After all just as Xavier points out we would never refer to an “English-speaking” American.
English is painful to your ears?
The Scotch and the Irish leave you close to tears.
There even are places where English completely
Well, in America, they haven’t used it for years!
My Fair Lady – Why Can’t The English? Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Joking aside, The number of people in the U.S. who speak a language other than English at home has nearly tripled over the past three decades, vastly outpacing the 38 percent population growth. Some 60.6 million people, or nearly one-in-five people in the U.S. aged 5 or older, spoke a language other than English at home in 2011, up from 23 million in 1980, or almost one-in-11, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a report, “Language Use in the United States: 2011.”
We may well have to refer to English-speaking Americans.
I left a comment a while back. It was well-meant: a nod of the hat to the sort of people I see on this site. Imagine to meet in person – what a pleasure it would be. Now, we are anonymous. Maybe we have to be that. We are probably about the most open-minded people you will meet. My 777 thundered away from LHR 8 years ago. A few days prior, I stopped paying the BBC tax. I had liked Basil Brush, respected Hanrahan on Hermes, in foul weather. Geoffrey Smith was also good. Peel Sessions – all paid for by the fee. It was sort of unspoken, the quality. I live abroad, but if the shit hits the fan, I will drop into England. What really spoilt my day and led me to drink too much sake was seeing Obama in England – ostensibly the “UK” – using the BBC word, but America would probably say “England”. To me, and in the town I lived in, there was a huge, but low, steel rail bridge. Not glamorous but it was maybe built in the 1920s, and it is as good as new. It carries global passengers, maybe 200m, across an anonymous railway structure, at a substantial height, on the Kings X to Waverley route. Then I think of “Britain”. Steel, troops, good ideas. On Japanese TV – and they do admire Britain, even if they say to me “UK” – they had Obama with the Queen. Now, my heart is racing. Jumping. Angry, because he was flown in to swing the referendum in London. USA, 1984-style, wants the 3 blocks. They have them with USA, EU, and Russians and Chinese. Ostensibly. Ostensibly is enough. That showbiz presence. I saw it when he entered the Palace of Westminster on You Tube – the Beatle-esque fan screaming from outside. Almost too wild; almost tin-can. I never even saw pictures of young screaming girls. The Americans couldn’t give two hoots about the old history. That is fine with me. But his speech, BBC coverage, will, ironically, alter things. Or it is designed to. We will never be able to close our drawbridge, and that is known. It will mean a broken Britain, a shattered nation. The Obama speech I saw, 6,000 miles east on my computer, some 300 miles west of Tokyo. He does the same thing when he comes to Japan. But there are two big differences: he will probably not know them. Japan doesn’t have the gift of a BBC. But the BBC and the lefties abused that amazing corporation. And two, and he may know this, is that his wavering the British EU referendum will, even at a faster pace, kill off England, not the other smaller nations, rather quickly. To quote Larkin “first slum of Europe”.
Great post Timtastic.
Get the feeling we`ll be meeting in some guise or other before too long.
Who knows?…we might all be crossing each other in the cities and towns of this country without knowing each other-but , as you say, there are plenty people here who`d be worth a pie and pint at the pub, or coffee and cake if it`s worktime.
Let`s learn from the Togs-Terry Wogans band who transcended the Irish maestro, and took up a life of our own.
Maybe we`re the DOGS-Davids Other Greats( I`m guessing old geezers/gals/ gits lacks our dignity and scorn for patronising familiarity).
There`s certainly a religion here for me-and one of my temples is Tolpuddle!
Yes…the DOGs of Waugh….I like that!
PS-maybe not so great-maybe grumpy?
Thanks for the comment chrisH. I don’t live in Britain – but, yes, I have literally dreamt of a pint and a pie, and a pub. I was back three years ago. I have a bike there, available, so I use that to get around. Never the train. If you can overlook the horror of it all – when I go back it is a 5 week holiday – you can work out where you want to be, and see the best bits, without having to put up with the new society. I always like biking down to the Smoke. I am always there a few days at a time. The south coast, I lived there for a long time. I turn the superbike around – next stop maybe Liverpool. Love it all. What a great country. On paper.
Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation. Jean Monnet – Founding Father of the EU.
As it appears nothing is going to change at the BBC for a few years unless market forces and technology force it perhaps we should rename this site Biased Media. I have watched with incredulity as the increasingly desperate and hysterical Jean Monnet Sheep EU Remain campaigners. It appears that all media, the BBC, ITV, Ch 4, Sky, LBC have been bought and paid for.
I’ll leave aside the BBC as I don’t even bother watching it’s news anymore. But on Sky this morning the incompetent reporter referred to Majors first intervention to the debate. Obviously hadn’t bothered to check out the last four months then. Then impartially reported that his intervention, and Legarde’s speech, which hadn’t even been made at that point, “had dealt serious blows to the Brexit campaign”. Not to mention the idiotic Harman was yet again allowed to peddle the myth that three million UK jobs depend on the EU.
On LBC the educationally challenged Chuck-up Umunna opened up by sneeringly asking if anyone seriously thought there was a grand conspiracy between the likes of Len McCluskey and the IMF’s Christine Legarde. What Chuck-up, you mean the French socialist politician? Perish the thought. When confronted by the discrepancy on official migration figures and NI numbers stated that there was no real difference it was all down to short term workers who went back home. When challenged could not provide any support for his explanation other than someone had told him. But we will have to send back home the 100,000 NHS workers if we left. That’s ‘ a fact’. Also stated that the EU Accounts had been signed off every year since 2007 by the independent EU funded Auditors.
At least the EU migration crisis appears to have been solved. No hourly images of desperate migrants walking through Europe, no pictures of starving children or punctured rubber dinghies, no pleading refugees forced from their home by the wars ….. must have all stopped I guess ….. or perhaps is there another reason why there is no coverage. Wonder what will be in the news the day after the referendum.
Speaking of what the BBC will dwell upon, Classic FM’s Global Propaganda at the top of the hour has just informed me that, hot on the heels of renowned impartial Brit Mark Carney impartially offering a Bank of England ‘could/may/might’ view, Christine Lagarde has just ‘warned’ the people of the UK that any seeking to Brexit are screwing the pooch for the rest of them.
That may cause a swing on par with Obama’s intervention.
Meanwhile, one is sure the £4Bpa, index-linked, 11 year-secured, 20,000 and counting-strong BBC ‘news’ machine doubtless also hard at work analysing these complementary stories:
On the last thread, JimS made a simple but incisive point: if membership of the EU is the only guarantor of free movement and jobs abroad – which is how the BBC portrays the situation – how on earth did the Canadian Mark Carney manage to get the job running the Bank of England?
Heard Martha Kearney refer to the: “European Government” whilst interviewing Gisela Stuart today, who pulled her up on it by pointing out that it must have been a slip of the tongue as there is actually no such thing.
GS was very good I thought and a thoroughly welcome relief from Harriet Harman who was the previous interviewee.
Doubtlessly not a popular choice for the BBC because the interviewer struggles with the concept of someone from the BBC’s party being for Brexit, so do not not quite where to pitch it.
Once upon a time at a Bilderberg meeting far, far away from the scum they call ‘taxpaying voters’, Gideon sidled up to Carney at a Champagne and canapes soiree, gave him a cheeky wink and asked,
‘Fancy a job running the Treasury dear boy..? We’ll sort everything for you – Visas, an incredible earnings and perks package, a huge free house – in fact absolutely free everything. All you have to do is be my political bitch at all times, something you’ve already excelled in during your time as a corporate bitch at Goldman Sachs.’
Carney thought for a second and his eyes turned to spinning pinball reels, instantly stopping at glowing gold Pound signs. The rest is history.
Gideon: ‘I need you to give a speech on Brexit Mark – remember our little chat..?’
Carney: ‘Of course Sir, of course…’
And everybody lived happily ever after. Apart from the taxpaying voters.
I had not realised that the so-called immigration figures are merely a survey of a small percentage of people arriving at our ports and airports. They are asked by officials what their intentions are, this is recorded, and hey presto, you have your immigration number. Of course, surveys are always accurate, which is why we now have the Milliband government. No-one seems to have thought that Roma coming here to sell the Beeg Ishoo and claim benefits might not answer truthfully.
It seems to me unanswerable that the figure for NI numbers issued represents a truer figure for real immigration. But even this is not the whole story, because by definition the immigrants who obtain NI numbers are the ones who at least intend to play the game and work legally, paying taxes. How many work on the black economy? Does the government even care?
I recall one contributor who wrote recently that, based on food consumption measured by supermarkets, the population of this country was already over 70 million. I wasn’t sure that I believed that figure then. I do now.
I believe that Tesco put it at 72 million. Recently there was another statistic (I hope you are not eating) that found that the amount of sewage sludge having to be dealt with now also came up with approximately the same result.
I watched This Week and the Daily Politics today. There was no mention of what is surely the biggest current story , the lies that have been exposed on immigration figures. It is surely damning that there are perhaps 2 million more immigrants than we have been told and that government has hidden these figures from us. This is a mighty powerful weapon for the Brexit campaign, but only if everyone in the country understands what these figures mean and that they have been lied to by those who wish to remain. In typical BBC fashion they are attempting to limit the damage by downplaying and burying the story. The power of the global elites are ranged against us but I am proud that the polls indicate that the British people are still uncowed by the elites scare stories. If the polls are close on the day before the referendum then I am sure Brexit will win and strike a blow for freedom of people all around the globe from the self serving elites.
I was under the impression that as well as the number of NI numbers issued the ONS was supposed to be telling us how many were active, which must be the truest indicator. “Issued” would include for the government’s catch all of less than a year.
Anyone seen the “active” number, or is that the headline figure being quoted?
I believe they have the active number but are not giving it to us. Draw your own conclusion from this.
All the MSM have been avoiding this story, with the excuse that the figures are correct and its only short-term workers accounting for the difference. Never mind that short-term workers use the same resources as everyone else and probably spend even less whilst they live in the UK.
But how does anyone know they are short term workers? Seriously. This is the problem we have with open borders. No one knows for sure…and I reckon that’s just how the government likes it. They can put any kind of spin on it.
Remember they were thinking about abolishing the Census to “save money”? Bullsh*t. It was so they could hide unpleasant truths about immigration from the masses with their mates at the beeb and the MSM covering for them.
And now, how we see the all the establishment lining up to skewer democracy to keep us in the unloving embrace of the EU.
I’m voting LEAVE and anyone who even has the least respect for democracy (that our ancestors fought, suffered and died for) will do the same.
About eight years ago, The Passport Agency claimed they were renewing 160,000 UK Passports a week. You could check with them for the current figure. They also have an idea of what proportion of the Her Majesty’s subjects who are entitled to a UK Passport (remember, several million live overseas) and actually take up that option. Seem to recall it is over 80%, 83% I think. They also have the statistics for the proportion of those who regularly lose their Passports. From that, it should be possible to cross check the ONS Census population and the DWP NI holder population.
Similar referencing checks can be made with things like Driving Licences & Driving Tests (the latter in decline) and Marriage & Divorce statistics, setting those against the 2011 ONS figures.
A good BBC More or Less programme, or two, could be based on working through some of these corroborations. The results may be very revealing.
The edit function went a bit mad there and it kept going back to the midweek thread. I’m not blaming the website for my problems – I seem to be all thumbs today.
Seems I spoke too soon. The media is now full of reports of how the migration crisis is under control. Pictures of empty beaches. poor Turkish stall sellers left with unsold life jackets (well one jacket had been hung on the front of a confused looking rucksack shop owner … that’s where refugees always pick up their quality life jackets …. guaranteed for a depth of three feet you know), shots of empty glistening seas …. sorry what is that I hear in the distance ….. the German deal with Turkey is in danger of collapse because the Turks want their visas ….. happy days !!!!
The flow from Turkey has decreased while starting to increase again from Libya ass those non Syrians blocked in Turkey move round to join a new flood from Africa.
In return for the no -visas from Turkey the EU are asking dictator Erdogan to repeal laws that he is using to jail critics.
Unsurprisingly he is not playing ball and indicating that he is quite prepared to turn the taps on again.
I do not expect that the BBC will be reporting all this over the next week or five, for some reason
Brilliant idea AFP to change the website name to Biased Media.
Even if we achieved our aims to break up and sell the BBC , the rest of the Media is still infested with Leftist useful idiots ,such that our job of forcing them by democratic means to ‘tell the Truth to Power’ would be only just beginning.
I for one would be more than happy to include the Torygraph and LBC (Obrien deserves all he gets) in future posts.
Posters here either have short memory (probably dementia, judging by the average age of the users) ……………..
Be very careful what you wish for, – children dribble, have a nasty habit of growing up, ageing, and start to dribble again. Just hope there is someone around with a hankie (the way things are going it could be an English speaking Gambian) if it happens to you again, and have the capacity to remember what you’ve said. Things have a tendency to come back and bite you on the bum.
There is a short part of (I assume, Brexit The Movie) on Guido’s site. I watched it this morning. It was all about the regulations on everyday objects in our daily lives. I showed it to a friend who immediately said…this should be on TV for all to see. Fat chance of that ever being on the BbC. I wondered what type of person could dream up so many regulations for such mundane things and why would they do it? What is the point? And what does it achieve? It is quite mind-boggling. I then typed into Google EU Directives and was directed to this link which is quite an extensive list.
It’s enough to make one weep.
My second despairing moment was again reading on Guido the list of organisations who benefit from EU money in return for pushing the EU agenda – ie: vote remain. 16M euros over 9 years!
I have always thought these large organisations had their OWN interests at heart when they came out in support of Remain, but this makes it quite clear that nothing short of blackmail is going on here.
Why is the general public not broadcasting this information? It is already in the public domain but not emphasised or reported by the BbC. The people deserve better.
These examples cited above are the sort of thing I have quoted to several people when we talk about the EU and these are people who say they are voting to stay in. Once they hear these things, they suddenly sit up and take notice – and three friends of mine have already changed their minds are will vote to leave. A read of Daniel Hannan’s book Why Vote Leave is also an eye-opener for sure. If we Brexiteers on this site can all convert 2 people….game on!
Look up Flexcit on Google, there you will find a viable means of getting out of the EU with little problem. There is the short 48 page version and the full version over 400 pages, all free. And it is done by experts, proper ones.
That list on Order Order of the organisations bought and paid for by the EU should be mandatory reading as it shows how venal and corrupt this country has become. It runs from the National Farmers Union through all the usual suspects like the RSPB, Friends of the Earth and the WWF, to a whole clutch of trade unions.
The more that is revealed, the more I feel we are in no position at all to sneer at ‘corruption ‘ in Africa. Arguably, we are worse than they are, for being so sanctimonious about it.
Can’t recall where I saw a video of a debate between Brexiters and remainians but there was a farmer taking part in it who was quite passionately against the EU because he felt strangled by regulations he was obliged to follow while farmers in other EU countries were flouting them.
Perhaps he doesn’t belong to the National Farmers Union.
I remember that too. Wasn’t it on QT? He asked a question but managed to get quite some air time. He was a vegetable farmer and wholesaler from East Anglia and complained when he saw the Spanish doing the wrong thing at the wrong time to their fields of broccoli or whatever and no one did anything about it. Yes, he was excellent.
Not sure about QT. But I recall that he was saying that farmers elsewhere were transporting cabbage, I think it was, to market just after spraying and without allowing the regulation amount of time for the spray to dissipate before going to market.
Amusingly, President Bukari of Nigeria has refused to ask Dave for an apology because ” what he said is true “.. He goes on to say that he is more concerned about the British banks who have stolen Nigerian money. Not quite sure what he means by that.
As so often , GC is right. When I ever have this discussion I say ” Yes, every African country is corrupt, but at least it is honest corruption “.
Agree Brissles Xavier thinks he’s being clever but really just nasty and ageist.Unfortunately for Remain many of us demented people voted in the last referendum and know without doubt we were lied to so I and many others are going to take the opportunity to vote out .
Also I have told my children and their children and their friends in fact anyone I can what a con and money pit the EU is.Other people of my age will have done the same .Despite all the propaganda you will be surprised.
I also watched the Brexit movie .A lot of it I was aware of ,but even I was appalled at the vast gravy train supported by tax payers while parts of the EU descend into ever more desperation and poverty.
If we were a transparent and fair society it should be shown on the state broadcaster but we are not so you will have to seek it out.No main stream broadcaster is going to show it. Tyranny my son calls what’s happening.
Nasty and ageist, comical! Hypocrisy at its finest. The members of this site love nothing better than to berate “the yoof” of today but hate when age as a factor is brought up here!
Almost as hypocritical and underhanded as the BBC.
Does anyone know if Xavier has admitted that his statement that ” all Gambians speak english” is incorrect ? I have pointed it out at least 2 times. As a beginners’ guide he could try the, mostly reliable , Bradt Guide ” The Gambia ” by Philip Briggs or, for something more academic ” Culture and Customs of The Gambia ” by Prof. Abdoulaye Saine . I think he will find that both authors will confirm that not all Gambians speak english. Anyway it is a change for little Gambia to have a place in the sun on BBBC !
Have to love the irony of fears of ministerial intervention followed by prime ministerial intervention to ensure the BBC stays on the teat and untroubled by accountability.
I recall reading a number of comments on this very site on the BBC’s reporting on the aftermath of Labour’s election defeats in 2010 and 2015. Evidently in mourning, BBC hacks gave Labour MPs the exposure and coverage that would have been appropriate had they won those elections while treating the Tories with something approaching dismissive contempt.
So how will the honourable and impartial BBC report on the aftermath of a Brexit success in June, should such a happy event transpire?
On the White paper, I think there are some positive points that would NEVER have happened under Labour (or a Conservative coalition with the Liberals). FIRST thing that we all wanted was for OFCOM to challenge the so called ‘impartiality’ that the BBC ‘like’ to smugly assume they have. No public Broadcaster can claim impartiality and that is clear from North Korea to Canada CBC network that the BBC is no different. SECOND: is that the BBC fat cats will no longer get to cream of the milk first… They will have to publish all those BBC *STARS* that earn over £150,000 (but under £500,000) which are quite a few. The BBC *TOP* Stars who get to have their salary’s paid into ‘private’ Limited company’s has also been stopped (that would be YENTOB and CHRIS Moyles and a number of other *STARS* have tried that on. The HMRC has put a stop to that (not John Whittingdale and his White Paper). Although BBC execs on £600,000 will also get anonymity from now on (in case BBC NUJ staff ‘cotton-on’ to the fact that they are not being ‘paid enough’ (for bullshit) as much as their always absent colleagues). THIRDLY: and this is the ‘crucial’ bit really is that all public service providers publish FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY ‘audited’ NAO accounts (like Channel 4, Classic FM, SkyTV etc.). The White paper makes the point that the BBC can no longer ‘rubber stamp’ executive (£1,000,000) payment to previous Trustees or DG’s (like Lord Hall or Mark Byford). They must report how the money was spent. i.e. No more, golden ‘goodbyes’ and golden ‘hellos’ which have benefited most of the BBC over many years, many BBC staff have also benefited from a ‘swing door’ system job which enabled them to resign their ‘old job and reapply to the same job on a higher salary. The BBC is corrupt but with both OFCOM and half the BBC Trustees ‘non execs’ this moves the BBC closer to privatisation and full (audited) accountability. Its too late to stop the BBC bias, and in ten years time I doubt the BBC will exist as it does now. The EU has no need for ‘British’ anything. It will be absorbed in a German regional EU propaganda TV Radio and Internet network. The BBC will simply be an embarrassment to the new powerful EU rulers who will see it as an expensive ‘White Elephant’. (Which it undoubtedly is to the UK political left elites). A protected White Elephant with a thin ‘White paper’ for reform. The BBC does not do ‘reform’ very well, but then the word ‘British’ will have been abolished along with the BBC abusers.
‘They will have to publish all those BBC *STARS* that earn over £150,000 (but under £500,000) which are quite a few.’
I think you will find that only the ‘stars’ earning over 450,000 pounds will be published.
I can see what Cameron has done. He is waiting until post EU, he needs the bBBC ‘impartial’ support. The five year Health Check is where the changes -I hope -will be made. Technology wil I feel enforce this.
Offcom is a good move. Two boards of oversight into one is good. The compostion of six members of the government is a good move, includingthe Chair and Vice Chair (I believe). The other eight members of the BBC committee will interesting to see. The Left wingers at the BBC will still have overall editorial control but there will be -apparently- a greater level of ‘accountability’. This remains to be seen.
The other areas were tinkerings rather than substantial change. The dominance of infiltrated Left Wingers and the imposition of their political bias is of the greatest concern to me and I am sure to many others.
i admire your optimism Phillip 2 but overall, I suspect it is still an opportunity lost to many on this site who just want a modicum of fairness from our national broadcaster.
Am right that all Beeboids who funnel there income through companies or trusts, for tax avoidance purposes, are exempt from the disclosure proposals ? I wonder how many use offshore trusts ? I don’t suppose we shall ever find out. When it comes to money, the meanest people I have known, have always been Lefties !
The article is written as if a world leader had died rather than a bloodthirsty terrorist who appears to have received his just deserts.
There is an interesting photo of this terrorist half way down his “obituary” in that link. If you squint hard and use your imagination it bears a startling resemblance to an infamous BBC Middle East editor/reporter, Jeremy Bowen.
The article is written as if a world leader had died rather than a bloodthirsty terrorist who appears to have received his just deserts.
So true. The term military is used 8 times in the report – 5 times in the headline, caption to the photo and the first 3 paragraphs – so as to leave nobody in any doubt about the esteem in which this terrorist is held by the BBC.
The term terrorist is used once, and in quotes to make it clear that the BBC itself does not regard such individuals as terrorists.
It’s also noteworthy that he is described as attacking the Israeli military while no mention is made of Hezbollah attacks on Israeli civilians and of course the terrorist slaughter of close to a hundred Argentine Jews in the nineties, for which his mentor Mugniyeh was sought by Interpol and Argentina, is omitted altogether.
That’s the BBC – always regarding Islamic terrorists with admiration and respect, especially if their targets are Israelis and Americans.
Reading this story today had me fondly remembering that once upon a time, a mere 50 years ago, the BBC was actually a pretty good broadcaster rather than the liberal-left propaganda machine it became. Of course, this was well before the age of diversity targets and such like. Just as well because a programme like “Six Men – One Challenge – The Old Man of Hoy” presented my Chris Brasher would be impossible to make these days, that is unless you included a woman in a hijab, a man in a dress, a bilateral amputee, a non-binary questionning safe-spacer, and a newly arrived Syrian refugee.
Back in 1967 this was thrilling entertainment, ground-breaking outside-broadcast work, and no small amount of personal danger to those taking part. And all broadcast live to 15 million BBC viewers. I was not much older than the young chap who has recently scaled the same Orcadian rock-stack, and to me, along with the 1966 World Cup final and the Moon landing this is a childhood memory that vividly remains. Sorry to disappoint you Xavier, I am neither senile, incontinent, demented or suffering from short-term memory loss.
If you have an hour to spare over the week-end, I recommend watching this fabulous retrospective made in 1992 by BBC Scotland of the original climb. And all without even the faintest whiff of an agenda.
I remember it well. I was going to say ” gripping “. In those days the BBC were ground-breakers in many fields. Now they are just third-rate followers .
I well remember that broadcast, Mr. Golightly, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did not pay the licence fee in those days, my parents did, but if such programmes once again became available on a regular basis it would go some way to make me think that the licence fee *may* be worthwhile.
As you say, so long as the directives to programme makers go along the lines of you must include “a woman in a hijab, a man in a dress, a bilateral amputee, a non-binary questionning safe-spacer, and a newly arrived Syrian refugee” then we shall never see the likes of such programmes ever again. And particularly since this spineless government has now directed the BBC to include even more “diversity” to “represent” the country.
Well, I live in a part of the country (Scottish Borders) which has a very small percentage of “diverse” residents and it also has a very poor local broadcasting system. As a result, on DAB radio we can locally receive the BBC Asian Network and yet we cannot receive BBC Radio Scotland. For that I must use broadband.
Oh, it’s the Old Man of Hoy.
I thought it was someone in a Burqua enjoying a little bondage.
More seriously I look forward to the bBBC’s coverage of the first wheelchair ascent. Personally I think it is a scandal that a lift has still not been installed.
I’m with you Mr Golightly, on the right side of sensible dementable ! and concur that the Beeb in ‘those days’ couldn’t be touched in their programming of excellence. Diversity was never an issue because there was never an ‘ethnic minority or any other minorities’ to worry about.
It would be interesting to hear from those, excellent, posters on this site who do not remember this. I don’t think it is just us old people who can remember programmes from the sixties, in my case fifties radio, who object to the bias. It would be interesting to learn what opened their eyes to the madness. In my case it was doing Sociology in the seventies (I was a school drop out who went late to university) and realising that what the left was accusing the right of doing could was what they were up to and that what was called rightist fascism etc. was actually moral. My views were shared by many of the people, who like me, were trade unionists and Labour Party members. When did the world change and why do you younger posters reject BBC bias, support Brexit etc? I really admire the younger people who have seen through the charade without the benefit of our experience.
Not strictly bBBC but you can easily see how it could be.
Today a gent has been deemed to have acted acceptably in the High Court for taking his daughter off school for a week for a term time holiday.
Our supposed Tory government is ridiculously draconian and statist about this – stalinistically arguing that any time off school is damaging. Patently ridiculous, what the hell has got into these people? But there we are. All parents MUST get their kids to school and only go on holiday in the peak time (and prices) holidays.
A primary school teacher of my acquaintance reports this does not appear to apply to Traveller children. No. The teachers have to accommodate Traveller children who turn up on the door and then go away again, having bent over backwards for them in the meantime, often to the detriment of the other kids in the class. Apparently, some years ago, one of the teacher’s pupils took time off school because of their participation in a Big Fat Gypsy wedding programme.
(Personally, I can’t see for the life of me why children up to about year 10 cannot take a week off school for an off-peak holiday)
As usual, an example of draconian attitudes to the many and a blind eye to the favoured minorities. I’m pretty sure the bBBC would we well up for such ‘minority support’.
It could be said that at any time during term time, the teachers would never have a full class to teach if parents took their kids off on holiday willy nilly when it suited them. I can see it from both sides, but today’s parents are much quicker to go on the attack if their kids failed to make the grades, but refused to accept blame for taking them out of school. (years ago this was never an issue as few parents could afford ‘holidays’)
Delighted to see that Jon Platt won his case.
To hear the usual slew of Academy heads, media numpties and useful Common Purposes shills who want all our kids smoked correctly in the Beehive…to worship Stephen Lawrence and Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Caroline Lucas.
To honour the cake runs, charity days, teacher strikes, snow days and teachers on beanos-as opposed to teaching…which is exactly what schools have NOT been doing since 1987.
To hear this load of liberal creeps and beehive suckups all piling in the pigpen makes me heave…and to hear the head of TWO academies-how does that work then?-talking slurry on Today this morning was typical.
Platt is great-time to finish schools…they seek a knife across their fat necks, but haven`t the balls or the courage to say so…they just die a little every day, and cast a shadow of a bloated corpse all over our kids.
It`s from 1.34.14-1.41.42…the liberal elite, the public sector dupe crash and burn before a knowing loving parent…seismic one this!
Thank God that my little girl ( Age 8 ) is at school at Wulling Kama Basic in Gambia ( State School , by the way ) and they teach english language, maths as main subjects to a higher level than UK Primary Schools ( not difficult , I know ).
In the last 2 years she has missed 1 day and that was through sickness. If she had been at school in UK , frankly I do do think it would have mattered much if she had been on holiday or not.
Dead right-once you`ve totted up the DVD days, teacher fun runs to the cake shop, sickies due to drugs, stress, strikes and general inadequacies-show boat days and tributes to dead colleagues or Bonos hamster…then the amount of actual teaching time goes down to near-nothing.
Still-the unions, exam boards, councils and OFSTED approve-and most of the parents won`t be checking anyway.
But it`ll change…Islam will see to that.
So true ! ” Bono’s Hamster ” !! I look at the Brits delivering their kids to school in their cars. Well, I can understand the security issues. My girl walks about 1 hour each way to school, partly through ” bush “. In Casamance , I have seen kids walking 3 hours each way each day to get to school. Of course , the jealousy starts with bicycles !
Ta grant.
If I had a wish, it would be to send loads of gum chewing retards(who I do not blame at all for most of this) over to you, so they too could see “schooling” as a way out of hell…instead of the greasy pole into Hades.
Lost in admiration for how the Chinese(and all surrounding satellites!) take their education seriously-but they are taught that they have a future, as opposed to being sexist, racist and wrong all the time -simply for being boys, Chinese or clever and hard-working.
“Of course the jealousy starts with bicycles”.
You say it like it`s a given-yet when I see the school cycle parks locally getting raided here for top dollar mountain bikes here in Wessex…I see my teaching plans for RE next week taking shape…
PS.If the DVDs aren`t loading here, we can get them to meditate on a picture of Obama for twenty seconds tops….might bring in my “Give A Show Projector” from Happy Valley last week of term!
Can’t agree ChrisH. I am a school governor and spoken to the Head (conservative voting) about pupils off during term time. It really is disruptive, not just for the child on holiday but by enabling that child to cover the missed lesson it really takes a chunk out of the whole classes learning time. It is often the same children year in, year out, who go on holiday in term time. Add to that the children off for illness (can just be a sniffle) and teachers are spending considerable time on catch up. And we haven’t even mentioned secondary pupils going off to India or similar for family weddings where absences can be of several weeks.
No objection at all to good people like yourself and the head doing all you can to ensure a good education for all those you serve.
Nor do I dismiss loads of good work, great efforts of many teachers and parents who genuinely believe in the system as it exists.
My points are really concerning the imposition of the National Curriculum in 1987-no “education” as dictated by the state is defensible, and Goves academy ideas were right to try and address that.
Trouble is that there`s whole parasitic monitoring industry nowadays that pimps off the compulsory schooling of children-exam boards, CPG publishing, consultacies and C/D borderline houndings by OFSTED re-say the “pupil premium” cohorts.
I contrast the impositions and indignities foisted upon the states agents and charges with the freedoms allowed for the independent sector.
The system was never intended to use children to measure the effectiveness or otherwise of the teachers or the school-that the system today is only concerned with PISA scores for worldwide comparators is a form of child exploitation.
No-the parents are prime “in loco parentis” -schools presume so much, but only in order to comply with state diktat…and they need humility and modesty-after all if 20% of kids can`t read or write functionally after 11/13 years of compulsory, uniformly trained out schooling-paid for by their parents-then they`re failing…and they`ve been allowed to do so now for over 130 years now.
Classes are too big, most schools are childminding at secondary level and the dumbed down curriculum as “taught”by teaching assistants and cover supervisors; only indicates that teachers have complied in letting education become a racket and conspiracy against the laity., by the teachers, their unions and the politicians…the heads and parents need to speak out and insist on education-not schooling itself.
I agree completely. We have some of the worst educated children in the western world, yet the teaching unions and the BBC just carry on as if everything they say is gospel.
The assumption that ‘education’ only takes place while a child is at school is laughable. Holidays can be educational too, not in the book sense mostly but in learning about life, travelling and getting on with other people. Not everyone can dictate when they take their holidays, and it is typical of our state apparatchiks that they are so convinced that they always know best.
I appreciate the problem of disruption of classes etc, but there has to be a better way than the pompous fining of parents.
The problem (IMHO) is that many state schools and much of the NHS are, in no small degree, run primarily for the benefit and ease of those who work in them; and not for the children they are supposed to be educating, nor the patients they are meant to be treating.
Spot on Al Shubtil-can`t speak re the NHS but when Blair kept Woodhead on as OFSTED chief in 97…we knew that “The Blob” would continue to wreak havoc whoever was in power.
“Schooling is NOT education”-
“There is no compulsion in education”-as Muhammad might have said if he wasn`t chasing little girls or Jews around at the time.
Still though-who better than Shirley Williams, John Major and Kenneth Baker to tell us how best to vote in the EU….as if they didn`t fuck over the nations kids as “Education Secretaries”…they`re back again to play with all their minds over BREXIT….
We “survivors” of the Williams-Blunkett epoch( 1977-1997) need now to get “closure”-first of their mouths when we slap their arses on the 23rd of June-and then their godawful schools.
(With all due respect to Deborah above!)
Well said fellow manclad…so I was furious when Today had some headmistress(they HATE being called that!) on Today yesterday morning purported to run two of our schools in Whalley Range and Levenshulme.
I know the area intimately, was educated there-and to hear THIS Brahmin clot spout for Morgan appalled me…firstly HOW THE HELL can you “run” two schools?-unless it s a chain or brand of shoe sales etc.
Secondly-Manchester has a GREAT radical tradition on schools, Trafford especially and under Graham Brady-still does as far as poss.
Let me leave you with a REAL Role Model for women in education-but one you`ll hardly know unless you were taught under her regime….and I owe her so much.
AS I`m fond of saying-from Dame Kathleen down to Lucy Powell via Nicky Morgan and John Patten-weep and howl at how low we`ve gone re education
Some years ago the concept of ‘mixed ability teaching’ was all the rage. No streaming. The idea being that the clever kids would pull the thick kids up. Of course the teacher somehow had to teach and control the whole class along the way. It was the darling idea for all the ‘progressives’
And I don’t remember teachers and unions complaining- well, not offically.
Compared to that, how hard can it be to have just one child a little off the pace in a class?
The establishment have such short memories and such dual standards, don’t they?
I have lost count on the number of BBC staff locked up for ‘sexual exploitation of minors’. This sadly is a reminder that the same BBC paedophiles are still ‘out there’ in the regions waiting…. (These two still work for the BBC regional radio stations in Birmingham and Leicester). ‘Two BBC radio presenters have been charged with sexual offenses against boys in the 1990’s.’… Both are accused of inciting boys to commit gross indecency and the case continues… (from The Times Thursday).
You and Yours today (Friday) had an item on about how Berliners have been letting flats as holiday lets. However the Berlin authorities are banning this because of the pressure on living accommodation in Berlin is causing ordinary rents to rise. By banning holiday lets, it will force down rents. Now I cannot imagine why accommodation is so short in Berlin, there must be an awful lot of people holidaying there. The BBC didn’t mention any other reason.
As it’s Friday, and linking some of the above contributors, in the interest of helping the bBBC produce new distinctive programmes I’m sure readers and writers can come up with some suggestions.
A couple of game shows spring to mind.
1. In which contestants from a range of minorities hurl abuse at a working class white anglo saxon male. The winner wins a week’s holiday at an eco-friendly community farm. Emily Thornberry could be approached to be the presenter.
2. In which some children are abused on bBBC premises and contestants compete for the most plausible reason as to why they didn’t know anything was going on and failed to report it. The winner receives a promotion and a 6 figure salary.
3. A variant of 2. where the abuse takes place in authorities run by Labour councils, otherwise the same.
“British” men involved in plot to kill an American airman SERIOUSLY?? BRITISH??
Bloody hell, I didn’t think it could get any worse than Fridays “Today”… (Tranny teenagers and graffiti “artists”)
Continuing the BBCs obsessive coverage of issues that affect non licence paying Americans,
Once again no mention of the truly shocking other side of the transgender story
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says,
“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,”
Well yes actually, there’s plenty of room for discrimination against students who maybe uncomfortable sharing facilities with the opposite gender, there’s loads of room for discrimination against any student who holds to a traditional definition of male and female. I still cling to the belief that most people instinctively know from a combination of common sense and the heart when something isn’t quite right, policy makers are using minority issues to wage a proxy war designed to stop people from expressing their conscience on a whole range of issues in the name of tolerance and diversity. This has nothing to do with civil rights, in fact just the opposite.
The BBC are so far behind the curve when it comes to transgender . The new issue is animal transgenders. My neighbour’s dog is a biological female, but wants to be a male. When are the BBC going to get in touch with the modern world and take up this cause ? How long will it take the BBC to address the butterfly issue ? The BBC is so unprogressive and reactionary.
Its a Marxist sentiment.The whole political correct thing to silence critics that our own biology is secondary to the sexual liberation of a few really very queer people who just happen to think ‘communal’ toilets are better than anywhere else.. This is highlighted in recent reports (here in America) called the bathroom bill which ‘The bill would require every business to allow these men into every women’s restroom, locker room, and shower.’ And its coming to the UK and has to be allowed in ALL our UK schools, Colleges and Universities. (Thanks to the EU we have no vote on it). None at all as – Cameron thinks its a great idea!
Part of Mark Steyn’s take on the “transgender” issue in the U.S.
“Obama’s ideological enforcers are telling you that there’s only one correct viewpoint on transgendered issues and, if you dissent therefrom, you will be sued into oblivion pour encourager les autres.
It’s also emblematic of one of the peculiar features of democratic politics these days – that the state’s investment in any issue is inversely proportional to the number of people affected by it.”
Does anyone know why the soft left at the BBC and the Guardian, work themselves up into a lather about Blair earning obscene money perfectly legally, but are unconcerned with Hillary amassing obscene money, often in what appears to be an underhand manner?
I guess the BBC will never forgive Blair for Iraq. Funny thing is, though, Clinton also was in favour of the Iraq war. But as we know, the BBC excels at ignoring inconvenient facts.
If Clinton becomes president, BBC hacks and hackesses will be in a state of bliss. Here’s why:
*She will have beaten the hated Trump
*She is in the Obama camp and of course the hacks and hackesses are hopelessly in love with Obama
Could be, though she would have to be a woman and a lefty. A right-wing woman becoming POTUS would leave a really bitter taste in the BBC’s collective mouth.
I really wish Condoleeza Rice could have run for the presidency in 2008. She is black, a woman, and formidably intelligent. The leftists would have been in a real quandry about that.
Blair & perfectly legally? Have you read Blair inc?
One of the most expensive photographs in the world is Tobolsk Kremlin by Dmitry Medvedev who has a strange resemblance to George Osborne. It sold for £1750000 . It is widely regarded as a corrupt transaction by the West as a low value item sold for many times its real worth.
What price is a 30 minute speech by T Blair? Normally you’d expect around £20K but in the Sunni Muslim Oil rich countries £500 000 + is the going rate. This apparently is not a bribe, mainly because other Western leaders are hoping to benefit in similar manner when they too leave office.
Nearly all of Blairs money has come this way, for work which we are unable to assess the value of, but judging by his performance while PM is most likely very low worth.
The fact that the Clintons are also in receipt of massive amounts of Sunni Muslim oil money is not a surprise to me at least, It’s just further evidence to support a prima facie case that Western leaders are wholly corrupt, and are working for the promotion of Islam so they can get their hands on this money.
Whilst Dmitry Medvedev does indeed look like George Osborne, which ought to be a crime I know, but I can’t see what him overcharging for his holiday snaps has to do with T Blair.
As for you asking ‘what is’ the price for a Blair speech, it is what ever the listeners wish to pay for the speech against what ever remuneration Mr Blair accepts.
Sunni Muslim countries pay absurd sums for anything, from football clubs, to cars, to croupiers on roulette tables, to listening to Blair. This is a reflection of the absurd money select Sheiks earn from being fortunate enough to be born high up the food chain in backward countries that are awash with oil.
The point is that in both cases low value goods have been acquired for a massively inflated price. On the one hand it is described as a ‘bribe’ but on the other it is your posts which appears to share the Western view that it’s the market rate when the boot is on the other foot.
They do not pay absurd sums for property, and football clubs, they pay large amounts, but then so do the Russians.
Many people regard Bill Clintons speech in Kazakhstan is sometimes referred to as a bribe, so why is it different to Blair?
What makes goods ‘low value’ is in the eyes of the seller and buyer.
I’m afraid I still don’t see the link from market forces to the notion of a bribe or the link from market forces to Blair being corrupt.
You may not consider the money in football to be absurd, I most certainly do.
Afraid I am not familiar with Clinton’s speech in Kazakhstan, so still at a loss to your reasoning.
BTW I am not a huge fan of Blair’s. I hate the fact he allowed religious schools to take hold, uncontrolled immigration and that he handed over leadership of the labour party to Brown. Nor am I enamoured with anyone earning the sums of money he and a few others do … unless of course it is me, then I would bite the bullet and feel wretched and shameful while I was shagging gorgeous women who find middle aged, over weight, balding men, sexy when they have a few million in the bank.
You are missing the point!
‘market forces’ in one instance are described as a bribe, but in another they are not! I gave you an example of Bill Clinton being accused by some of accepting a bribe, you have not addressed that.
It appears to be extraordinarily easy to pull the wool over your eyes with regard to the work rounds to making a bribe appear legitimate. Presumably you would find it equally difficult to recognise money laundering was going on?
You post a link about the Clintons being accused of taking money from the Sunni Muslim oil rich Middle East, but then appear to find it utterly incomprehensible that Tony Blair might be doing exactly the same thing!
These are not stupid people. They seek to disguise their ill gotten gains by giving them an air of legitimacy, after all it’s pretty obvious if the Saudis & others gave Blair a £10 Million ‘gift’ questions would be asked.
Then there’s the fact that these people have past form in this field, and it’s highly likely they have offered Blair money for his services to Islam.
No one knows the real value of the other political services he offers because no one is allowed access to that information.
Having a closed mind to the possibility that this is going on, is exactly what corrupt politicians need to assist them in getting away with it.
Well, I can feel your rage, if not comprehend your point.
There have, indeed, been allegations of the Clintons ‘creaming’ funds where they have, in their professional capacities, ‘helped’ companies win contracts. The companies have then ‘donated’ monies to the Clinton foundations.
Clearly if George Osborne helped airbus land a big contract and then received a donation to the George Osborne Charitable Fund, we in this country would also collectively point our fingers.
Indeed we have both mentioned examples of the Clintons money making deals, others can be found by simply googling ‘clinton business money donated to foundation.’
I have yet to see any evidence of hidden monies heading towards Blair’s spacious pockets, rather his greed appears to be in the open. If you have any evidence other than your rage filled suspicions I would honestly wish to hear them.
Remember, my point was that the soft left appears to be upset, as are you, with Blair s money making schemes, yet quietly accepting of Hillary’s, and I am intrigued as to why that is the case.
Let me put this to you as simply as I possibly can!
You posted an article, about Hilary Clinton, I told you about the method corrupt Western politicians were lining their pockets. You tell me that you are not able to understand this method of being a bribe, so here, cut and pasted is what your own article says by wat of confirmation:
“In just the past three years, after her stint as the nation’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton spoke to dozens of deep-pocket firms on Wall Street, typically charging $250,000 a pop to hear her wit and wisdom — despite her bitter condemnations of Wall Street during her campaign.
All told, she took in an estimated $22 million from these speeches — an extraordinary amount, given the growing consensus among foreign-policy thinkers that Clinton was one of the worst secretaries of state ever.
So why would Arab potentates and Wall Street magnates alike pony up so much money for the Clintons? Is it because they believe so strongly in the philanthropic mission of the Clinton Family Foundation? Or is it that they hoped to have influence on a future Hillary Clinton presidency, which would of course feature First Gentleman Bill Clinton?”
Blair is charging more than double what Clinton is, and it doesn’t strike you as strange?
You have yet to see any evidence because there’s none so blind as those who will not see! What are you expecting? A big brown envelope being handed to him by the Saudi Ambassador?
These accusation are being made, but they are even more hushed up than the ones against Clinton!
Cameron is hoping to follow in Blairs footsteps he’s hardly likely to start an investigation regardless of the evidence !
In summary, I can see evidence for the Clintons having paybacks but I cannot see it for Blair. You may well be right, when your water tells you Blair’s a crook, and certainly you are not alone with that thought. Indeed you would be very much at home in the Guardian or BBC newsrooms.
The idea that the Guardian, Independent, the BBC, let alone the Telegraph and The Mail would ‘hush up’ evidence against Blair is more fanciful than a particularly imaginative episode of Dr Who. These newsrooms loathe him with the same passion as yourself, so I don’t think it would be hushed up. Indeed his wife’s entrepreneurial dealings with flats in Bristol entertained the Blair haters for weeks in the press.
As I keep saying you may be right but as of yet there is no evidence other than your wishful thinking.
The media panic now is obvious. Listen to the BBC’s fawning over the Legarde. Sickening. It is clear now that Cameron never expected to have to make good his referendum promise as he did not think he would get a majority. Typical of the shallow intelligence of the man.
We cannot be allowed to leave the EU. and literally any steps will be taken to stop us doing so. The BBC got it’s way over the charter as a result of the desperate need to continue the assault on us the voters.
This is the nearest we have come in many years to a direct choice before the people. Voting to preserve our democratic traditions or voting to accept a form of serfdom at the beck and call of the bankers and the liberal elites of Europe.
It may well be that the private polling shows that we could win and the elites lose. Hence the panic. This is a war between us and our governors that is undeclared but critical to our future. Voting to stay in is no option for a free man or free woman.
I started listening to World at One with the repulsive Lardell , trumpeting that fool Lagarde. I switched off after 30 seconds. The Remainers are getting more desperate. Good signs !
Isn`t it Dominic Strauss-Khans turn now to say why leaving the EU will force foreign chambermaids to be put at extra risk of rape.
No reasons why-it just will, because he`s an EU Frenchie who did even BETTER than bilking Europe-he went worldwide.
And yet-the BBC don`t seem to have asked him…nor Detroux,that Austrian bloke(Josef Fritzel was it) or Breivik…who only did what he did because Norway wasn`t in the EU…so there.
True fact.
Noam Chomsky got the disability scooter up to Channel 4s New Yak videobox to hold forth…imagine the old fools comfort room`s now a transgender ball pool by now, so hope he was wearing his Tena pads.
No-Noam did not look well-will Betfred take a bet that he`ll not survive the year-and Cathy Newman and other idiot windies of the left should stop asking him difficult questions like “what is the point of you”-“how wrong can you and for so long”-and ” is your irrelevance and senility on a gradient that shadows that of Corbyns”?
No-Chomsky`s off to the forever box very soon-hope Trump moves him along that bit quicker with that November landlside we can expect.
Whereas Brian Matthew will live on forever at the minute…
The bBC and its -“We are all Hezb-allah” – glorified article on the death of a f-ing terrorist. Hezbollah killing: Thousands mourn Badreddine at Beirut funeral Thousands of people have attended the funeral in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, of top Hezbollah military commander Mustafa Amine Badreddine. He died in an explosion near Damascus airport, the Lebanon-based group said, adding it would announce “within hours” its report into the killing.” Ok, the above I can accept, but then the bBC goes into ‘Allah Ackba’ mode: Hezbollah has sent thousands of troops to support Syria’s President Assad.
So let me get this right , a terrorist org which claims its only reason for existence is to protect Lebanon from Israel, is fighting inside Syria? Why is nobody from the left (or even the bBC) questioning that fact? Then the bBC does its sleigh of hand trick whenever it discusses ‘Islamic terrorists’ In 2015, the US said that Badreddine was behind all Hezbollah’s military operations in Syria since 2011.
He was also charged with leading the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005.”
First of all it points to how the US (Whom the bBC goes well out its way to discredit every chance it gets) feels that Badreddine and Hezb-allah can only be innocent because its the yanks who don’t like them. they then follow that up by saying he was charged with the murder of Hariri in 2005. But it wasn’t the Yanks who charged him, it was the UN. Then we get to this: The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville, in the capital, says some at the funeral blamed Israel for the killing, with one mourner saying: “Hezbollah has many spies.”
The thing is, there is a huge bun fight in the city of Aleppo and the Assad regime (Including its friends Hezb-allah and Iran) are getting their arses kicked.
Maybe there lies the reason why Hezb-allah have remained so quiet on exactly how this terrorist met his end, far easier to point at Israel, I mean we can’t have the Lebanese Shia muslims demanding they pull their terrorists out of Syria due to the heavy death count can we.
The BBC report makes it quite clear which side the BBC is on . I am on the opposite side . But why should I pay for the BBC ? Why should I pay for the enemy. Where are Jerrod and all the BBC nappy -changers now ? Bias, what bias ?
I agree 100% with you, but what gets my goat, is how the bBC isn’t reporting the news from inside Syria as it should be, I mean how many people here have read on the bBC the following: The Battle for Aleppo
According to the bBC it is the rebels advancing, but actually (As per the link above) the opposite is true and it is the Assad regime on the advance. Because the Government has put all its eggs into one basket, groups such as ISIS are advancing elsewhere against the Syrian regime: ISIS gain ground against Syrian Army by taking Shaer gas field.
I’m looking for support for a petition I started on today to require the BBC to name the authors of their online news articles. I need 5 supporters before the petition becomes visible.
Most online BBC news articles do not have named authors.
Why is this important?
When we read a news article, we should know who has written it. Anonymous reporting undermines and degrades the BBC’s accountability, transparency and impartiality. News readers and reporters on BBC television and radio are always named. Other sources of online news, including newspaper websites, almost always have named authors. Why should the BBC be different?
Many people believe that the BBC news is biased. Some say it is biased to the left. Others say it is biased to the right. Whatever your opinion, it is important that we all trust the source of our news.
What should happen next?
The BBC should be required to name the authors of all its online news reports. This will make the BBC more accountable for its news content and strengthen its reputation for impartiality.
We must have trust and confidence in our most popular source of online news. If you care about accountability and integrity in online journalism please sign my petition.
That is the question. Gambia and Senegal ( even including Casamance, maybe Casamance, in some ways ) are the most peaceful countries in W. Africa. Many displaced people come from other parts, especially Sierra Leone and Liberia. And others. There is no reason to leave Gambia or Senegal for any other reasons than economic. If the BBC think otherwise , they are stupid or lying
I live in Gambia !!! I doubt if you have ever set foot in the country. Read my previous posts. I am not defending Jammeh, far from it. I am just giving you the benefit of my personal experience . I have read all the human rights reports and many of my Gambian friends are in exile. I do not need any lectures from you on the subject !!!! The point is , that for the vast majority of ordinary Gambians, it is a safe and peaceful country. Why don’t you visit and find out for yourself ?
PS I should have said in my previous post ” There is no reason to leave Gambia by the “back way ” for any other than economic reasons “. Political exiles travel to mainly Dakar but also Europe and N. America by normal routes. For example, a friend of mine who was formerly Head of the Civil Service , was simply asked to leave by Jammeh ( for no reason whatsoever ) and is now working in Boston USA. She did not have to get a boat from Libya to Italy .
How often have we seen in Africa, a coup led by ignorant, violent, wicked tyrant? It is par for the course. Gambia has one of the worst regimes in that benighted continent.
Well, Jammeh is certainly one of the worst. And I make no excuses for that evil, mentally deranged bastard. But for most people it is a very peaceful country. I certainly feel much safer living in Gambia than in the UK and so do many Gambians. You cannot judge any country until you have lived in it, in my opinion.
“Well, Jammeh is certainly one of the worst. And I make no excuses for that evil, mentally deranged bastard. ”
I have no first hand knowledge of The Gambia, but if it was even half as bad as Zero makes out Grant would now be in fear of his life after making the above comment. The fact that he used those terms on a public blog means that he’s proved his point in the most emphatic way possible.
AS we end this season-who actually HAS been our wandering troll of the year?
The Scott Pot surely goes to zero this year-surely the biggest carbuncle on the anal dangleberry of 2015-16.
Still running snout-first into stationary tractor tyres as we speak…but it`s better than letting him out for the day.
Zero wrote: Reports such as this suggest that you’re not quite as knowledgeable about Gambia as you claim to be:”
Really, here is what the foreign office has to say about the country on its country (travel) website: Most visits to The Gambia are trouble-free although independent travellers are at increased risk due to the lack of local support in an emergency. If you’re travelling independently, make sure next of kin in the UK have details of your itinerary and keep in regular touch. Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
Here is what the same website has to say about: Iraq:
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the rest of Iraq, Libya
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) continues to advise against all travel to Libya, Syria
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Syria.
Shall we look at their advice for Pakistan shall we:
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to: the Federally Administered Tribal Areas the districts of Charsadda, Kohat, Tank, Bannu, Lakki, Dera Ismail Khan, Swat, Buner and Lower Dir in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa the city of Peshawar and districts south of the city, including travel on the Peshawar to Chitral road via the Lowari Passnorthern and western Balochistan travel on the Karakoram Highway between Islamabad and Gilgit The FCO advise against all but essential travel to: the Kalesh Valley, the Bamoboret Valley and Arandu District to the south and west of Chitral in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa the city of Quetta the city of Nawabshah in Sindh Province, and areas of interior Sindh to the north of Nawabshah
Yet, when it comes to Gambia, that country you claim I know nothing about, they have Zilch. Please feel free to respond. As I won’t be.
The BBC usually reluctant to promote the idea of national pride and Britain just about fall over themselves with indecent haste to label men like this as British.
Now I’m sure as regards matters like living standards,rights, a fair trial and subsequent treatment Mr Khan wholly embraces the idea of Britain, but is he really British? Never mind what reactionary old fashioned types may or may not think, has anyone at the BBC actually asked Mr. Khan if he himself really and truly considers himself to be a loyal British subject? After all, we live in times when incorrect labelling is considered offensive and discriminatory, maybe a little fact finding is in order, maybe he could swear an oath of loyalty to satisfy any nasty doubters.
To be fair the article does make Mr Khans position clear, so why call him
British in the headline?
Got to be a multiplier index here.
Given the number of stories about Trans folk-their current prevalence all over the liberal media, the obsessing and the continual puffings up of their gender identity decisions…I do wonder if the fact that they get 50 times as much media coverage as their numbers deserve is-or is not- on a par with Muslims and the number of column inches that THEIR actions and grievances merit.
I`m just sick of the continual grievance farming, agitations and massages/groomings of all things trans and Islam…there`s hardly any of them in comparison to the rest of the population, but they take up way too much media attention-and just to please a Chomsky or a Stonewall/MCB type of stalking horse for the Soviet tendencies.
Reckon the trans issue just shades the Muslim one re face time…but it`s close.
I’d like to read about a radical Christian approaching a gay baker to commision a cake celebrating Leviticus18, then visiting a jihadi chocolatier to request…. well we know where that would end, certainly not with the christian running crying to the media that’s for sure.
JUST HELPED MY NEARBY NEIGHBOUR TONIGHT SEND THIS EMAIL TO BBC NEWS VIA BBC WEBSITE PAGE – the more of those that want BREXIT the Movie seen by masses should also please badger BBC, ITV, C4 (daily – as many times as poss) – also sent mine tonight!
Anyone fancy also sending email direct to Tony Hall and Mrs Fairhead – copy to Whittingdale please?
As many as possible.
Hellor BBC
Please, please could you show this information film from BREXIT the Movie I keep hearing about released this week – my friends at our day centre coffee morning all want to see it.
The people who have seen it like the manager here, say we would be well served to see the BREXIT side.
Trouble is these people are all good at getting it on computer and we dying to see it but do not know how we can find it online very easily – just wish we was more computer aware.
All us old ladies in my street would love to be able to see it and as our public service broadcaster could you the BBC please do us the Public service?
It seems logical tht you might obviously be already scheduling to show this BREXIT the Movie, but have not seen it advertised anywhere.
I am putting a note through my MPs office door later on Church Road, (copy of thise note to you basically), to ask if he can ask you as well – but he Labour – like me sometimes – but he not very reliable at fairness since he wants to stay in REMAIN and you can never rely on these people – that is why writing direct to you BBC as know you remitted to be fair without fear or favour.
Please can you reply to me by email *************** so I can inform all our group when you going to show this movie.
Watched Brexit film last night – made some excellent points re the EU s profligate ways and disastrous effect on our trade and industrial base. ……………………………………………………………………….But whats that loud trumpeting sound in my ear. Bugger something has just squashed the lazy Susan and turned the dog into a squashed pile of steaming giblets – Why its the immigration Elephant of course!!!!!
I can understand the makers of this film not wanting to be seen as “negative” and “waycisst” But are we really so infantile in this country that we are not allowed to know at least the basic facts.
I suppose what has happened is that even here the left wing/liberal yogurt and chardonnay quaffers have dictated the agenda yet again. People are entitled to know the facts and consequences about immigration and its lack of control yet, this film is just the same as the Charter Review in that it is another “Opportunity Missed”
I suppose the film makers are aiming this film at those with liberal tendencies yet I strongly suspect at the end of the day these people irrespective of whether immigration was mentioned or not will crawl back into their denial burrow and vote for Remain irrespective of the facts.
By treating immigration as “The problem that doth not speak its name” – It plays into the hands of the likes of our site trolls who wish to paint us all as going to work wearing white pointy hats and carrying flaming crosses under our arms! Is the truth really that unpalatable – If it is I think it needs to be got out there quick.
People have a right to know the facts – unfortunately “Brexit the Movie” only told half the story.
By not needing to mention immigration to make a very sound case for Brexit the movie immediately puts many off side by preventing the standard use of racist in their responses, meaning that they have to try to “unpick” points that are very difficult to unpick.
I hope Boris’ bus uses the pictures of the decision makers in Brussels and asks the public firstly to identify them and secondly how they were voted in and thirdly how you can vote them out if you do not like the direction of travel.
Can you imagine if BBC state funded employees had their own private luxurious shopping mall that the general public can not enter ?This is what EU employees have funded by us .Watch the movie . Brexit the movie will never be shown in the BBC.
The questions that immediately strike me, having only skimmed the article are:
1. Why does the picture show glasses of stout, presumably Guinness? Isn’t this anti-Irish racist?
2. The sub-heading wants warning on bottles. What use is that to those of us who drink draught stout as shown in the picture?
An entire industry exists on warning labels, some involving rafts of newly created job opportunities. From Graphic designers to those who can police such things, stepping over folk dying in ditches to prosecute the real crimes afoot. Plus, of course, whole rafts of new BBC editorial posts, now the flood gates on funding have been opened again for more than a decade at least. I sense a Tulip piece in the Farce at the very least.
It will be interesting how many times the BBC piece, if it comes, mentions ‘experts’. The Graun certainly appear to feel it is a key aspect.
I wonder if these are the same experts who seemed oddly mute, or curiously unquoted in their area of expertise, when a gang of not middle-aged girls tore the hair from another whilst drunk? And got let off because their faith had left them in a condition such that they were not used to being out of their tiny minds whilst attacking folk. Apparently.
“We were live on board the search and rescue ship, the Aquarius – which hours ago rescued hundreds of migrants from the sea off the coast of Libya. Our correspondent Christian Fraser took your questions on the rescue operation. #FacebookLive #Live”
Comments not really headed in the direction the BBC fancies.
Ironically this is on FaceBook, so they stay up.
More ironically, the next story is about the Gizmondo article about FaceBook censorship.
Imagine Christian Fraser will have been renamed Muhammad by the time his Ship Of Fools has been docked in Brindisi.
Or else he`ll be Christine if they`ve not already used their knives to slash the dinghies of any takfir vesels floating nearby.
So expect yet another Islam story…or a transex one…in either case the BBC get the story they want us all to muse over.
“We`re all doomed”!….well, all but the Battling Rembrandts who know what the BBC are up-it shall not stand…
My link takes you directly to 9:30 minutes, cos the normally super-biased BBC Trending team did remain true to form by filling the first 9 minutes with an item they deem more important : They’ve found a black angle story : claiming that AirB&B is 15% biased against ‘people of colour’
(Just don’t ask yourself why the prog didn’t mention discrimination in favour of women ?)
I am increasingly p…….sed off at the media’s constant use of the terminology “desperate people”, whether its those coming across the Med on Lilo’s or trecking across from Pakistan. Clearly they weren’t ‘desperate’ enough to make a break for it in the years before people smugglers started offering one-way trips across the bay. I suppose there is an upside – at least those middle aged women daft enough to look for romance on the beaches of Gambia will soon have to go no further than the Dover Terminal !
On the previous “Midweek Thread”- I was unable to thank the poster who fist put up the “Brexit-The Movie” link so I could watch it.
For some reason the names weren`t coming up…and felt that a memorial to the Unknown Poster wasn`t really necessary, what with shrines, peeled onions and Chris Evans doing skidpan turns around the plastic flowers and clapometer set to continuous-all costing too much, ritual humbug and wasting all our time.
Just gone back…and -ladies and gentlemen -it was Dazed and Confused…closely backed and helped by his gorgeous assistant( gender fluidity OK only at weekends eh?…Phillip_2…who gave us the link that so many of us will ssurely posting up and letting them all know of.
So thanks lads…a Bottle of Newcastle Brown and a selection of Red Leicester cheeses are on their way via the 3, via a Tesla driverless car printer (THAT`LL fuck up Top Gear won`t it?).
Why am I so glad-well at *.30 this morning I left the hallowed halls of Brian Matthew(PBUH) and went to Radfio 4.
Bloody Humphrys was doing some mixmaster mash up of the political soundbites he loves…and was about to bring his his four so-independent “BBC editors” to tell us the facts….
My wife expected a few more minutes without her cuppa as I raged at it all(The Matthews song at the time was rubbish-and had two minutes yet to go)-but to her surprise-I turned it off and went to put the kettle on.
Why so-because the lads above had shown me “The way”…and I no longer need to hear another f***in word about “facts, voters confused” and all that.
No Humphrys you scrote-Durkins laid ALL the facts out in a way that even a Beeb moron could see and hear(good graphics)-has just the right amount of pathos( North Shields fish quay 15 mins in tells you ALL you need to know about what the EU has done to this country)…etc, etc.
If we`re confused and in need of the facts from now on-blame ourselves-because Martin Durkin-yet again-has laid out the facts and there is NO need to hear another oaf again, unless its Gove and his pals.
So f*** the BBC…save yourself a few minutes, get the kettle on-and thank our Son of Shields Mr Durkin…as well as Dazed and Phil-for finishing any need for further discussions and earwiggings.
(Romans 2…verse 1=without excuse…verse 8-the coming storm!).
Lest any B-BBC folk & visitors hunt in vain for an album by the Alabama 3 titled ‘Woke Up this Morning’ this song is taken from Exile on Coldharbour Lane.
Conversion is a good start to a process of reform. The Humph is a searcher. He is also a thinker, perhaps more than some at the Beeb.
I just wish he’d challenge (all) contributors more. Had one on at another point in today’s TODAY, the Humph asked a question, the interview made a statement in reply. The obvious question this listener immediately fired at the radio: “Why?” John Humphrys did not and moved on, perhaps with a pre-prepared script.
“Or maybe I’m a dog who’s lost its bite?” (P. Simon – Obvious Child)
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United>
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine! Farewell Norwich!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United. The ultimate Jackie Mildew fantasist.
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
Yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Follow Van Gall say I-let`s get oursewlves out of Europe!
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine! Farewell Norwich!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United. The ultimate Jackie Mildew fantasist.
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
Yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Follow Van Gall say I-let`s get ourselves out of Europe!
Am slightly in mourning over Newcastle’s demotion. Not a supporter but fond of the place and two friends (father now long deceased) who were passionate about the club.
“Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!” < priceless! Worth repeating x3. Yes, they had to prove 'they were of the people' while taking from the common man (and woman) and have left their rust and cobwebs and moths eating the red linings of suits and pine boxes for many in the land.
VanGaal may have the last laugh on his critics. Some silverwhere United already have loads in a few weeks time!
I wonder if we here will have the last laugh, come June 24th and our joy will be odious to some but fragrant to many? I fear the worst but live with hope, faith and charity towards those who insist on supporting other teams including BS Europe FC and Remain Sidelined Athletic, but think that Team UK Allstars FC really needs to play in a different franchise.
Quite a good debate on Kamal's Blog Thurs/Fri although long into the night and rather spatty. After which, coming back here and reading the latest posts provides a good chuckle. Used to be like that, usually, in the days of Nick, Steffie & Pesto Blogging with comments on. Sadly that is no more.
BBC please take note: Laughter (and comments on Blogs) is good for the soul!
Yes chrisH. Thanks for that reminder in triplicate of just what has happened at my football club since January. I posted here on 28th Dec that I was off to see the Villa match at Carrow Road, Norwich (2-0 to the Canaries btw), having just learnt that wanabee Chancellor of the Exchequer and failed politician Ed Balls had been appointed Chairman. Since that day NCFC have accumulated a mere 11 out of a possible 54 points and now find themselves relegated to the second tier.
The CEO McNally has had the good grace to resign. Not our Ed though. He’s settled into the Directors’ box for the long term after finding “it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!” Much to his taste I hasten to add, and room enough now for Yvette and their three Syrian families.
But at least you know where you stand Mr G!
Meanwhile we here at the Theatre of The Absurd still see Mourinho cycling round the stadium chucking round flyers and waiting for the Dutch Cap to throw in the marigolds, after boring us all rigid.
I myself am in a minority of one in my local forum-I was not brought up to sidle into the European Cup( as it`s called!) , and playing teams in green shirts on a Thursday night…for we are United!
So I hope we don`t get into Europe tomorrow-except if that would put Peps plans and presumptions out of kilter.
“Tis better to be dying in hope of resurrection than floundering and treading water in the Nordsee”.
Mao Tse Tung might have said that-but he didn`t.
Dutch Master my hat…can we borrow Delia, at least we might win Pie of the Month once in a while.
Oh-stuff the BBC….knew I had to say something there!
Once again, as the domestic football season comes to an end, we have the highlight of the year. The FA Cup final. Widely acknowledged to be the greatest cup competition in the world, today we have the treat of watching Arsenal and Chelsea battle it out for this most hallowed prize.
But hang on. There’s something amiss. Wembley appears almost empty, I don’t recognise any of the players, the pitch appears to have shrunk to the size of a large tennis court, and what shocking skills on display. I’ve seen better in the Anglian Combination League Division 5. But it’s live across every BBC platform you can imagine. What is this???
Oh, sorry. False alarm folks. The proper FA Cup final is next Saturday. This is the Ladies Cup Final. And I’ve just switched it off.
At least that cup will be clean and presentable, by the time the twenty two ladies have all given its a good clean…and lets hope it`s china and makes space for a well-turned pinkie as the tea is poured.
“Andrea Dworkin told me to say it!”…honest!
Anyone avidly tuned in to watch the women’s FA Cup final?
What a load of absolute shite. It really, really is.
And the joke is compounded by the commentators and “pundits” pretending it’s not for fear of incurring the wrath of the legions of deranged social media harridans.
I watched a couple of minutes of this, and clearly the bBBC’s opinion of equality and diversity is not quite matched by the public who, by virtue of the broadcast, I could see were at the match literally in their dozens.
Am tempted to have a look (although Silk Road is also on my schedule, for the scenery if nothing else) now that everyone has panned to it see if it really is that bad. I can believe you guys but sometimes it helps to endure a little pain just to have more ammo to fire at Whittingdales & Halls, the well-known retailers of less value for ever more money.
Think a friend made me watch a womens’ Cup Final last season or the season before. It was tolerable, that particular game. Less falling over and crying for Mummy than in the male equivalent but a very different pace and skill set on show. Less high points in the action, too.
To be fair,the GGS(Great God Sport) demands suck ups and obeisance-no matter if it`s the Mighty Magyars of 53…or the Melty misses of 2016…s`all sport-bow down!
Would like to see a game played in high heels-whether its John Terry or some damsel playing in them…t`would be good to see…and stuff the feminists coming dress code in one swoop.
Newcastle this season have played like old Cissie Charlton sewed lace around their shorts anyway.
Surprised that Sky have not yet bigged up that vital battle for 20th place between Newcastle and Norwich tomorrow…the BBC could give us some trending HYS item on this Battle for Cabbage Rights!
Alongside….”is it shit…or do you call it shite?”…have your say!
Will all end in tears
I am watching it as I can see nothing else of even moderate interest until Saracens come on to give Racing 92 a good hosing down. However, curiously, i did notice one of the Chelsea players who may have been affected by gender ambiguity. Whether or not this was just a flook, it’s on the right channel at least.
Do they swap shirts at the end of games…and spray each other with booze?
Just asking….
Sorry yer honour-I was just imagining myself as a lesbian in a mans body, works for Grayson, Eddie and Sandi
“Amal and Muhammed Alwadi and their two youngest children have been granted refugee status but their other children were refused visas as they are over 18.”
“However, the couple’s 19-year-old son, Kusai, is living in a refugee camp in Calais while their 20-year-old Atha daughter is living in Turkey.”
A refugee camp in Calais? They of course mean he won’t claim asylum in France, even though he is perfectly safe there, as is the other daughter in Turkey.
This is exactly what people thought would happen. Ungrateful so called refugees who don’t exactly look under nourished or particularly stressed!
“Mr Alwadi then travelled to the UK, where he was granted asylum in 2014 and set about applying for family reunion which was granted in 2015.”
He now wants the law changed so his adult offspring can also milk the UK. No doubt if & when he & she gets here they will want their spouses with them and children, plus the parents of the spouses, their brothers & sisters plus offspring, and by the time they’ve finished the whole of Syria will be in the UK!
I wonder if they’ve even bothered to go visit this so called ‘son’ since they are so close.
This is exactly what many people said would happen. To find ‘I’m on a different planet’ Clegg is supporting them is no surprise. Perhaps if he were made to support them financially he might have a different opinion, always good at spending other peoples money these liberal lefties.
Curious description on R4 6pm news of the senior “militant” killed in Syria, we are told he was responsible for some of the most “spectacular” terrorist attacks in the region, including the truck bomb murder of all those U.S. marines in Beirut.
Surely a more appropriate adjective should have been used to describe acts of such wickedness, such as: heinous; evil; appalling or some such?
AND-last night on Channel 4 they said that this Hezbollah puddle of guts was possibly “killed by Mossad”.
Certainly the Arab Street that followed the matchbox containing his remains seemed convinced of this-“death to the Jews” an` all being the watchword of the assembled enrichers.
Can we expect an apology from Krishnan and Snowjob….or do they ALSO get it about right every time like their mirror image of pulchritude that we`re forced to fund?
Gloomy Saturday lunchtime news is that he may have been seen off by Sunni ‘Islamicists’, chrisH. Now, if Shia FC v Sunni United really kicks off in the Stadium of Life anytime soon, things could get very nasty for everyone.
Wondered why the oil price had scooted around a very tight hairpin bend and accelerated away uphill recently.
Funny, Monaco GP is not for a couple of weeks yet.
Did you hear the sports bits?
Apparently Christy O Connor Snr was a golfing great who said he`d have won stuff( as opposed to carrying the jumpers for Ryder Cup types) had he not
a) been subject to British pass laws at that time.
b) been allowed into the USA, as opposed to digging spuds for Lord Castlereagh
c) had enough money to afford the fees at Augusta
d) been actually any bloody good.
It being the BBC, yo`ll guess that the answer was (c)-but all others applied as well-and certainly WILL do by the time Kirsty Wark gets to town on it on BH tomorrow.
I too didn`t have the money to get off Wythenshawe putting green in the Troubles myself-the fees were high and the flags rusted…and it was abit slopey in parts too.
Christy was crap maybe?…maybe Des would have done better had he been prised off Wentworth by Kenny Lynch and pals.
Al Shubtill, I have no doubt that the Islamic propagandists at the BBC regard terrorist attacks on US personnel and others as spectacular events to be celebrated. Back when subhuman Pakistani terrorists slaughtered over a hundred innocents in Mumbai, torturing some of them to death like the Habad rabbi and his wife, who were specifically targeted because they were Jewish, the World Service referred to the terrorists as “determined young men” who had carried out an “audacious attack.”
BBC ‘reporters’ and ‘editors’ are well aware of the power and influence of the carefully-chosen words they use. And words often fail me when I try to express my loathing of them and their foul organisation.
Yes, they claim to report in a neutral way, but ‘audacious’ is obviously a positive judgement on these terrorists. In contrast, they would never in their wildest nightmares refer to terrorist atrocities with accurate terms like ‘cowardly’ or ‘cunning.’
Kirsty Wark is doing BH tomorrow-thought I`d best warn you.
She`s apparently sending rope bridges over Pentonville to tell us all that books are a problem in prisons, and she`s got Boaty Mc Boatfaces ex-sound recordist to document it all for her!
That septic tank needs lagging I think….
As for the lethal injections being a problem in the USA, now that Tizer are posing as aromatherapists…just as well Donalds still got those guns, and I imagine Obamas not turned ALL the rope into snakes.
Only the BBC would lead with THAT as a news story…
Well done Arsenal Ladies-14 times Cup Winners…well done on beating Friends of Fulham every COME ON Wenger….remember when Bertha Trautmann played on against The Doncaster Bellhops witha broken fingernail?
I was there…..
Do the BBC & the media in general now consider themselves to be the moral teachers of the nasty racist working classes who don’t understand how lucky they are to now be having their wages driven down by hoards of cheap labor from abroad. People who can work for £4.00 an hour knowing in their homeland £4.00 is actually worth something.
In biblical times the pharisees were the people who dictated how it was people should live and think.
A biblical quote from Matthew chapter 23: Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
In the modern age the media have not only taken over the place of the pharisees in trying to tell people how to think but also in hypocrisy.
The extreme left although generally being atheist still try to impose a misguided moral argument to make the population accept masses of immigrants & all other deluded leftist dogma.
They see themselves as moral superiors to anyone who opposes them and yet at heart are as filthy as could be.
In some ways I think leftism has become like the new religion of the western world. A false religion that will if it’s not stopped ultimately destroy the society from which it has sprang.
Here we go again.
The BBC continues to bang on about Pfizer thinking of removing the drugs needed to give lethal injections in the US.
Now then
1. Any plans to get rid of the drugs used for mercy killings, euthanasia, assisted dying then?
2. Any plans to stop any Pfizer-based products that might be involved in abortions?
Or does Reprieve , Amnesty etc etc only care about criminals and murderers…and display none of that famed compassion for either the very old or the very young/as yet unborn?
Need I ask?
And -will our bleeding heart anti-drug death penalty types get onto the case re China and THEIR use of selfsame drugs?
Or will the US simply buy them all from THERE?
And cost those precious jobs in Europe etc?
See-being in the EU DOES cost jobs….
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
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harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
I think I may have just figured out my un-PC sin in our friend Xavier’s eyes….
I referred to an “English-speaking” African. Quite obviously a ‘racist’ formulation – at the very least a ‘micro aggression’
Afterall just as Xavier points out we would never refer to an “English-speaking” American.
Gosh, I really need to go back to school.
As for the African’s sexism of fireman rather than firefighter – over to you Xavier
After all just as Xavier points out we would never refer to an “English-speaking” American.
Joking aside, The number of people in the U.S. who speak a language other than English at home has nearly tripled over the past three decades, vastly outpacing the 38 percent population growth. Some 60.6 million people, or nearly one-in-five people in the U.S. aged 5 or older, spoke a language other than English at home in 2011, up from 23 million in 1980, or almost one-in-11, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a report, “Language Use in the United States: 2011.”
We may well have to refer to English-speaking Americans.
I left a comment a while back. It was well-meant: a nod of the hat to the sort of people I see on this site. Imagine to meet in person – what a pleasure it would be. Now, we are anonymous. Maybe we have to be that. We are probably about the most open-minded people you will meet. My 777 thundered away from LHR 8 years ago. A few days prior, I stopped paying the BBC tax. I had liked Basil Brush, respected Hanrahan on Hermes, in foul weather. Geoffrey Smith was also good. Peel Sessions – all paid for by the fee. It was sort of unspoken, the quality. I live abroad, but if the shit hits the fan, I will drop into England. What really spoilt my day and led me to drink too much sake was seeing Obama in England – ostensibly the “UK” – using the BBC word, but America would probably say “England”. To me, and in the town I lived in, there was a huge, but low, steel rail bridge. Not glamorous but it was maybe built in the 1920s, and it is as good as new. It carries global passengers, maybe 200m, across an anonymous railway structure, at a substantial height, on the Kings X to Waverley route. Then I think of “Britain”. Steel, troops, good ideas. On Japanese TV – and they do admire Britain, even if they say to me “UK” – they had Obama with the Queen. Now, my heart is racing. Jumping. Angry, because he was flown in to swing the referendum in London. USA, 1984-style, wants the 3 blocks. They have them with USA, EU, and Russians and Chinese. Ostensibly. Ostensibly is enough. That showbiz presence. I saw it when he entered the Palace of Westminster on You Tube – the Beatle-esque fan screaming from outside. Almost too wild; almost tin-can. I never even saw pictures of young screaming girls. The Americans couldn’t give two hoots about the old history. That is fine with me. But his speech, BBC coverage, will, ironically, alter things. Or it is designed to. We will never be able to close our drawbridge, and that is known. It will mean a broken Britain, a shattered nation. The Obama speech I saw, 6,000 miles east on my computer, some 300 miles west of Tokyo. He does the same thing when he comes to Japan. But there are two big differences: he will probably not know them. Japan doesn’t have the gift of a BBC. But the BBC and the lefties abused that amazing corporation. And two, and he may know this, is that his wavering the British EU referendum will, even at a faster pace, kill off England, not the other smaller nations, rather quickly. To quote Larkin “first slum of Europe”.
Solid post.
Great post Timtastic.
Get the feeling we`ll be meeting in some guise or other before too long.
Who knows?…we might all be crossing each other in the cities and towns of this country without knowing each other-but , as you say, there are plenty people here who`d be worth a pie and pint at the pub, or coffee and cake if it`s worktime.
Let`s learn from the Togs-Terry Wogans band who transcended the Irish maestro, and took up a life of our own.
Maybe we`re the DOGS-Davids Other Greats( I`m guessing old geezers/gals/ gits lacks our dignity and scorn for patronising familiarity).
There`s certainly a religion here for me-and one of my temples is Tolpuddle!
Yes…the DOGs of Waugh….I like that!
PS-maybe not so great-maybe grumpy?
Thanks for the comment chrisH. I don’t live in Britain – but, yes, I have literally dreamt of a pint and a pie, and a pub. I was back three years ago. I have a bike there, available, so I use that to get around. Never the train. If you can overlook the horror of it all – when I go back it is a 5 week holiday – you can work out where you want to be, and see the best bits, without having to put up with the new society. I always like biking down to the Smoke. I am always there a few days at a time. The south coast, I lived there for a long time. I turn the superbike around – next stop maybe Liverpool. Love it all. What a great country. On paper.
BREXIT the movie
Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation. Jean Monnet – Founding Father of the EU.
As it appears nothing is going to change at the BBC for a few years unless market forces and technology force it perhaps we should rename this site Biased Media. I have watched with incredulity as the increasingly desperate and hysterical Jean Monnet Sheep EU Remain campaigners. It appears that all media, the BBC, ITV, Ch 4, Sky, LBC have been bought and paid for.
I’ll leave aside the BBC as I don’t even bother watching it’s news anymore. But on Sky this morning the incompetent reporter referred to Majors first intervention to the debate. Obviously hadn’t bothered to check out the last four months then. Then impartially reported that his intervention, and Legarde’s speech, which hadn’t even been made at that point, “had dealt serious blows to the Brexit campaign”. Not to mention the idiotic Harman was yet again allowed to peddle the myth that three million UK jobs depend on the EU.
On LBC the educationally challenged Chuck-up Umunna opened up by sneeringly asking if anyone seriously thought there was a grand conspiracy between the likes of Len McCluskey and the IMF’s Christine Legarde. What Chuck-up, you mean the French socialist politician? Perish the thought. When confronted by the discrepancy on official migration figures and NI numbers stated that there was no real difference it was all down to short term workers who went back home. When challenged could not provide any support for his explanation other than someone had told him. But we will have to send back home the 100,000 NHS workers if we left. That’s ‘ a fact’. Also stated that the EU Accounts had been signed off every year since 2007 by the independent EU funded Auditors.
At least the EU migration crisis appears to have been solved. No hourly images of desperate migrants walking through Europe, no pictures of starving children or punctured rubber dinghies, no pleading refugees forced from their home by the wars ….. must have all stopped I guess ….. or perhaps is there another reason why there is no coverage. Wonder what will be in the news the day after the referendum.
“Wonder what will be in the news the day after the referendum” ?
Hopefully full coverage of the HM Prime Minister preparing to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty,
whilst surrounded by cheering crowds!
The BBC no doubt will dwell on the negatives of that happy scenario.
Speaking of what the BBC will dwell upon, Classic FM’s Global Propaganda at the top of the hour has just informed me that, hot on the heels of renowned impartial Brit Mark Carney impartially offering a Bank of England ‘could/may/might’ view, Christine Lagarde has just ‘warned’ the people of the UK that any seeking to Brexit are screwing the pooch for the rest of them.
That may cause a swing on par with Obama’s intervention.
Meanwhile, one is sure the £4Bpa, index-linked, 11 year-secured, 20,000 and counting-strong BBC ‘news’ machine doubtless also hard at work analysing these complementary stories:
On the last thread, JimS made a simple but incisive point: if membership of the EU is the only guarantor of free movement and jobs abroad – which is how the BBC portrays the situation – how on earth did the Canadian Mark Carney manage to get the job running the Bank of England?
Ah, well now, the answer to that us simple. He was put there by Goldman Sachs, his former employer.
Heard Martha Kearney refer to the: “European Government” whilst interviewing Gisela Stuart today, who pulled her up on it by pointing out that it must have been a slip of the tongue as there is actually no such thing.
GS was very good I thought and a thoroughly welcome relief from Harriet Harman who was the previous interviewee.
She has featured far too little too date.
Doubtlessly not a popular choice for the BBC because the interviewer struggles with the concept of someone from the BBC’s party being for Brexit, so do not not quite where to pitch it.
Once upon a time at a Bilderberg meeting far, far away from the scum they call ‘taxpaying voters’, Gideon sidled up to Carney at a Champagne and canapes soiree, gave him a cheeky wink and asked,
‘Fancy a job running the Treasury dear boy..? We’ll sort everything for you – Visas, an incredible earnings and perks package, a huge free house – in fact absolutely free everything. All you have to do is be my political bitch at all times, something you’ve already excelled in during your time as a corporate bitch at Goldman Sachs.’
Carney thought for a second and his eyes turned to spinning pinball reels, instantly stopping at glowing gold Pound signs. The rest is history.
Gideon: ‘I need you to give a speech on Brexit Mark – remember our little chat..?’
Carney: ‘Of course Sir, of course…’
And everybody lived happily ever after. Apart from the taxpaying voters.
And as if by magic, this pops up…
I had not realised that the so-called immigration figures are merely a survey of a small percentage of people arriving at our ports and airports. They are asked by officials what their intentions are, this is recorded, and hey presto, you have your immigration number. Of course, surveys are always accurate, which is why we now have the Milliband government. No-one seems to have thought that Roma coming here to sell the Beeg Ishoo and claim benefits might not answer truthfully.
It seems to me unanswerable that the figure for NI numbers issued represents a truer figure for real immigration. But even this is not the whole story, because by definition the immigrants who obtain NI numbers are the ones who at least intend to play the game and work legally, paying taxes. How many work on the black economy? Does the government even care?
I recall one contributor who wrote recently that, based on food consumption measured by supermarkets, the population of this country was already over 70 million. I wasn’t sure that I believed that figure then. I do now.
I believe that Tesco put it at 72 million. Recently there was another statistic (I hope you are not eating) that found that the amount of sewage sludge having to be dealt with now also came up with approximately the same result.
I watched This Week and the Daily Politics today. There was no mention of what is surely the biggest current story , the lies that have been exposed on immigration figures. It is surely damning that there are perhaps 2 million more immigrants than we have been told and that government has hidden these figures from us. This is a mighty powerful weapon for the Brexit campaign, but only if everyone in the country understands what these figures mean and that they have been lied to by those who wish to remain. In typical BBC fashion they are attempting to limit the damage by downplaying and burying the story. The power of the global elites are ranged against us but I am proud that the polls indicate that the British people are still uncowed by the elites scare stories. If the polls are close on the day before the referendum then I am sure Brexit will win and strike a blow for freedom of people all around the globe from the self serving elites.
I was under the impression that as well as the number of NI numbers issued the ONS was supposed to be telling us how many were active, which must be the truest indicator. “Issued” would include for the government’s catch all of less than a year.
Anyone seen the “active” number, or is that the headline figure being quoted?
I believe they have the active number but are not giving it to us. Draw your own conclusion from this.
All the MSM have been avoiding this story, with the excuse that the figures are correct and its only short-term workers accounting for the difference. Never mind that short-term workers use the same resources as everyone else and probably spend even less whilst they live in the UK.
But how does anyone know they are short term workers? Seriously. This is the problem we have with open borders. No one knows for sure…and I reckon that’s just how the government likes it. They can put any kind of spin on it.
Remember they were thinking about abolishing the Census to “save money”? Bullsh*t. It was so they could hide unpleasant truths about immigration from the masses with their mates at the beeb and the MSM covering for them.
And now, how we see the all the establishment lining up to skewer democracy to keep us in the unloving embrace of the EU.
I’m voting LEAVE and anyone who even has the least respect for democracy (that our ancestors fought, suffered and died for) will do the same.
About eight years ago, The Passport Agency claimed they were renewing 160,000 UK Passports a week. You could check with them for the current figure. They also have an idea of what proportion of the Her Majesty’s subjects who are entitled to a UK Passport (remember, several million live overseas) and actually take up that option. Seem to recall it is over 80%, 83% I think. They also have the statistics for the proportion of those who regularly lose their Passports. From that, it should be possible to cross check the ONS Census population and the DWP NI holder population.
Similar referencing checks can be made with things like Driving Licences & Driving Tests (the latter in decline) and Marriage & Divorce statistics, setting those against the 2011 ONS figures.
A good BBC More or Less programme, or two, could be based on working through some of these corroborations. The results may be very revealing.
You’d better copywrite “Chuck-up Umunna”!
You’d better copyright “Chuck-up Umunna”!
The edit function went a bit mad there and it kept going back to the midweek thread. I’m not blaming the website for my problems – I seem to be all thumbs today.
Seems I spoke too soon. The media is now full of reports of how the migration crisis is under control. Pictures of empty beaches. poor Turkish stall sellers left with unsold life jackets (well one jacket had been hung on the front of a confused looking rucksack shop owner … that’s where refugees always pick up their quality life jackets …. guaranteed for a depth of three feet you know), shots of empty glistening seas …. sorry what is that I hear in the distance ….. the German deal with Turkey is in danger of collapse because the Turks want their visas ….. happy days !!!!
Re the immigration crisis.
The flow from Turkey has decreased while starting to increase again from Libya ass those non Syrians blocked in Turkey move round to join a new flood from Africa.
In return for the no -visas from Turkey the EU are asking dictator Erdogan to repeal laws that he is using to jail critics.
Unsurprisingly he is not playing ball and indicating that he is quite prepared to turn the taps on again.
I do not expect that the BBC will be reporting all this over the next week or five, for some reason
Brilliant idea AFP to change the website name to Biased Media.
Even if we achieved our aims to break up and sell the BBC , the rest of the Media is still infested with Leftist useful idiots ,such that our job of forcing them by democratic means to ‘tell the Truth to Power’ would be only just beginning.
I for one would be more than happy to include the Torygraph and LBC (Obrien deserves all he gets) in future posts.
Wonder what will be in the news the day after the referendum.
Merkel’s Europe declares war on Britain? A million military fit male refugees volunteer for the new German army.
Another fine analysis of the BBC’s rampant bias over on Conservative Woman this morning – well worth reading!
The first comment on it, however, is by a completely bat-shit crazy leftie from another planet.
The “you lot” has a familiar ring to it.
Posters here either have short memory (probably dementia, judging by the average age of the users) ……………..
Be very careful what you wish for, – children dribble, have a nasty habit of growing up, ageing, and start to dribble again. Just hope there is someone around with a hankie (the way things are going it could be an English speaking Gambian) if it happens to you again, and have the capacity to remember what you’ve said. Things have a tendency to come back and bite you on the bum.
There is a short part of (I assume, Brexit The Movie) on Guido’s site. I watched it this morning. It was all about the regulations on everyday objects in our daily lives. I showed it to a friend who immediately said…this should be on TV for all to see. Fat chance of that ever being on the BbC. I wondered what type of person could dream up so many regulations for such mundane things and why would they do it? What is the point? And what does it achieve? It is quite mind-boggling. I then typed into Google EU Directives and was directed to this link which is quite an extensive list.
It’s enough to make one weep.
My second despairing moment was again reading on Guido the list of organisations who benefit from EU money in return for pushing the EU agenda – ie: vote remain. 16M euros over 9 years!
I have always thought these large organisations had their OWN interests at heart when they came out in support of Remain, but this makes it quite clear that nothing short of blackmail is going on here.
Why is the general public not broadcasting this information? It is already in the public domain but not emphasised or reported by the BbC. The people deserve better.
These examples cited above are the sort of thing I have quoted to several people when we talk about the EU and these are people who say they are voting to stay in. Once they hear these things, they suddenly sit up and take notice – and three friends of mine have already changed their minds are will vote to leave. A read of Daniel Hannan’s book Why Vote Leave is also an eye-opener for sure. If we Brexiteers on this site can all convert 2 people….game on!
Look up Flexcit on Google, there you will find a viable means of getting out of the EU with little problem. There is the short 48 page version and the full version over 400 pages, all free. And it is done by experts, proper ones.
That list on Order Order of the organisations bought and paid for by the EU should be mandatory reading as it shows how venal and corrupt this country has become. It runs from the National Farmers Union through all the usual suspects like the RSPB, Friends of the Earth and the WWF, to a whole clutch of trade unions.
The more that is revealed, the more I feel we are in no position at all to sneer at ‘corruption ‘ in Africa. Arguably, we are worse than they are, for being so sanctimonious about it.
Can’t recall where I saw a video of a debate between Brexiters and remainians but there was a farmer taking part in it who was quite passionately against the EU because he felt strangled by regulations he was obliged to follow while farmers in other EU countries were flouting them.
Perhaps he doesn’t belong to the National Farmers Union.
I remember that too. Wasn’t it on QT? He asked a question but managed to get quite some air time. He was a vegetable farmer and wholesaler from East Anglia and complained when he saw the Spanish doing the wrong thing at the wrong time to their fields of broccoli or whatever and no one did anything about it. Yes, he was excellent.
Not sure about QT. But I recall that he was saying that farmers elsewhere were transporting cabbage, I think it was, to market just after spraying and without allowing the regulation amount of time for the spray to dissipate before going to market.
And yes, they were getting away with it.
It was on Any Questions about a month ago , with Foghorn Soubry on as well .
The 3Ps don’t get EU farming subsidies for starters – pigs, poultry and potatoes.
Amusingly, President Bukari of Nigeria has refused to ask Dave for an apology because ” what he said is true “.. He goes on to say that he is more concerned about the British banks who have stolen Nigerian money. Not quite sure what he means by that.
As so often , GC is right. When I ever have this discussion I say ” Yes, every African country is corrupt, but at least it is honest corruption “.
More Brexit scaremongering, it really is getting too much to bear.
Agree Brissles Xavier thinks he’s being clever but really just nasty and ageist.Unfortunately for Remain many of us demented people voted in the last referendum and know without doubt we were lied to so I and many others are going to take the opportunity to vote out .
Also I have told my children and their children and their friends in fact anyone I can what a con and money pit the EU is.Other people of my age will have done the same .Despite all the propaganda you will be surprised.
I also watched the Brexit movie .A lot of it I was aware of ,but even I was appalled at the vast gravy train supported by tax payers while parts of the EU descend into ever more desperation and poverty.
If we were a transparent and fair society it should be shown on the state broadcaster but we are not so you will have to seek it out.No main stream broadcaster is going to show it. Tyranny my son calls what’s happening.
Nasty and ageist, comical! Hypocrisy at its finest. The members of this site love nothing better than to berate “the yoof” of today but hate when age as a factor is brought up here!
Almost as hypocritical and underhanded as the BBC.
Does anyone know if Xavier has admitted that his statement that ” all Gambians speak english” is incorrect ? I have pointed it out at least 2 times. As a beginners’ guide he could try the, mostly reliable , Bradt Guide ” The Gambia ” by Philip Briggs or, for something more academic ” Culture and Customs of The Gambia ” by Prof. Abdoulaye Saine . I think he will find that both authors will confirm that not all Gambians speak english. Anyway it is a change for little Gambia to have a place in the sun on BBBC !
Just looked at today’s Media Graun.
I’ll share the links to the key stories. Interesting stuff if looked at together:
Have to love the irony of fears of ministerial intervention followed by prime ministerial intervention to ensure the BBC stays on the teat and untroubled by accountability.
At least the Yanks are assured of a boost in quality with quality fare such as ‘Parking, Cohabit, Divorce’.
How’s the NYT doing with their market rate ex-Beeboid at the helm?
“Remain Campaign ‘Contaminating’ Brexit Referendum With Foreign Money, Says Former Deputy Prime Minister Of New Zealand”
He can say that again! Though, he could well have added ‘with help from the Remainiac mass media”
I recall reading a number of comments on this very site on the BBC’s reporting on the aftermath of Labour’s election defeats in 2010 and 2015. Evidently in mourning, BBC hacks gave Labour MPs the exposure and coverage that would have been appropriate had they won those elections while treating the Tories with something approaching dismissive contempt.
So how will the honourable and impartial BBC report on the aftermath of a Brexit success in June, should such a happy event transpire?
On the White paper, I think there are some positive points that would NEVER have happened under Labour (or a Conservative coalition with the Liberals). FIRST thing that we all wanted was for OFCOM to challenge the so called ‘impartiality’ that the BBC ‘like’ to smugly assume they have. No public Broadcaster can claim impartiality and that is clear from North Korea to Canada CBC network that the BBC is no different. SECOND: is that the BBC fat cats will no longer get to cream of the milk first… They will have to publish all those BBC *STARS* that earn over £150,000 (but under £500,000) which are quite a few. The BBC *TOP* Stars who get to have their salary’s paid into ‘private’ Limited company’s has also been stopped (that would be YENTOB and CHRIS Moyles and a number of other *STARS* have tried that on. The HMRC has put a stop to that (not John Whittingdale and his White Paper). Although BBC execs on £600,000 will also get anonymity from now on (in case BBC NUJ staff ‘cotton-on’ to the fact that they are not being ‘paid enough’ (for bullshit) as much as their always absent colleagues). THIRDLY: and this is the ‘crucial’ bit really is that all public service providers publish FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY ‘audited’ NAO accounts (like Channel 4, Classic FM, SkyTV etc.). The White paper makes the point that the BBC can no longer ‘rubber stamp’ executive (£1,000,000) payment to previous Trustees or DG’s (like Lord Hall or Mark Byford). They must report how the money was spent. i.e. No more, golden ‘goodbyes’ and golden ‘hellos’ which have benefited most of the BBC over many years, many BBC staff have also benefited from a ‘swing door’ system job which enabled them to resign their ‘old job and reapply to the same job on a higher salary. The BBC is corrupt but with both OFCOM and half the BBC Trustees ‘non execs’ this moves the BBC closer to privatisation and full (audited) accountability. Its too late to stop the BBC bias, and in ten years time I doubt the BBC will exist as it does now. The EU has no need for ‘British’ anything. It will be absorbed in a German regional EU propaganda TV Radio and Internet network. The BBC will simply be an embarrassment to the new powerful EU rulers who will see it as an expensive ‘White Elephant’. (Which it undoubtedly is to the UK political left elites). A protected White Elephant with a thin ‘White paper’ for reform. The BBC does not do ‘reform’ very well, but then the word ‘British’ will have been abolished along with the BBC abusers.
‘They will have to publish all those BBC *STARS* that earn over £150,000 (but under £500,000) which are quite a few.’
I think you will find that only the ‘stars’ earning over 450,000 pounds will be published.
I can see what Cameron has done. He is waiting until post EU, he needs the bBBC ‘impartial’ support. The five year Health Check is where the changes -I hope -will be made. Technology wil I feel enforce this.
Offcom is a good move. Two boards of oversight into one is good. The compostion of six members of the government is a good move, includingthe Chair and Vice Chair (I believe). The other eight members of the BBC committee will interesting to see. The Left wingers at the BBC will still have overall editorial control but there will be -apparently- a greater level of ‘accountability’. This remains to be seen.
The other areas were tinkerings rather than substantial change. The dominance of infiltrated Left Wingers and the imposition of their political bias is of the greatest concern to me and I am sure to many others.
i admire your optimism Phillip 2 but overall, I suspect it is still an opportunity lost to many on this site who just want a modicum of fairness from our national broadcaster.
Am right that all Beeboids who funnel there income through companies or trusts, for tax avoidance purposes, are exempt from the disclosure proposals ? I wonder how many use offshore trusts ? I don’t suppose we shall ever find out. When it comes to money, the meanest people I have known, have always been Lefties !
Hero Worship?
The article is written as if a world leader had died rather than a bloodthirsty terrorist who appears to have received his just deserts.
There is an interesting photo of this terrorist half way down his “obituary” in that link. If you squint hard and use your imagination it bears a startling resemblance to an infamous BBC Middle East editor/reporter, Jeremy Bowen.
LOL ! The BBC have never known a terrorist who they do not love. So childish.
The article is written as if a world leader had died rather than a bloodthirsty terrorist who appears to have received his just deserts.
So true. The term military is used 8 times in the report – 5 times in the headline, caption to the photo and the first 3 paragraphs – so as to leave nobody in any doubt about the esteem in which this terrorist is held by the BBC.
The term terrorist is used once, and in quotes to make it clear that the BBC itself does not regard such individuals as terrorists.
It’s also noteworthy that he is described as attacking the Israeli military while no mention is made of Hezbollah attacks on Israeli civilians and of course the terrorist slaughter of close to a hundred Argentine Jews in the nineties, for which his mentor Mugniyeh was sought by Interpol and Argentina, is omitted altogether.
That’s the BBC – always regarding Islamic terrorists with admiration and respect, especially if their targets are Israelis and Americans.
Foul, disgusting organisation.
The BBC hate real Military, like the British, Americans and Israelis. But they love terrorist pseudo-militaries. As I said above, so childish !
Grant, true. No doubt most of these BBC ‘reporters’ have moth-eaten Che T-shirts in their cupboards.
Che, now there was a real military man !
Reading this story today had me fondly remembering that once upon a time, a mere 50 years ago, the BBC was actually a pretty good broadcaster rather than the liberal-left propaganda machine it became. Of course, this was well before the age of diversity targets and such like. Just as well because a programme like “Six Men – One Challenge – The Old Man of Hoy” presented my Chris Brasher would be impossible to make these days, that is unless you included a woman in a hijab, a man in a dress, a bilateral amputee, a non-binary questionning safe-spacer, and a newly arrived Syrian refugee.
Back in 1967 this was thrilling entertainment, ground-breaking outside-broadcast work, and no small amount of personal danger to those taking part. And all broadcast live to 15 million BBC viewers. I was not much older than the young chap who has recently scaled the same Orcadian rock-stack, and to me, along with the 1966 World Cup final and the Moon landing this is a childhood memory that vividly remains. Sorry to disappoint you Xavier, I am neither senile, incontinent, demented or suffering from short-term memory loss.
If you have an hour to spare over the week-end, I recommend watching this fabulous retrospective made in 1992 by BBC Scotland of the original climb. And all without even the faintest whiff of an agenda.
Mr Golightly,
I remember it well. I was going to say ” gripping “. In those days the BBC were ground-breakers in many fields. Now they are just third-rate followers .
I well remember that broadcast, Mr. Golightly, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did not pay the licence fee in those days, my parents did, but if such programmes once again became available on a regular basis it would go some way to make me think that the licence fee *may* be worthwhile.
As you say, so long as the directives to programme makers go along the lines of you must include “a woman in a hijab, a man in a dress, a bilateral amputee, a non-binary questionning safe-spacer, and a newly arrived Syrian refugee” then we shall never see the likes of such programmes ever again. And particularly since this spineless government has now directed the BBC to include even more “diversity” to “represent” the country.
Well, I live in a part of the country (Scottish Borders) which has a very small percentage of “diverse” residents and it also has a very poor local broadcasting system. As a result, on DAB radio we can locally receive the BBC Asian Network and yet we cannot receive BBC Radio Scotland. For that I must use broadband.
I wonder why I dislike “diversity”.
Oh, it’s the Old Man of Hoy.
I thought it was someone in a Burqua enjoying a little bondage.
More seriously I look forward to the bBBC’s coverage of the first wheelchair ascent. Personally I think it is a scandal that a lift has still not been installed.
I’m with you Mr Golightly, on the right side of sensible dementable ! and concur that the Beeb in ‘those days’ couldn’t be touched in their programming of excellence. Diversity was never an issue because there was never an ‘ethnic minority or any other minorities’ to worry about.
It would be interesting to hear from those, excellent, posters on this site who do not remember this. I don’t think it is just us old people who can remember programmes from the sixties, in my case fifties radio, who object to the bias. It would be interesting to learn what opened their eyes to the madness. In my case it was doing Sociology in the seventies (I was a school drop out who went late to university) and realising that what the left was accusing the right of doing could was what they were up to and that what was called rightist fascism etc. was actually moral. My views were shared by many of the people, who like me, were trade unionists and Labour Party members. When did the world change and why do you younger posters reject BBC bias, support Brexit etc? I really admire the younger people who have seen through the charade without the benefit of our experience.
The Left -Wing and BBC Establishment assume that young people are stupid and easily manipulated. History and experience proves them wrong.
Not strictly bBBC but you can easily see how it could be.
Today a gent has been deemed to have acted acceptably in the High Court for taking his daughter off school for a week for a term time holiday.
Our supposed Tory government is ridiculously draconian and statist about this – stalinistically arguing that any time off school is damaging. Patently ridiculous, what the hell has got into these people? But there we are. All parents MUST get their kids to school and only go on holiday in the peak time (and prices) holidays.
A primary school teacher of my acquaintance reports this does not appear to apply to Traveller children. No. The teachers have to accommodate Traveller children who turn up on the door and then go away again, having bent over backwards for them in the meantime, often to the detriment of the other kids in the class. Apparently, some years ago, one of the teacher’s pupils took time off school because of their participation in a Big Fat Gypsy wedding programme.
(Personally, I can’t see for the life of me why children up to about year 10 cannot take a week off school for an off-peak holiday)
As usual, an example of draconian attitudes to the many and a blind eye to the favoured minorities. I’m pretty sure the bBBC would we well up for such ‘minority support’.
It could be said that at any time during term time, the teachers would never have a full class to teach if parents took their kids off on holiday willy nilly when it suited them. I can see it from both sides, but today’s parents are much quicker to go on the attack if their kids failed to make the grades, but refused to accept blame for taking them out of school. (years ago this was never an issue as few parents could afford ‘holidays’)
Delighted to see that Jon Platt won his case.
To hear the usual slew of Academy heads, media numpties and useful Common Purposes shills who want all our kids smoked correctly in the Beehive…to worship Stephen Lawrence and Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Caroline Lucas.
To honour the cake runs, charity days, teacher strikes, snow days and teachers on beanos-as opposed to teaching…which is exactly what schools have NOT been doing since 1987.
To hear this load of liberal creeps and beehive suckups all piling in the pigpen makes me heave…and to hear the head of TWO academies-how does that work then?-talking slurry on Today this morning was typical.
Platt is great-time to finish schools…they seek a knife across their fat necks, but haven`t the balls or the courage to say so…they just die a little every day, and cast a shadow of a bloated corpse all over our kids.
It`s from 1.34.14-1.41.42…the liberal elite, the public sector dupe crash and burn before a knowing loving parent…seismic one this!
Thank God that my little girl ( Age 8 ) is at school at Wulling Kama Basic in Gambia ( State School , by the way ) and they teach english language, maths as main subjects to a higher level than UK Primary Schools ( not difficult , I know ).
In the last 2 years she has missed 1 day and that was through sickness. If she had been at school in UK , frankly I do do think it would have mattered much if she had been on holiday or not.
Dead right-once you`ve totted up the DVD days, teacher fun runs to the cake shop, sickies due to drugs, stress, strikes and general inadequacies-show boat days and tributes to dead colleagues or Bonos hamster…then the amount of actual teaching time goes down to near-nothing.
Still-the unions, exam boards, councils and OFSTED approve-and most of the parents won`t be checking anyway.
But it`ll change…Islam will see to that.
So true ! ” Bono’s Hamster ” !! I look at the Brits delivering their kids to school in their cars. Well, I can understand the security issues. My girl walks about 1 hour each way to school, partly through ” bush “. In Casamance , I have seen kids walking 3 hours each way each day to get to school. Of course , the jealousy starts with bicycles !
PS No DVD days in Africa. No elecricity mostly !
Ta grant.
If I had a wish, it would be to send loads of gum chewing retards(who I do not blame at all for most of this) over to you, so they too could see “schooling” as a way out of hell…instead of the greasy pole into Hades.
Lost in admiration for how the Chinese(and all surrounding satellites!) take their education seriously-but they are taught that they have a future, as opposed to being sexist, racist and wrong all the time -simply for being boys, Chinese or clever and hard-working.
“Of course the jealousy starts with bicycles”.
You say it like it`s a given-yet when I see the school cycle parks locally getting raided here for top dollar mountain bikes here in Wessex…I see my teaching plans for RE next week taking shape…
PS.If the DVDs aren`t loading here, we can get them to meditate on a picture of Obama for twenty seconds tops….might bring in my “Give A Show Projector” from Happy Valley last week of term!
do not think !
Can’t agree ChrisH. I am a school governor and spoken to the Head (conservative voting) about pupils off during term time. It really is disruptive, not just for the child on holiday but by enabling that child to cover the missed lesson it really takes a chunk out of the whole classes learning time. It is often the same children year in, year out, who go on holiday in term time. Add to that the children off for illness (can just be a sniffle) and teachers are spending considerable time on catch up. And we haven’t even mentioned secondary pupils going off to India or similar for family weddings where absences can be of several weeks.
No objection at all to good people like yourself and the head doing all you can to ensure a good education for all those you serve.
Nor do I dismiss loads of good work, great efforts of many teachers and parents who genuinely believe in the system as it exists.
My points are really concerning the imposition of the National Curriculum in 1987-no “education” as dictated by the state is defensible, and Goves academy ideas were right to try and address that.
Trouble is that there`s whole parasitic monitoring industry nowadays that pimps off the compulsory schooling of children-exam boards, CPG publishing, consultacies and C/D borderline houndings by OFSTED re-say the “pupil premium” cohorts.
I contrast the impositions and indignities foisted upon the states agents and charges with the freedoms allowed for the independent sector.
The system was never intended to use children to measure the effectiveness or otherwise of the teachers or the school-that the system today is only concerned with PISA scores for worldwide comparators is a form of child exploitation.
No-the parents are prime “in loco parentis” -schools presume so much, but only in order to comply with state diktat…and they need humility and modesty-after all if 20% of kids can`t read or write functionally after 11/13 years of compulsory, uniformly trained out schooling-paid for by their parents-then they`re failing…and they`ve been allowed to do so now for over 130 years now.
Classes are too big, most schools are childminding at secondary level and the dumbed down curriculum as “taught”by teaching assistants and cover supervisors; only indicates that teachers have complied in letting education become a racket and conspiracy against the laity., by the teachers, their unions and the politicians…the heads and parents need to speak out and insist on education-not schooling itself.
I agree completely. We have some of the worst educated children in the western world, yet the teaching unions and the BBC just carry on as if everything they say is gospel.
The assumption that ‘education’ only takes place while a child is at school is laughable. Holidays can be educational too, not in the book sense mostly but in learning about life, travelling and getting on with other people. Not everyone can dictate when they take their holidays, and it is typical of our state apparatchiks that they are so convinced that they always know best.
I appreciate the problem of disruption of classes etc, but there has to be a better way than the pompous fining of parents.
The problem (IMHO) is that many state schools and much of the NHS are, in no small degree, run primarily for the benefit and ease of those who work in them; and not for the children they are supposed to be educating, nor the patients they are meant to be treating.
Spot on Al Shubtil-can`t speak re the NHS but when Blair kept Woodhead on as OFSTED chief in 97…we knew that “The Blob” would continue to wreak havoc whoever was in power.
“Schooling is NOT education”-
“There is no compulsion in education”-as Muhammad might have said if he wasn`t chasing little girls or Jews around at the time.
Still though-who better than Shirley Williams, John Major and Kenneth Baker to tell us how best to vote in the EU….as if they didn`t fuck over the nations kids as “Education Secretaries”…they`re back again to play with all their minds over BREXIT….
We “survivors” of the Williams-Blunkett epoch( 1977-1997) need now to get “closure”-first of their mouths when we slap their arses on the 23rd of June-and then their godawful schools.
(With all due respect to Deborah above!)
Well said fellow manclad…so I was furious when Today had some headmistress(they HATE being called that!) on Today yesterday morning purported to run two of our schools in Whalley Range and Levenshulme.
I know the area intimately, was educated there-and to hear THIS Brahmin clot spout for Morgan appalled me…firstly HOW THE HELL can you “run” two schools?-unless it s a chain or brand of shoe sales etc.
Secondly-Manchester has a GREAT radical tradition on schools, Trafford especially and under Graham Brady-still does as far as poss.
Let me leave you with a REAL Role Model for women in education-but one you`ll hardly know unless you were taught under her regime….and I owe her so much.
AS I`m fond of saying-from Dame Kathleen down to Lucy Powell via Nicky Morgan and John Patten-weep and howl at how low we`ve gone re education
Some years ago the concept of ‘mixed ability teaching’ was all the rage. No streaming. The idea being that the clever kids would pull the thick kids up. Of course the teacher somehow had to teach and control the whole class along the way. It was the darling idea for all the ‘progressives’
And I don’t remember teachers and unions complaining- well, not offically.
Compared to that, how hard can it be to have just one child a little off the pace in a class?
The establishment have such short memories and such dual standards, don’t they?
I have lost count on the number of BBC staff locked up for ‘sexual exploitation of minors’. This sadly is a reminder that the same BBC paedophiles are still ‘out there’ in the regions waiting…. (These two still work for the BBC regional radio stations in Birmingham and Leicester). ‘Two BBC radio presenters have been charged with sexual offenses against boys in the 1990’s.’… Both are accused of inciting boys to commit gross indecency and the case continues… (from The Times Thursday).
You and Yours today (Friday) had an item on about how Berliners have been letting flats as holiday lets. However the Berlin authorities are banning this because of the pressure on living accommodation in Berlin is causing ordinary rents to rise. By banning holiday lets, it will force down rents. Now I cannot imagine why accommodation is so short in Berlin, there must be an awful lot of people holidaying there. The BBC didn’t mention any other reason.
As it’s Friday, and linking some of the above contributors, in the interest of helping the bBBC produce new distinctive programmes I’m sure readers and writers can come up with some suggestions.
A couple of game shows spring to mind.
1. In which contestants from a range of minorities hurl abuse at a working class white anglo saxon male. The winner wins a week’s holiday at an eco-friendly community farm. Emily Thornberry could be approached to be the presenter.
2. In which some children are abused on bBBC premises and contestants compete for the most plausible reason as to why they didn’t know anything was going on and failed to report it. The winner receives a promotion and a 6 figure salary.
3. A variant of 2. where the abuse takes place in authorities run by Labour councils, otherwise the same.
If only I could think of some titles……………..
As it is friday, all Beeboids should be at the nearest mosque for friday prayers ? And World at One should be cancelled !
“British” men involved in plot to kill an American airman SERIOUSLY?? BRITISH??
Bloody hell, I didn’t think it could get any worse than Fridays “Today”… (Tranny teenagers and graffiti “artists”)
That’s the Way to Do it!
Punch and Judy cut over ‘trivialising violence’ fears
Continuing the BBCs obsessive coverage of issues that affect non licence paying Americans,
Once again no mention of the truly shocking other side of the transgender story
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says,
“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex,”
Well yes actually, there’s plenty of room for discrimination against students who maybe uncomfortable sharing facilities with the opposite gender, there’s loads of room for discrimination against any student who holds to a traditional definition of male and female. I still cling to the belief that most people instinctively know from a combination of common sense and the heart when something isn’t quite right, policy makers are using minority issues to wage a proxy war designed to stop people from expressing their conscience on a whole range of issues in the name of tolerance and diversity. This has nothing to do with civil rights, in fact just the opposite.
The BBC are so far behind the curve when it comes to transgender . The new issue is animal transgenders. My neighbour’s dog is a biological female, but wants to be a male. When are the BBC going to get in touch with the modern world and take up this cause ? How long will it take the BBC to address the butterfly issue ? The BBC is so unprogressive and reactionary.
Its a Marxist sentiment.The whole political correct thing to silence critics that our own biology is secondary to the sexual liberation of a few really very queer people who just happen to think ‘communal’ toilets are better than anywhere else.. This is highlighted in recent reports (here in America) called the bathroom bill which ‘The bill would require every business to allow these men into every women’s restroom, locker room, and shower.’ And its coming to the UK and has to be allowed in ALL our UK schools, Colleges and Universities. (Thanks to the EU we have no vote on it). None at all as – Cameron thinks its a great idea!
Broken link should be:
Part of Mark Steyn’s take on the “transgender” issue in the U.S.
“Obama’s ideological enforcers are telling you that there’s only one correct viewpoint on transgendered issues and, if you dissent therefrom, you will be sued into oblivion pour encourager les autres.
It’s also emblematic of one of the peculiar features of democratic politics these days – that the state’s investment in any issue is inversely proportional to the number of people affected by it.”
Does anyone know why the soft left at the BBC and the Guardian, work themselves up into a lather about Blair earning obscene money perfectly legally, but are unconcerned with Hillary amassing obscene money, often in what appears to be an underhand manner?
I guess the BBC will never forgive Blair for Iraq. Funny thing is, though, Clinton also was in favour of the Iraq war. But as we know, the BBC excels at ignoring inconvenient facts.
If Clinton becomes president, BBC hacks and hackesses will be in a state of bliss. Here’s why:
*She will have beaten the hated Trump
*She is in the Obama camp and of course the hacks and hackesses are hopelessly in love with Obama
*She will be the first woman to be POTUS.
I suspect your final reason ‘trumps’ all else.
Could be, though she would have to be a woman and a lefty. A right-wing woman becoming POTUS would leave a really bitter taste in the BBC’s collective mouth.
I really wish Condoleeza Rice could have run for the presidency in 2008. She is black, a woman, and formidably intelligent. The leftists would have been in a real quandry about that.
And apparently she is also an accomplished pianist.
Blair & perfectly legally? Have you read Blair inc?
One of the most expensive photographs in the world is Tobolsk Kremlin by Dmitry Medvedev who has a strange resemblance to George Osborne. It sold for £1750000 . It is widely regarded as a corrupt transaction by the West as a low value item sold for many times its real worth.
What price is a 30 minute speech by T Blair? Normally you’d expect around £20K but in the Sunni Muslim Oil rich countries £500 000 + is the going rate. This apparently is not a bribe, mainly because other Western leaders are hoping to benefit in similar manner when they too leave office.
Nearly all of Blairs money has come this way, for work which we are unable to assess the value of, but judging by his performance while PM is most likely very low worth.
The fact that the Clintons are also in receipt of massive amounts of Sunni Muslim oil money is not a surprise to me at least, It’s just further evidence to support a prima facie case that Western leaders are wholly corrupt, and are working for the promotion of Islam so they can get their hands on this money.
Whilst Dmitry Medvedev does indeed look like George Osborne, which ought to be a crime I know, but I can’t see what him overcharging for his holiday snaps has to do with T Blair.
As for you asking ‘what is’ the price for a Blair speech, it is what ever the listeners wish to pay for the speech against what ever remuneration Mr Blair accepts.
Sunni Muslim countries pay absurd sums for anything, from football clubs, to cars, to croupiers on roulette tables, to listening to Blair. This is a reflection of the absurd money select Sheiks earn from being fortunate enough to be born high up the food chain in backward countries that are awash with oil.
The point is that in both cases low value goods have been acquired for a massively inflated price. On the one hand it is described as a ‘bribe’ but on the other it is your posts which appears to share the Western view that it’s the market rate when the boot is on the other foot.
They do not pay absurd sums for property, and football clubs, they pay large amounts, but then so do the Russians.
Many people regard Bill Clintons speech in Kazakhstan is sometimes referred to as a bribe, so why is it different to Blair?
What makes goods ‘low value’ is in the eyes of the seller and buyer.
I’m afraid I still don’t see the link from market forces to the notion of a bribe or the link from market forces to Blair being corrupt.
You may not consider the money in football to be absurd, I most certainly do.
Afraid I am not familiar with Clinton’s speech in Kazakhstan, so still at a loss to your reasoning.
BTW I am not a huge fan of Blair’s. I hate the fact he allowed religious schools to take hold, uncontrolled immigration and that he handed over leadership of the labour party to Brown. Nor am I enamoured with anyone earning the sums of money he and a few others do … unless of course it is me, then I would bite the bullet and feel wretched and shameful while I was shagging gorgeous women who find middle aged, over weight, balding men, sexy when they have a few million in the bank.
You are missing the point!
‘market forces’ in one instance are described as a bribe, but in another they are not! I gave you an example of Bill Clinton being accused by some of accepting a bribe, you have not addressed that.
It appears to be extraordinarily easy to pull the wool over your eyes with regard to the work rounds to making a bribe appear legitimate. Presumably you would find it equally difficult to recognise money laundering was going on?
You post a link about the Clintons being accused of taking money from the Sunni Muslim oil rich Middle East, but then appear to find it utterly incomprehensible that Tony Blair might be doing exactly the same thing!
These are not stupid people. They seek to disguise their ill gotten gains by giving them an air of legitimacy, after all it’s pretty obvious if the Saudis & others gave Blair a £10 Million ‘gift’ questions would be asked.
Then there’s the fact that these people have past form in this field, and it’s highly likely they have offered Blair money for his services to Islam.
No one knows the real value of the other political services he offers because no one is allowed access to that information.
Having a closed mind to the possibility that this is going on, is exactly what corrupt politicians need to assist them in getting away with it.
Well, I can feel your rage, if not comprehend your point.
There have, indeed, been allegations of the Clintons ‘creaming’ funds where they have, in their professional capacities, ‘helped’ companies win contracts. The companies have then ‘donated’ monies to the Clinton foundations.
Clearly if George Osborne helped airbus land a big contract and then received a donation to the George Osborne Charitable Fund, we in this country would also collectively point our fingers.
Indeed we have both mentioned examples of the Clintons money making deals, others can be found by simply googling ‘clinton business money donated to foundation.’
I have yet to see any evidence of hidden monies heading towards Blair’s spacious pockets, rather his greed appears to be in the open. If you have any evidence other than your rage filled suspicions I would honestly wish to hear them.
Remember, my point was that the soft left appears to be upset, as are you, with Blair s money making schemes, yet quietly accepting of Hillary’s, and I am intrigued as to why that is the case.
Let me put this to you as simply as I possibly can!
You posted an article, about Hilary Clinton, I told you about the method corrupt Western politicians were lining their pockets. You tell me that you are not able to understand this method of being a bribe, so here, cut and pasted is what your own article says by wat of confirmation:
“In just the past three years, after her stint as the nation’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton spoke to dozens of deep-pocket firms on Wall Street, typically charging $250,000 a pop to hear her wit and wisdom — despite her bitter condemnations of Wall Street during her campaign.
All told, she took in an estimated $22 million from these speeches — an extraordinary amount, given the growing consensus among foreign-policy thinkers that Clinton was one of the worst secretaries of state ever.
So why would Arab potentates and Wall Street magnates alike pony up so much money for the Clintons? Is it because they believe so strongly in the philanthropic mission of the Clinton Family Foundation? Or is it that they hoped to have influence on a future Hillary Clinton presidency, which would of course feature First Gentleman Bill Clinton?”
Blair is charging more than double what Clinton is, and it doesn’t strike you as strange?
You have yet to see any evidence because there’s none so blind as those who will not see! What are you expecting? A big brown envelope being handed to him by the Saudi Ambassador?
These accusation are being made, but they are even more hushed up than the ones against Clinton!
Cameron is hoping to follow in Blairs footsteps he’s hardly likely to start an investigation regardless of the evidence !
Indeed, payments for speeches are clearly a whitewash for payments for dirty deeds done.
I dont know how anyone can think otherwise
We are trundling around in circles here.
In summary, I can see evidence for the Clintons having paybacks but I cannot see it for Blair. You may well be right, when your water tells you Blair’s a crook, and certainly you are not alone with that thought. Indeed you would be very much at home in the Guardian or BBC newsrooms.
The idea that the Guardian, Independent, the BBC, let alone the Telegraph and The Mail would ‘hush up’ evidence against Blair is more fanciful than a particularly imaginative episode of Dr Who. These newsrooms loathe him with the same passion as yourself, so I don’t think it would be hushed up. Indeed his wife’s entrepreneurial dealings with flats in Bristol entertained the Blair haters for weeks in the press.
As I keep saying you may be right but as of yet there is no evidence other than your wishful thinking.
The media panic now is obvious. Listen to the BBC’s fawning over the Legarde. Sickening. It is clear now that Cameron never expected to have to make good his referendum promise as he did not think he would get a majority. Typical of the shallow intelligence of the man.
We cannot be allowed to leave the EU. and literally any steps will be taken to stop us doing so. The BBC got it’s way over the charter as a result of the desperate need to continue the assault on us the voters.
This is the nearest we have come in many years to a direct choice before the people. Voting to preserve our democratic traditions or voting to accept a form of serfdom at the beck and call of the bankers and the liberal elites of Europe.
It may well be that the private polling shows that we could win and the elites lose. Hence the panic. This is a war between us and our governors that is undeclared but critical to our future. Voting to stay in is no option for a free man or free woman.
Dave S ,
I started listening to World at One with the repulsive Lardell , trumpeting that fool Lagarde. I switched off after 30 seconds. The Remainers are getting more desperate. Good signs !
Isn`t it Dominic Strauss-Khans turn now to say why leaving the EU will force foreign chambermaids to be put at extra risk of rape.
No reasons why-it just will, because he`s an EU Frenchie who did even BETTER than bilking Europe-he went worldwide.
And yet-the BBC don`t seem to have asked him…nor Detroux,that Austrian bloke(Josef Fritzel was it) or Breivik…who only did what he did because Norway wasn`t in the EU…so there.
True fact.
LOL !!!!
Billy liar thinks people have short memories
Noam Chomsky got the disability scooter up to Channel 4s New Yak videobox to hold forth…imagine the old fools comfort room`s now a transgender ball pool by now, so hope he was wearing his Tena pads.
No-Noam did not look well-will Betfred take a bet that he`ll not survive the year-and Cathy Newman and other idiot windies of the left should stop asking him difficult questions like “what is the point of you”-“how wrong can you and for so long”-and ” is your irrelevance and senility on a gradient that shadows that of Corbyns”?
No-Chomsky`s off to the forever box very soon-hope Trump moves him along that bit quicker with that November landlside we can expect.
Whereas Brian Matthew will live on forever at the minute…
The bBC and its -“We are all Hezb-allah” – glorified article on the death of a f-ing terrorist.
Hezbollah killing: Thousands mourn Badreddine at Beirut funeral
Thousands of people have attended the funeral in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, of top Hezbollah military commander Mustafa Amine Badreddine. He died in an explosion near Damascus airport, the Lebanon-based group said, adding it would announce “within hours” its report into the killing.”
Ok, the above I can accept, but then the bBC goes into ‘Allah Ackba’ mode:
Hezbollah has sent thousands of troops to support Syria’s President Assad.
So let me get this right , a terrorist org which claims its only reason for existence is to protect Lebanon from Israel, is fighting inside Syria? Why is nobody from the left (or even the bBC) questioning that fact? Then the bBC does its sleigh of hand trick whenever it discusses ‘Islamic terrorists’
In 2015, the US said that Badreddine was behind all Hezbollah’s military operations in Syria since 2011.
He was also charged with leading the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005.”
First of all it points to how the US (Whom the bBC goes well out its way to discredit every chance it gets) feels that Badreddine and Hezb-allah can only be innocent because its the yanks who don’t like them. they then follow that up by saying he was charged with the murder of Hariri in 2005. But it wasn’t the Yanks who charged him, it was the UN. Then we get to this:
The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville, in the capital, says some at the funeral blamed Israel for the killing, with one mourner saying: “Hezbollah has many spies.”
The thing is, there is a huge bun fight in the city of Aleppo and the Assad regime (Including its friends Hezb-allah and Iran) are getting their arses kicked.
Maybe there lies the reason why Hezb-allah have remained so quiet on exactly how this terrorist met his end, far easier to point at Israel, I mean we can’t have the Lebanese Shia muslims demanding they pull their terrorists out of Syria due to the heavy death count can we.
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic terrorism
The BBC report makes it quite clear which side the BBC is on . I am on the opposite side . But why should I pay for the BBC ? Why should I pay for the enemy. Where are Jerrod and all the BBC nappy -changers now ? Bias, what bias ?
I agree 100% with you, but what gets my goat, is how the bBC isn’t reporting the news from inside Syria as it should be, I mean how many people here have read on the bBC the following:
The Battle for Aleppo
According to the bBC it is the rebels advancing, but actually (As per the link above) the opposite is true and it is the Assad regime on the advance. Because the Government has put all its eggs into one basket, groups such as ISIS are advancing elsewhere against the Syrian regime:
ISIS gain ground against Syrian Army by taking Shaer gas field.
I’m looking for support for a petition I started on today to require the BBC to name the authors of their online news articles. I need 5 supporters before the petition becomes visible.
Most online BBC news articles do not have named authors.
Why is this important?
When we read a news article, we should know who has written it. Anonymous reporting undermines and degrades the BBC’s accountability, transparency and impartiality. News readers and reporters on BBC television and radio are always named. Other sources of online news, including newspaper websites, almost always have named authors. Why should the BBC be different?
Many people believe that the BBC news is biased. Some say it is biased to the left. Others say it is biased to the right. Whatever your opinion, it is important that we all trust the source of our news.
What should happen next?
The BBC should be required to name the authors of all its online news reports. This will make the BBC more accountable for its news content and strengthen its reputation for impartiality.
We must have trust and confidence in our most popular source of online news. If you care about accountability and integrity in online journalism please sign my petition.
How about BBC journalists being required to declare their political affiliations and voting records too!
No need. They openly publish them every day…
The bBC with a rescued migrant story:
Yet the question the bBC fail to ask the rescued bloke, is why did he leave peaceful Gambia in which to get to Europe?
Instead they ask him, what is he going to do now he has reached Europe.
That is the question. Gambia and Senegal ( even including Casamance, maybe Casamance, in some ways ) are the most peaceful countries in W. Africa. Many displaced people come from other parts, especially Sierra Leone and Liberia. And others. There is no reason to leave Gambia or Senegal for any other reasons than economic. If the BBC think otherwise , they are stupid or lying
I live in Gambia !!! I doubt if you have ever set foot in the country. Read my previous posts. I am not defending Jammeh, far from it. I am just giving you the benefit of my personal experience . I have read all the human rights reports and many of my Gambian friends are in exile. I do not need any lectures from you on the subject !!!! The point is , that for the vast majority of ordinary Gambians, it is a safe and peaceful country. Why don’t you visit and find out for yourself ?
PS I should have said in my previous post ” There is no reason to leave Gambia by the “back way ” for any other than economic reasons “. Political exiles travel to mainly Dakar but also Europe and N. America by normal routes. For example, a friend of mine who was formerly Head of the Civil Service , was simply asked to leave by Jammeh ( for no reason whatsoever ) and is now working in Boston USA. She did not have to get a boat from Libya to Italy .
“If the BBC think otherwise , they are stupid or lying ”
It doesn’t have to be an “either, or” with the BBC. I’d say both.
How often have we seen in Africa, a coup led by ignorant, violent, wicked tyrant? It is par for the course. Gambia has one of the worst regimes in that benighted continent.
Well, Jammeh is certainly one of the worst. And I make no excuses for that evil, mentally deranged bastard. But for most people it is a very peaceful country. I certainly feel much safer living in Gambia than in the UK and so do many Gambians. You cannot judge any country until you have lived in it, in my opinion.
“Well, Jammeh is certainly one of the worst. And I make no excuses for that evil, mentally deranged bastard. ”
I have no first hand knowledge of The Gambia, but if it was even half as bad as Zero makes out Grant would now be in fear of his life after making the above comment. The fact that he used those terms on a public blog means that he’s proved his point in the most emphatic way possible.
I admire you patience Grant in trying to educate Zero. But unfortunately his experience of the world appears to come from Google.
I suspect his experience of the world actually comes from his inside access to BBC and Guardian archives.
The fact that they are totally one-sided will be lost on the likes of Zero and his LGBT pals.
AS we end this season-who actually HAS been our wandering troll of the year?
The Scott Pot surely goes to zero this year-surely the biggest carbuncle on the anal dangleberry of 2015-16.
Still running snout-first into stationary tractor tyres as we speak…but it`s better than letting him out for the day.
Zero wrote:
Reports such as this suggest that you’re not quite as knowledgeable about Gambia as you claim to be:”
Really, here is what the foreign office has to say about the country on its country (travel) website:
Most visits to The Gambia are trouble-free although independent travellers are at increased risk due to the lack of local support in an emergency. If you’re travelling independently, make sure next of kin in the UK have details of your itinerary and keep in regular touch. Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
Here is what the same website has to say about:
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the rest of Iraq,
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) continues to advise against all travel to Libya,
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Syria.
Shall we look at their advice for Pakistan shall we:
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to: the Federally Administered Tribal Areas the districts of Charsadda, Kohat, Tank, Bannu, Lakki, Dera Ismail Khan, Swat, Buner and Lower Dir in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa the city of Peshawar and districts south of the city, including travel on the Peshawar to Chitral road via the Lowari Passnorthern and western Balochistan travel on the Karakoram Highway between Islamabad and Gilgit The FCO advise against all but essential travel to: the Kalesh Valley, the Bamoboret Valley and Arandu District to the south and west of Chitral in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa the city of Quetta the city of Nawabshah in Sindh Province, and areas of interior Sindh to the north of Nawabshah
Yet, when it comes to Gambia, that country you claim I know nothing about, they have Zilch. Please feel free to respond. As I won’t be.
Back on YouTube for a time…But how long this time?
Also here
Just uploaded it onto my blog.
Thanks to DaC and Number 6.
I’ve just run off 4 DVDs for “distribution”.
Thanks lads.
The BBC usually reluctant to promote the idea of national pride and Britain just about fall over themselves with indecent haste to label men like this as British.
Now I’m sure as regards matters like living standards,rights, a fair trial and subsequent treatment Mr Khan wholly embraces the idea of Britain, but is he really British? Never mind what reactionary old fashioned types may or may not think, has anyone at the BBC actually asked Mr. Khan if he himself really and truly considers himself to be a loyal British subject? After all, we live in times when incorrect labelling is considered offensive and discriminatory, maybe a little fact finding is in order, maybe he could swear an oath of loyalty to satisfy any nasty doubters.
To be fair the article does make Mr Khans position clear, so why call him
British in the headline?
If it had been Tommy Robinson, a man from Luton, that had been convicted, he wouldn’t have been described as British.
Got to be a multiplier index here.
Given the number of stories about Trans folk-their current prevalence all over the liberal media, the obsessing and the continual puffings up of their gender identity decisions…I do wonder if the fact that they get 50 times as much media coverage as their numbers deserve is-or is not- on a par with Muslims and the number of column inches that THEIR actions and grievances merit.
I`m just sick of the continual grievance farming, agitations and massages/groomings of all things trans and Islam…there`s hardly any of them in comparison to the rest of the population, but they take up way too much media attention-and just to please a Chomsky or a Stonewall/MCB type of stalking horse for the Soviet tendencies.
Reckon the trans issue just shades the Muslim one re face time…but it`s close.
I’d like to read about a radical Christian approaching a gay baker to commision a cake celebrating Leviticus18, then visiting a jihadi chocolatier to request…. well we know where that would end, certainly not with the christian running crying to the media that’s for sure.
I love flags.
EU= 4th Reich.
IMF -==EU Sturmabteilung
Bank of England =Canadian SS
UK Police = Powderpuff Girls
Any other suggestions?
The British Broadcasting Corporation
White flag =Tony Blair IRA
JUST HELPED MY NEARBY NEIGHBOUR TONIGHT SEND THIS EMAIL TO BBC NEWS VIA BBC WEBSITE PAGE – the more of those that want BREXIT the Movie seen by masses should also please badger BBC, ITV, C4 (daily – as many times as poss) – also sent mine tonight!
Anyone fancy also sending email direct to Tony Hall and Mrs Fairhead – copy to Whittingdale please?
As many as possible.
Hellor BBC
Please, please could you show this information film from BREXIT the Movie I keep hearing about released this week – my friends at our day centre coffee morning all want to see it.
The people who have seen it like the manager here, say we would be well served to see the BREXIT side.
Trouble is these people are all good at getting it on computer and we dying to see it but do not know how we can find it online very easily – just wish we was more computer aware.
All us old ladies in my street would love to be able to see it and as our public service broadcaster could you the BBC please do us the Public service?
It seems logical tht you might obviously be already scheduling to show this BREXIT the Movie, but have not seen it advertised anywhere.
I am putting a note through my MPs office door later on Church Road, (copy of thise note to you basically), to ask if he can ask you as well – but he Labour – like me sometimes – but he not very reliable at fairness since he wants to stay in REMAIN and you can never rely on these people – that is why writing direct to you BBC as know you remitted to be fair without fear or favour.
Please can you reply to me by email *************** so I can inform all our group when you going to show this movie.
Thanks in anticipation.
Flat 3
Thanks to all who posted links to Brexit The Movie, I don’t watch BBC one so would have missed it’s prime time premier showing… .
Here is the link (I think).
This is a must to send to all including the ‘In’ voters…..In fact, especially the In voters
Why hasn’t the bbbc broadcast this documentary?……….Oh, sorry, I think I have worked out the answer
Watched Brexit film last night – made some excellent points re the EU s profligate ways and disastrous effect on our trade and industrial base. ……………………………………………………………………….But whats that loud trumpeting sound in my ear. Bugger something has just squashed the lazy Susan and turned the dog into a squashed pile of steaming giblets – Why its the immigration Elephant of course!!!!!
I can understand the makers of this film not wanting to be seen as “negative” and “waycisst” But are we really so infantile in this country that we are not allowed to know at least the basic facts.
I suppose what has happened is that even here the left wing/liberal yogurt and chardonnay quaffers have dictated the agenda yet again. People are entitled to know the facts and consequences about immigration and its lack of control yet, this film is just the same as the Charter Review in that it is another “Opportunity Missed”
I suppose the film makers are aiming this film at those with liberal tendencies yet I strongly suspect at the end of the day these people irrespective of whether immigration was mentioned or not will crawl back into their denial burrow and vote for Remain irrespective of the facts.
By treating immigration as “The problem that doth not speak its name” – It plays into the hands of the likes of our site trolls who wish to paint us all as going to work wearing white pointy hats and carrying flaming crosses under our arms! Is the truth really that unpalatable – If it is I think it needs to be got out there quick.
People have a right to know the facts – unfortunately “Brexit the Movie” only told half the story.
I think you may have missed the point a bit.
By not needing to mention immigration to make a very sound case for Brexit the movie immediately puts many off side by preventing the standard use of racist in their responses, meaning that they have to try to “unpick” points that are very difficult to unpick.
I hope Boris’ bus uses the pictures of the decision makers in Brussels and asks the public firstly to identify them and secondly how they were voted in and thirdly how you can vote them out if you do not like the direction of travel.
Can you imagine if BBC state funded employees had their own private luxurious shopping mall that the general public can not enter ?This is what EU employees have funded by us .Watch the movie . Brexit the movie will never be shown in the BBC.
Does anyone know if ‘Brexit – The Movie’ will be shown on ITV, Channel Four or Channel Five?
I just saw a Welsh Black (a breed of cattle, as is a Hereford – just to appease our resident trolls) Jumping over the Moon……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not yet on the bBBC, but bound to be as it is in the Guardian.
The questions that immediately strike me, having only skimmed the article are:
1. Why does the picture show glasses of stout, presumably Guinness? Isn’t this anti-Irish racist?
2. The sub-heading wants warning on bottles. What use is that to those of us who drink draught stout as shown in the picture?
An entire industry exists on warning labels, some involving rafts of newly created job opportunities. From Graphic designers to those who can police such things, stepping over folk dying in ditches to prosecute the real crimes afoot. Plus, of course, whole rafts of new BBC editorial posts, now the flood gates on funding have been opened again for more than a decade at least. I sense a Tulip piece in the Farce at the very least.
It will be interesting how many times the BBC piece, if it comes, mentions ‘experts’. The Graun certainly appear to feel it is a key aspect.
I wonder if these are the same experts who seemed oddly mute, or curiously unquoted in their area of expertise, when a gang of not middle-aged girls tore the hair from another whilst drunk? And got let off because their faith had left them in a condition such that they were not used to being out of their tiny minds whilst attacking folk. Apparently.
BBC News FaceBook:
“We were live on board the search and rescue ship, the Aquarius – which hours ago rescued hundreds of migrants from the sea off the coast of Libya. Our correspondent Christian Fraser took your questions on the rescue operation. #FacebookLive #Live”
Comments not really headed in the direction the BBC fancies.
Ironically this is on FaceBook, so they stay up.
More ironically, the next story is about the Gizmondo article about FaceBook censorship.
Imagine Christian Fraser will have been renamed Muhammad by the time his Ship Of Fools has been docked in Brindisi.
Or else he`ll be Christine if they`ve not already used their knives to slash the dinghies of any takfir vesels floating nearby.
So expect yet another Islam story…or a transex one…in either case the BBC get the story they want us all to muse over.
“We`re all doomed”!….well, all but the Battling Rembrandts who know what the BBC are up-it shall not stand…
FB Censorship issue : BBC Trending actually did quite reasonable coverage. They actually interviewed the Gizmodo journalist who broke the story.
My link takes you directly to 9:30 minutes, cos the normally super-biased BBC Trending team did remain true to form by filling the first 9 minutes with an item they deem more important : They’ve found a black angle story : claiming that AirB&B is 15% biased against ‘people of colour’
(Just don’t ask yourself why the prog didn’t mention discrimination in favour of women ?)
I am increasingly p…….sed off at the media’s constant use of the terminology “desperate people”, whether its those coming across the Med on Lilo’s or trecking across from Pakistan. Clearly they weren’t ‘desperate’ enough to make a break for it in the years before people smugglers started offering one-way trips across the bay. I suppose there is an upside – at least those middle aged women daft enough to look for romance on the beaches of Gambia will soon have to go no further than the Dover Terminal !
On the previous “Midweek Thread”- I was unable to thank the poster who fist put up the “Brexit-The Movie” link so I could watch it.
For some reason the names weren`t coming up…and felt that a memorial to the Unknown Poster wasn`t really necessary, what with shrines, peeled onions and Chris Evans doing skidpan turns around the plastic flowers and clapometer set to continuous-all costing too much, ritual humbug and wasting all our time.
Just gone back…and -ladies and gentlemen -it was Dazed and Confused…closely backed and helped by his gorgeous assistant( gender fluidity OK only at weekends eh?…Phillip_2…who gave us the link that so many of us will ssurely posting up and letting them all know of.
So thanks lads…a Bottle of Newcastle Brown and a selection of Red Leicester cheeses are on their way via the 3, via a Tesla driverless car printer (THAT`LL fuck up Top Gear won`t it?).
Why am I so glad-well at *.30 this morning I left the hallowed halls of Brian Matthew(PBUH) and went to Radfio 4.
Bloody Humphrys was doing some mixmaster mash up of the political soundbites he loves…and was about to bring his his four so-independent “BBC editors” to tell us the facts….
My wife expected a few more minutes without her cuppa as I raged at it all(The Matthews song at the time was rubbish-and had two minutes yet to go)-but to her surprise-I turned it off and went to put the kettle on.
Why so-because the lads above had shown me “The way”…and I no longer need to hear another f***in word about “facts, voters confused” and all that.
No Humphrys you scrote-Durkins laid ALL the facts out in a way that even a Beeb moron could see and hear(good graphics)-has just the right amount of pathos( North Shields fish quay 15 mins in tells you ALL you need to know about what the EU has done to this country)…etc, etc.
If we`re confused and in need of the facts from now on-blame ourselves-because Martin Durkin-yet again-has laid out the facts and there is NO need to hear another oaf again, unless its Gove and his pals.
So f*** the BBC…save yourself a few minutes, get the kettle on-and thank our Son of Shields Mr Durkin…as well as Dazed and Phil-for finishing any need for further discussions and earwiggings.
(Romans 2…verse 1=without excuse…verse 8-the coming storm!).
Thanks for that, chrisH.
Lest any B-BBC folk & visitors hunt in vain for an album by the Alabama 3 titled ‘Woke Up this Morning’ this song is taken from Exile on Coldharbour Lane.
Conversion is a good start to a process of reform. The Humph is a searcher. He is also a thinker, perhaps more than some at the Beeb.
I just wish he’d challenge (all) contributors more. Had one on at another point in today’s TODAY, the Humph asked a question, the interview made a statement in reply. The obvious question this listener immediately fired at the radio: “Why?” John Humphrys did not and moved on, perhaps with a pre-prepared script.
“Or maybe I’m a dog who’s lost its bite?” (P. Simon – Obvious Child)
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United>
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine! Farewell Norwich!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United. The ultimate Jackie Mildew fantasist.
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
Yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Follow Van Gall say I-let`s get oursewlves out of Europe!
Great song that one sir!
The Obvious Child-hope it`ll be played as the favelas catch fire finally over the Rio Olymics-and that woman crook who leads them into the sewers.
But she`s a woman-so the idiot left will back her just as they`ll do for La Clintona!
Now to more important issues.
Three clubs relegated from Division One then(f***k the Premiership!)
Norwich, Newcastle and Villa.
Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine! Farewell Norwich!
Tony Blair was an “alleged”, “so-called” or “identified as” a “supporter”-not of Islamic State, but of Newcastle United. The ultimate Jackie Mildew fantasist.
Are you thinking what I`m thinking?
Blairs Newloony Left seem to be doing to their footy clubs what they did to the country-who says God doesn`t wear a footy shirt on such occasions?
Here`s hoping that New Labour bag carriers and windsocks continue to clog up the boards of Man City, Chelsea and West Ham among others…the Curse of New Labour is upon us!
Yes I know-but what of Villa?
Nigel Kennedy…no further questions yer honour!
Follow Van Gall say I-let`s get ourselves out of Europe!
Am slightly in mourning over Newcastle’s demotion. Not a supporter but fond of the place and two friends (father now long deceased) who were passionate about the club.
“Ed Balls followed Charles Clarke into the Directors Box-only to find it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!” < priceless! Worth repeating x3. Yes, they had to prove 'they were of the people' while taking from the common man (and woman) and have left their rust and cobwebs and moths eating the red linings of suits and pine boxes for many in the land.
VanGaal may have the last laugh on his critics. Some silverwhere United already have loads in a few weeks time!
I wonder if we here will have the last laugh, come June 24th and our joy will be odious to some but fragrant to many? I fear the worst but live with hope, faith and charity towards those who insist on supporting other teams including BS Europe FC and Remain Sidelined Athletic, but think that Team UK Allstars FC really needs to play in a different franchise.
Quite a good debate on Kamal's Blog Thurs/Fri although long into the night and rather spatty. After which, coming back here and reading the latest posts provides a good chuckle. Used to be like that, usually, in the days of Nick, Steffie & Pesto Blogging with comments on. Sadly that is no more.
BBC please take note: Laughter (and comments on Blogs) is good for the soul!
Sorry-triple twaddle above!
Yes chrisH. Thanks for that reminder in triplicate of just what has happened at my football club since January. I posted here on 28th Dec that I was off to see the Villa match at Carrow Road, Norwich (2-0 to the Canaries btw), having just learnt that wanabee Chancellor of the Exchequer and failed politician Ed Balls had been appointed Chairman. Since that day NCFC have accumulated a mere 11 out of a possible 54 points and now find themselves relegated to the second tier.
The CEO McNally has had the good grace to resign. Not our Ed though. He’s settled into the Directors’ box for the long term after finding “it was padded in red silk and was made of pine!” Much to his taste I hasten to add, and room enough now for Yvette and their three Syrian families.
Woe! Woe! And Thrice Woe!
But at least you know where you stand Mr G!
Meanwhile we here at the Theatre of The Absurd still see Mourinho cycling round the stadium chucking round flyers and waiting for the Dutch Cap to throw in the marigolds, after boring us all rigid.
I myself am in a minority of one in my local forum-I was not brought up to sidle into the European Cup( as it`s called!) , and playing teams in green shirts on a Thursday night…for we are United!
So I hope we don`t get into Europe tomorrow-except if that would put Peps plans and presumptions out of kilter.
“Tis better to be dying in hope of resurrection than floundering and treading water in the Nordsee”.
Mao Tse Tung might have said that-but he didn`t.
Dutch Master my hat…can we borrow Delia, at least we might win Pie of the Month once in a while.
Oh-stuff the BBC….knew I had to say something there!
Just listened to the repeat of Any Questions, it had (to borrow from Nigel Farage’s line) a “very carefully selected” typical BBC audience.
I thought Liam Fox was quite good and Lord Paddy lived down to all that I expected of him, tw@t!
Once again, as the domestic football season comes to an end, we have the highlight of the year. The FA Cup final. Widely acknowledged to be the greatest cup competition in the world, today we have the treat of watching Arsenal and Chelsea battle it out for this most hallowed prize.
But hang on. There’s something amiss. Wembley appears almost empty, I don’t recognise any of the players, the pitch appears to have shrunk to the size of a large tennis court, and what shocking skills on display. I’ve seen better in the Anglian Combination League Division 5. But it’s live across every BBC platform you can imagine. What is this???
Oh, sorry. False alarm folks. The proper FA Cup final is next Saturday. This is the Ladies Cup Final. And I’ve just switched it off.
At least that cup will be clean and presentable, by the time the twenty two ladies have all given its a good clean…and lets hope it`s china and makes space for a well-turned pinkie as the tea is poured.
“Andrea Dworkin told me to say it!”…honest!
Anyone avidly tuned in to watch the women’s FA Cup final?
What a load of absolute shite. It really, really is.
And the joke is compounded by the commentators and “pundits” pretending it’s not for fear of incurring the wrath of the legions of deranged social media harridans.
Another BBC untruth if ever there was one.
I watched a couple of minutes of this, and clearly the bBBC’s opinion of equality and diversity is not quite matched by the public who, by virtue of the broadcast, I could see were at the match literally in their dozens.
Am tempted to have a look (although Silk Road is also on my schedule, for the scenery if nothing else) now that everyone has panned to it see if it really is that bad. I can believe you guys but sometimes it helps to endure a little pain just to have more ammo to fire at Whittingdales & Halls, the well-known retailers of less value for ever more money.
Think a friend made me watch a womens’ Cup Final last season or the season before. It was tolerable, that particular game. Less falling over and crying for Mummy than in the male equivalent but a very different pace and skill set on show. Less high points in the action, too.
I had some paint that needed watching until it was dry!!
To be fair,the GGS(Great God Sport) demands suck ups and obeisance-no matter if it`s the Mighty Magyars of 53…or the Melty misses of 2016…s`all sport-bow down!
Would like to see a game played in high heels-whether its John Terry or some damsel playing in them…t`would be good to see…and stuff the feminists coming dress code in one swoop.
Newcastle this season have played like old Cissie Charlton sewed lace around their shorts anyway.
Surprised that Sky have not yet bigged up that vital battle for 20th place between Newcastle and Norwich tomorrow…the BBC could give us some trending HYS item on this Battle for Cabbage Rights!
Alongside….”is it shit…or do you call it shite?”…have your say!
Will all end in tears
I am watching it as I can see nothing else of even moderate interest until Saracens come on to give Racing 92 a good hosing down. However, curiously, i did notice one of the Chelsea players who may have been affected by gender ambiguity. Whether or not this was just a flook, it’s on the right channel at least.
Do they swap shirts at the end of games…and spray each other with booze?
Just asking….
Sorry yer honour-I was just imagining myself as a lesbian in a mans body, works for Grayson, Eddie and Sandi
A Syrian couple have appealed to the government to help reunite them with two of their children who cannot currently claim UK asylum.
Is the emotional plea in the header of this BBC article. Note the use of the word CHILDREN!
“Amal and Muhammed Alwadi and their two youngest children have been granted refugee status but their other children were refused visas as they are over 18.”
“However, the couple’s 19-year-old son, Kusai, is living in a refugee camp in Calais while their 20-year-old Atha daughter is living in Turkey.”
A refugee camp in Calais? They of course mean he won’t claim asylum in France, even though he is perfectly safe there, as is the other daughter in Turkey.
This is exactly what people thought would happen. Ungrateful so called refugees who don’t exactly look under nourished or particularly stressed!
“Mr Alwadi then travelled to the UK, where he was granted asylum in 2014 and set about applying for family reunion which was granted in 2015.”
He now wants the law changed so his adult offspring can also milk the UK. No doubt if & when he & she gets here they will want their spouses with them and children, plus the parents of the spouses, their brothers & sisters plus offspring, and by the time they’ve finished the whole of Syria will be in the UK!
I wonder if they’ve even bothered to go visit this so called ‘son’ since they are so close.
This is exactly what many people said would happen. To find ‘I’m on a different planet’ Clegg is supporting them is no surprise. Perhaps if he were made to support them financially he might have a different opinion, always good at spending other peoples money these liberal lefties.
As the UK is in the EU perhaps they should consider moving to France.
Curious description on R4 6pm news of the senior “militant” killed in Syria, we are told he was responsible for some of the most “spectacular” terrorist attacks in the region, including the truck bomb murder of all those U.S. marines in Beirut.
Surely a more appropriate adjective should have been used to describe acts of such wickedness, such as: heinous; evil; appalling or some such?
AND-last night on Channel 4 they said that this Hezbollah puddle of guts was possibly “killed by Mossad”.
Certainly the Arab Street that followed the matchbox containing his remains seemed convinced of this-“death to the Jews” an` all being the watchword of the assembled enrichers.
Can we expect an apology from Krishnan and Snowjob….or do they ALSO get it about right every time like their mirror image of pulchritude that we`re forced to fund?
Gloomy Saturday lunchtime news is that he may have been seen off by Sunni ‘Islamicists’, chrisH. Now, if Shia FC v Sunni United really kicks off in the Stadium of Life anytime soon, things could get very nasty for everyone.
Wondered why the oil price had scooted around a very tight hairpin bend and accelerated away uphill recently.
Funny, Monaco GP is not for a couple of weeks yet.
Did you hear the sports bits?
Apparently Christy O Connor Snr was a golfing great who said he`d have won stuff( as opposed to carrying the jumpers for Ryder Cup types) had he not
a) been subject to British pass laws at that time.
b) been allowed into the USA, as opposed to digging spuds for Lord Castlereagh
c) had enough money to afford the fees at Augusta
d) been actually any bloody good.
It being the BBC, yo`ll guess that the answer was (c)-but all others applied as well-and certainly WILL do by the time Kirsty Wark gets to town on it on BH tomorrow.
I too didn`t have the money to get off Wythenshawe putting green in the Troubles myself-the fees were high and the flags rusted…and it was abit slopey in parts too.
Christy was crap maybe?…maybe Des would have done better had he been prised off Wentworth by Kenny Lynch and pals.
Al Shubtill, I have no doubt that the Islamic propagandists at the BBC regard terrorist attacks on US personnel and others as spectacular events to be celebrated. Back when subhuman Pakistani terrorists slaughtered over a hundred innocents in Mumbai, torturing some of them to death like the Habad rabbi and his wife, who were specifically targeted because they were Jewish, the World Service referred to the terrorists as “determined young men” who had carried out an “audacious attack.”
BBC ‘reporters’ and ‘editors’ are well aware of the power and influence of the carefully-chosen words they use. And words often fail me when I try to express my loathing of them and their foul organisation.
The use terms such as ‘daring’ and ‘audacious’ in some cases do seem as inaccurate as they are insensitive.
Walking into a civilian area armed to the teeth and slaughtering innocents is neither.
Yes, they claim to report in a neutral way, but ‘audacious’ is obviously a positive judgement on these terrorists. In contrast, they would never in their wildest nightmares refer to terrorist atrocities with accurate terms like ‘cowardly’ or ‘cunning.’
That tells us who and what the BBC stands for.
They claim to report neutrally but ‘audacious’ is obviously a positive judgement on terrorism.
They would never in their in their wildest nightmares describe terrorist atrocities accurately as ‘cunning’ and ‘cowardly.’
That tells me everything I need to know about the BBC’s attitude to the rampaging terrorists of the Religion of Peace.
Kirsty Wark is doing BH tomorrow-thought I`d best warn you.
She`s apparently sending rope bridges over Pentonville to tell us all that books are a problem in prisons, and she`s got Boaty Mc Boatfaces ex-sound recordist to document it all for her!
That septic tank needs lagging I think….
As for the lethal injections being a problem in the USA, now that Tizer are posing as aromatherapists…just as well Donalds still got those guns, and I imagine Obamas not turned ALL the rope into snakes.
Only the BBC would lead with THAT as a news story…
Well done Arsenal Ladies-14 times Cup Winners…well done on beating Friends of Fulham every COME ON Wenger….remember when Bertha Trautmann played on against The Doncaster Bellhops witha broken fingernail?
I was there…..
Do the BBC & the media in general now consider themselves to be the moral teachers of the nasty racist working classes who don’t understand how lucky they are to now be having their wages driven down by hoards of cheap labor from abroad. People who can work for £4.00 an hour knowing in their homeland £4.00 is actually worth something.
In biblical times the pharisees were the people who dictated how it was people should live and think.
A biblical quote from Matthew chapter 23: Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
In the modern age the media have not only taken over the place of the pharisees in trying to tell people how to think but also in hypocrisy.
The extreme left although generally being atheist still try to impose a misguided moral argument to make the population accept masses of immigrants & all other deluded leftist dogma.
They see themselves as moral superiors to anyone who opposes them and yet at heart are as filthy as could be.
In some ways I think leftism has become like the new religion of the western world. A false religion that will if it’s not stopped ultimately destroy the society from which it has sprang.
Here we go again.
The BBC continues to bang on about Pfizer thinking of removing the drugs needed to give lethal injections in the US.
Now then
1. Any plans to get rid of the drugs used for mercy killings, euthanasia, assisted dying then?
2. Any plans to stop any Pfizer-based products that might be involved in abortions?
Or does Reprieve , Amnesty etc etc only care about criminals and murderers…and display none of that famed compassion for either the very old or the very young/as yet unborn?
Need I ask?
And -will our bleeding heart anti-drug death penalty types get onto the case re China and THEIR use of selfsame drugs?
Or will the US simply buy them all from THERE?
And cost those precious jobs in Europe etc?
See-being in the EU DOES cost jobs….