Funny how the BBC seems to have overlooked the crucial role played by their former darling Ed Miliband in hiking UK energy costs to the point where making Steel here is fundamentally uneconomic. Still, they love making the hapless Conservatives look as bad as possible. Anyway, it’s Friday and time for a new one of these…
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Template new campaign of the form so beloved by the BBC on the breakfast sofa this moring.
Sleep. ‘Expert’ introduces what he terms ‘National Guidelines’ and insists the importance of sleep must be taught in schools – wake up at the back there, boy!
Can they leave nothing for the public to decide for themselves?
The only surprise here was that rather than upping the female expert quota even further this was a chap – he was a tad camp – the sort that illustrates his use of the ordinary and well-understood phrase “middle-aged” with pointless bunny ears gestures drawn in the air. The new David Brent?
Leave us be.. BBC
I’ve said it before, and have to say it again – why does anyone watch that crap? I gave up “Breakfast” years ago, as I was sick of patronising “Blue Peter” presentation, and I’ve weaned myself off “Today”, since before Christmas, and don’t miss it at all.
“patronising “Blue Peter” presentation”
The same can be said for all BBC ‘factual’ programs, including sport. When one does accidentally arrive at one of its news or documentary programs, you’re quickly reminded just how sh1t they are.
Yes, I recorded a programme about ‘secret places’ or some such title, earlier his week. I hadn’t realised that, being on BBC 1, it had been made for seven years olds or those of a similar mental age. It didn’t make it past the opening credits before I hit the ‘delete’ button. It looked like it was going to comprise a series of gurning millenials jumping out of aeroplanes and riding bicycles. Lectures on ‘global warming’ were bound to follow.
To be fair to the Beeb, the charge that Ed Miliband was responsible for one of the woes of our steel industry WAS levelled at John McDonnell, I think, either on the TODAY programme or WatO (R4, 6am & 1pm) yesterday. He ignored it.
The BBC are partly culpable as well, but are unlikely to point the finger, as they have been cheerleaders for all things Global Warming, Climate Change and Green ‘initiatives’, of which increased energy bills for all is but one.
Blaming the BBC for the Steel crisis! Get real
Why not read the real reason, which is Osborne’s love affair with china and how he stopped the EU protecting steel.
Yes that, too, is a factor LDV and the BBC had a big Osborne (and Javid, too) walloping session on WatO (R4 1pm) today. However, ‘China bias’ comes some way down the list as far as Port Talbot woes are concerned: premium pay for skills that are no longer at a premium, high Business Rates, high energy and transport costs to UK & western Europe customers. Both of the last two are affected by so-called Green taxes.
You could argue that Osborne is doubly at fault there. He could do something about the tax situation as well as any pro-China bias.
For a Party that is meant to be free market, pro-business & keeping the UK PLC boosted and competitive, the current Conservatives are pretty pathetic. Perfect illustrations of the Wildian ‘knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing’.
Yes, the BBC are often snidely adding “with his daughter” to the Javid narrative in order to smear him. But if he paid for his daughter to travel to Australia and her accommodation, there is no reason to condemn him. And neither is it reprehensive for him to add a few days personal holiday to an official trip. Many from both the private and public sector (including Labour MPs) take members of their families, and it seems to me a perfectly acceptable thing to to do.
Why not read the real reason, which is Osborne’s love affair with china…
Well what a useless Chancellor, trying to increase trade with the world’s second largest economy.
And maybe a tariff on their steel might be reciprocated in some way?
And pricier steel would mean what, exactly, for our manufacturing industries?
Is that Wolverine on the right?
Close Roland, it’s Lone Wolverine…………..and friend.
Luton Airport arrivals rests easier.
I haven’t heard that for years. Of course, back when it was made it would still have been safe for a blonde to get in a taxi in Luton, which was just a normal white working class town, rather than a hotbed of radical islam and jihad.
Much better than the Godwaful “Cool For Cats” by Squeeze.
Which it resembles i`d say.
Boy, they did some real crap songs-like Up the Junction and Labelled with Love.
But then-when they weren`t following Costellos last phase-utter belters like “Nail In My Heart”, “Tempted” and “Pulling Muscles from a Shell”
Do`nt think I can recall a band that could do such great songs, and then surround them with meathead drivel as much as they did.
Mind you, Diffords always been an inspiration to those of us who ares Gods crows, as opposed to his nightingales!
Scuttled themselves on the Marr Show a few weeks ago-wasn`t sure whether to salute the wreck or to hush it all up.
I am not saying we should bail out Port Talbot, but if the government doesn’t think it is worth spending £350m a year of tax payers’ money to keep 16.000 people in work at Tata Steel and another 50,000 associated jobs, why does it thing it is worth paying £3,500 million a year to keep 16.000 people in work at the BBC and another 50,000 associated jobs?
Use Al Beeb’s money and the money that we spend on Foreign Aid to save our strategic industry.
This is very, and I mean VERY important to all of GB.
I am not saying we should bail out Port Talbot, but if the government doesn’t think it is worth spending £350m a year of tax payers’ money to keep 16.000 people in work at Tata Steel and another 50,000 associated jobs, why does it thing it is worth paying £3,500 million a year to keep 16.000 people in work at the BBC and another 50,000 associated jobs?
The government seems to think it is a good idea to send £350 million a week to the EU, so who knows how their tiny minds work?
Not forgetting the +£250,000,000 per week overseas aid bill.
The Welsh and the people of the LIncs coast do not rate with the bleeding hearts of this government. No virtue signalling in looking after your own.
We are very likely to need a steelworks here in the uncertain future so taking the money from the BBC tax seems a bargain to me. Really how could the luvvies possibly object to their beloved working class they ape so badly actually getting something from their pet slush fund.
I haven’t been here for a while, so apologies if the following has already been dissected and Fisked by my able colleagues.
The BBC made a feeble attempt to throw light on the Brussels atrocities by sending a nervous ‘news’ team into a Muslim suburb whence some of the Islamic terrorists had come. The team allowed itself to be moved on with indecent haste by people blocking the camera lens with their hands, ‘interviewed’ a few Muslims – i.e. asked them the questions they wanted to hear – or simply let them speak. The team then retreated, leaving themselves, and us, no wiser as to whatever was going on, with a trite statement that it will take a generation to change hearts and minds – whatever that’s supposed to mean.
The clip is mercifully short:
Unlike the BBC, four years ago CBN conducted a proper interview of a Belgian imam who gloated that the implementation of Sharia ‘law’ in Belgium was only a matter of time:
But there are still people with old-fashioned guts who resist coming under the yoke of the violent cult:
As for the BBC, all we can expect from them is abject dhimmitude.
Welcome back True Too! Great post, thanks.
Thanks, Big Al, much appreciated.
Think a fellow followed out after the bloke who raised his objections.
Seemed to be running his phone as well to film the bloke-which would surprise nobody.
Very creepy-and the fact that the chair had no arguments but to £just get out” tells you all that`s needed about who the liberal elites blame for Islamist probings of its soft, lazy and flabby underbelly.
Yes-the person who`s telling them that they`ll be getting stuck like pigs.
Some advice on dog breeding. My male dogs will find ways to mate with the bitches despite my best efforts and I personally regard castration or euthanasia of offspring as an unethical means of controlling the canine population. Regular implantations of a drug called superlorin removes the desire for sex and renders the males infertile as long as they are kept up to date with the drug. I look forward to a version of the product which can be added to their (halal) dog food and thereby maintain the population at a controllable state. Just sayin’.
“US airmen terror attack: Junead Khan found guilty” reads the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite. With a beautiful British name like that I was drawn in to see what had happened..
“A delivery driver from Luton (the place Sir Robinson has been warning us about for years to the utter denial and venomous rejection from the ROPers who live there, political elite and MSM) is convicted of an IS linked plot”….
Wait! What does that mean?! I read through the article and find…
“Junead Khan, 25, a supporter of so-called Islamic State (IS), was found guilty of preparing terrorist acts”….
So it’s IS that’s the problem. The words Muslim or Islam are not used once. IS are clearly nothing at all to do with either so it would be incorrect association.
But what is the real story….
Another Muslim man allowed to live in the UK has decided to fight jihad against the sworn enemy of Islam. The call to jihad has been ordered by the only caliphate in Islam today. IS was created in the vision described by Muhammad who was instructed by Allah himself. Muslims are going to the caliphate because they feel that their religion is being watered down or bastardised for a modern world that’s evil and against everything Muhammad instructed.
That’s the reality my fellow Al Beliebers. The Al Beeb can go fuck themselves if they think lying to its readers will change the fact that Islam and Islamic state are the same fucking thing!!
A while ago it was noted that one day anchor, reporter and subject would all be Khans. And thus it may come to pass.
You make a very good point.
IS is just one brand of Islamic fundamentalism. There are others such as Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Hammas, the Taliban etc. but it suits the BBC agenda to make out all Islamic terrorism has IS at its heart so it can then carefully over time re-position it as a murderous criminal organisation which has ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
No one should doubt the BBC’s deliberate policy of misleading the public about Islam and the Muslim population of this country:
This morning the BBC published details of a major poll of the attitudes of Britain’s Muslims. The headline on the front of the BBC website linking to the research states: “Muslims ‘oppose cartoon reprisals’”. This of course relates to attitudes within the Muslim community towards the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks.
It’s a reassuring headline. It’s also wrong. Many Muslims – a majority – do indeed utterly oppose the murderous killings in Paris. But a very, very large number of Muslims don’t. Presented with the statement “I have some sympathy for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris”, 27 seven percent agreed with the statement. A further 2 per cent refused to answer the question. And an additional eight percent said they were unsure whether they had some sympathy or not.
I have heard two reports so far on Sajid Javed’s visit to Port Talbot, one on the radio and one on TV.
From the same stable as ‘Donald Trump, speaking from his private jet’, they both began (paraphrased) ‘Sajid Javed finds himself in South Wales after spending the last few days in New South Wales.’
These heartless Tory toffs – they just don’t know when to stop rubbing it in about their exotic holidays do they?
Then at lunchtime we were reminded how Jeremiah Corbyn-Crackintackle had beat the government to it, visiting the steelworkers several days ago. Yes, BBC, easy to do that when you’re the union-supporting opposition, promising them hundreds of millions to keep their industry going whilst grasping the opportunity to slag of the Evil Toreez. Not so easy when you’re in the elected government and having to make the hard decisions which are in the best general interest of the country.
Oh, and a quick heads up for you BBC economic correspondents madly in love with the tariff-obsessed EU – it’s spelt T-R-A-D-E W-A-R. Look it up, you might learn summink.
Another from another time… Wednesday?
‘Three months on and they’re still pushing this rot’
This ‘they’ of whom spoken?
No time to ‘evolve the story’ (there you go, Kikuchiyu, another one for your list), maybe?
‘Inform, educate……and instruct your dumbass prole viewers and listeners in the correct foreign pronunciation’.
Today the news featured musicians afflicted by hearing problems caused by their cacaphonic work environment. Not just the heavy rockers like Pete Townshend (though a more current example would be Brian Johnson, but never mind BBC), but also classical musicians like the viola player we were introduced to. Apparently Vaaargner’s Dee Val Curer is particularly heavy on the eardrums.
Then we had the cricket preview, where the final is being played in Kalkata, pronounced like a cat clacking its teeth at some unseen threat, like they do.
And that Welsh traffic bird on Ken Bruce (happen to like her) – well, those Welsh place names have never been given such right respectful treatment (happen to like the Welsh language too – skipping and melodious).
Unfortunately if you happen to live in dear old England well, not too much time spent on getting it right. So once again you Beeboids there’s a couple of places in Norfolk you need to get your little heads round if you don’t want to upset the locals. So here we go:
1. Stiffkey (pronounced Stookee).
2. Costessey (pronounced Cossee)
There, not too difficult, eh? But it’s only the English, so need to rush. That is, if you bother at all (and I don’t think you will).
I’m looking forward to a quota filler pronouncing “Leominster” (lemster)!
When this was a proper country and Devon was not ruined by having the University of Exeter and the Met office dumped in that fine old city Crediton was often called Kirton and Barnstaple often known as Barum.
Ah-just got it!
Was about to spout hard about how the UEFA 2016 lot were going to boot England out of the tournament , if we voted to leave the EU.
It was on the front page of the Telegraph today-and only the logical extension of the current nexus of where sport meets cultural massage,meets the media.
But it`s April 1st!
Phew-nearly made a monkey of myself there!
Phew-nearly made a monkey of myself there!
Not really, Chris. Just about every day now I read something in the paper then have to double check it’s not April 1st, the ‘climate change’ article about Mankind evolving to have webbed feet to adapt to rising sea levels is far more worthy of an April Fool’s joke than the one you quote.
There seems to be an abundance of “homaaaaaaarrrrge” about too. What happened to ‘homage” as in ‘hom’ and ‘age’ ??? I’ve noticed it only takes one plonker on the box to interpret a word in a different way, and before you know it they’re all at it !!!!
They think it makes them sound educated.
And the distressing tendency of politicians to pronounce the definite and indefinite articles as “thee” and “ay” is now widespread among broadcasters who have not been taught to speak.
BBC in U-Turn Drama!
After years of giving copious amounts of airspace to and siding with every opportunist charity, political party and leftist think tank who have seen fit to slag off the Evil Toreez for doing nothing about the low paid (never an issue under the Labour administration, for some obscure reason we’ve never been told about), the BBC are now promoting a new narrative – the Living Wage could be bad for everybody and everything!
Lovely little ironic cameo of Andy Verity this morning, though. When Our Sarah suggested it could backfire on the government (or words to that effect), The BBC Resident Professor of Tens and Units exclaimed ‘Yes, and imagine the reaction had Labour introduced this!’
Yes, Andy, we can imagine – you for one would be gushing your approval and creaming your pants with delight.
Google April Fool Gmail button sparks backlash.
Oh dear Google, what have you done? It’s backlash time again. The B-word that is on the first page of the bbc dictionary.
It is defined as –
A negative reaction by lily-livered liberals or anyone who has had their sense of humor surgically removed. Stop moaning and whining like an old woman and f#cking lighten up a bit. It’s only a bit of fun. The BBC’s April Fool (dopey dick the whale) was about as funny as Lenny Henry. Whoops, backlash alert !!!!!
Here’s an item from Five Live’s “Up all night” (1:54:15).
Aviva has declared Birmingham the “crash for cash” capital. Other hotspots include; Coventry, Leeds, Bradford, Oldham, Luton and parts of London.
Now can anyone spot a potentially common theme in all these locations?
Possibly the unbridled “enrichment” each has enjoyed?
Well worry not because eunuch-in-chief Rhod Sharp is on the case and gets straight down to business by demanding to know if there’s any cultural links between the perps…………..
……..oh no………….no he doesn’t…………doesn’t even mention it in fact.
Good old Rhod. Good old BBC
Still a bit confused how impacts between endless series of G-Reg untaxed or MOT’d Toyota Corollas can actually be a lucrative, if criminal business model.
It’s the Poundland model. Crash ’em high, sell ’em cheap!
It’s the “injuries” they claim for (whiplash etc) where the brass is, not in the repairs to the sheds they were driving around in when the “accident” happened; that’s why there are all these bent Muslim doctors, solicitors et al involved in it.
bBBC ‘news’ today is that David Bowie is still dead. Why are the luvvies so obsessed with him?
Maybe the BBC is working up to a cemetery correspondent, so when the news really gets slow, they can cut to her, under a brolly, solemnly intoning that various celebs are still, in fact, dead. Vital (spoiling you today, Kikuchiyu).
They seem to thrive on gender ambiguity. The human race will eventually stop reproducing with so many gays, lesbians, crossgender, crossdressers and transgender etc. They are trying to create a post-apocalytic society before we’ve had an apocalypse. It’s good to plan ahead.
The ROP will continue breeding though. Not necessarily with consent! 7 kids to the normal 1.4!
Do the maths just 2 or 3 generations down the line….
Islam by default! Probably an extra virgin to the one who beheads the Archbishop of Canterbury.
“They seem to thrive on gender ambiguity. The human race will eventually stop reproducing with so many gays, lesbians, crossgender, crossdressers and transgender etc”
You are right seismic boy except remember this is not aimed at ‘the world’ but simply at white ethnic European countries, the race already falling in number and with a very low reproductive rate. Genocidal? Yes.
They do not seem at all unhappy that in Muslim societies, Africa etc homosexuals are expected to marry and have children regardless and if they indulge in homosexual activities then they have to do so on the QT!
Yes but No but.
The Muzzies interbreeding programme will up the Quota of (Halal) Flesh eating Zombies within the post-apocalyptic society and hopefully they will eat all the omo freaks they threw off roofs.
This is a very interesting development, because almost every Muslim marriage is like this as far as I know !
Tossing even further aside any notions of fair play or unbiased broadcasting, the EU’s favourite channel (BBC Radio 4) has a real treat in store for listeners next week! Every day it is broadcasting an episode of: “Inglorious Isolation – a European’s History of Britain’.
The title rather suggests what they have in mind, doesn’t it?
Found myself reading Charles Moores second part of Mrs Thatchers life and times.
The account of her being set up and stitched up by a cabal of Foreign Office submissives like Stephen Wall and Geoffrey Howe is instructive-very much another Enemy Within, but one she never reckoned upon.This was to bounce her into the Milan paving “bill” that led to the fatal Single European Act of 1986.
This came about because Kohl came her in the guise of “taking the temperature” in 85, and then went away to create a fait accompli with Mitterand-in revenge for her getting her British rebate in `84.
All seems so obvious now when you see the timeline-but the likes of Kohl and Mitterand were working to orders in the cause of a United States of Europe because neither trusted the other.
The final bindings led to Maastrict, Lisnbon and all the others before and since-utterly cynical double dealings and naivity throughout.
But to be fair-Thatcher has a country to run, miners to face down, Gorbachev/Reagan as well as all the other stuff…The EU, likes of Delors and such-well all they do is devote 24/7 energies in creating the EU dunghill we now have.
Still the same today-we have GOT to get out.
“The mission of the founding fathers has only ever been about dismantling national sovereignty-so at the end a federal European state could arise”( Kohl-Mitterand 1986).
So fuck the BBC…we now KNOW and have lived through the lies and feints, deceptions and blather-time to get our country back before Eurabia gets the carcass.
chrish “All seems so obvious now when you see the timeline-but the likes of Kohl and Mitterand were working to orders in the cause of a United States of Europe because neither trusted the other.”
Yes, that’s the other reason – apart from our money, the Greenwich Meridian, our Markets, etc. – why France & Germany, individually wish Britain to stay in the EU: we are the buffer against the other. The Germans fear a Franco-Benelux Catholic milking operation while France wishes Britain to help forestall any Germanic desire for control and order and future territorial expansion.
The British Empire, hardly “Inglorious Isolation”.
When we were Great, while the rest of Europe and its nations were jealous.
Al Beeb just don’t like Britain or its proud history . When did we last hear or see the broadcaster promote the great achievements that this small island race have made over the centuries without some sort of negative take on our heritage .
my new Europe Flag. As it should be!
Love it!! Where can I buy one?
I still feel inclined to sing ‘Get your ****ing stars off our flag!’
I was prompted to write by yet another appalling report on the BBC World Service The Science Hour. Just after the Jewish festival of Purim, the BBC erased the name of Israel, Jews and Israeli companies from a program discussing the use of genetics to improve the drought resistance of wheat.
Another recent BBC report obscured the fact that “innovative” US immunotherapy, which cured 27 of 29 “no-hope”leukemia patients, was developed from the research of Weizmann Institute Professor Zelig Eshhar.
Although the BBC is too intoxicated to see it, Israel really is feeding the world, as anyone visiting the Agricultural Research Organization’s Volcani Center, in Beit Dagan near Tel Aviv will testify. Israel’s NRGene has assembled more than 80 complete genomes over the past 12 months, which will result in better crops and benefit billions of lives. Despite its location close to Gaza, Israel’s Phytech has developed crop sensor technology that is used in the biggest farms in the US, Brazil and Australia.
So I decided to unmask some of Israel’s global activities that benefit the world.
Reminded me of this:
Just a random flick onto Any Questions
1. Jonathan Dimbleby rarely gets to meet trade-so he wondered if Timpsons shoes and brown coat key cutters would take the cost of the living wage themselves.
Mr Timpson sadly had to tell Dimbly that -the costs to his suppliers may well go up, so he may have to pass these on.
It`s a chain you see!
Jonathan has only shaken the BBCs money tree and twisted its lemons and sucked them dry since daddy pegged it sometime ago. Still-maybe a drill bit MIGHT have inserted this economic insight to Dimble Minor.
2. Our Tory lady says- Yes, she could live on the living wage and had done-Dimbly was shocked-for this was rhetorical questioning and to be ignored..but Andrea gave her background to it.
Jess Phillips scoffed and interrupted-but didn`t herself see fit to answer-and nobody would be asking ,seeing she`s a gobby lefty and therefore BOUND to be at one with the working class -not the white groping blokey ones, nor those who are fathers and are working….but you know what she means.
All this in 2mins 12 seconds…I baled out, just couldn`t take it.
Dimbleby is like any other cossetted BBC employee – totally out of touch with the reality of making a living in the private sector.
Great to hear Michael Gove getting an award from Algermeiner on Wednesday for his support for Israel and the Jewish people.
Remember Julie Burchill got a similar award a few years back, so very pleasing.
At the risk of repeating myself (see above) this link gives an idea of what the thick-as-pigshit leftoids would have to live without if they shut the fuck up and actually practised what they preached:
With the added benefit of giving them an early taste of what a ‘carbon free’ society would be like.
UK Police: Be ‘Kind’ And ‘Use The Internet Safely’ Or ‘You May Receive A Visit’

The public reaction to this is as expected. The irony being their own post breaks all 5 rules. So the police should be reported to the police. #thinkbeforeyoupost
Edmund Griffiths @EdmundGriffiths
.@GreaterGlasgPol This tweet is
1 Untrue—you don’t have those powers
2 Hurtful—a threat
3 Illegal, if you act on it
4 Unnecessary
5 Unkind
3:22 PM – 1 Apr 2016
The police do not really understand the concept of free speech .It is alien to the official mind and always has been. Which is why the US has the 1st Amendment. It protects the citizen.
This is the Scottish police I see. Scotland has always been more disposed to the Continental approach to freedom than England.
But make no mistake this government under Cameron and May is no friend of freedom and free men.
Totalitarians in waiting the lot of them.
“This is the Scottish police I see. Scotland has always been more disposed to the Continental approach to freedom than England.”
I’d love to be able to disagree with you and hurl a string of invectives in your direction, but I can’t.
There’s a tendency towards rigidity up here, amongst other things. Works well in the military but can be a royal pain elsewhere.
>UK Police: Be ‘Kind’ And ‘Use The Internet Safely’ Or ‘You May Receive A Visit’
I’ve not got a twitter or facebook account, but this makes me tempted to sign up to both just to post offensive opinions. Would love a visit. Things like this almost make me feel sorry for Dale Cregan.
If only that poor woman dying in a ditch in her car over a few days had thought to post “off to decorate some second floor tenement place of worship doorknob with bacon” on her status first.
She might have got a visit.
You are onto something, every now and again an article pops up claiming burglary victims don’t receive police support until ten weeks after the fact, or not at all. Almost a viz top tip, live in Glasgow area and need the poliss? Don’t bother ringing, just make a comment on social media that could be perceived as mildly defamatory by a hper sensitive vicious left wing t*at and they’ll be kicking your door down in no time.
I believe the police call it a Jerrod call.
I can see that working quite well next winter after Social Care companies have laid off staff due to the hike in the Living Wage/Minute Wage: lonely OAP in tiny fourth floor apartment posts offensive tweet. Cops rush in where relatives fear or don’t care to tread.
“Oh, that’s lovely. Hello”
“You posted an offensive tweet”
“Did I, I can’t remember?” “Would you like a cup of tea? You’ll need to make it. Come and sit down next to me while it brews. Now, which station did you say you were from? Oh, I remember that one being built at the end of the 80’s, of course you weren’t even born then …”
– – – time passes – – –
“You will have to stop making offensive tweets!”
“You will have to stop making offensive tweets!”
“I ‘m a bit deaf, what did you say?”
“No, I haven’t got any sweets. It would be lovely to have a visitor who brings me some. I haven’t seen anyone since Christmas. Did you bring any sweets? I haven’t had any sweets since the New Year.”
– – – more time passes – – –
“Oh, will that mean a ride in a Police car? Lovely! I haven’t been out for weeks. It’s so cold.”
“Oh! Really? How cold is it in prison? Is it warmer than in here?”
exactly what I thought last night GW.
Some of the replies are priceless. This is my favourite.
(Clearly I need to learn more about linking tweets: not sure how I landed up with two!)
Haha! Yes, the Taggart one was my favourite, too.
This really is the most disturbing post.
Fortunately, I no longer live in the UK. But the fact that any police force could think this tweet was acceptable is absolutely unbelievable. It also contains a threat: ‘Think before you post or you may receive a visit from us this weekend.’
No mention on the BBC. No reprimand from Cameron or any politician. Chief Constable still in his job. Come on Nigel, go for it!
Spiderman , The UK generally and Scotland in particular has become a police state. Freedom of speech is being trampled on and, as you say, the useless Cameron and other politicians say and do nothing.
Hear, hear. A lot of people will see this as a shot across the bows …. as they intended.
Of course the chief constable is still in his job. Police Scotland is the SA of the Scottish National Socialist Party, he is merely doing Nicola Sturgeon’s bidding. He knows that if he crosses her he will end up like Ernst Roehm, but to be honest, I very much doubt that the thought of standing up for “Freedom!” ever crossed his mind.
Next up: airgun registration!
Rob, You are so right. I am just visiting Scotland, but I am shocked, truly shocked , at what is happening here. I am Scottish and proud of it but the SNP make any of us who do not support them feel like Aliens. You are so right about ” Freedom ” . We are losing it here .
Good check for Islam though.
1, Is it true?…if its is in the Koran, well THEY say it is…so are you going to call Anjem a liar as he calls for Islamic Sharia?
The Met are hanging themselves already.
2. Hurtful-that`s not an offence.
3.Illegal?…it is not yet illegal to point out what Islam says it`s acting upon-Koran or sunna.
4. NECESSARY-we can do no other, it`s essential that people know what`s coming-and why we`ve already had the deeds done in Bali,Beslan, Boston, Brussels, Paris and-of course New York 2001. Can the Met seriously tell us anything that is as necessary and urgent to tell the world as is sleeps into Sharia,
5.Kind-stupid as #2!
So of the five points-too are Yogic Flying bullshit, two combine as the ONLY necesssary truth required-and stating a necessary truth is mandated on even the simplest citizen if he is not to be a quisling traitor, deserving of the drop .
Does the above apply to those with only one brain cell who inform the world the ingredients of their breakfast, and how long it took for them to pass it ???? Because if it doesn’t, it should !
Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam ‘refused to blow himself up’
Surviving Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam chose not to blow himself up to save lives, his brother says.
So, as far as the BBC is concerned he is a lifesaver, actually the hero in all this.
He is saying a lot of other things in his interview, which are turning out to be a pack of lies.
The truth is:
He didn’t blow himself up because he forgot his ticket to get into the stadium,
Or he sh*t himself, and decided he wanted to live.
I cant even find the necessary words to describe my contempt for the BBC anymore. They seem to keep pushing back the barrier of what constitutes treachery.
@ray_f . I am also pretty disgusted with this report. Giving any airtime to painting this scumbag as a lifesaver based on a supposed chat with his brother is a disgrace for any media outlet, but the bbc just lap it up without a second thought. Will this supposed evidence be admissable in court – or judged hearsay? My other question on this saga is why is it taking so long to extradite him to France?. I thought there was an all powerful EU arrest warrant that made us all super safe and simplified these proceedings…seems a terrorist on the run can just waltz across the border anywhere, anytime but organising a return trip isn’t so simple. So much for safer together. I understand they want to dot the i and cross the t, but how many are there? I wouldn’t trust the Belgian authorities to organise a pissup in a brewery so getting this right will be a monumental challenge for them. The potential worst case is, of course, that they screw it up procedurally because of all their rules and human rights compliance and he gets off on a technicality. I can almost hear the cries of innocence already and this alleged admission of guilt will be quickly forgotten.
Using the the twisted and perverse logic of the BBC as a benchmark we’re ALL life saving heros for not blowing ourselves up then? Well done everybody. Addressing the fact that this enriching young fellow considered the idea, even for a second, is a little too thorny for our newspeakers at the Goebbels factory to mull over. Thats Goebbels, not a place on the Clyde southbank, jus in case the weegie plod is a snooping.
Ah…. but… as any BBC Pulitzer hound knows, the most important thing is not the victims, but ‘understanding the perpetrator’s motivations’ (add that to your list, too, Kiuchyco).
Sorry if this has been mentioned before. This has been trailed extensively on 4extra this week, moreso than most ‘books of the week’. I wonder why it should be deemed worthy of such promotion.
Ah. That’ll be why.
Professor Jerry Brotton, one of the UK’s leading experts on cultural exchange … no, me neither.
Yes of course we must never forget the amicable castration. cutting out the tongue and deafening of Norfolk merchant Samson Rowlie. I’m sure he would have had a lot to say about his conversion to Islam if he still had a tongue!
Elizabeth I may have been willing to form some sort of alliance with the Turks, given that Catholic Europe was at war with her, and the Pope had put an open contract out on her life. It doesn’t mean that she wanted England to become a muslim state, or that she had the slightest respect for the muslim religion or that she allowed any muslim immigration at all.
But why argue against the zeitgeist? Repeat after me: Britain has always been a multicultural society, we are all immigants, the British are a mongrel race etc etc etc…..
England-130 000 in area with a population of around 53 million has a population density of 407 persons /sq. km. France has an area of 544 000 with 63 million and a density of around 115persons/ For France to have the same population density as England they would need to absorb 158 000 000 people. It is possible that England could be considered quite full by this comparison but the BBC, and its cohorts , still suggest England could absorb more immigrants. How full would we have to be before we have gridlock?
The population of the UK is estimated to be well over 60 million.
Higher! According to reports two years ago, Britain’s utility companies and supermarkets who have their own way of measuring these things, estimated our population to be around 88 million.
Steady on. Start packing ’em in around the French countryside as advocated here, and the view from many a Beeboid weekend pied a terre may be compromised. Evan would be livid.
Added this smart arse remark just as the previous thread ended so will repeat it in order to enlighten the world, massage my ego and state the f***ing obvious.
The Guardian, BBC and environmentalists in general, loved putting up electric prices to dissuade us from using it, thus forcing us to become more green in our ways. How delighted they must now be that green tariffs have been partly responsible for making Port Talbot carbon neutral. The left have succeeded. Trust they are all celebrating.
Oddly Germany doesn’t add green tariffs to their industries electricity prices. In fact, their prices for industry are 25% less than ours and the French charge their industries 50% less. When will they learn?
Migrant Crisis
Give us your tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free etc … Yep! BBC fav in house irritant luvvie
Simon Schama sniggers that Steyn/Farage are “just being the new feminists” over the issue … with an explosive and classic Mark Steyn special of a reply. (37 minutes). … I think this clip will get 100,00s views in the future
… actually the whole debate shows the abject vacuity, and denial of these latte loving no borders morons
Sorry folks … bleary eyed after a very loooong night,
… Not on Al BBC any time soon
It was Arbour with “new feminists”, Schama thought that any concerns were, all obsessed, and a bit sad.
Thought this was pretty terrible, given what I`d been hoping for.
Schama is a snob, and a rainbow fantasist, Arbour a lefty agitprop Quebecoise who`d have been one of Trudeaus babysitters and a one world phoney of limited intellect…but will be on all the right panels to gut the west of its bearings and principled.
Nigel and Mark were way too insular and easily distracted-the liberal fops in the audience maybe cramped their range-but they came across as squally and sporadic in their arguments…right though they were.
Steyn seems a much better writer and broadcaster than he is a debater based on this.
At least we all know the bloc tropes and big box jacket postures of the Left though-thick, abusive and clearly happy to accept a few deaths and lots of rapes, as long as their consciences amongst the Green Roomies is clear to their own sad selves.
And-even better-you`ll never have to think for yourself again, just get the columnist jobs and legal briefs at public cost and for ever.
Makes me even more determined to see their faces slapped properly on June 23rd-the alternative is truly frightening.
I was sorry to see Mark Steyn of all people displaying his need to virtue signal that he wasn’t “islamophobic”,
“I am demonstrating my non islamophobic bona fides” even though, as he pointed out, he hadn’t mentioned islam, it was Schma that did so but Mark felt impelled to counter this. Farage too, waxed lyrical about his Hugenot background.
The moderator, Roger Griffiths, made an interesting introduction to one segment of the debate at about 40-50 mins. A line that some countries are better than others at assimilating migrants….Canada and the US (he actually used the term “melting pot”) were cited as successful, Europe less so……did anyone think to ask native, aboriginal Canadians and Americans the benefits they had accrued from mass migrations from Africa, Asia and Europe? No.
Will anyone think to ask native, aboriginal Europeans of the advantages we have accrued and continue to accrue from mass migration to our continental homeland.
A very good point. When extolling the virtues of immigration, leftists never bother to ask the Red Indians what they made of it?
re Munk debate
Both promoters of mass immigration Arbour and Schama are Jewish, so why are they not calling for Israel to step up to the plate and take in neighboring Syrians, especially Christians?
Is Charlie Stayt turning into Paul O’Grady. He sits their preening and pouting it is like we have watched a bloke beginning to morph into a woman in front of our very eyes. You look at all the “blokes’ on the BBC they are all very feminine. I bet a lot of those wedding rings are inscribed with another blokes name. Read about that BBC producer who got done for supplying the drugs at a gay chemsex party that killed a young foreign bloke in the week says it all really.
‘He sits there preening and pouting it is like we have watched a bloke beginning to morph into a woman…’
Isn’t that the BBC Breakfast male presenter job description? Talk of actual castration as a requisite for the left-hand side-saddle sofa seat is, I’m sure, just talk. Old wives’ tales. The term house eunuch being just a joke, right?
No, what we have here with Charlie Stayt is an interesting case of menstral synchrony – of the hairdo.
Talking of Paul O’Grady, didn’t he say he would be emigrating if labour didn’t get in at the last GE. Try Gaza or Saudi but don’t forget to pack your parachute.
One of Britain’s leading comedians will quit Britain if David Cameron wins Thursday’s election. Paul O’Grady, best known for playing the stand up comedienne Lily Savage, said he would move to Venice if the Conservatives win the general election.
It would be one of the best things this government did if they could rid us of this whingeing Scouser.
Venice, There is posh for you. What did Venice do to deserve that asshole ?
I think he/she/it should leave anyway, as a wise precaution.
Now how about Jeremy Hardy ?
Ah, Jeremy ‘who has no more right to be living in Britain than anybody else on the planet’ Hardy.
Presumably he extends that ‘no borders’ logic to any country in the world, in which case he can fuck off to live in Iran and get a taste of what life is really like under an Islamic theocracy.
Global warming is about to start again for a few months. They are dusting off the scripts. ‘….. will feel like the Mediterranean tomorrow’ says el campo weather presenter . It is called Summer you numpty surely you studied the weather at your polytechnic to get the job (errrr wait maybe that is not a qualification needed)
Daily Mail, yesterday, proclaiming that it’ll be “hotter than Ibiza”. “Hotter”?
To bring things into perspective, I live in south central France – we achieved 21 degrees C on Wednesday – the first time this year, and quite common for the season. The last two days, however, we’ve struggled to reach 7 degrees, and it’s bloody cold – and we’re much closer to the Mediterranean than the Former UK. With all the horrendous predictions of a 1.5 to 2 degree temperature rise, globally, from which we are all going to die, I am mightily surprised I have survived this 14 degree discrepancy, and lived to tell the tale.
Not to worry, you are about to experience a ‘Mediterranean climate’, apparently – all I can say is, you are welcome to it…
For approx. one hour somewhere in the South East of England, when the sun comes out and there is a piece of temperature measuring equipment in a secluded spot in a sheltered garden, then yes, the temperature might get above that in Ibiza. The “Sun” newspaper also had a section on this as “Great Britain” to become hotter than Ibiza. Yes, you heard it here, “Great Britain”. It makes me weep that the “Sun” newspaper actually pays someone to write such crap. For the next few days, yes there will be something of a warming air plume tickling the South East and far South of G.B. but this plume also brings in a developing low pressure area which brings with it cool air and heavy rain showers. What these columnists are not telling us is that from Tuesday, snow and frosts and single figure temperatures arrive for many parts of the U.K. for the next 7 days. Don’t switch the heating off just yet. Oh, and March temperatures were below the national long term average for the month, but shhhh…don’t tell anyone.
And for the record, we have now had 18 consecutive months here on Dartmoor where we have had a frost day in those months. Yup, “Global Warming”. The upper air temperature gradients are getting colder.
Good post mate. I’ll hold off on planting the roses I bought
Where I am it’s freezing cold and pissing down with rain. What’s it like on Ibiza?
With of course hiatus in the global warming phenomena when it comes to rushing to Europe at short notice to bleed a heart for the summer migration swarms-all over Europe, hotels booked and onions on a string by way of a necklace.
So-we`ll not hear anything about global warming the summer to come.
Nor will we hear anything about it in October/November…because all the lefty oafs who peddle the Climberchaynge crap will all be hopping around the US for the elections-again, hotels booked, top dollar and emotings that Gaia will thank them for if they can get Hillary and her dick on a stick into the intern-sorry, White House.
Jon Snows volcanic ash emissions and expolsions are inversely related to his jet setting grandstanding, coffin followings and rainbow flatus productions.
Maybe Salah Abdeslam simply thought things through and, in the cold light of day, wondered if he really would get 70 virgins when he arrived in paradise? If something sounds too good to be true, it normally is.
Or perhaps he realised that 70 virgins wouldn’t be much use to him if he’d blown his dick off in the explosion.
Or realized it was going to be 70 raisins not virgins.
Not BBC related, but great debate here on the rapist invasion. Schamer/Arbour in favour, Farage/Steyn against.
Tuned into Radio 2 this morning, to listen to Brian Matthew and “Sounds of the Sixties” – the only BBC programme worth bothering with these days. The preceding news bulletin apparently, had “got lost in the basement” (according to the previous presenter), and was late starting – interestingly, the most time in that bulletin, when it eventually reached our ears, was all about gay Australian athletes wearing “rainbow laces” to support anti-homophobia – that dulled my senses, for a start. Then, when “Sounds of the Sixties” eventually started, it sounded odd – as if the start of the thing had been produced in a bucket. Clearly, as this is a pre-recorded show, there’s no leeway for errant news bulletins, so they did a hatchet-job at the beginning to catch up. I notice that they still managed to run their programme trails, which in MY opinion should have been removed to maintain the integrity of the programme.
The BBC – looking after themselves, and bugger the customer/viewer/listener.
Saturday rant over – for now.
For a ‘professional’ broadcaster this seems a common occurrence. Similar happened a couple of weeks ago on The Sounds of the 80s, the airwaves went dead for 5 minutes after the 10 o’clock news then an emergency tape kicked in and ran for 30 minutes until the program spluttered to air at about 10.30.
Maybe if the BBC didn’t fill us with the pretence that such shows are live and have an expensive array of studios, one show out of London, the next from Salford etc they could give us a more professional end product. I’m guessing the program before SOTS was out of Salford and the news guy along with the playback machine at Broadcasting House or vice versa.
Plenty of cash available for endless diverse programs studios and presenters, but seemingly no cash available for a decent play back machine, someone to operate it and an emergency jock on the nations most listened to station
Hear hear old goat.
Brian Matthew remains a link to a bygone world to me.
How many times have we heard that “the majority of Muslims are peace loving and hard working” , ok, so we’ve now had a situation where a van driver in my local area, was to all intents and purposes ‘hard working and peace loving’, but is now revealed to have been planning attacks on British and US airmen at bases in East Anglia ! I find this all quite chilling, – he is/was a delivery driver (from the hotbed of Luton fundamentalists) , which is the perfect occupation for planting a bomb within perfectly innocent parcels – be it domestic or commercial. Take a look at a lot of van drivers and most are of an ethnic background or Caucasian with a lack of English. As a nation we’re stuffed, our biggest companies are foreign owned, football teams – foreign owned, foreign doctors whose qualifications and language skills are ‘wanting’, suspect ethnic taxi drivers, van drivers with the potential to blow you up or who are so busy on the mobiles they’ll kill you on the road anyway !!!!
For me the final straw of this invasion was challenging a couple of Eastern Europeans who were eyeing up the swans for their lunch on my little nearby river. My fury knew no bounds – the look on their faces was priceless as this ‘old’ woman verbally waded into them, fortunately I was backed up by a couple of passers by, and the lunch-hunters fled. Bastards. But these stories never make their way into the media, and its going on every day.
Great post Brissles and so all true. I live in a less diverse area yet slowly and increasingly so I see similar happening here.
As usual, the BBC haven’t got a clue, move along now.
At the start of the Today programme this morning Dick Robbington (sorry, BBC, but just like yourselves can’t quite get my tongue round some of these English names) told us what lay in store during the two long, bias-crammed hours ahead.
Well, it being 2016 and 100 years on from THE EASTER RISING we need some kind of commemoration don’t we? Do we? Even more? Will it never end, you ask*?
So on will be coming Sir Bob ‘give us yer fecking money’ Geldof to tell us what W. B. Yeats means to the Irish. (Perhaps whilst he’s on, Rick, you could get him to update us on all those ‘refugees’ he so generously gave a home to.)
Thankfully Mick Dobbinson gave the much notice required for an early swipe of the fist at the ‘off’ switch.
*No. Least not until 31/12/2016.
Ah, yes. BBC rent-a-gob Saint Bob Geldof. He still swears as if it’s still Punky 1979 and edgy. It isn’t.
And as for those Syrian migrants he promised to house at his residence(s) in September last year…. Maybe it was a memory lapse? But he urged us all to do the same. We plebs who don’t have £30 Million in our bank accounts. But nice Saint Bob has £30 Million in his bank account.
Give us yer fecking money, Sir Bob! Now!
He claimed this week that he nearly committed suicide after the death of his daughter Peaches.
Actions speak louder than words Bob.
Telling comment on the Now Show, when talking about the BAFTAs: “There’s an awful lot of subscription TV about these days. Does the fact that people have to pay for television alter the landscape?”
Sorry? When was it ever free? I think there are a few people detained at HM’s pleasure for watching free TV.
Now that must be the funniest line The Now Show has ever come out with, and possibly one of the (unintentionally) funniest lines ever heard on our poll tax-funded radio.
Oh for the braying of a non-compliant audience to go with it.
And while we’re at it, a nomination for the Al Gore Prize for Lack of Self Awareness.
And another really funny line just heard on Sky News, Obama said “Trump has no idea about foreign policy”, this from a jumped up Chicago lawyer that has seen the world go into meltdown on his watch.
Would that be this Chicago lawyer?
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
Read more:
Obama was the only editor of the Harvard Law Review never to have published a single article in that journal.
Al, Obama is a fake academic and a fake everything ! A fake, full stop !
As people become increasingly connected and more mobile, the BBC is exploring how identities are changing. Learn more about the BBC’s Identity season or join the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #BBCIdentity.
No thanks.
Yeah my identity has changed. 20 years ago i didn’t regard myself as an aborigine.
Please read the post @7,26am.The reference was to England, not to the British Isles or the United kingdom The estimated population of England is 53M, Scotland 5M, Wales 4M and NI 2M. Ireland is 5M and the density of the population of England far exceeds most countries in Europe.
david, you are referring to England’s population density and not the density of the population I assume. Far be it for a Scot like me to pass comment !
Ahh – a comment with implied racial undertones.
I’m sending the HeadPlod around forthwith.
I watched M Portillo’s reflective programme on the Dublin Easter Rising and was pleased at how balanced it was in contrast to so much else that the anti British BBC churns out. Portillo only had just under an hour but he illuminated the background to the rising , both military and political, much more clearly than anything else that has been offered up recently. Perhaps it was the fact that he was the presenter that prevented the BBC from adopting their usual vehemently anti British view and forced them to produce a balanced programme for once.
That’s interesting because I’ve never regarded Portillo as even remotely reliable.
Having avoided the programme, maybe I’ll try to pick it up on iPlayer after all.
Ta doublethinker-followed up on your tip.
How sad though that it has to be described as “A British Point Of View”-having seen it, it`s near enough as it was..and how history was once taught about it, up until the IRA sympathisers and media cringers wrestled the narrative away from truth and towards fantasy back in the mid-70s or so.
Good programme-would liked to have heard on how Dev(Eamonn De Valera) squirmed off from what he was doing, seeing he was American-born.
Good-see the BBC CAN do such stuff, if they just stick to facts and not massages…
A Prayer for Our Time.
Dear Lord, please grant me perception.
Give me, I beg, the wisdom to see why the BBC should broadcast
An April Fool joke a day late.
That dear Mr Abdesalam was pulling our legs about the bomb
And didn’t really mean it. The bit about saving lives, that is.
And allow me to see why the British Broadcasting Corporation
Should devote so much time to a country whose traitorous
Activities at a time when we were being forced to bale out the French
In World War I and whose subsequent sponsorship and approval of
Terrorists and terrorism resulted in the loss of many women and children’s lives.
And while you’re at it
Please grant me the intelligence
To see just why Hillary Mantel is such a gifted writer
And Damien Hurst is a truly great artist
And Tracy Emin too, of course.
Grant me the respect and self-control
To watch The Big Question without wanting
To take out a fatwah on Nicholas Campbell.
Please give me the wit to see why a small but vociferous
Section of the public see Jeremy Corbyn
As a gifted politician, rather than the frighteningly immature
And irrational man he really is.
And give me, I beseech thee, the depth of knowledge
To read articles in the Guardian
And understand them, or at least, to grasp some of the points
Being made by such greater minds than mine.
Thanking you, in anticipation Dear Lord.
Bad news. God found your comments hurtful, unnecessary and unkind, and has reported you to Police Scotland. Expect a visit this weekend.
Rob, Really, it is not funny but I am smiling. My SNP cousin aka ” bitch from hell ” , even worse than Nikki, asked 2 uniformed plods to doorstep my 91-year old mother, who is non-political. To be fair to the plods, they were a bit bemused when mum said ” I am fine , what are you doing here ? ” . And they walked away. But how can anyone use a 91-year old lady as cannon fodder for me. That is what is happening now in Scotland .
Sounds interesting, Grant. What did your cousin accuse her of?
Johnny, Nothing really ! She has committed no crime and neither have I . It is just the political climate here. Even many lawyers and judges are worried. This is no longer the country of RLS and ” Weir of Hermiston”. And I am crying for my country.
I think that is the problem when nationalist fanatics take control. Anyone who is not a nationalist fanatic becomes, in their eyes, a traitor. It doesn’t matter if you wear a kilt every day and eat nothing but porridge and haggis, if you not support Scottish national socialism, you are no better than a Quisling to them. If they had access to guillotines, I sincerely think they would use them.
Rob, Sadly , I have to agree with you. They are indeed fanatics .
Looking at it another way you could argue it’s fanatics from the Hard Left who are using nationalism as a vehicle, appealing to base instincts through a relentless agenda of victimhood, blame (nothing is ever their fault), entitlement and blatant racism.
But whichever way you look at it, it’s scary and yet another reason to admire Orwell for his wisdom and prescience.
johhny, Spot on. That is what is happening .
Ha! I WISH that the SNP were National Socialists. Minus the anti-semitic part, of course. 😉
Anyway, it’s hilarious to think that Scotland is somehow exceptional in all this absurdity. Just Google ‘Twitter abuse UK Police news’ and you’ll see the pigs have had the same fine form the nation over for quite some time now.
Orwell wasn’t the first to warn what happens when tyranny and totalitarianism come to a zenith; he merely made a good story out of it, and plenty of the hellish elements of life in Oceania haven’t materialised in our world.
“I think that is the problem when nationalist fanatics take control. Anyone who is not a nationalist fanatic becomes, in their eyes, a traitor.”
But equally when Globalist fanatics are in control, everyone who is not a Globalist fanatic supporting their One World Village anti white ideology becomes in their eyes a racist.
Does any reader remember this being reported by the BBC, because I can’t find any record of it:
EXCLUSIVE: German government admits it cannot account for 600,000 of its 1.1million asylum seekers – and many could be using multiple identities to travel across Europe
How upset do we think the Germans are that many of their recent arrivals might have moved on? Merkel is implementing her plan via other means.
I heard it was 300,000. have they lost another 300,000 on top of that? Sadly, I think it is quite likely. I wonder where they went…
“How upset do we think the Germans are that many of their recent arrivals might have moved on? Merkel is implementing her plan via other means.”
Exactly. Merkels plan is a Trojan Horse to import non Europeans into Europe.
And I haven’t seen this on the BBC, but you really should read the comments because they wouldn’t be out of place here!
Loved this one:
“How long till the NUS LGBT+ introduces a motion of support for Saudi Arabia and no-platforming anyone who speaks out against it.”
Al-Beeb have more important social issues today. “Is it OK for white people to have dreadlocks?”
Another £145.50 wasted.
That brings to mind a workplace conversation from many years back, as I recall a black woman spent about five minutes slagging off all the black people she knew who in her mind were not fit to wear ‘locks’, as she called them. None were immune from her spite, particularly members of her own family for whom she seemed to reserve extra vitriol and venom. She would probably have scalped that white lad on sight.
Aborigine Londoner, I saw the video when it was doing the rounds on the social media. During the incident the young man pointed out that he had been doing a course on ancient Egypt and that dreadlocks originated there. Which may explain why he wore them. Among the comments on the video was a remark that the young woman was wearing western clothes. It seems that the highly paid impartial BBC investigators missed this.
Anyone remember how the BBC covered the consequences of a French tennis player who appropriated the hair style of a Robertsons’ jam publicity character?
I always mutter “By golly it’s Jo Brand on the BBC yet again” when she appears.
The young man with dreadlocks replies.
With the hottest part of the day now gone both here in the U.K. and Ibiza, nope, not today, Ibiza highest temperature was 2 degrees warmer than ours, and considering Ibiza is an island and thus cooler because of its location by the sea, we were miles off being “hotter” than Ibiza. Plenty of snow around in the North (and N Wales) next week from Wednesday onwards. I don’t think Ibiza will be getting snow or frosts next week do you?
And I do not consider a temperature gauge in the middle of a city to be a real measure of temperature.
A ‘negro’ has been inciting rebellion and disorder in Cuba, says a Cuban newspaper. That’s him, President Barack Hussein Obama,
This will make you think. Why Trump is becoming the next president of the USA
Looking for Brexit?
Might be the best three minutes of his career, but he’s so seriously out of whack that it’s sad.
There is no world conspiracy of world business leaders to impoverish everyone and the USA hardly makes anything now in any event!
Again he’s seeing the symptom but failing to correctly pinpoint the cause.
There’s a lot of very simplistic conspiracy stuff out there for sure, enjoyed the Carlin video though. There was a skit along similar lines in which a wild looking conspiracy freak regales a friend with his theories such as those in the Carlin video. When he finishes his bored looking friend says, “So what you are telling me is that the richest and most powerful people in the world actually run the world?”
Most of the few wealthy people in the USA are the condescending liberal arts & media types who are the only ones the left approve of having money!
So what is the cause? I do not think he is talking about a conspiracy but about a ruling class that is greedy and has no care for the general common good. He is right . The ruling class holds us in contempt. Think about it. The bankers were given untold billions of fiat money to save their hides. No care for us there. Just self interest and greed masquerading as political choice.
The steel industry on the rocks . An industry that actually makes things and that one day we will really need when the EU disintegrates and the world turns nasty again. So what do the powers that be do? Sweet FA. No real profit for the Goldman Sachs of this world there.
Never make the mistake of thinking that real conservatism has anything to do with neo con capitalism.
No more than the modern marxist left has anything to do with real old fashioned socialism.
Most of America is owned by foreign money, they make hardly anything, and the only people who make any money are arts & media. and as you say, the money men.
But if your theory holds then how do you explain Lehman brothers?
The reality is that to a point market forces have played a part, but so has the massive influence of Saudi & other Sunni Muslim oil rich states.
Perhaps you might like to ask yourself how it was that Tony BLiar became so rich or Peter Mandelson was able to buy an £8 million London home on a politicians salary. While your doing that you might also want to consider why it is that opposition politicians never even raise the subject as to where the money comes from? Odd that isn’t it??
The Lehman Brothers made the bankers determind to ensure they got it right next time and continued to loot the people.
The USA still has a huge manufacturing base contrary to legend. For instance the railroad industry is massive and nearly all it’s equipment is US made . Likewise the defence and aircraft sectors. As for the new technology and entertainment the US is also very well represented. You seem obssessed with Saudi Arabia. In the grand scheme of things that country is hardly in the first rank of nations.
Thoughtful ! Interesting name !
Government of the People by the Politicians for the Donors.
The best hope for the USA is that Trump is elected – the revolt of the People against the Oligarchs.
Womans hour, and the discussion is about plants, the interviewee says ‘well the climate is always changing and Essex is now the driest county in England” You can almost hear the glee in Jenny Murrays voice as she senses a global warming shoe in – and how long has it been like that – “since Victorian times” comes the response which really disappoints !
Well you imagined the disappointment, since the horticulturalist carried on talking about succulents and how they were able to cultivate some outdoors, rather than under glass – and indeed the topic of Essex’s driness came up in the first place after a discussion about UK-native succulents compared to their Mediterranean counterparts.
And it was Jane Garvey, not Jenni Murray.
But well done on getting the name of the programme right. Based on your track record of not understanding what you’re listening to and just making shit up, I guess we should celebrate whatever slim pickings of honesty come from you.
I only went off the credits at the end of the program Jerrod, so as you say it was an error, but one which was caused by the BBC ‘making shit up’ !
I notice that you haven’t been able to contradict the main thrust of the post though, and you cannot prove that a line of questioning was not intended to go where I perceive it to be.
A failure yet again Jerrod.
No, Jenni Murray introduced the clip of Garvey, which was originally broadcast on Monday.
And frankly, your weaselling out of things – to disprove your fiction, all anybody has to do is listen to the damn show, which it seems is more than you really do – is laughable. if it goes on in Thoughtful’s head it doesn’t mean it’s true. On past form, the opposite is kore likely to be true.
But i realise that in your deluded universe, you’re always right about everything. What a shame it’s unrelated to the world everybody else lives in, eh.
Hey Jerrod, what’s your opinion as regards Lady Margaret Thatcher?
No Dover Sentry me first!
Jerrod can I first congratulate you on your always incisive observations! What I love about you is that you always comment on the really important issues of the day and never waste time on nitpicking or on trivial observations to gain some sort of points win – Respect!
I know you are are very busy and important chap but what I would like to know is what is your opinion on the recent murder of Ahmed Shah and how the MSM and in particular the BBC handled it?
Good job you’re not a magistrate Jerrod, you’d have the accused hanged on half the evidence !
Thanks to the BBC’s internet radio drop outs I missed the start of the clip!
Even then this simply is not pertinent to the point at issue !
What does it matter if it was Jenni Murray or Jane Garvey? The point is still the same and if the only thing you can criticise is the presenter then I think I can say the point is valid !
It wasn’t the only thing you got wrong, though, was it? The only reason you’re concentrating on it now is so that you can try and deflect attention from, once again, you claiming BBC content had an agenda that existed only in that space in your head where other people have all their mental faculties.
You’re obviously a fan of the programme, Jerrod.
It having a very feminist agenda and all that, it must have a lot to say about gender segregation, arranged marriages, female genital mutilation, the oppression of women under Sharia law, wives having to walk several paces behind their husbands etc. etc. – all in the UK of course. Bet there’s something in every edition, isn’t there? So what conclusions have they come to?
I’m all ears…..
Cat got your tongue, Jerrod?
At least Thoughtful can spell. Jerrod you might want to try a far right spell checker when attempting to write “dryness” . Your leftist spellchecker is incorrect. TW@
Thoughtful lied, I made a typo. Thanks for revealing how skewed your priorities lie that you should choose to focus on the latter.
I guess Thoughtful’s not the only one who’s more concerned with fictions that prop up their own bigotries than with little things like honesty and truth.
For a pedant you cry too much when you cock-up. TW@
Abo, LOL ! But Jerrod is worth it for his jokes. Just cracks me up , er ……… !!!!
I’d rather stand up for the truth and risk being called “tw@” by a moron, than be a stupid bigot who has to resort to lying about BBC content in order to justify small-minded prejudice.
So Jerrod what is your viewpoint on the murder of Ahmed Shah and the coverage it was given by the BBC ?
Why are you so afraid of Thoughtful’s lies being called out that you are so desperate to change the subject?
You do seem really keen to distract from the fact that Thoughtful can’t seem to let a day go by without talking utter bullshit in order to pretend to himself and others that his opinions are anything other than completely delusional. Why is that? Why are you such a coward that the truth frightens you so?
Well Jerrod I did not hear the show so I felt unable to comment. That simple I am afraid.
So Jerrod what is your viewpoint on the murder Ahmed Shah ?
I don’t think Jerrod likes your question?
Jerrod doesn’t like questions he can’t answer.
He can’t even spend a minute to tell us why he is on this site.
Over to you Jerrod ……………….
Well Jerrod I can see that you are unwilling to answer my question. I am not surprised.
As I said earlier people like you and the BBC are nearly always unwilling to face the truth and larger moral issues head on and instead revel in the joys of semantics and the technicalities of the debate. This is because in your heart you know you are wrong and so you will nitpick instead.
You employ smoke and mirrors to try and confuse and obscure the real issues and shout slogans such as “waycist” to shut down real debate – in fact anything rather than answer the question direct.
When you do attempt to answer a question such as “should we limit migration” the best you can generally manage is an over simplistic sentimentalised answer such as “these are people suffering” without any eye to the practicalities of letting in millions of people many of whom are hostile to our culture. However in your eyes you have gained the moral high ground .
I am afraid it is you and your friends who are the real cowards in these matters, as you would rather live in your fluffy right on, self delusional reality rather than deal with real problems and real issues.
I would say however you should be careful what you wish for as pigeons always come home to roost. And unfortunately the problems that you and your friends have unleashed on this country will only get worse the longer they are ignored.
> Well Jerrod I can see that you are unwilling to answer my question. I am not surprised.
What, you’re not surprised that I didn’t fall for your attempt to protect a Biased BBC commenter from having to admit that he’s a serial liar?
> [load of bullshit about what “people like me” are like]
Oaknash, if you spent half the time finding out what people are really like as you spend making up straw men in a desperate attempt to try and convince yourself that your own opinions have any weight, you might find that you end up hating yourself a little less. Just a thought.
Thoughtful said: Womans hour, and the discussion is about plants, the interviewee says ‘well the climate is always changing and Essex is now the driest county in England” You can almost hear the glee in Jenny Murrays voice as she senses a global warming shoe in – and how long has it been like that – “since Victorian times” comes the response which really disappoints !
Now leaving aside whatever the guest went on to say about succulents and your non-sequitur about who the presenter was, where is the lie in Thoughtful’s main point which is clearly to expose yet another example of the BBC’s 28gate commitment to keep banging on about ‘climate change’?
I think you may need to sharpen up on your verbal reasoning.
Oh, and by the way, Thoughtful is female, you sexist person you!
> where is the lie in Thoughtful’s main point which is clearly to expose yet another example of the BBC’s 28gate commitment to keep banging on about ‘climate change’?
Thoughtful interpreted the question, and a response to the question, in a way that was not there. As you’d find out if you listened to the clip, rather than kneejerking your way into an aneurysm.
> Oh, and by the way, Thoughtful is female, you sexist person you!
I’ve heard that before, but I saw other comments from Thoughtful that suggested maleness. So I shall refer to Thoughtful consistently as “it” from now on, as it’s a personal pronoun that it has suggested it is perfectly happy using for others.
Bit teasy today JERROD are we not ?
Did you not sleep well?
Remember Darling – Doctor said you should take all of your pills especially the big pink ones theyre very important for your mood swings!
I suggest you have a lay down and I will get you a nice cup of tea and we can start all over again!
Doesnt that sound nice!
Heh. Remember to log out and in again under one of your other pseudonyms in order to congratulate yourself on such a burn, won’t you. Wouldn’t want people to think you were pretending that I was having a “mood swing” just because your risible attempts to prevent yourself as a great thinker were counteracted by your own words.
OOH Jerrod you are such a touchy boy today!
But you being so clever and all – can you remind me what the other pseudonyms I am using are, because I must say you have me a little confused today !
Maybe I can borrow some of your special pink pills – (you know – the ones doctor said you must always take)
So Jerrod being serious now – what is your viewpoint on the murder of Ahmed Shah and the coverage it was given by the BBC ?
>I’d rather stand up for the truth and risk being called “tw@” by a moron, than be a stupid bigot who has to resort to lying about BBC content in order to justify small-minded prejudice.
No one’s going to admire your virtue-signalling on here. Waste of time, mate.
> No one’s going to admire your virtue-signalling on here.
Let’s translate that into English for intelligent people:
“Nobody on here is going to be adult enough to admit that Thoughtful is a repeated liar. Nor are they going to be adult enough to admit that they are completely okay with lying, if the lie helps a few weak, pathetic, insecure bigots con themselves into believing that their pitiful hatred for everything and everybody – including their own self-hatred – is everybody else’s fault.
“Oh, and let’s call thinking that lying little shits ought to be called ought on their lying little shittery “virtue signalling”, because that way the snivelling little worms who haven’t got the decency, courage or intelligence to behave like adults can continue to delude themselves that their own adolescent mewling is in any way defensible.”
So yeah, you’re right, DDDD. Nobody on here is going to stop being a stupid little adolescent just because they’re called out on their stupid little adolescence. But that’s because they’re cowards. Tiny-minded, insecure, little bigoted cowards who like to pretend they’re anything but.
I’m pretty sure it was already in English. Unless it’s something like English For Intelligent People (EFIP, or IngInt). Seem to be a lot of insults involved, but I like the way one short sentence can be stretched out so far. I never knew that was what I really meant.
I see that the ‘virtue-signalling’ phrase has begun to really get under the skin of a lot of Perfect People on the internet. Y’know, it just might irritate so much because it’s the truth, Jerrod.
But whilst all we do is comment on places like this on the internet, we’re all cowards. You, me, and everybody else here. But don’t doubt my sense of agency. I know what I have done.
Jerrod was you at that gay chemsex party with the BBC producer in your pink shorts ?
Please dont be so infantile Lock this is a serious debate – everbody knows Jerrod was at his vajazzle appointment on the night of the chemsex party !
Just dipped in. Jerrod cracking his rip roaring jokes as usual. Who said that Beeboids do not have a sense of humour ?
“everbody knows Jerrod was at his vajazzle appointment ”
I listened to about 30 seconds of Radio 4 yesterday afternoon – I think it was More or Less or the PM programme. They were talking about the price of vajazzles. God knows what the actual story was about.
RJ, LOL !!
soz i didn’t think .Last I saw him and Graham Norton were walking the dogs round Wapping .
Anyone heard anything from that Cumbermatch twat has he adopted any refugees lately ?
No news of Cumberpatch – Most of the chattering classes are bored of of talking refugees now as it raises too many difficult questions like “how many are you putting up in the east wing of your mansion” Saint Bob and Nicola also gone quiet on the subject.
I think they have all moved on to vajazzles – much safer subject. God knows what design wee jimmy would choose – does not bear thinking about – yuk!
Oak, True. They never put their money where their mouths are. Useless airheads and tossers !
April 2, 2016 at 7:56 pm
Jerrod was you at that gay chemsex party with the BBC producer in your pink shorts ?”
Pathetic. Truly pathetic.
This link is relevant:
None of my posts were homophobic if you read them. I don’t see anything creepy with Tom Daley’s relationship – well not much. What I do object to though is the over representation of gay , transgender etc on the BBC. Don’t they make up less than 2% of the population ? If so why does it have to be crammed into nearly every bloody show. I am finding it harder and harder to watch or listen to anything on the BBC as every show just appears to be box ticking – Climate change , Gay , Blacks , Transgender ,Refugees and Europe is great. Please just make some good programmes liked you used to and just report the bloody news as it is, not the cuddly fluffy crap. I turned on the radio Saturday morning I think the third word I heard was climate change. I turned on the radio Saturday night the second sentence I heard was ? yep you have guessed it climate change . It is relentless bollocks and the views of a tiny minority . The BBC should be with the mainstream but it appears to have been hijacked
I raise the question of your unhealthy obsession with other people’s sex lives and you try to switch the focus to climate change. That’s interesting.
Changed ID again Jerrod?
> Changed ID again Jerrod?
As usual, Aborigine London, you’re wrong. Still, I guess you must be used to that by now.
I doubt you play poker Marvin (not with cards anyway). Take your point I do like a good ramble. I still don’t get why you guys frequent this site couldn’t you start your own one ? Balanced BBC or something ?
I raise the question of your unhealthy obsession with other people’s sex lives and you try to switch the focus to climate change. That’s interesting.
You are obviously unable to follow a rational argument. Attention span problems, perhaps?
Lock explained quite clearly that he objects not to gays per se but to the disproportionate representation of gays and coverage of gay issues generally by the BBC.
He then expanded his argument to cover other topics the BBC is obsessed with and covers in an extremely one-sided way – in other words, agendas. These are flagged very regularly on this website and it’s noticeable you seem incapable – if your dearth of posts is anything to go by – of defending the BBC in the vast majority of cases.
So sharpen up or shut the fuck up.
Thanks Sir
what do you know about Essex ? Scott /Jerrod , fuck all , we eat people like you , as its so dry now , my garden looks like the Sahara . But unfortunately for you , we have no camels & everyone is , “Hideously White”. If you come to Essex , we will deport you, or eat you for Sunday lunch .
Essexman , I am not an Essex man but a real Essex girl gave me a book ” The Landscapes of Essex ” by Robert Hallman and Stan Jarvis. Beautiful county . In the case of Jerrod, how would he get up a camel ? I always liked the idea of visiting Plebmarsh !
Ha ha , nice one Mr Grant, Plebmarsh. Good Pub in Pebmarsh (Kings Head), live not that far away , although , I do tend to spend Saturday nights over the border in Sudbury , has excellent pubs & live music. Mrs Essex is actually from Suffolk ! . Another good thing , on any day of the week, if you are out & about, everyone is Hideously White. Thank the God, its still like that now .
“what do you know about Essex ?”
Well I now know that at least one person who lives there isn’t capable of rational thought.
> we eat people like you
Funny, all the friends I have who either live in, or are from, Essex are sane and rational people who don’t come across like demented homunculi. Despite the best efforts of “Essexman” to prove the stereotype about Essex people being stupid, the reality is somewhat different.
There can’t be anything more stupid than an appeaser of a religion which:
– tortures, rapes and murders underage white girls
– segregates its women
– forces its women to marry against their free will
– dresses its women head to foot in black shrouds
– practices bigamy
– indulges in death, destruction and religious and ethnic cleansing on a world-wide scale
– is committed to the destruction of an entire country and people
– views gays as an abomination
– hangs gays for being gay
– commits electoral fraud
and is generally the antithesis of a free and democratic society idiots like you take for granted.
If you don’t believe me, go try life in Iran.
“Wah wah wah it doesn’t matter that Biased BBC commenters behave like dipshits, because Muslims!”
Put another record on, johnnythefish: the “nasty little scum can’t abide the fact that nobody respects him, so shits all over everybody else in a desperate attempt to compensate for his own crushing sense of inadequacy” one is looking a little worn.
Oh dear.
Foot-stamping temper tantrum.
How Scottesque.
Hope you’re not afraid of heights – some tall building in Iran, I hear.
Poor johnnythefish – reduced to citing human rights abuses in other countries to find people who are less pleasant than him.
Is that because when you try and compare yourself to people in the UK you realise how hard it is to make yourself seem superior? no surprise there after all. It’s hard for a mewling ball of idiocy and venom to come across well, isn’t it?
You know, if you tried being more of a reasonable adult then people in the real world wouldn’t think you were such a jerk, and you’d be less inclined to project your self hatred on the Internet.
Or you can carry on being a jerk and deluding yourself that your little adolescent foot stamping negates the fact that you’re a deeply troubled and unpleasant individual. And people will carry on thinking just about as little of you as you know you deserve.
Sorry for the late reply, Jerrod.
Are you still down there? If so I’ll arrange for you to be handed a bigger spade. Might need to find a very long ladder first, though……
Do you have no self-awareness at all, Jerrod? Absolutely every single epithet you fire out is applicable to you, yourself.
I like you, but at times my tiny little brain thinks you’re nothing but a useful antagonist who pops in here to make sure that we have live prey to paw at.
That last paragraph…Ha, ha!
Stupid doesnt even begin to cover it johnnythefish
People like him and his ilk can look forward to joining the uk sharia head donation and free fall roof diving team if the nutters ever get the upper hand
Meanwhile it’s worth remembering that Jerrod’s purpose here is only to disrupt and to paralyse the conversation: he is doing what every lefty troll ever does on any chat board you can find them. They are not interested in discussion, they simply want to confound and displace conversations they don’t approve of.
The best tactic for dealing with trolls like Jerrod is complete indifference – just ignore his disruptive interventions and you will instantly disarm him. He’ll try to use personalised attacks to draw you in (because the left always, always play the man not the ball) but you must resist the temptation.
> They are not interested in discussion, they simply want to confound and displace conversations they don’t approve of.
Oh please. Try reading the thread above and you’ll see example upon example of people trying to derail a conversation where I pointed out that Thoughtful had, once again, lied about BBC content. But you give those idiots a free pass. I wonder why?
Maybe, ObiWan, you don’t actually care about disruption. You just want to get rid of people who don’t conform to the same pathetic, bigoted bullshit that fuels Biased BBC’s usual commenters.
And you have nether the integrity nor the intelligence to admit it.
Oh please. Try reading the thread above and you’ll see example upon example of people trying to derail a conversation where I pointed out that Thoughtful had, once again, lied about BBC content.
The conclusion Thoughtful came to was a reasonable one to make given what was said and given the BBC’s commitment to its 28gate environmentalist mates (or are you denying that meeting ever took place?). And yes, it might be an interpretation, but it’s not a lie.
So, be the big man and apologise to her.
If it was an “interpretation” it was one that has zero foundation in the facts, a concoction of a mind which, time and time again, fabricates complaints about BBC bias that only exists in its prejudiced little brain.
If it isn’t prepared to apologise for numerous, repeated outright lies, why does it deserve the respect that it isn’t prepared to show to the truth?
A ‘fact’ is the BBC held a secret meeting with fanatical environmentalists to discuss the best way to promote man-made global warming throughout its programming schedule.
A ‘fact’ is they spent hundreds of thousands on legal fees fighting a FOI request which would have exposed them for lying about who attended the meeting (you see, Jerrod, that really was a lie, a big fat lie in fact).
A ‘fact’ is they were found out by somebody ruthlessly ferreting away on the internet until they found the notes from the meeting with a list of attendees.
A ‘fact’ is this became know as 28gate.
Those are ‘facts’.
So hardly surprising when Thoughtful intrerpreted the Woman’s Hour discussion as she did, especially given the relentless 28gate-inspired propaganda that has poured out of the BBC since 2006.
Indeed, has been my advice for many a year….ignore the trolls….especially bbc employees….
Tempting to engage….try to ignore if at all possible.
Jerrod / Scott ,probably knows Grayson Perry , right up J /S street , he is from Chelmsford. There maybe one or two others like that, in hiding around the County , but most of them are like me . So J/S only deals with theatre /Guardian readers . One the pubs I visit , for a few weeks sold the newspapers , while the village shop was relocating . I asked the landlord what was the best selling papers in the village, & he said. Mail / MoS ; Sun /Sun on Sunday ; Daily & Sunday Telegraph; Times / Sunday Times ;Daily & Sunday Express. The Mirror/ Guardian / Observer / Independent , only a few copies a week , combined, so, J/S will only mix with non Essex types anyhow.
You lot having a pop at poor jerald again?
This to me is an open road, soft top down, ciggie and hip flask and a jaunty traipse across the downs .
AA badge on the front, the BBC falling into the seas in a landslip near Wry…and it`s a jape to see it.
An open thread to having our country back, the BBC gone and every prospect of the popinjays,naysayers and carps having to be put in the stocks for a laugh, public scorn for their doped-up treachery…but we forgive.(Yes jeery-know a carp would hardly thrive in the stocks, but do bear with…)
Yes I KNOW there`s whiff of pig slurry briefly in the air on occasion…and a bit ripe too I agree-but the Left are stuffed, and that may well be the smell of a few loose bowels, gathering at the bottom of the loon pants, only barely held in with turnip twine.
Now I see Jerrod as the air freshener that`s not needed in an open top car -don`t know how he gets himself hooked onto the mirror, I didn`t put him there.
But there he is-Christmas tree shaped, but unfortunately he freshens no air at all-bit used and spent, maybe been in Cyrils Smiths laundry bag too long or something…but, who knows?-the air freshener that smell of old socks, flatus or Saviles G-string may yet be a coming range that could be bought and sold at Hawkers Bazaar or such for a joke prezzie.
So I say-let jerry let down his cord on our mirror, let him put a fey barb into the padded upholstery…and thank him for choosing US to check whether or not he smells alive ,or of decay today…with flatulence and halotisis very much on the “alive” scale…so well done jello!
“Tis easier to light a candle than curse the Darkness”-who were of course a very good band indeed!
Word of your week jerrod-and well used on using the Latin plural…for I was the singular was I not.
Still though-big word, and I think that we all learned something
Still though-if anyone was to doubt the joy and greatness of Essex_Jonathan Meades did a good piece that mocked the idiot lefty take on the county.
And any place that Norman Tebbit represented will be fine by me…still lives just over the border in Suffolk-so probably the last redoubt of the real England over there.
Yes Norman The Great , lives in Bury St Edmunds .
“Twelve arrests in Dover as immigration protests take place”
The BBC have a problem here.
“Officers lined the streets as anti-immigration groups followed a planned route.”
In other words, they behaved.
“Eight people were arrested after they left a designated assembly area and blocked the route, police said.”
So who left a designated area and blocked the route?
“Three further people were arrested after they were identified as people the police were looking for in connection with the violence on 30 January.”

Could they be from this gang of violent thugs?
“A group of FAR-RIGHT PROTESTERS march though Dover CREDIT: PA”
Police officers talk with a “MAN” at Dover Priory station in Dover, Kent CREDIT: PA
The above video is from the protests in February.
The caption says ‘ Far right run through dover college during clashes and far-left violence’
Open it up to full screen and read the rest of the caption.
In other words, once again no right wing violence.
The tone of the BBC report is clever. It makes the violence seem the responsibility of the far right. Typical I suppose of the cultural marxist habit of using distortion and evasion in order to alter reality.
In their eyes the whole country is one safe space where any alternative viewpoint needs to be squashed lest it upsets the poor dears.
And the next stage is to complain about the cost of policing and containing violence from far right demonstrations, as they have done in Rotherham where the far left have gone out of their way to combat legitimate protests against well reported crimes and continue with the cover up of a massive level of child abuse .