A heart-warming story of BBC wanton indulgence, at our expense.

“The BBC blew thousands of pounds on a holiday for actress Sophie Okonedo and her boyfriend, it has been revealed.

The broadcaster used licence fee payers’ money to pay for a pair of business class flights, so that they could go whale-watching and wine tasting in South Africa’s Cape Town.”

How delightful for them.

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  1. Alan says:

    DV…you don’t understand…..

    The BBC admitted that it had lavished the money on Miss Okonedo, 47, and her boyfriend.

    But it defended the spending as something the corporation has done numerous times.

    They’ve done it lots of times before…so it’s OK.

    Still want to know why the BBC flew out Victoria Derbyshire to the world cup in South Africa….more of a pleasure jaunt for her……she’s not a sports reporter after all….not really a reporter at all…just emotes over sad stories and gets awards for it.


    • Number 88 says:

      ‘The BBC refused a Freedom of Information Act request for details of its spending on the family members and partners of other actors, citing ‘commercial confidentiality’.’ I bet they did.

      It’s time that the Information Commissioner looked in to the way that the BBC ‘games’ the FOI Act to avoid legitimate scrutiny of the way that it uses public money.


  2. LDV says:

    This is not today’s story.

    Its the defrauding of our country by the rich.


    • Number 88 says:

      Yes, like the Guardian…and all of those BBC staff who have managed to get themselves on contracts for service to avoid PAYE and reduce their tax liabilities? I think that you’ll find a thread somewhere else that you can go and wring your hands on.


      • Rufus McDufus says:

        And the BBC actively encouraged them to set up limited companies and pay themselves minimum wage and top the salary up with share dividends.


    • DJ says:

      Remind me again why I’m supposed to hate business owners for not forking over enough of their own cash to the public purse but not hate liberals for using said public purse as a magic ATM.


  3. Fred Bloggs says:

    I know their are blog readers who know the tax laws, so please correct me if I am wrong. But if the plane fares were not part of the contract, then the bBC cannot just sent her and boyfriend on a jolly. The fares are seen as a perk and payment in kind, so she must declare it to the HMRC even though the extra fare was for the boyfriend..


    • Guest Who says:

      Urgent COBRA (Cock-up or Bullshit Rectification Assembly) BBC meeting in Frankie Howerd’s secret passage for a week before an anonymous no-backsies spokeweasel announces that in fact she was on a fact-finding tour of Sir Leonard Henry’s Mandela role training camp, and just happened to notice Diane Abbott skinny-dipping at the 5* resort next door whilst serving the good people of Hackney, whilst sipping a nice Chianti over a plate of Fava beans.

      So got it about right… again.