The biased bbc could save quite a tidy sum if they made a stock set of footage with all the politicians who repeat the usual ( nothing to do with Islam, small minority, we stand united, the terrorists will not win, our hearts and prayers go out to… etc.) and have a set of the usual virtue signallers tweets (je suis…insert Muslim atrocity, and the like)
Then, every time there is a Muslim bombing or any other of the things that Muslims do, they can do the minor adjustments such as replace Paris with Brussels and the body count.
The footage is then ready to show.
Don’t forget: ‘Lessons will be learned…..’ the most frequently used platitude from senior policemen, council officials, local politicians and NHS representatives. In the context of the RoP and government politicians it carries immense weight as an effective means of inducing calm and confidence while in the context of the BBC, it can be used with agonised schadenfreude by Fergal, doom-laden agony by Orla, or agonising incomprehensibility by Lyse.
Beltane, My thoughts are with you at this time. The pathetic thing is that these idiots never learn the lessons. They keep on making the same mistakes over and over again.
Why do I feel faintly uneasy with all these prayers flying about on my behalf? As a confirmed fence-sitting agnostic, is there something I should know….?
I watched This Week and they had Chukka on and Maajid Nawaz from Quilliam. I know many have reservations about Quillian , which I share, but Mr Nawaz was saying that radical Islamism is deep rooted in the UK. Chukka tried to dispute that with the same old stuff about only a microscopic minority of Muslims support Isil etc etc. Nawaz put him right by reminding everyone that 30% of UK Muslims had sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killers and that numerous other polls showed a high level of support for terrorists. At this point Chukka looked surprised , or pretended to look surprised, as though this was news to him. He is a member of a H of C committee on security and he is surprised by crucial stats on a topic which he is supposedly one of the best briefed people in the country and stats that just about everyone who visits this site has long been aware of. Either he is asleep at the wheel , a fool , or a liar. I suspect the latter and that he was only surprised that anyone dare to mention this damning statistic on the BBC, particularly a Muslim which lends the stats a great deal of credibility. Just when the whole carefully cultivated facade that terror is due to tiny few and nothing to do with Islam, was about to be demolished live on the BBC by someone the BBC ‘respects’ and would have great difficulty rebutting or ignoring or silencing, Andrew Neil terminated the discussion. I wonder why?
“At this point Chukka looked surprised , or pretended to look surprised, as though this was news to him. He is a member of a H of C committee on security”
Chukka Umunna, what a perfect example of style over substance. Beyond parroting party slogans there is very little else he has to offer. I don’t suppose considering something as complex as the truth would even occur to him. The idea that he was considered as a candidate for the Labour leadership, before he mysteriously pulled, out speaks volumes about the level of talent in the Labour Party. But then they elected Corbyn…
No-one told me I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim’: Moment Burma democracy heroine Suu Kyi lost her cool with BBC’s Mishal Husain after being quizzed over violence towards Muslim minority
Mishal Husain is yet another luvie, sucking at the licerse fee teat of of the so called British Broadcasting corp . She is a woman and a Muslim, so that is a perfect score, that entitles her to a unmerited huge salary and pension.
Some background. Afghanistan was once a beautiful Buddhist country. Then along came the Religion of Peace. They slaughtered and raped in the normal way, and the remnant Buddhist population fled to India, Nepal and Burma. The Muslims drove into India, and the Buddhist fled to the hills of Nepal, The Muslim horde tried to invade Nepal too, but the Gurkha kukri said otherwise.
Muslims in Burma are illegal migrants from Bangladesh. They don’t speak Burmese or have any Burmese traditions. They were doing what all Muslims do – Jihad and rape. Where have I heard that before.
If they are being kicked out from Burma – then lets hope we learn something, or else we will be like Christians in the Middle East – once a majority, now a vanishing remnant.
Mishal Husain tweeted a few years ago that, whilst walking down the street with her family, she was subjected to racist abuse and she received huge publicity on the back of it from all the usual suspects in the media.
No questions were asked as to the authenticity of the claims and, not surprisingly, there were no witnesses other than her own family.
Why, when I am racially abused in my own country by people from foreign shores, am I also not allowed to state the same, without proof?
Mishal Husain tweeted a few years ago that, whilst walking down the street with her family, she was subjected to racist abuse and she received huge publicity on the back of it from all the usual suspects in the media.
Then why the hell didn’t she go off to her native Pakistan? The fact she didn’t tells me that for all the supposed racism of Britain, it is miles better then Pakistan. In fact so good, that Pakistanis will risk life and limb, and force their way into Britain, so they can live in a racist country.
And another thing about Mishal….she regards Christianity as, ‘ridiculous’……ok…i regard Islam as the anti-christ, and allah as a sadist, who’d desecrate even Hell. Suck on that you pretty-faced bitch.
I don’t think the 1 in 3 figure surprises anyone. The muslim support for muslim mayhem seems to be pretty constant wherever polling takes place from Germany to Syrian refugee camps. I suspect Nawaz is keen to draw attention to the vast “moderare” muslim support for the Caliphate because he is looking for more cash for his deradicalisation programmes. As usual, the public is expected to believe two contradictory things – Islam is a religion of peace and so all muslims are peaceloving and that we need to spend vast amounts of money to bribe muslims not to butcher us.
You are probably right, but my point was how the BBC, and Andrew Neil at that , shut him up once he began to over turn their carefully spun story that the problem is not Islam but Islamism. It seems clear that the elites are determined to play down or ignore just how serious the problem that we have with Islam really is. Blurting out that 30% of Muslims support Islamist terror does undermine their ‘ nothing much to worry about folks’ narrative. I can understand that telling us that we have a couple of million in our midst who support the idea of murdering us, is a problem. But I can’t understand why so many politicians seemed to want to allow more Muslims into our midst, particularly when it is clear that among them will be trained leaders with a mission to kill as many of us as possible. Nor can I understand why so few politicians are doing anything about this problem. If the elite won’t do anything then sooner or later someone will stand up and take the Muslims on. The longer they leave it , hoping it will go away, the worse the situation gets.
I hope that Donald Trumo becomes president. Unless his talk is all talk, and will change the moment he
gets elected, then there will be a dramatic change. The defence of Europe, both internal and external is decided in Washngton DC. When there is a new boss, there will be a different tune, and everyone will have to jump.
Recall some two months ago, D Trump was saying that he was so sad what has happened to Brussels. For this he was heavily criticised. It turns out he was right. Almost all major European cities are not safe to walk about on a warm summers night. This was not the case some 20 or 30 years ago.
If Europe and the West want to recover their peace then there is no other option but…
The late Laurence Auster advocated this for sometime
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
But we can not destroy Islam.
Nor can we democratize Islam.
Nor can we assimilate Islam.
THEREFORE the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
You are a bit vague on how you intend to ‘separate’ islam? How do you define someone who is not islamic? What about the many Muslims who don’t go to mosque or have any interest in religion just as few Brits bother going to Church? Or who are British born? You don’t know any? I do.
And what about all the key jobs they work in? Are we going to have ‘good jews’ of ‘honorary whites’ to get around this slight problem. And whlist waiting for deportation (where and how?) are they going to stay in camps, maybe wear a crescent badge?
I cant see any other way that avoids a quite unnecessary civil war.
I think you would cause one. Don’t you if you thought about it?
Why then don`t we devise a test?
Best academic minds, quantifiable and using the likes of the best of LSE, Kings and Oxbridge?
Maybe with a profile on what constitutes a Muslim who doesn`t go along with the need for Sharia as set out in the Koran and the jihadist imperative?
A longitudinal study to show when they remained true to their opinions that we`d get?…or elected to go for the fast track taqqiyya option they`ll know is a tactic to use with the dopey, lazy kuffar that they live amongst?
You any objection to that LDV?…or is the need to look at how best to secure our survival in our own country “racist”…”racial profiling” and “Trump-like” in its assumptions?
One or the other LDV-you either have an academic research base that is free to roam where the evidence leads.
Or else you`ll consign the next generation to Sharia if current trends (and a lack of curiosity) continue.
Not that you`ll even be able to track the descent to Islam-because you`ll not even have the raw data to confirm the hypothesis will you?
But-at Easter 2016, you were able to project your virtue onto the National Portrait Gallery weren`t you?
And the Caliphate quake just that little less than before as a consequence.
What IS Arabic for “quisling”, “Seiss Inquart”, “useful idiot” and “be a brave turtle and put out your neck a little?”.
Sandbags for
As if they`ve not got enough sand of their own huh?
That’s right. Make certain beliefs a “thought-crime” punishable by imprisonment and deportation. This is the freedom from tyrany our ancestors fought for.
So there`s no science , rhyme , reason or need to ask Anjem what he`s going to do…no polygraph or taqiyya means to look for.
God, you`re dumb zero-your ancestors really should have stopped with your elder brother.
You`ll fight for nothing other than the right not to sit on a pigskin plane seat.
Your self-abasement won`t save you though-Islam hates the coward and the braindead, more than those who`ll fight back.
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
All these things are a threat to the freedoms we have fought for in this country over centuries, yet they are becoming more and more accepted facets of our daily lives.
Meanwhile, you sit at your keyboard as facilitator, creating smokescreens to help make it all happen.
You are nothing less than a mealy-mouthed traitor.
>What about the many Muslims who don’t go to mosque or have any interest in religion just as few Brits bother going to Church? Or who are British born? You don’t know any? I do.
Yeah, me too. Used to think I was a right multicultural type. A few pakistani lads I used to know who hung around in a group, liked a smoke now and again, used to get me a bit. Sometimes they used to come round my flat to pick me up.
In the two years I’d known them, I always got a warm greeting and welcomed into the car; except once: they were acting strange, very cagey, and told me not to get in the back. I just laughed at them, thinking they were joking, and got in the back anyway. I was sat next to a 13/14 year old white girl who looked petrified that I was going to ask the wrong question. Stony silence from the driver’s seat, and I just made my excuses and left. Never saw them again.
Fuck you. Fuck your holocaust analogy. Fuck your hand-wringing. Stay out of the way.
NCBBC Total separation, difficult but as a question of survival necessary. A cordon sanitaire between their countries and the west; they do not come here, we do not go there. With energy independence we have less reason to have dealings with them. Deportation – too drastic perhaps, but certainly deport criminals, even if they were born here. International law will have to be suspended. Free movement out – to lands where they are more likely to have their faith politically enforced – could be financially supported.
Now – feeling rather wicked – someone once suggested dealing with the demographic explosion with some kind of limit on fertility. A drug to eliminate sexual urges – like super-lorin which controls randy dogs – could be slipped into halal food.
Unthinkable and incompatible with our liberal values. Of course, but if ever the nutters release a dirty bomb in Europe, prepare for the worse.
If the stupid Police bashed down the doors of all the Mosques at once, conducted detailed searches, i’m pretty confident they would turn up automatic weapons, ammunition and explosives….the Koran states clearly the role of the Mosques….as places of prayer…meeting…and as armouries. If the bastards riot, use absolute force on them, tear gas ,
batons and live ammunition as a last resort….show these arrogant bastards we mean business……It won’t happen sadly…people will die at the hands of these creatures.
I understand your exasperation. I caught a bit of Any Answers on Radio4. The problem of “home grown” terrorism in the light of Brussels was being addressed. Some woman announcer asks “How can it be that people like us, brought up and educated in Britain can commit such atrocities”. This shows the utter blindness of people like these. These people are not like the indigenous population as they have essentially recreated their former Muslim homelands in Britain. They are geograpically located in Britain, but they are brought up in a culture that has nothing to do with Britain’s. They may be educated at the expense of the British taxpayer but they live in households, very extended families, whose customs and traditions are as far removed from Britain’s as you could imagine.
The BBC wonders why Muslim women flitting around in burkhas are challenged by members of the public. These Islamic trappings are essentially the uniform of IS. I suppose the BBC thinks that someone walking around Britain in a nazi uniform during WWII would not be noticed. After all, as the BBC would reason, it could be a moderate nazi and we would not want to tar moderate, peaceloving nazis and extremist beastly ones with the same brush. Totally unbritish and morally repugnant.
Caught much of Any Questions and then the Any Answers add on this afternoon.
Well remember that nasty little poseur Hazel Blears at a political rally a few years ago.
A stain on Labour, but did rather well our of her fiery Barbara Castle meets Gracie Fields had she been a krankie.
Anyway-up to her neck in slime, corruption and incompetence-this being the time of Lord Levy, cockle pickers and unregistered criminals being let loose on the public-illegals as well.
But Hazel knewe how to get the nodding dogs in line.
Just mention “Salford”…”womens refuges” and “equality and social justice” at two minute intervals throughout your so-called speech.
The nodding dogs applauded every time on cue.
Reminded me of the smoke up the arse stuff on the two programmes above.
These were not political figures-but with the exception of Forsyth were all house trained socialists with barely a ciggie paper between them re tolerance, racism, Islamophobia, feminism, blame men, Farage and Trump…and-every time-the audience applauded like th nodding dogs of liberal socialism that they have now become.
Yes it was great to see the Liberals binned last may…but we do need to be careful now because liberals are now marxists without the patience to draft a resolution or to study political theory.
Real dangerous times…I`m now a bit more careful about what I wished for…whatever else I wanted last May I didn`t expect a clueless stupid Tory rump with heavy duty anti-Semitic jackboot socialism as the only other alternative.
One in three is 33%. Its more like 40%. Moreover, this is the fraction that is bold enough to openly say so. There could be atleast 40%, who think the same but are keeping their opinions to themselves till it is too late for us.
“Andrew Neil terminated the discussion. I wonder why?” Maybe he has a big wedge of money each month and a large BBC pension to protect. A married man’s life is an expensive one.
I agree, the situation is disgraceful. The BBC and other media including Sky News try very hard indeed to ensure that we, the people, make no connection between muslim/islamist killers and their barbaric beliefs and the muslim population in Europe generally and the UK particularly.
I liken the situation to that which Northern Ireland faced when the IRA was at its most active. It carried out a campaign of bombing and shootings and other acts of terror, but it was not done in isolation. It had support from a very large number of citizens those who believed like them that Ireland should be united, and that Northern Ireland should be wrested by force from the UK. The IRA did the killings and its political branch did the propaganda and its people acted as victims.
We have the same now but on a vastly greater scale. We have muslim killers and political islam, and we have a population of muslims which makes no attempt to stop these who kill and maim in their name, because they sympathise and came here to change our society.
Where the IRA wanted Northern Ireland, the muslims want the whole of Europe and the UK. They will keep fighting as long as they are here. Europe, its indigenous people and its civilisation is doomed unless severe action is taken to push back against the attackers, no political settlement is possible in this case, any compromise would be a disaster.
So there were no killings of innocent Catholics by Protestant Christians… except there were. Which means that all Protestants are equally guilt because of their actions. Can we not rid ourselves of them as well? Or maybe realise the illogical conclusions you have reached.
Yes, and I hear they are now selling colour projectors pre-programmed with all the flags of the world to illuminate a building of your choice and show the words Je suis……. (enter your own slogan) (but presumably not ‘fed up with muslim terrorists’)
Muslim Jihadis are not the problem. In a way they alert us to an approaching catastrophe. The real threat to our civilisation, and thus the whole world, is what happens when the so called moderate Muslim population in Western countries is large enough to elect their own government, and install sharia. This is inevtable, as Muslim population growth rate is far higher then ours.
That is the real threat. So I thank the Jihadis for drawing attention to this. If they were not bombing and killing us, then one one day, in 30 years or so, we would wake up to find our civilisation gone.
Agreed – the core problem boils down to generations of left wing idiocy. Any half-sensible nation would have barred undesirable aliens from entering the country at all, now we are awash with a sizeable population of them, at a huge net cost. The EU, Human Rights, all the ‘isms’ and an idea of a ‘Global’ world need to be torn up.
The country will need a severe de-Commie-fication program if it is to survive. The march through the institutions needs to be reversed asap, with extreme prejudice if necessary. The enemies aren’t poor brown skinned or middle eastern folk, rather the politicians and their enablers who would cheerfully destroy a country by letting them in by the millions.
Not sure that the BBC will report this but the Mail is tracking it . All 51 illegal migrants detained by Kent Police after spilling out of the back of 2 lorries are now free to roam around the UK. They have all claimed asylum and are being ‘fast tracked’ with their applications. You just have to dispair. We are completely useless at securing our borders. This is not even an EU issue, just the actions of a lying government betraying the indigenous population.
30000 failed asylum seekers are admitted to be at large and that’s just the figure the government gives us, it’s probably too low!
We don’t just need to leave the EU we need a government that actually cares about the UK, rather than conspire like its predecessor to create Eurabia.
All 51 illegal migrants detained by Kent Police after spilling out of the back of 2 lorries are now free to roam around the UK. They have all claimed asylum and are being ‘fast tracked’ with their applications. You just have to dispair……………
I don’t despair, I just feel sick to the stomach. They may just as well give the keys to the whole fucking lot of ’em because migrants are just seeping into every corner of this land. I live in a village, and a new housing estate has been built; our little Co-op is now awash with young Mums pushing buggies and speaking a foreign language I don’t even recognise – how did these young people get new homes ?????? we have our own kids unable to get on the housing list or cant buy their own homes, yet peoples from foreign lands are leapfrogging into accommodation.
Leaving the EU will help. Moreover, if we leave, it will leave a huge hole in the spend budget of the EU. This is going to hurt, as Germany is in trouble. If we vote to leave, it may collapse the EU, and thus give all Europe the freedom to do what they need to.
Can anyone clarify the Law here?…..These people hid in a lorry…entered the country illegally…they cannot claim asylum here, we are not the first country they have crossed…..they should therefore be removed back to France.Why is this not being done?…what part of the Law says they can stay at the discretion it seems of their target country?…..we have homeless people and teens living in shopfronts…our people. They are not helped half as much as these bastards….who have homes in their own country.
A recent Intelligence Squared debate (post-Paris, pre-Brussels). US General John Allen and Douglas Murray on one side of the motion, Ken Livingstone and Rula Jebreal on the other. Worth a viewing if you have 45 minutes to spare this week-end. Douglas Murray’s opening comments are from 14:40 – 18:35 mins, followed from 19:20 mins by Rula Jebreal who starts her piece by saying –
“We are again lectured, with all respect, by two white men….” Thanks for that Rula. Isn’t that a teeny bit racist and sexist?
Not sure how many have heard the news, but even after Channel 4 have just stumped up £24m per year for the Formula One rights, Sky have now bought the rights commenting 2019, meaning that for the first time Formula One, like cricket will be 100% behind a paywall.
Initial reaction is ‘bastard’ Murdoch, but dig a bit deeper and it turns out that F1’s governing body needed to be assured of the cash, the BBC although having the rights until 2018 started getting jittery, first giving up 50% of the races in 2011, then chucking it in completely last year, looking to make savings.
So of course for those savings the BBC target something culturally British and a sport that employs a lot of Brits, subliminally blaming the government. F1 was costing them £15m a year, which to them is peanuts (one Graham Norton?) but prefer to pay such overrated ‘talent’ have an abundance of digital radio stations that only one man and his dog listen to and excessive TV channels that in the main show nothing but repeats and reality rubbish, all seemingly much more important to them, rather than preserve the little bit of sport they did have.
The first ‘B’ in BBC is stands for British and F1 is a sport that the British excel in with most teams regardless of nationality being based here, Bastard BBC….
One further thought. The way that BBC sport is moving, I do wonder that if 1 or 2 women drivers had been signed up this year, would the BBC have been so keen to drop the sport?
A couple of years ago an F1 team did actually have a woman driver.. she did a couple of laps in two races weekends, not even qualifying laps just laps in the same conditions and setup as the men in practise time, and she was so unbelievably slow she was quietly dropped. I think the problem was that there was no glove box and her handbag kept getting in the way of the steering wheel, although I could be wrong.
If the BBC could have a feminized FI they would buy the rights to broadcast it with a vengeance. The BBC along with virtually all media is becoming feminized, and there is virtually nothing male orientated now.
Football the last bastion of maleness as F1 is are regularly reported on by female presenters.
No wonder young boys are becoming so dysfunctional in our society.
The same Jeremy hardy who is ashamed that he has a totally white ancestry that he can trace back several hundred years. There must have been some inbreeding somewhere in his family tree to have produced such a retard.
I`d have thought that reversing into a pitstop(Penelope) could be a problem.
And the car booster seat could be a problem ,let alone a boot that will allow for decent sized shop in midweek.
See-we men DO care, Radio 4….
Geoff, I assume that is TV rights only, going to Sky and that TMS will still be able to cover Test Matches?
It is starting to look like not pitching for and winning F1 rights may be a smart move on the part of the BBC. At the moment it is mostly only speculation that is at the wild end of the spectrum that is suggesting that Grand Prix racing is dying. The number of mainstream commenters to that effect are a small but growing group.
It may only need a severe economic shock to bring F1 to a staggering halt.
BBC radio has the TMS rights until 2019, would think that’s pretty safe, but you never know and the F1 rights until 2021, again you never know.
You’re right re the current state of F1, its the green lobby with hybrid over complicated engines that are killing it. A friend of mine was telling me that club cricket is also dying, kids aren’t interested purely because they’re not seeing it in the home. A 12 year old will have never seen a live cricket match in a non Sky subscribing household.
Events like the Ashes and England home football matches should all be free to air, ultimately the sports governing bodies and the broadcasters greed will kill the sports.
Still we’ve got transgender tiddlywinks to look forward to on the BBC….
Does make me wonder what the BBC spends it’s 4 billion on …
Seem happy to have 10’s of journalists flying back and forth to the USA for the US primaries.
Geoff said: “BBC radio has the TMS rights until 2019, would think that’s pretty safe, but you never know”
I think the arrival of Talksport 2 might pose them a problem with cricket. They had rights to South Africa v England a few years back. I remember Tony Grieg was one of the presenters.
Can’t see them ever loosing Wimbledon though. It’s their type of sport.
Soapers, It is about the only contact I have with the BBC these days. I can only hope that some of the bigwigs at the BBC are cricket fans otherwise I fear we are doomed .
One coy / duplicitous / lying / stupid (I’ll let you insert your own adjective) news anchor on bBBC Radio 5 actually said to a reporter in Brussels today “…but what can these men have in common?”.
Another BBC Online News feature treating Terrorist murderers as victims of an intolerant European society:
“”Molenbeek’s gangster jihadists””
“”They don’t feel at home anywhere – so they’re forever trying to find out who they are””
Mohamed Maalem, BBA gym. (therefore, murder women and children?).
“”That sense of a need to atone for past sins is perhaps one reason why so many of those from Molenbeek who ended up with IS had criminal backgrounds”” (therefore, murder women and children?).
Why should Arab muslims feel “at home ” in Europe ? It is an alien culture to them.
Atone for past sins by killing more people. What a strange concept.
“We will not be intimidated, we will not be deterred… we will not rest until we have eliminated your nihilistic beliefs and cowardice from the face of this earth.”
Silly man. Oh, wait it was St. Obama’s mate John Kerry.
Holistic medicine or alternative medicine as some like to call it is, to the layman, treatment that depends on trust and belief, often spiritual or religious. You see it when people of certain faiths/beliefs spurn the confirmed, established methods of treating illness and, instead, rely on non-medical faith-based healing. A good example would be when parents of a certain belief/faith, knowing that their seriously ill child needs a blood transfusion to save it’s life, decide that they would rather rely on their own belief/faith to cure the child than go with the science – in effect, doing nothing.
Throughout the western, civilised world this approach has been rejected out of hand and judges have, on countless occasions, overruled the parents in court and ordered conventional, established treatment to be carried out to save the life of the child.
Why would it be then that the same judges that dismiss holistic medicine as nothing more than witchcraft and, to prevent it when it causes harm, legally enforce sanity, allow people to claim that if they die as a martyr they will be rewarded with 72 virgins and their religious views are sacrosanct?
Douglas Murray is excellent on the ‘Moral Maze’ on Youtube ( non video) about Brussels. About 4.50 in, the woman presenter asks him if liberty is important to him, Douglas’s tone of voice is priceless and I just can’t replicate it here, but it’s a sort of .. eyes rolling in his head and thinking to himself , ‘Oh God what kind of retard am I talking to’! I swear he almost gives up with absolute despair, but he does bash the BBC.. worth a visit.
Heard this too…he belittled the horrendous Giles Fraser beautifully, showed him for the moron he is. I was astonished too that Melanie Phillips let a slur and outright lies about Israel by some no-mark of yet another muslim ‘organisation’ pass without comment. I would have torn his throat out, saying he had no place on a panel like this with such false and violent views. Shame on her.
Only got back last week, the BBC is worse than ever …
I caught Chukka on This week, crap … much better Majid Nawaz, but I d sooner have D Murray
More news on Islamic child rape gangs, Rotherham again BBC reports appallingly biased
Brussels aftermath the BBC is just dire, plenty of reports on weepy vigils, hashtags and general kumbayaness
In fact I d had enough I turned over to Jonny Gaunts station yesterday.
Didn t catch the whole show, but he d had an interview with the Muslim Council Britain, (obviously Rotherham/Brussels etc), and had asked for the listeners reactions
Some guy called in mentioned Moh and the child rape of Aisha, his sex slavery, him being the perfect example to follow for Muslims etc, in connection with the epidemic of Islamic child rape gangs.
Mr Gaunt the self proclaimed “champion of free speech” reverts immediately to the most overt stereotypical and laughable of defence s, for islam and erm … “the prophet”, invoking the crusades, the pope, offending millions of muslims, nothing to do with Islam and accused the guy of obsessional bigotry etc, might as well have been the bloody BBC!
Britains No1 “shock jock”?
this can t be the future of radio?, surely … I sure hope he s better on other subjects
I heard that, Gaunt makes all the right noises yet there are a couple of regular Muslim callers which he snuggles up to, I think he has even employed one of them on his radio station.
The caller in question was factual and polite, and I think alluding to the taqiyya obviously practiced by the MCB chap and not for the first time with such callers Gaunt jumped down his throat.
Gaunt knows he’s alienating his listeners with such a stance, as he made some comment at the end saying something like ‘there goes some more listeners’
Maybe the NLP used in his BBC training comes to the fore?
Just watchec bBBC news and the report of ‘far right’ anti imigration demonstrations in Brussels. As expected, the white men were dealt with harshly by the police ans left the lovely, multicultural crowd holding hands and smiling for camera. Typical BBC slant on things.
One thing puzzled me a little. There was no mention of the muslim people removing the Israeli flags which had been left at the makeshift memorial in the city. This has been captured a number of times on You Tube and really is quite disgraceful behaviour but hardly surprising. The news concluded with the reporter spouting the standard vacuous pc garbage while in the background, a man of ‘middle east appearance’ stood in the middle of the tributes waving a Palestine flag. To me, that seemed to be disrespectful and inappropriate on a number of levels but the reporter seemed to want it included in the final shot.
Guess what? Just a few days after Brussels and Barry Bath house’s disastrous visit to Cuba, it is announced that more ISIS leaders, including a senior leader, have been killed. BBC reports this bollocks without question.
The Beeb did not even use it’s key word ‘alleged’ – as in alleged senior leader or allegedly killed.
Council leader wants the money tree shaken again to pay for flood repairs :-
Peter Box, chairman of the LGA’s environment, economy, housing and transport board, said: “Councils are still literally counting the cost and the final bill is likely to be much higher.
“Government has gone a long way to helping hard-hit communities get back on their feet. But it is clear more financial support will be needed for councils.”
My local BBC TV news has a similar plea from local government almost every week. Why do the BBC reporters just accept that someone else should pay? Why do they never point out to the LG person that local authorities have tax raising powers, so raise the cash yourself? (Councils have to get larger council tax increases approved by a local referendum. Perhaps in respect of most pleas the LG person realises that, whilst the BBC falls for the sob story, residents’ approval would not be forthcoming. However In the case of flood works they may well get the approval of residents. )
Yesterday was full of Karadzic’s 40-year sentence, and all will know of Mladic and Milosevic. But how many know of Naser Oric and his band of merry men? And Alija Izetbegovic, and the reasons behind Sredbrenica? Not the justification perhaps, but certainly some of the reasons – those details of the narrative the UN never seemed to want to pursue, and certainly of no apparent interest to any BBC ‘investigative journalism’.
One has to admire Archbishop Welby’s expectation that the Christian church will still be around in ‘five to ten years’ as he seeks to establish a common day for Easter world-wide.
Can I suggest that he call it Easter integration Day, or Eid for short?
This incident and its implications have been touched on during the last thread –
“A man has been charged with inciting racial hatred after a message was posted on his Twitter profile about confronting a Muslim woman over the Brussels terror attacks.
Matthew Doyle is charged with publishing or distributing threatening, abusive or insulting material, likely or intended to stir up racial hatred.
The 46-year-old from south Croydon was arrested on Wednesday.
He will appear before Camberwell Green Magistrates Court on Saturday.
The Met Police said the charge follows an investigation by officers at Croydon Police Community Safety Unit.”
Quite frankly I am beginning to feel the ‘chill’. Twitter and Facebook users are low-hanging fruit. What about anonymous blogs such as this one? Am I paranoid?
Good point, the topic here is the bias of the BBC, & we do get a bit frusrtrated in our comments about how the BBC is blind to an Islamic threat that lurks amongst us, but I haven’t read anything here more extreme than anything that sage Douglas Murray is saying openly. I think we are OK.
The notion that we still enjoy freedom of speech should be dispelled by this outrageous charge. Quite how questioning a Muslim incites racial hatred, when Muslims are not a ‘race’ is beyond me, and, I hope, the prosecution.
This bloody country has gone to the dogs.
It’s possible that he was frustrated at the lack of answers from the BBC other than excuses. Perhaps he asked her as a Muslim if she could throw some light on a vital issue? She didn’t, he put her response on Twitter.
Why charged? The trial could be a watershed for the UK. Something really has to give.
When he was arrested it was reported that the police were investigating offensive messages that he had posted on social media so I assumed they had more on him…….how wrong I was.
You are right to be paranoid. The powers that be have nowhere to go now except into tyranny. Tyrants by inevitability as the saying goes. Perhaps not the gulag sort of repression but repression all the same.
We have been here before.
Look up the Six Acts of 1819 after the Peterloo massacre. Our rulers have never been keen on real opposition.
In the current Isis offensive ( for that is what it is ) our leaders are desperate to keep us in ignorance and docile.
Hence the police over reactions and the endless media lies.
Anyone who has much to lose would be well advised to be cautious. TThe first attacks will be on free speech by making sure it is so circumscribed as to be non existent. We have no protection like the citizens of the USA.
Then will follow prosecutions and fines and when that starts to fail imprisonment.
Excuse me if I sound cynical but all that human rights crap is not going to protect us. The elites have failed and now know that they cannot protect the European borders and the cities. Hence all this emphasis on our responsibility for the attacks and the sentimentality that oozes over every new atrocity.
The attacks are acts of war against a defenceless people and we had better understand this. Our elites are desperate to keep this from us as then we might ask for real action and start blaming them.
Gert Wilders and Victor Orban tell it like it is. I hope to God Trump makes it to the White House. We are becoming a people without help from our state institutions and this never never ends well for anyone.
I do not understand why a guy asking a Muslim woman to explain what happened in Brussels is a hate crime that requires the police to arrest him following the wits on social media attacking him.
Yet Beinazir Lasharie, a Muslim labour councillor, can state that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks and the emergence of Isis and sit at home comfortable in the knowledge that neither the police nor the smart arsed users of the social media will have a pop at her.
No. No one can explain to a sane, rational person how Blair’s ‘hate crimes’ act makes any sense at all.
It is possible that having had one’s mind rotted by a couple of decades of Guardianista blathering might help, but even then a truly logical mind will struggle.
I thought he was charged with making a public statement not approaching the woman. A completely different matter.
In the US he would be protected by the 1st amendment. Here we have nothing any more to protect free speech which I suppose suits you just fine.
His crime was to make his opinion public .
Its such a shame that the police force involved who arrested the man in double quick time for a few ill chosen words (!), weren’t the same coppers who (didn’t) respond to arresting the bastards in Rotherham !!! Immediate response to dialogue by a white man, yet decades before action is taken for sexual abuse of kids by Asians.
Yes, Jerrod and Zero, assuming they are 2 separate people have re-surfaced. Jerrod refusing to answer my question ” Who do you blame for the Brussels terrorist atrocity ? ” ! Says it all really .
The same scenario is acted out each time an atrocity takes place. Until they have their editorial ‘line to take’ meeting, they go to ground.
None of them have the brains to realise their actions give the game away.
Well, Grant, that is actually a difficult question to answer due to its imprecise nature and the three or more totally correct but different answers that could be provided.
If Jerrod is a total Beeboid Troll, three or more answers may be outnumbering his brain cells available for providing an answer.
Oh, they dont like answering questions, very much a la Paxman, they are above being questioned.
Couple of years ago, whilst discussing the all inclusive cuddly nature of the rop on here, I challenged any of them to define the term ‘dhimmi’ for me and explain how inclusive that classification is.
I kept asking the same Q for days, and in the end they managed to scribble a bullshit definition, and got someone called ‘me sir, me sir’ to post it here.
And then as if by magic, ‘me sir me sir’ disappeared, as quickly as he had appeared.
It says “Jerrod does not believe in debating with people who don’t hold his world view, a view which includes excusing terrorism which he feels under no obligation to justify”.
Well thank you for telling me what my “world view” is, and how it includes “excusing terrorism”. Naturally, you’re wrong on both counts – but hey, what does the truth matter on Biased BBC? It just gets in the way of stupid people pretending that they’re in any way worth wasting oxygen on.
Biased BBC: where bigoted halfwits come to lie about people whose opinions they don’t share, because telling the truth involves a level of intellect that eludes them.
Now do the world a favour, and start behaving like an adult. You may find that the real world has more to offer you if you do, and you won’t have to hang around with all the other morons on this site whose grasp on reality is as stunted and inaccurate as the one you peddle.
Here we go, Jerrod, it’s time to stand up and be counted……
From my post below, and I will keep asking you this until I get an answer on every point:
————————————————– GWF, do you think it’s acceptable to approach a stranger on the street and harangue them for something a terrorist in another country has perpetrated?
Well, Jerrod, when I see a Muslim in a headscarf or burka or any other garments that are beginning to make our streets look like downtown Kabul, I’m reminded of what their religion has brought to this country. So bearing in mind the following, which is copied from my post above – then yes, without a shadow of a doubt they need to be challenged:
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
So unplug your head from your arse for a moment and imagine what life will be like for you living in an Islamic theocracy, because that is where your support of Islam is leading us.
Unless, of course, you heartily approve of all of the above? Well, do you??
Zero, I suggest you comment with approval on the stories which appear frequently on the UAF Trot FB pages, where outrage is expressed at people who approach protected women in hijabs. And a story about someone pulling at a scarf will get scores of people condemning. That is really where you belong. You do not fit in with discussions concerning freedom of expression and arrests for tweeting things your fellow lefties find offensive.
But I will make a prediction. Mention to your friends that the Brussels’s bombs were not a response to European foreign policy or the alienation and distressed economic state of Muslims in Europe, but an expression of their beliefs and political objectives , then you will be removed and blocked.
If she had said, “Their actions disgust me, my family and all those I know,” I doubt whether he’d feel anything but relief. I would have found it a very reassuring response. Any tweet might have been a positive one. What is the problem with disassociating yourself from evil sects of your religion, whichever religion that is?
“Harangue” is an emotive word. It implies banging on and on about something – unacceptable to a stranger in the street. Do you know that is what he did or is that your assumption?
> Do you know that is what he did or is that your assumption?
I can only go on how he described what he did. But there seems to be an awful lot of assumption on here, by you and others, that what he did was completely acceptable. I suppose, given that this a community dominated by people who have very little experience of reasonable adult behaviour, that’s to be expected – but demanding zero assumptions from some people while blithely accepting assumptions that reinforce one’s own bigotry is a little hypocritical, wouldn’t you agree?
What`s your take on the murder of the Ammadiyyah shopkeeper up in Glasgow, seeing you`re here jerrod?
Have you SEEN the BBCS reporting of it?…and are the BBC being obtuse in saying that a Sunni killing an Ammadiyyah was a case of “religiously prejudiced” crime…and that they were “both Muslims”.
Check now-Red Button.
And what say YOU about this…and was the attempted persecution of Mr Doyle REALLY the best use of police time, whilst the likes of Glasgow go on with barely an attempt to give us context
> and are the BBC being obtuse in saying that a Sunni killing an Ammadiyyah was a case of “religiously prejudiced” crime
They’re reporting a description given to them by the police.
> and was the attempted persecution of Mr Doyle REALLY the best use of police time, whilst the likes of Glasgow go on with barely an attempt to give us context
You are aware that there’s more than one police officer in the country, so they’re capable of dealing with more than one case at the same time?
I have doubts about the effectiveness of using arrest powers to address people who can’t engage in civil society without being offensive little twerps. I mean, how would Biased BBC cope if its regulars were all stuck in police holding cells?
When DID you stop thinking for yourself then jerrod?
The police also said that Charles De Menezes was a victim of their failing to “ensure his health and safety”…that Ted Heath will always have a case to answer as long as Nick the Virtuous continues to press his Klondyke claims…need I go on
How convenient-the police say it, the BBC report it and your capacity to think , to see patterns and precedents seem easily assuaged.A Dream Lefty in every way jerrod are we not?
And if you choose to refuse to see that what a PC does in Croydon DOES speak of the disintegration of a UK police service…for our Croydon copper could be ANYWHERE in this country-then you`re (what we say) “majoring on the minors”…something that both the BBC and Islam DO have in common, with the usual “look the other way” response of the Met.
Mine`s not to tell you the obvious-but your sinister attempt to imply that those not on Team Liberal” are only out of the police cells because the likes of YOU are tolerating it is pretty creepy.
But you`ve already shown that your kind ARE so….and weren`t you playing the victim card about getting personal abuse here some time back?
Then you resort to your last lines above-what`s Arabic for “Hypocrite in Need of Reconversion” then?…might be worth checking eh?
> When DID you stop thinking for yourself then jerrod?
Yeah, ChrisH. Because everyone who disagrees with your incoherent babblings – as much as it’s possible to disagree with the typed equivalent of drink-induced pavement decoration – is not thinking for themselves.
> Mine`s not to tell you the obvious-but your sinister attempt to imply that those not on Team Liberal” are only out of the police cells because the likes of YOU are tolerating it is pretty creepy.
If you think that’s what I’m implying, then congratulations on being Biased BBC’s most delusionally stupid contributor. It’s a tough field, but you’ve beaten them all to the the bottom of that barrel. Scrape away, you ignorant little homunculus.
With respect Jerrod, the question isn’t whether what he did was “acceptable” it is whether what he did was a matter for the police and the courts?
What he did was poor manners at worst, at best, he was reaching out to a member of a minority community to clarify his one thinking on an issue of the day.
With the proviso that if someone approached me in the street and asked a rather obvious question about what I thought about a terrorist atrocity, I would say “well obviously I don’t agree with taking innocent lives” End of.
It’s not a police matter unless a threat of violence is made.
> With respect Jerrod, the question isn’t whether what he did was “acceptable”
It’s partly that.
> it is whether what he did was a matter for the police and the courts?
It’s also about that.
But Biased BBC’s refusal to consider the former is telling.
> With the proviso that if someone approached me in the street and asked a rather obvious question about what I thought about a terrorist atrocity, I would say “well obviously I don’t agree with taking innocent lives” End of.
What do you want, a gold star for telling people that you’re perfect? Twaddle. It’s just as likely that, if someone you didn’t know came up to you when you weren’t expecting it, you’d come out with something which wasn’t a perfectly formed expression of what you really feel. And that’s okay, it’d be a perfectly natural, human reaction.
Unless you’re a Muslim, a woman, or – the motherlode – both. Then any reaction which isn’t the exact wording that some prejudiced little numpty on the internet deems to be appropriate is taken as vindication for every antisocial little oxygen thief and their delusional self-belief.
You know what? Generally respect between posters here is very genial, even when in disagreement.
Yet you seem to revel in rudeness, playing the man and not the ball and name calling. If we tried the same tactics on such sites as UAF it would result in an instant ban, maybe more. For that reason alone a ban here would be fitting.
Your points would be more pertinent if you didn’t resort to such girly name calling.
Jerrod, Firstly, may I apologise for asking you the same question 3 times. And I am delighted that you agree that the blame is with the Jihadi muslim terrorists. I did not read all of your posts so was disappointed that you did not reply directly to me . Childish I know but I am only “16 going on 17 “.
Now , can you please explain, in simple language that a teenager of my ” calibre”, a word you used earlier, can understand the meaning of the last sentence in your post at
2.06pm ?
Jerrod, If you read chrisH’s posts more carefully, they are not the “incoherent babblings” which you think. And a plus point is that he has a very subtle sense of humour. You should try it !
Jerrod, As far as I can see no one was harranged. But even if they were, as I was harranged many times by Republican Irish (regarding British policy and military action in Ireland – eg Bloody Sunday) when I lived in an area where they were in a majority, I would not have thought it to be a matter for the police.
In this case, there was no hostility, and according to one account, the man departed with a friendly remark to her son.
From the Telegraph.
“What everyone’s got wrong about this is I didn’t confront the woman,” he said. “I just said: ‘Excuse me, can I ask what you thought about the incident in Brussels?'”
“She was white, and British, wearing a hijab – and she told me it was nothing to do with her.
“I said ‘thank you for explaining that’ – and her little boy said goodbye to me as we went out separate ways.”
On Wednesday afternoon, he says, someone who’s been outraged by his comments “turned up at my door, gave me a load of abuse and tried to throw a punch at me.”
GWF, do you think it’s acceptable to approach a stranger on the street and harangue them for something a terrorist in another country has perpetrated?
Well, Jerrod, when I see a Muslim in a headscarf or burka or any other garments that are beginning to make our streets look like downtown Kabul, I’m reminded of what their religion has brought to this country. So bearing in mind the following, which is copied from my post above – then yes, without a shadow of a doubt they need to be challenged:
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
So unplug your head from your arse for a moment and imagine what life will be like for you living in an Islamic theocracy, because that is where your support of Islam is leading us.
Unless, of course, you heartily approve of all of the above? Well, do you??
When asked if he approaches Jewish men wearing skullcaps to question them on the ongoing Israel/Palestine situation he exclaimed: ‘Absolutely not!’
Why should he be asked that? Are Jews blowing people up in Europe? Are they blowing up their Arab neighbours other than targeting terrorists in self defence?
Quite simple. They are both spouting bollix but it isn’t a crime otherwise David Vance would be in solitary in Belmarsh. Free speech means that knuckle brains can be offensive.
But stupid? If I was to ask you about the current war in the Congo could you explain it?
And it’s the Met as usual. It’s a pity they have nothing better to do than persecute innocent citizens. Why did they have to even get involved? Was a complaint made and if so, by whom and why? For me this is the police abusing their power and I hope this man has got himself a good lawyer .
John, May I suggest that these actions are not the result of police abusing their powers; they are obeying orders, like all collaborators, and the orders are in tune with Government objectives to stamp out any signs of a backlash and teach the rest of us to keep quiet.
I don’t wish to appear too pedantic and critical, but we should try very hard to avoid using the very words which are used against us by our politically correct and other Elite oppressors, as it gives the appearance of admitting their charge, and puts us on the defensive. We should not in any way seem to be apologising however inadvertently for a someone’s simple expression of opinion, under freedom of speech, such as in this case, which I think was ‘mealy mouthed’.
What I’m attempting to say is that expressing a view that the muslim woman in this case was being mealy mouthed is not a ‘backlash’.
Just back and haven’t read all the posts so excuse me if I am missing something. For me the issue of the Croydon incident , so far as I know the facts, is that, personally, it is not something I would have done as a matter of good manners.
However, I was astounded that the man should have been arrested, charged and a special court convened for an Easter Saturday or , indeed , any saturday. This smacks of a Police State. This is only one step away from “Thoughtcrime”, This makes me, a law-abiding British Subject scared. And I do not scare easily.
“I’m not suggesting for a moment that the Muslims of Molenbeek are collectively responsible for the atrocities carried out in the name of so-called Islamic State.
But how powerful a statement it would be if they took to the streets en masse to express their sorrow – anger, disgust – at the carnage perpetrated by young men living and hiding among them.”
I have thought along those lines since 9/11, why don’t muslims condemn terrorism? Until they do I find it hard to have any trust in them.
I doubt there would be anyone making such a comment as Judith Woods amongst the BBC commentators.
Noted that John Kerry failed to pack his James Taylor kit, as he flew into Brussels to be all solidarity minded.
This tells me that the US aren`t as fussed about this atrocity as they were after Charlie Hebdo, when a James Taylor was packed as hand luggage by John Kerry.
As if the poor sods of Paris hadn`t only just got the ringing out from their ears-before James strummed along to Imagine…You`ve Got a Bomb and Fire then Reign.
Now had James been packed along…AND Carly Simon or Carole King been brought along too-this would be a heightened state of security,
But no minstrels-white, privileged liberals who`ve yet to say or do anything about Islam-and are tomorrows roadies for Cat Stevens and his Coming Ululators.
Bit more happening in Brussels, not reported by BBC, but man was shot at the Railway station.
Looks like one of the BBC’s oppressed and excluded from white society darlings.
Hope it does not lead to a backlash
I have just listened to Any Questions on Radio 4, hosted this evening by Ritula who usually does TWT. And what a refreshing change. No Jon Dimbo! There was not a politician in sight; the questions were sensible, the replies too, whether you agreed with them or not. Most questions had a political bent but there were no arguments, no speaking over one another. Those on the panel spoke sense – again whether you agreed with them or not – but no shouting, no sound bites. The audience too were polite. I tell you it really was a joy to listen to.
Headline on BBC UK news website: ‘Man arrested after shopkeeper death’.
Could you create a duller, less informative headline?
And why so dull?
The only clue is the presence of the code word ‘man’.
It’s the 22:00 hour news the BBc are poking around in Yemen. Why would they target this site they ask? Maybe because rebels were based there would be a pretty good answer of course there is no evidence either way. We are shown fragments of a bomb that may have been made in the UK. So what? It probably is “The exact figure for British arms export licences from July to September 2015 was £1,066,216,510 in so-called “ML4” export licences, which relate to bombs, missiles, rockets, and components of those items.” the Independent.
Then “evidence of a possible war crime” as we are shown the remains of an American CBU cluster bomb. Well except America isn’t signed up to the clusterbomb convention, nor is Saudi Arabia or for that matter Yemen.
Ms. Guerin strongly implies the area was bombed for no apparent reason. “They attacked these plates”, said Ahmad ben Sharif. I guess she didn’t notice the AK-47 slung over his right shoulder.
Dave666 beat me to mentioning that Saudi Arabia has not signed or ratified the treaty. Neither has China, Russia, USA, India, Israel, Pakistan, Indonesia, Poland, Thailand, Taiwan, Egypt, Turkey, South Korea nor Brazil. That is 13 of the world’s 20 strongest armies.
The convention does not ban all cluster weapons, by the way. The treaty allows certain types of weapons with submunitions that do not have the indiscriminate area effects or pose the same unexploded ordnance risks as cluster munitions. Permitted weapons must contain fewer than ten submunitions, and each must weigh more than 4 kilograms (8.8 lb), and each submunition must have the capability to detect and engage a single target object and contain electronic self-destruct and self-deactivation mechanisms. Weapons containing submunitions which all individually weigh at least 20 kg (44 lb) are also excluded.
Orla looks fetching in her headscarf. Perhaps it blocked her peripheral vision.
Guerin married Reuters correspondent Michael Georgy in 2003. I can find no evidence that he or his wife are Muslim. I expect the headscarf is the physical indication of her efforts to avoid aggravating her hosts as her uncritical repetition of everything they say is the intellectual indication.
If she is married to one then she is a Muslim because the woman takes on the religion of her husband. That is the excuse as to why Muslim women are forbidden to marry non-Muslims and the reason that car crashed in that tunnel in Paris
BBC News this evening showed a photograph of the chap (who as yet has not appeared in court, never mind been found guilty of anything) charged with the “hate crime” against a Muslima; a cynical person might conclude that they were attempting to make him, or his family, a target for violence from the Ropers and their Progressive mates.
Agreed. Now the CPS have advised the Met Plod they’ve been wasting police time, perhaps the bBC feel ‘natural justice’ (as followed by their licence free viewers of ME and Pakistan descent) is the way ahead. Or is that a mealy mouthed response?
feargal the cat, here is an update ……………
Do the police get a kick up the B.. for wasting valuable resources ?
Especially at a time like this .
Its never been about prosecuting this man. It’s about sending a warning to all non-Muslims who might in future highlight where the blame lies for atrocities and a reminder to all non-Muslims of the countries pecking-order. Job done!
it really looks like this. However I suspect that the CPS realised that the charge would not stand up in court for one moment.
Nevertheless it is useful to keep the pressure up on those who just might prove difficult.
No doubt ‘lesssons have been learned ‘ and we can look forward to Mrs May changing the law ASAP. There must be some law they can invent to really shut us up.
Marxist liberals need their safe spaces.
The sanitised “Muslim kills fellow-Muslim” piece on the BBC-as well as the attempted prosecution of Mr Doyle both turn out to be the same idea.
The McLuhan message in both stories is “Don`t Even Think About It”…and sending a decent message to Christians at Easter as a Muslim only “fast tracks” the extra-judicial process.
And-having seen the Mets efforts to prevent debate-we can safely say that the medium is now the message,
If it frightens off the kuffar from complaining when THEIR Umma is blown up and maimed, then it`ll have done its job-so well done Ali Desai, well done Linda Bellos….your efforts to eat away at what was once a Court System are all too obvious now.
If-as well-it lets the Islamist know that murdering those who`d try to offer the hand of friendship to Christians DOES get it all hushed up and condoned-then we really should have offered Salman Rushdie up in 1989…and saved ourselves the efforts to defend free speech in our own land.
The Police and the BBC-“Clear the Streets”. put out the blue tape and set up a shrine…but not to Glasgow shopkeepers who only deserved the Hebdo response, for selling out.
The police don’t even know the rules about when they can charge under this law.
Obviously their enthusiasm to crush dissent overtook bothering to check procedures.
A head should roll but won’t as they still have a chance to nail the racist.
At the very least a knock, or several knocks on the door from The Asian ‘not helpful’ Network kids and a variety of obscure local radio DJs, who run away before it gets answered.
Addressing the crowd at Arbour Hill cemetery, Mr Adams paid tribute to the 1916 rebels, saying “a few hundred poorly equipped Irish men and women took on the might of the largest empire the world had ever seen”.
What a plank you are Gerry Adams, a hyperbolic, war mongering, murdering fantasist.
I wonder what those poorly equipped irish men would think about Gerry and his mate blowing up children out shopping for fathers day presents in Warrington or the Army Cadet blinded by their bomb or indeed all the women an children murdered over the years by their indiscriminate bombs. Not a lot I would imagine in the grand scheme of things.
I wonder if Mr Adams referred to a world war that was taking place at the time. Defending the Irish republicans against a German tyranny hellbent on world domination.
The republicans must have felt to most sane people in Britain who tried to defend our way of life as a nasty inhumane, cancer riddled, murderous itch.
The IRA, a cowardly group of thugs who could only fight you by exploding bombsthereby killing innocent people, and killing soldiers in the back. Something to be proud of, NOT.
My long departed Father always told me that a dead martyr was a foolish man, the cause was lost to him the minute he died. So what was the point of it.
The cause was lost? The Irish got independence, the first country since the USA to do so. EVERY colony in the Empire realised they could gain independence as well. As did Ghandi and Ho Chi Mihn. The Age of Empires died in Easter 1916. That was the point of it.
Independence the Irish Free State have since freely given away to the bureaucrats in the EU. That Connelly chap must feel so proud as has grave rotates at speed.
The treatment meted out to the returning Irish soldiers after having fought the Germans in both World Wars was a disgrace. Ireland needs to feel ashamed of itself.
I am expecting the bBBC to celebrate the 1916 rebellion -of Irish trouble making cowards- in a big way. The anti British bBBC like to defend terrorists who kill British citizens.
I’ll be interested to see whether the BBC’s coverage of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme in a few weeks time reminds people that in 1914 the Ulster Volunteer Force volunteered for the British Army and formed the Ulster Division. In 1916 they were in France, so a few weeks after the “Easter Rising” they were cut to pieces on the Somme, but of the 9 Victoria Crosses awarded for the battle 4 went to the Ulster Division.
But then – the Ulstermen were Protestant and died fighting for Britain not against it, so the BBC won’t be interested.
On this point I completely agree. The Ulstermen give pride to being Irish. The IRA have the contempt and hatred of the English, Welsh, Scots and so many Irish. I’m not sure they have even now realised this. History will brand them in the same group as jihadi terrorists. They were no different. They killed a friend of mine a number of years ago now, a kind, gentle family man, he was blown up, a civilian. I will never forgive them. Cowards and murderers the lot of them.
Given that most of our energy comes not from the EU but from places like Kuwait and Norway, as well as our very own North Sea oil and gas, this statement from Amber Rudd is preposterous.
Guest, most of us here are aware not only of the bias but also of all of the BBC’s little tricks. What saddens me is that most people don’t seem to notice these things. I don’t blame them, they probably have other things to think about.
I often mention examples of bias to friends and the reaction is often ” I didn’t notice that ” or, at best, ” Well I often wondered about that “. I have made a couple of converts (not on this site) who are now , as they would say in Gambia, “sensitised” and they often point out examples of bias to me ! Of course, no-one has more zeal than a convert !
Have the BBC covered the story of a white British tourist being killed in a street in San Francisco whilst walking home to his niece? The white British tourist was knifed to death after two (alleged) black attackers tried to steel the bag he was carrying. Of course this was a racist attack upon a white man, what else could it be, so I expect wall to wall coverage from our BBC. After all, White Lives Matter.
BBC telling us the Belgian authorities have interrogated the bloke they caught ‘they showed him pictures of some other bombers and he said I don’t know them’ OK mate well thanks for your time another croissant before you leave
He’d probably not eat a croissant because it’s believed they were first produced to celebrate the crushing defeat of the muslim hordes at the battle of Tours.
If I were living abroad, let’s say in Asia, and groups of white, English-speaking individuals were committing the most heinous, murderous atrocities against the indigenous population whilst screaming slogans clearly indicating that they were from my own background I would be appalled and disgusted.
I would fully expect the authorities in the country I was living to come down like a ton of bricks on the perpetrators and I would support their actions.
I would expect to be racially profiled and targeted for spot checks so as to excluded from involvement. I would encourage such measures fully.
I would openly and publically express my horror at the actions of the individuals and try to assist the authorities in any way that I could to catch the culprits.
I would not claim it was all a plot against the white man, cry “Anglophobia” or whinge that it was a witch-hunt.
Or start a website where your fellow countrymen could contact and make unfounded accusations or indeed you can sit and create your own and have the authorities and media swallow ever word. I bet the country you visited and subsequently left to fight against their countrymen and allies, would not fly you back by private jet and give you £1 Million for your inconvenience either
BBC 1 News this morning has an elongated piece on the Glasgow, “religiously motivated attack” lots on weepy vigil
for Mr Asad Shah, a couple of virtually incomprehensible attendees it appears to be pushing a backlash angle, then right at the very end as a footnote … 32 yr old muslim arrested.
Flits over to Brussels where erm … all the Brussels killers have been wiped out??? … according to F Hollande, (that’s what they wanted isn t it – suicide bombers?).
Serge Stroopants chief security boffin from the international pan European think tank international economics and peace
whom looks like he couldn t secure my gate spends 5 mins waffling bollox, just garbage
Quite enjoyable play on Radio 4 Extra this morning 6.00 to 7.30.
Full of Jewish stereotyping and set at Passover. I believe the author himself is Jewish. Really interesting bit about the wife having converted being more Jewish than those born to it. Echoes of the Islamic converts wanting to prove they are more ready to die for Islam?
Now why can the BBC not commission a similar play about a religion of peace family at one of their festivals when say the son comes out, or the daughter wants to marry her cousin or they discuss the persecution of their branch of Islam by another.
“Sounds of the Sixties” on, and they’re playing “The House that Jack Built”, by Alan Price – clearly a song about a mental institution and the inmates. Nobody rushed to pull it, because it was “offensive”. Double standards?
Will listen again.
Was surprised myself at this song just after the 9am news.
Did wonder what he was on about…so back i`ll go soon.
Wonder if this “Jack” was the same one in “My Name Is Jack” that Manfred Man spoke of?
Got to be a special kind of nutter to get TWO songs written about him from the confines of Bedlam..maybe he was their drug dealer who OD`d?
Great to hear Brian Matthew rumbling on-one of the very few reasons why the BBC is worth the time of day.
Whatever happened to Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman?…hope he wasn`t the first victim of Yewtree musings!
More shite on bbc.con. This time the BBC are pushing the line that Mollenbeek is not the epicenter of muslim terrorists that everyone thinks it is but other areas are available.
“In raids the day after the Brussels attacks, police found a flag belonging to so-called Islamic State and bomb-making materials.
However the discovery was not in Mollenbeek – the area usually associated with extremism – but Schaerbeek, a less well known neighbourhood in the Belgian capital. ”
Well it’s probably just as well because this alternate muslim ghetto allows the bbc agent of the left, one Murad Shishani – a box tick, horse for a course reporter if ever I saw one, into the ghetto for interviews etc.
The fact that Mollenbeek is a no-go zone, even for bbc box-ticks, is not mentioned.
Less well known to the BBC perhaps, but has long been an area full of immigrants, but fewer people living there because there is more heavy industry than in Molenbeek.
Get the popcorn.
Islamophobia from a favoured gal of the liberal. the female Mandela in person.
Of course she`s right-but don`t expect Bono to write her another song again, after this show of intolerance.
God Bless her-but when such a story comes up, the BBC elects for the tumbleweed strategy.
“We`ll pretend we didn`t hear that”…so the next bomb gets bigger.
It’s a rich source of comedy, watching the Left play ‘bullshit bingo’ with this one. How can they choose between two of their favourite client groups? Oh, the irony! Oh, the hilarity!
GC ” Bullshit bingo ” !!! As my semi-compatriots down in crazy Gambia would say ” Hey , GC, you de man , yes ! Yo, yeah man “. But , you are right, how can anyone keep contradictory ideas in their head and reconcile them ?
Listening to Nick Robinson on Toady this morning, one could be forgiven for mistakenly thinking the radio was tuned to the Irish Broadcasting Service; a quite extraordinary amount of coverage for the anniversary of the 1916 “uprising”.
‘a quite extraordinary amount of coverage for the anniversary of the 1916 “uprising”. ‘
What is going on here – has BBC news been given this subject as their theme du jour?
Is this all part of Sir Terry Wogan’s death in service package, perhaps?
Seriously, are there no adult decision makers at home at Beeb central this weekend? Has it not occurred to anyone at the BBC that when they left the kids in charge with this meme and set the news cycle on autopilot that the celebration of the violent attack on a city by a handful of determined politic/religious/mystic fanatics might be…. what can we say… a little provocative, this Easter?
Folks come on get with the program –
BBC Version don t you know terrorism has always been here – what s to see? and its always our fault?
no difference between our Irish neighbours and Islam, they re all victims because of us!
ie … why don t we just disappear and do everyone a favour, , we really are scum, self hate, self hate
… thwack! please sir may I have one more
I am curious to know why they have not waited until April 24th to commemorate the 100 years anniversary? They never have a problem keeping to March 17th for St Patricks’ day.
On a personal level I am fond of the Irish and even have Irish friends , but I have no idea why half of the rest of the world makes such a fuss of them and is so sychophantic. And it is not Celtic jealousy. Scottish music is much better !
Same here Grant.
I myself am of Irish descent-both my parents were Irish, and I am very proud of the culture, the land and its people at their very best.
But to hear Liverpool Poly Lecturers meeting fancy dress “poets and activists” on Grafton Street-and Nick Robinson waving his fluffy stick at them all, in search of a soundbite-really grinds my gears.
What was the bloody POINT of “Irish Independence” from 1923 to 1973?…only to be tossed on the bonfire of vanity that is the whole EU Project from that year onwards?
Even the UK didn`t impose a damn currency on the Irish, didn`t send Troikas over to decide whether the Treasury could or could not impose cuts…but the European Union did!
But the BBC patronise with their Cultural Studies Poly Dollies, the fancy dress tour guides in their trenchcoats( that would only seen in active service in fishing drunks out of the Liffey or in jumping into the trenches to get the Bren guns out to shoot a squaddie).
THAT`S what pisses me off-pride in Ireland and the Irish-my parental heritage-does NOT mean the likes of Michael O Higgins and Mary Robinson…themed fancy dress and failed poets…and not ONE true Irish patriot would EVER have thrown their lot in with the EU.
Just the one nation socialists, marxists and liberals like Adams, like Toibin,like Christy Moore etc.
I’m Irish born and bred, although I lived in England for nearly 20 of my 60 years. I’m also puzzled at the coverage on Radio 4 this morning. I listened for an hour before switching over to RTE. The only theory that I can offer is that is part of a liberal guilt complex and a delight in highlighting the negative in British history. I also wondered at the tone and amount of the coverage at the time of the hand over of Hong Kong and this seems to be part of the same trend and that also fits in with my theory. There seems to be a total lack of pride and certainly a total lack of confidence in the value of British culture and history. Obviously, multiculturalism and cultural relativism/Marxism have played a role in developing this cultural cringe.
Wrote to the Irish Times on this, saying all those years and blood opposing English Rule, and yet they meekly surrender to a tyranny in Brussels, with an alien currency. Perhaps the Irish really are thick as shit….
For those on the Left – like President Obama and our BBC who seem to think the outcome of the Cold War went the wrong way – there has always been a special place in their hearts for Castro’s Cuba.
Let’s just note that even as Barrack Obama’s Presidential jet flew in there were still Cuban boatpeople risking their lives in makeshift vessels attempting to get out.
Rajan Datah does Cuba this morning for the BBC Travel Show. By the way, is there any presenting job at the BBC nowadays not set aside for someone whose name looks like the result of a random grab at the scabble tiles?
Rajan’s simperingly approving review tells us that when you get outside of Havannah… “What’s really COOL about Cuba is there’s nothing on the roads!”
Oh joy, the ultimate western liberal wet dream – out of somewhere or other they have the wherewithal to be jetted half-way across the globe to some sunny clime where the actors in their utopian daydream are brown people happy to be socialistically held back into a greener cleaner more nature-intended… what’s the word….? Oh yeah – poverty.
Blimey, the only thing preferable might be whisking them all back to Britain.
The NSCPP are concerned. After Rotherham, Sweden, Germany, etc you would think a certain group of people would know better. The BBC report manages to totally exclude are muslim brothers from any involvement, but as usual, the facts show the complete opposite. What did that man get arrested for in Croydon? Jesus help us! Incredibly sinister.
Here we go again! BBC R4’s news at 12 noon today ran the story about 250 leaders of major businesses announcing their support for Brexit. It was rather far down the batting order, but it seemed at least a nod in the direction of the impartiality so completely lacking in the BBC’s coverage of the referendum thus far. Except for the decision taken by some clown of an editor to add an unnecessary negative comment at the end and choosing the head of BT to pour cold water on the entrepreneurs’ opinions.
Then again, I thought, who else would the BBC have chosen for comment other than one of the most complained about companies in the country – a former state monopoly with an attitude so bad that it would be hard to think of worse? It was a marriage made in heaven and the chorus of guffaws from audiences as they suffered the pronouncements of the man who runs such a shower, probably did the Remainer camp more harm than if the BBC had done what it should have done in the first place – which was not run any comment at all on what was supposed to be a news story.
Yet in doing that “and here`s the final word from Laura Kuennsberg” thing?…the Remainians shoot themselves in the spats.
For-if I heard it right-our BT monkey said that the Vole Leave signatories didn`t contain any FSTE 100 chairmen…and so we could disregard it.
Utterly disastrous-have whiled a good few hours at one of Tim Martins Weatherspoons pubs-and read plenty on his story.
And-for an honourable entrepreneur who created(not invited to be parachuted into) his own business from scratch-to be told by the snobs at BT and the BBC that he`s, well, “below the salt” will add plenty votes to leave the EU if we tell enough people about it.
Didn`t know that Big Business chose to scoff at its lower orders like Tim-but heaped its garlands upon the likes of Lord Browne and Branson instead.
No-that snobby putdown from the BBC and BT only shows the calibre of the IN Campaiging dross we need to slough off on June 23rd.
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
The biased bbc could save quite a tidy sum if they made a stock set of footage with all the politicians who repeat the usual ( nothing to do with Islam, small minority, we stand united, the terrorists will not win, our hearts and prayers go out to… etc.) and have a set of the usual virtue signallers tweets (je suis…insert Muslim atrocity, and the like)
Then, every time there is a Muslim bombing or any other of the things that Muslims do, they can do the minor adjustments such as replace Paris with Brussels and the body count.
The footage is then ready to show.
You mean they actually dont?
Don’t forget: ‘Lessons will be learned…..’ the most frequently used platitude from senior policemen, council officials, local politicians and NHS representatives. In the context of the RoP and government politicians it carries immense weight as an effective means of inducing calm and confidence while in the context of the BBC, it can be used with agonised schadenfreude by Fergal, doom-laden agony by Orla, or agonising incomprehensibility by Lyse.
Beltane, My thoughts are with you at this time. The pathetic thing is that these idiots never learn the lessons. They keep on making the same mistakes over and over again.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you as well.
LOL ! And , surely the ultimate, I feel your pain.
Why do I feel faintly uneasy with all these prayers flying about on my behalf? As a confirmed fence-sitting agnostic, is there something I should know….?
Sorry! The penny dropped too late, Fergal would be deeply frustrated by my lack of empathy.
I prefer the more accurate ‘Lessons have been identified’, as it is patently obvious that very little ‘learning’ ever takes place.
feargal, they can’t even learn their scripts , they have to read them in halting english from a piece of paper.
And don’t forget the unforgettable St Mathew Price!
I watched This Week and they had Chukka on and Maajid Nawaz from Quilliam. I know many have reservations about Quillian , which I share, but Mr Nawaz was saying that radical Islamism is deep rooted in the UK. Chukka tried to dispute that with the same old stuff about only a microscopic minority of Muslims support Isil etc etc. Nawaz put him right by reminding everyone that 30% of UK Muslims had sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killers and that numerous other polls showed a high level of support for terrorists. At this point Chukka looked surprised , or pretended to look surprised, as though this was news to him. He is a member of a H of C committee on security and he is surprised by crucial stats on a topic which he is supposedly one of the best briefed people in the country and stats that just about everyone who visits this site has long been aware of. Either he is asleep at the wheel , a fool , or a liar. I suspect the latter and that he was only surprised that anyone dare to mention this damning statistic on the BBC, particularly a Muslim which lends the stats a great deal of credibility. Just when the whole carefully cultivated facade that terror is due to tiny few and nothing to do with Islam, was about to be demolished live on the BBC by someone the BBC ‘respects’ and would have great difficulty rebutting or ignoring or silencing, Andrew Neil terminated the discussion. I wonder why?
“At this point Chukka looked surprised , or pretended to look surprised, as though this was news to him. He is a member of a H of C committee on security”
God help us.
Chukka Umunna, what a perfect example of style over substance. Beyond parroting party slogans there is very little else he has to offer. I don’t suppose considering something as complex as the truth would even occur to him. The idea that he was considered as a candidate for the Labour leadership, before he mysteriously pulled, out speaks volumes about the level of talent in the Labour Party. But then they elected Corbyn…
Chuka is like another one
No-one told me I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim’: Moment Burma democracy heroine Suu Kyi lost her cool with BBC’s Mishal Husain after being quizzed over violence towards Muslim minority
Mishal Husain is yet another luvie, sucking at the licerse fee teat of of the so called British Broadcasting corp . She is a woman and a Muslim, so that is a perfect score, that entitles her to a unmerited huge salary and pension.
Some background. Afghanistan was once a beautiful Buddhist country. Then along came the Religion of Peace. They slaughtered and raped in the normal way, and the remnant Buddhist population fled to India, Nepal and Burma. The Muslims drove into India, and the Buddhist fled to the hills of Nepal, The Muslim horde tried to invade Nepal too, but the Gurkha kukri said otherwise.
Muslims in Burma are illegal migrants from Bangladesh. They don’t speak Burmese or have any Burmese traditions. They were doing what all Muslims do – Jihad and rape. Where have I heard that before.
If they are being kicked out from Burma – then lets hope we learn something, or else we will be like Christians in the Middle East – once a majority, now a vanishing remnant.
Muslims have been in Burma since the 11th Century. On your logic all the Ulster people of British heritage should be kicked out of Ireland.
Or Christians driven out of Arab countries.
Oh, hang on…..
Mishal Husain tweeted a few years ago that, whilst walking down the street with her family, she was subjected to racist abuse and she received huge publicity on the back of it from all the usual suspects in the media.
No questions were asked as to the authenticity of the claims and, not surprisingly, there were no witnesses other than her own family.
Why, when I am racially abused in my own country by people from foreign shores, am I also not allowed to state the same, without proof?
Mishal Husain tweeted a few years ago that, whilst walking down the street with her family, she was subjected to racist abuse and she received huge publicity on the back of it from all the usual suspects in the media.
Then why the hell didn’t she go off to her native Pakistan? The fact she didn’t tells me that for all the supposed racism of Britain, it is miles better then Pakistan. In fact so good, that Pakistanis will risk life and limb, and force their way into Britain, so they can live in a racist country.
If Mischal was to F*&% off to where she belongs… it would be Northampton were she was born. Therefore she is British.
Muslim first, Pakistani ‘heritage’ second, ‘British’ third (if at all).
Wake up, we’re a multicultural country.
And another thing about Mishal….she regards Christianity as, ‘ridiculous’……ok…i regard Islam as the anti-christ, and allah as a sadist, who’d desecrate even Hell. Suck on that you pretty-faced bitch.
I don’t think the 1 in 3 figure surprises anyone. The muslim support for muslim mayhem seems to be pretty constant wherever polling takes place from Germany to Syrian refugee camps. I suspect Nawaz is keen to draw attention to the vast “moderare” muslim support for the Caliphate because he is looking for more cash for his deradicalisation programmes. As usual, the public is expected to believe two contradictory things – Islam is a religion of peace and so all muslims are peaceloving and that we need to spend vast amounts of money to bribe muslims not to butcher us.
You are probably right, but my point was how the BBC, and Andrew Neil at that , shut him up once he began to over turn their carefully spun story that the problem is not Islam but Islamism. It seems clear that the elites are determined to play down or ignore just how serious the problem that we have with Islam really is. Blurting out that 30% of Muslims support Islamist terror does undermine their ‘ nothing much to worry about folks’ narrative. I can understand that telling us that we have a couple of million in our midst who support the idea of murdering us, is a problem. But I can’t understand why so many politicians seemed to want to allow more Muslims into our midst, particularly when it is clear that among them will be trained leaders with a mission to kill as many of us as possible. Nor can I understand why so few politicians are doing anything about this problem. If the elite won’t do anything then sooner or later someone will stand up and take the Muslims on. The longer they leave it , hoping it will go away, the worse the situation gets.
I hope that Donald Trumo becomes president. Unless his talk is all talk, and will change the moment he
gets elected, then there will be a dramatic change. The defence of Europe, both internal and external is decided in Washngton DC. When there is a new boss, there will be a different tune, and everyone will have to jump.
Recall some two months ago, D Trump was saying that he was so sad what has happened to Brussels. For this he was heavily criticised. It turns out he was right. Almost all major European cities are not safe to walk about on a warm summers night. This was not the case some 20 or 30 years ago.
If Europe and the West want to recover their peace then there is no other option but…
The late Laurence Auster advocated this for sometime
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
But we can not destroy Islam.
Nor can we democratize Islam.
Nor can we assimilate Islam.
THEREFORE the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
I cant see any other way that avoids a quite unnecessary civil war.
Laurence Auster died on Good Friday three years ago, time has not proven him wrong.
You are a bit vague on how you intend to ‘separate’ islam? How do you define someone who is not islamic? What about the many Muslims who don’t go to mosque or have any interest in religion just as few Brits bother going to Church? Or who are British born? You don’t know any? I do.
And what about all the key jobs they work in? Are we going to have ‘good jews’ of ‘honorary whites’ to get around this slight problem. And whlist waiting for deportation (where and how?) are they going to stay in camps, maybe wear a crescent badge?
I cant see any other way that avoids a quite unnecessary civil war.
I think you would cause one. Don’t you if you thought about it?
Why then don`t we devise a test?
Best academic minds, quantifiable and using the likes of the best of LSE, Kings and Oxbridge?
Maybe with a profile on what constitutes a Muslim who doesn`t go along with the need for Sharia as set out in the Koran and the jihadist imperative?
A longitudinal study to show when they remained true to their opinions that we`d get?…or elected to go for the fast track taqqiyya option they`ll know is a tactic to use with the dopey, lazy kuffar that they live amongst?
You any objection to that LDV?…or is the need to look at how best to secure our survival in our own country “racist”…”racial profiling” and “Trump-like” in its assumptions?
One or the other LDV-you either have an academic research base that is free to roam where the evidence leads.
Or else you`ll consign the next generation to Sharia if current trends (and a lack of curiosity) continue.
Not that you`ll even be able to track the descent to Islam-because you`ll not even have the raw data to confirm the hypothesis will you?
But-at Easter 2016, you were able to project your virtue onto the National Portrait Gallery weren`t you?
And the Caliphate quake just that little less than before as a consequence.
What IS Arabic for “quisling”, “Seiss Inquart”, “useful idiot” and “be a brave turtle and put out your neck a little?”.
Sandbags for
As if they`ve not got enough sand of their own huh?
“Why then don`t we devise a test?”
That’s right. Make certain beliefs a “thought-crime” punishable by imprisonment and deportation. This is the freedom from tyrany our ancestors fought for.
So there`s no science , rhyme , reason or need to ask Anjem what he`s going to do…no polygraph or taqiyya means to look for.
God, you`re dumb zero-your ancestors really should have stopped with your elder brother.
You`ll fight for nothing other than the right not to sit on a pigskin plane seat.
Your self-abasement won`t save you though-Islam hates the coward and the braindead, more than those who`ll fight back.
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
All these things are a threat to the freedoms we have fought for in this country over centuries, yet they are becoming more and more accepted facets of our daily lives.
Meanwhile, you sit at your keyboard as facilitator, creating smokescreens to help make it all happen.
You are nothing less than a mealy-mouthed traitor.
>What about the many Muslims who don’t go to mosque or have any interest in religion just as few Brits bother going to Church? Or who are British born? You don’t know any? I do.
Yeah, me too. Used to think I was a right multicultural type. A few pakistani lads I used to know who hung around in a group, liked a smoke now and again, used to get me a bit. Sometimes they used to come round my flat to pick me up.
In the two years I’d known them, I always got a warm greeting and welcomed into the car; except once: they were acting strange, very cagey, and told me not to get in the back. I just laughed at them, thinking they were joking, and got in the back anyway. I was sat next to a 13/14 year old white girl who looked petrified that I was going to ask the wrong question. Stony silence from the driver’s seat, and I just made my excuses and left. Never saw them again.
Fuck you. Fuck your holocaust analogy. Fuck your hand-wringing. Stay out of the way.
NCBBC Total separation, difficult but as a question of survival necessary. A cordon sanitaire between their countries and the west; they do not come here, we do not go there. With energy independence we have less reason to have dealings with them. Deportation – too drastic perhaps, but certainly deport criminals, even if they were born here. International law will have to be suspended. Free movement out – to lands where they are more likely to have their faith politically enforced – could be financially supported.
Now – feeling rather wicked – someone once suggested dealing with the demographic explosion with some kind of limit on fertility. A drug to eliminate sexual urges – like super-lorin which controls randy dogs – could be slipped into halal food.
Unthinkable and incompatible with our liberal values. Of course, but if ever the nutters release a dirty bomb in Europe, prepare for the worse.
If the stupid Police bashed down the doors of all the Mosques at once, conducted detailed searches, i’m pretty confident they would turn up automatic weapons, ammunition and explosives….the Koran states clearly the role of the Mosques….as places of prayer…meeting…and as armouries. If the bastards riot, use absolute force on them, tear gas ,
batons and live ammunition as a last resort….show these arrogant bastards we mean business……It won’t happen sadly…people will die at the hands of these creatures.
I understand your exasperation. I caught a bit of Any Answers on Radio4. The problem of “home grown” terrorism in the light of Brussels was being addressed. Some woman announcer asks “How can it be that people like us, brought up and educated in Britain can commit such atrocities”. This shows the utter blindness of people like these. These people are not like the indigenous population as they have essentially recreated their former Muslim homelands in Britain. They are geograpically located in Britain, but they are brought up in a culture that has nothing to do with Britain’s. They may be educated at the expense of the British taxpayer but they live in households, very extended families, whose customs and traditions are as far removed from Britain’s as you could imagine.
The BBC wonders why Muslim women flitting around in burkhas are challenged by members of the public. These Islamic trappings are essentially the uniform of IS. I suppose the BBC thinks that someone walking around Britain in a nazi uniform during WWII would not be noticed. After all, as the BBC would reason, it could be a moderate nazi and we would not want to tar moderate, peaceloving nazis and extremist beastly ones with the same brush. Totally unbritish and morally repugnant.
Caught much of Any Questions and then the Any Answers add on this afternoon.
Well remember that nasty little poseur Hazel Blears at a political rally a few years ago.
A stain on Labour, but did rather well our of her fiery Barbara Castle meets Gracie Fields had she been a krankie.
Anyway-up to her neck in slime, corruption and incompetence-this being the time of Lord Levy, cockle pickers and unregistered criminals being let loose on the public-illegals as well.
But Hazel knewe how to get the nodding dogs in line.
Just mention “Salford”…”womens refuges” and “equality and social justice” at two minute intervals throughout your so-called speech.
The nodding dogs applauded every time on cue.
Reminded me of the smoke up the arse stuff on the two programmes above.
These were not political figures-but with the exception of Forsyth were all house trained socialists with barely a ciggie paper between them re tolerance, racism, Islamophobia, feminism, blame men, Farage and Trump…and-every time-the audience applauded like th nodding dogs of liberal socialism that they have now become.
Yes it was great to see the Liberals binned last may…but we do need to be careful now because liberals are now marxists without the patience to draft a resolution or to study political theory.
Real dangerous times…I`m now a bit more careful about what I wished for…whatever else I wanted last May I didn`t expect a clueless stupid Tory rump with heavy duty anti-Semitic jackboot socialism as the only other alternative.
One in three is 33%. Its more like 40%. Moreover, this is the fraction that is bold enough to openly say so. There could be atleast 40%, who think the same but are keeping their opinions to themselves till it is too late for us.
Great post Double
Andrew Neil terminated the discussion. I wonder why?
Another terrorist attack in Europe, presumably by the Religion of Peace?
“Andrew Neil terminated the discussion. I wonder why?” Maybe he has a big wedge of money each month and a large BBC pension to protect. A married man’s life is an expensive one.
Is this nothing to do with islam as well? I’m reserving judgement until the whole story comes out…if it does.
Above the platitude industry is discussed and rightfully mocked.
It will be interesting if the BBC sends a squad of eager reporters to garner vox pops from defiant locals of faith.
Or quietly stay quiet. Job done. By all.
Maybe ask Malala her thoughts?
Let’s face it , if the killer had been a christian, we would never hear the last of it. If a Jew, the BBC would start a special exclusive channel.
I agree, the situation is disgraceful. The BBC and other media including Sky News try very hard indeed to ensure that we, the people, make no connection between muslim/islamist killers and their barbaric beliefs and the muslim population in Europe generally and the UK particularly.
I liken the situation to that which Northern Ireland faced when the IRA was at its most active. It carried out a campaign of bombing and shootings and other acts of terror, but it was not done in isolation. It had support from a very large number of citizens those who believed like them that Ireland should be united, and that Northern Ireland should be wrested by force from the UK. The IRA did the killings and its political branch did the propaganda and its people acted as victims.
We have the same now but on a vastly greater scale. We have muslim killers and political islam, and we have a population of muslims which makes no attempt to stop these who kill and maim in their name, because they sympathise and came here to change our society.
Where the IRA wanted Northern Ireland, the muslims want the whole of Europe and the UK. They will keep fighting as long as they are here. Europe, its indigenous people and its civilisation is doomed unless severe action is taken to push back against the attackers, no political settlement is possible in this case, any compromise would be a disaster.
So there were no killings of innocent Catholics by Protestant Christians… except there were. Which means that all Protestants are equally guilt because of their actions. Can we not rid ourselves of them as well? Or maybe realise the illogical conclusions you have reached.
No one is born Christian,nor are they made Christian by someone sprinkling them with water or by whatever man made ritual is performed over them
Those on both sides shooting each other had no more claim to the name Christian than my dog has
So to cut through the smokescreen of your moral relativism: who is ‘equally guilty’ when it comes to the murders committed by Islamists?
Yes, and I hear they are now selling colour projectors pre-programmed with all the flags of the world to illuminate a building of your choice and show the words Je suis……. (enter your own slogan) (but presumably not ‘fed up with muslim terrorists’)
Muslim Jihadis are not the problem. In a way they alert us to an approaching catastrophe. The real threat to our civilisation, and thus the whole world, is what happens when the so called moderate Muslim population in Western countries is large enough to elect their own government, and install sharia. This is inevtable, as Muslim population growth rate is far higher then ours.
That is the real threat. So I thank the Jihadis for drawing attention to this. If they were not bombing and killing us, then one one day, in 30 years or so, we would wake up to find our civilisation gone.
‘Muslim Jihadis are not the problem’
Agreed – the core problem boils down to generations of left wing idiocy. Any half-sensible nation would have barred undesirable aliens from entering the country at all, now we are awash with a sizeable population of them, at a huge net cost. The EU, Human Rights, all the ‘isms’ and an idea of a ‘Global’ world need to be torn up.
The country will need a severe de-Commie-fication program if it is to survive. The march through the institutions needs to be reversed asap, with extreme prejudice if necessary. The enemies aren’t poor brown skinned or middle eastern folk, rather the politicians and their enablers who would cheerfully destroy a country by letting them in by the millions.
Not sure that the BBC will report this but the Mail is tracking it . All 51 illegal migrants detained by Kent Police after spilling out of the back of 2 lorries are now free to roam around the UK. They have all claimed asylum and are being ‘fast tracked’ with their applications. You just have to dispair. We are completely useless at securing our borders. This is not even an EU issue, just the actions of a lying government betraying the indigenous population.
30000 failed asylum seekers are admitted to be at large and that’s just the figure the government gives us, it’s probably too low!
We don’t just need to leave the EU we need a government that actually cares about the UK, rather than conspire like its predecessor to create Eurabia.
I wonder how many asylum seekers have just disappeared. I would have thought this should be a question for Teresa the Appeasar, in Parliament .
All 51 illegal migrants detained by Kent Police after spilling out of the back of 2 lorries are now free to roam around the UK. They have all claimed asylum and are being ‘fast tracked’ with their applications. You just have to dispair……………
I don’t despair, I just feel sick to the stomach. They may just as well give the keys to the whole fucking lot of ’em because migrants are just seeping into every corner of this land. I live in a village, and a new housing estate has been built; our little Co-op is now awash with young Mums pushing buggies and speaking a foreign language I don’t even recognise – how did these young people get new homes ?????? we have our own kids unable to get on the housing list or cant buy their own homes, yet peoples from foreign lands are leapfrogging into accommodation.
“I don’t despair, I just feel sick to the stomach.”
The perfect analogy.
Leaving the EU will help. Moreover, if we leave, it will leave a huge hole in the spend budget of the EU. This is going to hurt, as Germany is in trouble. If we vote to leave, it may collapse the EU, and thus give all Europe the freedom to do what they need to.
Can anyone clarify the Law here?…..These people hid in a lorry…entered the country illegally…they cannot claim asylum here, we are not the first country they have crossed…..they should therefore be removed back to France.Why is this not being done?…what part of the Law says they can stay at the discretion it seems of their target country?…..we have homeless people and teens living in shopfronts…our people. They are not helped half as much as these bastards….who have homes in their own country.
A recent Intelligence Squared debate (post-Paris, pre-Brussels). US General John Allen and Douglas Murray on one side of the motion, Ken Livingstone and Rula Jebreal on the other. Worth a viewing if you have 45 minutes to spare this week-end. Douglas Murray’s opening comments are from 14:40 – 18:35 mins, followed from 19:20 mins by Rula Jebreal who starts her piece by saying –
“We are again lectured, with all respect, by two white men….” Thanks for that Rula. Isn’t that a teeny bit racist and sexist?
But cuddly Ken is a white man. Or is this woman too stupid to notice.
Not sure how many have heard the news, but even after Channel 4 have just stumped up £24m per year for the Formula One rights, Sky have now bought the rights commenting 2019, meaning that for the first time Formula One, like cricket will be 100% behind a paywall.
Initial reaction is ‘bastard’ Murdoch, but dig a bit deeper and it turns out that F1’s governing body needed to be assured of the cash, the BBC although having the rights until 2018 started getting jittery, first giving up 50% of the races in 2011, then chucking it in completely last year, looking to make savings.
So of course for those savings the BBC target something culturally British and a sport that employs a lot of Brits, subliminally blaming the government. F1 was costing them £15m a year, which to them is peanuts (one Graham Norton?) but prefer to pay such overrated ‘talent’ have an abundance of digital radio stations that only one man and his dog listen to and excessive TV channels that in the main show nothing but repeats and reality rubbish, all seemingly much more important to them, rather than preserve the little bit of sport they did have.
The first ‘B’ in BBC is stands for British and F1 is a sport that the British excel in with most teams regardless of nationality being based here, Bastard BBC….
One further thought. The way that BBC sport is moving, I do wonder that if 1 or 2 women drivers had been signed up this year, would the BBC have been so keen to drop the sport?
A couple of years ago an F1 team did actually have a woman driver.. she did a couple of laps in two races weekends, not even qualifying laps just laps in the same conditions and setup as the men in practise time, and she was so unbelievably slow she was quietly dropped. I think the problem was that there was no glove box and her handbag kept getting in the way of the steering wheel, although I could be wrong.
Suzi Wolff of the Williams team, wife of Toto Wolff Mercedes F1 boss. She’s now part of Channel Four’s F1 team.
If the BBC could have a feminized FI they would buy the rights to broadcast it with a vengeance. The BBC along with virtually all media is becoming feminized, and there is virtually nothing male orientated now.
Football the last bastion of maleness as F1 is are regularly reported on by female presenters.
No wonder young boys are becoming so dysfunctional in our society.
“I think the problem was that there was no glove box and her handbag kept getting in the way of the steering wheel, although I could be wrong.”
The sort of humour that Dave Allen was prone to many years ago – I laughed then and I still laugh now.
third, Dave Allen, one of the greats. Do you think the BBC would allow him on the BBC if he were alive today ?
No, they’ve managed to replace him with much funnier comedians like Jeremy Hardy and Marcus Brigstocke.
third, That is not funny !
The same Jeremy hardy who is ashamed that he has a totally white ancestry that he can trace back several hundred years. There must have been some inbreeding somewhere in his family tree to have produced such a retard.
So why did he marry a white girl ? Hypocritical racist prick !
Yes, because he was Irish and his humour subverted the Catholic Church and Christianity generally.
He was also funny so that’s probably what would count against him.
I`d have thought that reversing into a pitstop(Penelope) could be a problem.
And the car booster seat could be a problem ,let alone a boot that will allow for decent sized shop in midweek.
See-we men DO care, Radio 4….
Geoff, I assume that is TV rights only, going to Sky and that TMS will still be able to cover Test Matches?
It is starting to look like not pitching for and winning F1 rights may be a smart move on the part of the BBC. At the moment it is mostly only speculation that is at the wild end of the spectrum that is suggesting that Grand Prix racing is dying. The number of mainstream commenters to that effect are a small but growing group.
It may only need a severe economic shock to bring F1 to a staggering halt.
BBC radio has the TMS rights until 2019, would think that’s pretty safe, but you never know and the F1 rights until 2021, again you never know.
You’re right re the current state of F1, its the green lobby with hybrid over complicated engines that are killing it. A friend of mine was telling me that club cricket is also dying, kids aren’t interested purely because they’re not seeing it in the home. A 12 year old will have never seen a live cricket match in a non Sky subscribing household.
Events like the Ashes and England home football matches should all be free to air, ultimately the sports governing bodies and the broadcasters greed will kill the sports.
Still we’ve got transgender tiddlywinks to look forward to on the BBC….
Does make me wonder what the BBC spends it’s 4 billion on …
Seem happy to have 10’s of journalists flying back and forth to the USA for the US primaries.
Given many things require long term planning, it is interesting when folk are cautious about the BBC in years to come.
Meanwhile the BBC seems pretty confident John, Jesse, etc will find in the favour until the end of time…
Geoff said: “BBC radio has the TMS rights until 2019, would think that’s pretty safe, but you never know”
I think the arrival of Talksport 2 might pose them a problem with cricket. They had rights to South Africa v England a few years back. I remember Tony Grieg was one of the presenters.
Can’t see them ever loosing Wimbledon though. It’s their type of sport.
If TMS were ever to be ditched, THAT would be the final straw for me – really! I would be SO SO cross!!!
Soapers, It is about the only contact I have with the BBC these days. I can only hope that some of the bigwigs at the BBC are cricket fans otherwise I fear we are doomed .
“The BBC……have an abundance of digital radio stations that only one man and his dog listen to”
Sorry Geoff, me and both the dogs tune into The Asian Network all the time.
There’s a frequency broadcast to discourage canine listeners, for some reason. Apparently.
I thought the B stood for buggering as in buggering boys club.
One coy / duplicitous / lying / stupid (I’ll let you insert your own adjective) news anchor on bBBC Radio 5 actually said to a reporter in Brussels today “…but what can these men have in common?”.
Well, here’s your answer…
Another BBC Online News feature treating Terrorist murderers as victims of an intolerant European society:
“”Molenbeek’s gangster jihadists””
“”They don’t feel at home anywhere – so they’re forever trying to find out who they are””
Mohamed Maalem, BBA gym. (therefore, murder women and children?).
“”That sense of a need to atone for past sins is perhaps one reason why so many of those from Molenbeek who ended up with IS had criminal backgrounds”” (therefore, murder women and children?).
They made me do it, mum!
Why should Arab muslims feel “at home ” in Europe ? It is an alien culture to them.
Atone for past sins by killing more people. What a strange concept.
That idiot Trump says:
“We will not be intimidated, we will not be deterred… we will not rest until we have eliminated your nihilistic beliefs and cowardice from the face of this earth.”
Silly man. Oh, wait it was St. Obama’s mate John Kerry.
… But first a round of golf and some jammin’ on AF1.
Holistic medicine or alternative medicine as some like to call it is, to the layman, treatment that depends on trust and belief, often spiritual or religious. You see it when people of certain faiths/beliefs spurn the confirmed, established methods of treating illness and, instead, rely on non-medical faith-based healing. A good example would be when parents of a certain belief/faith, knowing that their seriously ill child needs a blood transfusion to save it’s life, decide that they would rather rely on their own belief/faith to cure the child than go with the science – in effect, doing nothing.
Throughout the western, civilised world this approach has been rejected out of hand and judges have, on countless occasions, overruled the parents in court and ordered conventional, established treatment to be carried out to save the life of the child.
Why would it be then that the same judges that dismiss holistic medicine as nothing more than witchcraft and, to prevent it when it causes harm, legally enforce sanity, allow people to claim that if they die as a martyr they will be rewarded with 72 virgins and their religious views are sacrosanct?
Douglas Murray is excellent on the ‘Moral Maze’ on Youtube ( non video) about Brussels. About 4.50 in, the woman presenter asks him if liberty is important to him, Douglas’s tone of voice is priceless and I just can’t replicate it here, but it’s a sort of .. eyes rolling in his head and thinking to himself , ‘Oh God what kind of retard am I talking to’! I swear he almost gives up with absolute despair, but he does bash the BBC.. worth a visit.
Heard this too…he belittled the horrendous Giles Fraser beautifully, showed him for the moron he is. I was astonished too that Melanie Phillips let a slur and outright lies about Israel by some no-mark of yet another muslim ‘organisation’ pass without comment. I would have torn his throat out, saying he had no place on a panel like this with such false and violent views. Shame on her.
Only got back last week, the BBC is worse than ever …
I caught Chukka on This week, crap … much better Majid Nawaz, but I d sooner have D Murray
More news on Islamic child rape gangs, Rotherham again BBC reports appallingly biased
Brussels aftermath the BBC is just dire, plenty of reports on weepy vigils, hashtags and general kumbayaness
In fact I d had enough I turned over to Jonny Gaunts station yesterday.
Didn t catch the whole show, but he d had an interview with the Muslim Council Britain, (obviously Rotherham/Brussels etc), and had asked for the listeners reactions
Some guy called in mentioned Moh and the child rape of Aisha, his sex slavery, him being the perfect example to follow for Muslims etc, in connection with the epidemic of Islamic child rape gangs.
Mr Gaunt the self proclaimed “champion of free speech” reverts immediately to the most overt stereotypical and laughable of defence s, for islam and erm … “the prophet”, invoking the crusades, the pope, offending millions of muslims, nothing to do with Islam and accused the guy of obsessional bigotry etc, might as well have been the bloody BBC!
Britains No1 “shock jock”?
this can t be the future of radio?, surely … I sure hope he s better on other subjects
[audio src="" /]
(23 mins 20)
apologies link is here (23 mins 20)
Classic D Murray, defines the Al BBC/Cameron/MSM perfectly
Douglas Murray should stand for Parliament and replace our ‘Wet Used Car Salesman’.
I heard that, Gaunt makes all the right noises yet there are a couple of regular Muslim callers which he snuggles up to, I think he has even employed one of them on his radio station.
The caller in question was factual and polite, and I think alluding to the taqiyya obviously practiced by the MCB chap and not for the first time with such callers Gaunt jumped down his throat.
Gaunt knows he’s alienating his listeners with such a stance, as he made some comment at the end saying something like ‘there goes some more listeners’
Maybe the NLP used in his BBC training comes to the fore?
Not on the BBC anytime soon
Just watchec bBBC news and the report of ‘far right’ anti imigration demonstrations in Brussels. As expected, the white men were dealt with harshly by the police ans left the lovely, multicultural crowd holding hands and smiling for camera. Typical BBC slant on things.
One thing puzzled me a little. There was no mention of the muslim people removing the Israeli flags which had been left at the makeshift memorial in the city. This has been captured a number of times on You Tube and really is quite disgraceful behaviour but hardly surprising. The news concluded with the reporter spouting the standard vacuous pc garbage while in the background, a man of ‘middle east appearance’ stood in the middle of the tributes waving a Palestine flag. To me, that seemed to be disrespectful and inappropriate on a number of levels but the reporter seemed to want it included in the final shot.
Guess what? Just a few days after Brussels and Barry Bath house’s disastrous visit to Cuba, it is announced that more ISIS leaders, including a senior leader, have been killed. BBC reports this bollocks without question.
The Beeb did not even use it’s key word ‘alleged’ – as in alleged senior leader or allegedly killed.
Council leader wants the money tree shaken again to pay for flood repairs :-
Peter Box, chairman of the LGA’s environment, economy, housing and transport board, said: “Councils are still literally counting the cost and the final bill is likely to be much higher.
“Government has gone a long way to helping hard-hit communities get back on their feet. But it is clear more financial support will be needed for councils.”
My local BBC TV news has a similar plea from local government almost every week. Why do the BBC reporters just accept that someone else should pay? Why do they never point out to the LG person that local authorities have tax raising powers, so raise the cash yourself? (Councils have to get larger council tax increases approved by a local referendum. Perhaps in respect of most pleas the LG person realises that, whilst the BBC falls for the sob story, residents’ approval would not be forthcoming. However In the case of flood works they may well get the approval of residents. )
Yesterday was full of Karadzic’s 40-year sentence, and all will know of Mladic and Milosevic. But how many know of Naser Oric and his band of merry men? And Alija Izetbegovic, and the reasons behind Sredbrenica? Not the justification perhaps, but certainly some of the reasons – those details of the narrative the UN never seemed to want to pursue, and certainly of no apparent interest to any BBC ‘investigative journalism’.
I think there will be many Belgians who (privately) would like to see Karadzic (or someone very like him) appointed Mayor of Brussels.
Bet you can’t read to the end of this piece without howling with laughter. For once the Fascists have no one to blame !
One has to admire Archbishop Welby’s expectation that the Christian church will still be around in ‘five to ten years’ as he seeks to establish a common day for Easter world-wide.
Can I suggest that he call it Easter integration Day, or Eid for short?
This incident and its implications have been touched on during the last thread –
“A man has been charged with inciting racial hatred after a message was posted on his Twitter profile about confronting a Muslim woman over the Brussels terror attacks.
Matthew Doyle is charged with publishing or distributing threatening, abusive or insulting material, likely or intended to stir up racial hatred.
The 46-year-old from south Croydon was arrested on Wednesday.
He will appear before Camberwell Green Magistrates Court on Saturday.
The Met Police said the charge follows an investigation by officers at Croydon Police Community Safety Unit.” and
Quite frankly I am beginning to feel the ‘chill’. Twitter and Facebook users are low-hanging fruit. What about anonymous blogs such as this one? Am I paranoid?
Good point, the topic here is the bias of the BBC, & we do get a bit frusrtrated in our comments about how the BBC is blind to an Islamic threat that lurks amongst us, but I haven’t read anything here more extreme than anything that sage Douglas Murray is saying openly. I think we are OK.
Do magistrates courts normally sit on saturdays ?
The notion that we still enjoy freedom of speech should be dispelled by this outrageous charge. Quite how questioning a Muslim incites racial hatred, when Muslims are not a ‘race’ is beyond me, and, I hope, the prosecution.
This bloody country has gone to the dogs.
It’s possible that he was frustrated at the lack of answers from the BBC other than excuses. Perhaps he asked her as a Muslim if she could throw some light on a vital issue? She didn’t, he put her response on Twitter.
Why charged? The trial could be a watershed for the UK. Something really has to give.
The police may have found more than they are letting on when they checked out his computer.
third, not sure what you mean but they have dropped the charges !
These days what one thing ensures vilification in the media if ‘found’ by the police and accidentally leaked to a tame BBC ‘sources who say’ reporter?
When he was arrested it was reported that the police were investigating offensive messages that he had posted on social media so I assumed they had more on him…….how wrong I was.
third, I always assume that the police are lying unless it is proven that they are telling the truth.
You are right to be paranoid. The powers that be have nowhere to go now except into tyranny. Tyrants by inevitability as the saying goes. Perhaps not the gulag sort of repression but repression all the same.
We have been here before.
Look up the Six Acts of 1819 after the Peterloo massacre. Our rulers have never been keen on real opposition.
In the current Isis offensive ( for that is what it is ) our leaders are desperate to keep us in ignorance and docile.
Hence the police over reactions and the endless media lies.
Anyone who has much to lose would be well advised to be cautious. TThe first attacks will be on free speech by making sure it is so circumscribed as to be non existent. We have no protection like the citizens of the USA.
Then will follow prosecutions and fines and when that starts to fail imprisonment.
Excuse me if I sound cynical but all that human rights crap is not going to protect us. The elites have failed and now know that they cannot protect the European borders and the cities. Hence all this emphasis on our responsibility for the attacks and the sentimentality that oozes over every new atrocity.
The attacks are acts of war against a defenceless people and we had better understand this. Our elites are desperate to keep this from us as then we might ask for real action and start blaming them.
Gert Wilders and Victor Orban tell it like it is. I hope to God Trump makes it to the White House. We are becoming a people without help from our state institutions and this never never ends well for anyone.
I do not understand why a guy asking a Muslim woman to explain what happened in Brussels is a hate crime that requires the police to arrest him following the wits on social media attacking him.
Yet Beinazir Lasharie, a Muslim labour councillor, can state that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks and the emergence of Isis and sit at home comfortable in the knowledge that neither the police nor the smart arsed users of the social media will have a pop at her.
Can someone explain this please?
No. No one can explain to a sane, rational person how Blair’s ‘hate crimes’ act makes any sense at all.
It is possible that having had one’s mind rotted by a couple of decades of Guardianista blathering might help, but even then a truly logical mind will struggle.
“When asked by The Huffington Post UK why he had approached the woman, Doyle explained that her Islamic headscarf justified approaching her.
He said: ‘She was wearing a flag. If I was walking down the street wearing a jacket emblazoned with a Union Jack then I would be open to some abuse.’
When asked if he approaches Jewish men wearing skullcaps to question them on the ongoing Israel/Palestine situation he exclaimed: ‘Absolutely not!’ “
See if you can work it out ‘scribblingscribe’…
I thought he was charged with making a public statement not approaching the woman. A completely different matter.
In the US he would be protected by the 1st amendment. Here we have nothing any more to protect free speech which I suppose suits you just fine.
His crime was to make his opinion public .
Its such a shame that the police force involved who arrested the man in double quick time for a few ill chosen words (!), weren’t the same coppers who (didn’t) respond to arresting the bastards in Rotherham !!! Immediate response to dialogue by a white man, yet decades before action is taken for sexual abuse of kids by Asians.
Haven’t been paying attention to the site for a day or two….is it possible the bbc employee trolls have surfaced ?
Yes, Jerrod and Zero, assuming they are 2 separate people have re-surfaced. Jerrod refusing to answer my question ” Who do you blame for the Brussels terrorist atrocity ? ” ! Says it all really .
The same scenario is acted out each time an atrocity takes place. Until they have their editorial ‘line to take’ meeting, they go to ground.
None of them have the brains to realise their actions give the game away.
Well, Grant, that is actually a difficult question to answer due to its imprecise nature and the three or more totally correct but different answers that could be provided.
If Jerrod is a total Beeboid Troll, three or more answers may be outnumbering his brain cells available for providing an answer.
Up2 LOL !
Oh, they dont like answering questions, very much a la Paxman, they are above being questioned.
Couple of years ago, whilst discussing the all inclusive cuddly nature of the rop on here, I challenged any of them to define the term ‘dhimmi’ for me and explain how inclusive that classification is.
I kept asking the same Q for days, and in the end they managed to scribble a bullshit definition, and got someone called ‘me sir, me sir’ to post it here.
And then as if by magic, ‘me sir me sir’ disappeared, as quickly as he had appeared.
DC ( Welsh is a beautiful language but it ties me in knots ), The trolls are totally unaware of how utterly absurd they appear.
> Jerrod refusing to answer my question ” Who do you blame for the Brussels terrorist atrocity ? ” ! Says it all really .
It says “Grant can’t quite comprehend that people aren’t under any obligation to engage with racist morons”, above all.
It says “Jerrod does not believe in debating with people who don’t hold his world view, a view which includes excusing terrorism which he feels under no obligation to justify”.
Well thank you for telling me what my “world view” is, and how it includes “excusing terrorism”. Naturally, you’re wrong on both counts – but hey, what does the truth matter on Biased BBC? It just gets in the way of stupid people pretending that they’re in any way worth wasting oxygen on.
Biased BBC: where bigoted halfwits come to lie about people whose opinions they don’t share, because telling the truth involves a level of intellect that eludes them.
Now do the world a favour, and start behaving like an adult. You may find that the real world has more to offer you if you do, and you won’t have to hang around with all the other morons on this site whose grasp on reality is as stunted and inaccurate as the one you peddle.
So Jerrod, please tell us why you come to this site ?
And if the BBC is in anyway biased…
Here we go, Jerrod, it’s time to stand up and be counted……
From my post below, and I will keep asking you this until I get an answer on every point:
GWF, do you think it’s acceptable to approach a stranger on the street and harangue them for something a terrorist in another country has perpetrated?
Well, Jerrod, when I see a Muslim in a headscarf or burka or any other garments that are beginning to make our streets look like downtown Kabul, I’m reminded of what their religion has brought to this country. So bearing in mind the following, which is copied from my post above – then yes, without a shadow of a doubt they need to be challenged:
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
So unplug your head from your arse for a moment and imagine what life will be like for you living in an Islamic theocracy, because that is where your support of Islam is leading us.
Unless, of course, you heartily approve of all of the above? Well, do you??
Zero, I suggest you comment with approval on the stories which appear frequently on the UAF Trot FB pages, where outrage is expressed at people who approach protected women in hijabs. And a story about someone pulling at a scarf will get scores of people condemning. That is really where you belong. You do not fit in with discussions concerning freedom of expression and arrests for tweeting things your fellow lefties find offensive.
But I will make a prediction. Mention to your friends that the Brussels’s bombs were not a response to European foreign policy or the alienation and distressed economic state of Muslims in Europe, but an expression of their beliefs and political objectives , then you will be removed and blocked.
GWF, do you think it’s acceptable to approach a stranger on the street and harangue them for something a terrorist in another country has perpetrated?
If she had said, “Their actions disgust me, my family and all those I know,” I doubt whether he’d feel anything but relief. I would have found it a very reassuring response. Any tweet might have been a positive one. What is the problem with disassociating yourself from evil sects of your religion, whichever religion that is?
“Harangue” is an emotive word. It implies banging on and on about something – unacceptable to a stranger in the street. Do you know that is what he did or is that your assumption?
> Do you know that is what he did or is that your assumption?
I can only go on how he described what he did. But there seems to be an awful lot of assumption on here, by you and others, that what he did was completely acceptable. I suppose, given that this a community dominated by people who have very little experience of reasonable adult behaviour, that’s to be expected – but demanding zero assumptions from some people while blithely accepting assumptions that reinforce one’s own bigotry is a little hypocritical, wouldn’t you agree?
What`s your take on the murder of the Ammadiyyah shopkeeper up in Glasgow, seeing you`re here jerrod?
Have you SEEN the BBCS reporting of it?…and are the BBC being obtuse in saying that a Sunni killing an Ammadiyyah was a case of “religiously prejudiced” crime…and that they were “both Muslims”.
Check now-Red Button.
And what say YOU about this…and was the attempted persecution of Mr Doyle REALLY the best use of police time, whilst the likes of Glasgow go on with barely an attempt to give us context
> and are the BBC being obtuse in saying that a Sunni killing an Ammadiyyah was a case of “religiously prejudiced” crime
They’re reporting a description given to them by the police.
> and was the attempted persecution of Mr Doyle REALLY the best use of police time, whilst the likes of Glasgow go on with barely an attempt to give us context
You are aware that there’s more than one police officer in the country, so they’re capable of dealing with more than one case at the same time?
I have doubts about the effectiveness of using arrest powers to address people who can’t engage in civil society without being offensive little twerps. I mean, how would Biased BBC cope if its regulars were all stuck in police holding cells?
Hey Jerrod do you believe the BBC is in any way biased?
When DID you stop thinking for yourself then jerrod?
The police also said that Charles De Menezes was a victim of their failing to “ensure his health and safety”…that Ted Heath will always have a case to answer as long as Nick the Virtuous continues to press his Klondyke claims…need I go on
How convenient-the police say it, the BBC report it and your capacity to think , to see patterns and precedents seem easily assuaged.A Dream Lefty in every way jerrod are we not?
And if you choose to refuse to see that what a PC does in Croydon DOES speak of the disintegration of a UK police service…for our Croydon copper could be ANYWHERE in this country-then you`re (what we say) “majoring on the minors”…something that both the BBC and Islam DO have in common, with the usual “look the other way” response of the Met.
Mine`s not to tell you the obvious-but your sinister attempt to imply that those not on Team Liberal” are only out of the police cells because the likes of YOU are tolerating it is pretty creepy.
But you`ve already shown that your kind ARE so….and weren`t you playing the victim card about getting personal abuse here some time back?
Then you resort to your last lines above-what`s Arabic for “Hypocrite in Need of Reconversion” then?…might be worth checking eh?
> When DID you stop thinking for yourself then jerrod?
Yeah, ChrisH. Because everyone who disagrees with your incoherent babblings – as much as it’s possible to disagree with the typed equivalent of drink-induced pavement decoration – is not thinking for themselves.
> Mine`s not to tell you the obvious-but your sinister attempt to imply that those not on Team Liberal” are only out of the police cells because the likes of YOU are tolerating it is pretty creepy.
If you think that’s what I’m implying, then congratulations on being Biased BBC’s most delusionally stupid contributor. It’s a tough field, but you’ve beaten them all to the the bottom of that barrel. Scrape away, you ignorant little homunculus.
With respect Jerrod, the question isn’t whether what he did was “acceptable” it is whether what he did was a matter for the police and the courts?
What he did was poor manners at worst, at best, he was reaching out to a member of a minority community to clarify his one thinking on an issue of the day.
With the proviso that if someone approached me in the street and asked a rather obvious question about what I thought about a terrorist atrocity, I would say “well obviously I don’t agree with taking innocent lives” End of.
It’s not a police matter unless a threat of violence is made.
> With respect Jerrod, the question isn’t whether what he did was “acceptable”
It’s partly that.
> it is whether what he did was a matter for the police and the courts?
It’s also about that.
But Biased BBC’s refusal to consider the former is telling.
> With the proviso that if someone approached me in the street and asked a rather obvious question about what I thought about a terrorist atrocity, I would say “well obviously I don’t agree with taking innocent lives” End of.
What do you want, a gold star for telling people that you’re perfect? Twaddle. It’s just as likely that, if someone you didn’t know came up to you when you weren’t expecting it, you’d come out with something which wasn’t a perfectly formed expression of what you really feel. And that’s okay, it’d be a perfectly natural, human reaction.
Unless you’re a Muslim, a woman, or – the motherlode – both. Then any reaction which isn’t the exact wording that some prejudiced little numpty on the internet deems to be appropriate is taken as vindication for every antisocial little oxygen thief and their delusional self-belief.
You know what? Generally respect between posters here is very genial, even when in disagreement.
Yet you seem to revel in rudeness, playing the man and not the ball and name calling. If we tried the same tactics on such sites as UAF it would result in an instant ban, maybe more. For that reason alone a ban here would be fitting.
Your points would be more pertinent if you didn’t resort to such girly name calling.
Do you think that the BBC is in anyway biased?
Trolls are best ignored.
Always best to ignore the bbc funded arseholes.
Jerrod, Firstly, may I apologise for asking you the same question 3 times. And I am delighted that you agree that the blame is with the Jihadi muslim terrorists. I did not read all of your posts so was disappointed that you did not reply directly to me . Childish I know but I am only “16 going on 17 “.
Now , can you please explain, in simple language that a teenager of my ” calibre”, a word you used earlier, can understand the meaning of the last sentence in your post at
2.06pm ?
Jerrod, If you read chrisH’s posts more carefully, they are not the “incoherent babblings” which you think. And a plus point is that he has a very subtle sense of humour. You should try it !
Jerrod, As far as I can see no one was harranged. But even if they were, as I was harranged many times by Republican Irish (regarding British policy and military action in Ireland – eg Bloody Sunday) when I lived in an area where they were in a majority, I would not have thought it to be a matter for the police.
In this case, there was no hostility, and according to one account, the man departed with a friendly remark to her son.
From the Telegraph.
“What everyone’s got wrong about this is I didn’t confront the woman,” he said. “I just said: ‘Excuse me, can I ask what you thought about the incident in Brussels?'”
“She was white, and British, wearing a hijab – and she told me it was nothing to do with her.
“I said ‘thank you for explaining that’ – and her little boy said goodbye to me as we went out separate ways.”
On Wednesday afternoon, he says, someone who’s been outraged by his comments “turned up at my door, gave me a load of abuse and tried to throw a punch at me.”
GWF, do you think it’s acceptable to approach a stranger on the street and harangue them for something a terrorist in another country has perpetrated?
Well, Jerrod, when I see a Muslim in a headscarf or burka or any other garments that are beginning to make our streets look like downtown Kabul, I’m reminded of what their religion has brought to this country. So bearing in mind the following, which is copied from my post above – then yes, without a shadow of a doubt they need to be challenged:
I have been to a Muslim wedding where the ceremony segregated men from women.
My daughter-in-law has experienced the same as her (white) friend married a Muslim. She is no longer in contact with any of her white, non-Muslim friends.
Last year there was a Labour election rally in a Muslim area which segregated the men and women (Tom Watson approved – he was there).
There was a university ‘ball’ recently for Muslim students which insisted on gender segregation, with the full approval of the university hierarchy.
Radical Islamists are allowed into our universities to preach their hate and division to – yes, you guessed it – segregated audiences.
I know gender-based abortions are practiced widely amongst the Muslim population in this country and there has not been a single prosecution.
Ditto female genital mutilation.
I know honour killings take place.
I know arranged marriages are prevalent.
I know there are young and middle-aged Muslim men who are trapped in arranged marriages and view underage white teenage girls as immoral trash and easy meat for the marauding, violent rape gangs they become members of.
I know under Sharia law practiced in this country Muslim men are committing bigamy.
I know under Sharia law in this country women are seen as inferior to men.
I see Muslim women dutifully walking several paces behind their husbands.
I see the black ghosts that are burkas in our streets and shops and shudder.
I know there are mosques where imams preach their hatred of our way of life.
Ditto Islamic schools.
I know our electoral system is being undermined by vote rigging in Muslim areas.
I know many of those places are also virtually ‘no-go’ areas for our police.
So unplug your head from your arse for a moment and imagine what life will be like for you living in an Islamic theocracy, because that is where your support of Islam is leading us.
Unless, of course, you heartily approve of all of the above? Well, do you??
When asked if he approaches Jewish men wearing skullcaps to question them on the ongoing Israel/Palestine situation he exclaimed: ‘Absolutely not!’
Why should he be asked that? Are Jews blowing people up in Europe? Are they blowing up their Arab neighbours other than targeting terrorists in self defence?
There is no connection at all.
Quite simple. They are both spouting bollix but it isn’t a crime otherwise David Vance would be in solitary in Belmarsh. Free speech means that knuckle brains can be offensive.
But stupid? If I was to ask you about the current war in the Congo could you explain it?
And it’s the Met as usual. It’s a pity they have nothing better to do than persecute innocent citizens. Why did they have to even get involved? Was a complaint made and if so, by whom and why? For me this is the police abusing their power and I hope this man has got himself a good lawyer .
John, May I suggest that these actions are not the result of police abusing their powers; they are obeying orders, like all collaborators, and the orders are in tune with Government objectives to stamp out any signs of a backlash and teach the rest of us to keep quiet.
I don’t wish to appear too pedantic and critical, but we should try very hard to avoid using the very words which are used against us by our politically correct and other Elite oppressors, as it gives the appearance of admitting their charge, and puts us on the defensive. We should not in any way seem to be apologising however inadvertently for a someone’s simple expression of opinion, under freedom of speech, such as in this case, which I think was ‘mealy mouthed’.
What I’m attempting to say is that expressing a view that the muslim woman in this case was being mealy mouthed is not a ‘backlash’.
Cull the Badgers, Correct. Point accepted. Thank you.
Just back and haven’t read all the posts so excuse me if I am missing something. For me the issue of the Croydon incident , so far as I know the facts, is that, personally, it is not something I would have done as a matter of good manners.
However, I was astounded that the man should have been arrested, charged and a special court convened for an Easter Saturday or , indeed , any saturday. This smacks of a Police State. This is only one step away from “Thoughtcrime”, This makes me, a law-abiding British Subject scared. And I do not scare easily.
Judith Woods in today’s Telegraph;
“I’m not suggesting for a moment that the Muslims of Molenbeek are collectively responsible for the atrocities carried out in the name of so-called Islamic State.
But how powerful a statement it would be if they took to the streets en masse to express their sorrow – anger, disgust – at the carnage perpetrated by young men living and hiding among them.”
I have thought along those lines since 9/11, why don’t muslims condemn terrorism? Until they do I find it hard to have any trust in them.
I doubt there would be anyone making such a comment as Judith Woods amongst the BBC commentators.
Precisely CP – just like they did to protest about the murder of Lee Rigby in the name of their religion…oh no..hang on.
What can you say about this? Maybe , I should just say nothing –
Noted that John Kerry failed to pack his James Taylor kit, as he flew into Brussels to be all solidarity minded.
This tells me that the US aren`t as fussed about this atrocity as they were after Charlie Hebdo, when a James Taylor was packed as hand luggage by John Kerry.
As if the poor sods of Paris hadn`t only just got the ringing out from their ears-before James strummed along to Imagine…You`ve Got a Bomb and Fire then Reign.
Now had James been packed along…AND Carly Simon or Carole King been brought along too-this would be a heightened state of security,
But no minstrels-white, privileged liberals who`ve yet to say or do anything about Islam-and are tomorrows roadies for Cat Stevens and his Coming Ululators.
Bit more happening in Brussels, not reported by BBC, but man was shot at the Railway station.
Looks like one of the BBC’s oppressed and excluded from white society darlings.
Hope it does not lead to a backlash
I have just listened to Any Questions on Radio 4, hosted this evening by Ritula who usually does TWT. And what a refreshing change. No Jon Dimbo! There was not a politician in sight; the questions were sensible, the replies too, whether you agreed with them or not. Most questions had a political bent but there were no arguments, no speaking over one another. Those on the panel spoke sense – again whether you agreed with them or not – but no shouting, no sound bites. The audience too were polite. I tell you it really was a joy to listen to.
Thanks Soapbox, i was going to post something similar. Yes, no interruptions every other breath from dopey Dumble. Just polite and intelligent debate.
As Ken Dodd would say. What a beautiful day for walking up to a left-wing nutter and asking ‘How the Arab Spring is doing’
Headline on BBC UK news website: ‘Man arrested after shopkeeper death’.
Could you create a duller, less informative headline?
And why so dull?
The only clue is the presence of the code word ‘man’.
There is also clue in the lack of manner of demise, a context free fact popped at the end.
Pure BBC editorial integrity SOP.
It’s the 22:00 hour news the BBc are poking around in Yemen. Why would they target this site they ask? Maybe because rebels were based there would be a pretty good answer of course there is no evidence either way. We are shown fragments of a bomb that may have been made in the UK. So what? It probably is “The exact figure for British arms export licences from July to September 2015 was £1,066,216,510 in so-called “ML4” export licences, which relate to bombs, missiles, rockets, and components of those items.” the Independent.
Then “evidence of a possible war crime” as we are shown the remains of an American CBU cluster bomb. Well except America isn’t signed up to the clusterbomb convention, nor is Saudi Arabia or for that matter Yemen.
A year of war that has set Yemen back decades by Orla Guerin
Ms. Guerin strongly implies the area was bombed for no apparent reason. “They attacked these plates”, said Ahmad ben Sharif. I guess she didn’t notice the AK-47 slung over his right shoulder.

Dave666 beat me to mentioning that Saudi Arabia has not signed or ratified the treaty. Neither has China, Russia, USA, India, Israel, Pakistan, Indonesia, Poland, Thailand, Taiwan, Egypt, Turkey, South Korea nor Brazil. That is 13 of the world’s 20 strongest armies.
The convention does not ban all cluster weapons, by the way. The treaty allows certain types of weapons with submunitions that do not have the indiscriminate area effects or pose the same unexploded ordnance risks as cluster munitions. Permitted weapons must contain fewer than ten submunitions, and each must weigh more than 4 kilograms (8.8 lb), and each submunition must have the capability to detect and engage a single target object and contain electronic self-destruct and self-deactivation mechanisms. Weapons containing submunitions which all individually weigh at least 20 kg (44 lb) are also excluded.
Orla looks fetching in her headscarf. Perhaps it blocked her peripheral vision.

Why is she wearing a headscarf ? Is she a muslim ?
No…but she is a 100% lying bitch who is married to one
6 , Yes and that is putting it mildly. But why has she not converted ?
She may well have by now
6, I would have thought the BBC would have publicised it. LOL ! If I were her husband I would take 3 more wives !
Guerin married Reuters correspondent Michael Georgy in 2003. I can find no evidence that he or his wife are Muslim. I expect the headscarf is the physical indication of her efforts to avoid aggravating her hosts as her uncritical repetition of everything they say is the intellectual indication.
I am pretty sure i read she was married to a muslim……obviously mistaken source
If she is married to one then she is a Muslim because the woman takes on the religion of her husband. That is the excuse as to why Muslim women are forbidden to marry non-Muslims and the reason that car crashed in that tunnel in Paris
That’s a Swiss Army AK-47. It has a doodad that helps BBC staff eat baked potatoes. Totally harmless.
Wouldn’t something to remove things from horses mouths be more useful?
BBC News this evening showed a photograph of the chap (who as yet has not appeared in court, never mind been found guilty of anything) charged with the “hate crime” against a Muslima; a cynical person might conclude that they were attempting to make him, or his family, a target for violence from the Ropers and their Progressive mates.
Agreed. Now the CPS have advised the Met Plod they’ve been wasting police time, perhaps the bBC feel ‘natural justice’ (as followed by their licence free viewers of ME and Pakistan descent) is the way ahead. Or is that a mealy mouthed response?
feargal the cat, here is an update ……………
Do the police get a kick up the B.. for wasting valuable resources ?
Especially at a time like this .
Can the police be charged with wasting police time ? What a bunch of assholes.
Its never been about prosecuting this man. It’s about sending a warning to all non-Muslims who might in future highlight where the blame lies for atrocities and a reminder to all non-Muslims of the countries pecking-order. Job done!
twitter, And to encourage Ropers to report any perceived slight. Gestapo tactics.
it really looks like this. However I suspect that the CPS realised that the charge would not stand up in court for one moment.
Nevertheless it is useful to keep the pressure up on those who just might prove difficult.
No doubt ‘lesssons have been learned ‘ and we can look forward to Mrs May changing the law ASAP. There must be some law they can invent to really shut us up.
Marxist liberals need their safe spaces.
Where is Lord Denning now that we need him? A judge who would stand up against government and in favour of the individual (usually).
Lord Denning loved the Race Relations Act and did his best to make it work. Bloody closet liberal.
The sanitised “Muslim kills fellow-Muslim” piece on the BBC-as well as the attempted prosecution of Mr Doyle both turn out to be the same idea.
The McLuhan message in both stories is “Don`t Even Think About It”…and sending a decent message to Christians at Easter as a Muslim only “fast tracks” the extra-judicial process.
And-having seen the Mets efforts to prevent debate-we can safely say that the medium is now the message,
If it frightens off the kuffar from complaining when THEIR Umma is blown up and maimed, then it`ll have done its job-so well done Ali Desai, well done Linda Bellos….your efforts to eat away at what was once a Court System are all too obvious now.
If-as well-it lets the Islamist know that murdering those who`d try to offer the hand of friendship to Christians DOES get it all hushed up and condoned-then we really should have offered Salman Rushdie up in 1989…and saved ourselves the efforts to defend free speech in our own land.
The Police and the BBC-“Clear the Streets”. put out the blue tape and set up a shrine…but not to Glasgow shopkeepers who only deserved the Hebdo response, for selling out.
The police don’t even know the rules about when they can charge under this law.
Obviously their enthusiasm to crush dissent overtook bothering to check procedures.
A head should roll but won’t as they still have a chance to nail the racist.
Wouldn’t it be grand if that head belonged to Hyphen-Howe? Sadly, that is unlikely, but we live in hope.
At the very least a knock, or several knocks on the door from The Asian ‘not helpful’ Network kids and a variety of obscure local radio DJs, who run away before it gets answered.
Addressing the crowd at Arbour Hill cemetery, Mr Adams paid tribute to the 1916 rebels, saying “a few hundred poorly equipped Irish men and women took on the might of the largest empire the world had ever seen”.
What a plank you are Gerry Adams, a hyperbolic, war mongering, murdering fantasist.
I wonder what those poorly equipped irish men would think about Gerry and his mate blowing up children out shopping for fathers day presents in Warrington or the Army Cadet blinded by their bomb or indeed all the women an children murdered over the years by their indiscriminate bombs. Not a lot I would imagine in the grand scheme of things.
I wonder if Mr Adams referred to a world war that was taking place at the time. Defending the Irish republicans against a German tyranny hellbent on world domination.
The republicans must have felt to most sane people in Britain who tried to defend our way of life as a nasty inhumane, cancer riddled, murderous itch.
The IRA, a cowardly group of thugs who could only fight you by exploding bombsthereby killing innocent people, and killing soldiers in the back. Something to be proud of, NOT.
My long departed Father always told me that a dead martyr was a foolish man, the cause was lost to him the minute he died. So what was the point of it.
The cause was lost? The Irish got independence, the first country since the USA to do so. EVERY colony in the Empire realised they could gain independence as well. As did Ghandi and Ho Chi Mihn. The Age of Empires died in Easter 1916. That was the point of it.
Independence the Irish Free State have since freely given away to the bureaucrats in the EU. That Connelly chap must feel so proud as has grave rotates at speed.
Sorry I’m on a roll now.
The treatment meted out to the returning Irish soldiers after having fought the Germans in both World Wars was a disgrace. Ireland needs to feel ashamed of itself.
I am expecting the bBBC to celebrate the 1916 rebellion -of Irish trouble making cowards- in a big way. The anti British bBBC like to defend terrorists who kill British citizens.
It was a disgrace but part of the peace process has been recognising it. You are a bit behind.
How about recognising how the IRA collaborated with the Nazi’s during WW2.
No doubt the IRA can argue this like they normally do, by killing people who expose their disgusting immoral views.
Recent Catholic Irish history has little to be proud of in my book. Go and celebrate your independence and the murderous way you went about it.
I’ll be interested to see whether the BBC’s coverage of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme in a few weeks time reminds people that in 1914 the Ulster Volunteer Force volunteered for the British Army and formed the Ulster Division. In 1916 they were in France, so a few weeks after the “Easter Rising” they were cut to pieces on the Somme, but of the 9 Victoria Crosses awarded for the battle 4 went to the Ulster Division.
But then – the Ulstermen were Protestant and died fighting for Britain not against it, so the BBC won’t be interested.
On this point I completely agree. The Ulstermen give pride to being Irish. The IRA have the contempt and hatred of the English, Welsh, Scots and so many Irish. I’m not sure they have even now realised this. History will brand them in the same group as jihadi terrorists. They were no different. They killed a friend of mine a number of years ago now, a kind, gentle family man, he was blown up, a civilian. I will never forgive them. Cowards and murderers the lot of them.
More propaganda …………..?
We need to know how much the BBC get from the EU each year to boot their propaganda.
Given that most of our energy comes not from the EU but from places like Kuwait and Norway, as well as our very own North Sea oil and gas, this statement from Amber Rudd is preposterous.
AlBeeb make millions out of the EU
Champion !
The rest of the MSM, ‘Brexit’, & ‘GO’ and need to tell the rest of the people of GB about that.
Spread the word .
Get a hold of that ‘Zero’ & ‘Jerrod’.
…do you mean around their necks!
They’re probably employed by alBeeb, none so blind as them who will not see!
Take horse to water, can’t make them drink!
I tend not to talk to trolls, waste of time.
Wronged – I waste their time.
Anything on Al Beeb about this …………….
Or this …………,d.d24
Over to you Zero …
taffman, No way the BBC will report that !
Oops,, I spoke too soon. It is a headline on their website. Wonders will never cease. Sack that editor immediately.
Where, and for how long, versus what is top of the hour on broadcast?
Guest, I give it 2 hours max. then consigned to some obscure corner.
Seems they found time, on Saturday post holiday Friday, at the slot also reserved for Newswatch.
Guest, most of us here are aware not only of the bias but also of all of the BBC’s little tricks. What saddens me is that most people don’t seem to notice these things. I don’t blame them, they probably have other things to think about.
I often mention examples of bias to friends and the reaction is often ” I didn’t notice that ” or, at best, ” Well I often wondered about that “. I have made a couple of converts (not on this site) who are now , as they would say in Gambia, “sensitised” and they often point out examples of bias to me ! Of course, no-one has more zeal than a convert !
They read this site and then act upon seeing the posts. And we know who ‘they’ are.
taffman , I really fear that you may be right
Of course, contact with MPs can go a variety of ways…
Have the BBC covered the story of a white British tourist being killed in a street in San Francisco whilst walking home to his niece? The white British tourist was knifed to death after two (alleged) black attackers tried to steel the bag he was carrying. Of course this was a racist attack upon a white man, what else could it be, so I expect wall to wall coverage from our BBC. After all, White Lives Matter.
BBC telling us the Belgian authorities have interrogated the bloke they caught ‘they showed him pictures of some other bombers and he said I don’t know them’ OK mate well thanks for your time another croissant before you leave
He’d probably not eat a croissant because it’s believed they were first produced to celebrate the crushing defeat of the muslim hordes at the battle of Tours.
I thought it was after the Battle Of The Gates of Vienna jic – same enemy trying to overrun Europe though, as it always has been.
Yes Al. I love Viennese Kipferl. Taken to France at the request of Marie-Antoinette.
If I were living abroad, let’s say in Asia, and groups of white, English-speaking individuals were committing the most heinous, murderous atrocities against the indigenous population whilst screaming slogans clearly indicating that they were from my own background I would be appalled and disgusted.
I would fully expect the authorities in the country I was living to come down like a ton of bricks on the perpetrators and I would support their actions.
I would expect to be racially profiled and targeted for spot checks so as to excluded from involvement. I would encourage such measures fully.
I would openly and publically express my horror at the actions of the individuals and try to assist the authorities in any way that I could to catch the culprits.
I would not claim it was all a plot against the white man, cry “Anglophobia” or whinge that it was a witch-hunt.
Good analogy, thirdoption.
Or start a website where your fellow countrymen could contact and make unfounded accusations or indeed you can sit and create your own and have the authorities and media swallow ever word. I bet the country you visited and subsequently left to fight against their countrymen and allies, would not fly you back by private jet and give you £1 Million for your inconvenience either
“I would not claim it was all a plot against the white man, cry “Anglophobia” or whinge that it was a witch-hunt.”
But you would do all that if you secretly supported the terrorists and wanted to assist them.
BBC 1 News this morning has an elongated piece on the Glasgow, “religiously motivated attack” lots on weepy vigil
for Mr Asad Shah, a couple of virtually incomprehensible attendees it appears to be pushing a backlash angle, then right at the very end as a footnote … 32 yr old muslim arrested.
Flits over to Brussels where erm … all the Brussels killers have been wiped out??? … according to F Hollande, (that’s what they wanted isn t it – suicide bombers?).
Serge Stroopants chief security boffin from the international pan European think tank international economics and peace
whom looks like he couldn t secure my gate spends 5 mins waffling bollox, just garbage
Big problem for the BBC on how to spin a muslim on muslim murder .
Well integrated Muslim stands up for Christianity at Easter and is immediately murdered by a fellow muslim.
DownBoy, LOL ! If they spin it that way, I shall eat my hat !
Knock knock! Whose there? The Met Police come with me lad!
hahaha brilliant yeh i thought the same what department of Brussels security was he in the lost cat division ?
Quite enjoyable play on Radio 4 Extra this morning 6.00 to 7.30.
Full of Jewish stereotyping and set at Passover. I believe the author himself is Jewish. Really interesting bit about the wife having converted being more Jewish than those born to it. Echoes of the Islamic converts wanting to prove they are more ready to die for Islam?
Now why can the BBC not commission a similar play about a religion of peace family at one of their festivals when say the son comes out, or the daughter wants to marry her cousin or they discuss the persecution of their branch of Islam by another.
I will not hold my breath!
To misquote a Bob Monkhouse joke ” My muslim neighbour introduced me to his wife and his sister. It was the same woman “.
Thanks Grant,
Laughing my little socks off.
‘Now why can the BBC not commission a similar play about a religion of peace family’ ?
At a guess – a phone call from their insurers.
“Sounds of the Sixties” on, and they’re playing “The House that Jack Built”, by Alan Price – clearly a song about a mental institution and the inmates. Nobody rushed to pull it, because it was “offensive”. Double standards?
Goat, Beeboids probably to stupid to know what it is about !
Will listen again.
Was surprised myself at this song just after the 9am news.
Did wonder what he was on about…so back i`ll go soon.
Wonder if this “Jack” was the same one in “My Name Is Jack” that Manfred Man spoke of?
Got to be a special kind of nutter to get TWO songs written about him from the confines of Bedlam..maybe he was their drug dealer who OD`d?
Great to hear Brian Matthew rumbling on-one of the very few reasons why the BBC is worth the time of day.
Whatever happened to Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman?…hope he wasn`t the first victim of Yewtree musings!
More shite on bbc.con. This time the BBC are pushing the line that Mollenbeek is not the epicenter of muslim terrorists that everyone thinks it is but other areas are available.
“In raids the day after the Brussels attacks, police found a flag belonging to so-called Islamic State and bomb-making materials.
However the discovery was not in Mollenbeek – the area usually associated with extremism – but Schaerbeek, a less well known neighbourhood in the Belgian capital. ”
Well it’s probably just as well because this alternate muslim ghetto allows the bbc agent of the left, one Murad Shishani – a box tick, horse for a course reporter if ever I saw one, into the ghetto for interviews etc.
The fact that Mollenbeek is a no-go zone, even for bbc box-ticks, is not mentioned.
Seismic, Unlike the EU and BBC, Ropers are great believers in de-centralisation.
Less well known to the BBC perhaps, but has long been an area full of immigrants, but fewer people living there because there is more heavy industry than in Molenbeek.
Suu Kia, offended by BBC’s Muslim interviewer
Has the BBC responded yet?
Tim to sack this biased woman.
Syu kyi perhaps hinting that muslims do not always spread love, friendship, sweetness and light !
Get the popcorn.
Islamophobia from a favoured gal of the liberal. the female Mandela in person.
Of course she`s right-but don`t expect Bono to write her another song again, after this show of intolerance.
God Bless her-but when such a story comes up, the BBC elects for the tumbleweed strategy.
“We`ll pretend we didn`t hear that”…so the next bomb gets bigger.
It’s a rich source of comedy, watching the Left play ‘bullshit bingo’ with this one. How can they choose between two of their favourite client groups? Oh, the irony! Oh, the hilarity!
Generally they just bury their LEFTIST head in the sand like they did when their favoured ‘Asylum’ seekers raped their favoured females in Cologne.
GC ” Bullshit bingo ” !!! As my semi-compatriots down in crazy Gambia would say ” Hey , GC, you de man , yes ! Yo, yeah man “. But , you are right, how can anyone keep contradictory ideas in their head and reconcile them ?
The Lefties do not do irony.
chrisH , love your posts but I hate popcorn !
Listening to Nick Robinson on Toady this morning, one could be forgiven for mistakenly thinking the radio was tuned to the Irish Broadcasting Service; a quite extraordinary amount of coverage for the anniversary of the 1916 “uprising”.
‘a quite extraordinary amount of coverage for the anniversary of the 1916 “uprising”. ‘
What is going on here – has BBC news been given this subject as their theme du jour?
Is this all part of Sir Terry Wogan’s death in service package, perhaps?
Seriously, are there no adult decision makers at home at Beeb central this weekend? Has it not occurred to anyone at the BBC that when they left the kids in charge with this meme and set the news cycle on autopilot that the celebration of the violent attack on a city by a handful of determined politic/religious/mystic fanatics might be…. what can we say… a little provocative, this Easter?
Folks come on get with the program –
BBC Version don t you know terrorism has always been here – what s to see? and its always our fault?
no difference between our Irish neighbours and Islam, they re all victims because of us!
ie … why don t we just disappear and do everyone a favour, , we really are scum, self hate, self hate
… thwack! please sir may I have one more
I am curious to know why they have not waited until April 24th to commemorate the 100 years anniversary? They never have a problem keeping to March 17th for St Patricks’ day.
“I am curious to know why they have not waited until April 24th”
They can do it all over again next month. First broadcast at Easter, repeated on April 24th.
On a personal level I am fond of the Irish and even have Irish friends , but I have no idea why half of the rest of the world makes such a fuss of them and is so sychophantic. And it is not Celtic jealousy. Scottish music is much better !
Same here Grant.
I myself am of Irish descent-both my parents were Irish, and I am very proud of the culture, the land and its people at their very best.
But to hear Liverpool Poly Lecturers meeting fancy dress “poets and activists” on Grafton Street-and Nick Robinson waving his fluffy stick at them all, in search of a soundbite-really grinds my gears.
What was the bloody POINT of “Irish Independence” from 1923 to 1973?…only to be tossed on the bonfire of vanity that is the whole EU Project from that year onwards?
Even the UK didn`t impose a damn currency on the Irish, didn`t send Troikas over to decide whether the Treasury could or could not impose cuts…but the European Union did!
But the BBC patronise with their Cultural Studies Poly Dollies, the fancy dress tour guides in their trenchcoats( that would only seen in active service in fishing drunks out of the Liffey or in jumping into the trenches to get the Bren guns out to shoot a squaddie).
THAT`S what pisses me off-pride in Ireland and the Irish-my parental heritage-does NOT mean the likes of Michael O Higgins and Mary Robinson…themed fancy dress and failed poets…and not ONE true Irish patriot would EVER have thrown their lot in with the EU.
Just the one nation socialists, marxists and liberals like Adams, like Toibin,like Christy Moore etc.
I’m Irish born and bred, although I lived in England for nearly 20 of my 60 years. I’m also puzzled at the coverage on Radio 4 this morning. I listened for an hour before switching over to RTE. The only theory that I can offer is that is part of a liberal guilt complex and a delight in highlighting the negative in British history. I also wondered at the tone and amount of the coverage at the time of the hand over of Hong Kong and this seems to be part of the same trend and that also fits in with my theory. There seems to be a total lack of pride and certainly a total lack of confidence in the value of British culture and history. Obviously, multiculturalism and cultural relativism/Marxism have played a role in developing this cultural cringe.
Wrote to the Irish Times on this, saying all those years and blood opposing English Rule, and yet they meekly surrender to a tyranny in Brussels, with an alien currency. Perhaps the Irish really are thick as shit….
Perhaps the Irish really are thick as shit….
I’m sure David Vance would agree with you.
The point made by GrimReaper is a good one though, irrespective of the Irish IQ comment.
Also bring back Frank Carson and those Irish jokes, I loved them.
No. Just the politicians they vote for. Mind, we are little better, judging from our current crop.
For those on the Left – like President Obama and our BBC who seem to think the outcome of the Cold War went the wrong way – there has always been a special place in their hearts for Castro’s Cuba.
Let’s just note that even as Barrack Obama’s Presidential jet flew in there were still Cuban boatpeople risking their lives in makeshift vessels attempting to get out.
Rajan Datah does Cuba this morning for the BBC Travel Show. By the way, is there any presenting job at the BBC nowadays not set aside for someone whose name looks like the result of a random grab at the scabble tiles?
Rajan’s simperingly approving review tells us that when you get outside of Havannah… “What’s really COOL about Cuba is there’s nothing on the roads!”
Oh joy, the ultimate western liberal wet dream – out of somewhere or other they have the wherewithal to be jetted half-way across the globe to some sunny clime where the actors in their utopian daydream are brown people happy to be socialistically held back into a greener cleaner more nature-intended… what’s the word….? Oh yeah – poverty.
Blimey, the only thing preferable might be whisking them all back to Britain.
The NSCPP are concerned. After Rotherham, Sweden, Germany, etc you would think a certain group of people would know better. The BBC report manages to totally exclude are muslim brothers from any involvement, but as usual, the facts show the complete opposite. What did that man get arrested for in Croydon? Jesus help us! Incredibly sinister.
This isn’t current, but an indication that stories such as this are never given wide coverage.
Here we go again! BBC R4’s news at 12 noon today ran the story about 250 leaders of major businesses announcing their support for Brexit. It was rather far down the batting order, but it seemed at least a nod in the direction of the impartiality so completely lacking in the BBC’s coverage of the referendum thus far. Except for the decision taken by some clown of an editor to add an unnecessary negative comment at the end and choosing the head of BT to pour cold water on the entrepreneurs’ opinions.
Then again, I thought, who else would the BBC have chosen for comment other than one of the most complained about companies in the country – a former state monopoly with an attitude so bad that it would be hard to think of worse? It was a marriage made in heaven and the chorus of guffaws from audiences as they suffered the pronouncements of the man who runs such a shower, probably did the Remainer camp more harm than if the BBC had done what it should have done in the first place – which was not run any comment at all on what was supposed to be a news story.
Yet in doing that “and here`s the final word from Laura Kuennsberg” thing?…the Remainians shoot themselves in the spats.
For-if I heard it right-our BT monkey said that the Vole Leave signatories didn`t contain any FSTE 100 chairmen…and so we could disregard it.
Utterly disastrous-have whiled a good few hours at one of Tim Martins Weatherspoons pubs-and read plenty on his story.
And-for an honourable entrepreneur who created(not invited to be parachuted into) his own business from scratch-to be told by the snobs at BT and the BBC that he`s, well, “below the salt” will add plenty votes to leave the EU if we tell enough people about it.
Didn`t know that Big Business chose to scoff at its lower orders like Tim-but heaped its garlands upon the likes of Lord Browne and Branson instead.
No-that snobby putdown from the BBC and BT only shows the calibre of the IN Campaiging dross we need to slough off on June 23rd.