SPIEGEL: You have suggested using weapons at the border.
Petry: I would hope that you would know better than that! But I’ll happily explain one more time: In response to numerous questions, and after listing off various options for securing the border, I mentioned that the use of armed force in the case of an emergency is consistent with German law, a step which I personally, explicitly do not want. To turn that into an alleged proposal for a “firing order” takes a significant amount of desire for a faux scandal. Or, to put it another way, apparently people wanted to willfully misunderstand me.
When the head of the AFD in Germany said “I don’t want this either. But the use of armed force is there as a last resort.” the Media went overboard to condemn her…the BBC and Guardian of course had to report her words.
Strge how quiet they are when Islamist Turkey actually does shoot immigrants on it’s borders….from the Mail….
Turkish troops ‘are KILLING refugees’ as they try to cross border from Syria
Refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war are being shot dead by Turkish border forces, it was reported last night.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 16 migrants, including three children, had been killed in the past four months as they tried to cross into Turkey.
The true number is believed to be higher, according to a Syrian police officer and a Syrian smuggler who lives in Turkey, but it is impossible to say exactly how many because the bodies of those who fell on the Syrian side of the border were dragged back to be buried in the war zone.
We`re all well versed in the liberal media whipping up its souffles and meringues that somehow pay tribute to real journalism-by being so far removed from it.
Imagine if the Poles or Hungarians were doing this…but if the Turks do it-it`ll be “part of their culture”, and only the Daily Mail say it,,,and we`re sure as hell not going to report anything that THOSE racists say.
Even if true-it`ll pass…but, funnily enough the Battle Of Orgreave never will.
Don`t ask-liberal schizoid rules only THEY make up as they go along.
Great post ChrisH
“Imagine if the Poles or Hungarians were doing this…but if the Turks do it-it`ll be “part of their culture”
The invaders/death junkies/rape fanatics that we are begging to come here and enrich us are NEVER forced to change or deny their warped and utterly incompatible cultures. We on the other hand are not allowed any trace or aspect of a culture because” we are the open, freedom loving society. We welcome everyone to our peace loving island. Blah blah bullshit”.
So you’ve got it folks, our elite have decided to allow failed, desperate, dangerous, violent cultures to take precedence over arguably the greatest civilisation ever! And we are supposed to listen to and trust these privileged gobshites with our future?!
We are on the path to losing everything that makes us who we are. Those who have set us down this path will be long gone by then. We could give up everything to the death cult and it still wouldn’t be enough. Look at the Yazidis!! They had nothing yet still paid with their lives. Down the path we go to our doom my fellow Al Beliebers
I just hope that Trump becomes the president. If he does, and does what he has promised to do – stop Muslim immigration, and then reverse it, then we will have a proper policy on Islam.
There is also the fact that Europe will have to obey the boss in DC, particularly when it comes to defence of Europe.
Apart from that, don’t lose hope , and pray.
Apropos of the defence of Europe. Why on earth will America defend Europe to the death, if Europe has gone Islamic?
Many serious thinkers in America are already stating that Europe as the classical Europe, is finished. There may be a small chance if America led by Trump, forces European leaders to follow him. Britain of course will most certainly do so – no questions asked. So will Germany and Eastern Europe. That leaves France. The signs are that France will do so, as even the hard socialist Hollande has seen the light. Besides, Le Pen is snapping at his heels.
I don’t think Europe is finished, it’s just heading for a bloody civil war – probably around the time that most Americans are speaking Spanish.
In general Muslims are not very clever – look at the shit holes they occupy. We just need to wake up.
My worry is that the political class of Europe is so frightened if its betrayal comes out, they may even turn against the people.
Afterall, the authorities ignored the cries of tens of thousands of young girls as they were systematically and brutally gang raped. If the the conservatives had b not won, and Labour continued in office,, this awful secret would not have seen the light pf day.
I have some sympathy with this view, Maria. The fashionable opinion seems to be that Europe is toast, but the US will survive. I’m not so sure. The ancient European countries are deeply rooted, and were very non-diverse until a few decades ago. So I suspect violent nationalist rebellions are more likely there than in a US that’s been a diverse land of immigrants for centuries.
But this is just a guess. Who knows? I’ll happily listen to evidence from someone who thinks otherwise.
Look at our history – a warrior nation. We’re ‘difficult’ people.
It’s fashionable to say we’ve lost everything, negativism being one of our less attractive traits. But then the Oxford Union got it very wrong in 1933.
The BBC types wouldn’t lift a finger of course, but as we all know, they mainly represent themselves.