people smugglers who are stirring-up trouble on the continent really needs thorough investigation.
Still, as all we have is a feeble government, the BBC and a largely supine press I imagine that will never happen, will it?
The only chance of a car being stopped for smuggling into britain is if they have 800 b&h and a couple of crates of red. Amazing how they can find them but not gimmegrants
Interesting that it was a British Registered VOLVO they used. I wonder where they were all heading? It couldn’t possibly be the UK!
Heading away from Calais and down the coast towards Dieppe, Le Havre, Caen, Cherbourg, St Malo & Roscoff. Take your pick.
Oh for access to the police database to check who the registered owner is, that is assuming its not stolen or more likely ‘between owners’ (but it is taxed and MOT’d) odds on the owner is not named Smith, Jones or Brown….
LF = London registered, not conclusive but more than likely where this vehicle normally resides ?
Obviously Calais and Dunkirk are too hot so they’re going further and further south. As it is if we have to return to Uk in an emergency we plan on going via Santender or Bilbao.. Still not seen any other outlets carrying that report.
Heard some pet disabled shill for the Guardian, the BBC etc-called Annie Pepper-on You and Yours yesterday.
Winnie asked her how she funds her care.
Basically rattling a bucket by every charity, every broadsheet, every liberal cipher channel like the BBC/Channel 4 and writing a couple of notes to the soya milk delivery human resource( no mere milkmen in Islington, sweetie).
And of course Islington Council-but who else.
Yet Annie says she “funds herself”…but of course, you queen of lefty entitlement…just like Hardy, Jupitus, Fry and Steel/Thomas/Toksvig/Calman live by wit, hand and brain…
My point-Annie just can`t the staff poor thing…too many men apply, too many ex care home/NHS oldies who frankly need buses to get to her bijou pad, and write Great Things for her.
She goes to gumtree-funky female bottom wipers worthy of the Great Pepperpot of La Privilegosa!
My point-If I were an old bloke who used to care for a dying wife or in a care home-she`d be my (pureed) meal ticket undere Discrimination Act and Equalities Legislation.
Unless these don`t apply if you`re talking from a wheelchair to the nations therapist, Winifred Robinson.
Fot the life of me…I`d love it…JUST LOVE IT…if a gobshite lefty BBC puff piece became the source of an industrial tribunal-as much as if Jess Phillips outrageous slurs in Birmingham blokes got HER fired-and the BBCs footage got used in both cases to prosecute.
They tried with Nick Griffin-may we could succeed with the likes of Jess Pepperpot.
A little vengeance now is due…I wrote that!
Maybe we need a bit of divide and rule- shall we try to decouple the BBC sofa from lefty privileges boasted of, especially if they lead to hate crimes or discriminatory revelations from the soft sofa shites?
Dare to dream!
Words are cheap-let`s start to make them pay for the loose lips that cost OUR ships!
God, Chris you need a fucking medal, to listen to that shite on a daily basis. I just couldn’t, only listen to LBC, when the right presenters are on.
Just heard Martha Kearney dropping her BBC bite- sized pieces of lightly buttered muffin into the mouth of some EU lunketeer. albeit a polite and renaissance one( Bulgaria today…26 more to go then).
You`ll know the lie taken-“what do you want to tell our useless xenophobic government that the beautiful people did NOT vote for?”…”surely we the Brits can and must do much more-would you like that sir?”..”what do your gypsies thing of not getting Dale farm when they come over here then?”…”don`t you miss dear Uncle Leonid like we do?”…and “we the BBC will do all EU negotiations for you drones out there”-what might Von Rumpoy and Barosso, Mandelson and Kinncock, Clarke and Ming think of Camerons nasty kitten heeled pixies?…sure as hell ,we`ll all be finding out as every man Jill of theirs will be on speed dial and Today until we vote Yes…more EU, more immigration. Trade racists here for rapists there…better news potential, more tears …hence the burqas to cover themselves and wipe a snotty nose into.
I`m sick of Eurocrats trying to combat our native BBC speakers-it`s all restricted codes like “solidarity” communitaire acquis” “subsidiary” and “equality”…and always an unfair battle where the Beeboid gets to frame every agenda and reel in the Europrats to wave in Nigels face.
My idea-let the BBC make its show ponies and gobshites learn Esperanto-and let`s hear replies in the same tongue with an independent translation-it was Commiecrap anyway-and would stop the BBC lying, conniving and slathering their “questions” with all their Europhilic assumptions and tropes.
These Eurocrats have no idea of our nuances-the BBC does-and it`s always a win for the Green Nazis, the coming Volk in waiting.
Esperanto or nothing…why the hell let the BBC skew every bloody chance it gets to load the dice for Ming, for Roy and for Chukka?…
I would settle for Martha inteviewing in French…but the BBC showponies speak only green gravy and pink privilege.