Is there a campaign to have Daves friend Barack return his Nobel peace prize given the continued presence of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan and the bombing of Syria?
Unless “peace” has acquired new, modern meaning, something like “really crap at war” in which case, fair dues.
Sorry, best I can come up with is white liberal wish fulfilment! -swoons- “oooooooh a black president of the USA, he’s going to bring peace to all the world……give him a badge.”
Ha ! Yes, seems like the world has become less peaceful since Obama became President. He should give the prize back. I wonder what he did with the money ?
Most believe that Obama received his prize for not being Bush. However, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world. He meant well.
I have always felt the worst thing about Obama’s Nobel Prize is not that it was given before he had the opportunity to a a real peace achievement. It’s that he accepted it.
“Throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes,” Obama said. “And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action — a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.”
And 50% of all actors in dramas must be women etc. etc. Ability and talent is irrelevant. If this crap spreads to the Military , we are well and truly finished.
Drama about the miner’s strike: Ahmed and Mohammed who ran a curry house and supplied food to the miner’s lesbian daughters who then crossed the police lines to feed the fighting warriors at Orgreave, then marched with the lads to protest against Fatcher’s oppression of the community.
Sequel to drama in question is called “White slag”
Set in a Yorkshire mining town, after being reprimanded by the local mosque for being unislamic, Ahmed and Muhammad are now using their curry house to groom dozens of infidel girls for their jihadi brothers. Witness our Muslim hero’s living the perfect Islamic life and the hilarious efforts of the Kafir to deal with the enrichment our religion of death and conversion is truly all about
Interesting as only 1.1% of the population are thought to be gay according to the ONS. Which is odd, as hardly a program comes on BBC without there being a gay presence. At 1 in 6 stars to be gay by 2020 the BBC might end up hiring every gay person the country.
Worth mentioning the ons do stats on marriage. All that mass campaigning about gay marriage has been shown to be a used option for ……2-3% of the total.
Yet Listening to the bBBC coverage over the years, the airtime for the Ian Mckellans, etc, I could swear the ons have missed a ‘0’ off the percentage.
This really is the point, isn’t it? The BBC quota seems to be based on absolutely nothing to do with reality. And yet even just to point that out guarantees some hysterical little snowflake will jump up and screech ‘bigot!’.
That would be a reduction from today’s “One in six BBC stars are not gay, lesbian or mentally disabled”. One in six have to pretend to have a Middle-Class Left-Wing Metropolitan Liberal Mental Disability, especially when it comes to hiding their knowledge of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. Look what happened to Johnny Ball and David Bellamy who did not hide their scientific knowledge, due to honesty.
Trailer on R4 this morning. I don’t know which programme it was for – could have been Any Questions – as I wasn’t paying much attention until I heard (paraphrased) ‘….and on St George’s Day we’ll be discussing English identity, and if you’re from Scotland (voice adopts sniggering tone) you might like to stand by your phone too’.
Yes, pathetic twats. And so ignorant, assuming that all Scots are anti-english. The BBC establishment do not know the first thing about Scotland and our people. Idiots. For example , do they know how deep the hatred of the SNP is among many of us ? No, of course not. Morons !
Another little illustration of what a shameful student political organisation our national treasure has become. You don’t need me to tell you that the most pressing issue of the moment is free tap water in restaurants…isn’t it? Recognising this, the BBC has allowed a HYS. The comments, yet again, are a delight to read.
It is fair to say that the BBC’s paymasters are not amused.
Just shows how Leftists have no idea how to run a business as well as a broadcaster! When an old girl used to complain to the Landlord at my local many years ago about the price of her beer, he used to say “go into Safeways and ask them for a table and chair, a glass, someone to serve it, someone to wash the glass then tell me what they said”. If you don’t want your kids drinking fizzy drinks, educate them and raise them properly! Don’t try putting the blame on others for what is a parent’s responsibility.
Ta for this.
Are`nt the British public great?
An awful lot of “removed comments”-so God knows how vicious and scornful THEY must have been!
Boaty Mc Boatface…the very spirit of Britain, only hope we all confirm this on June 23rd when we stick the EU up Obamas blowhole…
Had one of my comments removed from the HYS on tap water. Think I’ll make myself a badge (a la Blue Peter pre-cocaine addict presenter days) saying ‘I was Mod’d by the BEEB’. Shall wear it with pride.
I can’t remember the last time a HYS went the way of the Al Beeb narrative. Its getting worse with every time they open one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they closed down that avenue all together…. But the thing is it pulls apart the (laughable) illusion of impartiality the Al Beeb pretend to uphold.
The Al Beeb are signing their own death warrant and everyone besides Jihadi Jerrod and his delusionist crew couldn’t be happier!
Are you sitting down?
Yesterday evening on Al Beeb, in an astonishing piece of television, BBC London News was presented by an anglo saxon white male.
Yes you read that right.
It is such an incredibly rare event that I just had to report it.
No doubt there will have to be a high level enquiry to make sure it does not happen again.
‘The most powerful politician in the world, could hardly have said more clearly that David Cameron is right, and his rivals are wrong.
PS. Downing Street is cockahoop tonight, not just because of President Obama’s backing for the Remain campaign, but because of his elegant slapdown of Boris Johnson’.
Incidentally, as Brendan O’Neil points out in his FB page, Boris only said what the Guardian had said in 2009 when Obama took office.
‘ In 2009, when the bust (Churchill’s) went AWOL, there was heated media discussion about whether this was Obama’s payback to Churchill / Britain for what the Empire did in Kenya. This discussion was widespread. It was in the Telegraph, the Mail, and even the Guardian, which is currently losing its shit over Boris’s comment. The Guardian said in 2009 that Obama’s “colonial inheritance”, his “Kenyan… ancestry”, may have been behind his decision to get rid of the Churchill bust, and perhaps his presidency and his relationship with Britain will be influenced by “the darker days of the UK’s relationship with Kenya”.
So, get this: Boris is currently the leading story at the Guardian for merely reporting what the Guardian, and others, said seven years ago! You couldn’t make this shit up.’
Quite a coup gwf. Laura usually wears dark opaque tights. Perhaps she’s been told to sex up her reports so we don’t actually notice the total biased garbage she is uttering.
Furore on Al Beeb today. The government has closed down hundreds of dodgy colleges and turned down about 100,000 ‘students’ from overseas for doing courses here.
Where’s the bias in that factual reporting?
Because the data comes from a bBBC FOI request. Now I wonder WHY our ‘impartial’ state broadcaster should choose to ask that particular FOI question?
The answer as most readers will know, is the total multi culti open door bias of this wretched pathetic socialist institution that I have to pay for, in order to watch other non bBBC tv channels.
Where are those left wing poll tax rioters? You know the ones who objected to paying a fixed rate for a service independent of the ability to pay. Quiet on this one, aren’t they?
What a beautiful week of spring it has been here in sunny Worthing. Not for everyone though:
From our local newspaper:
Police are appealing for witnesses after a woman was raped in Worthing on Tuesday afternoon (19 April).
The 21-year-old local woman was in Westcourt Road at around 5pm when a man approached her from behind, before dragging her into an alleyway, police said.
According to police, she was found by a friend shortly after the attack and was taken to a police station.
The suspect is described as black, between 6ft and 6ft 2in tall with a goatee. He had a shaved line in one of his eyebrows and was wearing a white jumper.
How is it the BBC misses all these opportunities to show the real impact of mass immigration from the 3rd world on normal people just trying to earn enough money to survive.
Now we in Worthing have a relatively small proportion of ethnics who tend to live in specific area’s that the sensible whiteys now avoid as they are unsurprisingly crime hotspots.
When are we going to see a panorama special “Are blacks more likely to be rapists?” “Why is it every area with a high percentage of black or middle eastern people becomes such a shithole?” “How come the lefties who love immigration so much never want to live in places were lots of immigrants live?”
I look forward to it. Until then I will have to rely on biased BBC for my news stories.
It’s now generally acknowledged that southern Europe is rapidly going to the dogs. For these flimsy economies joining the Euro was like signing an international suicide pact. There’s close to 50% youth unemployment in most of these countries and a heck of a lot of ’em are heading to these shores. And who can blame them? We’re about to increase the minimum wage to amounts that seem, to some of these impoverished Spaniards and Italians, an absolute fortune. And there’s not a bleedin’ thing we can do to stop them.
George Osborn’s incomprehensible (and irrational) theories about our nation’s economy in 14 years, acknowledges a 3 million increase in our population! What a pleasant thought that is. It’s not as if we’re over crowded, or have problems with school places, housing, or with the national health service, is it?
It’s beyond all logical comprehension that we’re told it’s primarily young people who want to remain in this European madhouse. Don’t they want jobs and houses? Do they really fancy living in over crowded cities where the native people are a minority? Have they been so utterly brainwashed by the political elite, the awful US president and the poisonous BBC?
Somebody please tell me the answer ISN’T yes.
The answer is yes. In some ways Osborne is an even bigger dimwit than Cameron , if that is possible. I really do not know what planet these people live on. I just cannot relate to them at all. And I have not exactly had a sheltered background ( unlike them, maybe that is the reason ).
The problem is that they aren’t even hearing the alternative point of view. The BBC and Sky (those two in particular) have abandoned any semblance of objectivity so all ‘yoof’ hears is the rubbish from the remainiacs based on baseless predictions and outright lies.
When was the last time a BBC reporter challenged a remainiac with the housing ‘shortage’ and unlimited immgration? When was the terrifying prospect of millions of Turks being allowed to enter and leave without let or hindrance even mentioned? Even the most stupid millennial can understand that sort of issue.
I am afraid much of the yoof is not that bothered about alternative points of view. As long as there is footy or the world of minecraft all is well – sigh!!!!
They can be appealed to. You just need to do it in ways that penetrate the dense material that lines their little heads. That’s how music videos and game promos work, after all.
A lot of people comment on the droves of Eastern Europeans flocking to the UK, but not much is said about hundreds of thousands of French, Italians and Spanish working in pubs and coffee bars. As Jeff points out their moribund inflexible economies mean they have little chance to thrive in their own countries.
Over the years, through various friends and jobs I’ve had I have come across quite a few of these young Europeans – and each and every I’ve met has very left wing views. Talk to them about politics, and you find they are even more brainwashed than British youngsters. Lots of them have a typically continental entitled view that the state should provide everything for them, not acknowledging that their own nations couldn’t supply them with a job.
With the muslim and ethnic minority vote already going to Labour, it’s another ready made constituency for the left.
No wonder old Jeremy Corbyn is now seeing some benefit to staying in the EU.
I made a flag some time ago showing what the Eu Flag should be. In light of the Brexit debate and Obamas comments I present a new one based on Merkel’s viewpoint.
‘Israel says’ implies that this is just a claim. It might be false. The BBC seems to have taken Hamas directions to media to heart,
Beware of spreading rumors from Israeli spokesmen, particularly those that harm the home front. Be wary regarding accepting the occupation’s version [of events]. You must always cast doubts on this [version], disprove it, and treat it as false.
So where is the doubt? Hamas accepted Abdul Hamid Abu Srour as a member, even before the Israeli’s released his name. In a brief press statement, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri deemed the operation a natural response to Israeli crimes, notably field executions and the desecration of the Aqsa Mosque. The bomber blew himself up which is the normal definition of a suicide bomber.
Is the BBC suggesting he botched the job? There have been some suggestions he intended to disembark leaving the bomb on the bus.
Is the BBC suggesting that although he was a Hamas member this was private business? It’s hard to accept. Taking a knife from the kitchen or the family car might be spontaneous. A bomb requires planning and presumably help to acquire materials and manufacture.
So what was the BBC suggesting by ‘Israel says’? A Hamas communique claiming Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour, 19, was a Hamas operative behind a Jerusalem bus explosion on April 18, 2016. Maan News
If you are a journalist in Gaza the threat is anything but veiled. However Western journalists will probably simply be expelled and unable to report from any part under Palestinian control.
BBC reporting follows Hamas requirements (without acknowledging that they are reporting under restrictions) so closely some wonder if the BBC wrote them for Hamas.
Yet another tender-gender-splendor-non-story from the BBC.
Multiple boxes ticked with this “news” article…
Non-binary tick
Muslim tick
President Obama tick
Immigrant tick
North Carolina tick
BBC not using the word ‘she’ or ‘he’ or ‘it’ to describe them tick
Only factual statement worth reading is
“It means that I don’t fit because I’m from a Pakistani-Muslim background which inevitably has complications.”
Amen to that!
Britain – Magna Carta 1215
US of A – Declaration of Independence 1776
They are now telling us Great Britain, to give up our sovereignty and independence .
The media are bigging this Clinton statement up………………
“But a Downing Street source said: We should listen to our closest friends and allies.
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been absolutely clear – we’re safer, stronger and better off remaining in a reformed EU.”
BBC Points West tonight, only a 5 minute report, but plenty of time to report on the transgender wedding of Lucy and Mandy, both butt ugly, can’t tell which one was the bloke, but the BBC wishes them a ‘long and happy marriage’….
Trouble is that the marriage could not be consummated while the animal is still alive, according to UK law. When it is dead, you can have sex with it as long as you do not video the act and electronically store or distribute the images. (Criminal Justice and Immigration Act, 2008)
No matter how it’s explained, the playground culture at our kids school reacts to people like this with a mixture of pity and amusement, and marginal interest.
Kids are less easily fooled than the BBC and the left seems to realise, but as someone else on here pointed out, the left have never really understood human nature and they still don’t.
Be interesting to hear how the Muslim kids see it.
BBC Website reports that Obama says UK-US trade deal may take 10 years. But he is a has-been and anything he says is irrelevant . Has the BBC asked Donald Trump what he thinks ?
Trump has mentioned that the UK are concerned about immigration and the EU.
But darling Hillary, so far not mentioned by the BBC, tells us that we have to stay in the EU and be strong.
Sunday – Is Green Praise day – one-sided reporting, not airing any skeptical experts.
3 items so far
#1 Radio 4 6:05am – Religious music/poetry show has a special : Changing the Climate
This morning I switch on the Radio and the very first words I hear. I quote
…”Alarming music, evoking the alarming prospect of Rising seas, and melting Arctic ice …”, (stirred up by accompanying deep dark music. )
“There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that unless we take that opportunity (to make drastic changes) we will not win the battle with Climate Change”
“there are some who deny” etc etc.
… It seemed pretty right-on greendream and anti-capitalist..but I turned off and a minute or so…To the News which seemed to have also a religious angle as it was hyping up Saint Obama uncritically.
#2 Solar Impulse got 10 screen-lengths on the webnews, for rolling coverage* for hours before landing in SF, on it’s 2nd year of trying to get around the world #bbcFREEgreenADS
* A sign of priorities when the BBC don’t cover many other news stories like the Tommy Robinson trial.
#3 On WS-radio Tech Tent just had a one sided item on the building facade that removes Nox in Mexico (Torre de Especialidade, Prosolve370e tiles #bbcFREEgreenADS )
– Hey it might be effective, but the public would be better served if the prog had checked with a skeptical expert, instead of just reading off the company PR sheet…(same prog did same for Tesla the other week)
My check it’s not news, it was reported in 2013, yet I cannot find any references to results/data !
I don’t believe it I missed the big announcement of who the new Doctor Who companion is going too be. I was out at a St. Georges day celebration having a glass of soon to be taxed to be out of my reach “sugary” soft drink, I was driving.
So Pearl Mackie. Who? Doesn’t make any difference I haven’t watched the last three series of Dr, Who as it’s just unwatchable PC crap.
I keep reading that this announcement was made at half time in the football and couldn’t work out the link but now I see it, “Bill” has a Marouane Fellaini tribute hair style.
For those not in the know, Fellaini is always referred to by BBC commentators as a “Belgian” footballer playing for Manchester United. For some reason it’s important that his belgianess is always referenced.
Any reason the BBC writer has given a female character a male name?
Years ago there was a sketch show by Victor Lewis-Smith which had gay daleks in it. It’s only a matter of time before the Dr Who script writers take the idea up for real.
Not many did, though, to be fair, he was hit and miss. He is one of the few people who have made me laugh till I almost fwowed-up and yet at other times, made me cringe with embarrassment.
“Has Daniel Hannan ever negotiated a trade deal ” ? Has Peter Preston ever been anything but a third rate Lefty hack. My God, the arrogance of politicians and journalists. With a few exceptions ,. they all feed at the same trough of mediocracy, at the lower end of the scale.
Think you`ll find that Peter Preston and the other liberal limpdicks DID negotiate deals.
Usually from under their oak desks clinging to nannys ankles as the likes of Eddie Shah, George Ward and Rupert Murdoch took the flak, the acid attacks and the bile from the print unions and useless liberal floral print pansies like Shirley Williams.
Those deals cemented the fate of print media and small business independence to the union barons, the cartels of Fleet St-and all these were BBC glove puppets and windsocks who are still in evidence today.
Collectivised cretins who have no economic basis for existence-which is why they need the compulsory info taxes of the License Fee, the charity and academic slop bucket brigades and the endless appearance fees on Andrew Marr etc.
Utter vermin…and all Presons deals would have had “surrender” and “Can`t we just all be nicer to one another” written in all 28 languages required for the assorted carpet crawlers and slipper sniffers for Islam, the EU and a freak US Prezzy who ticks their grockle boxes.
Proud Preston my arse-Eddie Shah had more balls that the assembled liberal fistfux who want Axminster run through us all by way of Islamic Green Carpet.
No mention that it was St. Georges day yesterday anywhere on the BBC. I suppose Aaqil Ahmed, the Muslim head of the BBC’s Religion & Ethics Department is building up the corporation’s resources to tell us how hard ramadan is going to be for Muslims this summer.
Just to refresh your memory, this is the man who had a Sikh producing Songs of Praise, its flagship Christian show, filmed an episode of BBC’s Songs of Praise from the Calais refugee camp, “The Jungle” and claimed the Biblical flight from King Herod to Bethlehem was similar to that of refugees massing at Calais in a bid to get through the Channel Tunnel.
I don’t have strong religious views but there is something not right about this.
So nobody voted for the Liberal Democrats but it is their duty to regroup and carry on . Am I missing something ? nobody voted for you ,because nobody agrees with you, so you should stop trying to pretend to be a party that represents anybody and maybe meet down the pub with the few people who are likeminded idiots. Pro-refugeee , anti-fracking oh you do shock me.
Andrew Marr asking the weather to ‘ man up’ as he hands over to the gay weather presenter – it’s fucking freezing there is no Global warming, snow in the midlands this week I saw on the map but let’s not mention that. Imagine if they have shared bogs at the BBC and you get in next to Nana Munchrugger in the morning after she has had a curry.
Credit to the BBC for this,
An article highlighting the savage barbarous practice of female genital mutilation relatively unknown on these shores until recent times, the physical and psychological damage to these young girls must be immense, the fact that it takes place in the UK one more sign of an untterly failed immigration policy. Anybody entering the UK should be fully aware of what is and is not acceptable behaviour, those who promote open border free for all immigration are also responsible for importing backward mutilation rituals such as these. At one time the West used to export missionaries, now scorned and derided, to try and educate and put an end to such practices, now we import those very practices, thats progress then.
Oldspeaker, I await a demonstration of feminists demanding that the law prohibiting FGM is applied.
I understand that resistance comes, to a certain extent, from personnel involved in providing health assistance to pregnant women. Apparently the monsters who carry out this evil practice are frequently those who act in some way as birthing assistants and our authorities do not want to alienate them and forfeit their valuable assistance.
After all, its their culture…innit!
Credit to the BBC for actually publicising this ! Shame of the British Government for doing little about it . And shame on many feminists for not speaking out more about it. No doubt it is just a cultural difference for them. In Gambia it has finally been outlawed, but I still know families whose children bled to death as a result of FGM. Disgusting practice and it is the women who encourage it. Maybe that is why the “sisters” don’t speak out more. Hypocrites.
Could someone please either post a link or re-post that wonderful cartoon strip about the Cologne attacks; with someone phoning a feminist super heroine to help – she’s raring to go until she is told who is responsible then..not so much.
It was a quite brilliant of satire on the Feminazis and their total cowardice when it comes to addressing the Islamic treatment of women and girls.
I always think of that @rsehole Caroline Lucas bleating about how evil Page 3 is yet never a word about FGM – complete f*****g cowardesses the lot of ’em.
That’s the cartoon I think al. It is very accurate. I have tried to read some feminst blogs, etc. They are generally frustrated that people think they have an interest in women. I think joining with islam was a move to finally prove they are not interested in womens rights. But they are all clearly f*ck*d in the head. They are basically communists, or socialists or something. They really need to change their brand name.
“The feminist movement seeks to include everyone in a common goal, which is to move the world forward with everyone as equals. No matter your race, gender, sexual orientation or social status, you can subscribe to this radical idea that we should all be treated equally. You can subscribe to the idea of feminism.”
That’s the cartoon I think al. It is very accurate. I have tried to read some feminst blogs, etc. They are generally frustrated that people think they have an interest in women. I think joining with islam was to prove they are not interested with womens rights. They are basically communists, or socialists or something. They really need to change their brand name.
“The feminist movement seeks to include everyone in a common goal, which is to move the world forward with everyone as equals. No matter your race, gender, sexual orientation or social status, you can subscribe to this radical idea that we should all be treated equally. You can subscribe to the idea of feminism.”
Theresa May, our pathetically hopeless Home Secretary, is now waffling on The Marr Show. “Controlling immigration is very very hard,” she tells us. Just so you get the picture she has said this three times. This woman got a standing ovation at the last Tory conference when she told us that immigration is far too high and we need to control our borders. Some misguided folk actually thought she might have shown some backbone and joined the Brexit campaign; of course she didn’t.
The recent immigration predictions, given by a government that “wants” to reduce the levels to “tens of thousands” are now eye wateringly awful. They’re also schizophrenic. You can’t tell us that “we’re educing immigration to tens of thousands” and predict another three million in fourteen years. It really won’t do.
I can think of only two people this useless waste of space has stopped entering our shores; Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.
Theresa, you’re about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
Strange that Obama seems unaware, and nobody at the BBC wants to comment, on the fact that well over 35,000 demonstrated in Hanover yesterday about the impending TTIP ‘agreement’. With every possibility of the same reaction in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne and elsewhere, and the EU’s major funder rejects the US trade deals – which the current antipathy suggests could happen – doesn’t that leave Barry a little bit exposed to valid criticism from home? Burning bridges was never much of a long-term policy though, behind the smiles, buggering-up the Brits seems to appeal to him.
It’s just a lie isn’t it? And a confession of either incompetence or complicity in a global policy to destroy national identity in some parts of the world.
Theresa….we live on an Island, and other countries manage their immigration better than us….Aus, NZ, USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel. Ask Obama how they do it. But please, stop lying about it.
No, don’t ask Obama, the US answer is tough at the front door but leave the back door open.
..and Theresa answer the fffing questions . It may have escaped you love but we have all had enough of MP’s blustering and not dealing with the issues . If you have no backbone or convictions then get out of office .
Radio 2 weekends normally an escape from the BBCs biggest darling and gob on a stick Chris Evans, but no hourly we get to hear his dulcet tones re his Marathon progress…
Andrew Marr was excellent in interviewing Theresa May. He allowed her to show herself as being either too stupid to understand the questions, which he asked repeatedly when she didn’t answer, or believing the viewers were too stupid to notice that she hadn’t answered them. This interview – and haven’t there been other similar ones? – ought to be a political suicide note for Mrs May.
‘Last original PG Tips chimp Choppers dies at Twycross Zoo’
Cue five minutes of reading out Twitter comments from fellow Celebrity Monkeys – particularly the younger generation of would-be Celebrity Monkeys attempting to piggy back on the publicity due to Chopper’s demise. That little knitted chimp who is obviously a puppet – I’m talking about you. And here comes the Prime Minister’s Tweet, next Barrack Obama and the Pope….
Where can we go if we want to add our own banana tributes to a street shrine?
Straight to studio any old Monkey with the slightest tangential association with Choppers. “Tell us how Choppers broke through the glass car tire for Celebrity Monkeys? – and that difficult Coprophagia issue – tell us how Choppers helped normalise our attitudes there – after all it is 2016 – we shouldn’t be prejudicial at all”
I myself have had a shout out on Twitter to invite fellow-monkey maudlers who`ve been distressed to hear of the demise of Mr PG Tips to a ceremonial Shit-throwing at the air conditioning fan that is outside our local new Council Chambers…and friends seem to think that a nearby wind turbine could do the same job of sending faeces through the air, sending our love to the Champ of Chimps.
“Brown Rain” will be sung, as we lay our yellow bananas end to end around the building…probably have a mass ruck and rutting festival too.
Ey Up we`re the Monkeys….
You are old enough to remember “The Monkeys”. ” Hey, hey , we’re the Monkeys and we keep on monkeying around “. I never really knew what that song was about. But ” Happy valley sunday ” to all at BBBC . ( Even our old mate Jerrod, he of wit and repartee ).
Philip Hammond says we may send troops on the ground to Libya. Well I am sick and tired of our brave boys and girls risking their lives just for effing Arab muslims. Leave them alone and let them kill each other if they want to. Hammond is another pathetic May-type waster. Utterly useless.
Strange world eh?
God take Prince and Victoria Wood away-but leaves us with Phillip Hammond and Theresa May.
Wonder if He knows that he created these eejit bots…if so, He might have left us Prince and Bowie, and taken Clive James and Fidel Castro-which, I thought had been arranged.
Still-Paddy O Connell did worry about Pestons ITV channel being “all populist”…as opposed to the BBC who seem to be anything but.
What year does O Connell come from?
The BBCs populism is for Global Warming, unfettered immigration, sucking up to Islam and loving the evil, the weird and the faux-rebels…and more bloody European Corporaate Socialism that bring us to Hitlers bunker by a primose path…but to the same grim teminus.
Yet the BBCs fantastic mirror ball Nazism is not “Populist” to themselves-but progressive and enlightened?
Only to their own fetid ilk of incestuous imaginings.
NO Paddy-YOU are the Beehive Populists-but the rest of us hate you and know you`re both evil AND Thick.
ITV Populist?…BBC enlightening?…party like its 1955 or what?
Strange world eh?
God take Prince and Victoria Wood away-but leaves us with Phillip Hammond and Theresa May.
Wonder if He knows that he created these eejit bots…if so, He might have left us Prince and Bowie, and taken Clive James and Fidel Castro-which, I thought had been arranged.
Still-Paddy O Connell did worry about Pestons ITV channel being “all populist”…as opposed to the BBC who seem to be anything but.
What year does O Connell come from?
The BBCs populism is for Global Warming, unfettered immigration, sucking up to Islam and loving the evil, the weird and the faux-rebels…and more bloody European Corporaate Socialism that bring us to Hitlers bunker by a primrose path…but to the same grim terminus.
Yet the BBCs fantastic mirror ball Nazism is not “Populist” to themselves-but progressive and enlightened?
Only to their own fetid ilk of incestuous imaginings.
NO Paddy-YOU are the Beehive Populists-but the rest of us hate you and know you`re both evil AND Thick.
ITV Populist?…BBC enlightening?…party like its 1955 or what?
“Philip Hammond says we may send troops on the ground to Libya. Well I am sick and tired of our brave boys and girls risking their lives just for effing Arab muslims. ”
Grant, our troops will die for the greatest of causes – to give Cameron a photo opportunity. He’s already rehearsing his sad face.
“A US mother-of-two has spoken of her frustration that she was forced to dump 500oz (14.8 litres) of breast milk at security at London’s Heathrow Airport.”
Eh???? 500oz equals 14.2 litres in UK.
Even the American company Google knows that.
Oh I see al-Beeb handing over more of my British Identity to Obama and using US ounces.
The US fluid ounce is smaller than the Imperial fluid ounce. Given that the complainant, who provided the information, is American – so it’s not unreasonable to use the US measure to convert into litres. And that means that the figure in the BBC report would be more correct than you.
Jerrod you really are an idiot. It is the British Broadcasting Corporation. When it is the American Broadcasting Corporation paid for by Americans and aimed at an American audience then they can use American measures. Take your trolling elsewhere.
And before you start trolling on again the news item is in the UK section of BBC news not worldwide and you might like to know that more people worldwide use the imperial fluid ounce than the US fl oz. So it is perfectly reasonable to expect the British Broadcasting Corporation when giving equivalents to either disclose that they are not using UK measures or get the conversions correct.
What is not reasonable is a troll who avoids questions because their sole purpose of being here as I reported to the police on your hatred comments is solely to stifle legitimate debate and to use electronic communications maliciously.
It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, but the ounces cited were recorded by an American, so the conversion was correct. I don’t know why this concept is so difficult for you to understand.
And if you complain to the police every time you encounter someone who doesn’t agree with you, or who doesn’t respond to your increasingly bizarre outbursts in exactly the way that you have deemed appropriate, they’re going to be very busy, aren’t they? Still, at least there’s the consolation that you haven’t done any such thing, and are just lying about it in a desperate attempt to pretend that you’re hard.
Please remember what it was like for you when you were 13 years old and scoring points about measurements. But it is great that Jerrod is favouring Imperial over metric ! That is my boy !
And here’s me thinking that privileged, self-righteous, soppy mummy’s boys like you didn’t have an once of graft in them! You are doing some sterling work with that shovel Jerrod
I would stick to sending shitty hashtags amongst your delusionist Shitter cult friends Jerrod if I was you (though ashkur alllah/thank Allah I am not you after having your arse handed to you like that!)
Only Jerrod would imagine that a British website paid for with British Money would use American weights and measures when reporting an event on the UK section about an event that happened in a British Airport just because the woman who can’t read security notices happened to be American. If I am served in a shop in London by an American, have I to ask what units of measurement they will use? Grow up baby Jerrod and take your trolling elsewhere.
As somebody posted earlier on the excellent ‘Going Postal’ blog, both Sky and the BBC are now in full Remaniac mode, following the equal opportunities Kenyan’s visit to tell us to behave properly or get sent to the back of the ‘queue’ (not that he has probably ever heard the word, being only a pretend American).
So the question is, have the media overdone it? Is this triumphalism on the part of the establishment Europhiliacs premature? Have the thoroughly biased media swung the contest in their favour already?
Trevor Phillips was for nine years head of the Commission for Racial Equality and then the Equality and Human Rights Commission. But he became deeply unpopular with some former colleagues and supporters after he revealed he had become convinced there were deep problems with the policy of multi-culturalism.
Dominic Lawson asks him why he altered his views and what he felt about the reaction it provoked. In an emotional interview they discuss child protection and the murder of Victoria Climbie, trans-racial adoption, the expression of prejudice, the use of racial epithets, Britishness and integration.
“Why I Changed My Mind” is a series in which Dominic explores how and why prominent individuals have modified their views on controversial topics.
Ta thoughtful.
Enjoying(if that`s the word) this programme.
Most things involving Dominic Lawson will be good-and have a new found respect for Phillips.
Clearly he still feels the guilt for getting it so wrong…but he cares, and seems brave these days.
If only he`d have learned it all a few years earlier-but(to be fair) many of us could be accused of the same.
Took Iraq 2003, Chinese Cockle Pickers 2004, Beslan 2004 and Buttiglioni 2004 before I shook off my years of liberal graduate grooming and grew a brain…oh, and a few Peter Hitchens columns as read on a military estate nearby when none of my mates were around.
I enjoyed that show as well. I have always thought Trevor Phillips a decent man who would say what he believed was right rather than what was expected of him; remember his public condemnation of absent black fathers. He has also had the courage to admit his mistakes. There is one issue I would take up with him and that is the reason for the non-reporting of issues such as the awful Victoria Climbie case. This went unreported to the authorities not, as Trevor Phillips said, because people shrugged their shoulders and said it was because that culture do things differently but because the anti-racism industry had made it impossible to say anything about a minority group without being labelled a racist.
Ta for this lobster.
For the record, I was shopping in Lidl when I got this news.
Surely we will all recall where we were when Poppa Joe died.
Who will sponsor the useless Toon Army now?
Well, being based in Gambia , I do listen a lot to West African music and much of it is great. I had heard of Papa Wemba but never heard his music .
But, there are 2 points. 1. Why should the BBC think that most people would be interested ? I bet that most W. Africans have never heard of him, let alone “Toubabs” ( white people ). 2. Most Africans I know have never heard of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Prince , Stevie Wonder etc. . Why should they ?
Maybe my point is that the real world that I live in bears no resemblance to the fantasy world that the BBC lives in. And I am not just talking about music.
You`re right Grant.
As a bit of a muso, I do like the wilder shores of some African music…no expert, and have lots of time for Toumani Diabate, Rokia Traore and Johnny Clegg(see what did there?) etc.
And-like the death of Cliff Michelmore, I never mean to insult or make light of good people who die and their families grief.
It`s the bloody medias patronising and selective response to who deserves the accolades and puff pieces ( Ralph Miliband?…yes…Thomas Szasz?…no!).
Thier ability to choose who we`re to grieve and who can be stuck in the unmarked grave is invariably lefty, liberal, public sector biased…and good people of independent mind or libertarian/conservative get trashed or ignored.
The BBC make you loath most of their pets who die…unfair, but the BBC simply won`t give us balance…Steve Jobs used to park in disabled bays apparently!…but the BBC are either licking your Doc Martens or kicking you with `em!
The BBC is mainly broadcasting to itself. ‘Itself’ being an anthill of lefties all trying to outlefty each other with either their views, tastes or knowledge; the more obscure or esoteric the better. On hearing of the demise of Papa Wemba, some little twerp at the Beeb will have done a quick Google search, found that they liked what they saw, and dashed off a quick obituary. As word spread, the other twerps will have hidden themselves in the flexi-gender toilets and secretly Googled Papa as well. They will then have burst forth from the crapper as a freshly minted life-long fan of all things Papa Wemba and feeling more than qualified to join in the wailing. Meanwhile, back in the real world, everyone else is left scratching their heads.
I first witnessed this behaviour at sixth form and it doesn’t change with age for the worst afflicted.
I’m pretty sure there was a Slovakian Spoon Dancer died last week. That never got a mention. Oh me and my big mouth. Tomorrow the magazine will have “Is it right to forget Slovakian Spoon Dancers?” followed by a Have Your Say on the dying culture of Slovakia. Obviously Morris Dancers won’t be approached for comment as they are so hideously British.
I wonder how many great Chinese musicians die each year, unreported by the BBC ? I think the BBC should set up a separate website and TV channel devoted to celebrity deaths.
Maybe celebrity deaths no one has ever heard of in Britain brought to you by the BBC courtesy of the British Licence Fee Payer.
And this week’s top 40 z list deaths from Babel Towers sponsored by the hard working Brits includes Pakistani Boy Band member A51F, Saudi singer from band “Sheik it up” and many many more people you have never heard about.
Sad, very sad. David Bowie managed to be greatest musician in the history of the universe for 3 months until Ponce Prince snuffed it. Now poor old Papa Wenga has gone.
Its all about “bread and circuses”.
Al Beeb’s main purpose as far as the present Government is concerned . That’s why our Car Moron has done zilch about it .
With the permission of BBBC, I would like to launch a competition , open to all, including Jerrod. All you have to do is guess Jerrod’s date of birth. I shall decide the closing date and I shall decide who are the winners and my decision is final. If you don’t like it , I have a Sgian Dubh somewhere in my kilt , if I can find it.
First prize is a miniature of Grant’s Scotch Whisky. Second prize is two miniatures of Grant’s Scotch Whisky. Recipients to pay all postage and packing. There is no third prize.
Now, some of you may feel that , allowing Jerrod to compete is unfair. But that is not necessarily so.
Jerrod will be able to ask his carer or guardian, if nanny hasn`t already sewn his age into the lining of his cap.
I think he`ll have twenty eight concentric rings around his dirty neck, so his “chronological age” is 42.
That said, his spiky and rather dweeb-like nastiness tells me that he lives in a basement flat out of the way of the adults as he rages…either that or he`s in a penthouse suite at some Salford/Gateshead regional hub of privilege in the pubic sector…maybe a cheridee or a do-gooding Johnny Kwango dealy…
So his computer age will be_ dunno-28?
And-without the weighting factors of his fat fingers, and a tendency to throw hummulingus-type comments at his betters( me!)-I thereby add 42 to 28, and compute an average of THIRTY FIVE…maybe dog-years but thirty five it is!
Not tried to write my rubbish after pouring a minister of your finest down my gullet…but looking forward to giving it a go!
Stop it ! You are killing me ! To slightly alter the song from ” The sound of music”, ” I am 13 going on 35″. Doesn’t quite rhyme. But , then, Jerrod doesn’t rhyme nor chime. But you are trying hard for the prize.
By the way, who is Johnny Kwango, sounds like Kenyan to me . Ooops , controversial !
He was a famous kind of wrestler when I was growing up.
And-like Charlie Williams-a “good “black person and a safe role model for those of us inclined to stick a hat pin into Logans leg.
The Sidney Poitier of the wrestling ring perhaps.
PS -if I get Jerrods age wrong-is there some kind of prize for his star sign…I`d say crab!
Always nice to see you reveal your true colours. Well, I say ‘nice’ – drably predictable would be nearer the mark.
Now, are you going to admit that the BBC report got its calculations correct? or are you going to whine on and on again about how the British in its title means that you must be right, even though you were clearly wrong, yet again?
Or are you going to act like the insecure little man again, and pretend that you’ve called the police because someone had the temerity to contradict you? Must be upsetting, trying to play the bully and finding that you can’t even do that very well. You poor sod.
Nice to see Grant is holding himself to Biased BBC commenters’ usual standard of behaviour. Which is, of course, vastly different from the standard of behaviour they claim to want from everyone else.
Biased BBC: when the world has rejected you because you’re a childish hypocrite who can’t function in adult society, there’s a place for you here.
So Jerrod, tell us why you are here ?
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased?
Do you think method by which it is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
Perhaps there were too many questions in my last post to you .
I’ll try with one then……….
Do you think that the method by which Al Beeb is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
No insult to you there, just a simple honest question .
> Do you think that the method by which Al Beeb is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
I think it’s unfair to poor people full stop – many of whom do watch and listen to the BBC’s services, and would disagree (as does the majority of the country) with your blanket opinion that it’s all “rubbish”. I’d rather the scheme that is currenty in place for over-70s was redistributed to be more equitable.
So the next time you want to disrupt a thread by repeating yourself and you’re told, yet again, that your pathetic line of questioning has previously been answered, your minuscule little brain won’t have to recall very far back, now, will it? It should be possible even for you to remember this. So hopefully that will put an end to your fetid trolling.
Thanks for your reply …… ‘I think it’s unfair to poor people full stop’.
It appears to me that you are an Al Beeb supporter or have been employed by them and are looking for more work ?
If you did reply to me before I simply missed it and apologise. I am not the only one causing the disruption though am I ? I am also sorry that you appear very offended.
As to my ‘minuscule little brain’ – I was born with it , what’s your excuse?
Note, no insult from me either .
> It appears to me that you are an Al Beeb supporter or have been employed by them and are looking for more work ?
You and others have stated this multiple times, and have been told multiple times it’s not true. Not listening to things you’ve been told is a recurring habit with you, isn’t it.
So do us all a favour and concentrate on improving your memory. Until you do, there’s no point in engaging with you any further, as it’s clearly just going to be the equivalent of talking to an abnormally stupid goldfish.
“Not listening to things you’ve been told is a recurring habit with you, isn’t it” . I am afraid I cant hear anyone as this is a website ?
My memory is pretty good and I don’t remember you (as ‘Jerrod’) posting me that before .
As for talking to a gold fish, stupid or not , I would never do that but obviously you do. They don’t reply you know .
For the info of those who missed your answer to this question ………..
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased?
Jerrod thinks that he can make something true just by saying it is.
Of course he works for the BBC.
It’s true.
Because I say it is.
Oh and I almost forgot. Jerrod reveals it by the nature of every post he makes.
None of my business really, but do you have a job ? I mean do you earn money which does not come from the taxpayer, directly or indirectly ? I do not want to pry , just wondered .
Regardless of whether this is “him” or not, l clicked on to the link. Reading the ‘tweets’ of this person confirmed as to why I have never registered on Twitter ! If this is an example of the dialogue that the rest of the world are engaged in then no wonder the interest in comics and superheroes are at an all time high ! Puerile drivel doesn’t come close. One thing is certain, I am clearly not missing anything.
I think that you are all being too hard on Jerrod. He must be very lonely to come on to this site. We should nurture him. He may see the light and change sides. Stranger things have happened !
Always up for challenge Grant, and what a challenge you have set in trying to guess that (foreskinzolla riddled) bellends age!
Like any cheap cheese it gets sour with age, and I have noticed he’s getting more sour lately in his retorts (obviously trying to defend the indefensible doesn’t help)…so I am going for late 40’s (48)…though I will guarantee that he still lives with mumsie, and was sheltered from reality growing up in privilege…how else would you believe the utter shite he does!
Nice try . But it takes more than that to part a Scotsman from his whisky. You may be right about the age , but you brought Jerrod’s mother into this. So far as I am concerned, she is blameless. I have nothing but sympathy for her. Are you sticking with 48 ?
Apologies if it came across like a slight against mumsie wumsie, I just needed to account for the fairytale, fantasy, rose tinted glasses view of the world that people grow out of when they leave school.
LOL ! I guess we just have to wait for Jerrod to confirm. Most people , when they lie about their age, take a few years off. I wonder which way he will jump ?
Tower Hamlets TV bBBC1 Sun 2.50pm ‘The day I met the Queen’
Quick vox pop about the Queen. First 8 people interviewed were 4 blacks and 4 women. For the final shot they included 3 white male workmen on a building site.
Sorry ChrisH but whenever I am asked to take Alan Sugar seriously I remember that he started out selling pretend hi-fi under a fake Scandinavian name, then progressed to take over the once might Viglen computers, probably the UK’s largest and most successful PC company at that time. I am given to believe that the money he has made has largely come from property.
With such a stunning record behind him he was then adopted by the BBC as the epitome of a successful British businessman, which is understandable. They would think that, wouldn’t they?
Guessing that his bluster and preposterous aspects can be forgiven in his acid attack on Corbyns Labour and the role of Sadiq Khan in being party to identity crap , and seeing that alone as making him entitled to be Londons Mayor.
He also shafts their reflex anti-Semitism in todays Sunday Times.
So I`m glad he`s saying it-the Left HATE it when their own speak the truth.
Junior doctors are in dispute with the government over a proposed new deal which the government now feel they have to impose on doctors.
Now as far as I can see from the BBC news on tv and radio along with its news web site, this is because the doctors are noble, self-effacing, saintly people, reluctantly driven to withhold their labour in the interests of the patients and to save the NHS, whereas the Tories are scum, stupid, evil, wicked and dishonest.
So in case you don’t know, the government’s single aim is to have doctors working weekends. Now I have no problem with doctors getting more money for doing this, and good luck to them, after all tax payers pockets are infinite and we all know how poverty stricken medics are. Have you seen the costs of two holidays in Mauritius? And those damned BMWs can set you back a fortune.
Might it be, and please, I am just putting this out there, that doctors are avaricious, pocket stuffing, self-interested souls and the government is seeking to protect the interests of patients, ie you and me?
Obviously there is a debate, and there are two sides, so why can’t the BBC at least say why the government are finally imposing a contract?
Poor long suffering dog.
Amazing deduction from a couple of photos. Although BVA scientists admit that they cannot locate pleasure sensors in an animal’s neurological system, I can assure you that animals trained by me thoroughly enjoy their activities. Proof? The consistently attempt to repeat the activities.
I was thinking to myself about Oh! Bummer’s speech concerning Britain and the EU and two things occurred to me; first – why is it relevant what he thinks about Brexit? Surely the opinions of Trump, Cruz and Clinton are of greater relevance than the views of this f**k up? Who is running down the clock until he clambers onto the $10,000 per plate speaking tour treadmill and spends his days between that and the golf course?
Second – there is a very strong possibility that, if the demographic decline of whites in America continues, certain states will secede from the Union. These would be more than capable of surviving as separate countries, Texas for example – which actually already has the legal right to do so.
The future of the “United” States of America is about as fraught as that of the “United States” of Europa – he would do better to address himself to the increasing problems in his own country than this one.
I’ve jokingly called it “Fox News” but that gag appears truer by the hour – BBC News Channel’s Martine Croxall (b Hinckley Leices.) hands over to some sports whippersnapper named James, I think. “Good news for you about Leicester, Martine!” “Oh goody!” says Maxine in reply. Ok, I accept Gary Lineker followed the Foxes prior to this present month, but BBC presenters seem to be jumping the shark on this one. Perhaps it’s the old ‘support the underdog’ attitude that sets the BBC’s office culture?
We do have to thank the young chap for a wonderful slip of the tongue (or cock-eyed auto cue reading) when he talks tennis –
The Barcelona Open final has been won, apparently, by “Rafal al Nadal”
I know the BBC are bit Islam obessed but that takes the Fox’s biscuit
Had to laugh at that Martine Croxall’s appearance on BBC news last night – there was a screen grab of her advertising some show, and the photo was of a slim, pretty, blue-eyed girl. It then went back to the studio where she sat there with a face like she had sucked the piss off a jaggy thistle as she was mentioning Trump. Limp hair, dressed like a 60 year old, and about 5 stone heavier.
Sums up our BBC quite nicely.
Chris H, I have problems copying from Twitter and FB, but congratulations this came out well.
I would love to set the Rousseau quote as an exam topic for our progressive university students. Discuss.
Note the reasons why ………
“The clear victory of the far-right candidate reflects widespread discontent with the status quo, as well as concerns about immigration and the economy, our correspondent says.”
I’m taking the ‘right’ in ‘far-right’ to mean correct, as everyone the Al Beeb have labeled as such have been correct about everything they have said so far…. And is therefore why the bigoted Al Beeb cannot stand the pro democracy, pro white, patriotic men and women who hold these views and will try everything in their traitorous, devious power to discredit them.
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Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
Is there a campaign to have Daves friend Barack return his Nobel peace prize given the continued presence of the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan and the bombing of Syria?
Unless “peace” has acquired new, modern meaning, something like “really crap at war” in which case, fair dues.
Can you or someone remind me why he got it in the first place ? Was it not shortly after becoming President ?
You’re asking me? LOL!
Sorry, best I can come up with is white liberal wish fulfilment! -swoons- “oooooooh a black president of the USA, he’s going to bring peace to all the world……give him a badge.”
Bit premature though wasn’t it? On reflection.
Ha ! Yes, seems like the world has become less peaceful since Obama became President. He should give the prize back. I wonder what he did with the money ?
Bought some stuff from someone at the front of the queue.
Most believe that Obama received his prize for not being Bush. However, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world. He meant well.
I have always felt the worst thing about Obama’s Nobel Prize is not that it was given before he had the opportunity to a a real peace achievement. It’s that he accepted it.
I’m not aware of him giving specific examples.
I’ll bet the person who plays him in “Obama – springtime in Syria” gets an Oscar too!
I don’t think the following story even needs a comment from me:
“One in six BBC stars ‘must be gay or lesbian or disabled’ by 2020 says new staff-hiring guidelines at the corporation”
And 50% of all actors in dramas must be women etc. etc. Ability and talent is irrelevant. If this crap spreads to the Military , we are well and truly finished.
No more dramas about the miners’ strike then.
Drama about the miner’s strike: Ahmed and Mohammed who ran a curry house and supplied food to the miner’s lesbian daughters who then crossed the police lines to feed the fighting warriors at Orgreave, then marched with the lads to protest against Fatcher’s oppression of the community.
GWF – that would be funny if it wasn’t so depressingly plausible in Beebworld.
The miners would just be ‘noises off’ and never seen on camera. Oh gawd.
Miners certainly will never be featured in any plot lines after a shift….couldn’t have them blacking up to look like they’d been dahn t’pit.
Nor any scenes in the pit baths… women’s or transgender shite oyls.
Sequel to drama in question is called “White slag”
Set in a Yorkshire mining town, after being reprimanded by the local mosque for being unislamic, Ahmed and Muhammad are now using their curry house to groom dozens of infidel girls for their jihadi brothers. Witness our Muslim hero’s living the perfect Islamic life and the hilarious efforts of the Kafir to deal with the enrichment our religion of death and conversion is truly all about
What about the intersex and transgender? That would make 110%. Sounds like a Mayoral vote in Tower Hamlets.
It cant be long before someone at the Beeb declares that the Royal Family is institutionally white, and what can be done about it.
Dodi came close ?
Yes, Dodi was almost in there, so to speak !
Interesting as only 1.1% of the population are thought to be gay according to the ONS. Which is odd, as hardly a program comes on BBC without there being a gay presence. At 1 in 6 stars to be gay by 2020 the BBC might end up hiring every gay person the country.
How the hell did we reach this insanity?
Worth mentioning the ons do stats on marriage. All that mass campaigning about gay marriage has been shown to be a used option for ……2-3% of the total.
Yet Listening to the bBBC coverage over the years, the airtime for the Ian Mckellans, etc, I could swear the ons have missed a ‘0’ off the percentage.
This really is the point, isn’t it? The BBC quota seems to be based on absolutely nothing to do with reality. And yet even just to point that out guarantees some hysterical little snowflake will jump up and screech ‘bigot!’.
That would be a reduction from today’s “One in six BBC stars are not gay, lesbian or mentally disabled”. One in six have to pretend to have a Middle-Class Left-Wing Metropolitan Liberal Mental Disability, especially when it comes to hiding their knowledge of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. Look what happened to Johnny Ball and David Bellamy who did not hide their scientific knowledge, due to honesty.
Trailer on R4 this morning. I don’t know which programme it was for – could have been Any Questions – as I wasn’t paying much attention until I heard (paraphrased) ‘….and on St George’s Day we’ll be discussing English identity, and if you’re from Scotland (voice adopts sniggering tone) you might like to stand by your phone too’.
Yes, pathetic twats. And so ignorant, assuming that all Scots are anti-english. The BBC establishment do not know the first thing about Scotland and our people. Idiots. For example , do they know how deep the hatred of the SNP is among many of us ? No, of course not. Morons !
Like any leftist mob, the BBC fuels division.
Another little illustration of what a shameful student political organisation our national treasure has become. You don’t need me to tell you that the most pressing issue of the moment is free tap water in restaurants…isn’t it? Recognising this, the BBC has allowed a HYS. The comments, yet again, are a delight to read.
It is fair to say that the BBC’s paymasters are not amused.
More craziness. What if the children refuse to drink it ?
Just shows how Leftists have no idea how to run a business as well as a broadcaster! When an old girl used to complain to the Landlord at my local many years ago about the price of her beer, he used to say “go into Safeways and ask them for a table and chair, a glass, someone to serve it, someone to wash the glass then tell me what they said”. If you don’t want your kids drinking fizzy drinks, educate them and raise them properly! Don’t try putting the blame on others for what is a parent’s responsibility.
Not only do the BBC and Leftists not understand business, they do not understand human nature or anything vaguely related to reality .
Ta for this.
Are`nt the British public great?
An awful lot of “removed comments”-so God knows how vicious and scornful THEY must have been!
Boaty Mc Boatface…the very spirit of Britain, only hope we all confirm this on June 23rd when we stick the EU up Obamas blowhole…
Had one of my comments removed from the HYS on tap water. Think I’ll make myself a badge (a la Blue Peter pre-cocaine addict presenter days) saying ‘I was Mod’d by the BEEB’. Shall wear it with pride.
I can’t remember the last time a HYS went the way of the Al Beeb narrative. Its getting worse with every time they open one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they closed down that avenue all together…. But the thing is it pulls apart the (laughable) illusion of impartiality the Al Beeb pretend to uphold.
The Al Beeb are signing their own death warrant and everyone besides Jihadi Jerrod and his delusionist crew couldn’t be happier!
Are you sitting down?
Yesterday evening on Al Beeb, in an astonishing piece of television, BBC London News was presented by an anglo saxon white male.
Yes you read that right.
It is such an incredibly rare event that I just had to report it.
No doubt there will have to be a high level enquiry to make sure it does not happen again.
He must be gay then !
Was he called Jasmine?
Ah but-has anyone seen a footballer be interviewed by anybody but a blonde poppet on Football Focus yet?
Laura Long Legs Kuenssberg fails in an attempt to write an unbiased article on Barry’s support for Dodgy.
‘The most powerful politician in the world, could hardly have said more clearly that David Cameron is right, and his rivals are wrong.
PS. Downing Street is cockahoop tonight, not just because of President Obama’s backing for the Remain campaign, but because of his elegant slapdown of Boris Johnson’.
Incidentally, as Brendan O’Neil points out in his FB page, Boris only said what the Guardian had said in 2009 when Obama took office.
‘ In 2009, when the bust (Churchill’s) went AWOL, there was heated media discussion about whether this was Obama’s payback to Churchill / Britain for what the Empire did in Kenya. This discussion was widespread. It was in the Telegraph, the Mail, and even the Guardian, which is currently losing its shit over Boris’s comment. The Guardian said in 2009 that Obama’s “colonial inheritance”, his “Kenyan… ancestry”, may have been behind his decision to get rid of the Churchill bust, and perhaps his presidency and his relationship with Britain will be influenced by “the darker days of the UK’s relationship with Kenya”.
So, get this: Boris is currently the leading story at the Guardian for merely reporting what the Guardian, and others, said seven years ago! You couldn’t make this shit up.’
The most powerful politician in the World is surely Putin. Obama is one of the weakest .
Quite a coup gwf. Laura usually wears dark opaque tights. Perhaps she’s been told to sex up her reports so we don’t actually notice the total biased garbage she is uttering.
Reminds me of an old song by The Monks
Shame about the boat race!
Just saw this same crap being thrown at a tory brexit mp by gooroo murfee on c4 news aka bbc with adverts
Pity he didnt have the guardian info to ram right down his smug lefty prat throat
Furore on Al Beeb today. The government has closed down hundreds of dodgy colleges and turned down about 100,000 ‘students’ from overseas for doing courses here.
Where’s the bias in that factual reporting?
Because the data comes from a bBBC FOI request. Now I wonder WHY our ‘impartial’ state broadcaster should choose to ask that particular FOI question?
The answer as most readers will know, is the total multi culti open door bias of this wretched pathetic socialist institution that I have to pay for, in order to watch other non bBBC tv channels.
Where are those left wing poll tax rioters? You know the ones who objected to paying a fixed rate for a service independent of the ability to pay. Quiet on this one, aren’t they?
What a beautiful week of spring it has been here in sunny Worthing. Not for everyone though:
From our local newspaper:
Police are appealing for witnesses after a woman was raped in Worthing on Tuesday afternoon (19 April).
The 21-year-old local woman was in Westcourt Road at around 5pm when a man approached her from behind, before dragging her into an alleyway, police said.
According to police, she was found by a friend shortly after the attack and was taken to a police station.
The suspect is described as black, between 6ft and 6ft 2in tall with a goatee. He had a shaved line in one of his eyebrows and was wearing a white jumper.
How is it the BBC misses all these opportunities to show the real impact of mass immigration from the 3rd world on normal people just trying to earn enough money to survive.
Now we in Worthing have a relatively small proportion of ethnics who tend to live in specific area’s that the sensible whiteys now avoid as they are unsurprisingly crime hotspots.
When are we going to see a panorama special “Are blacks more likely to be rapists?” “Why is it every area with a high percentage of black or middle eastern people becomes such a shithole?” “How come the lefties who love immigration so much never want to live in places were lots of immigrants live?”
I look forward to it. Until then I will have to rely on biased BBC for my news stories.
Dr Who’s new companion has just been announced. Any guesses?
Transgender muslim ?
Lesbian muslim in a wheelchair
Grant and No6,
You have overshot but only just. Here she is:
I heartily approve. Mackie- a good Scots name !
No objections from me. It appears that she has acting experience.
Damn. I thought it would be Benedict Al Cumberbutch in drag.
The thing is I don’t care who they pick, it is just the inevitability of the outcome. Who could object to this young lady as a companion?
For me though, this is the best yet:
Aint no looker is she?
What do you expect a girl playing a character called “Bill” to look like?
Please may her characters surname be “Posters” for comic effect.
Note the androgynous character name.
Who s androgynous character name?
Fleeing from the evil monsters from the planet Ukipia?
It’s now generally acknowledged that southern Europe is rapidly going to the dogs. For these flimsy economies joining the Euro was like signing an international suicide pact. There’s close to 50% youth unemployment in most of these countries and a heck of a lot of ’em are heading to these shores. And who can blame them? We’re about to increase the minimum wage to amounts that seem, to some of these impoverished Spaniards and Italians, an absolute fortune. And there’s not a bleedin’ thing we can do to stop them.
George Osborn’s incomprehensible (and irrational) theories about our nation’s economy in 14 years, acknowledges a 3 million increase in our population! What a pleasant thought that is. It’s not as if we’re over crowded, or have problems with school places, housing, or with the national health service, is it?
It’s beyond all logical comprehension that we’re told it’s primarily young people who want to remain in this European madhouse. Don’t they want jobs and houses? Do they really fancy living in over crowded cities where the native people are a minority? Have they been so utterly brainwashed by the political elite, the awful US president and the poisonous BBC?
Somebody please tell me the answer ISN’T yes.
The answer is yes. In some ways Osborne is an even bigger dimwit than Cameron , if that is possible. I really do not know what planet these people live on. I just cannot relate to them at all. And I have not exactly had a sheltered background ( unlike them, maybe that is the reason ).
The problem is that they aren’t even hearing the alternative point of view. The BBC and Sky (those two in particular) have abandoned any semblance of objectivity so all ‘yoof’ hears is the rubbish from the remainiacs based on baseless predictions and outright lies.
When was the last time a BBC reporter challenged a remainiac with the housing ‘shortage’ and unlimited immgration? When was the terrifying prospect of millions of Turks being allowed to enter and leave without let or hindrance even mentioned? Even the most stupid millennial can understand that sort of issue.
I am afraid much of the yoof is not that bothered about alternative points of view. As long as there is footy or the world of minecraft all is well – sigh!!!!
They can be appealed to. You just need to do it in ways that penetrate the dense material that lines their little heads. That’s how music videos and game promos work, after all.
A lot of people comment on the droves of Eastern Europeans flocking to the UK, but not much is said about hundreds of thousands of French, Italians and Spanish working in pubs and coffee bars. As Jeff points out their moribund inflexible economies mean they have little chance to thrive in their own countries.
Over the years, through various friends and jobs I’ve had I have come across quite a few of these young Europeans – and each and every I’ve met has very left wing views. Talk to them about politics, and you find they are even more brainwashed than British youngsters. Lots of them have a typically continental entitled view that the state should provide everything for them, not acknowledging that their own nations couldn’t supply them with a job.
With the muslim and ethnic minority vote already going to Labour, it’s another ready made constituency for the left.
No wonder old Jeremy Corbyn is now seeing some benefit to staying in the EU.
I made a flag some time ago showing what the Eu Flag should be. In light of the Brexit debate and Obamas comments I present a new one based on Merkel’s viewpoint.

Shouldn’t 1 in 6 of those stars be pink, changing shape or less pointy in keeping with BBC policy?
Sometimes the discrepancy between the TWITTER length homepage link and the article it links to is blatant.
Click on the link and you reach Israel says Jerusalem bus bombing was Hamas suicide attack. Emphasis is mine.
‘Israel says’ implies that this is just a claim. It might be false. The BBC seems to have taken Hamas directions to media to heart,
So where is the doubt? Hamas accepted Abdul Hamid Abu Srour as a member, even before the Israeli’s released his name. In a brief press statement, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri deemed the operation a natural response to Israeli crimes, notably field executions and the desecration of the Aqsa Mosque. The bomber blew himself up which is the normal definition of a suicide bomber.
Is the BBC suggesting he botched the job? There have been some suggestions he intended to disembark leaving the bomb on the bus.
Is the BBC suggesting that although he was a Hamas member this was private business? It’s hard to accept. Taking a knife from the kitchen or the family car might be spontaneous. A bomb requires planning and presumably help to acquire materials and manufacture.
So what was the BBC suggesting by ‘Israel says’?

A Hamas communique claiming Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour, 19, was a Hamas operative behind a Jerusalem bus explosion on April 18, 2016. Maan News
” You must always cast doubts….. ” MUST. Who are Hamas to tell the media what to do ? Bit of a veiled threat there I feel.
If you are a journalist in Gaza the threat is anything but veiled. However Western journalists will probably simply be expelled and unable to report from any part under Palestinian control.
BBC reporting follows Hamas requirements (without acknowledging that they are reporting under restrictions) so closely some wonder if the BBC wrote them for Hamas.
“Why I came out to President Obama before I told my parents”
Yet another tender-gender-splendor-non-story from the BBC.
Multiple boxes ticked with this “news” article…
Non-binary tick
Muslim tick
President Obama tick
Immigrant tick
North Carolina tick
BBC not using the word ‘she’ or ‘he’ or ‘it’ to describe them tick
Only factual statement worth reading is
“It means that I don’t fit because I’m from a Pakistani-Muslim background which inevitably has complications.”
Amen to that!
How do we know this was not all pre-arranged ?
Every step of His visit has been choreographed. Everything He does is planned – including the media coverage. Especially the media coverage.
Obama in wonderland – now what a wonderful fairytale this is!!!!!!
Everyone in that audience will have been vetted to some degree or other: POTUS is one of the most protected men on earth.
To which we could add:
Dull – tick
Average – tick
Narcissist – tick
Untalented – tick
Irrelevant – tick
Those being the ticks for Obama, of course.
Britain – Magna Carta 1215
US of A – Declaration of Independence 1776
They are now telling us Great Britain, to give up our sovereignty and independence .
The media are bigging this Clinton statement up………………
“But a Downing Street source said: We should listen to our closest friends and allies.
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been absolutely clear – we’re safer, stronger and better off remaining in a reformed EU.”
Same question to Clinton.
Would the USA give up its sovereignty and open its borders to Mexico etc ?
Any answers ?
Some Germans are not happy with the US…………….
BBC Points West tonight, only a 5 minute report, but plenty of time to report on the transgender wedding of Lucy and Mandy, both butt ugly, can’t tell which one was the bloke, but the BBC wishes them a ‘long and happy marriage’….
Try explaining that to your kids at tea time!
It will be animal and human weddings next .
Trouble is that the marriage could not be consummated while the animal is still alive, according to UK law. When it is dead, you can have sex with it as long as you do not video the act and electronically store or distribute the images. (Criminal Justice and Immigration Act, 2008)
No matter how it’s explained, the playground culture at our kids school reacts to people like this with a mixture of pity and amusement, and marginal interest.
Kids are less easily fooled than the BBC and the left seems to realise, but as someone else on here pointed out, the left have never really understood human nature and they still don’t.
Be interesting to hear how the Muslim kids see it.
BBC Website reports that Obama says UK-US trade deal may take 10 years. But he is a has-been and anything he says is irrelevant . Has the BBC asked Donald Trump what he thinks ?
Trump has mentioned that the UK are concerned about immigration and the EU.
But darling Hillary, so far not mentioned by the BBC, tells us that we have to stay in the EU and be strong.
Thank you ma’am.
if there were ever 2 stronger reasons to vote brexit,it is big ears and hitlery trying to dictate to us to stay in
vote early,vote often… what it takes but get us out of the evil empire
Sunday – Is Green Praise day – one-sided reporting, not airing any skeptical experts.
3 items so far
#1 Radio 4 6:05am – Religious music/poetry show has a special : Changing the Climate
This morning I switch on the Radio and the very first words I hear. I quote
… It seemed pretty right-on greendream and anti-capitalist..but I turned off and a minute or so…To the News which seemed to have also a religious angle as it was hyping up Saint Obama uncritically.
#2 Solar Impulse got 10 screen-lengths on the webnews, for rolling coverage* for hours before landing in SF, on it’s 2nd year of trying to get around the world #bbcFREEgreenADS
* A sign of priorities when the BBC don’t cover many other news stories like the Tommy Robinson trial.
#3 On WS-radio Tech Tent just had a one sided item on the building facade that removes Nox in Mexico (Torre de Especialidade, Prosolve370e tiles #bbcFREEgreenADS )
– Hey it might be effective, but the public would be better served if the prog had checked with a skeptical expert, instead of just reading off the company PR sheet…(same prog did same for Tesla the other week)
My check it’s not news, it was reported in 2013, yet I cannot find any references to results/data !
Oh another Green report they found space for
#4 Australian Greens MP sets a river on fire in an attempt to prove it is being affected by fracking.
..Propaganda not science ..I expect
I don’t believe it I missed the big announcement of who the new Doctor Who companion is going too be. I was out at a St. Georges day celebration having a glass of soon to be taxed to be out of my reach “sugary” soft drink, I was driving.
So Pearl Mackie. Who? Doesn’t make any difference I haven’t watched the last three series of Dr, Who as it’s just unwatchable PC crap.
I know what Carol Thatcher would say.
I keep reading that this announcement was made at half time in the football and couldn’t work out the link but now I see it, “Bill” has a Marouane Fellaini tribute hair style.
For those not in the know, Fellaini is always referred to by BBC commentators as a “Belgian” footballer playing for Manchester United. For some reason it’s important that his belgianess is always referenced.
Any reason the BBC writer has given a female character a male name?
not so much Dr Who anymore
more Dr wtf?
“Any reason the BBC writer has given a female character a male name? ”
How long before Davros changes his name to Davina?
Years ago there was a sketch show by Victor Lewis-Smith which had gay daleks in it. It’s only a matter of time before the Dr Who script writers take the idea up for real.
I don’t remember that, but I do remember this by the incomparable Spike Milligan.
Pakistani Daleks – could you imagine anything like this now?
Spike was one of the greats ! Allegedly, his gravestone reads ” I told you I was ill ” !
It actually says it in Gaelic. The church in whose churchyard he is buried didn’t think it was very appropriate, so they put it in Gaelic instead.
Looks like they didn’t have a Spike-like sense of humour !
Not many did, though, to be fair, he was hit and miss. He is one of the few people who have made me laugh till I almost fwowed-up and yet at other times, made me cringe with embarrassment.
Al Beeb does not do comedy any more.
No comments. As yet. I may agree, but not for the reasons promoted.
BBC ‘fairness and balance’?
When?! Where?!
“Has Daniel Hannan ever negotiated a trade deal ” ? Has Peter Preston ever been anything but a third rate Lefty hack. My God, the arrogance of politicians and journalists. With a few exceptions ,. they all feed at the same trough of mediocracy, at the lower end of the scale.
Think you`ll find that Peter Preston and the other liberal limpdicks DID negotiate deals.
Usually from under their oak desks clinging to nannys ankles as the likes of Eddie Shah, George Ward and Rupert Murdoch took the flak, the acid attacks and the bile from the print unions and useless liberal floral print pansies like Shirley Williams.
Those deals cemented the fate of print media and small business independence to the union barons, the cartels of Fleet St-and all these were BBC glove puppets and windsocks who are still in evidence today.
Collectivised cretins who have no economic basis for existence-which is why they need the compulsory info taxes of the License Fee, the charity and academic slop bucket brigades and the endless appearance fees on Andrew Marr etc.
Utter vermin…and all Presons deals would have had “surrender” and “Can`t we just all be nicer to one another” written in all 28 languages required for the assorted carpet crawlers and slipper sniffers for Islam, the EU and a freak US Prezzy who ticks their grockle boxes.
Proud Preston my arse-Eddie Shah had more balls that the assembled liberal fistfux who want Axminster run through us all by way of Islamic Green Carpet.
No mention that it was St. Georges day yesterday anywhere on the BBC. I suppose Aaqil Ahmed, the Muslim head of the BBC’s Religion & Ethics Department is building up the corporation’s resources to tell us how hard ramadan is going to be for Muslims this summer.
Just to refresh your memory, this is the man who had a Sikh producing Songs of Praise, its flagship Christian show, filmed an episode of BBC’s Songs of Praise from the Calais refugee camp, “The Jungle” and claimed the Biblical flight from King Herod to Bethlehem was similar to that of refugees massing at Calais in a bid to get through the Channel Tunnel.
I don’t have strong religious views but there is something not right about this.
So nobody voted for the Liberal Democrats but it is their duty to regroup and carry on . Am I missing something ? nobody voted for you ,because nobody agrees with you, so you should stop trying to pretend to be a party that represents anybody and maybe meet down the pub with the few people who are likeminded idiots. Pro-refugeee , anti-fracking oh you do shock me.
Andrew Marr asking the weather to ‘ man up’ as he hands over to the gay weather presenter – it’s fucking freezing there is no Global warming, snow in the midlands this week I saw on the map but let’s not mention that. Imagine if they have shared bogs at the BBC and you get in next to Nana Munchrugger in the morning after she has had a curry.
Credit to the BBC for this,
An article highlighting the savage barbarous practice of female genital mutilation relatively unknown on these shores until recent times, the physical and psychological damage to these young girls must be immense, the fact that it takes place in the UK one more sign of an untterly failed immigration policy. Anybody entering the UK should be fully aware of what is and is not acceptable behaviour, those who promote open border free for all immigration are also responsible for importing backward mutilation rituals such as these. At one time the West used to export missionaries, now scorned and derided, to try and educate and put an end to such practices, now we import those very practices, thats progress then.
Oldspeaker, I await a demonstration of feminists demanding that the law prohibiting FGM is applied.
I understand that resistance comes, to a certain extent, from personnel involved in providing health assistance to pregnant women. Apparently the monsters who carry out this evil practice are frequently those who act in some way as birthing assistants and our authorities do not want to alienate them and forfeit their valuable assistance.
After all, its their culture…innit!
Credit to the BBC for actually publicising this ! Shame of the British Government for doing little about it . And shame on many feminists for not speaking out more about it. No doubt it is just a cultural difference for them. In Gambia it has finally been outlawed, but I still know families whose children bled to death as a result of FGM. Disgusting practice and it is the women who encourage it. Maybe that is why the “sisters” don’t speak out more. Hypocrites.
Could someone please either post a link or re-post that wonderful cartoon strip about the Cologne attacks; with someone phoning a feminist super heroine to help – she’s raring to go until she is told who is responsible then..not so much.
It was a quite brilliant of satire on the Feminazis and their total cowardice when it comes to addressing the Islamic treatment of women and girls.
I always think of that @rsehole Caroline Lucas bleating about how evil Page 3 is yet never a word about FGM – complete f*****g cowardesses the lot of ’em.
That’s the cartoon I think al. It is very accurate. I have tried to read some feminst blogs, etc. They are generally frustrated that people think they have an interest in women. I think joining with islam was a move to finally prove they are not interested in womens rights. But they are all clearly f*ck*d in the head. They are basically communists, or socialists or something. They really need to change their brand name.
“The feminist movement seeks to include everyone in a common goal, which is to move the world forward with everyone as equals. No matter your race, gender, sexual orientation or social status, you can subscribe to this radical idea that we should all be treated equally. You can subscribe to the idea of feminism.”
That’s the cartoon I think al. It is very accurate. I have tried to read some feminst blogs, etc. They are generally frustrated that people think they have an interest in women. I think joining with islam was to prove they are not interested with womens rights. They are basically communists, or socialists or something. They really need to change their brand name.
“The feminist movement seeks to include everyone in a common goal, which is to move the world forward with everyone as equals. No matter your race, gender, sexual orientation or social status, you can subscribe to this radical idea that we should all be treated equally. You can subscribe to the idea of feminism.”
A reminder to ‘Theresa the appeaser’ and her waffle about her better off in the EU .
Operative words ‘control and reduce ‘
Important word ‘Reduce’
Theresa May, our pathetically hopeless Home Secretary, is now waffling on The Marr Show. “Controlling immigration is very very hard,” she tells us. Just so you get the picture she has said this three times. This woman got a standing ovation at the last Tory conference when she told us that immigration is far too high and we need to control our borders. Some misguided folk actually thought she might have shown some backbone and joined the Brexit campaign; of course she didn’t.
The recent immigration predictions, given by a government that “wants” to reduce the levels to “tens of thousands” are now eye wateringly awful. They’re also schizophrenic. You can’t tell us that “we’re educing immigration to tens of thousands” and predict another three million in fourteen years. It really won’t do.
I can think of only two people this useless waste of space has stopped entering our shores; Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.
Theresa, you’re about as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
Strange that Obama seems unaware, and nobody at the BBC wants to comment, on the fact that well over 35,000 demonstrated in Hanover yesterday about the impending TTIP ‘agreement’. With every possibility of the same reaction in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne and elsewhere, and the EU’s major funder rejects the US trade deals – which the current antipathy suggests could happen – doesn’t that leave Barry a little bit exposed to valid criticism from home? Burning bridges was never much of a long-term policy though, behind the smiles, buggering-up the Brits seems to appeal to him.
It’s just a lie isn’t it? And a confession of either incompetence or complicity in a global policy to destroy national identity in some parts of the world.
Theresa….we live on an Island, and other countries manage their immigration better than us….Aus, NZ, USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel. Ask Obama how they do it. But please, stop lying about it.
No, don’t ask Obama, the US answer is tough at the front door but leave the back door open.
..and Theresa answer the fffing questions . It may have escaped you love but we have all had enough of MP’s blustering and not dealing with the issues . If you have no backbone or convictions then get out of office .
Theresa is easily the worst Minister and there is a lot of competition. I would not employ her to clean a toilet.
I dunno, “Secretary of State for Armitage Shanks” does have a certain cachet.
Down with Theresa May!
Smash the cistern!
And flush the the ‘remainers’ out !
Radio 2 weekends normally an escape from the BBCs biggest darling and gob on a stick Chris Evans, but no hourly we get to hear his dulcet tones re his Marathon progress…
Like we really give a £%#t…..
Andrew Marr was excellent in interviewing Theresa May. He allowed her to show herself as being either too stupid to understand the questions, which he asked repeatedly when she didn’t answer, or believing the viewers were too stupid to notice that she hadn’t answered them. This interview – and haven’t there been other similar ones? – ought to be a political suicide note for Mrs May.
Sorry to interrupt this flow of important domestic and international news and events – Choppers the Celebrity Monkey just died!
‘Last original PG Tips chimp Choppers dies at Twycross Zoo’
Cue five minutes of reading out Twitter comments from fellow Celebrity Monkeys – particularly the younger generation of would-be Celebrity Monkeys attempting to piggy back on the publicity due to Chopper’s demise. That little knitted chimp who is obviously a puppet – I’m talking about you. And here comes the Prime Minister’s Tweet, next Barrack Obama and the Pope….
Where can we go if we want to add our own banana tributes to a street shrine?
Straight to studio any old Monkey with the slightest tangential association with Choppers. “Tell us how Choppers broke through the glass car tire for Celebrity Monkeys? – and that difficult Coprophagia issue – tell us how Choppers helped normalise our attitudes there – after all it is 2016 – we shouldn’t be prejudicial at all”
I myself have had a shout out on Twitter to invite fellow-monkey maudlers who`ve been distressed to hear of the demise of Mr PG Tips to a ceremonial Shit-throwing at the air conditioning fan that is outside our local new Council Chambers…and friends seem to think that a nearby wind turbine could do the same job of sending faeces through the air, sending our love to the Champ of Chimps.
“Brown Rain” will be sung, as we lay our yellow bananas end to end around the building…probably have a mass ruck and rutting festival too.
Ey Up we`re the Monkeys….
chrisH, AsIseeit,
You are old enough to remember “The Monkeys”. ” Hey, hey , we’re the Monkeys and we keep on monkeying around “. I never really knew what that song was about. But ” Happy valley sunday ” to all at BBBC . ( Even our old mate Jerrod, he of wit and repartee ).
Grant, don’t you mean “he of half-wit and repartee”?
I stand corrected !
Philip Hammond says we may send troops on the ground to Libya. Well I am sick and tired of our brave boys and girls risking their lives just for effing Arab muslims. Leave them alone and let them kill each other if they want to. Hammond is another pathetic May-type waster. Utterly useless.
Strange world eh?
God take Prince and Victoria Wood away-but leaves us with Phillip Hammond and Theresa May.
Wonder if He knows that he created these eejit bots…if so, He might have left us Prince and Bowie, and taken Clive James and Fidel Castro-which, I thought had been arranged.
Still-Paddy O Connell did worry about Pestons ITV channel being “all populist”…as opposed to the BBC who seem to be anything but.
What year does O Connell come from?
The BBCs populism is for Global Warming, unfettered immigration, sucking up to Islam and loving the evil, the weird and the faux-rebels…and more bloody European Corporaate Socialism that bring us to Hitlers bunker by a primose path…but to the same grim teminus.
Yet the BBCs fantastic mirror ball Nazism is not “Populist” to themselves-but progressive and enlightened?
Only to their own fetid ilk of incestuous imaginings.
NO Paddy-YOU are the Beehive Populists-but the rest of us hate you and know you`re both evil AND Thick.
ITV Populist?…BBC enlightening?…party like its 1955 or what?
Strange world eh?
God take Prince and Victoria Wood away-but leaves us with Phillip Hammond and Theresa May.
Wonder if He knows that he created these eejit bots…if so, He might have left us Prince and Bowie, and taken Clive James and Fidel Castro-which, I thought had been arranged.
Still-Paddy O Connell did worry about Pestons ITV channel being “all populist”…as opposed to the BBC who seem to be anything but.
What year does O Connell come from?
The BBCs populism is for Global Warming, unfettered immigration, sucking up to Islam and loving the evil, the weird and the faux-rebels…and more bloody European Corporaate Socialism that bring us to Hitlers bunker by a primrose path…but to the same grim terminus.
Yet the BBCs fantastic mirror ball Nazism is not “Populist” to themselves-but progressive and enlightened?
Only to their own fetid ilk of incestuous imaginings.
NO Paddy-YOU are the Beehive Populists-but the rest of us hate you and know you`re both evil AND Thick.
ITV Populist?…BBC enlightening?…party like its 1955 or what?
Double LOL ! Whatever you are on, I do not want any of it ! But ” faux-rebels” sums these people up perfectly.
“Philip Hammond says we may send troops on the ground to Libya. Well I am sick and tired of our brave boys and girls risking their lives just for effing Arab muslims. ”
Grant, our troops will die for the greatest of causes – to give Cameron a photo opportunity. He’s already rehearsing his sad face.
No doubt. Cameron is a teenage wanker. Pass the sick bag !
“A US mother-of-two has spoken of her frustration that she was forced to dump 500oz (14.8 litres) of breast milk at security at London’s Heathrow Airport.”
Eh???? 500oz equals 14.2 litres in UK.
Even the American company Google knows that.
Oh I see al-Beeb handing over more of my British Identity to Obama and using US ounces.
The US fluid ounce is smaller than the Imperial fluid ounce. Given that the complainant, who provided the information, is American – so it’s not unreasonable to use the US measure to convert into litres. And that means that the figure in the BBC report would be more correct than you.
Jerrod you really are an idiot. It is the British Broadcasting Corporation. When it is the American Broadcasting Corporation paid for by Americans and aimed at an American audience then they can use American measures. Take your trolling elsewhere.
And before you start trolling on again the news item is in the UK section of BBC news not worldwide and you might like to know that more people worldwide use the imperial fluid ounce than the US fl oz. So it is perfectly reasonable to expect the British Broadcasting Corporation when giving equivalents to either disclose that they are not using UK measures or get the conversions correct.
What is not reasonable is a troll who avoids questions because their sole purpose of being here as I reported to the police on your hatred comments is solely to stifle legitimate debate and to use electronic communications maliciously.
It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, but the ounces cited were recorded by an American, so the conversion was correct. I don’t know why this concept is so difficult for you to understand.
And if you complain to the police every time you encounter someone who doesn’t agree with you, or who doesn’t respond to your increasingly bizarre outbursts in exactly the way that you have deemed appropriate, they’re going to be very busy, aren’t they? Still, at least there’s the consolation that you haven’t done any such thing, and are just lying about it in a desperate attempt to pretend that you’re hard.
“I don`t know why this concept is so difficult for you to understand”.
Patronising poltroon aren`t you?
Please remember what it was like for you when you were 13 years old and scoring points about measurements. But it is great that Jerrod is favouring Imperial over metric ! That is my boy !
And here’s me thinking that privileged, self-righteous, soppy mummy’s boys like you didn’t have an once of graft in them! You are doing some sterling work with that shovel Jerrod
>The US fluid ounce is smaller than the Imperial fluid ounce.
Us fluid ounce 29.5735295625 millilitres
UK fluid ounce 28.4130625 millilitres
When I went to school that would make the UK fluid ounce smaller but don’t let facts get in the way of your trolling.
And Jihadi Jerrod just got owned!
I would stick to sending shitty hashtags amongst your delusionist Shitter cult friends Jerrod if I was you (though ashkur alllah/thank Allah I am not you after having your arse handed to you like that!)
Try this one on Shitter jihadi! This will definitely go viral!
Fair point. But you’re still wrong about the conversion.
Only Jerrod would imagine that a British website paid for with British Money would use American weights and measures when reporting an event on the UK section about an event that happened in a British Airport just because the woman who can’t read security notices happened to be American. If I am served in a shop in London by an American, have I to ask what units of measurement they will use? Grow up baby Jerrod and take your trolling elsewhere.
Thank God for scientists like you ! I wish there were more in Government and the BBC !
As somebody posted earlier on the excellent ‘Going Postal’ blog, both Sky and the BBC are now in full Remaniac mode, following the equal opportunities Kenyan’s visit to tell us to behave properly or get sent to the back of the ‘queue’ (not that he has probably ever heard the word, being only a pretend American).
So the question is, have the media overdone it? Is this triumphalism on the part of the establishment Europhiliacs premature? Have the thoroughly biased media swung the contest in their favour already?
Nothing like Socialism eh? This is certainly nothing like Socialism! More evidence of the corruption of the Blair pair.
Worth a listen:
Trevor Phillips was for nine years head of the Commission for Racial Equality and then the Equality and Human Rights Commission. But he became deeply unpopular with some former colleagues and supporters after he revealed he had become convinced there were deep problems with the policy of multi-culturalism.
Dominic Lawson asks him why he altered his views and what he felt about the reaction it provoked. In an emotional interview they discuss child protection and the murder of Victoria Climbie, trans-racial adoption, the expression of prejudice, the use of racial epithets, Britishness and integration.
“Why I Changed My Mind” is a series in which Dominic explores how and why prominent individuals have modified their views on controversial topics.
Ta thoughtful.
Enjoying(if that`s the word) this programme.
Most things involving Dominic Lawson will be good-and have a new found respect for Phillips.
Clearly he still feels the guilt for getting it so wrong…but he cares, and seems brave these days.
If only he`d have learned it all a few years earlier-but(to be fair) many of us could be accused of the same.
Took Iraq 2003, Chinese Cockle Pickers 2004, Beslan 2004 and Buttiglioni 2004 before I shook off my years of liberal graduate grooming and grew a brain…oh, and a few Peter Hitchens columns as read on a military estate nearby when none of my mates were around.
I enjoyed that show as well. I have always thought Trevor Phillips a decent man who would say what he believed was right rather than what was expected of him; remember his public condemnation of absent black fathers. He has also had the courage to admit his mistakes. There is one issue I would take up with him and that is the reason for the non-reporting of issues such as the awful Victoria Climbie case. This went unreported to the authorities not, as Trevor Phillips said, because people shrugged their shoulders and said it was because that culture do things differently but because the anti-racism industry had made it impossible to say anything about a minority group without being labelled a racist.
I see that the musical world has suffered another loss according to the BBC. The “influential” Congolese music star Papa Wenga had died.
No, me neither …..
Ta for this lobster.
For the record, I was shopping in Lidl when I got this news.
Surely we will all recall where we were when Poppa Joe died.
Who will sponsor the useless Toon Army now?
Lidl ChrisH ???? Have you no sense of decorum? Fortnum and Mason, surely ………. You know, like the Beeboids!
Well, being based in Gambia , I do listen a lot to West African music and much of it is great. I had heard of Papa Wemba but never heard his music .
But, there are 2 points. 1. Why should the BBC think that most people would be interested ? I bet that most W. Africans have never heard of him, let alone “Toubabs” ( white people ). 2. Most Africans I know have never heard of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Prince , Stevie Wonder etc. . Why should they ?
Maybe my point is that the real world that I live in bears no resemblance to the fantasy world that the BBC lives in. And I am not just talking about music.
You`re right Grant.
As a bit of a muso, I do like the wilder shores of some African music…no expert, and have lots of time for Toumani Diabate, Rokia Traore and Johnny Clegg(see what did there?) etc.
And-like the death of Cliff Michelmore, I never mean to insult or make light of good people who die and their families grief.
It`s the bloody medias patronising and selective response to who deserves the accolades and puff pieces ( Ralph Miliband?…yes…Thomas Szasz?…no!).
Thier ability to choose who we`re to grieve and who can be stuck in the unmarked grave is invariably lefty, liberal, public sector biased…and good people of independent mind or libertarian/conservative get trashed or ignored.
The BBC make you loath most of their pets who die…unfair, but the BBC simply won`t give us balance…Steve Jobs used to park in disabled bays apparently!…but the BBC are either licking your Doc Martens or kicking you with `em!
I do not know how your mind works so fast and you type so fast. I struggle to keep up.
Difficult to sum up your post. Beeboids and Lefties are either at your feet or at your throat.
W. African music. Try Ismail Lo, if you can. Not sure if there is anything on youtube.
The BBC is mainly broadcasting to itself. ‘Itself’ being an anthill of lefties all trying to outlefty each other with either their views, tastes or knowledge; the more obscure or esoteric the better. On hearing of the demise of Papa Wemba, some little twerp at the Beeb will have done a quick Google search, found that they liked what they saw, and dashed off a quick obituary. As word spread, the other twerps will have hidden themselves in the flexi-gender toilets and secretly Googled Papa as well. They will then have burst forth from the crapper as a freshly minted life-long fan of all things Papa Wemba and feeling more than qualified to join in the wailing. Meanwhile, back in the real world, everyone else is left scratching their heads.
I first witnessed this behaviour at sixth form and it doesn’t change with age for the worst afflicted.
Spot on ! You can be sure that none of them had heard of him before he died.
I’m pretty sure there was a Slovakian Spoon Dancer died last week. That never got a mention. Oh me and my big mouth. Tomorrow the magazine will have “Is it right to forget Slovakian Spoon Dancers?” followed by a Have Your Say on the dying culture of Slovakia. Obviously Morris Dancers won’t be approached for comment as they are so hideously British.
I wonder how many great Chinese musicians die each year, unreported by the BBC ? I think the BBC should set up a separate website and TV channel devoted to celebrity deaths.
Maybe celebrity deaths no one has ever heard of in Britain brought to you by the BBC courtesy of the British Licence Fee Payer.
And this week’s top 40 z list deaths from Babel Towers sponsored by the hard working Brits includes Pakistani Boy Band member A51F, Saudi singer from band “Sheik it up” and many many more people you have never heard about.
Sad, very sad. David Bowie managed to be greatest musician in the history of the universe for 3 months until
PoncePrince snuffed it. Now poor old Papa Wenga has gone.I’m steeling myself for Paul McCartney’s demise.
Its all about “bread and circuses”.
Al Beeb’s main purpose as far as the present Government is concerned . That’s why our Car Moron has done zilch about it .
Guess the age competition.
With the permission of BBBC, I would like to launch a competition , open to all, including Jerrod. All you have to do is guess Jerrod’s date of birth. I shall decide the closing date and I shall decide who are the winners and my decision is final. If you don’t like it , I have a Sgian Dubh somewhere in my kilt , if I can find it.
First prize is a miniature of Grant’s Scotch Whisky. Second prize is two miniatures of Grant’s Scotch Whisky. Recipients to pay all postage and packing. There is no third prize.
Now, some of you may feel that , allowing Jerrod to compete is unfair. But that is not necessarily so.
Good luck !
Jerrod will be able to ask his carer or guardian, if nanny hasn`t already sewn his age into the lining of his cap.
I think he`ll have twenty eight concentric rings around his dirty neck, so his “chronological age” is 42.
That said, his spiky and rather dweeb-like nastiness tells me that he lives in a basement flat out of the way of the adults as he rages…either that or he`s in a penthouse suite at some Salford/Gateshead regional hub of privilege in the pubic sector…maybe a cheridee or a do-gooding Johnny Kwango dealy…
So his computer age will be_ dunno-28?
And-without the weighting factors of his fat fingers, and a tendency to throw hummulingus-type comments at his betters( me!)-I thereby add 42 to 28, and compute an average of THIRTY FIVE…maybe dog-years but thirty five it is!
Not tried to write my rubbish after pouring a minister of your finest down my gullet…but looking forward to giving it a go!
Stop it ! You are killing me ! To slightly alter the song from ” The sound of music”, ” I am 13 going on 35″. Doesn’t quite rhyme. But , then, Jerrod doesn’t rhyme nor chime. But you are trying hard for the prize.
By the way, who is Johnny Kwango, sounds like Kenyan to me . Ooops , controversial !
He was a famous kind of wrestler when I was growing up.
And-like Charlie Williams-a “good “black person and a safe role model for those of us inclined to stick a hat pin into Logans leg.
The Sidney Poitier of the wrestling ring perhaps.
PS -if I get Jerrods age wrong-is there some kind of prize for his star sign…I`d say crab!
Defo a Virgo. He don’t like it up ‘im!
Jerrod rhymes with twat
Always nice to see you reveal your true colours. Well, I say ‘nice’ – drably predictable would be nearer the mark.
Now, are you going to admit that the BBC report got its calculations correct? or are you going to whine on and on again about how the British in its title means that you must be right, even though you were clearly wrong, yet again?
Or are you going to act like the insecure little man again, and pretend that you’ve called the police because someone had the temerity to contradict you? Must be upsetting, trying to play the bully and finding that you can’t even do that very well. You poor sod.
As I think his alter-ego is probably Adrian Mole (aged 13 3/4), I’m going for 24th July 2002.
Fractions are not allowed. Also , only plus zero numbers are permitted.
Oh bugger! Back to the drawing board!
Thinking of Jerrod’s customary bile filled missives made me realise that we seem to have largely lost the art of eloquent and elegant correspondence. Something like this perhaps ……
Hey! What happened to the Irn Bru? 😯
Roland ,
I used to mix it with Grant’s whisky and Crabbie’s . That may explain my current state of mind
Nice to see Grant is holding himself to Biased BBC commenters’ usual standard of behaviour. Which is, of course, vastly different from the standard of behaviour they claim to want from everyone else.
Biased BBC: when the world has rejected you because you’re a childish hypocrite who can’t function in adult society, there’s a place for you here.
So Jerrod, tell us why you are here ?
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased?
Do you think method by which it is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
Funny how when you mention the world “childish”, taffman and his stuck record turn up. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
Perhaps there were too many questions in my last post to you .
I’ll try with one then……….
Do you think that the method by which Al Beeb is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
No insult to you there, just a simple honest question .
> Do you think that the method by which Al Beeb is funded is unfair to poor people who don’t watch its rubbish ?
I think it’s unfair to poor people full stop – many of whom do watch and listen to the BBC’s services, and would disagree (as does the majority of the country) with your blanket opinion that it’s all “rubbish”. I’d rather the scheme that is currenty in place for over-70s was redistributed to be more equitable.
So the next time you want to disrupt a thread by repeating yourself and you’re told, yet again, that your pathetic line of questioning has previously been answered, your minuscule little brain won’t have to recall very far back, now, will it? It should be possible even for you to remember this. So hopefully that will put an end to your fetid trolling.
Thanks for your reply …… ‘I think it’s unfair to poor people full stop’.
It appears to me that you are an Al Beeb supporter or have been employed by them and are looking for more work ?
If you did reply to me before I simply missed it and apologise. I am not the only one causing the disruption though am I ? I am also sorry that you appear very offended.
As to my ‘minuscule little brain’ – I was born with it , what’s your excuse?
Note, no insult from me either .
> It appears to me that you are an Al Beeb supporter or have been employed by them and are looking for more work ?
You and others have stated this multiple times, and have been told multiple times it’s not true. Not listening to things you’ve been told is a recurring habit with you, isn’t it.
So do us all a favour and concentrate on improving your memory. Until you do, there’s no point in engaging with you any further, as it’s clearly just going to be the equivalent of talking to an abnormally stupid goldfish.
“Not listening to things you’ve been told is a recurring habit with you, isn’t it” . I am afraid I cant hear anyone as this is a website ?
My memory is pretty good and I don’t remember you (as ‘Jerrod’) posting me that before .
As for talking to a gold fish, stupid or not , I would never do that but obviously you do. They don’t reply you know .
For the info of those who missed your answer to this question ………..
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased?
I think Jerrod, unless you can answer Taffman’s question, you will have been knocked out!
Jerrod thinks that he can make something true just by saying it is.
Of course he works for the BBC.
It’s true.
Because I say it is.
Oh and I almost forgot. Jerrod reveals it by the nature of every post he makes.
None of my business really, but do you have a job ? I mean do you earn money which does not come from the taxpayer, directly or indirectly ? I do not want to pry , just wondered .
Taffman, I think you have him on the ropes !!
Now to the next question …………
Do you think that Al Beeb is biased?
That one went right into the guts!
Taffman is the winner by a knockout, Jerrod failed to respond to the question.
How old is “Jerrod”?…..
Well, this is him….
Same tired arguments, same retorts, same clunky writing style, as when he was commenting under his real identity…
And Sunday was always the mainstay of Scotty boys blatherings in the dim and distant past..
How old is “Jerrod”?…..
Well, this is him…. ………………..
Regardless of whether this is “him” or not, l clicked on to the link. Reading the ‘tweets’ of this person confirmed as to why I have never registered on Twitter ! If this is an example of the dialogue that the rest of the world are engaged in then no wonder the interest in comics and superheroes are at an all time high ! Puerile drivel doesn’t come close. One thing is certain, I am clearly not missing anything.
I think that you are all being too hard on Jerrod. He must be very lonely to come on to this site. We should nurture him. He may see the light and change sides. Stranger things have happened !
Always up for challenge Grant, and what a challenge you have set in trying to guess that (foreskinzolla riddled) bellends age!
Like any cheap cheese it gets sour with age, and I have noticed he’s getting more sour lately in his retorts (obviously trying to defend the indefensible doesn’t help)…so I am going for late 40’s (48)…though I will guarantee that he still lives with mumsie, and was sheltered from reality growing up in privilege…how else would you believe the utter shite he does!
Whiskys in the bag!
Nice try . But it takes more than that to part a Scotsman from his whisky. You may be right about the age , but you brought Jerrod’s mother into this. So far as I am concerned, she is blameless. I have nothing but sympathy for her. Are you sticking with 48 ?
Apologies if it came across like a slight against mumsie wumsie, I just needed to account for the fairytale, fantasy, rose tinted glasses view of the world that people grow out of when they leave school.
Yes I go with 48 (with a caveat of mentally 16)
LOL ! I guess we just have to wait for Jerrod to confirm. Most people , when they lie about their age, take a few years off. I wonder which way he will jump ?
Tower Hamlets TV bBBC1 Sun 2.50pm ‘The day I met the Queen’
Quick vox pop about the Queen. First 8 people interviewed were 4 blacks and 4 women. For the final shot they included 3 white male workmen on a building site.
Every day, every where. Bias bias. Agenda agenda.
what, they found three white males in Tower Hamlets? No wonder it was on the news
“The free movement of workers within the EU makes it more difficult to curb immigration to the UK, Home Secretary Theresa May has admitted”……………
Is Al Beeb and the government preparing us for the fact that the PM has not kept his promise ?
Something gives me the idea that Al Beeb is watching this site ?
Good article here by Sir Alan Sugar.
Sort of thing that the BBC surely would take an interest in-divided parties, celebrity spats an` all.
Like Sir Ian Botham-if he`s Lord Sugar-will now refer to him as this from now on.
Need saying…and he`s right.
Sorry ChrisH but whenever I am asked to take Alan Sugar seriously I remember that he started out selling pretend hi-fi under a fake Scandinavian name, then progressed to take over the once might Viglen computers, probably the UK’s largest and most successful PC company at that time. I am given to believe that the money he has made has largely come from property.
With such a stunning record behind him he was then adopted by the BBC as the epitome of a successful British businessman, which is understandable. They would think that, wouldn’t they?
Guessing that his bluster and preposterous aspects can be forgiven in his acid attack on Corbyns Labour and the role of Sadiq Khan in being party to identity crap , and seeing that alone as making him entitled to be Londons Mayor.
He also shafts their reflex anti-Semitism in todays Sunday Times.
So I`m glad he`s saying it-the Left HATE it when their own speak the truth.
Junior doctors are in dispute with the government over a proposed new deal which the government now feel they have to impose on doctors.
Now as far as I can see from the BBC news on tv and radio along with its news web site, this is because the doctors are noble, self-effacing, saintly people, reluctantly driven to withhold their labour in the interests of the patients and to save the NHS, whereas the Tories are scum, stupid, evil, wicked and dishonest.
So in case you don’t know, the government’s single aim is to have doctors working weekends. Now I have no problem with doctors getting more money for doing this, and good luck to them, after all tax payers pockets are infinite and we all know how poverty stricken medics are. Have you seen the costs of two holidays in Mauritius? And those damned BMWs can set you back a fortune.
However, ought not the BBC mention, you know just in passing, or with a small banner at the bottom of the screen, that because of the lack of doctors more people die over weekends than in the week? Here it is in the Guardian, as I know the BBC news staff will read that.
Worse, doctors who do nobly give up their Saturdays lying in bed and playing golf, trouser from £1,760 p day in the trusted Guardian …
… upto £11,000 for a single weekend …
Might it be, and please, I am just putting this out there, that doctors are avaricious, pocket stuffing, self-interested souls and the government is seeking to protect the interests of patients, ie you and me?
Obviously there is a debate, and there are two sides, so why can’t the BBC at least say why the government are finally imposing a contract?
Hello earthlings.
Seems now that they call themselves “otherkins”…and why not?
Just so long as those self-identifying as dogs don’t expect the public to fund thier own special toilet walls where they can cock their leg up
Otherkins have been around for a long time.
As we can change from one level of being to another we can use any toilet or lamp post at any time.
That poor long-suffering dog!
Poor long suffering dog.
Amazing deduction from a couple of photos. Although BVA scientists admit that they cannot locate pleasure sensors in an animal’s neurological system, I can assure you that animals trained by me thoroughly enjoy their activities. Proof? The consistently attempt to repeat the activities.
I was thinking to myself about Oh! Bummer’s speech concerning Britain and the EU and two things occurred to me; first – why is it relevant what he thinks about Brexit? Surely the opinions of Trump, Cruz and Clinton are of greater relevance than the views of this f**k up? Who is running down the clock until he clambers onto the $10,000 per plate speaking tour treadmill and spends his days between that and the golf course?
Second – there is a very strong possibility that, if the demographic decline of whites in America continues, certain states will secede from the Union. These would be more than capable of surviving as separate countries, Texas for example – which actually already has the legal right to do so.
The future of the “United” States of America is about as fraught as that of the “United States” of Europa – he would do better to address himself to the increasing problems in his own country than this one.
I’ve jokingly called it “Fox News” but that gag appears truer by the hour – BBC News Channel’s Martine Croxall (b Hinckley Leices.) hands over to some sports whippersnapper named James, I think. “Good news for you about Leicester, Martine!” “Oh goody!” says Maxine in reply. Ok, I accept Gary Lineker followed the Foxes prior to this present month, but BBC presenters seem to be jumping the shark on this one. Perhaps it’s the old ‘support the underdog’ attitude that sets the BBC’s office culture?
We do have to thank the young chap for a wonderful slip of the tongue (or cock-eyed auto cue reading) when he talks tennis –
The Barcelona Open final has been won, apparently, by “Rafal al Nadal”
I know the BBC are bit Islam obessed but that takes the Fox’s biscuit
Had to laugh at that Martine Croxall’s appearance on BBC news last night – there was a screen grab of her advertising some show, and the photo was of a slim, pretty, blue-eyed girl. It then went back to the studio where she sat there with a face like she had sucked the piss off a jaggy thistle as she was mentioning Trump. Limp hair, dressed like a 60 year old, and about 5 stone heavier.
Sums up our BBC quite nicely.
Not sure if this comes out-but its on Ann Coulters Twitter and seems a good bit of mocking copy.
Man is born free yet everywhere he is without transgender bathroom rights!…Jean Jacques Rousseau!
Chris H, I have problems copying from Twitter and FB, but congratulations this came out well.
I would love to set the Rousseau quote as an exam topic for our progressive university students. Discuss.
Austrian far-right on the up:
As this is the BBC, for far-right I read anywhere to the right of Stalin, Mao or Jeremy Corbyn.
Note the reasons why ………
“The clear victory of the far-right candidate reflects widespread discontent with the status quo, as well as concerns about immigration and the economy, our correspondent says.”
I’m taking the ‘right’ in ‘far-right’ to mean correct, as everyone the Al Beeb have labeled as such have been correct about everything they have said so far…. And is therefore why the bigoted Al Beeb cannot stand the pro democracy, pro white, patriotic men and women who hold these views and will try everything in their traitorous, devious power to discredit them.
Why is there no such thing as “far-left” ?
There is. They use the Initial Letters B B C.
Of course, silly me !
…and they are always very, very… very near.
Is our green and pleasant land being swallowed up for houses to cope with the mass migration from the EU