As 50 people lie dead in Orlando, killed by a Muslim with alleged links to Islamic State, the truth gets buried even before they do.
The BBC has already moved into damage limitation mode and has told us that the killer was ‘mentally unstable’ and not religious…quoting liberally from the Washington Post. Curiously the BBC missed this from the same article….
A friend of Mateen’s said the young man became steadily more religious. The friend, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Mateen several years ago went on the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia known as the umrah.
“He was quite religious,” the friend said.
Why did the BBC miss that out?
The BBC, in time honoured fashion, lays the blame squarely at the door of the security services who failed to spot and stop this guy…..
As questions emerged about the gunman’s history, FBI Special Agent Ron Hopper told reporters that Mateen had been interviewed by FBI officers twice in 2013 following inflammatory comments to colleagues asserting ties to the Islamic State group.
The investigation ended after officers were unable to substantiate the claims. However, Mateen was questioned again in 2014 about a potential connection to Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, the American known to have carried out a suicide bombing in the Syria conflict.
The FBI investigation found no “substantial relationship” between Mateen and Abu-Salha and the case was closed, said Special Agent Hopper.
Remember this is the BBC that has relentlessly campaigned against Guantanamo and against the Prevent anti-terror programme in the UK…and now they demand profiling, ‘Sus laws’ and Muslim internment? The same BBC that regularly claims that Muslims are ‘under siege’ in the US and illustrate that with the sad tale of ‘Clockboy’…..naturally the BBC fail to tell us the whole truth about ‘Clockboy’ and his look-a-like clock -bomb.
Still, could be worse….no wonder the Independent went tits up…it’s not the Muslims what done it…it was the Christians…..
The senselessness of blaming Islam for the LGBT shooting in Orlando
Islamophobic sentiment is currently engulfing social media – but Chase Strangio, a lawyer who works with the American Civil Liberties Union on LGBT and Aids related issues, took to his Twitter account to point out a sad truth about gay rights and religion in America.
Religiously motivated legislation from the right-wing Christian lobby has been trying to stifle gay civil liberties as long as there has been a gay rights movement:
The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this. No. #PulseNightclub
— Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) June 12, 2016
This says it all.
Muslim also contribute to the Benefit system by making good use of it.
I go to the BBC website each day to look at the front pages of the UK national press. I don’t bother with anything else.
This is how they run the papers today:
“Newspaper headlines: Papers try to fathom Florida massacre.
By Trevor Timpson
BBC News”
No Timpson they don’t try to fathom anything with the possible exception of the Guardian (who else). The are quite explicit. It was an Islamic gunman.
As usual the Guardian tries to cloud it by saying ‘killer identified as US citizen’ with the BBC trotting along behind. That really is like saying Marco Polo was a Chinese citizen. Omar Mateen is first and foremost an Afghani muslim. His father is a Taliban supporter. Next.
Just had the pleasure of listening to the “World Service” news
Appears to me as if the issue regarding the appalling shooting in Orlando is not that over fifty people have been shot dead by an Isis supporting muslim in a “domestic terror” incident – No the real issue is that Trump not only appeared to have be right in his statement about wondering whether it is right to allow more muslims into the US until proper checks and precautions could be put in place. But he made the mistake of saying “I told you so” How dare he!
In his best ” controlled anger” voice the BBC reporter wasted no time in telling us how a much criticism was being heaped upon Trump in a “shower” of outrage.
Saint Hilary referred to Trump as a “narcissistic man baby”
Whilst I have many reservations about Trump and his style – I think it is amazing that none of the mainstream politicians have had the guts to say what many in the West feel and know is to be true.
I guess this is a testimony to the effectiveness of the left in shutting down debate unless it is on their terms.
Unfortunately it is a sad state of affairs when it comes down to a “showman” to be the only mainstream figure in a country not to lack the political courage to say what needs to be said.
Trump should realise by now that only the left are allowed to express real anger and outrage – best he better shut up!
Guess what we know Aunty will be obsessed with today.
Maybe we could have a new public holiday – we could call it “International Shoot the Messenger Day” (definitely no pun intended). – I am sure our site trolls would be up for it.
At what point will we as a society ever be able to deal and discuss sensibly the real issues that appalling tragedies like this demand. Judging by the response of Hilary and the MSM – never.
The leftist establishment will never forgive Trump for being absolutely right about the menace of muslim immigration.
Look at any muslim country. Do you want that sort of society here? Simple. Import muslims. Only Trump has had the moral courage to point out this obvious fact.
Owen jones did an Izzard and went mental then walked off sky news.
The remain camp will do anything to get publicity.
Notice on the BBC the Killer was an American not a muzslim so move along nothing to see
OJ’s brain could not compute Islam might = homophobia and it started to self destruct.
He wanted an LGBT person on the Sky, but I bet if they produced Douglas Murray or David Starkey he wouldnt have been too pleased.
Until I read your comment, I had no idea that Douglas was gay. And why should I? I expect he thinks his sex life is his own business, unlike professional gays like Owen Jones who make an entire career out of it.
Stop worrying about the BBCs outlook on the US.
Trust the electorate.
Same on Brexit.
The BBC is as relevant as the newspaper wrapping a bag of chips.
The people will speak.
I hope that they speak loudly, and of one accord.
For the feminist/gay/lesbian/trans etc grievance lobby no form of mental contortion and double-think is too great in its relationship to Islam. There’s a sort of nazi-soviet pact going on between them (and we know how well that lasted).