As the EU exports more to us than we do to them, the jobs ‘threat’ works both ways.
The EU will stand more to lose than us in any trade embargo.
‘Osborne’ should stick to making biscuits . The standards of our politicians is unbelievable !
Nigel Lawson: “The Treasury has enough trouble with forecasts even when they are trying to get them right.”
I note that the BBC (a) carefully uses the word “accuse” for Lord Lawson rather than the word “says” as it does with Osborne’s ridiculous claim, and (b) omits most of what Nigel Lawson actually says – he also said that this government was involved in unprincipled scaremongering, but the beeb chose not to quote this.
Balanced? Impartial? My foot.
How about “selective quotation” and “insidious implication”?
They will probably argue they don’t have enough room on the page… (believe it or not they did use this excuse once in a complaint about an online article…)
Telegraph: Commenting on the Treasury’s analysis of the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson of Blaby said: “The Treasury has enough trouble with forecasts even when they are trying to get them right. This time they have simply assumed a disaster in order to scare the pants off the British people. Steve Hilton’s honest assessment of the damage done to us by EU membership is a better guide than the Government’s unprincipled scaremongering.”
IMF Head admits their forecasts have been wrong in the past… Yet the beeb manages to spin this into a positive for Remain. Go figure…
“Yes, on occasion we have been wrong,” the managing director [Christine Lagarde] said earlier this month. Forecasts are just that, after all – forecasts. But, she continued, when it comes to the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union, “We can’t see anything that is positive.”
And Ahmed’s final sentence is revealing, with it’s somewhat perverse conclusion:
“It might be wrong, or the outcomes might be substantially different once real events take hold – as is true of all forecasts – but it is very much worth the paper it is written on.”
Cameron’s street thugs of the UAF have taken an undemocratic approach to the Ausrtian election and are calling for a demonstration outside the Austrian Embassy if the far right win.
I am sure that Dave and Teresa have contacted the police to ensure that no arrests are made should these thugs cause a diplomatic incident.
From their FB page
Demonstrate if the far right win in Austria, Refugees in – Nazis Out -called by Uaf
Thu 6 PM · Austrian Embassy London (nearest tube – Hyde Park Corner)
Looks like the UAF will have to put their pitchforks and caltrops back in the overnight case this time, and Paul Mason can at last recharge his iPhone.
However, they have set an interesting precedent.
Should the EU Ref go oddly with dubious activities, especially once the postal votes are delivered from the printers, one wonders who the BBC may feel about folk turning up at W!A to express their feelings on the impartiality served by the national disgrace?
What a strange way to phrase the headline. Wouldn’t you normally concentrate on the winner?
Or perhaps they are, before the postal votes were filled in. Does anyone have the time to work out what the postal percentages must have been for a 53% lead (if I remember correctly) to be overturned by postal votes comprising just 12% of all votes?
Edit: done a very quick calculation, and very much stand to be corrected, but I get a 28% – 72% vote needed.
Conspiracy theories aside, I would have expected a high proportion of postal votes to be from older people, who I would expect to be more conservative.
‘conservative’ is a word with many meanings, often depending on who uses it.
As to the biddies, those I know would fight tooth and nail to be present in the voting booth.
Others may be less able, for instance by virtue of needing help with the paperwork from the head of the household or a community leader, or being dead for a while.
I suspect larger numbers of older and perhaps middle-class voters in the postal section of the choir made the difference?
My theory is that many older Austrians remember the war and are (mostly) allergic to anything that smells remotely like “Anschluss”, even if the current circumstances do require drastic action. And Hofer was reported as wearing the blue cornflower (old symbol of Austrian Nazi party) to party gatherings hence some suspect him of Nazi sympathies.
Also we should consider that Hofer’s support base (at least according to the BBC) was as high as 85% among manual workers – whereas in white collar workers it favoured Van der Bellend by 60% to 40%.
In short, while I am disappointed that Van der Bellend won, I am not a fan of the large-scale vote rigging theory.
Sorry Mike, a swing from something like 52/48 to 36/64 is simply not credible. A couple of points either way, yes, but this is a swing of more than 30% supposedly by the same population? No way.
OK, I’ve had time to revisit this. According to Presidential poll splits Austria, divides Europe, it was actually a 51.9% to 48.1% lead. With postal votes comprising 12% of the vote still to be counted, that means the percentage of the total vote already bagged would be 45.67% to 42.33%
To bring each side up to 50%, the right needed another 4.33% of the vote and the left another 7.67%. That means the right needed at least 7.67% out of the last 12%, or 64%. So the postal vote was at least 36% – 64% in favour of the far left.
I leave it to others to decide if that’s credible.
Robert Mugabe would be proud. There can be no doubt whatsoever that this was a rigged election worthy of a banana republic, and if anyone thinks the same thing isn’t going to happen here, they are deluded. Long gone are the days when change can be made via the ballot box. The system is rigged, and if that doesn’t work, the ‘count’ is rigged.
I have a feeling our referendum will be about 52% versus 48%, and I am assuming the Austrian election is a dry run for the use of postal votes in it. The chronic abuse of postal voting is Tony Blair’s last big gift to Britain. Thank you so much, Mister Tony.
Sadly, project fear will work, and I reckon it will be at least 55/45 remain. Don’t you think they’ve had psychologists on the case? No matter how ludicrous and out-of-this-world the claims are, the fact is that fear wins every time, and they know it. Fear worked in Scotland recently, and fear worked in 1930’s Germany. Unlike our European neighbours, people in the UK don’t take risks and always will opt for the status quo. The polls already show the gap widening in favour of remain, and when push comes to shove most people will bottle it. Besides, even if leave wins, the poll will be blatantly rigged as we have just witnessed in Austria.
You could be right, neilw, although I except the Austrian poll from that as I have no evidence & haven’t had a chance to read all posts here. My feeling is it may be closer at a 4%-5% win for the Remainers, although I would not be surprised if the gap went up to 10%.
The big advantage that the Remain campaign have is that anyone aged between 18 – 36 years who is voting does not remember life pre-1973 for themselves. They are easy prey for claims from Remainers that the EU provides:
Easy, quick and cheap travel with one currency for 20+ countries in the EUz,
Great opportunities to study in EU countries,
Great opportunities for work in EU countries,
The chance to do business across Europe,
Protection from this, that and the other,
Prosperity for all.
None of this happened prior to 1973. Ever. They have this third or fourth-hand indoctrinated idea of EU-bliss and I fear will vote with their wallets and purses on 23rd June. I am really sorry that we do not have a bunch of sceptical 16 and 17 year old teenagers using their voting privilege for the first time. If today’s are anything like my contemporaries at that age then the last thing they believe will be what a politician tells them, especially one who is cranking up the fear factor.
When these ‘young’ people get to middle age, there will be nowhere to hide from all the foreign voices, so will only have themselves to blame when their kids are marrying surnames with a plethora of Z’s !! and are hand wringing when the Cabinet of the day won’t contain a member who isn’t a migrant. I’ll hopefully be long gone by then, but comfort myself in knowing my life has largely been free of foreigners, which in turn has meant I’ve lived in an age where jobs have been plentiful, a doctor could be seen the same day, and if you were patient enough you didn’t have to wait long for a council property. The downside is, now I’m in the group that the media keep referring to as ‘an ageing population’ like we are some disease to be avoided, and we see press photos of dementia patients being forced out of their care homes. Those that denigrate us will be in this same position themselves one day.
Let the young vote Remain, and let them watch as all the migrants breed at a faster rate than the indigenous population, and then the rioting and regretting will begin.
By the time they realise they are firmly part of the ‘global 1%’ that is being targeted by the globalists, it will be too late. Most ‘citizens of the world’ live in abject poverty and they won’t really be any position to complain when they’re made to join them.
Amendment: my calculations have been based on the postal votes being 12% of votes. Reading the actual result, I think the 12% figure is for postal votes as a percentage of total registered voters. The final figures look to me like postal votes were 16.75% of votes actually cast, which means that the postal votes must have gone 38.75% to 61.25%.
Still, 39/61 is simply not credible. I wish I could speak/read decent German so that I could get some reaction ‘on the ground’ from Austria. One thing’s for sure, the 50-odd percent of Austrians aren’t going to let it rest there, and hopefully it will inspire other countries. Eyes now on Hungary & Slovakia to rescue us at their next elections. Unfortunately we haven’t got a prayer of getting out under our own steam.
This is by far the slowest site I visit and sometimes I just don’t bother posting. I am not very “techie” but maybe there is someone here who can give and explanation. It surely must be possible to fix it.
Headline from the Mail: “‘People are fighting at the pumps’: Tourists stranded in France as country is hit by fuel strike that’s led to violence on forecourts.”
And from the Remainiac Campaign HQ that is the BBC, as France descends into chaos? Nothing at all.
Always a joy to hear the boffins in a bitchslap, as I heard on Today this morning.
They`re always good these-todays was about a heart surgeon saying that the threats of obesity have been INCREASED due to the health do-gooders and nannies moaning on about our saturated fats consumption.
Our Big Sugar suckup from NHS England(but where else?) was FURIOUS…what would this scalpel wielding verucca scraper know of such things-yes she DID get funding from Coco-Cola(ouch!), but her advising loads of low fat foods(and high sugar intakes) had NO effect on her thinking.
Great radio-bloody news got in the way,but I saw fun in a shoot out over the loaded syringes sometime later.
Doctor in one corner-NHS quango queen in the other…where would the BBCs Boxing referee come in to tell us what the agreed line of the good liberal would now be?
Er…it didn`t-for we all know that the science correspondents are scientifically illiterate and would have been unable to sift data, look at trials(unless its Chelsea Mannings)-and Monty was as clueless as a Saigon spittoon.
Oh no-healthy eating has cost lives?….oh no…saved by the 8am news bell, the fat matron lady cut and bloated with some fine jab work from the Heart Doc.
Great radio-only hope the BBC will give us more of these intra medical sluggers..truly HATE each other, and the contender always seems to land a low blow or two into the padded , self-satisfied and sanctimonious gut of the health lobby and the NHS qaungos who feed in the warm waters of “Health England”
The BBC news is becoming more and more brazen in its biased support of staying IN the EU. It is a disgrace, many people see the BBC reporting as being ‘gospel’ and no doubt fall for the nonsense fed to us. Our TV just broke, I am seriously considering cancelling our TV license out of protest for their poor ‘journalism’. I am outraged. Really hoping we leave the EU, but everybody seems to be popping up in support of staying!!
It’s only going to get worse Mrs Hooper. Project fear is proven to be working (as it always does) if the opinion polls and bookies odds are anything to go by, so they will only keep ramping it up in the coming weeks. Apart from the odd plane crash, there has been a negative Brexit headline every day for as long as I can remember. The only hope is that sufficient numbers will be turned off by the negativity and see this for what it really is – a struggle between the people and the establishment. I fear it’s not going to end well, but as a token gesture I’ve just put a red cross through my EU car number plate. I urge everyone to do the same to show solidarity and let others thinking of voting Brexit know that they are not alone.
I always buy a small stick-on cross of St. Andrew and cover the starry bit, leaving the GB bit visible. It is actually illegal but the police have never pulled me up yet.
Postal votes should ONLY be allowed to those who are severely disabled. There should be very strict criteria for who should be allowed a postal. The idea that people can willy-nilly apply for a postal vote (which is then handed in to the….to someone else to complete because they don’t speak the language) – is just asking for trouble. The same strict criteria should apply as it does for those called to jury service. I think you’ve almost got to be dead to get out of jury service!!
Agree completely. The fact that Cameron has done nothing to curtail this obvious Nu Labour fraud tells us :
1) he is stupid; 2) he’s thick; 3) he doesn’t really care; 4) did I mention this shows how stupid he is?
I expect the focus groups haven’t come back with a clear answer on postal votes, so Cameron cannot act without thinking someone else will like him for it, he just can’t see the point.
It is ludicrous that this widespread postal vote fraud continues. I expect he is running scared of accusations that he is ‘deliberately disenfranchising ethnic minorities’. Maybe another calculation is that the fraud is generally in safe Labour seats, so it doesn’t actually make much difference?
Dilemma – I have a postal vote but don’t trust them with it. There is a phone number to call to have it changed…. But I don’t trust them – I’m worried that I change then find I’m not on the list on the day!
A little comment tucked away in today’s Daily Mail could be the answer as to why the Remain is getting so much reporting. It concerns a PR guy Roland Rudd who helped Prince Andrew negotiate the sale of Sunninghill Park. Accordingly he charges £150,000 per month and has access to place ‘stories’ with…………………..
“……..a string of leading contacts, including James Harding (then editor of The Times, and now in charge of BBC News), Robert Peston, at the time a leading light at the BBC but these days at ITV, and Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times. LATELY, RUDD HAS BEEN DOING PR FOR THE REMAIN CAMPAIGN IN THE EU REFERENDUM. Think on that next time you wonder how they might have been garnering favourable coverage on the airwaves ”
She’s my outside bet to replace Cameron. And was before Osborne started committing Hari Kari as a Remainiac. Better on likeability and quite feisty when she wants to be.
Though now Boris is getting into his stride that outside bet is admittedly starting to look rather rash.
Boris in reality is a non-starter, as is George and Theresa.
None of these can put the Tories back together to effectively govern.
If Cameron tries to stay if we remain he will get nothing much through as a couple of dozen “bastards” will torpedo everything they do not like, like TTIP and the NHS U turn.
To continue in government Cameron will be cast aside by the Party like MT and the party will have to turn to an outsider in the betting at the moment who has not rubbed the other half up the wrong way. Where was John Major in the betting when the MT first round was called?
If only Jacob Rees Mogg would stand. He’d be everything Cameron isn’t. Honest, patriotic, fair,etc.
Rumours are that Theresa May is keeping a low profile in the EU debate for this very reason.
No Mallard, much as I respect your views, I still think it will be Boris who will lead the Government in the very near future. His victories in the Labour stronghold of London proves he has the midas touch, and most Tories know it.
My view though is that Boris is an accident waiting to happen. He could be like Churchill was when not involved in WW2. He projects himself in a similar fashion.
Sorry I’ve had an afterthought. I repeatedly tell my wife, jokingly,that Churchill was right on one thing. Women should not have got the vote.
Since women have had the vote this country has gone downhill all the way.We are no longer the power we once were in terms of our world domination.
The Labour party has always relied on the womens vote. Good old Tony Blair, Harold Wilson, Callaghan, Gordon Brown, Ramsay Macdonald and I think I’m right in saying Margaret Becket for a very short while.
Atlee was in my view, the one exception to the failings of the aforementioned.
Mind you historically, the Tory PM’s aren’t much better excepting Thatcher and possibly Disreali and Churchill ( during the war).
I must confess, I think the reasons are far simpler and require no form of conspiracy. Because Remain is a cause that the BBC supports, they will give it all the biased coverage they are able.
Just imagine, if the NUT declared that all female teachers must be lesbians – so they can show solidarity to trans and non binary pupils – and male teachers should either have their genitals removed or face a 50% drop in salary (for their evil and belligerent gender suppression); the BBC would be all over this too.
No payment required for pushing BBC approved, ‘progressive’ causes. (How I detest that word). The left are always happy to abuse – and take for themselves – other people’s money. It must be great to be blessed with such a sense of entitlement.
Sorry to rake over old ground; I know the Austrian postal vote scam has been discussed at length. But here’s my take on it anyway. For the life of me I can’t see any reason why postal voting shouldn’t mirror the rather more conventional sort. So, if one party happened to be leading by four or five percent I would expect that to be almost identical with the postal process. That is unless some rather dubious shenanigans have been going on. Oh, and of course, if you happen to have a large Muslim population who seem to treat our western democracies with the same contempt they show to our womenfolk.
There’s a certain unpleasant whiff about this result.
In fact it stinks.
bBBC1 news tonight.
The Chelsea Flower Show. The epitome of middle class England. How could the bBBC possibly screw us over on that one ?
Easy. You just focus your report on the first black woman garden designer, who welcomes diversity and has created a garden depicting modern slavery.
Pass the sick bag.
I am not surprised at the Austrian result. The left elites of Europe are in a real funk now. They know events are turning against them. Reality is coming into our world and at a faster and faster pace.
So what is to be done? Natural tyrants as they are they resort to the only weapons they have left. Lies, distortions, overt and hidden pressures on individuals, electoral malpractice and so on.
It is all too late and will not work so I expect real tyrrany to start soon. That is all the liberal has left. Silence opposition by force .
It was never credible that we were going to be allowed to leave the EU. I did not think it possible for an instant. We leave it collapses and they know it. The EU is a constructed alliance that enables the powerful globalists and the bankers to enrich themselves and the otherwise useless liberal left to be given the job of running it and playing God with our lives.
They know many of us have rumbled them and quite honestly everything that is now happening was foreseeable.
This year is going to be interesting.
Meanwhile on bBBC London news, I counted SIX female presenters and no males.
Imagine six men and no females. The sisterhood, Guardian, feminists would be up in arms and the bBBC top management would be being interviewed on the new measures they were taking to ensure more diversity.
Total hypocrites.
Trangender. The erstwhile bBBC favourite minority.
It’s just so yesterday’s news.
Heavily featured trailers today are for a programme about ‘gender neutral’ people.
I just hope they are also wheelchair bound and black. Then the bBBC’s diversity secretariat can really cream themselves.
The first upload of Brexit The Movie on YouTube has now had over 545 000 views in just 11 days, with over 11 000 positive votes and over 1000 negative:
And this EU Referendum has had over 57 000 votes with 82% for Brexit, 15% for Remain and 4% undecided:
Sorry to disappoint True Too, Brexit may well have many more votes but it’s going to be a stitch up. Banks,Politicians,BBC, multinational corporations, EU, USA are too strong to allow democracy to take its course.
Their view is if we leave the EU, the edifice behemoth (EU) will soon come falling down. The power brokers will no longer to dictate to the European countries as one block.
“Ouch! Has Britain deteriorated to the degree that the powers that be can override a massive popular vote – assuming that’s the result?”
We’ll never know that the popular vote was to leave. The count will show a majority to remain. Any complaints from us will be dismissed as a refusal to face reality and no journalist who wants to keep his job will dare to investigate what really happened.
This latest b@llocks from Camerloon and Gideon is almost a parody, doesn’t Camoron realize how much more of a disingenuous tw@t it makes him out to be?
If all of the things which he and his cohorts on the Remainian side say are true, about the fiery economic abyss the UK will plunge into should Brexit occur, then why would any PM of this country entertain for a second the idea of offering a referendum on Britain’s membership in the first place?
Also, if one were to take place, why should they (as PM) declare that they would recommend Brexit if the few paltry “renegotiations” to our membership weren’t forthcoming.
If the results of said Brexit were going to be so catastrophic there would be no point stating that, as the price of leaving would be too high; regardless of whatever and how many of the changes you sought were rejected.
Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt (silly name by the way) can congratulate himself on a very minor victory as I would not wish to be associated with a site frequented by such scum and will not be posting here anymore.
More disappointing is that whereas trolls expressing leftist views are always responded to aggressively a poster expressing blatantly anti-Semitic views remains unchallenged. It would appear that despite all of criticism directed at anti-Semitism in the Labour party and the BBC no one here, for whatever reason, is prepared to confront anti-Semitism on this blog. I can only assume that you all think that it is perfectly acceptable to refer to ”filthy kikes” or to glorify the Nazis. Or are you just cowards? My contribution to this site has been quite minor, so I doubt that my absence will be of much consequence. Well, it was fun for a while.
oldartist, I agree with your sentiments about anti-semitism, but to which of DDDD’s posts are you referring? Has it been removed by the mods? If so then your faith in this site can be restored.
Edit: I’ve just seen the post and it is very bad, you are right. I think he’s confusing anti-islamist (ie anti-terrorist) with anti-muslim and, in turn, anti-semitism. I hope that post gets removed asap.
oldartist, I do hope that you stay with us. You are a one of the many great contributors to this site and we can’t afford to lose people like yourself. You made a post back in November of last year which I thought was quite outstanding so I copied it. It read as follows:
Old Artist. I apologise for posting this again from the other thread, but it closed just after I had posted it.
Dave S posted a comment that was quite thought provoking. He wrote that one day the liberal/left PC attitudes of today will be seen as stupid and regressive as witchcraft once was, and fall like Communism. My feeling is that the liberal/left PC Western world we are living in now is just an extension of that same Communist fantasy that devastated Russia and Central Europe. In many ways it seems even more entrenched and all pervasive.
When I was young and stupid I too believed that the answer to all the World’s problems could be solved by the philosophy of the Left. Then one day I grew up and saw the sheer destructiveness of Socialism. I’m not making any claims of having superior knowledge, but it does seem as if we are living in a world that refuses to grow up and face the reality that some people do have greater abilities than others and some cultures are, to be blunt, more advanced than others. It doesn’t mean that we have to live in an inhumane society, just a realistic one.
The argument over grammar schools is a perfect example. I watched some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility. The same spokeswoman would almost certainly decry the fact that all the prime ministers since Blair had been privately educated. Yet their predecessors, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher were all products of the grammar school system. Grammar schools were not perfect, but would no doubt have evolved over time to be more flexible if the system had been left in place. But fantasyland Socialism couldn’t face up to the harsh reality that some children are brighter than others. The answer, according to the Labour party at the time was, destroy grammar schools and drag everyone down to the same level. Pol Pot might have been more brutal, but the intention was the same

First time I have read the post by Oldartist. Let me quote from a truly great man , Ataturk , who , by the way would be appalled at what is happening in Turkey today and would never have contemplated Turkey joining the EU ),
” I shall not lower myself to the level of the common people , I shall raise them to my level “.
He went to a state school in Salonica and left school age 15 for Officer training in istanbul.
Fair comment. One person did respond to DDDD about his anti-Semitic comment, quite wittily I felt, and for me it was enough: I am not a moderator and I don’t wish to get into any bickering here. Good luck for the future 🙂
The BBC has duped us all: the Treasury figures are not *forecasts* at all, they are *scenarios*. In the words of the Telegraph:
‘You may think this largely a case of semantics, but the Treasury is insistent that these are in any case not forecasts but only a series of possible scenarios ranging from an a 3.6 percentage point hit to GDP over two years to – in the case of the “severe shock” scenario – 6 percentage points. The Treasury’s forecasting capacity was hived off into the Office for Budget Responsibility six years ago. This is an assessment, not a forecast. Got that? When in the hands of the politicians, however, anything the Treasury says is bound to be framed as a “prediction”.’
One might have thought responsible journalists at the BBC would have flagged this up, rather than just parroting whatever the politicians claim… Some might even say it’s their job.
I think they are a bit like investment illustrations. ” If your fund grows at 2 % 4% 6 % etc. “. But they don’t give the negative possibility. In the case of the Treasury forecast, they don’t give the positive scenario of Brexit. In both cases , best to be ignored. The Treasury’s history of forecasting is dismal. No one should take their forecasts seriously.
Thank you – exactly my point… why didn’t the BBC report them as illustrations and not forecasts? Sloppy, biased, misleading.
Here’s something else you won’t see on the BBC, Osborne’s missed his debt targets again, by only a few billion, and that way only a one-year prediction, never mind five or ten years…
What do you expect from someone whose degree is modern history and has never had a proper job in his life ? What is more worrying is that the so-called Treasury “experts” always get it wrong and Osborne does not have the knowledge or experience to critique the nonsense that they produce. It is a shambles and not to be relied on. The Bank of England is not much better.
Does anyone know if the UK Government publishes the number of people registered to vote in the Referendum ? It could then be compared with the actual number who vote. Having typed that, it now occurs to me that we couldn’t rely on either figure so what is the point ? How sad that it has come to this.
I was sleeping when this “discussion” about Jews took place and I have not read every word of it and I believe that at least one post has been removed. Let me state my position. This site’s primary aim is to expose BBC bias. There is no question in my mind that the BBC is institutionally biased against the State of Israel.
The problem starts when the issue of Israel is conflated with Jews. Is the BBC biased against Jews ? Well, we know that the BBC is institutionally biased in favour of Muslims, the evidence is overwhelming and I don’t just mean “Bake-off “. Jews , and people from other religions for that matter, are not given the same prominence.
Other posters here have much more contact with the BBC than I do , so can maybe add a lot to this. But, I am aware that there is a much evidence that verbal and physical attacks against Jews are on the increase in the UK. I have seen little if any reports about this on the BBC website.
I am sorry that “Oldartist” felt that no-one rushed to his defence. I suspect that was because,like me , many people were sleeping. I am sorry if we lose him as he made some very valuable comments here. Abuse of a personal nature on this site, such as between the troll/s and others is unpleasant and a bit pointless but , if that is what rings their bells, so be it.
Abuse based on race or religion is another matter. I find that totally unacceptable. However, it raises the question of censorship and moderation of this site. My natural inclination is towards free speech. I don’t really have a “magic wand” but would like to hear the views of other posters.
Neither oldartist nor DDDD will leave permanently.
Oldartist will return, this site is not replicated elsewhere, they always come back.
The other….well….will no doubt pop up rebranded, another troll full of shit.
Trolls ar best ignored.
“I am sorry that “Oldartist” felt that no-one rushed to his defence. I suspect that was because,like me , many people were sleeping …………… Abuse based on race or religion is another matter. I find that totally unacceptable. However, it raises the question of censorship and moderation of this site. My natural inclination is towards free speech”
The comments he refers to appear to be after 11pm and in the early hours, unless I’ve missed something. At that time I’m usually asleep, reading a book, or wandering the streets looking for a Muslim to attack.
On free speech here, I’m in favour of total freedom – and I mean total freedom. If a comment is genuinely offensive, others will recognise this and either ignore it completely (the last thing an attention seeker wants) or point out the absurdity of their position. I do not like the idea of other people deciding that I am so easily swayed that I must be protected from comments that they, presumably, consider themselves immune to. The old argument about shouting “fire” in a crowded cinema don’t apply here. I’m a white atheist from a Christian background and people can hurl as much abuse as they like. I don’t care – they’re only words. I just wish to reserve the right to respond in kind without risk of prosecution and, in the case of the BBC, withdraw financial support if I choose.
IMO, censorship, including self censorship, is far more dangerous than complete freedom.
There are, of course legal considerations that the owners of this blog need to take into account. They exist, whether I approve of them or not. Furthermore, comments tend to drift away from BBC bias. It is for the owners to decide whether that is undermining its purpose.
Agree completely Maria. I did not see these anti-semitic posts either, and might have commented if I had.
It is too easy to assume that people not commenting is a sign of agreement. It is probably merely a refusal to engage.
One rule I have found useful in life is to ‘never argue with stupid people’. It is pointless, they won’t change their mind and neither of you will feel better if you do get into an argument. I only argue with someone when I want to know what they’re thinking and think they might (or I might) change their mind.
I do not generally agree with censorship – the right to offend is more important than the right not to be offended – but the line should be drawn at direct incitement to violence, for example “Go out and kill a Jew/Muslim/BBC employee tonight” would be an example of such.
“but the line should be drawn at direct incitement to violence”
I’m not sure what the answer to that is. A few quickly scribbled thoughts, however, in no particular order:
“direct incitement” would certainly have to be direct to justify censorship, IMO. Incitement is a subjective thing and can be stretched to include almost anything. Bad jokes, irony etc can be brought into the net by plod as soft targets. That is happening now.
Some direct incitement would amount to criminal conspiracy in any case.
If I were to stand on a soap box in the centre of Leeds and tell people to go out and kill Buddhists, I doubt if I would have many takers. In order for that work, I would have to be able to exploit an existing grievance. That would raise the question what caused the grievance, perceived or otherwise, in the first place. I am suggesting that lack of freedom of speech would play a large part in that.
I know I am succumbing to Godwin’s Law, but Germans did not go out and kill Jews 80 years ago solely because Hitler and Goebbels stood on a soap box in Munich and told them to, it was the culmination of a well orchestrated campaign of vilification which was to a large extent facilitated by the removal of freedom of speech in the first instance. That, IMO, is the problem.
The present day equivalent of Nazism, IMO, is a branch of Islam. It too is characterised by lack of belief in freedom of speech, with the MSM and our Government as willing accomplices. Islam is crying out for humour (like Spitting Image, Life of Brian, and yes, even the juvenile Piss Christ has a part to play), ridicule, deep scrutiny etc and it should not be entitled to legal or voluntary protection from this. It should be expected to justify itself in the way that Christianity has had to do. We have a long history of satire in this country and it has served us well. The preservation of old cartoons supports this but we have had to abandon this tradition in a very short space of time. Do I resent this? You bet I do. The absence of this scrutiny on the BBC and in the MSM in general has encouraged an astonishing degree of arrogance and self righteousness in Islam which makes it possible for incitements of the type you have identified to gain traction.
At present we seem to have the worst of both worlds.
Well said Maria. That ‘well orchestrated campaign’ had, of course, been maintained over several centuries and was almost inevitable when one religion held another directly responsible for the death of its senior prophet who also happens to be the son of said religion’s godhead – in fact godhead to both religions, but it’s complicated enough already….
And yet despite this, it is Judeo/Christian philosophy which has been essentially responsible for the creation of our effective codes of ethics and behavior – not always adhered to, but the aspiration is implanted. Contrast this with Islamic philosophy – if that’s not a contradiction in terms – and the end result of that enscripted code of behavior has been to continuously hold its adherents back and resulted in the creation of an imbalanced, irrational, immature and in many cases dangerously psychotic branch of humanity extending from northern Africa through to Indonesia. Some achievement, eh?
I agree with you Grant.
The reason why this site works is based upon freedom of speech. But it also relies on the freedom to feel to be able to speak so individuals can highlight the abuse of the democratic process by organisations such as the BBC.
Therefore if we have individuals who use mindless racist insults instead of reasoned thinking in my opinion I consider them no better than the site trolls who in their own grandiose pretentious way consider themselves “morally superior ” to the rest of us. And who wish to snuff out debate and generally cause mayhem.
We all have our own motivations for being here. But I like to think a desire for the truth and free speech is one them. Whilst we dont want to create a totally”safe space” a little respect is not such a bad thing. (unless of course they are here for the more obvious disruption game)
Unfortunately the world is full of idiots and I suppose to some degree this site will also reflect that.
Old artist I too missed the comments and regret not commenting on them if they were as you said.
DDD you have made a number of mindless comments like this in the past and I have commented once or twice. You have also made some quite good comments. Whilst I appreciate we all get angry. However you might want to bear in mind for any future comments that “Stupid is as stupid does”
If we are to protect our culture in these troubled time, then we must stick together.
I believe we are all a little bit “racist” and in truth, if this engenders some degree of respect for your own culture then that surely is not such a bad thing.
However I rate mindless racism exactly the same way as I rate the evil arsholes who shot up Paris, so if that truly is your bag then please FUCK OFF NOW! If you are not here for that reason then I extend my apologies to you for my language.
Just heard some Toady puff piece in the run-up to the 7am news.
1.Apparently, the Austrian election of their president was won by the “Green Party”-as opposed to an independent who used to the leader of the Greens.
See what they did there?…and so Lucas or Bennett will now be able to get onto the show to tell us all about the coming tide of green sentiment all over Europe-and it gets elected if the only choice is them or Hitlers softball remnant.
2. And has this “close escape ” for the Austrian people played into the horrid FN narrative of Mme Le Pen in France? Has “immigration played a part?” ventures Humpa.
No says our French flannel in Paris-as if she`s only looking at her iPad history since the arrests in Paris/Brussels…and nothing before the death of Aylan Kurdi last September?
So-banlieus on fire 2007?….burning Halimi alive in 2006 by the barbarians who took him hostage?…year upon year of Marseille. Lyon and Paris, Lille and Toulouse getting rising waves of riots, bribes, no-go zones and riots again?…none of this is now available to our BBC gal for discussion…no problems with Le Pen until a little Syrian boy washed up on a beach in Turkey for Yvettes amusements and Judes diverssiments last year.
Great when history lasts a long as a soufflet isn`t it?…the BBC no longer will keep the recipe-but make all their news into such unsatisfactory confections from now on.
Stop being so sarcastic about Greens. I always eat my Greens. On the subject of politics, the Green vote will be increased by the influx of Ropers who are famous for being environmental fanatics.
One of the big problems in this country is anti-cannibal discrimination. We need legislation now and the silence from the BBC proves that they are biased against cannibals. I shall continue to attack the BBC until a cannibal wins Bake Off.
Do dread what the Islamofascists will come up with when they can hang their enemies up on wind turbines to blend them alive or some other such evil.
Can only hope that their ineffectiveness and general crap performance means that the condemned will only get a queasy London Eye type experience instead.
Probably get more chance of killing the kuffar if you force them to cower under a wind turbine as a stiff breeze blows.It might fall over and crunch the infidel beneath seemingly the method of execution.
Where Green meets Islam…very nasty, but Islam will make ghee out of them soon after.
I heard that item…..”is it about immigration”….”no it’s about the economy”…….
That the two are not interlinked is a useful fiction for the BBC and many of our politicians.
It’s also about how the humane “multi racial” has become the ludicrous “multicultural”, and from there the globalist media and politicians cowardice of refusing to oppose gradual islamisation and the conniving expectation that the peoples of Europe will accommodate this unassimilable ideology to their own disadvantage.
Now we have political leaders explicitly opposed to nation states……the female reporter, interestingly let slip….the FN among others think they are on the side of history and that a return to national sovereignty is inevitable….words to that effect anyway.
“The false song of globalisation” as Trump calls it, is being seen through and rejected.
All the people of the west need to do is push back, and keep pushing. The liberal game is a dangerous one….if democracy becomes discredited by oddities like the Austrian election with its wafer thin, postal vote majority….then the really dangerous politics of force will begin. This is the lesson of 30s Europe.
Half of Austrian voters voted for the Freedom party….despite all the smears, half of them……the tide is turning.
You have created a great new phrase ” Postal Vote Majority “. People will be saying ” It was a Postal Vote Majority , you know what I mean ? ( nod nod, wink wink ) “.
Old Artist, if you are still around have no doubt that nobody on this site supports anti-Semitism apart from the trolls.
Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt played a cunning game, pretending to be sarcastic and onside when he was simply using this site to express his hatred of Jews.
I challenged him a few times but was then taken in by his game. So, I’m sure, were others.
So we are incapable of securing our borders without “help” from the EU according to Cassandra Cameron. More apt would be the soothsayer in Up Pompeii (I think it was Senna).
The Singaporeans are on a small Island surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia yet they manage to secure their borders. Maybe a few signs like this would make the point in Europe. It is in as many languages as possible and with a picture so everyone gets the point.
Dave can’t even secure his own daughter. Europhiles are so narrow-minded and parochial, they really do not know that the rest of the world is different.
Phew! Looks like I missed an ‘interesting’ day on here yesterday while loafing around the BBC w/s. Perhaps more on that later.
Not ‘Bias’ but am still glowing after listening to Steve Hilton on TODAY (circa 8.20am R4 24/5/16) and finding not just a kindred spirit but also an extremely articulate one. Mishal didn’t interrupt too much either while giving him an appropriately robust questioning. Why isn’t Hilton leading the Leave Campaign?
Still not ‘Bias’ but a growing feeling that it’s time to firmly lead the Humph to spend more time with his roses. He has lost his bite, whether it is talking to an opponent of fracking, Craig Bennett from Friends of the Earth or Richard Dawkins. It would be a shame to have to continually listen to decline.
Yes, I thought that was a very good interview and was surprised Mishal gave him so much time. Perhaps because there was little to actually argue about.
Vote Leave is a clique of Tory boys led by one Dominic Cummings, formerly Michael Gove’s Spad, and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. I watched his performance before a Select Committee, and was shocked at his arrogance and ignorance. Vote Leave’s refusal to present a credible post-Brexit plan is what allows Cameron and Osborne to come out with their ludicrous doomsday scenarios (apparently today’s is that holidays to Europe will go up by £200 if we leave the EU). Dr Richard North has written about this extensively at, and I urge anyone interested to consult his site.
I think it is no surprise that the Electoral Commission chose Vote Leave over GO, just as I will not be surprised if Remain wins by postal votes. The system is rigged by the power elite. There simply cannot be any doubt about this. You only have to see Cameron’s fake “renegotiation”, which mirrored exactly the scam Harold Wilson pulled in 1975. I had a feeling they would try it again, but I cannot believe how brazen it is. They really do look down on us as scum. We must return the compliment in spades and vote to leave. We may never get another chance.
excellent post Rob. I believe your last paragraph says it all.
My sense of foreboding is that I think the choice is actually much starker….either we leave sooner, in peace, in a controlled withdrawal process under article 50, and return to nation state sovereignty and trading with the world or we stay with the sinking ship and leave later…as the EU collapses in an (worst case scenario) uncontrolled and bloody way or in a semi controlled way…like the USSR did.
Now THAT was an economic shock…endured by millions of people as crony capitalists and security cliques grabbed the states assets for their own enrichment and the masses were impoverished for a decade. Russians could survive the stress being more used to authoritarian government control…will western Europeans be able to repeat that feat ?
“Dr Richard North has written about this extensively at, and I urge anyone interested to consult his site.”
I used to read it regularly, but unfortunately Dr North’s overwhelming ego made it too unpleasant to continue. Not that I didn’t think he was right most of the time; the problem was that he viewed anyone who disagreed with him as a fool.
I agree, we only get to see Boris, Gove and IDS all middle aged white male tories (Grayling seems to have become the invisible man), whilst GO is a real cross section of the community. They need to broaden their talking heads, I dont know why they are not making much more use of Priti Patel.
I am concerned that the whole Boris thing is an elaborate ploy, the Tories know that after this referendum, when they have rigged the vote, a lot of natural Tory voters will feel very angry and disenfranchised.
Come the next election if Boris is running for PM, they can turn round and say ‘Ahh yes but Boris voted out, you can trust him. And anyway if you don’t vote Tory, Labour will get in.’
Well my answer to that will be, what’s the difference ? The country will be buggered if we don’t vote out, its our last and only chance to stop the rot. It won’t really matter if Labour get in as the Conservative party have proven themselves to be a complete waste of space, we will be overrun, and there will be nothing we can do about it. At least with Labour in charge they will bring things to a head quickly, rather than a slow death inflicted on us by the cowardly, traitorous Tory remainiacs.
You must have missed Sunday politics when Andrew Neil ran off, I think, five senior ladies in leave and asked “wimmins” rights herself Harriet Harperson to name five leading ladies on her side. Utterly stumped of course.
Kate Hoey and Gisela Stuart may not be featuring on the BBC because that cause a complete conundrum for the interviewer – to be nice because they are Labour, or nasty because they are leavers!
Hippie Hilton certainly surprised me with his BREXIT fervour.
Humphreys rather gave the game away with his unsolicited “Austria has escaped its fate by a thread” comment. No bias there then! The BBC consensus is that Hofer is “dangerous” on no evidence other than their deeply engrained leftist bias. For the BBC, the crazed, neo Stalinist ex-employee Mason represents the middle ground of politics.
Just linking a few of the above contributions.
1. I didn’t realise there were so many indigenous Austrians living in Tower Hamlets.
2. Why are British residents from 51 Commonwealth countries entitles to vote in the referendum?
3. What security measures are being taken to ensure there is no fraud for any referendum postal voting?
Have no fears about the severity of the security measures already in place to limit fraud in the referendum, Sluff. An army of specially trained scrutineers are empowered to single out those found guilty who will be told in no uncertain terms, through an interpreter if necessary, that what they have done is very, very naughty indeed and they must not do it again. This is what marks us out from the continental approach which is, in many cases, altogether too casual.
BBC reports on concerns over street dog fighting in Luton/Bedfordshire.
May I suggest that once again the BBC are missing some important items from the report.
For example, which sections of our tolerant and vibrant diverse communities are involved in this disgusting sport?
The BBC casually mentions that the Pakistan Bully Kutta dog has been used. See video.
The newspaper, Luton on Sunday, refers to sentences given to participants in one of the most appalling street dog fights:
‘Two Luton men have been convicted of taking part in this dogfight in Birmingham – described as one of the most gruelling and highly attended dog fights in history.At the beginning of this month we reported how Sajid Saed Shah, 26, of Grantham Road, Luton, and Atif Farhan Tariq, also 26, of Portland Road, Luton were among 14 men who pleaded guilty to taking part in the fight between two pit bull terriers, which both died afterwards’.
You won’t get the left wing animal rights people (as opposed to animal welfare organizations) condemning these dog fights. Why, even the Hunt Saboteurs turned out on Saturday to protest against the EDL.
I urge you to share the BBC’s heartfelt angst at the appalling treatment meted out to Kelly Webb by the evil Australian government, by the British government, in fact anyone and everyone who has ever met her.
This delightful mother of 5 is in the fascist state of Australia on a visa and just because she has been in and out of jail all her adult life, the Stasi like authorities are sending her, along with her charming brood of 5 children, back to the UK. Her present sentence is 18 months for aggravated burglary, so we can look forward to her career climbing to new heights in the UK.
Poor Kelly fears having to live off the street. So let us, straight away, put her mind at rest. The British taxpayer is forced to house all homeless families. Yes, even Kelly who has not set foot in the UK since 1988, the year President Ronald Reagan visited our shores, the Piper Alpha disaster occurred and the first Die Hard was seen in cinemas.
So how come the UK has so much trouble getting shot of our undesirables?
Of the four children who are featured to have died on their watch, three are, ahem, non-white. No doubt they felt suitably ‘enriched’.
Plus we are told that “Birmingham’s central belt is one of the most deprived areas in the country and the city’s population is rapidly growing”. I wonder why and how?
The biased BBC just cannot quite bring itself to work out what one of the main contributory factors might be.
Do you remember “Up Pompei” in which the young man would write an ode but could not find a rhyme. “You’re about the only one who can’t!” retorted Frankie H. Thus it is with the biased bBBC and anything untoward where indigenous Anglo-Saxons appear to be “under-represented”.
Not on the BBC: EU would have frozen Hofer’s Austria out of EU decisions and stripped it of funding, says Juncker.
In other words, if the EU don’t like your government, they will force you to change it… now that’s democratic, isn’t it?!? The unelected Commission trying to force out an elected national government?
Time we got going, methinks…
“Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, made clear at the
weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he
had been elected president of Austria. “There is no debate or dialogue with the
far-right,” Mr Juncker said.
Under powers given to the commission in 2014, he can trigger a “rule of law
mechanism” for countries that depart from democratic norms by putting a government
under constitutional supervision. Ultimately, a country can be stripped of voting
rights in the EU or have funding blocked.”
Not on the BBC: Hull university votes to disaffiliate from the NUS, after Newcastle and Lincoln. Hot news this, but how long before this is reported by Auntie, and how will she water it down? Will she wait until a “no” vote comes in so she can bury it? We await with baited breath…
“Hull University students have voted resoundingly to disaffiliate from the NUS, joining fellow NUSceptics in Newcastle and Lincoln. The Out campaign won nearly twice the votes of In, with 811 students in favour of leaving the union which just last month debated against commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day while electing a president who believes there is a “Zionist led media”. Cambridge begins voting today, the disaffiliation movement is spreading…”
In the top photo, “Kent Conservatives In” activists pose for a picture as members of the local Tory Remain campaign.
In the second photo, “Sussex Conservatives In” activists pose for a similar snap.
Notice anything odd?
The pavement is the giveaway – the photos were taken in exactly the same place, they just swapped the banner. Look closer and you see the exact same activists appear in each photo, they just swapped places so they appear for the cameras in a different order. One way of disguising the fact no one wants to campaign for you…
I’m surprised they even bothered to create a new banner. Surely in the interests of speed and efficiency they could have made a sticker with the county name on it. Just peel one off and stick another on and travel round the UK without moving.
On the other hand they could have hired the virtual reality ride at Alton Towers, changed the backdrops with scenery from different towns and Dave’s your uncle!
“On the other hand they could have hired the virtual reality ride at Alton Towers, changed the backdrops with scenery from different towns and Dave’s your uncle!”
As he’s without any balls he’d have to be my auntie.
Must all be MPs or members of the Euro parliament. Only politicians and employees of the BBC can normally afford more than one house. I understand both Kent and Sussex are quite expensive to buy property in.
Just realised cant be BBC employees as black bloke is not wearing high heels, looking confused and sitting in a wheelchair.
I didn’t know that there were that many in the ‘remain’ camp. Its rare to find such a group locally outside Tesco But the the EuroStar is probably the best photo opportunity they have without being pelted at.
It says: “The official results for the town of Waidhausen and Ybbs record 13,262 votes as being cast or 4,200 more votes than the actual number of 9,026 people on the electoral roll. Establishment candidate Alexander van der Bellen won the town with 6,621 votes, bucking a nationwide trend of low support for the Green Party candidate in rural areas.”
Not saying I believe it yet but worth following I think.
Jean-Claude Juncker says “There will be no debate or dialogue with the far-right,”
True undemocratic and lets face it, fascist colours now bursting through, the grip looks likely to tighten in response to any further challenge. With Boris all but exposed as a double agent its not looking good for our own referendum, wonder how many boxes of ‘misplaced’ ballot boxes are going to turn up in Tower Hamlets? It may well be a case of resigning ourselves to wait for the natural demise of the EU through it’s corrupt financial practice and destabilising immigration project, the loaded ballot box looking less likely to give an escape route. Heres hoping that in it’s death throes it proves to dysfunctional to follow the well trodden despotic path of declaring war on it’s own people… ooops, too late.
146% turn out! Wow – comparable to London’s Tower Hamlets postal voting and rigging. Is it not time to ban all electoral postal voting, it encourages fraud every time it is used and is fails the democratic text of being accountable to the electorate. No voting without a (proven) local residency and no postal votes.
I like how Brazil used to deal with voting overseas and out of state. You had to go to the Consulate, Police station or Embassy present you passport or ID card and vote. Only in exceptional circumstances were postal votes allowed and voting was compulsory. Registrations were then sent to the local region to tally and ensure all had voted (not who they voted for). Also planning to have biometric identification so bang goes Tower Hamlets style fraud. Not sure if this is still the case. My wife voted in China, UK and Singapore this way.
The man from the SUPER IMPARTIAL BBC hands out £10,000 each to 3 sets of artists for Climate Change projects” source ..more background
Will they produce art towards the Climate Alarmist stance ?
How can debate be balanced if cash pushes hyperbole in one direction only ?
(BTW Teo Skeaping lists his birthplace as England, don’t know about the others )
Project 1: Plant and grow a Strawberry. (The Old Bloke)
Project 2: Paint a Strawberry. (The Old Master)
Project 3: Cook a Strawberry. (The money for Old Rope)
My son has met a few Remainians, he acknowledged that most people are pretty dim when it comes to politics and the EU. However, he said that when discussing the EU with work colleagues he said the best argument was both the most simple and persuasive, this being:-
Do you want to be governed by Brussels or by Britain?
The argument is decided straight away.
There are no Remainians where I live, but I hope some of you find this statement useful. It overrides all the other minutiae.
As has been said earlier Birmingham Childrens Department has been moved from council control to a trust. The BBC has neglected to mention that it was a Labour council in every single report I’ve heard them make.
I also note that ‘Fibbin’ Phil Mackie has been the reporter
Radio 4 also reporting that warmongering Islamopanderer Tony BLiar has used his Saudi front organisation ‘Centre on Religion & Geopolitics’, to call for British troops to be sent into Syria.
There can be little doubt in the minds of those with eyes to see, that this is the wish of his Sunni Muslim paymasters, and BLiar is quite prepared to sacrifice the lives of any number of British troops, so long as his gravy train keeps rolling.
Try this 60022. (It is in French though). Not sure my GCSE translation is up to speed here. Looks serious and missing millions of Euros on something serious. Another calamity for Mme. Lagarde.
Didn’t she tell us all to vote to remain only last week? Unfortunately not all article is readable…
That is the only link I could find, but says turned up in court today with the item dated 22nd May, which is a Sunday, and with the 35 hour week in France it seemed unlikely!
But your right the dates are all over the place. I think the investigation is ‘ongoing’ and she has not been charged yet. I presume she will be charged, but not yet I think. It could influence the June 23rd EU referendum vote. Having two IMF bods locked up.
How much more of this EU Referendum crap do we need from the media?
Look-I`ve seen Brexit-the Movie…even saw Paxmans decent programme on the BBC last week, so had a balanced diet of this nonsense.
Yet the BBC and the chattering classes continue to shout over such films and shows “on behalf of the confused voter”-and continue to LIE, LIE and LIE again-just so they can sit in the cesspit disguised as a ball pool, as they do now-untroubled, fed, watered, wined and showered in public money, corporate largesse and all the virtuous nods from charities, yunis and-of course the chattering classes like the Beeb and Guardian.
In what OTHER cause would a Vicky Pryce, Chris Huhne, Ed Davey,Chris Patten, Paddy Ashdown and Shirley Williams be wheeled out be commended for lifetimes of treachery?
No-Vote Leave MIGHT be shit…where`s Gove? Tebbit? Lawson, Hannan, Mel…and NIGEL FFS?…hence the Bojo buffoon nightly shows-but the CAUSE is the thing….anything else only plays into the hands of the media.
They can piss off-all the ones we hear from on the BBC and Channel 4 earn more than Cameron…and bloody Jon Snow gets a MILLION for his Lord Whore Whore crap every night.
At least North Koreas gobshite on THEIR news only gets a few tomatoes and turnip scrapings a night for HER lies.
Hope Snow dies of a heart attack on air when we vote to get out…THAT`S how cheesed off I get over his endless lies.
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Sure as night follows day, there is more crap to follow and it is going to get bigger and bigger as voting day approaches. And I am sick of it already. Have to be in UK at the moment, but at least I can vote in person. No postal votes for me, they might just “lose it” !
ChrisH. Don’t blow a gasket over the BBC. They are a mirror to the 7% of vocal liberals who dominate 70% of the media in BBC land. They only see themselves in a vast echo chamber. I never watch the BBC news and read a (mostly) the newspapers instead, thank goodness we have a choice in the UK, the only nation in Europe with several main daily newspapers with proper journalists and reporters. Most of which, when asked are for BREXIT even if the newspaper is less candid. Sure I am annoyed, but the BBC are only anarchists and antagonists and aim to provoke an acceptance of their virtual ‘bubble world of immigration’ and enhanced victim-hood. Just ask yourself who they are working for? And why are they so keen to promote something which is either (1) obviously unhealthy or (2) complete surrender to a foreign power.
Some of us have been saying on this site how Sky news is following the BBC down the same twisted lane of Guardian thinking.
From the Sky news headline, ‘Teen Jailed For Murdering Iraqi Immigrant’ you would think this is a racist murdering an innocent man because he is an immigrant, yes? Indeed, reading the next few paragraphs also point to that. Until you read to the conclusion: ‘Police say 19-year-old Nealon, who was convicted on Monday, did not know the victim’s ethnicity and may have been trying to retaliate for a shooting at his girlfriend’s apartment.’
Please Sky, the BBC bias and indoctrination leads to an audience becoming suspicious of every word uttered. Avoid that path.
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And the BBC never mention that the Treasury’s forecasting record is appalling.
“Osborne: EU exit threatens 820,000 jobs”
I would say more like 820,002. Osborne and Cameron will be the first out the door. (I hope)
They will get a well-earned job with the EU.
It seems like they have one already !
As the EU exports more to us than we do to them, the jobs ‘threat’ works both ways.
The EU will stand more to lose than us in any trade embargo.
‘Osborne’ should stick to making biscuits . The standards of our politicians is unbelievable !
Nigel Lawson: “The Treasury has enough trouble with forecasts even when they are trying to get them right.”
I note that the BBC (a) carefully uses the word “accuse” for Lord Lawson rather than the word “says” as it does with Osborne’s ridiculous claim, and (b) omits most of what Nigel Lawson actually says – he also said that this government was involved in unprincipled scaremongering, but the beeb chose not to quote this.
Balanced? Impartial? My foot.
How about “selective quotation” and “insidious implication”?
They will probably argue they don’t have enough room on the page… (believe it or not they did use this excuse once in a complaint about an online article…)
Telegraph: Commenting on the Treasury’s analysis of the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson of Blaby said: “The Treasury has enough trouble with forecasts even when they are trying to get them right. This time they have simply assumed a disaster in order to scare the pants off the British people. Steve Hilton’s honest assessment of the damage done to us by EU membership is a better guide than the Government’s unprincipled scaremongering.”
BBC: Former Chancellor Lord Lawson accused the government of trying to “scare the pants” off voters…
IMF Head admits their forecasts have been wrong in the past… Yet the beeb manages to spin this into a positive for Remain. Go figure…
“Yes, on occasion we have been wrong,” the managing director [Christine Lagarde] said earlier this month. Forecasts are just that, after all – forecasts. But, she continued, when it comes to the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union, “We can’t see anything that is positive.”
Obviously neither she nor Kamal Ahmed has seen the report by Capital Economics, then – which says we’ll be better off?
Maybe someone should send her a copy.
And Ahmed’s final sentence is revealing, with it’s somewhat perverse conclusion:
“It might be wrong, or the outcomes might be substantially different once real events take hold – as is true of all forecasts – but it is very much worth the paper it is written on.”
Black is white people, black is white.
Cameron’s street thugs of the UAF have taken an undemocratic approach to the Ausrtian election and are calling for a demonstration outside the Austrian Embassy if the far right win.
I am sure that Dave and Teresa have contacted the police to ensure that no arrests are made should these thugs cause a diplomatic incident.
From their FB page
Demonstrate if the far right win in Austria, Refugees in – Nazis Out -called by Uaf
Thu 6 PM · Austrian Embassy London (nearest tube – Hyde Park Corner)
Looks like the UAF will have to put their pitchforks and caltrops back in the overnight case this time, and Paul Mason can at last recharge his iPhone.
However, they have set an interesting precedent.
Should the EU Ref go oddly with dubious activities, especially once the postal votes are delivered from the printers, one wonders who the BBC may feel about folk turning up at W!A to express their feelings on the impartiality served by the national disgrace?
Austria far-right ‘narrowly loses poll, electing Van der Bellen president’
What a strange way to phrase the headline. Wouldn’t you normally concentrate on the winner?
Or perhaps they are, before the postal votes were filled in. Does anyone have the time to work out what the postal percentages must have been for a 53% lead (if I remember correctly) to be overturned by postal votes comprising just 12% of all votes?
Edit: done a very quick calculation, and very much stand to be corrected, but I get a 28% – 72% vote needed.
And why.
Conspiracy theories aside, I would have expected a high proportion of postal votes to be from older people, who I would expect to be more conservative.
I’d like to know more.
‘conservative’ is a word with many meanings, often depending on who uses it.
As to the biddies, those I know would fight tooth and nail to be present in the voting booth.
Others may be less able, for instance by virtue of needing help with the paperwork from the head of the household or a community leader, or being dead for a while.
“‘conservative’ is a word with many meanings, often depending on who uses it.”
To me it means conserving something occasionally. A definition not shared these days by its upper case relative.
My calcs show that a 36%/64% split of the postal votes (which are 12% of the total voters) would have made it almost exactly even.
Looks like we agree on that, Mike.
Glad we agree on the number crunching 🙂
I suspect larger numbers of older and perhaps middle-class voters in the postal section of the choir made the difference?
My theory is that many older Austrians remember the war and are (mostly) allergic to anything that smells remotely like “Anschluss”, even if the current circumstances do require drastic action. And Hofer was reported as wearing the blue cornflower (old symbol of Austrian Nazi party) to party gatherings hence some suspect him of Nazi sympathies.
Also we should consider that Hofer’s support base (at least according to the BBC) was as high as 85% among manual workers – whereas in white collar workers it favoured Van der Bellend by 60% to 40%.
In short, while I am disappointed that Van der Bellend won, I am not a fan of the large-scale vote rigging theory.
Sorry Mike, a swing from something like 52/48 to 36/64 is simply not credible. A couple of points either way, yes, but this is a swing of more than 30% supposedly by the same population? No way.
OK, I’ve had time to revisit this. According to Presidential poll splits Austria, divides Europe, it was actually a 51.9% to 48.1% lead. With postal votes comprising 12% of the vote still to be counted, that means the percentage of the total vote already bagged would be 45.67% to 42.33%
To bring each side up to 50%, the right needed another 4.33% of the vote and the left another 7.67%. That means the right needed at least 7.67% out of the last 12%, or 64%. So the postal vote was at least 36% – 64% in favour of the far left.
I leave it to others to decide if that’s credible.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
Robert Mugabe would be proud. There can be no doubt whatsoever that this was a rigged election worthy of a banana republic, and if anyone thinks the same thing isn’t going to happen here, they are deluded. Long gone are the days when change can be made via the ballot box. The system is rigged, and if that doesn’t work, the ‘count’ is rigged.
I have a feeling our referendum will be about 52% versus 48%, and I am assuming the Austrian election is a dry run for the use of postal votes in it. The chronic abuse of postal voting is Tony Blair’s last big gift to Britain. Thank you so much, Mister Tony.
Sadly, project fear will work, and I reckon it will be at least 55/45 remain. Don’t you think they’ve had psychologists on the case? No matter how ludicrous and out-of-this-world the claims are, the fact is that fear wins every time, and they know it. Fear worked in Scotland recently, and fear worked in 1930’s Germany. Unlike our European neighbours, people in the UK don’t take risks and always will opt for the status quo. The polls already show the gap widening in favour of remain, and when push comes to shove most people will bottle it. Besides, even if leave wins, the poll will be blatantly rigged as we have just witnessed in Austria.
You could be right, neilw, although I except the Austrian poll from that as I have no evidence & haven’t had a chance to read all posts here. My feeling is it may be closer at a 4%-5% win for the Remainers, although I would not be surprised if the gap went up to 10%.
The big advantage that the Remain campaign have is that anyone aged between 18 – 36 years who is voting does not remember life pre-1973 for themselves. They are easy prey for claims from Remainers that the EU provides:
Easy, quick and cheap travel with one currency for 20+ countries in the EUz,
Great opportunities to study in EU countries,
Great opportunities for work in EU countries,
The chance to do business across Europe,
Protection from this, that and the other,
Prosperity for all.
None of this happened prior to 1973. Ever. They have this third or fourth-hand indoctrinated idea of EU-bliss and I fear will vote with their wallets and purses on 23rd June. I am really sorry that we do not have a bunch of sceptical 16 and 17 year old teenagers using their voting privilege for the first time. If today’s are anything like my contemporaries at that age then the last thing they believe will be what a politician tells them, especially one who is cranking up the fear factor.
Of course the big downside for young people is that they think their opinion on anything matters.
Probably the last chance they have in voting for that to be true in an increasing range of areas for the rest of their lives.
When these ‘young’ people get to middle age, there will be nowhere to hide from all the foreign voices, so will only have themselves to blame when their kids are marrying surnames with a plethora of Z’s !! and are hand wringing when the Cabinet of the day won’t contain a member who isn’t a migrant. I’ll hopefully be long gone by then, but comfort myself in knowing my life has largely been free of foreigners, which in turn has meant I’ve lived in an age where jobs have been plentiful, a doctor could be seen the same day, and if you were patient enough you didn’t have to wait long for a council property. The downside is, now I’m in the group that the media keep referring to as ‘an ageing population’ like we are some disease to be avoided, and we see press photos of dementia patients being forced out of their care homes. Those that denigrate us will be in this same position themselves one day.
Let the young vote Remain, and let them watch as all the migrants breed at a faster rate than the indigenous population, and then the rioting and regretting will begin.
‘Marrying’? Why, you sweet, old fashioned thing!
I know, I’m like that (living in the past !)
By the time they realise they are firmly part of the ‘global 1%’ that is being targeted by the globalists, it will be too late. Most ‘citizens of the world’ live in abject poverty and they won’t really be any position to complain when they’re made to join them.
My final calculation, based on the actual 49.7% to 50.3% victory, is that postal votes must have gone 33.6% to 66.4%.
Amendment: my calculations have been based on the postal votes being 12% of votes. Reading the actual result, I think the 12% figure is for postal votes as a percentage of total registered voters. The final figures look to me like postal votes were 16.75% of votes actually cast, which means that the postal votes must have gone 38.75% to 61.25%.
Still, 39/61 is simply not credible. I wish I could speak/read decent German so that I could get some reaction ‘on the ground’ from Austria. One thing’s for sure, the 50-odd percent of Austrians aren’t going to let it rest there, and hopefully it will inspire other countries. Eyes now on Hungary & Slovakia to rescue us at their next elections. Unfortunately we haven’t got a prayer of getting out under our own steam.
Dear God, this site is slow today. Heading for another meltdown?
This is by far the slowest site I visit and sometimes I just don’t bother posting. I am not very “techie” but maybe there is someone here who can give and explanation. It surely must be possible to fix it.
Headline from the Mail: “‘People are fighting at the pumps’: Tourists stranded in France as country is hit by fuel strike that’s led to violence on forecourts.”
And from the Remainiac Campaign HQ that is the BBC, as France descends into chaos? Nothing at all.
Learned something from Toady this morning:
Things which the Leave campaign say re Brexit are “claims”; things which the Remainiacs say, however, are “suggestions”.
Drip, drip bloody drip.
Always a joy to hear the boffins in a bitchslap, as I heard on Today this morning.
They`re always good these-todays was about a heart surgeon saying that the threats of obesity have been INCREASED due to the health do-gooders and nannies moaning on about our saturated fats consumption.
Our Big Sugar suckup from NHS England(but where else?) was FURIOUS…what would this scalpel wielding verucca scraper know of such things-yes she DID get funding from Coco-Cola(ouch!), but her advising loads of low fat foods(and high sugar intakes) had NO effect on her thinking.
Great radio-bloody news got in the way,but I saw fun in a shoot out over the loaded syringes sometime later.
Doctor in one corner-NHS quango queen in the other…where would the BBCs Boxing referee come in to tell us what the agreed line of the good liberal would now be?
Er…it didn`t-for we all know that the science correspondents are scientifically illiterate and would have been unable to sift data, look at trials(unless its Chelsea Mannings)-and Monty was as clueless as a Saigon spittoon.
Oh no-healthy eating has cost lives?….oh no…saved by the 8am news bell, the fat matron lady cut and bloated with some fine jab work from the Heart Doc.
Great radio-only hope the BBC will give us more of these intra medical sluggers..truly HATE each other, and the contender always seems to land a low blow or two into the padded , self-satisfied and sanctimonious gut of the health lobby and the NHS qaungos who feed in the warm waters of “Health England”
If the BBC and Cameron had backed Brexit, I would instinctively vote Remain.
I have absolutely no trust in the BBC or Cameron.
The BBC news is becoming more and more brazen in its biased support of staying IN the EU. It is a disgrace, many people see the BBC reporting as being ‘gospel’ and no doubt fall for the nonsense fed to us. Our TV just broke, I am seriously considering cancelling our TV license out of protest for their poor ‘journalism’. I am outraged. Really hoping we leave the EU, but everybody seems to be popping up in support of staying!!
It’s only going to get worse Mrs Hooper. Project fear is proven to be working (as it always does) if the opinion polls and bookies odds are anything to go by, so they will only keep ramping it up in the coming weeks. Apart from the odd plane crash, there has been a negative Brexit headline every day for as long as I can remember. The only hope is that sufficient numbers will be turned off by the negativity and see this for what it really is – a struggle between the people and the establishment. I fear it’s not going to end well, but as a token gesture I’ve just put a red cross through my EU car number plate. I urge everyone to do the same to show solidarity and let others thinking of voting Brexit know that they are not alone.
Neilw. Good idea about the red cross,, we should all do this.
I always buy a small stick-on cross of St. Andrew and cover the starry bit, leaving the GB bit visible. It is actually illegal but the police have never pulled me up yet.
Austria’s far right were ‘thwarted’ says the BBC. I like that.
Milliband was ‘thwarted’ in the General Election.
Here is hoping Cameron gets ‘thwarted’ soon.
Postal voting needs to be scrapped; to protect the true and proper function of the mechanism by which our democratic election process operates.
Postal votes should ONLY be allowed to those who are severely disabled. There should be very strict criteria for who should be allowed a postal. The idea that people can willy-nilly apply for a postal vote (which is then handed in to the….to someone else to complete because they don’t speak the language) – is just asking for trouble. The same strict criteria should apply as it does for those called to jury service. I think you’ve almost got to be dead to get out of jury service!!
Agree completely. The fact that Cameron has done nothing to curtail this obvious Nu Labour fraud tells us :
1) he is stupid; 2) he’s thick; 3) he doesn’t really care; 4) did I mention this shows how stupid he is?
I expect the focus groups haven’t come back with a clear answer on postal votes, so Cameron cannot act without thinking someone else will like him for it, he just can’t see the point.
Stupid, stupid man.
Are you trying to say that Dave is stupid ?
You missed one out manchesterlad:
5) he hasn’t the guts to do anything about it.
A very good point AS. He lacks guts and conviction.
In fact, he lacks just about every quality that a Prime Minister needs. He’s merely a PR man who can’t even do PR.
Apart from that, he does a great job.
(And yes he’s stupid too, but luckily for him I’m too polite to mention it).
Thanks for clearing that up. Your first post was a bit ambiguous !
It is ludicrous that this widespread postal vote fraud continues. I expect he is running scared of accusations that he is ‘deliberately disenfranchising ethnic minorities’. Maybe another calculation is that the fraud is generally in safe Labour seats, so it doesn’t actually make much difference?
Lorry drivers are often away on polling day .
Lorry drivers will vote leave if they have a vote .
Dilemma – I have a postal vote but don’t trust them with it. There is a phone number to call to have it changed…. But I don’t trust them – I’m worried that I change then find I’m not on the list on the day!
A little comment tucked away in today’s Daily Mail could be the answer as to why the Remain is getting so much reporting. It concerns a PR guy Roland Rudd who helped Prince Andrew negotiate the sale of Sunninghill Park. Accordingly he charges £150,000 per month and has access to place ‘stories’ with…………………..
“……..a string of leading contacts, including James Harding (then editor of The Times, and now in charge of BBC News), Robert Peston, at the time a leading light at the BBC but these days at ITV, and Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times. LATELY, RUDD HAS BEEN DOING PR FOR THE REMAIN CAMPAIGN IN THE EU REFERENDUM. Think on that next time you wonder how they might have been garnering favourable coverage on the airwaves ”
So now we know !
He is also the brother of the thoroughly useless Amber Rudd, likewise a dedicated remainiac and one of Cameron’s energy ministers.
The plot thickens. Or do I mean it congeals?
She’s my outside bet to replace Cameron. And was before Osborne started committing Hari Kari as a Remainiac. Better on likeability and quite feisty when she wants to be.
Though now Boris is getting into his stride that outside bet is admittedly starting to look rather rash.
Boris in reality is a non-starter, as is George and Theresa.
None of these can put the Tories back together to effectively govern.
If Cameron tries to stay if we remain he will get nothing much through as a couple of dozen “bastards” will torpedo everything they do not like, like TTIP and the NHS U turn.
To continue in government Cameron will be cast aside by the Party like MT and the party will have to turn to an outsider in the betting at the moment who has not rubbed the other half up the wrong way. Where was John Major in the betting when the MT first round was called?
A bit like Dan Jarvis is tipped to lead Labour.
If only Jacob Rees Mogg would stand. He’d be everything Cameron isn’t. Honest, patriotic, fair,etc.
Rumours are that Theresa May is keeping a low profile in the EU debate for this very reason.
No Mallard, much as I respect your views, I still think it will be Boris who will lead the Government in the very near future. His victories in the Labour stronghold of London proves he has the midas touch, and most Tories know it.
My view though is that Boris is an accident waiting to happen. He could be like Churchill was when not involved in WW2. He projects himself in a similar fashion.
Sorry I’ve had an afterthought. I repeatedly tell my wife, jokingly,that Churchill was right on one thing. Women should not have got the vote.
Since women have had the vote this country has gone downhill all the way.We are no longer the power we once were in terms of our world domination.
The Labour party has always relied on the womens vote. Good old Tony Blair, Harold Wilson, Callaghan, Gordon Brown, Ramsay Macdonald and I think I’m right in saying Margaret Becket for a very short while.
Atlee was in my view, the one exception to the failings of the aforementioned.
Mind you historically, the Tory PM’s aren’t much better excepting Thatcher and possibly Disreali and Churchill ( during the war).
Priti Patel for PM .
She’s loyal to this country .
Good idea. And
1. She is not a muslim
2. She comes from a Ugandan Indian family so will be familiar with the horror of despots , unlike most of the featherbedded Europhiles.
3. She is rather cute and a woman. The last one did quite well.
I’m not sure you could ever describe Maggie as cute, though.
Oh, I don’t know. Alan Clark seemed to think so !
I must confess, I think the reasons are far simpler and require no form of conspiracy. Because Remain is a cause that the BBC supports, they will give it all the biased coverage they are able.
Just imagine, if the NUT declared that all female teachers must be lesbians – so they can show solidarity to trans and non binary pupils – and male teachers should either have their genitals removed or face a 50% drop in salary (for their evil and belligerent gender suppression); the BBC would be all over this too.
No payment required for pushing BBC approved, ‘progressive’ causes. (How I detest that word). The left are always happy to abuse – and take for themselves – other people’s money. It must be great to be blessed with such a sense of entitlement.
Sorry to rake over old ground; I know the Austrian postal vote scam has been discussed at length. But here’s my take on it anyway. For the life of me I can’t see any reason why postal voting shouldn’t mirror the rather more conventional sort. So, if one party happened to be leading by four or five percent I would expect that to be almost identical with the postal process. That is unless some rather dubious shenanigans have been going on. Oh, and of course, if you happen to have a large Muslim population who seem to treat our western democracies with the same contempt they show to our womenfolk.
There’s a certain unpleasant whiff about this result.
In fact it stinks.
Jeff – solid post.
bBBC1 news tonight.
The Chelsea Flower Show. The epitome of middle class England. How could the bBBC possibly screw us over on that one ?
Easy. You just focus your report on the first black woman garden designer, who welcomes diversity and has created a garden depicting modern slavery.
Pass the sick bag.
The left cannot see they are mocking their own stupid smug selves!
If you told me this was a made up sketch I would have said it was a bit over the top 🙂 Not for the BBC!
I am not surprised at the Austrian result. The left elites of Europe are in a real funk now. They know events are turning against them. Reality is coming into our world and at a faster and faster pace.
So what is to be done? Natural tyrants as they are they resort to the only weapons they have left. Lies, distortions, overt and hidden pressures on individuals, electoral malpractice and so on.
It is all too late and will not work so I expect real tyrrany to start soon. That is all the liberal has left. Silence opposition by force .
It was never credible that we were going to be allowed to leave the EU. I did not think it possible for an instant. We leave it collapses and they know it. The EU is a constructed alliance that enables the powerful globalists and the bankers to enrich themselves and the otherwise useless liberal left to be given the job of running it and playing God with our lives.
They know many of us have rumbled them and quite honestly everything that is now happening was foreseeable.
This year is going to be interesting.
Meanwhile on bBBC London news, I counted SIX female presenters and no males.
Imagine six men and no females. The sisterhood, Guardian, feminists would be up in arms and the bBBC top management would be being interviewed on the new measures they were taking to ensure more diversity.
Total hypocrites.
Trangender. The erstwhile bBBC favourite minority.
It’s just so yesterday’s news.
Heavily featured trailers today are for a programme about ‘gender neutral’ people.
I just hope they are also wheelchair bound and black. Then the bBBC’s diversity secretariat can really cream themselves.
The first upload of Brexit The Movie on YouTube has now had over 545 000 views in just 11 days, with over 11 000 positive votes and over 1000 negative:
And this EU Referendum has had over 57 000 votes with 82% for Brexit, 15% for Remain and 4% undecided:
(Yes, I know that adds up to 101% but I suppose it has something to do with rounding numbers off from decimal points.)
Along with the overwhelming support for Brexit on the BBC’s Remain propaganda site, this is greatly encouraging news.
I have a feeling I’m going to be opening a good bottle of red wine on Friday June 24th.
Sorry to disappoint True Too, Brexit may well have many more votes but it’s going to be a stitch up. Banks,Politicians,BBC, multinational corporations, EU, USA are too strong to allow democracy to take its course.
Their view is if we leave the EU, the edifice behemoth (EU) will soon come falling down. The power brokers will no longer to dictate to the European countries as one block.
Ouch! Has Britain deteriorated to the degree that the powers that be can override a massive popular vote – assuming that’s the result?
Sadly, I suspect it is the case. Democracy is dead in the UK.
“Ouch! Has Britain deteriorated to the degree that the powers that be can override a massive popular vote – assuming that’s the result?”
We’ll never know that the popular vote was to leave. The count will show a majority to remain. Any complaints from us will be dismissed as a refusal to face reality and no journalist who wants to keep his job will dare to investigate what really happened.
This was probably all agreed before Dave announced the Referendum. Or am I being too cynical ? Can one be too cynical when it comes to politicians ?
I’m really hoping the doomsday scenario will not come to pass.
Will Ca-Moron and company really need to indulge in massive voting fraud when the EU has all its tricks up its sleeve?
Another classic headline from The Sun (not approved by the BBC) plus the most lifelike picture of “Gideon” seen in recent times.
“Never mind the Rowlocks”
This latest b@llocks from Camerloon and Gideon is almost a parody, doesn’t Camoron realize how much more of a disingenuous tw@t it makes him out to be?
If all of the things which he and his cohorts on the Remainian side say are true, about the fiery economic abyss the UK will plunge into should Brexit occur, then why would any PM of this country entertain for a second the idea of offering a referendum on Britain’s membership in the first place?
Also, if one were to take place, why should they (as PM) declare that they would recommend Brexit if the few paltry “renegotiations” to our membership weren’t forthcoming.
If the results of said Brexit were going to be so catastrophic there would be no point stating that, as the price of leaving would be too high; regardless of whatever and how many of the changes you sought were rejected.
Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt (silly name by the way) can congratulate himself on a very minor victory as I would not wish to be associated with a site frequented by such scum and will not be posting here anymore.
More disappointing is that whereas trolls expressing leftist views are always responded to aggressively a poster expressing blatantly anti-Semitic views remains unchallenged. It would appear that despite all of criticism directed at anti-Semitism in the Labour party and the BBC no one here, for whatever reason, is prepared to confront anti-Semitism on this blog. I can only assume that you all think that it is perfectly acceptable to refer to ”filthy kikes” or to glorify the Nazis. Or are you just cowards? My contribution to this site has been quite minor, so I doubt that my absence will be of much consequence. Well, it was fun for a while.
oldartist, I agree with your sentiments about anti-semitism, but to which of DDDD’s posts are you referring? Has it been removed by the mods? If so then your faith in this site can be restored.
Edit: I’ve just seen the post and it is very bad, you are right. I think he’s confusing anti-islamist (ie anti-terrorist) with anti-muslim and, in turn, anti-semitism. I hope that post gets removed asap.
oldartist, I do hope that you stay with us. You are a one of the many great contributors to this site and we can’t afford to lose people like yourself. You made a post back in November of last year which I thought was quite outstanding so I copied it. It read as follows:
Old Artist. I apologise for posting this again from the other thread, but it closed just after I had posted it.
Dave S posted a comment that was quite thought provoking. He wrote that one day the liberal/left PC attitudes of today will be seen as stupid and regressive as witchcraft once was, and fall like Communism. My feeling is that the liberal/left PC Western world we are living in now is just an extension of that same Communist fantasy that devastated Russia and Central Europe. In many ways it seems even more entrenched and all pervasive.
When I was young and stupid I too believed that the answer to all the World’s problems could be solved by the philosophy of the Left. Then one day I grew up and saw the sheer destructiveness of Socialism. I’m not making any claims of having superior knowledge, but it does seem as if we are living in a world that refuses to grow up and face the reality that some people do have greater abilities than others and some cultures are, to be blunt, more advanced than others. It doesn’t mean that we have to live in an inhumane society, just a realistic one.
The argument over grammar schools is a perfect example. I watched some left wing education spokeswoman on the BBC News today state, unchallenged, that grammar schools didn’t assist social mobility. The same spokeswoman would almost certainly decry the fact that all the prime ministers since Blair had been privately educated. Yet their predecessors, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher were all products of the grammar school system. Grammar schools were not perfect, but would no doubt have evolved over time to be more flexible if the system had been left in place. But fantasyland Socialism couldn’t face up to the harsh reality that some children are brighter than others. The answer, according to the Labour party at the time was, destroy grammar schools and drag everyone down to the same level. Pol Pot might have been more brutal, but the intention was the same

Big Al,
I shall second that !
First time I have read the post by Oldartist. Let me quote from a truly great man , Ataturk , who , by the way would be appalled at what is happening in Turkey today and would never have contemplated Turkey joining the EU ),
” I shall not lower myself to the level of the common people , I shall raise them to my level “.
He went to a state school in Salonica and left school age 15 for Officer training in istanbul.
Fair comment. One person did respond to DDDD about his anti-Semitic comment, quite wittily I felt, and for me it was enough: I am not a moderator and I don’t wish to get into any bickering here. Good luck for the future 🙂
The BBC has duped us all: the Treasury figures are not *forecasts* at all, they are *scenarios*. In the words of the Telegraph:
‘You may think this largely a case of semantics, but the Treasury is insistent that these are in any case not forecasts but only a series of possible scenarios ranging from an a 3.6 percentage point hit to GDP over two years to – in the case of the “severe shock” scenario – 6 percentage points. The Treasury’s forecasting capacity was hived off into the Office for Budget Responsibility six years ago. This is an assessment, not a forecast. Got that? When in the hands of the politicians, however, anything the Treasury says is bound to be framed as a “prediction”.’
One might have thought responsible journalists at the BBC would have flagged this up, rather than just parroting whatever the politicians claim… Some might even say it’s their job.
* Sigh *
I think they are a bit like investment illustrations. ” If your fund grows at 2 % 4% 6 % etc. “. But they don’t give the negative possibility. In the case of the Treasury forecast, they don’t give the positive scenario of Brexit. In both cases , best to be ignored. The Treasury’s history of forecasting is dismal. No one should take their forecasts seriously.
Thank you – exactly my point… why didn’t the BBC report them as illustrations and not forecasts? Sloppy, biased, misleading.
Here’s something else you won’t see on the BBC, Osborne’s missed his debt targets again, by only a few billion, and that way only a one-year prediction, never mind five or ten years…
What do you expect from someone whose degree is modern history and has never had a proper job in his life ? What is more worrying is that the so-called Treasury “experts” always get it wrong and Osborne does not have the knowledge or experience to critique the nonsense that they produce. It is a shambles and not to be relied on. The Bank of England is not much better.
Experts (?) told us to expect only 13,000 new immigrants in 2005 . Why doesn’t the BBC remember that ?
@Grant What I expect is fair and impartial coverage from BBC, sadly severely lacking 🙁
Why don’t you get out your Nazi Memorabilia and have a w*nk. You’ll feel so much better.
Mr Car Moron .
Its time for a Tory rebellion.
Does anyone know if the UK Government publishes the number of people registered to vote in the Referendum ? It could then be compared with the actual number who vote. Having typed that, it now occurs to me that we couldn’t rely on either figure so what is the point ? How sad that it has come to this.
I was sleeping when this “discussion” about Jews took place and I have not read every word of it and I believe that at least one post has been removed. Let me state my position. This site’s primary aim is to expose BBC bias. There is no question in my mind that the BBC is institutionally biased against the State of Israel.
The problem starts when the issue of Israel is conflated with Jews. Is the BBC biased against Jews ? Well, we know that the BBC is institutionally biased in favour of Muslims, the evidence is overwhelming and I don’t just mean “Bake-off “. Jews , and people from other religions for that matter, are not given the same prominence.
Other posters here have much more contact with the BBC than I do , so can maybe add a lot to this. But, I am aware that there is a much evidence that verbal and physical attacks against Jews are on the increase in the UK. I have seen little if any reports about this on the BBC website.
I am sorry that “Oldartist” felt that no-one rushed to his defence. I suspect that was because,like me , many people were sleeping. I am sorry if we lose him as he made some very valuable comments here. Abuse of a personal nature on this site, such as between the troll/s and others is unpleasant and a bit pointless but , if that is what rings their bells, so be it.
Abuse based on race or religion is another matter. I find that totally unacceptable. However, it raises the question of censorship and moderation of this site. My natural inclination is towards free speech. I don’t really have a “magic wand” but would like to hear the views of other posters.
Neither oldartist nor DDDD will leave permanently.
Oldartist will return, this site is not replicated elsewhere, they always come back.
The other….well….will no doubt pop up rebranded, another troll full of shit.
Trolls ar best ignored.
I suspect that you are right ! I agree with you about Trolls. It is a psychological state of mind which suggests a lack of self esteem.
“I am sorry that “Oldartist” felt that no-one rushed to his defence. I suspect that was because,like me , many people were sleeping …………… Abuse based on race or religion is another matter. I find that totally unacceptable. However, it raises the question of censorship and moderation of this site. My natural inclination is towards free speech”
The comments he refers to appear to be after 11pm and in the early hours, unless I’ve missed something. At that time I’m usually asleep, reading a book, or wandering the streets looking for a Muslim to attack.
On free speech here, I’m in favour of total freedom – and I mean total freedom. If a comment is genuinely offensive, others will recognise this and either ignore it completely (the last thing an attention seeker wants) or point out the absurdity of their position. I do not like the idea of other people deciding that I am so easily swayed that I must be protected from comments that they, presumably, consider themselves immune to. The old argument about shouting “fire” in a crowded cinema don’t apply here. I’m a white atheist from a Christian background and people can hurl as much abuse as they like. I don’t care – they’re only words. I just wish to reserve the right to respond in kind without risk of prosecution and, in the case of the BBC, withdraw financial support if I choose.
IMO, censorship, including self censorship, is far more dangerous than complete freedom.
There are, of course legal considerations that the owners of this blog need to take into account. They exist, whether I approve of them or not. Furthermore, comments tend to drift away from BBC bias. It is for the owners to decide whether that is undermining its purpose.
I totally agree. So far as Muslims are concerned, 4-5 am in the vicinity of mosques brings the best results, so I am led to believe.
Agree completely Maria. I did not see these anti-semitic posts either, and might have commented if I had.
It is too easy to assume that people not commenting is a sign of agreement. It is probably merely a refusal to engage.
One rule I have found useful in life is to ‘never argue with stupid people’. It is pointless, they won’t change their mind and neither of you will feel better if you do get into an argument. I only argue with someone when I want to know what they’re thinking and think they might (or I might) change their mind.
I do not generally agree with censorship – the right to offend is more important than the right not to be offended – but the line should be drawn at direct incitement to violence, for example “Go out and kill a Jew/Muslim/BBC employee tonight” would be an example of such.
Depends who the BBC employee is.
“but the line should be drawn at direct incitement to violence”
I’m not sure what the answer to that is. A few quickly scribbled thoughts, however, in no particular order:
“direct incitement” would certainly have to be direct to justify censorship, IMO. Incitement is a subjective thing and can be stretched to include almost anything. Bad jokes, irony etc can be brought into the net by plod as soft targets. That is happening now.
Some direct incitement would amount to criminal conspiracy in any case.
If I were to stand on a soap box in the centre of Leeds and tell people to go out and kill Buddhists, I doubt if I would have many takers. In order for that work, I would have to be able to exploit an existing grievance. That would raise the question what caused the grievance, perceived or otherwise, in the first place. I am suggesting that lack of freedom of speech would play a large part in that.
I know I am succumbing to Godwin’s Law, but Germans did not go out and kill Jews 80 years ago solely because Hitler and Goebbels stood on a soap box in Munich and told them to, it was the culmination of a well orchestrated campaign of vilification which was to a large extent facilitated by the removal of freedom of speech in the first instance. That, IMO, is the problem.
The present day equivalent of Nazism, IMO, is a branch of Islam. It too is characterised by lack of belief in freedom of speech, with the MSM and our Government as willing accomplices. Islam is crying out for humour (like Spitting Image, Life of Brian, and yes, even the juvenile Piss Christ has a part to play), ridicule, deep scrutiny etc and it should not be entitled to legal or voluntary protection from this. It should be expected to justify itself in the way that Christianity has had to do. We have a long history of satire in this country and it has served us well. The preservation of old cartoons supports this but we have had to abandon this tradition in a very short space of time. Do I resent this? You bet I do. The absence of this scrutiny on the BBC and in the MSM in general has encouraged an astonishing degree of arrogance and self righteousness in Islam which makes it possible for incitements of the type you have identified to gain traction.
At present we seem to have the worst of both worlds.
Have to go and do some actual work now.
Well said Maria. That ‘well orchestrated campaign’ had, of course, been maintained over several centuries and was almost inevitable when one religion held another directly responsible for the death of its senior prophet who also happens to be the son of said religion’s godhead – in fact godhead to both religions, but it’s complicated enough already….
And yet despite this, it is Judeo/Christian philosophy which has been essentially responsible for the creation of our effective codes of ethics and behavior – not always adhered to, but the aspiration is implanted. Contrast this with Islamic philosophy – if that’s not a contradiction in terms – and the end result of that enscripted code of behavior has been to continuously hold its adherents back and resulted in the creation of an imbalanced, irrational, immature and in many cases dangerously psychotic branch of humanity extending from northern Africa through to Indonesia. Some achievement, eh?
I agree with you Grant.
The reason why this site works is based upon freedom of speech. But it also relies on the freedom to feel to be able to speak so individuals can highlight the abuse of the democratic process by organisations such as the BBC.
Therefore if we have individuals who use mindless racist insults instead of reasoned thinking in my opinion I consider them no better than the site trolls who in their own grandiose pretentious way consider themselves “morally superior ” to the rest of us. And who wish to snuff out debate and generally cause mayhem.
We all have our own motivations for being here. But I like to think a desire for the truth and free speech is one them. Whilst we dont want to create a totally”safe space” a little respect is not such a bad thing. (unless of course they are here for the more obvious disruption game)
Unfortunately the world is full of idiots and I suppose to some degree this site will also reflect that.
Old artist I too missed the comments and regret not commenting on them if they were as you said.
DDD you have made a number of mindless comments like this in the past and I have commented once or twice. You have also made some quite good comments. Whilst I appreciate we all get angry. However you might want to bear in mind for any future comments that “Stupid is as stupid does”
If we are to protect our culture in these troubled time, then we must stick together.
I believe we are all a little bit “racist” and in truth, if this engenders some degree of respect for your own culture then that surely is not such a bad thing.
However I rate mindless racism exactly the same way as I rate the evil arsholes who shot up Paris, so if that truly is your bag then please FUCK OFF NOW! If you are not here for that reason then I extend my apologies to you for my language.
Have a good day all.
Top post !!!!
Yes, really good post.
Just heard some Toady puff piece in the run-up to the 7am news.
1.Apparently, the Austrian election of their president was won by the “Green Party”-as opposed to an independent who used to the leader of the Greens.
See what they did there?…and so Lucas or Bennett will now be able to get onto the show to tell us all about the coming tide of green sentiment all over Europe-and it gets elected if the only choice is them or Hitlers softball remnant.
2. And has this “close escape ” for the Austrian people played into the horrid FN narrative of Mme Le Pen in France? Has “immigration played a part?” ventures Humpa.
No says our French flannel in Paris-as if she`s only looking at her iPad history since the arrests in Paris/Brussels…and nothing before the death of Aylan Kurdi last September?
So-banlieus on fire 2007?….burning Halimi alive in 2006 by the barbarians who took him hostage?…year upon year of Marseille. Lyon and Paris, Lille and Toulouse getting rising waves of riots, bribes, no-go zones and riots again?…none of this is now available to our BBC gal for discussion…no problems with Le Pen until a little Syrian boy washed up on a beach in Turkey for Yvettes amusements and Judes diverssiments last year.
Great when history lasts a long as a soufflet isn`t it?…the BBC no longer will keep the recipe-but make all their news into such unsatisfactory confections from now on.
Stop being so sarcastic about Greens. I always eat my Greens. On the subject of politics, the Green vote will be increased by the influx of Ropers who are famous for being environmental fanatics.
“I always eat my Greens.”
The official advice is to eat five greens a day. I’ll start with Caroline Lucas.
Now plod will be arresting me for making a death threat.
One of the big problems in this country is anti-cannibal discrimination. We need legislation now and the silence from the BBC proves that they are biased against cannibals. I shall continue to attack the BBC until a cannibal wins Bake Off.
Do dread what the Islamofascists will come up with when they can hang their enemies up on wind turbines to blend them alive or some other such evil.
Can only hope that their ineffectiveness and general crap performance means that the condemned will only get a queasy London Eye type experience instead.
Probably get more chance of killing the kuffar if you force them to cower under a wind turbine as a stiff breeze blows.It might fall over and crunch the infidel beneath seemingly the method of execution.
Where Green meets Islam…very nasty, but Islam will make ghee out of them soon after.
I heard that item…..”is it about immigration”….”no it’s about the economy”…….
That the two are not interlinked is a useful fiction for the BBC and many of our politicians.
It’s also about how the humane “multi racial” has become the ludicrous “multicultural”, and from there the globalist media and politicians cowardice of refusing to oppose gradual islamisation and the conniving expectation that the peoples of Europe will accommodate this unassimilable ideology to their own disadvantage.
Now we have political leaders explicitly opposed to nation states……the female reporter, interestingly let slip….the FN among others think they are on the side of history and that a return to national sovereignty is inevitable….words to that effect anyway.
“The false song of globalisation” as Trump calls it, is being seen through and rejected.
All the people of the west need to do is push back, and keep pushing. The liberal game is a dangerous one….if democracy becomes discredited by oddities like the Austrian election with its wafer thin, postal vote majority….then the really dangerous politics of force will begin. This is the lesson of 30s Europe.
Half of Austrian voters voted for the Freedom party….despite all the smears, half of them……the tide is turning.
You have created a great new phrase ” Postal Vote Majority “. People will be saying ” It was a Postal Vote Majority , you know what I mean ? ( nod nod, wink wink ) “.
Old Artist, if you are still around have no doubt that nobody on this site supports anti-Semitism apart from the trolls.
Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt played a cunning game, pretending to be sarcastic and onside when he was simply using this site to express his hatred of Jews.
I challenged him a few times but was then taken in by his game. So, I’m sure, were others.
“he was simply using this site to express his hatred of Jews.”
And did anybody feel inclined to sneak out and torch a Synagogue as a result? Of course they didn’t. He just exposed himself, in a manner of speaking.
So we are incapable of securing our borders without “help” from the EU according to Cassandra Cameron. More apt would be the soothsayer in Up Pompeii (I think it was Senna).

The Singaporeans are on a small Island surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia yet they manage to secure their borders. Maybe a few signs like this would make the point in Europe. It is in as many languages as possible and with a picture so everyone gets the point.
Dave can’t even secure his own daughter. Europhiles are so narrow-minded and parochial, they really do not know that the rest of the world is different.
Maria Brewin – how do you know they didn’t?
I’ll keep an eye on the (non BBC) news today to make sure.
And if they did, the problem already existed. Crude insults aren’t the problem, but 1400 year old death cults are.
And, I should have added, the 1400 year old death cult is not in favour of freedom of speech.
Maybe that is another reason why the BBC loves Ropers so much. Something in common.
Phew! Looks like I missed an ‘interesting’ day on here yesterday while loafing around the BBC w/s. Perhaps more on that later.
Not ‘Bias’ but am still glowing after listening to Steve Hilton on TODAY (circa 8.20am R4 24/5/16) and finding not just a kindred spirit but also an extremely articulate one. Mishal didn’t interrupt too much either while giving him an appropriately robust questioning. Why isn’t Hilton leading the Leave Campaign?
Still not ‘Bias’ but a growing feeling that it’s time to firmly lead the Humph to spend more time with his roses. He has lost his bite, whether it is talking to an opponent of fracking, Craig Bennett from Friends of the Earth or Richard Dawkins. It would be a shame to have to continually listen to decline.
Yes, I thought that was a very good interview and was surprised Mishal gave him so much time. Perhaps because there was little to actually argue about.
“Why isn’t Hilton leading the Leave Campaign?”
Vote Leave is a clique of Tory boys led by one Dominic Cummings, formerly Michael Gove’s Spad, and a thoroughly unpleasant individual. I watched his performance before a Select Committee, and was shocked at his arrogance and ignorance. Vote Leave’s refusal to present a credible post-Brexit plan is what allows Cameron and Osborne to come out with their ludicrous doomsday scenarios (apparently today’s is that holidays to Europe will go up by £200 if we leave the EU). Dr Richard North has written about this extensively at, and I urge anyone interested to consult his site.
I think it is no surprise that the Electoral Commission chose Vote Leave over GO, just as I will not be surprised if Remain wins by postal votes. The system is rigged by the power elite. There simply cannot be any doubt about this. You only have to see Cameron’s fake “renegotiation”, which mirrored exactly the scam Harold Wilson pulled in 1975. I had a feeling they would try it again, but I cannot believe how brazen it is. They really do look down on us as scum. We must return the compliment in spades and vote to leave. We may never get another chance.
excellent post Rob. I believe your last paragraph says it all.
My sense of foreboding is that I think the choice is actually much starker….either we leave sooner, in peace, in a controlled withdrawal process under article 50, and return to nation state sovereignty and trading with the world or we stay with the sinking ship and leave later…as the EU collapses in an (worst case scenario) uncontrolled and bloody way or in a semi controlled way…like the USSR did.
Now THAT was an economic shock…endured by millions of people as crony capitalists and security cliques grabbed the states assets for their own enrichment and the masses were impoverished for a decade. Russians could survive the stress being more used to authoritarian government control…will western Europeans be able to repeat that feat ?
“Dr Richard North has written about this extensively at, and I urge anyone interested to consult his site.”
I used to read it regularly, but unfortunately Dr North’s overwhelming ego made it too unpleasant to continue. Not that I didn’t think he was right most of the time; the problem was that he viewed anyone who disagreed with him as a fool.
I agree, we only get to see Boris, Gove and IDS all middle aged white male tories (Grayling seems to have become the invisible man), whilst GO is a real cross section of the community. They need to broaden their talking heads, I dont know why they are not making much more use of Priti Patel.
I am concerned that the whole Boris thing is an elaborate ploy, the Tories know that after this referendum, when they have rigged the vote, a lot of natural Tory voters will feel very angry and disenfranchised.
Come the next election if Boris is running for PM, they can turn round and say ‘Ahh yes but Boris voted out, you can trust him. And anyway if you don’t vote Tory, Labour will get in.’
Well my answer to that will be, what’s the difference ? The country will be buggered if we don’t vote out, its our last and only chance to stop the rot. It won’t really matter if Labour get in as the Conservative party have proven themselves to be a complete waste of space, we will be overrun, and there will be nothing we can do about it. At least with Labour in charge they will bring things to a head quickly, rather than a slow death inflicted on us by the cowardly, traitorous Tory remainiacs.
You must have missed Sunday politics when Andrew Neil ran off, I think, five senior ladies in leave and asked “wimmins” rights herself Harriet Harperson to name five leading ladies on her side. Utterly stumped of course.
Kate Hoey and Gisela Stuart may not be featuring on the BBC because that cause a complete conundrum for the interviewer – to be nice because they are Labour, or nasty because they are leavers!
Hippie Hilton certainly surprised me with his BREXIT fervour.
Humphreys rather gave the game away with his unsolicited “Austria has escaped its fate by a thread” comment. No bias there then! The BBC consensus is that Hofer is “dangerous” on no evidence other than their deeply engrained leftist bias. For the BBC, the crazed, neo Stalinist ex-employee Mason represents the middle ground of politics.
What “fate” would that be which they “escaped” then?
A head of state who puts his own people first. Good Lord! How absolutely appalling!
Just linking a few of the above contributions.
1. I didn’t realise there were so many indigenous Austrians living in Tower Hamlets.
2. Why are British residents from 51 Commonwealth countries entitles to vote in the referendum?
3. What security measures are being taken to ensure there is no fraud for any referendum postal voting?
Have no fears about the severity of the security measures already in place to limit fraud in the referendum, Sluff. An army of specially trained scrutineers are empowered to single out those found guilty who will be told in no uncertain terms, through an interpreter if necessary, that what they have done is very, very naughty indeed and they must not do it again. This is what marks us out from the continental approach which is, in many cases, altogether too casual.
BBC reports on concerns over street dog fighting in Luton/Bedfordshire.
May I suggest that once again the BBC are missing some important items from the report.
For example, which sections of our tolerant and vibrant diverse communities are involved in this disgusting sport?
The BBC casually mentions that the Pakistan Bully Kutta dog has been used. See video.
The newspaper, Luton on Sunday, refers to sentences given to participants in one of the most appalling street dog fights:
‘Two Luton men have been convicted of taking part in this dogfight in Birmingham – described as one of the most gruelling and highly attended dog fights in history.At the beginning of this month we reported how Sajid Saed Shah, 26, of Grantham Road, Luton, and Atif Farhan Tariq, also 26, of Portland Road, Luton were among 14 men who pleaded guilty to taking part in the fight between two pit bull terriers, which both died afterwards’.
Their names sound like RoPers
You won’t get the left wing animal rights people (as opposed to animal welfare organizations) condemning these dog fights. Why, even the Hunt Saboteurs turned out on Saturday to protest against the EDL.
I urge you to share the BBC’s heartfelt angst at the appalling treatment meted out to Kelly Webb by the evil Australian government, by the British government, in fact anyone and everyone who has ever met her.
This delightful mother of 5 is in the fascist state of Australia on a visa and just because she has been in and out of jail all her adult life, the Stasi like authorities are sending her, along with her charming brood of 5 children, back to the UK. Her present sentence is 18 months for aggravated burglary, so we can look forward to her career climbing to new heights in the UK.
Poor Kelly fears having to live off the street. So let us, straight away, put her mind at rest. The British taxpayer is forced to house all homeless families. Yes, even Kelly who has not set foot in the UK since 1988, the year President Ronald Reagan visited our shores, the Piper Alpha disaster occurred and the first Die Hard was seen in cinemas.
So how come the UK has so much trouble getting shot of our undesirables?
Yes, it’s ‘join the dots’ time again at the biased BBC.
Birmingham children’s services are to be run by a trust after “years of failings which saw the department named “a national disgrace” by inspectors”
Of the four children who are featured to have died on their watch, three are, ahem, non-white. No doubt they felt suitably ‘enriched’.
Plus we are told that “Birmingham’s central belt is one of the most deprived areas in the country and the city’s population is rapidly growing”. I wonder why and how?
The biased BBC just cannot quite bring itself to work out what one of the main contributory factors might be.
Do you remember “Up Pompei” in which the young man would write an ode but could not find a rhyme. “You’re about the only one who can’t!” retorted Frankie H. Thus it is with the biased bBBC and anything untoward where indigenous Anglo-Saxons appear to be “under-represented”.
Not on the BBC: EU would have frozen Hofer’s Austria out of EU decisions and stripped it of funding, says Juncker.
In other words, if the EU don’t like your government, they will force you to change it… now that’s democratic, isn’t it?!? The unelected Commission trying to force out an elected national government?
Time we got going, methinks…
“Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, made clear at the
weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he
had been elected president of Austria. “There is no debate or dialogue with the
far-right,” Mr Juncker said.
Under powers given to the commission in 2014, he can trigger a “rule of law
mechanism” for countries that depart from democratic norms by putting a government
under constitutional supervision. Ultimately, a country can be stripped of voting
rights in the EU or have funding blocked.”
(Wonder why has The Times taken the original page down?)
And I find it profoundly depressing that relatively few people seem to be concerned about this.
But there is debate with the far left !
Not on the BBC: Pro-Brexit Tory MPs and local associations locked out of Conservative Party software for the referendum
Not on the BBC: Hull university votes to disaffiliate from the NUS, after Newcastle and Lincoln. Hot news this, but how long before this is reported by Auntie, and how will she water it down? Will she wait until a “no” vote comes in so she can bury it? We await with baited breath…
“Hull University students have voted resoundingly to disaffiliate from the NUS, joining fellow NUSceptics in Newcastle and Lincoln. The Out campaign won nearly twice the votes of In, with 811 students in favour of leaving the union which just last month debated against commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day while electing a president who believes there is a “Zionist led media”. Cambridge begins voting today, the disaffiliation movement is spreading…”
Conservatives in… where are we again?
In the top photo, “Kent Conservatives In” activists pose for a picture as members of the local Tory Remain campaign.
In the second photo, “Sussex Conservatives In” activists pose for a similar snap.
Notice anything odd?
The pavement is the giveaway – the photos were taken in exactly the same place, they just swapped the banner. Look closer and you see the exact same activists appear in each photo, they just swapped places so they appear for the cameras in a different order. One way of disguising the fact no one wants to campaign for you…
A typical example of the dishonesty of the Remainers. Disgraceful.
I’m surprised they even bothered to create a new banner. Surely in the interests of speed and efficiency they could have made a sticker with the county name on it. Just peel one off and stick another on and travel round the UK without moving.
On the other hand they could have hired the virtual reality ride at Alton Towers, changed the backdrops with scenery from different towns and Dave’s your uncle!
“On the other hand they could have hired the virtual reality ride at Alton Towers, changed the backdrops with scenery from different towns and Dave’s your uncle!”
As he’s without any balls he’d have to be my auntie.
Must all be MPs or members of the Euro parliament. Only politicians and employees of the BBC can normally afford more than one house. I understand both Kent and Sussex are quite expensive to buy property in.
Just realised cant be BBC employees as black bloke is not wearing high heels, looking confused and sitting in a wheelchair.
I didn’t know that there were that many in the ‘remain’ camp. Its rare to find such a group locally outside Tesco But the the EuroStar is probably the best photo opportunity they have without being pelted at.
Following discussion yesterday about why postal votes in the Austrian election produced a different result, this is interesting:
It says: “The official results for the town of Waidhausen and Ybbs record 13,262 votes as being cast or 4,200 more votes than the actual number of 9,026 people on the electoral roll. Establishment candidate Alexander van der Bellen won the town with 6,621 votes, bucking a nationwide trend of low support for the Green Party candidate in rural areas.”
Not saying I believe it yet but worth following I think.
Now James Delingpole is onto it:
Austria Gets The Extremist President It Didn’t Deserve
How do you post a link like that?
Paste the following code:
<a href=””>Hyperlink Code</a>
Insert the URL between the quotation marks and substitute any text you want for “Hyperlink Code”.
Thank you 🙂
I am shocked, truly shocked.
Jean-Claude Juncker says “There will be no debate or dialogue with the far-right,”
True undemocratic and lets face it, fascist colours now bursting through, the grip looks likely to tighten in response to any further challenge. With Boris all but exposed as a double agent its not looking good for our own referendum, wonder how many boxes of ‘misplaced’ ballot boxes are going to turn up in Tower Hamlets? It may well be a case of resigning ourselves to wait for the natural demise of the EU through it’s corrupt financial practice and destabilising immigration project, the loaded ballot box looking less likely to give an escape route. Heres hoping that in it’s death throes it proves to dysfunctional to follow the well trodden despotic path of declaring war on it’s own people… ooops, too late.
146% turn out! Wow – comparable to London’s Tower Hamlets postal voting and rigging. Is it not time to ban all electoral postal voting, it encourages fraud every time it is used and is fails the democratic text of being accountable to the electorate. No voting without a (proven) local residency and no postal votes.
@Philip_2 Wow indeed. No surprise that the BBC doesn’t mention the word “fraud” anywhere…
I like how Brazil used to deal with voting overseas and out of state. You had to go to the Consulate, Police station or Embassy present you passport or ID card and vote. Only in exceptional circumstances were postal votes allowed and voting was compulsory. Registrations were then sent to the local region to tally and ensure all had voted (not who they voted for). Also planning to have biometric identification so bang goes Tower Hamlets style fraud. Not sure if this is still the case. My wife voted in China, UK and Singapore this way.
So vastly superior to the UK system.
The man from the SUPER IMPARTIAL BBC hands out £10,000 each to 3 sets of artists for Climate Change projects”

source ..more background
Will they produce art towards the Climate Alarmist stance ?
How can debate be balanced if cash pushes hyperbole in one direction only ?
(BTW Teo Skeaping lists his birthplace as England, don’t know about the others )
Project 1: Plant and grow a Strawberry. (The Old Bloke)
Project 2: Paint a Strawberry. (The Old Master)
Project 3: Cook a Strawberry. (The money for Old Rope)
Do I get £30,000 Mr Harrabin?
My son has met a few Remainians, he acknowledged that most people are pretty dim when it comes to politics and the EU. However, he said that when discussing the EU with work colleagues he said the best argument was both the most simple and persuasive, this being:-
Do you want to be governed by Brussels or by Britain?
The argument is decided straight away.
There are no Remainians where I live, but I hope some of you find this statement useful. It overrides all the other minutiae.
As has been said earlier Birmingham Childrens Department has been moved from council control to a trust. The BBC has neglected to mention that it was a Labour council in every single report I’ve heard them make.
I also note that ‘Fibbin’ Phil Mackie has been the reporter
BBC News at 6 lead with the Birmingham case. No mention of Labour.
Radio 4 also reporting that warmongering Islamopanderer Tony BLiar has used his Saudi front organisation ‘Centre on Religion & Geopolitics’, to call for British troops to be sent into Syria.
There can be little doubt in the minds of those with eyes to see, that this is the wish of his Sunni Muslim paymasters, and BLiar is quite prepared to sacrifice the lives of any number of British troops, so long as his gravy train keeps rolling.
Believe I read it on here about Lagarde being in court in Paris, but cannot presently locate it.
As someone, i think, it is very difficult to find on the internet.
Anyone got a link?
Try this 60022. (It is in French though). Not sure my GCSE translation is up to speed here. Looks serious and missing millions of Euros on something serious. Another calamity for Mme. Lagarde.
Didn’t she tell us all to vote to remain only last week? Unfortunately not all article is readable…
Thank you.
Unfortunately the item is dated December 2015.
There is quite a bit on the internet about that date, but then I think she still had not been formally charged
But an interesting twist if it turns up tomorrow in the press.. Second head of IMF arrested should be front page news in UK. But then in France who knows. A small fine perhaps.
Must headline news on the BBC, surely ?
That is the only link I could find, but says turned up in court today with the item dated 22nd May, which is a Sunday, and with the 35 hour week in France it seemed unlikely!
6022. Another link turned up from TheUnit with a link to that article.
But your right the dates are all over the place. I think the investigation is ‘ongoing’ and she has not been charged yet. I presume she will be charged, but not yet I think. It could influence the June 23rd EU referendum vote. Having two IMF bods locked up.
How much more of this EU Referendum crap do we need from the media?
Look-I`ve seen Brexit-the Movie…even saw Paxmans decent programme on the BBC last week, so had a balanced diet of this nonsense.
Yet the BBC and the chattering classes continue to shout over such films and shows “on behalf of the confused voter”-and continue to LIE, LIE and LIE again-just so they can sit in the cesspit disguised as a ball pool, as they do now-untroubled, fed, watered, wined and showered in public money, corporate largesse and all the virtuous nods from charities, yunis and-of course the chattering classes like the Beeb and Guardian.
In what OTHER cause would a Vicky Pryce, Chris Huhne, Ed Davey,Chris Patten, Paddy Ashdown and Shirley Williams be wheeled out be commended for lifetimes of treachery?
No-Vote Leave MIGHT be shit…where`s Gove? Tebbit? Lawson, Hannan, Mel…and NIGEL FFS?…hence the Bojo buffoon nightly shows-but the CAUSE is the thing….anything else only plays into the hands of the media.
They can piss off-all the ones we hear from on the BBC and Channel 4 earn more than Cameron…and bloody Jon Snow gets a MILLION for his Lord Whore Whore crap every night.
At least North Koreas gobshite on THEIR news only gets a few tomatoes and turnip scrapings a night for HER lies.
Hope Snow dies of a heart attack on air when we vote to get out…THAT`S how cheesed off I get over his endless lies.
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Sure as night follows day, there is more crap to follow and it is going to get bigger and bigger as voting day approaches. And I am sick of it already. Have to be in UK at the moment, but at least I can vote in person. No postal votes for me, they might just “lose it” !
ChrisH. Don’t blow a gasket over the BBC. They are a mirror to the 7% of vocal liberals who dominate 70% of the media in BBC land. They only see themselves in a vast echo chamber. I never watch the BBC news and read a (mostly) the newspapers instead, thank goodness we have a choice in the UK, the only nation in Europe with several main daily newspapers with proper journalists and reporters. Most of which, when asked are for BREXIT even if the newspaper is less candid. Sure I am annoyed, but the BBC are only anarchists and antagonists and aim to provoke an acceptance of their virtual ‘bubble world of immigration’ and enhanced victim-hood. Just ask yourself who they are working for? And why are they so keen to promote something which is either (1) obviously unhealthy or (2) complete surrender to a foreign power.
Vicky Pryce, Chris Huhne
two people who went to prison for lying to the police. very trustworthy.
Some of us have been saying on this site how Sky news is following the BBC down the same twisted lane of Guardian thinking.
From the Sky news headline, ‘Teen Jailed For Murdering Iraqi Immigrant’ you would think this is a racist murdering an innocent man because he is an immigrant, yes? Indeed, reading the next few paragraphs also point to that. Until you read to the conclusion: ‘Police say 19-year-old Nealon, who was convicted on Monday, did not know the victim’s ethnicity and may have been trying to retaliate for a shooting at his girlfriend’s apartment.’
Please Sky, the BBC bias and indoctrination leads to an audience becoming suspicious of every word uttered. Avoid that path.