Longish journey this morning, as Mrs G was with me the default station was Radio 2 and the campfest that is Graham Norton. This morning with extra added campness, the guests being the person who played Pat Butcher in Eastenders and that nice chap Holly from Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
I digress, top marks for Radio 2 news, at 1pm they did actually report on the 250 businesses supporting Brexit, yet they couldn’t resist allowing only one ‘expert’ to shout their case down, no one was given the right of reply, thus the impression given that they are wrong…
That ‘person’ was the clown in chief who ‘runs’ BT. See my earlier comments about that unfortunate editorial decision which resulted in one of Britain’s most useless companies championing the case for remaining in the madhouse.
Looks like things have only gotten worse in BBC land while I ve been away,
looks like the same impartiality being shown to Islam EU Ref, and wait for it ….
the global climate changey warmy CO2 tinged saving the planet polar beareee palava
… I thought poor old Piers was going get a slap there and then, on TBQs and that was from Host N Campbell!
what bias?
First time I’ve seen that, thanks for posting. Campbell is a disgrace, he should be completely impartial and he fails miserably, so much so that he accidentally reveals his true stance on the subject at 13.19 in believing what the ‘facts’ are.
Strange that Owen Jones is so disrespectful to Jeremy’s brother, I’d rather side with an astrophysicist that a load of lentil eating, sandal wearing, unwashed pricks….
Little Owen Jones blowing on about eco-friendly jobs is apparently unaware that Germany are returning to coal as they’ve gone anti-nuke following Fukishima but are realistic enough to know windmill farms are not fit for purpose.
I like the way the woman describes it as a ‘debate’. 1 person v 50+, she describes a debate. 1 person, and he gets sneered at and talked over, by all including the presenter. It felt like an extreme example of bias. It felt almost criminal.
This episode should be used as an example in Universities/colleges showing what happens when debate is actually closed down, and what bullying actually looks like. Hold it up as a mirror to them. Surely it would open their eyes. No?
She and the BBC need to look up the meaning of debate.
The debate is over, says Nicci, and hands the platform over to the propagandists. Corbyn struggled to say that science is about evidence. But that was laughed at.
Boy Owen, when he is not accusing people of Islamophobia, sneered about people who believe the Earth is flat – obviously thinking of the climate warming sceptics.
OK Owen – experts on the Koran maintain that the Earth is flat. Don’t be an Islamophobe -Come on defend them, screw evidence.
The agenda of the ‘debate’ and Campbells stance is pretty clear in the first seconds when he throws the debate open with the question “How do WE get the message through?”
There is no doubt the BBC is biased on this subject but this is bloody in yer face blatant.
NC ‘Has the message got through? How do WE get the message through?’
NC ‘Liz Hutchins, from friends of the earth. It must be so frustrating, for you, knowing how bad things are.’
NC ‘that there are still people still resisting this message, for whatever reasons [she laughs].
NC ‘Liz, cheer us up [both laugh], how bad are things [darling Nikki almost tearful laughter]’.
And so begins an impartial debate, the cornerstone of a democracy.
NIKKI, you are referring to me darling, and i have a good reason. Because the public have a right to an opinion different from the BBC. We will be heard!
I liked the bit when Hutchins was going through the list of horrors which climate change would bring, and Nicci gives her a prompt from the script they must have rehearsed when he said ‘and extinctions’.
That’s right Nicci, the silly moo forgot her lines.
Well, I was enjoying a rainy day until I watched this link. ( Nicky Campbell) Dear God. Where do you start. As soon as there was a dissenting voice, one which actually told the truth, the “warmists” were all over that voice and trying to shut the voice up. “Climate Change” is now a religion in our society, and try telling people is there is no God or Prophet and you will see the same response. It really is quite scary to see someone who gets so much air time on a public broadcasting organisation, the BBC, to be seen to be completely sold on the hypothesis that man made Co2 is the primary cause of Global Warming” that leads to “Climate Change”. And yet, in this clip, the vehicle to “Climate Change”, that being “Global Warming” has been airbrushed off the pages. There never was “97% of scientists agreed that….” Mr Morgan is right in that aspect and if man made Co2 is causing “Global Warming”, thus leading to “Climate Change”, then please, can anyone in this clip, who might be reading this blog, explain to me how and when during and following the greatest release of man made Co2 into the atmosphere, (the Industrial revolution) global temperatures FELL?
It promised to explain climate change. It did, but with absolutely no reference to any facts or statistics. How does that work? Actually, it did not even explain climate change, after looking again. Just future predictions of death and destruction.
Completely without science. Just like religion. God is a polar bear. Penguins are his angels. Hallelujah i believe!
Well I have debated Climate Change with Piers Corbyn, and my opinion is that he is the only famous British scientist that I have learnt something new about Atmospheric Physics, in the last year. It was about a simpler way of understanding the roll of gravity in the transfer of heat, rather than as through the influence of air pressure in the Unified Theory of Climate description, which is that the Greenhouse effect is calculated by using the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature, which gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula.
I don’t think Nicky Campbell or any of the BBC’s screaming banshee’s would be able to debate any of that science, due to the fact that almost all of them are low IQ left-wing Environmental Arts and Drama queens. Also, Piers was the only scientist on the BBC guest list.
The Old Bloke: Only 4 percent of Atmospheric Co2 can be man-made (Isotopic evidence). Some of this 4 percent must be Volcanic Co2.
The mass of the Oceans make up 99.3 percent of the system, so most man-made Co2 has been absorbed by the Oceans. Also the temperature of the Oceans have a 99.3 percent domination of the system, so the temperature of the Oceans determines the Co2 content of the Atmosphere, but due to thermal inertia, the system has an 800 year lag. This therefore coincides with the temperature peak of the Medieval Warm period (Ice core evidence for Co2 content and temperature) which with past evidence, points to the cause of the current increase in Atmospheric Co2, because a warmer Ocean means that the ratio of Co2 in the system should and does increase Atmospheric Co2 content 800 years later, which is today.
The BBC merely mirrors the establishment view here and in Europe. You are right the article is totally biased towards the conventional view.
I suggest that whatever happens the US is going to become detached from Europe. Under Trump or Cruz it will happen quickly. Under Clinton more slowly.
The USA no longer needs Europe. It is a Pacific power now and it’s relations with China and other Far Eastern nations plus South America are far more important.
I can see Trump allowing Russia to have a much greater say on eastern Europe and possibly Western as well. After all why not as most Western states are going to fail and will need a protector. The eastern states naturally fall into Russia’s orbit.
Also the USA under Trump in particular will break away from it’s ME ties. That means Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Israel need not fear as I expect Trump to make it clear that Israel will enjoy complete US protection in all circumstances.
Time wil tell if I am correct but these are looking coherent future time lines to me .
As long as GB is useful to the US it will maintain some sort of relationship but given the influence here of cultural marxism and the rest of it I doubt if that will last much longer.
Agreed-the USA and its slew of Democrats have all but killed off the “special relationship”.
We need to get back on our knees and beg to stay allied and aligned to them.
The likes of Obama, Carter and Clinton are really bad news for this country…whereas a Reagan and a Trump at least had/has reason to defend us, and work with us.
I love the USA-and see Obama and Clinton as(hopefully) as out of tune with REAL American opinion as the lefties believe is Trumps views.
If not, we`ll get a terrible eight years ahead of us-if we get to the end of them.
The most terrifying prospect for this country is that we vote to remain in the EU and the antics of the left (Inc the traitor Cameron) cause a newly elected President Trump to turn his back on Europe as a lost cause. If that happens, then this country truly is f*cked.
Me and the missus said the same thing last night Steve. I really see Trump as the only hope left to stop the inevitable. The Piers Morgan interview last night was good gave him a chance to set the record straight on all of the sensationalist lies that are being spouted by the BBC. Like the building of the wall to stop the flow of drugs into the US. Nothing wrong with that but the BBC doesn’t mention that
I find myself being pathetically grateful thee days whenever I see things like “The Good Old Days”-and stuff involving the lives of Perry and Croft(who wrote It Ain`t `alf `ot mum”).
Hated every one of these twee nonsense shows from the mid-70s at that time, but now I see them as Pathe Sepia masterclasses in finding myself in a culture where I can recognise the humour, the shared decency and ritual honourings of music hall or Butlins, Burma etc.
Seeing the likes of Frankie Vaughan and Mike and Bernie can nearly make me cry-like Leonard Sachs these were Jews who did NOT have to slink in the back door, and who could ply their trade in places like Batley, Leeds and Dewsbury.
Have just seen “Easter From Kings”-first reference to Jesus` death and resurrection this weekend as far as I know.
Do the liberal left that all of this culture depends on Jews being welcomed, comedy being for the people and not Radio 4 student gumps…and that those stunning buildings, peerless songs as well as western composers and arrangers won`t survive long if they really expect us to sign our heritage and traditions over to the BBC and its Palmyra patsies.
These “All Our Yesterdays” films won`t always run, especially when they serve to remind us about how low we`ve gone as a culture…so fuel up on them, and don`t forget them whilst it`s still permissable.
For anyone who wants to catch Al BBC s Mishal Hussein – Aung San Suu interview before it goes into the ether
to me she really is an intolerable Al BBC plant, who abuses her position at every opportunity to push Islamic issues
Look closely at the smirk on her face towards the end when she feels satisfied that she has put this Jew in his place for witholding the number of Jews killed. Clearly the man had demonstrated that the numbers were not relevant as Israel had taken steps to protect its people. But it is the smirk that we should be concerned about; it is the smirk of one who feels triumphant in an interview with a person whose people she despises. Something about her Muslim culture, or the BBC environment.
This woman needs to be put in her box, and re-showing this video often should serve as an indication of her unfitness as an interviewer.
Does intent to kill not count with her? One gets the distinct impression that the ignorant bitch would rather that many more Jews had been killed by Palestinian rockets. She is a really nasty, prejudiced PoS!
What she and all the Palestinian campaigners at the BBC are unable or unwilling to address is that Israel goes out of it’s way to protect its own citizens. Hamas on the other hand deliberately puts its own citizens in harms way and then ghoulishly parades the death count as a propaganda weapon. Isn’t it wonderful to pay for the privilege of being preached at by a Palestinian stooge.
Yes, the left always amuse me (in a sick way). I was browsing through the Manchester University prospectus and I saw a course on ‘The Poitics of Hate’, “Ahh”, I thought, ” a course about the left”! On reading in a bit more detail, I realised it was a ‘course’ on the evils of what they called the right-wing fascists such as the BNP and UKIP!
This amused me as it is always the left who’s ideology and ideas seem to be full of hate. They despise anyone who doesn’t agree with their formulaic, simplistic views. You only have to open your ears when leftists are speaking to hear mention such love-filled ideas as ‘dancing on Thatcher’s grave’ – which they sincerely think makes them a good person!
So the idea of killing Jews would appeal to the BBC as being one of their right-on causes that require no discussion. jews are evil, Thatcher is evil, climate change deniers should be killed etc etc.
Leftism is so simple, an ideology that’s instantly accessible to stupid people who want that ‘superior’ feeling. All they need is to know who to spit bile and hatred towards, and there they are – instant leftists!
The ‘BBC/Left’ are now available as battery-powered dolls that when prodded squeal, ‘Kill me, kill me, my ancestors were imperialists and slavers. Kill me, kill me. I hate myself sooo much.’
(Dolls available at BBC online stores and all good Islington Toy Shops. Corbyn Arcade in Upper Street, Islington, N1 highly recommended. Infinite stock availability).
The totally useless Jeremy Hunt ( have I spelled that correctly ) says the NHS is under threat from Brexit . It is very encouraging for me that the “remainers” are getting really desperate now.
If ‘under threat’ is meant that we have no more European/African/Asian/Philippino’s medics and cleaners who struggle with understanding English in a hospital environment, then I say bring it on !!!! because I for one am fed up with constantly repeating myself when seeing a Consultant/Registrar, or continually saying ‘pardon, er, pardon’, when their linguistic skills are so appalling. We have gone beyond third world in our medical treatment – (where even clinicians continue to wear white coats), but its too much to hope that we will return to the days of the 60’s and 70’s where cleanliness was top of the list, and a bedside manner that could be understood.
What has suddenly caused our leader make this statement ?
“They are Christian values and they should give us the confidence to say ‘Yes, we are a Christian country and we are proud of it’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35904018
Taffman, good question. I suspect that Cameron is having a “Stephen Fry ” moment. Getting very confused about what he and his country stands for. It is not surprising coming from someone of limited intelligence and experience. World events are engulfing him and he does not have what it takes to deal with them.
He’s beginning to realise he’s in the shit, and his hoped-for unicorns haven’t turned up to rescue him.
His cabinet is split forever, with the more intelligent of them in the out campaign, and he is literally fucked.
Our security services will have told him that by now, a Paris or Brussels style slaughter is bound to happen here, as it can only be a matter of time, and that people are laughing at his ‘nothing to do with islam’ bollocks.
Even that evil bastard Bliar has declared that if ISIS is not crushed we’ll get attacks here, and that from a bastard who imported millions of the scum to rub our noses in diversity.
After the Evil Blairs , mission ,to rub the “Right`s Nose in Diversity”, the Evil BBC quickly obeyed its former “Lord & Master” & religiously continued the policy, with renewed vigor .
Mr. Vance-
Someone with your name on the Telegraph website and has posted-
‘I wish every papist building had been burned in British Ulster!’
As a response to an article from Simon Heffer. I support your anti-BBC crusade, but if that is your comment, this is the last time I post on this site. I am a
To complete my comment, I an from a catholic background, and have no time for the IRA, or the scumbags Adams and McGuinness. My grandfather fought against the IRA when he was in the RIC. I abhor the bigotry still prevalent in the country, and I am afraid the comment above exemplifies that, sadly. I hope it wasn’t you, because I greatly admire your work in providing a bulwark against the leftist drift in the media, and the BBC in particular.
Polar bears are nearing extinction- Douglas Richardson on the BBC. The only way we will be able to keep the numbers up is to have breeding pairs in zoos. Douglas my old friend is that true ?. I a mere mortal can google Polar Bears ( the swimming bears Douglas in case you are worried about the glacier mint advert where they are on the last bit of ice left on the planet surrounded by sea).I have been reading Polar Bears are at record high numbers Douglas 25-30 thousand. I think you have told a load of porkie pies live on TV and it went unchallenged, with lots of frowning, from the Breakfast auto cue readers.
Now me, if I was a journalist on National T.V. and I had to do a piece on Polar Bears in the morning, you know what I would do I would do a bit research the evening before and have my facts ready for the Polar bear expert . Honestly this lazy , sensationalist crap is not what I expect from the Worlds top broadcaster. Next you will be telling me Global warming is rampant and that Europe is currently on a path to produce the Garden of Eden
It’s a legal drama, starring Sophie Okonedo as a lawyer who returns to Britain after 20 years. She assumes the position of director of Public Prosecutions, and sees this as an opportunity to make a difference – starting by bringing to justice the murderers of her friend, an influential anti-racism campaigner.
Surprised by that Grant, the BBC can barely bring itself to say or publish the word Christian, usually only uttered with a sneer after getting stuck in the throat like a piece of broken glass then spewed out of a hateful BBC mouth.
Mohammed Farah. Britain’s greatest ever sportsman according to the BBC. Born in Mogadishu (let’s not let details get in the way here) got Bronze in the Cardiff egg and spoon race. Won’t be long before he is given a knighthood eh. Sir Mohammed of Mogadishu.
British Summertime begins with snow in the forecast. Be wall to wall Global warming soon on the BBC probably have Carol Kirkwood at the Zoo with the penguins to give us a few subliminal messages when the sun comes out. That girl is smart, last time she was at the zoo she posed the question ‘…. now why do you think they are called Rockhopper penguins ? well I can tell you I searched high and low and racked my brains and then she came out with it ‘… it’s because they hop from rock to rock. ‘
BBC is a mine of information
Lock 13, just so that I am up to speed, are we currently calling it global warming, global cooling, or climate change this week.
It seems to change so often depending on the weather at the time of writing.
Below average temperatures…doom.
Above average temperatures…doom.
Average temperatures…a blip but still…doom somehow.
I’m guessing the clocks struck 13 last night at our national broadcaster
This morning the BBC News Channel puts out the B-squad for the red sofa. Its very reminiscent of women’s football – all that BBC hype, effort and expense but no one is watching. Roger Bland and Dolly Nomark – that may have been their names.
Anyone up for a quick game of Russian roulette with the Beeb newspaper review? I wouldn’t if I were you – yep its the Guardian – you lose again!
Helen Pidd – Guardian northern editor no less – ‘Ee bah gum, our lass, do pass thou frittata. Well I’ll go t’foot of our stairs – that’s a reet grand flat white!’
Helen’s pick of the papers….? Nick Cohen’s lefty broadside against Boris Johnson.
Also featured was an anti-cuts report “It’s powerful” says Roger Bland
I notice the BBC rowing back (slightly) on their wall-to-wall Dublin 1916 puff – a brief mention of the opinions of some who caution how this is being celebrated. But meanwhile the BBC are clearly throwing in their lot with the teacher unions.
Phew. Yesterday a bit of a washout, but being a nice holiday break still well spent out with family and friends. Sun peaking out so off soon again.
Interesting to catch up and see who did have the time to devote to keeping the comments threads well stocked, sacrificing social lives in the process. Maybe it is the freedom to embrace a platform for opinion that attract some?
https://t.co/p8X9lbTHYd This on readers' comments makes depressing reading – rather similar to what happened to the AI chatbot
9.30 on R4 – the BBC are still describing the psychopaths who bombed Brussels as ‘extremists’ – even within a sentence where they admit they were the bombers.
At a time when ‘causing offence’ seems to be sufficient cause for the Old Bill to come hammering on someone’s door, I must say I find that example of moral relativism pretty bloody offensive!.
Meanwhile. more bonkers scheduling from the BBC. Next weekend, no doubt as part of its celebration of all things Oirish, BBC 4 has a programme on the poet W.B. Yeats. Fair enough you might think.
But which academic Yeatsian scholar, or noted poet, has been given the job of presenting this epic? Step forward that world authority on the old boy, Bob Geldof.
Isn’t it time someone appointed a ring master for this circus? The clowns seem to have taken over.
The BBC is currently pushing some book by an academic claiming that the history of Islam and the British Empire are inextricably linked due to trading links set up with Morocco in Elizabethan times. Talk about cherry picking. By that token so is communism inextricably linked because we had links with Soviet Russia during WW2. They really are desperate.
The links were certainly improved over the next couple of centuries as African tribal chiefs organized the rounding up of their own and rival tribes’ surplus labour and sold them to Arab traders who in turn sold them in job lots to slave dealers from Britain and a variety of European nations.
Oddly enough, it seems that only the UK links to this trade still remain relevant today – despite the fact that the same Arab traders were earlier just as enthusiastically employed in rounding up predominantly English and Irish locals, to be sold along the north African coast. But as white skinned they never did count, anyway.
Those who believe the BBC is biased should look at the section of the report on BBC Radio Somalia. As a certain man called Meldrew would say, “I don’t believe it!”.
Another BBC connection is that Lance Price, the Blair propagandist and ZaNuLabour henchmen, was given a considerable sum of money to deliver some lecture abroad on ‘lying through one’s teeth in the service of a madman’, I think it was.
Good to see the gravy train rolling along, whichever of the pretend parties is in power.
‘Good to see the gravy train rolling along’
Agreed. Another way of looking at overseas aid is the Goverment investing in industry. That is the industry of charity that employs so many workers including old boys and girls (or their equivilant) who apart from obtaining lucrative fees go on to aquire knighthoods etc. and may even appear on BBC’s Question Time.
Now that’s what I call enterprise!
£1.1m to teach the world to sing? No wonder they’re laughing!
Singing coaches are flying around the world at vast public expense teaching traditional British folk songs in developing countries…..
Spot the irony. When they are immigrants to Britain they immerse themselves in….their own culture.
A BBC radio drama funded by the British taxpayer provided practical tips on how to make the illegal journey from Africa to Europe at the height of the migrant crisis.
The BBC was criticised last night over the programme, broadcast in Somalia and Kenya, which featured one character advising another to cut her hair short and travel light for the treacherous Mediterranean boat crossing.
The would-be ‘migrant’ was told: ‘Whatever is difficult will end up being easy.’
Later, another character was advised: ‘This current time is the best opportunity to reach Europe.’
The drama, A Better Life Than Today, follows the fortunes of a group of Somali youths as they try to make their way in life.
It has more than two million BBC Radio Somali listeners and is produced by the Corporation’s charitable arm, BBC Media Action, which receives £89.8 million in handouts from the Government.
BBC Media Action is not funded by the licence fee, but by the Government’s foreign aid budget.
‘BBC Media Action’ – sounds like some kind of leftist pressure group, doesn’t it?
And all this, ladies and gentlemen, under a CONSERVATIVE government.
I notice that the fascist, far left, pro eu, anti England bbbc has been letting me know (once every 5 minutes it seems to me) that this weekend is the 100th anniversary of the ‘Easter uprising’………I don’t remember the bbbc mentioning Battle of Britain day with the same frequency….. Why is this?
I thought this weekend was to commemorate a Christian festival.
Oh, by the way how many final editions of the independent are there going to be it seems to me there are many……….the bbbc keeps me informed about that, too?
Notice the Met as just fucked up with the Matthew Doyle case…..I expect Panorama to conduct a full length investigation .Also I expect Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe to be questioned in depth on Newsnight by the world class and impartial Evan ( I have Corbyn tattooed on my bellend) Davis….questions on why this man’s right to free speech was infringed and why he was illegally locked up for 2 days when the police have no legal right to do so… Gripping stuff Expect a 4 page pull out on this in tomorrows Guardian too…..
I expect the police or Home Office are hoping someone from everyone’s favourite religion will kill him. In any case, his life is in now in danger just because he tweeted something – and the police want to make damn sure that everyone knows what he looks like and where he lives. (Yes, I agree, his tweet was very mildly offensive it seems, but big deal!).
Thanks Met. Just to remind us oiks we should keep our mouths shut and accept any shit we are given and are grateful for it.
Rather like when Tommy Robinson was imprisoned last year for mortgage fraud (*) he was placed in a high security wing with lots of violent Muslim inmates (are there any other kind?). Clearly somewhere arranged this to try and have him killed.
(*) In case anyone else wonders what this entailed, as I did, as far as I can make out he took out an extended mortgage on his house and lent some of the money to his sister, as she couldn’t get credit. Yes, technically this is fraud as he probably said the money was solely to extend his house, but I doubt anyone else would be prosecuted – let alone imprisoned – for such an offense. And I certainly wouldn’t expect most people to be put in a high security wing full of people who want to kill them. I have just about zero respect for the British police and judicial system now, and this hasn’t improved my view.
I seem to recall someone by the name of Mandelson being done for mortgage fraud, too. Could some kind reader remind me how long he was incarcerated for?
Just to pluck that item from your post…the item tatooed on my bell-end…I Have tatooed on my bell end that famous welsh place name…you KNOW the one…..of course you do,…but it’s so long I had it along the whole length…yep…you got it…RHYL…
Changing the subject . An example of where you are informed if you don’t listen to the BBC, but misinformed if you do.
I’ve just listened to the BBC World Service programme “The Science Hour” and its feature “Feeding the World” about improving the genes of wheat to make it resistant to drought by taking the genes from the oldest form of wild wheat that “they found it in a wild relative on the Arabian peninsular”. Listen from around 30 minutes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03n87wp#play
Then we heard about using the genes of this wild wheat to produce new drought-resistant strains. “So they collected that plant from the Arabian peninsular .. and cross it with your conventional wheat varieties.”
Next, we travel to the Phillipines to hear from Abdel Ishmal (surprise surprise) about its genetic engineering of rice. He justifies Genetic modification of crops – previously a “No-no” of the BBC and its “back to nature” agenda.
Finally the BBC focuses on the fast scientific method of creating genetic hybrids – again hearing from Abdel Ishmal. But why didn’t the BBC include the groundbreaking work of Israel’s NRGene that was the company to crack the genome of wild wheat. It would have been an essential piece of information on this subject. http://israelactive.com/?s=NRGene+Wheat
“Since the Phillipine Israel Center for Agricultural Training Project was launched in June 2006, more than 100 Filipinos, comprised of farmers and DAR officials, have been trained in Israel on special courses regarding vegetable production and post-harvest technologies. Moreover, more than 1,000,000,000 assorted genetically engineered seeds of high quality have been donated to the participating provinces.”
Husband who brought his Pakistani bride to the UK and treated her like a slave giving her regular beatings and forcing her to clean from 5am every morning faces jail
Just watching BBC live in Brussels running their anti “far right” agenda” again. The Belgian equivalent of rent a mob are as usual are blameless . Nothing much changes at the BBc.
But the piece of sh!t in a hijab that destroyed an Israeli flag was given a free ride at the memorial to the murdered by her fellow muslims. No water cannon for her.
The BBC Online News refuse to mention the ‘M’ word or ‘LC’. (Labour Councils).
News buried in Sheffield & South Yorkshire section.
“”Drew Review: South Yorkshire Police’s handling of abuse was ‘inadequate’
23 March 2016
From the section Sheffield & South Yorkshire””
“”It was commissioned in the wake of the Jay Report, which found at least 1,400 girls were abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013″”
“”In Sheffield, it found officers worked in an “under-resourced vacuum” and requests for further resources and attempts to explain the situation were ignored””
“”The force was now “led by individuals who were determined to learn from the past” and that “significant additional resources” had been allocated to “catching up from a previously poor position”” ( What do these words mean???).
Nicholas Blincoe admires Jayne Senior’s lonely fight to reveal the sex abuse ring in Rotherham
Broken and Betrayed is an account of the Rotherham abuse scandal by the key whistleblower, Jayne Senior…..
Yet it is not the severity of the crimes, nor the paucity of convictions that make the affair a scandal. It is the cover-up. Senior repeatedly found warnings went unheeded, evidence was destroyed and, when her team gave information to outside police forces, she was reprimanded and accused of distortion and unprofessionalism…..
Gladman shared her report with the council, and local and South Yorkshire police commanders, with the result that social services raided Senior’s office and confiscated the files. Gladman was sacked…
Never heard it remotely described as such on BBC TV or radio, at any time.
When did ‘ The Boat Race’ become ‘ The Boat Races’ ?. We now have the women’s race too. It’s just all so lovely and introduced by nobody’s favourite presenter Claire Balding.
Fk me they are discussing Ramadan on the Boat Race. They found a rower called Mohammed. They really have no shame. Claire rug muncher wondering how he can train and fast . I don’t give a flying toss excuse my french
I was about to gripe on about Helen Skelton’s kiddie-style Blue Peter presentation, together with her unkempt and more than half-pissed ‘comedian’ companion, who is happily unknown to me – but the Ramadan bit topped it. Unbefukinglievable!
Another new slant on a great English tradition.
Guessing that the Cologne Display of Pork Swordmanship(2015) would be called Its a Kock-Out”
Boom boom…and two more suicide jockeys go to the Spirit In The Sky!
I too wondered at “The Boat Races”?
Can only guess that the ladies have a race going on too…or a rope has been attached to the Oxbridge toffs yachts, so the disabled get a free tug.
Possibly in gaily painted pedalos, who`s to say?
Do sense the BBC are missing a trick here though.
Why not the Homs-Izmir boat races?…where top teams of delightful Somali chaps fight it out to get across the Aegean before the EU send along a rubber dinghy and a free map of Brussels or Cologne?
Perhaps if we let them SEE Claire Balding on the shore as she interviews them-THAT might cause them to think before rubbing their gonads into the rumps of commuters or their kids.
Think we call this a multi-faceted solution to things…and happy to commend this to the House of Sod…Salford Division of the Righteous Kingdom.
Piracy on the Thames re-enactment maybe?
Or is it that hybrid of shooting, swordsmanship whilst staying steady on the corsair that floats the BBCs boats?
Probably be an Olympic Sport very soon-with the winner able to leave the champagne on the podium whilst carrying the dolly bird away as prize booty.
All the bBBC’s prejudices were exposed with this afternoon’s ‘Boat Races’.
First, the pretence that the newly-invented women’s race on the tideway was the equivalent of the 162nd (mens) race.
They homed in for an in-depth interview with the one black woman, an American in the Oxford boat.
Their map of the course featured Harrods ‘Depositary’, known to any intelligent person as Harrods Depository.
They had a drunken unknown leftie ‘comedian’ to make jibes about the middle-class people watching, and to ask if the women rowers had cocks, the oldest and unfunniest joke on the subject, although it would have been good to get Mr Clare Balding to answer.
However, nothing to do with the bBBC, but I do want to credit the Cambridge women for keeping going to the end, despite having almost sunk and been advised by the umpire to stop and be rescued. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rowing/35907714
BBC radio reported that the Oxford women had won for the fourth time running, oh, and as an afterthought, that Cambridge had won the men’s race, just in case any sexist bastard was interested.
Bit of a riot in Belgium. The far right, says the media, but the BBC describe the rioters as ‘self-declared fascists’. Of course, you would have to be a fascist to oppose ISIS and immigration.
‘Belgian police have fired water cannon to disperse self-declared fascists who stormed a central square in Brussels’, says the BBC.
Some of them have said they are not political, but belief that more should be done against Daesh and immigration. Whatever, the media are against them.
oh dear we are going to have cancel the candle lighting for today because some naughty people are objecting to having their city and people blown up by smelly blokes wiv beards . But we will be back tomorrow chalking on the pavement , making our own candles and saying Je Suis a liberal tosser
Here’s an extract from the BBC link:
“”PM Charles Michel said it was “highly inappropriate that protesters have disrupted the peaceful reflection at the Bourse (stock exchange)””
I despise that word ‘inappropriate’ that the Left always use. Why not ask ‘why’ the protest occurred? Would the answer be too painful? But not as painful as it was for the victims and future victims.
Funny how quick the BBC are to analyse why the Islamic murderers do what they do (and the answer is always ‘because they are disfranchised/alienated/excluded/unemployed/impoverished etc etc), but never join dots the size of footballs when anti-Islamic riots happen.
I imagine that Charles Michel will soon regard the sound of chalk writing on pavement to be a bit noisier that he`d like…so chalk will be banned unless it`s in Islamic Green, and had a silencer fitted-or else, a board that doesn`t squeak and doesn`t mask the noises of bombs and minarets.
Yep-“inappropriate”…”solidarity”…”xeno/islamophobia”…when you hear such words, you`re listening to socialist esperanto…these fikfux can`t even CREATE language anymore-just bastardise non-words and One World constructs into Babelese…and that didn`t end too well.
Thankfully-all the intellect and experience is on the “right” of things…and we`re going to need it, regain our balls and align them to our brains.
The soft socialists and the wolf packs of Islam only SEEM to be irresistible because the BBC would like it to be so…but they`re both in historys reclaim and recycle.
They`ll set fire to themselves very soon-so keep the fire engines away, and bring the marshmallows for roasting.
Not the human ones who work for the media of the political class and camp followers either…they deserve what`ll be coming to them.
Re “self-declared fascists” – something must have been lost in translation. The BBC almost admit error!! The BBC’s Anna Holligan in Brussels says the group involved actually call themselves Casuals against Terrorism – not Fascists against Terrorism as earlier reported.
Just reading the BBC report on some riot control activity in Brussels. Funny, last time I recall angry young men being watercannoned and sprayed with CS gas the BBC were rather disapproving of police methods – but that was illegal immigrants trying to break into europe.
The BBC didn’t get their Brussels ‘peace march’ but some second string reporteress is showing us the colourful facepaint from the Potemkin peace village
BBC News at about 6:05pm showed a LGBT rainbow flag saying ‘peace’ in Brussels.
3 ticks for the BBC today in Brussels…. support Muslims no matter what just happened last week – tick, promote LGBT supporting Muslims – tick, show white men protesting as a right wing Nazi group – tick.
On an August bank holiday in 2014, Shiraz Maher at the International Centre for Study of Radicalisation at Kings College London received an email sent by a disillusioned British jihadist from Syria.
“We came to fight the regime and instead we are involved in gang warfare. It’s not what we came for but if we go back to Britain we will go to jail. Right now we are being forced to fight – what option do we have?”
The man in his twenties claimed to represent dozens of other jihadists’ desperate to return to the UK but fearing long prison sentences.
Gordon Corera explores the British government’s response to managing returnees. In the last two years Britain has brought in temporary exclusion orders and is able to confiscate passports to prevent people preparing to travel to Syria.
France has gone one step further – since the Paris attacks in November police has placed over 400 citizens under house arrest and can strip French born dual nationals of citizenship. Denmark and Germany have taken a different approach and instead try to rehabilitate rather than imprison; helping young men and women get jobs, housing and education.
The Home Office estimates that around 800 British nationals have travelled to Syria since the start of the conflict and that around half of those have returned, though experts say these are conservative figures. What’s the best way to deal with this growing threat, particularly when returnees are responsible for attacks such as those in Paris last November?
Gordon Corera speaks with Shiraz Maher, Rashad Ali of the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, solicitor Gareth Peirce, Hanif Qadir of the Active Change Foundation and counter-terrorism officer DAC Helen Ball. We also hear from a returnee.
No voices from the other side are heard at all. All the usual pro Muslim pro terrorism, pro Jihadi bullshit. If there was any real oversight this kind of screaming bias would be picked up and stamped on !
Given the day that’s in it, I thought I’d share a song I remember from my childhood. Written by an Irishman called Percy French (sung by Brendan O’Dowda). I don’t think I’ll be hearing this on the bBBC anytime soon.
What’s not to like? it celebrates the Russians beating the Turks. Doesn’t history repeat itself?
Ta Kennedy.
Dare I try to top you with THIS magnificent prophetic picture in song from Scotland Cockney Lonnie Donegan?
Now THIS is the Irish national anthem from my youth…
Altogther now!
Dumb, dumb…a dhimmi, dummy dumb.
The REAL Easter Rising will have THIS one as a soundtrack…Islam,the EU, the BBC get slashed in each fine verse.
And written by the man that even Van Morrison thought was a precious preening bore!
God love and keep Plastic Paddy #1…Sir Lonward Donegan
While I’m on an Irish theme, and editing the last one after one after posting seems to have messed up the link, let me share a great man who I first saw on “The Comedians” in the days before PC:
Let me leave it to rest of the readers here to look up the great Dave Allen who would never be allowed on the bBBC these days. Thinking about that, I’m not sure that he would want to be either. He was an “equal opportunities” insult merchant. I hope he would have made jokes about that which we can’t joke about.
Thanks for this Kennedy-between us, there`s a St Patricks tribute that knocks the BBC Geldof, Bono, Mary McAleese tendency into its broad black brimmer.
One of the two gentlemen you show is a lefty gobshite lawyer whose only claim to fame is that the Bee Gees(correctly) walked out on his show-but has stepped effortlessly into Ned Sherrins old espadrilles and assumes that a combover is the same as being witty.
The other?…a man who could spar with Bernard Manning and not back down, a man that even Ken Dodd respected re his jokes/minute ratio…and-maybe his BIGGEST claim to fame-was given directions to get out of Pontins, Lytham St Annes in May 1974(as many requested once they`d been there!) by… yours truly.
“For I was that Soldier”…and will now get out a deck of cards…Islamic Top Trump perhaps?
Now-wonder which one has a continulng claim on the license fee payer?…and which will be funny as long as Dennis Taylor lives on?
I was in a bar some *years ago when Carson was about to perform at a local venue, much frequented by other performers at said venue.
All the others had a quiet snifter and a chat with the locals as a warm up – Carson walked in, started telling jokes and gave a 5 minute performance before going on stage! A true comedian and star.
For some reason that reminded me of a dreadful song that was quite amusing:
When I looked up “Nice legs, shame about the boat race” on YouTube, there were loads of asterisks in the titles of the different versions. It is a strange world we are living in!
Michael Sandel explores the philosophical justifications made for national borders. Using a pioneering state-of-the-art studio at the Harvard Business School, Professor Sandel is joined by 60 participants from over 30 countries in a truly global digital space.
Is there any moral distinction between a political refugee and an economic migrant? If people have the right to exit a country, why not a right to enter? Do nations have the right to protect the affluence of their citizens? And is there such a thing as a ‘national identity’?
These are just some of the questions addressed by Professor Sandel in this first edition of The Global Philosopher.
A pro mass migration, no borders, an end to countries. Do we have a right to protect what we worked for? Dear God! To even ask that shows how deluded the BBC are! Do their employees have a right to protect their affluence or would any of us have the right to enter their homes and take what we please, and even move into their affluent properties?
We know the answer to that! It’s all about giving away other peoples property whilst protecting their own.
One wonders if this bloke locks his doors at night, or even throughout the day….if borders have no place in his world, then neither should his home have locked doors…but of course we know the answer without asking dont we?
Well, I listened on BBC i-player and it wasn’t as bad as I had feared!
There were some amusing moments, e.g. when a Greek lady, who was against open borders, referred to a certain religion (which she didn’t wish to name but she thought people would be able to guess!) that oppressed women and didn’t tolerate other faiths, etc, against which borders remained necessary.
A dopey younger German woman said nationality had no more validity that grouping together those who wore striped shirts or liked cheese – an infantile comparison – but was put right by an Israeli who said that culture and identity did matter.
Over all, while there was idealistic globalism in the premise of the broadcast, a number of the contributors were not playing ball with the agenda and spoke out.
“And is there such a thing as a ‘national identity’? ”
Good question. Why not find out? Let us import a million muslims a year into Europe and see what happens shall we? Will they turn into hard working Germans or laid back Swedes? Or will they remain exactly the same backward, violent, misogynistic anti-semitic scum they were in the old country? It will be so interesting to find the answer, and aren’t we lucky to have such forward thinking academics to help us out?
Next time you hear the BBC interviewing some bleeding heart eco-socialist from the WWF about how the most underdeveloped nations of this world are the ones most at risk from ‘climate change’, listen carefully to see if the Beeboid asks them about this:
The ecoguards…seek to “protect” conservation assets which are largely WWF’s creation, and often do so in conjunction with WWF personnel. Indeed, most Baka do not distinguish between WWF officers and ecoguards…
…Ecoguards are supported financially by WWF, and often transported in WWF vehicles driven by WWF personnel to the villages or other places in which they have abused Baka “suspects.” They have even interrogated suspects in WWF-built facilities.
Ecoguards are frequently said to raze to the ground any Baka camps they come upon in a [National Park], and to destroy or confiscate any property they are able to seize. They are said to often assault those Baka that they can catch, and to even threaten to kill them if they return…
In the villages outside the [parks] there are regular complaints that…Baka huts have been unlawfully searched and property seized. Baka have also claimed that they have been assaulted under interrogation, and several are even said to have died from their injuries.
There are two WWFs. One is a highly motivated scam, coining billions annually from telling highly fictionalised tales designed to whip up clueless people’s emotions, so as to bleed them dry.
Do wonder if we might adopt a “right winger of independent mind”?
Charity appeals, Red Nose nonsense so that the likes of Steyn, Murray, Igler, Spencer, Yaxley-Lennon, Hitchens and Phillips can apply for our largesse…and be granted protection and encouragement to speak( not reproduce, mind for that would be beyond our remit).
Currently Igler is a rising star,and Murray a continually oasis of sense in that mad world he has to speak to.
But all are endangered-like Wilders and Robinson(T)-and they need to know that we`re looking out for them.
Might yet run a series of lectures for them if I can find a safe place, and sift the clientele-and so much for a safe and free Britain in 2016.
Hello and welcome to Springwatch at Easter, this is early this year, this is much earlier, this is stupidly early, our seasons are changing, warmest winter on record, doom, doom, doom, please don’t have nightmares, goodnight!
I couldn’t face it Geoff . I knew what was going to be on it. Incidentally we had an ice storm here 30 miles North of London at lunchtime – start of British summer time eh
Is it just me or does it seem like the BBC on their web-site and on Radio 4 have been almost ignoring, at best ‘not mentioning’, the result of the Germany v. England footie friendly?
No, it`s not just you,U2S.
A famous victory against the current world champions with goals we`d still be lauding a Suarez or Messi about, had THEY scored them.
Can only guess that the EU and the BBC want any “provocations” against Mutti Merkel and her Project to be muted, if not ignored.
The BBC will be needing all those grants from her EU colleagues in culture very soon-especially to prime pump the national enslavement to the Cologne Cock Ringers on June 23rd.
Hence the unwillingness to gloat about beating the world champions on their home patch.
Hope we`re not reduced to recalling this as our Jesse Owens moment in the Olympicstadion, with a florid Frau twitching her moustache in fury at what she saw.
No-the BBC did NOT like this one-now imagine if any other “Home Nation” had done the same to Germany in Berlin-and with goals like those.
No-only England get the shit stick 24/7-no matter what they achieve in any field they try to play in.
Unless, chris, they are the England Women’s 20/20 Cricket Team. Two and a half days later(?) Gary was talking about it at 8.30am on the TOADY programme. (BBC Radio 4)
7am Radio 4 News on Sunday morning: unless I was completely asleep the Germany v. England result was not mentioned. Bizarre. Normally, Radio 4 is wall-to-wall footie.
I think we can agree that the BBC leans its bias in favour of Islamic terrorists. But how much is that reflected in the politicians who are supposed to be in charge of security?
Belgian soldiers put on guard with no bullets in their rifles.
How serious is the desire to combat Islamic terror? Bombing raids that do not drop bombs, soldiers without bullets…
From Daniel Greenfield
I met a couple of ex-squaddies in a pub in my home town in the mid 70’s, played darts with them and became friends with them. They served in NI and told me they were sent out on patrol without ammunition.
I’m re-posting this contribution by wileyvet from the above site (FrontPageMag.com) as I think it says it all about the west tackling the Islamic threat to civilisation:
Between the cost of law enforcement, the judiciary to try them, the prison system to hold them when convicted, the security services, and generous welfare to these Muslims, no nation can afford such expenditures. It is all in response to one immigrant group. Only one culture is causing the Fitna in western societies. None of this was an issue 25 years ago. What has changed in that time? Massive Muslim immigration. The most hostile, antagonistic and belligerent of any immigrant group anywhere, at anytime. Belgians and other European countries are paying for their own demise. If Socialism wasn’t enough to bankrupt these countries, then the combination of Nanny State, cradle to grave benefits, and mass Muslim immigration will hasten the collapse. Unfortunately this is not restricted to just Europe. Every immigration department in every nation around the world opened the floodgates to Muslims for some inexplicable reason. Without a single thought, or the slightest clue about Islam, Muslims have been the flavour of choice for every western style nation.
There are so many Muslims in these countries today that it now has paralyzed leaders on both foreign and domestic policy. In Europe it manifests itself in anti-Israel policies and feckless responses to Jihadist groups. It is interesting to note that the two most vocal opponents to the War in Iraq were France and Germany. Both of which now are the two nations most being affected by their immigrant Muslim populations. Not making the hard choices early always leads to worse outcomes and alternatives later. Obama’s craven prostration to the forces of Islam, his use of smart power, has been a miserable failure. Yet it was not inevitable that Europe should open their doors to the Islamic hordes. That was their own doing.
This ME situation is NOT the result of recent events, but a decades old failure of appeasement, apologizing and neglecting the cultural dysfunctions and pathologies propagated by Islam. A failure of epic proportions by the west and United Nations to ever hold these despotic backwards regimes accountable for their actions, economic neglect and culturally abhorrent practices. Time and again they saw fit to chastise Israel, while remaining silent on the atrocities committed everyday across the Arab/Muslim world. Now they are up to their eyeballs in Islam and all the baggage it brings with it. When France and Holland become Morocco, Germany becomes Turkey, England becomes Pakistan etc. then it will be too late to see their mistake. The cultural heritage of two thousand years will have been snuffed out just as it was across the Arab world. An Iron Burka is descending over the, as yet, still free nations of Europe. Sadly there are no Martels, Normans or Sobieskis to stanch the hordes. And there will be no help from the United States with another Great Crusade to liberate the people of Europe from the grip of tyranny and fascism.
Truly brilliant and pithy analysis-with inescapable bleeding obvious conclusions.
Not that the traitors and appeasers will ever read this, let alone try to understand the consequences.
For that would upset over fifty years of self-righteous reflex lefty thinking that is BSE of the spirit, the brain rotting down through the spine.
Terminal-THEY must pay the price, and need to be a cheap sacrifice to militant Islam-maybe a few apologies in Riyadh and Islamabad for the whole lot of `em.
As for ourselves-we need to look at the costs of Islam as outlined above-and add to them the many kids, multiple wives, medical bills, costs of preventing contagious illnesses, translations services, school curriculum changes that remove any mention of western mores, unemployment benefits and the myriad costs of accommodating Muslim holidays, dietary habits.
And the cost of segregating swimming pools and train carriages?…well Corbyn has already raised THAT latter one-wonder why?
And not even the mention yet of our willingness to cover up, to censor ourselves before we`re made to…and the death of the west will be a matter of not “if”, but “when”.
And for what?…some half-arsed wish of the socialists that they`ll get an enriched NHS and public sector, that the CBI will get cheaper labour to do jobs that our uneducated helots won`t be bothered to do.
With a liberal hope that fit angry men with a Koran and an avenging disposition will allow us all to go to Tunisia a few years early like we saw last June, by doing the jobs we retired early from-and then, when THEY get older with all their kids-than they`ll all head back to Lahore or Van to die in third world squalour, just when they can cash in for what they`d never earned anyhow?
And just so we can get a decent curry for the next few years?
Bloody Hell….the logic is unanswerable…which is why the BBC and the Left won`t even make the effort so to do.
Just Perrier water for the water cannons today…but we can SEE what the BBC , The CBI and Labour etc are up to.
And we DARE to lionise the Irish Rebels who wanted to break free of the British…when the British dare to break free of the EU then that`s another story.
And it won`t end well…but end it will.
“and just so we can get a decent curry for the next few years”
Haha! Brilliant again ChrisH. I actually had tears of laughter in my eyes after reading that which is quite unique when reading about anything to do with our death merchant, rape junky friends from the ROP cult.
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Longish journey this morning, as Mrs G was with me the default station was Radio 2 and the campfest that is Graham Norton. This morning with extra added campness, the guests being the person who played Pat Butcher in Eastenders and that nice chap Holly from Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
I digress, top marks for Radio 2 news, at 1pm they did actually report on the 250 businesses supporting Brexit, yet they couldn’t resist allowing only one ‘expert’ to shout their case down, no one was given the right of reply, thus the impression given that they are wrong…
Sill the story still be around come the 3pm news?
That ‘person’ was the clown in chief who ‘runs’ BT. See my earlier comments about that unfortunate editorial decision which resulted in one of Britain’s most useless companies championing the case for remaining in the madhouse.
Looks like things have only gotten worse in BBC land while I ve been away,
looks like the same impartiality being shown to Islam EU Ref, and wait for it ….
the global climate changey warmy CO2 tinged saving the planet polar beareee palava
… I thought poor old Piers was going get a slap there and then, on TBQs and that was from Host N Campbell!
what bias?
First time I’ve seen that, thanks for posting. Campbell is a disgrace, he should be completely impartial and he fails miserably, so much so that he accidentally reveals his true stance on the subject at 13.19 in believing what the ‘facts’ are.
Strange that Owen Jones is so disrespectful to Jeremy’s brother, I’d rather side with an astrophysicist that a load of lentil eating, sandal wearing, unwashed pricks….
Little Owen Jones blowing on about eco-friendly jobs is apparently unaware that Germany are returning to coal as they’ve gone anti-nuke following Fukishima but are realistic enough to know windmill farms are not fit for purpose.
I like the way the woman describes it as a ‘debate’. 1 person v 50+, she describes a debate. 1 person, and he gets sneered at and talked over, by all including the presenter. It felt like an extreme example of bias. It felt almost criminal.
This episode should be used as an example in Universities/colleges showing what happens when debate is actually closed down, and what bullying actually looks like. Hold it up as a mirror to them. Surely it would open their eyes. No?
She and the BBC need to look up the meaning of debate.
“It is better to debate a question without settling it, than to settle a question without debating it.”
Joseph Joubert
“I may be wrong and you may be right and, by an effort, we may get nearer the truth.”
Karl Popper
Ray, Two great quotes about freedom !
The debate is over, says Nicci, and hands the platform over to the propagandists. Corbyn struggled to say that science is about evidence. But that was laughed at.
Boy Owen, when he is not accusing people of Islamophobia, sneered about people who believe the Earth is flat – obviously thinking of the climate warming sceptics.
OK Owen – experts on the Koran maintain that the Earth is flat. Don’t be an Islamophobe -Come on defend them, screw evidence.
The agenda of the ‘debate’ and Campbells stance is pretty clear in the first seconds when he throws the debate open with the question “How do WE get the message through?”
There is no doubt the BBC is biased on this subject but this is bloody in yer face blatant.
NC ‘Has the message got through? How do WE get the message through?’
NC ‘Liz Hutchins, from friends of the earth. It must be so frustrating, for you, knowing how bad things are.’
NC ‘that there are still people still resisting this message, for whatever reasons [she laughs].
NC ‘Liz, cheer us up [both laugh], how bad are things [darling Nikki almost tearful laughter]’.
And so begins an impartial debate, the cornerstone of a democracy.
NIKKI, you are referring to me darling, and i have a good reason. Because the public have a right to an opinion different from the BBC. We will be heard!
I liked the bit when Hutchins was going through the list of horrors which climate change would bring, and Nicci gives her a prompt from the script they must have rehearsed when he said ‘and extinctions’.
That’s right Nicci, the silly moo forgot her lines.
The BBC don’t do debate – they do kangaroo courts.
johnny, Spot on . Almost show trials ! I wonder where they learned that from ?
Well, I was enjoying a rainy day until I watched this link. ( Nicky Campbell) Dear God. Where do you start. As soon as there was a dissenting voice, one which actually told the truth, the “warmists” were all over that voice and trying to shut the voice up. “Climate Change” is now a religion in our society, and try telling people is there is no God or Prophet and you will see the same response. It really is quite scary to see someone who gets so much air time on a public broadcasting organisation, the BBC, to be seen to be completely sold on the hypothesis that man made Co2 is the primary cause of Global Warming” that leads to “Climate Change”. And yet, in this clip, the vehicle to “Climate Change”, that being “Global Warming” has been airbrushed off the pages. There never was “97% of scientists agreed that….” Mr Morgan is right in that aspect and if man made Co2 is causing “Global Warming”, thus leading to “Climate Change”, then please, can anyone in this clip, who might be reading this blog, explain to me how and when during and following the greatest release of man made Co2 into the atmosphere, (the Industrial revolution) global temperatures FELL?
The thing is, I thought, lets get the real facts of climate change. Where better than wwf?
It promised to explain climate change. It did, but with absolutely no reference to any facts or statistics. How does that work? Actually, it did not even explain climate change, after looking again. Just future predictions of death and destruction.
Completely without science. Just like religion. God is a polar bear. Penguins are his angels. Hallelujah i believe!
Well I have debated Climate Change with Piers Corbyn, and my opinion is that he is the only famous British scientist that I have learnt something new about Atmospheric Physics, in the last year. It was about a simpler way of understanding the roll of gravity in the transfer of heat, rather than as through the influence of air pressure in the Unified Theory of Climate description, which is that the Greenhouse effect is calculated by using the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature, which gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula.
I don’t think Nicky Campbell or any of the BBC’s screaming banshee’s would be able to debate any of that science, due to the fact that almost all of them are low IQ left-wing Environmental Arts and Drama queens. Also, Piers was the only scientist on the BBC guest list.
The Old Bloke: Only 4 percent of Atmospheric Co2 can be man-made (Isotopic evidence). Some of this 4 percent must be Volcanic Co2.
The mass of the Oceans make up 99.3 percent of the system, so most man-made Co2 has been absorbed by the Oceans. Also the temperature of the Oceans have a 99.3 percent domination of the system, so the temperature of the Oceans determines the Co2 content of the Atmosphere, but due to thermal inertia, the system has an 800 year lag. This therefore coincides with the temperature peak of the Medieval Warm period (Ice core evidence for Co2 content and temperature) which with past evidence, points to the cause of the current increase in Atmospheric Co2, because a warmer Ocean means that the ratio of Co2 in the system should and does increase Atmospheric Co2 content 800 years later, which is today.
I thought the Global Warming crowd always liked to quote “97% of scientists”
Nicky Campbell BBC : “98%”
Jonathan Bartley Green Party : “99%”
Any advance on 99? Do I hear 100? Come on BBC, your mates in the Greens would love you to no platform dissenters – go on, you can make it 100%!
Surely they could make it 117%, like the Tower Hamlets postal votes!
Incredibly biased piece on the US election, fully supporting Hilary while castigating the Republicans for failing to be Islamophilic !
Aside from tweets and headline-grabbing sound bites, the Republican candidates offered little of substance
Republicans appealed to fear and retrenchment
Both Democratic candidates adopted a sober tone
As a former secretary of state, Mrs Clinton gave the most comprehensive reaction
Mrs Clinton spoke in detail
they are aghast at the isolationism on display by Mr Trump and Mr Cruz.
The entire article from start to finish is an object lesson in bias, and yet as we know there is no oversight – the UK doesn’t do oversight !
The BBC merely mirrors the establishment view here and in Europe. You are right the article is totally biased towards the conventional view.
I suggest that whatever happens the US is going to become detached from Europe. Under Trump or Cruz it will happen quickly. Under Clinton more slowly.
The USA no longer needs Europe. It is a Pacific power now and it’s relations with China and other Far Eastern nations plus South America are far more important.
I can see Trump allowing Russia to have a much greater say on eastern Europe and possibly Western as well. After all why not as most Western states are going to fail and will need a protector. The eastern states naturally fall into Russia’s orbit.
Also the USA under Trump in particular will break away from it’s ME ties. That means Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Israel need not fear as I expect Trump to make it clear that Israel will enjoy complete US protection in all circumstances.
Time wil tell if I am correct but these are looking coherent future time lines to me .
As long as GB is useful to the US it will maintain some sort of relationship but given the influence here of cultural marxism and the rest of it I doubt if that will last much longer.
Agreed-the USA and its slew of Democrats have all but killed off the “special relationship”.
We need to get back on our knees and beg to stay allied and aligned to them.
The likes of Obama, Carter and Clinton are really bad news for this country…whereas a Reagan and a Trump at least had/has reason to defend us, and work with us.
I love the USA-and see Obama and Clinton as(hopefully) as out of tune with REAL American opinion as the lefties believe is Trumps views.
If not, we`ll get a terrible eight years ahead of us-if we get to the end of them.
The most terrifying prospect for this country is that we vote to remain in the EU and the antics of the left (Inc the traitor Cameron) cause a newly elected President Trump to turn his back on Europe as a lost cause. If that happens, then this country truly is f*cked.
Me and the missus said the same thing last night Steve. I really see Trump as the only hope left to stop the inevitable. The Piers Morgan interview last night was good gave him a chance to set the record straight on all of the sensationalist lies that are being spouted by the BBC. Like the building of the wall to stop the flow of drugs into the US. Nothing wrong with that but the BBC doesn’t mention that
Sometimes all you can do is boggle at the sheer cluelessness of the BBC.
The corporation has decided to show the classic Fred Astaire, Judy Garland (calm down, Scott!) film Easter Parade.
Next Saturday!
GC, Probably computer error !
I find myself being pathetically grateful thee days whenever I see things like “The Good Old Days”-and stuff involving the lives of Perry and Croft(who wrote It Ain`t `alf `ot mum”).
Hated every one of these twee nonsense shows from the mid-70s at that time, but now I see them as Pathe Sepia masterclasses in finding myself in a culture where I can recognise the humour, the shared decency and ritual honourings of music hall or Butlins, Burma etc.
Seeing the likes of Frankie Vaughan and Mike and Bernie can nearly make me cry-like Leonard Sachs these were Jews who did NOT have to slink in the back door, and who could ply their trade in places like Batley, Leeds and Dewsbury.
Have just seen “Easter From Kings”-first reference to Jesus` death and resurrection this weekend as far as I know.
Do the liberal left that all of this culture depends on Jews being welcomed, comedy being for the people and not Radio 4 student gumps…and that those stunning buildings, peerless songs as well as western composers and arrangers won`t survive long if they really expect us to sign our heritage and traditions over to the BBC and its Palmyra patsies.
These “All Our Yesterdays” films won`t always run, especially when they serve to remind us about how low we`ve gone as a culture…so fuel up on them, and don`t forget them whilst it`s still permissable.
For anyone who wants to catch Al BBC s Mishal Hussein – Aung San Suu interview before it goes into the ether
to me she really is an intolerable Al BBC plant, who abuses her position at every opportunity to push Islamic issues
Look closely at the smirk on her face towards the end when she feels satisfied that she has put this Jew in his place for witholding the number of Jews killed. Clearly the man had demonstrated that the numbers were not relevant as Israel had taken steps to protect its people. But it is the smirk that we should be concerned about; it is the smirk of one who feels triumphant in an interview with a person whose people she despises. Something about her Muslim culture, or the BBC environment.
This woman needs to be put in her box, and re-showing this video often should serve as an indication of her unfitness as an interviewer.
Does intent to kill not count with her? One gets the distinct impression that the ignorant bitch would rather that many more Jews had been killed by Palestinian rockets. She is a really nasty, prejudiced PoS!
What she and all the Palestinian campaigners at the BBC are unable or unwilling to address is that Israel goes out of it’s way to protect its own citizens. Hamas on the other hand deliberately puts its own citizens in harms way and then ghoulishly parades the death count as a propaganda weapon. Isn’t it wonderful to pay for the privilege of being preached at by a Palestinian stooge.
Yes, the left always amuse me (in a sick way). I was browsing through the Manchester University prospectus and I saw a course on ‘The Poitics of Hate’, “Ahh”, I thought, ” a course about the left”! On reading in a bit more detail, I realised it was a ‘course’ on the evils of what they called the right-wing fascists such as the BNP and UKIP!
This amused me as it is always the left who’s ideology and ideas seem to be full of hate. They despise anyone who doesn’t agree with their formulaic, simplistic views. You only have to open your ears when leftists are speaking to hear mention such love-filled ideas as ‘dancing on Thatcher’s grave’ – which they sincerely think makes them a good person!
So the idea of killing Jews would appeal to the BBC as being one of their right-on causes that require no discussion. jews are evil, Thatcher is evil, climate change deniers should be killed etc etc.
Leftism is so simple, an ideology that’s instantly accessible to stupid people who want that ‘superior’ feeling. All they need is to know who to spit bile and hatred towards, and there they are – instant leftists!
The ‘BBC/Left’ are now available as battery-powered dolls that when prodded squeal, ‘Kill me, kill me, my ancestors were imperialists and slavers. Kill me, kill me. I hate myself sooo much.’
(Dolls available at BBC online stores and all good Islington Toy Shops. Corbyn Arcade in Upper Street, Islington, N1 highly recommended. Infinite stock availability).
There’s hardly a day goes by when the BBC doesn’t teach us some new phase with which to tweak our language:
After the killing of a Glasgow corner shop keeper we are told the attack was : “religiously prejudiced”
BBC also seem a bit down in the mouth about the cancellation a planned ‘peace march’ in Brussels – gosh the BBC would have loved that.
Mind you, those relentless newshounds have managed to unearth some islamophilic posting from a Brussels victim’s facebook – so all good then.
As I turn out the lights, I look forward to checking BBC News tomorrow to see their report and analysis of this story:
Christ, the BBC treat us with out and out contempt..
£90m to BBC arm behind Somali radio drama that gave tips for illegal migrants
Dazed and Confused
‘Christ, the BBC treat us with out and out contempt..’
Have a word with Zero and his trolls .
A nice choice of ‘impartial’ newspapers?
Maybe that’s the order they got delivered and read?
The totally useless Jeremy Hunt ( have I spelled that correctly ) says the NHS is under threat from Brexit . It is very encouraging for me that the “remainers” are getting really desperate now.
They certainly have a keen eye for PR successes. Maybe David Cameron is coordinating?
Guest , LOL ! Cameron can’t even co-ordinate his own daughter ! Lanzerote. Does he think that will win him any votes ? Idiot.
If ‘under threat’ is meant that we have no more European/African/Asian/Philippino’s medics and cleaners who struggle with understanding English in a hospital environment, then I say bring it on !!!! because I for one am fed up with constantly repeating myself when seeing a Consultant/Registrar, or continually saying ‘pardon, er, pardon’, when their linguistic skills are so appalling. We have gone beyond third world in our medical treatment – (where even clinicians continue to wear white coats), but its too much to hope that we will return to the days of the 60’s and 70’s where cleanliness was top of the list, and a bedside manner that could be understood.
What has suddenly caused our leader make this statement ?
“They are Christian values and they should give us the confidence to say ‘Yes, we are a Christian country and we are proud of it’.
Taffman, good question. I suspect that Cameron is having a “Stephen Fry ” moment. Getting very confused about what he and his country stands for. It is not surprising coming from someone of limited intelligence and experience. World events are engulfing him and he does not have what it takes to deal with them.
He’s beginning to realise he’s in the shit, and his hoped-for unicorns haven’t turned up to rescue him.
His cabinet is split forever, with the more intelligent of them in the out campaign, and he is literally fucked.
Our security services will have told him that by now, a Paris or Brussels style slaughter is bound to happen here, as it can only be a matter of time, and that people are laughing at his ‘nothing to do with islam’ bollocks.
Even that evil bastard Bliar has declared that if ISIS is not crushed we’ll get attacks here, and that from a bastard who imported millions of the scum to rub our noses in diversity.
DC, Spot on !
After the Evil Blairs , mission ,to rub the “Right`s Nose in Diversity”, the Evil BBC quickly obeyed its former “Lord & Master” & religiously continued the policy, with renewed vigor .
Mr. Vance-
Someone with your name on the Telegraph website and has posted-
‘I wish every papist building had been burned in British Ulster!’
As a response to an article from Simon Heffer. I support your anti-BBC crusade, but if that is your comment, this is the last time I post on this site. I am a
To complete my comment, I an from a catholic background, and have no time for the IRA, or the scumbags Adams and McGuinness. My grandfather fought against the IRA when he was in the RIC. I abhor the bigotry still prevalent in the country, and I am afraid the comment above exemplifies that, sadly. I hope it wasn’t you, because I greatly admire your work in providing a bulwark against the leftist drift in the media, and the BBC in particular.
Looks like false flag to me. Probably one of our Beeboid regulars with help from the BBC technology department.
If I believed it to be genuine I’d be off too.
There are one or two of them ‘Beeboid’ regulars on this site.
I would be very surprised if David Vance posted that .
Maybe… check first on provenance before the soapboxing here?
If it is as it looks,a pathetic attempt to blacken his name,it wouldnt take much imagination to work out who was responsible……
Mr. Bored.
Could you give us a link to that so we can make our own minds up? I don’t fancy trawling the entire Telegraph site to look for it.
Polar bears are nearing extinction- Douglas Richardson on the BBC. The only way we will be able to keep the numbers up is to have breeding pairs in zoos. Douglas my old friend is that true ?. I a mere mortal can google Polar Bears ( the swimming bears Douglas in case you are worried about the glacier mint advert where they are on the last bit of ice left on the planet surrounded by sea).I have been reading Polar Bears are at record high numbers Douglas 25-30 thousand. I think you have told a load of porkie pies live on TV and it went unchallenged, with lots of frowning, from the Breakfast auto cue readers.
Now me, if I was a journalist on National T.V. and I had to do a piece on Polar Bears in the morning, you know what I would do I would do a bit research the evening before and have my facts ready for the Polar bear expert . Honestly this lazy , sensationalist crap is not what I expect from the Worlds top broadcaster. Next you will be telling me Global warming is rampant and that Europe is currently on a path to produce the Garden of Eden
Lock13, Yes, last I heard Polar Bear numbers were at a record high.
New series starting on BBC1 next Sunday called Undercover
It’s a legal drama, starring Sophie Okonedo as a lawyer who returns to Britain after 20 years. She assumes the position of director of Public Prosecutions, and sees this as an opportunity to make a difference – starting by bringing to justice the murderers of her friend, an influential anti-racism campaigner.
Can’t wait.
Well at least she is a christian !
Surprised by that Grant, the BBC can barely bring itself to say or publish the word Christian, usually only uttered with a sneer after getting stuck in the throat like a piece of broken glass then spewed out of a hateful BBC mouth.
Okonedo is a Nigerian name. I just googled her and , guess what ? Her mother is Jewish ! Even worse than Christian !
BBC website reports that there are 2 “wrong names ” on the business leaders Brexit letter. What would we do without the BBC’s attention to detail ?
Thoughtful of the BBC to provide links for,
“Brussels Attacks: Nuclear Officer Found Dead, Security Pass Stolen”
but can’t find our own internationally renowned broadasters own story.
Met beats hasty retreat after digging own hole,
“Man who ‘tweeted about confronting Muslim after Brussels attacks’ NO LONGER charged after police blunder”
Mohammed Farah. Britain’s greatest ever sportsman according to the BBC. Born in Mogadishu (let’s not let details get in the way here) got Bronze in the Cardiff egg and spoon race. Won’t be long before he is given a knighthood eh. Sir Mohammed of Mogadishu.
British Summertime begins with snow in the forecast. Be wall to wall Global warming soon on the BBC probably have Carol Kirkwood at the Zoo with the penguins to give us a few subliminal messages when the sun comes out. That girl is smart, last time she was at the zoo she posed the question ‘…. now why do you think they are called Rockhopper penguins ? well I can tell you I searched high and low and racked my brains and then she came out with it ‘… it’s because they hop from rock to rock. ‘
BBC is a mine of information
Lock 13, just so that I am up to speed, are we currently calling it global warming, global cooling, or climate change this week.
It seems to change so often depending on the weather at the time of writing.
Below average temperatures…doom.
Above average temperatures…doom.
Average temperatures…a blip but still…doom somehow.
EG Think we are just finishing up the extreme weather season. Soon be frying eggs on the pavement. The amazing trace gas has a lot to answer for.
I’m guessing the clocks struck 13 last night at our national broadcaster
This morning the BBC News Channel puts out the B-squad for the red sofa. Its very reminiscent of women’s football – all that BBC hype, effort and expense but no one is watching. Roger Bland and Dolly Nomark – that may have been their names.
Anyone up for a quick game of Russian roulette with the Beeb newspaper review? I wouldn’t if I were you – yep its the Guardian – you lose again!
Helen Pidd – Guardian northern editor no less – ‘Ee bah gum, our lass, do pass thou frittata. Well I’ll go t’foot of our stairs – that’s a reet grand flat white!’
Helen’s pick of the papers….? Nick Cohen’s lefty broadside against Boris Johnson.
Also featured was an anti-cuts report “It’s powerful” says Roger Bland
I notice the BBC rowing back (slightly) on their wall-to-wall Dublin 1916 puff – a brief mention of the opinions of some who caution how this is being celebrated. But meanwhile the BBC are clearly throwing in their lot with the teacher unions.
Lets see how much coverage they give to the Somme anniversary in July
And of course look out for the special feature on the number of ethnics/muslims killed
BBC/Left managed to do a feature on two wimmin for the 1916 Easter Rising.
Phew. Yesterday a bit of a washout, but being a nice holiday break still well spent out with family and friends. Sun peaking out so off soon again.
Interesting to catch up and see who did have the time to devote to keeping the comments threads well stocked, sacrificing social lives in the process. Maybe it is the freedom to embrace a platform for opinion that attract some?
Paper review
One of today’s contributors……
Mike Walters mirror sports writer
Twatter profile
Bitter and twisted, slightly zany Marxist tycoon and Daily Mirror sports writer. These views are my own
Magic word…marxist……relentless
“Views his own”, carefully borne to the viewer on a red velvet cushion courtesy of the national broadcaster.
One may wonder what it was about the bitter and twisted, slightly zany Marxist that first attracted him to the BBC?
Guest, LOL !
9.30 on R4 – the BBC are still describing the psychopaths who bombed Brussels as ‘extremists’ – even within a sentence where they admit they were the bombers.
At a time when ‘causing offence’ seems to be sufficient cause for the Old Bill to come hammering on someone’s door, I must say I find that example of moral relativism pretty bloody offensive!.
GC, Amazing, beyond belief. The BBC lives in a parallel universe .
Meanwhile. more bonkers scheduling from the BBC. Next weekend, no doubt as part of its celebration of all things Oirish, BBC 4 has a programme on the poet W.B. Yeats. Fair enough you might think.
But which academic Yeatsian scholar, or noted poet, has been given the job of presenting this epic? Step forward that world authority on the old boy, Bob Geldof.
Isn’t it time someone appointed a ring master for this circus? The clowns seem to have taken over.
The BBC is currently pushing some book by an academic claiming that the history of Islam and the British Empire are inextricably linked due to trading links set up with Morocco in Elizabethan times. Talk about cherry picking. By that token so is communism inextricably linked because we had links with Soviet Russia during WW2. They really are desperate.
The links were certainly improved over the next couple of centuries as African tribal chiefs organized the rounding up of their own and rival tribes’ surplus labour and sold them to Arab traders who in turn sold them in job lots to slave dealers from Britain and a variety of European nations.
Oddly enough, it seems that only the UK links to this trade still remain relevant today – despite the fact that the same Arab traders were earlier just as enthusiastically employed in rounding up predominantly English and Irish locals, to be sold along the north African coast. But as white skinned they never did count, anyway.
Have a wonderful bBBC multicultural Easter!
I love the so-called ISIS eggs! They just the need a tiny finishing touch decal, cute little suicide vests.
(Perhaps their insides are packed with crunchy simulated nails and ball bearings?)
Those who believe the BBC is biased should look at the section of the report on BBC Radio Somalia. As a certain man called Meldrew would say, “I don’t believe it!”.
Another BBC connection is that Lance Price, the Blair propagandist and ZaNuLabour henchmen, was given a considerable sum of money to deliver some lecture abroad on ‘lying through one’s teeth in the service of a madman’, I think it was.
Good to see the gravy train rolling along, whichever of the pretend parties is in power.
‘Good to see the gravy train rolling along’
Agreed. Another way of looking at overseas aid is the Goverment investing in industry. That is the industry of charity that employs so many workers including old boys and girls (or their equivilant) who apart from obtaining lucrative fees go on to aquire knighthoods etc. and may even appear on BBC’s Question Time.
Now that’s what I call enterprise!
£1.1m to teach the world to sing? No wonder they’re laughing!
Singing coaches are flying around the world at vast public expense teaching traditional British folk songs in developing countries…..
Spot the irony. When they are immigrants to Britain they immerse themselves in….their own culture.
A BBC radio drama funded by the British taxpayer provided practical tips on how to make the illegal journey from Africa to Europe at the height of the migrant crisis.
The BBC was criticised last night over the programme, broadcast in Somalia and Kenya, which featured one character advising another to cut her hair short and travel light for the treacherous Mediterranean boat crossing.
The would-be ‘migrant’ was told: ‘Whatever is difficult will end up being easy.’
Later, another character was advised: ‘This current time is the best opportunity to reach Europe.’
The drama, A Better Life Than Today, follows the fortunes of a group of Somali youths as they try to make their way in life.
It has more than two million BBC Radio Somali listeners and is produced by the Corporation’s charitable arm, BBC Media Action, which receives £89.8 million in handouts from the Government.
BBC Media Action is not funded by the licence fee, but by the Government’s foreign aid budget.
‘BBC Media Action’ – sounds like some kind of leftist pressure group, doesn’t it?
And all this, ladies and gentlemen, under a CONSERVATIVE government.
Beam me up, Scotty (no, not you).
I notice that the fascist, far left, pro eu, anti England bbbc has been letting me know (once every 5 minutes it seems to me) that this weekend is the 100th anniversary of the ‘Easter uprising’………I don’t remember the bbbc mentioning Battle of Britain day with the same frequency….. Why is this?
I thought this weekend was to commemorate a Christian festival.
Oh, by the way how many final editions of the independent are there going to be it seems to me there are many……….the bbbc keeps me informed about that, too?
I briefly heard the introduction to ‘Sunday’, the BBC’s R4 flagship ‘religious’ programme.
Apparently the main item was going to be about the leader of the Easter Uprising, and could he be considered a martyr.
Relentless left-liberal navel-gazing.
Notice the Met as just fucked up with the Matthew Doyle case…..I expect Panorama to conduct a full length investigation .Also I expect Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe to be questioned in depth on Newsnight by the world class and impartial Evan ( I have Corbyn tattooed on my bellend) Davis….questions on why this man’s right to free speech was infringed and why he was illegally locked up for 2 days when the police have no legal right to do so… Gripping stuff Expect a 4 page pull out on this in tomorrows Guardian too…..
I expect the police or Home Office are hoping someone from everyone’s favourite religion will kill him. In any case, his life is in now in danger just because he tweeted something – and the police want to make damn sure that everyone knows what he looks like and where he lives. (Yes, I agree, his tweet was very mildly offensive it seems, but big deal!).
Thanks Met. Just to remind us oiks we should keep our mouths shut and accept any shit we are given and are grateful for it.
Rather like when Tommy Robinson was imprisoned last year for mortgage fraud (*) he was placed in a high security wing with lots of violent Muslim inmates (are there any other kind?). Clearly somewhere arranged this to try and have him killed.
(*) In case anyone else wonders what this entailed, as I did, as far as I can make out he took out an extended mortgage on his house and lent some of the money to his sister, as she couldn’t get credit. Yes, technically this is fraud as he probably said the money was solely to extend his house, but I doubt anyone else would be prosecuted – let alone imprisoned – for such an offense. And I certainly wouldn’t expect most people to be put in a high security wing full of people who want to kill them. I have just about zero respect for the British police and judicial system now, and this hasn’t improved my view.
I seem to recall someone by the name of Mandelson being done for mortgage fraud, too. Could some kind reader remind me how long he was incarcerated for?
Mandlescum was sentenced to a six figure salary as an EU commissioner, together with a pension for life and peerage. Oh the humanity!
Spot on I also recalled Tommy was taken to a room and was the attack by a few of our blue eyes boys in prison ….
Just to pluck that item from your post…the item tatooed on my bell-end…I Have tatooed on my bell end that famous welsh place name…you KNOW the one…..of course you do,…but it’s so long I had it along the whole length…yep…you got it…RHYL…
Lucky you. My tatoo reads USK.
Exactly so, English Gentleman!
BBC TV News at 9.10 this morning.
Background video of primary school children whilst supporting the NUT case against school testing.
Blimey! All the kids shown were white! No browns or greens! Am I being radicalised?
Perhaps all white kids were shown as their was an implied drop in standards?
Perhaps they were schools in Cornwall or Suffolk.
Changing the subject . An example of where you are informed if you don’t listen to the BBC, but misinformed if you do.
I’ve just listened to the BBC World Service programme “The Science Hour” and its feature “Feeding the World” about improving the genes of wheat to make it resistant to drought by taking the genes from the oldest form of wild wheat that “they found it in a wild relative on the Arabian peninsular”. Listen from around 30 minutes.
The Beeboids made it sound like wild wheat was discovered by the Arabs – however in reality it was by Aaron Aaronsohn (a Jew) in 1906 in pre-state Israel.
Then we heard about using the genes of this wild wheat to produce new drought-resistant strains. “So they collected that plant from the Arabian peninsular .. and cross it with your conventional wheat varieties.”
Next, we travel to the Phillipines to hear from Abdel Ishmal (surprise surprise) about its genetic engineering of rice. He justifies Genetic modification of crops – previously a “No-no” of the BBC and its “back to nature” agenda.
Finally the BBC focuses on the fast scientific method of creating genetic hybrids – again hearing from Abdel Ishmal. But why didn’t the BBC include the groundbreaking work of Israel’s NRGene that was the company to crack the genome of wild wheat. It would have been an essential piece of information on this subject.
One last point. Which country has been working closely with the Phillipines to improve the genetic qualities of its crops? No prizes for guessing that it’s Israel.
“Since the Phillipine Israel Center for Agricultural Training Project was launched in June 2006, more than 100 Filipinos, comprised of farmers and DAR officials, have been trained in Israel on special courses regarding vegetable production and post-harvest technologies. Moreover, more than 1,000,000,000 assorted genetically engineered seeds of high quality have been donated to the participating provinces.”
Apparently Israel is the destination of a lot of scientific funding from the EU.
Seemingly they do not have to be members of the EU to receive money.
Not quite what our universities are trying to tell the potential Brexit voters!
No chance of the BBC telling us the truth either!
Edward: please note yet another example of a positive Islamic (Arab) slant from the BBC, and yet again a distortion of the truth.
Husband who brought his Pakistani bride to the UK and treated her like a slave giving her regular beatings and forcing her to clean from 5am every morning faces jail
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3511232/Pakistani-man-brought-wife-Britain-kept-slave-beating-making-work-family-home-5am.html#ixzz446oYlQoo
Hmmmmmmm the joys of Multiculturalism
Just watching BBC live in Brussels running their anti “far right” agenda” again. The Belgian equivalent of rent a mob are as usual are blameless . Nothing much changes at the BBc.
But the piece of sh!t in a hijab that destroyed an Israeli flag was given a free ride at the memorial to the murdered by her fellow muslims. No water cannon for her.
The BBC Online News refuse to mention the ‘M’ word or ‘LC’. (Labour Councils).
News buried in Sheffield & South Yorkshire section.
“”Drew Review: South Yorkshire Police’s handling of abuse was ‘inadequate’
23 March 2016
From the section Sheffield & South Yorkshire””
“”It was commissioned in the wake of the Jay Report, which found at least 1,400 girls were abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013″”
“”In Sheffield, it found officers worked in an “under-resourced vacuum” and requests for further resources and attempts to explain the situation were ignored””
“”The force was now “led by individuals who were determined to learn from the past” and that “significant additional resources” had been allocated to “catching up from a previously poor position”” ( What do these words mean???).
No offender profiling mentioned. That wouldn’t be fair would it?
Nicholas Blincoe admires Jayne Senior’s lonely fight to reveal the sex abuse ring in Rotherham
Broken and Betrayed is an account of the Rotherham abuse scandal by the key whistleblower, Jayne Senior…..
Yet it is not the severity of the crimes, nor the paucity of convictions that make the affair a scandal. It is the cover-up. Senior repeatedly found warnings went unheeded, evidence was destroyed and, when her team gave information to outside police forces, she was reprimanded and accused of distortion and unprofessionalism…..
Gladman shared her report with the council, and local and South Yorkshire police commanders, with the result that social services raided Senior’s office and confiscated the files. Gladman was sacked…
Never heard it remotely described as such on BBC TV or radio, at any time.
When did ‘ The Boat Race’ become ‘ The Boat Races’ ?. We now have the women’s race too. It’s just all so lovely and introduced by nobody’s favourite presenter Claire Balding.
Hope she shaved today
I hate the sight of that aggravating cow
Fk me they are discussing Ramadan on the Boat Race. They found a rower called Mohammed. They really have no shame. Claire rug muncher wondering how he can train and fast . I don’t give a flying toss excuse my french
I was about to gripe on about Helen Skelton’s kiddie-style Blue Peter presentation, together with her unkempt and more than half-pissed ‘comedian’ companion, who is happily unknown to me – but the Ramadan bit topped it. Unbefukinglievable!
Another new slant on a great English tradition.
So pleased the BBC have brought back “It’s a Knockout”…. oh, was that the women’s boat race?
Guessing that the Cologne Display of Pork Swordmanship(2015) would be called Its a Kock-Out”
Boom boom…and two more suicide jockeys go to the Spirit In The Sky!
I too wondered at “The Boat Races”?
Can only guess that the ladies have a race going on too…or a rope has been attached to the Oxbridge toffs yachts, so the disabled get a free tug.
Possibly in gaily painted pedalos, who`s to say?
Do sense the BBC are missing a trick here though.
Why not the Homs-Izmir boat races?…where top teams of delightful Somali chaps fight it out to get across the Aegean before the EU send along a rubber dinghy and a free map of Brussels or Cologne?
Perhaps if we let them SEE Claire Balding on the shore as she interviews them-THAT might cause them to think before rubbing their gonads into the rumps of commuters or their kids.
Think we call this a multi-faceted solution to things…and happy to commend this to the House of Sod…Salford Division of the Righteous Kingdom.
‘Homs-Izmir boat races’
The Oxford rowing club is named Isis.
Piracy on the Thames re-enactment maybe?
Or is it that hybrid of shooting, swordsmanship whilst staying steady on the corsair that floats the BBCs boats?
Probably be an Olympic Sport very soon-with the winner able to leave the champagne on the podium whilst carrying the dolly bird away as prize booty.
Fk me they are discussing Ramadan on the Boat Race.
Got that, Edward?
All the bBBC’s prejudices were exposed with this afternoon’s ‘Boat Races’.
First, the pretence that the newly-invented women’s race on the tideway was the equivalent of the 162nd (mens) race.
They homed in for an in-depth interview with the one black woman, an American in the Oxford boat.
Their map of the course featured Harrods ‘Depositary’, known to any intelligent person as Harrods Depository.
They had a drunken unknown leftie ‘comedian’ to make jibes about the middle-class people watching, and to ask if the women rowers had cocks, the oldest and unfunniest joke on the subject, although it would have been good to get Mr Clare Balding to answer.
However, nothing to do with the bBBC, but I do want to credit the Cambridge women for keeping going to the end, despite having almost sunk and been advised by the umpire to stop and be rescued. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rowing/35907714
BBC radio reported that the Oxford women had won for the fourth time running, oh, and as an afterthought, that Cambridge had won the men’s race, just in case any sexist bastard was interested.
Bit of a riot in Belgium. The far right, says the media, but the BBC describe the rioters as ‘self-declared fascists’. Of course, you would have to be a fascist to oppose ISIS and immigration.
‘Belgian police have fired water cannon to disperse self-declared fascists who stormed a central square in Brussels’, says the BBC.
Some of them have said they are not political, but belief that more should be done against Daesh and immigration. Whatever, the media are against them.
oh dear we are going to have cancel the candle lighting for today because some naughty people are objecting to having their city and people blown up by smelly blokes wiv beards . But we will be back tomorrow chalking on the pavement , making our own candles and saying Je Suis a liberal tosser
Thanks for the post GWF.
Here’s an extract from the BBC link:
“”PM Charles Michel said it was “highly inappropriate that protesters have disrupted the peaceful reflection at the Bourse (stock exchange)””
I despise that word ‘inappropriate’ that the Left always use. Why not ask ‘why’ the protest occurred? Would the answer be too painful? But not as painful as it was for the victims and future victims.
Funny how quick the BBC are to analyse why the Islamic murderers do what they do (and the answer is always ‘because they are disfranchised/alienated/excluded/unemployed/impoverished etc etc), but never join dots the size of footballs when anti-Islamic riots happen.
Funny that.
I imagine that Charles Michel will soon regard the sound of chalk writing on pavement to be a bit noisier that he`d like…so chalk will be banned unless it`s in Islamic Green, and had a silencer fitted-or else, a board that doesn`t squeak and doesn`t mask the noises of bombs and minarets.
Yep-“inappropriate”…”solidarity”…”xeno/islamophobia”…when you hear such words, you`re listening to socialist esperanto…these fikfux can`t even CREATE language anymore-just bastardise non-words and One World constructs into Babelese…and that didn`t end too well.
Thankfully-all the intellect and experience is on the “right” of things…and we`re going to need it, regain our balls and align them to our brains.
The soft socialists and the wolf packs of Islam only SEEM to be irresistible because the BBC would like it to be so…but they`re both in historys reclaim and recycle.
They`ll set fire to themselves very soon-so keep the fire engines away, and bring the marshmallows for roasting.
Not the human ones who work for the media of the political class and camp followers either…they deserve what`ll be coming to them.
Re “self-declared fascists” – something must have been lost in translation. The BBC almost admit error!!
The BBC’s Anna Holligan in Brussels says the group involved actually call themselves Casuals against Terrorism – not Fascists against Terrorism as earlier reported.
Just reading the BBC report on some riot control activity in Brussels. Funny, last time I recall angry young men being watercannoned and sprayed with CS gas the BBC were rather disapproving of police methods – but that was illegal immigrants trying to break into europe.
The BBC didn’t get their Brussels ‘peace march’ but some second string reporteress is showing us the colourful facepaint from the Potemkin peace village
BBC News at about 6:05pm showed a LGBT rainbow flag saying ‘peace’ in Brussels.
3 ticks for the BBC today in Brussels…. support Muslims no matter what just happened last week – tick, promote LGBT supporting Muslims – tick, show white men protesting as a right wing Nazi group – tick.
Unbelievable pro Jihadi bias by the BBC – Radio 4:
On an August bank holiday in 2014, Shiraz Maher at the International Centre for Study of Radicalisation at Kings College London received an email sent by a disillusioned British jihadist from Syria.
“We came to fight the regime and instead we are involved in gang warfare. It’s not what we came for but if we go back to Britain we will go to jail. Right now we are being forced to fight – what option do we have?”
The man in his twenties claimed to represent dozens of other jihadists’ desperate to return to the UK but fearing long prison sentences.
Gordon Corera explores the British government’s response to managing returnees. In the last two years Britain has brought in temporary exclusion orders and is able to confiscate passports to prevent people preparing to travel to Syria.
France has gone one step further – since the Paris attacks in November police has placed over 400 citizens under house arrest and can strip French born dual nationals of citizenship. Denmark and Germany have taken a different approach and instead try to rehabilitate rather than imprison; helping young men and women get jobs, housing and education.
The Home Office estimates that around 800 British nationals have travelled to Syria since the start of the conflict and that around half of those have returned, though experts say these are conservative figures. What’s the best way to deal with this growing threat, particularly when returnees are responsible for attacks such as those in Paris last November?
Gordon Corera speaks with Shiraz Maher, Rashad Ali of the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, solicitor Gareth Peirce, Hanif Qadir of the Active Change Foundation and counter-terrorism officer DAC Helen Ball. We also hear from a returnee.
No voices from the other side are heard at all. All the usual pro Muslim pro terrorism, pro Jihadi bullshit. If there was any real oversight this kind of screaming bias would be picked up and stamped on !
Given the day that’s in it, I thought I’d share a song I remember from my childhood. Written by an Irishman called Percy French (sung by Brendan O’Dowda). I don’t think I’ll be hearing this on the bBBC anytime soon.
What’s not to like? it celebrates the Russians beating the Turks. Doesn’t history repeat itself?
Ta Kennedy.
Dare I try to top you with THIS magnificent prophetic picture in song from Scotland Cockney Lonnie Donegan?
Now THIS is the Irish national anthem from my youth…
Altogther now!
Dumb, dumb…a dhimmi, dummy dumb.
The REAL Easter Rising will have THIS one as a soundtrack…Islam,the EU, the BBC get slashed in each fine verse.
And written by the man that even Van Morrison thought was a precious preening bore!
God love and keep Plastic Paddy #1…Sir Lonward Donegan
In all honesty, I’ve never come across this before. Brilliant!
While I’m on an Irish theme, and editing the last one after one after posting seems to have messed up the link, let me share a great man who I first saw on “The Comedians” in the days before PC:
Let me leave it to rest of the readers here to look up the great Dave Allen who would never be allowed on the bBBC these days. Thinking about that, I’m not sure that he would want to be either. He was an “equal opportunities” insult merchant. I hope he would have made jokes about that which we can’t joke about.
Thanks for this Kennedy-between us, there`s a St Patricks tribute that knocks the BBC Geldof, Bono, Mary McAleese tendency into its broad black brimmer.
One of the two gentlemen you show is a lefty gobshite lawyer whose only claim to fame is that the Bee Gees(correctly) walked out on his show-but has stepped effortlessly into Ned Sherrins old espadrilles and assumes that a combover is the same as being witty.
The other?…a man who could spar with Bernard Manning and not back down, a man that even Ken Dodd respected re his jokes/minute ratio…and-maybe his BIGGEST claim to fame-was given directions to get out of Pontins, Lytham St Annes in May 1974(as many requested once they`d been there!) by… yours truly.
“For I was that Soldier”…and will now get out a deck of cards…Islamic Top Trump perhaps?
Now-wonder which one has a continulng claim on the license fee payer?…and which will be funny as long as Dennis Taylor lives on?
Congratulations and much respect.
A memory of mine springs to mind chrisH.
I was in a bar some *years ago when Carson was about to perform at a local venue, much frequented by other performers at said venue.
All the others had a quiet snifter and a chat with the locals as a warm up – Carson walked in, started telling jokes and gave a 5 minute performance before going on stage! A true comedian and star.
Kennedy, Come off it. Dave Allen ? Not a patch on the great Jeremy Hardy !!!!!!
For some reason that reminded me of a dreadful song that was quite amusing:
When I looked up “Nice legs, shame about the boat race” on YouTube, there were loads of asterisks in the titles of the different versions. It is a strange world we are living in!
Dear God as if the Pro Jihadi bias wasn’t enough, here’s a heads up for Tuesday:
Should Borders Matter?
Michael Sandel explores the philosophical justifications made for national borders. Using a pioneering state-of-the-art studio at the Harvard Business School, Professor Sandel is joined by 60 participants from over 30 countries in a truly global digital space.
Is there any moral distinction between a political refugee and an economic migrant? If people have the right to exit a country, why not a right to enter? Do nations have the right to protect the affluence of their citizens? And is there such a thing as a ‘national identity’?
These are just some of the questions addressed by Professor Sandel in this first edition of The Global Philosopher.
A pro mass migration, no borders, an end to countries. Do we have a right to protect what we worked for? Dear God! To even ask that shows how deluded the BBC are! Do their employees have a right to protect their affluence or would any of us have the right to enter their homes and take what we please, and even move into their affluent properties?
We know the answer to that! It’s all about giving away other peoples property whilst protecting their own.
Fascists !
One wonders if this bloke locks his doors at night, or even throughout the day….if borders have no place in his world, then neither should his home have locked doors…but of course we know the answer without asking dont we?
Well, I listened on BBC i-player and it wasn’t as bad as I had feared!
There were some amusing moments, e.g. when a Greek lady, who was against open borders, referred to a certain religion (which she didn’t wish to name but she thought people would be able to guess!) that oppressed women and didn’t tolerate other faiths, etc, against which borders remained necessary.
A dopey younger German woman said nationality had no more validity that grouping together those who wore striped shirts or liked cheese – an infantile comparison – but was put right by an Israeli who said that culture and identity did matter.
Over all, while there was idealistic globalism in the premise of the broadcast, a number of the contributors were not playing ball with the agenda and spoke out.
“And is there such a thing as a ‘national identity’? ”
Good question. Why not find out? Let us import a million muslims a year into Europe and see what happens shall we? Will they turn into hard working Germans or laid back Swedes? Or will they remain exactly the same backward, violent, misogynistic anti-semitic scum they were in the old country? It will be so interesting to find the answer, and aren’t we lucky to have such forward thinking academics to help us out?
Next time you hear the BBC interviewing some bleeding heart eco-socialist from the WWF about how the most underdeveloped nations of this world are the ones most at risk from ‘climate change’, listen carefully to see if the Beeboid asks them about this:
The ecoguards…seek to “protect” conservation assets which are largely WWF’s creation, and often do so in conjunction with WWF personnel. Indeed, most Baka do not distinguish between WWF officers and ecoguards…
…Ecoguards are supported financially by WWF, and often transported in WWF vehicles driven by WWF personnel to the villages or other places in which they have abused Baka “suspects.” They have even interrogated suspects in WWF-built facilities.
Ecoguards are frequently said to raze to the ground any Baka camps they come upon in a [National Park], and to destroy or confiscate any property they are able to seize. They are said to often assault those Baka that they can catch, and to even threaten to kill them if they return…
In the villages outside the [parks] there are regular complaints that…Baka huts have been unlawfully searched and property seized. Baka have also claimed that they have been assaulted under interrogation, and several are even said to have died from their injuries.
What authority does the WWF have ? none I’m guessing.
How come Paul O’Grady is still on the BBC didn’t he leave the country after the last election.
a hypocrite like all the rest of them
The only WWF I know is the World Wrestling Federation. I gave up watching when they changed their name.
There are two WWFs. One is a highly motivated scam, coining billions annually from telling highly fictionalised tales designed to whip up clueless people’s emotions, so as to bleed them dry.
The other has something to do with wrestling.
Do wonder if we might adopt a “right winger of independent mind”?
Charity appeals, Red Nose nonsense so that the likes of Steyn, Murray, Igler, Spencer, Yaxley-Lennon, Hitchens and Phillips can apply for our largesse…and be granted protection and encouragement to speak( not reproduce, mind for that would be beyond our remit).
Currently Igler is a rising star,and Murray a continually oasis of sense in that mad world he has to speak to.
But all are endangered-like Wilders and Robinson(T)-and they need to know that we`re looking out for them.
Might yet run a series of lectures for them if I can find a safe place, and sift the clientele-and so much for a safe and free Britain in 2016.
Hello and welcome to Springwatch at Easter, this is early this year, this is much earlier, this is stupidly early, our seasons are changing, warmest winter on record, doom, doom, doom, please don’t have nightmares, goodnight!
Oh and we mention global warming?
I couldn’t face it Geoff . I knew what was going to be on it. Incidentally we had an ice storm here 30 miles North of London at lunchtime – start of British summer time eh
Had enough bias for one day. Off to the Saracens Head for a pint of Alcoholic beer in a straight glass and a pack of pork scratchings!
Is it just me or does it seem like the BBC on their web-site and on Radio 4 have been almost ignoring, at best ‘not mentioning’, the result of the Germany v. England footie friendly?
No, it`s not just you,U2S.
A famous victory against the current world champions with goals we`d still be lauding a Suarez or Messi about, had THEY scored them.
Can only guess that the EU and the BBC want any “provocations” against Mutti Merkel and her Project to be muted, if not ignored.
The BBC will be needing all those grants from her EU colleagues in culture very soon-especially to prime pump the national enslavement to the Cologne Cock Ringers on June 23rd.
Hence the unwillingness to gloat about beating the world champions on their home patch.
Hope we`re not reduced to recalling this as our Jesse Owens moment in the Olympicstadion, with a florid Frau twitching her moustache in fury at what she saw.
No-the BBC did NOT like this one-now imagine if any other “Home Nation” had done the same to Germany in Berlin-and with goals like those.
No-only England get the shit stick 24/7-no matter what they achieve in any field they try to play in.
Unless, chris, they are the England Women’s 20/20 Cricket Team. Two and a half days later(?) Gary was talking about it at 8.30am on the TOADY programme. (BBC Radio 4)
7am Radio 4 News on Sunday morning: unless I was completely asleep the Germany v. England result was not mentioned. Bizarre. Normally, Radio 4 is wall-to-wall footie.
I think we can agree that the BBC leans its bias in favour of Islamic terrorists. But how much is that reflected in the politicians who are supposed to be in charge of security?
Belgian soldiers put on guard with no bullets in their rifles.
How serious is the desire to combat Islamic terror? Bombing raids that do not drop bombs, soldiers without bullets…
From Daniel Greenfield
Greenfield is the real deal; I look forward to seeing him included within a panel on al beebus sometime never.
I met a couple of ex-squaddies in a pub in my home town in the mid 70’s, played darts with them and became friends with them. They served in NI and told me they were sent out on patrol without ammunition.
I’m re-posting this contribution by wileyvet from the above site (FrontPageMag.com) as I think it says it all about the west tackling the Islamic threat to civilisation:
Truly brilliant and pithy analysis-with inescapable bleeding obvious conclusions.
Not that the traitors and appeasers will ever read this, let alone try to understand the consequences.
For that would upset over fifty years of self-righteous reflex lefty thinking that is BSE of the spirit, the brain rotting down through the spine.
Terminal-THEY must pay the price, and need to be a cheap sacrifice to militant Islam-maybe a few apologies in Riyadh and Islamabad for the whole lot of `em.
As for ourselves-we need to look at the costs of Islam as outlined above-and add to them the many kids, multiple wives, medical bills, costs of preventing contagious illnesses, translations services, school curriculum changes that remove any mention of western mores, unemployment benefits and the myriad costs of accommodating Muslim holidays, dietary habits.
And the cost of segregating swimming pools and train carriages?…well Corbyn has already raised THAT latter one-wonder why?
And not even the mention yet of our willingness to cover up, to censor ourselves before we`re made to…and the death of the west will be a matter of not “if”, but “when”.
And for what?…some half-arsed wish of the socialists that they`ll get an enriched NHS and public sector, that the CBI will get cheaper labour to do jobs that our uneducated helots won`t be bothered to do.
With a liberal hope that fit angry men with a Koran and an avenging disposition will allow us all to go to Tunisia a few years early like we saw last June, by doing the jobs we retired early from-and then, when THEY get older with all their kids-than they`ll all head back to Lahore or Van to die in third world squalour, just when they can cash in for what they`d never earned anyhow?
And just so we can get a decent curry for the next few years?
Bloody Hell….the logic is unanswerable…which is why the BBC and the Left won`t even make the effort so to do.
Just Perrier water for the water cannons today…but we can SEE what the BBC , The CBI and Labour etc are up to.
And we DARE to lionise the Irish Rebels who wanted to break free of the British…when the British dare to break free of the EU then that`s another story.
And it won`t end well…but end it will.
“and just so we can get a decent curry for the next few years”
Haha! Brilliant again ChrisH. I actually had tears of laughter in my eyes after reading that which is quite unique when reading about anything to do with our death merchant, rape junky friends from the ROP cult.