Just what is Europe’s biggest problem?
As millions of people with beliefs, values and ideologies that are incompatible with a liberal, freedom loving, secular, Christian based, Western Europe, invade that Europe bringing with them all the problems and attitudes that they allege they are escaping from, what does the BBC see as the problem? Is it the war launched by Islamists against the West? Is it the social, economic, infrastructure and criminal problems brought by the mass immigration of people with very alien ideas? Or is it something else?
Is Europe lurching to the far right?
A ripple of concern shivered across Europe this week in establishment circles after a right-wing populist candidate stormed to pole position in the first round of Austria’s presidential election.
Guide to nationalist parties challenging Europe
Many European countries are witnessing electoral gains for far-right and nationalist parties, though they span a wide political spectrum.
The migrant crisis has fuelled a backlash against the political establishment, but the wave of discontent also taps into long-standing fears about globalisation and a dilution of national identity.
How is this right-wing backlash reshaping Europe’s political landscape?
So there is a ‘ripple of concern’ sweeping across Europe at the rise of Far Right parties. No such concern at the rise of Far Left Parties such as the most recent incarnation of the Labour Party in the UK? No such concern about the rise of Islamist terrorists…the BBC more often excusing and cheerleading for them instead.
And what of those Far Right parties ‘challenging Europe’? Surely the BBC means challenging the imperialist EU and the boot it places on the Peoples’ neck?
And what of immigration? I apologise, I was mistaken, the BBC do take it seriously….the problem you see children, is you...you just don’t love and appreciate the millions of alien immigrants who have forced their way into Europe expecting handouts and a life of ease, or at least easy women…….and have no intention of returning to their own countries….
Migrant Crisis: Changing attitudes of a German city
In the six months since BBC News first visited Oberhausen, the mood here has changed.
“I think that many Germans don’t want to deal with the whole thing, let alone to help those that need it, be it in general or in the street. They just close their mind,” says 75-year-old Vera Hufer.
“It is important to reach out to foreigners and ask them ‘may I help you?’ … If we all put a little effort into it, then it will work.”
The rise of the Far Right? The rise of the Far Right gives the BBC the shivers. But who is to blame for the rise of the Far Right? Who gave the EU and in the UK, the Labour Party, uncritical coverage and support for their immigration policies? Who is it that has cheerled and spent vast amounts of time, effort and money advocating for open borders and the free movement of people from around the world? Who is it that did not hold to account and challenge their lies about immigration? Who is it that has worked assiduously to suppress and quash all criticism of such policies and allowed the real racists, the anti-White, anti-British, anti-Western extremists both of the Left and from the Islamic camp, to shape the political narrative and enable them to scare off anyone from engaging in debate for fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobic? Who then has given rise to the rise of the Right as people find the only way to get their voice heard is to vote for the only people willing to stick their head above the parapet…the Far Right?
The answer of course is the BBC itself. Now so concerned about the rise of the Far Right and yet it is its own actions to suppress democracy and free speech that has led to that rise….just as the BBC’s lies about the ‘war on terror’, its support for terrorsim and radical Islam, its targeted pressure on politicians to make them have qualms about taking military action for fear of the BBC et als’ reaction, has led to what is happening in Syria, all of which was unnecessary as Assad could have been forced to the negotiation table years ago and the war stopped by large scale military action….whereas now Assad is pretty much secure and unmoveable and the refugee flow out of Syria set to continue unabated as he bombs their cities and towns and villages back to the stone age. That’s in no small part to the BBC and its like-minded do-gooders.
Far from being a force for good, the BBC is a dangerous and out of control organisation whose highly politicised interference in world events ends in vast numbers of dead and an endless stream of refugees made homeless and without hope due to actions in Syria and beyond in effect sanctioned by the BBC which looks on and professes horror but then does all it can to prevent any effective solution to the events unfolding so dramatically before us.
The same can be said for the rise of anti-Semitism…the BBC has played a huge role in recreating that monster with its endless demonisations of Israel, the claims that Gaza is an open prison, that Israelis are war criminals, that Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot, that Israel itself cannot last and is not a legitimate state, that Palestinians are being murdered by the Israeli state…all these things and more have been peddled by the BBC and the effect is the rise of the anti-Semitic movement that dresses itself up as anti-Zionist…and yet ignores all the other countries that are far, far worse than Israel.
The rise of anti-Semitism, the rise of mass immigration, the securing of Assad’s position, the rise of Islamic radicalisation and terror, the rise of the Far Right….just how much can be layed at the BBC’s door? The BBC certainly doesn’t want us to know…which is why it spent huge sums of money preventing the public release of the Balen Report which set out just how the BBC’s reporting of events in the Middle East had such a damaging effect on events there and in places like the UK where its anti-Israeli reporting became reflected in the rise of anti-Semitism dressed up in a light disguise as being anti-Israeli. In light of what is happening today the BBC should be forced to release that report and admit that it has played a highly dangerous role in encouraging the anti-Israel movement, anti-semitism and the rise of violent Islamists.
If the BBC were closed down would the world in fact be a safer place as speech became free again and open debate shaped politics instead of an immensely poweful left-wing agenda force upon politicians by a far too powerful media giant…a media giant that as we speak is still trying to close down its ideological and commercial rivals in order to dominate the news agenda even more than it does already with the connivance of the Labour Party which thought that the left-leaning BBC shouldn’t be subject to the same restrictions on ownership as other media/news organisations?
The world certainly would be a safer place without the BBC. It certainly would be more honest.