Muslim terrorists strike again and for the BBC what is the real concern? The victims….not the ones killed and injured, not their relatives, but those who bombed Belgium, those who provided the narrative that encouraged and incited those bombers.
Nicky Campbell was straight off the mark with talk of a ‘disaffected’ community in Molenbeek and then we had the EU politicians who came onto the programme to tell us how wonderfully multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Brussels is and how everyone gets on so well…it is important of course not to point fingers of blame at any one community, ethnicity, religion or race…note no mention of Islam in the many comments.
Then we had Afzal Ashraf from the RUSI on the Adrian Chiles show who told us that it would all be OK in the end as ISIS would eventually fizzle out just as Communism and Fascism did…no mention it took a world war to get rid of Hitler, and Communism was faced down by a massive NATO military force and nucear weapons. ISIS will just fade away as potential recruits realise that they will not succeed. Well it’s been 1400 years so far and counting.
ISIS, he tells us, is not about ideology, it’s all about land, territory, but then again he told us Communism was all about ideology…tell that to the Hungarians etc etc. The Iron Curtain was not just a metaphor.
Ashraf did say one thing of note….the only way to defeat ISIS is for the world to unite against them and commit land forces….who’d have thought?
Then he did the usual thing and told us ISIS was absolutely not the way of Allah and that there is no basis in history religion for their actions…except of course the example, he might have mentioned, of the Prophet himself. Apparently ISIS is a ‘very modern phenomenon’ with no ideology other than to capture territory….to do what with? Who knows…maybe set up an ‘Islamic State’?
We then heard that UKIP had linked the attacks in Brussels and the freedom of movement of the terrorists coming as they did from Syria to the Schengen agreement and the lack of border controls. The BBC played a clip of Cameron saying this is not the time to be talking of such things…before he then went on to say he was locking down all the airports and sea ports and transport networks…so presumably open borders isn’t such a good idea unless you are grandstanding and playing politics by denying you are playing politics.
Adrian Chiles then came on to say he was wondering which would be the first party to exploit the attack and mention the EU referendum….not that I heard UKIP mention the referendum just Schengen….no criticism of Cameron’s playing up for the cameras and public perception.
On Newsnight we had Evan Davis say this wasn’t the time for asking what went wrong…he then proceeded to ask precisely that question as he mentioned a ‘pretty catastrophic failure of intelligence’, that we must protect soft targets and start profiling passengers.
Of course the real problem is those ‘disaffected’ Muslim youths with no jobs, no education and no prospects…it’s all the Belgium government’s fault.
Muslims in Molenbeek are the victims twice over, a school teacher is missing and they are subject to police checks, searches and racism…..however the reason so many get radicalised is because the were no controls on the recruiters in previous years…presumably no police checks, searches and ‘racism’. If only the government had acted….all those unemployed, disaffected, marginalised and frustrated youths would be usefully employed and valuable members of society….or maybe, if mass immigration from North Africa hadn’t been allowed we wouldn’t have so many people who are not suitable for the job market and who profess an ideology so radically different to everything European.
Anyway,’s all our fault in the West and there is no other rhyme or reason to it, it’s all a mystery as to why only Muslims are so radicalised….and they are the real victims here…as with 7/7 and all the rest.
Good old BBC, pro the terrorist, anti UKIP.
“Disaffected community “. Well, Dame Nicky, I am disaffected with the UK, but you don’t give a flying F about me . Why is that ?
I have seen the events, the news coverage of those events, and the notion – it is a weird idea, of the “disaffected”. I was disaffected, and I flew away. I have visited England once in five years. I am definitely disaffected, almost to the point where I cannot go back and lead a normal life. I am white, in early middle age. And I chose to go somewhere, not English-speaking, because I could never live in a country which was a drop down from England, in a global English-speaking world. I moved to Japan. The money is not what I had in London, but the people are good, and the sun shines. Soon, I hope to ride a British motorcycle. Today, Queen Elizabeth left my local docks. I was bowled over. Yes the ship is made in Italy; US-owned. But the British idea, no pun, goes deep in Japan. So how did I get let down in England? Why am I seeing a huge ostensibly British ship in Japan, today, made in Italy? Frankfurt School? I keep reading about the biased angles. Relished, and my blood boils. Not a rhetorical question. Why is Auntie doing this, with Islam? Do they see this new movement, genuinely, as good for British souls? Or are they patronising people they deem inferior, because they are of a darker skin? Or do they see the Islam males as simply decent, with no religious/political importance?
Farage linking the attack to being in the the EU is clearly bollocks. The terrorists are already here and home grown.
And all the terrorists living in the EU having the right to come to the UK doesn’t bother you then LDV?
The same way that we have home grown terrorists also applies to France, Belgium and the rest of the EU.
Because they are now EU citizens they can pop over here whenever they want and do what they do.
Farage is spot on.
Can’t you see that?
A handful of jihadists wreaked havoc in Paris and Brussels.
Now scale it up …

The terrorists are here – but not necessarily the ISIS ones ! The EU which is apparently headed by one woman in Germany who can decide policy on her own without consultation with anyone, no one outside of Germany is allowed to vote for her, yet everyone in the EU is expected to share in the consequences of her insanity.
On top of that we have a direct border free route from the Balkans, which is still awash with weaponry after their civil war, and those weapons have even found their way into the UK despite the fact we are not signatory to the Schengen agreement.
Dale Cregan who murdered two unarmed women PCs obtained powerful weapons and even hand grenades, which he freely used via this route.
If scummy cowards like this are able to get hold of weapons, then how much easier will it be for organised militia to traffic them for the purposes of Jihad ?
Totally agree with you about Angela Merkel. Absolutely no democracy involved in her unilateral decision to make an open-ended invitation for an infinite number of genuine refugees plus every chancer and criminal hiding on their coat tails to enter Europe. And still they pour in, unregistered and unchecked. Europe will be destabilised by this, just as ISIS intended.
We are in a new kind of war. This is a generational struggle in which we haven’t even worked out who the enemy is never mind how to beat him. Some of the weapons are familiar like the terrorist bombs, but their most potent weapons are insidious. Their manipulation of our left liberal elite to effectively support them and of course the deployment of Muslim women as baby factories.
We can win if we use our greatest weapon: freedom. We could start by rousing half a billion Muslim women to throw off their yoke. To do that though we need liberals like those at the BBC to show us that they really believe in things like women’s and homosexual rights. We need the BBC to expose the supremacist nature of Islam again and again and again, till everybody make the connection Muslim = Nazi. Then we’ll win.
If you read the Koran and the hadith you quickly realise how ridiculous it all is. The BBC and our liberal elite killed off the Anglican Church with mockery. Now let’s see them turn this on Islam. That is of course if they really believe in all that human rights stuff they’ve been babbling on about all these years.
I totally agree with you on how the BBC mock the Anglican Church. They did this daily just before same sex marriage act came into place allowing unmoderated HYS negative comments about Christianity whilst heavily moderated comments if you posted that you are against same sex marriage.
The BBC is disportionality made up of gay young people so they hate the Anglican Church. Because they are young and still have the Univeristy student “save the whale, save the planet, be gay and proud and embrace all the people of the world” attitudes they are in an internal conflict where they think criticising a certain religion, followed by mostly darker skinned people, is racist. Even if that religion is even more anti gay than the Anglican Church.
To put it bluntly the logic of the BBC staff thinking is f’ing stupid.
Makes you wonder how they would see the Islamic world if they were forced to spend time there and watch the execution of people, not just for being gay, but also for being suspected of it too !
Maybe when reality bites they might just see that they have been sold a pack of lies !
“for the BBC what is the real concern? The victims….not the ones killed and injured, not their relatives, but those who bombed Belgium”
Alan, this may be explained by a comment from a policeman in the UK, on R4 TODAY programme, just before or just after 8.30am who said that there had already been some reprisal attacks, I assume in the UK and I assume on Muslims although he didn’t specify. Can only take his word for it. I have no personal knowledge.
Rather more worryingly, there was a lack of journalistic inquisitiveness on the part of the BBC presenter.
BBC and its relationship with listeners and viewers: keep in the dark, keep in ignorance and … “oh, we still do the circuses”. Inform, Educate, Entertain … one out of three … not good.
Sky’s reaction is the same; bring on a few muslims and ask them to confirm that they are concerned there might be a backlash against the so called muslim community. It’s so predictable and of course implicitly it’s our fault for not being nicer to muslims. Donald Trump has it right and sooner or later the collectivist media is going to have to report the truth; muslims are a problem, not us. For a realistic view of what muslims in our country are like, have a look at the Britain First videos on YouTube. Whenever Englishmen and women exert their right to exist and walk anywhere in our cities, the muslims mass like hyenas, screaming intolerance and hatred.
At least one of the SKY newsreaders actually called the bombers “terrorists”. Three words which were absent from the BBC over 2 hours after the bombings were “Terrorist” “Islam” and “Muslim”.
Quite a feat when a headline summarising the attacks should be, “Muslim Terrorists bomb airport to kill innocents in the cause of Islam”
You have said what the headline should have been but the BBC-emergency-pro-muslim-spin meetings came up with headlines like:
Brussels airport closed due to incident
Foreign office warn UK citizens not to travel to Brussels
Cameron condemns Farage for saying we are safer out of the EU
FFS, there is a bloody big 4 legged animal in the room and it has 2 tusks and a trunk.
The trouble is, it’s not even an elephant in the room now – it’s a large bomb, pushed by a man with one black glove, and he’s looking at us..
The media response has appeared coordinated, on message and almost rehearsed, leave blanks for location and number of victims and the template is ready, God forbid, for future use.
You are right oldspeaker, the template is markedly similar to the aftermath of Paris.
Emphasise security forces failings, emote, show multicultural witness reactions, emote, generate bland, handwringing hashtag and candlelight culture, try to ignore the Christian Church, emote, show quirky responses like cartoons, free hugs, people playing John Lennons “imagine” in incongruous settings, emote.
Above all make clear….nothing to do with Islam, nothing to do with migration trends, everything will be fine if we stand shoulder to shoulder with our leaders against “terror”.
Of course It’s not sustainable in the long run, if and when the attacks increase and come at shorter intervals.
embolden, spot on . The Ters are testing resolve and finding it wanting. The attacks will increase and intensify so that the police and other services are overwhelmed. It would not take much to bring Europe to a standstill.
They should really issue “Je suis Bruxelles” tee-shirts to the perpetrators of these crimes; if they were the ones wearing them, it would be more accurate.
When the USA started the manned shuttle programme they realised that it wasn’t politically acceptable to kill any astronauts. So they snatched a ridiculous figure out of the air and said they were looking for a failure rate of one in a hundred thousand, (ridiculous because that meant only one failure in 300 years of flying a shuttle every day).
Now NASA did have real experience in these matters, there are all those un-manned missions putting up satellites that no-one hears about. They aren’t very reliable, about one in a hundred goes wrong. Twisting engineering’s arm, the managers got them to say that maybe if people were very careful perhaps things might be made ten times better, but that was it. However management needed their ridiculous claim so they ignored the advice and went for their own figure.
Two spectacular failures later and the end of the programme and the real results are in: 1.2 failures per 100. In other words no better than they did with the un-manned flights, which is not surprising as nothing had changed.
Here in the UK we have our own politicians telling us that the EU and Islam need reform. Despite Cameron’s ‘tough negotiations’ and his belief in ‘moderate Islam’ nothing has changed. The EU continues in its quest for ‘more Europe’, (as the politicians in Brussels were telling us yesterday) and the Muslims continue in their 1400 year war against the rest of us. But everything is OK because we would like it to be so. How long before the ‘end of the programme’ and we get to study the ‘results’?
Watching the news this morning and my wife told me that last night on the odious C4 News Matt Frey was interviewing a Belgian female official who said that she believed that there had been a tacit agreement between the authorities and the Islamicist nutters, who were clearly well known to the authorities, that they would not mount attacks in Belgium!
WTF! So it’s ok to attack Paris and London as they will eventually, but meanwhile carry on plotting.
And the politicos tell us we are safer in Europe – not with serial appeasers we are not.
You mean the muslim apologist didn’t keep his word?
If Belgium and Brussels in particular is so wonderfully multicultural why are the Muslims in Molenbeek disaffected?The reality is that the European elites have allowed mass Muslim immigration and given little thought to the impact on their poorer areas where such folk congregate. The utter failure of the elites to protect their own poorer citizens has been little short of criminal. Now we see the effects spilling over from the ghettos to the rest of Europe. Germany and Sweden have witnessed all of this and yet repeat the same errors.
If Muslims truly wanted to integrate they could have done so during the first phases of migration and by now successive generations could take full advantage of the education, culture and values that Europe has to offer. But Muslims do not integrate in key respects . Some pay lip service to it but Islam and western culture are incompatible. The elites are still in denial about this. Some of the interviews the BBC conducted with young Belgians show, worryingly, how the current generation, which only knows WW2 and the Cold War from history books, is totally naive about what happens when a militaristic ideology clashes with an overwhelmingly complacent non militaristic wealthy society. These youngsters said something horrible was happening but didn’t know why. Well, they are gong to have to stir themselves from their comfortable complacent lives and left liberal assumptions. They must learn to defend themselves and abandon some naive assumptions or go under.
EnglandExpects you are absolutely right in what you say.
Radio4′ s World at One today has been regurgitaing the most ridiculous, bizarre and obscure theories to convince its listeners that it’s nothing to do with Islam. According to some academic, showcasing his latest book, it is engineers who are the real driving force behind terrorism on the left and right. Apparently, engineers are “easily disgusted”, ” are obssessed by ideas of purity” and “like clear distinctions between in and out groups”. So next time you hear “Allahu akhbar” and a large explosion you can die untroubled. It was nothing to do with Islam, merely an engineer purifying society. Another theory would have you believe that some structural weakness in the Belgium state in the 19th century led to the atrocity in Brussels.
The desparation of these people to deflect attention from Islam is astonishing and just embarrasing to listen to.
ID, Were you not aware that all Islamic terrorists are experts on the history of Belgium ?
Isn’t it the case that the people who know how to make bombs are people who know how to make bombs?
A bit like stupid people who study literature at university go on to write stupid books.
Correlation does not imply causation, as the saying goes.
On Al Jaseera the interviewer asked a ‘expert on radicalisation’ (from some stink tank) what motivated these murderous bastards. We were provided with the usual list of western criminal acts that leads to a sense of ‘exclusion’.
The interviewer did not ask what would make them feel loved and included. How about we let them create a European Caliphate.
I’m not an expert but I think the motivation for those murderous bastards is….
.. the Koran.
Oh but that is the noble book of peace.
Why do hindus, sikhs, buddhists etc. not have a sense of exclusion ?
it is clear that all the current European elites who hold power in government, police and other agencies are unable to deal with what is coming and has already come into Europe. This includes the media drones who simply are out of their depth.
In such a situation there are only two results. The first is that the current structures limp on for a while until defeat unseats them.The second is that the populace realising that they are unprotected by these elites demand change and new people ( at the moment unknown) take over and start to put things right if they can.
There is no other possible scenario.
How many more innocent lives is it going to take until people wake up!?
I really don’t know what’s worse; the attack itself, or the pathetic response from spineless liberals?
I guess the two go hand-in-hand really.
The murders will continue until the real problem – Islam – is dealt with sufficiently.
I hope the BBC – along with all the other cheerleaders of mass immigration – will pay for what they’ve done.
The same can be said for Sky News, who, in my opinion, are just as bad (then again, we aren’t forced to pay for Sky through fear of imprisonment)
the bBC used a back door root to kick UKIP. MP Peter Bottomley had criticized Farage for saying schengen allowed the free movement of Kalashnikovs. bBC news puts that as a question to Farage as ‘was it insensitive’. 34 murdered, hundreds injured. I think we are way beyond worrying about sensitivity.
Peter Bottomley is about as useless a human being as you can get .
He’s also a signatory to the fascist grouping, the UAF. As is Mr Cameron, by the way.
The criticism by BBC of Farage continues on 1 pm news.
Norman I Love Labour political editor quotes Farage with open distaste. So just how did this extended muslim terror cell really operate? Did it take advantage of open borders to shuttle between Syria and Belgium or did it not? Did it move freely between Belgium and France to commit murder or did it not? Did it buy Kalashnikovs in Belgium to use in Paris or did it not? Is the European Anti Terror senior Officer’s estimate of 5000 jihadists let into Europe by open borders reasonable or is it not?
When will the liberal elites running Europe and its media ever learn. Or do they not want to learn?
How awful of Nigel Farage to try to address the threat of terrorism the day after an attack.
When Coventry was blitzed in 1940, did Churchill and Alanbrook sit around for a few days until the media and the hashtag shrine builders decided it was “appropriate” to do or say something? Of course they didn’t, they had to get on with dealing with the next days attacks and preparing long term strategies to defeat the enemy. Were the BBC sapping morale by explaining and excusing the enemies actions back then too?
We have Hollande telling us we are all at war and then the BBC wittering on about Farage.
Sadly, this generation of political leaders and journalists has an awful lot of growing up to do if the events of yesterday aren’t going to be repeated with greater frequency and on a more regular cycle.
Just repeating “we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Belgian people” ad nauseum won’t cut it I am afraid.
Yes, I know there weren’t any hashtag shrine builders in the 1940s but they had their equivalents,
which was the word I left out!
I would not be surprised if the British police arrest Nigel on some pretext .
Calm down everyone. Everything will now be OK because Edinburgh Castle was lit up in the colours of the Belgian flag last night. That’ll teach the bastards!
Roland ,
As a Perthshire boy , I would send in the Pipes and Drums of the Black Watch. That would put the fear of God into them, so to speak !
Grant I totally agree I have in my possession a letter from Colonel L D Grand, Royal Engineers Palestine ,1948 in which he says that during fighting in the local area many of the trouble makers where packed off with lead poisoning by in his words ” a battalion of Jocks “
Matt, That is music to my ears !!!
Before one can apply the correct strategy, one has to identify the problem, and then have the courage to state it. The problem is that we have lost our faith in our civilisation, and its founding faith, Muslims have not.
If for a moment we assume that we have total faith in our civilisation and its founding faith, then I see a war with Islam, say after another 9/11, will end in the complete defeat of Islam.
In such a war, the US will accept nothing but unconditional surrender i.e., the defeated have to abandon their motivating ideology, as one of the terms of surrender, then I see a death of Islam.
Now it is a given in PO- MO, that Islam is like Christianity or Judaism. That is not the case. In these two faiths, Jews and Christians do not abandon their faith, even when persecuted and mass murdered. Quite the reverse, the faith becomes stronger.
Islam is different. It is a religion of the stronger horse, as binLaden put it, or the stronger god (allahu ackbar). When confronted by the undeniable fact that the forces of the Christian God were defeating the forces of allah, then Muslims will abandon allah for the stronger horse. This will specially be so, as the terms of surrender would be that they have to abandon Islam. Given that or destruction, Muslims will abandon Islam for the stronger horse.
Positions of power in the military and government will then be bestowed by the conquerors on suitable candidates. Those who do not convert, and this will be a minority, will be pursued by ex-Muslims now Christians, in a vigorous manner, as diehard Muslims pose a threat to their new found power. They will be backed by the air power of the conquerors.
My thesis is that we mistake Islam as being similar to Judaism and Christianity, as we have subliminally accepted the concept of Abrahamical religions. Before Islam manifested itself in the West, there was no widespread usage of such a dichotomy. Islam successfully insinuated itself in the West using an Abrahamical concept, a bogus concept. Islam is very different from Judaism or Christianity.
We haven’t lost our confidence in our civilisation…..our leaders are choosing to abandon it.
We have been here before, when liberal leaders tried to appease Hitlerism.
Islam is not the stronger horse, this is why Islamic countries left to their own devices like Yemen, Sudan, Somalia or Afghanistan descend into anarchy.
The only strong Islamic countries are Saudi (dependent on oil sales to the west) and Iran (dependent on oil sales to the west). Their strength currently is exaggerated by the fact they are facing weak willed western liberals who won’t call their bluff. Iran was on the verge of economic collapse until Obama rescued it with his spineless diplomatic deal….that delayed their acquisition of nukes for about a decade, if we’re lucky.
Islam is not the stronger horse, this is why Islamic countries left to their own devices like Yemen, Sudan, Somalia or Afghanistan descend into anarchy.
Its not what they are, but how they perceive themselves in relation to allah.
That’s a good comment, “it’s how they perceive themselves in relation to allah”.
The prefix “Abd” means “slave” so in Arabic names, Abdullah= slave of Allah
Abdaslam= slave of Islam (slave of submission to Allah).
All other Arabic names with “Abd” relate to being slaves of some attribute of Allah who, they believe, has 99 names, including more desirable attributes like “merciful” (= rahim) or “gracious”(=rahman).
Other popular names like “Jihad” are self explanatory.
Christian theology teaches that the faithful and faithless for that matter, are part of Gods family, created in His image and that Christ is our friend and brother, this is an important distinction in understanding differences in religions and how, when internalised, these theological ideas can affect human behaviour.
Slaves, by implication have no will, no personal responsibility for the acts they carry out in accordance with Allahs will as “prophesied” or ordered by Mohammad, by word (in the Koran) or by personal example (in the Hadiths).
This doesn’t mean faithful Christians are immune from sin, but it does imply that they view themselves and their neighbours as different from “slaves”.
No Islam, no Islamic terrorism.
How do we get there. We have to have faith in our own faith, that is stronger then Muslims have in Islam.
I believe this was the state in Iraq after Iraq accepted defeat. They were waiting for the stronger power to force its will, just as Muslims would do if the situation was reversed. But instead of doing that, we twittered on about “Islam is the Religion of Peace” nonsense. Iraqis, specially devout Muslims, were confused, and rightly so. This was manifest in the faces of Iraqi politicians, generals and ordinary Iraqi people. America overturned the age old order of victory and surrender, and of the divine order as understood by Muslims, and all that follows from it. The result is what we have now – ISIS in Iraq, and mayhem in the West.
Why so? When America did not behave as a conqueror should, devout Muslims, and I really mean devout, who were expecting America to behave as the stronger horse, in accordance with the divine order, now saw the West as being led to Iraq by allah, to be defeated, first in Iraq, and then its home. In other words, the devout Muslims saw allah making his enemies weak in the head.
In essence, we are having a conflict with devout Muslims, who have regained their faith in Islam as the stronger horse, when America did not play its role as the stronger horse. These are the ones who were expecting to change from devout soldiers of allah to devout ex-Muslim Muslims of a new and stronger horse – key players and leaders in a new Iraq, under the aegis of the stronger horse.
My thesis is that the newly minted Christians from devout Muslims, would have pursued the dwindling band of Muslims, with a vigour and vengeance that would put medeval Crusaders to shame. But mercifully, after sometime, the Christian ethos would have conquered them, just as the Vikings were.
We can still do it, if we have faith.
We can do it, faith or no faith.
But trying to engage weaponised Islam from an atheistic position will fail, the committed jihadists and their apologists will simply ignore atheists or kill them.
Liberal agnostics likewise….simply viewed as unworthy of consideration.
The historic precedent is that strongly Christian armies turned back Islam at Poitiers/Tours, in the Spanish Reconquista, at Vienna, at Lepanto.
Muhammad’s instruction to Muslims to respect the peoples of the book perhaps confused their response sufficiently for the Christian warriors to get the upper hand.
The atheists record against Islam?…..the Soviet Communist retreat from Afghanistan and Central Asia after less than a century.
In the end, as before, resisting weaponised Islamic expansionism always comes down to resistance and force projection. Soft power and persuasion?…no, not on the historic precedents.
You mentioned Tours/Poitiers, Lepanto, Vienna.
May I suggest “The Great Siege” by Ernle Bradford. Riveting book I could not put down, and have re-read several times.
If Emperor Suleiman had conquered Malta, all of Italy would have been invaded. Rome would have become another Istanbul. In fact, one could argue that the siege of Malta was far a more critical juncture in the survival of Western civilisation.
Book available in library.
Thank you, I will take your recommendation.
Faith is important. As you rightly point out, it was faith that bolstered the courage of Christian armies, even when outnumbered.
TWATO at 1.14 today wheeled out an ‘expert’ in terrorism whose name I didn’t catch. He said that research had shown that a disproportionate number of the Islamist bomb-making radical terrorists had an engineering background, and the same was found for right wing radicals. There was a complete absence of such engineering expertise amongst left wing radicals, he proffered!
You get the point?
I’d put it down to the Left winning by fifth column stealth, suppression of free speech and indoctrination!
I understand and agree your point.
But I can believe the left don’t have many engineer-type brains as they seem to be all woolly-thinking, arty-farty types who have no common sense whatever nor any idea what constitutes reality.
As far as the terrorist bomb makers being engineering types that also makes sense as that is needed to build these bombs, while their arty-farty types join ISIS and become beheaders of children and other innocent people. The fact that right of centre tend to think like engineers, as do bomb-makers, is pure co-incidence.
Eh ? What right-wing radicals have been involved in any terrorism, let alone involving bombs ?
‘Some may say’ the likes of Timothy McVeigh and Ted the Unabomber were not ‘of the left’, but they do rather conform better to the ‘lone wolf’ appellation.
Can’t speak for the Stern Gang, but of course, that was a different time.
This “engineering theory”….Utter tosh……… Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Mao…….all leftist terrorists….. Then there’s the Red Brigades, the Red Army Faction, the Angry Brigade, the various Communist partisan factions who sided with Moscow and Peking during and after the Second World War, like the VietCong, the Malayan Communist Terrorists, the Stasi, the Securitate etc. etc.
This “engineering” theory is just another translation of “nothing to do with Islam” with added and despicable leftist virtue signalling.
The BBC have a new tack it seems, and mass murder on an industrial scale by a significant collection of nothing to do with each other lone wolves and their at best passive followers of no linking feature is being pushed in vox pop form as due to ‘frustration’ and issues with inequities of old empire.
Good try, lads.
They are internationally recognised experts on Thermodynamics, stochastic processes, Atmospheric processes, hydrodynamics, electromagnetics, all leading to the ultimate science of Climate Change.
Peter Grimes
I’m not sure who ‘Twato’ is but I’m sure your right anyway!
Wow, how multi talented these Islamists are, they are not just doctors and dentists they are engineers as well, although I didn’t think making bombs was strictly speaking engineering.
As for the lack of ‘engineering ( bomb making ) skills’ amongst left wing radicals ( extremists anyone?) had this ‘expert’ not heard of the following :-
Red Brigades
Baader- Meinhof
Black panthers
Shining path
Red army faction
… and so the list goes on, and on, and…
My copyright acronym for Al Beeb’s T(he) W(orld) AT O(ne).
TWATO is perfect for them.
I wonder what Mark Steyn will be calling the soppy people with the hashtag ‘I want to help’ ?
For the French ‘Juis suis Charlie’ soppies it was the unusual but catchy ’tilty headed wank*rs’.
I wonder if he can beat that one!
This is probably due to the fact that lefties all study arty-farty subjects and have no scientific understanding of facts – just prejudices.
Succinctly put….The left are in a spin about this evil “Islamophobe”, so I suspect his arrest anon…
Slightly off topic but Douglas Carswell asked Boy Dave a good question at PMQs today as to Boy Dave’s assessment of whether in the event of Brexit he expected our European ‘partners’ to retaliate in trade terms. Dave’s non-committal response was about as fudged as one would expect.
Carswell/UKIP’s next question to Boy Dave must be as to whether he thinks that our security forces and those of our ‘partners’ would cease to cooperate in the event of Brexit. Pin the lying fucker down, and I’m a Tory.
Peter, Pinning Dave down is like wrestling with jelly.
Dave `call-me-Dave` Camoron reminds me of a bar of prison `soap without a hope` usually associated with prison man rape stories, a crudely mishapen bellend smeared in shit and always ready to shaft you in the a$$… but don`t expect a reacharound he`s ringfenced those forinternational AIDS..
and yeah…. that dude does like like Obama….
Yesterday I thought I was being cynical by musing on whether a BBC journo had been dispatched to the Brussels hospitals to look for Muslim victims.
Imagine my surprise to hear today on the world at one, a whispering BBC journalist, lurking outside the room where relatives were waiting to visit injured people to hear her say a “family have just been taken down to see their loved one, the woman is wearing a headscarf.”
It’s the cynical, islamophile BBC at its best.
SKY managed on their 6 o’clock stint last night to interview amongst their first three people in Belgium, one Indian woman and a black man that couldn’t speak English and needed a translator, surely they could have found a Belgian…. ‘mon ami’!
Perhaps they were promoting the line that “this was an attack on internationalism” rather than an attack on Belgium/ American Airlines/ non Muslims.
SKY is getting as bad as the BBC in promoting multicultural, internationalist, liberal kumbayaism of late.
What no Muslims? Maybe they were informed by the local mosque not to go to the airport. Or was it the Jews who were informed.. I get so confused.
My mum sometimes wears a headscarf but she is not a muslim .
Fair comment Grant, but when the BBC mention “headscarf” in this context, I think we all know the inference that is intended.
embolden, yes , of course ! It is quite pathetic really. All so childish. But then the BBC is totally staffed by teenagers !
Expect BBC reporters to have a few head-scarfs at the ready for interviews.
GWF, and that is just for the interviewers. I wonder who will be the first female beeboid to wear a headscarf actually in Europe ?
The narrative of the ‘remainers’ is that staying in the EU means we can share intelligence more easily amongst member states. This is of course not making political capital like right wing extremists do!
Isn’t the irony so delicious that the EU who are charged with European security couldn’t spot terrorists on their own doorstep!
Further GCHQ is ‘ours’ and more beneficial to our security than the EU. Further still are the ‘remainers’ suggesting that the EU or more accurately European security services and Interpol will stop sharing intelligence with us should we vote ‘Exit’?
If that’s the case then I smell blackmail.. or is that political point scoring.
LBC’s whining one o’clock female presenter today asked the question ..’are community relations ( what are they ) going to suffer and will it be harder for Muslims?.. yup, bodies still not cold and here are the poor Muslim victims yet again.
Jerry, It is ridiculous. As if we do not share intelligence with non-eu countries and vice versa. Maybe the remainers have never heard of the USA. If , after Brexit, there was a ban on intelligence sharing, who would be the losers ? The UK or the EU ? The question answers itself.
The Far-Right backlash has never happened.
But is Islamic State Far-Right anyway?
–Far-right politics often involve a focus on tradition as opposed to policies and customs that are regarded as reflective of modernism. They often have a disregard or disdain for egalitarianism, if not overt support for social hierarchy, elements of social conservatism and opposition to most forms of liberalism and socialism–
Does this also apply to Islam?
The term far right has as much meaning as the word islamophobe; ie none. There are collectivists; marxists, greens, fascists, socialists, muslims etc; and there are normal people who regard the individual as more important than the collective. Jesus is more interested in getting the individual into Heaven; you don’t get there by collective efforts but by the grace of God through belief in his son, Jesus Christ. But collectivists believe none of that, if they don’t actually believe they are god, they think they can become a god. So, it’s impossible for me to relate to the collectivist Alice in Wonderland world where nothing is fixed and everything can mean whatever you like depending on whether you like someone or not.
Excellent John. Saw one of your comments on Breitbart.
I don’t share your religious faith, John, but I still tend to agree with you. Although I often use the tern far-left, the division of political philosophies into left and right does not really stand up to much scrutiny. “Far-right” from the mouths of socialists usually just props up their whole debate killing agenda of left = good, right = bad.
It’s the kind of brainwashed ignorance that leads to free market conservatives (or for that matter, anyone who doesn’t share their view) being referred to as fascists.
Not all Muslims are terrorists. However they are no help in ferreting out those who are. The reality is that Muslim Jihadis can only exist when hidden by the larger Muslim community. Jihadis are like fish who swim in the sea of Islam that our politicians have created within our own boundaries. For all practical purposes, all Muslims in Europe are therefore complicit, one way or other, in the Jihad against us.
There are videos of Muslims in Molenbeek, throwing stones at police while they were trying to arrest that Jihadi. Also some pretty awful videos of Muslim youths rejoicing at the carnage in Brussels airport and train station.
The BBC has nothing about this. In fact the BBC is spending all its time, and our money, sympathising with the real victims – Muslims in Europe
In the meantime we better get used to Muslim spilling blood on the altar of Multcultism. Innocent people sacrificed on the altar of Moloch, while BBC gives free view.
If one can find Plod at the door with an accusation of “hate crime” (how I detest that Orwellian-sounding term) merely for an un-PC tweet, why on Earth does rejoicing at terrorism not seem to get anyone’s collar felt?
What I think may begin to work against the bbc is the “Belgian national” narrative. We aren’t told the origins of these killers (how long have they been nationals etc.), so one is left wondering “What makes them different from me? Why are they killers?”. In trying to hide the obvious by controlling this narrative the bbc is actually letting people come to their own conclusions. These questions won’t go unanswered in someone’s mind – I feel people are going to cotton on themselves to the elephant in the room. The refusal of the left and media to face up to the facts and openly discuss the issues could backfire spectacularly in public opinion.
National, resident, citizen, passport holder, originating from , born in,…and God knows how many other shades of shit are used by the bureaucrats to designate different categories of evildoers set free to harm the rest of us.
Maybe a good look at that-either “born here” or a “friend of this country with rights as long as they behave, and can stay here until we know otherwise” are the only two options allowed.
Am SICK of the BBC telling me that Saudi nationals with leeching wives and kids from Yemen-who enter the country illegally, and are returned from Gitmo via Bora Bora being described as anything “British”…they are Muslim terrorists with no rights to live or to stay here.
Why and when did it all get so-well Rochey?…Blairish?
When it makes no sense to the sensible-it`s a set up to fill the country with Islamic supremacists…and we need to retake the language and ram it up their fat arses.
Born in Britain, Commonwealth citizen or a frind on trial and approval here…when Qatada or Choudhury DARE to claim any right for themselves or their seedy seed…we`re damn stupid if we don`t see them as the enemy aliens of the Caliphate Hordes-and they can f*** off!
As usual Chris, well put, and picturesque.
Hey, BBC24 just cut away to Place de la Bourse where a little boy was placing an EU flag in the centre of the shrine and in the background…..a woman with a black headscarf placing a Georgian flag.
What are the odds of that in a “random” cut away from the studio?
BBC report on the man who described a Moslem woman’s response to his question as ‘mealy mouthed’. They post Tweets that lampoon him, but note that he was being terribly offensive and is now locked up.
But more seriously, and I urge everyone to consider this: if the cops are so committed to protection of Moslems do not expect them to play a serious role in protection from terror.
Our cops, like the BBC and politicians, have taken sides.
Lots of ever-so-clever analogies being trotted out, like the one from (some school kid?) called Rob Manuel. He seems to have overlooked the essential difference between nationality and ideology.
The one that is not being trotted out is Jews being regularly blamed for everything that Israel is allegedly responsible for. That’s OK, apparently.
GWF, The UK is a Police State and freedom of speech has been abolished.