Why did the BBC think it was a good idea to devote an entire episode of The Big Questions to the question “Do we need a British Islam”? The location was Bradford and the audience was overwhelmingly Muslim. Did you see it? How about we have an entire programme devoted to the question “Do we need Islam in Britain” and have an overwhelmingly non-muslim audience debate it? Here were just a few screenshots of the multiculti delights on offer yesterday…
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Do we need Islam in Europe? Confine it to Middle Eastern countries, make Saudi take the invaders.
Why not just “Do we need Islam?”
Why do we need a hole in the head?
At least head holes have useful functions – eye sockets, mouth, nasal cavity, ear canals.
Can anybody think of a useful feature of Islam?
Good point.
There is NO such thing as “British Islam”!
Thick liberal effete pigshit that the West picked up from Maos farmyard might think that ought to be ” British Islam”…but while you invite Medhi, Salma or Yasmin on to discuss such unkoranic shite , as the license payer funds the halal snacks for these scumbucks-they themselves will not be averse to what Anjem, Abu etc are saying and doing.
Just a matter of the fast track or slow boat to the same destination…which is why they are all Muslims.
We KNOW it`s called taqqiya or kitman…disingenuous lies to fool the kuffar, the unbelieving cattle in their white vans and kids homes.
Socialism wishes to do the same, which is why it craves the Islamic knife at its own throats as much as ours-so long as Nigel, Geert, Donald, Bibi and Tommy get theirs first…the Left and the BBC will run that risk.
We need not do so though.
There is only the World of Submission and the World of War…one Umma, one uluma and no sell out as Malcolm X said-when a Muslim of course.
Anything other is a lie-taqqiya-so why we pay the BBC to check Muhammads boxers for more fragrant and marketable skidmarks and spunk stains-is a mystery to me.
British Islam ?…f*** off BBC, go and get someone to read you what Mo says about those who would split the one world of Muslim submissions…not all of which are nocturnal.
The BBC, in doing this,only bring our suicides and attacks that bit closer…we need to cut ITS throat before Islam thinks we`re all as cringing and thick as our “national broadcaster”.
The obvious is always missed by the BBC /liberal media. Why no agonising over a British Hinduism/ Buddhism/ Sikhism / Zoroastrianism etc?
Answers to the BBC please and in simple words even they can grasp.
There is no problem with any other belief system . There you are simple.
“There is no problem with any other belief system.”
So the Marxist conspiracy is what? Not a belief system or not a problem?
I was specifically referring to religion. Marxism may be many things but a religion it is not. At least not in the normal common sense definition of the word.
Regarding the matter of a problem. I think we can all agree that marxism is a problem. Not only for a conservative but for those deluded enough to find it an economic and political system that possesses any virtue at all.
Shouldn’t that be ‘Cultural Marxism’ & not Marxism that is a problem? Marxism itself hasn’t really been a problem in this country since the fall of the Berlin wall & I don’t think that it was even much of a problem before that. If you look at the performance by truly Marxist parties such as the Socialist Party, the WRP & the Marxist party (Trots) & the various varieties of CPs in elections they are persistently poor.
After the fall of the Berlin wall, many people who were wholly Marxist saw the disasters created
by Marxist economics in former Communist countries & hence dropped the idea of the social ownership & control of the means of production. However they kept to the remaining ideas of Marxism which consist of cultural reforms such as the destruction of the traditional family, internationalism, women’s & gay rights etc. These people are now therefore called ‘Cultural Marxists’ which is far more insidious & thus they have become far more dangerous. Cultural Marxism can now be embraced by the wealthy & powerful elites without fear that their wealth or privilege is going to be expropriated.
Simon Bates on Radio Devon this morning doing his what the papers say piece….
Daily Telegraph – ‘Trump heads for crucial win in race for White House’. Mr. B – ‘He’s not going to become President so stop panicking, no he’s not. We’ll fix it , Hillary is our secret weapon’.
Daily Express – Leo McKinstry article on how society will break down if we don’t quit the EU. Mr. B – ‘which begs the question if we do quit the EU it will break down as well, so we have no choice, have we?’
Hope you are all now re-assured.
Apologies, meant for Monday Open Thread. My mistake.
How about we have an entire programme devoted to the question “Do we need Islam in Britain”….
Or, to take it as far as many Muslims really want to take it:
Do we need an Islamic Britain?
An Islamic Sweden is almost certainly just a matter of time, so The Big Questions could invite some Swedes who are resisting such a fate to debate the issue. After all, they can speak from genuine personal experience.
“The overwhelming impression one carries away is of the awesome gulf that lies between the Muslim order, where the law is the grim law of punishment and vengeance, and the rational and liberal traditions of the West.
At the same time, however, one is left with the irreverent and lingering suspicion that were it not for Western acknowledgment, and acknowledgement which the younger, semi-Westernized Muslims seem to continually to crave, the present revival of Islam might lose some of its momentum and significance.”
J.B. Kelly (written in 1982)
We Brits kid ourselves we live in a free liberal democratic society (or something close to ..maybe…possibly)…. Throw something as retarded as Islam into a mix with a liberal society and it’s a crude oil and water recipe for disaster..Islam in its current intolerant misogynistic form is incapable of the normal evolutionary process …it exists in a medieval time loop, the evidence is there for anyone with eyes and wit to see. But worse than this is the thinking ( or lack of) behind the ‘enlightened elites’ no plan – no solution open border multi-culti pandemonium that’s been unleashed on Europe….with more to come!….Stupidity or pure evil?……..Order out of Chaos?….
Pure evil.
And next on The Big Question.
Is the EU a good thing?
We discuss with an audience of European Commissioners in Brussels.
It is highly possible that in two generations Britain & Europe will be under Shariah law with Islam in charge. The road there will undoubtedly be bloody, but I fear the muslims will win. It will be like life under the Taliban, a terrifying world where the white population are supressed & perhaps even enslaved. Western culture will be destroyed, all the art in our museums burnt, music of any kind illegal. We will not be free to do what we want, express what we want, dress how we want. Two thousand years that created democracy, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, philanthropy, etc. will be no more, every trace wiped off the earth.
And does the BBC even contemplate this? Of course not. Be very afraid if you are young.
Dunno, I think that might be a bit on the negative side.
I hope you are right TrueToo. Maybe it will take longer, but the aim of Islam is destruction of Western culture & religion. I’m sure it will happen. We are sleepwalking into it.
It is also the aim of Merkel and the Brussels nomenklatura. They despise the majority of European citizens for not being sufficiently “wise” and “noble” to see things in the same caring, inclusive, sharing, kumbayesque way that they do.
All humans are part of one great family, they insist, and they will force ordinary Europeans to bow to this destructive utopian fantasy, whether they want to or not.
My theory is that the EU, being an Internationalist construct (amongst other things), has the ultimate aim of opening its borders to the rest of the world and so thinks that if Europeans can accept Muslims on a huge scale, they can accept anyone from anywhere.
Where it is all going wrong for them is on the simple issue of assimilation – Muslims don’t want to be ‘Good Europeans’ as Western culture is at odds with Islam, and their religion is the number 1 priority in their lives by a country mile. People are at last beginning to wake up to this, and don’t like what they see.
It seems to me that Islam is overplaying its hand and moving too fast in its obsessive drive to dominate and subjugate the entire planet. No doubt it rejoiced at Merkel’s insane invitation to Islam to invade Germany, streamed into the country as fast as possible and made its foul intentions known by the public use of the penis not only to humiliate German women but to declare war on German society.
The dhimmi Western media and politicians tried to keep Cologne quiet and when that proved impossible, thanks largely to social media, they tried to misrepresent the atrocity and divert attention from it. Now resistance to Islam and its dhimmi enablers is growing and all across Europe and the wider Western world people are becoming aware of the dire threat posed by the Religion of Peace. That gives me hope.
The video made by the German teenager to express her outrage at the invaders and the weak government response has been viewed 285 000 times and attracted 6000 comments in just 12 days:
Bloody hell CranbrookPhil that is a truly frightening vision, and one I’m sure many people can imagine. Though I too fear the worst, I will not have my grandchildren memorising the koran just yet.
Remember the destruction in Palmyra ? And then think of all our lovely cathedrals and churches here.
I’m in my early 50’s and I’m afraid.
One way or another things are going to come to a head. The only possible way we’ll avoid all out war is if we bring things to a head ourselves on our terms, and there is absolutely no sign we are going to do that. The only way to stop the Muslim demographic timebomb from ticking till it explodes is if we stop Muslim immigration and strip Muslim Subjects of their political rights unless they sign a covenant of peace to renounce jihad. As it is, things will come to a head on Islam’s terms. We’ll have civil war between a correctnick/Muslim axis and the far right, then they’ll both bury their differences to go after Christians and Jews together.
Islam good? Is very good when slow cooked in a low oven.
Apart from that, what did al-Beeb hope to achieve by asking a bunch of adherents to this primitive religion? They are fast becoming a parody of themselves with the only true believers in their message being those who work in the ivory towers, and adherents to that peculiar Islington cult called Corbynism!
A few years back we took a camping tour up through Europe. Lovely. We got as far as Denmark. My great regret is we did not continue on to Sweden as we were tempted to do, as there is little that would get me to that benighted country now.
In fact we have put plans for Europe on hold, especially via the Channel ports.
I feel the same for Germany, Italy and France.
Though we have made several motoring holidays in the above countries, we were planning to do the same this summer.
Not anymore. It will break our hearts to see Muslims crowding around the cathedrals in these countries , pestering one to buy awful trinkets, and blots on the landscape. It hurts me to see burqas confidently wandering around cathedrals as if they owned the place, and would soon have to ask permission to enter a cathedral.
Never in history has a whole group of nations been ruled over by an ignorant and stunningly stupid bunch of politicians.
We have to leave the EU. Hopefully, it will launch the beginning of the end.
Looking at that audience it would have been very surprising if anyone had spoken up and said ‘No we don’t’.
For once an interesting programme on the BBC News Channel. Stephen Sackur interviewing a Saudi minister.
Sackur is streets ahead of the rest of those we see or hear on the BBC.
However what came across so very clearly( I hope that those still deluded liberals were watching) was the polite but very form insistence from the Saudi general that Islam and the sharia were fundamental to Saudi law and society. That there is only one Islam and one sharia and that is that.
That leaves me to conclude that the only difference between Saudi thinking and Isis thinking is that the former does not espouse jihadism openly as state doctrine. Apart from this there is nothing to divide the two .
It is next to impossible to get this through to our liberals and our rulers. I have tried and got nowhere with my useless MP.
They simply cannot take it in. None of them can but it is refreshing to hear the reality for once even if , as I suspect, it was something unintended by the BBC.
No, it’s not impossible. They can see for themselves what the threat facing the West is but they duck it. The remedy is so draconian that you would have to face Churchill like isolation in many years of wilderness. We have no politicians in his mould willing to face that. They’ll continue to lie and delude themselves about what is staring us in the face. The evil of Islam is as blatant as the evil of Nazism was.
This is what a Question Time commentator i think described as the continuum of islam .
If i recall correctly it was during a discussion about moderate islam………….the Saudi gentleman appears to have debunked that myth with even more authority.
There is only 1 islam under sharia…………….therefore, by inference, does it belongs in Saudi Arabia.