I’m not sure the Belgian gatecrashers at Place de Bourse are self-declared fascists as the BBC would have us believe. Maybe they are right wing but why is anybody not aligned with the mushy centre of politics automatically called ‘ far right ‘ by the beeb? These protestors make some valid points. Candles are not enough, they say . Instead they want positive action to deal with Belgium’s nightmare of mass Muslim migration having led to a war declared on its own population by those living in Muslim ghettos .
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel strikes me as just the sort of spineless incompetent politician who has got Belgium into this mess. No wonder the protestors want change and a determined attitude to dealing with Muslim traitors rather than public weeping and candles.
We should welcome the attitude of the BBC /liberal media to so called right wing protestors .It is yet further evidence of just how disconnected from reality and the population the elites have become.
It convinces very few and is laughable when the BBC starts whining on about ‘right wingers’
Let them continue and while they are about it let them continue to denigrate Trump and the ordinary people of flyover USA. This is one dumb move.
First we will ignore the liberal media- the lugenpresse- then we will start to despise it and then get rid of it. it won’t really take much doing. Events and time will see to that.
This is a culture war and defeat for us and our children is not an option.
Over 60 killed in attack in Lahore targeting Christians.
Man in Glasgow wishing his customers Happy Easter is brutally murdered. He is the wrong kind of Muslim it seems.
Have we ever lived through such an Easter? Is this how it’s always going to be until Christians are eliminated and the West conquered?
Meanwhile BBC 10pm news still refers to the Belgian protestors as far right and as thugs .just because they don’t like how Muslim migration is destroying their country .
God help us all . At Easter and always.
A new one this “thugs”.
A Hindu word as I recall.
But-alongside activists, freedom fighters, survivors, victims, marginalised. advocates, protestors, concerned citizens, passionate trade unionists, allies of Russell Brand-I daresay we`ve now got some kind of BBC gradation of wise crowds as opposed to Muslim cringing apologists on recce.
It will of course need to be completely inverted from the BBCs order of “good cause” before WE can use it ourselves.
Funny how those who chase a Farage down a street or hound his family in a country pub are passionate, wish to put their point across and are up for a bit of banter…whereas Belgians sick of the teddy bears and their flag projected onto Camerons white and flabby bottom by way of “solidarity” are thugs in need of a soaking.
Does Water Aid have a view on this waste?…and if a lot of people fall sick with chills and colds etc-maybe we`ll have toi send them out to Pakistan to be treated much as Malala was in Birmingham at no cost to her or the “students”(Taliban in old money) who shot her.
Yes-“students”…another grouping that will go into the Key Stage grammar…just like Claire Solomon is here in the UK. http://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2011/mar/19/clare-solomon-interview
Meanwhile in Belgium the “March against Fear” is cancelled because there are not enough police to protect them, and it turns out that they are really rather afraid after all. You couldn’t make it up.
Rob in Cheshire
Ha , they were afraid to ‘march against fear’ because they were afraid .
Yep, you couldn’t make it up.
We had better ‘park’ that one one for Zero & Jerrod .
It really needs to be over 1,000,000 to apply any kind of pressure; Camerloon will do f**k all of course – but then he is the tw@t who introduced the 0.7% of GDP figure into law.
What I find interesting is the map (how many voted for the petition based on constituency – click on ‘Show on a map’).
Pretty much all of London isn’t bothered by the overseas aid budget, nor are cities like Birmingham, Leicester or Bradford.
Katie Hopkins gets it. The DM moderators must be working feverishly away on the comments and the BOTs will see that the ‘right’ comment gets to the top…
Yes Geoff, Katie Hopkins is right on the nail
Hope Brillo interviews her so she can sock it to the gutless lefties.
‘Whilst it seems perfectly acceptable to turn the water cannon on nationals, determined to stand up for their country, it is never acceptable to criticise migrants, terrorists or extremists’, writes KATIE HOPKINS
Yep as I suspected 10 minutes ago top comment was:
“100 percent agree with this woman and quite possibly the most true statement I have ever read here, the Left have demonized the term “Right” for anyone who disagrees with their traitorous , self serving views, people just want their country back and a safe prosperous environment for their future generations, what part of that to they not understand?!” with 1070 votes
Now from nowhere its:
“Reading your drivel is more of a danger to society” with 2287 votes in all of ten minutes
Is that possible? Even if a lot more than 2287 users were signed in they would all need to have checked or known the context and then +voted that post. Bit of a stretch of credibility?
Katie Hopkins – first time I saw her I thought she was rather ugly, but it seems that every time I read anything she writes she gets more and more attractive.
Well here’s a thing! Given all the hoo hah over saint Malala, and the BBC who earlier this year wouldn’t shut up about her, and the liberal left who made sure a Muslim won a nobel prize.
So popular and influential the liberal elite thought a film “He Named Me Malala” would be of such great interest to the people of the world they made it, with backing from our old friends Sunni Muslim oil wealth Islamism promoters Abu Dhabi.
With so much love around the world and constant promotion by media propagandists like the BBC what could possibly go wrong?
Well, Margaret Thatcher once famously said ‘you can’t buck the market’ and no where was it more true than this film, which bombed disastrously.
In America where it premiered it took just $60,884 in its opening weekend The total US box office was just $2,668,936 and the international take, a pitiful $1,162,308 bringing total worldwide to $3,831,244
Somehow I don’t think sums like this will bother the rulers of Abu Dhabi, nor the liberal Fascists who probably blame ‘racism’ or Islamophobia for the failure, yet what it does show is that the people around the world do not share the views of their ‘masters’ and are simply not interested in the things they think they should be.
It also illustrates the sharp divide between the public and the BBC, it throws into sharp relief the Islamophilic bias and their thought processes.
Given that it is a flop, is it not likely that the the BBC will purchase film rights at an astronomic sum and suffer us to watch and listen to programme after programme where experts discuss its excellence.
No, they’ll probably buy it for next to nothing and bore the pants off one & all, while emitting their nasty names at anyone who fails to appreciate it !
File under “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Another turkey that gathers dust in every school staffroom, but always good for a science cover lesson…indeed geography too.
“My Name is Lallana”- a capable England forward who`s been on a Brylcreem ad and has successfully integrated into the LIverpool footy team , after cultural misunderstandings carried forth from his time in Hampshire would be a better bet.
> In America where it premiered it took just $60,884 in its opening weekend
From 4 screens. Not bad, really.
Still, “Thoughtful” has never been overly concerned with any fact that gets in the way of its prejudiced slant on life – so why should this time be any different?
Ah Jerod, how about providing that proof from the last time you said I ‘lied’ but oddly you didn’t and just disappeared for a few weeks?
$15000 for each cinema over two days and 2 / 3 showings ?? at $10 a head that means a cinema with just 250 people per screening.
A triumph Jerod!
But you miss the entire point yet again! Given all the hype the pro Muslim Fascist left have given this girl – and all the lies they told the film was considered so special interest / marginal, that it only opened on 4 screens!
Given the promotion you would have expected it to have opened at far more than that – proving my point of the gulf between you, the BBC, and the paying public !
> Ah Jerod, how about providing that proof from the last time you said I ‘lied’ but oddly you didn’t
Will that be when you reiterated that Sue Ion got an aggressive interview on Desert Island Discs when she didn’t? Or one of the numerous other times when you lied? It’s so hard to keep track. Frankly it’s just easier to assume you’re lying from the outset, as it saves so much time with pretty good accuracy.
> a cinema with just 250 people per screening.
Or as they’re known, cinema screens. Documentaries aren’t exactly known for huge audiences, so quite why you’re bleating on as if you’ve uncovered some major piece of earth-shattering news that will prove once and for all that people need to think you’re intelligent, despite all evidence to the contrary, is beyond me.
> and all the lies they told the film was considered so special interest / marginal, that it only opened on 4 screens!
And over 400 a week later. And international distribution, and online sales after that (Hulu has just grabbed exclusive distribution in the States). Which is pretty standard for documentary films these days.
Still, never mind, “Thoughtful”. I’m sure there are people on Biased BBC who don’t care that they’re being lied to by you. They’ll give you the crumb of attention you crave. And don’t you be intimated by the thought that an intelligent young woman who has something to say is liked and admired, while you fester in your own self-pity, lying to halfwits in a desperate attempt to portray yourself as “thoughtful” when really you’re just a pathetic, lonely little bigot.
I’ve replied to you before, taffman. I don’t see why I should waste my time repeating myself to someone who clearly didn’t listen the first time.
Now, as someone whose experience of stupid repetition is second to none, do you think Thoughtful should have the decency to own up to its repeated lies, or should it, like you, continue to garble nonsense as a substitute for intelligence?
I am afraid I can’t hear you – and you still can’t give an answer.
your answer wont take long – “Jerrod do you think that the BBC is in any way biased”
Just a yes or no will do ?
Please note, no insult in my reply to you .
Geoff, do you think lobbing non sequiturs into a discussion is helpful, or are you just trolling because you want to deflect from Thoughtful’s propensity for telling lies?
I know that, as a gentleman who had so much trouble understanding the concept of the Strictly results show being recorded you accused the BBC of fraud, you do find it difficult to grapple with basic concepts. But try for us, Geoff, eh. Go on. You can do it. Just this once.
Please can you give a simple and succinct answer to Geoff’s poser ….
“Jerrod do you think that the BBC is in any way biased?”
Pot &Kettle ? Anyone
And you can say, for sure with inside knowledge that the Strictly results are absolutely kosher can you? In the scheme of things being discussed here right now that’s a pretty pathetic response. You will also note the politeness of my reply.
Regardless, my problem with the show is that is results show isn’t live, not the result.
You keep talking about lies Jerrod, yet when put to the test you are unable to actually prove any lying took place.
Just like every other nasty little Fascist the technique is to name call people without any foundation in the hope that it shuts down any discussion and frightens people. Well I’ve got your number Jerrod and the liar is you !
What I love about Jerrod is his jokes. A laugh a minute. Just looking at the clip of the great Frank Carson on this site. ” Guest on the Titanic . ” I asked for ice but this is ridiculous “. No way he would get on the BBC these days. So we have to put up with the brain dead moron , Jeremy Hardy. Come on Jerrod, crack us a joke !
It’s called a memory. Amazing what the human brain can accomplish when it’s not occupied by coming up with racist lies in order for its owner to try and convince themselves that it’s the rest of the world’s fault that they’re an unpleasant little shit.
>It’s called a memory. Amazing what the human brain can accomplish when it’s not occupied by coming up with racist lies in order for its owner to try and convince themselves that it’s the rest of the world’s fault that they’re an unpleasant little shit.
Good attempt – up to present BBC levels of “humour” anyway.
Ah the ‘bigot’ card being played! Do you know how ridiculous that is Jerrod? It lost all its power after the wholly intolerant bigoted Gordon Clown called lifelong Labour supporter a ‘bigot’ for daring to question his incompetence & idiocy!
The reality is that 90% of the populace are ‘bigots’ and it’s just another meaningless bully word!
Interesting that you still have failed to provide any facts vis a vis desert island discs Jerod, and I don’t expect you ever will. You freely use lies which you cannot prove and I suppose in some places that might still carry some weight – but not here where we see you for what you are. Do you work in the public sector Jerod?
You are aware that you are attempting to argue the Malala film from both ends at the same time? On one hand you say it only showed at 4 cinmas (where it bombed) and then opened at 400 where it bombed again !
But worse than that you failed to even address the point that given the BBC hype the paying public just aren’t as interested as they are.
Thoughtful, take it easy. You are giving Jerrod too much respect. Where I live , in sunny Gambia, they have a phrase for people like him . He is a ” joker boy ” !
> Interesting that you still have failed to provide any facts vis a vis desert island discs Jerod
What, you mean like the “facts” you provided? You mischaracterised the programme. You lied. Before you try and take the moral high ground, try being honest. It’s not difficult.
> You are aware that you are attempting to argue the Malala film from both ends at the same time? On one hand you say it only showed at 4 cinmas (where it bombed) and then opened at 400 where it bombed again !
I said it opened in 4 screens, then expanded to over 400. I realise that, with your inability to process facts that contradict your self-delusion, you may not have been able to see that.
And yes, you’re a bigot. Plain and simple. You are a bigoted liar. You know you’re a liar. You just don’t care, because you’ve deluded yourself that you can get away with it. What a truly pathetic soul you are.
Yet again unfounded name calling without any of the proof needed !
You can’t prove anything Jerrod, your just another puffed up windbag – good at name calling, but unable to actually use any proofs what so ever!
Everyone is a ‘bigot’ that doesn’t share Fascist values! The only definition of the isms and phobias and other names you like to use is that they are the vast vast majority of normal people who don’t share the Fascist Lefts delusions !
The proof is there for anyone who wants to listen to the programme you lied about. As I pointed out at the time, and have reiterated since. I know you don’t want people to do that, so you pretend I’ve never suggested it before. Lies upon lies upon lies. Have you ever tried telling the truth, “Thoughtful”? It’s not as difficult as you seem to imagine. You might find that you end up being happier – it’s a lot less stress to live by truth than to fester as a ball of hate-fuelled prejudice.
> Everyone is a ‘bigot’ that doesn’t share Fascist values!
No, you’re a bigot because you hate and hate and hate, and you lie about people you hate. It’s really quite a simple concept and has nothing to do with fascism. Oh, and also – if you hate name calling so much, try not reaching for the term “Fascist Left” so much. It does make you look even more like a dreary little hypocrite. A dreary, lying hypocrite.
jerrod seems a bit grumpy today…chewed a wasp as opposed to a latin dictionary.
For he proudly nominated me for ” delusional scrapings or such”…and will try sometime soon to get an improvement on that 155:90 heart rate that I got out of him on a previous post.
Took him a bit of time to figure it apparently-but when he `d had it explained to him by matron or the CPN…he was “disappointed”.
Jerrod is easily pictured as a Zen jazz dopehead who is shacked up with a raging lardarse of a wifey who yells out the window of her Selsey caravan about “loving her kids to bits”-but not enough to actually see them on anything but Jeremy Kyle or Benefits Street.
The two struggle in their loveless live-in…and the liberal farmer is a bit fed up of the angry rotting old caravan, and her yellings at his cows when they pass to be milked.
But Zen man has the big words-and when wifey yelled “homunculus” out the window, he`d have probably meant carbuncle or tumulus…but, it seemed to make sense.
The first liberal martyr of nothing much…St Stephen of Jerrod.
Still-bank holiday-where else, who else would indulge the aimless controversist when mummys out living for a few hours rest from our crap crusader.
Care In The Community jerrod?…the Indie is still online for all your counselling needs lad!
> So Jerrod please tell us, if name calling upsets you so much, why do visit and post on this site?
Why are you so afraid of people you disagree with posting on this site that you try and disrupt them with your dull, repetitive witterings?
On the rare occasion you venture out into the real world, do you butt in relentlessly by asking the same question? Or do you behave like an adult in reality, saving your bone-headed simpleton act for online activity only?
“And—you`re back in the room!”
Well done jerrod-did rather think that you`d fallen asleep at the terminal, what with meds, clocks going forward or nascent narcolepsy.
Not really answered the question though have you?
There`s surely nothing here for you is there?…I note that your blogs start relatively reasonably, but always end with abuse….if you cut that out, there`s many people round the grounds here with sympathetic eyes…..
I politely asked you a simple question which you have continually declined to answer. Not only that, but you have now resorted to personally insulting me .
Yet a simple answer would have taken far less time and effort form you.
I am not afraid of people disagreeing with me. I never have been . In fact I, and I am sure many other readers find your posts quite entertaining .
I and other readers would just like to know your motive for posting on this site ?
Please note, no insult or abuse in my reply to you .
> Jerrod
> I politely asked you a simple question which you have continually declined to answer.
Nope, I’ve answered it in the past, and I don’t see why I should have to repeat myself just because you do.
> I am not afraid of people disagreeing with me. I never have been
And yet you continually interject on threads, derailing them by asking the same question over and over and over again. And previously you attempted the same thing by posting the same dreary link to the same anti-BBC petition over and over and over again.
Your repetition’s purpose is to derail conversation. If you’re not afraid of conversation, join in. Don’t just butt in all the time to demonstrate your shortcomings.
Jerrod talking about the ” Real World ” . LOL !!!! As the late great Tommy Cooper would say ” You have to laugh” ! PS Jerrod, Tommy was a comedian but not as funny as that genius, Jeremy Hardy !! LOL !
Come out jerrod.
There`s few of us outside your caravan of love, and in need of some wisdom!
Or at least a warning to the kids about what happens if you don`t eat your greens and watch too much cBBC when you`re younger.
Thought we`d discussed this already jerrod, before you baled out LAST time.
1. Because the BBC give a statement to the BBC-it does not automatically mean that it`s true, nor that it`s not been slanted for some-you know-common purpose for the common good.
2. There WAS another one-but let`s call that homework on study week for you…look it up, and I`ll continue the seminar.
3. Monetary success does not equate with scientific veracity…but thank you for that valuable fact check.
And-on a nationalist level(urgh!)-how did it do in the box office here?..and why then did schools get it sent gratis to them, as if maybe(and bear with me here)-not enough kiddies got the message in quite the way that their teachers had!
This site must seem like the Open University to you jerrod lad, so feel free to trawl the corduroy as you feel led to.
Always a joy to meet an aspiring poly wally….forgive the personal but you did the same last time…so hope you`ll not resort to the nasties here at the OU.
Stop spending a fixed 0.7 per cent slice of our national wealth on Foreign Aid
Despite spending cuts at home the Government is committed to hand over 0.7% of national income in overseas aid, regardless of need. The Mail on Sunday believes voters do not want this and instead, we should provide money only for truly deserving causes, on a case-by-case basis.
This petition has passed 100 000 in just one day !
I must say the BBC news at 10pm after the Night Manager took the biscuit for bias in every item.
First the Lahore reporter’s bizarre assertion that the suicide bomb attack on Christians celebrating Easter “didn’t just affect Christians”. Funny since the dead were 100% Christian – maybe she was refering to the poor muslim suicide bomber.
Then the report on the “far right” Belgian “thugs” protesting at the murder of 31 innocent men women and children by state-sponsored muslim invaders. I swear the BBC reporter was almost grinning as he spoke – relieved to finally be able to criticise the BBC’s real enemy – patriotic Belgians who don’t think tears and teddy bears is the right response to these attrocities. I noticed a ‘Belgian’ standing on the shrine to the dead waving a Palestinian flag after the riot Police had driven the patriots out of the area with water cannon. How enriching.
Then onto Fergal Keene’s Easter Rising report. The usual tosh from the IRA sympathising Keene. Followed by the idiot Pope’s pro-migrant Easter message then a platform for extremist NUT lefties to complain about actually having to teach kids English grammer in between filling their heads with anti-British, pro-EU propaganda and anti-capitalist climate change scaremongering.
An all-round unmitigated left-wing, open-borders, islamophiliac bias-fest.
PS. Forgot to mention the boat-race report. The bias here was subtle – just some OB footage of spectators walking in the rain – but the BBC had carefully managed to find 4 ‘diverse’ spectators – as if these were typical of those attending. Funny, whenever I’ve been to these sorts of events the spectators are normally 99.9% white. Just the casual BBC brainwashing in action. Seems feeling like a foreigner in your own country is totally normal. BBC says so.
The boat race report was appalling bias! On Radio 4 they led each news item with the results of the womens race, and apparently Cambridge nearly sank! The mens race was demoted to a kind of Oh & the men also rowed – Cambridge won !
If that happened once I’d have thought it was a timing issue, but it happened over three news reports on radio 4
Don’t take it seriously. The BBC/cultural marxists are in a panic mode now and anything they do or say is irrelevant. They cannot cope with events any more. They cannot cope with Trump and Victor Orban and the new Polish PM and Gert Wilders ( notice how little they talk of these people) and with Putin and the probable exit from the EU. Their ideal state Sweden is collapsing and as for Germany who knows what it will be like in 2017?
It is all too much for them.
I am charitable. It is not so much deliberate lies as utter stupidity and a strange conviction that reality can be changed in this world by simply willing it. The disease of the European mind has been this since the French Revolution and it has caused and is causing such devastation and death to so many.
As goes the BBC and the media so goes our political elite. Clueless and useless . There is a line in a Leonard Cohen song;
‘men will come from the shadows’
They always have and always do. It is the way of the world and all the whining and tear gas and water cannons of the ancien regime will not stop them.
Ah-thanks for quoting the mighty prophet for our times, Leonard Cohen.
“The Future” says this:
There`ll be a breaking of the ancient western code
Your private life will suddenly be known
Phantoms fanning flames along the road
Where what was once a white man will be dancing.
You`ll see a woman hanging upside down
Her features covered by her foreign gown,
And all the lousy poets come around
Trying to sound like Charlie Manson
Now the flames are dancing.
I paraphrase the great man in small things-but do listen to the song, written in 1992.
Wonder if we`ll ever get such a musical prophet in the Jewish tradition ever again…
Thanks for that. I’d be a member of the never listening to Leonard Cohen since the sixties and even then rarely camp, but you have made me to go to the YouTube and give the man a second chance. Maybe the trolls can see that many of us come here to share and learn and not confirm prejudices.
Ditto Kennedy.
Thought him a second-rate Dylan, until I heard these songs-one after another
1. The Future
2. And the Night Comes On( my mum was dying-and boy, this song hits that one)
3.If It be your will( best prayer in song I know)
4. Going Home( if you hear a better song re death that`s coming, let me know).
Cohen in his vintage is peerless-saw him at the O2 a few years ago, and have never seen such a band and leader who could make you cry in the aisles.
Am dreading his death far more than is decent-Joni Mitchell too!
PS-So Long Marianne from his early days is still great though, now I know its live version!
Mr Cohen seems to know where Israel meets Jesus meets Buddha-unique!
It appears that the WRU have been chasing Jo Marler for calling Samson Lee a “Gypsy boy” during a bit of a “discussion” during the England/Wales 6Nations game.
It now appears that – according to a lip reader – probably BBC, Certainly ultra PC – Marler is now accused of telling Lee to “get back to your caravan”. Marler’s coach has since said that Marler was subject to four letter abuse (Telegraph) and it has been suggested by DT that this was “posh”.
Personally I would suggest that Marler asks the IRB panel if they can translate the word “sais”. Of common use in Welsh banter(racial abuse).
Is our government taking our security seriously? Our PM told us that voting Brexit would mean more ‘illegals’ ?
Then he should be making contingency plans now, not after we get out………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35906440
“What is the most newsworthy? Yet more vague repeated warnings about “imminent” climate problems which never manifest, or news that a worker at a Belgian nuclear plant may have just been murdered by terrorists, as part of their plan to detonate a dirty bomb in a vulnerable Western city?”
It would appear that the IMMINENT problem of CO2 is far more of a problem (disproved for nearly 20Yrs – What did Hansen say about “The Pause/Hiatus” needing to last for 20Yrs?) than the overrun of a civilised society by millions of murderous Jihadis.
Flood the Channel Tunnel and load for bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was just snowing here taffman – 30 miles North of London. I was watching BBC weather as it was happening not a mention. Had ice falling from the sky yesterday .I hope we get a load of snow love to see them spin that one in BST
They already have the spin on that one I seem to recall, it goes something like (I paraphrase) :
the increase in global temperature will cause the gulf stream to heat up and subsequently melt the ice at the north pole which will in turn release cooler waters around the north atlantic and north sea areas. This will in turn reduce the temperature around the British Isles.
So the warmists have it both ways and covered themselves- how convenient!
So. The Taliban bombing of Christians, whom they have explicitly said was their target is the bbc news website headline. And the bbc dutifully report the quote from the Taliban source in the story…but they can’t bring themselves 8 hours later to remove the video story right below it entitled “Unclear who target was”. So for those perusing headlines we are left in doubt, probably another muslim on muslim attack in a predominantly muslim country right…?
Well it is clear bbc, tidy up and get rid of your pre-packed no-idea-whodunit-or-why sad excuse for reporting. It’s not just lazy, it’s biased.
I’m listening now to an article on the Today Programme about the UKIP / Suzanne Evans fallout where they are speaking to activists opposed to her removal. I don’t know the ins and outs of this but don’t blame the BBC for covering this. In fact I’m exasperated with UKIP for allowing this to happen in public view. Especially now.
What I can’t comprehend is any UKIP activist running to the BBC of all bodies to discuss it.
Serious faces on the sofa this morning as the sloths discuss the real evil in Belgium. Yes the sinister “Far right” who did a bit of shouting. Never mind the murdering scum. Again they focus on the “!Far right” “outrage”. After all authorities asked for there to be no demonstrations however that would not seem to apply to the lefty demonstration.
Yesterday the BBc drone was repeatedly saying the malevolent group were calling themselves “Fascists against Terrorism” although I’ve only seen a banner with casuals against fascism in the media.
Thanks to the BBC for illustrating where the real danger is.
The BBC sports reporter on breakfast this morning is a coloured woman with dreadlocks. Why ? was she the most qualified person for the role she seems to be having difficulty reading an auto cue, all starting and stopping ,but I guess she was hired because she has exemplary sporting knowledge
I said to Mrs Dave watch this woman every time she’s on she fluffs her lines whilst staring at the auto cue. Lo and behold as you say nothing has changed. Naga did ask a question about the womans cricket which of course was the lead item to which she fended off the question as being “technical”
Ohh GW I wanted Moooohamed . Bringing chaos and destruction . It is the most popular boys name in Britain and I can see no reason why the met office would not use it can you ?
We bemoan the lack of decent comedy on the BBC, but seriously we get it every hour on the News Channel.The latest being the BBCs man on the spot in Lahore who reports that although Christians were the target he felt the need three times to tell us that Muslims were also killed….
Add the the fearing mongering over the bit of windy weather we’re having (of course the inference that this is extraordinary) making the whole thing more farcical than a Brian Rix production….
Nice contrast betwenen weather and terrorism – one causes panic and disruption, it’s a dangerous world-wide threat and we should urgently do something about it – the other we need to ignore and carry on as though nothing has happened.
Reminds me of the BBC News newspaper review yesterday morning. They had what I admit I assume to have been a muslim reviewer, who was talking about the reports of killings at Brussels airport, who observed that a muslim had been among those killed, following with the comment that there had been no ‘targeting there then’, (of Westerners) followed by sympathetic sounds from the sofa people.
They are always victims, aren’t they, and they are always have a supporting audience with the BBC.
No, the terrorists just happened to blow themselves up at the American Airways check in. No targeting at all. The BBC are absolute propagandizing scum.
“who observed that a muslim had been among those killed,”
We already knew about two muslims who died at the airport.
Given the size of the muslim population in any European city, a bomb that kills a random group of people in enough numbers to reach double figures will probably kill at least one muslim. That illustrates the number of muslims not the targeting policy of the terrorists.
Well, as an enthusiast for the BBC/Met hourly w/s forecast it was a bit ‘extra-ordinary’ in that this time they appear to have under-estimated the maximum expected wind speed. By some considerable margin. Do I recall a storm hitting, primarily, the west coast and north of Scotland in the autumn last year. There was near advance hysteria for something like 90-100mph wind speeds in broadcasts, while the w/s map showed 70+ and in the end it was slightly less.
Template BBC news handling this morning of the deliberate targeting and murder of dozens of Christians in Pakistan
1. Find a telegenic westernised female Skype-user who “went to the hospital to help the victims”. The young lady – there must surely be an opening as a BBC news stringer – ‘gave blood’. Well good for her. One could accuse her of narcissism and virtue signalling but that would be churlish.
The female BBC anchor and the editorial gallery love her. Apple-white earphones contrasting well with free-flowing shiny unrestrained black hair.
2. Hang the BBC agenda on this young lady. “Can I ask, are you a mooslim?” Frankly, the viewer could have guessed the answer to that question. A skilled advocate never asks a question he doesn’t already know the answer to. Yes of course she was yer typical BBC Arab Spring-type liberal mooslim. There must be millions of her type in downtown Lahore. Then comes the leading question – “Tell me, are you determined to carry on as usual in defiance?” The lass was hardly going to say no we’re all going to hide in the cupboard under the stairs for the next five years.
AISI, A skilled advocate might try it on, but a skilled adversarial advocate might be immediately on his feet with an intervention 😉 or in the case of BBC’s Rumpole 🙂 merely raising a strong eyebrow in the direction of the Bench.
The whole wonder of it all is that the BBC are gullible enough to think, no, really believe that their audience of millions are ALL gullible enough to be totally credulous when presented with propaganda. In a strange manner they are falling straight into the self-entrapment of the Communist Left that they used to report on pre-1990.
I have posted this before but perhaps its time for a refresher ?………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Riot in Brussels. After withdrawing the expression ‘self proclaimed fascists’ as a translation error, the BBC are back on the Socialist Worker position reverting to their original description.
Watch the video of the water cannon, and the rather gleeful way the reporter describes their use. Then cut to Belgians who want to sit and reflect on the events.
GWF, ” self-declared fascists” . According to the BBC. Well we know which side our ” leaders” and police are on and it is not my side . They are bastards .
Never “so-called fascists” though is it when it comes to those who threaten the BBC worldview
The real fascists are clearing dissent off the streets and having show trails of the likes of Wilders in bombproof bunkers under Schipol.
And the real fascists are massaged and encouraged by the BBC in the cause of the greater good.
Anyone notice during Damien Gramaticus’s report on the ‘far-right thugs’ in Belgium last night a guy dancing alone on top of the cleared tribute section in the Belgium square with a Palestinian Flag above his head?
The Komrads in UAF – Cameron’s people – are supporting the police in Belgium, even calling for the demonstrators to be bombed.
From the UAF pages
Eddie Leonard Should have hosed them into the sewer where they belong.
Like · Reply · 5 · 9 hrs
Alan Warner Where’s a bomb when you actually need one
If you look at the video coverage, the so called fascists, were holding a banner which described them as ‘casuals’ and they were standing in the square, yelling slogans described as (horror) football chants, but not attacking or threatening anyone. Then they were moved by police using CS gas and water cannon.
Meanwhile, there are videos doing the rounds of a Muslim woman covering an Israeli flag in the tributes with a Palestinian one, and another video of a young man wearing what appears to be Arab style headgear also covering the Israeli flag with the Palestinian one with no one in the crowd objecting.
Evidence is surely mounting as to where the allegiance of the authorities and cops lie
To waive a Palestinian flag at such a site is, to use a phrase so beloved of the liberal/left, is very inappropriate!
The flag should have been taken away immediately it does not belong in that spot.
I suggest it should hang on Broadcasting House. Highly appropriate.
Getting very worrying. See MI5 is warning of up to 50 people under scrutiny maybe planning attacks on us. I don’t think the candles will be enough this time. We pay our taxes to be protected.
Glad MI5 are on the job. This means that it will be very dangerous for people to place rashers of bacon near mosques.
Best stick to living normal lives and drinking wine in the cafes and contemplating peace, as suggested by the BBC and the thinking left eg. the chickenshit contributers to the blog called Spiked who pretend to support freedom of speech.
Not sure we are allowed to put bacon in our own frying pans at the moment. It will be like cigarettes–‘ cough cough and half a pound of bacon please in the plain wrapping ‘
Anyway which way is Mecca ? (no not the bingo hall in town) I may as well start practicing . Going on holiday soon so got to get the missus down Marks and Spencer to get one of them pillar box swimsuits. Love going on holiday gives me a chance to be let back into my own country by some bird wearing a hiqab or whatever you call them
Oh dear-file me under “Stewart Lee glitch”.
Happen to like Spiked quite a lot in most areas-Hume and O`Neill come from my old lefty backgrounds-and though they`re not perfect, they`re pretty good on free speech, the EU-in fact they are very effective in shafting their former comrades.
Wouldn`t agree with all that they say -but Furedi can be good, and much of the law and education stuff chimes with me,more often than not.
I file them under Nick Cohen and Claire Fox… relatively independent lefties who are on our side on the big things…and with backgrounds that myself and heroes like Hitchens and St Melanie share.
Hitchens seems to have gone a bit odd of late though-tough job, and can only wonder at how much crap he and his type must get…hoping we`ll find it easier thanks to them.
“Pakistan mourns park attack on Lahore Christians”
The Al Beeb states that the disaffected, isolated Muslim community in Pakistan have carried out an attack in Lahore, due to feeling cut off from society…… Oh wait no that’s not the case here so the Al mujahideen Beeb cannot use that utter bullshit line. Instead it’s back to the even more piss poor child like excuse of “its nothing at all to do with Islam” and it’s blood thirsty pursuit of killing all infidels anywhere in the world. Its the Taliban militants at fault, fighting for something we are not informed of. What we are informed of (in an impressed and doey eyed way) is that it’s “by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, an increasingly effective faction of the Pakistani Taliban”…
I have seen 2 year olds make sense of things easier than the traitorous scumbags at the Al Beeb. Absolutely no attempt at all to link the dots now more numerous than the stars in the sky. The article is littered with words that are clearly nothing to do with Islam like “sharia law” for fucks sake!!
The Islam war machine is in full enriching mode my fellow Al Beliebers. Its everywhere. Its in every country these bast@rds have infested. How are the worlds leading media organisation going to help the world overcome this death and destruction…. Reel off a game of jihadi bingo to shoehorn excuses into what is and only ever will be one cause. Islam
Quite right Tothepoint.
BBC News on Radio 2 this morning told me that the number of those killed in the Brussels attacks now lay at 34…”including the three suicide bombers”.
Didn`t we get the same crap over 7/7?-when the psychos that blow up hapless fellow travellers somehow get to be numbered among the fatalities…as if they`re as worthy of remembering as those they slaughtered?
How much more self abasing ARE these people-or are they deliberately spitting on the graves, the memories of the innocent victims of these scum?
Surely there`ll be a howling blowback against those who like to equate and equivocate, just so they can wave their virtue in the faces of the widows and the grieving.
How much more of this will we take from our liberal elite and their political class sponsors?
It`s been a bad Easter…and we Christians need to look again at what this means for us in 2016.
No more migration-and fuck off EU…Trump in November…or else it`s trouble as things stand.
Just a thought, but in much the same way as one of the regular posters (Mr Golightly..?) has documented the EU exit/remain leanings of the various panelists on Question Time, does anybody with a spot of time on their hands fancy documenting the BBC News website’s antics with HYS?
As I write there isn’t a single topic up for discussion on that section of the site, despite the worldwide slaughter of innocents this Easter, and this continues a general downward trend of less and less forum offerings in the last year or so as the mods can’t bear to hear what their benefactors (us!) have to say. Maybe a quick post each evening to log how many comment boards have been open, and also which topics they allow us plebs to comment on, would also help to highlight the inherent bias of our treasured broadcaster’s prepubescent newsroom.
As I said, just a thought, and if I had more time on my hands I would be more than happy to undertake the study on a daily basis – though I will try and monitor this as regularly as possible.
Hmm, is this ‘no taking of comments’ spreading (see article) and would it be cynical of me to speculate that it has something to do with the MSM not wanting the people to have their minds changed when it comes to the upcoming Referendum..?
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
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I’m not sure the Belgian gatecrashers at Place de Bourse are self-declared fascists as the BBC would have us believe. Maybe they are right wing but why is anybody not aligned with the mushy centre of politics automatically called ‘ far right ‘ by the beeb? These protestors make some valid points. Candles are not enough, they say . Instead they want positive action to deal with Belgium’s nightmare of mass Muslim migration having led to a war declared on its own population by those living in Muslim ghettos .
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel strikes me as just the sort of spineless incompetent politician who has got Belgium into this mess. No wonder the protestors want change and a determined attitude to dealing with Muslim traitors rather than public weeping and candles.
We should welcome the attitude of the BBC /liberal media to so called right wing protestors .It is yet further evidence of just how disconnected from reality and the population the elites have become.
It convinces very few and is laughable when the BBC starts whining on about ‘right wingers’
Let them continue and while they are about it let them continue to denigrate Trump and the ordinary people of flyover USA. This is one dumb move.
First we will ignore the liberal media- the lugenpresse- then we will start to despise it and then get rid of it. it won’t really take much doing. Events and time will see to that.
This is a culture war and defeat for us and our children is not an option.
Over 60 killed in attack in Lahore targeting Christians.
Man in Glasgow wishing his customers Happy Easter is brutally murdered. He is the wrong kind of Muslim it seems.
Have we ever lived through such an Easter? Is this how it’s always going to be until Christians are eliminated and the West conquered?
Meanwhile BBC 10pm news still refers to the Belgian protestors as far right and as thugs .just because they don’t like how Muslim migration is destroying their country .
God help us all . At Easter and always.
A new one this “thugs”.
A Hindu word as I recall.
But-alongside activists, freedom fighters, survivors, victims, marginalised. advocates, protestors, concerned citizens, passionate trade unionists, allies of Russell Brand-I daresay we`ve now got some kind of BBC gradation of wise crowds as opposed to Muslim cringing apologists on recce.
It will of course need to be completely inverted from the BBCs order of “good cause” before WE can use it ourselves.
Funny how those who chase a Farage down a street or hound his family in a country pub are passionate, wish to put their point across and are up for a bit of banter…whereas Belgians sick of the teddy bears and their flag projected onto Camerons white and flabby bottom by way of “solidarity” are thugs in need of a soaking.
Does Water Aid have a view on this waste?…and if a lot of people fall sick with chills and colds etc-maybe we`ll have toi send them out to Pakistan to be treated much as Malala was in Birmingham at no cost to her or the “students”(Taliban in old money) who shot her.
Yes-“students”…another grouping that will go into the Key Stage grammar…just like Claire Solomon is here in the UK.
Meanwhile in Belgium the “March against Fear” is cancelled because there are not enough police to protect them, and it turns out that they are really rather afraid after all. You couldn’t make it up.
Rob in Cheshire
Ha , they were afraid to ‘march against fear’ because they were afraid .
Yep, you couldn’t make it up.
We had better ‘park’ that one one for Zero & Jerrod .
I would encourage everyone to get behind the MoS campaign against the profligacy of our overseas aid budget and sign the petition here:
It is now over 100k so the Government (aka: EU parish council ) will respond in due course. I wonder what bulls**t they will come out with this time?
It really needs to be over 1,000,000 to apply any kind of pressure; Camerloon will do f**k all of course – but then he is the tw@t who introduced the 0.7% of GDP figure into law.
I assume it was a manifesto commitment….. along with gay marriage?
What I find interesting is the map (how many voted for the petition based on constituency – click on ‘Show on a map’).
Pretty much all of London isn’t bothered by the overseas aid budget, nor are cities like Birmingham, Leicester or Bradford.
Well, isn’t that surprising?
Katie Hopkins gets it. The DM moderators must be working feverishly away on the comments and the BOTs will see that the ‘right’ comment gets to the top…
Yes Geoff, Katie Hopkins is right on the nail
Hope Brillo interviews her so she can sock it to the gutless lefties.
‘Whilst it seems perfectly acceptable to turn the water cannon on nationals, determined to stand up for their country, it is never acceptable to criticise migrants, terrorists or extremists’, writes KATIE HOPKINS
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3511654/KATIE-HOPKINS-real-threat-not-far-right-s-smug-left-did-acceptable-water-cannon-people-standing-country-turning-blind-eye-destruction-Europe.html#ixzz448iX9MML
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For ‘far right’ in loopy lefty land read ‘patriots’
For ‘left leaning’ read ‘humourless neo fascist shit stirrers’
Yep as I suspected 10 minutes ago top comment was:
“100 percent agree with this woman and quite possibly the most true statement I have ever read here, the Left have demonized the term “Right” for anyone who disagrees with their traitorous , self serving views, people just want their country back and a safe prosperous environment for their future generations, what part of that to they not understand?!” with 1070 votes
Now from nowhere its:
“Reading your drivel is more of a danger to society” with 2287 votes in all of ten minutes
Geoff, that is nearly four posts per second!
Is that possible? Even if a lot more than 2287 users were signed in they would all need to have checked or known the context and then +voted that post. Bit of a stretch of credibility?
Katie Hopkins – first time I saw her I thought she was rather ugly, but it seems that every time I read anything she writes she gets more and more attractive.
Great quote from Katie. I expect her to be arrested any time soon.
Well here’s a thing! Given all the hoo hah over saint Malala, and the BBC who earlier this year wouldn’t shut up about her, and the liberal left who made sure a Muslim won a nobel prize.
So popular and influential the liberal elite thought a film “He Named Me Malala” would be of such great interest to the people of the world they made it, with backing from our old friends Sunni Muslim oil wealth Islamism promoters Abu Dhabi.
With so much love around the world and constant promotion by media propagandists like the BBC what could possibly go wrong?
Well, Margaret Thatcher once famously said ‘you can’t buck the market’ and no where was it more true than this film, which bombed disastrously.
In America where it premiered it took just $60,884 in its opening weekend The total US box office was just $2,668,936 and the international take, a pitiful $1,162,308 bringing total worldwide to $3,831,244
Somehow I don’t think sums like this will bother the rulers of Abu Dhabi, nor the liberal Fascists who probably blame ‘racism’ or Islamophobia for the failure, yet what it does show is that the people around the world do not share the views of their ‘masters’ and are simply not interested in the things they think they should be.
It also illustrates the sharp divide between the public and the BBC, it throws into sharp relief the Islamophilic bias and their thought processes.
Given that it is a flop, is it not likely that the the BBC will purchase film rights at an astronomic sum and suffer us to watch and listen to programme after programme where experts discuss its excellence.
No, they’ll probably buy it for next to nothing and bore the pants off one & all, while emitting their nasty names at anyone who fails to appreciate it !
File under “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Another turkey that gathers dust in every school staffroom, but always good for a science cover lesson…indeed geography too.
“My Name is Lallana”- a capable England forward who`s been on a Brylcreem ad and has successfully integrated into the LIverpool footy team , after cultural misunderstandings carried forth from his time in Hampshire would be a better bet.
> In America where it premiered it took just $60,884 in its opening weekend
From 4 screens. Not bad, really.
Still, “Thoughtful” has never been overly concerned with any fact that gets in the way of its prejudiced slant on life – so why should this time be any different?
Ah Jerod, how about providing that proof from the last time you said I ‘lied’ but oddly you didn’t and just disappeared for a few weeks?
$15000 for each cinema over two days and 2 / 3 showings ?? at $10 a head that means a cinema with just 250 people per screening.
A triumph Jerod!
But you miss the entire point yet again! Given all the hype the pro Muslim Fascist left have given this girl – and all the lies they told the film was considered so special interest / marginal, that it only opened on 4 screens!
Given the promotion you would have expected it to have opened at far more than that – proving my point of the gulf between you, the BBC, and the paying public !
> Ah Jerod, how about providing that proof from the last time you said I ‘lied’ but oddly you didn’t
Will that be when you reiterated that Sue Ion got an aggressive interview on Desert Island Discs when she didn’t? Or one of the numerous other times when you lied? It’s so hard to keep track. Frankly it’s just easier to assume you’re lying from the outset, as it saves so much time with pretty good accuracy.
> a cinema with just 250 people per screening.
Or as they’re known, cinema screens. Documentaries aren’t exactly known for huge audiences, so quite why you’re bleating on as if you’ve uncovered some major piece of earth-shattering news that will prove once and for all that people need to think you’re intelligent, despite all evidence to the contrary, is beyond me.
> and all the lies they told the film was considered so special interest / marginal, that it only opened on 4 screens!
And over 400 a week later. And international distribution, and online sales after that (Hulu has just grabbed exclusive distribution in the States). Which is pretty standard for documentary films these days.
Still, never mind, “Thoughtful”. I’m sure there are people on Biased BBC who don’t care that they’re being lied to by you. They’ll give you the crumb of attention you crave. And don’t you be intimated by the thought that an intelligent young woman who has something to say is liked and admired, while you fester in your own self-pity, lying to halfwits in a desperate attempt to portray yourself as “thoughtful” when really you’re just a pathetic, lonely little bigot.
Jerrod do you think that the BBC is in any way biased?
Jerrod can’t even tell me why he posts on this site ?
Be like Jerrod .
Jerrod doesn’t answer questions. Especially if he does not like them.
I’ve replied to you before, taffman. I don’t see why I should waste my time repeating myself to someone who clearly didn’t listen the first time.
Now, as someone whose experience of stupid repetition is second to none, do you think Thoughtful should have the decency to own up to its repeated lies, or should it, like you, continue to garble nonsense as a substitute for intelligence?
I am afraid I can’t hear you – and you still can’t give an answer.
your answer wont take long – “Jerrod do you think that the BBC is in any way biased”
Just a yes or no will do ?
Please note, no insult in my reply to you .
Geoff, do you think lobbing non sequiturs into a discussion is helpful, or are you just trolling because you want to deflect from Thoughtful’s propensity for telling lies?
I know that, as a gentleman who had so much trouble understanding the concept of the Strictly results show being recorded you accused the BBC of fraud, you do find it difficult to grapple with basic concepts. But try for us, Geoff, eh. Go on. You can do it. Just this once.
Please can you give a simple and succinct answer to Geoff’s poser ….
“Jerrod do you think that the BBC is in any way biased?”
Pot &Kettle ? Anyone
And you can say, for sure with inside knowledge that the Strictly results are absolutely kosher can you? In the scheme of things being discussed here right now that’s a pretty pathetic response. You will also note the politeness of my reply.
Regardless, my problem with the show is that is results show isn’t live, not the result.
….And the answer to my above question is?
It wasn’t a real question, Geoff, it was a non sequitur designed to shift attention away from Thoughtful’s lies.
Do you think it’s acceptable for Thoughtful to lie?
Do you think that the BBC is in any way biased?
Jerrod, we’re just following your lead, you’re the absolute king of such tactics.
Jerrod , have you seen Zero ?
What shift is he ?
“non sequitor ” Wow, Jerrod ! Did you go to public school ? Come on, you can tell us !
You keep talking about lies Jerrod, yet when put to the test you are unable to actually prove any lying took place.
Just like every other nasty little Fascist the technique is to name call people without any foundation in the hope that it shuts down any discussion and frightens people. Well I’ve got your number Jerrod and the liar is you !
Jerrod does seem to keep detailed notes of who said what here. We must all be in its little book.
“Don’t tell ‘im, Deschain!”
What I love about Jerrod is his jokes. A laugh a minute. Just looking at the clip of the great Frank Carson on this site. ” Guest on the Titanic . ” I asked for ice but this is ridiculous “. No way he would get on the BBC these days. So we have to put up with the brain dead moron , Jeremy Hardy. Come on Jerrod, crack us a joke !
It’s called a memory. Amazing what the human brain can accomplish when it’s not occupied by coming up with racist lies in order for its owner to try and convince themselves that it’s the rest of the world’s fault that they’re an unpleasant little shit.
>Come on Jerrod, crack us a joke !
>It’s called a memory. Amazing what the human brain can accomplish when it’s not occupied by coming up with racist lies in order for its owner to try and convince themselves that it’s the rest of the world’s fault that they’re an unpleasant little shit.
Good attempt – up to present BBC levels of “humour” anyway.
Ah the ‘bigot’ card being played! Do you know how ridiculous that is Jerrod? It lost all its power after the wholly intolerant bigoted Gordon Clown called lifelong Labour supporter a ‘bigot’ for daring to question his incompetence & idiocy!
The reality is that 90% of the populace are ‘bigots’ and it’s just another meaningless bully word!
Interesting that you still have failed to provide any facts vis a vis desert island discs Jerod, and I don’t expect you ever will. You freely use lies which you cannot prove and I suppose in some places that might still carry some weight – but not here where we see you for what you are. Do you work in the public sector Jerod?
You are aware that you are attempting to argue the Malala film from both ends at the same time? On one hand you say it only showed at 4 cinmas (where it bombed) and then opened at 400 where it bombed again !
But worse than that you failed to even address the point that given the BBC hype the paying public just aren’t as interested as they are.
Thoughtful, take it easy. You are giving Jerrod too much respect. Where I live , in sunny Gambia, they have a phrase for people like him . He is a ” joker boy ” !
> Interesting that you still have failed to provide any facts vis a vis desert island discs Jerod
What, you mean like the “facts” you provided? You mischaracterised the programme. You lied. Before you try and take the moral high ground, try being honest. It’s not difficult.
> You are aware that you are attempting to argue the Malala film from both ends at the same time? On one hand you say it only showed at 4 cinmas (where it bombed) and then opened at 400 where it bombed again !
I said it opened in 4 screens, then expanded to over 400. I realise that, with your inability to process facts that contradict your self-delusion, you may not have been able to see that.
And yes, you’re a bigot. Plain and simple. You are a bigoted liar. You know you’re a liar. You just don’t care, because you’ve deluded yourself that you can get away with it. What a truly pathetic soul you are.
Yet again unfounded name calling without any of the proof needed !
You can’t prove anything Jerrod, your just another puffed up windbag – good at name calling, but unable to actually use any proofs what so ever!
Everyone is a ‘bigot’ that doesn’t share Fascist values! The only definition of the isms and phobias and other names you like to use is that they are the vast vast majority of normal people who don’t share the Fascist Lefts delusions !
The proof is there for anyone who wants to listen to the programme you lied about. As I pointed out at the time, and have reiterated since. I know you don’t want people to do that, so you pretend I’ve never suggested it before. Lies upon lies upon lies. Have you ever tried telling the truth, “Thoughtful”? It’s not as difficult as you seem to imagine. You might find that you end up being happier – it’s a lot less stress to live by truth than to fester as a ball of hate-fuelled prejudice.
> Everyone is a ‘bigot’ that doesn’t share Fascist values!
No, you’re a bigot because you hate and hate and hate, and you lie about people you hate. It’s really quite a simple concept and has nothing to do with fascism. Oh, and also – if you hate name calling so much, try not reaching for the term “Fascist Left” so much. It does make you look even more like a dreary little hypocrite. A dreary, lying hypocrite.
So Jerrod please tell us, if name calling upsets you so much, why do visit and post on this site?
jerrod seems a bit grumpy today…chewed a wasp as opposed to a latin dictionary.
For he proudly nominated me for ” delusional scrapings or such”…and will try sometime soon to get an improvement on that 155:90 heart rate that I got out of him on a previous post.
Took him a bit of time to figure it apparently-but when he `d had it explained to him by matron or the CPN…he was “disappointed”.
Jerrod is easily pictured as a Zen jazz dopehead who is shacked up with a raging lardarse of a wifey who yells out the window of her Selsey caravan about “loving her kids to bits”-but not enough to actually see them on anything but Jeremy Kyle or Benefits Street.
The two struggle in their loveless live-in…and the liberal farmer is a bit fed up of the angry rotting old caravan, and her yellings at his cows when they pass to be milked.
But Zen man has the big words-and when wifey yelled “homunculus” out the window, he`d have probably meant carbuncle or tumulus…but, it seemed to make sense.
The first liberal martyr of nothing much…St Stephen of Jerrod.
Still-bank holiday-where else, who else would indulge the aimless controversist when mummys out living for a few hours rest from our crap crusader.
Care In The Community jerrod?…the Indie is still online for all your counselling needs lad!
> So Jerrod please tell us, if name calling upsets you so much, why do visit and post on this site?
Why are you so afraid of people you disagree with posting on this site that you try and disrupt them with your dull, repetitive witterings?
On the rare occasion you venture out into the real world, do you butt in relentlessly by asking the same question? Or do you behave like an adult in reality, saving your bone-headed simpleton act for online activity only?
a proofless poof in other words Thoughful LOL
“And—you`re back in the room!”
Well done jerrod-did rather think that you`d fallen asleep at the terminal, what with meds, clocks going forward or nascent narcolepsy.
Not really answered the question though have you?
There`s surely nothing here for you is there?…I note that your blogs start relatively reasonably, but always end with abuse….if you cut that out, there`s many people round the grounds here with sympathetic eyes…..
I politely asked you a simple question which you have continually declined to answer. Not only that, but you have now resorted to personally insulting me .
Yet a simple answer would have taken far less time and effort form you.
I am not afraid of people disagreeing with me. I never have been . In fact I, and I am sure many other readers find your posts quite entertaining .
I and other readers would just like to know your motive for posting on this site ?
Please note, no insult or abuse in my reply to you .
> Jerrod
> I politely asked you a simple question which you have continually declined to answer.
Nope, I’ve answered it in the past, and I don’t see why I should have to repeat myself just because you do.
> I am not afraid of people disagreeing with me. I never have been
And yet you continually interject on threads, derailing them by asking the same question over and over and over again. And previously you attempted the same thing by posting the same dreary link to the same anti-BBC petition over and over and over again.
Your repetition’s purpose is to derail conversation. If you’re not afraid of conversation, join in. Don’t just butt in all the time to demonstrate your shortcomings.
Jerrod talking about the ” Real World ” . LOL !!!! As the late great Tommy Cooper would say ” You have to laugh” ! PS Jerrod, Tommy was a comedian but not as funny as that genius, Jeremy Hardy !! LOL !
Two LOLs and eight exclamation points – someone’s overcompensating for something…
Jerrod, I am so drunk I pressed too many buttons ! Come on Jerrod, loosen up and tell us a joke, please !!!! You can do it, you know you can !
Come out jerrod.
There`s few of us outside your caravan of love, and in need of some wisdom!
Or at least a warning to the kids about what happens if you don`t eat your greens and watch too much cBBC when you`re younger.
Thought we`d discussed this already jerrod, before you baled out LAST time.
1. Because the BBC give a statement to the BBC-it does not automatically mean that it`s true, nor that it`s not been slanted for some-you know-common purpose for the common good.
2. There WAS another one-but let`s call that homework on study week for you…look it up, and I`ll continue the seminar.
3. Monetary success does not equate with scientific veracity…but thank you for that valuable fact check.
And-on a nationalist level(urgh!)-how did it do in the box office here?..and why then did schools get it sent gratis to them, as if maybe(and bear with me here)-not enough kiddies got the message in quite the way that their teachers had!
This site must seem like the Open University to you jerrod lad, so feel free to trawl the corduroy as you feel led to.
Always a joy to meet an aspiring poly wally….forgive the personal but you did the same last time…so hope you`ll not resort to the nasties here at the OU.
Stop spending a fixed 0.7 per cent slice of our national wealth on Foreign Aid
Despite spending cuts at home the Government is committed to hand over 0.7% of national income in overseas aid, regardless of need. The Mail on Sunday believes voters do not want this and instead, we should provide money only for truly deserving causes, on a case-by-case basis.
This petition has passed 100 000 in just one day !
106000 now
Signed with the poor & needy of this Great nation in mind .
Signed. Thanks for the link.
I just signed it but I resent having to confirm that I am a UK ” Citizen” . This is not a Republic, thank God. I am a British Subject.
I must say the BBC news at 10pm after the Night Manager took the biscuit for bias in every item.
First the Lahore reporter’s bizarre assertion that the suicide bomb attack on Christians celebrating Easter “didn’t just affect Christians”. Funny since the dead were 100% Christian – maybe she was refering to the poor muslim suicide bomber.
Then the report on the “far right” Belgian “thugs” protesting at the murder of 31 innocent men women and children by state-sponsored muslim invaders. I swear the BBC reporter was almost grinning as he spoke – relieved to finally be able to criticise the BBC’s real enemy – patriotic Belgians who don’t think tears and teddy bears is the right response to these attrocities. I noticed a ‘Belgian’ standing on the shrine to the dead waving a Palestinian flag after the riot Police had driven the patriots out of the area with water cannon. How enriching.
Then onto Fergal Keene’s Easter Rising report. The usual tosh from the IRA sympathising Keene. Followed by the idiot Pope’s pro-migrant Easter message then a platform for extremist NUT lefties to complain about actually having to teach kids English grammer in between filling their heads with anti-British, pro-EU propaganda and anti-capitalist climate change scaremongering.
An all-round unmitigated left-wing, open-borders, islamophiliac bias-fest.
PS. Forgot to mention the boat-race report. The bias here was subtle – just some OB footage of spectators walking in the rain – but the BBC had carefully managed to find 4 ‘diverse’ spectators – as if these were typical of those attending. Funny, whenever I’ve been to these sorts of events the spectators are normally 99.9% white. Just the casual BBC brainwashing in action. Seems feeling like a foreigner in your own country is totally normal. BBC says so.
The boat race report was appalling bias! On Radio 4 they led each news item with the results of the womens race, and apparently Cambridge nearly sank! The mens race was demoted to a kind of Oh & the men also rowed – Cambridge won !
If that happened once I’d have thought it was a timing issue, but it happened over three news reports on radio 4
I am sure Jerrod will have something to say about that .
Reminds me of an old joke about the woman member of the rowing team who kissed the cox of the winning crew.
He will claim it is a non sequitur. That is his new turn of phrase. Personally I would say res ipsa loquitur, but that’s just my opinion.
I could have been a judge, but I didn’t have the Latin.
Rob in Cheshire
Don’t worry he has a duty team of beeboids behind him .
Don’t take it seriously. The BBC/cultural marxists are in a panic mode now and anything they do or say is irrelevant. They cannot cope with events any more. They cannot cope with Trump and Victor Orban and the new Polish PM and Gert Wilders ( notice how little they talk of these people) and with Putin and the probable exit from the EU. Their ideal state Sweden is collapsing and as for Germany who knows what it will be like in 2017?
It is all too much for them.
I am charitable. It is not so much deliberate lies as utter stupidity and a strange conviction that reality can be changed in this world by simply willing it. The disease of the European mind has been this since the French Revolution and it has caused and is causing such devastation and death to so many.
As goes the BBC and the media so goes our political elite. Clueless and useless . There is a line in a Leonard Cohen song;
‘men will come from the shadows’
They always have and always do. It is the way of the world and all the whining and tear gas and water cannons of the ancien regime will not stop them.
Ah-thanks for quoting the mighty prophet for our times, Leonard Cohen.
“The Future” says this:
There`ll be a breaking of the ancient western code
Your private life will suddenly be known
Phantoms fanning flames along the road
Where what was once a white man will be dancing.
You`ll see a woman hanging upside down
Her features covered by her foreign gown,
And all the lousy poets come around
Trying to sound like Charlie Manson
Now the flames are dancing.
I paraphrase the great man in small things-but do listen to the song, written in 1992.
Wonder if we`ll ever get such a musical prophet in the Jewish tradition ever again…
Thanks for that. I’d be a member of the never listening to Leonard Cohen since the sixties and even then rarely camp, but you have made me to go to the YouTube and give the man a second chance. Maybe the trolls can see that many of us come here to share and learn and not confirm prejudices.
Ditto Kennedy.
Thought him a second-rate Dylan, until I heard these songs-one after another
1. The Future
2. And the Night Comes On( my mum was dying-and boy, this song hits that one)
3.If It be your will( best prayer in song I know)
4. Going Home( if you hear a better song re death that`s coming, let me know).
Cohen in his vintage is peerless-saw him at the O2 a few years ago, and have never seen such a band and leader who could make you cry in the aisles.
Am dreading his death far more than is decent-Joni Mitchell too!
PS-So Long Marianne from his early days is still great though, now I know its live version!
Mr Cohen seems to know where Israel meets Jesus meets Buddha-unique!
Totally OT.
It appears that the WRU have been chasing Jo Marler for calling Samson Lee a “Gypsy boy” during a bit of a “discussion” during the England/Wales 6Nations game.
It now appears that – according to a lip reader – probably BBC, Certainly ultra PC – Marler is now accused of telling Lee to “get back to your caravan”. Marler’s coach has since said that Marler was subject to four letter abuse (Telegraph) and it has been suggested by DT that this was “posh”.
Personally I would suggest that Marler asks the IRB panel if they can translate the word “sais”. Of common use in Welsh banter(racial abuse).
The British media esp Al Beeb, don’t like Farage and they don’t like Trump .
Why ? Farage and Trump are patriots .
Is our government taking our security seriously? Our PM told us that voting Brexit would mean more ‘illegals’ ?
Then he should be making contingency plans now, not after we get out…………
The answer is to replace “Border Force” with some angry, squaddie, Iraqi Vets.
Its almost April and snow is reported in Wales .
Outside my station shows 3 Deg C.
Global warming anyone ?
Swymae taffman.
Even St Michael of the Mann is having a panic attack.
“What is the most newsworthy? Yet more vague repeated warnings about “imminent” climate problems which never manifest, or news that a worker at a Belgian nuclear plant may have just been murdered by terrorists, as part of their plan to detonate a dirty bomb in a vulnerable Western city?”
It would appear that the IMMINENT problem of CO2 is far more of a problem (disproved for nearly 20Yrs – What did Hansen say about “The Pause/Hiatus” needing to last for 20Yrs?) than the overrun of a civilised society by millions of murderous Jihadis.
Flood the Channel Tunnel and load for bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was just snowing here taffman – 30 miles North of London. I was watching BBC weather as it was happening not a mention. Had ice falling from the sky yesterday .I hope we get a load of snow love to see them spin that one in BST
They already have the spin on that one I seem to recall, it goes something like (I paraphrase) :
the increase in global temperature will cause the gulf stream to heat up and subsequently melt the ice at the north pole which will in turn release cooler waters around the north atlantic and north sea areas. This will in turn reduce the temperature around the British Isles.
So the warmists have it both ways and covered themselves- how convenient!
So. The Taliban bombing of Christians, whom they have explicitly said was their target is the bbc news website headline. And the bbc dutifully report the quote from the Taliban source in the story…but they can’t bring themselves 8 hours later to remove the video story right below it entitled “Unclear who target was”. So for those perusing headlines we are left in doubt, probably another muslim on muslim attack in a predominantly muslim country right…?
Well it is clear bbc, tidy up and get rid of your pre-packed no-idea-whodunit-or-why sad excuse for reporting. It’s not just lazy, it’s biased.
I’m listening now to an article on the Today Programme about the UKIP / Suzanne Evans fallout where they are speaking to activists opposed to her removal. I don’t know the ins and outs of this but don’t blame the BBC for covering this. In fact I’m exasperated with UKIP for allowing this to happen in public view. Especially now.
What I can’t comprehend is any UKIP activist running to the BBC of all bodies to discuss it.
Agreed Roland. This is appalling timing for Ukip to be having public rift. It’s time for the party president to knock a few heads together. Pronto!
Serious faces on the sofa this morning as the sloths discuss the real evil in Belgium. Yes the sinister “Far right” who did a bit of shouting. Never mind the murdering scum. Again they focus on the “!Far right” “outrage”. After all authorities asked for there to be no demonstrations however that would not seem to apply to the lefty demonstration.
Yesterday the BBc drone was repeatedly saying the malevolent group were calling themselves “Fascists against Terrorism” although I’ve only seen a banner with casuals against fascism in the media.
Thanks to the BBC for illustrating where the real danger is.
The BBC sports reporter on breakfast this morning is a coloured woman with dreadlocks. Why ? was she the most qualified person for the role she seems to be having difficulty reading an auto cue, all starting and stopping ,but I guess she was hired because she has exemplary sporting knowledge
The correct term is, I believe, “person of dreadlocks”.
I said to Mrs Dave watch this woman every time she’s on she fluffs her lines whilst staring at the auto cue. Lo and behold as you say nothing has changed. Naga did ask a question about the womans cricket which of course was the lead item to which she fended off the question as being “technical”
And while on an Un-PC roll, I see Ms. Hopkins is again shying away from the limelight with a tweet about the latest named weather troubles.
Maybe the BBC can lobby the Met Office with wishes of acceptable counter carnage to redress the balance,and name the next “Mishal”?
Ohh GW I wanted Moooohamed . Bringing chaos and destruction . It is the most popular boys name in Britain and I can see no reason why the met office would not use it can you ?
We bemoan the lack of decent comedy on the BBC, but seriously we get it every hour on the News Channel.The latest being the BBCs man on the spot in Lahore who reports that although Christians were the target he felt the need three times to tell us that Muslims were also killed….
Add the the fearing mongering over the bit of windy weather we’re having (of course the inference that this is extraordinary) making the whole thing more farcical than a Brian Rix production….
And, on this site, for comedy, we have Jerrod !
Nice contrast betwenen weather and terrorism – one causes panic and disruption, it’s a dangerous world-wide threat and we should urgently do something about it – the other we need to ignore and carry on as though nothing has happened.
Miranda Hart is about as funny as a funeral.
Reminds me of the BBC News newspaper review yesterday morning. They had what I admit I assume to have been a muslim reviewer, who was talking about the reports of killings at Brussels airport, who observed that a muslim had been among those killed, following with the comment that there had been no ‘targeting there then’, (of Westerners) followed by sympathetic sounds from the sofa people.
They are always victims, aren’t they, and they are always have a supporting audience with the BBC.
No, the terrorists just happened to blow themselves up at the American Airways check in. No targeting at all. The BBC are absolute propagandizing scum.
“who observed that a muslim had been among those killed,”
We already knew about two muslims who died at the airport.
Given the size of the muslim population in any European city, a bomb that kills a random group of people in enough numbers to reach double figures will probably kill at least one muslim. That illustrates the number of muslims not the targeting policy of the terrorists.
Well, as an enthusiast for the BBC/Met hourly w/s forecast it was a bit ‘extra-ordinary’ in that this time they appear to have under-estimated the maximum expected wind speed. By some considerable margin. Do I recall a storm hitting, primarily, the west coast and north of Scotland in the autumn last year. There was near advance hysteria for something like 90-100mph wind speeds in broadcasts, while the w/s map showed 70+ and in the end it was slightly less.
Template BBC news handling this morning of the deliberate targeting and murder of dozens of Christians in Pakistan
1. Find a telegenic westernised female Skype-user who “went to the hospital to help the victims”. The young lady – there must surely be an opening as a BBC news stringer – ‘gave blood’. Well good for her. One could accuse her of narcissism and virtue signalling but that would be churlish.
The female BBC anchor and the editorial gallery love her. Apple-white earphones contrasting well with free-flowing shiny unrestrained black hair.
2. Hang the BBC agenda on this young lady. “Can I ask, are you a mooslim?” Frankly, the viewer could have guessed the answer to that question. A skilled advocate never asks a question he doesn’t already know the answer to. Yes of course she was yer typical BBC Arab Spring-type liberal mooslim. There must be millions of her type in downtown Lahore. Then comes the leading question – “Tell me, are you determined to carry on as usual in defiance?” The lass was hardly going to say no we’re all going to hide in the cupboard under the stairs for the next five years.
AISI, A skilled advocate might try it on, but a skilled adversarial advocate might be immediately on his feet with an intervention 😉 or in the case of BBC’s Rumpole 🙂 merely raising a strong eyebrow in the direction of the Bench.
The whole wonder of it all is that the BBC are gullible enough to think, no, really believe that their audience of millions are ALL gullible enough to be totally credulous when presented with propaganda. In a strange manner they are falling straight into the self-entrapment of the Communist Left that they used to report on pre-1990.
I have posted this before but perhaps its time for a refresher ?………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
BBC website headline ” Cambridge nearly sink in womens’ boat race “. The big news story of the day. FFS the BBC are pathetic.
Claire Balding probably sat in the boat Grant
Lock , LOL !!!! Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke. ” I love women. I think I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body ” .
proper comedian mate.Loved Monkhouse
Well, they are partial to Coxless crews
Riot in Brussels. After withdrawing the expression ‘self proclaimed fascists’ as a translation error, the BBC are back on the Socialist Worker position reverting to their original description.
Watch the video of the water cannon, and the rather gleeful way the reporter describes their use. Then cut to Belgians who want to sit and reflect on the events.
Hope one day they use water cannon on the anti-frackers.
GWF, ” self-declared fascists” . According to the BBC. Well we know which side our ” leaders” and police are on and it is not my side . They are bastards .
Never “so-called fascists” though is it when it comes to those who threaten the BBC worldview
The real fascists are clearing dissent off the streets and having show trails of the likes of Wilders in bombproof bunkers under Schipol.
And the real fascists are massaged and encouraged by the BBC in the cause of the greater good.
Anyone notice during Damien Gramaticus’s report on the ‘far-right thugs’ in Belgium last night a guy dancing alone on top of the cleared tribute section in the Belgium square with a Palestinian Flag above his head?
The Komrads in UAF – Cameron’s people – are supporting the police in Belgium, even calling for the demonstrators to be bombed.
From the UAF pages
Eddie Leonard Should have hosed them into the sewer where they belong.
Like · Reply · 5 · 9 hrs
Alan Warner Where’s a bomb when you actually need one
If you look at the video coverage, the so called fascists, were holding a banner which described them as ‘casuals’ and they were standing in the square, yelling slogans described as (horror) football chants, but not attacking or threatening anyone. Then they were moved by police using CS gas and water cannon.
Meanwhile, there are videos doing the rounds of a Muslim woman covering an Israeli flag in the tributes with a Palestinian one, and another video of a young man wearing what appears to be Arab style headgear also covering the Israeli flag with the Palestinian one with no one in the crowd objecting.
Evidence is surely mounting as to where the allegiance of the authorities and cops lie
To waive a Palestinian flag at such a site is, to use a phrase so beloved of the liberal/left, is very inappropriate!
The flag should have been taken away immediately it does not belong in that spot.
I suggest it should hang on Broadcasting House. Highly appropriate.
Getting very worrying. See MI5 is warning of up to 50 people under scrutiny maybe planning attacks on us. I don’t think the candles will be enough this time. We pay our taxes to be protected.
Glad MI5 are on the job. This means that it will be very dangerous for people to place rashers of bacon near mosques.
Best stick to living normal lives and drinking wine in the cafes and contemplating peace, as suggested by the BBC and the thinking left eg. the chickenshit contributers to the blog called Spiked who pretend to support freedom of speech.
Not sure we are allowed to put bacon in our own frying pans at the moment. It will be like cigarettes–‘ cough cough and half a pound of bacon please in the plain wrapping ‘
Anyway which way is Mecca ? (no not the bingo hall in town) I may as well start practicing . Going on holiday soon so got to get the missus down Marks and Spencer to get one of them pillar box swimsuits. Love going on holiday gives me a chance to be let back into my own country by some bird wearing a hiqab or whatever you call them
Oh dear-file me under “Stewart Lee glitch”.
Happen to like Spiked quite a lot in most areas-Hume and O`Neill come from my old lefty backgrounds-and though they`re not perfect, they`re pretty good on free speech, the EU-in fact they are very effective in shafting their former comrades.
Wouldn`t agree with all that they say -but Furedi can be good, and much of the law and education stuff chimes with me,more often than not.
I file them under Nick Cohen and Claire Fox… relatively independent lefties who are on our side on the big things…and with backgrounds that myself and heroes like Hitchens and St Melanie share.
Hitchens seems to have gone a bit odd of late though-tough job, and can only wonder at how much crap he and his type must get…hoping we`ll find it easier thanks to them.
“Pakistan mourns park attack on Lahore Christians”
The Al Beeb states that the disaffected, isolated Muslim community in Pakistan have carried out an attack in Lahore, due to feeling cut off from society…… Oh wait no that’s not the case here so the Al mujahideen Beeb cannot use that utter bullshit line. Instead it’s back to the even more piss poor child like excuse of “its nothing at all to do with Islam” and it’s blood thirsty pursuit of killing all infidels anywhere in the world. Its the Taliban militants at fault, fighting for something we are not informed of. What we are informed of (in an impressed and doey eyed way) is that it’s “by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, an increasingly effective faction of the Pakistani Taliban”…
I have seen 2 year olds make sense of things easier than the traitorous scumbags at the Al Beeb. Absolutely no attempt at all to link the dots now more numerous than the stars in the sky. The article is littered with words that are clearly nothing to do with Islam like “sharia law” for fucks sake!!
The Islam war machine is in full enriching mode my fellow Al Beliebers. Its everywhere. Its in every country these bast@rds have infested. How are the worlds leading media organisation going to help the world overcome this death and destruction…. Reel off a game of jihadi bingo to shoehorn excuses into what is and only ever will be one cause. Islam
Quite right Tothepoint.
BBC News on Radio 2 this morning told me that the number of those killed in the Brussels attacks now lay at 34…”including the three suicide bombers”.
Didn`t we get the same crap over 7/7?-when the psychos that blow up hapless fellow travellers somehow get to be numbered among the fatalities…as if they`re as worthy of remembering as those they slaughtered?
How much more self abasing ARE these people-or are they deliberately spitting on the graves, the memories of the innocent victims of these scum?
Surely there`ll be a howling blowback against those who like to equate and equivocate, just so they can wave their virtue in the faces of the widows and the grieving.
How much more of this will we take from our liberal elite and their political class sponsors?
It`s been a bad Easter…and we Christians need to look again at what this means for us in 2016.
No more migration-and fuck off EU…Trump in November…or else it`s trouble as things stand.
Just a thought, but in much the same way as one of the regular posters (Mr Golightly..?) has documented the EU exit/remain leanings of the various panelists on Question Time, does anybody with a spot of time on their hands fancy documenting the BBC News website’s antics with HYS?
As I write there isn’t a single topic up for discussion on that section of the site, despite the worldwide slaughter of innocents this Easter, and this continues a general downward trend of less and less forum offerings in the last year or so as the mods can’t bear to hear what their benefactors (us!) have to say. Maybe a quick post each evening to log how many comment boards have been open, and also which topics they allow us plebs to comment on, would also help to highlight the inherent bias of our treasured broadcaster’s prepubescent newsroom.
As I said, just a thought, and if I had more time on my hands I would be more than happy to undertake the study on a daily basis – though I will try and monitor this as regularly as possible.
Hmm, is this ‘no taking of comments’ spreading (see article) and would it be cynical of me to speculate that it has something to do with the MSM not wanting the people to have their minds changed when it comes to the upcoming Referendum..?