Changing the narrative


Two of the BBC’s most important, powerful, influential and dangerous narratives are undermined by…the BBC.

The BBC has an orthodox narrative that the ‘institution’ follows on many subjects.  The presenters all casually assert the truth of that narrative and promote it without thought or insight, undoubtedly much of it handed to them from whatever central resource provides the material for their programmes….backed up by the presenter’s own prejudices and leanings which are all too often in  line with the left, progressive, ‘liberal’ worldview which centres around the West and white people being the enemy.

On climate change the BBC narrative has been driven by Roger Harrabin who has hijacked the BBC for his own purposes and thereby also had a huge effect in not, not, holding government to account when it drives forward with policies based upon that climate change theory that Harrabin promotes so assiduously with disastrous results such as Port Talbot steel works being driven out of business caused in major part by the rocketing cost of energy due to climate change taxes.

Harrabin enforces a strict control over the narrative that the BBC produces in its programming about climate change…that narrative being that climate change is man-made and the worst of that has happened since the 1950’s and that it is the West’s industrial revolution that was the catalyst for that change….and we therefore are guilty of that and must pay reparations to less developed countries.

That’s a very, very political narrative that serves the purposes of the Left who seek to undermine the West and pass power and economic success to anyone else, preferably not white.

But how true is Harrabin’s narrative?  Not true at all.

For a start he happily ignores other warm periods such as the Medieval, but also ignores the correlation between massive population rise and changing land use in developing countries that result in huge ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions since the 1950’s, one you would have to include if you were genuinely saying ‘man’ was to blame.

But more importantly as with much of the BBC his choice of when climate change began is merely the usual BBC folly of applying the ‘Justinian’s flea’ principle to history…..claiming that one moment in time and place is the cause of huge changes….all the ills of the UK starts with Thatcher, 1997 to 2010 are a blank in the BBC’s political history books, then in 2010 the terrors of Conservatism happen again…and all present day disasters can be traced back to the 2010 election…or Thatcher.  [As an aside here’s our old BBC chum Paul Mason, now freerange & deranged telling us how the failure of white boys to achieve in schools today was a Thatcherite conspiracy]

So did climate change, that is global warming, start with the industrial revolution?  Not according to a small video on the BBC which tells us that the world’s natural condition is to have no ice and that we were saved from another ice age by the development of farming in the Middle East 11,000 years ago or so.  The Arabs once again the cause of all the problems!  These two BBC videos explain the ice ages and how the present one was stopped in its tracks.

Professor Iain Stewart describes a new theory that the rise of farming about 11,000 years ago released enough greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to prevent the onset of another ice age.

So farming is the cause of global warming…farming developed by the ‘Arabs’ in the Fertile Crescent.  Only  have to quibble with the ‘new theory’……it’s been known a long time that farming changed the climate as forests were cut down and burnt and animals were domesticated and farmed in large herds….farming also allowed people to specialise in other skills and trades and to study and develop science..leading to the industrial revolution…not our fault then…blame the Arabs who now also sell us the evil oil that fuels the toxic industry that chokes the planet.

Wonder why Harrabin isn’t keen to push that narrative.

Anyway that’s a small couple of videos tucked away on the BBC website that no presenter will pay any attention to….they’ll still be merrily plugging the West is evil and we must all wear hairshirts to make up for it narrative.

And here’s another classic example….Jihadis, radicals and extremists…just what created them?  The West yet again, in particular the 2001 Afghanistan war and the 2003 Iraq War. Before those two wars the Muslim population in the UK was peaceable and integrated into UK life.

That’s the narrative we get day in day out from the BBC.  However anyone with the slightest knowledge of what has gone on in the UK will know that is an utterly false narrative that is intended to serve a political purpose….once again to blame the West and to excuse Muslim terrorism and to shut down criticism of the Muslim community and any exploration of the real meaning of the Koran and what its introduction to the UK society means.

Which might mean you are surprised when the BBC comes up with something like this today…

Masood Azhar: The man who brought jihad to Britain

Masood Azhar, today the head of one of Pakistan’s most violent militant groups, was once the VIP guest of Britain’s leading Islamic scholars. Why, asks Innes Bowen.

When one of the world’s most important jihadist leaders landed at Heathrow airport on 6 August 1993, a group of Islamic scholars from Britain’s largest mosque network was there to welcome him.

Within a few hours of his arrival he was giving the Friday sermon at Madina Mosque in Clapton, east London. His speech on the duty of jihad apparently moved some of the congregation to tears.

The most surprising engagement of the tour was the speech Azhar gave at what is arguably Britain’s most important Islamic institution – a boarding school and seminary in Lancashire known as Darul Uloom Bury. It is also home to Britain’s most important Islamic scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Motala.

According to the report of the trip, Azhar addressed the students and teachers, telling them that a substantial proportion of the Koran had been devoted to “killing for the sake of Allah” and that a substantial volume of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad were on the issue of jihad.

The story of Masood Azhar’s trip to Britain does not fit the narrative promoted by Muslim community leaders and security experts alike.

No kidding, and it doesn’t fit the narrative that the BBC has been pumping out in the ‘interests of community cohesion‘ [Though how excusing radicalisation and terrorism is in the interest of community cohesion is hard to fathom].

Why has the BBC suddenly decided to come clean about what is going on in the Muslim community and just when radicalisation began?  Have they sat down, perhaps with government liason, and realised they need to change that narrative and start to ask the awkward questions about Islam and radicalisation?  Will they ask if Islam is compatible with European society, and I mean ask properly and not to allow the likes of the MCB’s Ibrahim Mogra and the slick and sly Tariq Ramadan to blithely dismiss all concerns telling us how peaceful, tolerant and integrationist Islam is?

Will this be a one-off programme or is it the start of a BBC deradicalisation drive aimed at Muslims rather than the usual BBC policy of trying to persuade non-Muslims that they are the problem not Muslims or the Koran?  The likelihood is that this is a one-off that will be rapidly forgotten and the amiable, pleasant ‘useful idiots’ such as Peter Allen, Nicky Campbell and Adrian Chiles, amongst many others, will continue to blame terrorism on poverty, racism, marginalisation, single mothers, anything but where the real, root, cause originates…the ideology.

According to the report of the trip, Azhar addressed the students and teachers, telling them that a substantial proportion of the Koran had been devoted to “killing for the sake of Allah” and that a substantial volume of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad were on the issue of jihad.




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3 Responses to Changing the narrative

  1. Richard Pinder says:

    Those scientists who complained about that BBC narrative were told that the narrative was set by the “best scientific experts”. Which gave the impression that a bunch of Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers where responsible for that rather un-scientific narrative of the BBC. But no, scientists are innocent, we found out that the “Best Scientific Experts” were a just bunch of environmental lobbyists. Now we see that in a government committee room, Lord Hall defers to the regulator, Richard Ayre, over the BBC‘s Climate Change narrative. While Richard Ayre recently wrote an article in the Guardian saying that Lord Hall sets the editorial narrative at the BBC. So at the moment we have a two way dodge. So getting rid of the BBC Trust was essential for Whittingdale to get the BBC narrative to change. Only then will Harrabin be exposed as the scientific idiot in the room. As for Iain Stewart, the man is a geologist without any relevant qualifications for the subject. He was taken in by the Hockey Stick fraud, that was why the BBC gives him work on Climate science documentaries. He also has a strange behavioural problem where he comes up very close to the face of a scientist he disagrees with.


  2. richard D says:

    I noticed on Radio 4 this morning (usual suspects) that the ‘narrative du jour’ lay around the idea that the UK should just basically put a halt to any British Overseas Territories from acting as a ‘tax haven’.

    Really ? Terrific idea-why don’t we just obliterate the economies of these islands ? And are we then just supposed to subsidise them for the rest of time ?

    But if we’re so gung-ho happy to do that to our friends – why don’t we just go ahead and do that to those countries or peoples who are far from being our friends… ? But somehow I don’t see the BBC advocating that as a policy. I wonder why, it’s obviously easy to do and will deter them from activities we don’t like ?


  3. robj44 says:

    Roger Harrabin can’t legally be described as a ‘scientific idiot’ because he has no scientific education, training or competency. However, he could be described as a ‘useful idiot’ because he has willingly promulgated the baseless and junk science which purports to explain AGW/Climate Change, in the process making a number of corrupt scientists, politicians and hangers-on extremely wealthy.
    The AGW scam is unravelling far too slowly but the end is definitely in sight.