‘Our grandfathers smashed fascism – outlawed it, executed its leaders, suppressed its ideas – because they knew how seductive that stiff-armed salute can be to idiots with a grievance, once all the illusions start to burn.’ Paul Mason
There is a war being fought and it’s not just with guns, bullets and bombs. The Media, far from being prejudiced against Muslims, is the weapon of choice for those who seek to make Islam the dominant religion and political force in Britain, and the BBC is at the forefront of the charge. And, this is the important thing to note, those who are ‘fighting’ this media war are not the obvious ‘radicals’ like Anjem Choudray, they come dressed in western suits and talk of reform and tolerance but always blame Muslim ‘anger’ on British society, on that phantom menace ‘Islamophobia’. Of course what is even more frightening is that these men have not just managed to position themselves as authorities on questions of Islam, its place in Western Society and ‘radicalisation’, as Media spokesmen of choice but have also inveigled their way into the heart of Government advising it on matters of religion and radicalisation. Biased BBC
For a long time this site has noted the BBC’s readiness to uncriticially give airtime to those who would like to neuter the anti-terrorist Prevent programme….’those’ being Islamists of many shades and their fellow travellers on the Left…. we illustrated a perfect example of the BBC’s pro-extremist stance just the other day. But, unfortunately it’s a story that has been brewing for a long time…
Nearly a year ago we said that....
‘The BBC has leapt upon the words of ex-chief Superintendent Dal Babu as he tries to discredit the ‘Prevent’ programme….and there is remarkably little comment on the BBC from people who would say otherwise. Discrediting the ‘Prevent’programme is the Holy Grail for Islamic extremists, amongst others, and Babu’s words align neatly with their own rhetoric about the programme and do great damage as they give authority and credibility to those extremists.’
Baroness Warsi, the woman who wanted to disarm Israel and arm Hamas, who constantly supports Islamist student societies, who spends so much of her time undermining Prevent, always gets a warm welcome at the BBC…
‘Here is a classic example of the BBC ‘looking the other way’ as it is fed a line by the Islamist Baroness Warsi on the Today programme yesterday(from 08:10) who declares that the solution to radicalisation is to let extremist groups, those defined by government as ‘beyond the pale’, put their agendas in place….by not talking to them the government is not talking to the Muslim community….the government has ‘disengaged’ with the Muslim community….The BBC completely ignored the implications of what she was saying….that the extremists and their views should become ‘acceptable’ and even more worrying that these organisations are in fact representative of the Muslim community as a whole….in other words they are not ‘extremists’ or people who pervert the religion, and far from being ‘outside’ the community they are the voice of it.’
The way to counter radicalism is to let the radicals have their way…yep…that’d work and Warsi always gets a free pass at the BBC, allowed to spread her toxic narrative without challenge.
The BBC continues to this day to work alongside the Islamists to attack the Prevent programme as it naively, or not so naively, reports stories fed to them by people who are well known Islamist activists..
Here’s something from a recent post we did…
Did the BBC get the story wrong because it had been fed to them by the extremist MCB which has, along with other extremist groups, worked insidiously to neutralise the Prevent programme?….what better way than to feed news organisations sensationalised stories of Muslims ‘under attack’. They know full well the BBC will lap them up….and it worked. Now why would a Muslim organisation want to nobble a programme designed to prevent Muslim terrorism?
The BBC used that story fed to them by the extremists to run another story attacking Prevent…a story they rapidly had to withdraw when the police complained it was based upon lies….
The BBC fell for this narrative by the MCB hook, line and sinker…here’s a report they hurried out in the wake of this story…
‘Terrorist house’ case raises doubts over Prevent strategy
Interesting….try the link to that story and you get this…
404 – Page not found
The BBC are backpeddling furiously on this…..they have been caught out by Muslim propagandists….the reason for that is because they are so willing for such stories to be true. As I have said a few times here the BBC’s uncritical cheerleading of Muslim extremists, like Moazzam Begg, is a deadly game that almost certainly will have serious consequences.
Back in December we had the fake fury of the family denied entry to the US which the BBC reported endlessly as an example of anti-Muslim prejudice…we noted that…
Have to think this is an organised attempt to generate as much media and political pressure as possible to portray Muslims as victims of unwarranted discrimination with the intent that they are then given a special status as untouchables as we know the likes of the BBC and Guardian will happily fill the airwaves and pages of their websites with stories of ‘victimisation’ but offering no context or other side to the stories.
The BBC failed to report the real reason the family were prevented from flying to the US…..Islamic State of Mind
We have frequently noted Mehdi Hasan’s attempts to present himself as a suit wearing, secular democrat with progressive, liberal views when he is performing in public, such as on the BBC, when we know that in private he is a hard core Muslim believer with a great deal of contempt for the unbeliever. It is Hasan who urged Muslims to become journalists in order to push the Islamist line….indeed the BBC’s own Mishal Husain said she was glad to have the job on Today because it allowed her to increase our ‘understanding’ of Islam and what a wonderful religion it is.
This Sunday we had the ‘Big Question’ asking if we should have a ‘British Islam’. This shows a clear failure to understand Islam…there is only one Islam…Islam was ‘revealed’ precisely because Christians and Jews, we are told, didn’t follow their scriptures word for word and then split their religion into many sects….Islam was the cure for that…one religion, one faith, one God. Not to undertsand that basic principle shows either a massive lack of knowledge about Islam or a deliberate attempt to mislead those watching the BBC’s programmes.
What should also raise questions and concerns is why the BBC continues to have MPACUK on as a spokesman for Muslims when it is a well known hardline Islamist group that advocated Jihad…
The Obligation of Jihad
“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95
A high rank, forgiveness and mercy are gifted from our beloved for those who are the Mujahideen. Those that struggle and strive to protect the religion, that protect the honour of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that protect our brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity are gifted with these amazing favours!
….for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”
The page has vanished from their site since we started highlighting it…but who can doubt the sentiments are still there and being disseminated by other means? Why does the BBC knowingly give airtime to such people?
Last week Nicky Campbell was proselytising for the veil to be worn in schools and other places and brought in someone from the NUT to talk about this…..he did not ask the NUT about this from Andrew Gilligan published just days earlier…
NUT leaders ‘colluding to undermine anti-terror policies’
Leaders and activists of Britain’s biggest teachers’ union are colluding with Islamic extremists to undermine policies aimed at preventing terror attacks.
Quite extraordinary that a ‘journalist’ like Campbell should not jump at the chance of tackling that issue when he had the chance, especially when the subject they were talking about directly connected with what Gilligan revealed and as……
“They [Islamist groups] are winding up vulnerable young people with lies in an extremely dangerous way,”
Might have thought the NUT would have their own concerns about that…but no, instead they side with the extremists and the BBC looks away.
Gilligan has now directly noted the BBC’s own predilection for itself siding with the Islamist narrative…
Muslim extremists’ ‘campaign of lies’ to undermine the government’s fight against terror
An organised campaign to undermine Britain’s fight against terrorism can be revealed today.
Islamist activists linked to Cage, a group known to sympathise with terrorists, are using coordinated leaks to mainstream news organisations, including the BBC, to spread fear and confusion in Muslim communities about the Government’s anti-terror policy, Prevent.
The BBC has long been tied to the Islamist cause…Moazzam Begg being their poster child…as they ‘Dance with the Devil’…
The BBC has a long history of pandering to Islamist extremists and presenting them to an unsuspecting audience as credible, authoritative and moderate Muslims whose words and beliefs are given all the more weight by the unquestioning platform afforded them by the BBC to push their ideology.
Recently we had Nicky Campbell allowing someone from CageUK to promote his Islamist cause which we looked at here…Jihadi Jock.
It’s not as if CageUK, or Cageprisoners as it used to be, is not unknown for its views….Statement by Gita Sahgal on Amnesty International and Cageprisoners
‘The tragedy here is that the necessary defence of the torture standard has been inexcusably allied to the political legitimization of individuals and organisations belonging to the Islamic Right.’
Note that line ‘the political legitimization of individuals and organisations belonging to the Islamic Right. ‘
That is what the BBC does, deliberately and knowingly…it is impossible for the BBC, a news organisation with huge resources, to claim it does not know the nature of the organisations and individuals it engages with in debate on its programmes.
Indeed…impossible for a news organisation with the BBC’s resources to not know who and what they are promoting. Therefore the conclusion is that the BBC are wilfully giving support to known Islamists and their cause.
The BBC peddling such myths merely adds to the credibility of the Jihadi narrative and gives more ammunition to the Muslim grievance industry.
The BBC has a long history of serving that Islamist narrative and looking away from inconvenient and difficult facts about such groups….
BBC Plugs Jihadi Charities
The BBC is providing the perfect background noise for the Islamists to keep the evergrowing stream of new recruits flowing.
Time for the security services to have a little chat with Lord Hall Hall.
What amazes me is that the people in the BBC, those who are trying so hard to convince us that Islam is the only way, think that their appeasing of Muslims will keep them safe if the worst happens. Can they not see that they will be first to be hanged from cranes or to ind their heads on spikes?
“Can they not see that they will be first to be hanged from cranes or to ind their heads on spikes?”
The bloody Muzzies can get to the back of the queue.
The users of this site have priority.
Plus means, millions of motives and opportunities, can’t wait.
Indeed BritGirl your summary is against the present 100% on. What is perhaps not fully understood or appreciated is the the Muslim Brotherhood, who have been an active force behind the development of Islam in the west, since well before WW2, are a revivalist organization founded by Hassan al-Banna, which has included such individuals as the al-Qaida ideologue Sayyid Qutb and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the supposed current leader of the Islamic State. Abul Ala Maududi, founder of Pakistan’s Jamaat-e-Islami (Party of Islam), was also one of the most influential Islamic ideologues of the twentieth century. Our government has now declared that “aspects of Muslim Brotherhood ideology and tactics, in this country and overseas, are contrary to our values and have been contrary to our national interests and our national security”. No really! The MB was set up to bring about the Islamisation of Muslim societies and their eventual political unification in a Caliphate under sharia law. Unbelieveable that two of the most prominent MB offshoots in Britain, the ‘Muslim Association of Britain’ and the ‘Muslim Council of Britain’, have consistently opposed programmes by successive Governments to prevent terrorism. This organisations has access to billion of dollars, which a part most likely finds its way to support extremist regimes such as Daesh. For certain this barbaric group will not be defeated by bombing campaigns from the west, it has 1.6 billion Muslim members to recruit from.
When I was a young man in the 80s I really was not bothered about journalistic standards as I considered it a “soft” job and as long as there was a choice of newspapers and journalistic viewpoints to choose from all was well.
Living in London I bought my kids up as colour blind as possible. Whilst I was aware of some over the top pro black media positive imaging in the press I considered this understandable as we all lived in this wonderful multicultural wonderland.
Something seems to have changed recently, whilst we still seem to have lots of over the top ethnic positivity. The main thrust of the media and in particular our National Treasure of a Broadcaster. Seems to be directly pushing the Islam viewpoint at the expense of everything else.
My kids (without the benefit of hindsight) seem to regard people like me as old reactionary ranters standing in the way of real social progress. However I fear so much for their future.
I can now see the folly of ignoring the media and its very clever and disengenuous tactics such as combatting complex arguments with slogans and insults and thus shutting down serious debates about serious issues. Unfortunately most of our main politicians seem to buy into this and lack the strength of character to stand against (with one very notable exception).
The BBC is like a blocked toilet at the moment stifling the clear flow of any serious debate about these issues. Definately time to reach for the drain rods and lever away all this overeducated excrement before the bathroom gets covered in shit – I just hope its not too late.
The BBC, at heart, is the broadcaster of the British state. The British “deep state” has a long history of appeasing Islamic interests back to the days of the Empire, the Crimean war (when it sided with Turkey against Russia) and the notorious Arabism of the old Foreign Office.
Now it is seeking a share of Saudi and Qatari and other Arabian sovereign wealth it seems that to maintain its relations with these states and get some of their “investment”, a price has to be paid.
The price for this appears to be the development of a friendly, tolerant acceptance of Islam and all its works. The BBC simply is its masters voice, the left, internationalist useful idiots. Follow the money.
The Saudis and Qataris are acting in the interests of the wider umma and their own interest as they use the growing influence of the global umma as a hedge for when the oil runs out. The British state is appeasing this process along with the EU and, to some extent the current US government. We, the people, are being sold, along with large tranches of our homelands.
A parallel process is running with regard Chinese Communist party money. Hence the leftist tone of much of our public conversation.
A flaw in this is working out where the obsessing over minority sexual behaviours and phenomena fits in…..a distraction perhaps? An illusion of liberalism to mask the cozying up to totalitarians?
Dar al-Islam
Dar al-Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلام literally house/abode of Islam; or Dar as-Salam, house/abode of Peace; or Dar al-Tawhid, house/abode of monotheism) is a term used by Muslim scholars to refer to those countries where Muslims can practice their religion as the ruling sect and where certain religions, (Judaism, Christianity, and Sabianism) are to be tolerated. It is the area of the world under the rule of Islam, literally, “the home of Islam.” These are usually Islamic cultures wherein Muslims represent the majority of the population, and so the government promises them a privileged status. Most Dar al-Islam areas are surrounded by other Islamic societies to ensure public protection.
Some modern Muslim scholars believe that the labeling of a country or place as being a part of Dar al-Islam revolves around the question of religious security. This means that if a Muslim practices Islam freely in his place of abode, even though that place happens to be secular or un-Islamic, then he will be considered as living in the Dar al-Islam. Yet, the majority opinion, which relies on tradition, claims that only countries ruled by Sharia can be considered true “abodes of peace.”
Dar al-Islam, or house/abode of Submission, is also known and referred to as Dar al-Salam, or house/abode of Peace. The term appears in the Quran in 10.25 and 6.127 as a name of Paradise.
According to Abu Hanifa, considered to be the originator of the concept, the requirements for a country to be part of Dar al-Islam are:
1.Muslims must be able to enjoy peace and security with and within this country.
2.The country should be ruled by a Muslim government
3.It has common frontiers with some Muslim countries.
Dar al-Harab
Dar al-Harab (Arabic: دار الحرب “house of war”; also referred to as Dar al-Garb “house of the West” in later Ottoman sources; a person from “Dar al-Harab” is a “harabi” (Arabic:حربي). Dar al-Harab is a term classically referring to those countries where the Muslim law is not in force, in the matter of worship and the protection of the faithful and dhimmis. It is unclean by definition, and will not become clean until annexed to the House of Peace. Its denizens are either to be converted, killed or, if people of the book, tolerated as long as they pay the jizya.
Dar al Kufr
This is the Realm of the Infidel, and the realm to which jihadists seek to bring about the control, influence of, over-powering of, by the power (enforcement) of Islamic law (sharia).
Excellent description.
Here’s the simplified version:
Convert ’em, Cash ’em, or Cull ’em.
It’s Still the Demography, Stupid
Islam, quite rightly, sees Christianity as its main enemy. Their logic is that Christianity is the foundation of Western civilisation. If Muslims can replace Christianity with Islam, as the main religion in Britain, victory will be in sight, not just in Britain but the Western world.
In this objective they have the BBC as their global ally. It is quite disgusting to see the delight of BBC wallahs whenever there is a poll that shows that Anglican numbers are going down, while Muslim numbers are going up.
No… first the Saturday people THEN the Sunday people.
Pentecostal numbers are strong, especially in the black communities. They are no friends of Islam, and at street level they probably are more aware of the threats than liiberal or blind whiteys.
If and when we leave the European Union, there won’t be a need for the present BBC
When they finally conquer the West they will return to invading India, which they have often tried before with varying success. At the moment all-out war with India is unthinkable as they are not strong enough yet, but once they have the know-how and resources of the West under their command it will be inevitable and successful. The Chinese and Russians will then have to have a mutual assistance pact in case of invasion.
For all the despair in the comments here, there is one saviour for the West and Christianity – namely Eastern Europe. Hungary, especially, Poland, the Czech republic et al, not to mention Putin’s Russia, are not enamoured with islam. Which would account for why Turkey , under the arch muslim Erdogan, is trying to pick a fight with Russia – Turkey being a NATO member, which would drag in………
I think the West is aware of Turkey’s machinations.
We have a tool to make Turkey leave NATO – insist that Turkey leaves the territory it has occupied in Cyprus. Bring Security council resolutions against it, and if they are not obeyed, throw Turkey out of NATO. That will leave Turkey facing Russia on its own. OTH, if they do vacate Cyprus, they will have no credibility as a possible leader of the caliphate, as they would have left a territory that had been brought under Islamic control.
Makes me think that siding more with Russia will be our only hope. Certainly could be better than the ‘help’ the USA has been offering us recently.