The ‘No drama’ Obama



How times change…except for the weak and useless EU.

Curious how the BBC treated Obama’s attack on Cameron over Libya…..the BBC seemed to be reluctant to go along with the attack, underplayed it and justified Cameron’s position.

This might raise a few eyebrows as the BBC normally blames the Libyan ‘adventure’ as one of the reasons for helping to radicalise Muslims, the rise of ISIS and the immigration crisis, putting the boot well into Cameron.  But not this time.

Could it be that Cameron and his reputation must be protected, at least temporarily, until the EU referendum is over and the gloves can then come off again?

Ed Stourton gave Obama short shrift on The World at One, Cameron getting the benefit of the doubt…as he should really…Libya was a UN sanctioned operation to stop a massacre…and the civil war had already broken out before any outsiders intervened.  Cameron and Co could only help Libya back onto its feet if there was an organised and effective government in place, and this didn’t happen…and without boots on the ground Cameron and Co couldn’t make that  happen…and boots on the ground were not on the agenda and never were…Obama himself strongly opposing such measures when in fact it is the only way to bring peace and stability….and now ISIS have a foothold because of dithering by Obama who holds the real keys to the kingdom….massive military force that the UK and France just don’t have.

As for post-conflict planning…that was down to the UN.…which includes the US no?…..

The Secretary-General’s special adviser for post conflict planning in Libya, Ian Martin, arrived in the Libya capital, Tripoli, on Saturday and began discussions with representatives of the country’s interim authorities on the form of assistance the transitional body will require.

Mr. Martin’s mission to Tripoli for talks with the National Transitional Council (NTC) follows the International Conference in Support of the New Libya in Paris on Thursday when Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pledged the United Nations continued assistance to Libya tackle its humanitarian challenges and build a democratic and stable nation.

Who was responsible for the war?…

Mr. Ban told the gathering in Paris that the immediate challenge is on the humanitarian front, with some 860,000 people having left the country since February, when opposition forces rose up against the regime of Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi as part of a wider pro-democracy movement across North Africa and the Middle East.

Not Cameron or Hollande then?  So why are they responsible for reconstruction?


What exactly did Obama do to stabilise Libya?  Nothing…he says he left it to the Europeans….in other words he ducked the issue and refused to take any responsibility….however he does want to interfere in the EU referendum……curious that the Libyans think he is the one responsible for their plight…

Eman — 27-year-old activist, Libya

To Obama: First, I want to say that Libya will always be a friend to America. We will always thank President Obama for liberating us from Gadhafi’s murderous regime. It is also with great despair that our people watched the cruel murder of your martyr Ambassador [Christopher] Stevens.

We too hoped for a “new beginning” with America, just like in President Obama said in his speech. Now, we just pray that your people will not see Libya as a problem, a place of war or oil. We need you to see Libya, especially our young Libyans, as potential partners. We need America’s hope now more than ever, and we know that when we save Libya, we will repay America and be an equal, a partner for America in all of the Muslim world.

Here an Iraqi says America made mistakes in Iraq but that America must help too defend it, and its democracy, now…..the Iraq that Obama abandoned and withdrew the troops from that would have kept ISIS at bay….

Ali — 19-year-old soldier in Iraqi military, Iraq

To Obama: America made many mistakes in Iraq. It is difficult for us to forget these mistakes or to forgive them. But now we face a bigger threat that we share with IS. We hope that the U.S. will give more support to the Iraqi military to defend our country from terrorists.

My family and friends still believe in the Iraq that the U.S. claims it was trying to help create. We want a democracy, and we want to live without fear of car bombs and terrorists. We need America to keep its promises to make that dream happen for Iraq.


Only Obama had the muscle and money to tackle Libya, and Syria, but he lacked the essential will and now the world pays a heavy price….The Europe Obama seems to love so much he wants the UK to stay in its clutches he allows to be destabilised by massive immigration from Syria…caused, or rather allowed to be caused, by his refusal to act in the main.

Putin has in the main fled Syria after his ‘gunboat diplomacy’ showboating, and the Islamists are gleefully claiming they defeated him.  Obama is left looking a weak and vascillating President…but with Putin withdrawing he now has the chance to really effect change by putting boots on the ground, the only way to deal with Syria, ISIS and Libya and stem the flow of migrants which will have a far more damaging  effect on Europe than any possible damage Brexit could be claimed to do.  Assad has absolutely no reason to stop fighting and negotiate unless his airforce is neutralised and his armour penned in and no fly zones and safe zones for refugees set up….only Obama can do that.

The worst refugee crisis since the second world war…then perhaps it should be treated like a war and the army mobilised…and conscript all those vigorous and fighting fit ‘refugees’ to fight for their own country…..then let’s see how many want to come to Europe….might find they suddenly don’t want to come here.   Why should they benefit from the peace, stability and prosperity that millions of Europeans died for when they aren’t prepared to do the same for their own country and instead look for handouts from Europe?  Remember the Free French, the Poles, the Czechs the Hungrians and so on who fled to Britain and joined the army to fight Hitler?  Why are we not conscripting a ‘Free Arab’ army to liberate and stabilise North Africa and Syria?

And on a related note….funny how we get ‘refugees’ from Afghanistan and Iraq…and yet Northern Afghanistan is perfectly safe and many Iraqis head back to Iraq once they realise life isn’t wonderful in Europe….so just why are they classed as ‘refugees’…refugees from what if they can have a safe place in their own country?

I await the BBC asking such questions.








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2 Responses to The ‘No drama’ Obama

  1. chrisH says:

    Well its been 24 hours now.
    And the BBC have-as yet-refused to give us the latest update on how Obamas weight is going.
    They told me with girlish glee that he had lost-I repeat-LOST-some weight whilst carrying his weary burden of black greatness.
    But -as I go to press-that has yet to be confirmed.
    Come On Beeb…no point you giving us the intimacies of a trusted friend one day-then going all eggy on him only a day later.
    Dish bitch!
    Reckon he`ll come to Britain in a Slimcea balloon….hopefully one NOT being steered by Richard Branson!
    No Easter Eids for Bawak please-that slim Jim two piece pant suit MUST be the mutts nuts when he swishes down the petal strewn rainbow carpet some time soon.
    Colonic interrogation to follow-how else do the BBC get to know of Obamas wondrous physique…oh , how we miss Tony eh girls?


    • Tothepoint says:

      Another superb post ChrisH!

      “They told me with girlish glee that he had lost-I repeat-LOST-some weight whilst carrying his weary burden of black greatness”
