from the following article: Quote: “People say they want “facts” before deciding how to vote next month, so here’s one to mull over. The EU is a profoundly anti-democratic institution. The European Commission, whom no-one elects, initiates policy in the EU. The European parliament, or indeed you or I, can ask it to do certain things: it can tell the parliament, or you and me, to get lost, and that’s that. Charles I tried something similar, and it started a civil war.” NEEDS RE-SHARING AD-INFINITUM!
Britain once had an empire that was virtually global, if one includes the Americas. It had no problem ruling over it. But now our politicians tell us that we are incapable of ruling even ourselves. Instead, we are better off ruled by a bunch of incompetent civil servants in Brussels.
The economic arguments are neither here nor there. We need our independence, just as the USA needed to be independent, even though not being part of the global British empire had serious economic disadvantages.
Dead right joe.
The facts are long established, non-negotiable and have been “out there” since the 90s, if not longer.
But-being the BBC-they`ll be the “wrong facts”-just because they cant` be disputed, fiddled or aimlessly, harmlessly chewed over and ruminated upon over a Sunday sofa with dead men in suits.
So-according to the BBC-they`re not facts all.
So the BBC prefer to make up their own,and get the wind turbans like Heseltine and Clegg to blow smoke rings of lavender puff into the screen-just so we don`t see for ourselves what we`ve all seen anyway…but they continue to smear vaseline all over the camera lens before it gets shoved somewhere the medical acronym “P.R” would imply.
I`ve read Booker, Scruton and Hannan heard Boris and Michael, Sir Ian and Roger Daltrey…and will feast my peeps on the lovely Penny sometime soon I`m sure…but needed none of this since I voted UKIP in 2014 or whenever…and won`t be changing until we`re out…if then.
I own them THAT much for this referendum.
So-the facts are there-and BREXIT-THE MOVIE-ties them all brilliantly together for an hour or so, so we`ve no excuse now.
So fuck the BBC and those soundbites of Actons Am Dram who say on mic that they “can`t make up their minds”
WHAT?…Cologne, Brussels, Paris, Kinnock and family, no accounts signed off in twenty years?
Neil Herron and Steve Thorburn?
Heath, Brittan, Clegg, Ashdown, Heseltine, Clarke, Corbyn and Blair, Miliband and Patten?
And yet you don`t know?
Don`t they ever wonder why the elite howl at the mention of Hitler and their EUSSR, their Eurabian projects? Why they would not give us a referendum until Nigel came along?
Their coming Turkish Serbian further enrichment of the continent?
Boy we`re thick-watch Brexit, forget the rest to come-and if we lose on the 23rd, best get a boat from Belgrade with some guns on it.
I’m even more brassed off with the BBC for denying me the abilty to listen to Test Match Special on digital Radio 4 Longwave just because I am in France!
Will the iiPlayer ever be accessible to UK licence fee payers no matter where in the world they be?
There is an overseas audio link via YouTube. It does work in France, as I have spent a relaxing three days in the garden, with suitable refreshments, listening to TMS.
Thank you Captain, I will try to work out the link before Friday & with luck catch the next Test fron Durham. Why the BBC can’t just do it for us I do not know, moan, moan moan!
Cranbrook – if you go onto the live BBC text feed before the start of play, they do normally give you the link. I would like to state that this is the one and only time, ever , that I will support a BBC linked item. I am ashamed!
One of the offerings this Sunday morning on BBC, was the scandalous news that “some” taxi drivers were refusing rides to people with guide dogs.
Apparently the problem has become quite bad in recent years. The BBC illustrated the problem with a person and his guide dog, hailing a taxi with a White driver. No mention of the M or I word. Not one. Totally inexplicable how the problem has become arisen, when it didn’t exist few decades back.
The only reason i could think was that this must be due to fall in educational standards for humans, dog training must also have taken a hit. Guide dogs are unlikely to be an exception.
This is quite serious for all of us. I visit a number of conservative American blogs. What I find is that once very Anglophile Americans are getting pissed off with us. Many of them looked to Britain as the mother country, but the attitude of Cameron, and now Khan , has turned them against us.
Trump represents a vast body of Americans (the fly over Americans), who are pissed off being ignored. They are the ones who pick up the tab for the defence of the West, in blood and treasure. They are expected to fight devout Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia, then the luvvies flood America with the above. They don’t expect gratitude, but to be abused by British politicians taking sides with Muslims, is offensive.
We need America if we leave the EU. We really cant piss them off. If we are pissing off Americans who are Anglophile, then we are losing all influence and possibly walking into real danger. And for what? To appease Muslims who cannot never be happy living in a Kuffar state, and whose intent is to turn Britain into an Islamic state?
Even within the EU, our importance to the EU is that we have a “special” relationship with America- whether true or not.
I feel sorry for the Americans. They did not want the job. But they are stuck with it until they walk away, and jilt all their remaining allies. They did not even want the praise that goes with the uniform, let alone the more frequent contumely. But a man must do what a man must do, to keep the world in order, and in this respect the USA remains the big kid on the block. Either he will deal with the little devils, or they will finally deal with him.
Rudyard Kipling was good on this topic. Read his “White Man’s Burden” for what he actually says. It is addressed to that rising America of 1899, and is reasonably prophetic
The poem addresses an America embarking upon that difficult, “adult” life, that comes with terrible responsibilities. He foresees the thankless tasks ahead.
In time America, too, will be buried with the other empires. But the funeral has not yet come, and while she lives and breathes, she retains her duties. She must, for the world’s sake, stop licking her wounds, and whining; must keep up our quarrel with the foe.
The world, in all its imperfection, will have empires of one kind or another. Not one will always be a force for good. But there is better and worse, and if we are sane, we will allow that in our time the American power has been a blessing.
From what I understand Trump is saying that America will no longer be the worlds policeman and if they do it countries will have to pay for the privilege.He says they are too much in debt .
Also he says NATO needs a complete overhaul and is out of date ,so that’s another worry for me ,that the EU who cannot organise a P….Up in a brewery will have to look to their own defence. Imagine 2 years and six summits to make a decision.
I think I understand the point of your post being dont piss of the good folk of the US of A, and I agree.
However, just imagine how much help (defensively) we would get from the EU if ever it was needed?.
Yes that’s right…we’d get eff all.
The cheese eating surrender monkeys over’t chanel would be as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
Therefore, leaving the EU would change nothing, in that way, but it would allow the next generation of politicians to begin to rebuild bridges with the US. The next generation may not be too far away…Cameron is a dead man walking.
“They are expected to fight devout Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia”
Not by me. What is the point of that? Muslims are only a threat to the UK because governments over the last 50 years have allowed them to establish ghettos in the UK, and because they refuse to enforce our borders even though it would be relatively easy if the will were there. We are an Island but we refuse to take advantage of the fact. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia don’t have ICBMs or carrier fleets. In reality, our terrorists come from places like Leeds, Dewsbury and Woolwich. The US can’t help with that.
The 9/11 terrorists were mainly from Saudi Arabia, with a few from UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. If the US really wants to make the West safer, perhaps dealing with Saudi would be the place to start.
Lastly, people in the US understand the luvvie problem; they have plenty of their own.
Saw a bit of this one, and thought that the BBC were rather giving the “come-on Asif” cues to any watching cabbies.
I mean-blind girls in your cab in the early hours? no badge?
Wouldn`t even NEED to go to the childrens homes any more…
Just sick of the BBC and their constant peddling of grievances-never ends well-and that will then give them yet another excuse to run Muslim crimes with that ever-present danglenut of “Islamophobia” in attendance.
When the BBC give me the truth of what actually happened in Sainsburys, Hampton on Friday pm-THEN I`ll be more temperate…for now though, they can STFU.
Ok, it wasn’t the Beeb, but on Sky earlier was Sir Terry Leah ex CEO of Tesco’s extolling the virtues of remaining IN (what else), – and when questioned about migration, he gave the standard reply of nearly all businessmen questioned in this debate – ( and there seems to be a pattern emerging here )- that his parents were migrants. Is there anyone out there, in business or position of authority, who’s parents WEREN’T recent migrants for God’s sake, that can be interviewed ? (and please don’t anyone comment about us all being migrants from the Picts, Celts or Vikings, as that one’s got whiskers on it)
To the BBC / liberal left we’re not allowed a sensible immigration policy . There must be equivalence .For every doctor that comes in from Romania we must 5 pickpockets . For every nurse we must have 4 drink drivers , for every ceo about 1000 dole scrounges . We mustn’t have the best of all worlds , we must ruin the country to make things fair .
I assume that the lying liar Terry Leahy’s family came from Ireland. In other words they came from a country which was a part of the UK until 1922, with close links of family and language, with no border controls or immigration restrictions, and whose citizens can vote in each others’ elections.
In other words, not immigrants in any meaningful sense of the word.
My advice to Terry Leahy: STFU you mendacious fraud. No-one is buying your bullshit any more.
Rob, yes , by the same token when, I as a Scot, lived in England I must have been an immigrant. Mind you, I sometimes felt like one. LOL ! Leahy is a liar.
David, I quite agree. The Marr show was a disgrace this morning.
I was particularly cross he made so much of short video clip of Boris talking about Turkey and the EU. I am fairly sure that clip was part of a BbC Who Do You Think You Are programme which featured Boris in 2008!! A lot has happened in 8 years and the whole world situation is very different to what it was in 2008. So why the need to show this AND mention it was all over You Tube (am sure AM said that too). It was bias beyond bias and disgraceful.
Eddy Izzard spouted rubbish, I’m afraid. The usual student stuff about free easy travel and son. In 1971 I remember my father taking us on holiday to Spain and we went by train through France. Why do these people think we shall be stuck on an island if we leave? All it means is they will have to think and plan ahead a bit – but that’s not something many shtudents of today are capable of if you listened to the Toady lot from some Uni last week. They couldn’t even string a sentence together!!!
The NHS guy was full of ifs and buts and maybes. A real help! He was also one of TB’s cronies so…’nuff said.
I suspect many outers have made up their minds and one is tempted now to ignore everything the BbC says, BUT I think we HAVE to look and listen, if only to point out their disgraceful and unpatriotic coverage. I pray for Brexit and will take great delight in seeing their faces when the final numbers come through – God willing.
And a PS…why is it that students have become shtudents? Grrrrr….
I agree with all of that except the ‘HAVE to look and listen’. For the sake of my blood pressure I have simply stopped listening to the lies and propaganda emanating from either the BBC or Sky and I never even began with the lies told by the newspapers. The ‘arguments’ used are risible and easily countered, so there is nothing to be gained from it.
We have to face the fact that the ‘elite’ against whom we are struggling in this referendum very much includes the the mass media. We shouldn’t be surprised by this, but the sheer weight of ammunition they are heaving in our direction is still pretty impressive, I admit.
Why encourage them by swelling their audience figures?
“Eddy Izzard spouted rubbish, I’m afraid. The usual student stuff about free easy travel and son. In 1971 I remember my father taking us on holiday to Spain and we went by train through France. Why do these people think we shall be stuck on an island if we leave?”
This is so true, things are not going to change much in travelling around Europe after a Brexit.
I own property in France & spend half the year there so I value the notion of being able to nip back & forth whenever I want to. And I am going to vote Leave. I show my passport when I leave Dover & when I return again as I arrive at the ferry in Calais, this will just remain the same. I do not notice non EU nationals (the Swiss for example) being singled out at Schengen borders such as from France to Spain to have passport checks. In fact I would feel happier with a bit more passport checking of everyone as I drive around!
Just maybe I will after a Brexit have to get a Carte de Sejour when I am in France, boring, but the whole thing about getting out of the EU is more than my own inconvenience. I loathe the EU, I hate its lack of democracy, I hate its lack of getting anything positive done – the immigration fiasco & the dodgy deal with Turkey an obvious example. I loathe the way the EU has treated the economically weak countries in southern Europe. I could go on but we all know the dastardly shower the EU has imposed on us.
But because I really love Europe (I have lived more of my life on mainland Europe in Italy, Spain & France) I have hated the way the EU has worn away the individual characteristics of each nation into a grey porridge of uniformity. I do not want the same things in Poland as in Portugal, I used to love when moving from one country to another encountering enormous quirky differences, now the EU wants it all to be the same everywhere.
I really hope with a Brexit the whole EU will crumble like dominoes, starting after us with Holland.
PhilCranbrook, I enjoyed your post. I too spent 3 years in Italy and holidays in Germay – no problems at all.
I too think all the EU elites are willing us to stay because they are SO afraid our exit will cause many other EU member states to leave – Holland, Denmark and the eastern bloc to name but a few. But we see little of this on the bBc.
I cannot understand how all the countries of the EU except Britain have so willingly accepted the stripping of their sovereignty – though I know Holland & Denmark are uneasy.
But Britain is different to all the other countries in the EU who see the EU as a force for not allowing their own recent histories to repeat – histories of occupation or political repression. The southern countries, Spain, Italy, Greece, & Portugal the memory of fascist dictators. France, Belgium, Holland & Denmark the occupation by Germany in WW2. Ireland, the occupation of the British. The Eastern European states the memory of the Soviet Union. And finally Germany who use the EU as a means to expunge their negative history.
Britain is the only country who have no historical baggage to try to wash in the creation of the EU, we really are not compatible as the EU is irrelevant to us in Britain
My first wife was German. It was the heady days when the EU was still the Common Market and Britain was debating about joining. We met as students and at the end of uni, she went back to Germany to do her doctorate, so I went along. I needed a residence permit to live there and a work permit to get a job. I got both within a couple of hours at the local Landesamt and lived and worked in Germany for a few years with no problems at all. Britain joined the Common Market while I was there and it made absolutely no difference whatever.
As you can imagine, I am looking on with some bemusement at the antics of the political class who are trying to persuade us that if we pull out of their personal gravy train, we’ll all be marooned here on our bleak little island, cut off from European society and commerce.
I’ve spent my entire career living and working in other people’s countries and I’ve never before heard anywhere that in order to trade with another country, your only option is to cede all your political power to them and hand over all the levers of government, the judiciary and foreign policy, in fact everything that makes a country what it is to their appointed officials. That is not trade, or alliance. That is being conquered.
The more important thing is that Harpie was shown pictures of seven men and didn’t recognize any of them … why should she .. they were only the guys that occupy all the top jobs in the EU !!! … the very people she thinks should run us !!!!! There’s dense and then there is Harman.
This morning on Broadcasting house (Radio 4) mention was made of a piece in the Sunday times (pay walled unfortunately) that 3 in 4 undergraduates are in favour of freedom of speech being banned if it does not accord with their far left beliefs.
As the West slowly sinks into a new dark age of totalitarianism and those who should stand up for freedom betray it, it seems our old way of life is going to be lost forever.
Richard Wilson was on the program, and as a Left wing extremist, he saw no problem with people freedom being destroyed so long as only his warped views were the one allowed.
None of this should have happened, it is the fault of a spineless lying Tory government, which moved left of centre and idiocy, greed, and snobbery on the part of those who voted Tory and not UKIP.
Agree Thoughtful.
Felt that Wilson was nasty over the sacking of Van Gaal-appears to be a United fan, but not a nice one.
To be so spiteful over a man who`d not even seen the champagne bubbles go flat before getting the boot, was mean….had Louis been an old queen or hoofer at the Sudbury Rep, he`d already be contacting Equity, with a luvvie lie in to be voted upon.
Wilsons Scottish isn`t he?…shouldn`t he be chucking his bile at Hibs, Hearts or Caledonian Thistle, the sour old goat?
I myself have dropped United, and will from now on be supporting a team on its knees-little club from oop north called Newcastle…BBC Sport have yet to report on this, thought I`d share the exclusive with you all.
Imagine Jimmy Carter and Jack Charltons idiot half-brother…that`ll be me for a season as I play the old Corinthian…
In the spirit of cross-Makem/Geordie harmony-I`ve only chosen the Toon misfits because I can pretend to be a Notts County/Grimsby or Exeter City fan when they crash and burn as the clocks go back.
Maybe Darlington still is it?
Am trying to get my Newcastle chums to become “Green Champions” by refusing to use floodlights, play Villa and Brum over the same weekend-and to let asylum seekers camp on that pitch they hardly use,
Or maybe keep ducks or goats.
Been a bit eggy thus far-and my efforts to change to light green and dark green shirt stripes has yet to find favour.
Rotherham seems to be our local derby now-so shame on you for not manacling yourself to the Gallows gate with “us” when you had that chance to show “solidarity” with “us”.
Still-no costly Gaia choking games on the south coast or endless trips to London…so , in a sense Newcastle may not be the “real” winners-but the earth is!
Ta for nothing Kirsty Young!
Sneaked back from church early to hear the mighty Berry Gordy give us his Desert Island Discs.
Young knew zip about Motown, which I`d regard as being a bare minimum for asking some questions-usual Beeb patter on civil rights, bloody men and their marital problems and gripe fests over businesses gone wrong or sour.
Berry was just the buckaroo on which to saddle all Beeb liberal sacks of shite…surprised he wasn`t asked why the Tamla buses he used in the 60s round Britain hadn`t a guide rail for Stevie Wonder all around them!
So rare to hear from the man who gave us the best back catalogue of music ever…so why the hell didn`t they get someone to talk to him who knew his music, loved the man(warts and all) and could ask a question that we`d want to know about.
Bloody hell-there`s enough Tamla fans out here…Tony Blackburn(er…), Stuart Maconie- even Martin Freeman( lefty hypocrite, but he knows his Motown alright).
Pack Kirsty back to Morningsides…useless show this one.
Mention of Stevie ( one of my musical heroes) reminds me of an Africa story around the time when he claimed he was going to live in Ghana. This has nothing to do with BBC bias, so I hope people will indulge me. The then President, Flight Lt. Jerry Rawlings, took Stevie for a flight in a fighter jet and, as they were coming in to land , he handed the controls to Stevie who landed the plane perfectly. Well, that is Rawlings’ version. I haven’t heard Stevie’s !
Stevie is a musical genius, as close to His talent as is humanly possible.
Astonishing human being, God was on fine form when he created him.
Musically, as good as Prince, worse dancer(er, duh!) but his songs will be sung wherever humans gather-whereas Prince`s lack the humanity and warmth that Stevie gives us.
He saved me years of pointless jazz noodlings, by releasing Sir Duke…like the Brexit movie-the final word.
Poor bloke reduced to singing over any dead black artists open casket these days…saw a fully clip where Stevie tries to drive James Cordon around.
Marr made me heave!
How the hell do they all sit through an Eddie Izzard interview without mocking that grotesque, verbose pseud?
Looks like Che Guevaras mum…a right polyp!
Poor Penny looked a bit tired-maybe when bloody Izzard is off the sunbed Penny could refresh herself, can`t be easy being a named Brexitte what with the likes of Marr opening his buuty box with egg sandwiches in, under your nose when the cameras not rolling.
Dreadful interview-my highlight was Marrs concern for the “unity of the Conservative family”…no doubt because that`s ANOTHER family he could split asunder by waving his pecker around like a button magic mushroom in the gloamin`.
As if Marr gives a damn about Tories…mind you, we all know that Izzard-like Brown or Brand-has yet to adopt a cause that he doesn`t bring to the bottom of the briney, by just SAYING he agrees with it.
Eddies heels-were they EU compliant or not? re altitude…and looking forward to his mincing by Brick Lanes finest in his Glenda Jackson rig very soon…hijab for Mr Ed!
Get more sense out of the very dead talking horse than this poly wally Izzard.
Pigeonhole mix up lets slip Andrew Marr’s £600,000 BBC salary
BBC presenter Andrew Marr’s salary was revealed to be nearly £600,000 after his payslip was accidentally left in the wrong pigeonhole.
If that is Marr’s pay then it explains a lot. The BBC arrogance and disregard for it’s unwilling financiers. It’s self indulgence and the absurd pay levels of quite insignificant executives. it would also explain it’s defensiveness and generally self righteous attitude to criticism.
Rubbish talent . Rubbish shows and rubbish all round.
I wish someone would just tell middle aged trannies like Eddie Izzard and Grayson Perry that they look bloody stupid. Dress up in the privacy of your own home by all means, but don’t mince around in public and expect to be taken seriously. Though to be fair to Eddie Izzard, I always take him seriously. He certainly never makes me laugh.
Eddie and Grayson came to the dressing up box a bit late in life, and want now to be their own aunties in 1973.
Oh Buddha-how long before they get a makeover series on Channel 4?
I am sick of hearing about trans people & those who don’t know what sex they are, this is decadence the like of the fall of the Roman Empire!
The whole nonsense is encouraged by suggesting to poor innocent young children under ten that they must consider their sex despite how they are designed between their legs. Unfortunately a man is genetically different from a woman depending on chromosomes, so a mere notion of ‘being in the wrong body’ is just biological nonsense. It might well be psychological, in which case we must be very careful what barmy ideas we put in children’s heads when they are too young to really understand.
Precisely. There is a lot of such child abuse going on in the form of indoctinated ideas. Bad education is another form of child abuse, one could argue thinking along these lines that listening or watching the BBC is adult abuse!
The Al Beeb is an utterly deplorable organisation which disgracefully pumps out a relentless amount of pro liebour, pro far left, pro EU, anti British, anti English, anti Christian, anti being honest about Islamic, anti male, pro “lazy good for fuck all lay about, who doesn’t want to contribute to society” propaganda – every single second of every single day…. But fair is fair and we have to honest when they do the job they should and do exactly what we on this website would do to the lying scumbags that are championed by the current devious elite.
Andrew Neil absolutely annihilated CBI’s Carolyn Fairbairn on Sunday politics today. Even I would have thrown the towel in, in the 1st round… She went the distance with Brillo and it was epic viewing. I have not witnessed a level of arse kicking like it since Ed Balls-ups general election raping.
Must watch TV and we need more of it please Al Beeb
Ta Mr Point!
Indeed, a must-see…Brillo must have had a crap retsina or Sauterne last night, for he squashed the deep-voiced Eurobirdies like Harman and poor Fairbairn.
Can see why he`d hate the likes of Fairbairn-brought back flashbacks of Hewitt, Amos, Scotland, Beckett…if only I could add Hodge and Harman to that list of gravel voiced primary special needs pot washers that used to be way too near to “government”.
Poor Carolyn-a national debagging, with complementary slapped arse and matching face…but being a shamelessly stupid and paid-up passionara for the Davos elite, she`ll have thought that she gave a good display.
Brillo kept well clear of David Owen who showed us all how to deal with the Spongebobs of Brussels-but maybe the Remainiacs may yet learn from Carolyn and Hattie-and actually research WHY the rest of us would need the EU.
For we know too well why THEY require us to stay on the Titanic with them.
Reminds me of last year-the political elite seem to have gone to that zone of theirs where the little people don`t go with them…but they all collude and talk as if they do.
I raise my rug to Brillo today.
Like the lovely Penny-feel that the BBC are doing their damndest to plain down our lovely Brexit fillies.
Not near enough Pritti Patel-and, as yet no Miss Brexit v Remain contest, as I thought we`d be getting….wasn`t Jenni Murray and Jon Snow going to co-host it?
Bit fed up with Grayson Perry v Eddie Izzard-give us some REAL leaders, not those pansy potters.
Don`t think Isabel was looking her radiant best-bet the BBC hid her makeup bag!
Now THIS is the debate that Womans Hour is looking for…Father Teds “Lovely girls” contest still remains the last proper beauty contest that I saw in the liberal media.
But none will beat my dear Mel, Condi or…sigh…Sarah Palin.
If I wanted a load of Yugoslav roadworkers, I`d be watching Yvette, Angela, Maria and the lovely Barbara Roche…to name but thirty….
Best lie down now….
It`s all good-David Owen early on, the Fairbairn collapse midway through(just look for pallid Morticia Munster lookalike-then Harmans brain scrapie probe in the last ten mins.
Yet why are we surprised at Harman being thick-Lord Longfords niece, and so dumb that even the illiterate Scottish divvie Gordon Brown sacked her for being thick in 97/8.
To be fair to the memory of James Gordon Brown, I always thought he was innumerate rather than illiterate. Judging by the performance of Gideon George Osborne, innumeracy seems to be the main qualification for being Chancellor of the Exchequer these days.
Brown could well have been a great Labour leader. Undoubted brains and decent principles to begin with, but his overweening hate and lack of courage destroyed him.
A tragic figure-poor sod wrote a book of courage, but had absolutely none.
A warning from history…and, to be fair; we`re not in the Euro thanks largely to him.
I think he was only against the euro because Blair was for it. Blair was a coward too, he never had the stones to get rid of Brown in all the years Brown was plotting against him. The internecine politics of the Labour Party makes game of Thrones look tame.
I see that anti-Semitism is as alive on this forum as it is in the Labour party and in the sick minds of their most recent constituents. What next, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the blood libel?
CH. Your assessment of undoubted brains must come from a different planet than mine … you are referring to the guy that banished boom and bust, crashed the economy, left the country bankrupt, and destroyed private sector pensions ????? With brains like that you could ascend the highest molehill !!!!
But Harriet Harman must take first prize for idiocy on the Weekly Politics this morning. Remember this fool was a Labour cabinet minister for 12 years and deputy leader of the party for many years. She demonstrated complete ignorance of the way tariffs work , she thought that if we vote LEAVE then the French would put tariffs on the food that they export to us and that this would put prices in the UK!! Andrew Neil took pity on her and patiently explained that, no ,the exporter does not put tariffs on, it is the importer who does that. She looked bemused. The panel of journalists looked embarrassed. Then he showed her photos of the top seven post holders in the EU . She did not recognise who any of them were, even Junker and Schulz, and repeatedly said she couldn’t understand why the BBC had chosen people who no one would recognise. Again Andrew Neil explained patiently that these were the people who the Remainers , of which of course Harriet is one, were asking us to vote to remain our leaders. For a senior politician not to know even rudimentary stuff about tariffs, or not to recognise Junker and Schulz, is astonishing. How anyone can achieve high office whilst remaining so ignorant is deeply concerning. This idiot was once sat around the cabinet table making key decision on behalf of the country. The perils of democracy I suppose. But surely they could introduce a basic IQ test for all parliamentary candidates , obviously with the bar set quite low but high enough to stop the Harriet Harmans of this world being allowed into Westminster. What a plonker.
Remember that David Lammy was on Mastermind and made a complete arse of himself. Generally speaking, I don’t think politicians are the sharpest tools in the box.
ALL NuLab politicians since Kinnochio have been terminally stupid. Many before were stupid too, as well as being overtly and rabidly Marxist/Leninist. Even those communist-believing ones were profoundly stupid despite being intellectually clever (eg Viscount Stansgate) because they actually BELIEVED that far-left socialism/communism would do everyone good.
Mrs Harlot Harridanwimmin is just stupid, pure and simple, and knows two-fifths of five-eighths of fuck all!
The TUC’s Francise O’Grady was similarly put to the sword by Mr Neil during the week. If dumbos claim to be up to senior jobs they have got to expect to be made to look idiots by decent interviewers. See Harriet Hharman on the Sunday Politics for the best laugh in years. She was absolutely rubbish.
Harman couldn’t name a single one of the 7 (!) EU presidents. She accused Andrew Neil of ‘picking them at random’. How can somebody be lecturing us to Remain, when she is clearly clueless about the EU. Their job descriptions were present below the images and she couldn’t even name Junker, Tusk, Prodi or Shultz!
The Brexit camp really ought to insist-in the cause of balance-to be put up against these affirmative action sandbags at every chance they get.
Harman or O`Grady….Jess Phillips or dear Hazel Blears…any will do.
I know that Heseltine and Clarke get the mothball vote for us…but the likes of O Grady or Hattie nasty and dim are gold to the Vote Leave bunch.
Tell her that the Remainers would like a fuchsia bus, and a nice stone slab with the EU Constitution highlights on it…she`ll not remember now…
Interesting to note a DM reporter there when Harman had her car crashes – French will put tariffs on their agricultural produce to us, unable to explain why no prominent “wimmin” on the remain side, abject failure to recognise any of the seven people who strut the world representing us, despite list of job titles and unwilling to comment on the fact that none of them were “wimmin”.
One might wonder whether she will feature largely in the DM tomorrow.
On the difficulties faced by polling organisations our local daily regional paper just goes out on the street in locakl market towns and randomly asks people. I suspect they will be nearer right. They analyse by age, job, gender etc, in their reporting.
Typical PC lefty feminist.
Totally blind to everything except her own blinkered outlook on life.
Within her pc skewed morality straight jacket she is honour bound not to recognise this very obvious contradiction in her debating point. And instead resorted to bluster and general faux outrage when she is being challenged on any point – How dare he – I am a woman! (My apologies to the majority of well balanced women who post on this site).
This is the sort of shallow feminist doublethink that allows many of the enrichers to sexually abuse their way across Europe whilst claiming discrimination at the same time.
Are the sisters interested – Nah – rather talk about concocted rape figures from Universities that are based on fantasy or sexual imbalance within the boardroom
God help us !
Harriets true question should have been – Where are all the sensible women in this campaign?
And the answer should have been certainly not sitting opposite Andrew Neil!
I just love the way these lefty feminist types also arrogantly assume they are speaking for all “womankind”.
If Harriet is from Venus I think Neptune rather than Mars is the place for me as it appears further away from her – But wait. There does not even appear to be any escape here either as Harriets voice is still blasting out at me and seems very close ? – Ah I understand now – Neptune is next door to Uranus!
When Brillo ask Harman why none of the 7 “Presidents” were women, she simply started quoting from the Treaty of Rome !
When asked why there are so few women leading the Remainer camp , she basically blustered.
And to think that this idiot could have been leader of the Labour party. God almighty.
In my experience , most “normal women ” are sensible ( more sensible than men often ! ) and , like myself, believe in equal rights but don’t whine on about it. Most of them find Femmies like Harman an embarrassment, and rightly so.
Marr made me heave!
How the hell do they all sit through an Eddie Izzard interview without mocking that grotesque, verbose pseud?
Looks like Che Guevaras mum…a right polyp!
Poor Penny looked a bit tired-maybe when bloody Izzard is off the sunbed Penny could refresh herself, can`t be easy being a named Brexitte what with the likes of Marr opening his butty box with egg sandwiches in, under your nose when the cameras not rolling.
Dreadful interview-my highlight was Marrs concern for the “unity of the Conservative family”…no doubt because that`s ANOTHER family he could split asunder by waving his pecker around like a button magic mushroom in the gloamin`.
As if Marr gives a damn about Tories…mind you, we all know that Izzard-like Brown or Brand-has yet to adopt a cause that he doesn`t bring to the bottom of the briney, by just SAYING he agrees with it.
Eddies heels-were they EU compliant or not? re altitude…and looking forward to his mincing by Brick Lanes finest in his Glenda Jackson rig very soon…hijab for Mr Ed!
Get more sense out of the very dead talking horse than this poly wally Izzard.
Just caught the far left reporter Stephanie Bell who works for the far left BBC, mouthpiece of the far left, she was commenting on the Austrian election in which vicious unwashed plebs ( indigenous, Bastards) are looking likely to vote for a man who asks questions of the EUs insane immigration policy, hence he is ‘far right’. In a very poor brief piece she manages to cram ‘far right’ in enough times so as to leave no doubt as to where the BBC stands on Norbert Hofer, extra far left points for the far left Steph Bell. See how easy it is, attach label and everything else that comes out of a persons mouth becomes secondary, obviously I’m preaching to the choir here, but give me strength, I never used to have to question and doubt every single word of a BBC news broadcast.
I think that should be Bethany Bell, above reporter, followed one of Mike Hunts links to the BBC and a ‘breaking news’ popped up with dire far right warnings from a Bethany Bell, so I’m guessing she speaks the same tripe as she writes. Her written pieces also contain no supporting evidence as to why Hofer is far right, other than as Mike points out further down Hofer doesn’t want a lot of people who hate his country moving in.
“Her written pieces also contain no supporting evidence as to why Hofer is far right”
He owns a gun, so to the BBC he must be far right. For the BBC all moderate people believe in collective security and if attacked they wouldn’t dream of defending themselves – they’d wait for the police to come and draw a chalk ooutline around the body.
The BBC is now actively conspiring to suppress news of violence and rebellion in our neighbouring countries. YouTube and blogs are filled with amateur and professional video coverage of car burnings, tear gas attacks, rapes, stonings, shop and bank ATM destruction and thefts. There is a war in the streets, particularly in France, Belgium and Sweden, and yet we are told next to nothing about it by our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
The BBC’s motivation seems obvious. The rioters are muslims and with the referendum imminent, the BBC doesn’t want us to know how close to open urban warfare some EU countries are.
And they wonder why some of us think of the BBC as the finest example of the luegenpresse since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Best enjoy them before the caliphate is imposed. Brussels already has a 25% muslim population I believe, so the long term prospects for all those bars and restaurants does not look good.
There is a war in the streets, particularly in France, Belgium and Sweden, and yet we are told next to nothing about it by our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
Surely you don’t expect world class intellects to put themselves in danger just so the unwashed can get a few thrills?
How to insert additional arguments in favour of remaining.
The BBC discusses a row over a possible veto on Turkish entry to the EU.
But in the middle of the report, bearing no relevance to the contents of the report on Turkey’s membership, this is inserted.
‘With just over four weeks to go to the 23 June referendum, NHS boss Simon Stevens said leaving the EU would be damaging for the health service, while the prime minister has said food prices would rise sharply in the event of a vote to leave’.
Well, I reckon we have our own version, Comical Dave.
With his insane predictions such as WW3 and world economy collapse he is a caricature of a politician.
If he was on ‘Yes Prime Minister’ it wouldn’t be as funny as it was because at least YPM was believable.
I was looking forward to the dramatization of Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel ‘Brave New World’, I should have realised the BBC would not allow such a novel to be broadcast unreconstructed.
It was written in the early 1930’s, but according to the BBC must have been remarkably prescient with its quotes of ‘global warming, climate change, and islands vanishing due to rising sea levels’. America and its ‘gangster’ elected leader are blamed for the dystopia, and the pursuit of money (capitalism) – none of which I remember from the book (but then it has been several decades).
My recollection of the book is of a socialist state apparatus taking control and responsibility for childrens upbringing by removing said children from the parents after birth.
Now THAT really was prescient given the left’s desire to intervene here, there, and everywhere, for example by assuming social workers are responsible for the deaths of little children like Victoria Climbie, or baby P, as opposed to placing blame where it properly lies.
Moreover, in Tweets, she proclaimed that the only reason Hitler didn’t murder ALL the Jews in the world, is so there would be a few left, so that we would know how evil they are.
So basically she is a far-right Nazi extremist, far, far more hateful and extreme than Norbert Hofer, who in every article, the BBC pans as ‘far right’, despite his comments being nothing more extreme than ‘Those people who respect and love Austria and have found a new home here are warmly welcome. But people who fight for ISIS or rape women are not welcome in Austria’
I was meaning to compliment BBC Trending on presenting the story. They seem much less agenda driven (or at least a different agenda) than BBC News.
Many Muslims are Jew Haters and that comes directly from Islam. How else can the social media and diplomatic attacks on Israel coming from Malaysia and Pakistan be explained? Apart from its immediate neighbours — and Israel has peace treaties with the two largest Jordan and Egypt — Israel has no borders and no actual disputes with most of the world’s Muslims.
Just out of curiosity does anyone know if there is an actual list of every horror story the remainiacs have spouted through our munificent state broadcaster ( all hail to the demigod of msm, lgbtxyz, cisgendered woman with dick or man with vagina, unbiased bringer of truth to us the great unwashed.) Just out of morbid curiosity
Half listening sleepily this morning to the Sunday 7am R4 prog (the religious version of Toady)
First up after the news – the bBBC’s minority of 2016 but with a twist – a feature on Trangender….. Christians!!!
This must be a candidate for the all-time bBBC ‘minority’ championship in terms of total irrelevance to the majority.
Story was immediately followed by a gay story. Tick. Tick. All objectives met.
It just never ends.
Good to hear those voices though.
Ought to be a contest-which of the gals sounds most like Windsor Davies.
Paris Lees? Rebecca Root? Rachel Mann?(no joke) Christine Beardsley(Peters uglier sibling)?
Wonder if Chelsea Manning would care to send us a tape…
Oh dear one minute we are an insignificant country who won’t last two minutes outside of the EU and now we’re powerful enough that leaving will bring down the whole world!
Seriously, do any of these world leaders actually believe what they’re saying!!!
Great ideas to collate these daily Spud missiles aimed at us all.
Never-ending bombardment and “pounding” by the usual established elites and their stooges/ciphers.
By listing them like this-dating them-we can see the pattern I`m sure.
Must be some grid of gripe that they work too-certainly, would like to bet on each one and how much it can be racheted before it implodes on the launch pad.
Like the last one-…” UK Services shrivel to the smallest share of GDP since 1961″…then it`ll be the creative sectors turn to disappear for the first time in eighty years, etc etc…could even open a book on it.
“England to be banned from Euro 2020 tournament if they vote to stay in”…I`d predict June 9th, 5/1….
The Austrian vote is an extremely important news item that goes right to the heart of the EU argument, but now it looks possible that a “far-right” (their description of anyone speaking for the people) candidate might have won it, they choose to hide the story. Mind you, they have far more important ‘news’ to ram down our throats – their favourite extreme-left luvvie Loach has just won something that almost nobody gives a flying fuck about:
I’m rooting for Hofer in Austria, just to see how, or indeed if, al Beeb will report it. this is just one vote of many in the coming years that will have the establishment rattled. Surely it can only be a matter of time before the EU comes crashing down? Our vote won’t make the slightest difference because it’s odds-on that remain will win, but there are numerous other countries who are queuing up to leave this rotten dictatorship.
Yes, remember all those votes from Guadeloupe and Martinique which swung it for the Maastricht referendum in France? Odd how the populations of France’s far flung island territories were so keen on European integration wasn’t it?
“their favourite extreme-left luvvie Loach has just won something that almost nobody gives a flying fuck about”
Pure award fodder. Since this tedious kitchen sink stuff never makes any money, I thought I’d go to IMDB to see where the funding came from. Sure enough:
Production Companies
BBC (support)
BFI (support)
Sixteen Films
Why Not Productions
Wild Bunch
David and George are scaring the pants off everyone so it will be no surprise if remain wins.But to my mind Cameron’s lies are going to rapidly become very apparent, and what then ? The question will not be settled because people will realise they have been conned.
All power to the Austrians and hope France gets its act together .In any case it won’t take much to start the dominoes just needs a country to be very determined and brave and that probably isn’t going to be us .
I am given to understand that the presidential electoral system in France is contrived in such a way, as to make it very difficult for a “far right” political party have its leader ascend to it.
Which is unfortunate as if Madam Le Pen did become president; then it would make a remain result in our referendum redundant since she would seek to withdraw France from the EU – the result of which would be its denouement.
Sadly, the majority of the electoral systems across the EU are contrived to keep out ‘minority’ parties. Nothing could be more obvious that our undemocratic FPTP system. The establishment has had centuries to perfect a system that absolutely guarantees their grip on power. Nothing short of revolution will change it, and unfortunately the meek folk of the UK will never take that step, no matter how desperate things become. Across the channel things may well be different, so I’m afraid for the time being, we’re going to have to wait until our friends in mainland Europe decide that the EU must be dismantled. Let’s hope for all our sakes that Austria encourages other countries to follow suit.
And if you do not have the run off system, which did for Le Pen senior, and will do for Madame because centre left and right will coalesce against the perceived extremist on the right, you will have what has happened in Sweden where all the other parties (in a proportional vote system) have pre agreed never to work with with the Swedish Democrats so that no matter that they be the largest party and normally asked to form the leadership of the government, they are effectively excluded.
Deborahanother, hard to say but I think one thing is certain: Labour are in big trouble because they should have been in opposition to Cameron (it’s their job!) but he has managed to ensnare them on the EU. The same is true for the SNP, Salmond & Sturgeon have effectively placed themselves under Dave’s sway.
Will the disappointed share of the voting public punish these parties in the event of a vote to remain in the EU? Our political landscape may change substantially. Elsewhere in Europe is a bit too complicated to think about on a Sunday evening.
Deborahanother – I think it is quite possible that other countries closer to us than Austria might throw off the EU yoke even if the sheeple here in Britain vote to remain; Holland and Denmark are two which have growing anti-EU sentiments within large portions of their indigenous people.
The thing which angers me most about the Leave campaign: is that it has been completely taken over by the anti-EU Conservatives. It was outrageous that Nigel Farage and the UKIP campaign wasn’t selected to be the official one, since without them there would be no referendum; even after that had happened he should have been brought in by the official Leave campaign to broaden their appeal – it could yet prove to be a huge strategic mistake by not recognizing that the enemy of my enemy (in this case) is my friend.
I began by thinking that accusations of a fix were just silly. I’m not at all sure, now. It seems to me that the Electoral Commission’s decision was very possibly arranged in that oh-so-British whispers and hints kind of way that leaves no prosecutable evidence. Similarly, nudges and winks about peerages and other sinecures have purchased a lot of support. Clearly, the Vote Leave campaign is a farce. If this were a boxing match the crowd would be shouting that it was being thrown by now.
Totally agree and that’s why there is so much talk about a stitch up .Its obvious to anyone who is awake that the Remain campaign is orchestrated throughout the establishment and big business and anyone who doesn’t agree is drowned out.
It will back fire because Eurosceptics like us and the most dogged MPs won’t give up and things can only get worse revealing the extent of Cameron and his cronies lies.
I admire more and more Bill Cash who has made it his life’s work to get Britain out.Not for him the careerist path like T May and Javid .Then there’s wimpy Mr Whittingdale.Hes an outer allegedly.Has he gone into hiding ? He should be firing off a few shots at the BBC bias starting with Marr.
My aim in life now is to keep fit and healthy so I am around to see the whole rotten socialist construct collapse.
Is Turkey going to join the EU or not… as reported by the BBC. Not that we’d ever use it, but note the video link to the “expert” saying we have a “double veto”. But thanks anyway to the BBC for having the Remainiacs’ back. They do quote Farage saying that “Cameron had been a strong supporter of Turkish membership in the past”, and his tweet: “Veto? Mr Cameron has said he wants to pave the road from Ankara to Brussels.” But note the prominence given the Remain rebuttals by giving them videos and the “expert” label. This is how they perpetrate most of their bias. They could of course have found a balancing “expert” to say we’ve never once exercised our veto on countries joining, but oh no.
bBBC1 evening news.
Austrian presidential election is between the ‘Far Right’ and the Greens.
According to the ‘Far Left’ in the bBBC editorial team of course, who are in a state of total denial, as always.
The vote is close but fingers crossed.
Keep your ears open for the tone of the newsreaders when the clear result is announced.
Thank you BBC ! have just watched Wallander, – this episode set in Cape Town, SA. I’m sure the ‘touristy’ spots are lovely, but having seen the Beeb’s version, I don’t think I’ll invest in a plane ticket. That’s another place crossed off !
Anyone that trusts Cameron’s protestations re Turkey must keep their brains in a matchbox. He’s been pumping on about Turkey being fast tracked into the EU for donkey’s years. Nothing this silver spooned spiv says should be believed. It’s only three months ago he was promising to front the Brexit campaign if he failed to get any significant change out of his negotiations (pathetic grovelling) with Mama Merkel. We all know he failed dismally, but he now tells us if we choose to leave then financial and cultural Armageddon awaits. According to the Remainiacs Industries will close, banks will flounder, the NHS will implode and (we might) be on the verge of WW3.
On a lighter note, did anyone see the frightful Eddie Izzard in full make up, stockings and pink beret, making the case to remain, on the Marr show? How the hell did Marr manage to keep a straight face with that ridiculous apparition sitting in front of him?
t’s the only time Izzard has ever made me laugh.
It raises so many questions. What was a transvestite failed comedian even doing on a politics show? Could he possibly have been given airtime to discredit the remainiac case? After all, what sort of bubble do you have to be living in not to realise that most people seeing Izzard got up like that is going to provoke ridicule? Clearly, he is too far lost in his own world to appreciate this, but the show’s producers, surely, can’t fail to have realised how much harm he was doing to ‘the cause’?
The older beeboids seem equally deluded as to the effect of remainer propaganda. I recall Norman Smith telling us, after Obama’s back-of-the-queue intervention, that this would be a game changer. The BBC really don’t ‘get’ ordinary British people.
Everyone Norman Smith meets thinks Obama walks on water. The problem is he never meets anyone outside the W1A/Media City bubble. The rest of us are the British equivalent of “fly over country” for media grandees like Norman Smith. That is why “pundits” like him cannot understand why the “fly over people” like Donald Trump: they have never met any of them.
The referendum is our one and only chance to give a resounding “up yours” to the smug metropolitan elite who have run our country into the ground. We won’t get another.
Essexman probably got fed up of you using every thread to attack anyone who didn’t vote the way you wanted them to which is funny as it was the excellent UKIP’s Pat Condel who said ” I voted with my conscience not yours” obviously you don’t subscribe to his values? and to be honest if this site can now stand the hatred and racial slurs posted up here in the last few hours by one regular I can see why some many valued commenter’s have left this place !
Man hater Harriet Harman must have the thickest and most stupid constituency of men in Britain.
‘Peckham Man who voted Labour’, good name for a comedy programme
Left wing propaganda bBBC programme Have I Got News For You would’nt dare mock this fact.
Remember this quote, regarding her possibility of becoming Prime Minister, during Prime Minister’s Questions, August, 2008
‘It wouldn’t be possible because there aren’t enough airports for all the men who’d want to flee the country.’
Any Peckham man who voted for Feminazi Harman needs to be in a mental asylum with the words ‘thick’ tatooed on their forehead.
We’re threatened with price rises in all areas from food to housing, the possibility of world war III starting, every family in the UK will be worse off, so God Almighty there are only the plagues of Egypt left to wish upon us – from frogs, boils, lice, flies, dead livestock, thunder and darkness ! Its so pathetic as to be laughable.
notice to admins remove any and all posts and data within the sites database by `fuck google` asap as the source of this identity is known to be hacker affiliated …
Read the links information regarding the source url and ip trace…. it`s very reliable as it`s the same site many pirate sites use to check for suspected incursions by legal bodies attempting to gain entry into thier spheres… 🙂 your welcome!!
In the famous words of Sir Bob: I don’t like Mondays
Not sure what HM Treasury have been up to over the weekend but the’ve come down with a bump this Monday morning. Hangover from Hell. Seems they want us to believe they’ve spotted the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse waiting for us just over the Brexit horizon.
Meanwhile the ever so balanced (honest) BBC inform us it’s wimmin what will decide it!
Have to smile as the Breakfast BBC in/out two guests argue about what’s the best route to the lefty progressive promised land – in or out you decide – but heck it’s gotta be progressive hasn’t it, folks!
One sentence particularly drew my attention in this BBC report.
The lifting of the embargo is seen as allowing Vietnam to bolster its defences at a time of territorial disputes with its neighbour China, which was unhappy with a partial relaxation of the ban in 2014.
Following the American defeat (call it unilateral withdrawal if you want to argue that the Americans and allies were really not defeated) Vietnam went to war with Cambodia and Thailand. It dominated Laos. Some of Vietnam’s regional opponents attributed to it a neo-colonial ambition to create an “Indochina Federation” with Vietnam the dominant member.
The BBC seems to have forgotten all that. Surely the impact of a completely rearmed Vietnam on the region is worth some investigation?
However, Mr Obama said the lifting of the ban was not based on China but part of a long-term normalisation of ties with Vietnam.
Three little items on Toady this morning.
About 6.50am. Reeling off a list of countries in a context I didn’t register, Nick Robinson said these words (near enough)…..”…..Germany, UK,, Austria (for goodness sale)”. In other words (with subtext) “even” Austria (“the Far right nutters”)
7.59am. The programme plug before the news – Trangender (or possibly mixed agenda)
8.00am First headline – Treasury fear of recession if we vote to leave. ( I’m waiting for the headline about the severed heads of babies will be put on sticks at the Tower if we vote to leave).
Just unadulterated bias and ‘Far Left’ narrative at all times.
And more….. Front page of world news website. I quote verbatim.
“The far-right and independent candidates in Austria’s presidential run-off are neck-and-neck with the result now depending on postal ballots………….
Postal ballots will decide Austria’s presidential election after polling station results from Sunday’s vote gave the far-right candidate a slender lead.
Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party was slightly ahead of his rival, Alexander Van der Bellen, the interior ministry said on Sunday.
If elected, Mr Hofer would be the first far-right head of state in the EU.”
Got to get the ‘Far Right’ mentioned as often as possible …..but don’t mention the proclivities of the (obviously nice, cuddly, and preferable) other candidate (who is I believe a Green)
I’ll leave you with the observation that erstwhile Green leader in the UK , Natalie Bennett, has a long time partner that, according to her wikipedia biography was “a left-wing activist who was a member of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) for approximately a decade…..” Funny, I don’t ever remember the bBBC mentioning that.
More than half UN schools in Middle East targeted in conflicts
Not a word about Hamas using UNRWA schools for military purposes. Not a word about Hamas domination of the teacher union and by extension using UNRWA schools for indoctrination and incitement.
The report, which is supposed to be delivered today, may be very interesting. Of course, this is the UN so we shouldn’t get our hopes up. The BBC will report it, if they do, exclusively on the inevitable attacks on Israel.
PS ROADBLOCK TO PEACE How the UN perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA Policies Reconsidered by David Bedein has many examples of the manipulation of UNRWA schools by Hamas has many examples, as does the Behind the news in Israel website.
bBBC continually stay on the economic argument,their support for remain is hardly subtle.Meanwhile when interviewed, spokespeople for Leave seem to be complicit in staying with this subject of discourse without complaint. My question to Leave is simple, why?
The strongest subjects for Leave to discuss happens also the most important. The twin pillars of Democracy and Sovereignty, they are in themselves intertwined. Why oh why don’t Leave push these subjects to the nth degree?
Let’s take democracy. Past generations of British families fought hard for the right to elect the people they wanted to represent us, not give power away to an unelected cabal of commissioners.
Tony Benn had it right, we elect people and lend them the power, they do not have the right to be allowed to take away the powers from the constituents that have been gained throughout history, away. These powers were hard fought with much blood spilt with precious lives lost, yet Leave don’t seem to see democracy as important. I find this to be incredibly stupid.
Sovereignty is the other powerful argument Leave have not used nearly enough. Do we want to controlled by Europe or seek our own destiny, deciding our own future.
The Leave group must now reply and dictate to any bBBC interviewer the terms of reference, they change the areas of the debate to Democracy or Sovereignty in every interview.
The debate should be a simple choice of, do you put the economy first in importance or do you place sovereignty and democracy as most important?
To any person with a modicum of intelligence the answer is surely the latter.
To date I have been unimpressed with Leave and wish that GO had been given the opportunity to put the case against the EU. This decision was crucial.
Well of course the decision was crucial, Wronged, that’s precisely why Go was sidelined, effectively limiting Farage’s contribution to occasional and fleeting appearances. Our government are not quite as stupid as they seem, although they understand ‘divide and rule’ well enough. They are also fundamentally criminal though, and will continue to subvert democracy and trivialize public opinion until June 24. Then just watch their crows come home to roost as the EU and France in particular have their revenge for the last few months’ annoying interference.
Are the streets of Paris still ablaze? Is Sweden still the rape centre of Europe, Are the Germans continuing to torch refugee centres? Is the Greek economy on the brink (again)?
So many things the BBC doesn’t want us to know about, until we vote the way the ‘elite’ dictates.
Apologies for hitting ‘report’ on your post, Brissles… Monday fingers.
I could go on about the appalling Marr Show but I switched it off once Izzard made his appearance. Yes, post the White Paper, the BBC knows its off the leash and can do what it likes to
Keep us in Europe
Maximise immigration into the UK and destroy British culture
Convince us that Muslims are good, Christians are just plain batty and should wither away in a generation
Continue to snipe away at everything this Government does barring the EU
Try to maximise the vote for Corbyn or whatever loon follows him as Labour leader
Kow-tow to the Scot Nats and give 5 million Scots far more coverage than their proportion of the population merits (and keep employing a huge number of Scottish reporters)
EnglandExpects – yes indeed it would appear that ‘normal’ service has been resumed.
Anyway bbc.con are serving up more Osborne lies this morning.
“Osborne: EU exit threatens 820,000 jobs” – that seems a remarkably accurate figure considering some of his and the government’s failures when it comes to predictions. His bold prediction in 2010 of cutting the deficit by 2015 has already gone tits up. Is this really a man one can trust?
A very good point. Osborne had one big thing to do in 2010. The target he set himself was to eliminate the annual defecit by 2015. He missed by a country mile. The government is still borrowing £90 billion a year to keep the show on the road (£10 billion of which goes net to the EU). That was Osborne’s self-imposed target and he failed spectacularly. Luckily for him, most people are not overly concerned about government borrowing, failing to understand it is taxation by another name.
Nonetheless, nothing Osborne or his trained chimps in the Treasury have done leads one to give any credence whatsoever to their entirely bogus claims about a post Brexit future. Frankly, if they seriously believed any of that, then they were derelict in their duty even to offer a referendum in the first place. But we know the only reason they did that was to take votes from Ukip, not out of any political conviction. They are shallow and rootless men, and will blow away like dust, forgotten by history.
I’m sure we are all awaiting the BBC’s continuing coverage of the rubbish issued by the Treasury as a rumour-piece this morning. (We didn’t get the benefit of the actual report).
Its economic analysis would fail at O level.
After a Leave vote, we are told :-
The economy is going to tank for a year declining by some 3.5%.
House prices fall by 20% over some specified period
900,000 jobs are lost over some specified period
interest rates go up! The pound goes down!
Unless Carney is not a Canadian neo-con bureaucrat but a Putin agent acting as a long term sleeper, the Bank of England would be MAD to put up interest rates when the economy contracts, unemployment rises and house prices start to fall.
In this scenario the economic stabilisers are in fact – falling interest rates and allowing the currency to depreciate.
The Remainers seem to forget that the pound has been falling for some time, mainly because the markets are worried about our ever-widening and unsustainable current account deficit (yes being in the single market hasn’t stopped that!).
A falling pound will help British manufacturing exports and heaven knows they need help. Its one way of reducing the trade imbalance. We stopped seeing the pound as a virility symbol after we went off the Gold Standard in 1931. We got another reminder when we left the ERM in 1991. In both instances the current account bean to improve, unemployment fell as the economy rebounded and people were actually better off. Inflation didn’t go through the roof either. Remainers should look at history.
If I were in work but not especially well off, I’d relish the prospect of – more affordable housing, more manufacturing jobs, some currency depreciation but a welcome reduction in tariffs on imported foodstuffs and other essentials. So I’d VOTE LEAVE. BBC chew on that one.
It’s ironic that Cameron the European was selected ahead of Davies the Brit as the Conservative leader as it was thought he was the more eurosceptic of the two candidates!
Those naughty members of the public on the bBBC HYS reference the latest “Brexit will mean bubonic plague and nuclear war” warnings (I made those up but Remain do seem to be heading in that direction). They just don’t seem to be ‘on message’.
4. Posted by davel 5 hours ago
This is the same Treasury that recently found out they couldn’t accurately forecast 3 months in advance?
They seem to be remarkably confident with their Brexit predictions…
Up 804 Down 52
Comment number 2. Posted by Chris 5 hours ago
More headline EU bias by the “unbaised” BBC. Disgusting behaviour, and we pay for this service.
Up 717 Down 124
3. Posted by Weeny Issi 5 hours ago
A man who has never got a GDP forecast correct in his entire career
Up 696 Down 32
Comment number 7. Posted by fuzzy 5 hours ago
With the EU likely headed for a recession itself, isn’t being in or out somewhat moot?
Up 646 Down 34
Comment number 18. Posted by Morningstandard 5 hours ago
If that’s the price of leaving an undemocratic, arrogant organisation that bleeds us dry while our borders are out of control – so be it.
It’s a small price to pay.
Up 640 Down 55
Almost 4,000. yet when they have closed others at hundreds they say it is because they have to assign time accordingly. Seems this one has caught them out. Maybe the plug pullers are still out to lunch. Or not back from The Ivy yet.
Amazing how these HYS propaganda pieces against Brexit result in a vast majority of pro-Brexit comments, which attract overwhelmingly positive recommendations.
If BBC hacks were capable of learning anything from this startling fact, it would realise how many people hold them in contempt.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
from the following article: Quote: “People say they want “facts” before deciding how to vote next month, so here’s one to mull over. The EU is a profoundly anti-democratic institution. The European Commission, whom no-one elects, initiates policy in the EU. The European parliament, or indeed you or I, can ask it to do certain things: it can tell the parliament, or you and me, to get lost, and that’s that. Charles I tried something similar, and it started a civil war.” NEEDS RE-SHARING AD-INFINITUM!
Britain once had an empire that was virtually global, if one includes the Americas. It had no problem ruling over it. But now our politicians tell us that we are incapable of ruling even ourselves. Instead, we are better off ruled by a bunch of incompetent civil servants in Brussels.
The economic arguments are neither here nor there. We need our independence, just as the USA needed to be independent, even though not being part of the global British empire had serious economic disadvantages.
Dead right joe.
The facts are long established, non-negotiable and have been “out there” since the 90s, if not longer.
But-being the BBC-they`ll be the “wrong facts”-just because they cant` be disputed, fiddled or aimlessly, harmlessly chewed over and ruminated upon over a Sunday sofa with dead men in suits.
So-according to the BBC-they`re not facts all.
So the BBC prefer to make up their own,and get the wind turbans like Heseltine and Clegg to blow smoke rings of lavender puff into the screen-just so we don`t see for ourselves what we`ve all seen anyway…but they continue to smear vaseline all over the camera lens before it gets shoved somewhere the medical acronym “P.R” would imply.
I`ve read Booker, Scruton and Hannan heard Boris and Michael, Sir Ian and Roger Daltrey…and will feast my peeps on the lovely Penny sometime soon I`m sure…but needed none of this since I voted UKIP in 2014 or whenever…and won`t be changing until we`re out…if then.
I own them THAT much for this referendum.
So-the facts are there-and BREXIT-THE MOVIE-ties them all brilliantly together for an hour or so, so we`ve no excuse now.
So fuck the BBC and those soundbites of Actons Am Dram who say on mic that they “can`t make up their minds”
WHAT?…Cologne, Brussels, Paris, Kinnock and family, no accounts signed off in twenty years?
Neil Herron and Steve Thorburn?
Heath, Brittan, Clegg, Ashdown, Heseltine, Clarke, Corbyn and Blair, Miliband and Patten?
And yet you don`t know?
Don`t they ever wonder why the elite howl at the mention of Hitler and their EUSSR, their Eurabian projects? Why they would not give us a referendum until Nigel came along?
Their coming Turkish Serbian further enrichment of the continent?
Boy we`re thick-watch Brexit, forget the rest to come-and if we lose on the 23rd, best get a boat from Belgrade with some guns on it.
Here’s another fact, joe, and one that is totally indisputable: the EU costs us, all its population, money.
Here is another:
Heard on BBC R4, TODAY programme ” … the EU doesn’t impact our daily lives… ”
Oh no? Every time you buy a good or service that carries VAT, then the EU is impacting your daily life.
If it doesn’t impact on our daily lives, what is the point of it ?
Grant, my dear chap, you really don’t expect a TODAY presenter to be sharp enough to ask a question like that, especially on a Saturday, do you?
Yes, it was a bit too much to expect !
I’m even more brassed off with the BBC for denying me the abilty to listen to Test Match Special on digital Radio 4 Longwave just because I am in France!
Will the iiPlayer ever be accessible to UK licence fee payers no matter where in the world they be?
There is an overseas audio link via YouTube. It does work in France, as I have spent a relaxing three days in the garden, with suitable refreshments, listening to TMS.
Thank you Captain, I will try to work out the link before Friday & with luck catch the next Test fron Durham. Why the BBC can’t just do it for us I do not know, moan, moan moan!
Cranbrook – if you go onto the live BBC text feed before the start of play, they do normally give you the link. I would like to state that this is the one and only time, ever , that I will support a BBC linked item. I am ashamed!
One of the offerings this Sunday morning on BBC, was the scandalous news that “some” taxi drivers were refusing rides to people with guide dogs.
Apparently the problem has become quite bad in recent years. The BBC illustrated the problem with a person and his guide dog, hailing a taxi with a White driver. No mention of the M or I word. Not one. Totally inexplicable how the problem has become arisen, when it didn’t exist few decades back.
The only reason i could think was that this must be due to fall in educational standards for humans, dog training must also have taken a hit. Guide dogs are unlikely to be an exception.
Blind people should be more culturally sensitive and replace their dogs with ponies…
This is quite serious for all of us. I visit a number of conservative American blogs. What I find is that once very Anglophile Americans are getting pissed off with us. Many of them looked to Britain as the mother country, but the attitude of Cameron, and now Khan , has turned them against us.
Trump represents a vast body of Americans (the fly over Americans), who are pissed off being ignored. They are the ones who pick up the tab for the defence of the West, in blood and treasure. They are expected to fight devout Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia, then the luvvies flood America with the above. They don’t expect gratitude, but to be abused by British politicians taking sides with Muslims, is offensive.
We need America if we leave the EU. We really cant piss them off. If we are pissing off Americans who are Anglophile, then we are losing all influence and possibly walking into real danger. And for what? To appease Muslims who cannot never be happy living in a Kuffar state, and whose intent is to turn Britain into an Islamic state?
Even within the EU, our importance to the EU is that we have a “special” relationship with America- whether true or not.
Worth reading
In patience to abide
I feel sorry for the Americans. They did not want the job. But they are stuck with it until they walk away, and jilt all their remaining allies. They did not even want the praise that goes with the uniform, let alone the more frequent contumely. But a man must do what a man must do, to keep the world in order, and in this respect the USA remains the big kid on the block. Either he will deal with the little devils, or they will finally deal with him.
Rudyard Kipling was good on this topic. Read his “White Man’s Burden” for what he actually says. It is addressed to that rising America of 1899, and is reasonably prophetic
The poem addresses an America embarking upon that difficult, “adult” life, that comes with terrible responsibilities. He foresees the thankless tasks ahead.
In time America, too, will be buried with the other empires. But the funeral has not yet come, and while she lives and breathes, she retains her duties. She must, for the world’s sake, stop licking her wounds, and whining; must keep up our quarrel with the foe.
The world, in all its imperfection, will have empires of one kind or another. Not one will always be a force for good. But there is better and worse, and if we are sane, we will allow that in our time the American power has been a blessing.
From what I understand Trump is saying that America will no longer be the worlds policeman and if they do it countries will have to pay for the privilege.He says they are too much in debt .
Also he says NATO needs a complete overhaul and is out of date ,so that’s another worry for me ,that the EU who cannot organise a P….Up in a brewery will have to look to their own defence. Imagine 2 years and six summits to make a decision.
I don’t blame Trump at all. The thought of the EU defending itself against, say, Russia ,is a total joke. Just yet another reason for Brexit !
I think I understand the point of your post being dont piss of the good folk of the US of A, and I agree.
However, just imagine how much help (defensively) we would get from the EU if ever it was needed?.
Yes that’s right…we’d get eff all.
The cheese eating surrender monkeys over’t chanel would be as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
Therefore, leaving the EU would change nothing, in that way, but it would allow the next generation of politicians to begin to rebuild bridges with the US. The next generation may not be too far away…Cameron is a dead man walking.
“They are expected to fight devout Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia”
Not by me. What is the point of that? Muslims are only a threat to the UK because governments over the last 50 years have allowed them to establish ghettos in the UK, and because they refuse to enforce our borders even though it would be relatively easy if the will were there. We are an Island but we refuse to take advantage of the fact. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia don’t have ICBMs or carrier fleets. In reality, our terrorists come from places like Leeds, Dewsbury and Woolwich. The US can’t help with that.
The 9/11 terrorists were mainly from Saudi Arabia, with a few from UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. If the US really wants to make the West safer, perhaps dealing with Saudi would be the place to start.
Lastly, people in the US understand the luvvie problem; they have plenty of their own.
Correction: when I say “come from”, I mean “live in”.
Saw a bit of this one, and thought that the BBC were rather giving the “come-on Asif” cues to any watching cabbies.
I mean-blind girls in your cab in the early hours? no badge?
Wouldn`t even NEED to go to the childrens homes any more…
Just sick of the BBC and their constant peddling of grievances-never ends well-and that will then give them yet another excuse to run Muslim crimes with that ever-present danglenut of “Islamophobia” in attendance.
When the BBC give me the truth of what actually happened in Sainsburys, Hampton on Friday pm-THEN I`ll be more temperate…for now though, they can STFU.
Its a Muslim who stabbed the four women. Expected it, just because of the silence that enveloped the scene.
Ok, it wasn’t the Beeb, but on Sky earlier was Sir Terry Leah ex CEO of Tesco’s extolling the virtues of remaining IN (what else), – and when questioned about migration, he gave the standard reply of nearly all businessmen questioned in this debate – ( and there seems to be a pattern emerging here )- that his parents were migrants. Is there anyone out there, in business or position of authority, who’s parents WEREN’T recent migrants for God’s sake, that can be interviewed ? (and please don’t anyone comment about us all being migrants from the Picts, Celts or Vikings, as that one’s got whiskers on it)
These people are really stupid. How does a small number of immigrants in history justify millions today ?
To the BBC / liberal left we’re not allowed a sensible immigration policy . There must be equivalence .For every doctor that comes in from Romania we must 5 pickpockets . For every nurse we must have 4 drink drivers , for every ceo about 1000 dole scrounges . We mustn’t have the best of all worlds , we must ruin the country to make things fair .
Oh dear. You are in danger of being accused of discrimination against Muslim rapists?
I assume that the lying liar Terry Leahy’s family came from Ireland. In other words they came from a country which was a part of the UK until 1922, with close links of family and language, with no border controls or immigration restrictions, and whose citizens can vote in each others’ elections.
In other words, not immigrants in any meaningful sense of the word.
My advice to Terry Leahy: STFU you mendacious fraud. No-one is buying your bullshit any more.
Rob, yes , by the same token when, I as a Scot, lived in England I must have been an immigrant. Mind you, I sometimes felt like one. LOL ! Leahy is a liar.
Well, I’ve always said that the only asylum seekers we should be taking in are those from Scotland and Wales !!
If Scotland gets independence, you will be inundated with asylum seekers.
I can foresee a lot of sheep nipping over the border ………
David, I quite agree. The Marr show was a disgrace this morning.
I was particularly cross he made so much of short video clip of Boris talking about Turkey and the EU. I am fairly sure that clip was part of a BbC Who Do You Think You Are programme which featured Boris in 2008!! A lot has happened in 8 years and the whole world situation is very different to what it was in 2008. So why the need to show this AND mention it was all over You Tube (am sure AM said that too). It was bias beyond bias and disgraceful.
Eddy Izzard spouted rubbish, I’m afraid. The usual student stuff about free easy travel and son. In 1971 I remember my father taking us on holiday to Spain and we went by train through France. Why do these people think we shall be stuck on an island if we leave? All it means is they will have to think and plan ahead a bit – but that’s not something many shtudents of today are capable of if you listened to the Toady lot from some Uni last week. They couldn’t even string a sentence together!!!
The NHS guy was full of ifs and buts and maybes. A real help! He was also one of TB’s cronies so…’nuff said.
I suspect many outers have made up their minds and one is tempted now to ignore everything the BbC says, BUT I think we HAVE to look and listen, if only to point out their disgraceful and unpatriotic coverage. I pray for Brexit and will take great delight in seeing their faces when the final numbers come through – God willing.
And a PS…why is it that students have become shtudents? Grrrrr….
I agree with all of that except the ‘HAVE to look and listen’. For the sake of my blood pressure I have simply stopped listening to the lies and propaganda emanating from either the BBC or Sky and I never even began with the lies told by the newspapers. The ‘arguments’ used are risible and easily countered, so there is nothing to be gained from it.
We have to face the fact that the ‘elite’ against whom we are struggling in this referendum very much includes the the mass media. We shouldn’t be surprised by this, but the sheer weight of ammunition they are heaving in our direction is still pretty impressive, I admit.
Why encourage them by swelling their audience figures?
Andrew Marr sets the record straight. Apparently.
Soapbox wrote;
“Eddy Izzard spouted rubbish, I’m afraid. The usual student stuff about free easy travel and son. In 1971 I remember my father taking us on holiday to Spain and we went by train through France. Why do these people think we shall be stuck on an island if we leave?”
This is so true, things are not going to change much in travelling around Europe after a Brexit.
I own property in France & spend half the year there so I value the notion of being able to nip back & forth whenever I want to. And I am going to vote Leave. I show my passport when I leave Dover & when I return again as I arrive at the ferry in Calais, this will just remain the same. I do not notice non EU nationals (the Swiss for example) being singled out at Schengen borders such as from France to Spain to have passport checks. In fact I would feel happier with a bit more passport checking of everyone as I drive around!
Just maybe I will after a Brexit have to get a Carte de Sejour when I am in France, boring, but the whole thing about getting out of the EU is more than my own inconvenience. I loathe the EU, I hate its lack of democracy, I hate its lack of getting anything positive done – the immigration fiasco & the dodgy deal with Turkey an obvious example. I loathe the way the EU has treated the economically weak countries in southern Europe. I could go on but we all know the dastardly shower the EU has imposed on us.
But because I really love Europe (I have lived more of my life on mainland Europe in Italy, Spain & France) I have hated the way the EU has worn away the individual characteristics of each nation into a grey porridge of uniformity. I do not want the same things in Poland as in Portugal, I used to love when moving from one country to another encountering enormous quirky differences, now the EU wants it all to be the same everywhere.
I really hope with a Brexit the whole EU will crumble like dominoes, starting after us with Holland.
PhilCranbrook, I enjoyed your post. I too spent 3 years in Italy and holidays in Germay – no problems at all.
I too think all the EU elites are willing us to stay because they are SO afraid our exit will cause many other EU member states to leave – Holland, Denmark and the eastern bloc to name but a few. But we see little of this on the bBc.
Onwards and upwards, friends!
I cannot understand how all the countries of the EU except Britain have so willingly accepted the stripping of their sovereignty – though I know Holland & Denmark are uneasy.
But Britain is different to all the other countries in the EU who see the EU as a force for not allowing their own recent histories to repeat – histories of occupation or political repression. The southern countries, Spain, Italy, Greece, & Portugal the memory of fascist dictators. France, Belgium, Holland & Denmark the occupation by Germany in WW2. Ireland, the occupation of the British. The Eastern European states the memory of the Soviet Union. And finally Germany who use the EU as a means to expunge their negative history.
Britain is the only country who have no historical baggage to try to wash in the creation of the EU, we really are not compatible as the EU is irrelevant to us in Britain
My first wife was German. It was the heady days when the EU was still the Common Market and Britain was debating about joining. We met as students and at the end of uni, she went back to Germany to do her doctorate, so I went along. I needed a residence permit to live there and a work permit to get a job. I got both within a couple of hours at the local Landesamt and lived and worked in Germany for a few years with no problems at all. Britain joined the Common Market while I was there and it made absolutely no difference whatever.
As you can imagine, I am looking on with some bemusement at the antics of the political class who are trying to persuade us that if we pull out of their personal gravy train, we’ll all be marooned here on our bleak little island, cut off from European society and commerce.
I’ve spent my entire career living and working in other people’s countries and I’ve never before heard anywhere that in order to trade with another country, your only option is to cede all your political power to them and hand over all the levers of government, the judiciary and foreign policy, in fact everything that makes a country what it is to their appointed officials. That is not trade, or alliance. That is being conquered.
Watch the last 10 mins of sunday politics if you get chance.
Harriet Harman gets totaly destroyed on womens issues within the Eu. Well done Andrew Neil and co.
The more important thing is that Harpie was shown pictures of seven men and didn’t recognize any of them … why should she .. they were only the guys that occupy all the top jobs in the EU !!! … the very people she thinks should run us !!!!! There’s dense and then there is Harman.
This morning on Broadcasting house (Radio 4) mention was made of a piece in the Sunday times (pay walled unfortunately) that 3 in 4 undergraduates are in favour of freedom of speech being banned if it does not accord with their far left beliefs.
As the West slowly sinks into a new dark age of totalitarianism and those who should stand up for freedom betray it, it seems our old way of life is going to be lost forever.
Richard Wilson was on the program, and as a Left wing extremist, he saw no problem with people freedom being destroyed so long as only his warped views were the one allowed.
None of this should have happened, it is the fault of a spineless lying Tory government, which moved left of centre and idiocy, greed, and snobbery on the part of those who voted Tory and not UKIP.
Agree Thoughtful.
Felt that Wilson was nasty over the sacking of Van Gaal-appears to be a United fan, but not a nice one.
To be so spiteful over a man who`d not even seen the champagne bubbles go flat before getting the boot, was mean….had Louis been an old queen or hoofer at the Sudbury Rep, he`d already be contacting Equity, with a luvvie lie in to be voted upon.
Wilsons Scottish isn`t he?…shouldn`t he be chucking his bile at Hibs, Hearts or Caledonian Thistle, the sour old goat?
I myself have dropped United, and will from now on be supporting a team on its knees-little club from oop north called Newcastle…BBC Sport have yet to report on this, thought I`d share the exclusive with you all.
Imagine Jimmy Carter and Jack Charltons idiot half-brother…that`ll be me for a season as I play the old Corinthian…
Being a Sunderland supporter Chris, I was with you until you mentioned the dark side.
In the spirit of cross-Makem/Geordie harmony-I`ve only chosen the Toon misfits because I can pretend to be a Notts County/Grimsby or Exeter City fan when they crash and burn as the clocks go back.
Maybe Darlington still is it?
Am trying to get my Newcastle chums to become “Green Champions” by refusing to use floodlights, play Villa and Brum over the same weekend-and to let asylum seekers camp on that pitch they hardly use,
Or maybe keep ducks or goats.
Been a bit eggy thus far-and my efforts to change to light green and dark green shirt stripes has yet to find favour.
Rotherham seems to be our local derby now-so shame on you for not manacling yourself to the Gallows gate with “us” when you had that chance to show “solidarity” with “us”.
Still-no costly Gaia choking games on the south coast or endless trips to London…so , in a sense Newcastle may not be the “real” winners-but the earth is!
Ta for nothing Kirsty Young!
Sneaked back from church early to hear the mighty Berry Gordy give us his Desert Island Discs.
Young knew zip about Motown, which I`d regard as being a bare minimum for asking some questions-usual Beeb patter on civil rights, bloody men and their marital problems and gripe fests over businesses gone wrong or sour.
Berry was just the buckaroo on which to saddle all Beeb liberal sacks of shite…surprised he wasn`t asked why the Tamla buses he used in the 60s round Britain hadn`t a guide rail for Stevie Wonder all around them!
So rare to hear from the man who gave us the best back catalogue of music ever…so why the hell didn`t they get someone to talk to him who knew his music, loved the man(warts and all) and could ask a question that we`d want to know about.
Bloody hell-there`s enough Tamla fans out here…Tony Blackburn(er…), Stuart Maconie- even Martin Freeman( lefty hypocrite, but he knows his Motown alright).
Pack Kirsty back to Morningsides…useless show this one.
Mention of Stevie ( one of my musical heroes) reminds me of an Africa story around the time when he claimed he was going to live in Ghana. This has nothing to do with BBC bias, so I hope people will indulge me. The then President, Flight Lt. Jerry Rawlings, took Stevie for a flight in a fighter jet and, as they were coming in to land , he handed the controls to Stevie who landed the plane perfectly. Well, that is Rawlings’ version. I haven’t heard Stevie’s !
Stevie is a musical genius, as close to His talent as is humanly possible.
Astonishing human being, God was on fine form when he created him.
Musically, as good as Prince, worse dancer(er, duh!) but his songs will be sung wherever humans gather-whereas Prince`s lack the humanity and warmth that Stevie gives us.
He saved me years of pointless jazz noodlings, by releasing Sir Duke…like the Brexit movie-the final word.
Poor bloke reduced to singing over any dead black artists open casket these days…saw a fully clip where Stevie tries to drive James Cordon around.
And first album age 11, tribute to the great Ray Charles !
Marr made me heave!
How the hell do they all sit through an Eddie Izzard interview without mocking that grotesque, verbose pseud?
Looks like Che Guevaras mum…a right polyp!
Poor Penny looked a bit tired-maybe when bloody Izzard is off the sunbed Penny could refresh herself, can`t be easy being a named Brexitte what with the likes of Marr opening his buuty box with egg sandwiches in, under your nose when the cameras not rolling.
Dreadful interview-my highlight was Marrs concern for the “unity of the Conservative family”…no doubt because that`s ANOTHER family he could split asunder by waving his pecker around like a button magic mushroom in the gloamin`.
As if Marr gives a damn about Tories…mind you, we all know that Izzard-like Brown or Brand-has yet to adopt a cause that he doesn`t bring to the bottom of the briney, by just SAYING he agrees with it.
Eddies heels-were they EU compliant or not? re altitude…and looking forward to his mincing by Brick Lanes finest in his Glenda Jackson rig very soon…hijab for Mr Ed!
Get more sense out of the very dead talking horse than this poly wally Izzard.
Pigeonhole mix up lets slip Andrew Marr’s £600,000 BBC salary
BBC presenter Andrew Marr’s salary was revealed to be nearly £600,000 after his payslip was accidentally left in the wrong pigeonhole.
Is this the Marr guy we are talking about?
No wonder he is prone to getting tired and emotional with subordinates.
If that is Marr’s pay then it explains a lot. The BBC arrogance and disregard for it’s unwilling financiers. It’s self indulgence and the absurd pay levels of quite insignificant executives. it would also explain it’s defensiveness and generally self righteous attitude to criticism.
Rubbish talent . Rubbish shows and rubbish all round.
I wish someone would just tell middle aged trannies like Eddie Izzard and Grayson Perry that they look bloody stupid. Dress up in the privacy of your own home by all means, but don’t mince around in public and expect to be taken seriously. Though to be fair to Eddie Izzard, I always take him seriously. He certainly never makes me laugh.
Great post RiC.
Eddie and Grayson came to the dressing up box a bit late in life, and want now to be their own aunties in 1973.
Oh Buddha-how long before they get a makeover series on Channel 4?
I am sick of hearing about trans people & those who don’t know what sex they are, this is decadence the like of the fall of the Roman Empire!
The whole nonsense is encouraged by suggesting to poor innocent young children under ten that they must consider their sex despite how they are designed between their legs. Unfortunately a man is genetically different from a woman depending on chromosomes, so a mere notion of ‘being in the wrong body’ is just biological nonsense. It might well be psychological, in which case we must be very careful what barmy ideas we put in children’s heads when they are too young to really understand.
And we don’t know what psychological effect even asking the kids might have. It is child abuse.
Precisely. There is a lot of such child abuse going on in the form of indoctinated ideas. Bad education is another form of child abuse, one could argue thinking along these lines that listening or watching the BBC is adult abuse!
The Al Beeb is an utterly deplorable organisation which disgracefully pumps out a relentless amount of pro liebour, pro far left, pro EU, anti British, anti English, anti Christian, anti being honest about Islamic, anti male, pro “lazy good for fuck all lay about, who doesn’t want to contribute to society” propaganda – every single second of every single day…. But fair is fair and we have to honest when they do the job they should and do exactly what we on this website would do to the lying scumbags that are championed by the current devious elite.
Andrew Neil absolutely annihilated CBI’s Carolyn Fairbairn on Sunday politics today. Even I would have thrown the towel in, in the 1st round… She went the distance with Brillo and it was epic viewing. I have not witnessed a level of arse kicking like it since Ed Balls-ups general election raping.
Must watch TV and we need more of it please Al Beeb
Ta Mr Point!
Indeed, a must-see…Brillo must have had a crap retsina or Sauterne last night, for he squashed the deep-voiced Eurobirdies like Harman and poor Fairbairn.
Can see why he`d hate the likes of Fairbairn-brought back flashbacks of Hewitt, Amos, Scotland, Beckett…if only I could add Hodge and Harman to that list of gravel voiced primary special needs pot washers that used to be way too near to “government”.
Poor Carolyn-a national debagging, with complementary slapped arse and matching face…but being a shamelessly stupid and paid-up passionara for the Davos elite, she`ll have thought that she gave a good display.
Brillo kept well clear of David Owen who showed us all how to deal with the Spongebobs of Brussels-but maybe the Remainiacs may yet learn from Carolyn and Hattie-and actually research WHY the rest of us would need the EU.
For we know too well why THEY require us to stay on the Titanic with them.
Reminds me of last year-the political elite seem to have gone to that zone of theirs where the little people don`t go with them…but they all collude and talk as if they do.
I raise my rug to Brillo today.
Wasn’t the lovely Isabel a treat, both with what she said and very easy on the eyes.
Like the lovely Penny-feel that the BBC are doing their damndest to plain down our lovely Brexit fillies.
Not near enough Pritti Patel-and, as yet no Miss Brexit v Remain contest, as I thought we`d be getting….wasn`t Jenni Murray and Jon Snow going to co-host it?
Bit fed up with Grayson Perry v Eddie Izzard-give us some REAL leaders, not those pansy potters.
Don`t think Isabel was looking her radiant best-bet the BBC hid her makeup bag!
Now THIS is the debate that Womans Hour is looking for…Father Teds “Lovely girls” contest still remains the last proper beauty contest that I saw in the liberal media.
But none will beat my dear Mel, Condi or…sigh…Sarah Palin.
If I wanted a load of Yugoslav roadworkers, I`d be watching Yvette, Angela, Maria and the lovely Barbara Roche…to name but thirty….
Best lie down now….
I missed it , enjoying some rare Scottish sun in the garden. Can anyone post a link or direct me ?
It`s all good-David Owen early on, the Fairbairn collapse midway through(just look for pallid Morticia Munster lookalike-then Harmans brain scrapie probe in the last ten mins.
Yet why are we surprised at Harman being thick-Lord Longfords niece, and so dumb that even the illiterate Scottish divvie Gordon Brown sacked her for being thick in 97/8.
Many thanks for the link. quite frightning levels of ignorance apart from Brillo, and Owen, who was excellent !
No problem…the Paxman show was pretty good too-if only to see HOW these people live, and how thick and unaccountable they are.
He`s as good as the BBC allowed him to be-so it`s appreciated.
To be fair to the memory of James Gordon Brown, I always thought he was innumerate rather than illiterate. Judging by the performance of Gideon George Osborne, innumeracy seems to be the main qualification for being Chancellor of the Exchequer these days.
Brown could well have been a great Labour leader. Undoubted brains and decent principles to begin with, but his overweening hate and lack of courage destroyed him.
A tragic figure-poor sod wrote a book of courage, but had absolutely none.
A warning from history…and, to be fair; we`re not in the Euro thanks largely to him.
I think he was only against the euro because Blair was for it. Blair was a coward too, he never had the stones to get rid of Brown in all the years Brown was plotting against him. The internecine politics of the Labour Party makes game of Thrones look tame.
I see that anti-Semitism is as alive on this forum as it is in the Labour party and in the sick minds of their most recent constituents. What next, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the blood libel?
CH. Your assessment of undoubted brains must come from a different planet than mine … you are referring to the guy that banished boom and bust, crashed the economy, left the country bankrupt, and destroyed private sector pensions ????? With brains like that you could ascend the highest molehill !!!!
And sold our Gold off at bargain prices .
Remember this on Immigration and crime ………………….
But Harriet Harman must take first prize for idiocy on the Weekly Politics this morning. Remember this fool was a Labour cabinet minister for 12 years and deputy leader of the party for many years. She demonstrated complete ignorance of the way tariffs work , she thought that if we vote LEAVE then the French would put tariffs on the food that they export to us and that this would put prices in the UK!! Andrew Neil took pity on her and patiently explained that, no ,the exporter does not put tariffs on, it is the importer who does that. She looked bemused. The panel of journalists looked embarrassed. Then he showed her photos of the top seven post holders in the EU . She did not recognise who any of them were, even Junker and Schulz, and repeatedly said she couldn’t understand why the BBC had chosen people who no one would recognise. Again Andrew Neil explained patiently that these were the people who the Remainers , of which of course Harriet is one, were asking us to vote to remain our leaders. For a senior politician not to know even rudimentary stuff about tariffs, or not to recognise Junker and Schulz, is astonishing. How anyone can achieve high office whilst remaining so ignorant is deeply concerning. This idiot was once sat around the cabinet table making key decision on behalf of the country. The perils of democracy I suppose. But surely they could introduce a basic IQ test for all parliamentary candidates , obviously with the bar set quite low but high enough to stop the Harriet Harmans of this world being allowed into Westminster. What a plonker.
Remember that David Lammy was on Mastermind and made a complete arse of himself. Generally speaking, I don’t think politicians are the sharpest tools in the box.
PS My spellcheck just underlined ” Lammy” and “arse” and on this post underlined “spellcheck”. LOL !
ALL NuLab politicians since Kinnochio have been terminally stupid. Many before were stupid too, as well as being overtly and rabidly Marxist/Leninist. Even those communist-believing ones were profoundly stupid despite being intellectually clever (eg Viscount Stansgate) because they actually BELIEVED that far-left socialism/communism would do everyone good.
Mrs Harlot Harridanwimmin is just stupid, pure and simple, and knows two-fifths of five-eighths of fuck all!
Why do you think left wing socialist extremists historically execute all intellectuals when they get in to power.
The TUC’s Francise O’Grady was similarly put to the sword by Mr Neil during the week. If dumbos claim to be up to senior jobs they have got to expect to be made to look idiots by decent interviewers. See Harriet Hharman on the Sunday Politics for the best laugh in years. She was absolutely rubbish.
Harman couldn’t name a single one of the 7 (!) EU presidents. She accused Andrew Neil of ‘picking them at random’. How can somebody be lecturing us to Remain, when she is clearly clueless about the EU. Their job descriptions were present below the images and she couldn’t even name Junker, Tusk, Prodi or Shultz!
The Brexit camp really ought to insist-in the cause of balance-to be put up against these affirmative action sandbags at every chance they get.
Harman or O`Grady….Jess Phillips or dear Hazel Blears…any will do.
I know that Heseltine and Clarke get the mothball vote for us…but the likes of O Grady or Hattie nasty and dim are gold to the Vote Leave bunch.
Tell her that the Remainers would like a fuchsia bus, and a nice stone slab with the EU Constitution highlights on it…she`ll not remember now…
“Mothball vote “. Excellent !
Just watched Sunday Politics on catch up.
Must say overall quite impressed.
Interesting to note a DM reporter there when Harman had her car crashes – French will put tariffs on their agricultural produce to us, unable to explain why no prominent “wimmin” on the remain side, abject failure to recognise any of the seven people who strut the world representing us, despite list of job titles and unwilling to comment on the fact that none of them were “wimmin”.
One might wonder whether she will feature largely in the DM tomorrow.
On the difficulties faced by polling organisations our local daily regional paper just goes out on the street in locakl market towns and randomly asks people. I suspect they will be nearer right. They analyse by age, job, gender etc, in their reporting.
Typical PC lefty feminist.
Totally blind to everything except her own blinkered outlook on life.
Within her pc skewed morality straight jacket she is honour bound not to recognise this very obvious contradiction in her debating point. And instead resorted to bluster and general faux outrage when she is being challenged on any point – How dare he – I am a woman! (My apologies to the majority of well balanced women who post on this site).
This is the sort of shallow feminist doublethink that allows many of the enrichers to sexually abuse their way across Europe whilst claiming discrimination at the same time.
Are the sisters interested – Nah – rather talk about concocted rape figures from Universities that are based on fantasy or sexual imbalance within the boardroom
God help us !
Harriets true question should have been – Where are all the sensible women in this campaign?
And the answer should have been certainly not sitting opposite Andrew Neil!
I just love the way these lefty feminist types also arrogantly assume they are speaking for all “womankind”.
If Harriet is from Venus I think Neptune rather than Mars is the place for me as it appears further away from her – But wait. There does not even appear to be any escape here either as Harriets voice is still blasting out at me and seems very close ? – Ah I understand now – Neptune is next door to Uranus!
Oak and Mallard,
Good posts !
When Brillo ask Harman why none of the 7 “Presidents” were women, she simply started quoting from the Treaty of Rome !
When asked why there are so few women leading the Remainer camp , she basically blustered.
And to think that this idiot could have been leader of the Labour party. God almighty.
In my experience , most “normal women ” are sensible ( more sensible than men often ! ) and , like myself, believe in equal rights but don’t whine on about it. Most of them find Femmies like Harman an embarrassment, and rightly so.
Marr made me heave!
How the hell do they all sit through an Eddie Izzard interview without mocking that grotesque, verbose pseud?
Looks like Che Guevaras mum…a right polyp!
Poor Penny looked a bit tired-maybe when bloody Izzard is off the sunbed Penny could refresh herself, can`t be easy being a named Brexitte what with the likes of Marr opening his butty box with egg sandwiches in, under your nose when the cameras not rolling.
Dreadful interview-my highlight was Marrs concern for the “unity of the Conservative family”…no doubt because that`s ANOTHER family he could split asunder by waving his pecker around like a button magic mushroom in the gloamin`.
As if Marr gives a damn about Tories…mind you, we all know that Izzard-like Brown or Brand-has yet to adopt a cause that he doesn`t bring to the bottom of the briney, by just SAYING he agrees with it.
Eddies heels-were they EU compliant or not? re altitude…and looking forward to his mincing by Brick Lanes finest in his Glenda Jackson rig very soon…hijab for Mr Ed!
Get more sense out of the very dead talking horse than this poly wally Izzard.
Just caught the far left reporter Stephanie Bell who works for the far left BBC, mouthpiece of the far left, she was commenting on the Austrian election in which vicious unwashed plebs ( indigenous, Bastards) are looking likely to vote for a man who asks questions of the EUs insane immigration policy, hence he is ‘far right’. In a very poor brief piece she manages to cram ‘far right’ in enough times so as to leave no doubt as to where the BBC stands on Norbert Hofer, extra far left points for the far left Steph Bell. See how easy it is, attach label and everything else that comes out of a persons mouth becomes secondary, obviously I’m preaching to the choir here, but give me strength, I never used to have to question and doubt every single word of a BBC news broadcast.
I think that should be Bethany Bell, above reporter, followed one of Mike Hunts links to the BBC and a ‘breaking news’ popped up with dire far right warnings from a Bethany Bell, so I’m guessing she speaks the same tripe as she writes. Her written pieces also contain no supporting evidence as to why Hofer is far right, other than as Mike points out further down Hofer doesn’t want a lot of people who hate his country moving in.
“Her written pieces also contain no supporting evidence as to why Hofer is far right”
He owns a gun, so to the BBC he must be far right. For the BBC all moderate people believe in collective security and if attacked they wouldn’t dream of defending themselves – they’d wait for the police to come and draw a chalk ooutline around the body.
Here’s my explanation of BBC left/right:
That seems pretty accurate. You should send it to the BBC, except they wouldn’t see the joke, they would probably say ” Well it is true “.
The BBC is now actively conspiring to suppress news of violence and rebellion in our neighbouring countries. YouTube and blogs are filled with amateur and professional video coverage of car burnings, tear gas attacks, rapes, stonings, shop and bank ATM destruction and thefts. There is a war in the streets, particularly in France, Belgium and Sweden, and yet we are told next to nothing about it by our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
The BBC’s motivation seems obvious. The rioters are muslims and with the referendum imminent, the BBC doesn’t want us to know how close to open urban warfare some EU countries are.
And they wonder why some of us think of the BBC as the finest example of the luegenpresse since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
So what the hell is Mark Stone – Sky’s only reporter in Europe, and who lives in Brussels, doing if all this is going on ?????
I have only been to Brussels once but it has some of the best bars and restaurants I have ever seen .
Best enjoy them before the caliphate is imposed. Brussels already has a 25% muslim population I believe, so the long term prospects for all those bars and restaurants does not look good.
There is a war in the streets, particularly in France, Belgium and Sweden, and yet we are told next to nothing about it by our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
Surely you don’t expect world class intellects to put themselves in danger just so the unwashed can get a few thrills?
How to insert additional arguments in favour of remaining.
The BBC discusses a row over a possible veto on Turkish entry to the EU.
But in the middle of the report, bearing no relevance to the contents of the report on Turkey’s membership, this is inserted.
‘With just over four weeks to go to the 23 June referendum, NHS boss Simon Stevens said leaving the EU would be damaging for the health service, while the prime minister has said food prices would rise sharply in the event of a vote to leave’.
According to the reports I read, Cameron said food prices would rise by “almost 3 % ” ! Buffoon !
Remember Comical Ali from Iraq?
Well, I reckon we have our own version, Comical Dave.
With his insane predictions such as WW3 and world economy collapse he is a caricature of a politician.
If he was on ‘Yes Prime Minister’ it wouldn’t be as funny as it was because at least YPM was believable.
I was looking forward to the dramatization of Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel ‘Brave New World’, I should have realised the BBC would not allow such a novel to be broadcast unreconstructed.
It was written in the early 1930’s, but according to the BBC must have been remarkably prescient with its quotes of ‘global warming, climate change, and islands vanishing due to rising sea levels’. America and its ‘gangster’ elected leader are blamed for the dystopia, and the pursuit of money (capitalism) – none of which I remember from the book (but then it has been several decades).
Never an opportunity to propagandise missed !
The BBC never fails to disappoint !
My recollection of the book is of a socialist state apparatus taking control and responsibility for childrens upbringing by removing said children from the parents after birth.
Now THAT really was prescient given the left’s desire to intervene here, there, and everywhere, for example by assuming social workers are responsible for the deaths of little children like Victoria Climbie, or baby P, as opposed to placing blame where it properly lies.
The SNP idea of a ” Children’s Guardian ” could be the thin end of the wedge .
BBC’s international propaganda arm spreading Islamist lies.
Here’s BBC Indonesia promoting a racist Nazi:
She is portrayed as brave in the fact of a braying mob.
In fact, SHE is the hateful one, and the ‘mob’ were showed in less provocative (non-BBC) photos to be perfectly calm and reasonable:
Moreover, in Tweets, she proclaimed that the only reason Hitler didn’t murder ALL the Jews in the world, is so there would be a few left, so that we would know how evil they are.
So basically she is a far-right Nazi extremist, far, far more hateful and extreme than Norbert Hofer, who in every article, the BBC pans as ‘far right’, despite his comments being nothing more extreme than ‘Those people who respect and love Austria and have found a new home here are warmly welcome. But people who fight for ISIS or rape women are not welcome in Austria’
The BBC in Britain have finally noted (in much smaller headlines) that she is in fact a Nazi.
But, even when this was already identified several days ago, they continue to promote Islamofascist propaganda internationally.
Sorry, another ff ‘report’ by accident.
BBC has at last been prodded into coyly admitting the latest heroine they created may have a possibly dubious backstory.
However they seem more worried about the backlash the poor love now is experiencing.
Frankly young women given the full BBC PR boost may be wise to ask Lord Hall Hall for the name of his security detail.
And charge it to the licence fee payer.
This really does not seem to be going away or working out quite the way the BBC intended.
“A real national socialist would………….” what?
Rather than “eating their guts” real national socialists recruited Balkan Muslims into SS units. Fact.
I was meaning to compliment BBC Trending on presenting the story. They seem much less agenda driven (or at least a different agenda) than BBC News.
Many Muslims are Jew Haters and that comes directly from Islam. How else can the social media and diplomatic attacks on Israel coming from Malaysia and Pakistan be explained? Apart from its immediate neighbours — and Israel has peace treaties with the two largest Jordan and Egypt — Israel has no borders and no actual disputes with most of the world’s Muslims.
None of this will ever get reported on the BBC and See
The bBC is making much of Marr and Mordant, bet they don’t show this. Can’t see him using a veto as long as he was not lying.
Just out of curiosity does anyone know if there is an actual list of every horror story the remainiacs have spouted through our munificent state broadcaster ( all hail to the demigod of msm, lgbtxyz, cisgendered woman with dick or man with vagina, unbiased bringer of truth to us the great unwashed.) Just out of morbid curiosity
Half listening sleepily this morning to the Sunday 7am R4 prog (the religious version of Toady)
First up after the news – the bBBC’s minority of 2016 but with a twist – a feature on Trangender….. Christians!!!
This must be a candidate for the all-time bBBC ‘minority’ championship in terms of total irrelevance to the majority.
Story was immediately followed by a gay story. Tick. Tick. All objectives met.
It just never ends.
Can’t wait for the feature on Muslim gays!
Good to hear those voices though.
Ought to be a contest-which of the gals sounds most like Windsor Davies.
Paris Lees? Rebecca Root? Rachel Mann?(no joke) Christine Beardsley(Peters uglier sibling)?
Wonder if Chelsea Manning would care to send us a tape…
The BBC seem to be growing desperate with the looming EU vote.
We all know they’re pro-EU and knew they’d come out fighting for it but the level of negativity has grown to shocking levels.
The lists and links below give an indication of just how negative they have been towards Brexit.
And I’ve only reached page 7 of my Google search……..
Would Brexit kill off big UK projects?.
EU referendum: Brexit ‘could damage NHS’, health boss warns.
Brexit would hit house prices, says Osborne.
Barack Obama says Brexit would leave UK at the ‘back of the queue’ on trade.
Post-Brexit trade deal with US could take 10 years, Obama warns.
EU referendum: OECD warning of ‘Brexit tax’ sparks row.
Scores of UK stars back remaining in EU.
Donald Tusk: Brexit will bring ‘chaos’.
EU Referendum: EU exit would hit poor hardest, says David Cameron.
Brexit vote may spark recession, Mark Carney warns.
Brexit ‘contingency planning’ under way says Osborne.
EU referendum: Sir John Major in North Korea Brexit claim.
Brexit ‘risks international student recruitment’.
Prominent Czechs urge UK not to quit EU in referendum.
Michael Bloomberg says Brexit could hit UK business.
EU referendum: Leave vote could affect Belfast finance jobs, says Treasury minister.
IMF says Brexit ‘pretty bad to very, very bad’.
Brexit ‘risks Scotch whisky exports’.
CBI cuts forecast amid Brexit ‘dark cloud of uncertainty’.
Fujitsu chairman adds voice to pro-EU push.
UK manufacturing ‘contracts for first time in three years'(another negative story).
Good work ! Any positives about Brexit yet ?
Literally, in a word, no!.
I saw one or two as I approached P7 but they were half-hearted articles and little more than “Politican X says……”.
It’s total “Project Fear”.
You are really proving the point here. Great stuff !
Sinniberg. May I add this one to the collection?
“Brexit is biggest risk to global growth: Bank of Japan chief”
Comments are illuminating –
5. Posted by Martin Ogle
on 3 hours ago
Oh dear one minute we are an insignificant country who won’t last two minutes outside of the EU and now we’re powerful enough that leaving will bring down the whole world!
Seriously, do any of these world leaders actually believe what they’re saying!!!
Great ideas to collate these daily Spud missiles aimed at us all.
Never-ending bombardment and “pounding” by the usual established elites and their stooges/ciphers.
By listing them like this-dating them-we can see the pattern I`m sure.
Must be some grid of gripe that they work too-certainly, would like to bet on each one and how much it can be racheted before it implodes on the launch pad.
Like the last one-…” UK Services shrivel to the smallest share of GDP since 1961″…then it`ll be the creative sectors turn to disappear for the first time in eighty years, etc etc…could even open a book on it.
“England to be banned from Euro 2020 tournament if they vote to stay in”…I`d predict June 9th, 5/1….
Good post – and how many of those are funded by the EU?
Locusts? Just a matter of time.
Donald T. is a dangerous, anti-democratic demagogue. He really needs to be stopped in his tracks before he causes any more mayhem.
Tusk I mean, obviously 🙂
I see this has slipped off the front page:
The Austrian vote is an extremely important news item that goes right to the heart of the EU argument, but now it looks possible that a “far-right” (their description of anyone speaking for the people) candidate might have won it, they choose to hide the story. Mind you, they have far more important ‘news’ to ram down our throats – their favourite extreme-left luvvie Loach has just won something that almost nobody gives a flying fuck about:
I’m rooting for Hofer in Austria, just to see how, or indeed if, al Beeb will report it. this is just one vote of many in the coming years that will have the establishment rattled. Surely it can only be a matter of time before the EU comes crashing down? Our vote won’t make the slightest difference because it’s odds-on that remain will win, but there are numerous other countries who are queuing up to leave this rotten dictatorship.
They appear to be hoping the postal vote may have swung it. Awfully convenient at times, this postal vote malarkey.
Yes, remember all those votes from Guadeloupe and Martinique which swung it for the Maastricht referendum in France? Odd how the populations of France’s far flung island territories were so keen on European integration wasn’t it?
“their favourite extreme-left luvvie Loach has just won something that almost nobody gives a flying fuck about”
Pure award fodder. Since this tedious kitchen sink stuff never makes any money, I thought I’d go to IMDB to see where the funding came from. Sure enough:
Production Companies
BBC (support)
BFI (support)
Sixteen Films
Why Not Productions
Wild Bunch
BTW, the high 8.4 rating seems to have been derived entirely from professional critics. No user reviews as far as I can see.
Not a single private investor or any kind of entrepreneur or fund, I guess. Just a whole load of mutual preening.
David and George are scaring the pants off everyone so it will be no surprise if remain wins.But to my mind Cameron’s lies are going to rapidly become very apparent, and what then ? The question will not be settled because people will realise they have been conned.
All power to the Austrians and hope France gets its act together .In any case it won’t take much to start the dominoes just needs a country to be very determined and brave and that probably isn’t going to be us .
I am given to understand that the presidential electoral system in France is contrived in such a way, as to make it very difficult for a “far right” political party have its leader ascend to it.
Which is unfortunate as if Madam Le Pen did become president; then it would make a remain result in our referendum redundant since she would seek to withdraw France from the EU – the result of which would be its denouement.
Sadly, the majority of the electoral systems across the EU are contrived to keep out ‘minority’ parties. Nothing could be more obvious that our undemocratic FPTP system. The establishment has had centuries to perfect a system that absolutely guarantees their grip on power. Nothing short of revolution will change it, and unfortunately the meek folk of the UK will never take that step, no matter how desperate things become. Across the channel things may well be different, so I’m afraid for the time being, we’re going to have to wait until our friends in mainland Europe decide that the EU must be dismantled. Let’s hope for all our sakes that Austria encourages other countries to follow suit.
And if you do not have the run off system, which did for Le Pen senior, and will do for Madame because centre left and right will coalesce against the perceived extremist on the right, you will have what has happened in Sweden where all the other parties (in a proportional vote system) have pre agreed never to work with with the Swedish Democrats so that no matter that they be the largest party and normally asked to form the leadership of the government, they are effectively excluded.
Deborahanother, hard to say but I think one thing is certain: Labour are in big trouble because they should have been in opposition to Cameron (it’s their job!) but he has managed to ensnare them on the EU. The same is true for the SNP, Salmond & Sturgeon have effectively placed themselves under Dave’s sway.
Will the disappointed share of the voting public punish these parties in the event of a vote to remain in the EU? Our political landscape may change substantially. Elsewhere in Europe is a bit too complicated to think about on a Sunday evening.
It’s official: BBC map shows UK is *not* part of Europe!!
Either that, or they didn’t want to highlight UKIP’s 12.5% share of the vote in 2015…
(Map linked from
Deborahanother – I think it is quite possible that other countries closer to us than Austria might throw off the EU yoke even if the sheeple here in Britain vote to remain; Holland and Denmark are two which have growing anti-EU sentiments within large portions of their indigenous people.
The thing which angers me most about the Leave campaign: is that it has been completely taken over by the anti-EU Conservatives. It was outrageous that Nigel Farage and the UKIP campaign wasn’t selected to be the official one, since without them there would be no referendum; even after that had happened he should have been brought in by the official Leave campaign to broaden their appeal – it could yet prove to be a huge strategic mistake by not recognizing that the enemy of my enemy (in this case) is my friend.
I began by thinking that accusations of a fix were just silly. I’m not at all sure, now. It seems to me that the Electoral Commission’s decision was very possibly arranged in that oh-so-British whispers and hints kind of way that leaves no prosecutable evidence. Similarly, nudges and winks about peerages and other sinecures have purchased a lot of support. Clearly, the Vote Leave campaign is a farce. If this were a boxing match the crowd would be shouting that it was being thrown by now.
Totally agree and that’s why there is so much talk about a stitch up .Its obvious to anyone who is awake that the Remain campaign is orchestrated throughout the establishment and big business and anyone who doesn’t agree is drowned out.
It will back fire because Eurosceptics like us and the most dogged MPs won’t give up and things can only get worse revealing the extent of Cameron and his cronies lies.
I admire more and more Bill Cash who has made it his life’s work to get Britain out.Not for him the careerist path like T May and Javid .Then there’s wimpy Mr Whittingdale.Hes an outer allegedly.Has he gone into hiding ? He should be firing off a few shots at the BBC bias starting with Marr.
My aim in life now is to keep fit and healthy so I am around to see the whole rotten socialist construct collapse.
Is Turkey going to join the EU or not… as reported by the BBC. Not that we’d ever use it, but note the video link to the “expert” saying we have a “double veto”. But thanks anyway to the BBC for having the Remainiacs’ back. They do quote Farage saying that “Cameron had been a strong supporter of Turkish membership in the past”, and his tweet: “Veto? Mr Cameron has said he wants to pave the road from Ankara to Brussels.” But note the prominence given the Remain rebuttals by giving them videos and the “expert” label. This is how they perpetrate most of their bias. They could of course have found a balancing “expert” to say we’ve never once exercised our veto on countries joining, but oh no.
bBBC1 evening news.
Austrian presidential election is between the ‘Far Right’ and the Greens.
According to the ‘Far Left’ in the bBBC editorial team of course, who are in a state of total denial, as always.
The vote is close but fingers crossed.
Keep your ears open for the tone of the newsreaders when the clear result is announced.
Thank you BBC ! have just watched Wallander, – this episode set in Cape Town, SA. I’m sure the ‘touristy’ spots are lovely, but having seen the Beeb’s version, I don’t think I’ll invest in a plane ticket. That’s another place crossed off !
Anyone that trusts Cameron’s protestations re Turkey must keep their brains in a matchbox. He’s been pumping on about Turkey being fast tracked into the EU for donkey’s years. Nothing this silver spooned spiv says should be believed. It’s only three months ago he was promising to front the Brexit campaign if he failed to get any significant change out of his negotiations (pathetic grovelling) with Mama Merkel. We all know he failed dismally, but he now tells us if we choose to leave then financial and cultural Armageddon awaits. According to the Remainiacs Industries will close, banks will flounder, the NHS will implode and (we might) be on the verge of WW3.
On a lighter note, did anyone see the frightful Eddie Izzard in full make up, stockings and pink beret, making the case to remain, on the Marr show? How the hell did Marr manage to keep a straight face with that ridiculous apparition sitting in front of him?
t’s the only time Izzard has ever made me laugh.
Dave has completely lost the plot. Bonkers .
Where are the rest of Tory MPs ? Why are they not standing up for our country ?
They are standing up for their pensions and company directorships.
It raises so many questions. What was a transvestite failed comedian even doing on a politics show? Could he possibly have been given airtime to discredit the remainiac case? After all, what sort of bubble do you have to be living in not to realise that most people seeing Izzard got up like that is going to provoke ridicule? Clearly, he is too far lost in his own world to appreciate this, but the show’s producers, surely, can’t fail to have realised how much harm he was doing to ‘the cause’?
The ‘show’s producers’ are sadly now in that age group that studied ‘Media Studies’ at Yuni, so what else can we expect ?
The older beeboids seem equally deluded as to the effect of remainer propaganda. I recall Norman Smith telling us, after Obama’s back-of-the-queue intervention, that this would be a game changer. The BBC really don’t ‘get’ ordinary British people.
Everyone Norman Smith meets thinks Obama walks on water. The problem is he never meets anyone outside the W1A/Media City bubble. The rest of us are the British equivalent of “fly over country” for media grandees like Norman Smith. That is why “pundits” like him cannot understand why the “fly over people” like Donald Trump: they have never met any of them.
The referendum is our one and only chance to give a resounding “up yours” to the smug metropolitan elite who have run our country into the ground. We won’t get another.
Al Beeb don’t like Trump and now they don’t like this populist bloke ……………….
Where are our trolls ? Where is my old pal Essexman?
The trolls possibly feel that, with the future of the BBC assured, their job is done for the moment.
Essexman probably got fed up of you using every thread to attack anyone who didn’t vote the way you wanted them to which is funny as it was the excellent UKIP’s Pat Condel who said ” I voted with my conscience not yours” obviously you don’t subscribe to his values? and to be honest if this site can now stand the hatred and racial slurs posted up here in the last few hours by one regular I can see why some many valued commenter’s have left this place !
‘If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen’
I did not ‘attack’ him . This is an open forum.
How do know which way I voted?
Can anyone explain why our food prices will rise ?
How did we manage for food when there was a British Empire ? New Zealand butter and lamb is still cheap .
Harriet Harman told Andrew Neil that the French were going to invent export tariffs just for us.
With all these international bodies so keen for us to ‘remain’ I’m sure they will be calling for sanctions against us should we leave!
[Could this ‘war’ that Cameron expects be similar to the American civil war that came about when the southern states voted to leave their union?]
Man hater Harriet Harman must have the thickest and most stupid constituency of men in Britain.
‘Peckham Man who voted Labour’, good name for a comedy programme
Left wing propaganda bBBC programme Have I Got News For You would’nt dare mock this fact.
Remember this quote, regarding her possibility of becoming Prime Minister, during Prime Minister’s Questions, August, 2008
‘It wouldn’t be possible because there aren’t enough airports for all the men who’d want to flee the country.’
Any Peckham man who voted for Feminazi Harman needs to be in a mental asylum with the words ‘thick’ tatooed on their forehead.
Harman did not seem to be aware that UK runs a trade deficit with France and the EU so, in any trade war, they lose. Stupid woman.
We’re threatened with price rises in all areas from food to housing, the possibility of world war III starting, every family in the UK will be worse off, so God Almighty there are only the plagues of Egypt left to wish upon us – from frogs, boils, lice, flies, dead livestock, thunder and darkness ! Its so pathetic as to be laughable.
Oh no. There is more to come. Osborne is now warning of year-long recession. Only a year ? Come on , little boy, you can do better than that !
I reckon he’s making his excuses in advance.
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Read the links information regarding the source url and ip trace…. it`s very reliable as it`s the same site many pirate sites use to check for suspected incursions by legal bodies attempting to gain entry into thier spheres… 🙂 your welcome!!
Justin Casey,
Might be better to contact admin directly using the ‘contact us’ at top right. I doubt they read every comment in every thread.
All the best.
Postal votes to settle Austrian presidential election……….
Yes, I know ………..
A cynic might think “Postal votes to massage the Austrian presidential election”.
And why is it taking so long to count them ?
Late deliveries. Being printed still.
In the famous words of Sir Bob: I don’t like Mondays
Not sure what HM Treasury have been up to over the weekend but the’ve come down with a bump this Monday morning. Hangover from Hell. Seems they want us to believe they’ve spotted the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse waiting for us just over the Brexit horizon.
Meanwhile the ever so balanced (honest) BBC inform us it’s wimmin what will decide it!
Have to smile as the Breakfast BBC in/out two guests argue about what’s the best route to the lefty progressive promised land – in or out you decide – but heck it’s gotta be progressive hasn’t it, folks!
Barack Obama to lift US arms embargo on Vietnam
One sentence particularly drew my attention in this BBC report.
Following the American defeat (call it unilateral withdrawal if you want to argue that the Americans and allies were really not defeated) Vietnam went to war with Cambodia and Thailand. It dominated Laos. Some of Vietnam’s regional opponents attributed to it a neo-colonial ambition to create an “Indochina Federation” with Vietnam the dominant member.
The BBC seems to have forgotten all that. Surely the impact of a completely rearmed Vietnam on the region is worth some investigation?
Did he even consider China?
Obama could eat babies and the BBC would back him.
Given they are calling it ‘historic’ when it happened twice before, in more febrile times, suggests they are still smitten.
Grant — According to his biography Obama ate dogs and grasshoppers. And the BBC backed him
Oo-er, missus. Dark looks around the water cooler in the green room?
Three little items on Toady this morning.
About 6.50am. Reeling off a list of countries in a context I didn’t register, Nick Robinson said these words (near enough)…..”…..Germany, UK,, Austria (for goodness sale)”. In other words (with subtext) “even” Austria (“the Far right nutters”)
7.59am. The programme plug before the news – Trangender (or possibly mixed agenda)
8.00am First headline – Treasury fear of recession if we vote to leave. ( I’m waiting for the headline about the severed heads of babies will be put on sticks at the Tower if we vote to leave).
Just unadulterated bias and ‘Far Left’ narrative at all times.
And more….. Front page of world news website. I quote verbatim.
“The far-right and independent candidates in Austria’s presidential run-off are neck-and-neck with the result now depending on postal ballots………….
Postal ballots will decide Austria’s presidential election after polling station results from Sunday’s vote gave the far-right candidate a slender lead.
Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party was slightly ahead of his rival, Alexander Van der Bellen, the interior ministry said on Sunday.
If elected, Mr Hofer would be the first far-right head of state in the EU.”
Got to get the ‘Far Right’ mentioned as often as possible …..but don’t mention the proclivities of the (obviously nice, cuddly, and preferable) other candidate (who is I believe a Green)
I’ll leave you with the observation that erstwhile Green leader in the UK , Natalie Bennett, has a long time partner that, according to her wikipedia biography was “a left-wing activist who was a member of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) for approximately a decade…..” Funny, I don’t ever remember the bBBC mentioning that.
More than half UN schools in Middle East targeted in conflicts
Not a word about Hamas using UNRWA schools for military purposes. Not a word about Hamas domination of the teacher union and by extension using UNRWA schools for indoctrination and incitement.
The report, which is supposed to be delivered today, may be very interesting. Of course, this is the UN so we shouldn’t get our hopes up. The BBC will report it, if they do, exclusively on the inevitable attacks on Israel.
PS ROADBLOCK TO PEACE How the UN perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA Policies Reconsidered by David Bedein has many examples of the manipulation of UNRWA schools by Hamas has many examples, as does the Behind the news in Israel website.
In much greater detail from BBC Watch BBC self-conscripts to UNRWA PR campaign
bBBC continually stay on the economic argument,their support for remain is hardly subtle.Meanwhile when interviewed, spokespeople for Leave seem to be complicit in staying with this subject of discourse without complaint. My question to Leave is simple, why?
The strongest subjects for Leave to discuss happens also the most important. The twin pillars of Democracy and Sovereignty, they are in themselves intertwined. Why oh why don’t Leave push these subjects to the nth degree?
Let’s take democracy. Past generations of British families fought hard for the right to elect the people they wanted to represent us, not give power away to an unelected cabal of commissioners.
Tony Benn had it right, we elect people and lend them the power, they do not have the right to be allowed to take away the powers from the constituents that have been gained throughout history, away. These powers were hard fought with much blood spilt with precious lives lost, yet Leave don’t seem to see democracy as important. I find this to be incredibly stupid.
Sovereignty is the other powerful argument Leave have not used nearly enough. Do we want to controlled by Europe or seek our own destiny, deciding our own future.
The Leave group must now reply and dictate to any bBBC interviewer the terms of reference, they change the areas of the debate to Democracy or Sovereignty in every interview.
The debate should be a simple choice of, do you put the economy first in importance or do you place sovereignty and democracy as most important?
To any person with a modicum of intelligence the answer is surely the latter.
To date I have been unimpressed with Leave and wish that GO had been given the opportunity to put the case against the EU. This decision was crucial.
Well of course the decision was crucial, Wronged, that’s precisely why Go was sidelined, effectively limiting Farage’s contribution to occasional and fleeting appearances. Our government are not quite as stupid as they seem, although they understand ‘divide and rule’ well enough. They are also fundamentally criminal though, and will continue to subvert democracy and trivialize public opinion until June 24. Then just watch their crows come home to roost as the EU and France in particular have their revenge for the last few months’ annoying interference.
Um, are the lilos still coming across the Med ??? the silence is deafening.
Are the streets of Paris still ablaze? Is Sweden still the rape centre of Europe, Are the Germans continuing to torch refugee centres? Is the Greek economy on the brink (again)?
So many things the BBC doesn’t want us to know about, until we vote the way the ‘elite’ dictates.
Apologies for hitting ‘report’ on your post, Brissles… Monday fingers.
I could go on about the appalling Marr Show but I switched it off once Izzard made his appearance. Yes, post the White Paper, the BBC knows its off the leash and can do what it likes to
Keep us in Europe
Maximise immigration into the UK and destroy British culture
Convince us that Muslims are good, Christians are just plain batty and should wither away in a generation
Continue to snipe away at everything this Government does barring the EU
Try to maximise the vote for Corbyn or whatever loon follows him as Labour leader
Kow-tow to the Scot Nats and give 5 million Scots far more coverage than their proportion of the population merits (and keep employing a huge number of Scottish reporters)
EnglandExpects – yes indeed it would appear that ‘normal’ service has been resumed.
Anyway bbc.con are serving up more Osborne lies this morning.
“Osborne: EU exit threatens 820,000 jobs” – that seems a remarkably accurate figure considering some of his and the government’s failures when it comes to predictions. His bold prediction in 2010 of cutting the deficit by 2015 has already gone tits up. Is this really a man one can trust?
A very good point. Osborne had one big thing to do in 2010. The target he set himself was to eliminate the annual defecit by 2015. He missed by a country mile. The government is still borrowing £90 billion a year to keep the show on the road (£10 billion of which goes net to the EU). That was Osborne’s self-imposed target and he failed spectacularly. Luckily for him, most people are not overly concerned about government borrowing, failing to understand it is taxation by another name.
Nonetheless, nothing Osborne or his trained chimps in the Treasury have done leads one to give any credence whatsoever to their entirely bogus claims about a post Brexit future. Frankly, if they seriously believed any of that, then they were derelict in their duty even to offer a referendum in the first place. But we know the only reason they did that was to take votes from Ukip, not out of any political conviction. They are shallow and rootless men, and will blow away like dust, forgotten by history.
I’m sure we are all awaiting the BBC’s continuing coverage of the rubbish issued by the Treasury as a rumour-piece this morning. (We didn’t get the benefit of the actual report).
Its economic analysis would fail at O level.
After a Leave vote, we are told :-
The economy is going to tank for a year declining by some 3.5%.
House prices fall by 20% over some specified period
900,000 jobs are lost over some specified period
interest rates go up! The pound goes down!
Unless Carney is not a Canadian neo-con bureaucrat but a Putin agent acting as a long term sleeper, the Bank of England would be MAD to put up interest rates when the economy contracts, unemployment rises and house prices start to fall.
In this scenario the economic stabilisers are in fact – falling interest rates and allowing the currency to depreciate.
The Remainers seem to forget that the pound has been falling for some time, mainly because the markets are worried about our ever-widening and unsustainable current account deficit (yes being in the single market hasn’t stopped that!).
A falling pound will help British manufacturing exports and heaven knows they need help. Its one way of reducing the trade imbalance. We stopped seeing the pound as a virility symbol after we went off the Gold Standard in 1931. We got another reminder when we left the ERM in 1991. In both instances the current account bean to improve, unemployment fell as the economy rebounded and people were actually better off. Inflation didn’t go through the roof either. Remainers should look at history.
If I were in work but not especially well off, I’d relish the prospect of – more affordable housing, more manufacturing jobs, some currency depreciation but a welcome reduction in tariffs on imported foodstuffs and other essentials. So I’d VOTE LEAVE. BBC chew on that one.
It’s ironic that Cameron the European was selected ahead of Davies the Brit as the Conservative leader as it was thought he was the more eurosceptic of the two candidates!
This judgement was based on his anti EU speeches.
Goes to show you just can’t trust a word he says.
Those naughty members of the public on the bBBC HYS reference the latest “Brexit will mean bubonic plague and nuclear war” warnings (I made those up but Remain do seem to be heading in that direction). They just don’t seem to be ‘on message’.
4. Posted by davel 5 hours ago
This is the same Treasury that recently found out they couldn’t accurately forecast 3 months in advance?
They seem to be remarkably confident with their Brexit predictions…
Up 804 Down 52
Comment number 2. Posted by Chris 5 hours ago
More headline EU bias by the “unbaised” BBC. Disgusting behaviour, and we pay for this service.
Up 717 Down 124
3. Posted by Weeny Issi 5 hours ago
A man who has never got a GDP forecast correct in his entire career
Up 696 Down 32
Comment number 7. Posted by fuzzy 5 hours ago
With the EU likely headed for a recession itself, isn’t being in or out somewhat moot?
Up 646 Down 34
Comment number 18. Posted by Morningstandard 5 hours ago
If that’s the price of leaving an undemocratic, arrogant organisation that bleeds us dry while our borders are out of control – so be it.
It’s a small price to pay.
Up 640 Down 55
Almost 4,000. yet when they have closed others at hundreds they say it is because they have to assign time accordingly. Seems this one has caught them out. Maybe the plug pullers are still out to lunch. Or not back from The Ivy yet.
Amazing how these HYS propaganda pieces against Brexit result in a vast majority of pro-Brexit comments, which attract overwhelmingly positive recommendations.
If BBC hacks were capable of learning anything from this startling fact, it would realise how many people hold them in contempt.
The Beeb is still going full on about the “Treasure (Osborne) Report” and all the money and jobs the UK will loose.
Whilst on Bloomberg they have an article titled “Brexit Vote Could Create 200,000 Financial Jobs, Campaigners Say”
I cannot find the Beeb reporting this anywhere!
It would seem, by some strange quirk, the HYS has closed now, in the middle of the afternoon.
This comment resonates:
“4009. Posted by Andy
Turkey does not meet most of the criteria for joining the EU”
If I recall what I have learned from my non-BBC sources, neither would the EU Parliament, by virtue of not being democratic.”
Maybe that’s the kind of share the BBC is hoping to prevent.