Here we go, a brand new Open Thread to see us all off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. This is where you can detail the bias!
Here’s an invite. I will be off to America for three weeks near the end of this month and that means I just won’t be able to moderate or write here during that time. I am wondering if anyone out there would be prepared to become a guest moderator (and writer if you want) during that time when I am gone? It would really help the site and take pressure off Alan. If you think you could help, drop me an email please!
What struck me about Tornbee on that programme was how she made no contribution to what the other three were discussing. When prompted to add something by Dimbles she just repeated what she said right at the start. Is the woman thick? She’s either that or she has no power to reason beyond a tired old left wing mantra.
I read on Wikipedia that Clare Fox was a marxist when young, & certainly now she is no supporter of the right, which is contrary to my thinking, however I find I agree with most things she says & the side she takes of the arguments on the Moral Maze. She seems one of those rare thinkers above politics who believes in freedom above all else. I think Orwell was similar.
Claire-like Nick Cohen, Gisela Stuart and a few others on the left-dares to think for herself.
And-like Brendan O Neill, Mick Cash, Tony Benn-at least there ARE principles I can wrestle with-as opposed to the perpetual nodding through of liberal vogues and postures that the Left think is their due-their birthright.
Don`t have to agree with Claire-or indeed any of them-but all, in some way on the left have shown an independent streak or gone against the endless spite and bile that they have to live in.
My likes left that lot of lowlifes years ago-but respect their willingness to fight from within.
Toynbee it was who in 2010 advised lefties to “vote liberal democrat, to keep the Tories out”.
She has no credibility as a political commentator whatsoever.
Here we go…another Frenchie Foreigner telling us how poor we will be if we vote to leave…as insignificant as Guernesy!!!!
I hope the Channel Islanders come back on this.
This is a bit rich coming from France which is about as economically strong and safe as Venezuela!
That would be Guernsey in the Channel Islands would it?
Which is one of the: wealthiest places in the British Isles (and Europe for that matter); most ethnically homogenous places in the British Isles; most desirable places to live in the British Isles and…oh.. one of the sunniest places in the British Isles.
I wish to G@d the U.K. was like a supersized Guernsey!
Poor little French bloke must pine for the day when his country had a navy that was able to threaten Guernsey.
That was before Francois Hollande became their President, and reduced them to a flotilla of pedalos and a dinghy that has a chute from which to fire stale baguettes.
Must be torture for our little French chap-half his compatriots queuing up to move here, and his being able to see Guernsey from his German pill box in Barneville Carteret-yet unable to earn his water wings to swim over!
The French are Europes cultural kings-but tossed it all away with the likes of Giscard, Chirac -and now Pierre De Glaze…no wonder IS are so please that the West choose the likes of him and Obama to deliver the west up in a rolled up Persian rug.
In fact the French navy is not that bad, They posses a nuclear powered carrier which has aircraft now that can land and take off the carrier with Super Etendard strike aircraft, Rafale strike aircraft and Hawkeye fixed wing early warning aircraft. It is also armed with a missile battery whist our carriers if they are ever operational will have F-35 fighter bombers and no self defence missiles. I also haven’t heard if their Horizon class frigates, rough equivalent of the Type 45 don’t work in warm water.
The United Kingdom has a thousand times the population of Guernsey. So with Guernsey having a GDP per capita of £33,123 and the UK with a GDP per capita of £29,431, then the UK would be 12.5 percent richer outside of the EU. But there are 7 other European nations outside of the EU which are richer per capita than Guernsey, they are Jersey, Switzerland, Norway, San Marino, Monaco, Isle of Mann and Liechtenstein.
Nope can’t see the pattern. Sarc just in case
How the left wing bias at the bBC promotes leftwing causes as only victims:
French authorities stop aid convoy at Dover
A convoy of aid intended for migrants in Calais has been stopped at the Port of Dover by the French authorities.
The 250 vehicles including lorries, cars and motorcycles, which earlier set off from Westminster, had hoped to board a ferry at 14:00 BST. Kent Police said it had been notified by the French authorities the convoy had been refused entry to France.
“No agency within the United Kingdom has any grounds to challenge this decision,” it said in a statement.
The convoy, organised by a number of campaign groups including the People’s Assembly and Stop the War Coalition, made the decision to set off from outside the Houses of Parliament at 09:00 BST, despite a public order injunction being taken out by the authorities in Calais.
Here’s a few things the bBC left out of the above but reported by the lGuardian which give a different angle than that promoted by the bBC:
1) Though the convoy has been planned for months, organisers received a letter two days ago from the French authorities which told them they wouldn’t be allowed to enter the country.
2) The convoy, organised by a number of campaign groups including the People’s Assembly and the Stop the War Coalition, left London on Saturday morning before being prevented from boarding ferries to Calais by French officials. The lorries, cars and minibuses were carrying aid donations for people living in the Calais refugee camp.
3)Pictures and video footage from the port showed people chanting and holding signs saying “refugees welcome” and “solidarity with refugees” during an impromptu rally.
4)In a statement, the prefect of Pas-de-Calais cited a number of reasons for issuing the ban, including the potential for it to “generate violent episodes” and the lack of police officers available because of the ongoing European Championships.
5)They also said the numbers of vehicles involved may “facilitate the intrusion of migrants”. It added: “In these circumstances, the prefect of Pas-de-Calais considered only the prohibition of any event is likely to effectively prevent public disorders that may occur. Moreover, any convoy on roads and highways, from Great Britain to Calais to slow or block the flow and constituting a public event, is prohibited.”
The bBC, a third rate news agency paid at 1st rate wages by…you.
So if you have a butchers at video of the protesters on the bBC article. All you hear is:
“We have Aid, let us through.”
Now have a butchers at another video filmed from virtually the same spot but as downloaded onto You-tube.
Big difference bBC
Aren’t they an ugly bunch.
why do these people never look like the sort of folk you find in your local Asda, in a work place, or, well, anywhere. They seem to be an entity in themselves, that grows in specific places, dies away and then grows back somewhere else for the cameras.
Wonder how many work and pay taxes, or maybe that’s too bourgeoisie a thought.
They used to be known as “rent a mob” in the Labour Party of the 1960s and 1970s.
Now they are the Labour Party !
Jo Cox’s husband on the far right being welcomed by the not so far right.
Vote remain keep out the far right who killed my wife. Is anyone responding to this from the Brexit side?
“BBC News – Her husband Brendan Cox said she would want people “to unite to fight against the hatred that killed her”?
unite against the hatred? … what sort? … from where? – could I inquire WHERE is this going? … BBC?
BBC – ‘Hate doesn’t have a creed, race or religion … it is poisonous’ – Brendan Cox …
Hmmm … is he involved in politics too? … I really hope this utter tragedy is not going to be used in any way politically.”
Posted this just after the tragedy from midweek thread … it appears we have an answer.
Did get this “poison being injected into the body politic” meme from the Guardian today from Jonathan Freedland.
The Left are so willing to echo each other if they like the image.
To me, the political elite rather resent us not lying on their gurney as they administer the lethal injection to “the little people” and their petty concerns…whoever woke THAT lot up then with that bloody vote Cameron has given them?
For years we`ve been suffering quietly and painfully under the paralysing first injection…so they thought we were dead I guess.
But no-Thursday will be Pot Chlorate day-and we`ll not take it.
So no-it`s THEY who`ve been dripping in the poison since 1973…and all this crap about the “tone” of the campaign is just an effort to pipe us into the laager, so Islam can be saved the effort of having to find us individually.
Stuff the liberal elite-no to capital punishment from the lefty scum who confused anaesthesia with mercy killing of a sovereign nation.
Could get used to this 0-200 in 2,5 seconds crap-the left do it all the time, so might as well hype up as well-the only way the buggers listen these days.
How many refugees did Brendan and his lovely wife give a room to ? Yes that is right the square root of fk all. As they ponced about living on their barge in central London and climbing mountains at their weekend cottage in Wales.
is he involved in politics too? Not much, only one of Brown’s henchmen. An adviser on “international development”
Yeh bet he was good , ‘Hey Boss this international it develops you know’ ok thanks Brendan
Is it just me; but wouldn’t he be far better off forgetting about the referendum, politics, brexit, newspaper articles etc etc; to just concentrate on looking after himself and his two young children who have just had their mother taken from them under the most terrible of circumstances?
I don’t believe this shows him in a very good light (IMHO) and leads towards confirming what I posted on an earlier thread: the Left always tend to overplay their hand.
Al Shubtill,
Maybe he is, maybe this stuff, from day one was ghosted by the powers that are running this campaign and he just signs it
Would recommend the usually-awful Any Answers I`m just listening to.
It`s as bad and as biased as ever-but to hear a pigpile of Remainers pouring bile with the syrup is pretty unedifying-but is so typical of the current grief thieves who are riding Cox`s corpse for handbrake turns in their jacuzzis…and comparing spray produced.
From 18 mins in-a series of angry ladies in big cities who all “never knew Jo personally-but knew people who knew her”.
And all sticking the boot into the Brexit notions and campaigners, oh-so slyly and nastily…but (of course) not condoning attacks on Farage, Johnson, Trump, Hopkins, Palin…not at all, but hey, were it to happen….
Basically every one of them guilty of using their latest bezzie to shaft any notion of getting out of the EU, despite Anands fey “challenges” not to keep returning to soapbox soundbites as the poor womans family were visiting the very site of her murder.
There was ONE bloke who dared to cite some scripture(wrong ones, but well done him for getting past the researchers)…but that was a fart in the lift moment, Anita opened a window and God took His leave.
Yet all those around him were evangelical fundis of liberal Marxism-and not so liberal in this whole EU kerfuffle…but that won`t be religious indoctrination and brainwashing will it?
Polly is their High Priestess-and their destinations are assured as they use the dead to piggyback and emote to order.
In other news…
In the spirit of ‘must be getting it right as we’re pants no matter what’.
“When audience members and panellists spread false arguments, particularly regarding issues affecting community cohesion up and down the country, Question Time must call it out.’
There’s a thought. Of course, only if applied equally and impartially.
But I see potential for ‘megaphone for lies’.
As we know, parliament is being recalled on Monday. Why would this be so? No doubt the house will be mourning one of their own, but I fear there is a more sinister reason. I suspect that there will be calls for the referendum to be postponed or even cancelled. Anything that they can do to stop the people having a say will be done, especially now that a leave vote looks possible. The majority of the house would be in favour of scrapping the whole thing, so if they can find a legal way to do it they almost certainly will. Does anyone on this forum have any constitutional knowledge in this area? I think it’s fair bet that government lawyers are picking through law to see if there’s a way for them to wriggle off the hook.
I was flabbergasted when I read yesterday that Jo Cox’s husband was making political pronouncements about his wife’s murder and basically using it to advance their left-wing, remainian cause.
I would have thought that he would have needed at least a week to recover from the initial shock before being capable of making any statements at all.
It seems that grief comes a poor second to politics in this case.
Yep I remember when my Dad died in 1995 , I would say it took me 10-15 years to get over it . I vividly remember not wanting to speak to anyone for weeks. This bloke’s wife got gunned down in the street and he seems to have got over it remarkably quickly
….he seems to have got over it remarkably quickly
Well, maybe he’ll have a delayed reaction. It’s just so bizarre that he would be making statements to the media so soon after her death. I would be incoherent.
Poor bloke has lost his wife, kids have lost their mum.
That really ought to be the end of the matter.
But does anybody here think that the Left would let that stand, when all they ever do is use an event to grandstand, trot round the ring to the applause of their fellow stunted moral cabbages on the Left?
It`s always about them-always…and the dead serve the Greater Good, the Common Purpose as well as the living.
Even better in fact-because the Godless scum think that there`s no consequences for what they do to trash the dead, to use them for their ballast.
It`s always about them and their sick causes.
And this grieving bloke-being a lefty would probably be as inclined to use a death to further HIS causes in turn…which is amoral and tragic in its way.
But if the BBC and the Guardians needs exceed yours…and the Labour Family require a martyr or an air freshener( that its anchovies in the aircon isn`t the point)…then he`ll sacrifice his own grief if that gets his cause a Twitter feed from Owen Jones or Polly.
Different moral planet for this lot. Leave `em to it…and vote to turn them over on Thursday.
Poor grieving dad with a record as a high earning charity executive too high in the establishment to be affected by scandals. Now he is Jackie Kennedy.
“This bloke’s wife got gunned down in the street and he seems to have got over it remarkably quickly”
People grieve in different ways. You might not have wanted to talk; other people do. Some turn up for work the next day or seek a displacement activity to try and mitigate the pain. Sometimes writing stuff down can help. And with respect, losing a Dad to disease or old age probably feels a bit different to having them shot three times in the chest by a demented idiot.
Just because Jo Cox’s husband is coping with his loss in a different way than you might choose to, does not mean he’s “got over it”, and to suggest such a thing is simply crass.
I for one want something done about this right -wing extremissm. Cameron can create a fund to educate those who might turn to this form of extremism, reach out the the comunity. I want to see Cameron reaching out to those who might turn to right wing extremism. Maybe wear a string vest and braces, drape an England Flag over hsi shoulders or sit in the driver seat of a white van and give the thumbs up. I won’t hold my breath though
Is this a wind up? I can’t believe it’s real!
It’s there if you follow the link to the Guardian.
I’ll expect an outraged Guardian reader is planning an attack as we speak.
The headlines could be interesting. Could be “Hell hath no fury like a Guardian reader’s opinions scorned”.
They’re probably choking on their quinoa tabbouleh as we type!
To be fair, he’s only the “money editor”. I mean, it’s not as if he’s qualified to understand the absurdities of the remain economic predictions or anything….
Funny how twatter seems to be a bit quiet on this, not to mention the BBC. That said, you can’t blame the BBC for not splashing it, as the Guardian isn’t really their sort of publication so they probably don’t know anything about it.
Sky Online News reporting on the court appearance of Jo Cox’s alleged killer, tells us that the Magistrate has asked for psychiatric reports on him.
BBC Online News has ‘forgotten’ to mention this. Why?
BBC bias towards Remain?? BBC biased?? Surely not??
Dover, BBC biased? Whatever gives you that idea…….?
Lob even the remainer’s think the BBC is toilet , I speak to a lot of them at work all want to be in but all agree the BBC is garbage. Where is Scott and the manontheclaphamonibus lately picking out cranes with HRH Sadiq?
No mention in the BBC report of the magistrates comments!
Quelle surprise!
That’s two Sky pretty fair reports today (other one was the IMF)
A late convert to Brexit?
I compare & contrast the treatment of the Islamic inspired mass murderer of 50+ Gay people in Orlando Florida, where the presence of a Muslim preacher (I won’t use the word hate preacher) who gave a khutba on killing Gay people couldn’t possibly have influenced the killer in any way.
I note that although they claim he was mentally ill there appears no evidence to support this – although I’m sure the authorities could provide any evidence necessary to avoid embarrassment.
And then there’s the obvious mental illness of the killer of Jo Cox but it isn’t taken account of at all! Instead there’s a concentration of interest on some tenuous far right US connection to justify all their hatred for him.
This, Thoughtful, very much this.
Christina Edkins – heard of her? probably not, and lets face it, if it had been some 77 year old bloke killed you’d probably never have heard his name, and certainly not mentioned by the Prime Minister.
The next time the Fascists mention that if it had been a migrant who had killed an MP remind them of how they responded to this.
There seems to have been a lot on the BBC in the last couple of days about illegal guns, but they seem to have missed this one on the Birmingham and Black Country pages. Can’t imagine why ……
Must say I am sat in the garden in Hertfordshire , bottle of wine , mildly pissed and it is fkkking freezing. When is the Global warming and that Mediterranean climate coming BBC? Can we ask Roger Harribin (sic- not sure) back on to tell us about climate?
Aaaaah, but it depends on which part of Hertfordshire you are in ! and at 9.45 pm I’m not surprised you need a hot water bottle outside, what are you like ????
Correct me if I am wrong but I picked up this poll as the first after the killing and subsequent remain campaign.
Remain: 45% (+3)
Leave: 42% (-3)
Just picked this up
Remain 46, Leave 43.
At this rate Parliament will not have to cancel/postpone the referendum. They have won.
Predict Boris throwing in the towel, good fight, blah blah. Now let us all unite blah blah Teresa May, new legislation to outlaw hate and extremism.
Whether Mair is mad or extreme right wing will not matter – he will be dealt with, drugs to render him totally insane or suicide
Now proceed with the creation of Eurabia. Only don’t expect the yanks to liberate us; they are wallowing in Allah,
We won’t lose; don’t let these polls put you in the doldrums.
The result will be the result. We all hope people see sense and get us out of this madness. Unfortunately there are a lot of idiots out there who believe what people tell them. I fear we will lose this narrowly – a wee bit fudged. Oh well, we tried (twice – we voted UKIP in the GE too).Let’s just sit back and take it – we all know we are turning the corner it is only a matter of time.
I too fear we will lose – rather like the Austrians did once the postal “votes” had been counted.
The Austrian case is bizarre. Reports suggest Zimbabwean style ‘turnouts’ and all manner of corruption – and yet the media seems to have ignored it and the Austrians themselves seem to have been cowed into submission.
Think back to the last GE Lobster: no-one predicted a Tory majority.
The polls were total cr@p then as are these now; even more so in fact because they have no previous voting data to use for modelling due to this referendum being a one off.
It is well to remember the UKIP success in the last Euro elections and the +4,000,000 votes in the general election; there is an enormous amount of dissatisfaction in this country with how things are going and many people recognize this referendum for the unique opportunity it really is.
The fact is that next Friday we will all know one way or t’other.
I’m inclined to agree. I know it’s only anecdotal evidence but I have been genuinely surprised how many people have revealed their Leavist intentions to me – people I would never have imagined to even mention the subject, let alone vote in the rational way.
There is definitely a mood in the country and I am certain that it is one the politicians and most of the media are too insulated from to detect.
I’m afraid I have a nagging doubt that when it comes to it, people will vote to retain the status quo. But – I don’t see it as a bad thing, the General Election and the referendum are the opening salvo’s in this war. Whatever happens we better brace ourselves as Europe will bum us until we bleed. But when they climb off us, we’ll get back up again. When they smash TTIP in to us we’ll get back up again and every time more people will come to our side. Play the long game. And, when we eventually succeed and we hold DV and Alan aloft, Jerrod and Zero will run to us for our embrace and protection…then we can throttle them like the c*nts they are.
This is quite interesting about the Austrian presidential election.
The FT Poll of Polls shows Leave ahead by 2% today: Leave 46% vs Remain 44%.
(The poll you quoted on the Scotsman is from June 15 so before Jo Cox’s murder, though the article is dated today.)
Interestingly there have been three surveys since the murder, with varying results:
1. Today’s poll (June 18) shows Remain ahead by 3% but does not state the sample size. Survation typically have small sample sizes (around 1,000) making their surveys less reliable. In any case, the error margin is typically 3% to 4%.
2. The Opinium survey of yesterday (June 17) shows it neck and neck at 44% each. The previous survey for Opinium (June 10) showed Remain ahead by 44% to 42% so this is a swing of 2% to Leave.
3. The YouGov survey of yesterday (June 17) shows Leave ahead by 2%. The previous YouGov survey showed Leave ahead by 7% so this is a swing of 5% to Remain.
4. Overall, ignoring sample sizes less than 1,500, my poll of polls says Leave is ahead by 45% to 42%.
5. The difference between the two sides is small compared to the relatively large number of undecideds.
6. Interesting how quickly FT are now updating their poll of polls, I’ve never seen a same-day update before.
Interesting post on the same Scotsman page by Feeminn:
8:52 PM on 18/06/2016
A friend, a roofer in Lincolnshire was made redundant when local government cuts were made. He applied for a job but was turned down in favour of a Polish man who would do the highly skilled job for the national min wage. The English guy could not have done the job for the national min wage as he had a mortgage to pay and a family to keep.
I went on a date with a guy from Poland. He lives in a council flat in Birmingham. I asked him how long he had been in the UK and he said 6 months. I asked how he had got a council flat in 6 months when there was a 15 year waiting list. He said he was a priority because he was homeless. I replied, “you were homeless in Poland?” he replied, “no I had a house in Poland but when I sold my house in Poland (and pocketed the money) then came here for better paid work, at which point I was then homeless. I replied, “you made yourself homeless and as such jumped the queue for a council property.” He was honest in his reply, “yes.”
A school teacher friend who works at a school in local school, was told he had a Polish child in his class starting September. The primary school child did not speak English. When asking if he would get any support staff that could speak Polish, he was told it could not be afforded. He had to get the child through the key stage or it could affect his own career (ofsted etc…). He could literally be out of the profession within three months if he failed. So over the August holiday’s he started to learn Polish. When he arrived in school in the September still unable to speak Polish, he found he also had a child from Romania and another from Bulgaria, neither of who could speak English.
I understand that cheap migrant labour is good for business owners (the rich) as it means they get labour cheaper and that leads to higher profits, but it suppresses the wages of the low paid. EU membership is good for the rich but not the poor. This is not a case of weather the UK should stay in the EU, it is rich verses poor – big government and business scratching each others’ backs.
We are told that in the EU we have free trade, however we have to pay million pounds a week so what is free about the trade?
EU campaigning has been halted until Sunday…except for Remain shills who also happen to be foreign (French) Ministers….in which case the BBC gladly include them in the news.
With respect, I don’t believe Remain has stopped campaigning at all. Its cheerleaders (Campbell, Toynbee and in particular, the BBC and Sky) have been at it with renewed energy since Mrs Cox’s death.
GC – I noticed how campaigning was suspended until Sunday (?) which will allow Camerscum to appear on the QT special promoting the Reamainiac cause.
I wonder whether IDS being interviewed by Andrew Neil will be rescheduled from its cancelled Friday slot?
It was a terrible thing which happened to this MP but I don’t see why it should have been allowed to completely halt the referendum campaign: it is simply far too important.
I doubt that if its suspension wouldn’t appear to benefit the Remainiscum; whether it might not have happened at all but if so, it would have only been for one day.
If the election does all turn to shit after this biblical scale media manipulation.
There will be just one small kernel of grim satisfaction for me to be had from this whole mourn fest.
One morning long after the last Aldi flower has been thrown at the hearse.
Long after the Oxfam tie -( bought to wear over the the shell suit on St Joes funeral day) Has been eaten by the pet staffy.
And long after Remain “won” the election.
And long after the money tree has been cut down.
There will be large numbers of people waking up one morning with very little in the way of a health service, very little in the way of benefits, no spare housing for their many children and little money to spend on beer and dope. And very little freedom for their female kids to wander around like they used to.
And at this point they may well finally realise that they were conned. Pity for them that there will be nobody very interested in their complaints any more .Just a shame they dragged everyone else down with them.
And when people look back in history and see how cheaply they sold our freedom they will realise that this really was not their finest hour.
That my friend is a good post
Oaknash, I’ve said this before, but the referendum is the UK’s last chance for an orderly exit from the EU. It’s basically a seat in one of the Titanic’s lifeboats. If we decide to turn it down, we won’t see the effects for a while. The lights will still burn and the Remain orchestra will play on, but eventually the EU will sink. Let’s just hope it doesn’t bring us all down with it.
Just found out from a friend who is quite good at manipulating the internet that a poster on a local news site purporting to be a Muslim is in fact a white leftie from 200 miles away.
It just shows the lengths they are prepared to go to in defence of their favourite brown eyed boys !
In case anyone is counting, both the Sunday Telegraph and the Sunday Times have declared for ‘Leave’.
If the polls keep showing Remain as ahead, the Remain will stay at home and Leave will all vote.
I hope…
Dimbleby on any questions was appallingly biased this afternoon, stopping one of the leave campaigners denying that the Leave campaign had influenced the murder of Jo Cox, and then once he had continuing the assertion that it had himself!
Any Answers was enlightening if only by accident, when a caller from an MPs office (Labour of course) was telling about the abuse they get (unsurprising given the provocation) was asked, “why do MPs enter politics”? The answer was that “they want to make the world a better place.
A few minutes later the thought struck me that that is everything that is wrong with today’s Labour party and the disconnect with the white working class.
We elect our MPs to make their constituencies a better place, and also this country. If they want to make Europe a better place then they should have stoop to be MEPs, and if they want to make the world a better place, the UN !
When they lose sight of the place & people they are supposed to represent, then it’s no surprise people begin to lose faith in politics.
The real answer to the question ‘why people enter politics’ is because they believe they know better than anyone else how our lives should be ordered.
Such people are dangerous and a sensible society would place most of them under medical supervision in case their delusions grow even more bizarre.
“The real answer to the question ‘why people enter politics’ is because they believe they know better than anyone else how our lives should be ordered. Such people are dangerous and a sensible society would place most of them under medical supervision in case their delusions grow even more bizarre.”
Are you reading this David Vance?
Zero – answer my question – do you prefer public toilets for sex or do you prefer sex at home. Come on, this is a world of diversity declare yourself on something you are best informed.
The real question is what makes people like Jihadi Jerrod, Zero (if you hate white people then you’re my hero), and the other shit eating lunatics, hate their own people so much?
What turns an innocent child and what should have been a functional member (they are nothing but a man’s member now) of society into the sanctimonious, self-righteous, traitorous bastards that are hell bent on destroying the lives of their own people?
The left keep deluding themselves into believing they have the moral high ground…That they are the tolerant and inclusive in our society…Yet all they are, are those who utterly despise and detest everything that makes us British.
It’s hatred that drives them to open the flood gates to the death cult (who they know are killing and raping their own people). It’s hatred that drives them to want us all to lose control of our freedom and democracy to people who will never have British interests at heart. It’s hatred that drives the traitorous left to constantly troll this website to only ever criticise and look for flaws in the points we make and never, ever agree with them.
I hope Jihadi Jerrod and his deviant side kick Zero feel lucky to be able to infest our society with their hatred and deviance. I hope they realise that if they were born into any other period in the history of mankind they would have been hung, drawn and quartered for being the traitorous bastards they are
Sunday Mail in favour of Remain, and Daily Mail for Brexit …… eh ???? do those Editors never speak to one another; and now according to the latest polls , the ‘public mood’ in the last few days has shifted to Remain. Wonder what has caused that then.
If you mean the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, the two editors hate each other and never agree on anything. If one is for Brexit, the other would automatically be for remain.
Arise Sir Geordie for services to “journalism”
Definitely sheep led by reptiles.
The BBC surprisingly showed a football match today, – they must have been spitting feathers as it went against their policy of diversity. It was an all white face game, Iceland v Hungary. Just saying.
Andrew Lilico getting a lot of stick for his posts on twitter
If the future destiny of the West can be decided by a sympathy vote for a murdered woman, what does that say about the virtue of democracy?
I don’t believe a murderer shld be allowed to influence the future direction of our country & the West for the next 40 years.+
If that’s a point of view you find offensive, there’s nothing I’m going to try to do about that.
Every one of you tweeting to suggest that I – *I*! – am now a bad guy illustrate what a divisive, destructive disaster we are on the cusp of
Tweets by andrew_lilico
I doubt if there is anyone left in the country that hasn’t heard of the tragedy on Thursday, but the media continues to milk the same stories repeatedly but by different voices, depending on who’s available for a sound-bite. They are tending to beatify this poor woman, and its all becoming a bit cloying. Newscasters were wearing black – which even Peter Sissons didn’t do when the Queen Mother died years ago. Keeping the story ‘going’ doesn’t help the grieving family, in fact, it makes matter worse as they come to earth with an almighty thud once the theatre of the funeral is over and the cameras have all gone home.
It’s F1 of course the BBc couldn’t afford this so now on channel 4. However the coverage continues pretty much as for BBc 1 where there appears to be only 1 driver. One of the presenters informs us that he is the king of street circuits as we watch him stuff it into a barrier shortly afterwards.
I am not optimistic about a Brexit win. It does look like it will be close, though. When considering the massive resources of the Remain campaign and the depths they will descend to, I think we have done very well indeed.
Perhaps in these last few days Leave should concentrate on one message along the lines of ‘Vote Leave to prevent OPEN BORDERS!’ I would think no sane person of left or right wants the anarchy that open borders will bring.
(There again, I might be wrong for Scotland. Can someone tell me if the Scots have really thought about Nicola Sterkels’ immigration plans?)
Anyway if, as I think, Remain has it, then what they will actually have will only be a pyrrhic victory. The writing is on the walls. The elite know this but they won’t look. And if we look across the Western world we see that the zeitgeist is with us. 2017 should be an interesting year.
It does look like it will be close, though
Dunno. At the risk of trying the patience of eminent colleagues here, I refer them again to Brexit The Movie, with well over a million views and with about 90% likes against 10% ‘dislikes’ and the Pollstation poll, which has now had over 134 000 votes, with 81% for Brexit, 16% for Remain and 3% undecided:
I have stuck to this poll like glue for about five weeks from the time it stood at about 40 000 votes. Then it was at 82% for Brexit and 14% for Remain. So there has been a tiny increase in Remain votes over those 94 000 votes, with four out of five people overall voting for Brexit.
And I note again that the Pollstation website appears scrupulously neutral and professional.
In stark contrast, there are a number of polls with sample sizes of a few thousand people which come up with more or less even results for Brexit and Remain.
How can this major discrepancy be explained and which results are likely to be more accurate?
If one goes by Brexit The Movie, Pollstation and indeed the BBC’s own HYS contributors to the debate, Brexit will win by a landslide.
That should be the contribution by the public to the HYS debates – overwhelmingly pro-Brexit on the Remainian BBC’s own website.
True Too. I would love you to be proved right. I realize that my words are not what people want to hear. But I will happily accept the label Eeyore if your figures are correct.
I tended to believe the hype about Ukip before last years election, but when I looked closer my final prediction was two seats. I would like to have been wrong, very wrong. After the election ukip’s membership fell steeply. The disappointment was widespread. The aim of my above post was not to dispute numbers with you or others, but to suggest people prepare to see a possible loss in a wider context and stick with the cause.
Anyway, here’s to your figures!
Thanks, Yasser Dasmibehbi,
Let’s hope the entire country will be littered with empty champagne bottles after a Brexit win.
I suspect that the simple answer is the most likely – Leavers are more passionate that Remainiacs, so they have sought out that site and voted.
Personally, I place no trust whatsoever in any polls. People lie, figures are manipulated. We won’t know till the 24th so there is everything left to play for!
I’m passionate about leaving alright, GCooper, and I’m not even British!
I am passionate ( as fake Lefties would say ) about the survival of Israel. You are more than welcome to be honorary British. We did not always get it right , but there are some of us who still believe in Israel !
Thanks Grant!
I tried to listen to yesterday’s ‘Any Questions’ this morning but got a ‘One on One’ programme instead:
Cock up or conspiracy?
They picked up on the mistake and have the correct programme on now.
So I listened to this one instead, hosted by Ritula Shah:
– which reminded me of an earlier programme featuring peecee Paddy Ashdown, because both he and Shah are wearing crumpled jackets that probably haven’t seen a dry cleaner since sometime last century:
I doubt they can’t afford a dry-cleaning bill or a new jacket so is it the case that the BBC is biased against neatness and orderly appearance? Is it perhaps regarded as edgy and intellectual to rock up to a radio programme looking like you’ve just come from a homeless shelter?
As an afterthought, perhaps the BBC keeps spare jackets on site for people who have arrived without one and won’t get them dry cleaned.
Having worked in a University for many years (non academic role) I can confirm that this style of dress is (was) generally adopted by Social Science academics (Anthropology, Political Science, History, Sociology etc.) who were in my experience exclusively left wing, some very radical and active in promoting or instigating major demos/ riots against the establishment and in some cases demos/ riots against common sense.
It is the uniform of the metropolitan elite (including Corbyn) and is and always has been a totally different style of dress to the people they purport to represent i.e. the working class; after all you would never catch any self respecting cockney dressing like that!
Perhaps that’s where the idea of expensive pre-torn jeans came from. Only the wealthy can afford a fashion like that.
Disgraceful news bias continues on Radio 4, 8 am. As usual, the EURef part of the news started with Remain, when all the key points of Cameron’s speech are described at length, including Cameron’s (utterly appalling) use of Jo Cox’s death to bolster his campaign. Cameron and the BBC’s message is clear: if you vote Leave, you are spitting on Jo Cox’s grave. I thought Polly Toynbee’s recent article was poor, but Cameron’s, by co-opting Jo Cox in such a blatant way, is shocking indeed. The BBC also took care to broadcast his singling out of Nigel Farage as an unfeeling xenophobe. This is followed by a bland, and much shorter report of Gove and Boris articles, where few of their key points are mentioned – and certainly not the key point that if you vote for remain, you are not voting for the status quo.
If as seems possible the death of Jo cox has resulted in a swing to the remainiacs, this I think shows the gullible superficial feminisation of society as initially evidenced by the death of Lady Di back in 1997. Just what were people actually thinking of when laying that giant array of flowers outside Kensington Palace?
The bBBC are up to their necks in this, not only with female presenters chosen for all those PC reasons other than inherent ability, but by the attitude of the newsroom to focus on the ‘human interest’ angle whether it is the hoat immigrants, or the Jo Cox family, as opposed to the overall big strategic picture.
I have no hesitation in thinking that if these people had had the power they have now back in 1939, we would have capitulated to Hitler ‘in case anyone should get hurt’, ‘one death is one too many’, ‘say no to violence’, ‘better to hold vigils, hands, and light candles’ etc etc.
Thank goodness our forefathers were made of sterner stuff.
Our forefathers had already seen WW1, had survived it(as many of their mates had not)-and were aware of the rise of Hitler, through responsible and literate newspapers with-be clear-no BBC massaging of agendas in any comparative way to todays perpetual liberal lies and slurry…with all due assistance and co-option from Twitter, Facebook etc.
They`d have seen the liberal elite for the Chamberlains and Mosleys that they are-indeed many crave a Riefenstahl award or commission…a Goebbels citation for proactive, committed and passionate journalism.
It`s just that not everybody suits black…and brown shirts is a bit, well reminiscent of old tobacco smoke.
Hence the pastel rainbow shades and tie-dye.
Tobacco replaced by ethically sourced, organic skunk as paid for by EU grants to travelling community portakabins in South Wales these days.
I am voting on Thursday just as my grandparents would have, as would my parents before they too fell for the Derek Batey/Dave Gahan creeds so beloved by the Friends of Islam in low places. They just were worn out….but we`re not yet.
To be fair though-our anti gay Imam on Stourtons Sunday sector this morning was very good-he`ll not be getting asked onto anything to do with gays any more…so enjoy him whilst you`re still able to…7.40 or so I think!
I was delighted to find your expose of The Guardian’s disgraceful rhetoric this morning, I was beginning to think I was the only person in Britain who had noticed.
When I read their editorials on Friday I couldn’t decide what was worse – the fact that they had used the shocking murder of Jo Cox for their own political ends or the fact that they continued to claim the moral high ground.
This is far more stomach churning than the nefarious antics of the tabloid press that prompted Leveson.
Add to this, the laughable refusal to point their fingers at the nihilistic fascist superstitions of islam when that relgion’s followers commit mass murder in its name and you have to conclude that these people no longer have a right to call themselves journalists.
The BBC might even be breaking the law.
The Guardian, once spoken of alongside the New York Times, is now the home of left regressives. Opinion, of any variety, is one thing but misunderstanding issues because you aren’t mentally agile enough to understand them is quite another.
Impartiality, investigative reporting, academic methodology, the need for research all notions of being correct have left the building.
I used to read and even respect the former Manchester Guardian way back.
AS a lefty it was the only “sane voice” that could articulate my visceral hatred of Thatcher and the Tories throughout the 80s…and , say what you like-there were at least SOME standards, albeit corkscrewed.
So, following the disgraceful, truly evil uses of the tragic death of one of their own on Thursday-and the shit storm that was raised by Polly, Jonathan and assorted London Labour types like Neil Coyle etc…I checked their paper yesterday to see if they had the decency or reflective abilities to know that they crossed a serious line in all they wrote and said on Friday.
“No such piece of paper did I see from Herr Hitler”…
I would “regret to inform you” of this-but these fuckers are rolling in the blood of their slain comrade as if Pissover has started again for them.
Not a word of regret-so on they go and into Hades.
And-as the polls say we`re getting deformed and bent into staying in the EU thanks to this “gift for Thursday” as they`ll see it…let them remember last years polls…our minds are made up-and anybody who falls for the saccharine, onion peel, banana skins and gluten loaded gloop from Dianas fountain of chocolate champagne truffle-it only makes their stuffing on Friday all the clearer…may God grant me this to see in my lifetime!
“Any nation that is prepared to give up its eternal and permanent freedoms for a little temporary insecurity deserves neither freedom NOR security”…and it won`t get them either…to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin as I recall
Like you I used to read the Manchester Guardian as a sane left of centre paper. My secretary in Manchester told me how her father was the editor and that he had employed a chap called Brian Redhead there who became Northern Editor and then went to work for the BBC. It was a decent newspaper in those days.
People are crying in the streets according to the Marr show , is Elton writing a song are we all going to get a day off? I can barely eat my weetabix someone I have never heard of has died. Brexit save me from this drivel
On Marr, I notice BBC have produced Nicholas Soames (Churchill’s grandson) on the last programme before the referendum, knowing he is pro EU.
Trying to invoke the spirit of the great man to their cause.
Every time I see Nicholas Soames I always chuckle and think of what his ex-wife is supposed to have said.
“Making love with Nick was like have a double wardrobe fall on top of you with the key still in the lock.’ …
Allegedly …….
Heard on the Radio Four news this morning that Jo Cox`s last dying message to us all is “Stay in the European Union will ya?”
Not sure if this was something she said last year in her maiden speech…or whether it was some piece of puff a few weeks ago for the Tingley Times(Hi Doug!)….or maybe it was her dying last words as her head was being cradled by john Prescott and Alan Johnson, with a weeping Kinnock family and Mandelson ululatiing and collecting tears in a sterilised urine sample phial.
Who knows?…what I DO know is that the liberal left continue to use her recent her rigor mortis into assorted EU-compliant postures, before Haagen Daas gets to plasticise her for the atrium at the BBC or Congress House.
Have made it a point to hop round as many churches as I can today-and when the crap over her comes up-walk out…it`s unbiblical, and exactly what God is NOT wanting(Luke 13).
Leaving you now with the wonderful pice by Peter Hitchens in todays Mail…the only thing I`ll read in that fetid treacherous venal rag ever again.
PS-don`t be surprised if we have to walk past a shrine of the Geek Iconic portrait photo of Jo Cox, in semi-gloom with flickering candles and the smell of bullshit and dope as we try to cast our votes of Thursday-maybe a live feed of the funeral on an endless loop above us, with her lying in state at Westminster as a few hundred likely lads from Cologne get bussed in to mourn by the open bier…and I reckon the Left will have a Cox Mausoleum before too long where we can go to sniff the formaldehyde, Rowan Williams wafting Mark Oatens most recent undies by us as we queue.
The very best of ChrisH in that post! That is very special indeed. I had tears of laughter running down my face reading it!
Your imagination, and the words you use to describe the scenes you create are unique and an absolute joy. Thank you for the time you spend on this website
Most kind tothepoint….believe you me I get more from this site than I ever put in.
A whole perpetual media course, comedy cuts and links to sites that change things for me and all I know.
AND-enough sensible and funny people here to ensure you`re never on your own, contrary to the tidal showers of crap we get from the MSM.
I mean-Tim Peake?…WGAF?
Rather disarmed by the churches-all the evangelical ones are voting out…all the Catholic/CofE shills are voting in except for the few old souls who know what`s occurring.
Not a peep on Jo Cox from the ones who matter-only the trendy BBC types and public sector suckups give a damn…which augurs well for Thursday..
You are indeed unique ! As Tothe says , your imagination is off the wall ! This may seem a bit tasteless , but am I alone in feeling that Lefties are almost revelling in Jo Cox’s death. Reminds me of Islamists and muslim martyrs.
The lefties will revel in anything they can put to good use in furthering their agenda. They are totally shameless. They are also too stupid to realise that their behaviour can, and will, only be tolerated in the kind of society we in the west currently enjoy. That society also, paradoxically, is the only one successful enough to be able to carry the financial burden of these gainfully unemployable non-contributors of anything constructive.
Yes, at the end of the the day , Lefties do not care about people or humanity. It is really Nihilism.
Saint Jo seems to be a thousand fold more influential dead than alive. Her voice “Don’t fall for Leavers’ spin” was being channelled, almost from beyond the grave, via a newspaper review cum seance on Marr. What else did we expect?
What I can’t understand is why Saint Geldorf and Saint Jo needed boats to oppose the Fisherman’s Flottila. Surely they could have simply floated over the waters of the Thames, bathed in Divine light. Archcunters of Bishopburry past and present could have gathered on the banks, combatting the twin evils of divisiveness and xenophobia by intoning “Retrograde me Faragus”. This would have clinched it for the Innards.
I am watching Euromagazin on German TV. POLLY TOINBEE as she is designated is spreading her usual poison there now. Apparently, we have been whipped up into a frenzy of race hatred by the referendum campaign.. NDR reporter complaims that she has been “attacked” for putting the Remain case to members of the public. What has happened to the British love of free speech?” The far-right Nigel Farage has “broken taboos” with his poster.
All a bit rich when hundreds of reception centres for “refugees” have been burnt down over the last yesr in Germany. Britain must be punished if it leaves to discourage others from leaving the EU paradise on earth.
God help us if there is no Brexit on the 23rd.
I know from first hand experience the damage the EU has done to Gambia’s fishing industry and W.Africa’s generally. Does that c**t Geldof ever speak out about that ? He is the ultimate tosser !
I hope the magnificent latest article on Pete North’s blog is read widely. I regard his blog as one of the very best: my only regret is that I did not discover it earlier!
The Jo Cox tragedy, or assassination, as Polly insists on calling it, I’m afraid will be a game changer. There has been a lull in hostilities; at least from one side. However it has presented the Remainers with three days of freedom to dredge the well of public sympathy. And boy are they ever doing that!
This situation is akin to competing in a football match where one side, out of a sense of decency, stops playing and the other side continues. The Remainers haven’t stopped playing, they’re allowing their supporters in the media to do the the job for them.
I’m very much afraid that this will be the equivalent of that tragic event earlier in the year with the lifeless body of that poor young boy being carried out of the sea. It was an awful and shocking image, but despicably exploited and it had a massive impact, at least short term, on public opinion. This essential vote is in just a few days.
I really hope I’m wrong, but…
The Sunday Times (pay-walled), states “Nadiya Hussain is among the thousands of Muslims who have made significant contributions to national life”
Words fail me; family and friends would tell you that that doesn’t happen very often.
“thousands of Muslims who have made significant contributions to national life
Yes but not in a good way … a few thousand are with ISIS now, zero tolerance for gays,
52% of British Muslims in poll think homosexuality should be illegal, and the muslim lead immigrant
party is going to infect politics to an even greater extent than it is now, corrupting law
enforcement, social services etc.
Seeing as she insists on wrapping her head in sharia, even when baking, with Mohammed s toilet instructions for muslims, … no chocolate cake for me dear, thank you very much
It ain’t easy baking cakes in a burqha those ovens are very hot. I think she should be knighted along with Lenny Henry for services to travelodge
I bet that makes the winning contestants of past years feel good ! God Almighty, if the sum total of her ‘significant contribution to national life’ is baking an embarrassment of a birthday cake for the Queen (be honest, if it was any good, then it would have been splashed all over the papers and womens magazines like a rash), then we really are going to hell in a handcart.
She can borrow my wife’s oven mitts:

I have just searched the BBC for any statements from the lawyers representing Mair. Nothing.
Has he been granted legal representation?i
“Finally there is the question of the referendum. From what we have already seen, those in favour of ‘Remain’ will find it impossible not to attempt to make political capital from this brutal murder in a campaign that the polls previously showed them losing. Is it too much to ask for some decency? Perhaps.
About 50% of the population have one view of our membership of the EU, and about 50% have another view. I can already see the temptation of some ‘Remainers’. They may keep it subtle. They may insist that a vote for ‘Remain’ is a vote for ‘the future’ and ‘Leave’ a vote for ‘the past’.
Or they may try to say that a vote to stay in the EU is a vote against ‘hatred’ and for ‘hope’ or the politics of ‘unity’ over those of ‘division’. If they do then they should be aware that they are using the actions of a madman, extremist or terrorist (or all three) as a means to further their own political goals”
D Murray – Can t we show some decency over Jo Cox s death?,
Today I have stopped reading the UK “Newspapers” as the cynical outpourings are making my head spin round in circles. I have decided to find someone who has an outside lavatory and donate my paper for them to use as they see fit!
I stopped way back in 1997. I started reading the Telegraph online for a few years because of their blogs (Norman Tebbit, James Delingpole etc.) with the great comments underneath, but that has all gone now.
I’ve been a reader of both the D/Mail, and MoS for more years than I care to remember, but today I can barely bring myself to turn its pages; the only sane voice was Peter Hitchens which was surprising in a newspaper full of bile for the Leave campaign. And as for Rachel Johnson………………..
Be aware, that if you dont read a daily paper you’ll be uninformed.
However, if you do read one you’ll be misinformed.
Take your pick.
“Heard on the Radio Four news this morning that Jo Cox`s last dying message to us all is
… “Stay in the European Union will ya?”
Is this from Mr Cox?
How much lower? almost impossible to fathom?, Conjecture? who knows.
Do we have the reply, you should be putting Britain first or some equally grotesque analogy next? (shakes head)
Almost beyond belief … To anyone with even the slightest modicum of intelligence eh!.
Yvette Cooper MP is now demanding Farage not be allowed to speak, and Leave campaign withdraws all posters because of Jo Cox , hmmm is not run by the traitorous Tory Cabal is it? … Lynton? LYNTON!
This whole disgusting stage managed saga is a new low, blue v blue spat, and not a fag paper between these sycophants from ALL sides and political persuasions … I for one hope this could be the “blue” (sorry :-D) touch paper, and a clear out of the lot is imminent.
Hopefully the public (whose trust of politicians is dire) will never have respect for Westminster again
‘She were the absolute best, she were our Martin Luther King’
Goodness me
Shaheena Zahi a local Yorkshire-born woman . Oh yes they go back generations in Yorkshire the Zahi family – flat caps and whippets used to work down the pit
Jo Cox loved Yorkshire so much she lived in a houseboat on the Thames.
Yeh and a holiday cottage in Wales dontcha know
Zahi certainly speaks like a true Yorkshire lass !
Half of the people in this country are quite literally insane !
There are times Grant when I think a half is an underestimation.
LOL ! I was being generous !
Whatever happens this week get used to some simple realities. We are not going to be allowed to leave the EU. There was never any question about this.
If we leave it collapses along perhaps with the corporate state and the bankers hold over us. Quite how I am unsure but the premise remains.
The liberal left autocracy has taken a hit but has regrouped and looks like prevailing. Weakened but still there.
But reality cannot be denied for ever and sometime in the future will assert itself. How and when I do not know but the anti human and anti freedom nature of the EU superstate is hostile to the real spirit of our civilisation and like the autocracies of the past will fall.
For me the saddest thing has been the supine conservatism of the young and their desire for a cocooned future in the EU Quite unlike the youth of past times.who have always been at the forefront of change. It does show the extent of BBC/media/state propaganda and how effective it has been.
The main matter now is to preserve our own individual freedom and free speech. The only course now for the EU is to prevent criticism and opposition. In other words to become a tyrrany benign sometimes but always there.
Good fortune to us all as we will need it now.
Well said Sir
Consider, for a moment, that if the Former UK is obliged to stay in the EU, and it continues toward total collapse from within, then it will be obliged to pay even more to hold it all together, being a paying member. The EU is like an apple core with a maggot inside, and rotting from inside. Those remaining on the periphery will be forced to cough up for the cost of collapse. A happy future, then, all round…
No fear, the national broadcaster is here to hold power to account.
Interesting thread. Like the guy saying ‘how can they do this… the BBC holds the copyright, surely?’
Popcorn reordered.
It’s a nonsense claim designed to play for time. It will be a measure of the BBC’s backbone (if any) how forcibly they tell Remain to get lost.
Seen this before a few years ago when somebody put a recording of an Ed Miliband car crash radio interview on YouTube. Within hours it was taken down due to a “copyright claim”.
The BBC use copyright to enforce censorship by the back door.
Dunno about maggots, Old Goat, but your post reminded me of a joke:
What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
Half a worm.
Solid post DS; I agree about the brain washed young British people who seem so keen to remain under the EU yoke. That is why this referendum is so important; as there are still enough older, wiser folk who haven’t drunk the kool-aid (although many of them have) and could get us out of this supranational bastille.
I hope to G@d that we vote to free ourselves but if we don’t there is a good quote from Diana West which is more than relevant to the circumstances here and on the Continent.
“It is all explosive stuff. It fails to explode within the media bubble only because that media bubble , Left and Right, is hermetically sealed against reality. That doesn’t mean, however, that the pressure stops building.”
Entirely true Dave, but there’s also the immense part education has played – and continues – in the brainwashing. What with Iraq and the NHS and immigration and all the rest, Blair’s absurd vision of ‘a university education for all’ has been overlooked but, in common with so much New Labour policy it has fractured society.
Universities are for elites – that is their whole raison d’etre and their positive role in society, to create a class, cadre, group – call them what you like – of gifted and intelligent leaders, trained and programmed to work for the benefit of all. That is not to diminish the majority it is simply to accept the fact that not all are equal, nor should they be.
To create degree courses in hairdressing, David Beckham, the Beatles etc, etc, is to demean and destroy the university ethic, simply to provide our largely unappreciative and bovine youth with a ‘qualification’.
University lecturers, along with movers and groovers like Janet Street-Porter, Billy Bragg, Bob Geldoff and the entire staff of the Guardian, to name only a few, have much to answer for.
Dead right Beltane.
Witness the Times Ed (£2.90)-never buy it, all staffrooms get it given to them near enough seeing all the jobs are in it.
Teachers can`t manage a paper anymore, so they get a glossy mag to-well, depends if Carol Vorderman or Brian Cox are on the cover that week.
This weeks is nearly ALL-“Vote to Stay in you lefty oafs”-even Toby Youngs token piece is limpdick prose in short words…
It`s got Nick Cleggs missus and-get this-a jointly written article by Nicky Morgan in conjunction with the redoubtable titan of education that was once a Somerset Arts administrator-but is now “Lord James Knight” of-well god knows where?…Wey-hey Mouth?…
Never has a man got so much for ironing Alan Johnsons socks…and as much a runt of New Labour nonentity as anybody I can think of(Jo Cox excepted).
I`m guessing that they held the practice cursive script pen together as they shakily “roat 2 da teechipeeples” to stay in the EU-I mean,until either of these nobodies get enough Brussels troughs and rubber rings to scratch their piles in a few years time…the Kinnock Caravan of Luv.
Desperate shit-but teachers will use it as gargling mouthwash over the next few days, whilst still hating Gove for making them learn some times tables for a couple of years.
Hitlers earliest recruiting suckups for his policies were teachers and university types…and they`re the same mediocrities in search of a life and a cause that New Labour stuffed into Blunketts bumbag way back…and they`re all over the shop now.
Wise words, Beltane. The expansion of tertiary education in the UK was undertaken to serve two purposes: to reduce the number of unemployed yoof that was so embarrassing to the Blair junta and to give the socialist puppet masters in education three years to warp the minds of even more young people.
Typical hate filled bile from BBC favourite Billy Bragg’s Twitter feed:
“Not everyone that votes Leave is a racist but every racist will vote Leave”
Billy Bragg and Bob Geldof, two thick failed ” musicians”. How does a plonker like Bragg explain that most Leavers believe in closer ties with Commonwealth countries ? How is that racist ? He is an ignorant asshole !
Can`t agree with this Lord Bragg of Burton Bradstock!
What about your clan on the liberal left who managed to cover up the deaths of nearly 50 HISPANICS at Pulse nightclub last weekend, and thereby covering them all with your rainbow parachute-instead of giving each one the Puerto Rican, Mexican, American flags etc…that would at least have individualised and personalised the victims of our psychotic Afghan friend?
Basically, being Hispanic is not a problem to Muslims, but being gay is.
What arrogance-Latin America is Catholic, so open targets for Muslim fundamentalists…and given how homosexual many Muslim blokes are in how they abuse boys, hold hands in public until they “marry”…then only the BGTs dare to be so presumptuous with other peoples dead kids.
But no-as with Owen Jones-all deaths get piled under “gay oppression that only me and my fellow lefty backstairs billy whizzies will be allowed to co-opt”-and only we decide if the straight bloke killed can be counted as a real crime or not.
No-the Left are unbelievably and serially racist-they refuse to treat black and Muslim crime as that an adult might do-so we`re forever in the kindergarten…hence deaths of Lee Rigby and Kriss Donald,Ilam Hilimi etc.
As our psychotic Scottish immigrant said( and do his views of Scottish Independence link to his murder of the Unionist MP Jo Cox, I wonder?)-Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain…or D2TF4B as it will become if the Left don`t back off and quickly with their gerrymandering and their lies.
Islamophobia was responsible for the Orlando deaths.
Shove that up your bracket Owen Jones and lefties.
Excellent article by Daniel Greenfield.
If only the BBC had journalists
“Not everyone that votes Leave is a racist but every racist will vote Leave”
We can all play that game – it doesn’t require any intelligence:
“Not everyone who votes Remain is a quisling but every quisling will vote Remain”.
The Remainers are racists because the EU discriminates in favour of EU ” citizens” and against the people in the rest of the world. They are racists !
That is a bit like not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim put that on your twitter Bragg old boy
Jeremy Corbyn has spoken of “the well of hatred that killed Jo Cox”
I can’t find any reference to him saying similar after Lee Rigby had his head hacked off in the street.
Corbyn is a Marxist so knows all about hatred. You mention Lee Rigby. It half occurred to me, what would the reaction have been if a Tory MP had been killed by a muslim ? We can only speculate !
Grant, it would be:-
“Brexit campaigners cause death of controversial Tory MP”
LOL ! A top job with the BBC /EU awaits you !
Alternatively for the more highbrow audience. ‘By refusing to acknowledge the oppression of Muslims by the British , the MP had it coming’
When his friends in the IRA had killed and injured several Tories he did write in the Labour Briefing mag
What do you call four dead Tories ?
A Start!
Imagine if someone said that about Jo Cox?
Thoughtful, is there a link avalable for that quote?
The same edition of Briefing, for December 1984, carried a reader’s letter praising the “audacity” of the IRA attack and stating: “What do you call four dead Tories? A start.”
Many thanks
I am afraid Lee Rigby was only part of the problem and not part of the solution as was the likes of Asad Shah, as were the likes the the children involved in the Rotherham child abuse scandal ……..
However in comparison – Jo Coxs life was worth something, As I am sure Comrade Toynbee could confirm.
I had hoped both sides would retain some dignity over this – however I guess that I showed my naive nature. The whole moral to be taken away from this ridiculous, sugary sacharine sweet, beautification of what I can only describe as a misguided individual is that some animals are definitely more equal than others.
RIP Joe and RIP Democracy it was nice while it lasted. In the end we all get the government we deserve. If people cant even be bothered to vote for their freedom (let alone fight for it) I guess that their chickens will well and truly come home to roost.
Jeremy Corbyn says EU free movement means no immigration limit
Makes you wonder which side he’s on !
yep! … as he said the other day – he s only 7/10 to remain in, (don t know whether he winked at the time)
I doubt if Corbyn would have the co-ordination to wink. Wank is another matter, of course !
Even then. With memories of L’Abbott to fall back on, even the most dedicated auto-fluffer may struggle.
Osborne, today:
“But I think there is a difference between addressing those concerns in a reasonable way ….. ”
ie: Saying virtually nothing and expecting no action by the Government whatsoever. Otherwise known as the Wet Conservative/Heseltine/MSM approach.
” …… and whipping up concerns, whipping up division, making baseless assertions that millions of people are going to come into the country in the next couple of years from Turkey, saying that dead bodies are going to wash up on the beaches of Kent, or indeed putting up that disgusting and vile poster that Nigel Farage did, which had echoes of literature used in the 1930s.”
ie: Saying something which is actually honest, effective, true, and hugely inconvenient to the Government by raising the expectations of the electorate that something will be done about the transformation of Britain into the sort of place nobody in their right mind would want to emigrate to. The True Conservative/UKIP/Thatcher approach.
Saying something which is actually honest, effective, true, this is George Gideon Osborne you re talking about
… I would say that is impossible.
Perhaps someone needs to take a look at the literature used in the 1930s (presumably the inference is that of the Nazis.)
The problem is that the Nazi’s never used any real photographic posters, they mainly preferred cartoons, their enemies grotesquely portrayed, features exaggerated, hands dripping with blood or money, and those of themselves as the Aryan stereotypes.
If you want to see a poster very very similar to the UKIP one Osborne is criticising, then look to the Saatchi & Saatchi one for the Tories called “Labour isn’t working” which helped win Margaret Thatcher the election.
I think both Cameron and Osborne need to be very careful who they criticise and how far they go, because they are coming dangerously close, on several occasions to questioning the beliefs and achievement of the ‘blessed Margaret’, and that really would set the party against them.
Gideon is totally useless and I suspect he knows it. He either needs medication or he needs to give it up. Definitely a case for psychiatric treatment. But , the good sign is that, when idiots like him make ridiculous statements, you know that they are losers.
By the way, why is Michael Gove in Sunday Telegraph today saying that, whatever the result, Cameron and Gideon should stay on ?
As I have said before Grant . Cameron and Osborne are bricking it . They would not have the first idea of how to run a country they only know how to enact orders from the Fuhrer Frau Merkel and that pissed up old bloke in Brussels.It takes real leadership and brains to run a free country we need somebody to step out of the shadows . I love Nigel to bits but he will never get the gig. Come to think of it I might have a go myself when I get kicked out of my present job.
None of them have any leadership qualities, vision or balls. They are just apparachicks. Would have fitted in perfectly in the Soviet Union. Nigel at least has balls, well maybe one but that is more than Dave and Giddy.
With a few exceptions, any of the regular posters here would make a good PM , so happy to support you in your bid !
lol thx mate
Pedantic, I know, but it’s ‘Fuhrerin’ if she’s female … but then maybe you know something I don’t!
LOL ! It is open to debate.
It is Fathers’ Day and my late father would have described Merkel as ” La Fascista ” !.
Nice message from my African wife just now saying ” Thank God , my father did not use a condom “. Naturally, I made the racist point that he could not afford one and would not know what it was for anyway.
Hey, Corbyn, I am proud to be racist ! LOL !
By the way, how is the Labour Party’s campaign to root out anti-semitism going ?
You mean the investigation by Charkarabatty which is morphing into a report on how Labour is combating Islamophobia
LOL ! Lefties do not do irony !
It doesn’t seem unreasonable to me to envisage that tens of thousands of immigrants might arrive from Turkey under any EU visa-free travel deal.
Remember the prediction that the UK had little to fear from the accession of several new EU members in 2004 (Poland in particular): we were told that 13,000 was the estimated number that might come in, whereas even the official figures for Poles alone are around 50 times that, and the real number of all arrivals is around 100 times the made-up figure.
Remember also the BBC’s sniggering about UKIP alarmism and the mere trickle of Romanians & Bulgarians coming into the UK just after 1/1/2014, following the end of the 7-year restriction that had applied after those two countries joined the EU on 1/1/2007. The lying BBC’s own programme admitted that there were 100,000 Romanians already in the UK!!
World This Weekend R4 1300hours .
Penny Mordant and Foghorn Anna Soubry being interviewed , with the latest BBC meme about the referendum debate has been toxic , and the death of one of their own should put a stop to that .
The hypocritical BBC did not take Foghorn to task about the disgusting personal attacks she made on another politician ( who is not an MP so I presume isn’t part of their crowd ) which contains words that you wouldn’t want children and well brought up gentlefolk to hear . Foghorn Soubry is a two faced bully who I hope is upset on Friday .
Great radio news .. just heard in the car
Item 1 – Farage’s poster about immigration is over the top
Item 5 – Two men arrested on a boat near Ramsgate or somewhere on possible human trafficking charges
No hint of irony
Item was top story on Classic FM Global propaganda too. They even had an Amy disgooztin’ Rutland sound bite from the Sturge Chronicles.
The bit that would indeed have seemed ironic in complement… less so.