Just as Lord Haw Haw betrayed Britain in favour of Hitler’s European dream it looks like the BBC’s Lord Hall Hall has similarly sold Britain down the river and betrayed the British people in favour of the EU empire as he looks to have stitiched up a deal with Cameron and the Remain campaign.
It looks more and more as if the BBC has done a deal with the government. In return for a white paper on the BBC’s future that far from being radical and reforming in fact reinforced the BBC’s grip on the media world and allowed it to escape scot-free from any censure or control of its bias the BBC has taken to pumping out unalloyed pro-EU, anti-Brexit propaganda with unashamed regularity.
The BBC’s attacks on Boris Johnson, leader of the out campaign, have been ramped up substantially and little effort is made to explore the issues raised by the Brexit camp in any meaningful way….what for example will be the consequences of staying in the EU when the inevitable ever-closer union and the prospect of being forced into the Euro arise? That is a major question, possibly the only one that counts, and yet the BBC ducks that awkward question all too often…and where is the BBC’s ‘shocked’ reporting on the stitch-up between Big Business and the Government to promote the Remain campaign….the same companies that are angling for big government contracts?
The BBC has consistently tried to dodge those issues, first by preferring to talk about the splits in the Brexit camp and the different groups pushing the same message. Marr when interviewing Boris desperately tried to avoid talkng about Europe. Then the BBC dismisses Boris Johnson’s part in the campaign as a mere stunt intended to put him in line for leadership of the Tory Party and that he doesn’t really want to Brexit and then they claim he is a racist (for quoting the Guardian’s opinion on Obama) and finally (at least up till now) they label him as some lunatic spouting on about Hitler….despite the fact he did not make a comparison between Hitler and the EU, merely saying they both aimed for a single authority over Europe that history proves will never work….he also mentioned in the same breath, the Romans and Napoleon….the BBC ignored that and headlined with ‘Hitler’.
The BBC continues the hatchet job today as it gives the patrician and arrogant Tory wet, Michael Heseltine, the top headline on the Frontpage…
Johnson ‘losing judgement’ – Heseltine
Why does the BBC lead with that insult when it is obviously a very subjective and partisan view from someone who is an ardent pro-EU fanatic? It’s not news, it’s pure propaganda and the BBC is trumpeting it from the rooftops.
What does Heseltine have to say about Cameron’s wild claims about Brexit causing a third world war, or that Putin and ISIS would be cheerleading for Brexit, or the fact that Cameron only a couple of months ago was threatening to leave the EU himself if he didn’t get his substantial reforms (which he did not…in fact he surrendered to the EU, giving up more than he got in return)?
Laura Kuenssberg has always tried to push the ‘Boris wants to be leader’ line and claims he is being dishonest about his motives…on what proof? None. This is the BBC making stuff up. Lying. Boris has always been sceptical about the EU.
Kuenssberg doesn’t give us analysis, she merely relays Heseltine’s words to us as if they were fact…
This criticism will sting because even though Boris Johnson insists it is not the case, many of his Tory colleagues believe his calculation to join the Out campaign was entirely because he wants to be the next leader of his party.
For Lord Heseltine, who of course had similar ambitions but was thwarted in the end, to suggest his decision and subsequent behaviour will in fact kill his chances will really hurt.
That’s not journalism, that’s just gossip…and what about his ‘subsequent behaviour’? Kuenssberg casually insinuates that this behaviour is somehow wrong…and yet Boris has said and done nothing that any normal person without a vested interest in getting a Remain vote in the bag would suggest was wrong or incorrect….and indeed both the Guardian and the BBC have said exactly the same things in the past…and yet now, somehow, they are taboo. Funny that. Indeed in the programme mentioned below the BBC claims that a bloodthirsty Christian crusade into Eastern Euope was designed to create a united Europe…..is the BBC claiming that the EU is similar to a bloodthirsty crusade just as it claims Boris said the EU’s aims for a single Europe were somehow like Hitler’s?
The BBC treated us to the final part of its less than subtle pro-EU superstate programme, Europeans…the roots of identity…..
What’s really shaped Europeans’ identity? Historian Margaret MacMillan visits Estonia, exploring how a tiny Estonian nation has dramatised the question of where exactly Europe is…… And she’ll see how new kinds of history – through DNA analysis for example – are revealing why Europeans are such an extraordinary mix of languages, cultures, and migrations.
A blatant attempt to make you believe that there has always been a ‘common European identity’…not just geographic or say a loose one based upon Christianity but an actual pan -European identity that made us virtually into one big state…along with some pro-multiculturalism and migration patter…complete bollocks of course….and a complete misuse of licence fee payers’ money, used as it is to peddle a very one-sided view of history in order to promote the EU and the Remain campaign.
Lord Hall Hall is putting on a show for his political masters. They are certainly getting their white paper’s worth. Bet the BBC are glad they kept Whittingdale’s dalliances with a drug addicted prostitute under wraps for so long….such tact has paid off handsomely.
Didn’t bother listening to the ‘historian’ visiting Estonia – but if anybody did tune in, would I be correct in assuming that she didn’t mention “The Singing Revolution” and in particular the song “Isamaa ilu hoieldes”?
Didn’t hear that but I recently read her book Peacemakers which struck me a solid piece of research. The best view of Brexit is in Brexit The Movie. Available on line in various places.
The bbc goes bananas over Boris:
“Really Boris Johnson? Really? ???”
Literally. I cut and pasted from their Facebook page and those last three icons are bananas. I suspect they may not ‘read’.
Meanwhile the PM goes nuts over ISIL and how will the BBC react to that?
HT to Isage000, over on Guido’s site.
Having ridiculed Johnson, the BBC might want to let its viewers know that Boris was right. The EU’s bananas regulation (appendix C, as Isage, points out concerns presentation:
‘What does Heseltine have to say about Cameron’s wild claims about Brexit causing a third world war, or that Putin and ISIS would be cheerleading for Brexit, or the fact that Cameron only a couple of months ago was threatening to leave the EU himself…’
We haven’t got a clue, the BBC never asked him. Nor did they ask Heseltine about his own record; on being an outspoken advocate of Britain joining the Euro. The BBC way is to get people to say they were wrong…but in Heseltine’s cases they didn’t dare go there.
And this morning the BBC were barely hiding there campaign to get young people registered to vote and turn out for remain. Toenails was at the University of East Anglia to hear why most kiddies will vote for ‘in’. One interviewee offering the view that she (giggle) would vote in because ‘it would be easier to travel in Europe if we were in the EU’ (to more giggles from those around). Is that it? Is that the sum total of their argument? I wouldn’t have a clue because Robinson failed to ask her, failed to ask about the other, more important issues about sovereignty, self determination about stepping out and having a wider more progressive, outward looking view of the world.
Once again the BBC had the soundbite that they needed. No need for any more questions.
It is to be expected and the only way the BBC will behave. As the ex president of the Czech Republic said the elites of Europe have gone to war against their people. In the sense that they are to be ignored for the greater glory of the elite desire to enrich and aggrandize themselves.
The BBC and Cameron are but two cheeks of the same arse. They are not of the people nor are they imbued with that desire for freedom that should characterize all men. What they want is power ,wealth and control. To get this anything goes.
Cameron now knows it was a mistake to offer the vote on the EU and I have no doubt the private polls show a close race.
It was always clear that we cannot be allowed our freedom to choose our destiny as a people .That the EU is in danger of collapse if we leave. So anything is now possible. I despise the BBC as I despise those who are prepared to break the ancient compact between generations that go to make up tthe nation.
The BBc and it’s myriad followers will bring the lies into our world and for what? A vain attemt to control the uncontrollable future.
“The BBC and Cameron are but two cheeks of the same arse” (that definitely put a smile on my face)
I would say the Al Beeb and the EU are but two cheeks of the same arse…CarMoron is the arse hole between them
“And she’ll see how new kinds of history – through DNA analysis for example – are revealing why Europeans are such an extraordinary mix of languages, cultures, and migrations.”
Yes it’s true that most Europeans have slightly mixed DNA – mainly due to unwelcome invasions and warfare. However, that doesn’t explain why Nordics tend to be blond and Southern Europeans dark. Latvians are very blond, Greeks are very dark. If our DNA was as mixed as they say then we would be a lot more similar to one-another (from Reykjavik to Istanbul or from Lisbon to Riga) like the Japanese or East Africans are for instance. It’s taking a small fact and making it into a big lie: i.e. typical lefty tactics.
Most Indigenous Europeans can be identified to within 100km of their birthplace by DNA alone.
Maybe they can pop that foot long mystery so taxing Today over to the BBC DNA unit as a rush job on more current events vs. steering history?
People should be wary of commenting on the effects if DNA unless they know what they are talking about. A little like the much repeated “fact” that all humans share 99+% of their DNA with each other. True, but we also share 98% with chimps, 97.5% with mice, 85% with fish and 50% with a banana.
It’s a complex subject but scientists are not suggesting that humans are 99% alike (google: switching genes). I sincerely hope that I don’t share 99% of my phenotype with BBC employees. Chimps are none too happy either.
Is that Eu regulation bananas?
No, EU Regulation Bananas are entirely different, genetically modified to be straight.
They’re based almost entirely on Jean-Claude Juncker’s DNA, which means that they show absolutely no flexibility, are very thick skinned, and hang around for a long time (even longer if pickled in alcohol).
It is hoped that they will face fierce competition from the Cameron based banana, which has absolutely no rigidity whatsoever.
Jean-Claude Juncker is a crooked, rotting, poisonous banana who lives among the most crooked and poisonous bananas there are. All the straight bananas are lied to and forced to conform against their will whilst the crooked bananas feed off them like blood sucking leeches.
The crooked bananas absolutely detest the straight bananas and are willing to sacrifice all bananas to keep control. The crooked bananas decide to willingly infect the straight bananas with a death cult, rape happy bacteria to break the will of the bananas and control the bananas forever.
The problem with this death cult bacteria is that it only ever wants the suicide tree fruit to live in and not the banana tree. The banana trees begin to die from the poisoning but instead of trying to protect the banana trees the crooked bananas actively encourage the bacteria to grow and help build more death cult trees…….
Now that sounds more like it! 🙂
Will somebody PLEASE think of the LGBT bananas now identifying as non-binary?! Straight, bent, dammit all bananas deserve equal opportunities, and ALL (supermarket shelf) borders should be obliterated to aid those bananas fleeing persecution at the hands of those Zionist stackers. Up the workers, free the fruit etc etc…
It`s welll known that the LGBT community have a special interest in this topic as they like to `peel back the skins and then ingest the contents`
That is disgraceful and I am trying, unsuccessfully, not to laugh.
In the US apparently they have the same problem with mexicans overunning Orange County as they like nothing better than `peeling back the skins to suck out the juice`
An afterthought ……. anyone asked the man from del monte about the EU referendum ?? and did he say YES to brexit????
Great thread above.
Am wondering whether my “half-banana” status stems from my mum or my dads side of the family.
And which half of myself should I nibble on if I am to win Wimbledon, which part could I dare to mash into a milkshake should I wish to be banana-fluid.
Who knew?-we are ALL Banana Split, banana binary.
Maria has forever changed my science lessons where we extract DNA-I wondered why I used to cry whenever I took it from a banana, but not from a kiwi fruit.
Droopy?…Fleagle? Snorky or Bingo? Think I identify closest with Fleagle but refuse to be bound by biological determinism.
Beginning to wonder if Peston has had a Damascene (I’m sure even the non-believers on here will understand the reference) conversion on the road to the ITV.
When invited to discuss Boris and bananas by Bradby on News at Ten last night he dismissed that subject in a few words and launched into the Cameron / business stitch up well before “negotiations” had been (publicly at least) concluded with the EU.
I hope that you are right. What this country desperately needs is some news organisation which doesn’t sheep like follow the liberal left agenda and actually allows other points of view to be aired without attack or ridicule. We need something to counter the BBC bias. If Peston has moved towards the centre right I will be please and surprised. Mind you several other commentators eg Paxman and Liddle, have become more centrist once freed from the awful , abhorrent BBC, I just wished they would spill the beans on how they were ‘ controlled’ at the corporation.
I currently find the ITV News at Ten to generally plough a pretty fair furrow, particularly now Laura has returned “home”.
Their referendum coverage seems balanced and they certainly didn’t spare any Chinese blushes over Mao’s Little Red Book anniversary recently.
I just hope their audience figures keep growing and those of the BBC decline to show that others too are p****d off with the blatant bias.
The BBC is to invite 27 British taxpayer bribed Remain supporters from EU nations, to tell us what they think. But for balance, the BBC are not inviting 27 impartial Brexit supporters from Commonwealth nations free from British taxpayer bribery.
But I think the only diverse opinion will come from the German who will say that Germans cannot afford to pay for the EU alone, especially after Turkey has been bribed into joining the EU. So don’t go, you Churchillian bastards.
The BBC has very likely done the deal as you suggest, after all why wouldn’t they if Cameron was offering it to them. I wonder what deal the EU offered Cameron to get him to convert to a Remainer . After all there is no logic in his change of rhetoric from mild Euroscepticism to fervant proselytiser on its behalf. So he must have been bribed. No matter, because I am sure that unless Remain win by a wide margin , 60/40 ish , the Conservative Party will oust Cameron and then we will get a Eurosceptic PM , who will be much more ready to take on the BBC. Of course if Leave win , then the process will be simpler and quicker. Either way perhaps the Beeb’s love of the EU will be its downfall and in the scheme of things getting rid of the BBC is as important as ditching the EU . In fact it could be the precursor. Imagine free of the BBC free of the EU.
Woke up to the BBC desperately trying to make a story out of Heseltines “no better than she ought to be” -“attack” on Boris by the worst, nastiest and most irrelevant Tory still alive…but for how long.
Nobody but a BBC worm would EVER take this to be a story-Heseltine is just Mandelson, and the BBC love the Van Hoogstraten menace of their like…rest of us find them flaccid limpdicks, but BBC correspondents just hang around the swords room of Parliament, thinking that we give a damn out here.
We don`t- Boris is right, Heseltine is a Tory traitor and we`ve all made up our minds to leave Europe.
So the sock sniffing, laundry ladies like Kuennsberg and the stool groomers like Norman Smith are just doilies and cosies for the bog roll…
Next up?…how dare the Sun slag the Queen…Gord bless you ma`am…how dare anybody but the stiletto liberal toffs dare to mock the Queen?..luvaduck.
Only the creepy Republican Army of the Guardian can so feign snubs to the Queen-and pretend they don`t want her gone for Toynbees pale descendants…
I baled out-probably four minutes too late
Can someone remind me what Heseltine ever achieved in politics ? I seem to have forgotten .
He built a garden festival in Liverpool to stop the locals rioting. Sadly for him, like his subsequent career, it is now a forgotten and derelict wasteland.
I do recall he stood up quite well to heckling and egg throwing by some brainless SJW students in the early 80s. He shouted something like ‘We have the mandate of the people and you will not silence us’.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
The UK is sold down the river, and no doubt the EU autocrats will show their very appropriate appreciation to Cameroon, Lord Hall Hall & co in years to come.
And if you haven’t heard just about everything some “security expert” on Sky News has just said that the EgyptAir downing could have been “some right wing facist group trying to put the blame on Islamists” !! Fucking hell Boris, you are in some deep shit.
“Expert” is a fluid term with today’s media.
Hearing that these crooked bananas are challenging a new EU Directive CB/18675639967576( dont go looking for it!!)
The directive calls for crooked bananas to be known as ” clintons”
The sad fact is that the Brexit debate is not about what’s best for Britain, but what’s best for the politicians pushing one view or the other.
If Remain wins (you can get 9-2 on at Ladbrokes), then BoJo, Gove and the rest are toast.
If Leave were somehow to get up (Betfred will give you 7-2), that would have to spell the end for Cameron, Clegg, Osborne and a host more toadying drones.
Farage argues with a more genuine passion than most, but I suppose his self-interest also lies in the position he’s pushing.
Interesting to see the odds. I’ve been thinking of placing quite a large bet on Remain winning, simply so that I can have something to cheer me up if it happens.