Labour’s Hugh Gaitskell in October 1962, predicted the truth five decades ago….
‘Of course, the Tories have been indulging in their usual double-talk. When they go to Brussels they show the greatest enthusiasm for political union.
‘When they speak in the House of Commons they are most anxious to aver that there is no commitment whatever to any political union.’
Shouldn’t the BBC be making far more of these statements whenever Osborne or Cameron make their apocalyptic claims?….
Reform EU or Britain quits – George Osborne lays down ultimatum
George Osborne will today deliver a stark warning to Britain’s European partners that the UK will leave the EU unless it embarks on whole-scale economic and political reform.
British PM Cameron lays out terms, warns Britain could still leave EU
Britain would “think again” over its EU membership if no deal is reached.
What of all those warnings from the IMF and the Bank Of England’s Mark Carney and the Treasury?
The Treasury is of course George Osborne’s own plaything…hardly likely to put out statements that the Boss doesn’t approve of…if Osborne wanted to Brexit you can be assured that the Treasury would parrot that line…its ‘analysis’, as the BBC likes to call it, would say whatever Osborne wanted it to say.
What about the Canadian Carney? He is Osborne’s boy...hand-picked by him to take over the Bank of England..
Osborne personally rang leading City journalists to sell the appointment of the first foreigner to be picked to lead the Bank of England since its foundation in 1694….It is a susceptibility to hero worship that led Osborne to become the first western finance minister to back the appointment of the elegant former French finance minister Christine Lagarde as managing director of the International Monetary Fund in 2011.
And…from the lefty Huffington Post…
Labour MP Slams Mark Carney As George Osborne’s ‘Hand-Picked’ Bank Of England Governor
And the Lefty Guardian…
George Osborne got Mark Carney – at the cost of his principles
And the head of the IMF? George Osborne backed her not once, but twice to lead the IMF….in 2011
George Osborne backs Christine Lagarde to lead IMF
And in January this year, 2016…
George Osborne backs Christine Lagarde for second term at IMF
Osborne’s backing for Lagarde in 2011 was considered a major coup by her supporters along with the support from German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble.
Carney and Lagarde owe Osborne and have paid him off handsomely in their support for the remain camp. Obama’s support comes from a USA that has always backed a single Europe and has secretly funded and backed it from the start….in its own interest.
The BBC is quick to mention that Boris once supported Turkey’s accession into the EU (he is after all descended from Turks) and are not shy about repeating that…not so quick or insistent to tell us that Cameron and Osborne told us we could leave the EU if negotiations for reform didn’t go well (and they didn’t) and that many of the Remain supporters owe Osborne so much.
Any wonder that people suggest this referendum is rigged and will lack legitimacy on a stay vote? The BBC though seems entirely unconcerned about pressing the issue of Cameron rigging the referendum.
And we have a veto on any country joining the EU in regard to Turkish accession.
Of course that as has been pointed out, fails to say whether the UK would exercise that Veto, which of course it would not as lefty Dave and his mates are foursquare behind Turkey joining the EU club.
This is at best disingenuous and at worst a downright lie!
Dave the Spiv Cameron ,” We are going to encourage Turkey to become part of the EU and then veto allowing them in .”
Must be what he means by ‘ influence ‘ , ‘ leading the way in Europe ‘ , Britain’s voice etc .
It is pretty obvious that the EU “Leaders” just treat Cameron as a joke and their boot boy. Very humiliating to have a PM who is weak and a big liar.
I wholly agree Grant, Cameron is bordering on the pathetic, a laughing stock, a ‘Flashman’ bully, a complete embarrassment.
He has no integrity. He is a traitor to his country.
In order to be liked, he slagged off the possible President of the USA. Not the sharpest pencil in the box!
Yes. He has form. He slagged off UKIP and supporters without ever thinking that he may need them to form a coalition Government. A total idiot.
It may be dawning on even Remain Tory MPs that they may win this EU Ref battle, but the ‘war’ of the next GE is not looking so comfortable.
Mine is a fence sitter. I have let them know of this consequence.
Its about time that the Tory MPs put their nation before their jobs and got rid of their unpatriotic used car salesman. If they don’t, they will loose their jobs to UKIP , the storm clouds are gathering ……………
Comical Dave.
If we lose the Referendum vote; ie the Remainiacs succeed in their deceitful campaign; then the only solution is to elect to government a party in whose manifesto is a commitment to Leave the EU. On the face of it, that would be UKIP. So, I hope we vote to Leave in the Referendum because that would be the least messy outcome but if not, I hope the citizens of our country will quickly see the error of their ways, rally to UKIP and get us out anyway. The second option, though will result in a protracted battle and require a team made of strong stuff because the bbc and all the other mainstream media, together with the resources at the disposal of the EU, and the likes of Messrs Cameron and Osborne, and Mr Soros, will stop at nothing to prevent them from fulfilling the new government’s manifesto commitment.
Not a chance of UKIP getting elected! They haven’t even managed to get their leader elected to parliament. With the level of BBC and left wing antipathy to anyone who doesn’t share their views, and a largely unintelligent easily led electorate they have no chance.
You are possibly right. The ‘elite’ learned how far they could push their smear and ignore campaign in the last general election and many of the techniques they are using now to force through remain vote were honed in their vicious campaign against UKIP, led by the BBC.
The difference will come if the remainiacs win and a sufficient number of Tories quit the party in disgust at Quisling Cameron’s campaign of trickery and lies. True, UKIP doesn’t want to be invaded by a hundred more twerps like Carswell, but it would be a lot harder for the establishment to ridicule a party that overnight had a significant number of seats.
Of course, whether any Tories have the guts to do such a thing is very moot.
Except that you have to take into account any profound changes in EU that are bound to happen ,then a party who put leaving in their manifesto may win.
Especially if there is another crisis, a recession or financial crash not just the Eurozone who will be involved.Renewed migrant chaos or increased terrorism .The news is very Sanatised at the moment .
There is also the EU policy of bail ins next time there is a financial crisis .
They have already done that in Cyprus and Greece and its ready to be enacted should a crisis occur. Osborne has already reduced the savings limit guarantee to be covered by the state .I believe the Commission policy going forward will be bail in not bail out in the event if a major EU financial crisis.
That will expose the lies and concentrate people’s minds .
If we vote to stay in, the EEC will have us by the short and curlys. They will have total confidence in treating us even more like the fools they treat us now. They will impose further restriction which their countries are free to ignore while our officials grab them with enthusiasm and are quick and eager to impose . Cameron says we have a veto on for example Turkey being allowed free access. I think that after we have locked ourselves in, the European officials might just decide to remove our veto and there will be nothing we can do about it.
Look at the European cars on our roads and compare with the British cars on theirs. Look at the European produce on our supermarket shelves and compare with the lack of British products on theirs. Are they going to refuse to trade with us should we leave? Not a chance.
Quite right. If we stay in, things will only get worse. To think that it was the British, Americans and Russians who saved the Europeans from Hitler and they treat us all like shit.
Perhaps they feel irritated and humiliated?
Let’s face it, many member states didn’t exist as united entities until relatively recently and their record on democracy has been variable.
And don’t remind me of 1707 – not quite the same thing.
Yes, I guess it is just jealousy.
(caution – may be unsuitable unless a Ceebeebies viewer struggling with their sexuality at play school)
How incredible that some people can change their position on such an important matter , or any matter, just for personal gain. Rats, all of them !
I can tolerate changes of views if sincere and based on sensible facts and explanation.
Naked self-interest and party whipping, no.
This is also key to the EU Ref, where much is made of ‘trust’ and folk holding to their word if remaining.
But one of many issues the in-crowd struggled with at the recent meeting I attended. Maybe explaining the 80:20 ‘leave’ exit poll.
When it came to the crunch in WW1 & WW2 the people of Britain knew that the economy would be detrimentally affected by going to war.
Tory politicos like Neville Chamberlain were prepared to even sell out patriots to the Nazis in the name of stability and ‘peace’.
The most important issue to the people though was the long term good of the country (although much good it did them!).
Now the Tory Leave campaign, because it still has the greed ridden Chamberlain public school mind-set, can only respond by denying the claims. In my opinion it should be turning round and saying the apocalyptic claims are silly, but also that even if the economy takes a short term hit (and it probably will) it’s still a price worth paying to get us out of the corrupt EU.
I suspect that after this referendum is lost (and it will be) UKIP will mount a judicial challenge to the corrupt way the Tories have run both side of the campaign at the same time!
UKIP will lose this challenge, because despite the illusion of an independent judiciary judges are, and always have been controlled by the government, when the need arises.
When you say the economy will take a short term hit , when will that be and for how long .?
I ask because I can’t see it happening on day one , apart from the lamentation from the City for a couple of days .
Its the fact that when we were first asked to ‘vote’ on the EEC (as it was then) back in ’74 by Ted Heath, he was lying. Just as Harold Wilson before him and right through the Blair years, Gordon Brown and in 2010 then when we had all had enough (after 20+ years) of Labour ‘Nanny-state’, massive immigration, political corruption, the existence of paedophilia rings (in the BBC and Whitehall), border control denials (hidden immigration targets) and then finally Cameron a Conservative. Who then finishes off what Labour started and denies all knowledge of any EU agenda and says he will ‘fight for England, for British values, our legal system, our currency….” Its all crap isn’t it?
Cameron is a two faced liar. That is saying something when the previous Labour administration has a lot of competition in that department. Cameron was never ever going to get us out of the EU, it was all a fraud. He even has Blair’s media adviser (Mandleson) on how to manipulate the media. But somethings don’t wash, some of remember and some of us are angry that what we vote for makes no difference. And that is not right at all.
If there was a tier of BBC management Lord Mandleson would be above Lord Hall, and both clearly involved in what can only be called the Cameron’s ‘project of fear’. The truth is that the EU is worse than we ever expected, cannot be trusted to deliver any economic growth, is sold on Islamic immigration, wants Turkey in the EU and expansion into the rim of war torn problem countries that hate us or hide and milk our benefits culture. The UK is the most generous thanks to Gordon Brown’s over generous handouts and robbing (effectively) UK pension funds and Bank of England Gold reserves. But even that is mild compared to what the EU has in store.
The EU is decidedly worse in every aspect since we joined. It is now well known that the EU will not allow us even to have a country, a currency, a voting system, our own MP’s, and favor Islam cultural diversity over our own Commonwealth, a total lack of respect of the English way of life and oldest form of Justice (exemplified in the Magna Carta) and the end of what our justice system has always upheld. i.e. our right to be freemen at birth (not something granted by the EU high sodomy commission). And then our English right to a free trial (often abused by immigrants on trial) is not allowed under Napolean’s Law where you are guilty and you have to ‘prove yourself’ innocent. Except the EU makes the laws as it goes on. No Juris Prudence.
The misuse of mindless celebrities (such as Obhama) who is ignorant enough to think that America is OK to vote for independence ‘NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is (somehow) not suitable for the UK. The EU does not have any democratic institutions. Everything is decided by 12 men ignoring any protest vote. The real job of MEP’s is (in fact and action)is to take the ‘message’ back to the home countries for legislation enactment. MEP’s cannot vote out any legislation or amend it, or change any past legislation, as there is no mechanism for review as that would involve ‘democracy’. So there is no democracy in the EU at all. It’s just lobby groups.
Cameron may think he can rewrite history after the event (June 23rd) but he we will be judged alongside other failures such as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair who benefited privately, but sold the country out. Cameron never had any intention of getting us ‘out’ of the EU. In fact he was already plotting in secret to lie again (like Heath, Wilson, Blair and Brown to lie to us all about the extent of the EU (faux) legislation replacing our democracy.
June 23rd should be. This is you last vote you will ever have. Use it wisely. There is no democracy in the EU.
I’ve upticked your posting Phillip 2. I’m surprised more haven’t done the same. It’s pretty bang on.
Well said Sir !
Keep pushing the message – it’s only 3 minutes 20 seconds!

The amount of cherry picking in leaflets and the media on who has endorsed what, with poor fact checking or flat out lying is getting silly.
But they are influential and hence do matter.
Sure the BBC and authorities all over this one? Especially those who write ‘guides’ and offer ‘fact checking’ sites?