Funny how the BBC seems to have overlooked the crucial role played by their former darling Ed Miliband in hiking UK energy costs to the point where making Steel here is fundamentally uneconomic. Still, they love making the hapless Conservatives look as bad as possible. Anyway, it’s Friday and time for a new one of these…
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BBC Online News re Dover Protests today:
“”As the march set off, Conservative MP for Dover and Deal Charlie Elphicke said it was “appalling” the town was so disrupted.
He added: “These people are not welcome, they don’t come here with any good intent and the law should be changed so that they can be removed more forcibly.””
Sky Online News:
“”Dover MP Charlie Elphicke tweeted, Militant hard left occupying port road at Dover. Unwelcome, damaging to our nation’s economy and the town. Go away””‘
Not surprising that the BBC ‘omitted’ the Dover MP’s comments about Militant Hard Left causing the problems. Of course, in BBC/Left eyes, the ‘Anti-Fascist’ protestors can do no wrong. Airbrush.
I ran out of time
This is where the video is from.
The video caption is restricted to ‘Far right run through dover college during…’
Accidentally cutting of the ‘left wing violence’ caption at the end.
Check out this army of violent facist b*stards, egging each other on and charging the police.
You can really sense their concern for the sacred refugees. What is it with the left and violence and intimidation.
I am sure that the Home Office and No 10 will have instructed the police not to make too may arrests of David Cameron’s student based UAF stormtroopers. And in interviews the cos will make it easier for the media to attribute the troubles to the far right.
The coverage of the Steel works in South Wales by the BBC has been appalling today. A cover up of EU inaction and responsibility with a dig at the Tories (not that I’m a fan of lazy Davy).
Constant reports that the government is not doing enough, intimations of subsidies (banned by the EU) and tarriffs (also an EU responsibility) reports of the Chinese imposing import tariffs which the Tories should reciprocate (only the EU can), and other bail out option which the Tories have no control over.
They have managed to twist a situation which is entirely down to the EU into the fault of our government!
And if that’s not bias then I’m a banana !
The problems facing the steel industry in Britain and many other of our domestic industries, which require long term, strategic, government decisions; would be far easier to ascertain and implement if we were on our own and didn’t need to accommodate the views of twenty odd other countries (many of whom dislike Britain and certainly wouldn’t wish to aid it’s industries or economy) before a “European” policy can be developed, which we are then forced to abide by; even if it is detrimental to us.
i just can’t understand why so many think that the U.K. is better within the E.U. than outside it – quite incredible. If folk can’t see the reasons to exit the asylum in this unfolding steel crisis, then there is no hope for this country.
Reference the EU’s inaction, as somebody here has already mentioned, if the EU does decide to do something constructive to help Port Talbot expect it to happen shortly before the EU referendum. The BBC is using the same tactic regarding its ‘impartial’ debate 3 days before the vote.
How this pot boiler turns out is anybody’s guess, Azerbaijan being predominanly of a certain religion and Armenia another should not be glossed over either, unless you are reporting for an internationally renowned tax payer funded media outlet that is. Though I do recall the Azerbaijanis version of the rop being viewed with some suspicion by the mujahideen when some of them turned up to assist against the 1980s invasion of Afghanistan, lets hope so called not the rop feel the same way, otherwise it could get a lot worse over there.
Old, Difficult one for the BBC to decide which side they are on. At the end of the day they will go with the muslims.
I can tell you now that the UK will back Azerbaijan to the hilt. Tony BLiar gets a lot of money from them, and it is highly likely that lazy Davey has an eye to doing the same when he leaves office – such is the nature of modern bribery & corruption.
Azerbaijan is among the cabal of oil rich Sunni Muslim states paying Western leaders to promote Islam in the West, the Clintons are heavily implicated in this too.
Take a look on line, there’s plenty of information about the corruption – unfortunately with an equally corrupt government in power looking to get its own snout in the trough there’s little chance of the state even opening an eye let alone investigating.
The strange thing is that, Worldwide, Armenians are very wealthy . But I guess they have been outbid !
I think Azerbaijan is mostly Shia Muslim, with strong links to their southern neighbours in Iran.
However your point about corruption is a strong one, Thoughtful.
Shia the President might be, but he doesn’t behave like you’d expect one to:
“Despite Aliyev’s being born a Shia Muslim, his government has cracked down on shows of Shia religiosity in Azerbaijan. Religious Shia politicians and ulama (scholars) deemed “dangerous” have been arrested, Shia organizations disbanded and religious manifestations violently broken up by the Azeri police. His government also cooperates with Israel, the US and the Sunni Gulf monarchies, despite the fact that more than 85% of his countrymen are Shia Muslims.”
He is aligned with the Sunni world not the Shia one of Iran.
What we are seeing is what always happens along the fault lines where the Christian and islamic worlds meet. Only in Western Europe are our leaders decadent enough actually to import a muslim population where none had ever existed. But it will happen here (it may have already started), because it always has, and it always will. The ethos of islam is to conquer and subdue and, like the Terminator, they absolutely will not stop.
‘EU rules also restrict how much support governments can give to particular industries. Member states may not use public funds to rescue failing steelmakers. However, EU countries are allowed to boost steel firms’ global competitiveness – for instance by funding research and development or helping with high energy bills.’
Ok let’s use our so called ‘Foreign Aid’ money to save British jobs and not waste it on other despotic regimes & Al Beeb’s World Service .
Correct Link for above………….
Shwmae taffman.
I just posted this on Wales on Line (AKA. western Mail):-
“Economically I find this situation to completely off the scale.
We, as a nation are sending something of the order of £23M/day (net) to support the EU plus 0.7% of GDP, in foreign aid, to support Mercedes and various airline manufacturers to numerous despots around the world – India’s Space program???
£365M/Year seems like small change to support a local industry that supports a major part of the population of South Wales.
Talking to a friend of mine, in engineering, today, who has the misfortune to have Tata as a major, reliable client. He is now talking about moving his operation to somewhere he has customers.
How does that work Mr (the EU is my pension) Cameron???”
I received a instant down vote.
Something to do with Mirror Group/Grauniad/BBC perhaps??
Or maybe I’m being stalked by Jerrod? Quaking in my boots!
Shwmae Rhif Saith
Jerrod doesn’t like questions he can’t answer.
Will he vote here ?………..
Be careful perhaps he likes ‘Quaking boots’, or maybe kinky boots ?
Over to you Jerrod . ……
I’m waiting for the threats (not).
Bring it on Jerrod. You won’t even get past St Clears, let alone Cross Hands or Pont Abram on your way back to the bridge. 😀
While we get bullshit bulletins telling us that voting Brexit will allow more illegal immigrants getting into the UK by crossing that defensive moat called the ‘English Channel’ . Austria takes action ……..
Will Al Beeb report this ?
Concerns about the duplicitous nature of the BBC reporting of “Arrests in Dover..” have already been raised on this forum, I would further like to draw attention to an allegation made by a BBC employee or person representing the BBC, which should be investigated by both the police and BBC management.
“Why are you shouting at people who are none white to go home” is what I think the BBC man says to the protest spokesperson at about one minute into the video. A rather exasperated looking chap then gives his version of what was said to the BBC man.
The BBC had recording equipment at the demonstration, is there any evidence supporting the BBC mans claim?
If not he should be first sent for a hearing test by his superiors, if the results returned show his hearing is within a healthy range he should be made to explain himself thoroughly, where did he hear this? who said it? If no satisfactory answers are given then does he often hear disembodied voices?
The BBC as Hello magazine. George Clooney rules apply.
Simply a further extension of their one degree of separation techniques, along with ‘sources close the BBC claim’, ‘experts say’, ‘research shows’ etc.
Want the audience to take away a sound bite? Come out with what you want the other person to be saying,
BBC Editorial Integrity. Unique.
“Along with ‘sources close the BBC claim’, ‘experts say’, ‘research shows’ etc”. Or, to be more precise, The Guardian.
One that I kept noticing in yesterday’s BBC news bulletins was “there are concerns that …” , in this case that migrants being returned to Turkey wouldn’t have luxurious hotels made available.
The mighty Fraser Steel again explains why an inept BBC gets it about right…
Followed by a definition of terrorism.
Can`t we put a tarrif on this oaf…or hand him over to the Chinese for recycling into something approaching a knowledgable journalist?
And if it fails and he stays as he is-he could double up with that kaftaned krakka who “is also a state broadcasting journalist” in Pyongyang as her dinner next week
“The Government is probably trying to make out that….”
I would welcome this form of robust sceptical and frankly challenging phraseology – if it were uniformly applied to all state initiatives, which it isn’t. Note the wording prefixed a beeboid on beeboid conversation – not an interview with a Government spokesperson.
Lanky sofa flunky Ben Thompson and his BBC masters obviously think they’ve got the Tories grabbed by the steel and tariffs – and they aren’t goiing to let go. If only that barmpot Corbyn would just shut up and lie low the BBC would happily do his opposition work for him.
Fellow posters have questioned why anyone would want to subject themselves to the whitterings of the red sofa bunnies – well I have a form of personal BBC manifesto:
I actively boycott Radio 4 – from which I am a cultural and political refugee.
I sought asylum at Radio 5 where I expected a better life of sport and neutral news bulletines – I now boycott that station too.
However, I do occasionally dip in to 4 & 5 if for nothing else at least to find out where my tv taxes are being spent.
Perhaps I should be a wise monkey?
A uniform complete boycott would tend to negate this forum, would it not?
“The Government is probably trying to make out that….”
It’s reporting Jim, but not as any professional broadcaster would know it.
“And here is the BBC Probably Trying News…”
Furrowed brows in the BBC Editorial Integrity meeting on how to report this. Assuming they do…
Good for the air stewardesses. Unlike third generation feminists we have this remark from Ms Rossignol
‘Another union representing flight crews, UNAC, has written to the minister for women’s rights and families, Laurence Rossignol, complaining about the headscarf order.
Ms Rossignol, who describes herself as “a feminist with a modern vision of the family”, was herself embroiled in a row over headscarves last month prompted by Marks and Spencer’s decision to sell the burkini, or full body swimsuit. Women who wear veils or Islamic headscarves, she said, were like “negroes who supported slavery”.’
I wish Ms Rossignol could be interviewed by Mishail the BBC’s leading Moslem propagandist on this subject.
Following the logic of the Air France ruling may not be such a bad step you know, we respect their culture and acquiesce to their customs when in their countries and they do exactly the bloody same when in ours. We don’t give them an inch and they accept our rules or leave, problem is they want it all don’t they. And our treacherous Quisling politicians with their new age garbled no borders lunacy are doing their best to give them it too, if only traitors gate was still open for business, it would need an extension mind.
Wonder how Air France, the French government, the unions and, of course, the BBC will react when the first female flight attendant will be harrassed in the streets of Teheran, or worse, for not covering up?
Women’s rights has a long symbolic collection with clothing going back to the Bloomer craze of the 1850s, rejection of corsets in the 1870s and the bra burning (actually tossing a collection of symbolic feminine products, pots, false eyelashes, mops, and other items into a trash can) of 1969. However modern feminists seem to have positioned birqa wearing as a wonen’s issue around the right to wear them and, it follows, not be harrassed for doing so. The issue of the pressure, sometimes leading to violence and even death of a female who refuses to be compelled has largely escaped their attention.
Hope Air France is made to crack over this cultural cringe.
Maybe then we`ll see the BBCs feisty gals risk a broken nail and do the same.
The BBC shills have MADE this problem for their French sisters-so expect no supportive noises from Womans Hour for them. Ever SEEN a BBC woman over there, not covered up like a tired bakewell tart for tomorrows bargain bin?
Would only embarrass Orla, Lyse, Lynsey and all the other Mullah-lite Muslimas who`ll pipe the feminist tune here-but will ululate fire a champagne cork over the death of a US Marine when in Islamic countries.
THIS is OUR BBC 2016…and still we pay for it.
And M & S now flogging the ‘Burkini’ is only adding fuel to the fire ! Shame they haven’t invented one for the men – having to avert one’s gaze from the abundance of beer belly’s, football shirts, ‘long’ shorts and Jesus sandals as soon as the temperature hits 16 deg, is more than a woman’s hormones can stand !!
Der Leugenpresse at it again!
Turns out that the person driving the car wasn’t even white but a resident of Molenbeek, who crashed a Police roadblock before running the woman over.
The Mail has no evidence what so ever of the mans ethnicity or politics, nor that it was a deliberate act, but as an establishment supporting paper, it automatically calls anyone who stands up to, or challenges the government “far right”.
Elsewhere last night, but I can’t now find the link a poster posted a link from a Belgian newspaper claiming that the car belonged to a local far left supporter who was drunk.
Regardless of the guys politics it wasn’t intentional, remember the car is LHD, he came through a very narrow gap and was unsighted to his left, he wouldn’t have seen the woman, admittedly he was going too fast.
A comment from the Daily Mail..
Tomy , Brussels , Belgium, about 2 hours ago
“I live in Brussels and the person that got arrested is a citizen from Molenbeek and not a far right activist. It’s about time the press also takes their responsibility and stop spreading false information. People read stuff like this and make false opinions. Which leads to even more hate and intolerance towards other cultures”
Be a Belgian national.citizen, resident, passport holder, asylum seeker,…so it`ll be Belgiums fault, the bloody white west again and King Leopolds legacy.
Never Islams, the EUs or the fault of media morons who welcomed this tide of sewage to lap all over our shores.
I sufferd a 5 minute discussion about the upcoming cricket final and it finished with the sports news presenter telling us that the BBC had it all covered: it’s going to be on 5live, Radio 4, live updates on the website and highlights shown on telly afterwards.
Would it really be so bad that they also mention which TV channel is carrying live pictures?
It is after all a public service and the odd plug for Sky or ITV would help the viewer.
BBC sports coverage these days consists of lip service and not much else.
Soccer – second hand coverage. Shared Euro 2016
Formula 1 – gone
Cricket – gone, 20 second highlight snippets on website for T20
Rugby Union – 6 Nations now shared.
Wimbledon – how much longer before that goes?
Golf – The Open, Ryder Cup – gone
How the mighty have fallen.
Watch out for transgender tennis, refugee rowing, Burka badminton (can’t wait to watch Mike Bushel f[]ck that up like he does everything else)
I read that as ‘.. refugee throwing’ . lol Burka Badminton priceless
I see a rule book here Lock13.
What would be the HEIGHT required of our truncated refugees to throw…and what of the weight?
And what if indigenous truncated residents of this alternately abled bioscopic population( they`re not ALL at Lyme Regis Marine Theatre again until December 19- January 5th are they?) decide that they too are refugees in some legal sense?
Oh the legal niches, nooks and trannies we may yet go up (oo er).
You`re onto something big here seismicboy!
Burka badminton sounds great…hijab hockey and all manner of variants on the themes scream-” proposal , rush straight to the creative pods of Salford and perform them in the chilly concrete ampitheatres of Media City…and name your price to dear Tristram of Jocasta.
Just yell those names via a solar powered megaphone-and you`ll clear the buildings , and their linen suits will sail all sheets to the mist to sigh you up.
But will you allow mixed doubles?…or will she get stoned by the shot putt team if she dares to go on court without a henna bearded uncle clamped panting to her legs?
Not sure about all the transgender stuff-didn`t the Commies run this one dry from 1966-1988?…except for dear Olga Korbut…she`ll be grieving her dear departed dad at the mo tho`.
And what crap over this drugs and sport stuff.
LvG at United came from the very LAND of good drugs man…and he really needs to get himself down to Salford market and ask for Skeggiz for some decent pep pills before we chew the Toffees later…that`s code bruv!
More drugs LvG-ask the Sunday Times-or else it`s Bez for our next manager….
Sport is a commercial business , & should be covered by a commercial channel . Simple`s ,BBC can cover wimmins lesbian tennis , or similar ,wimmin`s non sport.
Ah but you’ve all missed the point ! We now have 7 days of FLOG IT ! – currently its an antiques programme, but the way the Beeb are going, it could be the title of an Islamic cultural show.
So what do they spend the 4 billion a year on? Sending Jim Naughtie on round the world holidays and Mark Lardell around Europe.
Not BBC Bias, apologies, but someone here posted a picture of this flag. I took the opportunity of doctoring it.
Can the national anthem be
a) Ebony and Ivory(Early Doors Mix!)
b) Sisters are doing it for themselves
d) Ca plein pour moi
e)People Are People
…other sapshite that promotes lefty sentiment or shows how shit the Belgian ideal is, appreciated.
Chris it can only be this steaming pile of turgid crap
Oh yes-THE anthem!
Wonder why we don`t hear it much on the BBC then?…thought we wanted to niggle the Chinese this month!
Looks like the bloke out of Chas and Dave….but clearly you`d not have got EITHER of those two titanic talismanic talents to ever sing such poltroonery.
Or maybe John Entwistle-but he was a mason, so also would never have “sung” this racist filth!
How come we started out with Chas and Dave as role models…and we`re leaving our kids with Ant and Dec or Dick and Dom?
What a dreadful memory. ‘Well it doesn’t matter which religion you choose’. Yeah. I’ll buy that.
Has anyone noticed the regular Sunday morning co-operation between Labour and their broadcasting arm? On Sunday mornings, BBC news bulletins very often carry a Labour criticism of Government policy or conduct, at a time when other news is scant. An example today, Labour’s criticism of the cost of the Government’s Academies programme. Either Labour deliberately put this out at a time when it would be difficult to get a full Government response, in which case the BBC dutifully co-operated with their ploy; or, worse, the BBC themselves had this story earlier, but deliberately held it back as a filler for Sunday morning news.
And why does the BBC still give Labour so much airtime, given they got only just over 30% of the vote? I recall that the Tories were frozen right out after the 1997 Labour victory, when the Tories got a slightly higher share of the vote.
Nothing new in this.
Just finished Charles Moores book on Mrs Thatcher 1983-7.
Some blazing lines and some truly evil bile thrown at her and any effort to take some responsibility for your own life.
And it`s the whole snivelling droolers and drivellers political class and its hawkers-and spittoon carriers that really offend.
Be great to slough off this useless bunch of gilded turds and polished slurry sacs-Jonathan Miller, Lady Warnock, Redgraves, Rushdie etc-let them now pay the coming price for their lily livered snobbery and snooty privileged drive by personal attacks on somebody who made history…who shaped this country now and for ever.
As opposed to a daring rewrite of Gilbenburt and Rozenspeer, for example!
Mrs T was concerned only about “what is to be DONE”(and wouldn`t you think that they`d like THAT phrase of Moores?)-and therefore got angry when her critics cared only about should be SAID.
She fiercely resented any claim to the moral high ground from the Left, knowing that they cared only about how nicely to speak to their clients-as opposed to removing the dependence that they might have for “victim support and honeyed words of solidarity”.
Mrs T also pointed David Frost out for being a hypocrite in bemoaning her use of private health, when he himself used it.
True Tories in the future will need to learn from this ability to screw the leftys endemic hypocrisies and presumptions to hold power to account-they ARE the mediating power, and are utterly unaccountable-state one cartel of liars and effete non-starters and freak show warriors who need real jobs.
It`s always been thus-time to stuff the BBC into a little saddle bag and drown it like the bag of vet animal parts it now has become…
How did Ronnie Corbett die before Jonathan Miller?…or Cilla Black die before Baroness Warnock?…now THESE should concerns those of us who wonder about HIS timing in such things?
For the left, power is a right to life-gravy train ride to hell fully paid-the Tories need to know they need to KILL the Left as Mrs T nearly did-let it be our tribute to her!
Jane Garvey?
Is that the Jane “the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles – I will always remember that” post Labour 1997 election victory, Garvey?
I’ll fetch my coat.
Latest email from the campaign to abolish the TV Tax. How courageous is our Government
I have been made aware yesterday (31st March), having chased up the committee, that the government had replied last week (21st March) to the TV licence Petition I started on 38 Degrees nearly a year ago. Apparently it’s not their policy to respond to the petitioners!
The reply can be read in full in the hansard.
The presence of this petition will now always be on parliamentary records. Politicians have been forced to recognise there is a strong opposition in the UK population over the status quo of TV licensing.
The sumary of the response is as follow:
The Government is still considering whether the licence fee remains the best way to fund the BBC in a “continually evolving modern media environment”.
This petition has become part of the large evidence base gathered during the public consultation held in July 2015.
The Government acknowledge that other countries have adopted or considered different Public Service Broadcasting funding models, and they have noted the lessons learned in these instances.
The Government continue to consider recommendations regarding the enforcement process.
The Government’s position will be set out in the White Paper.
I personally feel disheartened by the response from the committee, but hopefully we have taken the first step to seeing this unfair and antiquated measure changed.
For now, I am continuing to keep up my pressure on the BBC and its agents via social media (you can look at my TV licence Mythbusting Memes via my twitter page @lalionneuk) and I will try to expose the BBC’s funding model in new rounds of FOI in due course.
It’s important to be proud of how far this campaign got, thanks to all of you. It’s not the time to give up. Stick together and support new campaigns, continue to expose the TV licence’s bad practices in blogs, via the press, etc. If anybody else feels inspired we’ve seen how much support is out there. And remember that this petition can be handed over again. This is the first chip in the armour.
Thanks again for being part of this, you are awesome.
I got it as well.
Long grass and boot spring to mind.
A little window into Europes “feminist” future, as designated and constructed by the BBC and their “progressive” friends..
Ta for this D&C.
The “Like” button is obscene in any context like this.
The feed says that she was a white western woman working in a Muslim country in a hospital-maybe MSF or comething similar.
Need sourcing-truly despicable, and all we`d expect from the Muslim maggots gathering at the gaping wound, created by the liberal left out of sheer self-harming curiosity…and we get THIS?
We had the word for it in Cologne-tahharush was it?…
But -as I heard the weevil Simon Shah say in Toronto the other day-there are so many variants on Islamic shade of opinion and nuances re language and translations.
We need to know NONE of them-we just need to know that not one word will ever need to be taught to tomorrows western women-our daughters of today.
How did a nominally noble hospitable arab race of boys and men turn to these jackals and murdering rapists?
Islam and cowardice, opportunity and condoning by the elites.
The stop is coming.
Are you watching, Angela Merkel?
Lower than dogs and that is an insult to dogs.
The links stopped working.
Al BBC under Islam
20-20 final vs Windies, Moeen Ali’s lips tightly sealed during the singing of the national anthem (again).
Strange, because he’s English, isn’t he?
English when it suits. (Like so many).
johnny, Has he ever been asked about that and given an explanation ?
I don’t think anybody would dare, Grant – ‘cultural imperialism’ or whatever sub-sub para of ‘isms’ in the Little Red Book of Political Correctness inhibits discussion on that particular subject.
Some twot came on here some months ago pointing out we don’t complain when it’s Eoin Morgan refusing to sing, completely ignorant of the fact he was born and raised in Ireland.
johnny, Well I certainly wouldn’t expect the BBC to ask the question ! You make a good point about Eoin. Loyalty to a sports team is one thing. Loyalty to a country is another !
a jerodism?
I just dipped in to ” Points of View” for the first time in years. What a load of smug, self-satisfied, self-congratulatory crap. Pass the sick bag !
I remember that moen Ali got himself into trouble because he was wearing some pro Arab/Hamas/Islamic wirst band one cannot trust people who do that – but I must say if they can’t find it within themselves (any of them) to sing the National Anthem they should not be allowed to play – simple
Gent, They only do it for the money. He can buy a province in Pakistan with the money he is making here. And , yes, I know he was born in UK. Compare it with the All Blacks. Maori or non-Maori, they all do the Haka !
Not BBC, but on Sky earlier Salmond came out with a huge whopper, which was not picked up by the interviewer. He claimed that the overwhelming majority of these “refugees” came from war-zones. How the whatsit can 10-15% (at most) constitute an overwhelming majority (of anything)? How can Jerrod accuse anyone of lying when his side are the worst liars going!
The “benefits” of immigration depend on your point of view. This is one that the BBC don’t cover:
“On the Wampanoag welcoming and having friendly relations with the Pilgrims, James wrote in his undelivered speech: “This action by Massasoit was perhaps our biggest mistake. We, the Wampanoag, welcomed you, the white man, with open arms, little knowing that it was the beginning of the end.””
A huge whopper?
If you follow the RoP then which ever country you come from is by definition a war zone !
And whichever country you go to will end up as a war zone. It’s only a matter of time.
Anybody else reckon that the ceaseless wailing for that Iraqi female architetett has rather gone up than down?
She built a hospice in Galashiels, made a gardening tent in Hyde Park and jet-hopped with tyrants and tasteless mall owners in Gulf States to no great effect.
No children, no hubby-and generally seen as a Batmnanghedligh without the sausages to entice Londons poorest kids-as Fagin did.
She could have made her tents from Camillas old floral winding sheets..but chose to bring down the forests instead.
Mother Earth will breathe a sigh of relief at her pointless and transient demise-she left a few sheds and insulted a few people…great life ma`ame!
Hope they`ll warble “I`ve Never Been to Me” by Charlene over her curvy coffin( hope she designed it!…probably cost us all a few million if she did!) as they send her back (baggage unopened) to her maker.
My theory-because her sorry sad, and battling Biddy Baxter empty life refers to so many BBC and liberal media ladies.
No hubby, no kids…no God, no Jesus…but a football stadium in Wuhan province maybe in 2019?
No wonder the lefty liberal ladies are distraught-and up the escalator they all go.
“Anybody else reckon that the ceaseless wailing for that Iraqi female architect has rather gone up than down?”
Indeed why is it news at all? She’s just an architect a Z listrr, if that!
I can’t say I liked her buildings, but then most modern architecture is rubbish. It mostly looks as if it has been designed by a computer.
Worth watching:
Worth a listen to this liberal oaf.
Now who would you believe?…the Han Dynastic descendents of China?…the Arabs of the Saudi peninsula?…the Japanese?
Or this “Minister of the Blowhole”(administrative paper cuts division)…who looks like he himself won`t have added much to the gene pool of humanity..maybe a spent tissue at best?
Still-never seen a pin striped gnat yelling at the oncoming windscreen before…the wiper blades will of course bend to his flaccid will…and he is about as good as it gets for EU Manhood at present.
chrisH ” EU Manhood ” ? Oxymoron ! “flaccid will ” is a classic !
BBC Online News:
“”Migrant crisis: Brenner frontier demonstration sees clashes””
“”In a statement, the governor of the Austrian province of Tyrol said five police officers had been injured. He condemned the violence.
Tyrol media said some 1,000 human rights activists from Italy, Germany and Austria had gathered at Brenner station to demonstrate against the closure of border’s in Europe””
Well, there you go. As in the Dover clashes, the Left are turning violent.
Is this a Far Left Backlash? No sign of a Far Right Backlash as far as I can see anywhere.
Confusingly, if I started a religion with the same beliefs as Islam, it would perhaps be viewed by the BBC as Far Right?
DS – Islam is just about as “Far Right” as it is possible to get.
Th e BBCs ‘definition’ , or I should say, their excuse for not calling them illegal incursionists, is laughable
Could it be that the BBC does not agree with the governments’ likely ruling of ‘economic migrants’ and wishes to see them ALL given refugee status?
Heard this one resurfacing recently? 29th February 2012
Migrant workers will need to earn at least £35,000 to qualify for settlement in the UK, says the Home Office.
Home Secretary Theresa May said the change – from April 2016 – would help cut the number of non-Europeans and their dependants granted settlement each year from 60,000 to 20,000.
The pay threshold will apply to people wanting to remain permanently after more than five years working in the UK.
Suddenly it IS April 2016 and the Fascists have suddenly remembered this story:
Theresa May urged to rethink new £35,000 earnings threshold for non-EU migrants as teachers face deportation.
I’ve already heard the £35K referred to as ‘unreasonable’ and ‘unrealistic’ on the BBC, and that this is the starting salary of a Lawyer in London.
It seems that keeping foreign nationals working in the UK and taking jobs in the UK is more important to the BBC than the employment prospects of British people!
Teaching is one of the jobs recent immigrants are less likely to do, as they really do need to speak English well.
Unless they are teaching in London,Birmingham etc.
The new Sunday night 6 parter on BBC1. About as PC as it gets and the script sounds as if it was written by out of work Independent journos aided by a few underemployed Guardian hacks.
The usual suspects .Police/security services bad and corrupt. Saintly human rights lawyers etc. Very nasty white villians in every nook and cranny.
Don’t bother with the next episodes. it is going to be predictable and right on in every way.
Find something more useful to do.
LOL I saw the blurb and wrote that one off. The ITV drama series about the Durrel family is looking promising though!
The Beeb are always keen to highlight any story about Government corruption, unless it involves the ROP.
How are they going to cover this?
Over to you Jerrod – some vague article on Eastern European News, well hidden in the menus is not an answer.
In an article, Peter Moffat the writer of the BBC series – related how angry he was that there is very little diversity in tv dramas, and it was his intention to start rectifying this when he wrote the 6 parter. So we can look forward to more of the same – regardless of whether the actors are any good or not.
What sort of bigot is the writer of this drama ? No mixed race marriage, no gay snogging, no transgenders, no kicking of UKIP (yet)- whatever has become of BBC drama !
I watched 5 min. of “Undercover” earlier – that was enough. Even Mrs 7 and her multiculti indoctrinated daughter thought it was rubbish.
Another “win” for the Beeb.
Time for a TV Tax strike – stop paying it.
Saw this last night, Black good white bad, really bad and they were pretty blatant about it. Why can’t they just do a story without ticking every diversity box there is. It kills it every time. I like Adrian Lester but Okenedo looked like she was taking part in a black lives matter pr advert. Such a let down after the night manager.
When is a refugee not a refugee?
‘ A man who died in a crash in Oxfordshire was a Kurdish refugee travelling underneath a lorry, a charity has said.’
‘Maddie Harris, a charity volunteer at the camp, said when the man’s cousin and another uncle, who were still in Dunkirk, tried to call his mobile phone on Friday evening, it was answered by police.’
Was he a refugee ? If so why was he a refugee from Dunkirk?
Or was he breaking the law , an illegal immigrant?
One for Jerrod our expert correspondent at AlBeeb.
What is your opinion Jerrod ?
Finally what is our Car Moron doing about strengthening our Border Force ?
It’s a good job I’m not in charge of “Border Force sarc.”.
Gimpies and calling back all our mis-deployed squaddies plus razerwire and the odd minefield, along the South Coast, might deter them.
Al Beeb weather presenter telling us that it was the ‘warmest day in England so far this year at 17 Deg C’.
Well, there will always be a ‘warmest day in England so far this year’ and every year – nothing new there then .
Notice also, how the terminology has become ‘the weather gets cooler’ now, but not ‘colder’ . It was certainly ‘cooler’ in my part of Wales at today at 7 Deg C.
Why do they name storms now ?
More male bovine excrement of an explanation from the so called weather forecasters …………
“In this way the public will be better placed to keep themselves, their property and businesses safe,” explains the Met Office website. Perhaps one day they will name a storm after ‘Jerrod’
Yes, ‘Storm Jerrod’ it has a nice ring to it .
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ?
Will Greece exit the EU before GB ?
Just seen an advert on the BBC for an upcoming programme named Them and Us. So no bias there then! The blurb on the website reads, ‘Radio 4 Today Presenter and the BBC’s former political editor Nick Robinson presents an authoritative and impartial two-part series exploring the turbulent history of the UK’s relationship with ‘Europe’ – the Common Market, the EEC and now the EU.
For decades it has divided the public, torn political parties apart, felled prime ministers and baffled, bemused and angered our neighbours in Europe. The question the country has faced again and again is whether we should be partners or spectators, take part in or stand aside from the post-war project of a union of European nations. We have – in other words – struggled with a simple question: does Europe mean ‘them’ or ‘us’?
Balanchine, Don’t worry. Nick Robinson’s intellect will make it all clear to you .
The latest revelation of Philby’s treachery was aired on the Today programme. Justin Webb seemed to think it was amusing, for he added little laughs during the feature, and Sarah Montague added her little laugh at the end. That was a fine example of the BBC mind-set – one of the worse betrayals of Britain in recorded history treated light-heartedly as an amusing episode.
I am sure the agents who were sent to their deaths by Philby in the Ukraine and Baltic states are rolling with laughter in their mass graves. Such an amusing fellow.
Nice start to the week on the “World Service”
First we had a report on a recording of Kim Philby (discovered by the BBC) talking to the Stasi after his defection to the East. Apparently one of his pronoucements was (“if confronted deny all and never confess”) Funny I know someone else who does that.
The following report covered failure of new immigration rules on Lesbos. First we had an interview with the ubiquitous illegal migrant mother concerned for her kids, Then of course we moved onto an interview with an aid worker who at the end of her normal litany of complaints. She mentioned that the men had been confined behind wire. Interviewer seemed slightly confused when aid worker mentioned (I think) that they were from Pakistan – interview swiftly discontinued and I dried my tears!
You gotta love Aunty she really is a shameless old bitch!
Kim Philby !!! Don’t the BBC and Leftists love that bastard. Not a word about how many people died as a result of his treason. But what can we expect when the tens of millions of people who were slaughtered by Stalin are airbushed out of history by the BBC. Don’s expect a reply from Jerrod any time soon !
I am afraid Grant the these lefty twats dont give a shit – I was one once and you tend to ignore anything which shows your beliefs in a poor light. I believe all told civilian deaths under Uncle Jo exceeded those under Hitler.
As for Jerrod I think we need to leave the poor boy alone. He has had a very busy weekend and I believe it is driving him to take pills! (pink ones I believe!)
ps I may have mistakenly reported your comment in error -I am not very good at pushing buttons (except for Jerrods of course)
Oaknash, LOL !
Errr….yes, the Pakistani angle surfaced on te breakfast sofa, when the sofa eunuch asked his ‘ going live’ colleague about it….saying…( I paraphrase)… But we always thought this was all about Syria?
Dopy twat really still believes they are all Syrian?
But WAS Philby the biggest British traitor in post-war history?
The BBC seems to call him such, when they try to big up his role.
When all they seem to have is some more stuff from a few months ago featuring old clips of BBC types interviewing Burgess/MacLean “back home” in Moscow.
Sad old fuckers stuck in the snow, free vodka for life and only the BBC to pass on the cards and best wishes, recipes for Nannys Marmite Noce puddings or such.
Yes, these scum would have caused the death of many British people and those who served this country…but how many I wonder?
Did Heath?…or Jenkins?…end up killing more with their inept treacherous stuffing of GB into a body bag to Brussels I wonder?
Kinnock?…Blair?…and their false wars, ruining of Marta Andreasens career etc?
Or should I assume that the BBC, Assange, Snowdon, Manning, the Guardian-and , again the BBC has been our greatest post-war traitor in terms of loose lips costing British lives?
The BBC kill our people by the day on the World Service, and continue to cavort around the Islamic Sun god or Black Boulder to order for Somalis, Pakistani warlords and conniving IS infiltrations…so to me THEY are our biggest present danger-defang them while we have the time to do it.
There’s a thing; the BBC refuse an FOI. I wonder if there’s a ‘woman of colour’ exemption too?
Still, at least they have admitted they do it numerous times, which is nice. Sir Lenny may still feel it is not often enough though.
“Some of the people I’ve spoken to don’t even know what asylum is”
Suddenly, from somewhere out of the bright blue Aegean, the BBC finds an EU policy of which it does not approve. The ‘tell’ (as poker players would put it) in BBC news broadcasts is the use of the word ‘controversial’.
We refer, of course, to migration and – horror of horrors – the idea that illegal immigrants posing as refugees might be sent back from whence they came. Anyone of a liberal bent please feel free to self-administer your smelling salts now. But fear not, the BBC tv news gives a free unchallenged platform to some self-appointed campaigner to sound off about how unfair and what a bad signal this sends to the world. You see what he did there? It’s all about signalling – virtue signalling, dare I say?
Beeboid reporter Sarah Rainsford on Lesbos (no sniggering at the back please) also tells the viewer perhaps more than she intended. Whilst trying to paint a picture of sympathy for those ‘in search of a better life’ up against an unfeeling Greco-Turkish shambles of bureaucracy she lets slip “Some of the people I’ve spoken to don’t even know what asylum is”
Ah…yes….and because Turkey does not now qualify as a safe country.
Until the issue of Turkey’s accession to the EU comes about….then they’ll suddenly find the humanity of the turks.
“Turkey does not now qualify as a safe country.” Has anyone told HM Foreign and Commonwealth Office?
“Over 2,500,000 British nationals visit Turkey every year. It’s generally safe to travel but you should take additional safety precautions. You should be alert to your surroundings and remain vigilant in crowded places popular with tourists.”
But they advise avoiding areas near the Syrian border where millitary action against “the PKK and related groups” are taking place”. For more see
It’s not all doom and gloom on BBC news this morning – beaky Nugent and the crew are cock-a-hoop about England being beaten in the cricket – best news they’ve had in a while bearing in mind the disappointment for the celts in the rugby.
I was aware the beeboids sang Obama Love and that this recently became a medley with Cuba Love but virtue-signalling central now falls under the spell of Leicester City Love. Well, if your favourite Arsenal or Liverpool or Manchester club have shot their bolt and you have to pretend to be balanced and unbiased what better fall back than to ‘give it up’ for your supposed second favourite side?
From now on I’m calling the BBC ‘Fox News’
^ ^ ^
Great Monday morning chuckle, AISI !
I may have to revise my view of the BBC as Labour’s PR agency. They seem to have moved to flat out advertising.
A small complaint – BBC this morning featured a composer (allegedly) who has been commissioned by London Underground to compose music to be played in tube stations. Apart from the fact that I don’t think it is the Underground’s business to spend money in this way, we were shown a short clip of a man playing a french horn but no sound whatsoever. Since the news item was about music, I would have expected a brief sample at the very least. Wrong type of music? Incompetence? Who knows?
It was followed by a feature about drones being used to detect land mines at Old Trafford. Blimey, I didn’t know that football was so exciting! Must start going before they remove them all.
BBC Radio 4 this morning has the Far Far Left Greek PM Yannis Varoufakis to pontificate on why the massive Greek debt has nothing to do with his predecessor spending far too much. It is in fact all to do with the banks and the Germans who are of course in cahoots with each other to subject poor Greece to ‘fiscal waterboarding’.
Typical left wing denial given a platform by the BBC together with a panel who are all supportive, unchallenging and uncritical.
On the other hand it has been critical of the Eurozone which is an inevitability of the topic. Makes you wonder what real relevance this program has to those of us listening to the drivel!
BBC on Facebook tentatively skirting around the repatriation of refugees who fled from various safe countries through other safe countries to get to Greece and the EU. The picture used is at distance, wisely.
Comments could be going better, frankly. Is Angie still in her bunker at the Turkey’s Lair? Haven’t heard from her in a while.
Totally OT, but talking of could be going better…
Well I’m not planning to rape any of them, if that’s what you mean.
Justin Webb, on Today this morning after 0830, reporting from Lesvos on the first boatloads of migrants deported from Greece to Turkey.
So far so unbiased…..ha ha, not on your life….all references to migrants become “desperate people” thanks Justin but how many did you interview to come to that conclusion? No, it’s just a bias friendly stereotype. They’re going to Turkey, a country soon to be granted visa free travel in the EU for its citizens, a popular holiday destination for Europeans.
Then as he interviews a Greek official he has to be reminded that this isn’t a Greek government initiative, no, it’s an EU – Turkish agreement, and FRONTEX officials are in charge.
So it’s actually the EU ordering the deportations, that’s the same EU that the Beeb is so keen on us remaining members of.
Soon they won’t know which way to spin.
On Start the Week Andrew Marr discusses the state of the Eurozone and the politics of austerity with the economist and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, the Director of the Institute of Global Affairs Erik Berglof and the Mayor of London’s Chief Economic Advisor, Gerard Lyons. Yanis Varoufakis tracks the problems of the Eurozone to its woeful design and its continued reliance on debt and austerity, rather than reform. The classicist Paul Cartledge explores the history of democracy back to its birthplace in Athens and traces the long slow degradation of the original Greek concept. Since the crisis in 2008 Greece has been in economic and political turmoil but there has also been a cultural renaissance. The academic Karen Van Dyck has brought together the best of contemporary Greek poetry by multi-ethnic poets in a new anthology.
Readers really should listen to this (if they can bear it) as an object lesson in bias. It has every single meme the BBC is running with at the moment. – Pro EU, anti Euro zone, pro mass migration, pro refugee, pro Islamist, anti democracy, it even goes so far as to criticise what they call the lumpen proletariat who want a say in their future but the educated elites such as the BBC staff do not believe that their lives should be influenced by people they see as less educated than themselves.
Textbook bias, how do they get away with it ?
They get away with it because they aren’t subject to the market.
The “quality” of what they produce is judged by themselves and a small, but influential clique of people like them, middle class, liberal left, artsy and affluent…….unrelated to, and distant from the vast mass of the British population.
You mean like Will Gompertz?
I heard part of The Westminster Hour on Sunday.
Nick Herbert was speaking on behalf of ‘Remain’ and was given free space to rant about how all the bad things that the EU currently brings us were being blamed on the EU, (that’s the ‘known-knowns’, Nick, not like the ‘leap into the dark’ stuff that your lot peddle). Then Gisela Stuart got to do her ‘Leave’ piece, which seemed to be a lot shorter, but unlike Nick, Carolyn Quinn was straight into the challenge, effectively saying ‘your of (Lab)our party, how dare you depart from the agenda? ‘
There are only two parties involved in this referendum, UKIP and the BBC, that don’t have internal splits over how we should vote over the referendum but only the ‘Leave’ proponents are asked to justify the ‘split’. It is a question that could be equally asked of ‘Remain’ people but isn’t.
Wasn’t Jeremy Irons brilliant on Andrew Marr? We should ‘Leave’ because he likes ‘local democracy’ but on balance we should ‘Remain’ because the Captain’s Committee is directing the EU full-speed onto the rocks and now wouldn’t be good form to take to the lifeboat ‘doncha know, old boy’!