Interesting to hear Laura Kuenssberg’s take on events as she reported on how the Remain campaign have targeted Boris as they see him as not only leader of the Leave campaign but also as next Tory leader….Kuenssberg says this claim, that Boris wants to be leader of the Tory Party, is out in the open after having been merely ‘vicious rumours’ before. Just ‘vicious rumours’? Somewhat surprised to hear that as the BBC’s Kuenssberg has been reporting it as ‘fact’ for the last few weeks and implying that Boris is a fraud with no real interest in Leaving the EU and is only using the campaign as a lever to take the Tory leadership.
Just the BBC doing its usual bit to undermine the Leave campaign and help Remain.
From where I am standing the REMAIN campaign needs all the help it can get!
Last night, it appeared to me at least, that the tide turned in favour of #VoteLeave – a number of comments posted on my Twitter timeline suggested that indications gathered from the postal votes returned so far indicated that the Leave camp were doing quite well.
A couple of prominent Labour MPs voiced in favour of VoteLeave.
Furthermore, there was a report that some senior Tory or other, unnamed but linked to the Remain camp had said that (s)he believed that Leave were “well on the way to winning.”
There would appear to be some panic in the Remain camp, demonstrated by the use of Whips to try to change minds of Tory MPs in favour of Remain (Woolaston as an example), and the ready agreement to extend the voter register deadline.
And then there is other data, such as that contained in the link below taken from the ITV debate last night that suggests a big swing on where the Undecideds will go, based on the returns made at the time of the closing statements. This shows in favour of Leave.
Finally, there are unconfirmed reports that Angela Eagle “stormed off” after last nights debate saying that it was a “f****** disaster”. Uncorroborated reports also suggested that the Leave campaign participants in the room looked a bit down in the dumps after last night’s debate.
So all is not well, tt seems to me that Remain have serious issues. They don’t seem to be able to convey a positive message, they seem to be infighting and now they are attacking the man instead of the ball.
Kuenssberg is just following this on in her analysis. The Remain camp is bereft of ideas, and something new to say. BBC reporting, sitting alongside the Remain camp as they are, merely reflects this state of affairs.
Correction, it was the REMAIN participants in the room afterwards who were down in the dumps after the debate last night….
Agree Nofanofpoliticians. I believe this week has seen a series of watershed moments for both sides.
Remain have shot their bolt. Early on they wheeled out their heavy ammunition. They tried to scare us with tales of World War, EUpocalypse, global recession, international isolation, collapse of the NHS, housing market crash, etc. And what happened? Leave improved their polling stats. Remain have two weeks to go and they’ve nothing left to fire. They are out of ammo.
Leave have kept their powder dry and have simply let the Remain camp reveal themselves to be hysterical doom-mongers. Within a cacophony of Remain shouts and insults, Leave have just got on with the job, quietly and without drama.
Cameron’s evasion and deceit, and his ridiculous little Englander slur earlier in the week, followed by Osborne’s deconstruction by Andrew Neil, followed by the three shrieking banshees on ITV last night. And to then gild the lily with a great dollop of the vacuous Izzard. Well, I don’t believe this week could have gone any better for the Leavers.
Remain are in disarray, and for the first time during this referendum campaign I am beginning to have faith that the good people of these Isles will succeed in taking us out of the EU.
June 24th – Remain Win.
Millions disappointed; Cameron and gang swaggering and crowing on TV. EU bosses rubbing their hands in glee at the £Billions of new British pounds for them to waste on Greece and Italy and Spain and spend on expenses, dining out at £250 a head in the best Brussels restaurants with fine wine and Champagne, all at Mr and Mrs UK’s expense.
BBC cock a hoop with glee, champagne flowing in the corridors like water after a BBC extreme weather event and rubbing the Leave group’s nose in it. Sky Lies in fill flow with how this will help millions of gimme grunts get on the bennies and ITV putting the Etchingham girl up for an award for services to the Elite and Biased Corporation of the once great Britain. She might even get a gong, Dame Julie of Biasville sounds about right.
And then there’s that mad Merkel woman. She will sent boat loads of Syrians, Turks and Albanians, as fast as her chubby little legs will let her to the docks to wave them off. Well as many young chaps that can carry rucksacks and bags of fertiliser to enrich our miserable lives as she possibly can.
Good init?
June 24th – Brexiters Win.
Millions in the street having parties, bunting everywhere, the Queen waves to the crowd from Buckingham Palace with the biggest smile you have ever seen. Cameron resigns and Boris/Gove/Nigel/anyone with cohones becomes PM. June 23rd declared a National Holiday and called: INDEPENDENCE DAY!
The Marines called in to guard the channel coast and send the boat people back where they came from. That little French chappie named after a yellow sauce told in no uncertain terms that he let them into France so he can KEEP them, along with his bottles of grape juice.
Germany told any tariffs on our trade will be met with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen being banned from entering Britain. Mrs Merkel told by the rest of Europe to make up the loss of British quids by Germany. She develops a raging headache, moves into a rest home and is never seen again.
President Putin, President (to be) Trump, President Xi Jinping of China and every other president not in the EU concentration camp fly in the next day to congratulate Britain and to secure new trade deals. The pound and the Stock Exchange go up and the Euro plummets. Greece declares independence without a referendum and tells the IMF and Fraud Merkel to go forth and multiply.
The five or six or however many presidents of the EU there are go into secret meetings and declare a state of emergency. Just one emerges covered in blood. The ugly one! The rest have shot each other.
I think I know which outcome I prefer.
June 25th.
Nicola Sturgeon calls an immediate referendum on Scottish independence.
June 30th.
SNP defeated with 78% voting to stay in revitalized UK.
July 3rd.
Sturgeon made into caviar and voted ‘Year’s Most Valuable Politician.’
Just thought I’d have a look to see how our friends at the Mirror, Grauniad and the BBC thought about last nights ITV debate. Had to stop due to laughter though – this from The Mirror :
” Angela Eagle made a decent fist of pressing the case at last night’s ITV debate – and Chuka Umunna told the Mirror she did much to reassure party supporters of the benefits of the EU.”
Maybe it’s called the Mirror as it sees everything backwards ? She is quite obviously a deep cover agent for leave.
Agree with all above.
Mr Golightly is surely right that this past week will determine the result.
The willingness to play twister with legal deadlines over some perceived “computer crash” that we`ll not be given evidence for was one thing-no political parallel for this has occured in my lifetime…which only confirms how desperate the Remain camp are.
The frankly weird and abusive nature of those who want to stay in the EU towards opponents who are invariably clear, coherent and humble by comparison has sealed it-nobody is listening to them, they`re either deadbeats who screwed us over since the 60s like Heseltine and Blair…or nondescript nasties like the Eagle boys or Meddy Izzard…complete abusive casualties of liberal car crashes and having no humans to argue with.
Been a great week-all we have to do is stay calm, let Boris, Nigel and Michael etc do their level best…and watch the Remain creeps self immolate as they did last year…only this time the bonfire will be summoning up the likes of Rudd, Cameron and May as well.
This cause has sifted the wheat from the chaff…all we need to do in spotting the fakes from the real is to place any Tory or Labour wannabe up against Michael or Gisela…it`s all too clear who the phonies are.
From the start the Remain camp have based their campaign on a string of dubious authorities delivering scare stories and attacks on Farage for racism and Boris for being only in it for Dave’s job. It has worn thin, the race card overplayed, and people realise that the referendum is not about Boris’s political future.
Having said this – dirty tricks will be played and the final outcome may not be over until some time after Diane Abbott sings.
They might have a few cards left to play yet but whatever happens only a real fool would vote to stay with someone who threatens you if you leave. We have had and still are getting threats from all the remain allies. I wonder where they stand on the Bullying and the beating up of partners who want to leave a relationship.
Why would it be a vicious rumour that Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson wants to lead the Conservative Party? Isn’t that an integral part of party politics in the UK democracy that leaders of any party have to contend with competitors and convince members (in the Labour Party anyone with a nominal sum) that they are the best person for the job?