Poor, uneducated and marginalised?….licence to kill granted


Relatives: Mourad Laachraoui (circled), who represents Belgium in Taekwondo, is the elder brother of Najim Laachraoui - the ‘man in white’ filmed walking through Brussel’s Zaventem Airport with two suicide bombers


The BBC et al have been pumping out the narrative that the Belgium bombers were poor, uneducated and marginalised….one BBC journo this morning said ‘It’s not an excuse but…it helps explain.’

One Eurocrat came on to ‘explain’ how it was all the fault of Muslim single mothers who struggle to make ends meet….cue outrage from the left?  Not a peep, the BBC journo didn’t raise an eyebrow so to speak.  Imagine if Farage or Trump had said such a thing.

However, as in the UK, things are not as the BBC protrays them.  Most UK radicals are well educated,  in employment and have had as fulfilling lives as any other ordinary person and yet the BBC portrays them as marginalised and abandoned.  It seems we are being sold the same lies Muslims in Belgium as the Mail illustrates.

The brother of one of the bombers is an electronics graduate and has represented Belgium, and won medals for, at Taekwondo.

The brother of Belgium’s public enemy number one is a medal-winning athlete who has proudly represented his country – and is ashamed of his terrorist brother, MailOnline can reveal.

Najim Laachraoui – the ‘man in white’ filmed walking through Brussel’s Zaventem Airport with suicide bombers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui – is the younger brother Mourad Laachraoui, who represents Belgium in Taekwondo. 

Mourad has distanced himself from his terrorist younger brother Najim, and the family, who are of Moroccan descent, are deeply ashamed of his fanatical opinions and murderous activities. 

Mr Laachraoui added the family were ‘ashamed’ of Najim and feared his terrorist activities could harm Mourad’s athletic career. 

Mourad, 29, won a silver medal in the 54kg category at the world championship held in South Korea last year. This is the third medal the electronics’ graduate has won for Belgium, adding to previous bronze medals. 

The jet-setter has posted pictures of his travels to Dubai and Israel and his sporting achievements on social media.

He seems equally proud of his family, writing about a film night with his older brother and spending time with his young cousin.

Why is the BBC once again making excuses for terrorists?  Thirty four people were killed and hundreds injured and yet the BBC’s main concern is for the bombers, making up excuses to show how their actions are the fault of the Belgium government and western society…no blame on the bombers themselves.

Even if you were unemployed and ‘frustrated’ why is it then OK to go out on a mass murder spree?  Please explain BBC.

Please send someone, Tim Wilcox perhaps, to explain it all to the families of the dead….it’s OK, don’t mourn them, they died because a young Belgium Muslim didn’t have a job and it’s really, if you think about it, your dead family member’s fault……..so……


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33 Responses to Poor, uneducated and marginalised?….licence to kill granted

  1. Grant says:

    Have the BBC interviewed any of the victims’ families ?


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      I think al-Beeb are still trying to find a parent of a victim who will say “My daughter died so that Islam can flourish. I am so proud of all the BBC have done to help our Mujahadin.”

      Something tells me al-Beeb will be a long time trying to find a victim’s relative that won’t say what they really think!


      • Oaknash says:

        Our ” national treasure” of a broadcaster never fails to disappoint

        As always – lets try and excuse the inexcusable if it fits our jaundiced left wing vision of a multi culty utopia. Where black, brown, yellow, gender fluid, gay, muslims (but not white christians) etc are all welcome to share the same sand pit together comparing grievances and deciding how to make the world a better place.

        Unfortunately one of the playmates wants the sand pit to himself but Auntie will never notice she is too busy making sure the rest of us children play the right games and sing the right songs even if we have all had our throats cut.



        • NCBBC says:

          Even if it is true that Muslim men were marginalised, which they were not, its still not a reason for Muslims to go on a mass murder spree.

          I’m certain that Hindus and other immigrants are just as marginalised, if that is they are, but we never hear of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, going on a mass murder spree. Only Muslims. And they don’t get radicalised because of the internet, Syria, Iraq, BBC broadcasts, Who wants to be a millionaire. They get radicalised with what they find in the Koran. Not all do, but some do. And the ones that don’t, are there to support allah’s favourites.


  2. Peter Grimes says:


    Electronics graduate?

    Perfect putative Islamist bomb-making candidate, and the Taekwondo is great for combat training.


  3. embolden says:

    That photo, bottom right, what exactly is going on there?

    Is it a commentary on the atomisation and self absorption of the west, or is it a freak snapshot cropped to exclude people running to help the man on the ground?

    It is a very disturbing image. As we all know, press photographs can be very misleading….can be used to plant false messages.


    • Mr.Golightly says:

      My thoughts too embolden. I fear it is not a freak snapshot. Rather than upload the image on this board, here is a link to a larger version of the same photo. Likewise with another image that is almost too surreal to process. The reader may choose to view them or not –



      I don’t know what these photos say about the human condition in the 21st century. Hell and handcart perhaps.


      • embolden says:

        Mr. Golightly, Those photos speak to me of alienation and indifference, of dystopia.

        Of Europe turning away from her Christian culture towards selfish indifference towards our own and massive over indulgence of “the other”.
        It now seems to be an act of necessary resistance to care for our own people.

        The only other place I have seen a casualty left lying untended was in Saudi Arabia, as people drove past a man knocked over by a car….for fear of being held responsible if they stopped to help.


        • Maria Brewin says:

          Hate to have to point this out but there was a case many years ago of a British soldier being spat at by an Irish woman whilst he was lying seriously injured on the ground. I suppose you could argue, if you want, that he wasn’t an innocent civilian.

          Can’t provide any references but it did attract comment at the time.


      • Tabs says:

        What’s worse? a) the people in those photographs ignoring injured persons right next to themselves or b) the person taking the photographs.

        Personally I go for the latter. Some peoples first reaction to a situation like this is to get the phone out and start filming for posting it to Facebook/youtube etc.


      • Grant says:

        How do we know that these photos are genuine and , if they are, do we know the context ?


  4. Dover Sentry says:

    The BBC/Left always blame society for criminal actions. The same with terrorism.

    The terrorist is never at fault in their eyes. They believe that ‘radical’ Islam was caused by Western foreign policy. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 is seen as a start point. 9/11 in 2001 doesn’t register.

    The Left/BBC can be seen as a battery powered doll that squeals, “kill me, kill me, my ancestors were slavers and imperialists. I deserve to die.”



    • Maria Brewin says:

      “They believe that ‘radical’ Islam was caused by Western foreign policy.”

      But never any mention of one of Islam’s other dirty little secrets – the thousands of grisly murders in S Thailand. Thailand hasn’t invaded the Middle East and doesn’t have a lot to do with Israel as far as I’m aware.

      All justified by an entirely different set of grievances I suppose.


      • embolden says:

        Islam has been aggressive towards its neighbours since its invention by Mohammad.

        “The West” did not exist as a political entity when Islam started its attacks on Jews and Christians in Arabia.

        The leopard never changes its spots.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Exactly, Maria. The same, to an extent, could be said of China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

        Either grievances or, more likely, the desire to have & hold absolute power.


  5. Jerry Owen says:

    Did anyone see the SKY report saying that even the Belgian Police were finding it all emotional as well…… cue, camera lingers on policeman with his arms wrapped around a Muslim woman.
    Nothing to do with Islam… please move on.


    • Grant says:

      Well , if he had been properly trained he would have known that he should not be touching a muslim woman at all. I thought they were meant to be sensitive to muslim sensibilities ?


  6. cb says:

    Most UK radicals are well educated, in employment and have had as fulfilling lives as any other ordinary person and yet the BBC portrays them as marginalised and abandoned

    True, and this is the BBC at its shameful propagandist worst. And as if to prove the point, the two found guilty today at the Old Bailey today were studying Physics and Medical Sciences respectively at university.


    • NCBBC says:

      Is Anjem Chaudary radicalised because he is marginalised?


    • Guest Who says:

      As the Arrivals gate at Glasgow Airport will also testify.

      The BBC yesterday tried on Facebook to air the ‘frustration explains slaughter’ meme.

      Like most BBC efforts with actual interactivity, it did not go well.


      • Grant says:

        Guest, I am frustrated with the BBC. I think I shall go out and kill someone. I suspect that 99.9999999% of frustrated people in the world are not terrorists. Q. Why are the BBC such a bunch of silly teenage tossers ?


        • Guest Who says:

          It’s something to do with being unique. Or vital. Or something.

          Luckily, they remain financially immune and unaccountable.


        • R P McMurphy says:

          The governments policy on speed cameras frustrates me but I will not be blowing anyone up because of this.


  7. manchesterlad says:

    Until the feeble-minded liberals in the west admit the problem is Islam – and not marginalisation, radicalisation, Islamophobia or any other excuse they can think of – we will never be able to tackle the threat to our way of life.

    Pretending you have a toothache – when you know you really have cancer – does not make the cure any easier, or more likely. Your chances of survival reduce as you delay treatment.

    Donald Trump is exactly right. We need to re-assess the impact of Islam on civilisation. We need to find a way to deal with it. We might get away with just pretending ‘everything will be fine’ today, but in twenty years time when Muslims make up 30% of the population of western nations, how will this tactic serve us?


  8. Grant says:

    manchesterlad, Too right. I think that some of the Left/liberals are ostriches but some actively want to see the destruction of Western Civilisation for reasons I do not understand. It seems like a collective mental illness to me .


    • embolden says:

      Yes it does look like a collective mental illness doesn’t it?

      Another possible explanation is that the left, so hates capitalism and the west that it will do anything to destroy it. They learned early that people won’t vote for leftist revolution but if enough chaos can be created then revolution has a chance of overturning the opposed order (be that capitalism, imperialism, monarchy, bourgeouis democracy) by force and then repression, on the Soviet model.

      All leftist revolutions have taken place with a background of chaos. The most relevant history is the 1979 revolution in Iran in which the US (under a democrat government and wounded by humiliation in Vietnam) quietly withdrew support from the Shah of Iran, who had been an ally but headed a regime that had become decadent and too repressive for liberal taste.

      The leftist Tudeh party and the Islamic revolutionaries succeeded in toppling the Shahs state in a chaos of mass public disorder and state repression that lasted months. As the Shah and his close allies fled, Ayatollah Khomeini (in exile in Paris) returned to a huge welcome……and then the Islamists turned on the atheist leftists and by massacre and repression snatched power from their grasp.

      The left were the useful idiots of the Islamists (the left thought the reverse) and Khomeini had taken refuge in the liberal west, before returning to Iran to torment the west.

      There are parallels with the current situation as we can see.

      The left seek chaos in the west in the hope they can win a revolution, using weaponised Islam as a tool. This is why they behave the way they do towards Islam. They are arrogant and ignorant in equal measure.

      Modern, weaponised Islam was born as a result of the liberal west naively incubating it in Kohomeinis exile and the Liberal US government enabling it by cutting the Shah adrift.


      • manchesterlad says:

        They [the left] are arrogant and ignorant in equal measure.

        I think this sums it up. But, it is more than that, the desire to believe that leftism is an unarguably good thing is a strong motivating force behind many (or most?) leftists. They fervently desire their simplistic view of the world to be true.

        But, not (as they profess) to make the world a better place. I think the real reason is simply their desire for personal gratification and validation. They really, really want to believe they are better people than anyone else, and hold it true that leftism will fulfill and justify their wish to be a member of this club of superior people to whom others will look up to.

        Ultimately, I believe leftism to be a child-like viewpoint. This is partly why youngsters tend to drift into leftism as they become politically aware. They are looking for validation from their peers and a feeling of superiority.

        This is also why leftists usually cannot argue their case with you. They become quickly angry and insulting and will usually withdraw (“I’m not talking to a fascist”) if challenged on a point of detail or principle.

        I was a lefty for largely these reasons (I now realise) and was stuck in this mindset for many years. It is a very comfortable and easy place to rest, mentally. It is quite difficult to lift yourself out of it.

        I don’t think leftism is a mental illness, but it certainly presents as if it is one. It is very similar to Islamism in this respect.


        • Grant says:

          Leftism is pure selfishness and self-indulgence .


        • Up2snuff says:

          manchesterlad: “Ultimately, I believe leftism to be a child-like viewpoint. This is partly why youngsters tend to drift into leftism as they become politically aware. They are looking for validation from their peers and a feeling of superiority. This is also why leftists usually cannot argue their case with you. They become quickly angry and insulting and will usually withdraw (“I’m not talking to a fascist”) if challenged on a point of detail or principle.”

          Very good and very useful analysis.



  9. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Charlie Hebdo was followed by the usual platitudes of ‘religion of peace’ ‘nothing to do with islam’ ‘not all muslims……’ and nothing done to deal with the problem.
    9 Months later – Bataclan shootings etc. followed by the usual platitudes of ‘religion of peace’ ‘nothing to do with islam’ ‘not all muslims……’ and nothing done to deal with the problem.
    4 Months later – Brussels bombings followed by the usual platitudes of ‘religion of peace’ ‘nothing to do with islam’ ‘not all muslims……’ and nothing done to deal with the problem.
    __________________________followed by the usual platitudes of ‘religion of peace’ ‘nothing to do with islam’ ‘not all muslims……’ and nothing done to deal with the problem.

    Fill in the blanks yourself.


  10. oldartist says:

    The left castigate Farage for highlighting the real threat that open borders pose to security. At the same time they continue to perpetuate the myth that exclusion and poverty spawn terrorism in order to promote their own socialist fantasies. Hypocrisy? Lies?


  11. Oldspeaker says:

    I stumbled upon this while trying to further my futile “the more I learn the less I realise I know” self education,

    “It may be said in a misguided attempt to defend Robespierre that he sincerely believed his ideology and acted on it in good faith; people can do no more than that. Of course, if this excuse were valid, it would, absurdly, excuse SS concentration-camp guards, if they were sincere Nazis; KGB torturers, provided they were committed Communists; or Islamic terrorists, if they are truly fanatical. But the reprehensible beliefs of the ideologues strengthen rather than weaken responsibility for such actions. One wants to say that people ought not hold beliefs from which monstrous actions follow. And this is just what is right to say in response to any effort to excuse Robespierre. If his ideology led him to mass murder, he should not have held it.”

    Once again for the benefit of the BBC,
    ” If his ideology led him to mass murder, he should not have held it.”

    The article continues
    “Many people, of course, do not choose the ideology they hold but acquire it through indoctrination. It may be too much to demand of them to resist indoctrination, if it is persistent and sophisticated, and if they know of no reasonable alternatives. Not being able to resist ideological indoctrination, however, is one thing; committing atrocities in its name is quite another. People do have a choice as to whether they torture or murder. Decent people will question their ideology if they see that it leads to inflicting horrors. And if they do not question it and commit atrocities, then they are justly held responsible not for what they believe but for what they have done.”

    An interesting read,