402 Responses to MONDAY OPEN THREAD

  1. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    bBBC ‘news’ is today filling the airwaves speaking up for one of their favourites, Julian Assange. Never mind that he is still wanted in Sweden to answer rape allegations, being anti-American obviously trumps that.
    Recent events are re-calibrating the bBBC’s deck and feminism is heading for relegation. Cologne shows us that Muslim invaders trump raped German women. Assange shows us that anti-Americanism trumps raped Swedish women. Germaine Greer shows us that ‘transgender’ women trump real women.


  2. Thoughtful says:


    This is an article written by an angst ridden leftie without any kind of common sense at all, someone who sees ‘waycism’ in everyone white, but when question why cannot explain in any other way than by insulting the questioner for their obvious stupidity and obvious ‘racism’!

    It’s riddled with lies from start to finish, but as a bit of fun have a go at identifying the lies and having worked with Asylum Seekers, I’ll tell you everything she’s got wrong – and believe me it’s virtually everything !


  3. Thoughtful says:

    BBC hypothetical on Russian invasion: ‘Psychological warfare’


    RT: The BBC is doing it. Isn’t it supposed to be impartial?

    MM: That depends on your point of view. Because some people would say BBC is not biased, other people would say it has an agenda and it is following that agenda. If you look at the BBC news, it reports negatively – as do most channels – on Russia. There’s hardly ever a positive story. I cannot remember. In fact I really don’t watch the BBC news anymore because you don’t really rely on for direct interest-free points of view. I look for other channels to find the news, to read the newspapers, then I make up my own mind.

    The BBC has been described by the Russians as a Propaganda outlet !