European unity at all costs, until theres money involved that is,
As far as the song contest goes I’ve no axe to grind, in fact thats about as far as European integration should go, we can have a good chuckle at them and vice versa. Without borders and a mixed race homogenised population what future for Eurovision?
The article did make me wonder about the BBC and Eurovision costs, a brief search later and this appeared,
Cheap at half the price.
There are no borders and a mixed race selection of footballers in the Premier League or County Cricket, but that doesnt stop them having teams. They’ll just carry on with the Eurovision as if no change has happened. Mores the pity!
I was intrigued by the bBCs hatchet job on the Belgium Interior Minister Jan Jambon for saying that Muslims danced after the terrorist attacks: Brussels bombing: Anger over Jambon’s ‘Muslim dancing’ comment “Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon has come under fire for saying that a “significant part of the Muslim community danced” in response to the Brussels bomb attacks. He was repeatedly asked by MPs for evidence of his claim and a Muslim group has made an official complaint.”
The bBC article was written on the 21st April 16. (Yesterday) Here is what the Prime Minister of Belgium had to say on the matter over the weekend:
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel backed his outspoken interior minister over comments that a significant number of Muslims had cheered the Brussels bombings, and said supporters of terrorism were a cancer that needed removing. Jan Jambon told Belgian daily De Standaard in a Saturday interview that a significant part of the Muslim community had danced with joy after the attacks that killed 32 people on March 22. Michel provided backing for his minister late on Sunday, saying the national security council had been told about expressions of support for the Brussels attackers. “I can confirm that there have been endorsements for the attacks,” Michel said in a statement, although this was only from a small minority. We must neither generalize nor gloss over this,” Michel said, adding that Jambon had not been generalizing.”
The bBC in their article make no mention that the Belgium PM has backed his minister up. The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam
Pounce, I read that piece on the BBC news web site. The tone was mocking of the minister’s point about Muslims celebrating the atrocities. You have to read to the end to find a short paragraph about a police officer substantiating what the minister stated, as he had observed Muslims celebrating in the street.
It is a shame no one in the newsroom at the BBC actually studies the news else they would have discovered:
I also recall teachers in Paris saying Muslim pupils were ordered out of the class rooms because they made so much noise during the 1-minute silence for the victims of the Paris attacks.
Are the BBC news reporters unaware of what is happening in the world or, like Aston Villa and Newcastle fans, they just do not wish to believe what they see before them.
One fine day in Bluewater.
I will let everyone make their own mind up about this and not make assumptions one way or another. And whether or Steve Uncles’ source inside the Kent Police is real or not and truthful or not remains to be seen. However I couldn’t help noticing this….
“I have asked Kent Police if they are using Home Office/Association of Chief Police Officers guidelines in this case, which tells police they must handle Muslims in a different way to all others in England, for political correctness reasons and they refused to respond.”
Perhaps controversially I come from this from a different perspective. Sometimes in policing it is necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation. This is perhaps the reason for the Kent Police’s reticence to provide any further detail. If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned. However in this instance eleven people have been arrested and bailed for further enquiries. This suggests that they are known with settled addresses, and the ‘evidence’ isn’t sufficient to justify charging. If there were sufficient evidence applications would have been made for remands into custody. The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive. When pushed Kent Police have said the suspects are not Muslim. I read this forum and am supportive of many concerns about what amounts to Muslim sexual atrocities in this country and in Europe. But here I think we’ll find there is a story to explain the police’s position. They are obviously working through the lines of enquiry. In due course we’ll find out. We’ll probably learn it is a malicious, concocted allegation, or at least the group of ‘suspects’ are known to the woman making the allegation and it’s not straightforward. Watch this space!
Thats a good balanced approach Pete, my own thoughts went straight to Cologne and the MANY other crimes that go unreported in the mainstream and I admit I began to think ‘cover up’, your post is a timely reminder that just because we have a lickspittle media that does cover up inconvenient truths, it will not always be the case.
“The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive.”
That explains why the public hears so little about the torture and murder of Kriss Donald in 2004 then?
I’m sure they’ll be getting around to it any time soon.
“Neither, in their personal histories, ever provided any proof of anything other than their heterosexual credentials. Both were married (multiple times), both had children (sadly Prince’s baby died very soon after being born) and both had a very public preference for very attractive women………….”
Your comment Obi, struck me that this could have equally applied to another singer who died and who could have wiped the floor of most ‘iconic’ popstars, with his articulation and musicality. At the time of his death in 1998 his face was never plastered on the front of all our national newspapers, and the news channels didn’t devote 10 minutes of headline news recording his life, which just proves that the age of current news editors means they were kids worshipping at the feet of these pop idols, and so assume that the rest of the population were too ! how wrong are they !! The singer I referred to at the beginning ? …. Frank Sinatra, yes of course mention was made at the time, but certainly not to the capacity that Bowie and Prince have been lionised. And it will be interesting to see if the fans of Bowie and Prince will be celebrating the 100th year birth of their idols as Sinatra was last year.
Yep, it’s a fair point. I was just trying to underline the fact that both Bowie and Prince flirted with sexuality as a professional means to an end – whilst in their personal lives they were both rampant heterosexuals.
Someone else raised the issue of why certain other hugely successful pop stars are not similarly feted by the Media Party: well, it’s self-evident. The Media Party draws its ranks from trendy art schools and disaffected university grads. So, while a totally heterosexual group like, say, The Clash, receives endless plaudits from the cultural elites, another totally heterosexual but far more financially (and globally) successful group like, say, Dire Straits, gets nowt but a diffident sneer from the Media Party.
Wrong politics, see. Bowie and Prince (both of somewhat vague political persuasion at the best of times), get a free pass and eternal sainthood for putting on frocks – which trumps all else – even if neither particularly meant it in any other sense than pure theatre.
Hello Zero
Why do you visit this site ?
Do you think that Al Beeb is not biased ?
Do you think the poor of this nation should be forced by law, to pay an unfair telly tax even if they don’t like or watch the trash that they broadcast.
Do you think that they are over staffed , over paid and a law unto themselves
What do you think of the Balen report ?
taffman, if you want to be a closed shop where the idea that someone’s point of view cannot be questioned or rebutted and that only like-minded people are allowed, then you’re only fuelling your own demise. You will eventually die out like an isolated virus.
Sorry old chap but you are talking a load of rubbish. I don’t want this site to be a ‘closed shop ‘. Those are your words.
I am only seeking his views – what’s your problem ?
Sorry old chap but you are talking a load of rubbish. I don’t want this site to be a ‘closed shop ‘ as is Al Beeb . Those are your words.
I am only seeking his views – what’s your problem ?
Steve Jones….
“And yes the cake is a let-down but it is the tokenism that is important here. ”
Having only a glimpse of the ‘cake’ on the tele, I hoped that the press would elaborate with further pictures. Sadly not. So if three plain blobs is the best that could be offered to our Monarch by the winner of a prestigious cooker show, then its a bloody disgrace. I only hope the likes of Jan Moir and Sarah Vine, – normally highly vocal columnists, will put in print what no doubt, the rest of us are thinking. Ms Hussein we know was agenda picked, but this clearly shows that it was an embarrassing choice. And why wasn’t the Great British Bake Off winner in 2012 chosen to bake a cake for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee eh ???
Am I the only one that remembers the days when a ‘controversial’ subject was news there were usually two people of opposing sides each allowed time to express their views on the BBC Sky etc? Fox still tend to have a three way window frame with the interviewer in the middle giving fair time to opposing views either side.
The BBC in particular now has a system whereby they have one guest given lots of time be it for the EU, climate change, green energy etc. But no opposition is allowed. The only sop to an opposing view is a few questions put forward by said interviewer which of course the interviewed is allowed plenty of time to dismiss the arguments put forward with no rebuttal against him.
This has been the case with the EU in particular. ‘Radio 5 dead’ after Gove’s rather brilliant Brexit speech allowed a Labour MP on right afterwards to dismiss everything Gove said without question. No Brexiter was interviewed. Also before the speech The 5 dead interviewer paraphrased Gove badly and then had two Remainers give their views with no Brexiter being interviwed.
The narrative now is that every day various ‘ remainer’ head honchos are allowed airtime and the rebuttal from the brexiters comes via the interviewer referring to the Brexiters as saying ‘they dismiss this as rubbish/unfounded/’ etc.
There is no attempt to hide the bias such are the stakes in this referendum, further I believe Obama is only here in England solely to lend his support to the remain campaign and is here for no other reason whatsoever.
Jerry Owen – So true. Though Fox has a degree of political bias* it’s a professional news channel, generally giving ample time to all sides in any given debate. O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly are fine examples of this, evidently true to the principles of freedom of speech embodied in the US constitution.
Fox offers a stark contrast to the thought police of the BBC as they strive to bring the entire planet into line with their imbecilic lefty ideology.
* Hannity made me chuckle when he stated passionately that he is part of the ‘never Hilary’ campaign.
I certainly remember the days when there was some semblance of a debate by the BBc. Regulars on here will know I’ve complained many times over a series of years about how the BBc will only put one side of the argument yet still maintain they are giving the viewer the information to make up their own mind. Over that period I have seen the BBc agenda becoming even more obvious.
I was just listening to PM and the headlines reported that two fellows had been sentenced for planning drive by shootings and that they were getting sentences that amounted to around twenty years. When I was a lad, I would have thought that those were heavy sentences. Now that I am hitting sixty and know that I am not a total invalid, I know that such sentences are pathetic. Obviously, I must be a totally reactionary fascist in the eyes of the bBBC.
I’m reposting this rather than let it rot at the end of the midweek version:
As if proving the old saying about lies, damned lies and statistics, the BBC’s ever-slippery More Or Less today decided to look into the Treasury’s dodgy dossier. Yes, the one ripped to pieces by the Telegrpah’s Alister Heath and which even the mild mannered Mervyn King cast a sceptical eyebrow at.
So to whom did our mathematical guardian (guardian – geddit?) turn to for an ‘unbiased’ opinion? A hack from the pro-Labour, Europhiliac, Financial Times!
I think they call that sort of thing an ‘epic fail’ don’t they?
Littlejohn in the ‘Mail’ today has a terrific piece about the ‘Bluewater rape’ story that has made the papers this week albeit minor coverage….interestingly though this ‘rape’ happened six weeks ago and was by at least eleven men. The police refuse to give details.
I’m sure any similarity to any similar events in Cologne Sweden etc is just me putting two and two together and making … well, dare I say four!
Perhaps controversially I come from this from a different perspective. Sometimes in policing it is necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation. This is perhaps the reason for the Kent Police’s reticence to provide any further detail. If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned. However in this instance eleven people have been arrested and bailed for further enquiries. This suggests that they are known with settled addresses, and the ‘evidence’ isn’t sufficient to justify charging. If there were sufficient evidence applications would have been made for remands into custody. The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive. When pushed Kent Police have said the suspects are not Muslim. I read this forum and am supportive of many concerns about what amounts to Muslim sexual atrocities in this country and in Europe. But here I think we’ll find there is a story to explain the police’s position. They are obviously working through the lines of enquiry. In due course we’ll find out. We’ll probably learn it is a malicious, concocted allegation, or at least the group of ‘suspects’ are known to the woman making the allegation and it’s not straightforward. Watch this space!
Wise words. The same reasoning applies to intelligence operations, both civilian and military. Letting out too much information can reveal the source and/or warn off others who are under suspicion. This can result in failure for the investigation.
You are very possibly correct. But the reason most jump to the conclusion that the perpetrators must be Muslim is the past obfuscation of the authorities, and I include especially here the BBC, whenever the Religion of Peace is involved.
Pete ongyo: If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned.
Well, precisely. It’s high time people were warned about Muslim rape gangs rather than the police, in collusion with lefty ‘media’ like the BBC, hiding the fact. And what’s to prevent these Muslim* gang rapists repeating their crimes while out on bail?
Seems little doubt that when it comes to trial the names of the defendants will range from Mohammed to Ahmed and back again.
The silence on these vital issues reminds me of the astute Pat Condell’s observations on the appalling situation in Sweden brought about by insane ‘liberal’ appeasement of Muslims:
Sweden now has two problems: one, they have an aggressive social cancer growing in their midst and two, they’re not allowed to talk about it.
The UK is not at that level of abject surrender to the dictates of radical Islam. But it’s a slippery slope.
*I’m assuming that they are indeed Muslims since the obfuscation points in that direction – as do the appalling rapes in Rotherham and elsewhere.
That is the real tragedy here. The police force in this country has become politicised in recent years hence the loss of public trust. The good news is, the coppers that I know are getting very fed up with it.
The minute a girl ‘alleges’ rape by a footballer or celebrity it is plastered all over the media instantly, this was a real rape by eleven men. Huge double standards, they are either Muslim despite what the police claim or they are eastern European. I would put money on it.
Littlejohn’s piece is very measured. It does call for answers and the Kent police need to understand this. Rumour is far worse than fact and in the present climate doubly dangerous.
Last night , we were treated to beeboid emoting over the death of a prince. No, not one related to Her Majesty, but some US singer/musician, who appealed to the BBC physce. So, how many UK Number 1 Singles did he achieve? The answer was ONE. It was not some song called Purple Rain, but some other song called The most beautiful girl in the world. So how much emoting did Sir Terence Wogan get on his death for his Number One hit, The Floral Dance, or Clive Dunne for his Number One hit, Grandad, or the various original members of The Wurzels for I’ve got a brand new combine harvester? Let us also never forget the late Benny Hill with Ernie, the greatest Milk Man in the West. Traitors in the BBC, one and all.
Repeat from the end of the last thread. Last night , we were treated to beeboid emoting over the death of a prince. No, not one related to Her Majesty, but some US singer/musician, who appealed to the BBC physce. So, how many UK Number 1 Singles did he achieve? The answer was ONE. It was not some song called Purple Rain, but some other song called The most beautiful girl in the world. So how much emoting did Sir Terence Wogan get on his death for his Number One hit, The Floral Dance, or Clive Dunne for his Number One hit, Grandad, or the various original members of The Wurzels for I’ve got a brand new combine harvester? Let us also never forget the late Benny Hill with Ernie, the greatest Milk Man in the West. Traitors in the BBC, one and all.
Just picking up the press conference on Al Beeb, re Obhama and Car Moron. How many Tory voters visiting this site are happy with our PM’s performance today ?
Cameron is not a Conservative. Where did he come from so suddenly?. Why and how did he get control of the party?. Answer these questions and you will start to understand what we are up against in this country.
Agree with both of your comments re. Taffman’s question. Cameron is neither a Conservative nor a patriot but he is certainly a coward and a pretty dim one too.
Who gives a s**t what an abysmal, affirmative action, lame duck U.S. president, who has cocked up every foreign intervention he has been involved in, has to say on anything?
The least of all being the EU membership of a foreign country which (in all likelihood) he personally detests; remember the Oval Office Churchill bust and his Kenyan grandfather’s imprisonment for Mau Mau activities?
I don’t think he’s a big fan of us or our country and he certainly doesn’t want Britain to break free of the EU bastille.
Cameron is an utter disgrace. I suppose I don’t need to remind everyone on here of his statement in 2010 when he described Britain as a ‘junior partner’ to the USA in 1940, a year before Pearl Harbor.
A new political party should be formed as an alternative to the Tory Party – A coalition of the Brexit , G.O. and UKIP parties.
It is the only way our nation can remain as nation for the future .
I’ve just listened to the man David Cameron described as “my friend Barack” telling us that “Britain will at the back of the queue for any bilateral trade agreement with the US” if we dare to vote against the EU.
The Kenyan-American who has single handedly lost the Middle East and reignited Russian resentments made no mention of the US defence departments relationship with various defence and intelligence gathering systems sited in this country…..communications, intelligence, ballistic missile early warning systems etc.etc.
Let’s hope someone in our government has the balls to do so. Trump 2016 Leave EU 2016.
I’ve had my doubts about the so-called “special relationship”, for many years. I think the transparency of Obama’s motives are so obvious that the Remainers may eventually rue his utterances and wish that he had kept his mouth shut. Obviously not an easy task for Obama whose only talent appears to be making grand speeches.
If there is such a “special relationship” why would Britain suddenly be “at the back of the queue”?
It’s the usual contradictory claptrap.
The US did nothing about Noraid supplying the IRA with cash to buy arms to kill British citizens until 9/11 when Bush had to put a stop to it when he declared the “war on terror”. Securing the votes of Irish Americans was more important than British lives until Al Quaeda struck.
Does Big Ears really think the UK will have any influence on the Euro-state in spe should they ever get their act together. In terms of the “European Project” the UK is realy just squatting in the hall of the “European house”. No one can seriously think that a UK that is not in the Euro and not in Schengen can have any influence on the strategic development of the EU.
It as been US policy to encourage the UK into the EU since not long after the damn thing began. Back before then, the USA had always sought to undermine the international power of the UK, which it has seen as the rival to its own. Two impoverishing world wars were a gift to the Americans in that respect and our post WWII decline has been greatly enjoyed and capitalised on by US corporations.
ID – I always thought the IRA were excluded from the “War on Terror” as it (craftily) only applied to “international” terrorism and not domestic; even though in the past the IRA had murdered service personnel and their children in Germany.
There has NEVER been a “special relationship” I don’t know why this specious old canard is rolled out so often; that vile w@nker Pantsdown referred to it on QT last night and how many American lives had been shed in WW2.
They didn’t do that out of the goodness of their hearts – by 1941 about £22 billion in gold had been paid by Britain to the U.S. for supply of (not very good) weapons and ships and they secured the use of areas within the Empire for U.S. military bases in return for aiding us. Roosevelt HATED the British Empire more than Hitler ever did and laboured towards its destruction. Also the U.S. never declared war on Germany – who declared war on the U.S. (as they were allied with Japan) after America declared war on the Japanese post Pearl Harbour.
It is possible that the U.S. (in the absence of the German declaration) would have just fought against Japan and not Germany.
Ashdown actually said in the first exchange on QT that, “America has protected us, defended us at every one of the dangerous moments that we have faced”.
Just a reminder, in 1940 the Battle of Britain was fought and won. The Americans entered the war in 1941 because the Axis attacked them at Pearl Harbor.
What happens to a patriotic former special forces man that leads him to rewrite history, to serve a foreign Presidents interests?
I think Paddy’s time in the ‘special forces’ owes rather more to his imagination than reality – but it did, for a while, help his MP image along a treat.
“Roosevelt HATED the British Empire more than Hitler ever did and laboured towards its destruction.”
This is very true. Hitler actually admired the British Empire, especially the way a few thousand Britons maintained the Raj in India. It was the Americans who really hated the British Empire, not that they ever understood the network of relations which sustained it. They simply wanted to smash it and open it up to American companies. They acted out of their own national interest, with no regard to ours.
I feel that Boris Johnson is quite right to say that in Obama’s case his animus against the British Empire in Kenya is even more personal than that of any other American president. I saw him on the news today claiming that he “loved Churchill”, and you could just sense his insincerity. He can stuff his advice on the EU as far as I am concerned. The EU is an Empire, and I want out of it.
This was reported by the then Torygraph and confirmed by the British Embassy, to which it was returned. There were TWO busts of Churchill, the one in the Oval Office was returned by the (alleged) Kenyan and the other left in place.
The second bust is the one shown in the photo in the above link.
So much for loving Churchill.
This reminds me of a quote from the past – “Good liars need a very good memory”. Plus a good understanding of verifiable facts.
I am afraid any dream of any special relationship officially died at the US/FRANCE D day love in at 2014. When Obama compared Britain and France to being two beautiful daughters which a father would never choose between, it was obvious that the US considered us no more important now than the “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys”! Some of which under Petain could not decide who s side they were really on.
The UK has always been very two faced about its relationships with Britain (eg Sitting on the fence in the early stages of WW2, Suez, The Grenada invasion and the Falklands war and of course as mentioned above The Troubles).
However they have always paid lip service to this relationship (mainly for short term expediency and to gently massage the egos of various British Prime Ministers). However I believe that the patronizing statement Obama made that day was Obamas America speaking from its heart.
In the past
We have been supporting the US in its foreign adventures over the years such as Iraq and Afghanistan
We have been useful for supplying airbases for the USAF
And we are now useful for providing a bridge for Americas relationship with Europe.
Is that all we are a F######g bridge! It would appear so. What lazy foreign policy. And our reward for supporting the US over the years is that if we Brexit we are to be put at the back of the queue in any trade negotiations just like naughty daughters he obviously thinks we are!
And yet there we have Dave our “prime minister” sucking up and toadying to this patronizing w####r. Personally I would have shoved Obama onto the first Ryanair economy flight back to the US along with his pet monkey – Dave, who the only thing I consider to be “prime” about him is his alleged predilection for Porcine Head shagging. Maybe Obama can get him a job flipping burgers somewhere.
It is sad and embarrassing our relationship to the US has come to this. We are now not even a client state of the US. Just Junkers and Obamas bitch. Unfortunately bitches do not seem to be valued by anyone and seem to get slapped around from pillar to post and left out in the yard eating scraps from the table and sleeping in their own shit. And obviously being cowardly and of low value they lack the confidence to form relationships with any other dogs.
Christ have we no pride anymore as a nation – It would seem not!
Funny how and when this “special relationship” crap comes up as the BBC requires.
There has been no such thing since Reagan/Thatcher in 1987.
Looking at both sides of nomarks that have been elected both sides of the Atlantic, there has been only a lapdog/aircraft carrier kind of mush….and now that the US has been brought to its knees , giving Islam its continual knee tremblers under the trestle table.
Obama has largely finished the US…and only a Trump or such could restore it.
We too should refuse to be shackled to the USA, just as we need to get the EU corpse off our backs.
That said, we all know how great the USA could be again-but Obama has systematically set about destroying the reputation and purpose of a truly great country.
So no lessons from THAT snake in the grass, please.
Be honest with you Chris the more people have gone on about it in the British press over the years – the less important it has been.
Maybe it should be re-dubbed the “Special Needs Relationship” as we seem to be incapable of making major decisions in foreign policy without the input of the US.
Like him or loathe him I could never see Putin doing anything similar even when Russia was at its weakest.
Cheers Grant but it really saddens me how low we seem to have sunk. It just seems the sacrifices of our parents generation seem to have been for nothing.
Call it denial, call it decadence, Call it forgetfulness I just dont know – but what I do know is that unless people start using a bit of joined up thinking, we will all wake up one day to a society where all the hard won freedoms over the generations have been lost.
There used to be a time when wrong or right we looked up to our leaders. Now we seem to be governed by children who only seem able to react to situations and appear to have about as much forward control as as a toddler with sugar intolerance at a chocolate party!
Also do not forget our “independent” nuclear deterrent. Any normal nuke would be an adequate deterrent, would cost a fraction of Trident and may possibly be truly independent. GB is air strip one as far as US military planners are concerned, an unsinkable aircraft carrier.
Sure we have a special relationship with the US which no other country has. The sharing of information and the active presence of a major US listening station makes us a very valuable ally, but not for reasons that PMs and Presidents will talk about. With the right sort of UK government in place would it take long to negotiate a trade deal with the US? Probably no longer than it would take to fix the power supply at RAF Menwith Hills.
The BBC have a report of an immigrant declaring his wrong age! A Sudanese 29 year old declared his age as 17? The BBC, leading the headlines, hide it under, SPORT – BASKETBALL
Another horrific example of what the blood thirsty, death cult Islam is all about as 2 good Muslim men are caught before carrying out true Islamic acts as instructed by Muhammad… But of course, once again written willfully ignoring all the facts to prodect the “Islam is a peaceful religion” narrative by the traitorous liars in continual denial at the Al Beeb.
“Two British students given life sentences for ‘drive-by’ plot”… states the headline on Al mujahideen Beeb webshite (there is nothing British about those vile bast@rds Al Beeb!!)
First paragraph…
“Two British students have been jailed for life for plotting to kill police or soldiers in a shooting inspired by so-called Islamic State”…again the liars at the Al Beeb are propagating this problem is because of or being caused by the so called Islamic state (or in the real world, the caliphate created in the vision of Muhammad where the laws are as instructed by Muhammad….When written like that the real cause that is Islam becomes more difficult to deny and lie about)
What I found really telling was what the judge said during sentencing..
“During the sentencing at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Wilkie said it was “shocking, tragic and deplorable” that Hassane and Majeed, “educated through the UK school system, undertaking university courses (I thought our ROPer friends were carrying enrichment acts out because of poverty and being disaffected??…the Al Beeb are just so full of shit!!!) should be so influenced by the bloodthirsty version of Islam presented by IS”……and there you have it. Even our judges do not have a fucking clue about Islam! There is only one Allah. One Muhammad. One final prophet. One version. No more changes. Islamic State are living the perfect Islamic life. The MCB for christ sake are saying the Ahmadi Muslims are not Muslims because nothing comes after Muhammad!! Yet our establishment think there is another Islam or that Muslims are going to listen to them over Muhammad!! Its utter madness!!
The denial continues. The lies continue. The deaths continue. The appeasement continues. The war against the infidels continues. The Islamification of the UK continues….and the people that are supposedly here to protect us are allowing this to happen
Our judges are also from the same socio-political caste as our politicians, academics and BBC ‘journalists’. They, too, are part of the problem which needs to be addressed.
I believe there are several issues that are influencing the establishments agenda on Islam. Two obvious reasons are..
1: That reading the Koran and hadiths of Muhammad is beneath them. Yet to understand the true purpose and nature of Islam you HAVE to at least study them. Only non Muslims, especially those that have not even read the Koran and hadiths could even suggest there is another way to live out Muhammad’s instruction. Those words/instructions are the purest that will ever be given to mankind and therefore ever written by man. These words are from Allah himself FFS not some self serving politician! No wonder Muslims are going all jihad and trying to protect Allahs word. Our establishment are fucking causing it! To say otherwise is a delusion at best or a complete lie at worst.
2: The adage “everyone is equal amongst men” will be the downfall of our way of life. Countless millions of men, women and children have died to create the utopia our liberal elite find themselves living in. Only blood and unimaginable horror has given Christians and therefore those who have benefited from it the privilege of deciding how they can live their lives and preach from that position of protection to make a statement on behalf of Islam who have been our mortal enemy since its creation.
People have never been equal. They will never be equal. It’s childish, moron like bullshit, fairytale world crap to even think so. Circumstance determines privilege. Islam however determines the only way to paradise. Islam mandates utter conformity and obedience to the message of Allah. Islam is to obey. Death to apostates. Conversation or death to the Kafir. That is the only choice.
As I understand it from the BBC, the only reason victimised Muslims butcher people is …
1. Due to the victims Country’s Foreign Policy. Though, oddly the BBC can’t quite state what it is about, say, the Belgian or Nigerian foreign policy that upsets Muslims so much. Nor why Muslims murder other Muslims in Bangladesh or Pakistan where Islamists control the foreign policy.
2. Victimising pressure from the police, except when three lunatic girls travel from London to join Isis and then apparently it is the police’s fault for not having them under more detailed observation. The BBC even wanted the police to apologise in that case.
3. Islamophobia, because we horrible Brits get irrationally upset every time another Islamic plot to blow up thousands is uncovered.
4. Because we attack Islamic countries. Again the BBC omits to mention the fact that the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya wanted us to remove their fascist, murderous leaders. Also the people of Syria pleaded with the West for help to oust Assad in Syria, but Obama and Ed Miliband buried their heads up their arses hoping it would all go away. It didn’t and Isis arrived to sort it out.
5. The victims deserved it. Why, oh why, did those terrible people at Charlie Hebdo upset those thoughtful, easy going Muslims by saying rude and nasty things about them?
6. Because we do not respect their culture sufficiently. Ok, we have removed paintings from our Art galleries; removed words from books; altered exam time tables; turned a blind eye to child rape and corrupt politics; allowed irrational nonsense to be forced into the heads of children; allowed FGM and child marriages; changed our animal rights laws to allow animals to be tortured to death; allowed Muslims to borrow money but, erm, not actually borrow money. But it is not enough, and oddly it is never enough.
Everything you say is factual and has historically events to back up. Unlike the bast@rds lying their way through interviews on the death cult you are just stating the truth. They bloody truth for crying out loud! The more you read it the more it doesn’t make sense. Its utterly desperate stuff from the devious, conniving left to try and contain the uncontainable.
This special relationship rubbish is absurd. It is always in the favour of the USA. Some good few years ago I had access to many of the papers relating to Concorde. It was clear that we were years ahead of the US in everything to do with passenger supersonic jets.
The US government and Boeing did not like this at all and the result was that Concorde was deliberately hamstrung with endless regulations etc. The same thing happenend with the TSR2 and that was deliberately destroyed to appease the US and probably under monetary threats of one sort or another at that time.
So Obama is just runnning to form .Those who really think that the US is somehow kindly disposed to us are sadly deluded. Just listen to them all. From Cameron to the lowliest reporter for the MSM.
His threats are nonsensical and I hope counterproductive. The English respond badly to such talk and in some ways his intervention is helpful to those of us who want out.
I am glad you mentioned TSR2. It was a world beating design, cancelled in favour of the inferior American F111 (which in the end we cancelled too).
A similar thing happened over the replacement for the Harrier and Sea Harrier. BAe led the world in VSTOL technology, and were developing a new VSTOL fighter code named P1216. It would be flying now if we had proceded with it, but no, it was cancelled, and instead BAe got to build part of the F35B, which is absurdly complicated, over budget and late. We may get some by 2020, but no more than 8 or so. We used to have the most vibrant and inventive aerospace industry in the world, now we seem to be happy to make a bit of an American aircraft instead. Sad. Really sad.
We also ‘traded’ data that allowed the US to be the first to break the sound barrier, they were struggling to control their Bell XS-1, they used our ‘all-flying tailplane’ design to overcome their problem.
Quite right Geoff. They also got jet engine technology from us and the F-86 Sabre had a nice straight wing at first until they discovered German research into swept wings. So basically, they came up with nothing themselves.
Painfully true, Dave, and it is equally delusional to imagine that we enjoy any sort of special relationship with the EU. Cameron’s signally futile attempts at ‘renegotiation’ have been seen for what they are, but for a simple example of our real position within the EU just compare recent group photos at the end of whatever summit meeting or other. Back in Thatcher’s time she would have been centre stage, flanked by Mitterand and Kohl or whoever was of equal status at the time. Today, Cameron, by the most insulting of comparisons, will be found at the back, on the extreme left – a political nonentity in both the opinion and reality of his ‘peers’ – and for the privilege of watching the PM relegated to stand with Latvia and Greece, we are allowed to be the second largest contributor to an organization which is, in effect, simply a very successful branch of the Mafia.
Obama must have forgotten Menwith Hill, Fylingdales, the UK Trident submarines and various other US military assets based in the UK, thank f@ck we’ll have forgotten him by the time the EU exit negotiations are complete.
Maybe embolden but I still think he’s either a Muslim lover or a Muslim full stop.
Put it this way, he has no respect for Britain and it’s people. He wants us governed by other countries. USA are after a GB land/power grab via EU/TTIP IMO.
If we vote to remain, you can forget GB being a sovereign country.
Blast from the past!
Sometimes predictions are made which take a while to come to maturity, and while most understand the implications, and the scare – real or imagined, mostly these stories are forgotten well before they can be proved true or false, and those which are false are explained away be ‘appropriate action being taken’
Here’s a couple which so far as I’m aware have never come to pass:
WRT. The Welsh link. Some money has already been saved. The “Chief Executive” of Pembroke has been removed and the costs of the Porsche Panamera (insured for his son to drive) have also been removed.
Why did the definition of “Public Servant” after 1997?
….Put it this way, he has no respect for Britain and it’s people. He wants us governed by other countries. USA are after a GB land/power grab via EU/TTIP IMO………
Dear God, this conjures up the opening graphics of Dad’s Army ! only it would be the arrows crossing the Atlantic one way for the Yanks, and from Calais in the other direction for the Muslims !!!
Anyone any ideas who we could replace ‘Hitler’ with in the opening line of “who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler ” ???
That’s right Brissles, we’re certainly ‘done for’ if cowardly traitorous Cameron is our leader.
I am minded of Tennyson’s wonderful poem especially the verse
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d & thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Remain in the EU and this is what you will get.
This referendum has democracy as its main and central tenet. To ignore this tenet is to not understand or care about Britain’s culture, history, the value of the vote or the importance of independence.
Pull up drawbridge, man your posts ,do not surrender. Vote Leave.
‘Illegitimi non carborundum’ – Saint Ob Hama is on his way out and I suspect the US of A will shortly be ‘Trumped’, which will not be to the liking of Al Beeb .
The BBC is utterly beneath contempt – and completely out of control.
Turning on R4 half an hour ago I encountered one of the worst pieces of ‘thriller’ writing I’ve endured in years. Clumsy, derivative, wooden, unconvincing, lead-footed, preachy. It was some pot boiler called ’10 Days’. But who could have written such a piece of formulaic rubbish? And how could they have even got it published, let alone lucratively serialised on the BBC?
It didn’t take long to find out. The author is a woman called Gillian Slovo, daughter of the fanatical communist South African campaigner Joe Slovo. A quick trawl via Google reveals that la Slovo is quite highly regarded by Guardianistas, who seem to think she is a capable genre writer. If she is, then God help British genre crime fiction because what I have just listened to once wouldn’t got a look in from any halfway decent publisher.
Well, until they leaned that her father and mother were sainted figures in South African politics, at which point she’d have been snapped-up. Which, no doubt, accounts for her Frankenstein-booted prose lumbering across the airwaves carrying its ridiculously heavy burden of cliches and ‘messages’.
It was followed by the 11pm news. Isn’t Obama wonderful?! And to whom can we turn for a commentary on how His greatness is so relevant and must be listened to and obeyed? Enter a diplomatic hack blathering about the importance of British/American relations in the intelligence world and yet who appeared to know nothing about how British intelligence regards the usefulness and reliability of our European ‘allies’. Mind you, he was a diplomat.. Rarely are they paid to tell the truth. It becomes a habit.
Well, until they leaned that her father and mother were sainted figures in South African politics…
Joe Slovo and Ruth First, who was assassinated by the SA government.
Slovo was an ardent communist, who remained loyal for decades to the memory of mass-murderer Stalin, even though he had been known to be a mass murderer for so long. He was rewarded for his unstinting loyalty to the ANC by being handed the ministry of housing, I think it was, when the ANC came to power. He died shortly afterwards.
The BBC, naturally, was deeply in love with all comrades involved in ‘The Struggle’ to overthrow Apartheid.
Radio 4 is the stealth bomber of the BBC’s armoury – mainly because its devotees are nice middle class professionals who consider themselves educated and informed. Many of them are friends of mine who think I am very odd that I don’t lap its output up as slavishly as they do. After all, you have to be informed for dinner parties, don’t you?
Most of the time, they have no idea what I am on about when I point out that they should be aware that Other Opinions Are Available. They genuinely seem not to realise how they are being played by the BBC, nor that the BBC stance on the EU is bought and paid for. The very people who consider themselves well-informed simply out-source their thinking to Radio 4, and then take it as gospel. Which makes me despair.
I haven’t commented for a while – though I still read the comments and cheer; thanks everyone, you keep me sane – because I have reached the stage where the very word “News” being broadcast from any BBC station is enough to make me switch off. I simply cannot listen to any more blatant propaganda, skewing of events to fit agendas, unbalanced interviews, dishonesty about political affiliations of interviewees and think-tanks, and silence on selected topics. Yet, somehow I’m the one who is ill-informed? We’ll see.
What a great comment – I wish I could I could ‘like’ it twice! That is precisely how BBC R4 works – exactly as intended by the Guardianistas who have seized control of it.
The folk I know who listen to Radio4 are either raging trots, or pseudo intelectuals ( thick) who cant tell shit from chocolate. But to point out their indoctrination by R4 would prove utterly futile.
Well said. I no longer tune in to BBC News at all. I look at their useless website each day but otherwise, I get most of my info. about the BBC from BBBC !! This site is certainly more reliable than the BBC and, yes, keeps me sane too.
I am glad that Barack Obama Kenyatta had finally buried the myth of the special relationship. Not even advice … an outright threat. The EU has no trade deal with the US yet, and the UK has still managed to be one of the US’s main trading partners. Is that suddenly going to end if we left the EU … I think not. US workers may have a say in that. Obama is considered a joke in the US. A seriously over promoted Community Relations Organizer.
The only interest Obama has is the large American Corporations. I have the misfortune to work for one of those large multi-billion dollar corporations whose dim-witted fool of a CEO signed the infamous remain in Europe letter. Not because he had the best interests of Britain or British workers in mind, but because it enables him to one. sack UK workers with the minimum legally allowed redundancy payment and transfer thousands of jobs to Eastern Europe. and two, take advantage of the double Irish/Dutch Tax arrangements.
The remains have made much of the threat of potential job losses … they have already happened ….. and continue to happen. in their tens of thousands.
I hope the British people take their destiny back into their own hands once more.
Yeah, well, that’s because he’s British and the Second Amendment was an affront to British interests. The majority of Americans don’t give a shit about us. And I don’t give a shit about them fat bastards!
Unfortunately my patron saint is too “controversial” for al-Beeb to mention or broadcast from Minaret House so instead we have the top story, “UK celebrates Shakespeare anniversary”.
It really is time the Leftist Islamists in Propaganda City lost their carte blanche to run their own agenda and brainwash the people of my country who do not look to other sources for what is really happening here.
Every country in the world celebrates its National Day. And quite right too. Why should the English be any different ? I mean the Establishment English, not the real people. I mean lets face it the English are the second greatest people in history ! Some of my best friends are English.
But, seriously, it makes me so angry that the BBC and their fellow Leftie travellers are trashing their own people, history and traditions. They clearly feel some guilt about it , otherwise they would not be referring to Shakespeare’s anniversary as a surrogate. My God, they are pathetic creatures.
Maybe if there was a painting of St. George wearing a suicide vest rather than wielding a sword, massacring Christians rather than slaying a dragon, Al-Beeb would be more sympathetic to England’s patron saint.
I was about to laugh but it is not really funny. The sad thing is that you are right and I just do not understand their twisted minds at all. The longest suicide note in history. Incredible.
“Today in England, our people will be celebrating “St George’s day” in honour of the late Saint George and to celebrate national pride. Saint George is in fact an adopted Muslim from Syria who replaced England’s true patron Saint, St Edmund in the middle ages.”
Any nonsense about Saint George being anything other than a Roman, Christian soldier can be safely dismissed. He lived and died centuries before muhamad was born.
St George lived and was martyred as a Roman soldier around 303AD in a persecution of Christians carried out by Emperor Diocletion.
The cult of St George was introduced in England at the time of the Crusades and Richard the First adopted him as patron saint of his army during the third Crusade, to liberate Jerusalem from Islamic invaders from Arabia.
We might ask about the motives of anyone wanting to play down the significance of Saint George in Englands national consciousness by trying to replace him or by bigging up the significance of Shakespeare’s birthday as an alternative national celebration for us English.
Personally I like both, a warrior and a writer of peerless literature…..the best of us.
Actually on the frontpage down the screen was a graphic marked “Quiz: How well do you know St George’s Day?” but when I clicked it the link led to a page “Sorry, CBBC games and videos can only be played if you’re in the UK.”
– When I clicked back that graphic was no longer on the front page either.
Google shows only 1 page about Saint George’s Day over
..On on the World Service A poem from the point of view of the Dragon aimed at the international view “George’s and Georgina’s around the world”
□ tick box – No British imagery or nationalism nasty stuff.
– It’s graphic is a huge Chinese style dragon in Korea.
– The poet is Dean Atta British might well be a top bloke, but note the other boxes he ticks for the BBC :
………. □ tick box – A Londoner
………. □ tick box – Titled his book : I Am Nobody’s Nigger ..(Jamaican father and Cypriot mother)
………. □ tick box – “named as one of the most influential LGBT people by the Independent on Sunday Pink List 2012”
So why is the incredibly expensive BBC website such crap ? Is it because Beeboids do not have the technical know-how to design and operate a simple website ?
No, it’s not there for me, on a different computer, just now.
It might be giving me a different version of the homepage to you once it detects, I am overseas .
In the backwaters of the BBC there was a House of Lords debate on the BBC Charter. I was curious and watched it . Noble Lord after Noble Lord lined up to pour praise on the BBC. All the usual nonsense about world leader, cultural leader, moral conscience , force for democracy etc etc. But then came the summing up by the government minister in the Lords for Culture , Media and Sport , Baroness Neville Rolf. She said , and I quote some of her speech , and this from the Conservative Government minister mind :
a) 97% of the population use the BBC more than 17 hours per week
b) The BBC is the best in the world
c) Produces many insightful popular programmes
d) The independence of the BBC is non negotiable
e) The BBC is the most accurate source of news and comment in the world
f) The BBC must be free to hold power to account
g) The government wants to solidify the position of the BBC
h) The governance of the BBC must be completely independent of government
i) The BBC must reflect diversity and represent all opinion
j) the BBC commercial activity must not be constrained
k) the BBC is hugely admired around the world
Obvious comments are :
on a) with such a dominant position, courtesy of state funding , what do you expect
b), c) , k) exactly who says that , journalists, actors , programme makers or the general public across the world
d) well if wasn’t paid for by the public purse, ie it was a private organisation, paid for by adverts or subscription , there wouldn’t be any question of its independence from government would there
e), f) Either the Tories are scared to death of the BBC or they have a death wish because the BBC is not accurate and only holds parties to the right of Labour to account whilst proselytizing for the liberal left 24/7
i) the BBC goes overboard on reflecting diversity and certainly doesn’t represent any opinion that it doesn’t agree with . If it did reflect what all sections of the British people think then I think Britain would be a better place today
All in all we can forget any hopes that the new charter may restrain the leftist bias of the BBC , or that it may stop the growth of this public funded monster. The Tories have once again ducked away from taking on the might of the BBC and freeing the country from its liberal left yoke. They had the perfect chance to do this using the advent of new technology as the lever but instead they have rolled over and look set to give the BBC free reign to dominate the digital age in just the same way as it has the dominated broadcasting for the last 50 year. The triumph of the liberal left in the UK is assured which in turn dooms the UK to a future in which the rise of Islam continues unabated.
Well said Doublethinker and Grant, may I suggest that if UKIP can sort themselves out for life beyond the referendum, they try to present themselves as a conservative party. There has to be a future for such a party.
As others on here have said, it is not for Obama to lecture us in matters of our forthcoming vote on independence. But, it was interesting to catch up on an interview between Piers Morgan and Donald Trump on ITV last night, where Donald Trump, who looks like being the next President of the USA, stated that he wants to see the U.K. pull out of the E.U. so that the U.K. can once again become great and a great power house of trading that it currently cannot be saddled in the E.U. He also said that his mother is British and that he loves Britain and it’s people. Obama is now a has been as will hopefully the ultra ringing wet liberal that Cameron has shown himself to be, and once these two jokers are gone, I look forward to a booming economy with our trading partners in the USA. We will not be last in the queue Cameron, unlike you down at the dole office, and while I’m thinking about it, take the BBC with you.
I’ll be honest with the good folk on this forum, but until yesterday I hadn’t met anyone in three weeks of asking who wanted to stay in the E.U. As I say that was until yesterday. In our business which in part relies on postal activity, I asked our parcels courier driver (British) if he was going vote out in the upcoming referendum? “No, I’m voting in” was his reply. Asking why he would vote in instead of having our sovereign stature, he stated that it was better to be a part of a big club and within that big club you have the opportunities to have free movement etc etc etc. A pretty much stock answer if you listen to the BBC too much.
I pointed out to the driver who is getting the new minimum /living wage, that once we are in the E.U. we cannot restrict who wants to come and work in the U.K. and that whilst he has a job at the moment with a courier, what would there be to stop the courier he now works for replacing him with imported “self employed” drivers who do not have the protection of the “minimum” wage? I pointed out that if he votes “in” then he could kiss his job, this country, his arse, goodbye. He went incredibly quiet when the reality hit home that he was voting for his own economic destitution.
Most people sensibly vote in what they perceive to be their own best interests. The pity is that a lot of folks get confused by the barrage of propaganda and can’t think for themselves, your driver being a good example. The BBC of course preys on this and uses its state funded position to ‘mould’ the the thinking of these people into following the liberal left establishment line. Therein lies the reason for my detestation of the BBC.
But how do we make those stupid enough to believe the lies and deception of the Al Beeb and Gravy train traitors in our political parties realise that they are signing their families and their families history’s death warrant? We can write as many Churchillian like speeches as we like on here, it’s irrelevant. The MSM have the debate tied down. If you take an interest in what is good for you and your family then you vote out. If you are an easily led sheep you vote in. Its why the focus on the scare tactics. How many sheep we actually have is what will decide our future.
Seems a wee top trumps dilemma has appeared on the BBC editorial horizon, and one can only hope the weekend shift is up to the task.
Jezza’s people have got together with Barry’s people and ironed out the sticking points between them, namely on everything, and a tense photo op is now promised.
“A Happy St George’s Day…. to those of you who are celebrating”
Yes, that’s the new BBC formulation for things they don’t really want to be seen to approve. It is confirmed as a careful editorial phrase since it mirrors the odd “Happy Easter, to those who are celebrating” which I noted at the time as being somewhat clumsy and clearly mealy-mouthed but oh-so PC in intention and in effect. Let me translate: we at the BBC are not either Christian or British in outlook (albeit those were our traditions in the past) our new cultural and ideological under-pinning is atheistic and stateless.
And now folks it is Saturday at 7.47am so it must be…. Newswatch – for those of them who are burying Licence Payer feedback.
Now if I could have popped down to the betting shop in the moments between the announcement of upcoming Newswatch and the first item on that show then I would have bet the farm on the BBC giving a platform to the Republicans (the British tendency not the US political party). And sure enough at the narrowest of narrow odds of a hundred to one on – there they go off and racing again – the anti-monarchy rag tag old nag flogging a dead horse roadshow. The wonderfully British named member of the public joe public man in the street or on the Clapham Omnibus, one Raoul Bianchi leads the charge.
My new editorial formulation for the republicans – ‘for those of you not celebrating…. suck it up!’
This is all marvelous grist to the BBC mill. A debate that probably splits 80:20 in favour of the Queen can be made to look 50:50 by the achingly liberal BBC and a dead issue can be named a ‘debate’. That (awful man) Nicholas Witchell is cited by pro-monarchists as being ‘disengenuous and snide’ and the BBC news fuhrer flushed out of his bunker for a brief outing in the Newswatch studio has the easiest of easy slow balls bowled to him with the inevitable conclusion…. we got it about right.
No one from deep within the bowls of the BBC comes up to justify 20 minute long news bulletine obsessions with celebrity culture. Well, I suppose at least Prince wasn’t ‘workshy’
Whenever I see the name Nicholas Witchell it reminds me that , many years ago, he wrote a book about the Loch Ness Monster. He really believes that it exists. A nutter !
Dominic Casciani reports on albeeb brekkie….on the analysis by academics(?) of the characteristics of 100 IS leaders and attempts to identify what caused them to join IS.
They were unable to ascertain a single thing that identifies the reasons they do so, having considered everything.
Well, everything except that which is obvious to anyone with more than one brain cell.
Islam….yep….you got it….not mentioned….so I’d guess half of them are Welsh Baptists? Or presbyterian?
The elephant sits in the corner of the room….
And what’s more, until 2008 I wouldnt have wanted to learn it.
The turmoil of the 70’s and 80’s with their second-home burn-outs in the North, and endless campaigning for S4C etc had actually made me very anti the lingo.
I actually lived in Cwmbran at throughout that period, and had my tv antenna tuned to the transmitter on the mendips therefore having Bristol area progs, in order to avoid being subjected to the wales offerings.
Also, of course , the ‘troubles’ over the water led me to connect the independence campaigns with the disgusting Provos. No link of course, but it affects the way you think.
Anyway, I moved way out west, albeit to an English speaking area. And then having much spare time….I took the plunge to join a class…and have never regretted it. Now fluent, I’m able also to read novels etc, and while that may sound obvious, trust me it’s not. There’s a huge gulf between the spoken language and the written word.
Just as an aside to that, the langauge nazis campaigned for bilingaul official forms to be provided, and got their way. However, the Welsh language version was written by academics, and not in ‘man in the street-speak’ …..the end result is that joe bloggs gets his bilingual form and fills in the English bit…I kid you not.
Ha ! Well done. I just assumed you were a native speaker. I don’t speak gaelic either but the same thing happens with forms in Scotland. Funny really but stupid also !
A much bigger threat to World Peace than Iran and ISIS and right on our doorstep. We must prevent them getting nuclear weapons if they do not already have them.
President Obama has a 72% approval rating in the U.K. according to the BBC, does he really ?, I would not let him in if he knocked at the front door- jug eared loon. That climate change deal in Paris has already worked I see, no more Global warming in the UK still snowing in British Summer Time. , down to minus 5 overnight. Any views on that BBC ? nope thought not . Happy St George’s day one and all.
Anyone see have I got news for you last night?
The ultra liberal Coren together with guest, an Asian (I don’t know if this covers the Indian sub continent or if it’s just the term for Muslim terrorists, child molesters and their other usual behaviour) ‘comedian’, left wing of course (are there any right wing comedians in England?) and a ? Gender comedian. Lots of boxes ticked ( by Eddie Izzard alone)
The whole show missed no opportunity to have a go at their usual targets, UKIP, Trump, Brexit and Farage but were very easy on anything left wing.
This show used to be quite funny but is now a pathetic shadow of itself.
Hislop and Murton are no longer the sharp witted pair they used to be.
All anyone now needs to do to get a laugh from the wet leftie audience is say Trump or UKIP then the dimwits all laugh and clap on cue. (Cue?, I wonder if they can get BO, the president of Kenya, as a guest, boxes ticked there)
It’s been poor for a while, a shame really because a long time ago it was a witty, clever show.
Yes I watched it. I saw Eddie Izzard giving his speech on why we should remain in the UK and be happy to open our doors to potentially 7 Billion foreigners. I wonder if he will be dressed as a man or a woman when his mates throw him of the Shard?
Yes I watched it. I saw Eddie Izzard giving his speech on why we should remain in the UK and be happy to open our doors to potentially 7 Billion foreigners. I wonder if he will be dressed as a man or a woman when his mates throw him of the Shard?
Pleased to note that it was the ITV News reporter who got up and asked St Barrack if he was not a hypocrite.
Having reported on that the ITV News promptly moved to Plymouth to canvas opinion on St Barrack’s views and whether he should keep them to himself. We were not treated to what the BBC would unfailingly have supplied!
I wonder if the ITV News at Ten numbers are still climbing while those at the one I have to fund are moving in the other direction?
A lady at work the other day suddenly asked me out of the blue if I thought the BBC coverage of the referendum was biased, because she did.
Stand back as touch paper catches light!
She had not previously heard of this web site, but has now!
I would be shocked if they had. The average BBC editorial type is utterly in awe of the jug eared Kenyan because…. errr…. well, he’s There is no other reason why anyone would give Obama a second thought. It is simply reverse racism.
he’s black. Maybe that is debatable.
Something to consider. Mind you. From the Transgender debate, you can be anything your inner truth tells you.
Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. While Barack Hussein Obama’s father was from Kenya, his father’s family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father’s birth certificate even states he’s Arab, not African Negro).
What does this mean? Maybe nothing
Let’s put it this way. He may be about as ‘black’ as Ali G for all it matters, but his perceived skin colour is why he was (and still is) perceived as a messiah by ‘liberals’.
There are many questions about Obama which the MSM refuses to even countenance; questions about his birth, education, academic career, earlier political activities, role within the corrupt Chicago area Democrat machine – it’s a long list. When he is gone, if we are lucky and the world starts to become sane again, some of the truth might begin to emerge. We can only hope so.
What is quite certain is that if a white politician with Obama’s CV had stood for president, he would not have stood a chance. Obama was elected because of his skin colour.
Undoubtedly true. The US media would have ripped a Republican or even a white Democrat to pieces for that disgusting act of betrayal. It’s not just the UK that has a problem with the establishment owning the media, though at least they have some alternatives.
You wait every country in the World will be climbing over themselves to do a deal with the UK if we vote to leave. Can you also imagine the power of the City too – The centre of the financial World sitting on an independent offshore island.
Lock 13 – you just identified precisely why all these “friends” of ours in other non-EU countries don’t want us to leave it – any more than those states in the EU.
But think of all the benefits! All the goods that we get from other EU countries that we couldn’t do without and couldn’t possibly make ourselves e.g.
Televisions and fridges from Turkey.
Cars from Japan and South Korea.
Clothing from Bangladesh.
Tens of billions of pounds of shoddy manufactured goods from China.
Er, hang on a sec, I’ve think I’ve got something wrong here…
Just watching BO on a Q & A session with a ‘selection’ of Britain’s youth (although in permanent camera shot behind Obama I thought he was speaking to a Muslim congregation) – he’s speaking about what ? buggered if I know, he’s all over the place with his dialogue, hardly surprising that a lot of his audience are checking their phones. Which makes him a good candidate for reviewing the papers on either channel !
If Obama ever goes off piste without an autocue, he rarely makes any sense. That’s when he starts talking about the 57 states in the USA, how in Austria they speak Austrian, and his wife Michael (although to be fair there may be some truth to the last one).
Can well understand why those of us who watch the BBC, and note the broadsheets/bien-pensant opinions of the luvvies, quangos and unions etc; can-and could still-get very upset at the constant bias and slurry heaped upon those of us who know the EU is one big migrant camp in the offal, that will soon be trading in rollies and dried fish packets when that Euro of theirs crawls off to die in a few years time.
Completely understandable in that it plays with your mental health and perceptions-they speak of a country and a people none of us actually know at all-everybody I know is voting to go, once you remind them of Cyprus, Cologne and Brussels/Bataclan in Paris.
Hell-even Tony Martin and the Metric martyrs if the`ve got their smartphones to hand , and we`ll all still sober!
In other words the REAL people of this country are still the same as those who slapped the arses of the liberal chattering classes and their nomenklatura who scribe. script and sniff out the “little people”…and the polling clots are STILL as stupid as they were last year.
They got us wrong last year-and seem now to have decided on double or quits re their idiocies.
Heard Philip Cowley on “The Week In Westminster” a few minutes ago-he says that Osborne need only say we`ll be £25 a year worse off and we`ll all vote to stay in-his polls say so, so no need for £4,300 figures from the air-we`re THAT scared and stupid apparently.
And we all like and trust Obama, so the Vote Leave lot might as well pack up the tent and leave the field to Ashdown, Clegg and Corbyn.
And then I thought back to Question Time-clearly checking on Prince, so didn`t bother with it-but DID see Hoey and Liam Fox get bursts of repeated applause re the EU and our need to get out…and saw Ashdown howled down and laughed at, with a load of hands up in Exeter wanting to get out.
Didn`t need to see any more-all UKIP etc have to do is keep on at the Bristsih people re Cologne, Malmo, Ireland and Cyprus…get a song going for Neil and Steve(Sunderland Metric Martyrs…Neils died since as I recall)…and remind everyone that Obama hates the UK, has turned his great nation into a Harem Whore for Islam and lets his border guards die with firearms HE gave the cartels( Operation Fast and Furious)-AND probably never even bothered to get the remains of his Embassy staff he let get killed in Benghazi a few years back.
An evil incompetent phoney who owes it all to skin colour and a former pretty face from Chicago…whose own nation would not dissolve itself to a Caracas satrap state, despite his best efforts to do that.
Hold you nerve boys and girls-the more the liberal confuse the smell of their bubbled halitosis with the fresh air of liberation to come…the better its suits us.
Its what Benn, Crow and Powell , Thatcher would have wanted…fuck the quisling left and right who deny their correct analyses over the last forty years or so….
Dateline London – from the off, an incredible hostile tone towards the leave campaign and indeed the UK, the only attempt at balance was by Thomas Keilinger but even that was limited. A disgracefully biased programme, how the BBc gets away with it I don’t know. I would complain but from past experience I know that is pointless
” I would complain but from past experience I know that is pointless ”
That is exactly how they get away with it. They are an unaccountable organisation, funded on pain of imprisonment by their own special tax, and answerable to no-one.
Like many others I’d anticipated a biased BBC EU campaign, I never dreamed it would be such blatant right in your face crowing type propaganda, collectively the BBC appear to have given up even a pretence of impartiality, a “yes of course we are biased, what are you going to do about it” style of broadcasting.
“Senior sources on the other side believe it’s almost futile to try to match Remain’s levels of support from the Establishment. But the Leave campaign has passion and enthusiasm that’s rarely matched by their opponents.” Already the plucky underdog after edging polls earlier in the year.
With the establishment already weighing in with the kitchen sink it is starting to look like a stitch up. And it is having an effect, I’ve heard a few sensible people express concerns about workers rights if we vote to leave, thats the kind of issue that can sway a vote and needs to be addressed by the out campaign, assuming they can attract the medias attention of course.
There was a long item on this morning’s Toady programme on the ‘housing crisis’ in London.
This is what we learned:
– Housing is very very expensive and beyond the reach of that young generation who keep moaning that the Babyboomers have had it all
– We had a young lady from that younger generation who worked in PR telling us how she coudn’t afford ‘even to live a normal lifestyle’ on her salary in London let along buy a home
– 35% of homes in London are bought by foreign investors
– The population of London is growing by 100,000 a year
– Sadiq Khan will intervene to change the housing market but Zac Goldsmith won’t
What we didn’t learn:
– Why London is growing at the rate of 100,000 a year (you guessed it, the ‘I’ word not mentioned once)
– How the 100,000 manage to find somewhere to live
– Why the younger generation want to live in London above anywhere else
– What a ‘normal’ lifestyle is for that younger generation (does it include adventure holidays in New Zealand/Africa/South America etc for example?)
– What alternative strategies there might be to the government simply building more houses (Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse – what a name for a band btw – the BBC always seem keen to take the piss out of might be a start?)
– Why won’t people move out of London? Had the young lady considered that as an option? (could be a bit sensitive that one, given Beeboid aversion to working class Salford)
In our neighbourhood not all that far from Salford it’s not the Babyboomers who are having their houses extended, new litchens and bathrooms installed, driving big shiny 4 x 4’s etc – it’s the generation that supposedly can’t afford to buy a house. Yes folks, life does exist outside of London and the BBC are welcome here with their cameras and ‘journalists’ anytime to see for themselves, but I won’t hold my breath.
This was a useless piece of journalism from the biggest act in the British journalism business with a £4bn guaranteed budget and 70% share of news coverage. We learned nothing but instead were steered to the conclusion the BBC wants you to reach – more government house building.
Diversity-a-GoGo at the BBC. Tunde Ogungbesan anyone? No me neither. It seems even some at the BBC have never heard of him (see the one comment). He’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Succession and says –
“The BBC is a diverse organisation, whichever way you look at it. Almost half [48.5%] of our workforce is made up of women and the proportion of our black, Asian and other ethnic minorities in our workforce is at an all-time high of 13.1% – above the 2011 census ratio of the population as a whole (12.9%) and well on the way to meeting our target of 14.2% by 2017. In fact, it is much higher in areas where there is are significant ethnic minority populations: 19.8 % in London and 20.4 % in Birmingham and the proportion of BBC leaders from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority backgrounds has increased from 6.1% in 2011 to 9.1% in 2015.”
One in six of all on-screen BBC roles must go to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or disabled people by 2020, the corporation’s new diversity targets state.
In a bid to deter criticism that it has been failing to reflect its audience, the BBC has pledged that LGBT and disabled people will each make up eight per cent of all on-air and on-screen roles.
Well, I am white, male, middle-aged, heterosexual, non-transgender and currently able-bodied. Where are the quotas for people like me to be included in this BBC Diversity-Fest? Oh, I forgot. I fall into the category of the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic majority and can safely be airbrushed out of The Narrative.
I hate even suggest this question but…
“The BBC is a diverse organisation, whichever way you look at it. Almost half [48.5%] of our workforce is made up of women and the proportion of our black, Asian and other ethnic minorities in our workforce is at an all-time high of 13.1% – above the 2011 census ratio of the population as a whole (12.9%) and well on the way to meeting our target of 14.2% by 2017”
Could this be the reason its output is of such an abysmally low standard? Something has to explain the day long parade of cheap and tatty ‘reality’ shows about cooking and antiques, the endless chat shows hosted by gays, the rump of sports the paid channels don’t want and propaganda-driven dramas that sink without trace (yes, I do mean Atlantis).
Could it be that the BBC is so obsessed with meeting quotas that any moron can get a job – providing he/she/it meets the racial and chromosomal requirements?
How about a little BBC political diversity among its staff? currently at about 0.0001% theres room for improvement. I’d also like to see a few presenters not absolutely obsessed with LGBTQ/racial issues and whatever else is ‘progressive’ flavour of the month. How about a presenter who has just the teeniest hint of doubt about the sanity of social engineering/jihad by way of deliberately provoked/manufactured migration? Somebody who hasn’t swallowed the BBC party line, thinks for themself, and hasn’t had the liberal elite handbook rammed up their jacksee while spouting sh*te, spite and venom about anyone with a different opinion would also be nice, all masquerading as tolerance of course while in reality being the most insufferable intolerant unilateral pr*cks in existence. Even a presenter who leans ever so slightly to the right of the labour party would be a start.
That would be a start Grant, could also be taken further with that BBC favourite, affirmative action, with the BBC being forced to have staff who exactly mirror by % the racial make up and sexual orientation of the country as a whole. Political affiliation of staff could be loosely based around the last general election % of votes for each party.
Only in a completely insane world can there be a post with the grand title of Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Succession. What on earth do they do all day? There is a much simpler, and no doubt more cost effective alternative, that basically consists of hiring people on their merits. Particularly as the above mentioned head is as likely to be just prejudiced as anybody else.
I must say the Today team on BBC R4 came up with a stunning journalistic tour de force this morning.
John was hyperventilating as he announced that cutting-edge research had shown that there were no common factors in the backgrounds of the 100 top jihadists. They weren’t all immensely stupid, they weren’t all islamic scholars, etc. All our stereotypes and preconceptions are wrong. It’s nothing to do with Islam.
Unfortunately, the researcher Somebody al Muslim-woman gave the game away when she said “anyone who becomes a salafist is invariably a Muslim”.
So there is a common denominator after all. All Muslim terrorists are Muslim. How could a muslim academic have missed that ?
This disingenuous BBC game of use of any word but Islam is so tiresome.
Salafism means to “follow the pious forefathers” it means to follow as closely as possible the example of Muhammad’s generation of Muslims, who of course, were conquerers and exterminators of other cultures and religions in their time. Dhimmi status, conversion or death was and is their offer to the rest of us.
Wahabbism/Salafism means Islamic revivalism and purification of Islam…stripping it of all innovations and actively preventing any form of reform.
Incidentally I lived and worked for several years in Saudi Arabia and took a detached interest in what I saw and heard around me….the people there never used these terms they simply identified as Muslims plain and simple.
At the time I was there the general view of the people I met (mostly educated professionals) was that the Algerian civil war, the Yugoslavian civil war and the existence of Israel were the result of Western Christian conspiracies against Islam, the death of Diana and Dodi al Fayed was another anti Muslim conspiracy to stop a Muslim joining the royal family and generally any world event was explicable in terms of this vast conspiracy manipulated by the CIA and the interchangeabley termed Jews / Zionists.
I get the impression that little has changed, other than that these ideas are gaining influence in the growing Islamic diaspora and are transmitting into the host communities.
To care about Wahhabi/Salafi/Ahmadiyya/Sufi etc-and to have to come to terms with the implications of their historical spats and what it might mean for our kids; only shows how reduced and how feeble our culture has become.
Early Christian controversies were equally arcane, but only a PhD theologian would give a stuff about the Arians debating with the Pelagians, Marcion with Aquinas…all junk to us, was to most of the normal people then as well.
When we as a society-maybe 95% of the country-no longer need to give a damn about the Sunni-Shia historical bollox-THEN we`ll be on the path to something other than perdition.
Utterly sick of Islam…they have bombed their way onto our front pages, and any society that had a sense of backbone or survive would wring the scrawny neck of the Islam cuckoo before it presumes to have any view on 21st Century life in the West…stone age paedophilia and rape is no more a debating point now than it was in 1081…so why the hell are the liberal elite giving it all houseroom and an airing in public?
How do you solve a problem like Sharia? Deutchland uber Allah?…fuck off…we`ve let all this go way too far.
Don`t give a stuff-and none of would need to, had we dealt with the Left and the Liberal before they pupped and gave us the crap culture we now are steeped in.
Exactly, it is none of our business and why should we give a monkey’s toss about it ? They can all go and kill each other until they are extinct for all I care. The Left’s fascination with these sub-humans is suicidal. But the Left treats them as if they are superior to the rest of us. It is beyond belief !
I’d like to say “knowledge is power” but obviously it isn’t !
We need to have some knowledge about stuff to protect ourselves against BBC and lying politicians, teachers indoctrination about what they call “the religion of peace”.
The best line on Islam I’ve ever heard is from the old Ayatollah Khomeini…..” There is no room for play, Islam is serious about everything”.
Lots of people need to know how they’re being lied to by an organisation they pay for.
Errr..yes, the red sofa crowd had casciani do a report on the same thing…( see my post above) and lo and behold….no common issue to identify….but the word ‘ islam’ was not even mentioned at all..
I decided to listen to Any Questions today – don’t ask why. Apart from all the usual disingenuous fear-mongery from the remainers all I took away with me is the final confirmation that Hillary Benn is as arrogant, slippery, dishonest and traitorous as his father. If I was at the this stage still undecided the mere tone of the Remain campaign would persuade me to vote leave.
It was brilliant wasn’t it? (I lasted till the question about English identity) Despite the interference from Dimbleby to ensure the BBC line was never forgotten, despite the desperate rhetoric and falsehoods, there was Nigel Farage….calmly, expertly, forensically peeling away the rottenness of the remain campaign, and the bloke from the RMT deserves a mention in dispatches.
The remainers sound rattled. Especially Benn and his babyish, petulant line “just because you repeat something doesn’t make it so” said by him to Nigel Farage MEP …..the man who knows the EU from the inside.
Benn playing the “support the workers through thick and thin” line for all he was worth until having to admit he wouldn’t be joining a picket line….the RMT guy skewered him with a well timed “shame on you”!!! Nothing like hearing the comrades falling out over the application of revolutionary theory in the proletarian struggle of the overwhelmingly bourgeouis doctors.
The level of sycophancy being shown by the BBC towards the ‘equal opportunities’ president of the USA has reached truly emetic levels. Is there no one at the Corporation who can see how ridiculous it is?
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
taffmanMar 5, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 Who is our government or Border Force (Farce ) is letting in to our country? We are in need of…
StewGreenMar 5, 23:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Patrick Christy’s report .. ..It’s ruined by shouty lefty Stella getting 80% of the speaking time She opts for…
tomoMar 5, 22:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 BMW had a problem with runaway cars a while back – I wonder if the i40 has any secrets?
European unity at all costs, until theres money involved that is,
As far as the song contest goes I’ve no axe to grind, in fact thats about as far as European integration should go, we can have a good chuckle at them and vice versa. Without borders and a mixed race homogenised population what future for Eurovision?
The article did make me wonder about the BBC and Eurovision costs, a brief search later and this appeared,
Cheap at half the price.
Looks like Romania is a bit short of dosh then. I suppose they can always doctor a few more cashpoint machines …..
Whoops – I think random “Report” from me there by mistake – sorry.
There are no borders and a mixed race selection of footballers in the Premier League or County Cricket, but that doesnt stop them having teams. They’ll just carry on with the Eurovision as if no change has happened. Mores the pity!
I was intrigued by the bBCs hatchet job on the Belgium Interior Minister Jan Jambon for saying that Muslims danced after the terrorist attacks:
Brussels bombing: Anger over Jambon’s ‘Muslim dancing’ comment
“Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon has come under fire for saying that a “significant part of the Muslim community danced” in response to the Brussels bomb attacks. He was repeatedly asked by MPs for evidence of his claim and a Muslim group has made an official complaint.”
The bBC article was written on the 21st April 16. (Yesterday) Here is what the Prime Minister of Belgium had to say on the matter over the weekend:
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel backed his outspoken interior minister over comments that a significant number of Muslims had cheered the Brussels bombings, and said supporters of terrorism were a cancer that needed removing. Jan Jambon told Belgian daily De Standaard in a Saturday interview that a significant part of the Muslim community had danced with joy after the attacks that killed 32 people on March 22. Michel provided backing for his minister late on Sunday, saying the national security council had been told about expressions of support for the Brussels attackers.
“I can confirm that there have been endorsements for the attacks,” Michel said in a statement, although this was only from a small minority. We must neither generalize nor gloss over this,” Michel said, adding that Jambon had not been generalizing.”
The bBC in their article make no mention that the Belgium PM has backed his minister up.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam
The BBC call this ‘evolving the story’, using that famous editorial integrity noted just recently.
Pounce, I read that piece on the BBC news web site. The tone was mocking of the minister’s point about Muslims celebrating the atrocities. You have to read to the end to find a short paragraph about a police officer substantiating what the minister stated, as he had observed Muslims celebrating in the street.
It is a shame no one in the newsroom at the BBC actually studies the news else they would have discovered:
1. How a teacher could no longer teach, because Muslim pupils were loudly celebrating the Brussel’s bombs. But don’t worry the police visited him and asked him not to tweet any more messages.
2. Nor do the BBC news crews observe the ghastly response from Muslims on twitter.
3. Maybe the BBC could have watched the news reports on a non BBC channels where they would have seen how Turkish Muslims greeted the one-minute silence for the victims of the atrocities in Paris by chanting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ Delightful. Won’t it be bliss when Turkey joins the EU and these charming souls will be free to come here, work here and live here?
I also recall teachers in Paris saying Muslim pupils were ordered out of the class rooms because they made so much noise during the 1-minute silence for the victims of the Paris attacks.
Are the BBC news reporters unaware of what is happening in the world or, like Aston Villa and Newcastle fans, they just do not wish to believe what they see before them.
One fine day in Bluewater.
I will let everyone make their own mind up about this and not make assumptions one way or another. And whether or Steve Uncles’ source inside the Kent Police is real or not and truthful or not remains to be seen. However I couldn’t help noticing this….
“I have asked Kent Police if they are using Home Office/Association of Chief Police Officers guidelines in this case, which tells police they must handle Muslims in a different way to all others in England, for political correctness reasons and they refused to respond.”
Perhaps controversially I come from this from a different perspective. Sometimes in policing it is necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation. This is perhaps the reason for the Kent Police’s reticence to provide any further detail. If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned. However in this instance eleven people have been arrested and bailed for further enquiries. This suggests that they are known with settled addresses, and the ‘evidence’ isn’t sufficient to justify charging. If there were sufficient evidence applications would have been made for remands into custody. The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive. When pushed Kent Police have said the suspects are not Muslim. I read this forum and am supportive of many concerns about what amounts to Muslim sexual atrocities in this country and in Europe. But here I think we’ll find there is a story to explain the police’s position. They are obviously working through the lines of enquiry. In due course we’ll find out. We’ll probably learn it is a malicious, concocted allegation, or at least the group of ‘suspects’ are known to the woman making the allegation and it’s not straightforward. Watch this space!
Thats a good balanced approach Pete, my own thoughts went straight to Cologne and the MANY other crimes that go unreported in the mainstream and I admit I began to think ‘cover up’, your post is a timely reminder that just because we have a lickspittle media that does cover up inconvenient truths, it will not always be the case.
“The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive.”
That explains why the public hears so little about the torture and murder of Kriss Donald in 2004 then?
I’m sure they’ll be getting around to it any time soon.
“Neither, in their personal histories, ever provided any proof of anything other than their heterosexual credentials. Both were married (multiple times), both had children (sadly Prince’s baby died very soon after being born) and both had a very public preference for very attractive women………….”
Your comment Obi, struck me that this could have equally applied to another singer who died and who could have wiped the floor of most ‘iconic’ popstars, with his articulation and musicality. At the time of his death in 1998 his face was never plastered on the front of all our national newspapers, and the news channels didn’t devote 10 minutes of headline news recording his life, which just proves that the age of current news editors means they were kids worshipping at the feet of these pop idols, and so assume that the rest of the population were too ! how wrong are they !! The singer I referred to at the beginning ? …. Frank Sinatra, yes of course mention was made at the time, but certainly not to the capacity that Bowie and Prince have been lionised. And it will be interesting to see if the fans of Bowie and Prince will be celebrating the 100th year birth of their idols as Sinatra was last year.
Yep, it’s a fair point. I was just trying to underline the fact that both Bowie and Prince flirted with sexuality as a professional means to an end – whilst in their personal lives they were both rampant heterosexuals.
Someone else raised the issue of why certain other hugely successful pop stars are not similarly feted by the Media Party: well, it’s self-evident. The Media Party draws its ranks from trendy art schools and disaffected university grads. So, while a totally heterosexual group like, say, The Clash, receives endless plaudits from the cultural elites, another totally heterosexual but far more financially (and globally) successful group like, say, Dire Straits, gets nowt but a diffident sneer from the Media Party.
Wrong politics, see. Bowie and Prince (both of somewhat vague political persuasion at the best of times), get a free pass and eternal sainthood for putting on frocks – which trumps all else – even if neither particularly meant it in any other sense than pure theatre.
“At the time of his death in 1998 his face was never plastered on the front of all our national newspapers…”
Sinatra’s death had blanket coverage at the time, and rightly so.
Hello Zero
Why do you visit this site ?
Do you think that Al Beeb is not biased ?
Do you think the poor of this nation should be forced by law, to pay an unfair telly tax even if they don’t like or watch the trash that they broadcast.
Do you think that they are over staffed , over paid and a law unto themselves
What do you think of the Balen report ?
taffman, if you want to be a closed shop where the idea that someone’s point of view cannot be questioned or rebutted and that only like-minded people are allowed, then you’re only fuelling your own demise. You will eventually die out like an isolated virus.
Sorry old chap but you are talking a load of rubbish. I don’t want this site to be a ‘closed shop ‘. Those are your words.
I am only seeking his views – what’s your problem ?
Sorry old chap but you are talking a load of rubbish. I don’t want this site to be a ‘closed shop ‘ as is Al Beeb . Those are your words.
I am only seeking his views – what’s your problem ?
Steve Jones….
“And yes the cake is a let-down but it is the tokenism that is important here. ”
Having only a glimpse of the ‘cake’ on the tele, I hoped that the press would elaborate with further pictures. Sadly not. So if three plain blobs is the best that could be offered to our Monarch by the winner of a prestigious cooker show, then its a bloody disgrace. I only hope the likes of Jan Moir and Sarah Vine, – normally highly vocal columnists, will put in print what no doubt, the rest of us are thinking. Ms Hussein we know was agenda picked, but this clearly shows that it was an embarrassing choice. And why wasn’t the Great British Bake Off winner in 2012 chosen to bake a cake for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee eh ???
It looks more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
I hope it doesn’t give the Corgis food poisoning.
Or maybe it was served up the Obamessiah and his ghastly wife at their lunch with HM today. In which case…
I wonder if the gay rights lobby will approach her to bake an Ernie and Bert wedding cake?
Thanks for that Obiwan, nice to read another viewpoint.
Something that you certainly wont be seeing on the BBC….The Muslim attacked the non Muslim man walking to work…
Am I the only one that remembers the days when a ‘controversial’ subject was news there were usually two people of opposing sides each allowed time to express their views on the BBC Sky etc? Fox still tend to have a three way window frame with the interviewer in the middle giving fair time to opposing views either side.
The BBC in particular now has a system whereby they have one guest given lots of time be it for the EU, climate change, green energy etc. But no opposition is allowed. The only sop to an opposing view is a few questions put forward by said interviewer which of course the interviewed is allowed plenty of time to dismiss the arguments put forward with no rebuttal against him.
This has been the case with the EU in particular. ‘Radio 5 dead’ after Gove’s rather brilliant Brexit speech allowed a Labour MP on right afterwards to dismiss everything Gove said without question. No Brexiter was interviewed. Also before the speech The 5 dead interviewer paraphrased Gove badly and then had two Remainers give their views with no Brexiter being interviwed.
The narrative now is that every day various ‘ remainer’ head honchos are allowed airtime and the rebuttal from the brexiters comes via the interviewer referring to the Brexiters as saying ‘they dismiss this as rubbish/unfounded/’ etc.
There is no attempt to hide the bias such are the stakes in this referendum, further I believe Obama is only here in England solely to lend his support to the remain campaign and is here for no other reason whatsoever.
Bias ? What bias ? Disagree with you about Obama. He is probably here to spend some time on our excellent golf courses.
Trump’s course excluded presumably!
Jerry Owen – So true. Though Fox has a degree of political bias* it’s a professional news channel, generally giving ample time to all sides in any given debate. O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly are fine examples of this, evidently true to the principles of freedom of speech embodied in the US constitution.
Fox offers a stark contrast to the thought police of the BBC as they strive to bring the entire planet into line with their imbecilic lefty ideology.
* Hannity made me chuckle when he stated passionately that he is part of the ‘never Hilary’ campaign.
Type in Hannity to Anjem Choudary on YouTube (2.23 mins long) and then imagine it being the BBC and not Fox News…. it’s impossible!
I certainly remember the days when there was some semblance of a debate by the BBc. Regulars on here will know I’ve complained many times over a series of years about how the BBc will only put one side of the argument yet still maintain they are giving the viewer the information to make up their own mind. Over that period I have seen the BBc agenda becoming even more obvious.
I was just listening to PM and the headlines reported that two fellows had been sentenced for planning drive by shootings and that they were getting sentences that amounted to around twenty years. When I was a lad, I would have thought that those were heavy sentences. Now that I am hitting sixty and know that I am not a total invalid, I know that such sentences are pathetic. Obviously, I must be a totally reactionary fascist in the eyes of the bBBC.
I’m reposting this rather than let it rot at the end of the midweek version:
As if proving the old saying about lies, damned lies and statistics, the BBC’s ever-slippery More Or Less today decided to look into the Treasury’s dodgy dossier. Yes, the one ripped to pieces by the Telegrpah’s Alister Heath and which even the mild mannered Mervyn King cast a sceptical eyebrow at.
So to whom did our mathematical guardian (guardian – geddit?) turn to for an ‘unbiased’ opinion? A hack from the pro-Labour, Europhiliac, Financial Times!
I think they call that sort of thing an ‘epic fail’ don’t they?
Littlejohn in the ‘Mail’ today has a terrific piece about the ‘Bluewater rape’ story that has made the papers this week albeit minor coverage….interestingly though this ‘rape’ happened six weeks ago and was by at least eleven men. The police refuse to give details.
I’m sure any similarity to any similar events in Cologne Sweden etc is just me putting two and two together and making … well, dare I say four!
Apparently the police deny that they are muslims but they are “Men of Kent “. Should be interesting if it ever comes to trial.
Perhaps controversially I come from this from a different perspective. Sometimes in policing it is necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation. This is perhaps the reason for the Kent Police’s reticence to provide any further detail. If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned. However in this instance eleven people have been arrested and bailed for further enquiries. This suggests that they are known with settled addresses, and the ‘evidence’ isn’t sufficient to justify charging. If there were sufficient evidence applications would have been made for remands into custody. The insatiable need for the public, through our intrepid media reporters, to know everything about everybody, instantly, can be very counterproductive. When pushed Kent Police have said the suspects are not Muslim. I read this forum and am supportive of many concerns about what amounts to Muslim sexual atrocities in this country and in Europe. But here I think we’ll find there is a story to explain the police’s position. They are obviously working through the lines of enquiry. In due course we’ll find out. We’ll probably learn it is a malicious, concocted allegation, or at least the group of ‘suspects’ are known to the woman making the allegation and it’s not straightforward. Watch this space!
Wise words. The same reasoning applies to intelligence operations, both civilian and military. Letting out too much information can reveal the source and/or warn off others who are under suspicion. This can result in failure for the investigation.
You are very possibly correct. But the reason most jump to the conclusion that the perpetrators must be Muslim is the past obfuscation of the authorities, and I include especially here the BBC, whenever the Religion of Peace is involved.
Pete ongyo: If there were real public safety considerations then the situation is different and the public should be warned.
Well, precisely. It’s high time people were warned about Muslim rape gangs rather than the police, in collusion with lefty ‘media’ like the BBC, hiding the fact. And what’s to prevent these Muslim* gang rapists repeating their crimes while out on bail?
Seems little doubt that when it comes to trial the names of the defendants will range from Mohammed to Ahmed and back again.
The silence on these vital issues reminds me of the astute Pat Condell’s observations on the appalling situation in Sweden brought about by insane ‘liberal’ appeasement of Muslims:
Sweden now has two problems: one, they have an aggressive social cancer growing in their midst and two, they’re not allowed to talk about it.
The UK is not at that level of abject surrender to the dictates of radical Islam. But it’s a slippery slope.
*I’m assuming that they are indeed Muslims since the obfuscation points in that direction – as do the appalling rapes in Rotherham and elsewhere.
Here , I think the problem is that all right-thinking people have lost trust in the British police. I certainly have.
That is the real tragedy here. The police force in this country has become politicised in recent years hence the loss of public trust. The good news is, the coppers that I know are getting very fed up with it.
I don’t know any plods but I guess there must be some who just want to do a proper job. I hope anyway.
The minute a girl ‘alleges’ rape by a footballer or celebrity it is plastered all over the media instantly, this was a real rape by eleven men. Huge double standards, they are either Muslim despite what the police claim or they are eastern European. I would put money on it.
Thats good to know, for a minute I was worried they might be Kentish men.
Littlejohn’s piece is very measured. It does call for answers and the Kent police need to understand this. Rumour is far worse than fact and in the present climate doubly dangerous.
Last night , we were treated to beeboid emoting over the death of a prince. No, not one related to Her Majesty, but some US singer/musician, who appealed to the BBC physce. So, how many UK Number 1 Singles did he achieve? The answer was ONE. It was not some song called Purple Rain, but some other song called The most beautiful girl in the world. So how much emoting did Sir Terence Wogan get on his death for his Number One hit, The Floral Dance, or Clive Dunne for his Number One hit, Grandad, or the various original members of The Wurzels for I’ve got a brand new combine harvester? Let us also never forget the late Benny Hill with Ernie, the greatest Milk Man in the West. Traitors in the BBC, one and all.
Repeat from the end of the last thread. Last night , we were treated to beeboid emoting over the death of a prince. No, not one related to Her Majesty, but some US singer/musician, who appealed to the BBC physce. So, how many UK Number 1 Singles did he achieve? The answer was ONE. It was not some song called Purple Rain, but some other song called The most beautiful girl in the world. So how much emoting did Sir Terence Wogan get on his death for his Number One hit, The Floral Dance, or Clive Dunne for his Number One hit, Grandad, or the various original members of The Wurzels for I’ve got a brand new combine harvester? Let us also never forget the late Benny Hill with Ernie, the greatest Milk Man in the West. Traitors in the BBC, one and all.
Most awfully sorry for the repetition.
Captain Panick
No more repeats than Al Beeb 🙂
Just picking up the press conference on Al Beeb, re Obhama and Car Moron. How many Tory voters visiting this site are happy with our PM’s performance today ?
No Briton should be happy with Camerons craven display. The surrender monkey PM.
Cameron is not a Conservative. Where did he come from so suddenly?. Why and how did he get control of the party?. Answer these questions and you will start to understand what we are up against in this country.
Agree with both of your comments re. Taffman’s question. Cameron is neither a Conservative nor a patriot but he is certainly a coward and a pretty dim one too.
Someone at the Spectator has noted that Obama has said ” back of the queue” whilst Yanks generally say ” Line.”
Therefore I can only assume some shit at No 10 has written that line for him.
Is there no depths that Cameron will go? This is not the first time he has got a foreign leader to threaten his own countrymen.
Leave. No just f@ck off Cameron, Obama and the EU.
Surely you mean ” written that queue ” ? I posted above that Cameron is not a patriot. I should have gone the whole way and said that he is a traitor.
Who gives a s**t what an abysmal, affirmative action, lame duck U.S. president, who has cocked up every foreign intervention he has been involved in, has to say on anything?
The least of all being the EU membership of a foreign country which (in all likelihood) he personally detests; remember the Oval Office Churchill bust and his Kenyan grandfather’s imprisonment for Mau Mau activities?
I don’t think he’s a big fan of us or our country and he certainly doesn’t want Britain to break free of the EU bastille.
Cameron is an utter disgrace. I suppose I don’t need to remind everyone on here of his statement in 2010 when he described Britain as a ‘junior partner’ to the USA in 1940, a year before Pearl Harbor.
Sadly the alternative of Corbyn and the Immigration loving Labour party is even worse!
A new political party should be formed as an alternative to the Tory Party – A coalition of the Brexit , G.O. and UKIP parties.
It is the only way our nation can remain as nation for the future .
I’m embarrassed that I was enthusiastic about his election in 2010 and the alliance with Clegg.
If I knew then what I now about them I would have been deeply depressed by the prospect of their coalition ‘government.’
Seems the brain as big as a planet has chipped in with some more statesmanlike oratory…
‘How will voters react when they see the US President threatening them on the News at Ten?’
Assuming they do. And the BBC knows who well threats go down here. Ooo… look… dead popstar!!!!!
I’ve just listened to the man David Cameron described as “my friend Barack” telling us that “Britain will at the back of the queue for any bilateral trade agreement with the US” if we dare to vote against the EU.
The Kenyan-American who has single handedly lost the Middle East and reignited Russian resentments made no mention of the US defence departments relationship with various defence and intelligence gathering systems sited in this country…..communications, intelligence, ballistic missile early warning systems etc.etc.
Let’s hope someone in our government has the balls to do so. Trump 2016 Leave EU 2016.
I’ve had my doubts about the so-called “special relationship”, for many years. I think the transparency of Obama’s motives are so obvious that the Remainers may eventually rue his utterances and wish that he had kept his mouth shut. Obviously not an easy task for Obama whose only talent appears to be making grand speeches.
If there is such a “special relationship” why would Britain suddenly be “at the back of the queue”?
It’s the usual contradictory claptrap.
The US did nothing about Noraid supplying the IRA with cash to buy arms to kill British citizens until 9/11 when Bush had to put a stop to it when he declared the “war on terror”. Securing the votes of Irish Americans was more important than British lives until Al Quaeda struck.
Does Big Ears really think the UK will have any influence on the Euro-state in spe should they ever get their act together. In terms of the “European Project” the UK is realy just squatting in the hall of the “European house”. No one can seriously think that a UK that is not in the Euro and not in Schengen can have any influence on the strategic development of the EU.
It as been US policy to encourage the UK into the EU since not long after the damn thing began. Back before then, the USA had always sought to undermine the international power of the UK, which it has seen as the rival to its own. Two impoverishing world wars were a gift to the Americans in that respect and our post WWII decline has been greatly enjoyed and capitalised on by US corporations.
ID – I always thought the IRA were excluded from the “War on Terror” as it (craftily) only applied to “international” terrorism and not domestic; even though in the past the IRA had murdered service personnel and their children in Germany.
There has NEVER been a “special relationship” I don’t know why this specious old canard is rolled out so often; that vile w@nker Pantsdown referred to it on QT last night and how many American lives had been shed in WW2.
They didn’t do that out of the goodness of their hearts – by 1941 about £22 billion in gold had been paid by Britain to the U.S. for supply of (not very good) weapons and ships and they secured the use of areas within the Empire for U.S. military bases in return for aiding us. Roosevelt HATED the British Empire more than Hitler ever did and laboured towards its destruction. Also the U.S. never declared war on Germany – who declared war on the U.S. (as they were allied with Japan) after America declared war on the Japanese post Pearl Harbour.
It is possible that the U.S. (in the absence of the German declaration) would have just fought against Japan and not Germany.
An accurate summary of the then situation.
The current situation WRT. Obama, in the press conference I just watched on BBC News at Ten, came over to me as having similar connotations.
“You will be at the back of the queue” sounds like an ultimatum.
Has POTUS just declared war on half the UK?
Ashdown actually said in the first exchange on QT that, “America has protected us, defended us at every one of the dangerous moments that we have faced”.
Just a reminder, in 1940 the Battle of Britain was fought and won. The Americans entered the war in 1941 because the Axis attacked them at Pearl Harbor.
What happens to a patriotic former special forces man that leads him to rewrite history, to serve a foreign Presidents interests?
I think Paddy’s time in the ‘special forces’ owes rather more to his imagination than reality – but it did, for a while, help his MP image along a treat.
“Roosevelt HATED the British Empire more than Hitler ever did and laboured towards its destruction.”
This is very true. Hitler actually admired the British Empire, especially the way a few thousand Britons maintained the Raj in India. It was the Americans who really hated the British Empire, not that they ever understood the network of relations which sustained it. They simply wanted to smash it and open it up to American companies. They acted out of their own national interest, with no regard to ours.
I feel that Boris Johnson is quite right to say that in Obama’s case his animus against the British Empire in Kenya is even more personal than that of any other American president. I saw him on the news today claiming that he “loved Churchill”, and you could just sense his insincerity. He can stuff his advice on the EU as far as I am concerned. The EU is an Empire, and I want out of it.
For the record.
This was reported by the then Torygraph and confirmed by the British Embassy, to which it was returned. There were TWO busts of Churchill, the one in the Oval Office was returned by the (alleged) Kenyan and the other left in place.
The second bust is the one shown in the photo in the above link.
So much for loving Churchill.
This reminds me of a quote from the past – “Good liars need a very good memory”. Plus a good understanding of verifiable facts.
These two clowns (Cam & B.0) have neither.
I am afraid any dream of any special relationship officially died at the US/FRANCE D day love in at 2014. When Obama compared Britain and France to being two beautiful daughters which a father would never choose between, it was obvious that the US considered us no more important now than the “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys”! Some of which under Petain could not decide who s side they were really on.
The UK has always been very two faced about its relationships with Britain (eg Sitting on the fence in the early stages of WW2, Suez, The Grenada invasion and the Falklands war and of course as mentioned above The Troubles).
However they have always paid lip service to this relationship (mainly for short term expediency and to gently massage the egos of various British Prime Ministers). However I believe that the patronizing statement Obama made that day was Obamas America speaking from its heart.
In the past
We have been supporting the US in its foreign adventures over the years such as Iraq and Afghanistan
We have been useful for supplying airbases for the USAF
And we are now useful for providing a bridge for Americas relationship with Europe.
Is that all we are a F######g bridge! It would appear so. What lazy foreign policy. And our reward for supporting the US over the years is that if we Brexit we are to be put at the back of the queue in any trade negotiations just like naughty daughters he obviously thinks we are!
And yet there we have Dave our “prime minister” sucking up and toadying to this patronizing w####r. Personally I would have shoved Obama onto the first Ryanair economy flight back to the US along with his pet monkey – Dave, who the only thing I consider to be “prime” about him is his alleged predilection for Porcine Head shagging. Maybe Obama can get him a job flipping burgers somewhere.
It is sad and embarrassing our relationship to the US has come to this. We are now not even a client state of the US. Just Junkers and Obamas bitch. Unfortunately bitches do not seem to be valued by anyone and seem to get slapped around from pillar to post and left out in the yard eating scraps from the table and sleeping in their own shit. And obviously being cowardly and of low value they lack the confidence to form relationships with any other dogs.
Christ have we no pride anymore as a nation – It would seem not!
Splendid ! Sadly, I fear that you are right.
Funny how and when this “special relationship” crap comes up as the BBC requires.
There has been no such thing since Reagan/Thatcher in 1987.
Looking at both sides of nomarks that have been elected both sides of the Atlantic, there has been only a lapdog/aircraft carrier kind of mush….and now that the US has been brought to its knees , giving Islam its continual knee tremblers under the trestle table.
Obama has largely finished the US…and only a Trump or such could restore it.
We too should refuse to be shackled to the USA, just as we need to get the EU corpse off our backs.
That said, we all know how great the USA could be again-but Obama has systematically set about destroying the reputation and purpose of a truly great country.
So no lessons from THAT snake in the grass, please.
Be honest with you Chris the more people have gone on about it in the British press over the years – the less important it has been.
Maybe it should be re-dubbed the “Special Needs Relationship” as we seem to be incapable of making major decisions in foreign policy without the input of the US.
Like him or loathe him I could never see Putin doing anything similar even when Russia was at its weakest.
Cheers Grant but it really saddens me how low we seem to have sunk. It just seems the sacrifices of our parents generation seem to have been for nothing.
Call it denial, call it decadence, Call it forgetfulness I just dont know – but what I do know is that unless people start using a bit of joined up thinking, we will all wake up one day to a society where all the hard won freedoms over the generations have been lost.
There used to be a time when wrong or right we looked up to our leaders. Now we seem to be governed by children who only seem able to react to situations and appear to have about as much forward control as as a toddler with sugar intolerance at a chocolate party!
chrisH and Oaknash,
Great posts, both. I have nothing to add.
Also do not forget our “independent” nuclear deterrent. Any normal nuke would be an adequate deterrent, would cost a fraction of Trident and may possibly be truly independent. GB is air strip one as far as US military planners are concerned, an unsinkable aircraft carrier.
Obviously not an easy task for Obama whose only talent appears to be making grand speeches.
Written, no doubt, by his speech writer.
Sure we have a special relationship with the US which no other country has. The sharing of information and the active presence of a major US listening station makes us a very valuable ally, but not for reasons that PMs and Presidents will talk about. With the right sort of UK government in place would it take long to negotiate a trade deal with the US? Probably no longer than it would take to fix the power supply at RAF Menwith Hills.
The BBC have a report of an immigrant declaring his wrong age! A Sudanese 29 year old declared his age as 17? The BBC, leading the headlines, hide it under, SPORT – BASKETBALL
BBC! Try another heading under NEWS
News? That fact is even more understood than “The Celebrity Threesome”.
Theyve only revealed it at all because it happened in Canada!
Another horrific example of what the blood thirsty, death cult Islam is all about as 2 good Muslim men are caught before carrying out true Islamic acts as instructed by Muhammad… But of course, once again written willfully ignoring all the facts to prodect the “Islam is a peaceful religion” narrative by the traitorous liars in continual denial at the Al Beeb.
“Two British students given life sentences for ‘drive-by’ plot”… states the headline on Al mujahideen Beeb webshite (there is nothing British about those vile bast@rds Al Beeb!!)
First paragraph…
“Two British students have been jailed for life for plotting to kill police or soldiers in a shooting inspired by so-called Islamic State”…again the liars at the Al Beeb are propagating this problem is because of or being caused by the so called Islamic state (or in the real world, the caliphate created in the vision of Muhammad where the laws are as instructed by Muhammad….When written like that the real cause that is Islam becomes more difficult to deny and lie about)
What I found really telling was what the judge said during sentencing..
“During the sentencing at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Wilkie said it was “shocking, tragic and deplorable” that Hassane and Majeed, “educated through the UK school system, undertaking university courses (I thought our ROPer friends were carrying enrichment acts out because of poverty and being disaffected??…the Al Beeb are just so full of shit!!!) should be so influenced by the bloodthirsty version of Islam presented by IS”……and there you have it. Even our judges do not have a fucking clue about Islam! There is only one Allah. One Muhammad. One final prophet. One version. No more changes. Islamic State are living the perfect Islamic life. The MCB for christ sake are saying the Ahmadi Muslims are not Muslims because nothing comes after Muhammad!! Yet our establishment think there is another Islam or that Muslims are going to listen to them over Muhammad!! Its utter madness!!
The denial continues. The lies continue. The deaths continue. The appeasement continues. The war against the infidels continues. The Islamification of the UK continues….and the people that are supposedly here to protect us are allowing this to happen
Quite right and especially about the stupidity of some British judges. Talk about naive or are they being wilfully dishonest ?
Our judges are also from the same socio-political caste as our politicians, academics and BBC ‘journalists’. They, too, are part of the problem which needs to be addressed.
And, of course, add the police to that !
Judges are all indoctrinated in PC and diversity. If they veer from the approved path they will not be judges for long.
I believe there are several issues that are influencing the establishments agenda on Islam. Two obvious reasons are..
1: That reading the Koran and hadiths of Muhammad is beneath them. Yet to understand the true purpose and nature of Islam you HAVE to at least study them. Only non Muslims, especially those that have not even read the Koran and hadiths could even suggest there is another way to live out Muhammad’s instruction. Those words/instructions are the purest that will ever be given to mankind and therefore ever written by man. These words are from Allah himself FFS not some self serving politician! No wonder Muslims are going all jihad and trying to protect Allahs word. Our establishment are fucking causing it! To say otherwise is a delusion at best or a complete lie at worst.
2: The adage “everyone is equal amongst men” will be the downfall of our way of life. Countless millions of men, women and children have died to create the utopia our liberal elite find themselves living in. Only blood and unimaginable horror has given Christians and therefore those who have benefited from it the privilege of deciding how they can live their lives and preach from that position of protection to make a statement on behalf of Islam who have been our mortal enemy since its creation.
People have never been equal. They will never be equal. It’s childish, moron like bullshit, fairytale world crap to even think so. Circumstance determines privilege. Islam however determines the only way to paradise. Islam mandates utter conformity and obedience to the message of Allah. Islam is to obey. Death to apostates. Conversation or death to the Kafir. That is the only choice.
Yes, it is hilarious ToThe Point.
As I understand it from the BBC, the only reason victimised Muslims butcher people is …
1. Due to the victims Country’s Foreign Policy. Though, oddly the BBC can’t quite state what it is about, say, the Belgian or Nigerian foreign policy that upsets Muslims so much. Nor why Muslims murder other Muslims in Bangladesh or Pakistan where Islamists control the foreign policy.
2. Victimising pressure from the police, except when three lunatic girls travel from London to join Isis and then apparently it is the police’s fault for not having them under more detailed observation. The BBC even wanted the police to apologise in that case.
3. Islamophobia, because we horrible Brits get irrationally upset every time another Islamic plot to blow up thousands is uncovered.
4. Because we attack Islamic countries. Again the BBC omits to mention the fact that the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya wanted us to remove their fascist, murderous leaders. Also the people of Syria pleaded with the West for help to oust Assad in Syria, but Obama and Ed Miliband buried their heads up their arses hoping it would all go away. It didn’t and Isis arrived to sort it out.
5. The victims deserved it. Why, oh why, did those terrible people at Charlie Hebdo upset those thoughtful, easy going Muslims by saying rude and nasty things about them?
6. Because we do not respect their culture sufficiently. Ok, we have removed paintings from our Art galleries; removed words from books; altered exam time tables; turned a blind eye to child rape and corrupt politics; allowed irrational nonsense to be forced into the heads of children; allowed FGM and child marriages; changed our animal rights laws to allow animals to be tortured to death; allowed Muslims to borrow money but, erm, not actually borrow money. But it is not enough, and oddly it is never enough.
Great post scribblingscribe
Everything you say is factual and has historically events to back up. Unlike the bast@rds lying their way through interviews on the death cult you are just stating the truth. They bloody truth for crying out loud! The more you read it the more it doesn’t make sense. Its utterly desperate stuff from the devious, conniving left to try and contain the uncontainable.
This special relationship rubbish is absurd. It is always in the favour of the USA. Some good few years ago I had access to many of the papers relating to Concorde. It was clear that we were years ahead of the US in everything to do with passenger supersonic jets.
The US government and Boeing did not like this at all and the result was that Concorde was deliberately hamstrung with endless regulations etc. The same thing happenend with the TSR2 and that was deliberately destroyed to appease the US and probably under monetary threats of one sort or another at that time.
So Obama is just runnning to form .Those who really think that the US is somehow kindly disposed to us are sadly deluded. Just listen to them all. From Cameron to the lowliest reporter for the MSM.
His threats are nonsensical and I hope counterproductive. The English respond badly to such talk and in some ways his intervention is helpful to those of us who want out.
I am glad you mentioned TSR2. It was a world beating design, cancelled in favour of the inferior American F111 (which in the end we cancelled too).
A similar thing happened over the replacement for the Harrier and Sea Harrier. BAe led the world in VSTOL technology, and were developing a new VSTOL fighter code named P1216. It would be flying now if we had proceded with it, but no, it was cancelled, and instead BAe got to build part of the F35B, which is absurdly complicated, over budget and late. We may get some by 2020, but no more than 8 or so. We used to have the most vibrant and inventive aerospace industry in the world, now we seem to be happy to make a bit of an American aircraft instead. Sad. Really sad.
We also ‘traded’ data that allowed the US to be the first to break the sound barrier, they were struggling to control their Bell XS-1, they used our ‘all-flying tailplane’ design to overcome their problem.
Our project was then cancelled.
Quite right Geoff. They also got jet engine technology from us and the F-86 Sabre had a nice straight wing at first until they discovered German research into swept wings. So basically, they came up with nothing themselves.
Painfully true, Dave, and it is equally delusional to imagine that we enjoy any sort of special relationship with the EU. Cameron’s signally futile attempts at ‘renegotiation’ have been seen for what they are, but for a simple example of our real position within the EU just compare recent group photos at the end of whatever summit meeting or other. Back in Thatcher’s time she would have been centre stage, flanked by Mitterand and Kohl or whoever was of equal status at the time. Today, Cameron, by the most insulting of comparisons, will be found at the back, on the extreme left – a political nonentity in both the opinion and reality of his ‘peers’ – and for the privilege of watching the PM relegated to stand with Latvia and Greece, we are allowed to be the second largest contributor to an organization which is, in effect, simply a very successful branch of the Mafia.
Concorde also demonstrated that the UK can cooperate with France on a complex project without the help of the EU.
First flight 1969!
Untrustworthy Shifty Allies
‘Back of the queue’ my arse!
Some Allies, Cameron some cowardly Chicken!!
In words of Churchill Some neck!!
I am disgusted, if Obama speaks for USA, then learn some manners, do not abuse the intelligence of your host, get stuffed and then Leave forever..
Obama must have forgotten Menwith Hill, Fylingdales, the UK Trident submarines and various other US military assets based in the UK, thank f@ck we’ll have forgotten him by the time the EU exit negotiations are complete.
Maybe embolden but I still think he’s either a Muslim lover or a Muslim full stop.
Put it this way, he has no respect for Britain and it’s people. He wants us governed by other countries. USA are after a GB land/power grab via EU/TTIP IMO.
If we vote to remain, you can forget GB being a sovereign country.
Vote Britain
Vote Leave
Blast from the past!
Sometimes predictions are made which take a while to come to maturity, and while most understand the implications, and the scare – real or imagined, mostly these stories are forgotten well before they can be proved true or false, and those which are false are explained away be ‘appropriate action being taken’
Here’s a couple which so far as I’m aware have never come to pass:
WRT. The Welsh link. Some money has already been saved. The “Chief Executive” of Pembroke has been removed and the costs of the Porsche Panamera (insured for his son to drive) have also been removed.
Why did the definition of “Public Servant” after 1997?
….Put it this way, he has no respect for Britain and it’s people. He wants us governed by other countries. USA are after a GB land/power grab via EU/TTIP IMO………
Dear God, this conjures up the opening graphics of Dad’s Army ! only it would be the arrows crossing the Atlantic one way for the Yanks, and from Calais in the other direction for the Muslims !!!
Anyone any ideas who we could replace ‘Hitler’ with in the opening line of “who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler ” ???
We’re bloody stuffed whatever the outcome.
That’s right Brissles, we’re certainly ‘done for’ if cowardly traitorous Cameron is our leader.
I am minded of Tennyson’s wonderful poem especially the verse
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d & thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Remain in the EU and this is what you will get.
This referendum has democracy as its main and central tenet. To ignore this tenet is to not understand or care about Britain’s culture, history, the value of the vote or the importance of independence.
Pull up drawbridge, man your posts ,do not surrender. Vote Leave.
‘Illegitimi non carborundum’ – Saint Ob Hama is on his way out and I suspect the US of A will shortly be ‘Trumped’, which will not be to the liking of Al Beeb .
The BBC is utterly beneath contempt – and completely out of control.
Turning on R4 half an hour ago I encountered one of the worst pieces of ‘thriller’ writing I’ve endured in years. Clumsy, derivative, wooden, unconvincing, lead-footed, preachy. It was some pot boiler called ’10 Days’. But who could have written such a piece of formulaic rubbish? And how could they have even got it published, let alone lucratively serialised on the BBC?
It didn’t take long to find out. The author is a woman called Gillian Slovo, daughter of the fanatical communist South African campaigner Joe Slovo. A quick trawl via Google reveals that la Slovo is quite highly regarded by Guardianistas, who seem to think she is a capable genre writer. If she is, then God help British genre crime fiction because what I have just listened to once wouldn’t got a look in from any halfway decent publisher.
Well, until they leaned that her father and mother were sainted figures in South African politics, at which point she’d have been snapped-up. Which, no doubt, accounts for her Frankenstein-booted prose lumbering across the airwaves carrying its ridiculously heavy burden of cliches and ‘messages’.
It was followed by the 11pm news. Isn’t Obama wonderful?! And to whom can we turn for a commentary on how His greatness is so relevant and must be listened to and obeyed? Enter a diplomatic hack blathering about the importance of British/American relations in the intelligence world and yet who appeared to know nothing about how British intelligence regards the usefulness and reliability of our European ‘allies’. Mind you, he was a diplomat.. Rarely are they paid to tell the truth. It becomes a habit.
The BBC. Close it down. It’s poisonous.
Well, until they leaned that her father and mother were sainted figures in South African politics…
Joe Slovo and Ruth First, who was assassinated by the SA government.
Slovo was an ardent communist, who remained loyal for decades to the memory of mass-murderer Stalin, even though he had been known to be a mass murderer for so long. He was rewarded for his unstinting loyalty to the ANC by being handed the ministry of housing, I think it was, when the ANC came to power. He died shortly afterwards.
The BBC, naturally, was deeply in love with all comrades involved in ‘The Struggle’ to overthrow Apartheid.
Radio 4 is the stealth bomber of the BBC’s armoury – mainly because its devotees are nice middle class professionals who consider themselves educated and informed. Many of them are friends of mine who think I am very odd that I don’t lap its output up as slavishly as they do. After all, you have to be informed for dinner parties, don’t you?
Most of the time, they have no idea what I am on about when I point out that they should be aware that Other Opinions Are Available. They genuinely seem not to realise how they are being played by the BBC, nor that the BBC stance on the EU is bought and paid for. The very people who consider themselves well-informed simply out-source their thinking to Radio 4, and then take it as gospel. Which makes me despair.
I haven’t commented for a while – though I still read the comments and cheer; thanks everyone, you keep me sane – because I have reached the stage where the very word “News” being broadcast from any BBC station is enough to make me switch off. I simply cannot listen to any more blatant propaganda, skewing of events to fit agendas, unbalanced interviews, dishonesty about political affiliations of interviewees and think-tanks, and silence on selected topics. Yet, somehow I’m the one who is ill-informed? We’ll see.
What a great comment – I wish I could I could ‘like’ it twice! That is precisely how BBC R4 works – exactly as intended by the Guardianistas who have seized control of it.
“Radio 4 is the stealth bomber of the BBC’s armoury.”
Muck-spreader, more like. “Philosopher Hoo Flung Dung he say ‘BBC inspire me always!'”
The folk I know who listen to Radio4 are either raging trots, or pseudo intelectuals ( thick) who cant tell shit from chocolate. But to point out their indoctrination by R4 would prove utterly futile.
Well said. I no longer tune in to BBC News at all. I look at their useless website each day but otherwise, I get most of my info. about the BBC from BBBC !! This site is certainly more reliable than the BBC and, yes, keeps me sane too.
I am glad that Barack Obama Kenyatta had finally buried the myth of the special relationship. Not even advice … an outright threat. The EU has no trade deal with the US yet, and the UK has still managed to be one of the US’s main trading partners. Is that suddenly going to end if we left the EU … I think not. US workers may have a say in that. Obama is considered a joke in the US. A seriously over promoted Community Relations Organizer.
The only interest Obama has is the large American Corporations. I have the misfortune to work for one of those large multi-billion dollar corporations whose dim-witted fool of a CEO signed the infamous remain in Europe letter. Not because he had the best interests of Britain or British workers in mind, but because it enables him to one. sack UK workers with the minimum legally allowed redundancy payment and transfer thousands of jobs to Eastern Europe. and two, take advantage of the double Irish/Dutch Tax arrangements.
The remains have made much of the threat of potential job losses … they have already happened ….. and continue to happen. in their tens of thousands.
I hope the British people take their destiny back into their own hands once more.
Perhaps Cameron could go over to the USA and advise them on how to control gun ownership. What’s good for the goose…
The smooth faced cretin Piers Morgan tried that. Didn’t go well for him, such a shame.
Yeah, well, that’s because he’s British and the Second Amendment was an affront to British interests. The majority of Americans don’t give a shit about us. And I don’t give a shit about them fat bastards!
Happy St. George’s Day to all my English friends. I look forward to the BBC special programs to celebrate your National Day !
Thank you Grant.
Unfortunately my patron saint is too “controversial” for al-Beeb to mention or broadcast from Minaret House so instead we have the top story, “UK celebrates Shakespeare anniversary”.
It really is time the Leftist Islamists in Propaganda City lost their carte blanche to run their own agenda and brainwash the people of my country who do not look to other sources for what is really happening here.
Every country in the world celebrates its National Day. And quite right too. Why should the English be any different ? I mean the Establishment English, not the real people. I mean lets face it the English are the second greatest people in history ! Some of my best friends are English.
But, seriously, it makes me so angry that the BBC and their fellow Leftie travellers are trashing their own people, history and traditions. They clearly feel some guilt about it , otherwise they would not be referring to Shakespeare’s anniversary as a surrogate. My God, they are pathetic creatures.
Maybe if there was a painting of St. George wearing a suicide vest rather than wielding a sword, massacring Christians rather than slaying a dragon, Al-Beeb would be more sympathetic to England’s patron saint.
I was about to laugh but it is not really funny. The sad thing is that you are right and I just do not understand their twisted minds at all. The longest suicide note in history. Incredible.
Maybe al-Beeb missed this website?
“Today in England, our people will be celebrating “St George’s day” in honour of the late Saint George and to celebrate national pride. Saint George is in fact an adopted Muslim from Syria who replaced England’s true patron Saint, St Edmund in the middle ages.”
The BBC love adopted muslims from Syria. Maybe they will support St. George’s Day if they knew. It would present them with a dilemma !
Any nonsense about Saint George being anything other than a Roman, Christian soldier can be safely dismissed. He lived and died centuries before muhamad was born.
St George lived and was martyred as a Roman soldier around 303AD in a persecution of Christians carried out by Emperor Diocletion.
The cult of St George was introduced in England at the time of the Crusades and Richard the First adopted him as patron saint of his army during the third Crusade, to liberate Jerusalem from Islamic invaders from Arabia.
We might ask about the motives of anyone wanting to play down the significance of Saint George in Englands national consciousness by trying to replace him or by bigging up the significance of Shakespeare’s birthday as an alternative national celebration for us English.
Personally I like both, a warrior and a writer of peerless literature…..the best of us.
Actually on the frontpage down the screen was a graphic marked “Quiz: How well do you know St George’s Day?” but when I clicked it the link led to a page “Sorry, CBBC games and videos can only be played if you’re in the UK.”
– When I clicked back that graphic was no longer on the front page either.
Google shows only 1 page about Saint George’s Day over
..On on the World Service A poem from the point of view of the Dragon aimed at the international view “George’s and Georgina’s around the world”
□ tick box – No British imagery or nationalism nasty stuff.
– It’s graphic is a huge Chinese style dragon in Korea.
– The poet is Dean Atta British might well be a top bloke, but note the other boxes he ticks for the BBC :
………. □ tick box – A Londoner
………. □ tick box – Titled his book : I Am Nobody’s Nigger ..(Jamaican father and Cypriot mother)
………. □ tick box – “named as one of the most influential LGBT people by the Independent on Sunday Pink List 2012”
It goes without saying that the BBC would take the side of the Dragon !
I’d set the search to show pages from this week only
> When I clicked back that graphic was no longer on the front page either
Perhaps it was just taken down while they fixed the bad link? It’s on the home page now, linking to the right page.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Good to see responsive posts on substantive issues again.
So why is the incredibly expensive BBC website such crap ? Is it because Beeboids do not have the technical know-how to design and operate a simple website ?
Jerrod, I see you’ve been laying low since the recent Channel 4 Muslim poll, we never did your get take on it.
Would you like to give us it now?
No, it’s not there for me, on a different computer, just now.
It might be giving me a different version of the homepage to you once it detects, I am overseas .
In the backwaters of the BBC there was a House of Lords debate on the BBC Charter. I was curious and watched it . Noble Lord after Noble Lord lined up to pour praise on the BBC. All the usual nonsense about world leader, cultural leader, moral conscience , force for democracy etc etc. But then came the summing up by the government minister in the Lords for Culture , Media and Sport , Baroness Neville Rolf. She said , and I quote some of her speech , and this from the Conservative Government minister mind :
a) 97% of the population use the BBC more than 17 hours per week
b) The BBC is the best in the world
c) Produces many insightful popular programmes
d) The independence of the BBC is non negotiable
e) The BBC is the most accurate source of news and comment in the world
f) The BBC must be free to hold power to account
g) The government wants to solidify the position of the BBC
h) The governance of the BBC must be completely independent of government
i) The BBC must reflect diversity and represent all opinion
j) the BBC commercial activity must not be constrained
k) the BBC is hugely admired around the world
Obvious comments are :
on a) with such a dominant position, courtesy of state funding , what do you expect
b), c) , k) exactly who says that , journalists, actors , programme makers or the general public across the world
d) well if wasn’t paid for by the public purse, ie it was a private organisation, paid for by adverts or subscription , there wouldn’t be any question of its independence from government would there
e), f) Either the Tories are scared to death of the BBC or they have a death wish because the BBC is not accurate and only holds parties to the right of Labour to account whilst proselytizing for the liberal left 24/7
i) the BBC goes overboard on reflecting diversity and certainly doesn’t represent any opinion that it doesn’t agree with . If it did reflect what all sections of the British people think then I think Britain would be a better place today
All in all we can forget any hopes that the new charter may restrain the leftist bias of the BBC , or that it may stop the growth of this public funded monster. The Tories have once again ducked away from taking on the might of the BBC and freeing the country from its liberal left yoke. They had the perfect chance to do this using the advent of new technology as the lever but instead they have rolled over and look set to give the BBC free reign to dominate the digital age in just the same way as it has the dominated broadcasting for the last 50 year. The triumph of the liberal left in the UK is assured which in turn dooms the UK to a future in which the rise of Islam continues unabated.
What a load of bullshit from Rolf. The Tories are idiots and cowards.
Well said Doublethinker and Grant, may I suggest that if UKIP can sort themselves out for life beyond the referendum, they try to present themselves as a conservative party. There has to be a future for such a party.
As others on here have said, it is not for Obama to lecture us in matters of our forthcoming vote on independence. But, it was interesting to catch up on an interview between Piers Morgan and Donald Trump on ITV last night, where Donald Trump, who looks like being the next President of the USA, stated that he wants to see the U.K. pull out of the E.U. so that the U.K. can once again become great and a great power house of trading that it currently cannot be saddled in the E.U. He also said that his mother is British and that he loves Britain and it’s people. Obama is now a has been as will hopefully the ultra ringing wet liberal that Cameron has shown himself to be, and once these two jokers are gone, I look forward to a booming economy with our trading partners in the USA. We will not be last in the queue Cameron, unlike you down at the dole office, and while I’m thinking about it, take the BBC with you.
Old Bloke,
Cameron is in the Sh one t with Trump ,if he becomes President, whether we leave the EU or not. I would just love to see Cameron get the bum’s rush !
Whether it is the EU or the USA , everyone seems to piss on Cameron. A pathetic creature.
Good post Old Bloke.
This response to Obama’s ‘back of the queue’ speech is doing the rounds. I suggest it applies to Cameron as well.
On Wednesday the Commons debated the Genocide of Christians in the Middle East and voted 278-0 that it is Genocide. Did the BBC report this ?
Government ministers demonstrated Cameron style leadership…….by abstaining.
That is a total disgrace. So they are happy to sacrifice christians just to kiss the muslim ass. Worthless people, the lot of them.
I’ll be honest with the good folk on this forum, but until yesterday I hadn’t met anyone in three weeks of asking who wanted to stay in the E.U. As I say that was until yesterday. In our business which in part relies on postal activity, I asked our parcels courier driver (British) if he was going vote out in the upcoming referendum? “No, I’m voting in” was his reply. Asking why he would vote in instead of having our sovereign stature, he stated that it was better to be a part of a big club and within that big club you have the opportunities to have free movement etc etc etc. A pretty much stock answer if you listen to the BBC too much.
I pointed out to the driver who is getting the new minimum /living wage, that once we are in the E.U. we cannot restrict who wants to come and work in the U.K. and that whilst he has a job at the moment with a courier, what would there be to stop the courier he now works for replacing him with imported “self employed” drivers who do not have the protection of the “minimum” wage? I pointed out that if he votes “in” then he could kiss his job, this country, his arse, goodbye. He went incredibly quiet when the reality hit home that he was voting for his own economic destitution.
Old Bloke,
So much for altruism !
Most people sensibly vote in what they perceive to be their own best interests. The pity is that a lot of folks get confused by the barrage of propaganda and can’t think for themselves, your driver being a good example. The BBC of course preys on this and uses its state funded position to ‘mould’ the the thinking of these people into following the liberal left establishment line. Therein lies the reason for my detestation of the BBC.
But how do we make those stupid enough to believe the lies and deception of the Al Beeb and Gravy train traitors in our political parties realise that they are signing their families and their families history’s death warrant? We can write as many Churchillian like speeches as we like on here, it’s irrelevant. The MSM have the debate tied down. If you take an interest in what is good for you and your family then you vote out. If you are an easily led sheep you vote in. Its why the focus on the scare tactics. How many sheep we actually have is what will decide our future.
Seems a wee top trumps dilemma has appeared on the BBC editorial horizon, and one can only hope the weekend shift is up to the task.
Jezza’s people have got together with Barry’s people and ironed out the sticking points between them, namely on everything, and a tense photo op is now promised.
“A Happy St George’s Day…. to those of you who are celebrating”
Yes, that’s the new BBC formulation for things they don’t really want to be seen to approve. It is confirmed as a careful editorial phrase since it mirrors the odd “Happy Easter, to those who are celebrating” which I noted at the time as being somewhat clumsy and clearly mealy-mouthed but oh-so PC in intention and in effect. Let me translate: we at the BBC are not either Christian or British in outlook (albeit those were our traditions in the past) our new cultural and ideological under-pinning is atheistic and stateless.
And now folks it is Saturday at 7.47am so it must be…. Newswatch – for those of them who are burying Licence Payer feedback.
Now if I could have popped down to the betting shop in the moments between the announcement of upcoming Newswatch and the first item on that show then I would have bet the farm on the BBC giving a platform to the Republicans (the British tendency not the US political party). And sure enough at the narrowest of narrow odds of a hundred to one on – there they go off and racing again – the anti-monarchy rag tag old nag flogging a dead horse roadshow. The wonderfully British named member of the public joe public man in the street or on the Clapham Omnibus, one Raoul Bianchi leads the charge.
My new editorial formulation for the republicans – ‘for those of you not celebrating…. suck it up!’
This is all marvelous grist to the BBC mill. A debate that probably splits 80:20 in favour of the Queen can be made to look 50:50 by the achingly liberal BBC and a dead issue can be named a ‘debate’. That (awful man) Nicholas Witchell is cited by pro-monarchists as being ‘disengenuous and snide’ and the BBC news fuhrer flushed out of his bunker for a brief outing in the Newswatch studio has the easiest of easy slow balls bowled to him with the inevitable conclusion…. we got it about right.
No one from deep within the bowls of the BBC comes up to justify 20 minute long news bulletine obsessions with celebrity culture. Well, I suppose at least Prince wasn’t ‘workshy’
Whenever I see the name Nicholas Witchell it reminds me that , many years ago, he wrote a book about the Loch Ness Monster. He really believes that it exists. A nutter !
Sky news headline
‘Obama lets rip in eu blockbuster’
I wonder did he follow through and ask for a change of underpants?
Dominic Casciani reports on albeeb brekkie….on the analysis by academics(?) of the characteristics of 100 IS leaders and attempts to identify what caused them to join IS.
They were unable to ascertain a single thing that identifies the reasons they do so, having considered everything.
Well, everything except that which is obvious to anyone with more than one brain cell.
Islam….yep….you got it….not mentioned….so I’d guess half of them are Welsh Baptists? Or presbyterian?
The elephant sits in the corner of the room….
I blame the Welsh for everything. Bloody troublemakers !
Cytuno’n llwyr Grant!
I did try to learn some Welsh many years ago. Fiendish language. Slainte !
Indeed sir..!
But it sounds nice when well spoken !
Thank you for that,.
And what’s more, until 2008 I wouldnt have wanted to learn it.
The turmoil of the 70’s and 80’s with their second-home burn-outs in the North, and endless campaigning for S4C etc had actually made me very anti the lingo.
I actually lived in Cwmbran at throughout that period, and had my tv antenna tuned to the transmitter on the mendips therefore having Bristol area progs, in order to avoid being subjected to the wales offerings.
Also, of course , the ‘troubles’ over the water led me to connect the independence campaigns with the disgusting Provos. No link of course, but it affects the way you think.
Anyway, I moved way out west, albeit to an English speaking area. And then having much spare time….I took the plunge to join a class…and have never regretted it. Now fluent, I’m able also to read novels etc, and while that may sound obvious, trust me it’s not. There’s a huge gulf between the spoken language and the written word.
Just as an aside to that, the langauge nazis campaigned for bilingaul official forms to be provided, and got their way. However, the Welsh language version was written by academics, and not in ‘man in the street-speak’ …..the end result is that joe bloggs gets his bilingual form and fills in the English bit…I kid you not.
Ha ! Well done. I just assumed you were a native speaker. I don’t speak gaelic either but the same thing happens with forms in Scotland. Funny really but stupid also !
“There’s a huge gulf between the spoken language and the written word.”
Spot on .
Its not the Welsh Baptists who are to blame , its the Taffia !
A much bigger threat to World Peace than Iran and ISIS and right on our doorstep. We must prevent them getting nuclear weapons if they do not already have them.
President Obama has a 72% approval rating in the U.K. according to the BBC, does he really ?, I would not let him in if he knocked at the front door- jug eared loon. That climate change deal in Paris has already worked I see, no more Global warming in the UK still snowing in British Summer Time. , down to minus 5 overnight. Any views on that BBC ? nope thought not . Happy St George’s day one and all.
I wonder what rating Dave has in the USA ? Except probably most Americans have never heard of him. Well, they are not missing much .
And we believe anything the BBC tells us, because…?
Anyone see have I got news for you last night?
The ultra liberal Coren together with guest, an Asian (I don’t know if this covers the Indian sub continent or if it’s just the term for Muslim terrorists, child molesters and their other usual behaviour) ‘comedian’, left wing of course (are there any right wing comedians in England?) and a ? Gender comedian. Lots of boxes ticked ( by Eddie Izzard alone)
The whole show missed no opportunity to have a go at their usual targets, UKIP, Trump, Brexit and Farage but were very easy on anything left wing.
This show used to be quite funny but is now a pathetic shadow of itself.
Hislop and Murton are no longer the sharp witted pair they used to be.
All anyone now needs to do to get a laugh from the wet leftie audience is say Trump or UKIP then the dimwits all laugh and clap on cue. (Cue?, I wonder if they can get BO, the president of Kenya, as a guest, boxes ticked there)
It’s been poor for a while, a shame really because a long time ago it was a witty, clever show.
Agreed. I gave up on it a long time ago. Does Paul Merton still get paid for saying nothing ?
Yes I watched it. I saw Eddie Izzard giving his speech on why we should remain in the UK and be happy to open our doors to potentially 7 Billion foreigners. I wonder if he will be dressed as a man or a woman when his mates throw him of the Shard?
Yes I watched it. I saw Eddie Izzard giving his speech on why we should remain in the UK and be happy to open our doors to potentially 7 Billion foreigners. I wonder if he will be dressed as a man or a woman when his mates throw him of the Shard?
Pleased to note that it was the ITV News reporter who got up and asked St Barrack if he was not a hypocrite.
Having reported on that the ITV News promptly moved to Plymouth to canvas opinion on St Barrack’s views and whether he should keep them to himself. We were not treated to what the BBC would unfailingly have supplied!
I wonder if the ITV News at Ten numbers are still climbing while those at the one I have to fund are moving in the other direction?
A lady at work the other day suddenly asked me out of the blue if I thought the BBC coverage of the referendum was biased, because she did.
Stand back as touch paper catches light!
She had not previously heard of this web site, but has now!
P.S. Did the BBC show that question being asked?
I would be shocked if they had. The average BBC editorial type is utterly in awe of the jug eared Kenyan because…. errr…. well, he’s There is no other reason why anyone would give Obama a second thought. It is simply reverse racism.
Freudian slip there. I meant to type ‘because … errr…. well, he’s black.’
My apologies.
he’s black. Maybe that is debatable.
Something to consider. Mind you. From the Transgender debate, you can be anything your inner truth tells you.
Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. While Barack Hussein Obama’s father was from Kenya, his father’s family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father’s birth certificate even states he’s Arab, not African Negro).
What does this mean? Maybe nothing
Let’s put it this way. He may be about as ‘black’ as Ali G for all it matters, but his perceived skin colour is why he was (and still is) perceived as a messiah by ‘liberals’.
There are many questions about Obama which the MSM refuses to even countenance; questions about his birth, education, academic career, earlier political activities, role within the corrupt Chicago area Democrat machine – it’s a long list. When he is gone, if we are lucky and the world starts to become sane again, some of the truth might begin to emerge. We can only hope so.
What is quite certain is that if a white politician with Obama’s CV had stood for president, he would not have stood a chance. Obama was elected because of his skin colour.
A white Republican president wouldn’t have survived the scandal of the Ben Ghazi incident.
Undoubtedly true. The US media would have ripped a Republican or even a white Democrat to pieces for that disgusting act of betrayal. It’s not just the UK that has a problem with the establishment owning the media, though at least they have some alternatives.
VW has agreed a compensation deal with the USA but not the UK. Another benefit of being in the EU. Looks like the UK is last in the queue already !
You wait every country in the World will be climbing over themselves to do a deal with the UK if we vote to leave. Can you also imagine the power of the City too – The centre of the financial World sitting on an independent offshore island.
Yes, why would the rest of the world cold-shoulder the 5th biggest economy ? The Remainers are completely crazy !
Lock 13 – you just identified precisely why all these “friends” of ours in other non-EU countries don’t want us to leave it – any more than those states in the EU.
But think of all the benefits! All the goods that we get from other EU countries that we couldn’t do without and couldn’t possibly make ourselves e.g.
Televisions and fridges from Turkey.
Cars from Japan and South Korea.
Clothing from Bangladesh.
Tens of billions of pounds of shoddy manufactured goods from China.
Er, hang on a sec, I’ve think I’ve got something wrong here…
Just watching BO on a Q & A session with a ‘selection’ of Britain’s youth (although in permanent camera shot behind Obama I thought he was speaking to a Muslim congregation) – he’s speaking about what ? buggered if I know, he’s all over the place with his dialogue, hardly surprising that a lot of his audience are checking their phones. Which makes him a good candidate for reviewing the papers on either channel !
If Obama ever goes off piste without an autocue, he rarely makes any sense. That’s when he starts talking about the 57 states in the USA, how in Austria they speak Austrian, and his wife Michael (although to be fair there may be some truth to the last one).
a cockhead married to someone with a cockhead
Can well understand why those of us who watch the BBC, and note the broadsheets/bien-pensant opinions of the luvvies, quangos and unions etc; can-and could still-get very upset at the constant bias and slurry heaped upon those of us who know the EU is one big migrant camp in the offal, that will soon be trading in rollies and dried fish packets when that Euro of theirs crawls off to die in a few years time.
Completely understandable in that it plays with your mental health and perceptions-they speak of a country and a people none of us actually know at all-everybody I know is voting to go, once you remind them of Cyprus, Cologne and Brussels/Bataclan in Paris.
Hell-even Tony Martin and the Metric martyrs if the`ve got their smartphones to hand , and we`ll all still sober!
In other words the REAL people of this country are still the same as those who slapped the arses of the liberal chattering classes and their nomenklatura who scribe. script and sniff out the “little people”…and the polling clots are STILL as stupid as they were last year.
They got us wrong last year-and seem now to have decided on double or quits re their idiocies.
Heard Philip Cowley on “The Week In Westminster” a few minutes ago-he says that Osborne need only say we`ll be £25 a year worse off and we`ll all vote to stay in-his polls say so, so no need for £4,300 figures from the air-we`re THAT scared and stupid apparently.
And we all like and trust Obama, so the Vote Leave lot might as well pack up the tent and leave the field to Ashdown, Clegg and Corbyn.
And then I thought back to Question Time-clearly checking on Prince, so didn`t bother with it-but DID see Hoey and Liam Fox get bursts of repeated applause re the EU and our need to get out…and saw Ashdown howled down and laughed at, with a load of hands up in Exeter wanting to get out.
Didn`t need to see any more-all UKIP etc have to do is keep on at the Bristsih people re Cologne, Malmo, Ireland and Cyprus…get a song going for Neil and Steve(Sunderland Metric Martyrs…Neils died since as I recall)…and remind everyone that Obama hates the UK, has turned his great nation into a Harem Whore for Islam and lets his border guards die with firearms HE gave the cartels( Operation Fast and Furious)-AND probably never even bothered to get the remains of his Embassy staff he let get killed in Benghazi a few years back.
An evil incompetent phoney who owes it all to skin colour and a former pretty face from Chicago…whose own nation would not dissolve itself to a Caracas satrap state, despite his best efforts to do that.
Hold you nerve boys and girls-the more the liberal confuse the smell of their bubbled halitosis with the fresh air of liberation to come…the better its suits us.
Its what Benn, Crow and Powell , Thatcher would have wanted…fuck the quisling left and right who deny their correct analyses over the last forty years or so….
Dateline London – from the off, an incredible hostile tone towards the leave campaign and indeed the UK, the only attempt at balance was by Thomas Keilinger but even that was limited. A disgracefully biased programme, how the BBc gets away with it I don’t know. I would complain but from past experience I know that is pointless
” I would complain but from past experience I know that is pointless ”
That is exactly how they get away with it. They are an unaccountable organisation, funded on pain of imprisonment by their own special tax, and answerable to no-one.
Like many others I’d anticipated a biased BBC EU campaign, I never dreamed it would be such blatant right in your face crowing type propaganda, collectively the BBC appear to have given up even a pretence of impartiality, a “yes of course we are biased, what are you going to do about it” style of broadcasting.
“Senior sources on the other side believe it’s almost futile to try to match Remain’s levels of support from the Establishment. But the Leave campaign has passion and enthusiasm that’s rarely matched by their opponents.” Already the plucky underdog after edging polls earlier in the year.
With the establishment already weighing in with the kitchen sink it is starting to look like a stitch up. And it is having an effect, I’ve heard a few sensible people express concerns about workers rights if we vote to leave, thats the kind of issue that can sway a vote and needs to be addressed by the out campaign, assuming they can attract the medias attention of course.
There was a long item on this morning’s Toady programme on the ‘housing crisis’ in London.
This is what we learned:
– Housing is very very expensive and beyond the reach of that young generation who keep moaning that the Babyboomers have had it all
– We had a young lady from that younger generation who worked in PR telling us how she coudn’t afford ‘even to live a normal lifestyle’ on her salary in London let along buy a home
– 35% of homes in London are bought by foreign investors
– The population of London is growing by 100,000 a year
– Sadiq Khan will intervene to change the housing market but Zac Goldsmith won’t
What we didn’t learn:
– Why London is growing at the rate of 100,000 a year (you guessed it, the ‘I’ word not mentioned once)
– How the 100,000 manage to find somewhere to live
– Why the younger generation want to live in London above anywhere else
– What a ‘normal’ lifestyle is for that younger generation (does it include adventure holidays in New Zealand/Africa/South America etc for example?)
– What alternative strategies there might be to the government simply building more houses (Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse – what a name for a band btw – the BBC always seem keen to take the piss out of might be a start?)
– Why won’t people move out of London? Had the young lady considered that as an option? (could be a bit sensitive that one, given Beeboid aversion to working class Salford)
In our neighbourhood not all that far from Salford it’s not the Babyboomers who are having their houses extended, new litchens and bathrooms installed, driving big shiny 4 x 4’s etc – it’s the generation that supposedly can’t afford to buy a house. Yes folks, life does exist outside of London and the BBC are welcome here with their cameras and ‘journalists’ anytime to see for themselves, but I won’t hold my breath.
This was a useless piece of journalism from the biggest act in the British journalism business with a £4bn guaranteed budget and 70% share of news coverage. We learned nothing but instead were steered to the conclusion the BBC wants you to reach – more government house building.
Agenda? What agenda?
NOTE to those BBC reporters covering the NHS, housing, schools, roads, crime, etc.
If a country imports 1/3 million people nett every year for several years, it is likely to add to existing problems.
Diversity-a-GoGo at the BBC. Tunde Ogungbesan anyone? No me neither. It seems even some at the BBC have never heard of him (see the one comment). He’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Succession and says –
“The BBC is a diverse organisation, whichever way you look at it. Almost half [48.5%] of our workforce is made up of women and the proportion of our black, Asian and other ethnic minorities in our workforce is at an all-time high of 13.1% – above the 2011 census ratio of the population as a whole (12.9%) and well on the way to meeting our target of 14.2% by 2017. In fact, it is much higher in areas where there is are significant ethnic minority populations: 19.8 % in London and 20.4 % in Birmingham and the proportion of BBC leaders from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority backgrounds has increased from 6.1% in 2011 to 9.1% in 2015.”
One in six of all on-screen BBC roles must go to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or disabled people by 2020, the corporation’s new diversity targets state.
In a bid to deter criticism that it has been failing to reflect its audience, the BBC has pledged that LGBT and disabled people will each make up eight per cent of all on-air and on-screen roles.
Well, I am white, male, middle-aged, heterosexual, non-transgender and currently able-bodied. Where are the quotas for people like me to be included in this BBC Diversity-Fest? Oh, I forgot. I fall into the category of the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic majority and can safely be airbrushed out of The Narrative.
I hate even suggest this question but…
“The BBC is a diverse organisation, whichever way you look at it. Almost half [48.5%] of our workforce is made up of women and the proportion of our black, Asian and other ethnic minorities in our workforce is at an all-time high of 13.1% – above the 2011 census ratio of the population as a whole (12.9%) and well on the way to meeting our target of 14.2% by 2017”
Could this be the reason its output is of such an abysmally low standard? Something has to explain the day long parade of cheap and tatty ‘reality’ shows about cooking and antiques, the endless chat shows hosted by gays, the rump of sports the paid channels don’t want and propaganda-driven dramas that sink without trace (yes, I do mean Atlantis).
Could it be that the BBC is so obsessed with meeting quotas that any moron can get a job – providing he/she/it meets the racial and chromosomal requirements?
How about a little BBC political diversity among its staff? currently at about 0.0001% theres room for improvement. I’d also like to see a few presenters not absolutely obsessed with LGBTQ/racial issues and whatever else is ‘progressive’ flavour of the month. How about a presenter who has just the teeniest hint of doubt about the sanity of social engineering/jihad by way of deliberately provoked/manufactured migration? Somebody who hasn’t swallowed the BBC party line, thinks for themself, and hasn’t had the liberal elite handbook rammed up their jacksee while spouting sh*te, spite and venom about anyone with a different opinion would also be nice, all masquerading as tolerance of course while in reality being the most insufferable intolerant unilateral pr*cks in existence. Even a presenter who leans ever so slightly to the right of the labour party would be a start.
How about the BBC staff reflecting the political opinions of their paymasters , the British public ? So, to be simplistic, roughly 50:50, Left/Right.
That would be a start Grant, could also be taken further with that BBC favourite, affirmative action, with the BBC being forced to have staff who exactly mirror by % the racial make up and sexual orientation of the country as a whole. Political affiliation of staff could be loosely based around the last general election % of votes for each party.
Ha ! Yes, indeed . I can just imagine the BBC reaction !
Only in a completely insane world can there be a post with the grand title of Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Succession. What on earth do they do all day? There is a much simpler, and no doubt more cost effective alternative, that basically consists of hiring people on their merits. Particularly as the above mentioned head is as likely to be just prejudiced as anybody else.
I must say the Today team on BBC R4 came up with a stunning journalistic tour de force this morning.
John was hyperventilating as he announced that cutting-edge research had shown that there were no common factors in the backgrounds of the 100 top jihadists. They weren’t all immensely stupid, they weren’t all islamic scholars, etc. All our stereotypes and preconceptions are wrong. It’s nothing to do with Islam.
Unfortunately, the researcher Somebody al Muslim-woman gave the game away when she said “anyone who becomes a salafist is invariably a Muslim”.
So there is a common denominator after all. All Muslim terrorists are Muslim. How could a muslim academic have missed that ?
This disingenuous BBC game of use of any word but Islam is so tiresome.
Salafism means to “follow the pious forefathers” it means to follow as closely as possible the example of Muhammad’s generation of Muslims, who of course, were conquerers and exterminators of other cultures and religions in their time. Dhimmi status, conversion or death was and is their offer to the rest of us.
Wahabbism/Salafism means Islamic revivalism and purification of Islam…stripping it of all innovations and actively preventing any form of reform.
Incidentally I lived and worked for several years in Saudi Arabia and took a detached interest in what I saw and heard around me….the people there never used these terms they simply identified as Muslims plain and simple.
At the time I was there the general view of the people I met (mostly educated professionals) was that the Algerian civil war, the Yugoslavian civil war and the existence of Israel were the result of Western Christian conspiracies against Islam, the death of Diana and Dodi al Fayed was another anti Muslim conspiracy to stop a Muslim joining the royal family and generally any world event was explicable in terms of this vast conspiracy manipulated by the CIA and the interchangeabley termed Jews / Zionists.
I get the impression that little has changed, other than that these ideas are gaining influence in the growing Islamic diaspora and are transmitting into the host communities.
To care about Wahhabi/Salafi/Ahmadiyya/Sufi etc-and to have to come to terms with the implications of their historical spats and what it might mean for our kids; only shows how reduced and how feeble our culture has become.
Early Christian controversies were equally arcane, but only a PhD theologian would give a stuff about the Arians debating with the Pelagians, Marcion with Aquinas…all junk to us, was to most of the normal people then as well.
When we as a society-maybe 95% of the country-no longer need to give a damn about the Sunni-Shia historical bollox-THEN we`ll be on the path to something other than perdition.
Utterly sick of Islam…they have bombed their way onto our front pages, and any society that had a sense of backbone or survive would wring the scrawny neck of the Islam cuckoo before it presumes to have any view on 21st Century life in the West…stone age paedophilia and rape is no more a debating point now than it was in 1081…so why the hell are the liberal elite giving it all houseroom and an airing in public?
How do you solve a problem like Sharia? Deutchland uber Allah?…fuck off…we`ve let all this go way too far.
Don`t give a stuff-and none of would need to, had we dealt with the Left and the Liberal before they pupped and gave us the crap culture we now are steeped in.
Exactly, it is none of our business and why should we give a monkey’s toss about it ? They can all go and kill each other until they are extinct for all I care. The Left’s fascination with these sub-humans is suicidal. But the Left treats them as if they are superior to the rest of us. It is beyond belief !
I’d like to say “knowledge is power” but obviously it isn’t !
We need to have some knowledge about stuff to protect ourselves against BBC and lying politicians, teachers indoctrination about what they call “the religion of peace”.
The best line on Islam I’ve ever heard is from the old Ayatollah Khomeini…..” There is no room for play, Islam is serious about everything”.
Lots of people need to know how they’re being lied to by an organisation they pay for.
Sorry misquote…. the quote is “there is no room for play in Islam, it is serious about everything”.
Errr..yes, the red sofa crowd had casciani do a report on the same thing…( see my post above) and lo and behold….no common issue to identify….but the word ‘ islam’ was not even mentioned at all..
I decided to listen to Any Questions today – don’t ask why. Apart from all the usual disingenuous fear-mongery from the remainers all I took away with me is the final confirmation that Hillary Benn is as arrogant, slippery, dishonest and traitorous as his father. If I was at the this stage still undecided the mere tone of the Remain campaign would persuade me to vote leave.
It was brilliant wasn’t it? (I lasted till the question about English identity) Despite the interference from Dimbleby to ensure the BBC line was never forgotten, despite the desperate rhetoric and falsehoods, there was Nigel Farage….calmly, expertly, forensically peeling away the rottenness of the remain campaign, and the bloke from the RMT deserves a mention in dispatches.
The remainers sound rattled. Especially Benn and his babyish, petulant line “just because you repeat something doesn’t make it so” said by him to Nigel Farage MEP …..the man who knows the EU from the inside.
Benn playing the “support the workers through thick and thin” line for all he was worth until having to admit he wouldn’t be joining a picket line….the RMT guy skewered him with a well timed “shame on you”!!! Nothing like hearing the comrades falling out over the application of revolutionary theory in the proletarian struggle of the overwhelmingly bourgeouis doctors.
The level of sycophancy being shown by the BBC towards the ‘equal opportunities’ president of the USA has reached truly emetic levels. Is there no one at the Corporation who can see how ridiculous it is?