Don’t you find it odd that the BBC should ignore the very striking words of one of its once, very senior, executives, Danny Cohen, who says ‘Jews voting for Corbyn’s Labour would be like a Muslim backing Trump’
Cohen told The Times: ‘If you are Jewish how can you vote for them? How could you? For me it would like being a Muslim and voting for Donald Trump, how could you do it? You have to feel absolutely confident that it is totally unacceptable and it won’t be tolerated and I personally haven’t felt comfortable that it is happening yet in the Labour party.’
Not often the BBC misses a chance to quote something derogatory about Trump. Corbyn on the other hand? Not so bothered with.
The BBC hasn’t been at all bothered about claims of anti-Semitism within the Labour ranks…for sure it has ‘investigated’ them but in a half-hearted, desultory manner that paid lip service to investigative journalism and the need to expose such undertones in any Party…it was a tick-box exercise designed to make it appear the BBC was genuinely doing something, it was a show trial in reverse, set up not as a political demonstration of power that quells and crushes dissent, the defendant having already been deemed guilty of course, but , the BBC’s default position being that Corbyn is innocent, the case against him is a politically motivated one trumped up by his political rivals within the party and without, it is a show trial designed not to frighten but to reassure the Public that the subject, Corbyn, is a nice guy you can trust….a show trial or a snow job by the BBC here?
Here you have a classic example of that pouring oil over troubled waters by the BBC’s Ross Hawkins. His report was on the Today programme and on the Website…Labour’s problem with anti-Semitism.
Sounds promising doesn’t it? Sounds like the BBC will be exposing ‘Labour’s anti-Semitism problem’….but no, that’s not the intent it would seem.
Corbyn, is it his fault? No, not really. You see this is being whipped up by a vociferous bunch of anti-Corbyn critics and in reality the problem was one of Ed Miliband’s making, and aaanywaay… ‘No Labour leader could be expected to vet the thousands of new members who have signed up.’ Bet that wouldn’t be the conclusion if it had been a Tory leader.
Then we get onto the real meat and bones, the real reason Corbyn faces such attacks….his political rivals are using it as a weapon to attack him…a conclusion pointedly raised by the Today Programme’s Mishal Husain….suggesting perhaps that it was all a bit of political theatre, an innocent man caught up in a political dogfight.
For some fighting Mr Corbyn’s corner, this issue is serious and real, but is also being used as a stick to beat him by his internal political enemies.
There are those who have long seen allegations of anti-Semitism as attempts to silence legitimate criticism of Israel – on which different wings of the Labour movement take passionately opposing views.
The political debate, then, is not at heart merely a row about rules or party management, but fundamental differences within Labour.
So nowt really to do with Corbyn…he couldn’t possibly know everything that was going on inside Labour, he may sympathise with terrorist groups that want to wipe Israel off the map but that’s legitimate criticism of the Zionist cause no?, and really this is a storm whipped up by a rather bitter bunch of Blairites who want to discredit Corbyn and remove him as leader. The defence rests. All charges dropped m’lud.
Trouble is that’s just not true. Corbyn and his cabal have strong links to people who express violent antipathy towards Jews, not just ‘Zionists’, and Corbyn’s elevation to party leader has brought into the party people who would normally be shown the door pretty rapidly without having to prod Labour into action.
Labour has always had this problem but Corbyn’s regime has allowed it to flourish and he has done little to stop that…therefore claims he couldn’t possibly know everything don’t merit consideration as an excuse…it is his job to ensure the rules block such people entering the Labour Party…he hasn’t bothered to do so, his half-hearted reassurances lack substance and credibility when he shares platforms and his Party with such people.
Still, why bother when he has the BBC to smooth things over for him. Nick Robinson must be proud.
Went incognito( for I`m well known ,and not always welcome) at a local “Israel-Palestine Peace Group” in my town the other week.
1. There are NEVER any Jews or friend of Israel at any of them-they`ve been scared off and bullied out of most such forums-so they are basically Palestinian Grievance Groups.
2. They are then free to say what they`ll not say too easily outside the beehive-that Jews run it all financially, have bought off the USA, are clever and tactical in dividing and ruling. And so Palestinians and Arabs are not united, the EU is great, but hardly able to deal with the tricky Jewish lobby in the USA and in our Parliament and business and media classes.
Very Brownshirt, very stereotyping and scapegoating…but disguised in bigger words and caveats…but still the same old cliches about the “Jewish Lobby” running the banks and the political weather.
3. They never question why Jordan and other neighbours don`t wan the Palestinians to have passports or right of entry.
4. They never say why Egypt are as quick to blockade Gaza as are the Israelis-but only Israel gets blamed for this
5. They say that Israel is an apartheid state, and only BDS sanctions can help to bring Israel down, much as not playing at Sun City brought down the South Africans-THAT is the level of history we`re talking about here.
6. No mention of why all these “refugees” have been allowed to stew and reproduce for nearly seventy years, whereas the Jewish refugees that were booted out of all countries that surround Israel today are not pets of the BBC or the UNHCR-but citizens of Israel.
7. All talk was of Israel needing to be held to far higher standards of behaviour that Hamas or Hezbollah, Black September , Abu Nidal or the PLO-indeed ALL mutations of Islamic terror that Israel has had to face since the UN called it into being.#
8. Moaning about Balfour and Sykes Picot carve-ups is one thing…but somehow the borders of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the “empire colonisation by the Turks and its Ottoman Empire seem not to trouble them as does the creating of Israel under democratic UN mandates since 1948.
9. All this crap and double standards was to be spouted under church premises(evangelical) and was said by well known Quakers, Churchgoers locally…as if Islam won`t have dealings with THESE useful idiots if ever they get the chance to do so.
Makes you despair really-but then Gods People of Israel have known worse and will prevail-whether we in the flabby decadent illiberal west will be there to see that is another matter.
And my point?…well Corbyns anti-Semitic utterances and assumptions are nothing new…so it`s not “new” per se.
Hating the Jews is about the only thing that will fuse the fools to the Muslim demographic and they will dine out on THAT as long as they can.
Labour used to include Jews and Friends of Israel in its ranks-kibbutzim and socialist theory-but these types are old, dead or won`t go NEAR a labour Rally to dare and say so anymore.
Anti-Semitism is no longer an optional add-on to the labour policy…it has entered their DNA like a virus-and will kill them, please God.
Went quietly ( for I`m well known ,and not always welcome) into a local “Israel-Palestine Peace Group” in my town the other week.
1. There are NEVER any Jews or friend of Israel at any of them-they`ve been scared off and bullied out of most such forums-so they are basically Palestinian Grievance Groups.
2. They are then free to say what they`ll not say too easily outside the beehive-that Jews run it all financially, have bought off the USA, are clever and tactical in dividing and ruling. And so Palestinians and Arabs are not united, the EU is great, but hardly able to deal with the tricky Jewish lobby in the USA and in our Parliament and business and media classes.
Very Brownshirt, very stereotyping and scapegoating…but disguised in bigger words and caveats…but still the same old cliches about the “Jewish Lobby” running the banks and the political weather.
3. They never question why Jordan and other neighbours don`t wan the Palestinians to have passports or right of entry.
4. They never say why Egypt are as quick to blockade Gaza as are the Israelis-but only Israel gets blamed for this
5. They say that Israel is an apartheid state, and only BDS sanctions can help to bring Israel down, much as not playing at Sun City brought down the South Africans-THAT is the level of history we`re talking about here.
6. No mention of why all these “refugees” have been allowed to stew and reproduce for nearly seventy years, whereas the Jewish refugees that were booted out of all countries that surround Israel today are not pets of the BBC or the UNHCR-but citizens of Israel.
7. All talk was of Israel needing to be held to far higher standards of behaviour that Hamas or Hezbollah, Black September , Abu Nidal or the PLO-indeed ALL mutations of Islamic terror that Israel has had to face since the UN called it into being.#
8. Moaning about Balfour and Sykes Picot carve-ups is one thing…but somehow the borders of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the “empire colonisation by the Turks and its Ottoman Empire seem not to trouble them as does the creating of Israel under democratic UN mandates since 1948.
9. All this crap and double standards was to be spouted under church premises(evangelical) and was said by well known Quakers, Churchgoers locally…as if Islam won`t have dealings with THESE useful idiots if ever they get the chance to do so.
Makes you despair really-but then Gods People of Israel have known worse and will prevail-whether we in the flabby decadent illiberal west will be there to see that is another matter.
And my point?…well Corbyns anti-Semitic utterances and assumptions are nothing new…so it`s not “new” per se.
Hating the Jews is about the only thing that will fuse the fools to the Muslim demographic and they will dine out on THAT as long as they can.
Labour used to include Jews and Friends of Israel in its ranks-kibbutzim and socialist theory-but these types are old, dead or won`t go NEAR a labour Rally to dare and say so anymore.
Anti-Semitism is no longer an optional add-on to the labour policy…it has entered their DNA like a virus-and will kill them, please God.
Don’t know what it will take to divorce the Jews from the Left. Beaten wife syndrome?
No worse really that the Christian self-loathing in these days.
The mighty C.H Spurgeon used to wrote his sermons with The Times on one side of his desk, and the Bible on the other.
Todays clots prefer a Guardian and no Bible, just a hope of getting on Thought For The Day.
Todays prayers-for the umpteenth week-were basically op-eds to praise Pope Francis for his “leadership and example”…and to see that more migrants get over here, because we really should have taken more in.
Like Sweden and Cologne , I`d gather.
Not a clue…thankfully THEIR prayers haven`t been answered since 2013 when Mrs Thatcher died-imagine she`ll be laying the faggots in regular patterns for them all when they find themselves in hell, as she looks on from heaven.
Isn’t it just incredible? That a self destructive Jew like Cohen finally gets what he’s been working for (his own destruction) realises it and yet at the same time, thanks his liberal double think cannot recognise that its his own fault?
Why can he not see that all this has come about as a result of the rampant Islamophilia that he personally presided over? he is personally complicit in the amplification and dissemination of anti Semitic propaganda, and then he appears surprised that certain people have actually believed it!
It is absolutely proof that the (il)liberal Left are simple dreamers who can only think in the present, and cannot comprehend the future of their actions
Unfortunately for the likes of Danny – chickens will never come home to roost. I am afraid they will probably land on some other poor bugger further down the line.
I am sure he will always be able to buy himself out of any predicament as over the years he has extracted enough swag from Licence payers to buy his own desert island complete with fortified ivory tower.
Even if faced with the direct consequences of his actions. His patronising , lefty I know better attitude will always protect his monstrous ego from any self doubt .
Nice touch that he has suddenly gone all “kosher” I just hope the Britains Jewish community are able to see through him too and treat him as the bad smell he undoubtedly is.
Sorry to say but the cynical calculation of Al Beeb and their Labour chums is that a nice amount of anti semitism will really prop up their vote among the Roper community, which of course is bolstered daily thanks to all those newly arriving doctors and engineers.