In conclusion, with the exception of a vague and tardy mention of mortar and shooting attacks on the Gaza Strip border, the BBC News website did not report any of the terror attacks which took place during May. The corporation’s record of English language reporting of the missile attacks launched from the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year remains at 0% and its record of reporting all terror attacks in the same period stands at 4.07%.
The corporation’s record of English language reporting of the missile attacks launched from the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year remains at 0%….
BBC hacks used mention the missiles with glee because it gave them the opportunity to describe them as home-made, inaccurate and clumsy and therefore posing little or no threat to the mighty Israelis. Then when these missiles were largely superseded by sophisticated long-range ones smuggled in from Iran via Syria, the BBC became strangely silent on their qualities.
Since the BBC can no longer portray the Gazans as lighting harmless fireworks which might, by accident rather than design, land in an orange grove in Israel and fizzle out harming nobody, it prefers to maintain its hypocritical silence.
But of course there is another reason for the silence: the initiating of violence against Israel by the Palestinians. Even the sly propagandists who work for the BBC cannot come up with an excuse for this unprovoked violence and terror and so they remain silent about the missiles and other attacks
Yesterday the peaceful Islamic republic of Gaza launched 30+ missiles into the sea and unoccupied areas of Gaza. Yet from the bBC……Narthing.
Editorial integrity. They don’t have time or space for just anything.
That or they didn’t hear or see them, again.
One of the two.
Happens a lot.
Muslim who murdered 20 in Florida gay nightclub identified as Omar Mateen, a US citizen
It makes no difference if he is citizen or not. He is Muslim.
Donald Trump is right. Muslims have to be banned from entering America, as a first step. Next, repatriation.
And watch the story get swiftly moved onto gun control laws. A nice and easy deflection
‘Twas the night before Ramadan
When all through the mosque
Not a gun was unloaded
Not even the glocks
The Imam in the front
Was leading the prayer
ISIS in attendance
Wished Allah was there
Up rose the martyrs
Dressed all in black
One last gear check knowing,
They wouldn’t be back
Pipe bombs and pressure cookers
Laced with some nails
Allah was willing
That they couldn’t fail
Off to the the gay bar
They shouted with glee
To die for Islam on a
Killing spree.