Here we go, a brand new Open Thread to see us all off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. This is where you can detail the bias!
Here’s an invite. I will be off to America for three weeks near the end of this month and that means I just won’t be able to moderate or write here during that time. I am wondering if anyone out there would be prepared to become a guest moderator (and writer if you want) during that time when I am gone? It would really help the site and take pressure off Alan. If you think you could help, drop me an email please!
Enjoy your trip DV, perhaps you could find out how Clinton managed to know that Jo Cox’s murder was an ‘obvious assassination’ way before our own police had even got all of the facts together. Facts that we may or may not ever find out ourselves.
Be sure also to tell them what to do about gun control, Mexican immigration and how their police should/shouldn’t shoot people…. Obama will like that.
Sorry have not been reading comments but G@d forbid this murder is too convenient. Please tell me Cameron and co do not have blood on their hands
Lock13, I’ve been wondering myself about this terrible murder. We’ve all been speculating on here that the Remain camp/EU would pull something out of a hat just before the referendum. I don’t think anyone thought it could be an assassination. Personally I don’t think there is anything ‘behind’ this killing. If the shadowy powers that be wanted to influence a Brexit vote, there are better ways they could have done it. A bomb in a public place by a group claiming to be Leave campaigners, for example, would be more effective. What we need to watch very carefully, however, is now that it has happened, how the government and media manipulate this dastardly crime for their own ends.
Conservative MP Philip Davies said: “One can only speculate on why this wasn’t reported by the BBC sooner. Perhaps it didn’t fit its political agenda or maybe its journalists aren’t very good. People must draw their own conclusions, but it doesn’t smell very good.”
Does it ever..?
wow we are fighting a monster – truth does not get a look in
Remain still campaigning, despite claiming to have stopped… “Remain campaigners have officially claimed to have stopped campaigning, Breitbart London has received reports from around the country that ‘Stronger In’ and ‘Better For Our Future’ leaflets are still being delivered.”
Just so… respectful.
No Apologies, for re posting this
… the more that see it the better
(maybe its just propaganda, but hey Camoron won t stop campaigning, I just admit it)
The attempt of the left wing intelligensia on the bBBC and elsewhere to link the Jo Cox murderer with the right wing and by inference Brexit reveals their whole decrepit attitude.
For a decade and more, they have tried to paint anyone who queried the EU and opposed open door immigration as extremist. And here we are with a few days to go before the referendum, and they are STILL at it. So the ‘extremists’ supporting Brexit number some 45% plus, and who knows, maybe over 50%.
Its a mark of how utterly out of touch they are, stuck in their Far Left Nirvana isolated castle, with the drawbridge firmly stuck in the UP position, feeding on the tax receipts of everyone else.
Spot on. I have nothing to add !
G – I work for a top company in London and I am in a minority of one. I listen everyday to them and they buy the bullshit hook line and sinker .
“The attempt of the left wing intelligensia on the bBBC and elsewhere to link the Jo Cox murderer with the right wing and by inference Brexit reveals their whole decrepit attitude.”
“Intelligensia”?!?! 😮
Please tell me youre kidding?
Left wing Globalists I think you mean?
Am watching the 10 pm bBBC news. I use that term with irony.
It’s now 1015 and all we have had on the ‘Jo Cox’ show is the cringeworthy Fiona Bruce with her finest mournful Emote mode. No actual news at all.
And as we move into the second half, Laura Kuntsberg is telling us that it will affect the Referendum campaign.
Yeah right. With Leave nudging ahead, a plea for a quieter ‘level playing field’ would be just what the intelligensia want.
This is a piece of work
“Trust in politicians is at an historic low.” says Easton, where to even start with that one, expenses is probably as good a place as any.
“Anti-politics is now a recognised force, particularly online.” Is “Anti-politics” simply politics that the BBC does not subscribe to?
“There are, of course, very real concerns about the impact of immigration on our country.” When has the BBC ever shown any concern about the impact of immigration on the UK?
Easton describes the views of the man on the street as “perhaps, dangerously subversive.”Why? because they differ to his?
Perhaps the lack of respect he bemoans is a result of the influence of an over tolerant education and judicial system hamstrung by ‘dangerously subversive’ left wing doctrine. This article reads like something an old USSR state journalist would have cobbled together.
” This article reads like something an old USSR state journalist would have cobbled together. ”
Yes, that’ll be Mark Easton, all right – even by the standards of the BBC, a fine example of the sociologist’s intellectually bankrupt trade.
Buried by the BBC: Muslim asylum seeker murder suspect arrested
‘Muslim asylum seeker murder suspect arrested’
No mention from this BBC report that he was a Muslim, is there a reason why I wonder? Now if he supported UKIP that would be different matter.
Headline might read
Murdering UKIPPER asylum seeking suspect arrested. Farage helping police with enquiries.
Buried by the BBC: Muslim paedophile rape gang sentenced
(Thanks for the tip earlier, and yes it’s very hard to find isn’t it?!?)
Great spot.
What an utter grade A disgrace. No mention at all on the bBBC tv news. Talk about a good day to bury bad news. Bad news in bBBC land of course being any news inconvenient to their left wing multi culti narrative.
Surely the EHRC should get involved here, as right wing anglo saxon white extremists seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’ among the ‘raper’ community.
‘Muslim paedophile rape gang sentenced’
I cannot see the word Muslim in this BBC report!
It must be irrelevant to the rape and sexual molestation of young white children- again.
@wronged Yes, it’s obviously completely irrelevant 🙄
The defendants
Hedar Ali, 36, of Bradford, was jailed for 25 years after being found guilty of two counts of rape and two counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Haider Ali, 41, of Halifax, sentenced to 20 years in prison after he was found guilty of sexual activity with a child and causing a person to engage in sexual activity.
Khalid Zaman, 38, of Bradford, jailed for 17-and-a-half years after being convicted of two counts of rape and supplying class B drugs. He denied all the charges.
Mohammed Ramzan, 35, of Bradford, jailed for 15 years after being found guilty of rape.
Haaris Ahmed, 32, of Halifax, sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in prison after he was found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child and with the supply of class B drugs.
Tahir Mahmood, 43, of Halifax, jailed for 11 years after being found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child and sexual assault.
Taukeer Butt, 31, of Halifax, jailed for 10 years after he was found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child.
Amaar Ali Ditta, 27, of Halifax, sentenced to nine years in prison after being found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child.
Azeem Subhani, 25, of Halifax, jailed for nine years after being found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child.
Talib Saddiq, 31, of Halifax, jailed for eight years after he was found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child.
Sikander Malik, 31, of Halifax, jailed for seven years after being found guilty of sexual activity with a child.
Mohammed Ali Ahmed, 43, of Halifax, jailed for six-and-a-half years after being found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child.
Aftab Hussain, 37, of Halifax, jailed for six years after pleading guilty to two charges of sexual activity with a child last September.
Mansoor Akhtar, 25, of Huddersfield, was found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child but admitted to supplying Class B drugs. He was jailed for six years.
Sikander Ishaq, 31, of Halifax, sentenced to six years in prison after being found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child.
Fasil Mahmood, 37, of Halifax, was jailed for 10 months after he was found guilty of supplying class B drugs.
Farquaan Gafar, 31, of Derby, admitted to one count of sexual touching and is due to be sentenced at a later date.
Now why on earth would anyone be angry at any politician who advocated mass Muslim migration to the UK?
And the first thing muslims will do if they get power… let this filth out to cause mayhem…execute them all….now.
A good day to bury bad news?
“A good day to bury bad news.” Certainly was. Hey, I just realised: guess what would have been the headline on the BBC and in all the papers if Jo Cox hadn’t been killed? “Gang of 15 paedophiles of asian origin sentenced”. It would have totally sunk the Remainiacs. Was it just a case of “good timing” or is there more to it? A number of us here had been speculating/predicting dirty tricks in the final weeks, but I don’t think many of us thought murder would have been among them…
Hot news.
Murdered MP Jo Cox was Head Girl at Heckwondwike Grammar School.
Can we expect the Labour Party, in an act of remembrance to her, to declare that they now support Grammar Schools. I mean, why would you not want to support an institution which creates such wonderful people?
Is it true the rumour that we are getting a new national annual holiday, Jo Cox day.
The Dianafication of this poor lass is completely over the top.
She is being talked of as if she were Mother Theresa, Diana, Joan of Arc and any female Saint you can think of, all rolled into one.
I’d never even heard of her yet there she was, a giant in our midst.
If you are far right of David Cameron and the BBC does that make you a lukewarm lefty?
It seems that the BBC, most politicians and mainstream media promote very extreme views on many important issues, including Islam, Israel/Palestine, climate change, EU, immigration, Barack Obama worship etc. But they successfully define all opposing views as extreme, unpleasant and bigoted, making people feel uncomfortable expressing opposition. I wonder how much the BBC has contributed to the millions of people tortured and killed around the world in recent years in the name of Islam, because it refuses to analyse the violent and supremacist nature of Islam as revealed by the Koran and Hadith and millions of Muslims?
What hope is there for a peaceful future if Muslims and non-Muslims in the UK do not acknowledge the problem that the Koran and Hadith teach violence and intolerance? The insistence that Islam is the religion of peace stops any worthwhile discussion and encourages Muslims to feel like victims. It would be heartening to see peaceful demonstrations by UK Muslims in support of Jews in Israel and an acknowledgement of the contributions made by the Palestinians and other Muslims to the never ending violence in the Middle East. Can devout Muslims be persuaded that the violence and domination called for in the Koran is not relevant to the modern world?
Suppression of the truth is the name of the game. The role played by government/EU policy in flooding parts of England recently is suppressed, dubious/dishonest practices in climate science are suppressed, the hatred of Palestinian people towards Jews is suppressed, undemocratic processes in the EU are suppressed, the costs and risks of premature closure of coal power stations are suppressed.
However, it seems that every effort is made to link true lone wolf murders with people who dare to disagree with the BBC and who are branded extreme right wing.
Reposting: Shop window note: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time”
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
In relation to nothing and to everything, I’ve thought of a word that has probably been created by others before me but in a moment of electrical pain to my brain, it occurred to me that it’s the reason the collectivists are such hate filled bags of pus; they suffer from Normalophobia; an irrational fear and hatred of normal people.
Bump for originality!
I think you’re the first to coin it, google doesn’t seem to have any matches for “normalophobia”.
(But maybe the Remain campaign asked them to bury the links, ha ha.)
Perhaps it’s akin to Europhobia?
Does anyone believe for an instant if a UKIP MEP or councillor had been murdered by an immigrant from the EU, an extreme Leftist or a member of an ethnic minority; that the MSM and MP’s would be decrying it as an attack on democracy?
If Nigel Farage were killed, which is far from improbable, the “tone” (of which al beebus is so sensitive when it suits) I would expect the reporting to adopt; would be that of a: “divisive” figure with “controversial” and “provocative” views; who “alienated communities” through his “populist” and “right-wing” views.
The subtle, insidious and latent explanation would be: What do you expect? He brought it on himself.
We have already had a foretaste of this, when Mr Farage and his family were driven out of a pub while enjoying a quiet Sunday lunch. Or when he had to be saved by the police when trying to attend a meeting, some months ago. The media’s reaction was ‘ha ha!’, with the BBC and its team of barely trained apes (the ones pretending to be comedians) in the lead.
May the old gods of this land protect him.
Jo Cox Tragedy/Leave – From Project Fear to Project Smear.
So the public, what they’ll remember the initial narrative that’s what the Tory cabal remain campaign is relying on basically its the project fear and drip drip drip propaganda, the BBC, the LBC, the newspapers people as they’re going home from work, reading the free crap – brexit supporter brutally murdered a vote remain MP
It s the Google buzzwords that count today, that’s what people are going to remember even (as has been said before) if the gutter press have to print retractions later, by then guess what … it will be all over.
The BBC will be trumpeting Shillary Clinton, and the Southern Preposterous Lies Centre, Uncle Tom Cobley and all on loop
… but hey that’s not campaigning … wink wink
On Camoron not campaigning. K Hopkins
The facts are sparse and hard to come by, the mainstream media (excluding RT) seems to be just emotion and speculation, with the few facts appearing in a few seconds at the start of a twenty minute rolling set of opinions from remain supporters saying how sorry they are, and speculating on how we must stop free speech and the “Leave Campaign” inciting hatred. Which was successful today in cancelling the Leave campaign broadcasts on ITV and Channel 5.
All we have is that people who know the murderer say he is a quiet man who did not express any political views, while people who do not know him say he supports “Britain First”. But he cannot be a member of any political party because we would have found this out by now. The Police say they are investigating if he has any links to right-wing groups. This seems to be because they found plans on how to manufactured his own weapons in his shed, using plans found on an American website thirteen years ago, rather than an Islamic website recently which would get him labelled left-wing. But then he planned his attack in the last week.
I suppose it would be the same if Nigel Farage was murdered. The BBC morons would say that this was regrettable, but secretly sympathise with and understand the type of hatred that motivates this type of murder, therefore we must stop free speech and the “Leave Campaign” inciting left-wing hatred of people who want immigration control.
I also heard the newsreader ask the viewer if this incident had made them change their minds about politicians. As though this and the visit by Cameron and Corbyn was some planned Psyops operation to make us love politicians again, and therefore vote to remain in the EU.
Will it work? The slime balls hope so. If it was a Psyops operation, using a lone mental patient, then it looks like he was an ideal candidate, identified a decade ago by his subscription to a magazine in the mid 1980‘s, and with an ideal target. You would have to investigate any changes to his medication in the last fortnight, and the relevant psychiatrists in the operation identified by the murderer would be those he last saw more than a year ago.
A few days ago I wrote the post below. I never realised that it would happen so quickly again and it would prove to be the nicer side of the reactions.
I have lived in many countries and have never seen a media stoop so low so quickly. Removing all PC this is exactly how the Nazis took away freedoms and worse after Kristallnacht “the Führer has decided that… demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered.” Goebbels.
I know it is not as bad as going on a killing rampage but the process is pretty similar and the desire to use any method to further aims is uncanny. Freedom is fragile and the clamour for censure and shouting down opposing views with little or no real evidence is dangerous to all. I can only hope that the news cycle will find something else sooner rather than later.
Posted last week:
“Whenever we have major incidents such as Orlando there is a similar pattern to the reaction. Politicians and interest groups with media complicity push their agendas, be it gun control, 2nd amendment rights, gay right, black lives etc.
This is followed by social media outpourings of “solidarity” which consist of twitter hashtags changing Facebook images to add flags or tags such as “I am” whatever. Then loads of buildings around the world are lit up in the required colours and people go to vigils with candles and to bar areas to dink a salute.
The end result is usually a lot of people feeling good about themselves such as Michelle Obama’s “Bring back our girls” campaign. The victims become a side-line in a media frenzy that lasts a few news cycles and then what? In the most recent episode the BBC is more concerned about gun control, eulogising Clinton, demonising Trump and criticising the US.
Maybe they should all do something practical like those giving blood to help the victims like offering funds to support the wounded and bereaved families. Only a few will do this. When the news cycle ends and some festival or sporting event takes precedence.”
Why am I reading in the newspapers and listening to the television this morning reports of Thomas Mair being linked to extreme RIGHT wing Nazi groups?
Should it not be stating extreme LEFT wing Nazi groups given that Hitler led a Nazi socialist party?
Hitler was a socialist not a capitalist.
Left = Good
Right = Bad
No agenda, obviously.
I’m left handed and right wing apparently . If right wing means I believe we should run our own Country rather than allowing some fat German bird to tell us what to do
wronged, it has become increasingly apparent over the last year or so, that some on ‘the Left’ are firmly with an entrepreneur capitalist called Henry Ford in their view of history. Others ‘on the Left’, in a much more sinister way, are trying to distort and re-write (not to be confused with re-assessing) history. It is often apparent and was, especially yesterday, on a BBC web-site article that allowed comments from the web-sites Registered Users.
One in particular was repeating for the ‘nth’ time the ecnomic mis-history of the UK in the 1970s in relation to the EU. Mis-history (yeah, OK, I just invented the word, tbomk) is where something is in the record where its significance is ‘mistaken’ or ‘misunderstood’ or just plain ‘mis-used’. Ironically, my response stating what actually happened was removed by the Moderators, who possibly were also ignorant of the history of the period.
More on this later, perhaps. Have duties to attend to.
An elected MP thus representing the fabric of our democracy is tragically murdered in an appalling act of brutality.
And as a result…….
Campaigning on one of the most important democratic decisions in our lifetimes is suspended for nigh on four days.
Can anyone spot the glaring irony and inconsistency here ?
Obviously no point expecting the bBBC to do so.
Like everyone on the opposite political side to Jo Cox, I am deeply saddened by her brutal killing, and it is quite right that political leaders and others have expressed their own sadness and on behalf of their parties and constituencies. However, this shocking act should not, in my opinion, have disrupted the proper working of the democratic process. A single day’s withdrawal from campaigning would have been proportionate, but I’m afraid the political classes, noticing how the Leave side were in the ascendency, have taken cynical advantage of the situation, and decided it would be to their advantage to sideline us for a long time, hoping this would stem the surge. In a similar affront to the democratic process, in a ‘Diana’ moment, Cameron decided that the constituency would not be contested: I believe this will be quite soon widely seen as an error. Neither am I convinced of the need for a day’s emoting in the HoC, as requested by Corbyn. I remember the IRA’s killing of Ian Gow, Anthony Berry, and Airey Neave, but don’t recall special sessions in the HoC were considered appropriate in those pre-Diana times. Perhaps someone might know whether there were any special ‘debates’.
….. I remember the IRA’s killing of Ian Gow, Anthony Berry, and Airey Neave, but don’t recall special sessions in the HoC were considered appropriate in those pre-Diana times. ……
Ah, but the curse that is social media didn’t prolong the emoting past the first couple of days. We only knew of these things via newspapers, radio and tv – all shocking and was discussed over a pint in the pubs, then it was back to normal.
How right you are. This over reaction , even though I suspect it is being played for all its worth by Remain, typifies modern Britain where we seem to have lost all sense of proportion , well all sense really. Yes it is sad that a young MP and mother is murdered but my God you would think that the Queen had died. Although perhaps the BBC would be less tearful if she had. Anyway I have noted that some of my middle aged relatives are actually tearful , or at least claim that they are on Facebook. I can’t help thinking that being tearful is actually a fashion thing. If you don’t claim that you are tearful about this then you are not ‘cool’ or some such other word and your ‘friends’ on Facebook won’t love you any more. I find the whole thing pathetic . If we vote remain then hell mind all these young fools . I know that they will be sorry in the long run when we are over run with immigrants, many from Germany’s Muslim population and when they have to pay massive taxes to bail out the collapsing EU.
I agree that tearfulness can be a fashion-thing, along with building flower-mountains, and vicarious emoting generally, which I deplore. However, tearfulness is also a genuine reaction to true tragedy, as the loss of this relatively young mother is. For myself, even a solitary tear is rare indeed, but I admit that one did spring to the eye seeing that young woman looking out so confidently from the photographs, full of vitality, and senselessly cut down in her prime. I suppose it depends on one’s temperamental state at the time.
I wonder if this guy will be hired for future campaigning. Seems as if, as a country, we are headed in this direction.
EU hierarchy does not respect democracy as was seen with the results of the various National votes on the EU Constitution. It’s therefore pretty much guaranteed the result will be the “right” one no matter the real result.
We can’t have populism you know… (favoured word from the BBC vocab-guidelines)
Well said Sluff,
I’m sorry to sound a bit heartless but in the scheme of things Jo Cox’s death is irrelevant to the EU national referendum.
Of course I regret her death and have sympathy for her friends and family but this is not of national importance nor should political capital be made out of the death. Shame on the bBBC for doing so.
Right then, let’s move on and continue with the EU debate.
I agree, wronged. A terrible crime, and a tragedy for Jo Cox, her family, and – yes – the nation too, as she was an elected representative engaged in working for her constituency, and we are all shocked that such a thing could happen in this country.
But the way the BBC and the Guardian have attempted to use it – subliminally, subtly (they think) – to discredit those who believe we should leave the corrupt, undemocratic EU is despicable. Currently very disheartened that I am pretty much a lone voice for Leave among my friends, who are all obviously so much more caring than I am. They know all the answers because they listen non-stop to Radio 4 and can gauge the mood of the country by the audience reactions to Question Time, you see.
I tried again last night to explain that I too share the vision that we can work together for the greater good with our European neighbours – but that the EU in its current state is not the way to achieve that. Did they know the difference between the European Commission and the European Council and the purpose of the Eurogroup was? What the stated aims of economic cooperation were, and when and why the march to federalisation began? Well, actually, not really, they said…and does any of that matter? We want to part of something bigger, more forward-looking, they said.
I tried to explain that a vote to Remain was not a vote for the status quo but would be a green light to subsume us quicker into the mess of vested interests, ever-increasing demands on our cash, and would strain any concept of democracy to breaking point – but it was becoming rapidly clear that they thought I was losing the plot. It struck me then that what I really needed to tell them was that if there had been anything like a real, considered debate led by the BBC – and Cameron and Osborne, for that matter – these would have been the most basic of questions. But it’s all been emotion and smears, not cool logic, and has perpetrated the idea that anyone who supports Leave is a nasty person who hates all foreigners and has revealed some very suspect traits.
No, actually I am far more “European” than they are, seem to value free and independent thought rather more, and definitely want the better outcome for the whole of Europe too.
Interesting to note, nestled between two legitimate charities of “our Jo” we have the charming “HOPE not hate” (sic) on the attached BBC “report”.
Does this indicate support by the BBC of the inventors of the democratic Non Platforming process? Of course not LOL…
‘Speaking earlier the Anglican Bishop of Huddersfield, the Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Gibbs, said there was a “deep sense of sadness” in the community’.
A sign that these C of E careerists are out of touch is that they always spout about the ‘community’ at times like this.
Moslem supporting no platforming Hope Not Hate to benefit from the fund.
Stuff that, says what she stood for – perhaps worth discussing in the future.
But Hope Not Hate have just had this year’s grant from Unbound Philanthropy upped from £120,000 to £200,000.
link to Unbound Philanthropy – charity from Wall St and City businesses who support open borders, immigration etc.
. Scroll to the very end and open Who we fund for details.
BBC Breakfast sofa-eunuch regrets this morning “We’ve not much time for news, what with Tim Peake…”
Ah, at last a public sector hero… of course Tim, you do realise… that’s yer lot after your re-entry, the next tax-payer funded slot has to go to a bod with a… well let’s just say space travel will be for the birds.
Speaking of which, I know the media don’t do traditional English folk culture anymore but I was minded of this…
“Who killed Cock Robin?” “I,” said the Sparrow,
“With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.”
“Who saw him die?” “I,” said the Fly,
“With my little eye, I saw him die.”
“Who caught his blood?” “I,” said the Fish,
“With my little dish, I caught his blood…”
Tim Peake as I heard a radio presenter say has done precisely fk all. He is in Earths orbit going round in circles he could not lace the boots of the Apollo Astronauts
My money is on the bbc playing ‘starman’ by Bowie as major Tim descends from the heavens so they can turn it into a real faux-British / gate-crashed gender ambiguous moment. Like they do.
“All the birds of the air fell a sighing and a sobbing
When they heard of the death of poor Cock Robin
When they heard of the death of poor Cock Robin.”
Funeral soon. Has the date been set. Will Mayor Khan wear a tie? Will Corbyn wear smart clothes? How many Royals will attend? Will Bob Geldoff make a speech and have a wash for the event? Expect great performances from Beneduct Cumbrbatch and Emma Thompson, with a recycled version of Elton’s Candle in the Wind. Voice over narrative from the BBC and Guardian commentators on the political atmosphere of hate.
No I am not being disrespectful to the dead MP, but to the shit in politics and the media that have risen to the surface.
Not to mention the vast array of symbolic paraphernalia that appears to be almost compulsory these days:
Wrist bands, candles of every shape and size, incendiary Chinese lanterns, teddy bears, T shirts, miscellaneous items claiming to be hugely significant held aloft, lapel badges etc
Flowers – OK, fair enough, but why does every tragedy have to look like a Mafia funeral? As if Twitter were not enough.
How did we survive the war without parading our grief at every opportunity?
No hashtag, colourful logo or illuminated buildings as yet, though.
BBC Online News:
”Jo Cox was stolen from us’ – the outpouring of grief from Syria”
There has been no outpouring of grief from Syria. A select band of Syrian activists have provided this ‘outpouring of grief’.
99% of Syrians will never have heard of her.
BBC Agenda Bias. Syrians good. Immigration good. She said so.
It’s fucking nauseating…
99% of English people have never heard of her
BBC have announced a man has been charged with Jo Coxs murder and various other offences regarding firearms and offensive weapons at Westminster magistrates court.
Is it common practice for suspects to be taken from Yorkshire to Westminster magistrates to face charges?
Are the courts in Yorkshire too busy, with cases like the Calderdale 15?
Or are there special facilities available only in London for managing psychiatric service users in the criminal justice system?
I read that the Counter Terrorist Branch at New Scotland Yard are handling the investigation. This may have something to do with it.
Some bloke who is a few sandwiches short of a picnic , has a personal gripe against a local MP forgets his meds and commits murder because he feels aggrieved at something – did I hear they were shutting down his local centre or something. For this we have President Barry calling up from Airforce 1 on his way to Burqafest
Now Mad Merkel is telling us to “limit what you say in the EU debate “. It is none of her business. That stupid woman is one of the reasons I have voted to Leave !
And me mate – fat bird chewing a wasp with Cameron in her pocket. I have got to the stage where I cannot watch sweaty, slimy Dave on the tele. How did we get to the stage where our own Prime Minister is a pathological liar?
Two sides of the same story, as reported in the DT.
Mr Ben-Abdallah rushed to the scene after the first shot.
“There was a guy being very brave and another guy … who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag. .. A makeshift gun .. After a brief struggle the older man stepped back and he grabbed Mrs Cox. He was fighting with her and wrestling with her and then the gun went off twice and then she fell … and I saw her bleeding on the floor.”
Clarke Rothwell said. “It was a popping sound … I turned and saw the woman fall to the floor .. The man had an old fashioned … gun … that he had to reload manually after the first shot. It … had to be manually reloaded down the barrel. After he shot her the first time he shot her the second time whilst she was lying on the ground. All the time as he was reloading he was stabbing her again and again … and shouting Britain First! Britain First! Britain First!”
You could wonder to an extent whether they were at the same event. Possibly Mr Rothwell’s story starts at the two shots reported by Mr Abdallah, who would appear to have been on the scene before Mr Rothwell, but would presumably have noticed any reloading.
To reload a gun down the barrel I presume you hold it in one hand, fumble about for the shell(s) or whatever to insert with your other hand, while a third hand? repeatedly stabs someone with the largish knife you are holding and while you you shout coherently.
All in all rather confusing, but by the time it gets to court and events are clarified, by such as the elderly gentleman stabbed, it will be too late as the old left wing tool of something repeated often being true will be in the psyche of the population.
Ask people whether Cliff Richard is “guilty” or not and I think I know the answer you will get. I’m sure the BBC will be his favourite media organisation for the rest of his life!
P.S. I presume now that he has been charged our “investigative” journalists are not supposed to investigate and report on events?
P.P.S. Mr Abdullah presumably stayed to the end as he is reported as saying
“He walked away very calmly, down the steps ….”
So would be know about “Britain First” or not.
Continuing with Mr Rothwell
“He threw off his black puffer jacket as he ran away”
All very confusing
“had to be manually reloaded down the barrel”
From school history lessons, several decades ago, I seem to recall that this is called muzzle loading, and weapons such as flintlock pistols were loaded in this way, presumably with a lead ball. Long John Silver and all that stuff.
Unless the gun was very primitive indeed, using a metal ball, can someone explain to me how you would get any sort of modern bullet, with its case, down the barrel of a gun, in such a way that it could be fired without being pushed out? And where would the propellant come from?
Maybe there are ways, but it sounds like rubbish to me.
That doesn’t quite make sense. I meant, if the bullet was a steel ball, would he have had time to fiddle with gunpowder, or cordite, or whatever was needed? Wouldn’t somebody have noticed?
A bit out of my depth here.
If three shots had been fired, singly, in quick succession then the pistol was semi-automatic. Nobody could muzzle load a pistol without it being very obvious what they were doing and it would be very slow. The assailant would be completely vulnerable during the reload.
Thanks. So I might have a point after all.
And WHO is the other elderly chap who was injured ? the media appears to have forgotten him, but I bet his family are nonetheless upset.
Brissles, I wonder what his story is.
The reporting of this story has been a shambles since the start. But as the days pass, the gaps, instead of being filled as one might expect, seem to be growing larger. That is not as it should be.
Maybe… a dustman?
Guest Who, surely you mean “refuse disposal consultant”. The public sector tends to be very status driven these days.
Aye, Lobby… ah stan coorected.
Any semi automatic or revolver pistol would hold multiple rounds which could be fired in quick succession. My experience is somewhat limited with a 9mm Browning HP Army issue in my day so 6 + rounds( 13 rounds in a HP magazine) With a sawn off shotgun as I have also seen the weapon described even with a double barreled weapon you would still need to “break” the weapon clear clear the cartridge or cartridges and reload. From my long distant past I used to be a member of a gun club around 1975. I’ve never owned a weapon apart from the ones I’ve used in military service, however I do vaguely remember borrowing a .22 target pistol which was single shot and a rather odd looking pistol which could resemble the drawings. Again being single shot it would take a relatively long time to reload. Certainly any muzzle loading weapon would take some considerable time to load However not being weapons experts would anyone attempt to rush him on the basis he was reloading rememering when portrayed in the entertainment media weapons have a limitless supply of ammo also remember the alledged attacker was also carrying a hunting type knife. Saying that there are aspects of this part of the story that I don’t think hold together.
A small further point but If you are “mono dextrous” which hand do you naturally hold a knife or gun in if you wish to use them with any level of control?
Excellent summary.
Don’t forget also the claim from Jo Cox’s assistant’s father that his daughter (the inevitable Muslim hero) walloped the attacker with her handbag.
No one else mentioned that – or even that she was in the vicinity.
None of it adds up.
The DT article did mention “She had Muslim women round her trying to help” according to Rothwell
Ah OK thanks – so she was in the vicinity, but trying to help Jo Cox, and not corroborated as attacking the assailant. Hyperbole on the part of the father?
Cameron has blood on his hands.
The campaign is poisonous, we (politicians) are poisonous, says the Mayor of London. We will not tolerate hatred says Cameron, Bercow and Corbyn standing at the spot where Jo Cox was murdered.
The implication is clear from the elite, hate has been whipped up by the Brexit campaign and the result is that an MP has been murdered.
But, just one month ago, at the start of the referendum campaign, the leader of this country stood in the mother of all parliaments and said that ‘the way Nigel Farage pronounced his name was poncey’.
I quote form the Guardian: “David Cameron has mocked Nigel Farage for pronouncing his name in a “poncey, foreign-sounding” manner rather than an “English” way. Speaking in the House of Commons, Cameron praised Labour MP Ben Bradshaw for referring to the UKIP leader’s name to rhyme with “Farridge”, rather than “Farrahge”. “I’m glad he takes the English pronunciation of Farage rather than the rather poncey foreign-sounding one that he seems to prefer,” the Prime Minister said”.
So there we are, our perfectly pompous Prime Minister mocking someone because of the way their name is pronounced. Had the name been Mohammed and the speaker Tommy Robinson taking the mickey there would have been an outcry, accusations of a hate crime and Tommy would be back behind bars as quick as sliding down a greasy pole. Different rules you see.
As we are all aware campaigning has been cancelled for the moment on the orders of Cameron. Except that the only side that has halted is the Leave side, the BBC, Sky, ITV and every other media organisation has not stopped. They are still full on for the Remain camp. Sadly “Brexit”, if it was not before, is now a dirty word. Will you go proudly to the polling station on Thursday with an ‘Leave’ or ‘Brexit’ badge on your coat? Maybe not.
Brexit is therefore badly damaged and the result is likely to be a lost referendum. As sure as eggs are eggs this will followed by a complete subjugation of the UK by the corrupt EU dictatorship and the end of free speech. They will stamp on our heads for daring to have a free vote. Turkey will join the EU asap and the trains, buses and planes from Ankara will not stop until they get to London. 75 million Turks plus 5 million and counting Syrian refugees. Job done. Merhaba neighbour.
Are you angry about this?
Do you think other people might be angry about this?
And where will that end?
I refer you to a speech made on 20 April 1968, nearly fifty years ago.
It has started.
Good post, OT.
Great post Old Timer.
The egregious double standards that exist in U.K. politics were also evident in the way that MP’s and the MSM, subsequent to this murder, were bleating about how the threat or risk of violence should never be allowed to prevent MP’s from doing their jobs; going about their business of representing their constituents or campaigning on issues.
How unlike the total indifference shown to Farage who ever since the last general election campaign has to be protected by a sizeable security detail (presumably funded by UKIP); to prevent him from being physically attacked as he goes about representing his constituents, campaigning on issues and doing his job.
Indeed, and when he is threatened, which ‘famously impartial’ broadcaster leads the sneering with its ‘comedy’ programmes?
Has Lord Hall Hall still got his security detail after that nasty tweet?
Same report, two different headlines.
IMF: Brexit May Not Mean A British Recession
IMF says EU exit ‘largest near-term risk’ to British economy
Now why are the BBC’s interpretations ALWAYS in sync with the Remain camp?
Here is the original report:
Uncertainty Clouds the United Kingdom’s Economic Prospects
Just as a – for your attention piece … so it begins
Lawyer Dr Akbar Malik launches the party for immigrants in UK
LONDON: Well-known British Pakistani immigration lawyer and community campaigner Dr Akbar Malik has said that Britain’s 16 million-strong immigrant community needs to unite for the …. “protection of its rights”
in the face of harsh new laws targeting the immigrant communities.
Dr Malik said this here while launching his own political party called the Immigrants Political Party (IPP), which claims to be voice of neglected immigrant communities.
Maybe the erm … Muslim Parliament was a little too obvious, anyone remember that?
And as a Lawyer, Dr Akbar Malik will make rather a lot of money out of this. Government supporting grants as well, perhaps?
According to the BBC we are all immigrants and there are no indigenous Britons.
We would have to check that with Mary Briard, but it is the standard lefty line used to deny our heritage and culture.
So we should all join the party and propose that it adopts a ban on further immigration
And what harsh laws are they? You must have the right to be here? no underage brides? No rape?
‘Neglected’ immigrants eh?
Yet the hordes keep on coming.
And where is the lying BBC’s coverage of the prediction from Deutsche Bank (no less!) that in the event of Brexit, UK stocks will be the best performing in Europe and that our economy could perform 5% better than the economies of our European counterparts?
Now I happen to believe all such predictions are bogus and worthless. But why is it that the BBC et al publicise only the negative ones about Brexit?
Can anybody figure out what might be going on here:
Wealthy Hampstead residents told to ‘dress down’ and fight thieves with an umbrella after spate of robberies
“Groups of men in their twenties have been targeting women in Hampstead Garden Suburb and stealing their jewellery.”
When the BBC gets around to reporting it, perhaps they’ll shed some light on who is, and more to the point, who is not, responsible. Perhaps it has something to do with Brexit.
Beats me.
Maybe the next sequel in the Kingsman series?
I read that too and thought…what?? But if you remove your earrings and hide your watch, then you’ll be safer…apparently. Oh…and forgot about the umbrellas!!
What a load of *******
Reminds me of the idiocy of the mayor of Cologne, a woman, who suggested that German women protect themselves from gimmegrant rapists by “keeping them at arms length.”
That idea was comprehensively rubbished by the courageous sixteen-year-old on the video that has now had over 700 000 views and over 14 000 comments:
In the words of Gordon Brown Racist Bigot!
Yes, what Gordon Brown knows about racism and bigotry would fit into the head of a pin.
What would have been a great help if I lived in Hampstead would be to know the make up of these gangs.
In police speak were they IC1, 2 or 3 or mixed?
Isn’t it enough to know that they have an aversion to umbrellas?
No pleasing some people.
A commenter on Going Postal reveals that Andrew Marr wrote in the Spectator this week: “”The best bet
for the Remain side is a dramatic last-minute moment of alarm. That might happen.”
I await his prediction for next year’s Grand National with bated breath
Good call GCooper. My prediction: if the polls don’t show a 10% lead to Remain by Monday/Tuesday, the referendum will be called off for “reasons of national security”. Has anyone started saying “we owe it to Jo Cox to vote Remain” yet?
I was reading an article at the beeb the other day, that Mein Kampf article was up, in the past week, it has generate sales I suppose in Europe. And below that, an article on a certain candidate for president. I did not appreciate that.
German minister criticises ‘warmongering’ Nato exercises
Well the words pot, kettle and black come to mind. Wasn’t it the EU who wanted to sign up Ukraine and promptly opened that largest can of worms we have seen for quite some time, culminating in the annexation of Crimea, a bloody civil war in Ukraine and the shooting down of a passenger jet?
The Ukraine is not in Europe, nor is Russia, nor is Turkey, nor is f-cking Azerbaijan for heaven’s sake. European Grand Prix? Really?
The EU cannot just let things lie. They are expansionists and old school Imperialists. It’s the third Reich by any other name.
Germany didn’t purge the Bolshies when they reunified. There should have been a De-Commiefication when they linked up again and then we wouldn’t have that idiot Merkel et al in place now.
Seismic, “third Reich”? Shome mishtake shurely… don’t you mean the Fourth Reich?
Subtle bBBC, very subtle…
Why is your ‘Man in court over killing of MP Jo Cox’ the headline story on your ‘Europe’ page, but then when you click on it it’s then under ‘England – Regions’?
If I was a cynical person I might think you’re shamelessly trying to link the actions of a mentally ill person who flipped and killed a left wing MP to an upcoming vote next week. Is our beloved national broadcaster really that mired in the media cesspit?
Just noted the “shrine” with all the candles on your link there. Where did all this pseudo-spiritual bollocks come from?
It’s become the replacement for doing something… (That and changing your Facebook background / photo)
It’s the Diana effect!
Colboysigma, I recall lots of similar questions being asked after the death of Princess Diana. It seems to me all the flowers, candles etc is a race-memory of Roman Catholic or even older pagan beliefs. If you look at how people reacted to death during the world wars, it was generally low key, with services held in churches and cathedrals. British people have lost that link with organised religion but in times of mourning they instinctively try to replicate it.
” Is our beloved national broadcaster really that mired in the media cesspit? ”
That was a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?
It was the very definition of a rhetorical question GC
It is the media cesspit.
Is that a line from The Pirates of Penzance?
Couldn’t upload the picture, so hope this works in more ways than one !!!!
I’m just getting the BT home page.
BBC Radio 4 news at one pm – a full-on ‘Vote Remain’ broadcast again.
So much for a cessation in the campaign, when Remain’s number one weapon is firing without cease!
Desperation !
I truly hope so!
Maybe it is having an impact.
gb123 great link! So support for Remain is tanking after Jo Cox’s murder?!?
Qriously, a London-based technology start-up that gathers data and intelligence about consumers through mobile phone apps, found that backing among likely voters FOR Britain’s EU membership has dropped to 32% from 40% before her death.
Qriously found that 52% will vote to leave the bloc in a national referendum on June 23. The figure is unchanged from before the parliamentarian’s death.
The weakening support for remaining in the EU coincided with a large move toward “Don’t know,” which leaped to 16% from 9% before Cox’s assassination.
Am I the only person who does not give a flying F about Tim Peake ?
No, I could not care less either. The fact the BBC is obsessed with him tells me he is probably someone I wouldn’t want to meet.
By all means, report it, but all the excess, breathless excitement from everyone at the BBC whenever he so much as farts gets right up my nose.
LOL ! You raise the whole question of what happens to farts in a spacesuit, so to speak !
A movie could get made, if not already one has, as Yoda might say.
What’s the difference between Tim Peake and the bBBC?
Tim only farts in His own spacesuit, The bBBC farts in everyone elses and then sends them a Gas Bill
Thanks to the BBC’s relentless skewing of the issues, no one (apart from us) even seems to notice anymore how deep into Orwellian territory we are. Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner, says “Jo Cox was murdered for her dedication to European democracy.”
EU democracy? What democracy would that be? The type that makes the Kinnocks – roundly rejected by democratic process in the UK – our national representatives on the EU Commission? Surely that is not only undemocratic, it is positively ANTI-democratic!
Mainland Europe’s dedication to democracy ? You couldn’t make it up ! Germany, history of dictators, France same, Spain same . Italy same, Portugal same, Greece same. Who the Forex are these people to lecture the British on democracy ? Wankers !
Don’t mention Forex the pound is going to collapse and we are all going to die I heard it from that twat Mark Carney (why the fk have we got a lefty liberal Canadian running the Bank of England who’s wife is an Eco nut). As far as I can tell (and I am in the business) the pound has been going up and down for ever.
Lock 13
Very strange that the lying wanker Carney was given that job.
He was forensically de-fillited by Jacob Rees-Mogg in a select committee. Carney had nowhere to hide. Wanker.
It always amuses, me Lock, that the Beeb and its Business and Economics Editors do not seem to have 1. any knowledge of the markets and their normal movements and levels, and especially, 2. the £ (Trade Weighted) Index which is a guide as to the strength or weakness of Sterling. (They are not alone: even the TUC and CBI appear to not know about such things.)
It’s on the front of the FT everyday.
Perhaps the Guardian is the ONLY paper of choice at the BBC, even in the Business and Economics Editors’ offices and the business corner of the Newsroom.
The BBC business and economic editors don’t have any knowledge of markets?
What about Paul Mason, the business and economics editor of Newsnight? He was a Marxist music teacher who said the capitalist system was being overthrown every couple of months. Ah I see what you mean.
Makes me think that our Psychotic Scot would have done better to get to Brussels with a sharpened lance, and an offer to see how many MEPS he could catch with it.
This is only a joke, along the line of “library cuts”…don`t imagine the BBC Lefties would risk their edgy humour credentials over such stuff would they?…but as for Katie Hopkins and Sarah Palin?
Well, they make such jokes about THEM all the time…fearless lefty wankbags.
Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner, says “Jo Cox was murdered for her dedication to European democracy.”
Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, was interviewed in ‘Le Figaro’ last year (28 January 2015). He opined: ‘Il ne peut y avoir de choix démocratique contre les traités européens.’ I’d translate that as: ‘There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties.’
Which in my mind makes the EU a dictatorial oligarchy.
Exactly, Jump. But why aren’t more of our politicians – who were democratically elected to represent our democratic interests both at home and abroad – outraged by this? After all, Peter Mandelson let the cat of the bag years ago when he returned from some EU bunfight and told us (rather smugly) that we had entered the era of “Post Democracy”. That was when the moment I really stared to get interested in what was going on.
In a functioning democracy, Cameron and Osborne’s only moral position in the referendum debate would have been to set out the facts of continued membership of the EU frankly and fairly – and then stand back. But they chose to campaign – using lies and threats – for Remain, effectively disenfranchising around half the population in favour of a corrupt, undemocratic, foreign power. They know it is not democratic – so what is going on?
Religion of Peace and tolerance strikes again this time against the Kalash minority in Pakistan.
Where’s the BBC “analysis” in this one?
Here’s some help BBC…Mental illness/ poverty/ lack of access to services/ can’t get into Europe? Nah, just members of a plain nasty and intolerant cult that seeks to Arabise the planet.
It’ll be our turn in a few years when the current population are the minority (faster if e stay in EU). Wonder how that’ll be reported?
By the way, my wife and I received ANOTHER postal vote paperwork for the EU referendum. Maybe they didn’t like our vote first time around and are giving us another chance? Anyone else had the same experience?
And the Gay Pride event that was planned for Istanbul this weekend has sadly been cancelled.
Some reason given about not wanting to “encourage the degenerates”.
Still-eh loads of free visas and every chance of joining the EU according to Cameron(until four months ago).
And-I imagine-no boycott of the kebab shops in Canal St or Old Compton St this weekend.
For Muslims are equally marginalised as are gays.
But of course..
Horrendous crime committed against a gay couple who were told they should not be allowed on the bus.
It could happen to anyone. I was thinking of how unpleasant it would be for Zero and Jerrod to be warned off a bus.
‘The couple are reported to have described sitting in shock during the journey, but said they challenged the driver as they got off.’
If we had a Second Amendment here they could have shot the driver
Stuff that, I would have let Zero and Jerrod on and then driven it over a cliff…..just imagine their incessant whining as it plummeted towards the earth….
I found the discussion on Radio 4 at 1.15pm interesting, for once the BBC almost got something right. The lack of a moronic audience was a huge step in the improvement stakes. Three of the four taking part, Peter Oborne, Max Hastings, & Clare Fox made good points & discussed things well albeit from different opinions. Clare Fox as usual was brilliant. However Polly Toynbee was a total waste of space. She only made one point repeatedly; basically making outrageous claims that Brexit was responsible for Jo Cox’s murder blah, blah, blah & that it was responsible for ‘hatred’. Oborne tried hard to counter that but Dimbleby was quick to stop him. As has was the moment Oborne mentioned immigration, I thought that disgraceful as a chairman.
Any Answers afterwards was better than usual, the UKIP chap who made really honest & moving praise for Mrs Cox was excellent & for a change was allowed to speak.
This must be a hiatus of normal BBC business. Finished by tonight?
I noticed that too CP; Dimblebeeb also said to Claire Fox, when she wanted to discuss UKIP supporters being treated as scum by some “broadsheets” (i.e. The Guardian), “We’ll return to that later.” The usually story though: there was never any “later”.
I find him to be worse than his older brother; which is really saying something.
Agree 100% about the obvious improvement to the programme sans “VERY carefully selected” audience.
CP, “However Polly Toynbee was a total waste of space. She only made one point repeatedly; basically making outrageous claims that Brexit was responsible for Jo Cox’s murder blah, blah, blah & that it was responsible for ‘hatred’.”
Now that’s interesting. It is something like the standard post of the famous ‘John_from_Hendon’ who posts on the main BBC Blogs or Blog, now that the new Political Editor is above having her work questioned or picked apart by the sweaty masses, and the Business Editor has been more or less invisible and/or silent since his appointment. J_f_H also posts on sundry other HYSs although he was strangely absent yesterday from an interesting and sole one available yesterday.
Is this a new standard ‘teaching’ and indoctrination from the extreme-Socialist/Leninist/Marxist/Maoist Left? Something to be chanted at every opportunity?
It seems like it with the despicable reference to and abusive usage of Jo Cox’s death bolted on to it.
I speed read Toynbee’s piece from the Guardian web-site (was it repeated in the Friday print edition? – I hope so because she made need to apologise and retract?) and I was struck that it was Toynbee who has become so bigoted that she cannot see or comprehend that it is her and all those who viciously promote the EU with bullying, lies, threats and fear-mongering who have been seduced by (what I think is) an evil that has piggy-backed itself onto the EU or is actually inherent in its foundation and structures.
I only caught a minute or so of the programme close to the beginning with Max Hasting’s answer to Dimbleby’s opening.
I think we are in a spiritual battle. For the sake of our society, I think we need to distance the UK from the EU as quickly as possible. Not our European friends, or the European nations but from the EU, the overwhelming monster that is affecting us so badly.
Polly thinks that immigration should never be mentioned under any circumstances. The white working class, older whites and the staid white lower middle class are so base and unstable that mentioning any drawback to immigration could be the trigger for pogroms and mass murder. She sees Nigel Farage as a crazed, populist, demagogue whipping up frenzied hatred for foreigners amongst the gullable rabble. For Polly the indigenous population is simply a vast lynch mob waiting to do its worst. This is why the BBC is always going on about the “tone” of the debate. You have to actually hear the irritating, overly refined BBC pronounciation of “tone” to appreciate the smug supercilliousness involved. The BBC does not want “coarseness” in any discussion of immigration. Only gentlemen of refinement should have their say. No, talking about immigration is far too difficult and dangerous for ordinary folk. They do not have the intelligence and linguistic ability to invent euphemisms and circumlocutions that render the topic as invisible as a Muslim woman in a burkha.
Iv defended Toynbee in the past, she’s not the worst of her ilk and has expressed concerns about mass immigration , but when I saw this:
“It’s wrong to view the killing of Jo Cox in isolation. Hate has been whipped up against the political class”
And even more disgusting her retweeting this:
David Walker @Exauditor77 14h14 hours ago
‘They’re taking our jobs!’ Not lorry driving, it seems
I have to agree with you ID.
Lorry driving is a role unemployed Britons can certainly be retrained to do, but they do need training, and employers arent going to offer that when they can employ ready trained from the EU, who will probably work more ‘flexibly’ and for lower wages too!
What a stupid bint!
I am so glad that someone is vocal about the shower of sh*te that comes from the PC left:
He must put himself at risk somewhat, by doing this.
He’s brave, articulate, scathing and eminently sensible.
Listened to the G@d awful Polly Toynbee on “special” AQs today; she wants us to return to a more civil level of discourse about immigration and related issues after the referendum.
What that really means is she doesn’t want ANY discourse about it.
I thought Claire Fox managed some good body blows on the dire P.T. and Peter Oborne was quite effective against a blathering Max Hastings (whom I used to quite like, but who seems to have adopted some quite odd views of late).
Even by her own dire standards Polly has been awful on this Cox murder. Obviously she believes that Remain are going to lose and is desperately trying to recruit some remain voters by playing on their heart strings. Sickening.
Kaiser Merkel is saying the same thing, basically that the Leavers should shut up because they’re winning the argument. The political discourse leading up to the referendum has been remarkably good natured and restrained, particularly on the Leave side. Surely if there was any footage of Leavers behaving badly, the BBC would have played it non-stop. The ‘well of hate’ that Corbyn mentioned seems to me to come from the left, not the right – eg, the masked men in Northampton, the vicious mockery of the fishermen, etc. This is why the death of Jo Cox is being seized upon and used as an attempt to smear the Leave campaign – because up until now there has not been a shred of evidence with which to do this.
Have complained about this:
I thought there was a suspension in campaigning?
Absolutely a complaint is in order!
However the comments from Putin were interesting as this corresponds with my own feelings that it could all be a big sham in order to blackmail the EU into relatively meaningful negotiations. Is the Cameron goverment that clever and is Dave a good poker player?
The suspension certainly hasnt applied to the media, LBC have been pushing it no stop and givin g a platform to Bremainers. I believe the suspension only applies to poltiicans, and since the media is 90% pro Bremain, this simply stymies Brexit while allowing Bremain to continue.
The demand for a different tone also favours Bremain, because by its nature Brexiit has to be critical of thhe EU. Brexit is the side calling for change.
Is Polly Toynbee on drugs or is it just late menopause stuff ?
Polly is on a track of her own isn`t she?
Same old schtick since 1979-she listens to nobody and drips bile and patronising tosh throughout the whole sorry 45 mins or so.
And to hear Dimbleby wondering who on earth the elite might be is pitiful-like his slightly sharper big brother, he`s obsessed to affect being a probing seeker after the truth…as opposed to paid-up Oxbridge scion of privilege who is simply a nannys boy who`s never existed outside the BBC liberal bubble.
Good old Claire Fox…the only person on the show who sounds like anybody I`ve met in my lifetime.
Ahem…..chrisH….this is the same Claire Fox that, maybe ten or so years ago, on ‘ The Moral Maze ‘, when immigration was the topic, blurted out, ‘ ‘ Let them all the gates ‘…..i kid you not. Wonder what changed her mind?
Ta Grim!
You`ll be right of course-and thankfully we all have to remember that we`re on the hook for what we say in our earlier incarnations.
Certainly glad that much of what I used to say and think isn`t around-I was a right lefty idiot until 1988, a Green zealot until 1993, a rabid Christian since 1993.
But still a public sector oaf and Guardian reader until 2004-and this site has been a fine education since 2009.
LOL I could tell a similar biography chrisH, minus the Christian bit. It was 2004 that caused the scales to start to fall from the eyes for me.
For me it was
a) New Labours cynical nastiness and denial over the death of the Chinese cockle pickers up in Morecambe Bay.
My local MP-one Beverley Hughes -had a holiday home nearby on the coast, and the local Labour MP Geraldine Smith seemed not to care-and all Liverpools Labour lefties seemed to think it acceptable in terms of controlling the snakeheads and the triads locally.
I was absolutely disgusted at the Lefts callous indifference to a load of faceless ghost workers from Wuhan(maybe Wanzhou?)…and knew that the Left would have to go.
b)Mandelson becoming EU Trade Commissioner and the whole showpony divvying up of EU patronage and privilege without any democratic mandate from me or anybody else in Hartlepool either.
c)Beslan…and the first time Islam were happy to kill hundreds of kids on their first day back at school.
d) Buttiglioni getting rejected for the EU-but Mandelson and some Latvian jailbird getting the nod-looked into the Catholic side of it all and raged at what the EU catholic heritage had now become-and the Church seemed “intensely relaxed” about it.
Then came tuition fees, Hutton and ID cards-and my hatred of the Left took off….and I`ve never come down.Truly evil…and we`ll know because we used to be part of it all, I`d imagine.
For me it was suspicions that Blair had had traded A8 access to our job market in return for Eastern European support for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He got it (remember the invasion of Iraq was strongly opposed by some long-standing U.S. allies, including the governments of France, Germany, and New Zealand, while “New Europe” as it was dubbed gave support). I still believe it was a deal he struck.
I never believed the 13K figure either, realising that Eastern Europeans had long held a somewhat Dick Whittington view of the West, as well as feeling imprisoned in their countries (which they literally used to be). And then of course there was the murder of Dr Kelly, and the other suspicious deaths (Id alreday wondered about John Smith but Robin Cook was suspicious too)
At that time I wasn’t aware of just how easy it was for non EU citizens to migrate here, and wrongly, held a vague idea that they had to have job to come to! More fool me, but I suspect a belief widely held. its only since that time I have troubled to inform myself and the true picture has become clearer.
Sky Online News:
“”Deputy Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot suggested that a psychiatric report should be prepared, saying: “Bearing in mind the name he has just given, he ought to be seen by a psychiatrist.” (Accused killer of Jo Cox).
He gave his name in court as ‘Death to Traitors’
The media still banging on about the death of a nondescript lefty chugger are they?
Albeit one who was a mother and wife-and, on that level, I agree that it`s a tragedy and the law must take its course.
Now will that be British Law?…twelve jurists with psychiatric reports to hand?
Or will it be EU law…Court of Liberal Opinion where an Ann Maguire is not rated as important as the death of a lefty nondescript cloned MP like Jo Cox?
If the latter-well, no doubt Shiner or Blair can take his case to Strasbourg where his human rights to a trial have been trashed by the EU elite and the media…as with Cliff Richard, for example?
For the BBC and the Guardian are making this crap up on the hoof…as if it`ll do anything but make us vote to leave the EU even more.
As for me?…well, can`t help thinking that Cox was the victim of “workplace violence”-had she stayed in the library and paid her fine, we`d no longer be talking about her.
See-I TOO have learned how the EU works in regard to aiding and abetting the crim…had it been Trump or Farage killed, the Lefties would be citing our psychotic Scot as a hero.
Lefty Chugger – lol like it
“had it been Trump or Farage killed, the Lefties would be citing our psychotic Scot as a hero.”
They wouyldnt dare go that far but it would be all about how ‘divisive’ they were and the implication that they brought it on themselves, plus sympathy for the poor deprived alienated psycho.
Cox was a very divisive poltician. She held extreme hard left views, which were at odds with most working class voters, who in the North of England often vote more from loyalty and self interest than commitment to hard left ideology.
It was interetsing that her own sister in he r little speech described herself as ‘more cynical’ while her sister only ‘saw the good in everybody’ suggesting to me that she did not share Coxs extreme pro immigration views. Clearly some difference s of opinion anyway.