“if BHS wasn’t profitable under Philip Green then Green wouldn’t have been able to take any of the profit for himself”
I stand to be corrected, but I was under the impression that the Pension fund had been raided (albeit legally) – in a way not unlike the Robert Maxwell debacle 20 odd years ago at the D/Mirror.
It’s really ever so queer – I’ve searched the BBC website and I can’t find a single reference to The Haavara Agreement ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement ) which was what Livingstone was referring to in his HATEFUL rant. Why would they want to withhold that?
You won’t find any historic facts or balanced reporting on the BBC website. Instead they will keep the “anti-Semitic” hysteria ball rolling with crap like this…
Both the above posts typify the currently politically correct discourse on anti semitism, namely, that anti semitism can be discussed ad infinitum but only if the perpetrators are Nazis, Fascists, or neo Nazis, neo fascists or crypto versions of those two categories or that political deals carried out before the holocaust can be used to smear the lifesaving efforts of various Zionist organisations.
The politically incorrect discourse is one in which there is a critique and questioning of the process by which 21st century Islam and leftism, drawing on their respective historic traditions, promote anti semitism whilst the rest of us are expected to politely avert our eyes and respect the culture of Islam and leftie posturing over the Palestinians.
When will Guerin or Bowen take an interest in the Turkish occupation of North Cyprus, the Turkish occupation of Kurdistan, the Saudi occupation of Hashemite Hijaz, the Moroccan occupation of the Sahrawi Republic? Where?………exactly!
Some occupations are more interesting than others I suppose….can’t think why, can you?
Well, I have some sympathy with the Turks in stopping the Genocide against their people in Cyprus. And I think you will find that all British military who were there at the time will agree. One question is why did the British Government renege on the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee which was specifically designed to prevent the very massacres by Greeks against Turks which took place under Sampson ? Just listen to his speeches before the Genocide started and you will see what I mean.
Secondly, there has never been a country called Kurdistan. Except in some people’s imagination. I do not always take the Turkish side but when it comes to Cyprus and the PKK , the issues are pretty clear cut.
Try ” The Cyprus Emergency” by Nick Van der Bijl for a pretty objective account of the events over decades leading up to the attempted Genocide by the Greeks against the Turks on Cyprus. Ecevit, the last man to resort to force, was left with no alternative but to stop the killings before every Turk on Cyprus was massacred.
What happened on Cyprus in 1974 was a coup backed by the Greek colonels against the Cypriot government, with a view to annexing the island. Makarios was meant to have been killed, but escaped.
The plan by the Greek fascist regime was of course mad, as Turkey would never allow an island with a 20% Turkish population to be annexed by Greece. It is my understanding (though I may be wrong) that Jim Callaghan, as Foreign Secretary, would have used British forces to restore order, as Britain had the right to do by treaty, but that the USA quashed the idea.
In July 1974 President Nixon was about to be forced out by Watergate, and Henry Kissinger had pretty much a free hand over American foreign policy. He did not want two NATO members going to war over Cyprus, and was happy to see the island partitioned. The fact that this caused immense misery to hundreds of thousands of people was a detail as far as he was concerned. He had, after all, destroyed bigger nations than Cyprus in the name of realpolitik.
I am so happy that you are aware of the facts. I was in Cyprus in 1974. I saw the Turkish babies hanging by their necks from the trees. I saw the Turkish women crucified by the Greeks as part of the Genocide . Just ask any British military who were there and they will tell the story.
But the British Labour Government did nothing to stop the massacres. So the Turks had to send their boys in to stop the Genocide.
I cannot dispute that you saw what you saw, but I think it is now pretty well established that the ferment in Cyprus was no accident, it was formulated as part of the foreign policy of Greece, Turkey and the USA. The Cypriot people, Greek and Turkish, had the misfortune to be the victims of this conspiracy.
I have just checked to see if my memory is right, and it was. In 1999 Jim Callaghan said in an interview that Britain had sent a naval task force to Cyprus, and had come to the brink of war with Turkey. He said it was the most frightening time in his period as Foreign Secretary. Britain backed down when Henry Kissinger told Callaghan “not to act like a boy scout”. The USA has settled things with Turkey, the Turks got the north of Cyprus, the USA got secret listening posts there, which they had long wanted. The Greek colonels got the shaft, but they were morons who had outlived their usefulness to Washington.
The upshot is that any atrocities you saw had been formented by a conspiracy to partition the island and destroy its legitimate government. Given the proven fact that Turkish nationalists led by Rauf Denktash in the 1950s had staged false flag attacks against Turkish Cypriots to stir up inter-communal violence, I would hesitate to put the blame for these atrocities on the Greek Cypriots without proof. They may well have been carried out by Greek or Turkish agents provocateurs.
Grant, historical references to the “land of the Kurds” pre date both the Ottoman period and modern Turkey. There were conflicts between Kurdish principalities and the Ottomans
In the 1600s.
I have little doubt that the ethnic struggle between Greeks and Turks, which again dates back centuries produced atrocities perpetrated by both sides.
My point was that some occupations are more interesting to the BBC than others, I think that still stands.
“Both the above posts typify the currently politically correct discourse on anti semitism…”
Well, I think that’s the first time something I’ve written on here could be described as politically correct. Y’see Jerrod? I can do it.
Anyway, embolden – just so you know, I was interested in what good ‘ol Bibi had to say about the Grand Mufti’s influence on Hitler ( http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.681525 – ‘Hitler Didn’t Want to Exterminate the Jews’ ), and would have loved for it to go further, but there was a bit of an outcry in Israel about it. I don’t give a flying f**k if some sand-nigger beats a European Nazi in a Jew-hating competition; I just want to be informed enough so that I can pick the right side. Y’get me?
Dumb comment from Tabs, as Flawedlogic indicates. There is no ‘hysteria’ about the very real increase in anti-Semitism, just sober analysis, though not of course from the BBC – which hardly has concern about anti-Semitism as one of its priorities.
When Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh and others played SS officers in the movie Valkyrie are they anti-Semitic by today’s ever changing PC standards?
Obviously not. Such ridiculous observations belong in a YouTube comment section and, yes, The Guardian.
What’s the difference? Tom Cruise acted in an historic movie, another actor played Hitler. The movie follows real life history closely. Are either of them anti-Semitic for factually reporting what really happended?
Ken Livingstone quoted historic fact also but is labelled an anti-Semitic. At no point did Ken say he supported/liked Hitler and even if he did it is not anti-Semitic by any media twisting of the facts.
Thing is, he deliberately portrayed Hitler as a Zionist, which, apart from being absurd, is an obscene insult to actual Zionists.
And he called a Jewish journalist a ‘kapo’ – also an obscene insult and one for which he was suspended as Mayor of London. Livingstone is a racist pig whose pressing need to express his hatred of Jews evidently overrides all other considerations. Why defend him?
from the link…” Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but reversed his opinion and supported it in the period 1937-1939″. We all know what happened from 1939 on wards but that doesn’t change historic facts before that time.
>Why defend him?
Regardless of whether he is hated by a lot of people or you disagree with his lefty views you cannot label someone as anti-Semitic if they are not. It sets a dangerous precedent where people are afraid to speak the truth. This can be seen in more and more areas these days – too scared to speak out about immigration in cause you get accused of being racist – to scared to not support gay marriage in cause you get accused of being homophobic etc.
Livingstone and his fellow travellers on the far Left have shared stages and platforms with Islamofascists who would cheerfully reinstate the gas chambers.
If he wasn’t anti-semitic he wouldn’t have done it.
Tabs and all readers, sorry for repetition, but…..
Ken Livingstone has rather selectively chosen his history.
There was a brief period in 1933-34 when early Nazi policy was to promote the removal of Jewish people from Germany to British mandate Palestine.
Though this involved stripping Jewish people of their employment and property rights in Germany to “encourage” emigration…..this hardly demonstrates Zionism as Ken Livingstone suggested.
By 1937 the Nazi “German foreign office instructed its embassies that ‘in view of the anti German agitation of international Jewry, Germany cannot agree that the formation of a Palestine Jewish state would help the peaceful development of the nations of the world’.”
Also “the SS warned that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine would lead to ‘special minority protection to Jews in every country, therefore giving legal protection to the exploitation activity of world Jewry’.”
Quotes from Holocaust-a history by Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan Van Pelt chapter 5.
None of this should distract us from Ken Livingstones suggestion that Naz Shahs comments on the removal of the Israeli Jews to the USA is not anti Semitic. Nor from the widespread anti Semitism, and Jew hatred that is endemic in countries and in minority populations who hold that the Quran (with its many anti Jewish references) is a valid guide for life.
Ken, Naz and Jeremy too, should be asked exactly what is not antisemitic about seeking to remove, without their consent, the population of the Jewish state of Israel to another continent…..over to you BBC.
Tabs, the context of Livingstones comments add to the calculated insult….he’s got form in using holocaust symbolism to insult Jewish people and his comments were in defence of someone suggesting mass deportation of an entire nation…..Israel.
The inevitable assumption is that had Germany managed to occupy Palestine, any Jews who were there (whether they had previously legally left Germany or not) would have been exterminated in the same way that Jewish escapees from Germany to Holland, Belgium, France etc were deported to the east and exterminated.
The notion that Hitler subsequently “went mad” and started the holocaust is just risible, given the statements he made before he was in power and then the policies that were enacted in his name, all over Europe.
Livingstone was drawing flak away from manifestations of present day anti-semitism amongst an electorally important group of voters.
Looking forward to Shami Chakrabartis inquiry, but I almost feel sorry for her, it is dangerous ground that she is being asked to disturb.
>Also “the SS warned that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine would lead to ‘special minority protection to Jews in every country, therefore giving legal protection to the exploitation activity of world Jewry’.”
Fucking ridiculous. I’m going to report this to my local Shomrim.
A good point about the fate of the Jews in Palestine if Britain had lost the Battle of El Alamein. If Rommel had occupied Palestine, the SS and Einsatzgruppen would not have been far behind.
The insanity of Red Ken’s position is that he is trying to defend Naz Shah from comments she has already accepted were wrong and apologised for. He seems to think she was wrong to apologise. He has now issued one of those meaningless non-apology apologies to “anyone who has been offended by my remarks” whilst still insisting they were true.
He has also locked himself in a lavatory and rambled on about moving his newts. Dementia has to be a possibilty.
Saw him live on an “Any Questions” panel last year at the nearby county town.
Looked drunk to me to be honest..so would question his drinking as much as the possibility of dementia…not that I know or care-one very flawed and deluded old man might well be the better opinion to have for this serial Jew baiting weirdo, that only mad GLC types in 1981 could have allowed to lead them.
Indeed-if there`s not loads of his old mates and mukkas who did rather well out of ILEA and the GLC back in their formative days, and now running authorities and quangos nationally these days-I`d be very surprised.
Well worth a check for Police Commissioners, MEPS,heads of NHS Trusts or Academy chains and Social Housing quangos and charities…they weren`t kidding with their “long march through the institutions” line as borrowed from Gramsci.
And London Borough public sector maanagement roles up to 1986 would very much be in line with their Common Purpose/38 degrees stuff…Ken has managed to shine a light on their tactics and views on Jews-oh dear for them!
You too are being somewhat selective embolden., There certainly are comparisons to be drawn between Nazism and Zionism (the latter isnot simply a consequence of the Holocaust)
1938, Ben Gurion:
“If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel.”
And Hitler admired he Zionists:
“And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.”
Adolph Hitler, “Mein Kampf”
Its not necessary for Hitler to have had the well being of Jews in mind to support Zionism. He supported it because it was compatible with his own goals for Germany.
Ken is being hounded so furiously because he has spoken an uncomfortable truth for most Jews.
There are comparisons to be found…well of course…there are comparisons between nationalisms, imperialisms, forms of totalitarianism, forms of religion.
I think though that we’d be hard put to find the particular confluence of German racial supremacism, anti semitism, anti Slavism, personality cult, socialist collectivism, anti Bolshevism, big business interests, applied racial biology and eugenics (meaning murder of those defined as ” unfit to live”, nationalism, imperialist expansionism, Christianity, paganism, mass industrialised murder across a whole continent, mass use of slave labour and totalitarian command and control of the military and civilian population by an organisation that initially was popular and electable and right to the end had people willing to literally die in ditches to defend it….that was Nazism.
Hitler “admired” Zionism, yes, he also “admired” the British empire, he “admired” Stalin enough to have a non aggression pact and share occupied Poland for a time.
He used anything he could to assert his will to power, others were prepared to follow him and make his ideas come true.
The point with Livingstones intervention was that it was in defence and in denial of the anti Semitic undertones of statements by a labour member, Naz Shah, now an MP who had suggested on a public forum the mass deportation of an entire population on the grounds of Jewishness.
That MP is associated with an ideological/religious way of thinking that pre dates Nazism and continues to aspire to enacting applied anti semitism (I’m being polite) in territories it doesn’t control and in places it does control….Islamic countries…..treats Jews and other minorities as inferiors whose lives are entirely dependent on accepting subservient dhimmi status, an ideological/religious way of thinking that was associated intimately with Nazism, through SS volunteering and the activities of Haj Amin Husseini.
Livingstone too, as well as his party leader has form in offering support to armed groups and their fellow travellers who are overtly anti Semitic and seek to portray Zionists as Nazis in their propaganda, they’ve done it in search of Muslim votes in the UK…..Hence the kerfuffle…the Labour Party leadership is using anti semitism for electoral gain. Not standard practice in UK politics for many a long year.
We’re not talking about Ken Livingstons background or his friendships with Muslims who usually are to some degree or other anti Jewish, but whether his remarks on this occasion were anti Jewish. The point is they were truthful, clumsy and not very clever politically (unless Ken is playing a long game which at his age is unlikely) but truthful and as such cannot be deemed anti Jewish. Hitler did support the goals of Zionism (albeit for different reasons) and signed treaties with Zionists to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine. He WANTED them to leave Germany! He also specifically wanted them to go to Palestine (presumably wanting them out of the whole of Europe ultimately).
Britain restricted Jewish reettlement iN Palestine due to Arab anger.
Good post, embolden. No doubt it went right over the heads of our resident historical revisionists.
And more rubbish below:
This country was on the team that stopped that from going further.
Britain’s involvement in WWII had nothing to do with saving Jews. In fact, the British government did precisely the opposite by denying desperate Jews refuge in Palestine with the infamous White Paper.
There is a huge difference between Hitler looking for ways to expel an unwanted minority (remember he had already written Mein Kampf expressing his plans for the Jews) and looking to build a successful country for that minority.
Hitler was not a Zionist. For a brief period he considered a profitable way to gain from his implacable hatred, that’s all.
Oh, I see now. Whatever side I pick, it won’t be against the Jews. That could certainly have been inferred from my little snarl, but no.
It will be against those who, among many other vile practices, use the Jews as a lightning conductor.
My irritation at all this whining about antisemitism is just born from embarrassment. It’s beneath all of you to do it with such little provocation. Keep your powder dry.
It does bother me that Labour i.e. “HM governments loyal opposition,”appear to be courting antisemitic vote within the Islamic electorate….just before an election in which the headline, if he manages to win, will be “Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of London.” The BBC will never stop crowing!
This appears to me an undesirable outcome, unless perhaps he wins and subsequently more muck is brought to light by the excellent team at Guido, I would expect the BBC to be looking the other way if this is the outcome.
So true, Rob in Cheshire. I had a very brief acquaintance with Farcebook (not a typo) and fled from the trivia on that site. I used to worry about the short-attention-span generation. Added to that these days is the me me me generation, exemplified by phenomena like ‘selfies.’ We are witnessing the growth of a generation of people who will spend most of their time staring into a small screen while ignoring the real world around them.
Still, it is disturbing that people in positions of leadership and responsibility think it’s a lark to post rubbish about the SS and Gestapo on their phones.
A leading contender for most dire article of 2016 which also highlights the danger of outsourcing the BBC magazine to a bunch of right on sixth formers, then tasking them with researching the adolescent sexual fumblings of among others, homoromantics. May sound a little harsh. but some of these self indulget delicate souls need to grow up a little and be a little less up themselves. No doubt this kind of crap will help to line some therapists pocket, while highlighting the ground breaking discovery that guess what? people are a little bit different to each other.
The BBC has become an unequal opportunities employer in recent years. Just like the general entertainment industry its staff is made up of gay, sexually confused, self obsessed, mentality unstable, hedonistic, narcissistic, social media obsessed young people straight out of Uni with a Media/Theatre Studies Degree. Now some of those staff have been promoted into managers they are recruiting new staff just like themselves.
Being London-centric doesn’t help either as there is a higher concentration of LGBTQIXYZ in London. I’m sure alot of their “articles” are made up when they have lunch in Soho.
Seriously pathetic story that’s now number 4 in the Popular “News” Story (Should that be populist story? Nah, that how BBC describes politics they don’t like).
And what’s the message being sent out to the world? The UK if full of self obsessed, self indulgent, pathetic little weaklings.
I’ve been alarmed to hear today of the possibility the BBC may re-make the series ‘Civilisation’. The thought of dumbed down and politically correct new versions of this – or any of their classics – is so appalling that I’d get in first with some predictions:
Life on Earth (BBC original 1979, 13 episodes of natural history)
Shortly to be re-made as an animation with music. The Cretaceous period will be enlivened by a transgendered Tricerotops (voiced by Stephen Fry) rapping about the stress of being a spurned minority in an era of climate change. (Lyrics By Dizzee Rascal, animations by Nick Park, history from an old Blue Peter annual.)
Civilisation (BBC original 1969, 13 episodes of history of western art and philosophy)
New presenter Aaqil Ahmed will reveal that TVs and cars were invented by 12th century Islamic scientists, but smashed by brutal Christian crusaders. (A fan-belt and a cathode ray tube found beneath an ancient Baghdad rubbish tip in 2016 revealed the shocking truth.) Art and architecture (confined largely to Finsbury Park Mosque) may disappoint viewers who recall Lord Clark’s stunning visuals, but as compensation there will be dramatic new footage of suicide bombers detonating Canterbury Cathedral.
Elizabeth R (BBC original 1971, 6 episodes, historical drama)
An original new version of Britain’s Tudor era, thanks to input from Mary Beard, Simon Schama and Lenny Henry. As the Spanish Armada threatens in 1588, Queen Elizabeth I (Freema Agyeman from Doctor Who, in a dodgy red wig) fails to make her rousing Tilbury speech, due to a secret prior appointment to wed Mary Queen of Scots (executed in 1587, but let’s not permit the facts to spoil a steamy four poster bed-shaking oral sex scene).
Drake, Hawkins and Howard, overcome with cowardly drunkenness, lie in pools of vomit in a Plymouth ale house. So who saved England from the Spaniards? A fleet of Ottoman empire war galleys, followed by a wind that blew the Spanish ships away. ‘Allah blew, and they were scattered,’ as people remarked gratefully at the time.
The Pallisers (BBC original 1974, 26 episode literary dramatisation)
A new interpretation of Anthony Trollope’s Victorian political novels may startle those who never imagined the Duke of Omnium’s servants being Somali refugees from British imperialist conquest. Purists who read the books may also recoil from a scene in which Lady Glencora Palliser (in trousers and top hat) demonstrates in Parliament to force her husband Plantaganet to supports votes for women and European union.
‘Mark gets all the good quotes and passes them on’
Have you noticed how often the BBC provides the Left with their talking points. In my pre-Radio 5 Live boycott days I was often struck by the Lefty callers to phone-ins regurgitating sloganised lines previously disseminated on the BBC as though these were argument winning evidences.
I remember laying a challenge down a couple of years ago – to someone like dez or Scott – to let us know when they found a tweet from a BBC employee which was from a right-wing point of view, either their own or re-tweeted.
Well, this is new, a ‘racism campaigner’ on the BBC tv news being closely questioned by a presenter. We’re more used to gasps of shared outrage and personally-felt audible sharp intakes of breath than the brusque stony-faced forensic approach we get from our Naga this morning.
What a fine performance by the way from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism spokesman – he managed to include the line “There is a strain of Anti-Semitism in the Modern Left” – this vital line came across despite our Naga’s attempt to spread the love more broadly beyond the Labour Party.
Mind you, the BBC very soon got their band wagons rolling back on the trail with the newspaper review. Their guest….? (clue: you couldn’t make it up) Nazir Afzal… Chief Crown Prosecutor of the Crown Prosecution Service for North West England from 2011–15 (Britain’s most senior muslim lawyer, no less).
And if you happen to be playing the parlour game : The World War Two Funny Name Game (as popularised by Basil Fawlty) he goes one better than our Naz Shah! Next up on the BBC Roger Stuka or Sidney U-Boats?
Our Mr Nazi…. rrrrr (sorry I mentioned it once but think I got away with it) well, he’s a real solid-gold 24 carat BBC trustee. First story is from the Guardian (yeh) and it’s about Hillsborough (ta-da).
Next story: how could the BBC avoid the Labour Anti-Semitism row? Our chap managed to work in the word “Islamophobia” (who asked?) This little word tucked in together with a reasonable mitigation of our favourite MP Ms Naz Shah (he’s a trained lawyer remember). He talked about old comments and a good apology and now her being an advocate for change. Got all that, viewers?
Third story – again the template BBC editorial line – too much testing of school kids.
Our Naga adds a final story – again template BBC editorial line – anti-Police and Crime Commissioners attack line from Labour against Tories – no one voted etc etc.
Conclusion: Although you may think you can beat the system here and there to get an alternative message through – ultimately the BBC juggernaut will just keep rolling on churning out those old agendas and telling that same narrative.
The lying, traitorous, devious, conniving, bigoted, white man hating bast@rds at the Al Beeb are at DEFCON 1 as bias levels are off the scale on a report of how vile bigoted far left manics have delayed a Trump speech in California, using violence, intimidation and aggression to try and shut down democracy and free speech to enforce their warped fascist views on the world
“Donald Trump speech delayed by protesters in California”
So it’s just protesters. In fact the Al Beeb wants us to know these are the same kind, freedom loving protesters that are trying to protect us all from the evil, devil men from the far right all over Europe. The hero’s of Al Beeb get carpetbombed with love and positive statements from start to finish
Even though the traitorous Al Beeb admit..
“Hundreds of protesters broke through barricades and threw eggs at police outside a California hotel where Republican Party front-runner Donald Trump was due to address the state’s Republican convention”
“On Thursday, a police car had its windows smashed as Mr Trump spoke inside a hall in the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Some 20 arrests were made.”
“The Trump campaign had to cancel several rallies in March after hundreds of protesters threatened to disrupt events in Chicago and St Louis.”
The Al Beeb not once uses negative or judgmental statements against these bast@rds! Look how they report any protest against immigration or Islam raping and killing it’s own people, it’s “far right”, “fascist”, and as many negative impact statements as possible!! Biased @():/;(@;4!:_/£§£&¥¥!!!!!!!
What we do have from the Al Beeb is more reinforcement on how evil Trump is and how the violence and anti democratic attacks by their friends is justified..
“Mr Trump’s rallies have been dogged by violence” (yes by the vile freedom hating left scumbags you are championing Al Beeb)
“Many of the protesters outside his speech were arguing against his positions on immigration. He has advocated building a border wall with Mexico which he says Mexico would pay for”
“He has also referred to Mexicans as “rapists” and criminals responsible for bringing illegal drugs into the US”
Don’t worry Al Beeb, you will get what you deserve. You are the vehicle that has been used to try and destroy our way of life. We will never forget
And the BBC have just mentioned that “thousands of activists, campaigners and protesters”(or such-sorry jerrod, don`t give a damn)-have tried to prevent AfD attending their Party Conference in Germany.
Apparently a thousand police were employed, and the Party was able to meet as planned-and they`re going to rebrand themselves with a change of name that makes them ever more…voter-friendly/anti-Islamic.
Guess which one of those LAST two phrases our newslady used?
So-basically it`s the LEFT all over the USA and Europe who wear their great grandads brown shirts…yet the BBC suggests that Trump and AfD are the REAL Mosley Fascists?
Mosley of course was a stalwart Labour MP…and the Nazis were socialists. let us never tire of reminding them.
The BBC are utter scum…apt really that when you get your old Red Commie top and steep it in eco limewash it WILL turn out a shade of brown.
Note too the announcement that the EU will reduce the roaming charges for mobiles…and therefore this will be good news for the ordinary Joe like me…or else a feeding frenzy for the suicide bombers who detonate with them, the drug dealer and sex slavers who need them, and the grooming gangs who want their village elders to groom the nub of youth in white trashy childrens homes and betting shop doorways….and can call them ever more cheaply now.
Good old BBC eh?…no agenda there…no doubt the migrants will be kept on their apps and games until June 25th, before they get to co-ordinate their Long Hot Summer on the M25/M2…
You will notice that the BBC has now formally declared Alternative fur Deutschland to be “far right” because they refuse to submit to the islamization of their country. I guess I must be “far right” too, in that case. The BBC dhimmis might find that there are more “far right” people in Britain than they can have ever imagined, if they ever leave the W1A/Media City bubble.
This is a good Peter Brimelow article about the anti-Trump movement in the U.S.:
The mobbing of the Trump rally in Costa Mesa on April 28 (as well as the San Fernando freeway shutdowns ignored by the national Main Stream Media but reported by Steve Sailer) showed that Mexifornia, with its characteristic Latin American intolerance and tradition of public intimidation by turba is now here.
Of course, “protesters”—who of course should properly be called “disrupters,” and, increasing, “rioters”—have blocked Trump’s car from entering the California Republican Convention in Burlingame, so that he had to enter by crossing a wall, and then broke through barricade outside the conference hotel. [Protesters pummel Donald Trump lookalike as the GOP front-runner addresses California Republican Party convention, by Rich Shapiro, New York Daily News, April 29, 2016]
Trump quipped: “It felt like I was crossing the border.” But of course he was—between America and its Third World future.
Unless immigration is cut off.
Points you won’t see made in the Main Stream Media in its role of Leftist Narrative Enforcer:
Despite constant attempts to portray Trump’s genial crowds as dangerous, the violence has always come from the Left—and now it’s getting out of control.
There have been anti-Trump rioters in Chicago, Arizona, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh. But California shows that the Left is now moving to a new level—because it thinks it can.
Quite probably someone is going to get killed—quite possibly Trump himself.
Remember Pim Fortuyn. Are those who so carelessly compare Trump to Hitler etc. ready to take responsibility?
Southern California is tipping towards ethnic violence anyway—courtesy of immigration.
Case in point: Anaheim, only a few miles from the Contra Mesa riot, was the scene of Ferguson/ Baltimore-style Hispanic/ Leftist riots in 2012. But the rot has been festering for years.
In 2006, I pointed out in an American Conservative article back in 1993 that Barbara Coe of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform was fired by the Anaheim Police Department, where she managed the Crime Analysis Unit, because she persisted in drawing to the attention of her superiors the dramatic increase in immigrant crime. (Barbara, a true patriot, died in 2013, but her influence is still felt).
Not coincidentally, earlier this week in Anaheim, five Trump supporters including two children were pepper-sprayed by an anti-Trump demonstrator while protesting a proposed city council resolution to condemn Trump.
Needless to say, no-one was arrested and—unbelievably, considering the ridiculous Michelle Fields saga—the story has gone straight down the MSM Memory Hole.
This violence is a problem for Trump, given that the political class tacitly favors it.
No doubt many Americans will be radicalized toward Trump, just as the 1968 Chicago riots supposedly helped Nixon. But the equally-disgraceful shut-down of Trump’s March rally in Chicago was shrugged off by the political class.
Trump may be able to hold rallies in future, but my guess is that the women and children will stay home. This is a tragic loss of innocence. The political class (including Ted Cruz) that has failed to condemn the Left’s mounting violence, and indeed sought to blame it on Trump, have themselves to blame for what happens next.
And indeed VDARE.com’s Ryan Kennedy noted above that, in sharp contrast to my observations last fall, there were no children in the Trump crowd in Costa Mesa (although there were still women). Ordinary people cannot be expected to be heroic, and if this goes on Trump may eventually be deprived of the mass rallies that have been his secret weapon.
This has to stop, now, The answer is ruthless coercion
Both in Chicago and Costa Mesa, police were reportedly surprised by the size and violence of the anti-Trump turba. There is no excuse for this happening again.
The answer to politics through riot is ruthless coercion and “exemplary sentencing.” And, for those arrested who turn out to be illegal aliens, immediate strategic deportation.
But instead only 17 were arrested in Costa Mesa and only 5 in Burlingame.
The anti-Trump turbas will happen again—aimed, ultimately, against America.
The BBC is continually seeking a way to carry on with the anti Semitism but with a degree of legitimacy, and avoiding those inconvenient accusations.
Islamophillia, and self righteousness are so strongly rooted that the thought that they might be wrong has never occurred to them.
They ask the question about the criticism of Israel while avoiding anti Semitism. Well I’m sorry BBC and other assorted Lefties, but the two are the same, and you don’t criticise any other country in that way. You are intrinsically institutionally anti Semitic to such a degree that you can’t even see it!
You will never hear the BBC criticise any other country – especially Islamic ones, instead the criticise the government, or the leader – such as Putin, but never Russia, Bush, but never America (Obama never does anything worthy of criticism!) So why should they even ask the question?
If you want to criticise Israeli actions, then use the same method you use for ever other country. Criticise the leader Netanyahu or the majority party Likud, but to criticise ALL Israeli’s IS undoubtedly anti Semitic.
The very fact that the BBC is having this angst ridden discussion is evidence of their far left Fascist bias. If they were neutral then they wouldn’t even be needing to discuss it.
Shame on Cameron for utterly failing to bring the BBC to heel.
On another note, it’s a good job Cameron followed BLiar & Brown, because he’s done absolutely nothing to undo the harm they caused socially, if he’d followed Corbyn, he’d be as anti Semitic as Labour are telling us how evil Israel is. It’s all too much like hard work for lazy Davey.
Clearly those who work for the Al Beeb have the same views on Israel as Ken LivingstAN, Mao Corbyn and the death cult ROPers do. They ALL detest Israel and ALL believe that it’s the Jews causing all the problems in the middle east. Its now full on justification time and the public will be under continual propaganda onslaught until the message is driven home that it is not taboo to criticise Jews… Which is so fucked up because it’s Islam thats the cause and Islam that NEEDS to be criticised (deaths, rapes, genocide, ethic cleansing all over the world) because Islam is causing Israel to defend itself, just like we are defending ourselves, India is defending itself…
Look. Its “death to America”! Islam is behind deaths in Belgium, France, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, India, Nigeria, Togo, Mali, Iraq, Iran, Canada, Norway, Sweden….everywhere!!!!!! It doesn’t matter who they are or where they are from it’s death or conversion to ALL infidels. Israel is standing up for its own people and STOPING the genocide of its own people. They are stopping the duty of Islam to take over everything. Islam is about domination, conversation and death to anyone that stands in its way. Israel currently stands in its way. It will be us next. Let’s not kid ourselves, every single Jew in Israel will die at the hands of Muslims if they didn’t protect themselves.
The Al Beeb are delusional at best or conspiring against us to destroy our way of life at worst. Israel is the only country with a strong enough identify to know that it’s you or Islam. There’s no appeasement. No compromise. No sharing.
To only way to appease Palestinians is to wipe Israel of the map forever and it seems that the Al Beeb are wanting that too
I really have nothing to add to what you are saying. The BBC is institutionally racist against Jews. The BBC would have been quite at home in Nazi Germany. They are disgusting evil people .
If Israel did magically disappear, or if, as Naz Shah wants, the Israeli people were deported en masse to the USA, then the fun would really start in “Palestine”. The ensuing civil war between Hamas, Hizbollah and Fatah would make Syria look like a village fete. Of course, hundreds of thousands of people would die, millions would be displaced, and the most precious holy sites would be destroyed, but that would be a small price to pay for getting rid of Israel, as Ken and Naz and Jezza would no doubt agree.
And if Ms Shah is comfortable with the idea of forced repatriation does that mean she won’t start screaming racist when people call for the repatriation of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis from the UK?
I`ve been going to Tolpuddle now for many years as an ex-Lefty who finds out quite a lot about what they`ll be up to in the coming year.
When I first started going , there would always be a Christian Socialist group down from the East Midlands with their Methodist tracts, on the main route to the festival-good natured arguments alright, how do you square Communism with Christianity…Marx or Methodism etc? But they`d been coming for years, were good union activist types, often retiring soon.
There would also always be a Friends of Israel group with the Israeli flag in the field nearby-manned usually by Jewish Socialists who would not be religious, but were proud of the Socialist Kibbutzim aspect of Zionism as they had fought long and hard for…ex Cable Street types, but plenty Labour friends too, who`d stayed on kibbutzes, who liked the socialist egalitarian activities of that communal, international brotherhood idea that flowered in Israel after 1948.
In short, Judeo-Christian values made up not the Labour DNA..but were the double helix that much else could be related to.
Again, in the case of Israel: some open hostility from the Gulag grannies and Stalin suckups-with increasingly nasty PLO types with the rise of Yasser Arafat, and (I`m sad to say) the Rock Against Racism/Anti-Nazi League types who saw a chance to wave the PLO flag, flog a few crap olives-and blame Jews in the USA for pretty much all their inadequacies and weirdities.
Have not seen a Christian presence now since 2006, and the Israel flag went before that.
Now the monoculture is wishy washy Jesus creeps who hide behind the cream teas…whilst the likes of Bob Crow(PBUH) can mug around like Buster Bloodvessel and shout down those of us(i.e me and a few brave souls)who scorn King Billy Bragg in public…the brownshirts get very upset,and the boozing hours in the hot sun come to the boil…usually on their fat tattooed necks, mind!
My point-to hear the BBC News tell me that Corbyn will “conduct an independent enquiry” is lies and bollox….a “clear the streets and put out the red tape” idea as used at Falkirk, mid-Staffs and the like.
Unless they`re Friends of Israel-they are ALL anti-Semites, they blame Israel and the Jews for everything that the USA can`t be pinned for.
Muslims will say what they still fear to say-but , as we now see, Corbyns election has given them permission to come out from under their stones…and so a few Jewesses/gays can be killed sometime soon with them.
They want the Muslim vote and this will bring the votes in-they can only agree with Islam over Israel in the open, so they make hay with their anti-Semitism.
Naz Shah was one of their “enquiry members on the PREVIOUS ongoing independent enquiry” until she self-detonated on Thursday.
So piss off Beeb-one of the few things that nearly all Labours liars and Corbyns c*nts CAN agree on is the fact they don`t like Jews, and Israel needs tipping into the sea without their water wings.
What ELSE unites the Left and Islam, terrorism with victim grooming of the camel stool?
Watch last nights Newsnight to see how academic anti-Semitism works-some “self identifying Palestinian” from a Sunni-funded Yuni in the west country slivers and weaves over Maitless fair questionning…an anti-Semite who is(as ever) the victim of Israel-and when the current “hoo-haa” is over, she`ll be up to her usual taqqiyya stuff…the BBC seem to seek her opinion, the Saudis will fund it, and she`ll be the victim.
As for all those Israelis getting stabbed every week?…anybody ELSE heard the BBC mention them? I`ve not.
AND watch for this one-the number of times that Israel gets collaterally smeared in the course of this storm (as in, Israels pretty crap and needs to be condemned for NEARLY everything that Ken and Jeremy say, if not actually get put back on trains to Drancy or Westerbork) is doing enormous damage-anti-Israeli tropes get lobbed in with every discussion, and it`s becoming a constant given of a backdrop-which will make the next stage of Muslim takeover of Labour even MORE of a struggle to fight.
ChrisH has a very special way of using words with his vivid imagination to help us all through the desperate journey of despair that is learning about the destruction of our way of life, by those tasked with the privilege of protecting us.
All this of course with ChrisH putting a smile on your face, knowing that the tides are turning.
“Gulag grannies and Stalin suck-ups “. Brilliant. chrisH , you are surpassing yourself now ! Don’t croak, please . If you did not exist we cannot invent you.
In my youth, I voted Labour and was all for displacing the Capitalist wealthy and sharing their money around. But I grew up. I realised that the world was and is a dire place. The only exception in the main are those cultures that have embraced capitalism i.e. Western Europe (at the moment), North America and Australia/NZ. (apologies for any I have omitted).
But, we have the Left/BBC who somehow believe that sharing the money around will continue to create wealth.
As the Left/BBC’s hate figure Lady Thatcher said:-
“”The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money””
Grant, the only thing we are guilty of on this website is getting a little carried away at times, but that’s due to how passionate we feel about the demise/destruction of our way of life – with the Al Beeb with dirtier hands than anyone! We list facts. We list all the lies/misleading/propaganda the establishment feeds us to keep us in line… Especially the Al Beeb! We say things the vast majority think but are either too scared to say (because of the lefts fascist and bigoted control of the debates) or are too apathetic to care.
We all passionately care about our way of life. The magical history. The heritage. The fanatic culture. We have an elite that despise everything about what we hold dear and are desperate to destroy it to create what they believe is their legacy. A socialist world free from national pride and privileges given to us by the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers.
We all need to be concerned with what is happening. Apathy is as bad as being active in our destruction. There’s a fight for our future more than ever and we on here are ready
Seconded- a great man, as indeed are so many good people above.
There are loads like us, but we`re not included on the BBC…but, as we saw in the election last year; it may not matter…but you can get to thinking that we`re a xenophobic rump of Enochs or such.
Only public sector types-both sides of the desk( jobs clerk, dole wallah…teacher, arsey kid with no dad) will vote for the EU/listen to Radio 4/BBC/Guardian…along with their beloved migrants and Muslims, identity-obsessing basket cases and thick kids under 25 who(to be fair) have been taught nothing that wasn`t pre-chewed by the liberal nasties first.
Only hope there`s enough of the decent people of the country to slap their arses again like last year…and the votes aren`t fiddled.
Currently enjoying a sea of indigenous British people watching the snooker semi-final, much as I like the Proms for the same reason…not racist in the slightest, just like to see the BBC realise that we still exist once in a while-and we`re going nowhere yet.
Sound down, moping along to Prince concerts that are now online( every cloud eh?)…boy, was he good!
Couldn’t believe my ears. Had to rewind BBC News on BBC 1 at 12.15 am.
Item about roaming charges going down to 4p per MB and a mention of how they will be zero soon because we are in the EU.
Up pops Ed Varsey for Remain to tell us 1 million Brits spend time in other countries and this is great news for them.
The back to BBC news reader who goes on to say that of course if we leave the EU they won’t apply unless the UK does its own thing.
Point is that he could mentioned that 63 million Brits would not benefit from the drop, or ask if the 63 million have bigger bills to subsidise the 1 million.
It was a similar tactic to that used this morning, when the BBC grudgingly managed to find a couple of column inches to report the news that 100 major City figures had announced their support for Brexit. More of the Corporation’s report covered reasons why remainiacs thought they were wrong than the reasons why these experts (the usual Brexit know-nothings in the BBC’s eyes, like the former head of HSBC and Peter Hargreaves, the the founder of Hargreaves Lansdown) have decided it is time to leave.
When the history of this referendum comes to be written a major chapter needs to be given over to the shameless role played in propagandising the remaniac cause by the vile, corrupt, lying, tax-vampires at BBC.
As usual the BBC leaves out crucial, narrative-destroying detail:
The EU was first asked to abolish roaming charges by a global body called the International Telephone Users Group (INTUG) way back in 1999. But it so dragged its feet that eventually INTUG approached another global body, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The OECD then involved a third global body, the International Telecommunications Union, which used the rules of a fourth, the World Trade Organisation, to ensure that by 2013 roaming charges were being abolished right across the world, with the EU right at the back of the queue.
Shami Chakrabarti (supporter of the burka) is to head Labour’s inquiry into antisemitism
Of course the inquiry will be wider reaching.
‘ Jeremy Corbyn is to hold an independent inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, Labour says.’
Just get over the current row over Naz and Kens’ comments and draw Cameron and Appeasing May into the net, and Labour and Tories will represent themselves as the parties that stand against the ‘other forms of racism’ like Islamophobia, threats from the racist far right, whilst acknowledging the difference between anti Zionism and anti-semetiism, as explained by BBC/Guardian experts.
And Cameron will go one further and backed by Labour will support Pakistan type blasphemy laws and hostile comments about immigration to prevent far right extremism.
Like after Cologne, all men are rapists. Like after every Islamic enrichment event it’s OUR fault because of the way WE treat the ROPers. What will happen will be a false debate that becomes so wide and varied it becomes irrelevant and impotent. What WILL happen is the majority white population will have more of our liberties and freedoms stripped away to appease those who despise everything about us and the establishment will continue ahead with the biggest lie and swindle that has ever taken place in the history of mankind and lie, cheat, force and change laws to shoehorn the utterly dangerous notion that Islam is compatible with ANY other form of religion or belief.
These traitors are relentless is their fanatical pursuit of “Islam is compatible and white Europe will conform” no matter how clear that it will never and can never work. No matter how many rapes. No matter how many deaths.
I watched Andrew Neil’s This Week on Thursday night during which trust in the police was discussed with Sheelagh Foggarty ex BBC of course. She gave a long list of scandals which had engulfed the police in ‘recent’ years. These included Orgreave, Hillsborough, Steven Lawrence, Westminster sex abusers, and many others. Yet she failed to mention the mass rapes and years of abuse in Rotherham, Rochdale and other many towns across the country, in which the police having full knowledge of what was going on for years failed to act from some malignant type of Political Correctness, in which not upsetting Muslims trumps all other considerations. It took Andrew Neil to mention police involvement, or rather non involvement, in these Muslim sex gang scandals.
Surely this aversion by all on the left to actually naming the elephant in the room that is Islam is the reason why the disgusting Bradford MP thought it was OK to say such foul things about the Jews of Israel. The silence of the left and particularly the BBC , not to mention the warm support of some such as Livingstone ,Corbet, Abbott and the dangerously idiotic Guardian , is why Muslims think they can behave in anti semitic , anti western ways which are abhorent to the rest of us. Silence is consent.
NB Exactly why Orgreave is considered a scandal is beyond me. The miners were being used by Scargill as a battering ram to bring down the democratic government. They had resorted to using violent protest, rather then peaceful picketing ,and to my mind it was therefore perfectly acceptable, indeed absolutely necessary , for the police to be robust in their response. But I feel that thanks to the BBC et al Orgreave will go down in history as the police acting with brutality at the behest of Lady Thatcher to smash a legitimate peaceful protest by the heroes of the working class.
Orgreave has been quietly stitched into the publicity shroud being waved by the Left. It may have been in the litany of the SWP and its supporters within Labour since the ’80s but it was definitely not on the list of widely recognised police problems until quite recently when the far Left covertky added it and, of course, the BBC compliantly followed, as it always does Leftist memes.
Meanwhile, amid all this bitching and moaning about the need for public enquiries and investigations, aren’t we forgetting mid-Staffs and the figures (from Burnham down) who should be on trial?
Actually, Orgreave was a disgrace, decent men were fitted up for serious offences carrying life sentences before winning compensation for various forms of false imprisonment.
And all because they tried to save a British product that was replaced by imports from around the the EU and beyond.
Orgreave was a shocking attack on British workers, justice and national interest in the interests of the global trade in coal and the accelerated deindustrialisation of this country.
Utter codswallop. The miners’ strike was an attempted coup by the far Left, which really believed the long prophesied revolution had come and that the miners’ muscle power would bring down the elected government. The coal is still there in the ground and if it ever becomes viable again (and we can get rid of the hippies) it will be.
Had you been around a couple of years ago you would have read some of the experiences of the poster known as TPO, who was involved in policing the miners’ strike. His revelations (borne out by the accounts of others who had to contend with the sociopathic antics they resorted to) were chilling. Portraying them as ‘decent men’ is nonsense. There were, no doubt, decent men caught up in the strike but they were also deeply stupid men for allowing themselves to be used and exploited by the Marxist revolutionaries who used them as cannon fodder.
I have spoken with ex miners and ex cops about t’strike. It’s the consequence of being my age and having had personal and professional links with a former mining area and with ex police officers.
The Orgreave cases were dealt with through the courts and compensation paid to the decent men who were involved. They got apologies too.
No doubt some were exploited, some had political motives but others tried to do their best to save part of Britains industry from closure.
Many of their communities have still not fully recovered from the loss of jobs and stability and the white working class culture of education and self improvement, military service, playing hard and working hard that was replaced by worklessness, benefits culture, family breakdowns and drug and alcohol problems.
Others thrived as individuals and said the pit closures had opened new horizons for them.
Yes, there were social problems as a consequence but other areas of the country have suffered from industrial decline and change, too, without undergoing quite such extremes.
What there has also been is a good helping of self-pity and post hoc mythologising by the Billy Elliott warriors on the Left..
I recall discussing the situation at the time with a Welsh nurse. On reflection, I shouldn’t have been surprised by her response to the closures which was, in effect, ‘About time too! Too many lives have been ruined by that filthy business.’ She went on to list the members of her own family who had suffered and died as a direct consequence of mining.
For all the romanticising about the heroism of manual labour, there’s not a lot of dignity in a case of pneumoconiosis.
Even less being sent over the top by a fool like Arthur Scargill .
So Harold Wilson is a complete hate figure for you, being as he closed more mines than Margaret Thatcher.
Take the trouble to look up how many mines and miners there were in 1946 and how many there were at the start of the unofficial Scargill miners strike.
That should show you that 100,000s of miners steadily lost their jobs and 100s of communities lost their soul. It did not start in the 80S.
It sounds as if you are too young to have lived through the joys of the 70s.
I often wonder if the BBC held the rights to Carry on at your convenience whether they would show it.
It should be compulsory viewing for all modern history students.
It was remarkably prescient showing Renee Houston putting Kenneth Cope over her knee and giving him a good smack, after which the unionist became rather more realistic.
Now put MT and AS in the two roles and even you may see what a great improvement in U.K. life ensued.
No longer was it beer and sandwiches at No. 10 as the union barons, who everybody knew by sight, popping in to tell the elected government how to run the country.
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs!
“The miners’ strike was an attempted coup by the far Left…”
Hyperbole, to say the least. It wasn’t pretty, but it was merely heels being dug in. And looking back at it, it comes across as something that would happen in China.
Bringing down the elected government?…never came near. The Thatcher government and NCB had wisely laid up plenty of stocks at power stations and trapped Scargill into acting on his hyperbole….he was so sure he’d win he didn’t dare ballot the men…..big, big mistake on his part.
If you mean the Heath government…..he called an election around a miners strike…..and lost.
And contrary to the BBCs current posture, they were loathed on the left at the time of the 84-85 strike for giving excessive coverage to what was termed at the time “the drift back to work”.
A tally of numbers of men returning to work region by region was announced daily, that the NUM always disputed and accused the BBC of being in cahoots with the government and NCB and using the numbers to sap the morale of the strikers.
Look up the “Glasgow university media group” ( I think it was called that)
Biased BBC…..to the right……how times have changed!
“And contrary to the BBCs current posture, they were loathed on the left at the time of the 84-85 strike for giving excessive coverage to what was termed at the time “the drift back to work””
Was just thinking the same thing this morning. How they move so smoothly with the times, that arm of the establishment. Did you notice the angelic way the BBC framed that witch May, merely because she happened to say a few words about Hillsborough? And the excited interest by reporters in a ‘rebranding’ of South Yorkshire Police into something different, something new. So all the establishment-backed mistakes (please accept our deepest apologies) can be forgotten; blamed on an old, extinct entity.
Yes indeed. I particularly remember the picture of the policeman on horseback with the innocent protester about to throw his sandwiches at him.
Or was it a brick?
If they wanted to save a British product they certainly went about it in a strange way. A bit like the shipbuilders wanted to save their industry, and Red Robbo wanted to save British Leyland and Eastern Coach Works unions wanted to save their bus bodying industry.
All by the unions failing to actually realise which direction the wind was blowing in, until they have destroyed any chance of keeping some jobs. It has happened time after time.
The other problem for the coal industry was the arrival of North Sea gas, the Clean Air Act, ending of steam on the railways etc etc. constantly cutting demand.
Kellingley was still virtually brand new when the strikes began and could produce competitively priced coal so investment was still underway at the time in the Selby field and lasted until recently when world energy prices collapsed.
Where in the EU did we import from? They had the same problem with deep mined coal as we did. Poland, which joined the EU years after the miners strikes, is now the principle EU coal producer.
Unfortunately in Australia they have huge reserves close to the surface which can be removed by an excavator and transported to arrive in the UK cheaper than deep mined.
We do still produce coal in the UK in open cast mines in Scotland which is transported to the power stations in Yorkshire.
I presume in solidarity with the coal miners you still heat your home solely with coal, just as you did in the 1980s, and that to save the jobs of milkmen you are altruistic enough have your milk delivered to the doorstep for 30p or so more per pint than from the supermarkets, or are you like most on the left who are do as I say rather than as I do, when the same products are offered at differing prices?
Yes and I met a man who’d been at Orgreave and been hit over the head with a police truncheon so hard that it broke in two….the truncheon that is, not his head!
Polish coal was imported during the strike….my mistake about the EU connection. Coal also came in from other global suppliers……we saved money but also spent money to sustain the benefits culture and cover the social costs of long term unemployment that developed in the former mining areas.
It’s often said that Labour shut more pits than the Tories….yes and they did it without a year of mayhem and the bitterness that lasted for years after.
My original comment was about the way in which disgracefully fitting up men at Orgreave for serious criminal offences and then having to pay out compensation to them wasn’t our finest hour…you disagree on that? Fair enough.
The last paragraph is an interesting one, presumably the banking sector should have been allowed to go down without tax payer assistance during the financial crisis, to “correct the market” and never mind the consequences? The banks were allowed plenty of other people’s money to stay afloat. I would contend that the decline of British mining could have been better managed.
Why is it “left wing” to want jobs and industry in my country, why is it “left wing” to want a legal system that we can trust, that isn’t used to pay compensation for dodgy police practice….wait till the Rotherham cases are litigated.
I thought those were and are solid patriotic and conservative values, sorry if you see them, and me as of the”left”
You’re right about the economics but wrong about the repulsive way in which the miners….the vast bulk of whom were good honest British working men….the backbone of this nation…were treated during and after the strike.
I am very far from an unalloyed supporter of the police who can, and often do, cross the line. Where that happens they need to have the strongest possible sanctions taken against them.
However, it is simply flying in the face of reality to pretend that the miners’ strike was not a politically motivated attempt to bring down a government hated then, as now, by the Left. Why else was it being supported by both the Soviet Union and Colonel Gaddafi, let alone every rag, tag and bobtail Trotskyist in the country?
As to why Labour, under Wilson and other others , were able to close more mines than the Tories without fear of insurrection, surely the question needs to be asked of the miners? The answer, were it to be an honest one, would be because they didn’t want to destablise a Labour government.
I’m not sure what relevance the banking collapse has to Orgreave but to rise to the bait, personally, I happen to think there should have been prosecutions and yes, that banks should have been allowed to go the wall. Moral hazard needs to apply in banking as the one, great regulator.
You might care to ask Gordon Brown why he chose to let the bankers off the hook, though protection of Labour’s client base would be part of the honest answer you would be unlikely to get.
As for the dignity of labour argumemnt, I have little time for this romantic nonsense. Hard manual labour tends to be life threatening not enhancing and the much eulogised delights of working class culture are best characterised by intellectual, spiritual and artistic impoverishment, which the sensible strive to escape from, not wallow in.
“but they were also deeply stupid men for allowing themselves to be used and exploited by the Marxist revolutionaries who used them as cannon fodder. ”
Oh yes, they were deeply stupid alright ! that’s what I told my Dad after he came off the night shift with coal dust still around his eyes, after working at a height of 3′ at the coal face in just his shorts. Stupid that he risked the black lung (which both Grandfathers contracted) and the possibility of being killed in a mine collapse. WHO would be prepared to work in those conditions today just to get a living wage, and which other job in today’s career market even comes close to working in the conditions that miners did ???? didn’t need a Yuni degree to do that job that’s for sure. To his credit he vowed his 2 sons would never go down the pit, and they didn’t. And lets not forget, only 100 years ago, these mines were in the hands of private owners, where candles were used for underground lighting, and canaries in cages to identify any toxic gases. My grandfather died a real old man with pneumoconiosis at 72, but the stories he told were a real history lesson.
Oh, and yes I have my milk delivered, and surprise surprise it arrives in glass bottles, not cartons or plastic containers – how many on here knew that then?
Greetings all .
At risk of being accused ‘jumping on the bandwagon’. My father was crushed underground by a tram and my grandfather suffered blindness from long term work underground.
What kid in this nation today, having spent four years in ‘uni’ gaining useless degrees from an education you will find comparable to a kindergarten, would want to dirty their hands 600 yards underground for 8 hours a day ?
Ok my father got a pension out of it and a ton of free coal for his house every quarter but he never worked after and died at the age of 73.
The end of deep mining had to come . It happened because of market forces and because of a power struggle between an union leader who never really had the full backing of the miners ballot, and a determined democratically elected prime minister. ‘The rest is history’ as they say.
I’ll try and make clear again what my comment was.
It was to the effect that fitting up blokes for offences carrying life sentences then having to pay taxpayers money in compensation and issue apologies was not our finest hour as a nation. Nothing more nothing less.
Since you mention the “dignity of labour” which I didn’t……
Ex miners I knew had to retrain and often ended up on wages half or less than half what they got down the pit, that’s if they could find work again. Some prospered as a result of retraining into new professions and said they were eventually glad they’d got out, others ended up doing casual work and never finding work of the same skill level nor offering the same camaraderie again.
I’m sorry to see such hatred, anger and lack of solidarity directed against our own people, perhaps this explains how it is that Muslims see no need to integrate as they do show solidarity towards one another. We need to sort this, and soon, if we are to defend our way of life in the coming struggle.
“A bit like the shipbuilders wanted to save their industry”
Are you old enough to remember the shenanigans surrounding the building of the QE2 at Clydebank in the 1960s? John Brown had nearly 40 unions to contend with, if my memory serves. Last liner to be built there. John Brown ended up assembling gas turbine generators or something.
Orgreave was a shocking attack on British workers, justice and national interest in the interests of the global trade in coal and the accelerated deindustrialisation of this country.
If it was so unjust, why didn’t Scargill hold a ballot?
And were you around for the endless cycle of strikes by government-funded industries in the seventies – the miners (remember candles?), the power workers (ditto), the dockers, the car workers, the shipyard workers etc. – each waiting in turn to strike and leapfrog the massive pay rise one of the others just got after yet another government cave-in.
Labour closed more pits than the Tories but there were no miner’s strikes under them. No, the miners’ strike under Maggie was a blatant attempt to bring down the government. Thank God it failed, sorry as I am for the villages that were left with no work. But it would have been interesting to see the rabid Left’s dilemma had the industry survived – renewables or coal? Interesting one – Ken Loach should make a film of it.
Agree. Emboldened has it wrong. The miners were responsible for bringing down the Heath government 10 years earlier and they confronted Thatcher in 1980 and were bought off because her government wasn’t ready for the confrontation with low coal stocks. The government then prepared by increasing coal reserves to the highest possible level so that the country could withstand a prolonged strike which they knew the miners would launch. Scargill and his acolytes duly did so and became increasingly violent as the government refused to cave in and made it clear that they would fulfill their democratic mandate. Scargill was using his own members as a weapon to bring down the government and most of them were to stupid to realise it. It was indeed an attempt to bring down another democratically elected Tory government by forcing the country into a position were the economic damage being inflicted by the miners was too much for the people to bear. Remember the 3 day week of 1973. Thankfully Lady Thatcher was prepared and resolute enough to see him off and freed the UK from the chains imposed on us by the militant unions. I was 30 at the time and I can tell you that the change in the country between 1980 and 1990 was dramatic . Her great legacy has been squandered by subsequent governments who are scared to death of public sector unions , particularly the BMA et al.
No. The electorate was responsible for bringing down the Heath government. The electorate.
That was Scargills failure, he couldn’t win the vote but proceeded with the strike, coal supplies were never fully stopped. He couldn’t win over the deputies either.
He was an anti democrat, and he picked the wrong fight at the wrong time, with the wrong people and without the full backing of his membership……. hence his failure.
Yes the electorate chose a Labour government which could keep the lights on by handing out money left, right and centre to the public sector which in later years fueled catastrophic inflation and runs on the pound leading to the need for the country to go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan. The miners on that occasion challenged a democratically elected Tory government and made life so intolerable for the people by effectively closing down large sections of the economy that people were, in my view , coerced by the miners and the hard left into voting for Labour with awful consequences. In my book that was not democracy in action and I was mightily pleased when Lady Thatcher won the 84/85 battle with the miners hands down.
Some time back I read Seumas Milne’s book on the strike. Of course, Milne is a left wing fellow traveller, Guardian columnist and now Corbyn’s press secretary. His aim in the book was to show that the NUM was not funded by Gadaffi, or Moscow Gold, and that the British state used dirty tricks against the NUM. But even if you accepted his argument, I still took from his book a belief that it was acceptable to use the power of organised labour to bring down a government. That is a central tenet of Scargillism. He saw himself as the leader of a revolution, not a trades union.
As for the miners, I feel sorry for them. Their job was hard, but it was one of the best paid working class jobs, and British coal was a natural resource which could have powered the country for centuries. But a combination of trade union militancy and anti-CO2 green lunacy killed the industry, and we now import coal, or burn wood pellets, or subsidise useless windmills. It’s a sad story all round.
Exactly as predicted. On the Sunday Politics Yorkshire the BBC had the leader of the NUM ( I thought that they had been disbanded) saying that the corruption at South Yorkshire Police started at Orgreave and that a direct connection can be made to the Hillsborough scandal from Orgreave. We then had the lie that the miners were picketing the coking plant when they were unlawfully attacked by the police at the behest of the government. What a distortion of the truth , which of course the BBC did not bother to find anyone to rebut.
Just been listening to QT. I know, more fool me you say. First question about Livingscum’s anti-semitism.
Dimblearse not so much dancing on a pinhead in his attempt to differentiate between anti-semitism and anti-Israel as proffering invitations to a grand ball to discuss the nuances.
When in the last 12 years did you hear or see Dimblearse emphasising the difference between all of anti rampant economic immigration to the UK, Islamophobia and anti-Muslims in general?
Answer – never, any discussion or dissent at all was the Left and Al Beeb’s evidence of ‘racism’!
I was pretty put out by Jonathan Dimbleby pressing an audience member to “admit he was a Conservative”.
All the bloke has said was that the Labour panellist was playing politics with the jobs of steel workers in Corby and Port Talbot-and his comment had indeed done that.
Blaming Osborne for ti all, not the Welsh Labour Party or the Green.
The bloke had not made a political point at all-he only said that Labour were playing politics and making cheap points, (when their own record was crap).
The man never said the last bit, and was polite-yet Dimbleby rooted around until he knew him to be a Toy union person.
Cue Labour pig piler on panel to say that ” I will address the conservative activists point…cue murmers of agreement that this was “appropriate”.
Didn`t know Dimbleby had the right to aid and abet Labour re sifting out difficult, off-message comments from studio audience members who clearly did NOT speak as steel worker union members should-so needed rooting out by the chair.
Disgraceful, but he`ll get his Eid sweeties and a young girl presenting sometime soon from Hamas HQ in Congress House.
Are Labour “institutionally anti-Semitic”-or simply “the nasty party”?….will the BBC poll on THAT one then…for “people are saying that they`re both and are yet to make up their minds on which is the greater evil”.
Out here in the real world they are anyway-and I myself am going to a Labour event next week to test the wankers to destruction if I`m allowed to…
It’s time to do away with the audience altogether. The BBC have proved they are totally incapable (and unwilling) to have an impartial, representative audience.
Question Time would be improved no end if they simply had a panel and questions sent in but the BBC know they would lose their left-wing bias by doing so.
If a professional appeaser, full time delusionist or far left lunatic (Jerrod, Zero..) was here they would perform the same old liberal bullshit retort of “you are doing the same to Muslims now to what you did to Jews… Blah blah”. We let me get you straight back to being brainwashed by the guardian and thinking of hashtags in your skinny lattes you traitorous scumbags…
The Bali nightclub bombings. Both attacks on the twin towers. Paris. Belgium. Charlie Hebdo. Boko Haram rapes and killings daily. Al Qaeda. Al Shababb. Mass killings in Kenya. IS genocide, mass rape of innocent Yazidis’…..The list is endless. The cause is the same. Islam. Only ever Islam.
Jews, Yazidis, atheists, Buddhist, Christian…the are all killed in the name of Islam. Non are doing the same in return. Yet there is always another reason! Always another excuse. The standard practice now is to ignore the culprits or engineer other narratives for Islamic enrichment acts because there are so many. Relentless. They never stop.
It’s not our fault. Its not our foreign policy. Its not Israels fault. Always remember that no matter how much the traitors in our political parties and media elite mislead us
And the Muslim slaughter the Left will never face up to? That of other Muslims.
No, what the BBC prefer to give airtime to are the Islamic grievance-mongers – never challenged – who rant against the tyrannical West murdering their ‘Muslim bruvvahs an’ sistahs’.
Just got around to watching Tommy Robinson and Nonie Darwish on the Trinity Channel from YouTube. I found this profoundly more disturbing than expected. It’s quite long at 1:39, partly because the presenter, Tony Gurule, is very long winded. There’s also a lot of book promotion, and religious stuff which was of little interest to me.
At the very least, I would urge you to watch the last 10 minutes in which TR describes events leading up to the recent unsuccessful attempt to prosecute him for a prison assault. If only half of it were true it would still be profoundly sickening.
Some, including a someone who used to post here (h**********r), would probably dismiss it as a fascist rant (the man is working class, for God’s sake!). However, too much has been reported elsewhere for it to be discounted.
I watched a couple of interviews with Tommy Robinson describing at length what he went through in prison and how the prison authorities engineered his beating and deliberately jailed him with Muslim prisoners who would be certain to assault him and perhaps kill him.
You British have got a real job on your hands: to take your country back from the EU and from Islamist invaders who have infiltrated every organisation that wields power and influence over the public.
Another thing which is getting my attention about this institutional leftie anti Semitism, and their blatantly anti Semitic question can we please carry on being critical of Israel without being called anti Semitic, is this:
If the Fascists think it’s OK to criticise Israel (and not the Israeli government & president) then why is it NOT OK for me to criticise Islam – which by the same token must not amount to ‘Islamofauxbia’?
They don’t seem to have even realised the double standards their silly question raises. The equalities tribunal defines discrimination as treatment different to that of others on the grounds of (insert appropriate ‘ism’) therefore the Labour party – the Left – and the BBC are all equally guilty of that which they claim to hate, and see all the time in others !
I have just finished reading “Easy Meat” by Peter McLoughlin about the muslim grooming scandals, it makes for horrifying reading and hard to get through but it should be shoved down the throat of these Far Left idiots who believe in holding out the welcome wagon for these vile Islamic monsters they are encouraging in Europe and soon to be adding to the monsters in the UK. It makes me scream with frustration when they refer to them as “Asian” they’re not they’re “muslim ” . Rant over.
Racist Red Ken stands by his Hitler comments
‘Ken Livingstone has stood by his recent comments about Hitler, saying he was “not sorry for telling the truth”.’
But Ken, it is your PC leftish crowd that supported hate speech laws and rules which emphasized that truth was not a defence against offensive speech. What matters is that the speech offends people, according to the subjective interpretation of hate speech written by PC leftists.
Proving what you said was true might help against a charge of libel, but if the truth offends it can be hate speech in your PC world Ken.
Should I display a banner stating the Mohamid was a pedophile who had sex with a child, chances are I would be done for hate speech and Islamophobia, and my guilt would be determined by the offence it caused.
Geddit Ken and all you PC thickos out there.
You have been destroyed by your own nonsense and (to use a Jerrodism) bigotry.
G.W.F. – “There are hate crimes and hate speech, but there is also a category of things called hate facts. These are things that are true, but you aren’t supposed to say them.” Peter Brimelow.
When your aim is to force people to conform to your views, you can not expect anything less in return… Though the self righteous, lying cretins on the left somehow do…….isn’t that a wonderful when those bast@rds reap what they have sown
“”Germany AfD meeting: Hundreds of protesters detained outside venue”” (No mention in the headline that these were ‘left wing’ protestors. ‘Right-Wing’ protestors are always included in the BBC headline).
“”German police have detained about 400 left-wing demonstrators who were trying to prevent people entering a right-wing party conference in Stuttgart”” (ah..hidden away in the report, left-wing demonstrators are specified).
“”About 1,000 officers were involved in the operation to keep the two sides apart, as the protesters blocked roads, burned tyres and threw firecrackers”” (ah…lost the ‘left-wing’ title now? Now called ‘protestors’. What does ‘operation to keep the two sides apart’ mean? The only people causing the riot were the left-wing).
“”The Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party is expected to re-brand itself as openly anti-Islamic during the meeting”” (er… who says? ‘Expected to rebrand itself as openly anti-Islamic’? This must be a hopeful guess by the BBC to damage the AfD?).
“”A police spokesman said protesters threw stones at officers and let off fireworks in their direction. Riot police used tear gas, pepper spray and a water cannon to keep the protesters back”” (ah….once again the title ‘ left-wing’ seems to have slipped from the BBC key board and replaced by noble sounding ‘protestors’. Easily done I suppose when you’re biased?).
“”One demonstrator, Dominik Schmeiser, said: “We are united by our conviction that we cannot let the AfD go unchallenged, and that it is a party which is not only racist, but which is engaged in the politics of exclusion and social division”” (any evidence of racism? Just let that comment in unchallenged, eh? It does the BBC/Left job for them. Well done editor!).
There’s a picture of the AfD female speaker without her shoe and pointing. What the hell is the relevance of that? Perhaps to diminish her status? Rather like the infinite numbers of Trump gurning photos that the BBC/Left display within their biased reports.
Lucky i had the original on my desktop all day. An important fact has been removed from the web report.
The protestors came with iron bars, sticks as well as burning tyres!
These were later replaced with fireworks.
You expect this now from left wing racists. They are all the same.
And the fact they were left wing was not mentioned once in the original, and is only mentioned once in the latest report. Is this a new strategy. As lefties are now officially and openly racist, just refer to them as demonstrators/protestors until the dust settles.
Noticed a few seemingly anomalous BBC ‘most popular’ items before, any idea why
“Keith Harris, entertainer and ventriloquist, dies aged 67” Last updated 28 April 2015
currently stands at number four?
I watched it with the sound off. Can’t stand that guttural sound that emits from the back of their throats when they speak. Subtitles were hilarious.
Was indeed an MG3, well spotted. They get weapons from everywhere, though. I’ve seen pics of them with M4 assault rifles, Humvees, TOW launchers. You don’t ever see them with the better European gas-operated rifles, though; just the old AK47s.
If I had to guess, I would say the MG3 was more likely Iranian, captured from a Shia militia. The Turks are more careful about being seen to arm IS. Syria does seem to be the retirement home for every knackered AK in the world. The bloody things just don’t die.
I agree about Arabic, it is gutteral and unpleasing to the ear. And yet it was the language Allah used to transmit his ideas to The Holy Prophet (pbuh). Weird or what?
AKs are certainly everywhere there. Most folk when presented with the choice of a nice sexy modular M4, or an old AK47, would unsurprisingly plump for the M4; little knowing that because it’s got direct impingement they’d have to strip and clean it every single day of usage. Whereas they won’t need to strip the gas-op AK for months. The FN FAL is an even better choice, though, and hits harder. They’re also everywhere – must be a lot of them kicking about in the middle east.
Yes, the M16 family are rifles for trained soldiers, any goat fucker can use an AK. I must admit the home made rifle grenades were a new one on me, I rather expected (and hoped) they would go off when they tried to light the fuse with a zippo. Now that’s what I call entertainment.
LOL !! At Bisley, many years ago I shot with a WW1 Lee Enfield, prone position. 40 years later my shoulder still hurts ! How did those boys do it and why ? Seems such a waste now.
“Yes, the M16 family are rifles for trained soldiers…”
Aye, true. Bit of a boring fact: when those trained soldiers first got their hands on the M16 in Vietnam after using the superb M14, they called it the Mattel 16, because of the toy company’s logo on the grip part; and were less than impressed at the effects of the .223 compared to the old .308 rounds. But still, much more accurate than an AK.
Fabrique Nationale and Heckler & Koch make the best assault rifles. I’ve heard that a lot of US soldiers are envious of the German army’s standard G36.
Actually H&K are having a lot of trouble with the G36s, it seems they cannot take the heat of full auto firing and have a distressing tendency to melt. That can’t be good.
Well, I never knew that. But maybe that points to problems with the .223 rifles in general over the .308s, as I’ve read a lot about overheating in the smaller calibres. I wonder how the IDF’s Tavor holds up.
Interesting to see that one of the men has a 7.62mm rifle we have had to buy from the USA. We binned off all our SLRs, and then discovered in Afghanistan that the 5.56 mm round does not have the range needed in that battle area. It seems we always have to relearn the lessons of the past.
I think the problem is with the MoD, always trying to undermine our troops. The MoD , in my opinion, are the enemy within. I think that they deliberately cock-up procurement, it is not just incompetence, although their is a lot of that ! And they do not listen to the opinions of the military.
There’s a hell of a debate going on further up this page. Livingstone, Anti-Semitism, the Left gone bad, the miners’ strike, attempted coup d’etat. Fantastic stuff, and why I love perusing this blog. There’s been some pretty fruity language, but have a look at GoingPostal. This place is an oasis of decorum by comparison. I welcome the incursions by Jerrod and Zero and others. There’s little point in being an echo-chamber. However, Jerrod’s juvenile name-calling does wear thin, a reasonable or even unreasonable discussion would be welcome by most here I think.
Even if the BBC didn’t exist, this blog would be an essential platform for mulling over the issues of the day. No matter how fraught the debate.
Get rid of the archaic licence fee , if it is so bloody good it will pay its own way .
Our government is weak, it should have abolished the bloated, biased and arrogant quango long, long ago.
Broadcasting House managed to spend minutes on this one, about whether Whittingdale was able to clobber Simon Cowells Saturday night offerings or not.
This led the Press Review on Paddys show…and to have a few old gals, and a self-made cockney plumber was a masterstroke.
The Archers, jokes about leaks…well done BH!
For in a week where the Labour Partys serial and residual anti-Jewish bigotry was put out on the line for all to see-what better lead story than the bloody Tory Lord Chamberlain putting the blue pen through tomorrows Radio Times?
Hope Sadiq is pleased…there is no other story in politics than the rising new order of brownshirts in the main opposing party in this country.
But the BBC would rather you think that News at Ten or The Ten O Clock News is the only argument you`ll be requiring today.
“”Livingstone Condemned By Top Israeli Politician””
“”The leader of Israel’s (Labour) Opposition has written to Jeremy Corbyn saying he is outraged at recent “anti-Semitic” remarks.
“”In a letter to Jeremy Corbyn, Israeli Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog said he was “appalled and outraged by the recent examples of anti-Semitism by senior Labour Party officials in the United Kingdom””
“”Mr Herzog – whose father served with the British Army – said the former London mayor’s comments were “unthinkable for a British politician in the 21st century” and described Mr Livingstone as “surely anti-Semitic beyond hope of redemption””
“”In his letter, Mr Herzog also mentioned Labour MP Naz Shah, who shared a post on Facebook suggesting that Israel should be relocated in the US. He invited Mr Corbyn to bring a delegation to visit Israel’s national Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, to witness that the last time the Jews were forcibly ‘transported’, it was not to Israel, but to their deaths””
Posted this earlier
“Just watch closely as those bandwagon jumping political elites inquiry into anti-Semitism is widened to include Islamophobia which will prevent identifying the actual growing, expediential cause of anti-Semitism:
The Religion of Paeds.
Its already happening on the Al BBC I noticed that 5Deads Nikki Campbell pulled in some Imam yesterday to start just that.
Once again, have to keep giving the same old warning
… don t get into Islam s bed, there s a very bad smell in there, and before long people will notice
Actually have to say, to cheapen this whole important issue for petty political points like the Tory rags have is pretty despicable too
The one possible plus side of this whole sorry saga? … is to put to bed this snide “anti zionism s not anti-Semitism” crock.
Yep! Exposed for what it is … how does it go again ?
Q. How do you tell if an anti-Semite is left-wing or right-wing?
A. Right wing anti-Semites will write “Death to Jews” on a wall,
The Left will too, scream YES!, rub out “Jews” write “Zionists” … and walk away smiling ”
Well possibly I ve spoken a little too soon … Any Answers pushing the Zionism not anti Semitism line today, Nikki Campo is going to push the same line as his 5dead offering, on Al BBC one tomorrow on The Big Questions.
They all taking the George Allahway line? … nothing wrong with it at all eh?
Balen – Report BBC?
oh go on then just for laughs …Misha “moderate” Hussein again, how about Tim “Jewish hands” Wilcox interrupting
Jewish people after Paris Kosher attack, seeing as TBQs already got a mention, how about Nikki Campo and “Our one big question this morning time to lay the Holocaust to rest?” just before the memorial day, the 70th anniversary
The Big Questions really IS going to go for verbal gymnastics this morning, after the Zionism/anti Semitism comes …
wait for it … do we need more humour in religion? oh Dame Nikki like what?, something as simple as a cartoon
maybe comic critique of the Religion of Paeds, how about the Ropers favourite subject “Prophets” …
discuss 😀
Do we need more humour in religion?
Have you heard this one – “Mohammed walks into a pub with a pig under his arm ………….”
or ” A woman in a burqua is cooking a bacon sarnie, and ………….”
Or perhaps not.
I am afraid so, Taffman. I caught the tail end of the interview so I can’t comment in detail, but Bowen was being asked to “explain” to us the differences between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Only the BBC could do this with a straight face.
Not currently screening on the BBC but give it time as it fits the agenda, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3567616/Students-call-sanitary-bins-placed-male-toilets-transgender-men-periods.html
“Student activists are calling on universities to install sanitary towel bins in men’s toilets so that biologically female transgender students who use them do not face discrimination.”
As a younger lad I was aware that those who went to university were as a rule the brighter and abler of our peers (nose straight to grindstone for the rest of us!) Now they seem to be recruiting our dimmest and most gullible and rinsing the common sense out of the brighter brains, disturbing to think that some of these f**kwits could land jobs that would allow them to make decisions that affect the rest of us.
Students used to be made of sterner stuff. Last Wednesday the DT published the obituary of Stanley Jenkins and ex-leader of the National Union of Students.
“In 1948 he represented the NUS at the Sokol Festival in Prague, where he was constantly shadowed by communist surveillance teams, and where he took on the new prime minister, Antonin Zapotocky, over his assertion that the Czechoslovak people were “happy” with their “liberation”.
I took the bull by the horns and asked the prime minister why, if everyone was so ecstatic about the changes, had I encountered so many individuals who were anxious for the world to know the truth?” On hearing the translation, Zapotocky swept angrily out of the meeting.
In 1951 Jenkins launched an attack on the IUS in a speech to a 500-strong IUS audience in Prague, where delegates, led by Alexandr Shelepin (later head of the KGB), tried to shout him down. “He was Stalin’s right-hand man, he was the head of the youth and student movements, and he was the man who called me an ‘arch-fascist imperialist beast’,” Jenkins recalled. But he refused to leave the rostrum and insisted on finishing his speech. ”
Isn’t it strange that when it comes to black or most ethnic groups, any derogatory comments by whites are seen as ‘racist’, full stop, and condemned as such by the BBC with any ‘excuses’ or ‘mitigating circumstances; summarily dismissed. When it comes to raving Marxists like Shah and Livingstone, suddenly the BBC feels the need to dig deep, explore the technicalities and suggest that it’s not ‘actually’ racism. You couldn’t make it up.
LOL ! I had a “discussion ” with a black Afro-American once who called me racist. I said ” how can I be racist when I live in Africa and my wife, Mariama, is black African. She is more African and black than you are”. His reply ” That just proves that you are racist” . You just can’t win can you when it comes to racism !
Do you find that something you say in West Africa that is received as a fair point, is taken as racist by some over-sensitive soul in the UK? That has been my experience in East Africa and the UK/Ireland.
Yes ! You are quite right. In my experience, West Africans find the European Left/liberal view of racism to be weird to say the least. They really have other things to worry about !
I managed 6 or 7 minutes of ‘The News Quiz’ yesterday.
Ridiculing Brexit? check. Campaigning for the striking junior doctors? check. Jokes/humour?…………….nope.
This morning we are being treated to the BBC whining on behalf of Labour Muslim terrorist supporter Sadiq Khan complaining that the anti Semitism row is harming his chances.
I got news for you Sadiq & the BBC. It isn’t the row that’s harming your chances, it’s the very real anti Semitism which most people are appalled by and will be revolted by.
The BBC seem more concerned that Labour has lost the Jewish vote despite the fact the corporation is full of them – largely the self destructive variety.
I’ve just watched Andrew Marr’s interview with the Israeli Ambassador to the UK. The Ambassador demolished every point or argument out forward by Marr. It was clear that Marr thought he was going to ‘get’ him, how wrong he was. But Marr showed his colours more than once and especially at the end when he said he wanted to see him again about Israeli policy. I dare say Marr will lose this one too.
And as I do this I see Sky News is doing an anti-Israeli piece – it’s going to take some time to remove anti-Semites from our media.
Err….yes….Mark Regev demolished Marr totally, utterly.
It must become clear to the upper echelons of albeeb that Marr is on the way out….he’s hopeless, even if he does spout the same lefty shit they so like to admire.
The interview following with Fatty Abbott was a hoot…
She is seriously mentally challenged, and a shadow fron bencher…..holy moses.
Brillo pad would have shown her for the empty vessel she is, well filled with shite anyway, but Marr? Hopeless.
Yes, as usual Regev rings as clear as a bell, Marr and his ilk are immediately exposed, he even had to pull the “all my Jewish friends” line
… You gotta laugh Andy who are those?
“queers for Palestine”?, those muppets from “resistance is not terror”?
Hi Grant,
Apols, I’ve been up in the Mournes today enjoying the chilly non-globally warmed countryside.
I do believe he is, but on ‘The News Quiz’ we are treated to even more humorous alternatives such as the whining Pallys-pal Jeremy Hardy and the hilarious glaswegian gal with the female husband, Susan Calman. We are truly blessed.
Danny Cohen (lying, English-hating, metropolitan liberal), Alan Yentob (the greedy one), Jonathan Freedland (friendly, left-wing Guardian journalist), Fatty Feltz (a self-loathing pile of lard)…….
Delighted to see Mark Regev is now “His Excellency” as Israels new UK Ambassador.
Been doing a great job for Israel over many years of Jew-baiting hatred as spewed by the likes of Wark and Husain.
Can only hope that he`s fully briefed on the snakes in the liberal grass that pass for liberal commentators here at the BBC and the “broadshits”.
No less subtle that Hamas using their lamp-posts as missiles into the Negev-but I would say, more pernicious a threat to the very existence of Israel with their forked tongues and endless apologies for the Mullahs.
Big gig this one Mark-will pray that G-d looks after you and the Embassy staff whilst you`re here.
Echo that. Regev did a superb job as Israeli Govt spokesman in face of severe, at times, provocation from the BBC on Radio 4 in recent years. He is well-versed on the snakes waiting in the UK grass after that BBC ‘training’.
BBC help women initiative could lead to another black hole in their funding. BBC men only get statutory maternity pay SMP of £140pw whereas BBC women get 90% of salary.
All women get maternity of 1 year off work, 9 months of that is paid
But BBC women get ENHANCED Maternity Leave : 90% of their salary for half of the period, before dropping to the statutory maternity pay SMP of £140pw
– Now the government on the principle of equality has introduced shared parental leave.
So a BBC man, could 2 weeks after the birth, take the place of the woman, but the BBC would only pay him SMP not the 90% salary. Ipm this week told how a teacher has been awarded the enhanced maternity leave rate from his employer by waving the big stick of threat of court action on equality law.
The Telegraph report on the forthcoming BBC White Paper and Charter Review makes disturbing reading for all who dislike BBC bias, its near monopoly over broadcast and online news in the UK, its arbitrary licence fee and elitist left/metropolitan culture.
The Charter will be renewed for 11 years.
A mid term review will occur but this allows all discussion over the future of the licence fee to be parked for 5 years.
Meanwhile the Beeb will be told to produce ‘quality’ programmes only available over i player at extra charge. The plebs already paying the extortionate licence fee don’t get to see them.
No mention of political bias or attempts to remove it.
Something about not allowing competitive scheduling of populist programmes, but who really cares about that?
Altogether a disturbing report. I hope Whittingdale can come up with something better than this. Or does he need another person to crack the whip?
Fat racist Diane Flabbot on Andrew Marr, rejecting hard facts in favour of condescending rhetoric and downright lies.
Labour has always been racist, but under the guise of ‘universal equality’, they pretend they’re not, and the BBC et al have enabled them to project this inclusive image.
Andrew Marr at least tried to tackle her on this point, but she stuck to the ‘labour loves everybody’ narrative, and even blamed the Tories of Islamophobia, another example of left wing whataboutery.
However, the worst hypocrisy is Labour’s/BBC continued support for Islam, a death cult a thousand times times worse than the Nazis. The manchild Nicky Campbell is leading an anti Israel debate, with a Pakistani (as usual) shouting the loudest. This is typical of the BBC, and belies their pretence of neutrality
Yes, the leftwingers like the Hackney Hippo, Benn, Livingston and Corbyn are all sanctimonious hypocrites.
The defense they use is the same as that of Catholic priests who have raped children. The priest is supposed to be entitled to clemency as he is in a “state of grace” , he really is a”good guy” no matter what he says or does. It is exactly the same with leftists. They seem to think their marxist beliefs or membership of the labour party makes them living saints who have the right to deliver moral lectures to the “right wingers” about their “racism” and “anti-colonialism”. Their unshakeable belief in their own moral perfection me that anything they say or do must Like all Saintm-Justes of this world , venemous, single-minded ideologues, they think any action, even mass murder, is justified to bring about their various deluded utopian schemes. The Labour party has pandered more and more to the Muslim vote as the white working class has shown itself to be “racist” and so ideologically unsound by their opposition to mass uncontrolled immigration, drawing attention to the detrimental effects it has on their wage packet and way of
Heard this disastrous interview on iPlayer.
Has she no idea that -as she ages, she gets more an more like those white patronising Labour doyennes that we`ve long despised…like Hewitt, Harman, Hodge and Beckett?
All entitled old trouts who`d rather be Lady Bracknell, but end up in the Lords with their deep slow and condescending plums in their elocution-wired gobs.
This socialist sidecar is guilty of the most racist cultural appropriation…and the fat lady on a motorbike that Corbyn ought to have left behind…and certainly not used as a plumb line to measure his own lazy bigotry and incompetence.
Apparently Sadiq is shocked, shocked, do you hear me!, at the extremism in the labour party, because, erm, it is damaging his chances in the mayoral elections. Ah, well Mister Anonymous BBC writer, there may be more important aspects to the racism in the Labour party other than poor Sadiq’s chances in an election.
Oddly the BBC piece is so desperate to blame Ken Livingstone for Sadiq’s problems that it doesn’t have time to remind its readers of Sadiq’s own extremist links to rabid Islamic nutters.
Let us not forget his political advisor and speech writer Shueb Salar, who thinks Lee Rigby’s murder was faked by the state, and has staggering Islamic views on homosexuals and women. Sacked by Sadiq only when the press discovered his views.
Or Sadiq’s warm hearted brother in law, Makbool Javaid, who gave inflammatory speeches for the extremist lunatics Al-Muhajiroun. A man who signed a fatwa calling for a “full-scale war of jihad” against Britain. What an asset Sadiq’s family and friends are for this country.
Or Sadiq’s sister, another Labour candidate, who married the above racist and hate monger.
Is this the same Sadiq who defended the ‘flowery language’ of Dr Azam Tamimi, who called for Muslims to spread fire throughout the world?
And Sadiq shared a platform with many Jew haters, including Yasser al-Siri, a convicted terrorist and associate of hate preacher Abu Qatada.
Come on BBC, Sadiq can’t blame Hitler justifying Ken for everything.
Anybody who isn’t a muslim but is thinking of voting for Sadiq Khan as London Mayor should watch his charming ex-brother in law Makbool Javaid on You Tube making his 1998 speech in Trafalgar Square. These scumbags desecrate our country just by being in it. The guy is now a prominent muslim lawyer and says he was just naive in 1998 and regrets what he said. What rot! Now they are infiltrating parliament, the law etc to subvert our country from within, while busy making territorial gains in or inner cities with no-go areas for whites/ christians .
BTW I’m sure I spotted a young looking Corbyn on the platform listening to the muslim ranter.
I think we can acknowledge that Marr is steeped with anti Israeli hostiity as expected from a BBC presenter who lacks an understanding of politics and history.
What has hardly emerged from the agonising over anti semetism in Labour is the fact that anti semetism pays off in constituencies where there is a large Moslem vote. As usual the M word is not spoken by BBC presenters.
Here’s an interesting prediction. Labour will do badly in the council elections, but it might be worth examining some of the councils where they do well, especially in Northern Towns and parts of London. I wonder how many commentators will attribute this to the success among Moslem voters of anti semetism.
Meanwhile Shami Charabatty will deliver an all purpose repudiation of hate speech, showing how Labour is leading the fight against Islamophobia.
David Keighley ( a former BBC news producer) nails the Corporation for its rampant pro-EU bias yet again, over on the increasingly excellent Conservative Woman. This is a must read (especially for the pro-BBC trolls who, of course, know far more about how the BBC works than does a mere BBC news producer).
Needs saying but the only party that has ever elected a woman leader-and she then became our longest-lasting PM since Lord knows when…and the only one that has not had a problem with anti-Semitism in my lifetime( not since the death of MacMillan, and the neutering of Soames anyway) is the Conservative party.
Mrs Thatcher herself was our last PM that even knew where Israel was, listened to her Jewish constituents and their leaders and promoted the likes of Joseph, Letwin, Howard, Lawson and Brittan-among others no doubt.
Not all of these were successes, but then again she didn`t have to like Begin to be a true Friend of Israel whilst in office.
Blair has shown what his “good intentions” ended up in with his appalling non-job in Jerusalem-but, to be fair, he tried to hold the line when in “government”(sick!)-and am pleased to see lots of his old jiffy bags at least identify as “Friends Of Israel”…which we know now is a nasty and thankless task in the institutionally racist, nasty Judophobic Party of Hain, Corbyn and Livingston.
So-let the Left know-the only party that has been anything like fair to the Jes of this country are the Tories-shit though they are, none of their MPs will be writing abuse over Marks and Spencer windows at the next election.
Can`t say that about Labour or Liberal now can you?
The “Liberal/Left” Fascists are institutionally anti-semitic. It is in their DNA and they will never change. They just hate Jews. End of story ! By the way, where is Jerrod and his clones ? I would love to hear his defence of the Left’s anti-semitism !!!! And especially the racist, Corbyn !
Most kind Tothepoint, but Peter Hitchens got there first his “Mail On Sunday column today, but it`s a word that will surely catch on.
As it should-for a Semite is not only a Jewish construct,or so I was told.
Try and get the Sunday Politics London edition to see the most aggressive and biased interview with Zac Goldsmith. He spent almost all the interview being haranged about his criticism of his Muslim opponent and was unable to say anything about his policies, it was in a word disgusting.
You’d think that would be politics free wouldn’t you ?
But no , not the BBC , they even manage to make a snide remark about Trump on that .
It’s not even UK politics , or EUropean , but another continent’s politician is commented on . Not his favourite flower , or how he grows his vegetables , or the size of his garden . Just a mean sneering jibe from a mean sneering organisation .
Be sure to tune in to BBC4 tonight at 10.00pm to watch “Redefining Juliet “. It is apparently a retelling of the tale of Romeo and Juliet using actors with “disabilities or differences”!
I can hardly f*****g wait. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b079rzqc
Oh Lord.
Will Juliet be needing
a) a stairlift to get up and down from her balcony
b)a disability scooter to get out to her Dire Straits Tribute Act gig?
c) a couple of Verona council workers( the few the Toristassi Council still employ on minimal ducats) to carry her up and down,seeing as it`s all still stone steps between her bedroom and the local Citizens Advisti?
(ROMEO kisses JULIET and takes out the poison) Come, bitter poison, come, unsavory guide! You desperate pilot, let’s crash this sea-weary ship into the rocks! Here’s to my love!
ROMEO drinks the poison.
Oh, that pharmacist was honest! His drugs work quickly. So I die with a kiss.
On the BBC you will die in a Dignitas clinic according to criteria for assisted suicide for which the BBC are campaigning. Following that sweet Juliet might expect a visit from Jimmy Saville once frequenter of NHS hospital morgues..
Perhaps it’s only one person – Romeo on even dates and Juliet on odd dates? You know, sexual fluidity and all that …….
Izzard, Izzard, wherefore art thou …..
Turns out not to be just “Romeo and Juliet” then is it?
Just heard that scion of multiculti racial tolerance Yasmin Alibiah Brown will be doing an episode on the Bards ” Love Across the Racial Divide”.
Usual crap agenda-as if Shakespeare wrote his Othellos just so Yasmin, Lenny or Dawn could praise his love of more migration and of binning any English identity in the process.
But that`s the BBC for you.
S`pose there`s no chance of the BBC using the Bard to look at anti-Semitism and the religious divide, as urged by Yasmin and the liberal(and not so liberal ) Left is there?
Nah, course not…so the Merchant Of Venice will be used to bash bankers and Wonga I expect.
Utterly telegraphed posturing from the Nazi Left as ever.
I find how the left (Labour Party ,bBC, TUC and the rest) support the open hatred of Jews disgusting, this they try to disguise by claiming they aren’t targeting Jews but Zionists. They mirror the hateful agenda of Islam , simply so they cannot be seen as ‘racist’ yet they have become the biggest racists going, with Labour, its all about keeping the Muslim vote. Here is my view on the subject, something the people at the bBC (who love to swallow man-fat) can’t bring themselves to do.
The only theory I can come up with is that the Labour Party might be courting a certain section of the community that has made it prone to such sentiments. The funny thing is, once that community has the confidence to go it alone politically it will drop the Labour Party in a flash. Oh dear Jeremy…oh dear, dear, dear.
What a sticky little dilemma all this is for the BBC to navigate. They have to report anti-Semitism in the Labour party, yet it must go against all their instincts and prejudices. All they can do is grit their teeth, and hope that a few symbolic sacrificial lambs like Naz Shah and Livingstone will suffice for it all to blow over. Yet it could all go wrong. I hope it does. I hope it brings the whole rotten edifice down. After years of dishonest reporting of events in Israel, coupled with a constant stream of anti-Israel vitriol and lies from BBC reporters on social media it’s obvious that they have exactly the same problem in their own organisation.
The Guardian to the rescue.
Statement from Labour supporting Jews suggests that the antisemitism charges are an attempt to deflect attention from Islamophobia.
I knew it – the muslims are the victims of antisemitism.
‘As Jews, we are appalled that a serious issue is being used in this cynical and manipulative way, diverting attention from much more widespread examples of Islamophobia and xenophobia in the Conservative and other parties’
So they’ve come out fighting. Bit like ‘climate change’ really, when the overwhelming evidence showed there’d been no warming they just screamed all the louder that there had and we’re all deniers for saying otherwise.
So there’s no anti-semitism in the Labour Party at all it’s all a conspiracy dreamed up by Islamophobes.
That ghastly woman Dianne Abbott on Andrew Marrs show today….pushing the line that there needs to be an enquiry into something she called “islamophobia” in the Conservative party.
Denying and spluttering with amazement when Marr showed her evidence of Kens complicity from way, way back. Covering Jez’s sorry ass for all she was worth……repeating like a mantra…”There have been thousands of new members of the Labour Party and only 12 antisemitic incidents all who have been suspended immediately” oh yeah Diane…like you’d accept that line from Nigel Farage, eh luv?
Saying that anti semitism came from Russia in the 19th Century….it’s like the Crusades and the actions of Mohammed’s gang never took place….at least the mainstream Christian denominations have recanted and denounced anti semitism since the holocaust but the mussies? no change there I fear.
The whole anti semitism, anti Israel shtick in the Labour Party is….well it’s all about the Muslim votes.
Especially the London mayor votes…….what a disgrace for the party of Attlee, Healey and the 1945 generation…who fought real Nazis in a real war and wouldn’t have countenanced this grubby style of race hustling and antisemitic dog whistle politics.
Shockingly easy ride for professional race hustler Dopey Diane from the embarrassing Marr. This was the perfect chance to expose the hypocritic fraud that Diane is but nothing. No attacking questions at all. It was like a care nurse asking a patient questions after waking from general anesthetic. Because she is so hopelessly inept and unless, its a given that Dopey would be pandered to, but this was 10 minutes of my life I will never get back
Stand out moment for me was Dopey slopeying off difficult questions by saying “we need to have a debate about…” when asked a question that clearly needed an answer! Though surely even Diane isn’t that thick to realise that the programme is that debate! Laughably let off the hook time and again.
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
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“if BHS wasn’t profitable under Philip Green then Green wouldn’t have been able to take any of the profit for himself”
I stand to be corrected, but I was under the impression that the Pension fund had been raided (albeit legally) – in a way not unlike the Robert Maxwell debacle 20 odd years ago at the D/Mirror.
Here is one of those immigrants pretending to be a ‘child’ . Expect more coming here in the near future …………
It’s really ever so queer – I’ve searched the BBC website and I can’t find a single reference to The Haavara Agreement ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement ) which was what Livingstone was referring to in his HATEFUL rant. Why would they want to withhold that?
You won’t find any historic facts or balanced reporting on the BBC website. Instead they will keep the “anti-Semitic” hysteria ball rolling with crap like this…
Leeds United club director criticised for Nazi hashtags
When Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh and others played SS officers in the movie Valkyrie are they anti-Semitic by today’s ever changing PC standards?
Both the above posts typify the currently politically correct discourse on anti semitism, namely, that anti semitism can be discussed ad infinitum but only if the perpetrators are Nazis, Fascists, or neo Nazis, neo fascists or crypto versions of those two categories or that political deals carried out before the holocaust can be used to smear the lifesaving efforts of various Zionist organisations.
The politically incorrect discourse is one in which there is a critique and questioning of the process by which 21st century Islam and leftism, drawing on their respective historic traditions, promote anti semitism whilst the rest of us are expected to politely avert our eyes and respect the culture of Islam and leftie posturing over the Palestinians.
The next task will be to tackle the institutionalised racist anti-semitism in the BBC. Guerin, Bowen and all the other scumbags.
When will Guerin or Bowen take an interest in the Turkish occupation of North Cyprus, the Turkish occupation of Kurdistan, the Saudi occupation of Hashemite Hijaz, the Moroccan occupation of the Sahrawi Republic? Where?………exactly!
Some occupations are more interesting than others I suppose….can’t think why, can you?
Well, I have some sympathy with the Turks in stopping the Genocide against their people in Cyprus. And I think you will find that all British military who were there at the time will agree. One question is why did the British Government renege on the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee which was specifically designed to prevent the very massacres by Greeks against Turks which took place under Sampson ? Just listen to his speeches before the Genocide started and you will see what I mean.
Secondly, there has never been a country called Kurdistan. Except in some people’s imagination. I do not always take the Turkish side but when it comes to Cyprus and the PKK , the issues are pretty clear cut.
Try ” The Cyprus Emergency” by Nick Van der Bijl for a pretty objective account of the events over decades leading up to the attempted Genocide by the Greeks against the Turks on Cyprus. Ecevit, the last man to resort to force, was left with no alternative but to stop the killings before every Turk on Cyprus was massacred.
What happened on Cyprus in 1974 was a coup backed by the Greek colonels against the Cypriot government, with a view to annexing the island. Makarios was meant to have been killed, but escaped.
The plan by the Greek fascist regime was of course mad, as Turkey would never allow an island with a 20% Turkish population to be annexed by Greece. It is my understanding (though I may be wrong) that Jim Callaghan, as Foreign Secretary, would have used British forces to restore order, as Britain had the right to do by treaty, but that the USA quashed the idea.
In July 1974 President Nixon was about to be forced out by Watergate, and Henry Kissinger had pretty much a free hand over American foreign policy. He did not want two NATO members going to war over Cyprus, and was happy to see the island partitioned. The fact that this caused immense misery to hundreds of thousands of people was a detail as far as he was concerned. He had, after all, destroyed bigger nations than Cyprus in the name of realpolitik.
I am so happy that you are aware of the facts. I was in Cyprus in 1974. I saw the Turkish babies hanging by their necks from the trees. I saw the Turkish women crucified by the Greeks as part of the Genocide . Just ask any British military who were there and they will tell the story.
But the British Labour Government did nothing to stop the massacres. So the Turks had to send their boys in to stop the Genocide.
Enough said, not much more to add.
I cannot dispute that you saw what you saw, but I think it is now pretty well established that the ferment in Cyprus was no accident, it was formulated as part of the foreign policy of Greece, Turkey and the USA. The Cypriot people, Greek and Turkish, had the misfortune to be the victims of this conspiracy.
I have just checked to see if my memory is right, and it was. In 1999 Jim Callaghan said in an interview that Britain had sent a naval task force to Cyprus, and had come to the brink of war with Turkey. He said it was the most frightening time in his period as Foreign Secretary. Britain backed down when Henry Kissinger told Callaghan “not to act like a boy scout”. The USA has settled things with Turkey, the Turks got the north of Cyprus, the USA got secret listening posts there, which they had long wanted. The Greek colonels got the shaft, but they were morons who had outlived their usefulness to Washington.
The upshot is that any atrocities you saw had been formented by a conspiracy to partition the island and destroy its legitimate government. Given the proven fact that Turkish nationalists led by Rauf Denktash in the 1950s had staged false flag attacks against Turkish Cypriots to stir up inter-communal violence, I would hesitate to put the blame for these atrocities on the Greek Cypriots without proof. They may well have been carried out by Greek or Turkish agents provocateurs.
Grant, historical references to the “land of the Kurds” pre date both the Ottoman period and modern Turkey. There were conflicts between Kurdish principalities and the Ottomans
In the 1600s.
I have little doubt that the ethnic struggle between Greeks and Turks, which again dates back centuries produced atrocities perpetrated by both sides.
My point was that some occupations are more interesting to the BBC than others, I think that still stands.
“Both the above posts typify the currently politically correct discourse on anti semitism…”
Well, I think that’s the first time something I’ve written on here could be described as politically correct. Y’see Jerrod? I can do it.
Anyway, embolden – just so you know, I was interested in what good ‘ol Bibi had to say about the Grand Mufti’s influence on Hitler ( http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.681525 – ‘Hitler Didn’t Want to Exterminate the Jews’ ), and would have loved for it to go further, but there was a bit of an outcry in Israel about it. I don’t give a flying f**k if some sand-nigger beats a European Nazi in a Jew-hating competition; I just want to be informed enough so that I can pick the right side. Y’get me?
No, I don’t get you, which is the right side that you have picked?
I don’t like your tone mate.
Sorry a request for clarification appears to have offended you, but it was a civil question.
I’ve not decided.
Thanks for a civil answer.
Did you get confused and thought you were posting your crap on the Guardian website?
Tabs – you comment is shameful and shows you up for the idiot you so clearly are.
Dumb comment from Tabs, as Flawedlogic indicates. There is no ‘hysteria’ about the very real increase in anti-Semitism, just sober analysis, though not of course from the BBC – which hardly has concern about anti-Semitism as one of its priorities.
When Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh and others played SS officers in the movie Valkyrie are they anti-Semitic by today’s ever changing PC standards?
Obviously not. Such ridiculous observations belong in a YouTube comment section and, yes, The Guardian.
What’s the difference? Tom Cruise acted in an historic movie, another actor played Hitler. The movie follows real life history closely. Are either of them anti-Semitic for factually reporting what really happended?
Ken Livingstone quoted historic fact also but is labelled an anti-Semitic. At no point did Ken say he supported/liked Hitler and even if he did it is not anti-Semitic by any media twisting of the facts.
This is what Ken was referring to:
Thing is, he deliberately portrayed Hitler as a Zionist, which, apart from being absurd, is an obscene insult to actual Zionists.
And he called a Jewish journalist a ‘kapo’ – also an obscene insult and one for which he was suspended as Mayor of London. Livingstone is a racist pig whose pressing need to express his hatred of Jews evidently overrides all other considerations. Why defend him?
Did you read my Wikipedia link above?
from the link…” Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but reversed his opinion and supported it in the period 1937-1939″. We all know what happened from 1939 on wards but that doesn’t change historic facts before that time.
>Why defend him?
Regardless of whether he is hated by a lot of people or you disagree with his lefty views you cannot label someone as anti-Semitic if they are not. It sets a dangerous precedent where people are afraid to speak the truth. This can be seen in more and more areas these days – too scared to speak out about immigration in cause you get accused of being racist – to scared to not support gay marriage in cause you get accused of being homophobic etc.
Livingstone and his fellow travellers on the far Left have shared stages and platforms with Islamofascists who would cheerfully reinstate the gas chambers.
If he wasn’t anti-semitic he wouldn’t have done it.
Tabs and all readers, sorry for repetition, but…..
Ken Livingstone has rather selectively chosen his history.
There was a brief period in 1933-34 when early Nazi policy was to promote the removal of Jewish people from Germany to British mandate Palestine.
Though this involved stripping Jewish people of their employment and property rights in Germany to “encourage” emigration…..this hardly demonstrates Zionism as Ken Livingstone suggested.
By 1937 the Nazi “German foreign office instructed its embassies that ‘in view of the anti German agitation of international Jewry, Germany cannot agree that the formation of a Palestine Jewish state would help the peaceful development of the nations of the world’.”
Also “the SS warned that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine would lead to ‘special minority protection to Jews in every country, therefore giving legal protection to the exploitation activity of world Jewry’.”
Quotes from Holocaust-a history by Deborah Dwork and Robert Jan Van Pelt chapter 5.
None of this should distract us from Ken Livingstones suggestion that Naz Shahs comments on the removal of the Israeli Jews to the USA is not anti Semitic. Nor from the widespread anti Semitism, and Jew hatred that is endemic in countries and in minority populations who hold that the Quran (with its many anti Jewish references) is a valid guide for life.
Ken, Naz and Jeremy too, should be asked exactly what is not antisemitic about seeking to remove, without their consent, the population of the Jewish state of Israel to another continent…..over to you BBC.
Tabs, the context of Livingstones comments add to the calculated insult….he’s got form in using holocaust symbolism to insult Jewish people and his comments were in defence of someone suggesting mass deportation of an entire nation…..Israel.
The inevitable assumption is that had Germany managed to occupy Palestine, any Jews who were there (whether they had previously legally left Germany or not) would have been exterminated in the same way that Jewish escapees from Germany to Holland, Belgium, France etc were deported to the east and exterminated.
The notion that Hitler subsequently “went mad” and started the holocaust is just risible, given the statements he made before he was in power and then the policies that were enacted in his name, all over Europe.
Livingstone was drawing flak away from manifestations of present day anti-semitism amongst an electorally important group of voters.
Looking forward to Shami Chakrabartis inquiry, but I almost feel sorry for her, it is dangerous ground that she is being asked to disturb.
>Also “the SS warned that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine would lead to ‘special minority protection to Jews in every country, therefore giving legal protection to the exploitation activity of world Jewry’.”
Fucking ridiculous. I’m going to report this to my local Shomrim.
The quote is contained in chapter 5 of the book cited above.
A good point about the fate of the Jews in Palestine if Britain had lost the Battle of El Alamein. If Rommel had occupied Palestine, the SS and Einsatzgruppen would not have been far behind.
The insanity of Red Ken’s position is that he is trying to defend Naz Shah from comments she has already accepted were wrong and apologised for. He seems to think she was wrong to apologise. He has now issued one of those meaningless non-apology apologies to “anyone who has been offended by my remarks” whilst still insisting they were true.
He has also locked himself in a lavatory and rambled on about moving his newts. Dementia has to be a possibilty.
Saw him live on an “Any Questions” panel last year at the nearby county town.
Looked drunk to me to be honest..so would question his drinking as much as the possibility of dementia…not that I know or care-one very flawed and deluded old man might well be the better opinion to have for this serial Jew baiting weirdo, that only mad GLC types in 1981 could have allowed to lead them.
Indeed-if there`s not loads of his old mates and mukkas who did rather well out of ILEA and the GLC back in their formative days, and now running authorities and quangos nationally these days-I`d be very surprised.
Well worth a check for Police Commissioners, MEPS,heads of NHS Trusts or Academy chains and Social Housing quangos and charities…they weren`t kidding with their “long march through the institutions” line as borrowed from Gramsci.
And London Borough public sector maanagement roles up to 1986 would very much be in line with their Common Purpose/38 degrees stuff…Ken has managed to shine a light on their tactics and views on Jews-oh dear for them!
You too are being somewhat selective embolden., There certainly are comparisons to be drawn between Nazism and Zionism (the latter isnot simply a consequence of the Holocaust)
1938, Ben Gurion:
“If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel.”
And Hitler admired he Zionists:
“And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.”
Adolph Hitler, “Mein Kampf”
Its not necessary for Hitler to have had the well being of Jews in mind to support Zionism. He supported it because it was compatible with his own goals for Germany.
Ken is being hounded so furiously because he has spoken an uncomfortable truth for most Jews.
There are comparisons to be found…well of course…there are comparisons between nationalisms, imperialisms, forms of totalitarianism, forms of religion.
I think though that we’d be hard put to find the particular confluence of German racial supremacism, anti semitism, anti Slavism, personality cult, socialist collectivism, anti Bolshevism, big business interests, applied racial biology and eugenics (meaning murder of those defined as ” unfit to live”, nationalism, imperialist expansionism, Christianity, paganism, mass industrialised murder across a whole continent, mass use of slave labour and totalitarian command and control of the military and civilian population by an organisation that initially was popular and electable and right to the end had people willing to literally die in ditches to defend it….that was Nazism.
Hitler “admired” Zionism, yes, he also “admired” the British empire, he “admired” Stalin enough to have a non aggression pact and share occupied Poland for a time.
He used anything he could to assert his will to power, others were prepared to follow him and make his ideas come true.
The point with Livingstones intervention was that it was in defence and in denial of the anti Semitic undertones of statements by a labour member, Naz Shah, now an MP who had suggested on a public forum the mass deportation of an entire population on the grounds of Jewishness.
That MP is associated with an ideological/religious way of thinking that pre dates Nazism and continues to aspire to enacting applied anti semitism (I’m being polite) in territories it doesn’t control and in places it does control….Islamic countries…..treats Jews and other minorities as inferiors whose lives are entirely dependent on accepting subservient dhimmi status, an ideological/religious way of thinking that was associated intimately with Nazism, through SS volunteering and the activities of Haj Amin Husseini.
Livingstone too, as well as his party leader has form in offering support to armed groups and their fellow travellers who are overtly anti Semitic and seek to portray Zionists as Nazis in their propaganda, they’ve done it in search of Muslim votes in the UK…..Hence the kerfuffle…the Labour Party leadership is using anti semitism for electoral gain. Not standard practice in UK politics for many a long year.
We’re not talking about Ken Livingstons background or his friendships with Muslims who usually are to some degree or other anti Jewish, but whether his remarks on this occasion were anti Jewish. The point is they were truthful, clumsy and not very clever politically (unless Ken is playing a long game which at his age is unlikely) but truthful and as such cannot be deemed anti Jewish. Hitler did support the goals of Zionism (albeit for different reasons) and signed treaties with Zionists to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine. He WANTED them to leave Germany! He also specifically wanted them to go to Palestine (presumably wanting them out of the whole of Europe ultimately).
Britain restricted Jewish reettlement iN Palestine due to Arab anger.
Good post, embolden. No doubt it went right over the heads of our resident historical revisionists.
And more rubbish below:
This country was on the team that stopped that from going further.
Britain’s involvement in WWII had nothing to do with saving Jews. In fact, the British government did precisely the opposite by denying desperate Jews refuge in Palestine with the infamous White Paper.
There is a huge difference between Hitler looking for ways to expel an unwanted minority (remember he had already written Mein Kampf expressing his plans for the Jews) and looking to build a successful country for that minority.
Hitler was not a Zionist. For a brief period he considered a profitable way to gain from his implacable hatred, that’s all.
‘Wah, wah, waaaysism’. ‘Oy vey the gas chambers!’ Fuck off. This country was on the team that stopped that from going further.
Hmmmmm, have you picked a side now?
Oh, I see now. Whatever side I pick, it won’t be against the Jews. That could certainly have been inferred from my little snarl, but no.
It will be against those who, among many other vile practices, use the Jews as a lightning conductor.
My irritation at all this whining about antisemitism is just born from embarrassment. It’s beneath all of you to do it with such little provocation. Keep your powder dry.
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood and smeared you.
I get your comments now.
It does bother me that Labour i.e. “HM governments loyal opposition,”appear to be courting antisemitic vote within the Islamic electorate….just before an election in which the headline, if he manages to win, will be “Sadiq Khan, first Muslim Mayor of London.” The BBC will never stop crowing!
This appears to me an undesirable outcome, unless perhaps he wins and subsequently more muck is brought to light by the excellent team at Guido, I would expect the BBC to be looking the other way if this is the outcome.
“Sorry if I’ve misunderstood and smeared you.”
Naw naw, you’re alright. The nasty way I conduct myself sometimes, it’s difficult not to smear myself.
I’m sorry, too.
Why does everything have to be posted on social media these days? Why are we meant to care that a moron has had a haircut?
So true, Rob in Cheshire. I had a very brief acquaintance with Farcebook (not a typo) and fled from the trivia on that site. I used to worry about the short-attention-span generation. Added to that these days is the me me me generation, exemplified by phenomena like ‘selfies.’ We are witnessing the growth of a generation of people who will spend most of their time staring into a small screen while ignoring the real world around them.
Still, it is disturbing that people in positions of leadership and responsibility think it’s a lark to post rubbish about the SS and Gestapo on their phones.
A leading contender for most dire article of 2016 which also highlights the danger of outsourcing the BBC magazine to a bunch of right on sixth formers, then tasking them with researching the adolescent sexual fumblings of among others, homoromantics. May sound a little harsh. but some of these self indulget delicate souls need to grow up a little and be a little less up themselves. No doubt this kind of crap will help to line some therapists pocket, while highlighting the ground breaking discovery that guess what? people are a little bit different to each other.
The BBC has become an unequal opportunities employer in recent years. Just like the general entertainment industry its staff is made up of gay, sexually confused, self obsessed, mentality unstable, hedonistic, narcissistic, social media obsessed young people straight out of Uni with a Media/Theatre Studies Degree. Now some of those staff have been promoted into managers they are recruiting new staff just like themselves.
Being London-centric doesn’t help either as there is a higher concentration of LGBTQIXYZ in London. I’m sure alot of their “articles” are made up when they have lunch in Soho.
“..there is a higher concentration of LGBTQIXYZ in London”
That admit to it. I clearly remember parts of Leeds, and City Railway Station in particular, being a place to avoid.
” LGBTQIXYZ ” Can’t wait untill they have so many categories they have to go round the alphabet again.
WTF just about covers all of them.
And on tomorrow’s BBC news home page – “What’s it like living unable to identify with a letter of the alphabet?”.
Seriously pathetic story that’s now number 4 in the Popular “News” Story (Should that be populist story? Nah, that how BBC describes politics they don’t like).
And what’s the message being sent out to the world? The UK if full of self obsessed, self indulgent, pathetic little weaklings.
I’ve been alarmed to hear today of the possibility the BBC may re-make the series ‘Civilisation’. The thought of dumbed down and politically correct new versions of this – or any of their classics – is so appalling that I’d get in first with some predictions:
Life on Earth (BBC original 1979, 13 episodes of natural history)
Shortly to be re-made as an animation with music. The Cretaceous period will be enlivened by a transgendered Tricerotops (voiced by Stephen Fry) rapping about the stress of being a spurned minority in an era of climate change. (Lyrics By Dizzee Rascal, animations by Nick Park, history from an old Blue Peter annual.)
Civilisation (BBC original 1969, 13 episodes of history of western art and philosophy)
New presenter Aaqil Ahmed will reveal that TVs and cars were invented by 12th century Islamic scientists, but smashed by brutal Christian crusaders. (A fan-belt and a cathode ray tube found beneath an ancient Baghdad rubbish tip in 2016 revealed the shocking truth.) Art and architecture (confined largely to Finsbury Park Mosque) may disappoint viewers who recall Lord Clark’s stunning visuals, but as compensation there will be dramatic new footage of suicide bombers detonating Canterbury Cathedral.
Elizabeth R (BBC original 1971, 6 episodes, historical drama)
An original new version of Britain’s Tudor era, thanks to input from Mary Beard, Simon Schama and Lenny Henry. As the Spanish Armada threatens in 1588, Queen Elizabeth I (Freema Agyeman from Doctor Who, in a dodgy red wig) fails to make her rousing Tilbury speech, due to a secret prior appointment to wed Mary Queen of Scots (executed in 1587, but let’s not permit the facts to spoil a steamy four poster bed-shaking oral sex scene).
Drake, Hawkins and Howard, overcome with cowardly drunkenness, lie in pools of vomit in a Plymouth ale house. So who saved England from the Spaniards? A fleet of Ottoman empire war galleys, followed by a wind that blew the Spanish ships away. ‘Allah blew, and they were scattered,’ as people remarked gratefully at the time.
The Pallisers (BBC original 1974, 26 episode literary dramatisation)
A new interpretation of Anthony Trollope’s Victorian political novels may startle those who never imagined the Duke of Omnium’s servants being Somali refugees from British imperialist conquest. Purists who read the books may also recoil from a scene in which Lady Glencora Palliser (in trousers and top hat) demonstrates in Parliament to force her husband Plantaganet to supports votes for women and European union.
Civilisation. Add Mary Beard, who will cover the multicultural Roman Empire and how its success was due to immigration
And slavery !
Lovely stuff, Helena.
Freema Agyeman would be perfect as QE1, and I think Susan ‘MY WIFE’ Calman would be a shoo-in for Scotch Mary.
Mark gets all the good quotes and passes them on.
‘Mark gets all the good quotes and passes them on’
Have you noticed how often the BBC provides the Left with their talking points. In my pre-Radio 5 Live boycott days I was often struck by the Lefty callers to phone-ins regurgitating sloganised lines previously disseminated on the BBC as though these were argument winning evidences.
I remember laying a challenge down a couple of years ago – to someone like dez or Scott – to let us know when they found a tweet from a BBC employee which was from a right-wing point of view, either their own or re-tweeted.
I’m still waiting, basically.
Lardell is a moron !
Well, this is new, a ‘racism campaigner’ on the BBC tv news being closely questioned by a presenter. We’re more used to gasps of shared outrage and personally-felt audible sharp intakes of breath than the brusque stony-faced forensic approach we get from our Naga this morning.
What a fine performance by the way from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism spokesman – he managed to include the line “There is a strain of Anti-Semitism in the Modern Left” – this vital line came across despite our Naga’s attempt to spread the love more broadly beyond the Labour Party.
Mind you, the BBC very soon got their band wagons rolling back on the trail with the newspaper review. Their guest….? (clue: you couldn’t make it up) Nazir Afzal… Chief Crown Prosecutor of the Crown Prosecution Service for North West England from 2011–15 (Britain’s most senior muslim lawyer, no less).
And if you happen to be playing the parlour game : The World War Two Funny Name Game (as popularised by Basil Fawlty) he goes one better than our Naz Shah! Next up on the BBC Roger Stuka or Sidney U-Boats?
Our Mr Nazi…. rrrrr (sorry I mentioned it once but think I got away with it) well, he’s a real solid-gold 24 carat BBC trustee. First story is from the Guardian (yeh) and it’s about Hillsborough (ta-da).
Next story: how could the BBC avoid the Labour Anti-Semitism row? Our chap managed to work in the word “Islamophobia” (who asked?) This little word tucked in together with a reasonable mitigation of our favourite MP Ms Naz Shah (he’s a trained lawyer remember). He talked about old comments and a good apology and now her being an advocate for change. Got all that, viewers?
Third story – again the template BBC editorial line – too much testing of school kids.
Our Naga adds a final story – again template BBC editorial line – anti-Police and Crime Commissioners attack line from Labour against Tories – no one voted etc etc.
Conclusion: Although you may think you can beat the system here and there to get an alternative message through – ultimately the BBC juggernaut will just keep rolling on churning out those old agendas and telling that same narrative.
The lying, traitorous, devious, conniving, bigoted, white man hating bast@rds at the Al Beeb are at DEFCON 1 as bias levels are off the scale on a report of how vile bigoted far left manics have delayed a Trump speech in California, using violence, intimidation and aggression to try and shut down democracy and free speech to enforce their warped fascist views on the world
“Donald Trump speech delayed by protesters in California”
So it’s just protesters. In fact the Al Beeb wants us to know these are the same kind, freedom loving protesters that are trying to protect us all from the evil, devil men from the far right all over Europe. The hero’s of Al Beeb get carpetbombed with love and positive statements from start to finish
Even though the traitorous Al Beeb admit..
“Hundreds of protesters broke through barricades and threw eggs at police outside a California hotel where Republican Party front-runner Donald Trump was due to address the state’s Republican convention”
“On Thursday, a police car had its windows smashed as Mr Trump spoke inside a hall in the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Some 20 arrests were made.”
“The Trump campaign had to cancel several rallies in March after hundreds of protesters threatened to disrupt events in Chicago and St Louis.”
The Al Beeb not once uses negative or judgmental statements against these bast@rds! Look how they report any protest against immigration or Islam raping and killing it’s own people, it’s “far right”, “fascist”, and as many negative impact statements as possible!! Biased @():/;(@;4!:_/£§£&¥¥!!!!!!!
What we do have from the Al Beeb is more reinforcement on how evil Trump is and how the violence and anti democratic attacks by their friends is justified..
“Mr Trump’s rallies have been dogged by violence” (yes by the vile freedom hating left scumbags you are championing Al Beeb)
“Many of the protesters outside his speech were arguing against his positions on immigration. He has advocated building a border wall with Mexico which he says Mexico would pay for”
“He has also referred to Mexicans as “rapists” and criminals responsible for bringing illegal drugs into the US”
Don’t worry Al Beeb, you will get what you deserve. You are the vehicle that has been used to try and destroy our way of life. We will never forget
And the BBC have just mentioned that “thousands of activists, campaigners and protesters”(or such-sorry jerrod, don`t give a damn)-have tried to prevent AfD attending their Party Conference in Germany.
Apparently a thousand police were employed, and the Party was able to meet as planned-and they`re going to rebrand themselves with a change of name that makes them ever more…voter-friendly/anti-Islamic.
Guess which one of those LAST two phrases our newslady used?
So-basically it`s the LEFT all over the USA and Europe who wear their great grandads brown shirts…yet the BBC suggests that Trump and AfD are the REAL Mosley Fascists?
Mosley of course was a stalwart Labour MP…and the Nazis were socialists. let us never tire of reminding them.
The BBC are utter scum…apt really that when you get your old Red Commie top and steep it in eco limewash it WILL turn out a shade of brown.
Note too the announcement that the EU will reduce the roaming charges for mobiles…and therefore this will be good news for the ordinary Joe like me…or else a feeding frenzy for the suicide bombers who detonate with them, the drug dealer and sex slavers who need them, and the grooming gangs who want their village elders to groom the nub of youth in white trashy childrens homes and betting shop doorways….and can call them ever more cheaply now.
Good old BBC eh?…no agenda there…no doubt the migrants will be kept on their apps and games until June 25th, before they get to co-ordinate their Long Hot Summer on the M25/M2…
You will notice that the BBC has now formally declared Alternative fur Deutschland to be “far right” because they refuse to submit to the islamization of their country. I guess I must be “far right” too, in that case. The BBC dhimmis might find that there are more “far right” people in Britain than they can have ever imagined, if they ever leave the W1A/Media City bubble.
This is a good Peter Brimelow article about the anti-Trump movement in the U.S.:
The mobbing of the Trump rally in Costa Mesa on April 28 (as well as the San Fernando freeway shutdowns ignored by the national Main Stream Media but reported by Steve Sailer) showed that Mexifornia, with its characteristic Latin American intolerance and tradition of public intimidation by turba is now here.
Of course, “protesters”—who of course should properly be called “disrupters,” and, increasing, “rioters”—have blocked Trump’s car from entering the California Republican Convention in Burlingame, so that he had to enter by crossing a wall, and then broke through barricade outside the conference hotel. [Protesters pummel Donald Trump lookalike as the GOP front-runner addresses California Republican Party convention, by Rich Shapiro, New York Daily News, April 29, 2016]
Trump quipped: “It felt like I was crossing the border.” But of course he was—between America and its Third World future.
Unless immigration is cut off.
Points you won’t see made in the Main Stream Media in its role of Leftist Narrative Enforcer:
Despite constant attempts to portray Trump’s genial crowds as dangerous, the violence has always come from the Left—and now it’s getting out of control.
There have been anti-Trump rioters in Chicago, Arizona, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh. But California shows that the Left is now moving to a new level—because it thinks it can.
Quite probably someone is going to get killed—quite possibly Trump himself.
Remember Pim Fortuyn. Are those who so carelessly compare Trump to Hitler etc. ready to take responsibility?
Southern California is tipping towards ethnic violence anyway—courtesy of immigration.
Case in point: Anaheim, only a few miles from the Contra Mesa riot, was the scene of Ferguson/ Baltimore-style Hispanic/ Leftist riots in 2012. But the rot has been festering for years.
In 2006, I pointed out in an American Conservative article back in 1993 that Barbara Coe of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform was fired by the Anaheim Police Department, where she managed the Crime Analysis Unit, because she persisted in drawing to the attention of her superiors the dramatic increase in immigrant crime. (Barbara, a true patriot, died in 2013, but her influence is still felt).
Not coincidentally, earlier this week in Anaheim, five Trump supporters including two children were pepper-sprayed by an anti-Trump demonstrator while protesting a proposed city council resolution to condemn Trump.
Needless to say, no-one was arrested and—unbelievably, considering the ridiculous Michelle Fields saga—the story has gone straight down the MSM Memory Hole.
This violence is a problem for Trump, given that the political class tacitly favors it.
No doubt many Americans will be radicalized toward Trump, just as the 1968 Chicago riots supposedly helped Nixon. But the equally-disgraceful shut-down of Trump’s March rally in Chicago was shrugged off by the political class.
Trump may be able to hold rallies in future, but my guess is that the women and children will stay home. This is a tragic loss of innocence. The political class (including Ted Cruz) that has failed to condemn the Left’s mounting violence, and indeed sought to blame it on Trump, have themselves to blame for what happens next.
And indeed VDARE.com’s Ryan Kennedy noted above that, in sharp contrast to my observations last fall, there were no children in the Trump crowd in Costa Mesa (although there were still women). Ordinary people cannot be expected to be heroic, and if this goes on Trump may eventually be deprived of the mass rallies that have been his secret weapon.
This has to stop, now, The answer is ruthless coercion
Both in Chicago and Costa Mesa, police were reportedly surprised by the size and violence of the anti-Trump turba. There is no excuse for this happening again.
The answer to politics through riot is ruthless coercion and “exemplary sentencing.” And, for those arrested who turn out to be illegal aliens, immediate strategic deportation.
But instead only 17 were arrested in Costa Mesa and only 5 in Burlingame.
The anti-Trump turbas will happen again—aimed, ultimately, against America.
The BBC is continually seeking a way to carry on with the anti Semitism but with a degree of legitimacy, and avoiding those inconvenient accusations.
Islamophillia, and self righteousness are so strongly rooted that the thought that they might be wrong has never occurred to them.
They ask the question about the criticism of Israel while avoiding anti Semitism. Well I’m sorry BBC and other assorted Lefties, but the two are the same, and you don’t criticise any other country in that way. You are intrinsically institutionally anti Semitic to such a degree that you can’t even see it!
You will never hear the BBC criticise any other country – especially Islamic ones, instead the criticise the government, or the leader – such as Putin, but never Russia, Bush, but never America (Obama never does anything worthy of criticism!) So why should they even ask the question?
If you want to criticise Israeli actions, then use the same method you use for ever other country. Criticise the leader Netanyahu or the majority party Likud, but to criticise ALL Israeli’s IS undoubtedly anti Semitic.
The very fact that the BBC is having this angst ridden discussion is evidence of their far left Fascist bias. If they were neutral then they wouldn’t even be needing to discuss it.
Shame on Cameron for utterly failing to bring the BBC to heel.
On another note, it’s a good job Cameron followed BLiar & Brown, because he’s done absolutely nothing to undo the harm they caused socially, if he’d followed Corbyn, he’d be as anti Semitic as Labour are telling us how evil Israel is. It’s all too much like hard work for lazy Davey.
Great post Thoughtful.
Clearly those who work for the Al Beeb have the same views on Israel as Ken LivingstAN, Mao Corbyn and the death cult ROPers do. They ALL detest Israel and ALL believe that it’s the Jews causing all the problems in the middle east. Its now full on justification time and the public will be under continual propaganda onslaught until the message is driven home that it is not taboo to criticise Jews… Which is so fucked up because it’s Islam thats the cause and Islam that NEEDS to be criticised (deaths, rapes, genocide, ethic cleansing all over the world) because Islam is causing Israel to defend itself, just like we are defending ourselves, India is defending itself…
Look. Its “death to America”! Islam is behind deaths in Belgium, France, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, India, Nigeria, Togo, Mali, Iraq, Iran, Canada, Norway, Sweden….everywhere!!!!!! It doesn’t matter who they are or where they are from it’s death or conversion to ALL infidels. Israel is standing up for its own people and STOPING the genocide of its own people. They are stopping the duty of Islam to take over everything. Islam is about domination, conversation and death to anyone that stands in its way. Israel currently stands in its way. It will be us next. Let’s not kid ourselves, every single Jew in Israel will die at the hands of Muslims if they didn’t protect themselves.
The Al Beeb are delusional at best or conspiring against us to destroy our way of life at worst. Israel is the only country with a strong enough identify to know that it’s you or Islam. There’s no appeasement. No compromise. No sharing.
To only way to appease Palestinians is to wipe Israel of the map forever and it seems that the Al Beeb are wanting that too
I really have nothing to add to what you are saying. The BBC is institutionally racist against Jews. The BBC would have been quite at home in Nazi Germany. They are disgusting evil people .
If Israel did magically disappear, or if, as Naz Shah wants, the Israeli people were deported en masse to the USA, then the fun would really start in “Palestine”. The ensuing civil war between Hamas, Hizbollah and Fatah would make Syria look like a village fete. Of course, hundreds of thousands of people would die, millions would be displaced, and the most precious holy sites would be destroyed, but that would be a small price to pay for getting rid of Israel, as Ken and Naz and Jezza would no doubt agree.
And if Ms Shah is comfortable with the idea of forced repatriation does that mean she won’t start screaming racist when people call for the repatriation of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis from the UK?
I`ve been going to Tolpuddle now for many years as an ex-Lefty who finds out quite a lot about what they`ll be up to in the coming year.
When I first started going , there would always be a Christian Socialist group down from the East Midlands with their Methodist tracts, on the main route to the festival-good natured arguments alright, how do you square Communism with Christianity…Marx or Methodism etc? But they`d been coming for years, were good union activist types, often retiring soon.
There would also always be a Friends of Israel group with the Israeli flag in the field nearby-manned usually by Jewish Socialists who would not be religious, but were proud of the Socialist Kibbutzim aspect of Zionism as they had fought long and hard for…ex Cable Street types, but plenty Labour friends too, who`d stayed on kibbutzes, who liked the socialist egalitarian activities of that communal, international brotherhood idea that flowered in Israel after 1948.
In short, Judeo-Christian values made up not the Labour DNA..but were the double helix that much else could be related to.
Again, in the case of Israel: some open hostility from the Gulag grannies and Stalin suckups-with increasingly nasty PLO types with the rise of Yasser Arafat, and (I`m sad to say) the Rock Against Racism/Anti-Nazi League types who saw a chance to wave the PLO flag, flog a few crap olives-and blame Jews in the USA for pretty much all their inadequacies and weirdities.
Have not seen a Christian presence now since 2006, and the Israel flag went before that.
Now the monoculture is wishy washy Jesus creeps who hide behind the cream teas…whilst the likes of Bob Crow(PBUH) can mug around like Buster Bloodvessel and shout down those of us(i.e me and a few brave souls)who scorn King Billy Bragg in public…the brownshirts get very upset,and the boozing hours in the hot sun come to the boil…usually on their fat tattooed necks, mind!
My point-to hear the BBC News tell me that Corbyn will “conduct an independent enquiry” is lies and bollox….a “clear the streets and put out the red tape” idea as used at Falkirk, mid-Staffs and the like.
Unless they`re Friends of Israel-they are ALL anti-Semites, they blame Israel and the Jews for everything that the USA can`t be pinned for.
Muslims will say what they still fear to say-but , as we now see, Corbyns election has given them permission to come out from under their stones…and so a few Jewesses/gays can be killed sometime soon with them.
They want the Muslim vote and this will bring the votes in-they can only agree with Islam over Israel in the open, so they make hay with their anti-Semitism.
Naz Shah was one of their “enquiry members on the PREVIOUS ongoing independent enquiry” until she self-detonated on Thursday.
So piss off Beeb-one of the few things that nearly all Labours liars and Corbyns c*nts CAN agree on is the fact they don`t like Jews, and Israel needs tipping into the sea without their water wings.
What ELSE unites the Left and Islam, terrorism with victim grooming of the camel stool?
Watch last nights Newsnight to see how academic anti-Semitism works-some “self identifying Palestinian” from a Sunni-funded Yuni in the west country slivers and weaves over Maitless fair questionning…an anti-Semite who is(as ever) the victim of Israel-and when the current “hoo-haa” is over, she`ll be up to her usual taqqiyya stuff…the BBC seem to seek her opinion, the Saudis will fund it, and she`ll be the victim.
As for all those Israelis getting stabbed every week?…anybody ELSE heard the BBC mention them? I`ve not.
AND watch for this one-the number of times that Israel gets collaterally smeared in the course of this storm (as in, Israels pretty crap and needs to be condemned for NEARLY everything that Ken and Jeremy say, if not actually get put back on trains to Drancy or Westerbork) is doing enormous damage-anti-Israeli tropes get lobbed in with every discussion, and it`s becoming a constant given of a backdrop-which will make the next stage of Muslim takeover of Labour even MORE of a struggle to fight.
Great post ChrisH
chrisH is unique but not in the BBC way ! He always brightens my day. Maybe he should start a religion !
I completely agree.
ChrisH has a very special way of using words with his vivid imagination to help us all through the desperate journey of despair that is learning about the destruction of our way of life, by those tasked with the privilege of protecting us.
All this of course with ChrisH putting a smile on your face, knowing that the tides are turning.
“Gulag grannies and Stalin suck-ups “. Brilliant. chrisH , you are surpassing yourself now ! Don’t croak, please . If you did not exist we cannot invent you.
Excellent, chrisH.
In my youth, I voted Labour and was all for displacing the Capitalist wealthy and sharing their money around. But I grew up. I realised that the world was and is a dire place. The only exception in the main are those cultures that have embraced capitalism i.e. Western Europe (at the moment), North America and Australia/NZ. (apologies for any I have omitted).
But, we have the Left/BBC who somehow believe that sharing the money around will continue to create wealth.
As the Left/BBC’s hate figure Lady Thatcher said:-
“”The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money””
chrisH, Thoughtful, Tothepoint, Embolden, and so many of the others,
Demon, etc,
I just want to thank you all for confirming that I am not totally insane and not alone. Thank you to all of you.
Grant, the only thing we are guilty of on this website is getting a little carried away at times, but that’s due to how passionate we feel about the demise/destruction of our way of life – with the Al Beeb with dirtier hands than anyone! We list facts. We list all the lies/misleading/propaganda the establishment feeds us to keep us in line… Especially the Al Beeb! We say things the vast majority think but are either too scared to say (because of the lefts fascist and bigoted control of the debates) or are too apathetic to care.
We all passionately care about our way of life. The magical history. The heritage. The fanatic culture. We have an elite that despise everything about what we hold dear and are desperate to destroy it to create what they believe is their legacy. A socialist world free from national pride and privileges given to us by the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers.
We all need to be concerned with what is happening. Apathy is as bad as being active in our destruction. There’s a fight for our future more than ever and we on here are ready
You have said it all there !
If you weren’t paid for this, Grant, I think we’d have to make you a saint.
Seconded- a great man, as indeed are so many good people above.
There are loads like us, but we`re not included on the BBC…but, as we saw in the election last year; it may not matter…but you can get to thinking that we`re a xenophobic rump of Enochs or such.
Only public sector types-both sides of the desk( jobs clerk, dole wallah…teacher, arsey kid with no dad) will vote for the EU/listen to Radio 4/BBC/Guardian…along with their beloved migrants and Muslims, identity-obsessing basket cases and thick kids under 25 who(to be fair) have been taught nothing that wasn`t pre-chewed by the liberal nasties first.
Only hope there`s enough of the decent people of the country to slap their arses again like last year…and the votes aren`t fiddled.
Currently enjoying a sea of indigenous British people watching the snooker semi-final, much as I like the Proms for the same reason…not racist in the slightest, just like to see the BBC realise that we still exist once in a while-and we`re going nowhere yet.
Sound down, moping along to Prince concerts that are now online( every cloud eh?)…boy, was he good!
Destroy ,
LOL ! I cannot be bought for money. I am not Tony Blair !
Couldn’t believe my ears. Had to rewind BBC News on BBC 1 at 12.15 am.
Item about roaming charges going down to 4p per MB and a mention of how they will be zero soon because we are in the EU.
Up pops Ed Varsey for Remain to tell us 1 million Brits spend time in other countries and this is great news for them.
The back to BBC news reader who goes on to say that of course if we leave the EU they won’t apply unless the UK does its own thing.
Point is that he could mentioned that 63 million Brits would not benefit from the drop, or ask if the 63 million have bigger bills to subsidise the 1 million.
It was a similar tactic to that used this morning, when the BBC grudgingly managed to find a couple of column inches to report the news that 100 major City figures had announced their support for Brexit. More of the Corporation’s report covered reasons why remainiacs thought they were wrong than the reasons why these experts (the usual Brexit know-nothings in the BBC’s eyes, like the former head of HSBC and Peter Hargreaves, the the founder of Hargreaves Lansdown) have decided it is time to leave.
When the history of this referendum comes to be written a major chapter needs to be given over to the shameless role played in propagandising the remaniac cause by the vile, corrupt, lying, tax-vampires at BBC.
As usual the BBC leaves out crucial, narrative-destroying detail:
The EU was first asked to abolish roaming charges by a global body called the International Telephone Users Group (INTUG) way back in 1999. But it so dragged its feet that eventually INTUG approached another global body, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The OECD then involved a third global body, the International Telecommunications Union, which used the rules of a fourth, the World Trade Organisation, to ensure that by 2013 roaming charges were being abolished right across the world, with the EU right at the back of the queue.
And very carefully timed propaganda at that!
Shami Chakrabarti (supporter of the burka) is to head Labour’s inquiry into antisemitism
Of course the inquiry will be wider reaching.
‘ Jeremy Corbyn is to hold an independent inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, Labour says.’
Just get over the current row over Naz and Kens’ comments and draw Cameron and Appeasing May into the net, and Labour and Tories will represent themselves as the parties that stand against the ‘other forms of racism’ like Islamophobia, threats from the racist far right, whilst acknowledging the difference between anti Zionism and anti-semetiism, as explained by BBC/Guardian experts.
And Cameron will go one further and backed by Labour will support Pakistan type blasphemy laws and hostile comments about immigration to prevent far right extremism.
‘Shami Chakrabarti (supporter of the burka) is to head Labour’s inquiry into antisemitism’
Quite agree with your comments
Now where is that carpet Shami can brush this problem under.
Damn right G.W.F!
Like after Cologne, all men are rapists. Like after every Islamic enrichment event it’s OUR fault because of the way WE treat the ROPers. What will happen will be a false debate that becomes so wide and varied it becomes irrelevant and impotent. What WILL happen is the majority white population will have more of our liberties and freedoms stripped away to appease those who despise everything about us and the establishment will continue ahead with the biggest lie and swindle that has ever taken place in the history of mankind and lie, cheat, force and change laws to shoehorn the utterly dangerous notion that Islam is compatible with ANY other form of religion or belief.
These traitors are relentless is their fanatical pursuit of “Islam is compatible and white Europe will conform” no matter how clear that it will never and can never work. No matter how many rapes. No matter how many deaths.
I watched Andrew Neil’s This Week on Thursday night during which trust in the police was discussed with Sheelagh Foggarty ex BBC of course. She gave a long list of scandals which had engulfed the police in ‘recent’ years. These included Orgreave, Hillsborough, Steven Lawrence, Westminster sex abusers, and many others. Yet she failed to mention the mass rapes and years of abuse in Rotherham, Rochdale and other many towns across the country, in which the police having full knowledge of what was going on for years failed to act from some malignant type of Political Correctness, in which not upsetting Muslims trumps all other considerations. It took Andrew Neil to mention police involvement, or rather non involvement, in these Muslim sex gang scandals.
Surely this aversion by all on the left to actually naming the elephant in the room that is Islam is the reason why the disgusting Bradford MP thought it was OK to say such foul things about the Jews of Israel. The silence of the left and particularly the BBC , not to mention the warm support of some such as Livingstone ,Corbet, Abbott and the dangerously idiotic Guardian , is why Muslims think they can behave in anti semitic , anti western ways which are abhorent to the rest of us. Silence is consent.
NB Exactly why Orgreave is considered a scandal is beyond me. The miners were being used by Scargill as a battering ram to bring down the democratic government. They had resorted to using violent protest, rather then peaceful picketing ,and to my mind it was therefore perfectly acceptable, indeed absolutely necessary , for the police to be robust in their response. But I feel that thanks to the BBC et al Orgreave will go down in history as the police acting with brutality at the behest of Lady Thatcher to smash a legitimate peaceful protest by the heroes of the working class.
Orgreave has been quietly stitched into the publicity shroud being waved by the Left. It may have been in the litany of the SWP and its supporters within Labour since the ’80s but it was definitely not on the list of widely recognised police problems until quite recently when the far Left covertky added it and, of course, the BBC compliantly followed, as it always does Leftist memes.
Meanwhile, amid all this bitching and moaning about the need for public enquiries and investigations, aren’t we forgetting mid-Staffs and the figures (from Burnham down) who should be on trial?
Actually, Orgreave was a disgrace, decent men were fitted up for serious offences carrying life sentences before winning compensation for various forms of false imprisonment.
And all because they tried to save a British product that was replaced by imports from around the the EU and beyond.
Orgreave was a shocking attack on British workers, justice and national interest in the interests of the global trade in coal and the accelerated deindustrialisation of this country.
Utter codswallop. The miners’ strike was an attempted coup by the far Left, which really believed the long prophesied revolution had come and that the miners’ muscle power would bring down the elected government. The coal is still there in the ground and if it ever becomes viable again (and we can get rid of the hippies) it will be.
Fitting up decent men then paying them compensation wasn’t our finest hour.
It’s rumoured the strike was a set up from start to finish, what with the pre strike stockpiling of supplies and all.
Codswallop, no doubt.
Had you been around a couple of years ago you would have read some of the experiences of the poster known as TPO, who was involved in policing the miners’ strike. His revelations (borne out by the accounts of others who had to contend with the sociopathic antics they resorted to) were chilling. Portraying them as ‘decent men’ is nonsense. There were, no doubt, decent men caught up in the strike but they were also deeply stupid men for allowing themselves to be used and exploited by the Marxist revolutionaries who used them as cannon fodder.
I have spoken with ex miners and ex cops about t’strike. It’s the consequence of being my age and having had personal and professional links with a former mining area and with ex police officers.
The Orgreave cases were dealt with through the courts and compensation paid to the decent men who were involved. They got apologies too.
No doubt some were exploited, some had political motives but others tried to do their best to save part of Britains industry from closure.
Many of their communities have still not fully recovered from the loss of jobs and stability and the white working class culture of education and self improvement, military service, playing hard and working hard that was replaced by worklessness, benefits culture, family breakdowns and drug and alcohol problems.
Others thrived as individuals and said the pit closures had opened new horizons for them.
Yes, there were social problems as a consequence but other areas of the country have suffered from industrial decline and change, too, without undergoing quite such extremes.
What there has also been is a good helping of self-pity and post hoc mythologising by the Billy Elliott warriors on the Left..
I recall discussing the situation at the time with a Welsh nurse. On reflection, I shouldn’t have been surprised by her response to the closures which was, in effect, ‘About time too! Too many lives have been ruined by that filthy business.’ She went on to list the members of her own family who had suffered and died as a direct consequence of mining.
For all the romanticising about the heroism of manual labour, there’s not a lot of dignity in a case of pneumoconiosis.
Even less being sent over the top by a fool like Arthur Scargill .
So Harold Wilson is a complete hate figure for you, being as he closed more mines than Margaret Thatcher.
Take the trouble to look up how many mines and miners there were in 1946 and how many there were at the start of the unofficial Scargill miners strike.
That should show you that 100,000s of miners steadily lost their jobs and 100s of communities lost their soul. It did not start in the 80S.
It sounds as if you are too young to have lived through the joys of the 70s.
I often wonder if the BBC held the rights to Carry on at your convenience whether they would show it.
It should be compulsory viewing for all modern history students.
It was remarkably prescient showing Renee Houston putting Kenneth Cope over her knee and giving him a good smack, after which the unionist became rather more realistic.
Now put MT and AS in the two roles and even you may see what a great improvement in U.K. life ensued.
No longer was it beer and sandwiches at No. 10 as the union barons, who everybody knew by sight, popping in to tell the elected government how to run the country.
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs!
You’ve got me all wrong Mallard.
And the omelette and breaking eggs quote is directly from the left wing tyrants book of quotes used to justify the mass murder of the gulag.
Closing pits without cracking skulls, and wasting public money on compensation for men who the police have tried to fit up was good politics.
The economic case for pit closures was sound, the case for miscarriages of justice wasn’t.
“The miners’ strike was an attempted coup by the far Left…”
Hyperbole, to say the least. It wasn’t pretty, but it was merely heels being dug in. And looking back at it, it comes across as something that would happen in China.
You can’t have been paying attention to what the far Left were saying then. Or now. It wasn’t exactly a secret.
Scargill was a fool, and him and a lot of others would’ve said all sorts. But a coup? Ha.
Attempted as in spoken about. Eeek!
So what do you call bringing down an elected government by force?
Bringing down the elected government?…never came near. The Thatcher government and NCB had wisely laid up plenty of stocks at power stations and trapped Scargill into acting on his hyperbole….he was so sure he’d win he didn’t dare ballot the men…..big, big mistake on his part.
If you mean the Heath government…..he called an election around a miners strike…..and lost.
That’s democracy.
And contrary to the BBCs current posture, they were loathed on the left at the time of the 84-85 strike for giving excessive coverage to what was termed at the time “the drift back to work”.
A tally of numbers of men returning to work region by region was announced daily, that the NUM always disputed and accused the BBC of being in cahoots with the government and NCB and using the numbers to sap the morale of the strikers.
Look up the “Glasgow university media group” ( I think it was called that)
Biased BBC…..to the right……how times have changed!
“And contrary to the BBCs current posture, they were loathed on the left at the time of the 84-85 strike for giving excessive coverage to what was termed at the time “the drift back to work””
Was just thinking the same thing this morning. How they move so smoothly with the times, that arm of the establishment. Did you notice the angelic way the BBC framed that witch May, merely because she happened to say a few words about Hillsborough? And the excited interest by reporters in a ‘rebranding’ of South Yorkshire Police into something different, something new. So all the establishment-backed mistakes (please accept our deepest apologies) can be forgotten; blamed on an old, extinct entity.
>”So what do you call bringing down an elected government by force?”
By Scargill and co without any military might? Fantasy.
The family of David Wilkie might disagree – actually.
You are probably right, and I hold no brief for the men convicted of that crime.
South Wales wasn’t it?
Orgreave was overwhelmingly Yorkshire miners, two of their number were killed too in strike related tragedies.
Yes indeed. I particularly remember the picture of the policeman on horseback with the innocent protester about to throw his sandwiches at him.
Or was it a brick?
If they wanted to save a British product they certainly went about it in a strange way. A bit like the shipbuilders wanted to save their industry, and Red Robbo wanted to save British Leyland and Eastern Coach Works unions wanted to save their bus bodying industry.
All by the unions failing to actually realise which direction the wind was blowing in, until they have destroyed any chance of keeping some jobs. It has happened time after time.
The other problem for the coal industry was the arrival of North Sea gas, the Clean Air Act, ending of steam on the railways etc etc. constantly cutting demand.
Kellingley was still virtually brand new when the strikes began and could produce competitively priced coal so investment was still underway at the time in the Selby field and lasted until recently when world energy prices collapsed.
Where in the EU did we import from? They had the same problem with deep mined coal as we did. Poland, which joined the EU years after the miners strikes, is now the principle EU coal producer.
Unfortunately in Australia they have huge reserves close to the surface which can be removed by an excavator and transported to arrive in the UK cheaper than deep mined.
We do still produce coal in the UK in open cast mines in Scotland which is transported to the power stations in Yorkshire.
I presume in solidarity with the coal miners you still heat your home solely with coal, just as you did in the 1980s, and that to save the jobs of milkmen you are altruistic enough have your milk delivered to the doorstep for 30p or so more per pint than from the supermarkets, or are you like most on the left who are do as I say rather than as I do, when the same products are offered at differing prices?
Yes and I met a man who’d been at Orgreave and been hit over the head with a police truncheon so hard that it broke in two….the truncheon that is, not his head!
Polish coal was imported during the strike….my mistake about the EU connection. Coal also came in from other global suppliers……we saved money but also spent money to sustain the benefits culture and cover the social costs of long term unemployment that developed in the former mining areas.
It’s often said that Labour shut more pits than the Tories….yes and they did it without a year of mayhem and the bitterness that lasted for years after.
My original comment was about the way in which disgracefully fitting up men at Orgreave for serious criminal offences and then having to pay out compensation to them wasn’t our finest hour…you disagree on that? Fair enough.
The last paragraph is an interesting one, presumably the banking sector should have been allowed to go down without tax payer assistance during the financial crisis, to “correct the market” and never mind the consequences? The banks were allowed plenty of other people’s money to stay afloat. I would contend that the decline of British mining could have been better managed.
Why is it “left wing” to want jobs and industry in my country, why is it “left wing” to want a legal system that we can trust, that isn’t used to pay compensation for dodgy police practice….wait till the Rotherham cases are litigated.
I thought those were and are solid patriotic and conservative values, sorry if you see them, and me as of the”left”
You’re right about the economics but wrong about the repulsive way in which the miners….the vast bulk of whom were good honest British working men….the backbone of this nation…were treated during and after the strike.
I am very far from an unalloyed supporter of the police who can, and often do, cross the line. Where that happens they need to have the strongest possible sanctions taken against them.
However, it is simply flying in the face of reality to pretend that the miners’ strike was not a politically motivated attempt to bring down a government hated then, as now, by the Left. Why else was it being supported by both the Soviet Union and Colonel Gaddafi, let alone every rag, tag and bobtail Trotskyist in the country?
As to why Labour, under Wilson and other others , were able to close more mines than the Tories without fear of insurrection, surely the question needs to be asked of the miners? The answer, were it to be an honest one, would be because they didn’t want to destablise a Labour government.
I’m not sure what relevance the banking collapse has to Orgreave but to rise to the bait, personally, I happen to think there should have been prosecutions and yes, that banks should have been allowed to go the wall. Moral hazard needs to apply in banking as the one, great regulator.
You might care to ask Gordon Brown why he chose to let the bankers off the hook, though protection of Labour’s client base would be part of the honest answer you would be unlikely to get.
As for the dignity of labour argumemnt, I have little time for this romantic nonsense. Hard manual labour tends to be life threatening not enhancing and the much eulogised delights of working class culture are best characterised by intellectual, spiritual and artistic impoverishment, which the sensible strive to escape from, not wallow in.
“but they were also deeply stupid men for allowing themselves to be used and exploited by the Marxist revolutionaries who used them as cannon fodder. ”
Oh yes, they were deeply stupid alright ! that’s what I told my Dad after he came off the night shift with coal dust still around his eyes, after working at a height of 3′ at the coal face in just his shorts. Stupid that he risked the black lung (which both Grandfathers contracted) and the possibility of being killed in a mine collapse. WHO would be prepared to work in those conditions today just to get a living wage, and which other job in today’s career market even comes close to working in the conditions that miners did ???? didn’t need a Yuni degree to do that job that’s for sure. To his credit he vowed his 2 sons would never go down the pit, and they didn’t. And lets not forget, only 100 years ago, these mines were in the hands of private owners, where candles were used for underground lighting, and canaries in cages to identify any toxic gases. My grandfather died a real old man with pneumoconiosis at 72, but the stories he told were a real history lesson.
Oh, and yes I have my milk delivered, and surprise surprise it arrives in glass bottles, not cartons or plastic containers – how many on here knew that then?
Brissles – Chwarae teg – Nuff said.
Greetings all .
At risk of being accused ‘jumping on the bandwagon’. My father was crushed underground by a tram and my grandfather suffered blindness from long term work underground.
What kid in this nation today, having spent four years in ‘uni’ gaining useless degrees from an education you will find comparable to a kindergarten, would want to dirty their hands 600 yards underground for 8 hours a day ?
Ok my father got a pension out of it and a ton of free coal for his house every quarter but he never worked after and died at the age of 73.
The end of deep mining had to come . It happened because of market forces and because of a power struggle between an union leader who never really had the full backing of the miners ballot, and a determined democratically elected prime minister. ‘The rest is history’ as they say.
I’ll try and make clear again what my comment was.
It was to the effect that fitting up blokes for offences carrying life sentences then having to pay taxpayers money in compensation and issue apologies was not our finest hour as a nation. Nothing more nothing less.
Since you mention the “dignity of labour” which I didn’t……
Ex miners I knew had to retrain and often ended up on wages half or less than half what they got down the pit, that’s if they could find work again. Some prospered as a result of retraining into new professions and said they were eventually glad they’d got out, others ended up doing casual work and never finding work of the same skill level nor offering the same camaraderie again.
I’m sorry to see such hatred, anger and lack of solidarity directed against our own people, perhaps this explains how it is that Muslims see no need to integrate as they do show solidarity towards one another. We need to sort this, and soon, if we are to defend our way of life in the coming struggle.
“A bit like the shipbuilders wanted to save their industry”
Are you old enough to remember the shenanigans surrounding the building of the QE2 at Clydebank in the 1960s? John Brown had nearly 40 unions to contend with, if my memory serves. Last liner to be built there. John Brown ended up assembling gas turbine generators or something.
F***ing moronic.
Orgreave was a shocking attack on British workers, justice and national interest in the interests of the global trade in coal and the accelerated deindustrialisation of this country.
If it was so unjust, why didn’t Scargill hold a ballot?
And were you around for the endless cycle of strikes by government-funded industries in the seventies – the miners (remember candles?), the power workers (ditto), the dockers, the car workers, the shipyard workers etc. – each waiting in turn to strike and leapfrog the massive pay rise one of the others just got after yet another government cave-in.
Labour closed more pits than the Tories but there were no miner’s strikes under them. No, the miners’ strike under Maggie was a blatant attempt to bring down the government. Thank God it failed, sorry as I am for the villages that were left with no work. But it would have been interesting to see the rabid Left’s dilemma had the industry survived – renewables or coal? Interesting one – Ken Loach should make a film of it.
Agree. Emboldened has it wrong. The miners were responsible for bringing down the Heath government 10 years earlier and they confronted Thatcher in 1980 and were bought off because her government wasn’t ready for the confrontation with low coal stocks. The government then prepared by increasing coal reserves to the highest possible level so that the country could withstand a prolonged strike which they knew the miners would launch. Scargill and his acolytes duly did so and became increasingly violent as the government refused to cave in and made it clear that they would fulfill their democratic mandate. Scargill was using his own members as a weapon to bring down the government and most of them were to stupid to realise it. It was indeed an attempt to bring down another democratically elected Tory government by forcing the country into a position were the economic damage being inflicted by the miners was too much for the people to bear. Remember the 3 day week of 1973. Thankfully Lady Thatcher was prepared and resolute enough to see him off and freed the UK from the chains imposed on us by the militant unions. I was 30 at the time and I can tell you that the change in the country between 1980 and 1990 was dramatic . Her great legacy has been squandered by subsequent governments who are scared to death of public sector unions , particularly the BMA et al.
No. The electorate was responsible for bringing down the Heath government. The electorate.
That was Scargills failure, he couldn’t win the vote but proceeded with the strike, coal supplies were never fully stopped. He couldn’t win over the deputies either.
He was an anti democrat, and he picked the wrong fight at the wrong time, with the wrong people and without the full backing of his membership……. hence his failure.
Yes the electorate chose a Labour government which could keep the lights on by handing out money left, right and centre to the public sector which in later years fueled catastrophic inflation and runs on the pound leading to the need for the country to go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan. The miners on that occasion challenged a democratically elected Tory government and made life so intolerable for the people by effectively closing down large sections of the economy that people were, in my view , coerced by the miners and the hard left into voting for Labour with awful consequences. In my book that was not democracy in action and I was mightily pleased when Lady Thatcher won the 84/85 battle with the miners hands down.
I would agree with that.
Some time back I read Seumas Milne’s book on the strike. Of course, Milne is a left wing fellow traveller, Guardian columnist and now Corbyn’s press secretary. His aim in the book was to show that the NUM was not funded by Gadaffi, or Moscow Gold, and that the British state used dirty tricks against the NUM. But even if you accepted his argument, I still took from his book a belief that it was acceptable to use the power of organised labour to bring down a government. That is a central tenet of Scargillism. He saw himself as the leader of a revolution, not a trades union.
As for the miners, I feel sorry for them. Their job was hard, but it was one of the best paid working class jobs, and British coal was a natural resource which could have powered the country for centuries. But a combination of trade union militancy and anti-CO2 green lunacy killed the industry, and we now import coal, or burn wood pellets, or subsidise useless windmills. It’s a sad story all round.
Exactly as predicted. On the Sunday Politics Yorkshire the BBC had the leader of the NUM ( I thought that they had been disbanded) saying that the corruption at South Yorkshire Police started at Orgreave and that a direct connection can be made to the Hillsborough scandal from Orgreave. We then had the lie that the miners were picketing the coking plant when they were unlawfully attacked by the police at the behest of the government. What a distortion of the truth , which of course the BBC did not bother to find anyone to rebut.
Yes, exactly what I said yesterday – the far Left mythologising again and taking the gullible along with them.
Just been listening to QT. I know, more fool me you say. First question about Livingscum’s anti-semitism.
Dimblearse not so much dancing on a pinhead in his attempt to differentiate between anti-semitism and anti-Israel as proffering invitations to a grand ball to discuss the nuances.
When in the last 12 years did you hear or see Dimblearse emphasising the difference between all of anti rampant economic immigration to the UK, Islamophobia and anti-Muslims in general?
Answer – never, any discussion or dissent at all was the Left and Al Beeb’s evidence of ‘racism’!
I was pretty put out by Jonathan Dimbleby pressing an audience member to “admit he was a Conservative”.
All the bloke has said was that the Labour panellist was playing politics with the jobs of steel workers in Corby and Port Talbot-and his comment had indeed done that.
Blaming Osborne for ti all, not the Welsh Labour Party or the Green.
The bloke had not made a political point at all-he only said that Labour were playing politics and making cheap points, (when their own record was crap).
The man never said the last bit, and was polite-yet Dimbleby rooted around until he knew him to be a Toy union person.
Cue Labour pig piler on panel to say that ” I will address the conservative activists point…cue murmers of agreement that this was “appropriate”.
Didn`t know Dimbleby had the right to aid and abet Labour re sifting out difficult, off-message comments from studio audience members who clearly did NOT speak as steel worker union members should-so needed rooting out by the chair.
Disgraceful, but he`ll get his Eid sweeties and a young girl presenting sometime soon from Hamas HQ in Congress House.
Are Labour “institutionally anti-Semitic”-or simply “the nasty party”?….will the BBC poll on THAT one then…for “people are saying that they`re both and are yet to make up their minds on which is the greater evil”.
Out here in the real world they are anyway-and I myself am going to a Labour event next week to test the wankers to destruction if I`m allowed to…
It’s still a mystery to me why the BBC tolerates hissing and booing on both Any Questions and Question Time.
Could it be because it’s a tactic employed exclusively by Leftists?
It’s time to do away with the audience altogether. The BBC have proved they are totally incapable (and unwilling) to have an impartial, representative audience.
Question Time would be improved no end if they simply had a panel and questions sent in but the BBC know they would lose their left-wing bias by doing so.
According to Wiki the Mid-Staffs debacle presided over by Andy ‘seven inches’ Burnham led to 1,200 avoidable deaths and Hillsborough 96.
Does that make the score Chippy Burnham 1200 – The Sainted Margaret 96?
If a professional appeaser, full time delusionist or far left lunatic (Jerrod, Zero..) was here they would perform the same old liberal bullshit retort of “you are doing the same to Muslims now to what you did to Jews… Blah blah”. We let me get you straight back to being brainwashed by the guardian and thinking of hashtags in your skinny lattes you traitorous scumbags…
The Bali nightclub bombings. Both attacks on the twin towers. Paris. Belgium. Charlie Hebdo. Boko Haram rapes and killings daily. Al Qaeda. Al Shababb. Mass killings in Kenya. IS genocide, mass rape of innocent Yazidis’…..The list is endless. The cause is the same. Islam. Only ever Islam.
Jews, Yazidis, atheists, Buddhist, Christian…the are all killed in the name of Islam. Non are doing the same in return. Yet there is always another reason! Always another excuse. The standard practice now is to ignore the culprits or engineer other narratives for Islamic enrichment acts because there are so many. Relentless. They never stop.
It’s not our fault. Its not our foreign policy. Its not Israels fault. Always remember that no matter how much the traitors in our political parties and media elite mislead us
You are so right again. It is totally bloody obvious to some of us. But the Lefties really don’t see it . Suicide merchants !
“you are doing the same to Muslims now to what you did to Jews”
it’s quite simple:
The Germans wanted to exterminate the Jews.
The Muslims want to exterminate the Germans, (and everyone else).
And the Muslim slaughter the Left will never face up to? That of other Muslims.
No, what the BBC prefer to give airtime to are the Islamic grievance-mongers – never challenged – who rant against the tyrannical West murdering their ‘Muslim bruvvahs an’ sistahs’.
Just got around to watching Tommy Robinson and Nonie Darwish on the Trinity Channel from YouTube. I found this profoundly more disturbing than expected. It’s quite long at 1:39, partly because the presenter, Tony Gurule, is very long winded. There’s also a lot of book promotion, and religious stuff which was of little interest to me.
At the very least, I would urge you to watch the last 10 minutes in which TR describes events leading up to the recent unsuccessful attempt to prosecute him for a prison assault. If only half of it were true it would still be profoundly sickening.
Some, including a someone who used to post here (h**********r), would probably dismiss it as a fascist rant (the man is working class, for God’s sake!). However, too much has been reported elsewhere for it to be discounted.
We are heading for trouble.
View on YouTube
Excellent video, in a civilised country this would be shown on mainstream TV.
I watched a couple of interviews with Tommy Robinson describing at length what he went through in prison and how the prison authorities engineered his beating and deliberately jailed him with Muslim prisoners who would be certain to assault him and perhaps kill him.
You British have got a real job on your hands: to take your country back from the EU and from Islamist invaders who have infiltrated every organisation that wields power and influence over the public.
Another thing which is getting my attention about this institutional leftie anti Semitism, and their blatantly anti Semitic question can we please carry on being critical of Israel without being called anti Semitic, is this:
If the Fascists think it’s OK to criticise Israel (and not the Israeli government & president) then why is it NOT OK for me to criticise Islam – which by the same token must not amount to ‘Islamofauxbia’?
They don’t seem to have even realised the double standards their silly question raises. The equalities tribunal defines discrimination as treatment different to that of others on the grounds of (insert appropriate ‘ism’) therefore the Labour party – the Left – and the BBC are all equally guilty of that which they claim to hate, and see all the time in others !
I have just finished reading “Easy Meat” by Peter McLoughlin about the muslim grooming scandals, it makes for horrifying reading and hard to get through but it should be shoved down the throat of these Far Left idiots who believe in holding out the welcome wagon for these vile Islamic monsters they are encouraging in Europe and soon to be adding to the monsters in the UK. It makes me scream with frustration when they refer to them as “Asian” they’re not they’re “muslim ” . Rant over.
Racist Red Ken stands by his Hitler comments
‘Ken Livingstone has stood by his recent comments about Hitler, saying he was “not sorry for telling the truth”.’
But Ken, it is your PC leftish crowd that supported hate speech laws and rules which emphasized that truth was not a defence against offensive speech. What matters is that the speech offends people, according to the subjective interpretation of hate speech written by PC leftists.
Proving what you said was true might help against a charge of libel, but if the truth offends it can be hate speech in your PC world Ken.
Should I display a banner stating the Mohamid was a pedophile who had sex with a child, chances are I would be done for hate speech and Islamophobia, and my guilt would be determined by the offence it caused.
Geddit Ken and all you PC thickos out there.
You have been destroyed by your own nonsense and (to use a Jerrodism) bigotry.
Wonderful !!
G.W.F. – “There are hate crimes and hate speech, but there is also a category of things called hate facts. These are things that are true, but you aren’t supposed to say them.” Peter Brimelow.
Another great post G.W.F.
When your aim is to force people to conform to your views, you can not expect anything less in return… Though the self righteous, lying cretins on the left somehow do…….isn’t that a wonderful when those bast@rds reap what they have sown
BBC Online News:
“”Germany AfD meeting: Hundreds of protesters detained outside venue”” (No mention in the headline that these were ‘left wing’ protestors. ‘Right-Wing’ protestors are always included in the BBC headline).
“”German police have detained about 400 left-wing demonstrators who were trying to prevent people entering a right-wing party conference in Stuttgart”” (ah..hidden away in the report, left-wing demonstrators are specified).
“”About 1,000 officers were involved in the operation to keep the two sides apart, as the protesters blocked roads, burned tyres and threw firecrackers”” (ah…lost the ‘left-wing’ title now? Now called ‘protestors’. What does ‘operation to keep the two sides apart’ mean? The only people causing the riot were the left-wing).
“”The Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party is expected to re-brand itself as openly anti-Islamic during the meeting”” (er… who says? ‘Expected to rebrand itself as openly anti-Islamic’? This must be a hopeful guess by the BBC to damage the AfD?).
“”A police spokesman said protesters threw stones at officers and let off fireworks in their direction. Riot police used tear gas, pepper spray and a water cannon to keep the protesters back”” (ah….once again the title ‘ left-wing’ seems to have slipped from the BBC key board and replaced by noble sounding ‘protestors’. Easily done I suppose when you’re biased?).
“”One demonstrator, Dominik Schmeiser, said: “We are united by our conviction that we cannot let the AfD go unchallenged, and that it is a party which is not only racist, but which is engaged in the politics of exclusion and social division”” (any evidence of racism? Just let that comment in unchallenged, eh? It does the BBC/Left job for them. Well done editor!).
There’s a picture of the AfD female speaker without her shoe and pointing. What the hell is the relevance of that? Perhaps to diminish her status? Rather like the infinite numbers of Trump gurning photos that the BBC/Left display within their biased reports.
Biased/Left Wing BBC. As ever…
Lucky i had the original on my desktop all day. An important fact has been removed from the web report.
The protestors came with iron bars, sticks as well as burning tyres!
These were later replaced with fireworks.
You expect this now from left wing racists. They are all the same.
And the fact they were left wing was not mentioned once in the original, and is only mentioned once in the latest report. Is this a new strategy. As lefties are now officially and openly racist, just refer to them as demonstrators/protestors until the dust settles.
Noticed a few seemingly anomalous BBC ‘most popular’ items before, any idea why
“Keith Harris, entertainer and ventriloquist, dies aged 67” Last updated 28 April 2015
currently stands at number four?
Nis bird was the amusing (not necessarily) input !
This is very funny, especially set to the theme from the Benny Hill Show.
I haven’t had such a good laugh in ages. It’s always interesting to see what a hundred generations of first cousin marriage produces.
I noticed that they had an MG3 machine gun. This is used by Turkey and Iran. I wonder which one it came from?
I watched it with the sound off. Can’t stand that guttural sound that emits from the back of their throats when they speak. Subtitles were hilarious.
Was indeed an MG3, well spotted. They get weapons from everywhere, though. I’ve seen pics of them with M4 assault rifles, Humvees, TOW launchers. You don’t ever see them with the better European gas-operated rifles, though; just the old AK47s.
If I had to guess, I would say the MG3 was more likely Iranian, captured from a Shia militia. The Turks are more careful about being seen to arm IS. Syria does seem to be the retirement home for every knackered AK in the world. The bloody things just don’t die.
I agree about Arabic, it is gutteral and unpleasing to the ear. And yet it was the language Allah used to transmit his ideas to The Holy Prophet (pbuh). Weird or what?
AKs are certainly everywhere there. Most folk when presented with the choice of a nice sexy modular M4, or an old AK47, would unsurprisingly plump for the M4; little knowing that because it’s got direct impingement they’d have to strip and clean it every single day of usage. Whereas they won’t need to strip the gas-op AK for months. The FN FAL is an even better choice, though, and hits harder. They’re also everywhere – must be a lot of them kicking about in the middle east.
Yes, the M16 family are rifles for trained soldiers, any goat fucker can use an AK. I must admit the home made rifle grenades were a new one on me, I rather expected (and hoped) they would go off when they tried to light the fuse with a zippo. Now that’s what I call entertainment.
LOL !! At Bisley, many years ago I shot with a WW1 Lee Enfield, prone position. 40 years later my shoulder still hurts ! How did those boys do it and why ? Seems such a waste now.
“Yes, the M16 family are rifles for trained soldiers…”
Aye, true. Bit of a boring fact: when those trained soldiers first got their hands on the M16 in Vietnam after using the superb M14, they called it the Mattel 16, because of the toy company’s logo on the grip part; and were less than impressed at the effects of the .223 compared to the old .308 rounds. But still, much more accurate than an AK.
Fabrique Nationale and Heckler & Koch make the best assault rifles. I’ve heard that a lot of US soldiers are envious of the German army’s standard G36.
Actually H&K are having a lot of trouble with the G36s, it seems they cannot take the heat of full auto firing and have a distressing tendency to melt. That can’t be good.
Well, I never knew that. But maybe that points to problems with the .223 rifles in general over the .308s, as I’ve read a lot about overheating in the smaller calibres. I wonder how the IDF’s Tavor holds up.
Have a look at this… WW2 German assault rifles too…
Interesting, as Steve Davis would say.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
If you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t have joined.
Only trying to help.
Please tell me this was a set-up joke mock battle to make us believe they’re not a threat?
If it wasn’t perhaps they need a bit of training like the You-tube clip below?
Mind you, I suspect many actually already have…………………
Interesting to see that one of the men has a 7.62mm rifle we have had to buy from the USA. We binned off all our SLRs, and then discovered in Afghanistan that the 5.56 mm round does not have the range needed in that battle area. It seems we always have to relearn the lessons of the past.
I think the problem is with the MoD, always trying to undermine our troops. The MoD , in my opinion, are the enemy within. I think that they deliberately cock-up procurement, it is not just incompetence, although their is a lot of that ! And they do not listen to the opinions of the military.
Jesus shit ! No training and no discipline. Assholes !
There’s a hell of a debate going on further up this page. Livingstone, Anti-Semitism, the Left gone bad, the miners’ strike, attempted coup d’etat. Fantastic stuff, and why I love perusing this blog. There’s been some pretty fruity language, but have a look at GoingPostal. This place is an oasis of decorum by comparison. I welcome the incursions by Jerrod and Zero and others. There’s little point in being an echo-chamber. However, Jerrod’s juvenile name-calling does wear thin, a reasonable or even unreasonable discussion would be welcome by most here I think.
Even if the BBC didn’t exist, this blog would be an essential platform for mulling over the issues of the day. No matter how fraught the debate.
Trying to decide if this will take ages, or no time at all.
Get rid of the archaic licence fee , if it is so bloody good it will pay its own way .
Our government is weak, it should have abolished the bloated, biased and arrogant quango long, long ago.
Broadcasting House managed to spend minutes on this one, about whether Whittingdale was able to clobber Simon Cowells Saturday night offerings or not.
This led the Press Review on Paddys show…and to have a few old gals, and a self-made cockney plumber was a masterstroke.
The Archers, jokes about leaks…well done BH!
For in a week where the Labour Partys serial and residual anti-Jewish bigotry was put out on the line for all to see-what better lead story than the bloody Tory Lord Chamberlain putting the blue pen through tomorrows Radio Times?
Hope Sadiq is pleased…there is no other story in politics than the rising new order of brownshirts in the main opposing party in this country.
But the BBC would rather you think that News at Ten or The Ten O Clock News is the only argument you`ll be requiring today.
Has anyone ever come across Happy Ed Balls Day before?
A friend from India, of all places, wished me a happy Ed balls Day. Yay, labour has achieved something this week.
Not on BBC Online News:
But on Sky Online News:
“”Livingstone Condemned By Top Israeli Politician””
“”The leader of Israel’s (Labour) Opposition has written to Jeremy Corbyn saying he is outraged at recent “anti-Semitic” remarks.
“”In a letter to Jeremy Corbyn, Israeli Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog said he was “appalled and outraged by the recent examples of anti-Semitism by senior Labour Party officials in the United Kingdom””
“”Mr Herzog – whose father served with the British Army – said the former London mayor’s comments were “unthinkable for a British politician in the 21st century” and described Mr Livingstone as “surely anti-Semitic beyond hope of redemption””
“”In his letter, Mr Herzog also mentioned Labour MP Naz Shah, who shared a post on Facebook suggesting that Israel should be relocated in the US. He invited Mr Corbyn to bring a delegation to visit Israel’s national Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, to witness that the last time the Jews were forcibly ‘transported’, it was not to Israel, but to their deaths””
The BBC have ‘missed’ the above report. Why?
Posted this earlier
“Just watch closely as those bandwagon jumping political elites inquiry into anti-Semitism is widened to include Islamophobia which will prevent identifying the actual growing, expediential cause of anti-Semitism:
The Religion of Paeds.
Its already happening on the Al BBC I noticed that 5Deads Nikki Campbell pulled in some Imam yesterday to start just that.
Once again, have to keep giving the same old warning
… don t get into Islam s bed, there s a very bad smell in there, and before long people will notice
Actually have to say, to cheapen this whole important issue for petty political points like the Tory rags have is pretty despicable too
The one possible plus side of this whole sorry saga? … is to put to bed this snide “anti zionism s not anti-Semitism” crock.
Yep! Exposed for what it is … how does it go again ?
Q. How do you tell if an anti-Semite is left-wing or right-wing?
A. Right wing anti-Semites will write “Death to Jews” on a wall,
The Left will too, scream YES!, rub out “Jews” write “Zionists” … and walk away smiling ”
Well possibly I ve spoken a little too soon … Any Answers pushing the Zionism not anti Semitism line today, Nikki Campo is going to push the same line as his 5dead offering, on Al BBC one tomorrow on The Big Questions.
They all taking the George Allahway line? … nothing wrong with it at all eh?
Balen – Report BBC?
oh go on then just for laughs …Misha “moderate” Hussein again, how about Tim “Jewish hands” Wilcox interrupting
Jewish people after Paris Kosher attack, seeing as TBQs already got a mention, how about Nikki Campo and “Our one big question this morning time to lay the Holocaust to rest?” just before the memorial day, the 70th anniversary
The Big Questions really IS going to go for verbal gymnastics this morning, after the Zionism/anti Semitism comes …
wait for it … do we need more humour in religion? oh Dame Nikki like what?, something as simple as a cartoon
maybe comic critique of the Religion of Paeds, how about the Ropers favourite subject “Prophets” …
discuss 😀
Do we need more humour in religion?
Have you heard this one – “Mohammed walks into a pub with a pig under his arm ………….”
or ” A woman in a burqua is cooking a bacon sarnie, and ………….”
Or perhaps not.
Religious people of all types are famous for their lack of humour. They take the religious crap so seriously. But the muslims are the worst.
For humour in religion there is always the winning drawing in the Garland, Texas Mohammed cartoon contest.
The BBC and their Labour Party friends are catching a severe anti-semetic virus at the moment. And there’s no cure.
Deep joy….!
Has my fellow ‘countryman’ Jeremy Bowen, entered the great debate going on in the media yet ? 😉
PS , Still no sign of my stalker ?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with ”J” ?
Sorry, I still have no idea. Who’s your stalker? Bowen?
Nope not Bowen, sorry about that .
Ok, here is another clue, begins with J” and ends with ‘D’.
See my earlier ‘debates’ with the Troll . 😉
Aggh. Herod the baby killer.
I am afraid so, Taffman. I caught the tail end of the interview so I can’t comment in detail, but Bowen was being asked to “explain” to us the differences between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Only the BBC could do this with a straight face.
Not currently screening on the BBC but give it time as it fits the agenda,
“Student activists are calling on universities to install sanitary towel bins in men’s toilets so that biologically female transgender students who use them do not face discrimination.”
As a younger lad I was aware that those who went to university were as a rule the brighter and abler of our peers (nose straight to grindstone for the rest of us!) Now they seem to be recruiting our dimmest and most gullible and rinsing the common sense out of the brighter brains, disturbing to think that some of these f**kwits could land jobs that would allow them to make decisions that affect the rest of us.
They would only ever get jobs in the public sector – they wouldn’t last five minutes in the real world.
“They would only get jobs in the public sector…”
Harriet Harman being the perfect example.
Students used to be made of sterner stuff. Last Wednesday the DT published the obituary of Stanley Jenkins and ex-leader of the National Union of Students.
“In 1948 he represented the NUS at the Sokol Festival in Prague, where he was constantly shadowed by communist surveillance teams, and where he took on the new prime minister, Antonin Zapotocky, over his assertion that the Czechoslovak people were “happy” with their “liberation”.
I took the bull by the horns and asked the prime minister why, if everyone was so ecstatic about the changes, had I encountered so many individuals who were anxious for the world to know the truth?” On hearing the translation, Zapotocky swept angrily out of the meeting.
In 1951 Jenkins launched an attack on the IUS in a speech to a 500-strong IUS audience in Prague, where delegates, led by Alexandr Shelepin (later head of the KGB), tried to shout him down. “He was Stalin’s right-hand man, he was the head of the youth and student movements, and he was the man who called me an ‘arch-fascist imperialist beast’,” Jenkins recalled. But he refused to leave the rostrum and insisted on finishing his speech. ”
Isn’t it strange that when it comes to black or most ethnic groups, any derogatory comments by whites are seen as ‘racist’, full stop, and condemned as such by the BBC with any ‘excuses’ or ‘mitigating circumstances; summarily dismissed. When it comes to raving Marxists like Shah and Livingstone, suddenly the BBC feels the need to dig deep, explore the technicalities and suggest that it’s not ‘actually’ racism. You couldn’t make it up.
I got called racist for saying there are palm trees in Peckham!
LOL ! I had a “discussion ” with a black Afro-American once who called me racist. I said ” how can I be racist when I live in Africa and my wife, Mariama, is black African. She is more African and black than you are”. His reply ” That just proves that you are racist” . You just can’t win can you when it comes to racism !
Do you find that something you say in West Africa that is received as a fair point, is taken as racist by some over-sensitive soul in the UK? That has been my experience in East Africa and the UK/Ireland.
Yes ! You are quite right. In my experience, West Africans find the European Left/liberal view of racism to be weird to say the least. They really have other things to worry about !
I managed 6 or 7 minutes of ‘The News Quiz’ yesterday.
Ridiculing Brexit? check. Campaigning for the striking junior doctors? check. Jokes/humour?…………….nope.
Is Paul Merton still paid for saying nothing ?
This morning we are being treated to the BBC whining on behalf of Labour Muslim terrorist supporter Sadiq Khan complaining that the anti Semitism row is harming his chances.
I got news for you Sadiq & the BBC. It isn’t the row that’s harming your chances, it’s the very real anti Semitism which most people are appalled by and will be revolted by.
The BBC seem more concerned that Labour has lost the Jewish vote despite the fact the corporation is full of them – largely the self destructive variety.
Given the relative sizes of the Jewish and Muslim populations in London I’d say this is the best possible news for Khan.
And I don’t doubt for a moment that many working for the BBC realise this only too well.
I’ve just watched Andrew Marr’s interview with the Israeli Ambassador to the UK. The Ambassador demolished every point or argument out forward by Marr. It was clear that Marr thought he was going to ‘get’ him, how wrong he was. But Marr showed his colours more than once and especially at the end when he said he wanted to see him again about Israeli policy. I dare say Marr will lose this one too.
And as I do this I see Sky News is doing an anti-Israeli piece – it’s going to take some time to remove anti-Semites from our media.
Err….yes….Mark Regev demolished Marr totally, utterly.
It must become clear to the upper echelons of albeeb that Marr is on the way out….he’s hopeless, even if he does spout the same lefty shit they so like to admire.
The interview following with Fatty Abbott was a hoot…
She is seriously mentally challenged, and a shadow fron bencher…..holy moses.
Brillo pad would have shown her for the empty vessel she is, well filled with shite anyway, but Marr? Hopeless.
Yes, as usual Regev rings as clear as a bell, Marr and his ilk are immediately exposed, he even had to pull the “all my Jewish friends” line
… You gotta laugh Andy who are those?
“queers for Palestine”?, those muppets from “resistance is not terror”?
Is Paul Merton still paid for saying nothing ?
Hi Grant,
Apols, I’ve been up in the Mournes today enjoying the chilly non-globally warmed countryside.
I do believe he is, but on ‘The News Quiz’ we are treated to even more humorous alternatives such as the whining Pallys-pal Jeremy Hardy and the hilarious glaswegian gal with the female husband, Susan Calman. We are truly blessed.
Mark Regev is brilliant. Andrew Marr is an idiot !
You asked who Marr’s Jewish friends were?
Danny Cohen (lying, English-hating, metropolitan liberal), Alan Yentob (the greedy one), Jonathan Freedland (friendly, left-wing Guardian journalist), Fatty Feltz (a self-loathing pile of lard)…….
Delighted to see Mark Regev is now “His Excellency” as Israels new UK Ambassador.
Been doing a great job for Israel over many years of Jew-baiting hatred as spewed by the likes of Wark and Husain.
Can only hope that he`s fully briefed on the snakes in the liberal grass that pass for liberal commentators here at the BBC and the “broadshits”.
No less subtle that Hamas using their lamp-posts as missiles into the Negev-but I would say, more pernicious a threat to the very existence of Israel with their forked tongues and endless apologies for the Mullahs.
Big gig this one Mark-will pray that G-d looks after you and the Embassy staff whilst you`re here.
Echo that. Regev did a superb job as Israeli Govt spokesman in face of severe, at times, provocation from the BBC on Radio 4 in recent years. He is well-versed on the snakes waiting in the UK grass after that BBC ‘training’.
Oh go on then … treat yourselves … his excellency Mark Regev
Andrew Marr. What a wanker !!!
Why does being Netanyahu’s spokesman make Regev ” controversial” ? BBC bias ? What bias ? I repeat, Andrew Marr is a wanker !!!
Andrew Marr is a racist anti-semite. Pure and simple. Scumbag ! He is defending racism in this interview and squirming ! Disgusting creature.
BBC help women initiative could lead to another black hole in their funding. BBC men only get statutory maternity pay SMP of £140pw whereas BBC women get 90% of salary.
All women get maternity of 1 year off work, 9 months of that is paid
But BBC women get ENHANCED Maternity Leave : 90% of their salary for half of the period, before dropping to the statutory maternity pay SMP of £140pw
– Now the government on the principle of equality has introduced shared parental leave.
So a BBC man, could 2 weeks after the birth, take the place of the woman, but the BBC would only pay him SMP not the 90% salary.
Ipm this week told how a teacher has been awarded the enhanced maternity leave rate from his employer by waving the big stick of threat of court action on equality law.
The Telegraph report on the forthcoming BBC White Paper and Charter Review makes disturbing reading for all who dislike BBC bias, its near monopoly over broadcast and online news in the UK, its arbitrary licence fee and elitist left/metropolitan culture.
The Charter will be renewed for 11 years.
A mid term review will occur but this allows all discussion over the future of the licence fee to be parked for 5 years.
Meanwhile the Beeb will be told to produce ‘quality’ programmes only available over i player at extra charge. The plebs already paying the extortionate licence fee don’t get to see them.
No mention of political bias or attempts to remove it.
Something about not allowing competitive scheduling of populist programmes, but who really cares about that?
Altogether a disturbing report. I hope Whittingdale can come up with something better than this. Or does he need another person to crack the whip?
Fat racist Diane Flabbot on Andrew Marr, rejecting hard facts in favour of condescending rhetoric and downright lies.
Labour has always been racist, but under the guise of ‘universal equality’, they pretend they’re not, and the BBC et al have enabled them to project this inclusive image.
Andrew Marr at least tried to tackle her on this point, but she stuck to the ‘labour loves everybody’ narrative, and even blamed the Tories of Islamophobia, another example of left wing whataboutery.
However, the worst hypocrisy is Labour’s/BBC continued support for Islam, a death cult a thousand times times worse than the Nazis. The manchild Nicky Campbell is leading an anti Israel debate, with a Pakistani (as usual) shouting the loudest. This is typical of the BBC, and belies their pretence of neutrality
The left wing and dishonesty go hand in hand.
Yes, the leftwingers like the Hackney Hippo, Benn, Livingston and Corbyn are all sanctimonious hypocrites.
The defense they use is the same as that of Catholic priests who have raped children. The priest is supposed to be entitled to clemency as he is in a “state of grace” , he really is a”good guy” no matter what he says or does. It is exactly the same with leftists. They seem to think their marxist beliefs or membership of the labour party makes them living saints who have the right to deliver moral lectures to the “right wingers” about their “racism” and “anti-colonialism”. Their unshakeable belief in their own moral perfection me that anything they say or do must Like all Saintm-Justes of this world , venemous, single-minded ideologues, they think any action, even mass murder, is justified to bring about their various deluded utopian schemes. The Labour party has pandered more and more to the Muslim vote as the white working class has shown itself to be “racist” and so ideologically unsound by their opposition to mass uncontrolled immigration, drawing attention to the detrimental effects it has on their wage packet and way of
Heard this disastrous interview on iPlayer.
Has she no idea that -as she ages, she gets more an more like those white patronising Labour doyennes that we`ve long despised…like Hewitt, Harman, Hodge and Beckett?
All entitled old trouts who`d rather be Lady Bracknell, but end up in the Lords with their deep slow and condescending plums in their elocution-wired gobs.
This socialist sidecar is guilty of the most racist cultural appropriation…and the fat lady on a motorbike that Corbyn ought to have left behind…and certainly not used as a plumb line to measure his own lazy bigotry and incompetence.
The BBC offers a puff piece for labour Mayoral Candidate Sadiq Khan:
Anti-Semitism row ‘damaging Labour’ – Sadiq Khan
Apparently Sadiq is shocked, shocked, do you hear me!, at the extremism in the labour party, because, erm, it is damaging his chances in the mayoral elections. Ah, well Mister Anonymous BBC writer, there may be more important aspects to the racism in the Labour party other than poor Sadiq’s chances in an election.
Oddly the BBC piece is so desperate to blame Ken Livingstone for Sadiq’s problems that it doesn’t have time to remind its readers of Sadiq’s own extremist links to rabid Islamic nutters.
Let us not forget his political advisor and speech writer Shueb Salar, who thinks Lee Rigby’s murder was faked by the state, and has staggering Islamic views on homosexuals and women. Sacked by Sadiq only when the press discovered his views.
Or Sadiq’s warm hearted brother in law, Makbool Javaid, who gave inflammatory speeches for the extremist lunatics Al-Muhajiroun. A man who signed a fatwa calling for a “full-scale war of jihad” against Britain. What an asset Sadiq’s family and friends are for this country.
Or Sadiq’s sister, another Labour candidate, who married the above racist and hate monger.
Is this the same Sadiq who defended the ‘flowery language’ of Dr Azam Tamimi, who called for Muslims to spread fire throughout the world?
And Sadiq shared a platform with many Jew haters, including Yasser al-Siri, a convicted terrorist and associate of hate preacher Abu Qatada.
Come on BBC, Sadiq can’t blame Hitler justifying Ken for everything.
Fantastic post
Anybody who isn’t a muslim but is thinking of voting for Sadiq Khan as London Mayor should watch his charming ex-brother in law Makbool Javaid on You Tube making his 1998 speech in Trafalgar Square. These scumbags desecrate our country just by being in it. The guy is now a prominent muslim lawyer and says he was just naive in 1998 and regrets what he said. What rot! Now they are infiltrating parliament, the law etc to subvert our country from within, while busy making territorial gains in or inner cities with no-go areas for whites/ christians .
BTW I’m sure I spotted a young looking Corbyn on the platform listening to the muslim ranter.
I think we can acknowledge that Marr is steeped with anti Israeli hostiity as expected from a BBC presenter who lacks an understanding of politics and history.
What has hardly emerged from the agonising over anti semetism in Labour is the fact that anti semetism pays off in constituencies where there is a large Moslem vote. As usual the M word is not spoken by BBC presenters.
Here’s an interesting prediction. Labour will do badly in the council elections, but it might be worth examining some of the councils where they do well, especially in Northern Towns and parts of London. I wonder how many commentators will attribute this to the success among Moslem voters of anti semetism.
Meanwhile Shami Charabatty will deliver an all purpose repudiation of hate speech, showing how Labour is leading the fight against Islamophobia.
David Keighley ( a former BBC news producer) nails the Corporation for its rampant pro-EU bias yet again, over on the increasingly excellent Conservative Woman. This is a must read (especially for the pro-BBC trolls who, of course, know far more about how the BBC works than does a mere BBC news producer).
Needs saying but the only party that has ever elected a woman leader-and she then became our longest-lasting PM since Lord knows when…and the only one that has not had a problem with anti-Semitism in my lifetime( not since the death of MacMillan, and the neutering of Soames anyway) is the Conservative party.
Mrs Thatcher herself was our last PM that even knew where Israel was, listened to her Jewish constituents and their leaders and promoted the likes of Joseph, Letwin, Howard, Lawson and Brittan-among others no doubt.
Not all of these were successes, but then again she didn`t have to like Begin to be a true Friend of Israel whilst in office.
Blair has shown what his “good intentions” ended up in with his appalling non-job in Jerusalem-but, to be fair, he tried to hold the line when in “government”(sick!)-and am pleased to see lots of his old jiffy bags at least identify as “Friends Of Israel”…which we know now is a nasty and thankless task in the institutionally racist, nasty Judophobic Party of Hain, Corbyn and Livingston.
So-let the Left know-the only party that has been anything like fair to the Jes of this country are the Tories-shit though they are, none of their MPs will be writing abuse over Marks and Spencer windows at the next election.
Can`t say that about Labour or Liberal now can you?
Judophobic! Pure class ChrisH
Is, or has, Al Beeb been Judophobic ?………………………
The “Liberal/Left” Fascists are institutionally anti-semitic. It is in their DNA and they will never change. They just hate Jews. End of story ! By the way, where is Jerrod and his clones ? I would love to hear his defence of the Left’s anti-semitism !!!! And especially the racist, Corbyn !
Yes Grant. Jerrod need s anew chant to replace the old UAF/SWP one.
‘Labour scum off our streets.
What do we want?
Labour racists off our streets.
When do we want it?
That would be serious fun. Any plans to take the fight to the enemy?
Most kind Tothepoint, but Peter Hitchens got there first his “Mail On Sunday column today, but it`s a word that will surely catch on.
As it should-for a Semite is not only a Jewish construct,or so I was told.
Try and get the Sunday Politics London edition to see the most aggressive and biased interview with Zac Goldsmith. He spent almost all the interview being haranged about his criticism of his Muslim opponent and was unable to say anything about his policies, it was in a word disgusting.
Yes, I saw it. Almost unbelievable in the aggression and tack that Donovan took. But is was the bBC, so to be expected.
Goldsmith should have had the balls to turn the tables and ask the BBC to demonstrate that Khan never shared a platform with extremist sympathisers.
Gardeners Question Time .
You’d think that would be politics free wouldn’t you ?
But no , not the BBC , they even manage to make a snide remark about Trump on that .
It’s not even UK politics , or EUropean , but another continent’s politician is commented on . Not his favourite flower , or how he grows his vegetables , or the size of his garden . Just a mean sneering jibe from a mean sneering organisation .
The BBC are obsessed with their small , narrow-minded political agenda. Eternal teenagers. Pathetic !
Be sure to tune in to BBC4 tonight at 10.00pm to watch “Redefining Juliet “. It is apparently a retelling of the tale of Romeo and Juliet using actors with “disabilities or differences”!
I can hardly f*****g wait.
Oh Lord.
Will Juliet be needing
a) a stairlift to get up and down from her balcony
b)a disability scooter to get out to her Dire Straits Tribute Act gig?
c) a couple of Verona council workers( the few the Toristassi Council still employ on minimal ducats) to carry her up and down,seeing as it`s all still stone steps between her bedroom and the local Citizens Advisti?
(ROMEO kisses JULIET and takes out the poison) Come, bitter poison, come, unsavory guide! You desperate pilot, let’s crash this sea-weary ship into the rocks! Here’s to my love!
ROMEO drinks the poison.
Oh, that pharmacist was honest! His drugs work quickly. So I die with a kiss.
On the BBC you will die in a Dignitas clinic according to criteria for assisted suicide for which the BBC are campaigning. Following that sweet Juliet might expect a visit from Jimmy Saville once frequenter of NHS hospital morgues..
Don’t be so churlish. Just be grateful if Romeo is a bloke and Juliet is a girl.
Have to count your blessings these days.
Perhaps it’s only one person – Romeo on even dates and Juliet on odd dates? You know, sexual fluidity and all that …….
Izzard, Izzard, wherefore art thou …..
Juliet is a bitch
Turns out not to be just “Romeo and Juliet” then is it?
Just heard that scion of multiculti racial tolerance Yasmin Alibiah Brown will be doing an episode on the Bards ” Love Across the Racial Divide”.
Usual crap agenda-as if Shakespeare wrote his Othellos just so Yasmin, Lenny or Dawn could praise his love of more migration and of binning any English identity in the process.
But that`s the BBC for you.
S`pose there`s no chance of the BBC using the Bard to look at anti-Semitism and the religious divide, as urged by Yasmin and the liberal(and not so liberal ) Left is there?
Nah, course not…so the Merchant Of Venice will be used to bash bankers and Wonga I expect.
Utterly telegraphed posturing from the Nazi Left as ever.
The Tempest or how Shakespeare anticipated ‘extreme weather’ and ‘climate change’.
This whole anti-Semitism in the Labour Party issue is so baffling isn’t it? I just can’t think what the underlying cause might be.
I find how the left (Labour Party ,bBC, TUC and the rest) support the open hatred of Jews disgusting, this they try to disguise by claiming they aren’t targeting Jews but Zionists. They mirror the hateful agenda of Islam , simply so they cannot be seen as ‘racist’ yet they have become the biggest racists going, with Labour, its all about keeping the Muslim vote. Here is my view on the subject, something the people at the bBC (who love to swallow man-fat) can’t bring themselves to do.
Beats me Steve. There Muzz be some reason though. You’d think they would Mecca guess at the cause, wouldn’t you? I mean, who would Prophet by it?
The only theory I can come up with is that the Labour Party might be courting a certain section of the community that has made it prone to such sentiments. The funny thing is, once that community has the confidence to go it alone politically it will drop the Labour Party in a flash. Oh dear Jeremy…oh dear, dear, dear.
Now hang on a Mo, what are you implying?
What a sticky little dilemma all this is for the BBC to navigate. They have to report anti-Semitism in the Labour party, yet it must go against all their instincts and prejudices. All they can do is grit their teeth, and hope that a few symbolic sacrificial lambs like Naz Shah and Livingstone will suffice for it all to blow over. Yet it could all go wrong. I hope it does. I hope it brings the whole rotten edifice down. After years of dishonest reporting of events in Israel, coupled with a constant stream of anti-Israel vitriol and lies from BBC reporters on social media it’s obvious that they have exactly the same problem in their own organisation.
The Guardian to the rescue.
Statement from Labour supporting Jews suggests that the antisemitism charges are an attempt to deflect attention from Islamophobia.
I knew it – the muslims are the victims of antisemitism.
‘As Jews, we are appalled that a serious issue is being used in this cynical and manipulative way, diverting attention from much more widespread examples of Islamophobia and xenophobia in the Conservative and other parties’
So they’ve come out fighting. Bit like ‘climate change’ really, when the overwhelming evidence showed there’d been no warming they just screamed all the louder that there had and we’re all deniers for saying otherwise.
So there’s no anti-semitism in the Labour Party at all it’s all a conspiracy dreamed up by Islamophobes.
Heh heh. This is great.
That ghastly woman Dianne Abbott on Andrew Marrs show today….pushing the line that there needs to be an enquiry into something she called “islamophobia” in the Conservative party.
Denying and spluttering with amazement when Marr showed her evidence of Kens complicity from way, way back. Covering Jez’s sorry ass for all she was worth……repeating like a mantra…”There have been thousands of new members of the Labour Party and only 12 antisemitic incidents all who have been suspended immediately” oh yeah Diane…like you’d accept that line from Nigel Farage, eh luv?
Saying that anti semitism came from Russia in the 19th Century….it’s like the Crusades and the actions of Mohammed’s gang never took place….at least the mainstream Christian denominations have recanted and denounced anti semitism since the holocaust but the mussies? no change there I fear.
The whole anti semitism, anti Israel shtick in the Labour Party is….well it’s all about the Muslim votes.
Especially the London mayor votes…….what a disgrace for the party of Attlee, Healey and the 1945 generation…who fought real Nazis in a real war and wouldn’t have countenanced this grubby style of race hustling and antisemitic dog whistle politics.
Shockingly easy ride for professional race hustler Dopey Diane from the embarrassing Marr. This was the perfect chance to expose the hypocritic fraud that Diane is but nothing. No attacking questions at all. It was like a care nurse asking a patient questions after waking from general anesthetic. Because she is so hopelessly inept and unless, its a given that Dopey would be pandered to, but this was 10 minutes of my life I will never get back
Stand out moment for me was Dopey slopeying off difficult questions by saying “we need to have a debate about…” when asked a question that clearly needed an answer! Though surely even Diane isn’t that thick to realise that the programme is that debate! Laughably let off the hook time and again.
Shocking but predictable from the Al Beeb
BBC headline you are unlikely to see:
‘Labour Accuses Islam of being Anti-Semitic. Koran Texts Blamed’